Writ. .""*".",,,.. ... . *v. .....s...—me ..,.. . - . . . . . ..... . . . . . ~ . . . . _ . , . . .. . . . .. : • . • 1 . . . .... • . . . . . . . • . .. ....... • J., . .. , . . .... .. • .. : ... , 1 , •Vi ' V ' ' ' '. ' ... V 1.11 . ;;. • ' .2:) . :' . 'l' , . . - V ' ' .. . . . . .. A 4.. 1 . , . .. . - "'tilki• %I . 1 1 66011661621 *mum* Yale 111111 Pal • 18 Progiryterfaur .14tvornalles 1 4 4 4"=11, 111• 6 I DAVID McKINNEY and JAKES , ALLISON, Editors. ERL-IN ADVASOL,: selert °,l:ottrg. Always Look ow the Elanny Elide. Alwaye look on the sunny side, And though llfieheokered be, A lightsome heart bids care 'depart, And time fly pleasantly; Why sit and mourn o'er fancied illle When danger is not near ? Care is a self-oonsuming thing, That hardest nerves can wear. Always look on the sunny side, And though you do net find All things according to , your ,wish,, Be not disturbed in mind : Tho greatest evils that can come Are lighter far to bear, When met by fortitude and strength, Instead of doubt and fear. Always look on the sunny side— There's health in harmless jest, And much to sooth:our worldly cares In hoping for the best, The gloomy path Is far too dark For happy feet to tread, And tells of pain , and , solitude, Of friends estranged and dead. Always look on the sunny side, And never yield to dobt ; The ways of Providence are wise, And faith will bear , you out. if you but make this,maxim yours, And in its strength abide, Believing all is for thellest— Look on the sunny From our London= Correspondent. in Northumbeiland,-Flodden Field Exam ined—Other Scenes of War and Romantic Legend —Remnants of Feudalism in the Border ,Coisnties —Politics and the renatary—Nanorial;Courts— The Game Laws—The " Peek "—Social lion of the People—The' Four Classes—The Shepherds and the Shepherd's Rog—The Sugges tiveness of pastoral Scenes and -Scripture Asso.. ciations—Presbyterianien the Staple of the Border Population—Majority of the- Prince. ofrWalefr-r= The Princess Frederic—Launch at Portemouth— The Central Italians . and Louis Napokon— Coercion and the Sing Of Sardinia—The "Times," Garibaldi, and Martini—A Frenchman Writing against the Invasion of England—The Jesuits and "Julian the Apostate"—The War with China—The Prophetic School--Gladatone, 4-c. November 17th, 1859. STILL IN NORTIDDIBNBLAND, I clarinet ; " London" at the head of my letter, expect, D. V., to — return home ve ry, ;dily. Flodden Field, .which Ir to e , •ed in my last, was the !cute of' pilgrim last week, in company with one of the haters of the county, and an elder and 'chant from Liverpool—my companion, fellow Deputy. The battle wag' fhb' ilt of an invasion of England by 'King lee IV., of Scotland, who took advantige the English monarch's absence in France, seek the overthrow of his enemies, - and ireby to get back certain jewels, which ;re claimed as belonging to the Scottish we, and-also to avenge ..the• death 'df his whom the Eiglish had tont — tb ;h under the ignominious and unjust .tge of perjury. brave Earl of Surrey hastily collected powerful force to meet 'the King of Scot id, and coming from the• South, foundrhis) T onents posted on a range of lofty Miley. rerhanging a magnificent.plain. He skill dly contrived to march , past. their position, . and then suddenly went round behind them, thereby rendering their position untenable. '' The opposing 'forces then rushed into fu. rims conflict; the Scottish King_petforined prodigies of valor, hewing his way by his battle.axe through his foes; but At last was at Brauxton Hill out to pieces, and ini the retreat the greater part of his nobility perished. It is curious to find that a park of artillery, of seventeen guns, were taken by the English, showing 'how early cannon were introduced into warfare in these islands. It was, however, the English spearine,n that decided the day, and it clearly appears that the Scottish monarch, his knights and sol diers, were cued in medieval armor. It was with a oertain degree of melancholy interest that one paased through the wood that crowns Flodden Hill, repaired to tbe "King's Chair," a rock where James IV. , viewed his approaching foes, and finally visited and drank from the well, which is called Marmion's well." This is the ' leene of the closing portions of Sir Walter ' latest famous poem; and here it was that dying Marmion, after , a lest draught ton; the spring, ' 6 With dying hand above his head, He shook the falchion of his blade, And shouted victory ! Charge, Cheater, charge—on, Stanley, on!' Were the last words of Marmion," In visiting again Harbottle Castle, be. neath the shadow of whose ruins stands, recently erected, a Presbyterian church--in examining the thick and massive walls, in tracing the circumvallance of the ancient mounds and mote, and in marking a scene where even Robert the Bruce was foiled in. his attempt to take the'castle—one could not but recall the barbaric and bloody days of a past, which, though surrounded , with romantic interest, is, thank God I never to be recalled. In this county, too, is Otterburnei near whioh Douglas, of Scotland fell, and Percy (" Hotspur ") was taken prisoner;-the-lat ter represented, in the battle- of " Chevy Chase," as taking the "dead man by the band," and saying that if he could but re call him to life, he " would give him all his land." FEUDALISM still leaves its traces in then Northern counties. The. aristocracy and squires rarely or never grant leases to their tenantry, and while they do not expel them. from their holdings harshly for unjustly, they so hold them in their power that they scarcely ever have the courage to vote at a general election otherwise than the land lords require. This especially refers to the tenantry of Tory lords and squires, and it is in such districts that Lord Derby finds his cause and party triumphant. Again, the Dike of Northumberland- has vast territorial possessions, and by his Depu-- ties keeps up Manorial Courts over his estates for the settlement of civil bill quail. tions. These courts are the relics of the past. The Game Laws also indicate the dom inance of the aristocracy. It is really mar velous to ;nark the abundance of game of all descriptions. As you drive along the roads, the hare runs across from the field to the plantation, and the pheasants, almost as tame as barn door fowls, feed on the stub bled. As you traverse the hill-side, the whir of the covey of partridges, suddenly rising,, salutes your ears, and when you reach, the moss and mountain ridges, near the magnificent Chevoit range of hills, the blaekoook and the grouse discover them selves. It is calculated that three hares consume as much food as one sbeep; and generally game is most destructive of mining pro duce; and thus the value of the land. No farmer—even if holding one thousand aores—may at his peril kill one head of the game tbus " preserved?' He.is absolutely and legally prohibited from doing so in the "covenants"of his lease. Of course this more or less leads to poach- ing ; the stealthy band .going out at mid night, and drawing their widelyextending nets over the'breadth 'of a whole field, and thus sweeping up, as it were, partridge and peasant into a corner, when all become their prey. In this ,quarter,-there , are compara tively few bloody conflicts with game keepers ; but, he class of such guardians of the game is a very , numerous one. It is pleaded, on behalf of the Proprietors, that most of them are busily engaged half ' l ' the year in legislative business in the met- tropolis; that it is not unreasonable that they should seek to keep up, for healthy, exercise and manly sport, the game ,whioh otherwise would soon perish from the coun try. It is also argued that the tenants take their lands,„well knowing that the",garne is to be preserved, and make their bargains With their eyes, open ; also that they are a prosperous and welted° class. The game laws, however, are .evil in the spirit of them, and, sto • far as they exist, they are a remnant of feudalism. A modi-• fication, at least; might be effected, and . the fariners permitted, to attire in the sport and the - spoil. As to the reminiscences Of the olden time, with its wars and forays, one of the most striking is furnished by the 64 Peels," whioli . are found along the border Country, These " peelit " are stone structures, with a kind of cave underneath, which are un lighted save by email openings at the elle. Into these "'peels," when the land was invaded by the Scottish border chiefs, the cattle and sheep were driven for Safe keeping. Above the cave, was a covered shelter for the shepherds. The social condition of the people is of a high order as to the eomfigte-of life. There are four, causes. let- The proprietors, of: estates, generally very wealthy. 2d. The farmers, who 'hold large tracts of , country for tillage and pasturage. ad. The " hinds" .or farm laborers, who do not live under the same roof with the farmers, but in separate houses, and who are chiefly paid in kind, i. e., in flora, flesh, coale, &c., With a'sum of money as wages, 4th. Theshepherds, who tend the -Hooky. which constitute the chief source of profit to the farmers, and which are fotind in - great numbers in the bilk; and , moors.. Thethree,fust of these °lessee are ' Northumbriane; the last le•chiefly, though not -exclusively; made up of Scotohmen, who, as ' , shepherds, live on. the hills,' in 'houses of their own. Some of` them are "chief 'Shepherds," with`stroug, stone built!, houses,'whplet peat from the mountain, or coals 'from the valleys, with a garden and pasturage for a horse, and cow; and these :have " underehepherds," whedo the rough work on, .the • hills the sheep. The , shepherd's dog is a 'faattire'not to beoinitted. What a faithful yet unpretending= creature is he I With what . I watchful aeye does he look to the-hand and obey ' the voice-signal' of his master, gni4ng the sheep back into 'the .right, path—not , Worrying them,,,yet .1 keeping them tin malutary , fear. Even at ,church youeeetthese creatures follow their' plaided' minders, and' fylngquietly , and de corously in the aisles till the service is over, and then rushing mit, and with a kilia l d wild satisfaction at their enfranchisement' . raising .a unanimous • deg shout, • something betweep a bark and.a howl. The-shepherd class receive excellentivi ges .provieinfis; many, of tbem:•isave money... Even , a shepherd boy earns-his. £26 a • . .year, , .and With true - Scottish 'thrift,. markagek :i to, lay,by 'the :met ,of This . class generaliy. intelligent, and . aie of reading amid .the2 i solittide l ,ol the hills.. They often, have their own troubles .from foaming loOdsrind from. sudden snowstorms in Winter time: In spite of all: theireare,. occasionally sheep; wander away and disap pear. • But eaoh: :wanderer- generally joins itself to another flock ; and this4eek Came the ,annual- " gathering day," When all the shephera, of the Cheviot range and , other adjoining hills, brought together:-•the.,stray sheep, and every shepherd claimed and,re, ceived his own.t—•recognizing it . by the, pe!. auliar • brand-on'the It is also a fact that an experienced - shepherd will, recognize an old member of his flock by its face'and features; yes, that he can-know-eacksheep of his Hook as distinct from, the rest, .So the Lord Jesus nays, .gt I know. my sheep;" so it is said that "ire calleth byname." Scripture :allusions , to' .the' Great Shepherd, to his governing, . 'guiding, poWer„, to his tender care, his , uneleeping,vigilance, receive 1 delightful illustrations amid , such, twines as these. The population of, these Nerthert .border counties are mainly: Presbyterians. The Episcopalians are confined chiefly to the Squires , and the renegade farmers who, growing rich, beeome.,renegades from . the faith they never spiritually held, and often' fugitives froth faithful ,discipline desert the Church of 'their fathers, and go to Church," .in the hope of rubbing shirts with. the great ones of thedistrict. Romanism hag here and there -some English adherents, relics of„the.olden.time ; and, occasionally you find chapels' built by perverts Ji.lad•..priests r planted down in' the hope of making converts bylithipi blankets, &e., all'of which .means mieerably fail. The honepty, worth; and, piety of a great body of people connected with our Presby terian Synod in these parts, are striking and impteseive. The ministers generally, ~as contrasted with the melancholy past of half a• eentury,ago, fare faithful men They en dure hardships for -Christ. Every. place that I have visited, preached or spoken in, shows tokens of advapeethent and revival. Al. together my.remembrance,of this tour amOng the Northern, churches, is pleasing; And I trust—as I am wont to take your readers "out of town" wittrane wheneverl leave home— that these imperfect etchings of scenes.and persons fresh and novel to myself, will, not be regarded as entirely without interest. TAT. 'PRINCE Or" WALES, .laSt week, at. tained..his. majority, which, in the • case of the Heir•Apparenti to the !Throne, imv not twenty•one, but eighteen years of age. if the ,Queen : should be, called away-7-which I trust. is9an event far distant—the young prince would at once become king. of Eng land. Otherwise, not of age, the kingdom would have been placid under a Regency, with the. Prince Consort at, its head. The young man is amiable and promising. lie has, I believe, been kept free from, scenes of pollution; he is a quiet, painstaking stu dent,. and is pursuing a mom of instruc• Lion at the TJniversity of Oxford for a time. The Princess Frederick William, of. Prus sia,.and her young husband, are, now on a visit to this country; and in their presence, and that of the Queen, waited orF by .a great company of attendants and• persons of note, a magnificent line of battle ship, The Viz , toria, was launched-: at Portsmouthok few days ago. , THE Florian Ezepzeowhee again balked the hopes -,,, of the Centril Italians. Lut "ONE THING IS '" ONE THING HAVE I IWISIRED OF THE LORD," "THIS ONE THING.I . DO:' fitin FOR THE WEE*. ENDING SATURDAY, DECEMBER 17 9 1 1559. PUBLICATION , OFFICE, GAZETTE ,BUILDING, ITFTtIPREET, ABOVE SMITHFIELD, PITTSBURI, PA: week they. elected Prince Carignan, brother of thoking of. Sardinia, 401 Regent, and this doubtless with thee. secret Approval , of his brother, Victor Emmanuel, It appeared As if ,at least the people, so long- held in ens penseovere .at length about to •have their wishes consummated.; When,: Na-, poleon writes, to ..the ,k.ing•of Sardinia, " viting " him not to, give his consent to the. Regency of his brother, and, pointing, out that if he,did so, the peril from Austria was imminent, add that.Franee would not, inter fere. The poor king writes back (nolens votens,) that he will coarorm to :the Emper or's wishes, and will refer all fa a'Congress of the Powers. The Mimileutg , tries to justify this abominable conduct of the Emperoriby: saying that'had the Italians been :allowei to elect a Regent, it would have , been a , “ pre judging "of the. disoussions. of the forth , coming Congress. • - z The Times writes with .stera severity on , this new trick, of tbe Great:Conjuror,- and is writisag up Garibaldi as the hopeland Cham pion of Italian freedom. This is , to frighten the Emperor into ultimate compliance, and to encourage also the,ltaliar,to rally round a leader worthy of 'their ciuse,:who can lead, them to victory. Lord= Ellenboretigh 'had, last 'week, endorsed Garibaldi; no doubt to thensurprise of his Tory hien& ' The Times• tilde Contrast/ GaribaldVe =labble character with-that of Mazzini, The '' , languake. and the `eulogy are so fine, that you will 'not grudge-the insertioni of so long laneatract: - , The long contest fora Italian independence has produced. no nobler man than Joseph Garibaldi. It *strange how much and for, how longs. time the public opinion , of„Europe, and more especially a:s of England, h been , mistaken'as to the 'charac ter and ability of this remarkable man. For the most, part he was accepted sea kind of melodra matic, hero, fit at best to astonish the gronndlings of London or'Paris at Aitley's or FrancOni's—a kind of Massairiellowithatit lianets; or' "Murat without his horse. He was the ,hero of broad sashes,, vulgar pathos, and. claptrap—the prop 7 erty of the penny novelist and the suburban playwright. By others he was confounded with the Isiefet Voifspirators who have unconsciously done their hest to protract the slavery of their country to a foreign yoke. ' Now, ihere are -no two men in Europe more entirely diasiMilar tban Joseph Mazzini and joseph'Garibaldi.. 'The' elm- Ple,:frank; open hearted soldier—the man, of mid day—has nothing in -commotk -with the gloomy,, dreaming, burrowing., consPirator=the ,man , of midnight. The language of 'Garibaldi 'has id ways` been, wFollow me '—the latigtitige.of Maz zini, Go, and I will scheme for yon.' ;In what contest in which he has borne a, part has not Ga ribaldi stood in'the foremost rank'?itiat con spiracy st.if the many.that Alumni has set on foot .has he.not•dexterously Slipped.his neekqint of the noose and left his victims in -the hands of the 'gaoler and the executioner,? For a time, no doubt, .Gas ibaldi owned the ascendancy of the self-con. .stituted high - priest of Italian Independence, but for many, yeampast she has ,disengaged himself from;the thraldom of ;that impolitic connexion. So strong is the , power.of self-Assertion, so prone, are his fellow creatures to, accept a man at his own 'estimate of himself, that WM norgrent won der ,if Italian patriots, Garibaldi included, gave ; way for a time to the vehenteneecf. Massin lan ideas. But while one,msat -was losing power the other was gaining it. As sailor, is soldier, as Merchant, Garibaldi was going about' the world and '•learning in the wholesome -sehool'ot acituel life the value of -ideas and , of men,- the distinction between thought .and, action. Mucha, on the other hand, had either, shut himself up in some eofitgry lodging in a 'foreign' capital, or was skulking about Brirope under various 'diseases,' and with -.passports made 'out in any .other „name. but his own. So it came to pass.fthat he, degen r: , erated from the, proiniss of his youth and ,early } manhood, and year by year ffarindled down into the proportiontr'of cAnonoinaniaa. ' • He believed in the cloak :of!darknes.s•; Garibaldi, in, manra contest with his fellowimen under the,broad light of day, has ,taught his hand to use the sword of 'sharpness, and we see the result. At the present, moment, the t name of 'Victor Etrimanuel 'apart; Garibaldi is deservedly the foremost man, intim,- contest of . Italians . for independence. So overwhelming, in the long run, is the strength of simplicity of oliaraCter, steadfastness ofpurpose, Of fortitude, end of courage, that , the mere pres ence‘of this patriotic , chieftain acts like a charm uponrhis countrymen. He is the, visible embodi-. meat of their aspirations and hopes. They, know. that lie will not lead them astray ; that he has no selfish purpose of his own to serve'; that, when' he says" the cause of , Italian' independence, is, dearer to,himi than lifnitself, he hasi proved the, truth of his assertion by the devotion of his life.; and,'more than this, that'in' him are found those greatlualities of intelligenee,prudencer and pro fesaional skill without which the .noblest senti ments are of little.avail in the practical affairs of life. If now seems uncertain whether.Eogland will consent to a Congress at all; 130, Prussia and Anemia are likely to refuse also., The Great Spider may fi nd his web suddenly' broken in , piedea. Invasion is still a theme with' 'French writers; and one at least, M. Chevalier, leis the courage to ask his''countrymen *fiat they can gain, by attacking England: ' " It could only ,giire rise to fearful devastationi unlithited eiPenditure, and innumerable hurnin saeriftoes; after which eaeltwouldlre.. sums' the position previously occupied ; neither' 'mete nor less. * *— After - we. have taken-London, We 'may give'ourselv.esk the 'lofty - satisfaction of blowing = up: the bridges ;off that vast :capital ; of , ideliverinv thelflames the docks with the ,:,vast mer-- ChandiXe' they 'contain. But.,:thet ,, ,Englisht .nation would 'exist, neverthelessi with „its t colonies,. its public spirit,, its •industrial and political genius, with #3 ,knowledge, man ners, and imperishable institutions. At the end of fifteen or twenty years, the evil worildbe Made' good;' and ''lihOorning an spired'in turn with implacable ranCor, peg - land would lie in wait, with that energy which is peculiar to herilor An _opportunity , to take a signal vengeance !. Julian, the Apostate, is now presented, covertly, and' inaintiatien, - as 'the 'prate.' type - and parallel of Louis 'Napoleon; and this is in the columns olthe Jesuit Univers' Here a specimen Julian-the Apostate waged war against the Per sians Warder to appear asi great a Warriorns he esteemed himself a great philosopher,..and, to re store the military glory of the Empire aithe same . time that he restored the altars of the falie finds. The ,Pagans were fall of hope—atleagit„sncti of them as did not, think that Julian wts making himielf too ridiculous. One of , these wished to amuse himself with a Christian who seemed to him melancholy. He asked him what the.tion of, the Carpenter (the Redeemer), was, doing at that moment ? The Christian replied, . 6 . He is making a coffin." The editor:thinks that.alLwho are:seeking reforms in the , Papal States, .are only work ing =outtheir own ruin, as they, knowingly contravene the design of. heaven A see and time heJeturns; to " J,uliath",who was, far worse than "Nero." " Julian bad re ceived baptism; he knew how to betiay; in that Aire he was a master." England, of course, is denounced as a great criminal and rebel against Divine an thority= o a,haughty ,and avaricious nation separated from • the Church, and for three centuries its most bitter enemy; she digs and underminee the ground under the Pa pacy,': And so her day of being "'Sung into the ditch," is coming apace.' • in England, Ride Volunteer Clubs •and Regiments, are • daily becoming more popular. • China, in-the meantime, will fill up as ' little space in the Emperor'e programme, and the joint •action of Trench and English forces 'at their .peiho, , etay,the -outburst of the " coming :struggle." Great ,are the.PBEDIOTIONa.'AND TA.TIONS of 4 f-The,,,School of...the trophets,' 7 ,.. Ise 14illeneriane, are called in,' .reoent, . , review, which appeared i . 0 - i l the Times, of :certain works, including Dilator Cumming's •" Great Tribulation." Wife . ther the coffee pondent of .the 'fitness is ,r!ght in conjec turing, that Dr. C. was his own reviewer, as t I think Is bible, , onelfiling , is ea* ts that the yei BF, is fiFeg o on ,tt, ,the true chronological "'termination qf the sixth mil? !emery of the 'World, and' Of the'cinnpletiori of , the " days" of Daniellen'd ' the forty‘;' two' menthe and twelve' h tared and sixty years of the Apocalypse. t re' theleventh millenary begins, Must be' a ; the - eat tribu lation.' I suppose that Most , thoughtful`, 'men expect akood. ,?Bots what,if,.all invited*, help,the,Wasbingtoe ! • enterprise, on ; , acc ount. 01 the . hard , times,,, 'slid not feel able or willing to "fulfill their promise! There . are 'others,* Surely, just ' -,,ready'and to °put' this 'thing' right ; .through, if theylonly knewshoirlittle there. • is, to do, and how easy,,,k is ,to,:do There are,' in the_bourcds_ of.. our Synod, some two or three,..mews.womenthut could • make up a scratch.' of , their, pen. . • , • At the raising,' of the bent of it 'bridge all the hands citivited , t did not :come.- The 'willing ones iound they inot quite, make it go up They,were „tinwilling„to let it fill'hiCk. Se they called ` aloud - for heti,. 'fflhe - nienthait heard 'would 'not . otime i but Awe or three women, said it irinst , go up. They offered their: eervices- It was 'jut , .0311010, •It went• Some men in Rome were, once raising a , column. 'lt was nearly up,:` but Without a new tilijistment their-leakling; they' found they could not secure their object.' TO let go would „not: safeotoistand wOlll4 cusconiplish,nothing, In this , ,ewer,, ientiy a Sailor shouted, wet .tlie ropes No Sooner:Said than done, no sooner Aone :than "up Agent -the' 'column. Who • will' do this , . last service—just wet the roPee? , • One lady said, let ,therebe otteeommoda tions,for eighty more studentein i Allegheny , Seminary, 'and was dCtui. There are otgi ladies in the Veit, just as. wealthy as she'"`lii:the year A. M. 1656, (methinks,) Noihp (thirst:lt almost:ready., for sea,) met .Methusalah ll nowin hie nine hundred, and "sixty ,ninth Year , • who asked, How your greet" enterprise ?" if All right, . but if r had 'an uncollected 'balafine, it would' 'enabliiimeto make =the *Sisset more .iiertainly 'sea worthy.. Some - , , , that• subscribed . have broke lib ; in -these cox:raptBql:l249 have 'died, some have,gone ; 'the „land , of,,Nod iwithont pa,ying.": Wall ? ". said Methuselah, name the amount necessary !Peke up this' deficiency. r hail; fiiiielsohorkiianl-ehall which ,Ctedihaii;graciously given :me,. much,,r . nere I : might have had, • if had 'not made many foolish investments in ,this world of vanity and carnal speculation -Much I have expended' iseleisly on my ehilditiii;iind''dageeildatits , thee , his only pampered their Idleness'( and made them readier, victims ,of this:corrupt, age,- and; more deserving ! of the ,approaching, desola gon::.-1 rejoice that some of n 4, descend ants 'in the of' Ninth - Will ,derite" ban: efit :from the 'Ark. ' I , feeigreitlyinterested' ; in your enterprisei se ,a work of tiled: I will: ',.rejoice to drive the last nail ; or furnish the last, donation, by which. ihe,ehip will float n aloft n and pass securely throngh her-destined career. I rejoice that 1. , can do something, that will Hee heyond the flood, and tell 'whin' I sin dead" V. A. MESBEiS. EDNOIIB :—The following, from, - an article on "Educated ' Labor ," in the North Anterior" Revievi; is so truthful , and • withal so pertinent to a great want .our rural poptilit* that-lam led' nOnetrairfed to take it onto( its comparativelynirrowplace in the Review; and k eemLitton , themiings of , },your ~w idelpoiroultted sheet, dam :the , :. more inolined to .do this, as I am sure Athere are Ithoulande &thong ne who -have no proper tappreobition of the importance of a beautilui ,home. Was)'redently speaking) to' an-, in ,telligent farmer 'on the influence- of good taste:in developing properly-the mind . and ,even , heart of -our children. He listened with much interest, ,and at the close: re marked, " LneVer. thought of , that?' And there t 4are thousands dike him,_ :whdi hive it never thought" of the influence of good taste, in grounds) and: buildings; on r the mind and heart of ehildren. 'or-ouch I • make.thia extiaot,is, .; . HowTehall wef render otri I=o3 mor • .‘ Er=!E== Otti 'Homes., pleasant and attractive ? ' There are many homesteads which are not , homes. Philo eophically speaking, a true home, has an attractive outward seeming, and a luminous inward life. To secure the former, there Must toilsome trehitectural fitness =about` the buildings; and. an exhibition of .good taste in the: grounds., To secure the latter, there Inuit be books, social and intellectual cul ture, and the hallo Wing influence of every Christian virtue.' Human' beings may exist in a 'habitation' whose uncouth, ugliness, concealed by,, no' overihadowing tree or clitabingyine,,;is a pain to the eye. They may accustom , themselves to its shapeless , deformity ; to the rode inconveniences which 4 fraitlessly exhaust their'time and strength; to the iarpiercing fife' of half staved, equeallng brutes,, looking wistfully from hollow•eyes, like animated anatomies of melancholy,' or, wallowing in impassible mud, before the kitchen 'door ; to the star eotheions stenches which exhaled from eon tigttous manureheaps ' do not 4 waste their sweetnese—on. the:, desert air,' , but pour :through; broken 'Windows, checked: by no , inteWeatioii . `Of - hats,' and nentraliied' by no 'filidnlent breath of ,flow ;era..,, Bush-a place is ,not a home, but rather as •>lair for, wild , * - teasts ; and the children which-come forth' front'it will carry its taint wrid4isibiOsm the'grave" ,Again, the writer,says : icA fine looking house, on. the other handilike a looking woman, •cannot but eiert-a *cheerful and elevating influence on a Community., :There - is a renovating poirer intevery object of ;beauty, and .oft worth on *hick 4110 eye lofoiman rests. We, alwais grisatirfto' the likeness and 'catch the spirit of our biktroiindiukt. Our charaotera, like trisaeleons take' their hue from the objects wiA,whiok Pley,oomitin contact," &o. .ll'Areuld like to= copy much more; bat w 0 ,45 I to make' a long tirade, thOse. for Wheee eye it Untended might not read, it. • PeSPlC*ith." breketk,Windows,"' filled with "ithooking.bad i hais," are not ,apt to read iongineirapaper artielen the trouble they areLnot read- newspapers at 'all: '1 simply aelt;, some . 9f "" my country friduds," (being tic*. COuntry: , myeelf,) 'to think of the " shapeless deformity" of their..;build , tugs;u the, " rud'e e inconveniences which fruitle:ssly exhatet their time:and strength ;" esPereially l '" the ilTipiOnible' mud before the Idechen door,":in which are Walking the half-starved,. siluealing bycite;7. and then **member, " We always grow into the like , mess' * 'and'initoh the' ipirly of ottr 'surround; • in& that 41; 'children grew nth; the 'likeness and (Utah „the spirit" :of iverpmuch that we 'See about our homes? =, Ifs not, =then twe mutt .banish '. front' ourltorites•everything that is twly j as theldigne t ine the 'law is fixed .as ; fate =that we do gc grovi.into'the 1 likeness =and -catch ..the- spirit of-our sur roundings." H. • Eli Using. Itp Pitstor's Time. People generally have no idea of menial l'abor. They know it takes some time qty ,x ;;{baps tair - of rahoes, or a`hat, or inoat, or' rc a table, - or,td plow afield, or , to build Ab,An t roptairosiaelpreparoitp-good *mon : . 7 As, pit may: , be preaehed-iri forty or fifty minutee,.. I. they slippage." that it may be prepared-in that' , tithe. When told ' that lome sermene,,hive 41E4 their q authors , a week; 'and even amonth o to, writi , them, they:are amazed =I They , think .a minister las 'hut littleto - do whit-prepares 1914 two sermons week, and preaches , them ; on Sunday tr And they have - no sympathy, milk the ister: says," lam not:prepared," when called, to :preach .on a sudden emergency. , They' know . 111 'about 'physieal labor, , nothing about mental They know some -thing,about. raierng heat:* - weight, bit they Inow nothing about, theconstruction of iin.argnmerit, or-the refutation of it.pop ular or plausible' error; "or-the plaoingof a controverted frith in a light whioh Con vinCee,all; In fine, the.multitude late :no. =conception': o€, mental labor; .and hence people...sre4o reckless •as to the squandering - of the time of their minister! There aree many who plea more value.,, on 'hie time than . ,they do op that of a ehimbermaid. They:must be visited daily , when. sick ;> they , must !swell the pomp of , faieralsthree, 'four; 01-more—ate anyihour of the day ; they must ride miles to the ,cemetery,; they must render lectures and eveningparties.respectable by their:presenee; they must attend • school > examinations, and' be directors in -all. kinds ' of associations for -mail and Benevolent purpciees. And sonic they are. txpeoted to •be memberi of clamorous conventions of all, kinds of re forms ; and if they decline, they are , detionnied by reverend agents and !meta,- ries, who take these reforms for a living, SA other people do to peddle razor-strops or patent medicines,,as dumb dogs-that cannot bark. =- Indeed; 4.f pastors . should yield• to all the &Man& made on - their time 'by un. reasonable' people, they2itatild, hate no time •dor. the great wOrk of the ;ministry. ..Bler .chants, and bankers, and',lawyers,< and mechanics. .have theie ~daily hours for ,business ; none think of interrupting 'them during„t heap hoe:re; if any do , , they are told to, call l "again.. And why should not .ministers •bet.left to their regular hours, and =to 'the . improvement of. their time ? Why should' parish loungers , come to their study inthe,moreinga:t - nine • o'clook, • end, as they,* going away at . twelte, apologize ' for, the intrusion by saying, "I:hope .I have !not interrupted you ?" It•requireei timeato timedo.anything and if a people desire a 'postai to he a workman 'of whom :they need not be ashamed they - Must• spare. time. If he= does not . im prove it. himself;: they should. kindly request slim to do Co: An idle minister can never tie 'Otter thin a ,ROoi pastor and preacher.. Idleness in the ministry ehould be treated ,as an 'immorality. An idle mind is the devil's .atorkship, irrespective of ~ positions, and trades professions, For reasons already ' given, in these pages, it is emphatically so in the.nainietry:, But when a congregation has.ia pastor disposed, to make the best possible, use of his time, they should en- courage and 'enable -him so to dooind be eparipg of it as 'he himself desires to be ; and when he . is in want` of imolai to make , the best :,• possible , use of it, they should, be promptly and generously , supplied. Bend forirhat books= you want . / and have them f ohi!ged and make the best use ,Of ~ thew," ',said wealthy. parishioner : to a young• minister off talents and industry on histsettlement. That..one mot. made 'him's , benefactor Of the-world, as it' enabled that' young minister to enter on a course of study: whose results are known•and read of all men. Ordinarily, the mornings of every -day should , be left undisturbed to the pastor. Calls, funerati, all parochial dutiek should be in the 'liftman. There eboaldbei: OOTlptl, law ,, admitting;sif neeessary; excep tions,. on this matter. Some Tasters look , themselves'. up in the , morning; , some Isee tholle.who'call"with,lien: in hand or 'behind their Cat ;',Cilme,hawg,„o,.offird'od their do iditAki-iente. - nce 19. 11 .114 i t Be ibrir , for Philadelphia, South West Corner of Seventh and Chestnut ~treets Sy 'Lan, st .the OS* 111.50 .per , f r, t sz x nosplo ns Delivered tithe City,• OM? • .• • • liill WHOLE!! NO.: 877 the, •admonition of intruders, bub we like the honest plansof Dr. Green, who admitted everybody that - called, never asked them to' sit down, asked them what they wanted, and thermoment the business was ended, gently,. waved his hand toward the door, saying, "I am just now occupied." This'. we consider an example Worthy of imitation. , , If .a peoplevrill not duly regard the time of pastors, they should take. its protection into their own hands. This:may not satisfy the persons that like their, min ister to be " sociable;' that is, to spend his afternoons in visitingund,tealinking; but its benefits will be apparent to all in his preparations' for the pulpit, and in' the fuss online energy with which he performs his duties. ; There cannot be a doubt ; but that , the want ,of emphasis in the ministry of many rural parishes is owing to the way in which the people fritter away the time of their pastors for no 'purpose, or drive them from their studies penuriousness, 'to supplement an inadequate salary by. some weuidly:..employment:-.Niiche/us Amy% in the ./V - . .observer. "The Offence of the Cross ceasing." Leave, out the holy charaoter of. God, the holy excellence of his law, the holy con demnation to which transgressors are doomed, the holy lovelinesi of the Saviour's Antis ter the hoYnatureof redemption; the holY tendency'of Christ's doctrine, and 'the.holy ' tempers and candied of all true believers; then dress up a scheme of religion of this unholy 'sort; ,represent mankind as in a piti able condition, rather through misfortune than by crime; speak much of Christ's bleeding love to them, of his 'agonies in'the garden and on the cross, without elbowing , the need or the nature of the satisfaction for sin; speak of hie preempt glory, and of his compassion for pairilinners, of the freeness with' Which he dispenses pardons; of 'the privileges Which helievereenjoyhere, and - of the *wetness and glory reserved for , .them .; hereafter; clog this with nothing about.ie generation and sanctification, or represent . holiness as soniewhat else thin confoimity to the holy eharacter and law of God ; and you make up a plausible Gospel, calculated to humor,,thepdde, soothe the consciences, engage the hearts, and raise the affections of natural men, who love nobody , . but , there selves. ' Aed no wonder if this Gospel (which has - nothing in it affronting, offen sive, or, unpalatable, bit is perfectly suited to the, carnal,,unhumbled sinner,• and helps him to quiet his conscience, dismiss Irie l fears,.; and encourage his hope) incur no eppoei. 7 , Hen •amang ignorant persorni who inqdire not into , the Makin of things; meet with it hearty welcome; and , make mumbersuf. sure. I poeed converts,• who live and die as. fulltasr they can hold of joy and : 43enfidenes, out any fears or conflict& Its success Per haps _may cause it to he cried up as "the „ Only , --wa, r lof preaehing for isefilnesi;" While all discourse concerning the being, authority r and.perfectionslof God ;'concern ing the, law ;; eoncerning the evil of sin ; rind T concerning ;relative duties; is considered, : as • only " hmdering usefulness ;"und they only are thought 'CO pliich the Goalie' iksiirCli.; thie• (Manner; ntrygtrAttewandenrifi.tavlteni; ell ethe 'Offensive; part; is left-out, the tGospelqtitiAl no offence? What ' wonder if, whew-Hain made imitibleto carnalminds, fall inloVe with it ? What wonder lf, when it 'is evidently - calculated to fill the wire newel mind. with :false confidence and , joy, it: as , this.effect ? What "• wonder if,• when thetrne character c Goa is unknown, and a fable charaeter a l him is framed ; in the falley 7 ,—a„ God, all `love .and no justice, , very load of sack believers as his favorites; they have , very warm affections toward hint? What wonder if, when these persons are of one mind, and ithitire and excel each , other sus the only fa:kirk:es of heaven, they seem to 'be full of love to one. another? It is not Christ's holy image in them, that they love, but their ownliilike'; itid - agibi I observe, gaialet: The doctrines of the Gospel would give no offence except to a few deep thinkers, were it not that, when Firmly stated, they imply the affronting truth, that every per won, by sinning against a holy God, and breaking a righteous law, is justly deserving of eternal damnation, be his character in society ever so moral ,and respectable; and that we "ire 'all Collated and abominable, contrary to 13-oa, and loathsome through sin. Suppress this repretreitation, and there is nothing iffroiiiing in any remaining •doo trine, or offensive to any person, save to the reasoner,. who, seeing so much done without any adequate cause ' may scornfully exclaim, Ora bone The balk of mankind, how .ever, belong not 0 4 the reasoning class, and will ever` bereidy to adopt any sentiments their teacher may inculcate, which do . not alarrwtheir fears, , affront their pride, or call them to mortify their lusts; niuehAnore such as quiet their fears, soothe their pride, leave their corruptions, untouched, and find thein an 'excuse' for not Subduing them. Arid,`though an' outward reformatiew'may genitally be necessary; yet for the sake' f a quiet conscience, sanguine hopes, and self complacency, iveall know .how far men will proceed iWthisway.. I would not give needless offence. Let this matter be weighed according to its importance. • i Let the , Word of God )be et:- wammed impartially. I cannot but: avow :my fears that Satan has propagated much of this false religion, among, many widely different classes of religions Cr'efeisors ; and it shines em.brightly in the eyes of numbers; who " take all for gold. that glitters," that, unless the fallacy be detected, it bids fair to be the prevailing religion in many ,plaees.. , So far, however, 41 can judge, no persons in the world express' more acrimony against than sort of religion which strips the sinner of every plea, leaves • him self condemned and, selfleathing, as a transgressor of,. a righteous law, and a rebel against a holy God, it the footstool of sovereign grace ;' which .shoWs the sinner the abriolutelneed there was of the death of Christ, the veal , nature of his satisfaction, the necessity uf 'total change of heart and life; and demon strates that all true converts love the holy character and law of God, and are sincerely holy in all manner of conversation; no persons, I• say, are more viralentlaters, and ,:more: resolute opposers, of .these views of preligioe, than those who are so full, of the other affections, and of that sort of religion Above 'cleaeribed; which '-too plainly shows how . things' are . t With them.--)r. Thomas Scott. Poi&lotion of Egypt. Aletter from Alassandria, of the 17th of May; says`.: -I‘ The census of the population of ,Egypt taken by order of the Viceroy on the French: method, has just been completed, and gives the following result : The popnla tionl;Whinh in 170 was 2,500,000', amount ;,ed,in 18171 c 3;700,000, in 1847 to 4,250,- 400, and is now 5,125,000. The inhabit ants -,of Alexandria, which in 1798,,1kn1y amonitted in number to 30,000, had Iniiiiided in 1817 to 580,000, and are now near 4001000."