i k r 7.-, . • , , . . . • _ , . ... ....,...... _ :.. , < , . .. . . . - , ;•••••,. . . . . .-.. ~ , , . - %,. ~ , ...- a ... p . . ' i .. . I . .. ... ... ES.- s• ' . .. , . . . : . . ~ . . • a • - ' . .. ~ .c: . . • Z.... , k _ 1. 4 , .. • , . ' .. .„ . . . " - - .- T.- .. - A 4 ' lt* ei: ' • . . ~ . . . . . .. . ....._ II Presbyterian loaner' V.l. VIII Uai t 5 WrlDoll76llltllll/1 Akdvesate, 55 I DAVID MoKINNEY and JAMES ALLISON, Editors. CERIIB.-IN ADVANCE. *tittt. Veal Why Mourn BY'O. H. Waal. The golden grafu Is ripened but to death; And Summer's leaves Must fall with Autumn's breath For all things die Behold f the tnarlole'ern That shrines our dust Shall crumble in its.turn. We mourn the Young; That perish as the flowers, Whose petals source • Have kissed. Life's rosy hours. We mourn the Old, Who vaoish from odr sight' As Summer days That fade in lengthenedllght. A selfish grief: They fall not as the leaves, But ripened grain, And angels bind the sheaves. An aged friend, Whose years were as :a crown, But yester•night Unto tho gravo went down. As sinks the sun, Low curtained in, the West, Its journey done: • So went he to his' rest. No warring strife : And when had ceased his breath, It was not Life— Yon scam could call it Death. A soft sealed smile Fell like a sunbeam's play, As though the soul At parting Weed its clay. The lines that 'Finis Upon the brow had traoed, Death's gentle hand With kindly touoh effaced., So calm—so still . The peace that veiled the dead : Were Death not•mute, Those parted lips had said: O ye that mourn, A selfish grief ye give , Restrain your tears To pour for those thatlive ! Nor the Presbyterian Banner and Advocate Letters OF THE REV. JOHN SMITH; A PRESBYTE- RIAN MINISTER, TO HIS BROTHER, :THE REV. PETER SMITH, A METHODIST PREACHER. LETTER IX. DEAR BROTHER :—" The Artnini‘n as fully as the Calvinist, admits the doetrine of the total depravity of human nature in consequence of the fall of our That parents." This is not - My statement; it, is the 'stare meet of the Rev. Richard Watson, the ablest theologian of your Church. This Scriptural doctrine has ,always been,a stone of stumbling, but the Mumblers were, per hope, never so numerous as in the nine• teenth century. If a little learning in Pope's time used to make a man-a fool,ho,w shall we describe the havoo a 'little science makes of men's- sober senees in our times! Shoals of Pelagians more heterodox than Pelagius himself, Pelagians df the` school' which believes in a religion without grace, and hopes for a heaven without a Saviour, the school of Fowlers and Wells, of Dr. Bellows, and of Dr. 'Chapin, threateri a general bankruptcy of the faith once deliv ered to the saints. The mere mention of total depravity is sufficient to discompose the philosophic gravity of these gentlemen. Human nature is for them good enough; it needs only the right, kind of yaining to ele• vote it to perfection. The result is what might be expected--the system of one pre tender has a run today, and .the new•fan• glad theorici of another pretender have run to-morrow; while tbe day following, the' dupes of both tie their faith to the leading strings of a third pretender, taller by a head . than hi's brethren in impudence 'and . au- dacity. Meanwhile the world lies wfiere it lay centuries ago, in wickedness. All its maxims, its principles, the motives ,it holds out, its very excellences, its very means and ends of doing good, confirm the awful truth. The throne, which of right belongs, to God, is vacant, or rather it is occupied by a daring usurper. We arc of a race deep in love, not with holiness, but with sin. Carrion does not so attract the keen eye and the'keeuer scent of the vulture, the mire and filth of the cess pool do not so attract, the tastes and propensities of the swine, as sin attracts the souls of men, and draws. them within its deadly, sphere. Its poison is infused into every system. Unao• countable are its pranks, dreadfully odd its freaks, The spiritual vision is distorted Every object is out of its place. A. mole bill springs into the air, and assutues the huge dimensions of a mountain ; a mountain dwindles to a mole hill. The spiritual activities are strangely perierted. Meu go on all fours„ they stand; stock still, they turn summersete, they stand on their heads, feet in the' air, and call aloud to their fellows to admire their dexterity. Could rational beings be deluded so by any thing .but sin ? Could any thing else so deprave the affections, so darken the understanding, so warp the judgment? Could Dr. Holmes labor under the singular hallucination that he, poor man, had a call to Americanize the Bible; could' Wendell Phillip, eloquent in the cause of Jacobinism and aseassination, keep up hie blasphemous tirades ; could William Lloyd Garrison and the venemous tribe of which, he is ut once the head and the tail, boil over every first of May, with the cor ruption that renders their neighborhood ab solutely intolerable to all but inch as are like themselves; could Daniel E Sickles, and Brigham Young, and Judge Edmonds, and Parker Pillsbury, and Theodore Parker, be what they are, if the doctrine of total deprav ity was not fouri l did in truth ? When these persons speak, they speak as their nature prompts them. Wien they act, they act nature. Brigham Young, surrounded by the: ,concubines- of .his harem, Theodore Parker, ignoring revelation and defying reason, Judge Edmonds;' nightly consulting the devil, and receivieg praoular responses, Pillsbury, Phillips, Garrison, and company, male and female, foaming.out their ribaldry and atheism as often as the. , fit• ;takes them, is all perfectly 'natural. The Arminian theory Ofloompeneation, sialiiined in the lights of facts, ap. pears excessively lame. Bolstered up be tween real Gospel truths, it makes out to hobble along, but unsupported it would sink in hopeless; is not true that ungodly men are compensated for the loss of orieinal righteousness. Mr. Watson affirms that we all corns into the world with natures totally depraved, and he Affirms the truth. Bat where is the com pensation Is it in the plan of salvation ? But that is not a system of compensation. If it were, each sinner woold be entitled to an equal share with his fellow dinners. All suffered alike in the fall, and, if the repre sented bureau family was unfairly dealt with—and there is reason to fear that all Arminiafts secretly think ,eo—all would have an equal claim for damages; all would be entitled to an equal compensation. But all men do not, as a matter of fact, come in fo'r an equal shale of the Divine Wise. inns, and this.proVes, vvhat the Bible con stantly teaches, that we are placed under system of pure grace. To ashore of grace , . nu sinner can possibly have a valid Claim; otherwise, grace is no more grace It' is one ,of the many hlunderro which Armin lane make, to, mill cooapensation 'graoe, and , grace compensation, words standing for things as wide apart as the , poles: That all. men receive an equal , share of grace, not even Mr. Wesley .affirms; no, not even Dr. Foster will, affirm. Did Esau enjoy- as ' much of the Divine favor as. Jacob 7 Did Judas have as much grace as Peter? Were the wicked men that ,aceompanied the 'wicked Saul of Tarsus, also converted? •Is not the Whole scheme of redemption re- • solved by the Scriptures into the infinite, and absolute sovereignty of God who has mercy simply on whom , he will,have mercy ? Why then d 9 you Arminian preachers put it• into the heads'of the people that justice required compensation to be made to the posterity o' fallen Adam ? Can you not see that the compensation, even • in' your view of it, 'does not cover the loss? To them that receive abundance of grace, and of the gift of righteousness, so as to reign in life by Jesus Christ, the loss-is indeed more, vastly more than made up. But do all men receive abundance of grace, and of the gift: Of righteousness? Will all men reign in life ? Did Voltaire, did Voleey, did Gibbon, did Hume, did Paine, did Mirabeau, did Denton, did RObesspierre, infidels. all, receive abundance of grace and, of the gift of righteousness, and' is there reason to' believe that these'scoffers.are now reigningin life by Jests Christ ? -On your scheme the impertinent sinner might say, that his rights were- invaded 'before he was born, and therefore he rejects all compensa tion-; that he demands 'to •be , reiustateed iu the , enjoyment of his ~ original rights; that he ammtnits, , many sins-he acknowledges, but as these flow from a' nature essentially , cor., rupt, the,•gam must not lie at his . door ; that he lee been misused; thatit isotrue.he has a chancre of. being saved, God knowing-it •• *quid he unjust to bring . him into, the world without providing .. a Redeemer, made cote- • pensation in the gift of his dear Son, but he'does not Choose to accept the ocomPerisa. , thin ; 4 Witt; lie Will' take urrthe plea the Rev., R. S l'oster has 'set forth so ` r lucidly on the ' one hundred - , and sixty-sixth page of that wonderfulo book, " Objections to 'Cialviniam." • " Sinners 'were , born corrupt , an d so -can not be 'guilty , for , this ; ther cannot escape from corruption, andenarernotquilty for remain-, ingin it; und therefore-they , •have .trognilt: whatever •because, of their corruption." acknowledgment „of doctrine; so full of comfort, Parker: Pillsbury: might say, " lily lusts-were so etrong ? and .my depravity in general was so great, that Christianity „lost its last hold on me, and I tumbled into the blind' vortex -of atheism. But' I 'was 'born corrupt, and Dr. Foster, of the Methodist Episcopal' Church, tells. me I cannot be guilty for, this." Dr •Helms inighveriy, My-pride and self - Conceit were so invete rate,Ahatd was simple enough to , propose to iemasenlate , the Holy *Bible, in orders to give, my countrymeri• an Americanized Bible: But. I , was !born corruptvand so cannot, as good Dr. Foster says ' be,guilty for this." Mrs. Lucy Stone and her worthy compeers teig,ht say,..."The modesty that' belonged' to the rest of our sex, was, unhappily, so im perfectly developed by us, that we could not help becoming the impudent Viragos we were. 'But we were born -corrupt, and or thodoi"Dr Foster assures tie we cannot 'be guilty for this " Judge Edmonds might say, "I despised the sacrefikSorintares, and attempting topry into things not given to mortals to know, fell into the snare of the devil. The remit was those shocking false hoods with which I deceiyed,others and was deceived myself. But I was born oorrupt, and the' excellent and trustworthy Arminian doctor, Dr. Foster, insists that I cannot be guilty for this." But how the doctrine laid down by Mr. Watson, in his Institutes, quoted in the-first sentence of thisletter is to be reconciled with the doctrine laid down by the author of that never—mufficiently— to beAdmired work, " ObjeetionaJo Calvin ism," id a problem L ; would respectfully band over to your next annual Conference for solution. JOHN SMITH. For the Presbyterian Banner and Advocate. MOWIatiOBB. Agreeable to pievious arrangement, the Rev. james-Gerdon ()arm:lel:lan was installed over the .congregation of Troy, Pa ; Tues day, 27th of Septembey. The sermon was preached by the Rev. Charles 0. Cross, of Smithfield ; the Rev: Julius Foster, Towanda,., presided and put, the constitutional questiou ;' the Itev. Thomas S Dewing, of W.yalusieg Second church, gave the, charge to the pastor,;.and the. Rev. Andrew „Barr, of Wysox, gave the charge to the people The newly in stalled pastor pronounced tbe benediction. At a pro re nata meeting of the Preeby tory of Susquehana, at Osceola; Pa , Sept. 28th, the Rev. Edward Kennedy was re ceived from the Presbytery of Northumber. land, and installed over the congregation of. Elkland . • In this service, the, Rev. Julius Foster preached the sermon,.presided. and put the constitutional questions; the Rev. Andrew Barr gave the eharge to the pastor; and the Rev. Thomas S Dewing gave the charge to the people. Benediction byltthe pastor. . In the vicinity of the latter mentioned place, a , verrinviting field of labor is ear nestly calling for a minister of our denomi nation. We think few places in the West; inviting and needy as they may be, present more encouraging prospects for building up churches than this. We earnestly commend it to those who are inquiring for a field of labor. SUSQ'CIEHANA. Germapy. A comparison of the .religious statistics; of Germany in 1840 with those of 1858, shows that the number of Protestants in nearly every state has increased in a larger ratio than that of Roman Catholics. Whole congregations of Catholics, or at least a ma jority of them, have •in a number of , in stances become Protestant clergy. Prot estandsm has gained• four times as many priests as 'Catholicism has proselytes *mu the Protestant clergy. The whole number of Protestants in.the States, of the ,German Confederacy.is at present 20,000,000; that of Catholics 23,150,000., "ONE THING IS NEEDFUL:" "ONE THING HAVE! PUBLICATION OFFICE, ,'GAZETTE BUILDING, IN 41 a Wit 8 8 til NO WffiEzi abr the Presbyterian Hatiner and Advocate The Christian Sabbath. MESSRS. EDITORS you permit an illiterate layman, Itirough your columns, humbly to suggest to our many Evangelical professvrs, paptnr t s AO intelligent, private Christiand i e that ' :he present state' of the public tuind,in ouncities,ion, the important and absorbing subject of the Christian Sab bath, and the avidity with which every well written thing would be read, iliscused and digested, on that subject at this time, sernia, in `the ProVidence of God, to open wide a door for well defin'ed e'ssays,'giving the right direction to the ' puidic attention now so fully awikerted, as to tbe nature, origin, an I influence of the Sabbath, its adaptation to the moral and physical nature of, man, his present and future `'welfare and happiness, &c ? If Christians should beliaratiess as doves;; they should alio be wise as 'serpents, in improving every proper oppditu.nitv for turning •the 'eurtlint of men's thoughts Eion ward. The , secular press in , our:cities, ,after•their columns arc , relieved from the election, would give place to:instructive articles '*ell and briefly mitten, from day to day, , and-In that way, truth would, be more generally read and diffused among all classes, • O. For the Presbyterian, Banner and -4.dvooate. . Presbytery of -Cedar, The Presbytery of .Cedar met in Muscatine, on the 27th of September. " Rev. John Bien, D: D., was chosen Modertitor, and Rev:A. S. Marshall, Temporary Clerk. .Rev:. B. L. Belden was elected Stated Clerk, .til,pittee of Rev. F. A. Shearer, resigned.- Rev. F. A Shearer was dismissed to the Pres. bytery of Palmyra, "Rev. T. J. Taylor" to the Presbytery of Des Moines, F. •Breuchert, licen tiate,- to the Presbytery.of Iowa; and. F. Smith, licentiate, to the Presbytery pf Dane. Rev. ,Tohn'Steete, of the Preshytory of Lake, Rev: Jacob Pentser, of Miami' Presbytery, Rev. Jasper Middlemas,' of the 'Reformed '=Dutch Church, Albany Class ,s, and Rev -,Braxton Benn, of ,the Methodist Protestant Church. were ie . - ceived' as inethhersof this Pileebytery. The pastoral relation tobtiveion 'I D. Manton and othe church of Davenport,' was dis solved. The. pastoral relation. between Rev. S. Fullerton and the church of Linn Grove,,MAS also 'disnolired: • Dr. C. 0. Waters, an elder in the Muscatine church, and now , . 'acting l as,\ Superintendent-of Colporte.ge for the ,North-West, was licensed to . Preach the Gospel. A Committee consisting of' two' ministers for each vacant' church, and :one for -eiteh 'church having a.pastor or stated siipply, was appointed to visit every church In our bounds, and to hold a series of meetings before the next Meeting of Presbytery,-Tviz„:. Le btaire , and Prineeton, '.:D. Mason.; Davenport, Mr. Ekin ;, Muscatine, Mr. lil'Oleati J,lorra City,, Mr. Heiden ; Marion, Mr. Reed Linn' 'Grove and Linden, Messrs. Boag and Tarter; Liibon Mr.4tilletton ; Tipton, Messrs. l ,Y; D. Mason and Fullerton ; Blue' Grass and Walcott,, Mr. J: D. Mason"; Solon, Messrs. Hudson and Porter; Fairview, Messrs. Hudson and Boag; Cedar M'Crean; Vinton, Mr. Steele; 'Toledo and Salem, Messrs. Marshall and. Dodd; 'Rock Creek,.Messrs. Boyd and Dodd; German church, Muscatine, Mr. ,Brenchert ; Newton, Mr. Kirk; Sugar Creek and Welton, Messrs. Jones and Bel dee; Montezunda and'Millersburg, i Mesati. Steele and Benn ; Herman, Mr. W. 0. MA son Summit, Mr. Jones; Cedar Valley, Mr. Pentzer ;r De Witt, Messrs. Ekin .and Porter; Unity, Mes,srs. Bong and Benn ; German church; Hebron, Mi. Kolb; Land Frairie,, ,Messrs. Reed and - Kirk; West: Irving Messrs, Kirk and.,bodd.. ' I.t, was enjeined,.4M:gaely:chtlich . .to. take up.a Collection for Superannuated ministers, .befere our next stated meeting. . , The following assessmeni was ma,de for Com missioners' Fund to the General , Assemhly, to be paid at our Spring meeting: Muscatine, $10.00 ; ; Davenport, $lO.OO ; lowa City, $5 00; Marion, $2.00; Linn Grove and Linden,: $2.001 'Tipton and. Red Oak, $2 01; Le Claire and Princetoq, $3.00; Walcott linkfllue Grass, $2.00 ; Vinton, $3.00 • R Cedir apids, $3.00 : ; Meonaniesville and Llshon, $3 90; Toledo and .Salent, $2.00; Sugar Creek, $1.004, Herman, $1.00; .Newton, s2.oo;,,Summit, $2.00 ; Fairview, $l.OO ; Unity, $1.00: De Witt, $1.00; German elmrett, ,Musca tine, $1.00; Montezama and Millemburg, $1.00„, Messrs. Kirk, Marshall,.and Morrow, were ap pointed a Committee to organize a emelt at Big Grove, and Messrs. Mason, Marshall, and Flier ran, to organize a church at Red ,Oak. The churches which have not paillthe amount assessed to them a year •ago, for. Rev. F. A. Shearer's support, as 'Presbyterial missionary, were re quested ,to forward the amount.due to the, Stated Clerk at Museatiee. The following supplies mere appointed: Unity—Rev. friTtean, one Sabbath at discre tion. ;Yawl .Prairk—Rev. Kirk, one . Sabbath, .at Linn Grove-,Rev. Bong, one Sabbath at...dis cretion. West Irting—Reis. - Kirk, Dodd, ana Fullerton, each one Sabbath at discretion. , • demon. church, Ilebron—Rev. Koik, one Sab bath at dieeretion. Tipton. and Red Oak—Rev. Mason, one Sabbath at discretion, ' ' - Linden and Linn Grove--Bev. Mason, one Sabbath ; at discretion. Linn' Grove—Bev. Reed, Third Sabbath ..in October. Rev. Porter, First Sabbath in Deoem- Linden—Rev:.-. Marshall,. Fourth Sabbath .in October ; administer sacrament: Tipton and Red Oak—Rev. Ekin, First Sabbath in November ,• ' ` administer sacrament. Rev. Belden: Third Sabbath in November._ 'Dr. John Ekin,, J. D. Mason, and James Kirk, were appointed a Standing Committee to procure supplies for vacant e,hurChes, with power tribute the labors of , unse.ttled ministers, licen tiates, and the unemployed time of stated sup. , plies ; to correspond with other. parts of the Church, in order to secure Stich laborers as are needed, and to draw upon the stated pastors for' such labor among the vacancies -as may be necessary. To this Committee, : each , vacant church and preaching station is requested to apply, stating the 'amount of time they Wish to be supplied, 'the amount of remuneration which they will give for each day's'primohing; it being understood that each minister sent- to them shall always be paid bis necessary , expenses, and, where poesible, enough more 'to give him a fair' remuneration for his:servichs. .The next mooting le, to be held inlows. City, on the Ist Tuesday . of April, at ,7 o'clock P. M. „ , E: BeibEar Stated. Clerk. per the Presbyterian Banner and Advocate. The Presbytery of Coshocton Held , its Pall meeting at Keene. J. E. Carson preached the opening Sermon. William E. Runt se. ved as Moderator, and C. E. Bomterger as Temporary Clerk. s Six ministerial members, (one corresponding,) three lieentiates laboring in the bounds, (two as pastors elect,) and thirteen Ruling Elders, were present. Calls for the pastoral services of Mr. J. C. Gillen, from Mt. Eaton`and Berlin cherishes, were accepted, and the following arrangements made for ordination and installation; Wm, E. Hunt to pria:ch the ordination sermon, make the or. daining prayer, and propose constitutional ques- tions M. W. Brown to charge the pastor ; and R. W. darquis to charge the people at Mt. F i atou, Dec. 27th, at 2 o'clock P. M.; and the, following daj at 10 o'clock, at Berlin, M. W. 'Brown is to preach the sermon and propose' the questions, i Wm. E. Hunt to charge the pastor, and. 8.. W. Marquis to charge the people. A call was also presented from tile golineavina_ church, for` the labors of Mr. J. A. E. Simpson, j and retained until Mr. B. consummates his con nexion with this,Presbytery at Synod, with the understanding that at that time the other part of the pastoral charge, (Millersbarg,) will also present a call Presbytery expressed gratification with the prospects of the. New church, and pledged, itself to Sustain. the, congregation in any measure taken with a view to recovering their house of worship it was also voted unani mously to hold the next stated meeting at that place, and It, W. Marquis was appointed to - preach the opening sermon. The Piesbytery refused to concur, (as request ed,) in an application (proposed) 'on the part 'of of the Presbytery of Wooster to the Bynod of .Ohio,. Asking. that• the Southern 'limit saf , that Presbytery be such as tej now in.eonneution with., of the ohnrobes direetli move on the ground of t five Jby thOr represenm selves opposed to it.) Rev. ed.• W. Brown, atit were nominated Commies) anal Assembly. Rev. Win. Satopre, to be the s) Rev. J.J. Carson real ship, and was disniissit, Wooster. I.(eir. Wm. E. , J Clerk. Eroalaytery adjournedti the Modrrittor during tio MaYksfield.. From sour London . Inquest and Verdict`— The bilities. and her Future--0 The Affairs of Italy—Si "Constitutional"— Piedn Pleaded with--What is tol, Press, and its Mistake as ;, Preparations by France --11 Bhip—Saiz Juan, Generalt Zoodey—The . British Asl A Humboldt Memorial-2 to the Sdnans—The Lon& Reformation—The Times A "Special Corr , spondend Corrections by Fart—Drl The Doily News—The Appeal to American CI J Franklin. LONDOL , THE VERDICT of We thb' ease of the five nil the explosion of the Cr of " aeeidental death.' that "sufficient caution engineers;" ,but who the want of caution caused itilve`ilot iointed out was lbeabt'for Mr. Soot structorof the ship; and, pany's engineers; utak; thiriwing link and forwt that ,they had, personal re) eieplosioit `took place in or closing of A, tap, or slop of:the-jacket Of , one of It,vias a most merciful,pri many did not perish, ai pointed out, but for the a Mr. APatricik, atiotheri have taken place. -There) lidwever, that the vessel long, first on a trial tripy be eatisfactory,) to Portl vast size of the vessel harbor of -New York fro Many are the epeculatione *ork.mell, in the - ocean rigging, and also—the slAareholOrs—whet4er shej last appeara to me very a thing is pretty eertiin,l, however7rioh:or Campaiit'i will. invest such a vast awoi ship like this requires, .ani selves in all the sequential and tear, of high wages to en6neers, fireded, and ere sufficient to justify, the ev trial trip is to, be made'ono ber, and the voyage to Porn on the 20th of the same mr Mr. Brunel, the llluetioi planned the areat Baia board4feir VILA iSeiferer-1 trial, trip, is dead. He was seized , with paralysis, and speedily, sunk. He was in his, 54th year, and is greatly, lamented. Mu AFFAIRS OF ; ITALY have -assumed a gloomier aspect, although the - . skies may brighten suddenly by unexpected issues to the Conferences of Bteritt. These, at my iresent writing, are not yet an nounced It is rather ominous, however, to find the Constitutionel, in an article,. on " England, and:-.16,1Y" ;ifreeljusti tying the summary close of the Italian campaign, bythe Treaty of Villafranea,,and on a ground very, romantic, as an Imperial reason—namely, that. had France ComPleted her victories by overvilielming 'Austria, her victory, as as. , the victory of new coalition, - would forever-have destroyed that nice preponderance of States,whieh neees sary,tor the civilization and liberty of the world, "In face of this alternative, the Emperor thought - it right• to halt; thinight that his sovereign responsibility. , did•not,justify him in playing,nuelLa stake ;. he respected the: independence of Europe,, as he means the independence of France to be respected. The Coitstitutiona then goes on to ask.: " Is this the , reproaeh cast upon the preliw inaries of Villafranca ?" Next .is At sneer at the " new friends .of Italy," whose "sympathies come semewhat late" The proposed annexation of the Central States to , Sardinia,' is evidently detested by the Imperialist ;newspaper. It praises Piedmont as, the ,"chauipion" of Italy, " when despaired." " But, preeisely because her part hue been grand and disinterested up to, the present; we must not mike her abandon it." 'Once more there is a cuff for "those who are bent on an impossible Italian unity;'.'' and.theDu.obies are I. ‘ damned with faint ; praise" for their " sincerity;" but then "we would !suggest 'that the votes of the annexationists, of which so much has been said,= have not perhaps, so much value as -is attributed to them." . The jealousy of Flcirence, Parma, and Modena, is sought to be excited by 013 suggestion that if annexed, they will be only "chief towns in a kingdom of which Turin is - die' capitaliP 'andt the princes who are,expelled• would be, perhaps, ~regretted more or less near!' Next, it-is hinted that if Piedmont gets so large accessions, it destroys the e,quilib rium'between her and' the - kingdom of 'the Kiog Of Naples, and would -render •,"Jed eration," and " Italian nationality " almost impossible The article concludes by .invoking to their considerations the attention of, "all the teal friends' of Italy," and suggests' that Eagland,• among these' " real friends,", and now, in fresh armed alliance against China, with France, will aid her in " bringing, if requisite to the conditions of peace, the modifications reconcilable wits the inter este and honor of the parties concerned. ":Thanks to such union," it is said in con clusion, "the`Peninsula will be free from the Alps to the Adriatic" Thus "the Sphinx," i e., the Emperor, keeps us all in doubt. & solution in the shape of a tertkunt quid, may be his pur pose. It may be that he will not insist on his worthless cousin being King of Etruria, nor yet suffer Venetia to be entirely trampled down (` , , the state of siege," just abol ished there,) by Austria; but it is pretty, certain that he will not allow Vietor-Era manuel to accept the Dutchies, and so what is to become of them ? Some have talked of the second son of the King 'of the 13e1- &mg .becoming King of Etruria, and, a mild Austrian Grand - Duke ruling Modena and' Parma. But all is uncertainty. THE LIBERTY OE THE PRESS in Fratlee is far trona being su real as was confidently gathered from the withdrawal of warn ings," at the time of the granting of the Amnesty-by the Emperor; that already a stern cheek is put upon its new courage' OF THE LORD:" "THIS ONE THING :I DO." W t,/,MtBEET, ABOVE SMITHFIELD, PITTSBUGH, PA. URDAY, OCTOIESER 1559. ludo eight churches ?resbytery. (Three j oerned favored this nr convenience, and nt•expressecl `them it :lames Arosstrong, s to the next Gen- S. Snot, and. Hon. &tea. t't* ,L ne Stated >Clerk= the Presbytery of was chosen Stated fleet on! the call of ei dltsions of ,Synod at WtfT, Stated Clerk. Irresp r ondent. vt Eastern's Capa• Fah of Xi% Brunet— (*ant Article .of the it Balked—England le the Issue,—French o its Liberties—Naval Voißcror'e new War *Me Irish Repivai— and his Mistakes -2 nating's rietter— ;;*ty z.ChstorihAlain-- isiiest-Paie of Sir e.pt: 23d, j 859. woner'l,44ry, fp t 'who peiiihj ,a in 'Eo 'rho jiiry sitete' , Dot ,uatetivby ft tie: ,ineerp arc whose e 4 0 9i49 11 4,Yt59.4 bley th - e'oentittre ',lllsacil; the coliC so t for .theCiAxi.: o:their evidence the 'statement oonsibility. The vr , r "• teichn with' r the,, the syphon' ie greatifunnels. fideno &het eery ( 1 -. t4t0.01012g, taellOe of mind of `N6ifialf n 6 doubti ] ti4,o to ,sea, ere Fl 4 en (if that, ' The pieient the /bother &° will egreselit At question to t wlll,ll.y. The tb;d One - i teve r stiong, ttot% capital uivolve them -• ° 1 e v , n ( g f wre e a r r' . I siaff IViheixt data As to 4egirt, in A+ 41 ,, f 4qllll and candor.. The article in ,the lifoniteur is' peculiarly slier!) ' , and has produced much despondenev atuong literitry risen and edi ' tors of newspapers in Pies' 'Sonte•ol` the • Paris papers dam to find fault with it, and breathing" i3erititnedts'which' do honor to the Writers. Thus, for eximple,'the Presse says : • - • . Falsehood and,oalninny constitute offences ap preciable by the, Tribunals, and even an error committed in good faith is a contravention which has not escaped legislative foresight. We believe 'that we , have read all that has been, written on the subjeet during` - thiti short period of 'hope to which , tne lioniteurta nete has ust put an end, and we have detected .. no Wishes at all , incompatible ;with the Constitution able With the' fundamental laws of 'social-order. Wail there:danger. to.:the Constitution—yeas, there, danger to social order, that newspapers should reoover the common "right tot labor-and industry l' by — the suppression of the previous authorization, thp .00mmon right of ju t dicial repression by.the suppression of warnings ! We do not think it; and - we 'taie ativalitage of the latitude left Its byfthe Monliieur to say - so. It T s cual not be difficult to prove it, but it is useless `q sp. - ,11;Tant, t it _ .Tirmirmarlt, . dittlittge then., what ;.11 ,'an t t . - journal willibeiohlitad to make np%their minds tcr The t gerif„. is, fon them; Ate resp onsibil4y ',and (we - venture . to say it) the 'principal incon 7 !iretilexiane, are for others: *: ; 3 NAVAL - PitzkAirallotts go iiiiifigirriessei hirspite , dflpenonitilfessions. l, s . l l / 1 41PEEnit,ettor ir k nnt u v e nor , no, -_of, rifled lirtillery-alone, also of, ships : el, war on. anew principle, l a of a iery formidable;character . ' trial his jat been tali(' down` at' ;Breit.' itetteel is to be the of a' series, - to 'he constructed after f,the 'Barnet model; iron ; cased r one :hundred, , metres int ,a,sch,apnet; tith,tbp /famous ,new rhinoceros horn, destined to out 'tlirgugh th - teitqrny'; 'Lin' in half. dfolig'“with ' the conatinctibw. of 'heir' !shift,: the. Magenta, the. Tineetinert i'oet , opened. The,Arkeencs.,” s!9li the Paria- c9riverken4ezp ,t , .)f.* morning, Oaner "is "le * tinedl. Vi to sodoere 1, e tlents 1 1 ° 11,- if I -". of wary - n es Railway' to• idraw them to the eapitail trot:quit final" the fortresa can be, bropght intoMariaraininst 4,, Air, Frltof!) 9:olopert9,lo - grealy , inorease the security of the lifeWesti INtipoleon,' , security in; heivlt battalions:i'• The occipifittn'Of 'LIAM) , • , 'JUAN, 'by her Gealifiattisli tabdttlie ftrotesti ofr : the Governor oft , British 001 n Mbiat inatlM a little- 15 tk '*el il3 Ahe ) 'p reel TM ,pAtt+3 , of European n politics.; 13nt as both ! the, , ,d*bigh of St. Jailed and thai of ' t iV . 45" blig ; tonieln to' agree to enter into "di'phfinatio' ,- . ' relatiOnii-on thelsubjeot; no fear of alluar'-‘) rel is pptertained. "I Wariso AOC:rump?* of . ' 4Frm' elr,e,;!k t r;l ° . ll F. the Osue,..z4 gii.qiJitt..; i :tithes i and here is lapotherl)llWV4 of 1 the " rumors" con:titre after appareklyliC inevitablio confilet• 4‘ith:robirtavaollteq4ll good, men. deprecate the verisrosaibiliiiiof. . .4.94a 1 aPil A merkek , , e”r=97 4 g7thPto , t That would be,a disgrace anbeen appointed to' our dist,riet for their special , benefit, and, that, of theirlimilies, writes thus: ig Apy,.pprson Weald be surprised at the great 'difference to, be observed between the six and seven day men. -Those - min ivho' rest on -Sunday, are remarkable for their respectable'. appear. anee, as may, be easily proved by noticing them on the stands.during the week„ and, hy 'seeing them at*their several places of wet.• ship on the Lord's day, but more especially by visiting them at their homes. I often point them out to the seven day men, who cannot, help admitting the truth, of what I, tell, them. "i 4 The seven day men have no use for,, Sabbath clothes, since they never' hive tibia' to wear them. Hundreds wbuld be folio& without, a change of clothes. Some-of them tell me that they. work three mouths, and : some four months, without a day's.rest, be-, ing out' from sixteen to eighteen hours a day." All dabs in Ldndon, =whose WuMbers above ten thousand, are. six.day cobs; ,anda ' any ,American friends visiting usorill select. suchen the stands, they will be better seived,- and at the same time be giving encourage ment to a movement which afitictii est interests of a very numerous Aitis. The Bishop of London has taken , deep interest in this matter, and Lord. Shaftebury. has inaugurated new Cabmen's Associations for mutual improVement, ineluding Siek Fund 'and News' Roornsi. An ever inoreati= ing number of . them` are, 'by' tracts; books, and personal exhortation by city:missionaries,. brought, Ainder the influence of genuine_ Ohristitniq. qv, I Cc ckwe havirmi 4, 1 0. 1 ,t.„ :lcc f t Philadelphia, South 'West, Corner of Seventh and Chestnut Streets and forty,. out of seventy-four thousana seven hundred' and seventy seven drivers, have given ap 'Sabbath work. One of Cab missionarios says ;'he had 'not net with : drunken cabman, for nearly six months, while a few years ago he would have seen hundreds a week. So likewise as to Swearing ;- it is now seldom heard. Even Punch has been helping the move ment,in his own witty way: Referring to the meeting , to ,forma Oshman's Chit), at which "good Lord 'Shaftabury" presided, and to the speeches then delivered - by cab bies themselves, he writes thin : "That the speechifying was quite up to public zneeting pitch, the, brief extracts which-•are , fur4 xtished us suffice, we think, to show. Among the Penile of eloquence. Which Were dropped on the occasion, ; one jewel of a cabman we, are , told, let fall the following : " 'One diver, in a very forcible and intelligent manner, strenuously advised his fellow-men to abstain from , using profane language, which he knew they were addicted to ; also intemperance and .bad. done stiand found it. an ; s. re .0. , MeV did iritY brought which all tbe awearing.inAbo world would never Laura • If this , 'intelligent driver be SW ioOd 013'16 Word, we regret_that the r t epcirtlas not informed us of his "number." His sentiments are worthy of a man - oChigker.standiig that one npon the ,eab.stand, and prove to our . a The Bnk is but the eabman't stsa‹p' t !nib utatAithli koldAr thatn ~‘!l'u t ful, ekTry , ualupsll ? is;so,p.erilpus a task, that we wonldgladly, save ourselves in future II frinti , tire risk of it: Wheti-found,"We'4Ould not °l ll Y4ke:etTet` inAke•Et uPt,e of-hint ;;' ; but w.e would riadly appoint him as our Cabman in Chief, I an'd'inthelowik ininiti to.posteriti 1 ; ;::.' %et igateneo lake Alta •Idate;:sild ,by cfol rowing" the a/viee,of this their , wociei . :_hk t merality, let ;• thict'aspitetr Vna the *train& Weilitte t isffer 'foi rtaintan...:;:linartenor with thelitilic,Arii- 'Olin nil. I 1 11.419 g -VaitiPAe4ia Preittdioe!„,agSast thew, one; 1 i chief real'Oti.ol'.? ; Whiblt'is'that`.thei: so often are'l; *tidbit*l , aiitikakneini for 'fftronirlifittorSait4? i sftiAlf . ais ; what 4avautiililni, ; TlaielliPet Lancel.a' . igleads to that'of, speech- and 9x- i rg ' !, Cdsszhillo g fhapi Ca Atilliqiiiiirlle;ittitifielli,i':lThia" le,.pieeriy 4 „ebOwn,-„by tz tho ?elm wehole 3 qtroteclo who has RrOved ,by exporienc - 9 that; for cabmen, thinly' is` taliiitYs tlLS''WeatltOliity.li . ' iliii f liage' j reastnefoiAkeSttribitit,• tit is thet., he itetTtlfouna Jr Answer ;' aucl i it wo n nidposz,i9 i ,-' us tc,.,44 , ,i pre ; • ciikviniiiiebleit for -ii,! VlVlatiy!a itihifiattlitiilit tie I blitt&in inatler;wayk off reasoning; itattfof :the ar,„; i 99 3 70iif". 1 ,Pf4Viir t *me,, 91)t10 4faki ) t,elea,the. 1 fOrSe," ' • ' .. ' c'' •' - '` ' ' ''• - ' r . .i -. ,Are:Aire no - inetitaetk . Leirioseol to annyir temptations, ailikriciatitie einiiiiiittoits 'nit' • - - } their tbellitifitilpie , gtekt oitiettenhbillJnittd IStateal : . ,, fad 1. , •-.,-. -,.' V. --„ T ?t 7. ;*.:1 , : .‘ .t 7 ::i 1 . .": 7,. ' 1 ' •i Tiiki "rxitis - law anokeipairthir. - ffritiAnilfs. ! vivalsoagor t ic long. roticeitcp, .„ - F AA 0 4151111,11 . 31(b !If 1 i 4 §Recit., , ,i9 r ia),o94,t, an_RE , A"4 , . .. „.. li o l , i hoir9Veri 'll 50 4 . " special' , ' vocation Sand' .1 , .`74 'IV . i.ll • ''• ocitimndstotto.-, car, for fiddling tattryti !goo , ' i ring Ihhtiiiiliihitliii, anikailitti#Oitibitle I on. th a -,. in oinnient .; .. - - 1 1, he Will notiiiiti:ite hurtol PPiiitga/ rell.glo.l is *4 I 4 I O 4 APAII: '4 . MalitYr i . ,,144 nttfe t oo d irfilneca nt:kotto and,;.tAitlig.,li i applies to a Nary . :iatßa rOliority of ilie 4 l4er• ary kiffOoffitiotAndoiirtteini f ''7 4 l"fie 4 -4ditifi' 1 Of the IDOI4 ArlioirMs , a, , 4' happy ,- OxobiltiOn: Ntik:that the r..,#46**iirrit,isiaTgoodcsir;; tiolajorAltiqt!)oToimilokatortalg,i4oi 0 ; that it. 414 not takal':dioideir,antl / EVatt§l-. ~ e - fi .r.,.. , , ~ .2.1 1 '4 . r...^ 141.4 . 14r11..- - T ,„, a . ._ r g‘ i . I 1 .24,40, 1 4,--IgilPM , sti. e* , .1.401-ia• . .1* te.1,Q3407 , .40/ : Ileel,. * 4 qt' • ' 4 'l ,lat,iiiiitsok,*w44 Awle4per, : vitipArme* I F . 5; ii:ll,wZia, a. made admissions which some Of the more* infarilted .liontaniati and Infidels, would, not like. Bat what sot ld be, a; grosser mis representation than to say that physical agi tations, accompanied by horrors of mind, was pronounced in. Date, generally (of' course by , mieisters, &o.) as'" conversion "? Or could there be a more miserable -device than the attempt to show 'that," our Beets" differed altogetherfrom " The Church," on the subject of conversion,'they holding sudden conversion,' and The ChAreh " a gradual.conversion, by ordinary influences"? Ultra High Churchmen 'may do this; but the Reformers and the great' 'Evangelical lights' of - the last 'and present century, all heldj ,or hold, that "conversion"consists not in •terrors .of mind-and - ' : conscience,. l thoughthesemay :precede-;-nor yet is it a 44 groans' "thing (isaanntifloation is,) but that a passes at once from death-unto life, when it enthrones Ohriat by faith—that faitha, graceof the... Holy Ghost—rand mark , ingAhe transition` period , of actual "conver sion or turning to the Lor d I had an cPportunity, last Lord's day evening, in , .the prettenee of a large audience of different denominations of correcting the theological mistakes of .the Times in con flexion witha narrative V tacta se recently aiceitained in Ulster,' and Which can leave no doubt with any candid body of listening. Social results , tell with men ,of the ,world, and help to eilence.scoffers. ' I• am- increas cerrespondence, my Meek of facts' on'this point, and the Daily .Nina offers me the use of its columns. In that journal the Chautherlain of the City of London— ' Benjamin Scott; Esq =who has just re. I turned' from Ireland,' has''borne . testimony very decided, to the reality of the move- ' , ment. alio,,has the "UV. G . V. Chi . chatter, t.of ,Portrush, County Antrim, eon— ' tradieting(nnwittingly,) point-blow:4,as s' Church England clergymini-the ' Times' theory ,of. Church "cenVersien. " In ;Ti the mis - ,of, , 20th instant, ap peered, a-Is:cowl letter from-its. "Special. Correspondent," who . " describes a .".Monster" Reiivatopen air -meeting, held at Arniagh on - the I3tli inst 'Rim written in,adepre ciatory Vein. Still ho:speaki respectfully of the.-addressesof. the Hon. - and , Rev. B. W.' Noel, of london,-of SOU Ernest Noel, Esq,, and of the Rev. J. M. Moore of Bal. Some cases of imposture connexion , with the movement, begin 'to appear. One of these„ has been the - .attempt , to make Money' by exhibiting marks, or rscigmesta, &v', ' ;on the ' arms or breast of alleged (but wickedly hypocritical,) converts of ,the names, of 44 Jesus:" The,' Rev. W. M. Breakey, of Lisburn, near Belfast, detected and publicly denounced a'case of this kind, in connexion With which Money - had heen charged to the crowds who went.to see the new' "Exstatica" ease. It was a girl.. aud when -she found that "Breakey" had •ex posed her, she cons'gned him to "Aainna don." Of course this ,affects not:the revi val itself. ..But manner of falsehooclje poured forth, especially by the Bornialivress at Belfasti and , the ";papists' there are 'much infuriated thereby,- cgaiinit the movement, and especially against those ministers nader whose.eye or .whose churches:Romani:us have become converts. Doctor Cumming,ina letter to the Times (Signing' "J. C ' ,") after admitting that "lhere is much ~to be condemned, and gla• routed% the Irish Revivals," (of which, however, he has seem nothing,) asks: "Are we 'warranted 'in Judging of any 'work by its 'extranenu and incidental ex ceases? Should we, judggi . ..the 'Church of Et gland George'i r ju-the East, pr by the Bishop; of 'Exeter inthaWest ? Do we test true religion hythe extrivaganoeS (?) of Mr.'Spurgeon,we denounce ;his la bora among the; Misses, because ,he often Violates 9 1 114Yate.4 taste ? , ca lii thistirorld.neours,Ahere. is - friction iiewelkiimorgiotapn. Quid- int ttrifirerkkhaf ,t- Bra or at the Whoa, *1.50 per Tear, .. 83.it p Ros i zoras. Delivered`ft the Cif* 2,00'" WHOLE NO- 869 ours is not workable without alloy. A. sub lime enthusiasm often touches the margin of fanaticism. Heroic bravery is nearest, imprudence. " If these revivals in America and Ire land be—is students of prophecy incline to hope—the fulfillment of Joel ii., and there %fore the latter rains, we may expect that the weeds of fanaticism Will Mix With plants of Divine root and fruit, and fragrance. " I can testify from a recent visit in the neigbborhood of .Glasgow where a •similar work is beuun, that drunkards are become sober, whisky Sliebeens shut up, elm Wilms better filled up with worshippers, and sehools with children. If such fruit-follow in Ire. land, we must rejoice, and forgive,, while we denounce the einesses which adhere to every good work "We do not condemn the great work at Pentecost, one thousand eight hutdred years ago, beeause a Simon Magus, an Ananias and ; Sappbira were associatd with it. I ..t ," " ,k t Xil -2 , ' ~,," " ' --.. .. ."Aritflootor-otzthre - ioonoe;leivOtito,4ad.phea - oznetut of, tbo, so, for -rreeor4Og at ibigia tiiempo Op ~... But I , t 1 should .be ,sorry it, sit eifyilil 4tel4ore, of Tour l m eo wp— rot to e-:-Ihou, 41 reeeg eize only'ohigi rind limo' Wit of Jiving ireellit of earn.' 'i' , 'f 4 1 It, is something to be able to -get ti letter into, the filmes on auy alubjeot ; on this side of the quespion.; and while the case , is Put • With e , ekaggerations "' by Dr. C., his argument is good in the main. - I have fresh . 1 . communications from Ire land, indicating - work is not yet at its height, anclothatAt is spreading rapidly. There are also growing, indications at ,Liv iipeol, Manchester, " and New Cluitle-en. Tyne (eipehially,) that's great work Is begun. Dr:„McNeil, of Liverpool; hai instituted frequent prayer-meetings during the week. A ~s A, ,Glae g ow and other parts ~of- Scotland, lii is - a rising iide of life -and inteAgt, greatly helped by the , reports of the mina, ters and qtherp,who Imytt visited, Vister. In Landon, meetings fqr ;rally prayer,are Christians-are quiekeried to - praY)ind to. live nearer An God-; iftttht Church , -,of God, is certainly -begun pray for London, for Ihititt;ni -- , 4.argrimi converts of 1858 I Pray 'for die Oki:Conn --c 'has' been VeneiVeidatlast, of the-fate of Sir - John FrAiklin's Expeditiew QaptiAndieClintock, R. N.-, t whn, ocmwand ed the_, levet. etplerillg ,- :exile Orb, turned, 'home, Relics and written „papers were fdurfit l inffinitineihtt fettnii 16Se e in LlB47,`that Aida In "thee ice, and that (A ea an& ftwelmen der : Captain OrcaVfl - . lbtiikOttati.3re ef i 13f ti);Oride, County _ own,arithip,„tra of the borne of my, okildhood,) had, set out lon 'a jotirney , tciioard d'iainedf'ai#edeere 2 lief, in 1848': All have long since peffsheil. l Captain 51cOlintnek rainnade fregh discov eries, miles of coast unkcown , to Eildbreck, I . - ' VokithekreebytWriati,Beuider ?Ind: 116 , 6cmitl. „ p.; , = 5., - . 51r , T. )Piedlateit oft J6.1 ; 101161 t, ' : 1 - •I I g4likt grtiiitAtA . mar4f Cirkti,4 eta iip latatfill. iwailgkaaAgaiskippotptujr i t w 9 , i l ip A e , 0 Italia. 4 aledral 'of IrikeYs wn, Md., and wnn opene4 'l* a germ= by thar..11.41 3. : ministers and elders were hi a tendanoe. The usual- iteine of! bintineSs Were -Wight thhfore Presbitery, and its , proceedings were character ized by great unanimity of sentiment" on all questions whist:Vela:tie up for consideration. The free conversation on the subject of 'religion elic ited many cheering facts concerning Zion's pros perity, whilst many of these statements' also revealed the sad truth that rum selling, intem perance, and Sabbath , breaking, were on the increase in many places within the bounds of Presbytery. Rev. Daniel Williams having previously re ceived a sail from the church of Schellsburg, signified to Presbytery his acceptance of said call, and a Committee was appointed to make arrangements for his installation, as soon as practicable. Presbytery appoisted„,,the . following supplies for Dickinson church, with the express provision that this church coiriply with the.-instructions of Presbytery in regard to the payment of supplies sent to them : ,First Sabbath in November, J. A.. Murray. First Sabbath in December, W. D. .Petterson. Second Sabbath in December, Robert M'Calstren. Third Sabbath in December, George Morris.. First Sabbath January, 1860, James F. Kennedy ; to administer the sacrament of the Lord's Sapper. And .that .the church have leave to supply itself from that time till April next. At the request of the 'Rev. WoOdworth, of the Presbytery of Winchester, a Committee was appointed to take into .consideration the wants of the missionary field in the bounds of Carlisle Presbytery, lying in Allegheny County, Md., eon° report on this subject to Presbytery as soon as convenient. Their report, which was accepted and adopted,, embraced the following resolutions Resolved, That this whole matter be referred to the Presbytery of Winchester,' to do as they deem advisable, in. the premises. Regolved, That it be recommended to the &niches under our'eare to tike up collections as soon as practicable, to aid the church of Barton, Md., in completing their house ,of , worship, and to forward the funds collected for this purpose to Rev. Malcolm W. 'Woodworth, New Creek Station, „Hampshire Cotuity r Va. • On' the sibjelst of Education, the following paper was.adopted: Resolved That the ministers and elders of this Pieslijrtery be requested totake menet:tree to see that every church within their bounds - will in clude the Board of Education among its regular collectfons. An adjourned Meeting of Presbytery was appointed to be held at Alexandria - , -Va., at the call of the Moderator; dUrinethe sessions of the . ! Synod , of Baltimore. Gettysburg was chosen for the next stated meeting of Presbytery, to be held on the Second Tuesday of April, A:. 8.11860, -at 71 o'clock P. M., to be opened with st sermon byAtev. John A. Byzneass. Rev. Wm. B. .Craig : was selected for his aliernaie. Rev. R. F. Sample, Principal, with Rev. T. K. Davis, alternate, was appokiteck to .preia,ok on the mornin' g of the,seconcl. day. J. S. GORDON, Temporary Clerk. Par tha Presbyterian Banner and Adana:ate -The -Presbytery,. of 'Newton Met, according to adjournment ; `in the church of Hackettstown, N. J , on Tuesday, Oct. 4, and continued its session until noon of, the nest day. Rai. Robert B. Poresman was chosen Moderator, and. Rev. W. E 'Westervelt, Temporary Clerk. Rev. George S. Whitt was received from the Presbytery of Elizabethtown, and the first Tues day, of November nest fixed for his installation, by a Committee of Presbytery, over the church of Newton, N. J. The pastoral relation of Rev. J. Edwin Miller to the church of Stroustirg, ,was dissolved, and supplies appointed for the Church for every al truists Sabbath, commencing Oct. 9. Tne church of Andotter presented, a".5)41 for the pastoral labors of Mr. J. S. Suiith„who has served them almost all the time since they were organized„ The first Wednesday of November was appointed for his ordination.to the Gospel minis try, and his installation over the church, if the way shall be found blear. Preebyteryadjettrtted to meet at Phillipsburg, N. J. on the'fourth To.'esday of April next. Lxi attentions, trifliag'lnit perpetual; a mipnte oonstOtatinn:nf the Wants and tastes,and tempers of ,Others ; :these are ; the little things ; that ontwaigh,althousand aotarof, showy, heroism. OPINION OP Orums,-,-11 any Aight theegbemeither dejected nor provoked ; and, , do not' value men according to their esteem of thee, but fftoordiug,to their *in worth.