Presbyterian banner & advocate. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1855-1860, November 19, 1859, Image 1

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Primallortirtair ii r.r. VOL 9':'
rteibytothill Adv S tS, V4llO XX/ii 4
DAVID MoKINNEY and lA= =SON, Editors.
From our London Correspondent ,
Treaty Signed-4 Congress Corning—The Pope,
the Emperor, and the !intoned—Neapolitan
Troops on the Motie , LAustria in Venetia—Her
Financial Distress—Disappointment of the Prot
estants and Jetos—,The Mortara Case and a
Protestant' Pr,okeet-E.ffeet on the Jewish and
European Nind 7 ,--Irieh iVtional Education--
Spain and Morocco —Buoyancy of the Money
Market--Luits in the Storm—Death of Robert
StePhenilon--Episcopal Clergy and Temperance--
N . 66i r of the Revival on Intemperance—Effect of
Anitientio Information on Pi Otis Minder—An Eng
lish, 'Near and the Clerical Meeting—Social
Changes in Ulster—Deputation to ,United States,
and Ireland's _Future.
LONDON, 00t. 20th;. 1859.
THE TREATY OP Zuniat is signed at
last, and a Congress (at Brussel& probably,)
is soon to follow it. At the latter, all the
Powers are to be represented, including 'the
Pope himself, whose Legate will plead hard
for the confirmation of his temporal sover
eignty, and the subjugation of the revolted
Romagnols. 'lliere is /namely any differ
ence in the articles of peaoe signed at..
Zurich, from "the preliminaries" agreed
mi at Villafranoa. Little is said., indeed, of
the Pope's headship of an Italian Confed
eration, for he—poor old gentleinan--:-has
quite enough on his hands, and is not likely
to be a " President" for a long 'time, if
ever. The French Ambassador is confer
ring with him at Castel Goodolfo, in the
kingdom of Naples, and it is said that' His
Holiness the Pope, acting in concert with
the Emperor Napoleon, is about to issue an
address to the people of the States ,of the
Church. Probably some promises..will be
made of the " pi&orust" kind—" made to
be broken "—and it is very, certain- that the
revolted people wont believe them, or he
bamboozled by them. If that address,
however, be : a ,preliminary to, fore, banked
by a scheming .gtirperor, it will bfinithings
to a crisis.
Naples,. strange to say, is
moving large military forces toward the
frontiers It is said, on the other hand,
that Sardinia is 'urging, by a special envoy
at Paris, the annexation of the Duchies at
time. This Napoleon would not like to see
accomplished. He is beginning to. talk
about the expenses of the war, and is sus
pected of coveting, as , a" compensation, the
Sardinian Province of. Savoy.
Austria still tyrannizes over Venetia, and
martial law ' ready to' punish, a look or - a
word, virtually exists. The taxation, also,
is crushing. Most damaging . revelations
have been made as to the finanmal condition
of the Austrian empire. .In the year 1858,
the outlay—on the army chiefly—far ex
ceeded the'reVenue, and a 'hideous addition
must have been , made by, the terrible war of
last Summer. Hitherto Auatria has recov
ered as by a miracle, but now she is .fear
fully crippled. It also comes out that
neither the Protestants of the'Confession' of.
Augsburg, nor of the old Hungarian Church,
are at all satisfied with the concessions made
to them. Thu lurks under the concessions,,
State tyranny, and in the case of Hungary,-
all union and publicity of Synodical action
are' forbidden.'
The Hungarians were, at '.the.,'moment
peace was made, ripe fotinsurreotiop., Now
they murmur and complain bitterly ;- they
boldly tell the Emperor that they want back
their constitutional kingdom and liberties.
He sends Count Bach to talk with them,
nd they do not hesitate to talk very plainly.
. s to the concession to the Jews, the old
restrictions are only to be partially removed,
and a Jew mk not build a suburban villa I
Tau MORTARA. CASE COMM up afresh
before the public.this week, ,by the publica
tion of the Protest made by. Protestant
Christians, against the wicked abduction of
the Jewish boy, Who is still'detained at a
monastery in Rome--Cardinel Antonelli re
fusing to give him up. The value of the
Protest it very great in two ways : let. It
demonstrates to the Hebrew community that'
Protestantism is friendly, to liberty andthe
rights of conscience, and is emphatically a
religion of fair play, and transparent hon
.sty. Thus prejudices are removed, and
is ate than this, a lavorable . feeling of grate
appreciation of what the New Testa:Meat
teaches and recognizes, is produce& 2dly.
It makes out. Rome ,to be the same-bigoted,
blinded, persecuting system it always '-was.
It intensifies over Europe the ever increasing
hatred which her abominations create in
every intelligent mind, and pioneers the
deluge which . must at last , sweep her from
off thei face of the earth. If ' , were a
Romanist, and not quite sure of the " in
fallibility" doctrine, I certainly should.
look upon things quite as gloomily as, it is
.aid Pio Nono does. Nevertheless, Doctor
cHale, the Archbishop of Tuam, (whose
eltic face and figure, his determined brow
nd bearing, I once described to you, as lie
appeared before a Parliamentary Election :
Committee,) has published , a letter addressed
to Lord Palmerston, in which, after heaping
abuse on the Whigs and Tories alike, he
declares that things were never in a - more
hopeful condition for the interests of' the
true Church in this kingdom, And that she
being the true Church, against Christ and
" his anointed Vicar upon earth," the kings
hereof and people set themselves in vain,
nd will be surely broker' to pieties. This
the usual way in which Rome bias.
;,hemousy parodies Scripture,, and uses it
o curse those whom God has 'not 'cursed.
ertainly the fishwomen of Billingsgate are
not to be compared, in the choiceness of
their objurgatory language, to Pio NOM), in
his allocutions ; "Cursing Cullen," in his
Pastoral ; the Univerx, in its diabolical bate
if England; and John of Tuatn, in his
buse of Palmerston.
troubling the country. The Irish Liberal
Romanist M. P.'s have been put in a dill
oulty, as they do not want to break with the
overnment by joining the Popish prelates
n open war. Many of them are place
.unters, and some of them in- their hearts
.test the tyranny of priests. The upper
d middle classes of the Romanists know
t.ry well the value of the Queen's Colleges
and the Queen's University, in Ireland, in
'preparing young men for the civil service,
both at home and in India—now open, with
,rich rewards to talent and industry. The
demands of the prelates • fell, therefore,
'harsh and grating on many Romish ears,
and the projected gathering of M. P.'s has
,not come off.
Lord Carlisle and the Ex• Chancellor
Brady, at the bistowment of degrees to the
Quetn's Colleges' students, last week, apoke
firmly, but courteously, as to the preserving
intact of the NationalSctern, and also of that
4, united education" ieh Rome hates and
fears. Whereupon , a meeting of gi their
Lordships," the Bishops ) was summoned
this week, in Dublin, and the Irish Seem.
tarp's reply to their demands was laid before
them. The first rumors were to the effect
that Mr. Cardwell proposed to'remove an
objectionable Scotehman,andplace a Romish
" {'Hagan" in his place; also, to remove
some Protestant and foreigtr - professors or
teachers in the Training Sehooret the Edu
cation system in Dublin. With', this" small
concession, s Romielt organ was ill pleased,
'flying that the Government entindylunder
rated the real wishes of the prelate
These reports however turn 'Of ill.
founded, and nothing is vet known of Mr.
Cardwell's reply. The Government, how
ever, will never yield on the subject of
united education. That would be as dis
graceful and unstatesmanlike, as it would be
wicked and cruel toward the Irish people.
MOROCCIO seems about to be 'settled, princi-
pally through• English intervention. This,
with the signing of the Treaty of Zurich,
the certainty of a Congress, and the great
abundance of 'money, makes the funda, and
also 'trade and commerce, buoyant. The
funds now• are 96t, What a great change
from January last. The suddenness of great
changes is a characteristic of these last
times. If there be =in store, as most
thoughtful students of prophecy consider,
dayerof tribulation ere the Golden Age,he
inaugurated, we have at least pauses and
parentheses of peace, between 'the gusts pre
liminary, which •indicate their coming.
This is in God's great mercy, and , allows
old wounds to eicatrize, and commercial
losses to be retrieved.
the great 'Engineer, and son of ilia celebra
ted George Stephenson, who made Watts'
invention first applicable to traveling by
land, has quickly followed that of his illus.
trious contemporary and rival, Brunel.
Both were about the
,same age. Stephen
son died of liver complaint, in his fifty.third
year. His reinains are to be interred in
West Minster Abbey. Some of your readers
have, ere now, darted, through =the Tubnlar
Bridge, -over the Menai Straits; 'as 13on
struoted by him.
THE ixREAT..nASTERN ill still at Holy
head, and is being visited by great crowds.
To-morrow is to be the last day of her being
exhibited, and so the assertion of the Daily
News seems to be correct,,that she will cross
the Atlantic) this year, and will certainly
sail.before the:end of this month. On the
other hand, the Times' " Special" writes
strenuously against the propriety of ; sending
her across the Atlantie until next Spring,
and points out that she has not .warming
apparatus; consequently that in a Winter
voyage the: crew and passengers will be
almost frozen in North American latitudes,
and that in an American harbor in Winter
time;.people will not ore svd to see her as
they. would do in a more genial, season.
If she go to America this year, but few
passengers. will. be taken. The crossing the
Atlantic back and ,iorward safely, will be
the only Waltrip whioh will.imspire pablie
A considerable body of CHUROEV or ENG
LAND CLERGY, with Dean Close at-their
head, publisloan , appeal to their hiethren,
urging' them to 'adopt-the principles, and co
operate with the designs of the Pcital Absti
nence`imovitinent. On , the ' , other hand ap
peared- letters from clerical hande, in the
Times, denying that Scripture demands en
tire abstinence, asserting that ""a little Wine
for thestomach's take," is allowed; that a
"bishop";martakerwine; but only not "mach
wine," and so %n.' As a body; th&%lergy
arektentpeMe, *end not very many of4the•
rising ' race, or the middle aged, are "rosy
rectors." But all the Bishops; I have no
doubt, have 'tolerably ivell furnished wine
cellars. On this plea - of benevolence and
self denial for the good of others alone ' I
submit, can the Total Abstinence 'system be
urged? In fact, those • treatises which I
have read onthis side of the Atlantic, about
wines approved of in Scripture as being all
"unfermented," seem to me to be a shameful
begging of the queetion, totally inconsistent
with the , sense the original. Vidous
countries , as - traoh, are temperatel; the , bran
died wines, demanded by the nations of
Northern Xurope, are a libel'on nine, as in
tended for the tisi3; of-man. Ilear that by
these observations, I might provoke contro
versy, did rnot write them eurrente calanio,
and without the; least design `of provoking
any one.*
The , RE V 1 V Ara . ;or' RELIGION by the ont.
pouring of the Holy Spirit, is she true solv
er of all social questions. Mr. Moore, of
Ballymena, found its operation in his own
town so potent in destroying intemperance
root and branch, that when Mr. Gough, the
temperanbe orator, went thither to lecture,
he did not take 'any- interiatt:in the move
ment,, although himself a total , abstainer.
Bindles- statements' from Mr =Hanna, of - Bel.
fast,'have been addressed to myself, as to the
" obliteration of" Temperance Societies (as
suoh,) in Belfast, by the power of the sober.
izing awakening.
Nevertheless, Mr. Gough• has been lately
at Belfast, and has lectured there Under
high Christian and Evangelical auspices,
with great success.
The social bearings of the Irish Awaken
ing, are 'being every day more and more de
velnped, in ',spite of the wicked misrepre
sentations and lying " statistics" of a hos
tile press. =I am receiving every week fresh
and true "statistics " on' that subject. One
communication- is from the Rev.- George
Hay Shanks, Presbyterian minister at Broad.
County Dpwn; Which indicates a mar
veins change both social and spiritual.
He dwells, as ethers do, on- the refining in
fluence on the appearance and manners of
the converts—producing true, " courteous,"
Scriptural "gentlemen" and "gentleiromen,"
and healing family divisions thoroughly. I
gave, this week, to. Baptist. Noel's congre
gation, and at his request, some of my im
pressions and information as to the Ulster
Revival. The expression of one of the Des
eons; that " to hear such things , produces
an intense desire for
_similar manifestations
of Divine graoe among ourselves '
" is a
specimen of the feeling now general among
Christians. The atmosphere of prayer is
now widely, diffused, and I trwit the bles
sing will oome.
I had a letter this week from an English
Vicar, (the same who, at Nuneaton, near
to which the lamented Rev. T. Millar, of
Lurgan, was killed by , a railway accident,
showed such sympathy,) asking me to send
him -Some Authentic information as to 'the
Irish Awakening. There was about to be
.a 'clerical meeting in the neighborhood, and
some " doubted.' He therefore wishes to
convince them.
The Dean of Canterbury having heard au
address from au eye witness, and a recent visi
tor to Ulster, has declared hie con vietion of its
genuineness; and Dr. Hugh McNeil, of Liv
erpool, a County Antrim man, has borne
very striking testimony to the spiritual re
sults among his tenantry there.
At Crumler, in County Antrim, eleven
publicans have given up their licenses. The
harmony and love produced among Chris
tian congregations, who had been rivals in
the same district, and had cherished their
small prejudices and sectionalism, is truly
astonishing. The Rev. Richard Smyth, of
Londonderry, has furnished me with'a most
valuable statement of" the Awakening' in
Londonderry city. '
Yrs regard it,a duty, on BeriptAriuciples .
to,abstahl from the use, as a beeplage, 4. 6l all al.
ooholio liquors, fermented as , ws4 8,8, .
TATION in the United States, has given
great satisfaction to ':the= people of Ulster.
They represent a revived 'and therefore
powerful Protestant Confederation, and they
deserve universal , support and eneotrage•
ment in their truly patriotic Home Mission
operations. The United States, know best
what misehievous.elements Irish. Popery has
introduced, and if by their .help and. God's
blessing, the fountain is purified, then sweet
instead of, " bitter " waters, will flew., A.
regenerated Celtic populati2n would furnish
fresh Columbas—fervent missionaries for
the truth—to all the world. Oh,ltappy day,
when Ildand shall he the light of Western.
Europe, such is' in the days when, as Old
Coke has it, "Thither," (for, the sake of
learning,) ,‘ did the Saxon youth resort as
to a fair I"
What an improved cultivation has not
done; what Queen's Colleges or secular edu
cation, or Constitutional Government cannot
do, the Spirit, with , the Word, can mom
plish , for Erin. , Surely-a• bright future is
before her, and this Awakening in Ulster
itiwpioneer. - And-so in a nobler sense than
Thomas Moore , meant it, her Christianized
sons may cheerily sing :
young, '
And thy sun is, but rising when others have set ;
And though slavery's chains 'long around thee
have hung,
Yet the full noon of freedom.shall:beim round
thee yet I" . •
P. S.—The death of the Rev. R. Wilson,
D.D., Professor of Biblical Oriticism in the
General, Assembly's College, Belfast, is ,a
severe loss to the cause of sacred literature.
He was very eminent in his own :depart;
went; a very distinguished, student in, Col
lege days, and amply fulfilling the promise
of his youth. His work on Infant Baptism
is very weighty and able.
Aye 'there ys shine, and there have shone,
In one eternal hour of prime ;
Each•rolling, burningly, alone, •
Through boundless ispace, .and countless time
Aye! there ye shine—the golden dews
That pave the realms by seraphs trod ;
There, , through yen echoing.vault diffuse
The song of choral worlds to God. .
Yemisible spirits I bright' as erat -
Young Eden's birtit-nighesaw Ye !bine
On all her flowers and fobntains first,
Ye sparkle. from the hand Divine; '
Yeil 'bright as then ye Sidled, to catch
The music of a sphere so fair,
Tohold , your high, immortal watch,
And gird your Ood's.pavilion,there.
Gold frets to dust ; yet there ye era: • •
Time rots the diamond; there ye roll
priMal light, -as if each star '
..Enshrined - anayerlisting_soul.--,
And do they'not `Sliabe Yon'bright•thongs
One "all-enlightening Spirit awn,
Praised there by pure, sidetiell tongues,
Eternal, glorious, blest and lone
Could men but see what ye have seen—
Unfold awhile the shronded,past--
From all, that is, to what has been,.
The glance how rich—the range how vast 1
The birth of time—the riseohe fall
Of empires--myriads, ages flown—
Tirones,, cities, tongues, arts, Worships--all,
The,things whose echoes are not.gone 1.
Ye eaw'red Zoroaster send'
His soul into your mystic reign ;
Ye eaw the adoring Bahian bend—
The living hills his mighty farm:
Beneath his blue and .beaming sky,
He worshippid at.yonr lofty shrine,
And deemed he saw, with gifted.eye, .
The Godhead in his works Divine:
Aye I there ye shine, as ifto mock
The children of an earthfal sire :
The, storm, the bolt, the earthqunke's shock—
The red volcano's cathract fire ;
Drought, famine,plague, and blood and ilame,
AU nature's ills, andßfe's worst'woes,
Are nought to you—ye smiled the same,
And scorn alike their dawn and close.
" Thoughmatrons have fallen, yet still thou• art
*elect tiottirk.
Hymn ta the Stars.
Aye I there ye roll—eniblems!sublime"
Of Him, whose Spirit o'er us moves,
Beyond the clouds of grief and ,crime,
Still shining ou the world he loves.
Nor is one scene to mortal given,
That more divides the soul from sod,
Than, you proud heraldry of heaven—
Ton burning blazonry of
,God !
Laboring Elders,
Some changes for the worse have seeming
ly taken place in the practical performance
of the duties of the Eldership. The 'day
was, when the 'elders of the churches con
etituted a very efficient band of laborers, do-.'
ing a great deal more than merely to admit, I
dismiss, and discipline members. The diary
of all elder in one of our leading churches,
ender the 'ministrations 'of the late Dr.
Richards, ahowed the fact - that the elders
divided the congregation into districts, and,
without the pastor, visited every family.
The work was accomplished principally in
the evening, it being found, difficult to meet
the members of the different families at any
other time. The elders went two and two,
conversing and praying with' the people.
The apprentices and " help " were called to.
gether in almost all casesoind that Class, so
muck neglected in our day, was faithfully
warned. The diary alluded to states the in
teresting fact, that by this system, many
cases were bronklit to light which needed
the special attention of the pastor—such as
crofessors in despondency or difficulty, or
persons ,in an anxious or skeptical , state of
mind. Such cases were .reported tor , Dr.
Richards, who had a remarkable tactiin deal
ing with them. It .is ~a well known fact,
that very Inany persons, who need and , wish
spiritual counsel, are very .reluetant to ask it.
If they are fortunate enough to be sought
out, they will, obtain the mueli t needed coun
sel ; otherwise, they wilt probably go, with
out it, to their :serious injury. In- the
church alluded to, I Inge been told that it
was often a matter of Surprise to such par
ent{ that the pastor should " happen in so
opportunely I They sometimes called it a
special providence "--attaching to it the
quality of the semi -miraculous, whereas the
mercy came through the agency of efficient
elders, who were constantly acting as over
seers of the flock committed 'to their trust.
The results, >as I have been - told, were re
markable, since scarce a Communion season
occurred witholit additions from the world.
People abroad spokeladmiringly. of 'the pas
tor, as .a successful minister gathering jewels
for, Christ.. And, indeed, they could not
say too much of, his searching, and often
tearful sermons f with which , : he moyeddlis
great congregation. - But undoubtedly, long
before this, it has appeared that theamccess
fal ministry of thst gr,eatnan was in, part
owing to the faithfm
of 'whom but . one, hav4
in hope of a better."
One of the numbs
single•eyed service wir
stantly in his office of
content themselves w
oapaeiogally with the
savor so ouch of the
from a 'close contact wl
is " happening in
not merely to say a wt.
but to sho w Byrn pathy sap
courage this widow, ant
o this child whO, .do
The elder tp whom 1
industry in business ,
every engagement of I
noted for the holy skill
tip the ".odds and el
making even tirm
for exercising the fl
For instance, he has
gg.on the-hill," or gg 4:14
or- returning he wool
sae " old Mr. A,"
gg Widow B.'s health,'
abe did not need a lit
rent, ot'to drop a woi_ .._ __—. , , ~._
he saw weeping during the ;Oka' Sunday's
Et t
discourse. And;so scarcely a , ayLpassed in
which this single-eyed elder id not find
some opportunity to, bear hi yea in the
eldership, even. in the biniest 4 Cason. He
did not- make long visits, uinally. Very
often he wouldzstql-at the door,%and, with
whip and hat in hand, say : a iftgooct morn
ing,' with some good, comforting word,
that, would, be as a the
house after he was gone. 'An t al& he sir-
culated in' -this easy and:- iffectixal a Way
through the congregation. Tffire.,:was) not .
a house in which lie was not ß ielcome, nor ~
a person to whom he could iloC i syeak on the
great theme which engrossed his affections.
When he died, his brethren 114entted over
him as an extraordinary work land a-good
man. I -
In this case the elder wattiPoisessed of
-4 t
excellent sense, sound judgid t, F much in
telligence; but at thelroundatidn 3 of Ilia ad
mirable qualities was his, piety, and, then.::;
his praistibal recognition pf the solemn vows
he had made when ordained moan elder.
I reaill,the case of ,anothei2dir,limous
for his efficiency. • In, him. Are, was no
guile, and he had thai'direcineseerpurpose
which-often gavics him "suecesalleie &eater
tacticians would have failed. Ard-had-gteat
clearness-of mind And powerlbf' argument,
ad that, in determining his owlitditty -helves'
not very' liable to mistakei#and thew he
could. combat-the wrong positions "of others.
But it . was not mere intelligencewhicki gave -,
him , hiippower asa spiritual ndviser; , :aniex- -:
horter, a comforter, a .patifietitor: , It , Avas
rather his ripe godliness -andibisapprecia-.
tion of the vows,he had made as- an eider.
I have .known him to meebaup,eessfully cases
of, perplexity which his ti pas)gr could not,
tt li
and which he ought not : o 1;4 e:rtake r Our
dear old elder ,Wotdd state „ ,ti s, views, so
444 4,44
clearly, so lovingly, and yet ,ftp, timly,,timit
the boldest found it 410E0 feliit jiim : ;
leeTtUoi diedin'n - giledidt age ~. ,nit"
day, those ; who knew him' speak of hiai with
a tendernetis which showe'how:blessed!ii the
memory of a faithful elder. ' '
Pay Your. Pastor..
Some congregations commence thinking -
about-the collection-of the salary..on(the day I
it should be paid, and pappart''otit a few,
weeks afterward. A. part. of,. the ; salary of
each quarter is permitted to ,run into the -,
next, uatil the.parish hindreds of dollars
in debt to the pastor. What now Is to be ,
done ? To sue for-it would seem hard ;to
insist on its payment, would be unpopular;
to permit it to increase would be adding to ,
the evil ; to cancel it, or to .disaolve the
pastoral relation, is' the only: alternative !
States cannot repudiate without losini their
characters, but churches think nothing Of
it. And thus parishes will cheat their min
ister, who would not think Of cheating-the
carpenter that'-built their churoh, or the'
sexton that takes care of it. This, in many
cases; is owing -more to :neglect,- and , that.
tentcon, , and the-want of spirit in of&
cers.of the church, than to any .purpose to
wrong the pastor, and_ may; therefore :be
remedied. A . young man.,, settled ;;over .a
ohurchnotorious-for theoprocess of starving
out the minister ;., when , the int- quarter's .
cutlery was due, the treasurer came ...with a
part of it, promising the remainder, in -a
ehort time." "Have Lfailed inany of ,my.-.
duties?" said the =pastor. "By no =means,"
wit!, the reply. " Then," said,lie to the
treasurer, "you must not fail in yours. You
have i promised to pay me my salary quarter
ly; not, a part of it; I want all of it, and
will take none, until paid The treas
urer retired somewhat mortified; if not
vexed by the interview. He soon returned
and paid all. The salary Was: afterward
paid; and punctually, to thee comfort` of the
pastor, and to the delight of the people.
The starvation process was stopped: A
pastor Of a church in 'New .Angland, years
ago, sent for one of the profiesionar-revival
lets., Before commencing his Operations f he
learned-that the'church , was running' yearly'
in debt to the pastor, and was very remiss
in meeting , their, angagemeptn ovith ,him.
His first address to 'the people,; was .I as
lows : "You have sent formeliere to preach
to you, and to _pray that the Lord!, may re
vive his work among you. You have failed
in your promises to pay your
salary, and the Lord-aeveF blesses a lying
people. You must confess and- forsake the
sin of lying to your minister before I begin'
my work` for I cannot ask the _Tiord, to re
vive his work in a lying congregation."
This is one of the beat things I.' ever heard
of that class of ministers. The people paid
their minister, and a3greaterevival followed I
—Dr. Murray, in Observer. •
_The Sting of Death.
The sting, of death is, sin," says the
Apostle; and what says the history of man,
throughout all the reeling and all the ages
of lfeathenism? -low was it in those days,
which the long-suffering of God, winked at
and overlooked.? And how is it,-at this day, ,
in thoie countries. , which ,still, continue to
weary. his patience by themultitude,oftheir
abominations? What was it, that in ancient
times demanded the fruit of the,,parent's
body for the sin •of the parent's soul?
What was -it that -caused the children of
the idolators to pass through the fire Of
Moloch ? And what is it which, at this
day, prostrates the ,Eastern pilgrim .beneath
the, chariot-wheels of a monstrous.and
shapen idol ? What are all these atroci
ties but visible commentaries on the text of
the Apostle"? What is there but the in
ward sense of wickedness, and a persua
sion of the necessity 'of, atonement, Which
can account for these prodigies of volun
tary sacrifice and martyrdom ? If' `death
had no sting but that which it inflicts upon
the body; if' the = sufferings " of life, or :the
agonies of dissolution; were all that7mortala
' had -to apprehend, .whT isnit that. fathers.'
should •ever censign.:their , children to-=the
fire, or-their ; , own• = bodies to , the 'extri3mity
NOVEMBER 19,'1859,
of torment? Throughout the world there
is, and ever has been, a deep and indelible
sense of fine, which poisons every- sunrise
of human enjoyment; which makes life
restless, and the end of-life terrible. 'lt
knocks at ,the door of the peasant and
thUnders at. the portals 'of monarchs. It'
tells the cottager at his meat, and the I
sovereign` at- banquet, that he is weighed
in the balance and found wanting It
whispers terror even to the sage in the
retirement of .his chamber,, and turns his
boasted 'wisdom into foolishnese. And
what`is all ihe Will-worship, and..all the vol
untary humiliation,land , all' the superstitious
vanity and corruption which the world has
aver seen: what are,theyilihut expedients
to blunt the iting . which`catt'neSer be taken
out; - and .to deaden` the , angnish which its
point constantly ' Why is
it that man bath ever sought to hide himself
in falsehood, but that he may . escape that
Atifietiageopa t inent, which altakes
/163 . U
. wirtun
Dcowards of Walla; whibh=redtceii
:tWone -wretched level him that the earth
in.-the sweat of his brow, and him 'that is
canopied in grandeur, and in power,; aye,
and him, too, that is endowed with might
which surpasses the - glery of the kingdoms
of, the earth—the might of a:capseions and
comprehensive intellect P—Le Bas.
About Maobbiery-Mendiug.
It is the infirmity of some people to-com
bine it,grest tensility of attachment to cer
tain,,things,,with a most humble confession
that thp, things in question are trifles, un
its, to 'occupy the` time of Christians.
tat,lirchinerY "is one of these- things. It is
'O6 low; little, narrow, debilitating to the
Christian spirit, to .g tinkering maohin;.,
ery," instead of working it I Well, we
happen to, have a system of benevolent Ma
chinery, so ~c omplicated and ill-constructed
Abet a third Or half the "capital has' lo be
expended in coaling the .engine. Some of
us =wish' to .effect an improvement Oat shall
require, a smaller expenditure for fuel. It,
might be
_expected, now, that those who
lhaveindh hodly contempt for, all engineer
ing inquiries would be: happy to acquiesce.-
"Very:veil, brethren," would seem to be
,their natural and logical , conclusion, "Me
are, not able , to see the importance of such a
change; but it is of no Consequence—mere
machinery. One machine will snit us as
veil` - as another, provided -it is only well
leorked.7 -Strangely. enough, the ;fiery men
who claim credit for stroll holy-and superlu
nary indifference to .these email , matters, are
most strenuous in maintsiningevery eliding
organization and every part thereof; as they
would-articles of faith. Not a crank, not a
eog, not a pulley, not, ,must be
touched. You.might,as.well touch the.ark.
The ministers and laymen who, on. a certain
day at a certain place, agreed to 'organize
under a certain name, to do a certain'good
'thing, have all theautbority that was claimedi
by the Connell of Trent. Their treasury
and the - 1 1aord!s ; Treasury are synonymous
terms: To differ, from' them is heretical and
,nalte_ li itenesion of
the question whether. a change
trod:advilable;in the eyes of some of this
classp is an ;illegitimate abuse ,of the light ,of
free discussion. * -*`
If a man's entrusts another with the charge
of procuring a certain thing to be done for
him, he has nofight to pay two dollars for a
.service that can be well done for one
dollar.. If, it is,propnsed44c.raise .00,0 0 .0
for a benevolentwprk, it is ; a..sin to l „impiny
such ageneies and naethods as,cost.sls,ooo,
when quite as. much can be done, - and as
well none, for $5,000. gconomy is a virtue
when we are regulating the expenditure of
our own money. Profusion in expending
moneys given us in trust, is a .great sin.
We have need ;to ask pardon of. intelligent
readers for insisting on such evident truisms.
But it is become so prevalent a fashion, in
someAqttarters, to reckon 'a disregard of them
as evidence of sanctity, that a , dose of , cony
, mon sense seems to be occasionally indispen
sable.—Examiner. '
Those venerable ,witnesses._ for truth—the
Waldeneeehave in their possession Con
feesioneiof Faith and other writings, drawn
up long liefore the &formation' '
which - are
mow exceedingly interesting, and important,
because of the ,light they cask on the.ancient
tenets and practices the Church. Their
opinions have been quoted with the greatest
respect by Protestant writers, because for a
long time they wisre, perhaps the sole rep
reientatives of the primitive and pure Chris
tian Church.
We propose now to present to our readers
a few extracts from the creeds and standards
of this interesting Teople, for the purpose
of shOwing - what- is the voice ot antiquity
with regard to '=some' subjects, about whio4
there‘ is far :from.• unity of opinion in the
Christian ,worid.
In one .of the early confessions of r the
Waldenses, they say, ' 6 , 6 We believe there, is
one Holy' hureh comprising'ihe whole ,as
affably, of-the elect ands faithful, that-have
waisted from-the beginning.of the,world, or
that, chall be ~to the entFthereof. In this
ChUroh it behooves all Christiani- to have
fellowship." Again :
"Sy the Holy Catholic Church is meant
all the elect of God from the;beginning of
the,world to, the end, , gathered together by
the. Holy Spirit, and foreordained to, eternal
In the Catechism of the ancient Wat•
domes, irranswer to the,question, 'if Where
by dost-thou know the Church of : Christ?"
vre,,are. ; told " . By ,the. ministers, lawfully
called, And by - the, people participating in
the faith of their, ministry." And in re•
sponse to another, "By what marks dost
thou know the ministers Y" The answer is,
"By the-genuineness of, their faith, by
sound,doetrine,,by a life of, good ,example,
by,the preaching. of the - Gospel, amd by the
due administration of the sacraments,'
With regard to Church officers their testi
mony is: "It is• necessary for the Church
to, have pastors' sufficiently learned and, ex
.emplary in their conduct .as well to preach
God's Word as to administer the sacraments,
and watch over the sheep of ,Tesua-Chriet,
together with elder and deacon according-to
the rates of good . and holTdiseipline, and
the <practice , of, the primitive Church."
"Among the powers which God: path
given to his servants, is the authority io
choose leaders to rule the people, and to or
dain elders in their charges."
"We acknowledge f zin,sacramenter,hesides
Baptism,and the ,. Lord's ~Sepper."
" We have ever regarded the inventions
of men (in religion) as sn unspeakable
abomination, such as the festival days and
vigils. of: saints, and what is loalled, , ,Jioly wa
ter, *, *„ * but above all„the Masses."
"The things not necessary in baptism are
the exercises, the breathings, the sign of .the
cross upon the heed or forehead of- the in
fant, ,the salt , put into, the mouth,"
" Whereas baptism is, administered in
full olonregatiop .4 the fattbful, *
for this cause is that we present our
child en in baptusm, which bi g ht to bet done
Voice of Antiqdtr.
Philadelphia, South West Corner of Seventh and Chestnut Streets
by those to whom' the, children are most ,
nearly ,related, such as their parents, and.
they, to whom God bath given this_charity."
With regard to popular amusements, ths
old Waldense's held - some views which would
now be regarded as very-stringent by many.
In the article against Dancing, they say
" A dance .is,ithe devil's procession. The
devil is the guide, the middle, and the. end
of the dance. A man 'sinneth in dancing
divers laYs, therefore we will prove first by
Seriptitres, and , afterward by divers' Wier
reasone r how wiCked a thitig it is:to dance."
—Central Presbyterian.
Sea Grandeur!.
There,is a, peculiar,elpym about the sea;
it is always the same, yet never monotonous.
Mr. Grosse has well observed, that you soon
get tired of looking at the loveliest field, but
never at the rolling waves. The secret per
haps,,is,,Ahatt ithe,,fieldt+et!m,ht ~teem
the "set lislifedlitlektilfttEe4foD4 l Y le • `•
tenons as the field is, with the, ea - Olen
forma of life, the aspect does not irresistibly
indnt once coerce the mind to think of sub
jects so mysterious and so awful, as the as
pot of the sea does—it carries with it irt-,
eradicable associations of terror' and , awe,
such as are borne in every murmur of old
ocean, and thus is neither so terrible nor so
suggestive.. As we look from the cliffs,
every wave has\ its , history; every' swell
keeps up sttspense; will it break now, or
will it ,melt,inte that,- larger -wive ? And
then the log which goats so aimlessly. on its
biter, and" now is carried under again like a
drowning wretch—iB it the fragment of
some ship; Which has , struck miles irnd miles
arty, Jar from all help and all, pity; 1411-
men except of Heaven, and no 'messenger
o'f its agony 'to earth except this log, Which:
- Reiff so ',buoyantly on the tide P ='We May
weave .some such tragic' story, a& ..we idly
watch the fluctuating advance of,,the dark
log; but whatever we weave, the story will
not be wholly tragic,, for the beauty and
serenity of the scene' are sure to assert their
influences. 0 mighty and unfathomable
seal 0 terrible - .familiar I -0 grand .and
mysterious passion ! In thy gentlerusa thou
art terrible when sleep smiles on thy,scarce
ly quiet-heaiing breast; in thy Wrath and
thunder thou art beautifnl. By the light of
rising or of setting suns, in gray= dawn or
gairish , day, in twilightorcullen storms..of
darknos, te7er , and •qverYwhere , i-44 11 0 11 ;
the poets have sung ; of thee, the i painrers
have painted thee-but neither the song of
the poet, nor the - cunning of' the _painter's'
hand; has -more . than catight.faint4reflexes
thy incommunicable grandeur, and,loveliness,
inexhaustible.,-AtcAzooed's Muggpiste.
The Child's Dream of. Heaven
"I dreamed," said , little, Ellen, "-that I
stood outside the gate of heaven; snd looked
in.. The gate was all _made of precious
stones; but I could , see through it. I,could
see.the street ; and* it was all - pnre gold. - I
saw angels playing on large harps.; -and' I
hearlsuchisingingas I never heard on earth.
They were;alt singing the-same words ;. but
gt#ll- not-tell-what ;they Avere...„„As kawas.,
looking, iind spoke to me. He allied me if
I bad's new heart. 1"told him I 'IN not
know. He said, 'lf you-have not, you can
notroomerin here; but, iflou will go;back
to earth, and ,pray.forjt,.you shall have, one,
and Imill send:an angel and, bring you up
" I'Went hack to earth, and went into
a-closet; and, as I was 'praying, al angel
came and took me,
.and put me in one side
of his bosom, anddear sister Annie, in the
other, and carried, us up to heaven. Yon
don't know how sweetly we lcloked. We
Were jUst like, two little flowers'tucked in
":When:we name , to <the gate,. an .angel
opened Nit for us, and we went-in. Before,
when I heard the music, I thougha never
could, sing like that; but, the moment I'
was in, I ociuld sing as well as any Of them.
Angels were all the while coming,' bringing
little labies in their bosoms; and, the mo.
meet they were in,. they would. sing as loud
and, as sweet as the rest. I saw my. mother;
and she.looked glorione and beautiful. She
was sitting on a little stool covered -with
silver, playing on s harp, and singing, oh I
so sweetly I, Grandmother, too, was there;
and, oh! Annie, herwrinkkevere all gone;
and.ahe looked as young as yo4;,and ; her
face 'shone, and she was Singing - too: I
said, ' Grandmother, there was great weep
ing when` you left earth? .She said, Yes;
but I would not like -to go back.' saw
Jesus,sitting on a throne, and angelswor.
shipping him; and, when ',saw how bright
and glorious everything Was, - 1. wished that
hid never sinned."
I should like -to ask. - the - childrentAvho
may 'read this, if they think a little heathen
girl, in; dreaming of heiyeii, would have
seen r what,,Ellen
It was, because she, had ~,-rearb, the ,Bible,
and had stored her mind'with , what itsays
of that.-blessed:-world, that such -.beautiful
scenes visited her in her sleep. It was,thera
she learned that she ,never ,couldAter it
without, a change of bead,. and that Suoh2, a
' change could never be obtained withput
prayer. It was there that 'she gained-such
views of„tha Saviour in:heaven, which made
her wish that she.lad never:Sinned.2_ :Ow
much .de -tv,e owe to that „precious ,bobk,
which:not only, sheds. ts light so,sweetly on
all the troubles' of, our waking hours, ,but
makes even the dark night bright around
us with the glory, of heaven a for so " He
givethlis belnved. sleep."— Tract Journo.
Whitefield's Death.
The' time came for White&ld to die.
The man had been immortal till,his work
was: done. At last,bis ,work was done..
path had,been bright and it grew„brighter
to the end, like that of the just.
"Yon bad better be in bed, Mr: White
field," said his boat, the day he.preaohed
hid=last sermon.
",Tape,''; said, the dying evangelist, and,
clasping his hands cried " Lam weary in
not of , thy w..rk. Lord Jesus."
He preached his last sermon at Newbury
port. 1 Pale and dying, he uttered therein
one .of the most pathetic .sentences which
ever came to hi 5,45.. ,I3eeeher says
he wept when he read it - first? No wan
der, if I could weep at all,' it would make
me weep. -
"'I go to .my everlasting rest. My...sun
has -risen,shone,.and is getting—nay, it ie.
alivont to ; risennd shine forever. I have not'
lived in vain. Arid'though I could live to
preich Christ a thousand years, I die to be
with him--whieh is far better."'
The .shaft was leveled. Thekdayhezaid,
4 ,c.J. am dying I" He ran to. the ,window;
lavender drops were offered—htit all help
was *du—his work was done. The doctor ,
said, "He 'fis a deid man." ; -And so -he
was; and -died in silence. Christ required
W. dying testimony , &tun oru3,whw r lifeitad,
bgen.a ponshtnt., testimony.
Thus,passed away , on Sept. 30,1770,0ne
of the greatest spirits that' ever inhabited a
Miran tabernacle 'The world has been an
immeasurable ;.gainer AT his life. He had
By Mail, or at the Office, *LBO per Tear, s z i pßogntrzus .
Delivered in the City, 2.00 " " 8
"WHOLE NO. 873
preached eighty thousand sermons,* and they
had bet two hey-notes; let. Man is guilty
—he must be pardoned. 2d. Man is im
mortat—he must be happy or wretched for
ever. Weeping filled Newbury. Flags floated
half-mast,lod the ships fired minute guns.
- a• Mortals cried, a man is dead ;
Angels sang, a child is born."
*This is scarcely possible, but we follow copy.
Eight thousand is the more probable number.—
The Morning Dram.
• A practising lawyer, now one of the best
examples of a. 141.50 Christian judge, many
years ago, while busily pursuing the practice
of his profession, contracted that ugly and
untuaUageAde disc l ose, " chill sin 4 fever,"
which . infests the swamps and streams of our
country. :Various iernedies were suggested
and.tried; but all to no purpose. At length
his physioian, Wha had no temperance sera
' pies, advised the regular use of a,", morning
itartlic:46ls4&sibleAneaus of (midi
cating,the diseinke. ,His: patient. was a man
of, temperate 'habits, hut having no fear that
he; mould be in 'any danger from the pre
scription, Immediately procured the neces
sary ingredients for his thee doming drain!,
It was' well flavored; and fora fortnight the
prescription was strictly attended to. Per
• haps it berme more and more palatable
every morning, without the patient perceiv
ing it. About the expiration of that time,
one morning he jiimped :out of bed, and,
with most !inordinate haste, commenced
dressing as if the house was on fire. No
60.1.db:ivory was, however, heard, and yet
it would have been amusing to have seen
the urgent hurry be manifested in getting
on his pants. Quick as thought his cravat
was adjusted, and his comb and brush were
applied inhot haste in arranging his hair.
" What," said he to himself, "am I in such
a hurry about?" No , urgent client de
manded his immediatemttention to business,
no.cause of alarm, disturbed him • and yet,
in spite of the almost total absence of any
claim, he was nearly crazy to get his clothes
on: Immediateiy, he solved the ploblem
thus: "It is simply to get the dram. It is
about to become my master. I will not be
it •
s slave and from this moment I will not
tench if." Happy decision I He quickly
passed - out of his room, but said nothing.
At brealrfast, his, thoughtful wife said to
" Mr. - , you have forgotten your
dram !" No, Madam, .1 have not," said
he; "but wife, did you not observe my
hostile. get on my, clothes this morning ? I
foundrit was to get the dram; I saw it was
about to master me, and I have resolved
:never to touch it." And he did not. To
this day, hediratbright, if not a rare exam
ple of a,sober, wise, and excellent judge.—
. Spirit of the
,Age. •
Little Sine.
7 Let us be on our guard against little
sins; against what men call little sins, for
.there is nothing really little in the way of
:sin.., Watch,against anything that wounds
;the `conscience, however slightly. Con
is a Sacred thing. Guard well your
! spiritual life. Watch against the little sin
thitineensibly - may zWorindt-and .thus in-the
end destroy. You can easily kill a man by
stabbing him with one blow to the heart.
But May you not easily - kill a man also by
opening a little vein in his wrist ? The
!blood may only 'flow drop by drop, but if
you don't stop that wound you will bleed to
death,„and just as surely as if one plunged
a dagger into your heart and sent you into
.eternity in a moment. Beware, then, of
the little things that keep the wounds of
;the soul :open; guard little sins, which, if
not guarded against, will as surely destroy
the soul as one •great-sin.
:Newton says, Satan seldom comes
to Christians with great temptations, or with'
JemPtitione to, commit a great sin. You
bring a green log and a candle together, and
they are very safe neighbors. But bring a
few :shavings and set them .a light, and then
bring.a few small sticks and let them take
Are, and.the log be in the midst of them,
and you will soon get rid of .your log.
And so'it it with little sins. You will be
startled-with the idea of committing a great
sin, and the devil brings a little tempts
, tion And leaves you to indulge yourself.
ff..there , is, no great harm, in this," "no
g s:, l 4 perd in that," and so by these little
chips we are first easily lighted up, and at
last the great green log is burned. Watch
and pray, that ye ; enter nokinto temptation.
-Rev.. Newman Halt.
:A Suggestion for Family Worship:
,There is a this State in which
the Beripturew daily for more
than a s.quarters of 'a 'century;' and in this
reading the shildren .have been greatly 'in
terested, one After. another,' from the time
they. , were, old .enough to speak. The father
tmsecureitheipterest, and make the- service
pleasant to_each child„has practised pausing
here:and therein. the -chapter, = and asking
tllig °villa child 4o :repeat the list Words
or lines.readtselecting the easiest words for
the youngest :child, and perhaps asking of exposition .of =a verse or
phrace. this way.the constant attention
°teach child , is, secured, aeneither the old
est 43er:the-youngest is, willing to loses a sen
tence, lest he should' be> called upon to re
fteit3f.antiliOrbb •
Praying, no Crime.
An officer once complaine'd to Gen. Xack
eon that softie soldiers ware makinw a noise
in, their tent.
" What are they doing 7" asked the
" They are praying ' now, but have
been: singing ;' was thereply?
""-And is that a crime'?" , the General
-"The articles of war order punishment
for ally unusual noise," was the reply.
" God forbid that praying shoidd.he au
tiiinsnal noise in my camp,' :mid Jackson,
with MuChfieling, and advised the officer
to - join` theM.
A Sure-itecord.
There is,no way for men to, diseern their
names written in the „Book of Life but by
reading the., work of sanctification in their
own hearts. I desire no miraculous voice
from, heaven, no e,xtraordioary signs or .un
scriptural notices and information in this
matter. Lord,, let me find my heart obeying
thy calls, my will obediently submitting to
thy .commands sin, - . my burden, and
Chrhst r my desire; I:;neverrorate a fairer or
surer evidence ; of :,thy electing7ove to my
Value of Religions Papets.
, ,friend, give his testimony 018 follows
tc,i,,haye)heeo ,pastor of ,a ohoreh, several
yeam i ) fbave. noticed that all men , who
have been f troublesomeßio; my, elvereh,who
have been oiferifloir; at. epiall tliingsi
who have, been crooked, 'set; and .ngly 7 —have
been. men who; did, not :take , a rah:glow
newspaper. .Anu,lou will4PdAhstalMs_st
all Church diffundties- emperfiem men who
dolma readTreligions jaornale?',.