Presbyterian banner & advocate. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1855-1860, December 24, 1859, Image 2

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    §anut ankf Abbot*.
lirdildih•• SUSS, in advaaNl or 1 GM*
$l.llll or, delivered at *emblems" of. On hoed*
herr, CIAO. Nee Preeporiew, sin 1/Itird Pooh
IL Ma If ALI • shard& Me proniptil a little
eridia before the year expires, that we may
make illif,arrauseatenu fir a steady inepply.
Pwi it= iwileatee that wo
itestre a ronowal. If, kiewevervial the heats
et airillri, this signal elkould hermit:tad, we
kora our friends will Mil not Threat is.
asiiiiimexclex.---sima payment ley ado
kande, whims oenveadeat. Or, read by wail,
eneledrig with ordinary eare, arid troubling
nobody with a knowledge of what you are
doling, For a largo Ratellillip Newt a Draft, or
Marge metes. For ombortwo papere,sead Oral
or easoll rotes.
110 MAWS Clitillollli flood portageotalopot
Or botrar atill s oond for otose paporr; ray S$
or Servolty aluoilloorot or IP for TatirsT 4 hrer
DUILECIP all liotioro sad Comasoualleatioa.
le DAVID 00.1 Pittabusglit
um will find a notice of this work in the
appropriate column ; also an advertisement
by Dr. Rogers. We trust that a copy will
won be in the hands of every student in the
three Theological Seminaries, and that ; each
one will drink'copionely from the fountain,
BEV. WM. M. PAXTON, pastor of the
First Presbyterian church of this city, re
ceived a call, week before last, from the
Second Presbyterian church of Brooklyn,
of which Rev. Dr. Spencer was formerly
pastor, and which was lately served by the
Bev. Dr. Willis Lord, now of Chicago.
But Mr. Paxton declined the call at once.
Glad of it.
DEOLlNArunz.—The Rev. Joeeph T.
Cooper, D.D., of Philadelphia, bse declined
'the Professorship of Pastoral Theology in
the United Preebyterian Theological Semi
nary at Allegheny City, to which he was
elected some time ago, on account of the
unanimous refusal of hie Presbytery to re
lease him from hie present pastoral charge.
glish Lutheran church, on Seventh Street,
lately • under the charge. of Rev.. 0. •P.
Kranth, D D.,. has given , a call to the Rev.
Reuben Hill, of 'Hagerstown, Maryland,
which his been accepted. Mr. Hill is still
a young man, but is highly spoken of by
those who have attended upon his ministry.
The field upon which ; he enters is an im
portant one, that 'will well repay diligent
Eastern Summary.
The untumsUy long sitiolee in our present
number, compel `us to leave out our Eastern
Summary .this , week. Hereafter we will
studiously Beek to avoid such long.commu
niaations, that we may Bupply our readers
with a greater variety.. Writers will.please
bear in mind the propriety of oonoiseness
in their articles.
The Holidays have orowded our adver
tising columns for a short time, but this , will
Boon be over.
Decease of Prof: Hope:
Rev. MattheW B. Hope, D—D., Profeelior
of Belles Lettres in the College. of ~New
Jersey, died suddenly, on Saturday the
].7th, at Princeton. He had been, 'for some
time, subject to littaoks of neuralgiii, and
fainting. Daring one of these, hie spirit
A more extended notice will be given.
For the present we bear our testimony that
a good man has departed. We knew him
long and intimately. $
Dr. Thornwelre Idea of the Church
This journal was the first to take amp :
Lion to the theory of the Church as pre-
vented by Dr. Thornwell in the lad General
Assembly. Bat the view we then took of
the matter, has been adopted in every Pres
bytery and Synod, in whioh the subjeot has
been introduced, and they have been many.
Even the Synod of Kentucky has deolired
itself against the Thornwell idea. 'The
mover in the matter thee tvis Dr. W. L.
Breokinridge, the Moderator of the last 'As
An Example.
ENCOURAGING.—The pastor of s church
in which seventy copies of the North-Caro
'Ana. Presbyterian are taken, bait written for
liot of the subOcribers in his coingreption.
. says that he will use his influence to se
cure a renewal of each name and to add new
ones to the list.
So says the paper whose name is men
tioned. This chows ,a , pastor'', interest, in
the austentation of a religious journal, and
especially in the - feeding of his own flock.
Ministerial effort is indispensable to the sup
plying of a people with religious literature.
Dr. Newton Deceased.
Rev. A. Newton, D.D., died at his resi
dence in Jackson, Mies., on the 27th of No.
vember, skim advanced age.
Dr. Newton was an active minister, an
able writer, and a shrewd conttrovareielist!
He took a very prominent part in eonsuni
mating the late division in the New School
Church, and in the forming of the United
'Synod of the South. But few men who
'claimed the name of Presbyterian, have
gone farther than he in advocating slavery
-as a Bible inetitntion. He was also an ar
dent, if not a violent opponent of the Old
'School. lis brethren have lost a strong
man, whose championship they will miss
'The Pecifle,Expositor.
'We noted this work, on its 'first appear
lance, nearly six months ago. It lives, and
is likely to flourish. We ask particular at
tention to its Prospectus in our advertising
columns, and cannot but hope that some of
our readers, and, would wish that many of
them, may become subscribers. The pastor,
or one of the elders, or ' some gentleman of
talents and zeal, in every -cburch, should
take one, or take several of oar distant
journals. Every congregation which would
be well informed, and be ready always to
put forth its due influence, should have,
amongst its officers and members, a copy of
a leading magazine or newspaper from every
extended portion of our Church.
Dr. Scott conducts the Pacific Evosetas
with great ability; and be is aided by some
ready writers.
The Street !summer Care, and the Oppo-
uents of Conveyances to Church:
The street cars, in obedience to law,
, oessed, for a little while r their running on.
the Sabbath ; but they resumed it again,
under the shadow of a mail contract. Will
the courts sustain this? Will our worthy
eity:;maigistratee have the matter tested?
Will good citizens endure it?
A few weeks ago there was an indication
that some of the citizens meant to move in
the ease. On Monday evening, the 12th
inst., there was a meeting in the Second
United Presbyterian church, at which ani
mated speeches were made, and a long list
of resolutions passed. These profess favor
toward a very strict Sabbath observance.
They " reprobate" the late " decision " of
the Supreme Court, whioh permits a. family
to be conveyed to church in a carriage ; they
approve of the law of 1794, as good and
adequate; they thank the secular preen for
the aid given to circulate "orthodox senti
ments ;" they request ministers to preach
on Sabbath " deeeoration r they urge Chris
tians to be exemplary; and they thank the
Mayor for his energy
The gratitude expressed to the Mayor,
demands distinct notice. The resolution
runs thus
" 5. Resolved, That the Mayor of Pittsburgh,
Hon. H. A. Weaver, merits the highest commen
dation for his laudable efforts in endeavoring to
prevent the desecration of the Sabbath, by the
running of private carriages and public vehicles
on that day.'
This meeting, in their approbation of the
Mayor and their condemnation of the. Su
preme Court, have set themselves directly
against a portion of their fellow Christians.
This is to be regretted. Good men should
never be found in hostile array against each
other. Division neutralizes their power.
Extreme measures, carrying out the peculiar
notions of the straitest loots, should never
be proposed. They prevent the extended
union which, in this community, is indits
iiellsable to success.
In the cue now before us there hi, in far
as the care are concerned, a general agree
ment.., Their running on the Sabbath is an
immense evil. Shall they be stopped
They may be. The law is with us, and the
Court is with us. We can, by union, stop
them. But, great as this evil is, which by
union we could' remove, the Mppday-even
log, meeting were unwilling to treat it alone.
They must assail also a mode , of going to
worship=-a` anode deemed by other Chris•
thins to be right and proper. "They , would
stop, and commend the civil magistrate for
trying to stop, and condemn the Supreme
Court for , not so interpreting the law as to
stop, the going to church in carriages; es
peekdly a hired member of the family
shall guide the vehicle. Now there - are
Christians, many of them, whose , character
in every holy and noble aspect, would not
pale beside their fellows, who believe that
our suburban residents, and our many far.
mere, and our country mechanics who keep
horses, vehicles, and hired men for the car
rying on of their business, have a right. re
ligiously to use these in reaching the Lord's
ho use of worship, on the Lord's day. They
also believe that aged personkand persons
enfeebled by ill health, and very young per.
ions', have a right to worship; and to many
of these, a vehicle and hired man are indis
pen liable, if they would enjoy ., their right.
These, then, cannot but regard_ the Court's
decision as,„righteons; :andv they could not
enter into any arrangement: to make it void.
In count'' , places more than half the people
use a conveyance of seine kind in getting to
The commendation of the Mayor, quoted
above, strikes us strangely. Is it not a lit
tle on the supitrlative order 1' It says he
" merits the highest commendation for his
laudable efforts," &o. 'Would that the sue
' dess had been as great as the efforts are said
to have been meritorious. But, alas 1 the
siceess is not visible. There is a train of
oars on each of our great high ways, every
Sabbath, The Street ears run,„ and carry
passengers ; and the Livery men do a large
bigness; and vehicles used for pleasure,
move freely on the Lord's day.
But the commendation is for the efforts,
and not for the success. Well, we know
how to appreciate earnest and Persevering'
effortii and how to honor good intending,
proved by judicious and mighty strivings.
Bat what has been attempted here ?• . We
have heard of efforts to stop the rail
road 'trains, nor the omnibuses, nor the
liiety hiring's, net the pleasure vehicles.
The only efforts were the brief ones upon
the street ears and the carriages. And in
the latter case, a curiosity is to be.notral.
The obviously pleasure vehicles all went
unmolested. And the go•to church ear
riages, where the " driver " remained on
the box, were not arrested. It was ,only
the 'vehicles of Christiana, who..ltacl made
full provisi,on for their drivers to'` attend
worship, which were, hailed before his
honor, and mulcted in penalties.
In response to the plea, that the poor
have 'as good a right to the Sabbath ear, to
get to church r as the rich hive to their
carriage, we answer—if. the Sabbath,car
runs only to take people to churchOhe'
plea is good. Use the ear, in that case.
The shape or name of the vehicle makes no
difference. The Christian's carriage goes ,
only to meeting, and carries only those who
are going there. Let the Company's car,
do just so, it'd it is as legal, and as really
sanctified, for the time and occasion, as is
the Christiin's carriage.
Fe strive to be strictly consistent in our
Baia notions. The day is a day of rest.
But social worship on it, is a duty, and to
reach the house of God requires muscular
effort. The beast needs rest, and so do the
limbs of a man; but both, may be employed
a little, without weariness; and though the
horse has no mind to be 'benefited, he was
yet given to man for man's comfort, and
he has his highest utility, and his noblest
employment, when he takes his master and
mistress and their household, to God's
house of worship. _
We Mist then that our brethren will yet
unite with ua in sustafning . the civil Court.
The Court will aid ua in causing the (mew
tion of mere worldly employments on the
'Sabbath. And when worldly men would
combine and turn upon ne, and inter
fere with our worship, the Court will
protect us from their perversion of the
law. It will allow us a reasonable use
of the horse to relieve , our physical
frame, a relief which some greatly need.
And it, will maize no difference between
,rich and poor. If then, our liberties are
abridged, the fault must be ours; and if
the gross forms of Sabbath desecration con
tinue, the fault there will be also ours—it
will be because Christians will not unite in
bringing law and public sentiment to bear
upon the evil.
We would entreat our fellow Christians,
and all - gocod men, to join heart and hand,
in causing to cease, the gross profanation of
the Lord's day, in the worldly carrying, on
of the street oar business, fraught, as it is,
with awfiil: - .Vils 'consequent •thereon, in
dance houses, drinking saloons, pleasure
gardens, and other impurities.
Doing Good.
One of the most effective means .of doing
good, is the circulation of a well conducted
religious newspaper. The paper always con
tains much reading matter, and it comely/fly
two times in a year. It is filled with informa
tion, belonging to time and immortality. It
treats of Christian doctrine, experientie, and
practice.'" It keeps a family well-informed
of all important affairs in their own Church;
and of , leading facts in regard to other
Churches; and of the doingi of civil gov
ernment which are of general interest; and
of the affairs of the nations of the earth.
Without such a paper, no family can pos
sibly be well informed. With it, no house
hold can grow up ignorant; Beyond all
other kinds of printed matter, of, modern
origin, the newspaper has a Valid: It will
be'read. And it will awake thought, and
it will evoke conversation.
The Banner and Advocate we endeavor
to innke, as neirly'as possible, just - whit a
religions journal should be. Its• habitual
readers will be sound and attached Presby•
terians, without bigotry; and intelligent,
liberal minded Christians, without latitudi
narianism. They will also be industrious,
enterprising and energetic men and women,
good citizens, as well as good church mem
The new year is very close at hand, and
we earnestly invite our friends, and all who
would do good to their own family and to
their neighbors, to .renew their subseription,
and induce others to subscribe.
Times are a little bard, but our terms are
very, low. It would be hard to find a way
in which so small an amount of money
could be wade to produce so much interest,
pleasure, and real benefit to a household ; or
could procure so valuable a New Year's
Gift for a friend, the poor family, or the
Try what can be done to keep up and
increase our iiraulation.
Piesbyterian Historical. Almanac.
The'second volume of this highly mils.
able annual has made its appearance. It is
a book,of three hundred pages, Eivo., good
paper, and well executed. It contains
fourteen portraits of Moderators, and twelve
drawings of churches. It contains much
Historical matter, of great value. The
statistical tables are full; , -comprehensive,
and well imaged.
The, work embraces only the English
speaking Presbyterians. These are resident
in Great Britain, Ireland, and North
America. The great trunk, as presented in
the work before us, divides off - into thirty
branshes ; some of course 'larger than
others, but apogees the life 'and generic
features of the tree ; and- all are faithful.
whey are tended by over ten thousand
ministers, most of whose names and Post
Offlce addresses are here given. There are
more than thirty thousand Ruling Elders,
and more than one million members.
The work of 'Mr. Wilson is of immense
value. Every one of the ' ten &wend
ministers should have it. Elders also, and
members would find it greatly gratifying.
We trust that the enterprising publisher
will be encouraged by the sale of large edi.
tions, so as to long prosecute his enterprise,
adding to the contents from , year to year.
The pride is 31.00 a. copy, or eleven
copies for 00 00. The postage is, but
twelve Cents if prepaid; otherwise it is cents. It will be well then
to send to Mr. Wilson the twelve cents ad
ditional, when sending for the work by
Christian Union.
This is the title of a sermon preached by
the Rev. Henry A. Boardman, D.D., in the
Tenth Presbyterian church, Philadelphia,
on Sabbath evening, November 27th,1859,
that is worthy '
of very wide ciroulatiin and
careful study. The author gives a clear
statement. of the. difficulties in the way of
Christian Union among all the different
Evangelicil Churokes, and then shows most
conclusively tke position occupied by the
Presbyterian Church on the subject ; that her
ground is the true ground, and that just as
soon as the other branches of the great family,
shill adopt "the same principle, and exhibit'
practically, an equal liberality, all the obsta
oles in the way of a true Christian Union,
of which so much is now said, have
been taken away.
As 'soon as the present pressure on our
columns is a little relieied, we will call the'
attention of our readers to the subject of ,
which this discourse treats, and present them
with some extracts ; because the position' of
the Presbyterian Church with respect to
other Churches, his been too long' misunder
stood and misrepresented. Dr. BOsidsnan
has done a good work, in this sermon, that
will be 'highly appreciated by all sound
Presbyterians, and. all true union•loving
The Choctaws.
These are one of the most interesting of
our Indian Tribes. There is a prospect of
saving a remnant of thim, who shall be a
seed whence shall spring a numerous peo
ple. The fact. of their belg out off by
the American Board at its last meeting, from
all aid henceforth, has awakened attention
to the Mission, and excited much sympathy.
We place on our first page an Address of
Rev. O. Kingsbury, long their instructor and
guide, which will convey much important
information,.and to which we invite atten
Dedication of a Church.
We are requested to notice the dedication
of a new church, at Onarga, DI. It took
place on the 13th of November. The sermon
,was preached by the Bev. Henry M. Bacon.
A pastor is now wanted, to whom it is said
a comfortable support would be given.
Onarga is eighty miles from Chicago, on
the great Central Railroad, and is well situ.
ated The: otittrah was organized three
yes rit ago.
The Nation: Its Relation to God.
This is the subject of an admirable ear.
mon, preached by the lfay. Wm. M. Paxton,
`pastor of the First Presbyterian church of
this city, on. Thanksgiving day, which is
now published in handsome style, by Wm.
S. Haven. The text is Luke xvi:s—" How
much owest thou my Lord?" The author
attacks and' overthrows the theory now so
widely prevalent, and so terribly m13046'1 , -
0118 in its results, that leeks to "deprive hu
man Government of all moral character; that
would not allow it to protect the Christian
Sabbath, or to place the Bible in our Com
mon Schools, or to demand a' solemn oath in
witness bearing; sets forth the true rela
tions between religion and the State; and
shows most conclusively our obligations to
God as a Christian people. The style hi
manly and clear, the mode of argument is
effective, and the conchiairn is unanswerable.
Ministers, Christians, and patriots, have a
great contest before them in this country
yet, with respect to the very principles
discussed in this sermon.
A Fifty Years Pastorate.
We, last October, called attention to the
Semi-Centennary celebration of the pastor
ate of Rev. Ames Linn, D. D., of Belle
fonte, Pa. v it occurred during the meeting
of the Presbytery of Huntingdon, in' that
church, and hence many of the brethren
participated in the exercises. We have
now before us, in a neat pamphlet of forty
eight pages, the Address of Dr. Linn, and
the sermon by Dr. Judd's. The sermon
beans the characteristics of an able head
and a pions heart The A ddress is a plain,
feeling, and , earned narrative of a pastor's
long and most happy connexion with a
loved 'and appreciative people; embracing
also much:interesting historical detail of the
Presbyteries of Huntingdon and Northum•
berland ; the two being one at the time
when Dr. Linn transferred his ecolasiastical
relations thither, from the Presbytery of
Carlisle. Let' those who have long been
faithful laborers in Christ's Church be had
in great honor.
History of the Church of Christ.*
The history of the Church of Christ is
one of profound interest to every scholar,
every clergyman, and every intelligent mind.
Its limits are so extensive, the- materials
are so plenty, and it is so interwoven with
the records of national progress, literature,
and philosophy; that a perfect epitome of
dates and ficti, and a'comprehensive digeit
of the subject matter, will be hailed with no
small• degree of gratitude. Such a work
has now been, given to the Church and the
world by Prof Henry B. Smith, RD., pro
fessor in the Union Theological Seminary,
New York. It einbrtuies the history of the
Church from the birth of Christ until the
present time, giving a synchronistic view of
the events, oharecteriptice, and culture of
each period, including the history of polity,
worship, literati" ) and . doctrines, together
with: two supplementary tables upon the
Church in America; and an Appendix con
taining the series of Councils, Popes,
Patriarchs, and other Bishops, with a full
index. Upon this work the author has
expended an immense amount of care, labor,
learning, and enxiety, during twenty years;
.and the *tilt im a production most honora
ble to'American scholarship, and presenting
a full and,accurate history of the Church of
Christ in a new and accessible form. No
°titer book cif' the kind is so complete, com
prehensive, and exact. It is a vast treasury,
from which many will receive large supplies.
The, part,. that treats of the Church in
this country As particularly full, and the
Appendix' irr of great valne in tracing the
ever-varying"hirtory of ''the Boinieh Church.
The author and , publisher are entitled to
many thanks and an extensive patronage.
And as the season !for making presents is
near at hand, we hope that not a few of our
readers will take this opportunity of enriali
ing their pastorie librniice with this work.
We have already called the attention of our
readers to this folio volume, but refer to it
again from a growing conviction of its
*Efirrowr or raw CHITION or OffitlNT, in Chro
nological Tables. By Henry B. Smith, ~D.D.,
Profaner in the 'Union 'Theological Bennnaiy, of
the city of New York. 1 Vol. folio. Price $6.
New York Charles Scramer. Pittsburgh: .To hn
S. Davison. 1859.
I. It is a mliptake for a, pastor to suppose
that he can have his people take an interest
in the religious movements of the day, with
out having a religious newspaper circulated
among thdm.
IL it is a mistake for a pastor to sup
pose that his.people oan be acquainted with
the progrestrand wants of his own denomi
nitton and contribute" 'liberally to the sup
port of its institutions, unless they are
readers of
~, n ewspaper devoted especially
to the interests of that branch of the Chris
tian Church.
111. it is a` mitttake for any one to sup.
pose that ,lie can, by the same expenditure
in any other way, bring, as much, religious ,
information before his family, as by sub
scribing and paying for a well conducted - re
ligious newspaper.
IV. It is ae mistale for a man to begin
to practice economy by stopping his religious
newspaper. > To' do this is to deprive him
self and family of a great benefit.
V. It is a mistake for any one to suppose
that a newspaper can,be made exactly what
every one would 111e.4t0 be. The general
taste and wants must be consulted.
VI. It is a mistake for any to think that
editors can, by any possibility admit to their
columns every article that is sent them.
They must often decline contributions ably
written, because space is demanded for some
thing of present interest of which the
Church and the world wishes to seed.
VII. it is a mistake for one who can
compose lines containing a certain number of
syllables, to suppose himself a true born poet .
VIII. It is a mistake, to suppose that
editors have much leisure, lead an easy life,
or are too well paid.
lot the Praabytaian Banner and Advocate.
Two churches have recently been organized by
Committees of Des Moines Presbytery; one at the
thriving village of Martinsburg, Keokuk County,
about midway between Ottumwa and Sigourney,
where there are a soore or more of presbyteri
ans ; the other on a beautiful prairie, near the
little stream called Spring Creek, eight miles
from Ottumwa, and an equal distance from Mar
tinsburg. Seven or eight families, comprising•
thirteen members in full communion, are identi
fied with the promising little Church 'of Spring
Creek.' Both these organizations will be in the
new Presbytery of Fairfield, lately erected by the
Synod of Southern lowa. M. M.
Ho*, J. C. Bituortuarnata, Vioe President of
the United States, has been elected Senator of
the United States from Kentuoky,•by a majority
of twenty-nine on joint
MARTIN VAN BORION.—No ex resuon,, l. has
ever lived in more studied retirement than Martin
Van Buren. He is seldom away from his home,
and never seems to covetUttentions of any kind.
On the sth hat, he passed his 77th year. .He is
said to be writing a memoir of his times. It
will, if truthful, reveal a great many curious
chapters in the political history of the oonntry.
Ray. Dn.r Cox gives his idea of the " Broad
Church" BB - follows': " The Bread Church
Yes Make God's Church broad enough to take
in Simon Magus, and Judas, and Satan I Out
upon it I It it all pious atuititocruy—and not so
pious either."
Tau SON. Twines CORWIN, twenty.nine years
ago, Monday, took his seat in the House of Rep
resentatives as a member from the same district
now represented by him. There is not *member
of the House with him who was there when he
first took his seat.
Diem or Mae. Dosmt.—Died, at Florence,
Italy, on Friday, November 11th, Elias Greene
Doane, widow of the late Bishop of New Jersey.
Mrs. Doane, it is stated, never recovered from
the effects of the outrages of the Papal troops in
the assault on Perugia, where she and her son's
family were stopping a few months since, during
the early , part of the Italian disturbances. ,
Bay. JAMBS Pwatant, of Tallahassee, Florida,
has invented a plow, of which lie has sold the
patent rights in twelve States, realizing therefor,
$251,000. He has , given away of this sum $200,-
000 for Church purposes.
A niasrrear of the Spanish Church has pub
lished in the Arms an appeal to the Government
to establish the Papal authority, and to cooper
ate with Prance and Austria, for the subjection
of heretical England.
A Fasson SAVANT has engaged three thousand
laborers for the purpose of prosecuting some
contemplated extensive ekoavations on the sites
of cities in Upper Egypt.
hin-Gownx, the American contractor for re
moving the obstructions from Sebastopol harbor,
has now finished his work with the outer line of
sunken vessels, so that they do not obstruct navi
gation. The large frigate Vladimir, was success
fully raised October 14th.
Twi late Rev. Dr. J. W. Alexander, while
Professor in the College of New Jersey,
preached regularly to a small congregation of
colored people, without compensation, for seven
years. One of the most interesting featnies at
his funeral was the gathering- around the grave
of those to whom he had so kindly broken the
bread of life.
A BIOGRAPHICAL sketch of the life and works of
Daniel Webster has been published in Russia, by
Professor Eatchenovelry, of the University of
JOHN B. GouoH is lecturing with great suc
cess in Ireland.
BAYMID TATLOIL—This famous traveler and
lecturer, is receiving very severe strictures from
both the secular and religious press, on account
of his covert thrusts at evangelical religion in his
lecture on Humboldt.
AT the great sale, in London, a few months ago,
the autographs of Milton and his wife were sold
to Messrs. Pennington, of Phidelphia, for a fel
low-townsman of theirs who has one of the best
collections in this country. The sum paid was
£215. The first runs as follows:
April 26, 1669.
Reed then of Samuel Simmons five pounds be
ing tbe . second five pounds to be paid mentioned
in the covenant. I say reed by me.
Witness • Edmond
" Paradise Lost," published in 1667, wally sold .
by Milton to Simmons, a, bookseller, for five
pounds; with a premise of five pounds more ($26)
when one thousand three hundred copies should
have been sold of each addition of one thousand
three hundred copies respectively. Milton died
in November, 1674, and his widow, who long sur
vived him, gave a receipt for eight pounds more,
dated December 21, 1680 ; which was one -of two
doCuments purchased for Philadelphia, which is
a receipt as follows :
I do hereby acknowledge to have received . -of
Samuel Symmonds Cittizen and &sooner of Lon.
don the sum of Eight potinds which is in full
payment for all my right, title or" interest, which
I have, or ever had in the coppy
.of a Poem enti
tled Paradise Lost, in twinty Bookes in Bvo. By
John Milton, Qent: my late husbind. Witness
my hand thin 21st day of December, 1680.
ELzzAßun PitrrzoN.
Witness, William
Ann Yapp.
.ara. Aa. Fia . of 1. I
51NAT01...,..1T....1 1 1DEN.— the ancient
lights of the United States Senate is soon to go
out. By the election of Mr. Breekinridge from
Kentucky, John J. Crittenden, the oldestmember
of the Senatorial body, retires from a public ser
vice that has been most honorable to himself and
most useful to the country. Mr. Crittenden is
now in the seventy-fourth year of- his age. He
entered the Senate as early -as 1817—forty-two
years ago—although he then served but two years.
It is s singular tentthatlilr. Crittenden has never
been a member of the House of Repiesentatives.
Besides his different terms. in the Senate,' Mr.
Crittenden served the public as Governor of Ken
tucki, and Attorney General under President
Harrison, and also under Mr. Fillmore.
Nor the Presbyterian Banner and Advocate.
"'Death of a Laborer in the Vineyard.
At a time like the present, when there is
great need of increased liberality, it may be
interesting, not only to the - family and
friends,but to all who love the Saviour, and
`have at heart the advancement of his king
dom, to read of the life and death of an
humble, yet benevolent 'Elder of a feeble
In Shirleysburg, Pa., on Monday morn.
ing, Dec. sth, 1859, John Brewster died,
lacking two days of being sixty•eight years
of age. In early life he was more, than
usually careless, for one enjoying the privi
leges of the Christian family, and the imam°.
tione and prayers of a pious mother. After
returning from service, at the call of his
country, in the late war with .Britain, he
left Franklin County, his native place, for
Ohio. He stopped near Hillsborough, and
was, like Paul, - arrested by the way. His
host, much exercised during a religious
awakening, asked him when and where he
had made a profession. The answer, which
he was compelled to give, "that he bad
never confessed Christ," led him to reflect
on his course. The work of grace was now
begun. He returned home, and united with
the church of Path Valley, then under the
pastoral care of the late Dr. McGinley. He
removed from Path Valley to Shirleyaburg,
where he resided for
.' the last twenty six
years. He was elected an -Elder many
years ago, but refused to serve. He was
again" elected four years since, and was pre
vailed upon to receive ordination. •
" He was reserved and retiring in disposi
tion, but thepower of his faith was manifest
in his acts. He labored for Christ, not as
urged by impulses of feeling, but as he
labored for himself, in a business like way-
He was not to" daylike " Saul among the
prophetk" and to-morrow like Saul search
ing for David. He was of a better model
of Bible saints—more like. Moses, or the one
described by Paul, "steadfast, immovable,
always abounding in the work of the Lord."
Hence, when asked, once, about four years
since, how much he gave annually to pro:
mote Christ's cause, he said- 7 - 0 In these
things Ido not wish Ito let my left hand
know what my right +hand doeth.' " Bat,
when told the object of the inquiry, and
that Christ also said, " Let your light so
shine," etc , be showed a memorandum of a
semi annual contribution. It amounted to
$540, viz Presbyterian Board of 'Foreign
Missions, $BO ; Domestic Missions, $5O;
Education, 820 ; Colonization, $6O ; Amer.
ken Board, $lOO ; A. S. 8. U. $5O ; A. T.
S. $5O; A. P. S. $3O; Sabbath Ass. $4O;
B. S $5O. His alms may have varied from
the ;above; but both before and since, they
were liberal for his means. During the
present pastorate, he has given $l5O, annu
ally, to support the Gospel at home.
About three years Ago he told the writer
that he intended, being his own executor in
his giftis to Christ. He said he was arrang
ing with the Boards and &oldies for $20,-
000, and showed a paper with the amounts
and objects, of which the reader will have
some ides from the above list of his semi
annual contributions. And lie' added,
" $lO,OOO is enough for children, who do
well, and if they use it badly, it is too
His last sickness continued only two
weeks. He came home from Huntingdon,
where duty had called him as Associate
Judge, unwell, and rapidly grew worse until
he died. He was patient in suffering, pleas
ant to his attendants, and often expressed his
'thankfulness for the kindness of his friends
and neighbors. As be had lived, so he died,
calm and dignified, showing faith in-Christ,
love for the Church, and desire for the sal
vation of his family and friends, by noble
and impressive action. A wi dow, three
daughters, many friends, and the Church of
Christ on earth, are left to mourn their loss-
But-what is our loss is his eternal gain, and
we have written, that others of Christ's fam
ily on earth, who have his ability, may have
his mantle fall upon their hearts, to lead
them to go and do likewise. He began the
world with little, be gave and prospered, and
has left to his wife and children in earthly
substance, and what is better, in a good
name, and in dying blessings and advice,
that which should make them cherish his
memory with honest pride. The Church
should thank God for such a "living epis
tle," and for one which, though " dead yet
epeaketh." G.W. S.
Rev. JAMES STRATTON has resigned the
charge of the alum& of Caruiel, Natchez,
Rev. T. MCREA, of Jackson, La., bits re
signed his charge.
Rev. A. J. YEATER has been compelled to
suspend preachin& for a time, in come.
quenee of a chronic affection of the
throat. lie has been laboring for the
put six months in Montgomery County,
Rev. ROBERT BAnD, D.D., has been ap
pointed Corresponding Secretary and
General Agent of the Soutkern Aid so
ciety. He will enter Upon the duties of
the, office in the month of. January. Dr.
Stiles continues in charge for the present.
Rev. Thos. D. URMSTON, who signified to
his church at Van Buren, Ark., his in
tention to accept the call from the church
at Fort Smith, has been advised by his
Presbytery to remain where he is. This
leaves the church at Fort Smith still
Rev. W. A. Surma' has resigned the charge
of the Fort Smith Female Academy; into
the hands of a layman, with a view to
devoting himself exclusively to the work
of the ministry.
Rev. A. A. E. l'Amou was installed putor
of the , church in Dubuque, on the 11th
of November,
by a committee of the
Presbytery of Dubuque. Rev. Dr. Rice,
of Chicago, preached the sermon on the
Rev. J. 0. 'BALDWIN has received and so-
cepted an invitation to supply the church
at Clinton, Ky.
Rev. Wm. Rosasu ha received and accept
ed an invitation to supply the church of
Vernon, Tenn.
Rev. W. H. HIMES has commenced labor
in Knox County, Mo., as a missionary.
He is supported by the Jate Dr. Alexan
der's church, in New York city.
Rev. K W. Le m has removed from
Henderson, Ky., to McLeod's P. O.
6reen county, Mies., and taken charge of
the Salem High School, located there.
Rev. P. ArmsTus PTITLIDTFORD's pastoral
relation to the churches of Milford and
Holland, was dissolved by the Presbytery
of Raritan, at its late meeting, with a view
to hip accepting a call from the Reformed
Dutch Church, Bellville, New Jersey.
Presbytery' then dismissed him to the
Meals of Bergen as a Presbyter in good
-fa • .
tiate of the Presbytery of Philadelphia
having accepted ; , a call to the united
churches of Pine Grove and Bald. Eagle,
was ordained and installed
pastor .of the former on the 6th inst. The
Rev. John Moore preached the sermon;
the Rev. G. W. Thompson, D.D., gavq
the chew to the .pastor, and the Rev.
Dr. Gibson the charge to the people,
and the Rev. Mr.. Hamill offered the
closing prayer . Drs. Liun, Gibson, an d
the Rev. Mr. Hamill, were appointed a
'committee to install Mr. Moore . pastor of
the Bald Eagle oharoh, at Unionville, on
the 17th of January , at 11 o'clock A.M.
Rev. GEORGE M.- 8. BLAUVELT Wu install
ed pastor of the Presbyterian church at
Lyons' Farms, New Jeremy, by the Pres.
bytery of Passaic, on , the 2d ult.
Rer. W. V. FRIERSON'S Post Office address
is changed from Shiloh, Alabama, , to .
Ooonewar, Miss.
Bev. JUSTUS P. ihweirED having consented
to supply the church of Selma, Alabama,
,for the Winter, correspondents will please
address him at that place.
Rev. Jouw rADWARDS, of Virginia, bag
not been elected Professor of Rhetoric in
the University of North Carolina, as has
been stated.
Rev. EDWARD WORTS has accepted an invi
tation to supply the Portland Avenue'
church, Louisville, Ky., during the ensu
ing Winter.
Rev. W. S. MooRE was installed pastor of
the united churches of Franklin and Eb
ener, Macon Co., N. C., on the 22d of
cot., by a Committee of. Concord Pres
The pastor of the Presbyterian church at Ot
tumwa, Lown, desires to acknowledge the recap
tion of a box of clothing, from the ladies of the
Alexandria Presbyterian church, Huntingdon Co.,
Pa. Those kind friends are assured that their
favors are highly appreciated, and will not soon
be • forgottem There has not been a time for
years, in which aid of this kind wee more accep
table. to laborers in the mission field, than at pres
ent. To.many, the reception of such voluntary,
nnlooked for contributions, seems to be a'•message
from the Master, saying, " Fear not ;" the voice
of the Good Shepherd, giving assurance that
they shall not want' May the kind donors be
rewarded an hundred fold for 'their labor of love.
J.M. M.
The PRESBYTERY OW BLAntavrtax WI meet in
Disbandße, on the Pint Tuesday of January, at 2 o'clock
P. M. To be opened with a sermon by Mr. Hastings; sub
ject, "The Witness of the Spirit;" and during the sessions
of Presbytery, Mr. Carson will preach, on the subject of,
" Christian Witnesses for Ohrlit."
JAMBS DAVIS, Stated Clerk.,
The PRESBYTERY OP COSHOCTON will meet (special
session,) at Millersburg, Ohio, at 2 o'clook P. M. on Tuesday,
December 27th, 1859. WM. H. HUNT, Moderator.
agreeably to sdjournment, at 10 A.M. of the Mist Tuesday
of January, 1860, in thy First Presbyterian church, Alio.
gheny City. W. ANNAN, Stated Clerk..
Morrietown„ on the Pint 'Tuesday of January next, at 2
o'clock P. M. JOHN MOPPAT, Stated Clerk.
The PRISBYTZRY OP SALTBBIORG will meet at .lack.
eonville, on the Bird Tuesday of Jainism at 2 o'clock I' M.
frobjed of opening serrnoo,"James i. 18. Preacher, Rev;
A. Maglwain i alternate, Rea. T. L lemon.
W. W. WOOD ND, Stated Clerk.
By JOA Ageil James. Pp. 288. Price 76
centsii i . 4 New York H. W. Dodd. Pittsburgh:
For Bale at the United Prerbytoria . .Board of
Pubtreation Boom, No. 78 Third Street.
The ministerial qualification here discussed, is
one which must be regarded as indispensable.
No man can either save himself or those that
hear him, if destitute of this qualification. The
author of thin work was a man whose praise is in
all the churches. After laboring for nearly sixty
years in one pastorate, he was lately called away
by the Master, to his rest and reward. HO en
tered upon his ministry in Birminghltm, under
very discouraging ciretunstances. A small con
gregation, cold and inactive, with no other pros-
Tor the Presbyterian Banner and Advocate.
Presbyterial Notices.
littrarg Notices.
pest before the young preacher than that, efts
spending a few yeirs of trial, he should be forced
to abandon the field and seek a settlement some
where else. Bat not only this. lie prosecuted
his ministry, itirronrided' b'Y' a state of things
most adverse to the , nocestrof the GeepeL Biro
toingham. from an inconsiderable inland town,
grew up to be one of the most extensive and
flourishing manufacturing' cities 'in" the world;
and as the result of such a state of things, ex
cessive wealth in the hands of a few, and its ac
companiment, pride and luxury; on the other
hand, poverty and crime, debatiohery and ungod
liness among the masses. And yet what was the
result of John Angell James' ministry in that
place? It was a decided success. He was the
means of gathering around him one of the most
numerous and influential congregations in Brit
ain ; and his power and influence as a Gospel
minister, instead of declining, continued to in
crease to almost the extreme limits of old age.
And what was the secret of his success ! It
was not brilliancy of; talents or of pulpit elo
quence ; for nothing could be platner, more child
like, and simple than his preaching. Bat it was
that all important qualification which forms the
subject of this book. lie was in Earnest. This
carried him directly into the coneciencia and
hearts of his hearers.
Ministers of the Goepel, are you aiming at
sueeees 'in your ministry ? Get this book and
read it prayerfully. Candidates for the Gospel
ministry, get this book and read it prayerfully,
and learn from it what manner of man you
should aim to be, if you ever expect the appro
bation of the Master, or to have comfort and
success in doing his work. [See advertisement.]
Tina Wonns OF mi Loan Jesus. By Rudolf
Stier. Translated from the second revised and
enlarged edition. By the Bev. W. B. Pope.
New Edition. Pp. 478. Philadelphia: Smith,
English 4* Co. New York : Sheldon 4-
Boston : Qould t Lincoln Pittsburgh : W. Co,.
Rentoul, and John 8. Davison. 1869.
This is the second volume of the great work of
Stier, of which we gave an extended notice two
or three weeks ago, containing ,the third and
fourth volumes of the previous edition. We can
only re-affirm what we then said, of the high
character of this learned and able Corensentary on
the four Gospels. No other author so thoroughly
analyzes and dissects the original text, or brings
out so clearly and so fully its wonderful depth and
breadth of meaning. The library et no minister,
Christian scholar, or intelligent and careful reader
of the Bible, is complete without this work.
LITTERS or JOHN Cazyns, compiled from the ori
ginal manuscripts, and edited with Historical
Notes by Dr. Jules Bonnet. Vol. Trans's
led from the Latin and French langnigee. by
Marcus fßobert Gilchrist. Pp. 491. Philadel
phia: Presbyterian Board of Pub/mat:ion. Pitts
burgh: Board of Colportage, St. Clair Street.
We trust that our readers have 'not forgotten
the account we gave some months ago of the Let
of, Calvin, now in course of publication by
cur Board. The third volume is issued, and
the fourth will soon follow. No" one can fully
know the kindly - and pions: spirit of CalXin, the
value set upon his opinions, the amount of his la
bors, the extent of his iztlittenoe, or the high and
holy motives by which be was aetuated; that has
not carefully read and studied this-correspond
ence:" We hope these volumes will have an exten
sive sale.
Tau PAerrom-Oincs. By. Rev. Reuben Smith.
Pp. 1105. .Philadelphia; Prubyterias Board of
Pittsburgh - : 'Board of Orol,portwa,
Bt. Olairttreet.
• This is wirell written-little book, in which the
author &acetifies the nature and authonly of ihe
pastoral office - and pastoral 4nalitiationts, and
adds an Appendix; giving the experiences and ob
servations 'of, Wpastorate fortyYreas. it will
be read with profit by candidates for the minis
try, and thdite who have lately entered•upen the
pastoral` Office.
Tim POOR ORPHAN'S LIGA4T; Pp. 67.—This is
short eidlection of godly connselagnd maim
tations, primarily designed:by thee:ethos foribia
own children, but was publishetlthat others might
be benefited by them. The author wastbaltev.
John Thompson, of Donegal Presbytery,4mho
came from Ireland to New York in t rnfip-and
spent the latter part of his life as a adsalonaryin
where he died. Every parent would` do
a good work, by placing this little volume in the
hands of his children.
lidos pepartmtut.
Oromm's LAM'S Boos —Misnumber for Janu
ary is ont. = For sale by }runt &Miner. ,
BOARD or Connoaream=-This establishment on
St. Clair Street, has a large and new supply of
Books, for the holidays.
Ranvzies MOINTIGY.—The numbei for January,
is unusually rich in matter and illustrations.
This is the beginning of the twentieth volume of
the most widely circulated magazine ever pub
lished. The present is a good time to subscrThe.
For sale by Rant & Miner.
These gentlemen are well prOvided with maga
zines, newspapers, and writing materials for the
holiday sales.
Secession of Southeri Students.
The stUdents from the Southerri" Stated in at
tendance at the Medical Colleges in Philadelphia,
held a smeeting on Tuesday, and •determined to
leave in a body, and go to thitileinthernolleges.
It is said Jefferson College will lose twonb.uudred
students, and the University one hundred.
The Eclectic Magazine.
This is to ne ever welcome, in its monthly visits
—welcome for the matter and the execution, the
jewel and'the casket. The number for January,
1860, now before us, contains two splendid steel
engravings; one, the Royal Family of England,
and the other, Eugenie, Emiress of 'num, and
Ladies of her Court. The reading matter is em
braced in twenty-two selections froze leading
Fdreign Reviews.
The twelve numbers of the year make three
volumes, of overoix hundred pipe 'each. The
pries is six dollars.
Books Again.
Mr. Davison advertises another large lot of
valuable, illustrated, historical, t3cientiffc, liters
-ry, juvenile. and theological works, this week.
He bas on hand a full silpply of the, publications
of Appleton'e, Harper's, Carter's, Sheldon & Co.,
Wiley, Scribner, Gould & Lincoln,- Ticknor &
Fields, &0.. Airing with these he has an excellent
assortment of ..Stereocopia views, stationery, &c.
Our readers will- do themselves a kindness by
giving this bookstore a call at once. The Libra
ry catalogue advertised in the present number, is
worthy of special attention.
Congress is unorganized, and discussions on
party political issues continue.
In the Senate a little business 1t.3 been done ;
that is, Mr. Mason's Harper's Ferry resolution
of Inquiry has reseed, without amendment, by a
unanimous vote ; and Mr. Fitzpatrick has been
chosen President pro. tem. He takes the chair
in the absence of Mr. Breckinridge.
In the House . , there have been several ballotinge
for Speaker—Mr. Sherman still lacking some
four to six votes of obtaining a majority of the
Some of the debates are very t spicy. Dissolv
ing the Union, is the threat, and saving the Union
i$ the declared purpose. From the speech of Mr.
Hickman, of Pa., we give a brief specimen of
the manner in which Congressmen utter senti
ments :
I-should have -mid something about Union
Meetings at the North, bukmy Mend from New
.-NoritA Haab%) has rendered that, entirely
unnecesliary. I say this, Which will cover every
thing I ehouldhave said at greater length; that
there is no sentiment now in the North which