epression always pierce the inmost heart, and especially when they come from Christ's servants, in connexion with their work. But with hearts of fraternal love, let us bear one another's 'burdens, Let those who grieve over the fruit lessness of their own labor, rejoice that the Master is glorified by the labors of others; yea, let them hope for the corniog of the Lord to their own midst. lie that sows in tears, shall reap in . Jo Such is the general amount we bare received of the Lord's doings, and the labors of hie people in connexion with our obtirches. We should like to call the attention of Synod to some: of the les sons which might be drawn from its foots. We will, however, close by saying that all confirms the need of larger measures of the Spirit's in fluences; let us pray for tnem more earnestly and continually. All acknowledge ''the readiness ,of the Lord to bless active, Matta Ittbore " let %is not be weary in well doing,,, JAI Us . M. .PLATT, Moderator Ecclesiastical. Rev. THOS. P. OPENER has ueen installed pastor over the oburohes of Rehoboth and Newton, in the: Presbytery of New Lis. ben, and hitrPost Office address is changed from North Jackson, Mahoning Co., Ohio, to Ohltown Trumbull Oo , Ohio. Rev, HAMMERBLVEI pastoral relation to the church of Rough Creek,. Va., was dissolved by the Presbytery of Roanoke, at ita late meeting. Rev. Triodes &MM.:SOWS Post Offies ad dress is changed from Rook Springs, Con tre Co., Pa., to Tyrone City, Blair Co. Pa. Mr. W. T. HALL WAS