Presbyterian banner & advocate. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1855-1860, November 26, 1859, Image 1

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PreariptiorisseAdvaistAlt Axil, le o ,5
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From our London VOrrespondent.
War Between Spain and Iflforocoo—The Imperial
Plot — The C"reall — the ' Ultimate Overthrow of
the Papacy—Haired of linglanci—Question of
j/21)1810S--Johts ifitaltaid.=:-Young Ireland and the
Priests—An Irish Garrison for Rome—The
Pope's 41 Got4en ,Spur P P Defender—Cardinal
Rieman—The Irish Nationat Board and the
Prelates,— Garibctidea Proclamation to the Nea•
politatte—Weriiis and Storms—Wreck of the
"Royal Charter"—Premature Winter—The Irish
Awakening—Falsehoods of the Press—Conference
in London . --A Sabbath Day at. Woolwich—Revi
va; .1944—Funeral Sermons,for Professor Wil.
LONDON, 9s. 28th, 1859
. ,
'SPAIN AND RlORoooo a r e a bout: to come
Into collision. The French Emperor has
urged the former to declare • war, has prom
' ised to lend- as much money ' '
,as is wanted,
and is managing to get up a war against the
Moorish tribes on the, Algerian frontier,
thus cooperating with Spain. It is sus
pected that under this lies a deep and treach
erous French polioy. Some said that Spain
would thug endeavor to have* territory right
opposite the Straits of Gibraltar ant Lits own ,
town of Algeciras and the neighborhood—
both sides of the Straits in posseseion—thus
making it possible to interrupt English corn
unioatiors with Gibraltar and the Medi
terranean. Few there are that don't believe
that the Mediterranean is in the Emperor's
programme, as yet to become, if not "a
Frenoh lake," yet to have larger relations
toward France than now. Malta, he has
ere now told the Duke of Newcastle, should
have been ceded to France in the fiettlement
of 1815, by the Congress of the Great
Powers. But for the present, France is ,
being Spain for its purposes—preparing it for
future aid, and giving employment to a part
of the army which does not want rest. She
has failed in Coohin China; it is likely the
!French, decimated by discos, ' will return
'altogether. And so as to Morocco. It is
barren, and will be usfelese to any European
;possessor, and subjugation is not in the Im
perial scheme.
6 But," says the Times, " the subjection
Spain to French- influence,, and the tor-
Lion of a system in which France is the
ief, and Spain, Piedmont, the Papal
.tee, and Naples, are the dependants, de
ans the attention of every politician
long us." The funds are drooping some-
Let on aocount of the declaration by Spain,
war against Morocco. The fanaticism of
,e Spaniards is stirred up in common with
ie ancient strifes between their ancestors
the Moors. Spain is not quite ready.
is possible, but not likely, that peace may
ill be preserved.
ME CONGRESS of the--Powers" is still,
` , ,ed of, but it remains to be seen whether
•d• J Russel will go into it at all.. Ger
dy England does not, like Congresses.
evils have thereby beetrinilioted on the ,
sae of liberty in Europe.
If there were not an arriere pewee in the,
rd and purport° of Napoleon 111, there
rld be no need of a Congress..- It his
sn well said by one of our weekly papers,
iferring to the "'health- ' of Italy "-as .ati the
tubjeot "of the Congress,)- 4 ‘ The French
jtor, •who originally took-the ..patient up, ,
to have . alb- them-beet.-4dtrice....of Attrepty,
it so. Only, let Greab-Britain make it
11 understood, in the first instammewhat
It may be expected from her, so that there
be as little disappointment as possible;
•and-by. Whatever she does is carefully
And, and counter plotted against by her
ighbor and ally, who, having triumphed
5r Austria, suodissively finds in Great
itain, the only power of which to be really
lous. Thusit,cerFlDOlM did.iwe' send, the
ler day, our squadron, to, watch Spain's
iceedingesat Gibraltar; thaw ther-Toulona
sdron.sailed in the same _direction p as a
sve in responeer 4 r
PAOY by Louis Napoleon, may, it is be
red by the• most 'astute observers,-be eon
intly reckoned-on. 'The bold answer to
i addrestrof the 33ishorof Bordeaux;--sig-.
icantly recommending moderation to the
Inch, , has been followed up by a fresh
laming " to the Univers, the Jesuit organ,
what is still more daring, by an abso
oe injunction to all the journals not to pub-,
_ any pastoral whatever', which comes from-
French prelate.
As for his threat to withdraw -his garrison
Rome, it is not believed he seriously
ins this. On the contrary, the- 'opinion
innfidently expressed, that he aims ulti
tely at garrisoning - both Ancona and Bo
la, as well as Rome: • His uncle's pro
ime is always before - him, and part 'of
was—as actually realized—the Annexe,
of the States of the -Church to the
nob Empire.
'he hatred of England on the part of the
Ash partizans, both at home and abroad,
;eases hourly. The traitors in England,
eluding" Cursing Cullen " and a few mad
young Icelanders," would be delighted to
• a French army land in Ireland. The
iy qualms the Popish priests hate, wolild
those arising from their necks being in
I ger, supposing that' thirFrenoh were beat
back, and their own treason discovered.
gentry sometimes overreach them
:l3 Lord Derby, who has threatened to
it the tenantry on one of him Irish estates,
refuse to unmask a murderer in their
let, is denounced by a young Reinder
i has set up a paper at Limerick) . "on his,
irn from America, He tells his Lord.
i that if he does not yield, Marshall Mao.
ion, (of Irish descent,) the ,hero of the
;alto, may be over ere long. More than
the Zouavee are talking of a campaign.
England nextyear. Whenever Napoleon
":es the attempt, if he make it at all, it
11 be feline in its stealthiness. A humili
ion to England, followed by a safe embark
an of his troops, would be his plan. To
ipy the country, he 'would not attempt.
to exact £lOO,OOO as a ,ransom for
lon, would be glorious 1
is curious to mark, in railway carriages
in drawing rooms, among military men
A civilians, the different ideas held on the
ibability of invasion'. Thus a legal gen
san tells me that be hardly thinki Bona
'te would attempt it—he knows England
well for that. He dwelle on the hedge:
1, behind which the militia and pearl
y could use the rifle. I shook his prig. ,
somewhat, by Baying that if an enemy
led to the extent of one hundred thou.
Id men, they could maslc any force hastily
fleeted, and morph upon London.
Military men and' naval officers are ens
slims. A fight at sea- is not feared as to
issues; but suppose a Channel fleet out
the way, or suddenlyidiverted toward. the.
Itio by Russian. 'shim then a bold -dash
;ht be made on the English coast. The
dyers thus speaks out theleelings of the
suits :
The English people no longer,. entertain ilia.
ins as to the inviolability of their territory;
3 fear of an invasion disquiets end troubles
em. That does us great !oner. Their
tesinen do not succeed br ' re-assaring
1, and do not re.sasure themialveis. This,
it would appear, is a favorable me.
it for their inaugurating a more,,coneilia
, and more upright policy. , WhiS,n force
lines, pride should be lowered. Englnd has
Lined her apogee. ' Sheembrayik,,,tal:the
Id by her commerce and heir diPlo44i
America and Asia speak her. language. Two
events' are about to climb:Usk her brilliant for
tune; and, by a peculiar disposition of Provi
dence, these events are created by industrial pro
gress. On the one - hand, railways will annul the
transports by sea, and, when extended to all
Asia, will displace the commercial . equilibrium of
nations ; and, on the , other, the development of.
artillery changes the conditions of war, •and -ren
ders the maritime genius .of England compara
tively impuiseant.
John Mitchell is now in Paris, and,sends
fiery articles. to a young Ireland paper, in one
of which he wishes,to know, whether when
Louis Napoleon lands with ;wo hundred and
fifty .two thousand men, the 'people -are- pre--
pared to follow him across the Channel to Eng
land ? The priests hate Mitchel and all his
class, and would prefer theßritish regime to
a Young Ireland• Republic'. Meanwhile Cul
len and his organs- are raving about„raising4
an Irish, garrison : for the, city of Ronn,.so
as to.protect` and defend the Holy Father,
as soon as the French shall ~have retired.
"It would be strange, indeed," says the
Dundalk Democrat, " if we could not mus
ter twenty thousand who would enlist.under
the banner of Pius IX. The Catholics ,of
Europe and America could easily raise 4100,-
000 a year to sustain the army of Rome."
This is mere fustian, and= yet it shows,:;
what- is uppermost in the priestly.roind,of
Ireland. Mr. Maguire, M. P. for. Danger
van, who has,been , made a " Knight of the
(lolden-Spurs)" and. moreover has received
special presents , from the Pope, continues to
lament .over;-'. the anxieties.. which, harass,'
and, the griefs which afflict the soul" of the
Holy Father, and in the face of fi infamous
lies," he proclaims afresh his conviction that
the temporal rule of the -Pope- "-is wise,
just, merciful, paternal," (Perugisc be wit
ness!) " and suited to the genius of 'the
people !" It is ouriorm surely that the pen
ple of .the Statesvof the Church are Bo; very. •
slow tolnd out this for themselves. It is
-announced-Oat Cardinal Wiseman., is: ex
pected in Rome next month, Hie.,Kmi,
nenoe will find things not •very comfortable
The Irish Popish prelates are threatening
to shut .up, by withdrawment of the chil
dren, all the National Schools hitherto tol.
(mate by them. The Government, backed
by the country, will stand .firm.•
GARIBALDI ham issued a ,Droclamation to
the Neapolitans, of a highly , inflammatory
character. The King of Naples is in peril ;
if be,,in his bigoted zeal for the cause of
the Pope, sends troops across the fron
tier, it is almost certain that there will be an
immediate insurrection.
WINTER,, ;are 64 the order" a -401 i t, and
cc day," at
) present. It is veo.l - curious,
certainly, to mark flashed of lightning on a
clear,frosty night, and to hear of meteors
in ifferent places, of extraordinary bril..
honey,' one of which had ,a nucleus larger
than , Jupiter:. As to storms, we have .had
frightful weather this week. One. poor
woman, in London lost her life by being ,
blown into one of the cinali; others . were
dingerensly Irminded by the falling of tiles,
&e In the Channel, as well as on thi
,North s tiifeberfand bond, there were gait'
Oharter, from• Australia,;: off" the Weir':
Coast, with loss of life• to the :frightful ex
tent of -four hundred and fifty-nine persona.
Only thirty-nine &leaped. There ,waa4rom
£500,000 to XBOO,OOO on board. Some of
the specie may be restored, but the lost
lives, never I A clergyman of the Church
of Englandrwho bad:been greatly =beloved
by the passengers, ,was,-praying with the
cabin passengers just before he, and all of
them, were ,e.ngthphed t ,
As to cold and heat, the:variations of this:
month have obvered fifty : degrees I At one
time we- had heat at eighty degrees, and.
last week:a sudden secession-of cold brought:
the • thermometer at night to twenty degrees.
The coal merchants and the Woolen drapers
like an early Winter, but it is very trying on
the.ifiek, and hurries to the grave many a
consumptive patient.. Among these have
been the Earl of . Waldegrave and the Earl
of 'Jersey. The bitter was the era) in'law of
the late -Sir Robert Peel; the other was
long , an officer of the Navy. He was a
warm friend of Evangelical religion;= and I
have seen' him in the Chair 'of a Ragged
School meeting, The poor are now suffer
ing; specially the wives and families of those
out on "-strike'The oonflict between
themaasters and men, in the building trade,
stilt-continues, and-is attended with great
posing spectacle. It passed through one of
the Rqyal Parks to Westminster Abbey, and
there' his ashes,,were laid side-by side with
those of Telford, a famous engineer, in the
presence, - of a crowd .of illustrious. men.
He `was exceedingly benevolent •and gener
ous.. He 'had some iympatbies, also, with
religion, as he leaves bequests to the Chris
tian. Knowledge: and the Curates' Aid Socie
ties—both of which, however, .are• mainly
under the , direotion- of High Churchmen.
A monument to-Stephenson is to be erected
in the Abbey. It is probable it will be a
joint,monument to father and eon, and that
the ashes of the former. will be brought to
Westminster also.
Thu IRISH AWAKENING is still going ont
with power: There: is very little excite
merit, and few physical agitations. The'-
London Press- has, with happy, exceptions,'
anted ,a very base part toward this utove
went. The Times " boxed the compass"
in an -article which showed its anxiety not
to commit itself, but which was full of
falsehoods as to matters of fact, and Of
blunders as rto theology. It also has the
baseness to refuse letters—correcting the
false "statistics," copied from the in
famous Northern Whig. C , indeed,
(Dr. Otimming,) comes- out ,once in ten
days, with an olla.podrida of other men's
stuff;" but when the Rev. Wm. Arthur
and myself (both Ulster men,) send letters
containing social statistics of the Revival
they are suppressed-I
The Daily News, however, has come out.
nobly in defence not only- of the- social
effects of the movement, but of its spiritual
fruits; arguing that the latter are not to be
classed with fanatical delusions, but, if the
Revelation of God is admitted;- , stndqeyen ,
the teaching •and prayers of the English
Church' are to be interpreted rightly,
cats what must be regarded as Divine.
A Conference was held last evening, at
the house of the Hon. and Rev. B. W.
-Noel, in Westbourne Terrice, Hyde Park.
There were present olergy n and ! laymed of
the Church of Eogland,..including Robert
- Hanbury, Esq , M. P., and the Hon. A.
Sinnaird, M. P. A number of Noncon
formist'gentlemen were also present. State
ments were made as to the Revisal in
Ireland, by parties who hid recently visited°
Ulster,lneittding the Rev. Mr. Bickersteth,
of Hampstead, (nephew Of thwlatelgdward ,
Bickersteth, and of a kindred spirit,) the
Rev. William Chalmers, and' myself. Mr.
Noel had himself also been in Ireland. It
was under consideration , whether. twenty
miniatere, of 'different Evangelical , denom.d
inftionei should:ll'ot be invited to doznis to
London for a fortnight, address congrega
time in various centres -of ,districts, and
speak at Exeter Hall-t-laymen to accompany
them.. Mr. Noel strongly approved of this-;
we need•something of the kind to ,give aeon,
rate information, and to , rouse the metropolis;
but nothing was settled. It is amazing_
what ignorance and prejudice still .prevail.
A little. Anti•frish feeling showed itself in
one or two, persona; but it 'Was courteously,
yet firmly, rebuked by Mr. Noel, who
hinted thit Irish ministers could preach
sermons, not—like some London men--
ing reminiscences. I. went thither for last
Lord's day, services,, while . Mr. Thompson
was-engaged preaching annual sermons, at
Rochester and Chatham. , This gentleman
has greatlY endeared hiruself,'• for Many
years, to the soldiers of the Presbyterian
family - who have been in garrison at Wool
wich, ,as well as to pious officers both of the
English and Scottish Churches. Ere now
he has had in his house, at stated , weekly
" Reading's '„' of the Holy Scripture, young
men (like Anstruther, who fell at the , Alma,)
whoiwentefortlito die for their country.
There 4 is a blessed. , movement in
operation; in the l>garrison •at Woolwich.
There is ,a goodly number , of officers , of the
Royal:Artillery, and, of other- corps, who,
with m
.their families, eet, meekly or the
reading of Scripture, at the , house: of Mr.
Hare, the Episcopal Chaplaip—a` man of
the most catholic spirit, and with whom Mr.
Thompson is on terms of the' most brotherly
intimacy. In addition to -this, a regular
weekly prayer-meeting has been inaugurated,
in connexion with the-garrison. , = Here is a
copy ofthe,printed announcement and sum
mons to prayer, to which many respond . : .
WOOLWICH GARRISOIL—If the Lord will, com
mencing on Monday, October 10th, 1869,. it is
proposed to hold a meeting, every evening, (Sun
day excepted,) from half past seven to, half-past
eight, in the ,Royal Artillery Regimental. School,
Green Hill, Woolwich, for united prayer. All
officers, non-commissioned officers, soldiers, their
wives,, families, and friends, are most earnestly
invited to come and join in prayer to Almighty
God :
. throngh our blessed Lord and Saviour, Jesus
Christ, 'for, the outpouring of the Holy Spirit
upon,the army and, navy ; and espeoially upon
the garrison of Woolwich. "Men ought always
to pray."—Luke xviii : L " Thep shalt thou
call, and the Lord shall answer;,.thou shalt
cry, and he shall say, 'Here I am."—lsalah
lviii : 9. " Then those that feared the Lord,
spoke often one to another, and, the. Lord heark
ened and heard it.'!—Mal. iii: 16. "Him.that
conteth to me, Twill in no wise cast out."—John
vi ; 87.
In the above schoolroom officiated last
Sabbath morning„(Mr. Thompson'is church.
being closed for repairs,) and preached to
a most quiet and orderly congregation, en.
tirely composed of Presbyterian Edifiers,
chiefly -of the 'Artillery force with four
(quirk , They oined in the sing.
big. When they rose or sat down, the clato
ter ofAtheir , ewords:;was a 'new sound < Yet
was.suggestive of future perils, AS well as.
of presenttemptations. Thank Go& I among
them. was -a goodly number who, had -en
listed under Christ's banners, and - who .are
the _leaven - . -their, respective— .regi natmte..
It was_natural,,, in speaking to such,„tin.
a' '4 l erella * "intfgailt'-: '
faith of,the,p lii ircli of their...fathers, and.on
the lessons of Presbyterian homes. •
Om*, the young people and boys em
ploYeViit" the Arsenal, there has been a
decidea'iiiiinifeetation of 'spiritual life. Capt.
Orr, of the Royal Artillery, takes , uncommon
pains with boys, and sees undoubted fruits
already to his , prayerful toils.
On the evening of the _Lord's day,.. I ad
'dressed a large congregation; giving, in.
connexion:,,with-othe. •discourse,t facts and.
illustrative=.-of . the , reality -and
, extent?of ,the Ulster Awakening.... We had
venerable military , officers - , among. the con
gregatione .1 always-find .that• a statement
of facts from one who knows, withoi-refuta
don, of < statistios, settles , on all
holiest minds, the question ,as to the Divine
source<of the movement.. Since my return
from Ireland, I have received a large- num,
ber of most valuable, communications from
clergy,. and laity, bringing, up -accounts of
results, to a recent date. These, are daily
increasing, and. I hope to embody the sub.
stance of them in a work,. on which, at the
reqUest of a London Publishing House, -I
am now occupied.
FUNERAL SERMONS have been preached
at Belfast ) in connexion with the , lainented
death of Professor Wile* -by the Rev.
Robert Knox, -and the Rev; Dr. Cooke.
The litter tlins. spoke of the departed:
Had he, as one accustomed to 'form estimates
of human life, been called upon to say what was
an insurable life, he would have' said his
departed brother was one on whom- he could
well reckon for three„ score- years or four
score years; first, because he was a sped
men -of long life -in .himself, 'of a quiet turn
of mind, not easily , disturbed, a healthy frame,
of regular habits of life, and then one whose an—
cestors had attained to great tign; and he would,
have said, " There is a life on which pia might
trust thousands." God had, hoivever, put to
nought all human- calculations. He had ignored
all their probabilities, and in the midst of lifg
and health behad called away their brother from
amongst:them. Was. not that to them, to him
especially, who was more intimately connected
with him that was gone,. a
. great warning, and a
leason on the uncertainty of.huntan life? He
would look at his departed brother as one whom
God had furnished with great talents—a marvelous
memory, marvelous ,application, -and marvelous
equanimity of mind. Study was his pleasure,
reading a lovely exercise, thinking his glCry,
and communication of what he had learned his
continual ' employnient. -None that knew him
would have otherwise. estimated , but that he
would, rise higher and higher in the walks of
literature, and that he would have left behind
him works that would have led posterity to say
of him; " This was a man of God:" One of his
great characteristics was his remarkable imper
turbability of mind. It was Ailte a lovely sea,
whose surface was unruffled and smooth; no
storm there, no ripple there—all composure there.
The-stars shone down upon it, and were reflected--
upon.the smooth, surface below. To him per-,
eonally the loss of his departed brother's society
would be deeply felt. Ordinarily four days in
the week 'they - met together'- for half an hour
each day in the college, awaiting the , time for
each to go into his , respective class, and during
those sweet intervals Dr. Wilson loved .to speak
of something new he had heard, or read, or.
thought; and he (Dr. Cooke) could mention it
as a peculiar. fact that in these half hours he
eeldourwent away , without. Dr. Wilson communi--
eating some new thing. His great characteristic
was, communicativeness—apt to learn, apt to
communicate.- In those sweet half-hours he had
acquired a mass of information - from Dr. Wilson,
which he again desired to communicate , to: -the
people committed to his charge. He was gone now
—a solemn lesson to those who were left behind.
He (Dr. Cooke) received a letter from - , a -brother
minister telling him about a meeting that was' to
beheld, and the :writer placed at the end simply
the word " Wilson," but that was quite enough;
it spoke a great dial to his heart. What itleeson
to him i Dr. Wilson was called away a young
man compared with, him. He promised to be an
honor to any Church. He was- a Bide-bag light in ,
their own, But it bad pleased God to extinguish
that light, and:he kitevr best. SurelY, it was a,
warning to them to pray, " Lord mike me know
mine end, and the Measure if my, days, what it
is, that may,know-how frail am." "So teach.:
us to number our days that we may . ,apply our,
hearts unto wisdom."
No .successor.. bas .yet been appointed
to the Asserobly's ,phair of Biblical Criti.
nista. There„ An
be any; candidates
the field.
The'XeralTrover! of the A . tgary.k
. •
Nor do we 4 t,a i rlious as
are the means by which the 1g rid is con
verted 'to God, and beautiful) c 4
as they are, the pivot on Whic 'the . ma- ,
china) , rests, the main shaft thatlibpels it,
its motive power, is the fire or `liia's altars:
To this hallowed spot the CI
and the Church triumphanta twith hope;
and lere .-from= under ' , the ttuary ..the
waters issue fthat give ,life to ' world.
The very, walls of the . sap& monir, ,
tors, and the entrance in at as reads.
the lesson, "This is the,... .ve in
it." .:.There is no safer,patl there a
, a more effective repulse to,ti )1. than,
to say to him, I am, going. use of
I love to look at the ,san,
'tired villtioe or the ciowc
bold foregrinind of the At
of the distant landscape. Ii
'yard, Where " the vine flor
tender grapes appear," ,
`consecrated walls is "
-the plants of
deep; are gathering their
The beauties of holiness al
immortality are there. Yet
at such a scene, and to say,
it,. " How -goodly air, thy
and thy tabernaeles,•o•lsrat
- are they spread .fortli),as‘
,river s.side •'
as the trees
the Lord Lath plantedy
beside the watero, Thi
blushingdnorn fade in oc
garden of God, sparkling.
Voliness, and _fragrant wi
fUnde. Bohan languished
of Lebanon languisheth ;
`Withers—its leaf is green ;
of drought. Glorious be'
foretelling pen of prophet
destines of the sanctuary
and enjoy; glorious to be
eons of darkness and des]
to look, for. When that
then will be the,jubilee of
ingathering of the great
have come when the 4 '
overtake, the treader,
grapesi.him that soweth,
loins drop down sweet wi
.melt."—.Dr. Spring.
Still as of old thy prem
Is by, the nations dimly
The hearts its holinesP
Are weak ar
Wise men the secret ,
Still, in thy temple,
Good. Eli ; oh !, like
Lord, here
. -
Few years, no Wig&
Only my life caul lay.
Only my heart; ;Lord,-
bring ,
And taaith oadlearts4b kitorthirmorth: ,
Lord, here arn4l:.
The messenger, all loving One,
The errands of thy truth to run,
The wisdom of thy holy Son
To teach and live I
No purse or scrip, no staff, or suord—
Be pure intent my - wings, ,O,Lord I
Lord, here am. I I
Yountlips , may teaoh the wise, - Christsaid;
The weak the wanderer home have led ;
Small handslave cheered the,mok one's bed
With freshest-Rowers.
Yet teach me,..Father, lead: thfir sighs,.
While many a soul in darkness lies, ~.
Iraits,ths meansge ; make, mew* t
Lord, here am I I ,
And make me strong; that, staff, and stay,
And guide, and guardian ' of the • way, •
To thet-ward I may bear, each day, -
Some pricions sett.
"Speak, for I hear!" make "pure in heart,"
Thy face to El e e tiwthl impart;
In but and hall in church and_ .mart.
Lord here am I!
as 4 ne heeren .earthibe thine,
Nor glory-crown; while' work of mine
Remelneth' here ; 'when earth shall shine ,
Among the stars, - -
Her sins wipedzoUt; her captives free,-
Her voice a Music unto.thee,
Her crown, new work, give thou to ;
Lord, here am,ll - ,
—Religious Magazine.
For the Presbyterian Banner;and Advocate., , ;
'Election a Fact.
MESSRS. Enrroas.:--- ; Theras is • alwayso
something gained•,ty • meeting. ; a question,
boldly, face-to face,. We: speculate emueb.,
* about election. , We epepAne theories, and:.
explanations. Now, is it not the ease r .that.
election, s a fact,. not a doctrine. , Some 7 _
thing that is, not somethibeionght !"
we get rid of it Does it not meet: in . is,
boldly as any other fact in history ? The
principal objection to the doctrine' is
" favoritism." Now, can we get rid of
anal Is not this " favoritism," as you
call it, a fact ? Do-we not see it in all his
tory ? One manAiffers.- from ‘another, , and
one nation. from - -another:, One man-xis
gloriously endowed,with.zenine,
and heart. Another poorly endowed. One
nation is planted, in the e very, garden...of
plenty and privilege. Another is deprived
of almost ,everything. Now,, why, is this ? .
Who makes them to differ?. Is God's hand
in it or not? Some whoobject to apersonal
eleotion, will admit a national. Bat
,does that help the matter? When:l draw
a bucket full of water I draw drops of water.
When God bestows favors on a Marion,
be' bestows them on the men who make up
the nation. When he rejects a nation,
does 'he not reject the men who compose
the nation When God revealed'' himself
to Is'rael, he revealed himself to the men of
Israel, this man and that man. When he
rejected the heathen nations, did:he•not'le
leot heathen men, this wan and. that man !
But why choose ,one,nations,ratber ? than,
another?, Is there, not, here, that,e, favor,
itism?'-‘of : which. mei:l,4o;l2o4'l4 A V : Can we
get, rid of it? And whe u jndeed, to
teach. God how, to beemere,lde fame among
the ,nations ?
Bat personal election. Can you rid
yourself of that? Is it not a fact? You
cannot escape it on any theory. Even. the
Unitarian, who denounces Calvinism, ,from
morning to night, teaches the doctrine of
election as plainly as Calvin. ever, did., lie
says, "each'.min's nature is his original en:
dowment of , God." That is : Whatever
nature you have, - God gave,it you. What
ever nature I. have, God gave it me. Now,
What follows from this T "'Simply, God gave
you a nature, gentle, pliant, mild, that
bends , to the sweet influence of the Gospel,
as, the reed , bends to the wind. While tome,
he gave a nature, stern,,stiff, iron•hearted,
that stands up like a stubborn oak, whether
the sun shines on it, or the storm beats it.
He chose you to endow with a nature that
yields, of itself, to the Gospel. He chose
me, to endow with a nature r which resists
that: tiospel• to' the death. Now, that.,is
election,every whit as bad as Calvin's.
So' my ethodisi brother says, God gives
us all " comm.M grace," by which we may
be saved. if we will. Bat the trouble -
is am endowed,with a nature, which
uses Lhis" common graee,'' and. , you with
a nature which abuses it. And, again, I
ask, who maketh us to differ? I ate afraid
we cannot getirid 2of this „doctrine of elec
tion,anak,because.4, is , not a doctrine, but a
face which forces itself up through
every system as the mountain ranges force_
theinselires :hp through the earth's crust.
There, they stand,4 and you cannot help it.
And there the lad of election ,stands,.. and
you cannot help it. Some men are : savek;
some .ara not
Intheaw'riwthia or“tliere is no
` 1 becomes all,-therefore; by
repentanewAnd unfeigned faith; to assure.
eurselyea k that thewumber saved-Jo
'Here stand two l rious truths side ,by
side: '" All that the Father gip
A''lde 'it'll" come to me." 2d. "Him,.
that , icorifeth tto me i will in no wise
castir.out.". The former, simply.,. assures , :
tati4„o, 4,.00 God's, people,eball ,sevekli
the latter,, that if / come, ,to Christ,
I will bii'eaVed.' This is a doctrine which
y ass t s or abused - use it when
Ina •
we ,take it simply tithe broad-
_assurance of
Godto man that•he has purpose4of mercy
in, the; salvation ; pf a s ,„portien of our min.,.
We abuse it when.we make it an element in
our own'personil consecration. My
OA ra
y; in the
• ihadnwn
Ws vine ;
'And the
Iliad, its
to' ook
ALlook 4it
0' iheeb e f.
Werialley ,
live,. the „
with the
sweet,per- 4 ,
le flower ,
lees nev er,
lii the year
11 bat' the
'l6 'bright
to feel
1; in se'a
) 0011,4
04.1 flail n
' . of i
Ae 11 r 1 -• 0
11,1.3 i ills ,
_JeL._ y warrant
lot coming to 'Christ is not my sipposed '
perional« electfon, but hie own invitatiothv
".Come unto,me;aikye," &O.' H.
111 - uusus. EDITORS —There seems to be ,
no leek of readinese, in these days,to.reeog 7
size the claims• of the 'leading interests or
• th'e..Redeeuier's kingdom. Yet there , is
.searoely, roorntointimate that mithen Rhea-,
tian,,ministeris,or chrktian, peepjeheire gom-t,
; legsufficiently up to the mark of duty , In
illustration of what I mean, this feet may
,be mentioned. A minister was about 'to
rpreaeh• on.-the subject of. 34 JOhrisdan-liberal;;--
ity in giying,'?,and uhe&ree;safterwards
marked that le had. enough:when...he:heard,.
the text. Indeed, many among us, it is to
be fearedi- do not like the texts which enjoin
such.; duties.
!' l; fifitl i •
41 4 .1 . 41
4111- 1 1Z - Vj
.e -
The subject more immCdiately before my ,
mind now, is the ditty Of - the Church in
supporting her ministers.,,, As the , basis of
iemarks'i lest I.shotiyt_ seem to be engaged
in a work % of'supeferrogation at this late
day of " progress and' " reform," let me
'sista a fact, or recite a little bit of history,
if you will, sod that not 'of the writer .nor
ofany of 'hit kindred.
“Several=-years ago, perliaps twenty,, a
liming 4iiii;- into whose heart was sown the
, r o ' er,e . ndinto *hose mind God put
i eel ' sigWeAthil4h4ttet . zilifiliktry- of
the Gospel4ut himself in the'way of
ification for this work. He had time and
mind, but money was limited in amount.
Yet, trusting in the promise,' he went for•
wardiin - his work. Two sisters he had, who
warmly seoonded his plans ,
and, in a
cal.-way. They devoted to his rose the "In
heritance” left: from 'their parents, of whcim
they- weredeprived in early youth. With
this help he - was enabled to prosecute his
studies to the end of his collegiate and
theological 'course.. He then entered' the
ministry;, but, shertly afterward died.
One of-thestolliiters married also a minister, .
whey-fora feii'years,, was an aocePtable and
useful pastor; but be, too, shortly after put
ting'on the harness, was-called home. Again
were these Christian matisitAalled.te battle
together the ills and poverty
,orlife. By
untiring exertion ` they continnek to main.,
fain-themselves, and also one- -oi-two, Ail
, dren -of their departed übrothei, fort whom
they ,had elready,done much.- , Finally, t)ley.,,:.
succeeded: in securing to themselves a mode...,
rately comfortable home, when death again
broke their ranks. They sought to maintain'
themselves by the almost self-destroying use
of. tike.-)needle: . But the days -of sewing:;
machines. had eeme, and,they eould neither,
procure one, nor secure employment at re
munerating prices without. Perhaps teach
ing,might-have been thought: , of, bit here
were,,the,•days -of aystematie,.; graded, free
sohools,; And i again, ; the -door, . was, elosed.
Self.maintenanee by keeping a boarding
house proved a failure, as boarders could
not be- obtained.- Now, what was left? In
years 'somewhat -,. advanced, , . with- -. feeble .
_health, broken spirits,..and „disappointment
afterrdisappeintment „hes.ped.upon , them,
hero wairthe galling question„” What shall
we eat, and' 'what shall we drink, and where
witharsiall , we be clothed ?- 1, -'' 'and 'that-not'
of cihoice,or of habit, but ,of necessity.-
'Jttrit „here 4:drop the narrative; for Ipannotr
lift the veil.uf the future.
Now for - a suggestion or two. The pecu
niary, straits of this, family were brought
upon.thein by their self-denial' for Christ's
stike,,,andtlreir brother's. _• Early.they. gave.-
thems_elpa to,Christr know.: and they did ,not kno- t
what to' do, in the simplicity of, their hearts,.
with ,s their substance, but to give it, too,
And did they not do right ? But is it
that allthe suffering should fall upohChrises
ministers, and those.-who are their fathers,
motherly ,brothers,,.pisters, and 4 childrei r
May it,Chriatian inattur woman be . allowed
to ' free 'theistsWes from doing all they
p „
liably On, because none of their-kindred
afteno-tthe—flesh.. are serving-Christ in, the
ministry ? The wrong is not that there: is -
suffering, ,kut that , the . sores Are in.spots i <
and not eqUally" distributed.„ - Ought ,not
every man woman and child 'to` do just as
much for Christ, as if he or she had a
brother, father,,orlioisuffeaing in.this work'
for .Chrietlii sake.. If any had ,near- of -kin
to Warn in this work, .they ,could T do more...
this is but to say,,more might. be done. If
I could do More, I ought. '
- ,If= our Christian- young men were , :ade-,
quately aided, the - pawed-not, min the °ege t <
1. have,mentioned be compelled ,to impover—
ish themselves, ,their , children, and their .
friends. All such cases as ,this constitute
an argument far stronger- than any thing
else i 's-save-onlythe love of Christ,-.on behalf; ,
•of the 13oard 'of Education... And shall not.-
ouch eases as these co up, to , remembrange ,
on the, het Thursday„ come
of February,, or when-,
ever our contributions are taken up for etiu-- ,
cationel purposes'?
Not less-strong-is their appeal- on theloe-•
half,of .the,-Boards . of Foreigni.and Domeseb
tic Malone , and the ,Ftuidifor .Disabled
kini B APAI 9 4 1 4.,their 'ILT 11 0 0 :.
I fear`thave tired your patience, iffeisis. ,
Editors, and the patience - of your readers,
if you adiiiii- thisAmig-'-iiticle. - lily only
apology is the daterest I feed, and -would- in
spire . othersto feel, and ' he coitypitionthat ,
facts, such, as, the,,above most literally, are
the etr,ongest itirgiuniiii6 M. N.N:
„,,,,,„,,,„„ ,_.,..4z.
Nor tne Presbyterian Banner and Advocate
An Appopl for
,the ,Boar4s.
For the Presbyterian 13ail nem and Advocate
grawfordsville Presbytery.
This Presbytery, at its' last stated meeting, bad
before ite_but little business of any special public;
importance. The report from the teachers of the
Waveland Presbyterial Academy was, in many
respeots, very gratifying. During the last aca
demie year, nearly forty of its students p were
brought into the Church, on , profession of their
faith in: Christ. The present year has com
menced with brightening prospects. The teach
.,ers report one hundred and twenty pupils now in
the Academy;.the best behaved and most har
monious company of youths of both sexes that
. have ever been VI the Institution at any one time.
Presbytery earnestly and cordially commend
their Academy to the attention of all the youth
of either sex who may be in reach of its advan
tages. Ten years of eminent success, with
:frequent revivals of religion, in which its pupils
:have largely, shared; a healthy, thriving, and
;beautiful village '
• a highly intelligent and moral
population with experieneed instructors, and a
course of study adapted to introduce the pupil
'tt.i" advanced College Classes, or to practical life,
With 'disciplined mind, and good store of useful
knowledge—lead us to a confident commendation
of our ; cademy to any youth seeking
„a godly,
education. W. "k: Anima, Stated Clerk.
The .following is a caloniktion of the num
ber of: books, ,verses,Jetters,.eto., contained.
in the Old and New Testaments: They are
;worth reading , and preserving: .
OLD 'TESTAMENT.-Number of books,
x,39"; chapters, 929; verses, 33,214; words,
1592;439 ;' letters,-2,728;100.
The middle.boctk is Proverbs.
'lle middle ohapter, • is., Job xxix
The, middle verse would be 2. Chronicles
xx; 17, if there were a verse more, :and
verse 18, if there were ft verse less. '
The word: nd occurs 85,543 times..
The wordaznovAz occurs 6i855 times./
The shortest 1. Chronicles, : 25.
The 21st verse of the 7th of Ezra con- .
stains althe letters of the alphabet. , ,
The-19th of the 2. Kings and'-the - 37th
'ohapter•are alike.-
NI w TESTAXENT.—Number .of books,.
27; ohepters,2oo; verses, ~7,050 ; words„.
181,258 ; letters, 828,580.
`The middle hook is 2 Thessalonians.
- The middle -'ohapter is BODISIIII xiii, if
,there mere a- chapter less ; and xiv,. if there
were -4 chapter more..
The middle least_verse is John :
of = boob, 66; chaptitig, 1,189; verses,
40,264; w0rd5,4773,697; lettus
_middle ,chapter and least,. in the
Bible, is the 117th Panlin..,
The middle verse is Nils/ B.
Calculator. -
The great- ;increase- of mental (diseases
among our.mereha* and
during, the. few4past, years, calls _for serious.
Consideration, In, one of the lunatic asy
lums of - the city in' which the writer dwells,
there are now several gentlemen, all of whom
were one year ago,in full,health . and ,aotive
business, and, in each of, these cases_mentai
aberration is traceable directly to overwork
ing the brain. They-are men 'of wealth and
social =.eminence, and, until:-their` sadeißie; ,
tion -were -distieguishedl4or usefulness: in
- 0 -0, 0 1 54 1 0 1 4492VnagitY• leßn
these 'we must
~add, perhaps thousadt - ef
Which premature old' age, Or pernia
nent ilhealth and mental imbecility, have
*deem fromsimilar causes. Parallels, ape:
Piny, softening of the brain, and, spinal at
fections, with kindred. diseases, are „striking
down our scholars jurists physicians pro
leasers, and clergymen, with fearfal frequen
cy. In our great cities, business is pushed
to the highest point of• human' endurance.
The weight of public, duties, and,the . ex
traordinary calls:upon our clergy, : wonld .be
enough to crush a .race of giantS. And
upon - this latter class tie, burden is the
heavier, because they live in almost con
stant..violation of thatlaw of nature.and
God, which requires. a ; stated weekly, Test.,
The ministry can scarcely be said to keep a
Sabbath. For to them the regular Sabbath
is the most busy and tryingday in the week,
and they are rarely known to make the
Monday a day of rest, as they should. The
testimony of physicians ; in England..and this
country ,to this Toint, has been frequently
quoted, both by way of warning and advise.
Brit is not something wore needed to arouse
publio attention to the subject If 'some
of our medical
special., attention ; collate facts,,and,,exhibit
the, wasting and :fatal physical and ,mental
tendencies of this system of overwork,
which is consuming the best energies of our
nationalAnindi it would be a public boon.—
Christian latelligencer.
Cures for Fits.
For a Fit of Passion —Walk out in the
openair ; you may speak ',your mind to the
`winds without hurting any one, or proclaim
ing yourself a airnpletOn.
For a Fit of /dieness.CounOlmticking
of a-clock; do this , ,for one, hour, and you
will be glad ,to pull off your coat,. the ,next t
and work like a hegro.
I For is Fit of Extravagance and Folly.
—Go to the work-hottee and speak With-the
inmates of a jail, and you will be con
"Who makes his bed of brier and thorn,
Must be content to lie forlorn:"
For a Pit of Ambition,--=Go into the
church-yard, and' read the gravestones; they
will“ tell you .the end of ambition. • The
grave - mill-soon be your bed : ohamber, the
earth your pillow; corruption your fither,
and the worm your mother and sister..
For a Fit of Despondency.—Look on
the good things which God has given you
in this world, and. to those,...
he : has promised
,to his followerk,in the.
next. Re., who, goes, into.his garden ,t11,109)t
-for cobwebs and spiders, no .doubt, will' find
them; While-he who looks fora flower, may,
return into his house , with one •blooming in
his, bosom.,
For , all Fits of Doubt,..Perplex,iti, aptl,
Fear.—Whether they respect...the .body or
the` mind—whether they aro a load to the
ighouldera the head or the heart---the fol=
lowing is a radical eure, whieh may =be re.
Helton, for I. had it 'from Ahe Great,,Physi4
eianr. 7 ," Cast thy burden. on the TJord, and,
he will sustain thee."
For a Fit of Repining.--Look about for,
the' hilt and the blind, and visit the ,bed=
lidclen, and the afflicted and derangedl and
they f yvill make you ashamed of oomplaming„
of yonr,lighter afflictions.., '
EU. "Suggeptions.
ha lo: d e r :ears since, l made the pop ,
'Rune of a clergyman. I met him agiin and
-again ) , and esteem was ripe nin g into friend , .
„ship,mhen, ,happening mention...his name
tho l ve,senee , of a mutuakacqrniiptants,
,he said : • ,
, " Have' you . never thought him h91121v7
I hadinever thoughtihina so, and do nOt
now think- himao,:yet to the4ant day of my=
I. shall, ~not get ;id ~of the impreqoiqu,
made hy that unkind,, anaj. think, unjust
~ South West Corner of Seventh and Chestnut Streets
By Xenon., et the Wileos, Btu., t PROSPECTUS.
Delivered in the City, 2.00
WHOLE- NO. 874
Incorruptible Inheritance.
No poverty there 1 Mitlions,of good men
have left the earth poor; but has one enter
ed heaven poor ? Lazarus, the moment be
fore he died, , was a beggar at the gate; but
a moment after, his death his estate had
grown iso fast that the haughty worldling,
still surviving in all his affluence, in compar
ison with him, was a penniless pauper. Oh
poor believers ! rejoice in prospect of your
greatinhentanin. „„It is really , immense, in
estimable, unspeakable, undefiled, and fadeth
not away.- Has it not been -your endeavor
to lay up for yourselvee treasures in heaven?
Why, not oftener ,think of results there ?
"ear not. There is good news from that far
country. Unsuccessful as you may have
been on earthi:your heavenly schemes have
all prospered.
The, treasury of God overflows with your
wealth:, And it is safe— r perfeetly safe.
Neither "moth slier -rust" corrupts it, nor
can thieves brek through and steal it.
2431 1 / 4
rich, but the humblest heir of God is richer
far than all.
What a Good Periodical May Do,.
Show us an intelligent family of boys and
girls, and we shall show you a faidly where
newspapers Ancl„.plriodicalare plentiful.
Nobody who has been without these silent
private tutors, can know their educating
power for good or evil. Have you never
thought of the innumerable topics of dis
cussion, which they , suggest it , the breakfest
table, the impertant, public measures with
which, thus early, our children become fa-
Miliarly acquainted; great philosophic ques
tions of the day, to which, unconsciously,
'theitattention is awakened, and the general
spirit s of intelligence , whiolt is evoked , by •
'these quiet visitors,? Anything that wakes
home, pleasant, cheerful, and happy, thins
the haunts ',of vice ; and the thousand and
one avenues of temptation; should certainly
be regarded , when we consider the influence
of the. ne wspaper- on the-minds•of the young,
as a greikt moral alassicial blessing.
The , Doom of the World.
What this change is to be, we dare not
even conjecture r but we see in the heavens
themselves-some . traces of destructive ele
ments,, and_some„indiaations of their power.
The fragments, of _broken planets—the de
scent of meteoric atones upon our globe—
the wheeling comets •welding their loose ma
terial at ~ the solar surfaoe-rthe volcanic
eruptions,, in our own satelliter: T the appear
,of new.stars, and the _disappearance , of
ethers—are all foreshadows of that inipend
ing Convulsion to which the spitem of the
world : is dooined;. Thus placed •on- a.planet
whiohjs to be ,burned up, and, under heav
ens *blob are to.pass away.; .thus treading,
as it were, on the cemeteries,and dwelling
upon the Mausoleums of former worlds, let
us learn the lesson of .
humilityr and wisdom,
if. we lave .not already been taught in the
school ,of Be
'kelt t.
. ;
Shoul4,l be Asked, 7,6rhat is the ,grand
remedyigainstAndue tear .of every possible
kind ? I answer, in , one word, Communion
with God.' " He," says good Dr. Owen,
"who would be little-in temptation, must be
much in prayer." Ply thetnerey seat Eye
the„hlood of Christ. Cry mightily to, the
Spirit of. God. To . which I add, _ wait atthe
footstool in holy stillness of soul;, sink into
nothing before the unereated Majesty. If
He shine within, you will fOar nothing from
without What made the martyrs fearless ?
Their souls were with. Christ 7 .--Jesus
up the beams of his love upon them, and
they ,smileit at all the fires which man could
Sweet Old Age.
God sometimes gives to man a guiltless
and holy second childhood, in which the
"'soul becomes child like , not childish, and
' the faculties, in full fruit and ,ripeness, are
znel . lo l,r, "Fittiout tof deenye ? ;,This
thatjongtd for Is*Lof ,BeniatiovAlero , they
who have traveled manfully the Christ ian
way abide awhile to show the world a per
'ed manhood. Life, with 416 'battles and
its sorrows, lies far .behind them.; the soul
has thrown off its armor, arid sits in an even
ing. undTem, .of calm ,and holy leisure.
Thrice blessed. the ; family or neighborhood
that numbers among it one of those,,not yet
ascended-saints I. Gentle are they •and tole
ranktand' apt to play with little children,, be pieasedwith
Dr. Johnson could 'not find the primary
meaning, nor. the origin of the word believe.
, It was fainted from the Gothic i3elifian,
which something by which a person lives.
When a man u helieves anything; ; he adapts
his life to it. Hence the great significance
of this c ; When a man professes to
belieis Christianity, and fails to,conform his
life to it, he thereby shows that he does not
belicynwhit he,profeeses. There are many
stick .persons,,,te, whom Plato's,. nee ,of the
word opinion , may. be correctly„ applied.
Plato said r ,that . ,si opinion is the half-way
house between ignorance and knowledge;'
and a great many opinions take their .final the dominion of ignorance.-ob
A Beautiful Reply.
A pions old man ::was one day walking to
the _sanctuary with a,New Testament in his
hand, when, a friend who met him said
"'Good morning, Mr. Price."
" Ah, good morning," replied he; "I am
reading-my Father'smill awl walk along." -
" what Aas,he,left you ?" said his
" Why, he hakbequeathed me a hnnAred
fold'more in this life ; and in the world to,
own& life everlasting."
This beautiful. .reply was the means of.
comforting ,his Ohristian,friend,.who was at
the time in sorrowful circumstances.
SOR,ROW.-it :poor,result of_
all our anguish And,wristlimg, if we were„
nothing, but our oldselves at , the
. Snd of . it
=if we could ret u rn to the sante. blind
loies, the same selteonfident blame*, the
same light thoughts of human suffering, the
salzwfrivolowbgassip over blighted human,
lives, the saces,fgebl i e sense of that unknown, ,
toward whioh we, have sent forth irrepressi.
ltle cries in oar loneliness,—Adatm Bede.
- integi,genber, the Organ of the Dptch Re
formed-VlA:iv:hi sips`: uVe.-ao insist that.
any Aenomination which hai. a righticrlive,
is :boßnd, to do what;in it lies to : promote.,ita,
-own principles and extend its own influenoe."