Presbyterian banner & advocate. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1855-1860, November 19, 1859, Image 2
Xpittr 'Anbti...PrOcat4 DAVID MeNINNEY, JAMES ALLISON, Ploppincmc STEPHEN LITTLE, . PITTSBURGH, NOVEMBER 19, 1859 watius.-• sl.lloo is adVillteel or lit Olitba al.flS; or, delivered at road/ewes of Multairle berms $ll.OO. Ilse Preepisetim, oa Eltird Paige. It Ell MIN AL $ plould be prompt; a little wYils before tke year expires. flat ewe stay . stake all arrivagmente for a stoadlyy. sappl7. WAX WAD WILAPPJUI Indlentos that are dealre a renewal. ifs however, ha the halite nallingg this elinal should be omitted' we hope our friend' will OM not forget a& RIGELIWORANCICIL—Send payment by cafe hands. when eonvenlent. Ore mad by maul 'imploring with ordinary cares and troubling nobody with a knowledge of what lON ors For a large amount, send a Draft, or large Kohn. For wrier twe papers send Gold or small notes. ' • 1110 lIA.I CHAMOIS, Maud pentagon or bettor still, amid for niers paposi r= or Sessistrinualmirs, or Si for Vitirtimilirio numliorse DIKINCW all Matters and Communications to DAVID MISKINIENT CO..&Pittsburgh, Po. COLUMBIA. TKEOLOGIOAL SEMINARY bas nirrifty-two students. WESTERN TREOLOGIOAD SEMINARY.- The monthly report of contributions to the Fourth Professorehip has been received, but owing to want of room, is laid over until neat week. Rtv. SAMUEL FINDLEY, pastor of the Sixth Presbyterian church, in this city, re turned, last week, from his journey to Hu* rope. His health is much improved, and there is a prospect of his being able, by the exercise of much prudence, to perform his duties toward the people of his charge. ELDERS,--A word about the elders in olden times, will be found in another part of this paper. We have still many good ones, but this important class of laborers in the *lapel have, as well as ministers, room to improve; and we have ever found that those who are the best, in either class, are among the most desirous to advance more and more. Thanksgiving. Next Thursday (the 24th,) will be Thanks giving day. Our nation has abundant rea son to bless God. Our churches have abun dant reason. Families also, and individuals have caw for gratitude, which should be devoutly expressed. Then let all the people praise the Lord. It becomes ministers and elders especially, to see that the appointed day is duly observed. When our public authorities recognize God and religion, in the appointment, the chimers of the Church should not fail in leading the people, in the act. A Corner atone Laid. The corner atone of the South-Western Presbyterian church of Philadelphia, was laid on the 7th instant. - The exercises were: Psalmody, cxxii Psalm, by Rev. Dr. Blackwood; reading lxxxiv Psalm, by Rev. George Morton; laying of the corner atone, by Rev. Dr. McDowell, now in the fifty- fifth year of his public ministry; appro priate addresses by the pastor, Rev. . Mr. McOaskie, by Rev. Dr. Boardman, and Rev. Dr. West; benediction by Rev. Dr. Neill. This congregation vas organized in 1858, and has had to struggle with many difficul ties, but has continued to grow, and has now an encouraging prospect that it will soon have a comfortable house of worship in a part of the city, where the influence of this church . will soon be of the most happy char acter, both upon its material and spiritual interests. Westminster Church, Philadelphia. This is one of the newer class of churches in our metropolis. It is composed, mainly, of immigrants from Ireland, of the true Presbyterian stamp. Its existence is due, very much, to the Church Extension efforts of the Presbytery, and \ very much to the ability and persevering efforts of its young pastor. Mr. Watts has labored there with exemplary zeal and perseverance, \ and the Lord has greatly blessed him and his work. A crowning kindness, so,fai as the church edifice is concerned, was lately bestowed, which the Presbyterian thus notices : A NOBLE OUT. Repeated reference hae been made in our columns to the Westminster church, Philkdelphia, under the pastoral care of the Rev. Robert Watts. The history of thischurch is a record, on the one hand, of signal difficulties and trials, and on the other of remarkable faith and perseverance. In the course of our long residence in Phila delphia, we have known of no congregation which had a stronger claim upon the Chris tian confidence and sympathy of their breth- ren—none which it was a 'greater pleasure to assist= in their - struggle with pecuniary embarrassments. After worshipping for some months in their lecture room, they re solved to finish their church edifice the present Autumn. They set about it in their usual way, by adding to their already large and repeated contributions a fresh subscrip tion, in which " their deep poverty abound .ed untothe--3 4 4 1 .00-OE---chcric-liberadity." - - - Mitt from the appropriation still due them by the Church Extentuon Committee of the Presbytery of Philadelphia, they required five thousand dollars to complete their build ing and furnish the andienae•room. They were just learning, 'by a new and painful experience, that to raise this sum in the usual way would be likely to require some years of patient v and perplexing labor; but just at this moment a gentleman belonging to the Tenth Presbyterian church of Phila delphia, ,(Rev. Dr. Boardman's,) whose name we should like to give, who had pre viously contributed to the enterprise, hear ing of their situation, came forward, with out solicitation, and babied their pastor a cheek for the whole sum required—five thousand dollars! This modest and munifi. cent sot was clogged with no conditions ; but a charaoteiistiii wish was intimated that the church should give special attention to the gathering of outcast children into its Sabbath School, and that some of the pews should be reserved rent free, or at a very moderate rent, for the accommodation of the poor. We have seldom chronicled an instance of Christian liberality with so much pleas ure. It is eminently judicious, seasonable, and effective. We cannot doubt that the generous donor will, by God's blessing, reap his reward "an hundred fold" here and hereafter. Nor ,can we, refrain from add in that the-example-is worthy of all imita tation. Many a one will read this paragraph who might, without inconvenience, relieve some neighboring church of its pecuniary embarracements, or assist a feeble congrega tion in building a honee of- worship. Why do you not "go and do likewise r Is there, not enough in the luxury ot doing good, in the gratitude of Christian hearts, and in the approving smile of your Lord, to incite you' to some kindred act of benefi cence r Father Chiniquy. This is the name of the head of a Colony of Canadian French (Romanists,) who settled a few years ago, in Illinois, near Chicago. Father Chiniquy was the priest, and had the main management of affairs. He, becoming unwilling to yield implicit obedience to his Bishop, was ordered to yield hie place to another. This he refused. Suits were entered against him, in the State courts, for the recovery of the property. He defended successfully, but in doing so became involved in debt. The property, also was incumbered. To meet these pecuniary difficulties, no possible hope could be entertained from an appeal to Romanist,. The money must be contribu ted by the colonists themselves, who are , some three thousand in number, counting men, women, and children, or it must be obtained by solicitations from Protestants. The latter course was adopted, and has now, for nearly a year, been successfully prosecu ted. Thousands, or perhaps .we might say, tens of thousands of dollars have been raised. - The religious sentiments of the Colony have not yet taken a distinctly definite form. They may be anti.Romanist; and they claim to be Evangelical. But whether they are Preebyterian, Episcopal, Baptist, Meth odist, or Congregational, neither the Father nor his people have yet been able to ascer tain. At the last General A4sembly we were introduced to Father Chiniquy, and. formed a slight acquaintance, but we had not the opportunity of so assuring ourselves of the merits of hie scheme, as to make ourselves the medium and agents of appeals to the 'benevolence and liberality of our readers. The, editors of the Presbyterian, however, became fully satisfied on the subject,4as did also those of the New York Observer. These journals, and some others, have henCe ardently espoused his cause, and have col lected very.ltege amounts of funds. The delay of these people in making up their minds as to articles of faith, and as to the Scriptural teaahings relative to Church order, may be eminently prudent; and yet it strikes us as being somewhat singular, if not nn-eoclesiaetical. It is to be hoped that they will, ere long, obtain light. We learn from statements in our exchanges, that. Episcopalians; Baptists, and Methodists, are furnishing them with the means of obtain ing. knowledge, so far as those brethren are concerned; but, strange to say, that Pres. byterians have withheld the sources of in formation as to the claims of their Church, fitly Scriptural as she is in her foundations and superstructure. It is even boasted that we are so unproselyting in our spirit, that, while sending money to these people who are just emerging from 'Chi darkness of Re , manism, we leave them, untaught as of us, to form their own faith.' We send no her alds, no. Confession, no Catechismal, no books, no tracts. This looks very much as though we thought Presbyterianism could work its way without the instrumentalities of Divine appointment, Or was not worth propagating, or even as though our peculiarities were sus pected by ourselves of being injurionis to the winning of men to an evangelical Chris tianity. = Our readers, we think, will regard' those who thus speak, as being immensely mistaken. They regard Preebyterianism as built upon the foundation of the prophets and apostles, having Jesus Christ as the chief coiner stone, 'and as briiaging peace, and "joy,, wherever it finds entrance to the understanding and the heart. A battle for sectarianism they would never wage; but truth, in its purest forms, they would zesiouhly disseminate. They do not regard their Standards, and the publications of their Board, and the preaching of 'their Missionaries as the mere " Chaff of contro versy." They would feed the body, and also bring light and life to the soul. Another thing which seems strange to us in this people, is, their extreme poverty. They have been for some time in. fruitful Illinois. Lands were acquired for them, and improvements made to an extent deemed worthy of expensive litigation. Their debts have been paid by contributions from Prot estants. They have been left to enjoy the full fruits of their industry. Other - Flemish immigrants prosper. The Germansacquire wealth. The Irish sustain themselves and send back money to bring their friends hither. But these. people abide poor, ex tremely.poor, in real want. We take the fallowing from the Presbyterian of Novem ber 12th: Hui' Fos ram Szurvizto.--There cannot be nay doubt about the suffering condition of Pother Chiniquy's people. Much has been done; but of hen there are thousands to be clothed and fed, Dicta is required. Let us signalize the coming Thankigiviny Day by collections in our churches for our brethren in distress. 'And the editors of that journal thus urge the ease AN AMA/ TO Lannts.---We are gratified to learn that the ladies of niers! congregations are ,engaged in preparing boxes of clothing, to be sent to Father Ohiniquy's colony. We mention it in the hope that this good example may be followed in our churches geaerally. The case is a most -- urgenV--one.---Hereare hundreds, or probably thousands; of people at our very doors, who are destitute of food and clothing. >The Winter is at hand, and the prospect , is, that some of these people mast perish, unless they get timely relief. Their claim upon the benevolence of the churches is, greatly enhanced by the fact, that they are re cent converts from Romenism—subjects of a work of grace, the remarkable character of which has attracted universal attention. We bespeak the prompt sympathy of the female members of our churches on behalf of this interesting colony. We thus help to circulate a knowledge, of the wants of these needy immigrants; but must be permitted to add that our own Mis• don Boards need much to satisfy the claims of devoted laborers ; and cur numerous young men, in a course of training for the LordAwork, must be sustained; and the widow, the fatherless, the maimed, and the superannuated, are not to be overlooked in the day of our gladness. Irish Deputation. Rev. David Wilson, one of the associate! of Rev. Dr. Edgar, on a visit to the'united . States, soliciting aid for the conducting of EvangelicaLMissions to the Roman Catho• lice in Ireland, was in our cities last Sabbath, and preached in three of the churches. We honor the zeal of our Irish brethren, and trust That they will not be disappointed in 'their expectation. The early churohas planted and nurtured in distant land!, by ministers and emigrants from Aidaa, sent donations to the parent church. Why should there not be a similar spirit now Not that the phurches in the father land, have beicome 'poor, and ask for sustenance at.our. lands. >That is not the case. They can , sustain •their, own ministry and ordi lances. The call is made for help in oar• I A PP P .10 ANNER AND ADVOCATE. Tying on their missionary work. The fol.' lowing communication we cheerfully insert ,: The time is approaching when the Depu tation must leave America for Ireland. The members of the Deputation separated last week—one for. the South, another for the . North, and a third for the Vest. It was my priyilege to officiate in three pulpits— in Pittsburgh and Allegheny—on Sabbath lest. As I must pass on Westward to ad dress meetings in Cincinnati, &0., and do not return to Pittsburgh, it is altogether be. yond my power to -call upon ; ; many, parties, who, I have no doubt, would willingly Con tribute toward our mission, I hope. ,that many ministers and people in this district of the country may be stirred up to come to our help. Our mission field lies in:the three Romish provinces of Deland. Our agents are or dained ministers, Scripture readers, and ool porteurs. Upwards of eight thousand chil dren have passed through our Scriptural schools in Connaught, and nearly three thousand through. our Seripturil schools at Birr, in Leineter. COntributions will be received and duly forwarded by Rev. John Douglas, D.D., and C. Arbuthnot, Esq., Pittsburgh. Faithfully. yours, DAVID WILSON. Pittsburgh, Nov. 14, 1859. Sefrerson College. We noted, last week, the election of Emir. Isaac N. McKinney to the Chair of Latin, in this institution. The appointment is ac cepted, and the Professor will enter upon the discharge of the duties of his office, at the beginning of the next term, which will be early in January. It will hardly 'be permitted us to congratulate our Alma Ma• ter on this accession to her teaching force. We may say, however, that with youth, knowledge and enthusiastic ardor, she gets -also hopeful piety' and some experience; and `there is every ground of assurance that the will shall.ot be wanting-, to the 'full dis charge of all Professorial duties. Jefferson has now, a Faculty occupying the six chairs of instruction. The members are all devoted to their work, and they, em brace, in a high degree, the qualifications which are most to be desired in instructors. They have piety, talents, learning, and ex perience. All are Presbyterians. Four are ministers of the Gospel. , One is from New England, though a graduate of Princeton Theological Seminary ; one is from Scotland; one from Ireland ; and three are Pennsyl vanians and Alumni of the College. To snob an institution young men may resort, with 'the fullest confidence that they will enjoy ample means of becoming qualified for life's highest- duties; and parents may there trust their sons under the assurance that while they shall be fitted for bearing honorably their social responsibilities, they will also be helped onward in the pathway to immortaLjoys. There are those who lament that so many of our ministers should be employed as teachers, in Seminaries, Colleges, and Acad. ,envies. With such we have no sympathy. We would have all teachers of youth to pos sess the knowledge, spirit, and devotedness of ministers. And if they should have the qualifications, why may they not have the name, the license, and , the honor We re -1 joioe that so large a portion of our schools are truly . Christian; May they ever be so. May they be conducted by ministers; or by. men of =a ministerial spirit, and possessed of all qualifications for the sacred office. Then will they be, as Jefferson always has been, nurseries of ministers. They will be foun-, tains sending forth streams of blessing. _ " The New York Observer, Organ of the Old School Presbyterians." Such is the introduction given by the Evening Chronicle, of last Monday, to an article of the Observer, with, respect to John Brown, of Harper's Ferry notoriety. In the " Missionary" of last week, we find the Observer termed . " Old School Presby terian." And in several exchanges, within a short time, we'have noticed the Hew York Observer spoken of as an " Old School Presbyterian paper." As it is the duty of public journalists to remove erroneous impressions, and to set forth the true and precise' position occupied by churches, societies, and newspapers, we will endeavor to place the Observer right, before our readers. But, in.the beginning, we would remind them that the Old School Presbyterian Church has no " organ" in the same sense that the Methodist Church and some other Churches have. All the Old School papers in.the land are individual enterprises, at individual risk. And while it is their object to declare the doctrines, government, and discipline of that Church, to ,advocate its claims, and to seek to extend its usefulness as a branch of the great fam ily of Christ, no one of them pretends for a moment to have the right to regard its ut terances as the authorized deliverances of the. Church with regard to any subject. But the Hew. York Observer never pre tended to be an "Old School Presbyterian paper," any more than a Net* School Pres. byterian paper, a Congregationalist paper, a Reformed Dutch paper, or a Low Church Episcopal paper. It has never advocated the Old School Presbyterian Church and its institutions, any more than it has advocated the New School Preabyterian Church and its institutions, the Congregational Church and its institutions, the Reformed Dutch Church and its institutions, or the Low Church party of the Episcopal Church and' its institutions. Editors and others a bove, justas much right to call the Observer the "organ" of the New . School Presbyterian Church, or of the Congregational Church, or of the Reformed Dutch Church, or of the Episcopal Church, as to call it the " organ" - of the. Old School Presbyterian Church. In the. Circular lakely sent, out by the. Ob server there is not the least hint that it is an Old School Presbyterian paper, or that it is a, Presbyterian paper at all. We hope that' hereafter - ourcootemporaries will do the Ob server the justice not to place it in a poi& tion it never occupied, and not to give it a name it never claimed. . Clergymen Deceased. Rev. JAoorr KutICP`ATRICK, late pastor'of the Third Presbyterian church, Trenton,.lg: J., died Oot. 27th. Ile was yet in the early yearn of his. ministry. To be spared for a long life of usefulness is a blessing to be desired ; and also to depart` arly, °hang jog toili for joys, has itif attractions. The good child says, " Father, thy will be done' ' Rev. War. L. MOOALLA I as stated in the True Witness died near Carthage La. on the 12th of October; after a fear days ill, the age of near at about , sevUuty , Year.o. Mr. McCallaii life was one of some incident, much variety, and great ,conflict. He set out an ardent Young man, having a strong will, much' power, great confidence in the rectitude of his own/judgment, and a tem peiainenf whiel could brook no restraint. He.was haunt', while orthodox, zealous for. truth, and deeply devotional, ever getting into contests. And unhippily, his contests were not always with: Zion's foes. He was ever armed eap.a-pie,. and was often found , brandishing his rapier against individual Christiansi ministers, Sessions, Presby teries and Synods, from whom he differed in judgment; and he was terrible in battle, whoever might be the antagonist. Zion was to him, truly, it the Church Militant." The propensities and powers which we have noted, must lead, necessarily, to many changes. He was, hence, a pilgrim and so. journer, having no abiding peace. He was chaplain in .General Jackson's army; min ister in Kentucky; pastor in four different churches 'in Philadelphia; pastor, stated supply, or temporary preacher, in Texas, in a congregation in New Jersey, in two, other congregations in Pennsylvania, in St. Louis, Mo., in St. Charles, Mo., in New Orleans, and in one or two.other places in Louisiana. .Mr. McCalla performed a great amount of ;labor. Some of it was eminently use ful;. and; a portion was of thai class which, to human. eyes, seemed not promotive of Zion's prepatity. The Mandl); biographer, noting,only ins powers, excellences, and good deeds, would:place him among the best and most useful 'icf . mortals. The pen of the , foe, selecting only traits and facts such as an. enemy can remember and record, , and adding a little of the coloring of malignity, would'exhihit - him as nnamiable and inju rious. The impartial, able, wise, and discrim inating historian, would present a Lite deeply instructive. Incidente giving occasion for heavenly counsels and prudent warn inn are to be found in the richest abund ance. We first made the acquaintance ' of .Mr. MoCalla, at the Assembly of 1826, and al ways enjoyed hill friendshiii. Oar estimate of him is, that a good man has gone to his rest. Rzy. A. H. H. BoYD, p., o f Man. chester, Va., has been .elected to the Chair of Ecclesiastical History in the Theological Seminary of the New School Presbyterians, at: Charlottesville, Va. EASTERN SUMMARY. Boston and New England. Considerable Excitement has been occasioned from thediscovery that the State' liquor agent, Mr. „Burnham, nee peen engaged in adulterating the liquors passing through. his agency, to a great extent In this way' he has been able to realize large sums of ,money, while , physicians, apothe caries, and their patients, have been grossly de. ceived. Tie agent resigned his place some time ago, but on account of This. refusal to deliver up certain books in his possession, he has been thrown into prison for contempt of Court. The papers, from time to time, contain no counts of the movements and intentions of Kr. Sumner, but tliei vary so greatly and so frequent ly as to be, 'for the most park.unreliable. At one time, it is reported that but little improvement has taken place iq . his general health; at another time we are informed that he has, in a great measure,-recovered from the effect of his inju ries, and will at once resume his plum in the Senate ; and now the report is, that he will marry and settle for life in England, and that Gov Banks will certainly be his successor in the Senate. "Prom these statements our readers may form an opinion;: if they can, as ,to the future course of Mr. Sumner. Harvard University has, at present, four hun dred and thirty-one under-graduates in the regu lar College course ; twenty-one Divinity students; two hundred and' forty-two law students; and one hundred and forty medical student& It is said that more than two thirds of the students who have entered the institution lately, are from orthodox Christian families ; and hence it is in ferred by some that Harvard is rapidly passing over from Unitarianism to orthodoxy. But others might, with equal propriety, infer that this was an indication of but little concern as to the religions character of the institution to which the sons of those nominally orthodox Christian parents are sent. A correspondent of the New York Evening Post, in a private letter, gives the fal lowing - intelligence, which, if ,true,•will create a sensation in the Unitarian ranks : Prof. Huntington, of Harvard • College, has just written to his brother Theophilus, in Hadley, announcing, that he has embraced the doctrine of the Trinity, and indicating that he finds great peace and comfort in his new opinions. What denomination he will enter is not stated, but he evidently admires, like Dr. Bellows, the cere monial system of the Episcopal Church. Prof. Huntingten is one of the most finished writers of the present day, is a graduate of Am.. herst College, and although" identified with 'Uni tarians, he has, at different times, and in various ways, given indications of a desire to separate from them. His volumes of published sermons, and his fine_selection of " Hymns-of the Ages," have led many to suppose him possessed of much devout enthusiasm and zeal. But if, as intima ted in the extract given above, his preferences are for the Broad Church, as sketched by Dr. , 4 13ellowe, or for the unevangelical wing of the Episcopal Church in England, generally termed Bi:oaci Church, the-chitnge will not be much for the better. - - Williams' • Ca*, Mass:, has two hundred and forty atUdente in ittendanoe, of whom seventy six are front Massachusetts, and < eighty-nine from New York: The institution hags ten pro fesiors. Professor 'Whitney; of Yale College, is engaged in the "translation and publication of a liindoo work on Astronomy Lately there has been a gathering of distin guished ?residents and Professors of New England Colleges, at the residence of President Sears, at Providence, R. 1., to consider the most expe dient means to be adopted in several colleges as to instruction and discipline. It in supposed that a resolution..was .passed with regard to col lege secret Societies and mock burialn, that may lead to some decisive action in the , ftiture. The next meeting will be held in October, 1860, at Williams' College.' New York. It is a cause for gratitude that the Late Elec tion, passed with more than usual quiet. This was, no: doubt, owing in part to the excellent police arrangements made by the superintendent of this . department. But so noiselessly was the whole affair conducted, that the officers had in the end but little more than their ordinary duties to' perform. As usual, a great number- of the reputable and order loving portion of the citizens neglected to vote, and no doubt these persons complain moat loudly of official corruption and bad " government; while they do nothing to Insure a,better state of things. Some of the Secular Papers complain that clergymen who preach loudly against the sins of the city and the shortcomings of its authorities, do but little, toward effecting a reformation' through the ballot box. In one district:in the upper part of the city, where twelve clergymen of high repute and ,aoknowledged ability reeide, onlytwo voted. , It is true that political parties have become fearfully corrupt and that the_man. agement is, in.a good degree, in the hands of the unworthy, but the”yeins of povrer must be taken from them, and this can only be done by all good and true men asserting and exercising their rights as good and loyal dtiaens. This city has been infested for many months with a class of men connected with different Gift Enterprises. At first their , operations were con nected principally with the sale of books, but now it has been extended to many other articles. The way in which the business is done is this ; A. book is sold for a certain sum, `and along with the book, or whate.ver article may be sold, a piece of _cheap jewelry is given—the particular article of jewelry being determined somewhat in the way in-which' lotteries are conducted. The operations`of these men are - carried' on all over the land, by means of agencies established in the cities, towns, and neighborhoods. One very sac cessful method is to operate through post masters. The whole thing is of evil teudency, and the police have made several descents upon different establishments. The books sold, are generally useless, and the jewelry obtained is of the most worthless kind, while the principle upon which the business is conducted is simply that of the lottery in disguise. The young, the artless; and the poor, are the victims upon which these sharpers fatten. And wherever one of their agents makes his appearance. or any one under takes to act for them, he should be regarded as not engaged in a legitimate or .honest business, although no doubt some of these are not con scious of the greet wrongs they are assisting in • perpetrating. Every thing that has the least squint toward the lottery' or the gambling table, is to b e eschewed by thoie who would preserve their morals and their purses. Dr. Cumming has found, in the present dis turbed state of Europe, another opportunity for one of his peculiar deliverances on the * Subject of prophecy. Messrs. Rudd & Carleton have just Leaned a new•work by the Doctor, entitled " The Great Tribulation, or Things Coming on the Earth." What a'pity it is'that the author would not confine himself to the preaching of the Gos pel, for which be has rare gifts, and in which be is eminently successful ! But as an interpreter of proPhecy, he is altogether unreliable, as is most clearly shown in several of his former works. He fails into the error so common to the whole Millennarian school, of leaving the inter pretation of the Bible, for the sake of uttering their own prophecies. Nevertheless the Public has not wearied of Dr. Cumning, for the present work passed through no less than three• editions, in' the short space of two weeks, in England. And it is probable that it will find multitudes af • eager readers in this country, although they might, easily find more profitable reading._ Mr. James 4. Mellfaeter, editor of the Freeman's Journal, has been delivering himself of a lecture on Christopher Columbus,. whose character, ac cording to Mr. Mac Master, . has been greatly aspersed by Humboldt and Washington Irving. But in this lecture he informs •the public of one fact that has hitherto escaped the attention of historians; and that is, „ one of Columbus' crew was an Irishman !" Yes, in the forecastle of the ,Pinta was an able-bodied, fun-loving, Hi bernian. Mr. McMaster did not inform his hear ers of the amount of wages per month received by this son of the Emerald Isle, or 'kw he liked the fare on the voyage, or what sage observations he made to his shipmates on that eventful sail. These facts may be reserved for a future occasion. Some of the secular papers protested loudly, but in vain, against the observance of the Brod: eriek Funeral Services on last Sabbath. It is high time for all good men to set themselves strongly against these and kindred displays on the holy Sabbath. Mr. Broderick's friends would have done his own memory and their own characters good service, by the selection of some other day. A Convention" of BeiimeN ghapZains and . the Priends of Seamm, was in session in this city, two or three days last week. Aldany interesting state meats were made' concerning the progress of the Gospel among 'seamen, by chaplains and others. ItesolittiOns were passed; recommending the:ces aation of labors on shipboard, as much as possible on the Sabbath, and the abolishing of the spirit yations on the Government ships.. These resole.. tions were ably advocated by Capt. Foote of the United States Navy, who asserted as the result of twenty-five . years of observation, his.firni belief that many of the evils,•to be found ;in our Navy,* originate directly or> indirectly:from the - ltpirit rations allowed by Government A Letter from - Dr. Meyer to the' Rev. Mr. Spurgeon, of . London; was lately published, in which the Dr. fully accredited 'a young lady as the agent of his church in England, to collect funds for its support, The reason for asking aid from abroad, the Dr. asserted to be was, that in the present state.of this country, it was impossi ble to obtain funds for the support of any church in which an anti.slavery Gospel was preached. This letter and appeal of Dr. Cheever for aid 1 from abroad, were severely, .• re p rimanded by. the - •- - I secular papers of different shades of opinion On slavery and 'other: subjects. This kas brought out a most virulent defence,.in which the Dr. ; benefits neither hitnself nor his cause. The truth is, that according to his own , showing, Dt.Cheever has preached away his congregation, and broken down his usefulness and influence. The Bev. Di. Bethune has accepted the invita tion to become co-pastor of the Reformed Dutch church, of West TwentyftThird Street, with 'the Rev. Mr. Van Nest. • According to the Christian Inielligencer, the or gan of the Reformed Dutch:Church, thit denom. ination has not been making any great progress in the way of Church Extension, in this city, fOr some time. In 1839 it had thirteen churches, and has now only fifteen; this is certainly do* progress when the growth of the eitrand some other denominations-is taken into account. And yet thiedenomination is the oldest and, wealthiest lithe city, and has its due proportion of pulpit ability and learnidg in its ministry. But the wealthy churches have been slow to undertake new enterprises, and the consequence has been, that - while some congregations have increased in wealth, the denomination, as a whole,, has lost ground. sg There is that vrithholdeth more than is meet, audit tendeth to poverty." Churches do not act wisely by seeking to retain the wealth and influence in a few organizationsl expansion is necessary to •success. Philadelphia. The one hundred and twenty-seventh versary of the Landing of Wm. Penn, was observed by the .Permaylvania Historical So ciety, on . the Bth inst, at the Sun Tavern, in the ancient Moravian town of Bethlehem, celebrated in the annals of the olden time, and beautiful and attractive in the present.. The members of the Society and invited guests, visited the noted schools for young ladies, the venerable churches. the Sister's House, the old grave yard, and many other interesting localities. The dinner was served up in the very beet style, and on the bill of fare were three gastronomic novelties, the mention of which will recall former days to some of our readers, whose school days were spent at Bethlehem. They were designated, '' Morweasy Sauce," "-Moravian Apple Cake." and Bethlehem Strensnel." The day passed off pleasantly, and it is hoped that this visit of the Historical Society will result in some researches that will mate Bethlehem and its past history better known to the world than it has yet been: Holy men and women have lived there; and their very dust is precious. The Rev, H. Giaitan Guittne44 of Dublin, Ireland, widely known for evangelical labors as a preacher to the masses in England and Ire land, has arrived in this country and commenced his labors in preaching the Gospel in this city. From the notice given in the secular papers we learn than he has ,come to this country to labor as a revivalist,, , ‘ by invitation from a meeting of evangelical ministers of various denominations in Philadelphia:" -Who composed this meeting is not stated. We confess that the publicity given to the object of hisvoming, and the man ner iztwhich his efforts here have been initiated, savors very strongly of the movements of Fin ney in former days. ' May the final results upon the churches and people be much hapipier,- IS' our. prayer. Vor the Preebyterian Bwrtetr and Advoeato. North-Western Theological Seminary, The Board of Directors of this Institu tution had a pleasant meeting, during which much important b,usiness wagi-AllsTade 4, from the 25th to the 27th ult. The follow ing may be noted as items of public inter est : 1. The Inauguration.—The exercises commenced on Tuesday evening, with the delivery of an appropriate sermon by the Rev. J. H. Brown, D.D ; the actual inane don , of• the four Professors was then effected by their subscribing the pledge, followed by prayer, after which the President of the Board, the Rev. S. T. Wilson, gave the charge. Ore-Wednesday afternoon Dra. Rice and Lord gave their inaugural addresses, and in the evening Drs. Halsey and Scott theirs. It is sufficient to say that these addresses were of a high order. They, with the also excellent charge and sermon, were requested for publication under the supervision of the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee reported the offer, by Messrs. Ogden, Sheffield,, and oth ers, of twenty acres within the city limits; and by Messrs. Lill and Diverse* of five acres adjoining, and just without the cor poration, as a site for the Seminary. The tract Has on the North side, perhaps two miles from the centre of the city, three fourths of a mile from the Lake, and not more than five minutes' walk from the ter mination of the Clark Street horse railroad. It is considered now worth $50,000. The conditions of the gift were liberal and setts factory. The Board therefore accepted, with thanks to the donors, and requested the Board of Trustees at once to take out proper conveyances. The Board was further notified that the Seminary opened at the time appointed, September 14th, with ten students, to which number, two more were shortly added. A commodious building, with elegantly fur nished apartments for forty students, and good lecture-rooms, and located in the midst of the city, has been obtained for the first year, at a nominal rent, through the liberal ity of an anonymous gentleman. The Committee also reported that IL S. Corning, Esq., of New York, had, through Dr. Lord, one of the, Professors, offered, at least $l5OO, to be drawn at the pleasure of the Professor, toward founding a library; and that our Board of Publication had gen erously given a full set of their valuable publications. Suitable minutes were adopt ed, expressing the thanks of the Board to both these parties; and. copies, subscribed by the President and Secretary, were order ed to be transmitted to them. It was re solved, too, to call the department of the library—filled with the fruits of Mr. Corn ing's 'generosity--"The' Corning Library!' A sirnilar minute of thanks was adopted in view of the munificent donation of $lOO,- 000 by Cyrus H. liloCormick, Esq.', to the Endowment Fund, the first installment of which, $25,000, it is understood he has paid to the Trustees, though not due until next September; and it was ordered that the first Professorship be called "The Cyrus H. Mc- Cormick Professorship of "Theology." A code of twelve byrlaws, reported by the Rev. C. Alden, as chairman of a cam mittee appointed at the last meeting for that purpose, was, after a' few amendments, adopted. - The Committee of .Examination for next Spring, consists of J, Phelps; D.D., J. C. Brown, D.D., N. West, Jr.; and J. P. Con. key, ministers; with James M. Ray, N. C. Thompson; C. A. Spring, J. C. Grier, and Hon. R. 2. Lowe, Ruling Elders. The Standing Committee of Censors, called for by another, was made to consist of F. N. swing, J. M. Buchanan, and Z. Axtell, ministers; with A. P. Wat. erman, Thomas H. Beebe, and William G. Holmes, Ruling Elders. The Rev. - J. Phelps, D.D., was appointed to preach the sermon before the Board at its first annual meeting, and the Rev. 0. Axtell. his alternate. The session, will this year close on the first Wednesday. of May; but hereafter will, in Accordance with one of the by-laws,, open on the first Thursday of September, and close on the first Thursday of April in each The ,esteemed agents—the, Rev.. R. T. Farris and Mr. 0. A. Spring—seem to be meeting with much success, having• in about six weeks of service, and at only a few points, obtained some $15,000 in notes, for general purposes, besides one scholarship of . 82500, pledged by a Ruling Elder and, his son, in the First church, Peoria. Leaving much important business to the Executive Committee, the Board adjourned to meet at ten o'clock A. M., in the North Church, Chicago, on the Tuesday before the •first Wednesday in May, 1860. /TORN M. FAR* Secretary. Yor the Presbyterian Banner and Advonite Synod of- Ohio• This Synod held its annual meeting, at Mans field, Ohio, commencing October 20th, and, was opened with a sermon by the Moderator, the Rev. Frederick T. Brown. The Rev. James M. Platt was chosen Modera tor, and the Revs. Wm. R Hunt and R. C. Gal braith were chosen Temporary Clerks. The objects of chief interest on Friday, (the first business day . of Synod,) were addresses by the Rev. Dr. Edgar, of the Irish Deputation, in behalf of the Irish Catholic Mission, and by the Rev. Dr. Thomas and others, on the Synodical University. The Stated Clerk was not present to hear for himself, but the members of Synod who had the privilege of hearing, speak of the addresses of these ,Corresponding Brethren as both able and eloquent. In 'regard to the Irish Mission the Synod adopted the following, viz.: Synod having had their attention called by the Rev. Dr. Edgar, of Belfast, Ireland, to the won derful work of grace' going on in that country, and to the wide.and open door for the' spread of the Gospel, Revolved, That we recommend to all our churches, and to individuals who may desire it, to make a Contribution to aid the Presbyterian Church of Ireland, in her Catholic Mission. In regard to the University, after ionsiderable discussion, and with much good will and unanim ity, the ' following - resolutions were adopted: Resolved, That this Synod , concur in the action of the Synod of Cincinnati, (in favor of renewing the effort, with Springfield in view as the location,) in its general'import, respecting the erection of a University, under the care of the Synods of Ohio and Cincinnati; leaving the details, in carrying out the purposes of the two" Synods, to the joint Committee appointed by them. Resolved, That the Synod express it as their opinion that the joint Committee are authorizes to adopt such means for beginning the operations of the Institution, and to make. such modifications of the.plan proposed, as they may deem necessary, in respect of the location, and the amount of sub scription to be sheared before any money shall be expended; and report all their proceedings to the Synods at their next meeting. The following persons were appointed members of the joint Committee fiom this Synod : Revs. John Robinson, Dr. Hoge, F. T. Brown, M. A. Hoge:* and elders Dr. H. A. True, Samuel Gal loway, A. Greenlee. Synod took action in reference to THE onocrew trisstow. Inasmuch as the American Board of Commission_ ors for. Foreign. Missions has deelined to support the Choctaw Mission; therefore, Resoived That this Synod recommend to the Presbyterian Board of Foreign Misitons to. take charge of that Mission; and that this Synod deeit hereby pledge an increased support. Report of the Committee on TEO MINUTES OF TIM GENNIIAL:AMIIittaf, whiCh was adopted: The Committee would call the attention of the Synod to the answer of the Assembly to Overture No. 10, from the Presbyterian Historical Society, and'to the action of the Assembly on Overture 28, from Dr. It. R. Reed, respecting the Coloniza tion Sooiety, and would respeotfully present the following for their consideration,: Wuranas, The Dist General Assenibly returned a'negative answer to an Overture Mini the Pres byterian Historical Society, asking the Assembly to recommend that a collection in their behalf be taken up in the churches, on the ground that the Church is " a spiritual body," commissioned only ,to execute'• the -- revealed'' will: of . Ged; s and can, therefore, attain no direct relittionla any volun tary-association ; and, Whereas, In the disoussion_which arose on the' resolutions relating to the American Colonization • Society,: arguments;,,.weee Used and principles avowed, and apparentlYr acquiesded in by many, w hi c h, in the judgment;of this Synod, are nn scriptural, "and of pernicious tendency, and,, if followed out, would materially change' the policy of the Church,' and , nullify, its . : , paat testimonies on these and kindred ;• and', Whereas, The resolutions relating to the Col onization Society, were, by a- complication or motions, finally disposed of at the last hour of the Assembly, when there-was not an - oppertnnity for distension, such a way as neither to give an alfirmatire or negative - answer; therefore, Resolved, That this Synod feel called upon to express their decided and solemn dissent from the principles above referred to, regarding them as not only unscriptural and calculated to strip the Church of her moral power, as a witness for the truth, but as in manifest"contradiction- to the faith and practice of the Presbyterian Church in all her past history. Resolved,' That Presbyterians have always held that' the Chitral is bound to hold forth, in the the face of all men, the truth and law of Cod, to testify against all infractions of that law by rulera or peoPle, 'and to lend her countenance and 'support 'to all means within and without her jurisdiction, which• .skii believes to be designed and wisely adapted to promote the glory and kingdom of the 'Lord Jesus Christ. In the work of Systemitic Benevolence there has been a very slight advance during the year. Contributions to Boards last year, about $4,913.00 this year, " 6,040 00 From the Presbytery of Marion no report. Forty-three churches contributed nothing. The following were appointed to 'preach on special subjects at the next meeting of Synod Rev. J. R. Burget, principal, and Rev. William Campbell, alternate ; and Rev. S. Diefendorf, D. D., principal, and Rev. Win. E. Hunt, alternate. No business of a judicial character was before the Synod. The Sessions were harmonious and pleasant. The Sabbath services in particular were deeply enjoyed by the, members of Synod,, and appeared to be gratifying to the several con gregations whose pulpits they occupied and with whom they joined in worship to the common God and Father of us all. You will find the Narrative of the State of Re ligion Appended, which Synod directed to be react After a vote of thanks to the citizens of Mans field, who BO creditably entertained the Synod, and to the several railroad companies, affording special facilities to members going or returning, Synod adjourned to meet in Ciroleville, on the Third Wednesday of October, 1860, at 7 o'clooh P. M. By order of Synod, Moses A. llooz, Stated Clerk. Zaneeville, November 7th, 1859. NARRATIVE Or THE STATE OF RELIGION TN THE SYNOD ON OHIO When those who have charge of the churches come together, they cannot but feel that one of their most interesting and important duties is to discern the times. They desire to speak to one another in the language of the prophet, Watchman, What of the night I" The pros perous condition of their field is, of all other things, that which they, as the servants of Jesus Christ nsost ardently wish, and which they most devotedly labor to obtain. Without this, every other consideration is of no avail. It is in vain to project important enterprises, 'to settle the boundarioe of Presbyteries, and to lay the foun dation of Colleges, unless the churches .are filled with Ate power, and flourishing under the influ ences of the Spirit of Christ. Their spiritual welfare should be the object of first concern, as their spiritual prosperity should be the matter of highest joy, with those whose duty it is to feed the flock of 'Jesus Christ. g• Are not ye our joy and crows of rejoicing!" : The reports which , are now presented re specting this subject,' differ greatly from those of the year preceding. They contain no account of the refreshings from the presence of the Lord, 'because of which, at our last meet ing, our hearts were filled with gratitude and thanksgiving. They speak not of powerful aWakenings, of large ingatheringe, of the glad ness felt by pastors and those of like mind, of the multitudes returning to the Lord. Not a single churbh within our bounds has, during the past ,year,. been revived to anything like the extent enjoyed in su many instames _the year be fore. This, of course; is matter. for lamentation God's servants must thirst and long to see his power and ,glory 'in the sanctuary, as they have assent it in' times 'Past, and as "others of their fellow-servants are still seeing it. And yet there is no ground for des pondency or discouragement. The cheering word is brought . np on every baud, that God is in the midst of his people. AlmOst every church ripens some addition from the world; many report additions st every communion Beason during the year. Eighteen were thus added to each of two churches ; that seems to be the highest' number admitted in any instance. This kind of regular, steady increase, -is fitted to strengthen faith and encourage labors. Though it gives not the transport which springs from seeing inquiring sinners by , scores and hundreds, yet undpubtedly, the influence is Tore cheering, and the work more sound when smaller numbers are continually added, than when a -large seces sion occurs, followed by a long Bastion of barren ness and drought. Besides this regular increase there are other encouraging features. Perhaps the most im portant is the earnest and faithful effort de. voted to the instrhotion of the . young. Almost every report makes express mention of the Sab bath School ; and those instances in which the subject was oinitted,, are such as we have every reason to believe,nrc persuaded of this iinport ant institution. in most cases, moreover, it is stated that increased interest and activity have been manifested during the past year. New schools have been organized, old ones have been greatly enlarged. In places where , a deficiency of teachers existed, that deficiendy has been sup plied by thoee who are stirred to engage in the work. Two churches report having under their care as many as six schools, and another three. In, connexion with this point, cateehetical train ing is represented as extensively , given. Some times this work is accomplished as a 'part of the exercises of the Sabbath' School, and sometimes under the immediate supervision of the pactor or Session. In one church—not one of the largest-- forty children recited the Shorter ditechism per fectly, during the last year. This is the right kind of work; this'is the right method of doing it. Let the young be properly regarded, let the lambs be fed, and the prospect of the future can not but be bright. When the form of sound words is impressed upon the youthful mind, it has a better opportunity, by God's blessing, of withstanding the profane and vain babblings, which, in, so many various forms, are borne upon every breeze that passes by. 'The statement Of two, or ',three of the reports directs attention to another important subject. Two of the churches .have each among their membership one candidate for the ministry, another, three, and another five. The reports frotnthe two Presbyierial Academies within our bounds, contain - °bearing allusions to this sub ject. The heart of the Christian is indeed/ quickened with joy by such tidings. But it may be asked of every pastor, does this subject re ceive sufficient attention ? Are we, with eager minds, constantly watching among the yotith of our nooks for those who shall recruit the ranks of our ministry? Do we urge often, enough upon parents, their duty in this respect'? Borne down daily by the responsibility of our work, fre quently impressed with ihe truth that ibe season of our opportunity is swiftly passing "away, and hearing continually the - sad (tries of 'a perishing world. 0 let us seek to make this one of our dearest and most warmly cherished aims. Oa the subject of beneficence, it seems from the special report that the churches of the Synod have made a slight advance during the past year. While on aceount of that special report, some of the Narratives do mot allude to the matter, yet. because of its intimate connexion -with the spir itual life of the churches, it is, mentioned by many. There are indications that in some of th'e churches the subject is treated with neglect, in others that it does not receive the ftivor it. de serves. Stich unfavorable signs - are candidly deplored, and promises are. made for the future which it is. hoped the Sessions ,will religiously endeavor to fulfill; , In some cases the failure is . owing to the pressure of home demands. Eight churches have during the year, built , or finished new houses• Of worship, and some more have made extensive and permanent :repairs. It is pleasing, however, that some have . increased their contributions, not only in the amount donated; but what 'is more important in the number of the church operations' 'which claimed their regard. The gifts:of onent our churches, not withstanding the failure of the wheat .crop in their midst, amounted to nearly three times the sum Contributed the year preceding; owing, without doubt, as much to the faithful and con scientious persuasion'of duty on the part of the pastor, as,to the liberal performance of it cm the, part of the people. • Let this instance be borne in mind, and imitated by, all , the- Synod, and similar,accounts will unquestionably greet our ears at our next meeting. 4 The external condition of the churches seems be good. Every One . must be filled with pleasure in meeting the almost universal statement that the congregations are large—in many cases the houses filled to , their, utmost ca pacity. Pence prevails within all, . churches, and 'between the churches and - Those of other Evangelical denominations. In many of the com munities good morals obtain.. Temperanee charac terizes the lives of the,people., And in.other places, where the reveres is unhaPpi , ly the case,, still the menthers of the `churches, for the Most part, ab stain from the litsts -of the flesh'. On the whole, tho 4; complexion' of osr work for-the year, may Well inspire with cemfort and strength; the light predomittatesoier the , dark. - It touches our hearts, however, to'hear some speak in strains of despondency. The tones of