a,a, owes. co .pepation to vo man on e arth. H ere spin, 4arother, we ,hive the ad• vants ,,,e of yeti. No expresaion, certainly no cordial elipreesion of approbation, ever ocs pes froth. Armiuian lips, when God's deiling° with mankind in the matter of the fall are placed on their naked merits. /, cou ld go into the largest Methodist congre otion in your city, and provided they did ou t know that it Was John Smith that ad dressPd them, I, might, by setting forth the awz i ng grace which delivered us from the cu rse pronounced in Eden, perhaps draw ou t scores and soores of Amens, some faint, others Zoog and loud, from as ma.uy pious hearts But should I undertake to show that God was acting on a priociple just as mound, when all men were constituted sin• cent by the disobedience of Adam; that be did not go too far, when, on account of the great transgression, sentence death was passed on Adam's entire posterit • that be 7 might, with most perfect 'justice, have left our apostate race to their well deserved fate . ; that he owed them ^ THE) compensation, and that in no sense was he bound to provide for them a Saviour—a, dead, silence would per vade the assembly: Not a solitary Amen would break', forth as an- endorsement of these great Scriptural truths. Possibly some of my hearers might even go to tbe length of muttering, " Abominable Calvinism!' Let the arcane be changed. The; Rev. Dr Foster ascends the pulpit. Markthe con. tract. " Brethren," he exclaims,'" the pa. rent might be to blame for his own , eirr, but bow could a whole ',race' be to bisme for the violation of a covenant to which they did not and could . not give their smut, and over which they had -no more con trol than the angel Gabriel 1" And again, the " Amens" and the "Bless the Lords," would be as numerous, as hearty, as long and loud as at , flrst. These different styles.,of preaching, rep. , resent a striking, difference between your dootrinal system 'and cues, which may be stated thus : In. the 'Arn3inian scheme the human race is creditor and plaintiff; the Creator debtOr and defendant. In the Cal. viniatio echen3e ilodis creditor and plaintiff; , the human raoe debtor and defendant: Vor Um Presbyterian Banner and Advocate. Presbyterian Colony. Missies. EDITOne multi ask permission again to make a aonvenienoe of your columns, in furthering the above-named enterprise. But as it is of a eharaoter semi ecclesiastical, and en tirely patriotic, We doubt not your willingness to afford facilities .f4r,. communicating with' your many readers that are ,interested in it.. What we wish now to do, is to give information preliminary to a. meeting of the *onions • 'as the 'panther Of families is, already: exceeded. '..(one hnndre ) which we desired, previoutt to appointing a 'meet ing. Permit us, then,', to give to those concerned the following inforination: 1. Besides the families from tbis place,' and immediate violnity„one hundred and seven have* expressed a desire to join in the enterprise. 2 Of these, ' fifty-one have stated the sums they were prepared to invest in the purchase of real estate. We litiVe'only donated the minimum, sum proposed by each, 'and the aggregate is $82,000.' 3. Fifty-four do not' mention the emislhey, wish to invest in land, although they mostly, inti mate their design to purchase. SIX 4 itity they haie no money r c;1 buy real estate with, 4 Only sixty six have specified their'previons occupation, and in this number nearly all the. ocoupations needful to a complete community, are embraced. Farmers are `the largest class, and carpenters next. • 5. Many offers of territory have been made, some of them Very attractire, arid mapi and de. soriptions in great numbers have been sent us, along with these Offer`; that we are in Pintas.- eion of a good deal 'of reliable infOrmation, that will facilitate the exploration and the decision of the question of locality , These ; ' proposals,come= from four Southern, and. seven • Northern ,States and Territories.,,„ 6. Of the One hundred and' nine who have, written, some say they represetitheveraffamilies, so that the number cannot be , stated with perfect accuracy. Of these one: hundred , and nine piers, are fifty seven live East . 41.44141;thaRginui tains, and fifty two — Brest; tied so far ati,,,,wh i oau judge of distances, the town of Altoona, on the Pennsylvania Railroad, wotild r- be .a contrail) odi Lion. Bat the persons ~,flliaacivo,thris. fas,,acm duoted the enterprise..feel unwilling definitely •,to fix a place of convention e„ ehoigrsats~„lest: they might not fix Up6ii &Form would bireentral, for the actual , attendants. has;;been thought best, then, to fix a titne for:the meeting now,iind' request all those 'Olin purpose to attend the, said Convention,' to certify Mr Crawford, by mail, of the feet, stating also their dlitance from the city, of Pittsburgh. ' ' This willlenable us to qv - cable the 'di:inn:Ott of travail more surely, thin,- with our present data, we can do. We havh fiked ypon.Wednesday r the 26th of October, as the day'of meeting ; and re quest that all who intendliibe present, both of those who have already. Sh u t' in their adherence, and others who mearitirei mai! do it; will Inform the Secretary as above. One hundred other fami lies will be welcomed. The Superintendent of the Pennsylvania Railroad has„. in consideration of the object being one of publie intereet,: consented to issue excursion, tickets, that -will enable the members of Convention to come and return;' on : one fare. And doubtless other itailroaap, if applied to, will do so too., ; Let there be a prompt response to this request, so that we can inform, by pire s ular,' where the Convention will be held, and furnish the means of getting the excursion tiokets. All communications to be addressed to Jowl A. ewe:roan. - Hollidaysburg, Pa. 2 Tit slYitattaliNtees., .51 (1 The PRESBYTERY OF BIINTIINDOR will hold Its next stated meettng In'Ateiletti ( e.PAikterian church, on the Sleet Tneettsy (thi . 4illi) of October, at 11 o'clock A. M. . ~ tr _. viista 11AMtaktiiplk. WIN b . 1 Atilt IN ' ootob.. ~..,41:1 The p,lf i rle*TAlTO MOOT . VIP .. y. En, ' l4 l— 6, tp derail b Keene;Ver the rat rfieeday "O . October at 2 o'clook P. M. .1 E. CAR SON, Stated Clerk. 7r; 11=__ , .. :.01, :N.ll, The PRMISBYTIBRY OP 13 ALTSBMIG will meet et Rural Vlllege~ Y q thel.totlelel.ot October, at . 2 epleek..ll - . 61. w WYWOODIANDp6tatiiir-piict The PRESBYTERY OF BTRABENVILLBIrAILizi!Ii, tad% cargo:A"' p "" s.llialll " tie ii6l at a tinEaßo , mat" intr. The PRESDTTSAT OF DONNIAL wilt bold its nett stated meeting In tbelhnnol l 'OPltgdie Oet'orli'a4Oßialt day, Oattfbei tinfetle, ceeroor The Revs Se 't Gamble will preach at the opening of the seariona. Mem. bon7t9.1.09 1 4 4 11;r 1 0144 1 4 1 110. 1 • bat illotteiofiroillitid with conversance,' from ObristianaStation.. ny, ptevlonety acquainting:the - Misr , Nifoitilk! Rittehhtines, liatE"Post. Mee, pip their purppse.....-,iiDliff T.4l4ll,l;rikaßliii, Thep*llB RTT IBLAIRETVILIAI MitlP f i r riteit(4T. Salem, on Nilo ltirst Toesgay,sl poto.bor. 4112 n'tleck.R. Sermon bY R. Stevenson. "artbieet—PiesAyterlan Ordination.,Meniblitli;nolatlig:hy.tailroltdrftetedlte - X a s t, ' will atnp at Hillside } Lfrom the greet, at Detry Ellatlop n wilve; conveyances will bapiiivided to the Ankh.- I 'h •' The FRAISBItTIinT. fit. 7.le,briliTON , wlll ItiAilk stated meeting, at Haisilatistown,Ni 04,9i,tbil,d1reVraerday , October 'next: :The '1410110611 tiarratiirr mast :be cent, to Rai. 19 Westervelt, atalloombitrgyNi;J:: tetr days previous to the, day or tnestjpgi,,,DlPpeping, commence 'et d'afoet SE' hernn loirmont Moderator,matte-ASP:4state psaa P. g ilr. •ipi; r. ; l it _ Stated is The PRNBOTTERTf-C,IT.W&8131111:113lf st• • West Alexander,, Psi., tist'khe Fnieg' eday 9th) of October, at 10 n'olookiit. 'tt &IT DROWNISON; The PRESSYT®R'Y ciP - .cals.. LER; w.ll meet 11.,r Henderson, tdotoor,DoSuth MOWN,onFriesllOtoher l4l h.f at 2 o'clock P, ' T ? _ le S r YAILL Stated ts aa , t The PRESBYTERY Or; BADSTONE .utoottyzy, 14, First Tuesday of Octhbiriche the chiral! o Mt: >Wrli at 11 o'clock A. al.' TVs otatodb.irtiltuatedikl!out two Sins, south of New ClenoTs, .1/syotto County . ?al , • , • •bra purrocw, The PRESBYTERY ' OP BRAVER will meet An on the Third Wedaesdiii. '(2lst day) of Repthitibeie itt 11 o'olock A. M. - •. D KNER,,Btetfo gker;.,ri The PRElBYTERY4Vnuatictitircvni:meetlin tbe First Presbyterian church, Duhuque,_ l'a on onae.,7lqVanl% September 25112, at 7 0'61804; ,:JOHerit'Bl36l34, 6.0. „ The PREBBIFTICitY oFrulffi Ds ? . Oct Tuesday, September It p 6r.• • i• • . • • • • --- - The PIIEBBY,TPX 61 . .1(0111k griVER w1,11,b,0hl Its stated Pell reacting at freepoit, 011 Tneldiy, 6entembii,27th, et P O'clock P The 18amment .of five canto riper member,Ottrion—tne churches, for the contingent Jund,, will 1)1. otlirmi to arr ' V.- Sll f , v lloW,l3 l a r.f t ir , The PRESIWTEBY OF ST. OLst VILLE will meet io Woorletield, on the Blot TcieedeAof 06tOber.fit;lt olakink 61, 91f4.4,0!,ffittp. 9ork. ~! The PRESBYTERY OWol:llo 7 AodlMtriiieetesittle n(lotii,e , on the last Tuesday (the 27th) of Elept‘siePeit aqi" dr lce.9ll - 1 1 3. M. 'AIM, Ste Clem 1 The PRESBYTERY OF PEORIA 'l'itatitta adjourned to m e et at Prospect church, on the Third Tumidity, (2009 of September, at ? o'clockM. ROBERT JOBNBTON, neaten 010kk. ,. The PRESBYTRit,T elf 10laysiltintiet In Mtlytetniant on Tuesday, SeptembenitOth, atillYtt'cleekrAt M9OO • T. STIPARNS, State Clerks • *I :11:a 1 , 4 The PRESBYTERTIOW BLOOMINOTOR.wiII thold a its neat stated meeting lit West Urbana; Di" on idondsio October lOth, at IA °Week GON6-910Entasso Cork. • 1 The PRIJSBYTEtt 151ErelletErrAlaiVitS Ce ntnt, on the Third Wednesday of Senteniber, o e NMWTON, The „ PUBWITERY efF RUB will meet ot Sugar Comic, nn Millard Tuesday czutb Joao of oeptetaber, at 2 o'clock Y. M. S. J. PJ EATEN, Rated Clerk. The SYNOD OP PITTSHURGH wIll meet, agreeably to adjournment. in the Second church, Pittsburgh, on the Third Thursday of Ort:. ber. at 7 o'clock P. M. Presbyterial Narrati rem are t' be seat to Rev Dr. JAMMU% 013 the Narrative to be ore. Chairman Of the Committee 'penned to theayood. WM. - JEMMY, S. ' ..,. --- - . The SYNOD i'll? SCIPMERN lOWA will meet at Knox ville, Marion County. lowa, on Thursday, the sth day of October, 1859; at 7 o'clock P 81. SAMUEL C. M'CUNE, Stated Clerk. The SYNOD OF MAINOIS elands adjourned to meet at Paris, on the Sooond Wednesday, Cluth) of. October, at 7 o'clock P.ll. ROOEST JOHNSTON, Stated Clerk. The SYNOD OP lOWA. le adjourned to meet in Muscatine, on the laet Thursday of September ( '9th) at 7 o'idoek P. Ed. J. D. DASDs, Stated Clerk. The SYNOD GE ALLEGHENY will Meet. actreetbly to adjornment. in the Prerbv When shwa' of Mercer, on the Boorth Thursday of September, (22d) at 7 o'clock P M Narratives of Religion from Presbyteries, ere to be sent to Am William AI. Blackburn, Erie, Pa., before the first of September. ELLIOT E. SWIFT, Stated Glade. Extensive Telegesphi . Enter,prise--Lm" es _ . New Yong, Sept. a—Contracts were executed in this City to day, byithe Western Union Tele graph' Company, the Missonri River Telegraph Company, and the Missouri. Kansas, and 'Utah Telegraph CoMpany, by which the former com pony have become the controllers of all telegraph lines West of St. i i ikuts;:ii r ad arrangements are now in progress an ample means provided to, extend the lines of the two latter companies, un der the general Auperintendence of Charles Mc:- Stebbins, Reg from,St. Louis to Fort Smith; five hundred miles on the„ route , of, the Butterfield . Overland Mail t , and from St. Louis to Atchison and Utah. — The latter successful °Per 'Ation for about four hundred miles West of St. Louis, and the line to California via Fort Smith, is in, good working order about thtee hundred 4 miles West of St. Louis. By the latter like, which will soon open another section of abotit twohundred mites, . the Associated Press will receive very fall reports of California news, three or form days in advance of the arrival of the Overland Mall'at St. Louis, and within the next few months it may be reasonably anticipated - that the :California -and Utah lines will become tne most important, sources of exciting public intent. ,genre. JOHN Much annoyance le' felt here, both 'by • the English Legation and.the Secretary of State, at, the recent news from San Juan; the relations of the two• Governments having lately become most cordial and' friendly. "It is hoped the good sense of both Powers may prevent any serious mischief' ;in the premises. It is understood that Mr. WAN the new British Minister, takes out to. Central America, posit've instructions to propose a treaty which, if the Central Amerioans refuse to accept, they , will be held responsible by all ilitwirld for prolonging an unnatural state of tilibgirbetitteen , themselves on the one lila end Englaantid4Ainerica oir-the other. The only wish oLthe British Government, and, ea",wielt moat . anx t ityst,y felt, is to . come to a loyal understanding with the United`States about' Central Ameridan affairs. An aerial ship, catled the City of Non York, intended for a trans Atlantic voyageOras been in the courtte of constraotiOn for some smonths past in the' vicinity of New York, and is now so nearly completed that ehe will be ready to undertake 'the .•trip ,in October. The aeronaut who has .charge ilii; enterprise is Mr. Lowe, of. New Hampshire, who has made several successful as censions.. The, dimensions of the airship :.are greater than those of any balloon previously built. The capacity of the Ints-reseiver is seven' hen dyed and twenty five thousand cubic feet; the aggregate height of the balloon. from the valve to the bottom of the boat. is upwards of three hundred feet; the diameter, is one hundred and thirty feet Mr. Lowe proOones to ^go directly , from New York, to London in forty.,eight to sixty four hours.' Ermines! has improved elightly b..t 09 long as the rivers remain at their present low atage, the full activity of the Fall trade cannot be realized. , There Is considerable anima tion in the produce trade: The receipts of dour and wheat have bet n quite huge. The sales of flour, says the Gazette, ,during several days of last week .ran up from 2,000 to 2,600 ibis: a total never-before reached' In our experiencaof Pittsburgh business. The bulk of ,this was for consume. tion in the frosted, district. The'reoeipts by railroad last week were • 30,612 bushels of wheat.ariti.^.l2,9l7 bids. cf . flour. 'llietwiteat was all for this city. •Of -the flour, • 5,681 bble. went East, and 6,686 bbli. Were for city dealers In ,addition to this aupply, the local mills furnish about MOO bids. a week. We alattleirrn-from the Gazetie,thlit.the kioney..sittftet is quiet. tiiiilqW , th?ili‘ieountelat ilan o li/Mintinra s ejk ion down gradually , ai it PrelfiblTiVill do until 'ha 'Fairimel. ness furnishes new paper' sufficient abundance to in crease it. Moat, if not all of the short time tin. 1 paper, ends its way, into bank, and the built' of good paper on the street ialir‘f haurinet7 Mug time to antride dealers are taking this quality papal at 8(69 , per cent. -Eastern Exchange Is still Irmo, „hat r the banks maniere to. 'supply their coStiehertfat par, *niche brokirs sell at'/A premiuin for Carew. Eichange on the fleet has no standard quaation The hanks take it with, sufficient ' margin to cover the premium of Eastern Haellanye, at• the points drawn imbh,WhiChl varies 'accordingrto tne',lrlikd,aftatir. renoy that; may Ite Preralent. The .rote tarliee frenk l o 3, per cent: i' ..• • • • . , - Arase-1.25402.00.per bbl. Burnie Ate Mos—Roll :Brater.lll:ol2%.,_Eggs, 9 g 510. . Batiosts,--Qourrnotr to choice, 2 0043 00; Amor. 3.50. Onsitiadocd W, stern Reserve, 8; choles, 8 3 4: • • Ditua 8a5i13(4133.6 Frotra—There are scarcely any sitlei from first hands, and none of wbirhihe terms are made public. From mill the riling rates yesterday were.. 4 60 fdfannerdne and 4.76 for extra:all or part Spring. 'From store, the quoted urea are 4'.61(6)476 for cpring superfine3:9o for Winter do, (which is very a arca) 4 8044 90 for, Spring extra, 5.00@; ' 6.1044 25 for Winter do', 6 2646.37 for 'Red Wheat family extra, 660 for white do-, and 5.62656'25 for fancy do Rye, Flour, 4 874460 from store Corn 90°. sa ban, GRAlN—oats, 330 from first hands, , ..and 35636 from store. Corn, 80. Rye, from. drat ha nds 786180. and 85 from store. Wheat; Red, 1.15@1.18, and White 1.2041 25. The demand for seed •has been quite active, and priest, range from 1.25(4)140, as in quality. OrroCatule—, Sega by the hhd, 7X43,and,by the bbl., 8(§18 1 4 ' 5t01a55e5,r406542 Coffee, 12%.-:'Rice, 50514., Rey-12 00@18.00 per ton. Laan—No. 1 country 11% , ; City do., 12: POTATOIII-40@4 6 for new. • Persons to whom ,paokages of Dr. M aollister's speech on the Seminary question were sent, wi'l confer *favor by returning, bymail, any copies which,remain unsold, to the office of , the Presby ter'. Cincinnati; Ohio The portages-will be sent to those by whom, they are pre' paid. • It For the first, time„ we yesterday bad the pleas ure of listening to one'of Mr. DUN Iscohires , on Business, at the Merchants' College,; Fifth Street. The subject was ' 44 Mercantile - Speculation," and ' It was treated by Mr.' Duff in a manlier fully ens taining,bis high reputation as. a lecturer. The lecture abounded in useful suggestions for those who desire to pursue a succassful mercantile ostler, and the - folly of chimerical speculation was most fully exposed. The lec.urer - furnished to the students many -valuable suggestions in selecting their future lines of business—relating the.succeeses that Might be obtained in some particular branches of mercantile business. In fact the lecture 'embraned many interesting topics to the business men, whioWhave seldom, if ever, been explained, before by any lecturer. Mr. Duff is not only eminent as an ac countant, but ranks among the feet as a mercan tile lectitrer, and he has reduced the - merchants' profession to a science. Being a practical ac conntant, we would certainly prefer Mr. Duff's tuition to that of merely theoretical teachers wbatever may be their attainments.—Aurna/. Tni Era —S. A. Sterrett, M." D., devotes special attention to all diseases of the Eye. Cataract removed by a new operation, causing hat slight pain, or risk to the eye. leesidence, 27 1 7 Penn Street. rADTISRTISEMNI.I I Believe it Saved my Life. Jadoh Wooster, of Bush Creek, New Sewitikley Tywnship, says : o • " For two years I suffered the Vertigo, Nausea and Headache, attending Dyspepsia, sometimes sq severely es to incapacitate me for any effort at others, to confine me to my bed. My bowels were Often so constipated as to oblige me to use. the most powerful purgatives to relieve myself. Indeed, I at last found it necessary to use some thing of the kind constantly. Last Fall, I com menced taking Bcerhave's Holland Bitters, and found it just what my case required. X cannot recommend it too highly, for I believe it saved My life," °airmen t.:LBe careful, to ask for Barikaves Hoidaid Bitters. Sold at sl.ooler bottle; or, six bottles for $5.00, 'by the iota proprietors, . BENJAMIN PAO., JR., &"9 O, tittsburgh; and twists ganirally„ , Synodical. t,ws pepartment. balifoßkia and SaitLake. Waitingtou Ballooning IM!M 4 PITTSBURG/I; Tuesday, I,3eptember 18 Dr. lilac Master's Speea. Mercantile Speculation. [A;*vsvaiiiimENT.] r HE .P.RESBYTFAIAN,. - BANNTAR _ . A:tiitD 'i:A.I)YOEIATR: BROM MANUFACTURERS, Saddlers, Harness Ms kers, Tailors and Families. will find the "Finkle Sewing Machine," sold by J. L. Carnagban & Co , Federal Street, Alligheny City, by no means overrated "Finkle" has gained several essen tial advantages in the model of his machine. It may be to the intereot of those who are buying either Men's or Boys' clothing, to glance through the establishment of J..L. Carneghan & Co., Federal Street, Allegheny City. Their reputation for first claios work is well established. and their stock embraces many grades, from low prioe material to very fine. As this is the season of the year when worms are most formidable among children, the proprie tors of M'Lane's Vermifoge, Fleming Bros. of Pittsburgh, beg leave to call the attention of parents to its virtues for tbe expelling of these annoying, and often fatal enemies of children. It was invented 'by a physician of great experi ence in Virginia, who, aftg having used it for several years in his own practice, and found its success so universal, was induced at last to offer it to the publio as a cheap but certain and.exeel-' lent medicine. It has since become jnstly,popu lar throughout : the Unitedßtates, as the .most, of ftelent Vermifuge ever known • and the demand has been steadily on the increase since its first introduction to . the public. , Purchasers will be careful to ask for DR. NV LANE'S CELEBRATED LIVER PILLS, manu factured by FLEMING BROS. of Prris*tati, Ps. There are other Pills purporting to be Liver Pills, now before the public. Dr: ll'Lene's gen uine Liver Pills, also Ida- Celebrated" Vermifug4 can now be had at all respectable drug stores. None genuine without the siewa,ture of [s], - • EMING BROS: Liforti4 . l . l l:ilt . iliOii4 - .:: The Ocean Queen waffbaarded, off Cape Race, by the News Tacht, and European dates` obtained as late as Septerat er let. The political news is not important; The Russian loan of £12,000;000 sterling had' all been taken, much of it in London. The work of raising the sunken ships, at Sebas topol, was far advanced. Only twenty-three vessels remained to be..raised or destroyed, and the existing contract with the American Company does not expire till neit May.' tAe • Twelve' Apostles, the largest vessel sunken in the harbor, is to be raised; if possible, and' the l attempt was soon to be made. ' ' ' • The Zurich .Conference. The'news froth the Peace Conference contrite mainly of rumors, which' state that' scoria *ogress has been made, and it was' probable that a suc cessful conclusion would be arrived at early in September. Sardinia refuses to accept even provisionally the annexation'of the Duchies, without consult ing the other Powers, particularly' France.' Tliti, Italians still maintain a firm attitude in relation to their national independence. A telegram dated Berne, August 24, says that the French and Attatrian Plenipotentiaries have -regulated the settlement of the affairs of Lom hardy, with theconsent of the Sardinian Pleni potentiary, and the arrangement, it is expected, .be.enafirmed by the Soiereigne. The affairsof the Duchies are to be treated di rectly between the Courts of Paris and Vienna, Austria, it is said, 'has modified her original in structions to her Plenipotentiaries The French and Sardinian Ttepresentativea were in „consultation on the 24th ult. On the same da yy - Count Coleieclo had a slight attack of apoplexy:" There are constant arrivals and departures of couriers at Zurich. A telegraph from Zurich to day says, «The private conference condones. The. Time, Paris cotrespotoient says that things are going on so badly at Zurich, as, to render a dissolution of the Conference, in a few days probable. A congress of war seems to 'be the only alternative to. which Austria is decidedly opposed and which ; will harp as little.apacesß as, this Conference." , NAt,:ting pf pol taoat , igipoctatioe ; iias transpired The Queen was abotit , to 'visit Scotland. She bad*determined - ,m41 . 0rkg : ,,, the jour key during the night, 'at a uniform rate of speetypr "forty miles an hour. Nothing -. has been done;regarding , the Anstral , f lash ixidiVoontract ria;,Patittina. The-Board. vf Tiede retip:os inoreaee of l exports amounting to £291;009 for'the thonth of August, and £9,816,040 for the'Seign 'months over last 'year.- The Naval Report of the London Times gives, on the whole, a favorable report of the inspection of the Russian war frigate General Admiral. The'potato blight is said to be 'making consid erable ravages in-oertain parts of Ireland. ThCLontion:rintee, in &leading article on Eng land's defensive preparations, says that she is now rapidly ipProachini, if indeed she has not actual y attained which no assailant can hope to attack her with impunity. The Isle of Man - las been connected by Sub marine Telegraph. with England. Telegraphic communication.with,Malti, r liati:heen eitablished. A Cabinet Council nneipeotedly snutmonedlor the 29th ult.; heid givetirise 'to various speouln Lions. The Emperor retnains,,in retirement in .the Pyrennees. It is rumored that he will shortly proceed to Cherbourg, ,andipay a second visit to the camp at Chalons. The Paris Venatitutionnel. in &leading artiolo, says that the Emperor Will lawfully fulfill his Tillafranew agreement for the restoration of the former yeigning,princes ; but if he should not sucmentrin re„ uniting the prinees and their people in mutual accord, it is not his intention to, force either the one or the other. The speech made by Count DeAfortlyinttracted much attention, it being regarded as , an enuncia• don J:d the views of the Emperor. The Count, endeavored to show that the English aPprehen sions of =a French invasion were groundless, and that France was desirous of ,cementing the 'alliance existing between'the two :countries. be Conatitutionnel has an article repudiating, in the strongest terms, the fratricidal policy 'of a war with England: The. Paris Patrie, having, uttered 'strong, anti- Austrian sentiments, has, in pursuance of, official orders,' informed its readers that it does not re ceive,its inspiration from the Government, buthas expressed its own views only: The 'Barbi correspondent of the london. Ad vertiser says 'that engineers have been' sent to survey the whole line of the- -, coast between Cologne and Calais to fix upon a' spot for a sea port sufficient to contain a fleet of flfcy trans. ports, and the Minister t of Marine has no tified his subalt,eratothat fifty transports; each being Clible . .tg containing two thou. sand men, mu ;the *ready off . Dover by , the . commencement of the ensuing year. The writer also says that 'a full confirmation of this,new or. der has been telegraphed to the English G,overri l meat. He conjectures that the altercation with Belgium will supply the pretext for s rupture withßogland. This whole story is regarded , as a canard The French camp at St. Maur has been broken nr•' "'" The question of free `trade . will receive due (mn. sideration at the approaching will of the De paxtments. • • The Liberals of France are disappointed at the number of eminent men declining to accept the am nesty. Their presence in. France, it is contended, would be advantageous to the cause of liberty: What the French Government will at last haire to do is simply to declare to Austria that =it has done all that was morally in Its power in favor of its proteges, or else it must dispose itself to int pose them on the Duchies by intrigue, if not -by force. The King of. Sardinia in returning, thanks for a medal presented to, him by & private Society, said that his efforts were always concentrated for the greet national cause; , that .he lived for it, and was , ready to die for it; that, though difffaul ties and miitortunes arise, they must, and cer tainly will, be surmounted. The London Times strongly urges the Tuscans to be prepared for the reault of Austrian ag gression, even if they have to fight. No change has taken place in Italian affairs. A. special deputation from the',National Assem bly of Modena his'tone on a mission to the Em peror Napoleon. .The Mayor„of Parma issued , a proclamation on his return from Paris e in which be reported the conversation he had with the Emperor Napoleon, who said : " Tell your population, that my army shall never do violence to their wishes, and that I will not permit any other power to ddb violence against you." The Mayor adds; I " Then: words make you arbiters of your own destinies." Garibaldi had resolved to maintain strict dis. ciplirie in the armi of Centralltaly. In an' order of. the day he says: " I *lll oattlie to be shot any one who calls himself a Maisinian, a Republican, a flociatio,or even a Geriluildian ;". he will have nn one riltiliiin 4 but notdiertfand'ltaliatni. • rmwcnTis,aarr.i , LADVARTIUMENT Worms Great Britain; . ::F~ance:~" W Ell At the Council of Ministers at Turin, at which the King presided, it was decided that before so cepting, even provissionally, the provinces which desire to be annexed to Piedinoist, it was proper to consult the Allied Powers, ,and , ; particularly. Prance. The object of the defensive leigue between Tuscany, Bologna, and Modena, is stated to be to prevent the restoration 'of the fallen govern ments. and so lay down a basis of assimilation in their institutions. Belgium, It le thought that the Belgian Senate will re ject the bill providing for the fortification of Ant- *laid Nikes. Alumni Meeting There wPI bee meeting of the . Alneini of Eldererldge Aoodemy, on Wednesiloy,. September: 2804, UN, at t o'oloek P. M. • The meeting will be addressed by the Bey. 3. T. Ma Oartney, and L hhdory of the Dietitian read by the Rev. 3, B. Caruthers 3. - All friends, pstrone:and former members of the Inetitu. than, are respectfully !indent to attend By order of Washington College, Pa. The Semi:Annual examination of the students' of thie Instil:allot. will commence on TIJESDAy„ September 18th, at 9 o'clock A. , Cominittee of examination on part of Synod.: Rev.R. V. D'Olige. Rev. G.',9oraingo, D D,, Dev, ; 3.11,1 Dundas,,ex. John Moffat. dn part of Tru!deoc .Rev. A. D. Dampbesk Rev - John Eagles* D.D Hon. johit. H. Ening, A. W. Aottoonn, Ifeq., Dr T. iiriCanna6. ' The Baccalaureate'Soil:non, ',by abe President, Rev. Dr,. Scat, will be dell4ered on Babb".l h morning, September lath , Sermon to Society of Religio s Inquiry, the - Hama: even, lug, by Rev. William fd. Grimes, of Oadin,,Ohio, The meeting of the Board of 'TrasteiS , 4til take place 'on Tuesdifilliitifitabatliltliritt 21,61eck!Pnri'lvim , !, -..7:-A-.;a.'s The address to Literary Societlea on Tuesday evening, 20th, by Rev. Samuel 3. Wilson, Profesior in the Western Theological Seminary.: • Regular Oommencementexer sis on Wednesday:morning. • The meeting of Alumni Asara2ation, and the, ceremonies connected with the inauguistion tf i the monument erected to the memory ottheJitel Pres ea, Rev.,_llaviditi'don anew, .1) 1 L.L.D., :Olt take p 1 • on. ednewlay, after noon; at which time severed ad , reeeea, by distinguished Ahmini, and otliera, will be della rid. Thtroiddiess lathe Alumni Ass On Wednesday evening, by W. C. the goalie of Representatives at TR I Beare eeplo-2t Kits. WLISSLOW, an e aisle Physician, hse a Soothing • in& wbielt greetl y facilitates lb , softenincthe gurus, reducing ell all palitand regulate the bowels ers,"it.willgive resat° youreelre your infants. Perfectly safe, in meat. ar At the ,Preebyteriao Parnorkage, n Towanda, Pa, Angnet 22d, by Err. Julia+ foster, hie L4iert Ftsx Court . to Miss Mamma Irtoroau, Seam both rtf Linsbore, fa, • • Ore Tnesdav morning, Septeinbegfithyst the re.thinie "of the bride. near Butler, ra, by Rev. des. B. Boyd, liir,RoacitT JOHNSTON YOUNG Teacher in Ppencer Acadent L y. to Mies' MAMMAS? IoKLTAnr. The-rvang couple started the same day for their field or labor sauctog the„Chostpre. To McKeesport, Pa , Aug. I.Bth by Rev R. V. brtiOn to %Mos at aLIIIBA • 41.: 'ALLEN , botltof Greenock: Allegheny .I.unty, Pa. At the bride's father's, near ,Mo. Kereport. Pa, September let, Mr EDWARD . H 'Bsintrt to Miss Mereams,A. WATSON, ,both of Allegheny Corinth Pa.- . . On the 11th of August, brMsv. Ifinley. of Wooster, at the bride's home ifr Humus Hmiur..itivirustn Mims. Bustsrra Arm AM.?. both of Media& Cotinty, On the Sth. of September, at the .residence of Mr. Robertson,. of bindlns County, 0., Mr. 112NRY 8 VAuoint to hlieit EMMA A. Rums" both of the above plies • Oft Thursday, September ilth, by Rev. D. H. Barron. Mr. THOMAS ,H. Isnot to Miss Von& B. Amin, all of Mt. Plessin, Westmoreland County, Pa. • • , On Tuesday morning. liepterabs• etti, by,Rer. G. Van artatt.den, Mr. Jolts BUISOVIORROW to 81130 Bassin. Y., eldest daughter of James H Rodgers, Bag, all of Blair's Mills, Huntingdon Counti, Pa. September Bth, by Rev. Wm. A. Weak Rev. Some R. Ch.(Ric, of I aodiaborg, Perry County, Pa • to Mem Narrate 0 , daughter of Mr. William Elder, of Path Valley,. Franklin county, Pa ' '5 On Wedneeda*, the 711, by Rai , jenfei A. Reed. Mr JOHN 61 GREY, fanned' of:Wheellng,, Va. Bone. 'BETH HALL, all or the vicinity of 'Wee' Raplds,lowa. iJI bituar EMI „Dise-4.1 Shade dap, Pa., on Wednesday morning. Sept. 7th, AYetroa• flatuusr, youngest daughter: oft Lewis and Esther pumpkin, aged 10, mon.thiand 2.; dive.. Bre sin Could blight, or Borrow fade; Death timely came with friendly care, • The opening bud to heaven conveyed, - •- And bade it bloom forever there.” • litan—OttithodOtir oft May Maitoturat Maw- I , TON, wife of Alex. Hamilton, of 'Hopewell ToWnihip, Washington County, Pa., In the 113 d year of her , age., ft : M Many years lance, she made a profession of religion, by connecting herself with the Presbyterian church of Upper Buffalo. Her subsequent Blom& one!ofiattifdrm sistentyiety,,end she was.esteemed, and loved in all, the relations life ,Her, last Maki:ore, which wan disei4Sof the heari, and of many months continuance, Was borne with Christian vatianoe'and' , ineignatitin.' mai:ilia:lilted an interest in religious thing& tethi 'last r even when` her mintk,:wits ,in x ,.,iteine, measure; deranged' lay„distialip,..Anct. when thefinal summons tame,: she.departed,in. the -calm. ness and confidence of faith, attd in haws Of glOrions mortality. ''N' ;) • 4;33.'• Thatiz;iiiignatlifit,-at his residence, Sit. Washington, Pa:, air, JOH,' BTALITHERS, in the 72d year of his age: This'iged'disciple (a lialingElder in the ';idt: Waitlitigtoe Presbyterian` etiarch slice its 'or , anization,, Anne 1857,),n0w 'f.reste from his-lebora " His life:wu 'one of exemplatridevetion andandA unostentatious piety- Thirlifigr the;eettynine ` llVe n, "ad t iad awdOctitne oii•gaeiiur in all ihin ills death,, was peaceful, and, to him, doubtless, grinfulwati . blieeful;' He has en.ered into peace; ie resting in hie bed,. having walked in his ftprtglitnissi' ago!' bteist the rigiiiimisveh'en he dies BlesiedMiHM dead which die in the Lord." "To die is gain." , Dtinr--In . Aprine Creek Valley., aft.ic... a liagaring;ilbttoei Was Cuatiq.a In the 20th year of her age.. - Olitiindi was &lovely girl. "She was atriaili this foil,' 'who lire heloyed of all. Kindness obareoterlsed her entire Ilfe. . . Being is:stcul'illy amiable, grace made her,ditspoeitiln one of sorActeking sweetness, &boot six months before her death, ehe openly proreieed Jesus as her Saviour. This profession was eminently adorned by continued patience under'Sriteiti fold kilter:l4e; and entire acquiescentie in the "DAirtne The hearts of a large °trifle of .friends are 91 ed with keen. esesorrow „Key loge Is especially felt by an orpharoitter. and a widowed grandmother, with whom she - had lived from infanoy.":lsfiy Fie'who is the t pithir the fatherless,' and the Husband of the wltior,'Pon'r consolation into those stricken heartsY s;'i - . •': • Diso—kt blentother's residence, In Versailles Tp , Alle gheny Connty,lPa., Aogust 12th,. atter a. ontinned Hinson, more or tees severe, of wirers! months, Mr. Joni Ar dials son, in the lath year of Me age. . • ~ Ilehad delayed to seek the one thing needful, until near the close of hie life. But the last ten o 1 twelve days of his life were spent in earnest seeking for Jesuland prepare . don for death. Through the counsel Of Christian frientie t and direction and instruction of .his pastor, and the many prayers of all these, he obtained,' we trust, good. hope in Jeans as bis 'Redeemer. 'Llnritig fhene days, be delighted in nothiag but talking about and praying *co 'Jesus,' and hearing others talk 'about and pray to, che eame, on his behalf, and that of :those still out of Christ was. now .nO, more ashamed of Jeans, as .he had long been; not afraid to warn hie youthful friends mud neighbors' against delay; be wished 'no 'me to do Se he bad don•—piit off to a dylog bed preparation for death, judgment, and eternity. A brother and -sister, who were still without God and without hope in the world, we trust, will not soon forget his .dying appeals-to them, to Set& the Lord at otiee.' May his solemn warnings to all who heard them, be heeded, and hle prayers Sr their imms•_ dilate salvation be answered. • . , aztove!ft • FAMILY SEWING ' 'MACHINES; - A NEW STYLE. PRICE, $50.00. 107 MARKET STREET, PITTSBURGH. 49S BROADWAY,.'NE YORK. ' 730 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. sir- These Machines now from two spool., and farm a seam of unequalled etreogthoobeacity, end elasticity, which will NOT rip, even if every fotir , h etitob be but. They: are unquestionably the best in the; market for family use. air SAND YOR - A IMPULAgiIi* NATHAN WHITING, No. 107 Marketatreet. exclusive Agent for Pittsbuigh and vicinity. aplfkly - NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Hoix.ourtlts FILLIP—TiIIs (memos' of climate, and, above all, the varieties of water, encountered in triversing even a email portion of the Uni ted States, are severe trials to the traveler. In order to aeons the system from the evil consequences so frequently reeultios from these cause., it le absolutely necessary to be provided wilti Holloway's justly celebrated Tills. •. Bold at the manufactory, No 60 Malden lane, New York, and by 401.8ra/wide, at 26e., 6&. , and 81 per ox. ' espl7.lt . ,••• ••• tir• • .•"!.• •., ;:,:•• • OR.. O Aint. 14 OR RENT. TIN le NEW F BRIGHTON SEMINARY, wbi.th leas erected expressly for a 'lay and boiwdlng aehodl, and ocouphyl as such till the present time, will be mold or •Teirted at a moderate price. Also three Planes and a full stilt of fun:Mare fcir family and school purposes, which are in it, will be sold on the most reasonable terms. Apply to . su27-tf ' RBV. J. DAVIS, AlliOeny City, Pa NOTION TO NTO MK...FEEDER& THE Telegraph Straw and Stalk Cutter*e offered to Farm ers, Dairymen, .to, an the molt complete and reliable blachiiie built. Price from $6 6010460.00. Warranted. For sale at the Seed and Implement Warehouse. 47 Fifth Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. J A HES WADDitOF. au2o.st 'WOW I C TO. 'Y Alta ACK 11'8.-4.11.A1111 Drills Hunt'. Improved Lancaster Orsin and. Seed Drilla, at the Baled and Itaplaineat 6th. a, 47 ,flttli Eltredt, Pittsburgh, Pa. • . an2o-6t STRAWBERRY PLANTS. • • , WILSON'S ALBANY. Ordsre addressod'to T. L. SHIELDS I Co , Sewtotleyvllle Pa., or to the subscriber, at the Seed and Implement Ware house, 47 Fifth Street, Pittsburgh. Pa., will be pron ptiy attended to. Price $lO per thousand. • ","` JAMES WARDEOP.. Werefer to the Editors of tail paper. TR 0 Y OA. DI 111 e >x A. TO ICI '• WOW IS TEO TIME for Young Men of In'dustrione hats. Its, and go& moral character, to engage as BOOR AGENTS: .We publish the DIST Sorts.. They can be sold to 1191 RT family. :And will accommodate every roses. • " • , Agents will require but a small capital to commonalities, which earl be gradually increased by the profits mad*. Send for full particulars to LEARY, GEtZ I Co., Nibllshen sis2o 10t No. XI North .ft pana.eond Street. • Taa Comuarrsit. 171113=1 yjr 1C BRAS K A. 1. &NOS.—TIC IC 17 NVolilt 1.11 signed will attend to the locating of Land Warrants in the °melte and Nebraska City land dietriete, N. T. The laud mated wilt take R ace In the months of July and &Uncle. After the sales, - Land Warrants can be amid. The leads, of this .Teriltory are of the finest quality Good eel.ctiocie can be made Dear the !Masotti.' River, and near •Ottleitierite. All' weer:into entrusted to my ears will be located on lands selected by mg& land emuninerS. Lettere of inquiry reqiumitat: Ttirmii reas triable. • ' :...ii , •.II.LRX. F. M'AINNEY, • OrisipaiM,Oass County, N. T. artißs TO • KRAMER A R ARM, Bankers, Pittebargh. .- • LLOYD Ai BLACK, • • " - • ARV. D. WHIN ANY, D.D., • ti i. v•DREXRE, & 00., Baoken, Philadelphia. 11. J. LO 'ARARAT, Auditor • Penna. R. R., Philadelphia. BRYAN, GARDNER!! CO., Binkeri,'llollidsysburg, Pa. W n. M. LLoYD &,00.,"Benkere, Altoona, Pa. ORO. R. MOWRY, lliauChica go. ALEX. TINLEY BMI .. n: Louis. , PROB. G. LOOM IB, grispolis, N. T., -; jeftd-if . : 00TES • 1 1 • • ißats, Caps, ' Bonnets, Via, • ;:-.• FHPL:#44 1 .1:..... 'Reg trAform..ii ,4aa JAMES P. TA N.N,'E R - , NO. ie 1001) STAEST, PITTSBURGH,, PA., Invite the attention Of hli anat. mars; end merchants g a n t e a ra m ta, o to spa •hte p v u e r r c • a l ."tfed:e47trtfrmeematNoefwillintorjannddBh:ssan: ufacturers, which for extent, variety, and duraollity, treei dom from all irregularity and adaptation to. the. want.' st all ecations, is not eurp tined in title, or any other city. Prices shall be es towns those I - 1 • . PHILADELPHIA , OR NEW YORK. All are invited to an examination of this SUPERIOR' EITN:111 - . II? Oidare entrusted to him alien command an/ particular attention, and be faithfully exsonted..; •anpB Bm' JAMES - P. TANNER:- IstMo will frdettroied: I ...Liivrrenee, Streaker of At 3 BOKENNAN, i c of Board of Trusteee. , r onto : and Nnree and Pe Irtip fpr children teeth -66 proems of teething, by nilimaistion--will allay 'Depend apart it, moth , and relief, and health : to 1 11 omen. See advertice . fe26-ly ItV. DR. JAMES. W. ALEX I.BT WORK. 11)1800IIRBE8 ON OW:1140N :TOBlOB OF 01/EISTL&N FA IT HI AN O. PRACTICE. 1. vol. Bvo. $2; in half.calf, $3,60; and in:raorirOeso' sac tilTio6a.antb'oratide to - lea' ;Asti. andi i itt experience. The reader will Rad that all expressed r and vigorously,, and not in dull common-plare."-Phile cklphiu Presbyterian: . . "They are strong in drictrtne,,simple and yetbc e ntifolly. earnest and impressise la .insitaer;and they carry.alone of ' thought and a style, of reationint and suggesti.n litted . to. the highestraige of polidt laber "--:Ths CbtrorepatiimaUst. i. ..Prerei sing the freshness, beartinese and unction of his thoughts the auth tr expresser them in a style of so much classic beauty and vigor, thlt one is obliged to regard him 'as a second Quiatillian, animated by the soffit or Paul. Theta diseoutees are rich in evangelical matter, various in topic, and. replete with' passages ;of uncommon eloquence and force."—Christian, Intellige!wer. . 'el). Aim a naw edition . . COMOILATTON ; IN . DISCIOURSEA•ON PIILBOT TOPA% 4 ODRRBSRD TO THH 3IIFFICRIN9 PEOPLE:OI I 4Ok by Jae. W. Alexander, D. D. I volume. 12m0,41. ; • • Copies sent by wail, post paid, for pries remitted to Mult- Daher. 411 R . 116 A T . ' P - 0 P V I. •A R I T • . • BY A. 8. HAYDEN, Has uniformly given, eo far as the Publishers kn w, entire satisfaction to alt churches and Musical Aud'olations ;that' have used Bowes of practical l'eichers have praised the book and have it now lo their echoole.• 'But the fact' that it has reached so many editions, has attained a ulo of bet.een ;, • . ONE HUNDRED THOUBAf 4 D' AlifD TWO HUNDRED CO?11119, and is now in larger demand then ever, his, if snythlog C 21:). taken the wo•k oat 'of the domain of crilleisto. - i wo reasons will chiefly.acmunt .for the. great 81113Ce88 of this volume: Frew—The Character of Abe Work. It represents a new and greatly improved system of notation. In It much that ebetiuse and difficult in thie delightful science, is so elm- plifled that months are made equal to years in the common), war of learning . the practice of muoloal art Seeman—pie Quality and Style of Music.' Many new , pierce; destined to please ,as long as music tuts, may be. found, on its pages, and also many of the old and tried melodies: hallowed from associated recollections' of sane; teary . delights. and far more welcome,to the heart of the worshipper than "there frequently,subitituted for them The mechanical koteontion of the work ie sup-rior alto gether to the majority of Eastern Music Book", And the price await lower. The, work may be bad of Booksellers ln all the principal titles and tioarna,.or ma y be ordered.vUtelitt from the Pub lishers. * • ; Copies far eistaioatioa, sent paittipsid..to 'readier*, Lead ers of Choirs, ata., far seventy. five emtafrintitted in po!tage ORTOLA; A Complete Hymn and Tune , Rook for Sabbath Ity Wm B. Bradbury, the popi.lar author of " The Sabbath School Choir," "/Sabbath, School 'htelorllea,"'and other Juvenile Music Books; also, author of " The Shawm," "Jubilee," eta, eta. MOORE WILSTA.CH, REVS & 00 , Publlahera, 25 Wed Fourth St., Cincinnati. For sale by JOHN H. MELLiIR, septit 4reows • • Wood 'Street, 'Pltfeburgh: IappOOIC.S.—THIE BOARD OW. VOL. t u . POttrAGE of the ffincide H of Pfttaborgh'sod• ghiny have received a - valuable addition to the stook on band at the Depository, on St. Clair Street, Pittaburgh. ID the Sabbath School Departmeot there can be-fouod all the limes 0 the Board of Publication, together with a selec tion of the titoks of the Hassachusette Sabhath 'School Society, which hive been approved by the Executive Com 'tithes., of the Board. Also, the books of. Mrs. N. W. Camp bell—Why am I a Presbyterian; Why Should t bra Paetor; The Twins, or Conversations. on the Ruling Elder. The 'tire and Labors of Bev. Or. Raker; The Martyred Mission. arose Hadji to Syria 'Sacred , Lytics from the" German; together with the Assembly's iligeat, by Baird Our friends will do ns the favor to come and see for them selves, what we have as the Deposit try JOUM CULBERTSON, Libra:Lep, JeSIS-tf Board of Col portage, St Clair St ,Plttaburgh. Air,TTimits-tvar P8.0.1.7K0DY. LA JOlCNititaSifati,* . , . . • , , - , A Serie*: of Letterer, . . Discussing the Pointe Tait% 'Divide the Church on PealniOdy: By RIM. WILLIAM' ANN AN. 18mo. 38 eta In ftitirte;en Lettere, a•ldreened toan "inquiring Friend," all the leading argumepte for the exelurive nee of the Book of osalme. are carefully diem:seed, and the vlewsand tvourrs of the Preibytetian Church .are fairly stated and vindicated... Title is the only full diseuselon of the anbjeet :which has beet' p übliehed: • ' • ,• • Weirsve.parnred•orith great-pleasure; Abe;...! Letters on Tealtriody," and aret express ear approbatlon - of them. The principal slim:Rent, of those who contend fo the etch:lsl.. use of !! fersion," are fairly stated. an completely refuted; As whilst the themetis discussed with cand sr and vlgar`mVis e i hippy to °swerve it is to an eminently Obrietian temper. These "Letters" fill a gap in thiejtontrwszey. _ A clear, brief and co urteous dlsomielon of this whole subject, such u Is here furnished, ie. in our judgment. much needed at tole time' 'W. hope 'be author will con.. lent to give thrum Lettess" to the . pablio, and traet they will have an'extenilve . circulation. • • ' 3 Prom Rey. Dr. Plenner.)• „. I bay no doubt the work is such au ix calls , for by the exig' ncy of the till6ll. I. therefore, cordially commend it to the perusal of '' Don's friends snd . - • , [From Her. Dr. Patterson.] . • I very, e. , rdially'concar in the expreeet-me of approval above quoted from the pinto a of the First and Second churches of Pittabargb, and from Dr. Plumer. '[From Rev Dr. McKinney, Editor I‘ Renner k Adyocate.") When we Mention this n , me (the name of the author,) It is needieeato nay to most of our reade.s, that the subject 'is treated with grastability. • e C A copy will be sent by mall,post•paid, on recitiptuf the price. Pabitahed by -WILLUM 8. it ALFRZO No. 606, Chestnut St., Philadelphia. • Sir Orders may alto be eent to' Mr. John OctiberlsotWat the Publication Rooms, Pittsburgh, or to the author, Alle gheny City,,Pa. &at. • mtiThis Machine poetesses the following important &draw • •• Ist. es: t n•ee two threads direit from the common spool, and no rewinding of thread to necessary. 2d The stiten is double.locked, and makes a seam of great. strength. bawdy. and elasticity 3d sily, sod with but little notes. 41 peble of taking from one hundrid, to fifteen h ahes per minute, on all 'kinds of ••fatorloVante iod of gond tbrrad.or silk. can be worked beckwarde as well as forward's, end ca started with the foot alone. . • , , • eth. It uses a perpendionlar needle bar,. and a straight needle, whi , b avoid. breaking needles . • " ' ••• • ' 7th. It la the only.obeap machine that ham a Hammer:at,' tactied, hr which a hem of any width can be turned doWn and stitched with the machine. Bth. it will Quilt. Stiteh.,Elemolmbroilder lank:Gather; and its great simplicity renders it esoilly'lf kep t order, end It can be enceensfu ly operated ihrta child. twelve: Vein Md. possessed of ordinary Intelligente. Healy meohlue is fully warranted. Full printed directions enoompany, each machine. Tt Is, in feet, the first an teary first class Machine ever Invented and sold at so low a figure. Local Agents wanted in every'town throughout the coon try, sad upon term' that will ensure a fine paying. brorines . ', without any possibility of loss. The prices are such as to put the auachines within the reach of the mama; and' ai sales are easily made, the bulling/le is both pleasant and profitable, and suitable for either sex. ' ' A reduction ot twenty-five per went.. made to clergymtm. Bend for our circular of terms to Agent.. ' - LASEIOILI, & NORTHROP, ' No, a 0 Market Btroet, , Pittsburgh, or B. P. BirtmirrT, Agent,'Hettnedy's Jeweity.Btoret, oar of South Oomuicriand Seders' et'. Allegtteny'Olty. t•. 3YI I . 4 1 %,.! k qt. :11 1 .k ntkni.:o , 116 tO MISCELLANEOUS Just published by , CHARLES' soaieNsn. ' • . (Brooke. uulldiug ).- •• 124 Grand Street N.w York. .Thr'sala in Pittsburgh by 'JOHN B. DAVISON.' • 1M. 126 : 1 7, . • • • THE SAGTED ,XELODEON, Aso, .rtifsr PUBLISHED RECOMMENDATIONS [From Bey. Messrs. Paxton and Howard.] THE DOUBL-T AD . , . .FAMILY,SEWING MACHINE, , . C E $86.0 0 . Unequalled fdr Simplicity, Speed and Beauty. ALL AND wilment IrAmazons won. . , 'Sae. ; 7 ; H. SMITH, Merchant Tailor, NO. 84 WYLI.IO 82'1t1414r, . hails just returned from the NatAirn Cltlec, with a well 'selected stoek of Clothe, eassbneres, Silt and Velvet Plush Tidings ; all of'whleh win be roads up to order in the moat approved styles, on reasonable terms.. Also, aunt's Furnishing floods just received, for Fell and • • H„ SMITH, No. 84 Wylie Street. inil24y SCHOOLS. , ALLEGLIENV:: , CITY COLL IDGFE. ' Parttorrite: REV. J. NEWELL, REV J . DAVIE. ' . 0141381131W111 RN•OPEN. ON . Monday, September sth. Ladies' • Clam_ at 9. 4. 411.; Rays' &hoot at 9. 4. Al.; Male Collegiate at 1 P. N. The PancipasWill cotalnue to devote their whole time and attention to the interests of Oils Institution, and will be ably sustained. in eduostine the youth entrusted to their care. by ADDITIONAL TtI&OEINRB in Blatt TRH MALE AND PEDALS •DRPARTAINNTS. TIMMS may be known from the Oataligne, to be had in the bookstores, or by'applytng to the Principals. Apjp:. A full attendance at the opening is requested. seplo.tf A 0 0 0 1. YOn TIER Phystoal and Mental Eduoatian of Young Ladies; Will be Opened at NO. 60 NORPH-THIRTNENTH STRIEHT; Philadelphia. the 12rtt or SEPTEMBIIIi, 1859, by REV. WM. M. CORNELL, M. D., Principal. ThisMohool is now removed from Boston, at the request of many friends, and to ilud a milder climate, and one more favorable to invalids Health of body, in cool unction with culture of mind, is its object. It is designed to in a want which !know, and bus been felt, for many years, -both in-public and prliatri Schools, namelyi'• ouch 'an'ob . servanos of natural laws as shall preserve health where it exists, and tend to restore it where it ieWautleg Por this purpose it basYa Orturseron; and the pupils. or boarders, (for it embraces both ,those whose object is ROJO alone and thaw:else; whe, With more or less attidy,witheut etedy all, with oonfirin or recover their' health,) rewire Medical advici. treatment, and instruction In the laws of Health and Physiology applied "to practical purposes Medical Gymnastics, Ina School,. is a feature hew „in this country, but whiCh bit existed:for-ion:OM timef in Sweden, ;and in some other parts .of Europe--a feature which hes met with cordial 'approVel by many deeply; iiiterseted in education. and one which la believed to , be of the Stet portanoe; since impaired health. among young ladies; is the. .great evil of,our, tlems, destructive of ;their happiziess, user fulnees .and life. The School 111 6 "Home" for all who ,come; and widow lidies, or others' : who••iney'!vrifili to . accompany. tare, are. received as boarders.. • Young married ladled, in feeble bealtli;or wishing to itudy' some partieular branches, are received • A = . • • The 1,11111667/ department embrace!, all .the scientific, , z ornamental and,useful branches nanallir - taught in" Female Seminaria„logetlier with-Yocal and instrumental Mask; with competent instruetorain each branch.. . Day Penile are received 4.6 the -School; ant sin , 'Who can attend Gymnasium only- , - ~ The Teachers are - eminently and. like tho . principat,havelad much - experience:. ' • For Teams, Arc „apply at, the bebop!, or to Rev. Da Mo- Miarteritill September 12tif, " • • ' The price for boarding pupils is poo a lair, which in cludes all but Macro. Rem To TEL YOLLOWING Pzeame. Rev. "A. t. Riede; Chandler Itobbitis,'D. D., " John'AVare. M D - • ; ; Winslow Lewis, K. D.,: .“ _„ D Humphreys Storer, V. D . " • Rev.• Henry Steele Clarke, D.D., 0 •1 0 A. Converse, D D., , • " 'Albert 'Barnes,' • ' ' • - Diatthew,Nerkirk, ,Reg , ; , ; • , ".; • , . Prof Chas. D:CL.veland, to Idward Bowen, Beg N New " York. • • Rev. James Walker, D. D„; President of,..llarvard College. hiarklropkins, D D.; President OrWildains Cake. ; "W. A..; Stennis,. D President of•Araberefilidlegi: Warren Burton, Cambridge. ••. ' • f , ". Daniel 'Leaeli.' Superienteniletit' the PrOvidiriee . Public Schools. thrt!iteithil • 'Public Schools. Rev. David IlVitioney, D.D., Pittsburgh , . " Samuel pindley, ;.• • ' Bel lo-2 t • IDCiRWfI RwIItARY 414 E' FO YOUNG LADIES, . . A t Sexj.o k I e , y , P a The Rev. H. 11.'4011,-rof D D, has' transferred his interest In this-Institutioluto;thu:lfElf.,-solltk!ST.-M.GLIAMiIi D.,D late Professor In 'Jefferson Gefligo„ an brother of fife former Principal, Prof S. IL Willfairis.L-rn addition to the present efusillenV,Corpilor Steschers, 3Who i will be re -1 'tained, the.aervlees of Na . . ;MASI& GGEBIL ofiritrshurglbi Graduate of the - University of Marburg, ~ , Germany. have pees engegedas,toscht r Musk and idodern Lan guages. The buildinge will be' pnties. 'lOO State bf and the premises rendered otherWied'estrictive. , -alhthe usual helm...lkon of a useful son,ortunnental education will . -reiefie -dud atteritien.''TrrOPuPile , wilfhoird of -the :Principe! ; and his lady, who willhafree from other engagements. will extend' to Grim.. a ciinsta,:nt materna l care, LcommiDuAlith hit? tiird;daughtereo - 7•,«1i , Theriext session, will emu:tepee on the. FER.ST ligiND,tjt IN NOTE riBDR.; and as the neinber of boarders will be limited to thirty-tlve; early - application will be necessary-in order to secure a place in the School.. Oircrilari contnaing all neeeiesty friVirnatioirl to'• studies, terms, to; may be obtained at lisvisoyif, or . Booklnoie r or enttie Printipil, 'whose-Pint Ofiloe'tiddiese, unitUthe let of October, - :will:: ie at C15M,41111., inirg,,pa o and after Wards at towickleyrllla,Pa.„ • • ~ ‘," r •J ) - VPi r ef 40# • . • 40 Ob 1 r VOL" , Alm THE TrA.Tiow__Post Course in the IRON CITY COLLEGE; the largest,' most Ostensively patranistedi ind,bereirganind ,Oommer ' dal School in the United States. POUR' LARGE 'II4.LLE, For Writing, Commerelai 3 Oaleulationa,' Book-keening- and ' Lectures. , Genii time to "cOmpietifi fair ionise, from siii w to tat' weeks; Every student, upon graduating, is =guaranteed to be competent to manage , the Boras of any... Business, and qualified to 'earn a salary of from • ' " • " • • :J. • a 500' 11119000. Students enter at any time—no . .yanation=liwriew At; I. `FIRST PailiiiillMl3 11013 'BEST WRITING' ". AWardal this Institution: The best and grasteit variety oU ' Penmanship in any one Hall of ti 'e Ontuu, is Sutodilll6,. Oar Ministers' Bona received st half price. For fall information, (Eviller, lineeimene of Huainan and Ornamental Writing, and Embellished View of the College, inclomi five letter stamps to '' ' ' fe26 1". IRNEINS. Pittsborsh, ; # PITTSBUR64I _. . • . ,c Incorporated by; the , Legialatvrc '•: FOUNDED l• 8-4 . - ;_, inviLmov nvo TUN* ow' 4itopr BUILDI. I, fiflr DIGS, FIFTH 5T.R8DT„1135.9. tot" apartmenteeoret iSrncied exoresely .for . the' Institution. t. having one, cf' .the Meat spacious liniehed and fernishritE Educational ;Halle In the Union., Over • .. . , , Over flee thonsa,nd ftudeate bereitudied Inertitiir Lion, some of whomare nutria receipt of S4,UPD per annum; salary. A circular of fifty pages. a @pleaded erigriviriga:theNaii , Iron Buildings, with sample of Mr: Dui:teen's Business and Ornatiental Pen and Ink Writing, mtriliid on receipt of Ilia letter stamps, by ' P, BUFF; DIRECTIONS FOR STRANGERS TO YiND ;THE BEST CO 61..F.0.11. When a College advertises "two hundred - irtudebte In dilly attendance," and you cannot. see•thirty, In Abell' clime., make a siaithr ellnw.nce upon iLL their other . pre - tensions Have nothing to do with a- Oolligs that - sena minuets after you. And when a College Principal' oalli,a runner to escort yin from his of ios into the office of another College, tell htm•yon don't go in company with; spies. Inquire of the My aterchante.or Bankarsibr ',Cotters whore Principal is • rpractleal,acconntant Of estab Hebei, reputation. Never expect toleartufrom,s.Priymistal; who cannot lecture,and take a •,loading part In what is taught in his scho ol. Buy'.no• scholarship- it any price until you have seen the College, and know who In to • to. struct you. as, if yon don't lik• it, yon' oano..t 3.11 your echolarship in the city for half what yoti paid for . it m0mr1881111.43111.1r lIIKOLL, ID, COLLIIMIL— JF REVA Pl6B PING, President, iteirtitsdby" a lawolty of eleven teachers. • , • Superior advantages are afforded for obtaining a thorough, Academic and. Collegiate education: Every ,effort will be made to secure the happiness , and improvement of 'all who may attona. The ~ olleglate ' , ear begins August 31: Second BeeslOn, Deceit - Ant 7; and the third, Marr:: 2E. Toition ries from $8 to $lB .per seteion, according to studies. For further information apply to ttof Preildent, or to ProfsatOrn J. 11. ICNE/W14.3, Pittsburgh, Pa. • anl3 iipsAvEß ACA.DIBBII -AND•IBEIBIUNART.: Both departments 01 this inatitution bay. aujeyefd great prosperity during the pest' year: there were AIN attendance at the , male departmeot, o, e hundred and forts.. four puling; at tee (smile, one hundred. , forts. . Board end furnished room can be bed in.the Academy, st, $2.00 per week. Tuition, from . $ 4OO to $7 OO per term of fourteen' weeks . The wait term opens on TEO iDAY, tie 80th of August. - For further In'ormation, addeen ISt B. 1111260 2 FL, Principal of Academy,'or iy.2o '..5 RIM .I.,.'A.MVILL, '• 't Seminary. STITO NEV. SANDBAG" DIBITINDOEtiI, D.D. Principal and . Professor of Lanputges. John Simpson; A. 8., Plefeaeor• of Mathematien and As tronomy. . Samuel Glass, M.D., Lecturer on Anatom and Phydolog Rev. Jam.' Y. Aehenhurat, Professor o f Moral and NM . tiro' Belem*. . _ . ?di: Peter Zabner, Tutor in. Mathematics. Mr. J. A.,Layeobeiger, Tutor In Mathematics Mi. Z. W. Armentrout, Lecturer on Book keeping. • 'TM.' institution is located in the quiet and teal thy Tn• lade of Blue/rills,. Ashland. Co. Ohio During the last year there were over Two Hundrd - Students, Male and re melt?, in attendanor Diplomas are awarded to young ladies who fliiish the manta of studies laid down In the Catalogue. The branches • taught ere the following 'Arithiartie, Higher Arithmetic, and. *lents' Arithmetic. Geography, Hogliab Oramm.r, Analials, Orthography, Book Beep . Algebra. Geometry.. Trigonometry, and - all the ,Idsher,, mathematics, Phipaiphy. Cbeatiatry,. A,atrott '-'ory.' •tally, Dhyelologe, History, Mental and Moral macieuce,Glroicn,rench, gpaoleb, Itallse, and, the. Latin and 'Greek Authors usual ly rt ad in Collage. '-" I ;For favantyllva Dcolara'paid to idvaoco,a student shall. . "emir* good-hoard, a room furnished with bedstead, table, - chairs, stove and fuel, and tuition in any of the - . ober* lilt/inches for Two.Sessiona of rive td on Ws. each rOilor t,.two Dollars ,and fifty Cents paid on the 24th of. October `Lent, all tbe atidie Denis will' be turninfied - taiihie Wihtia !...liesalun of 8.1”, Months. ( Two . .stederits frill occupy the same' 're - t 0 i 1 : 1 4 %4 1 0d fdynial, 'their own bedding, which can-essily * 81 Moir 3trnaks. Students are admitted at anytime, *** hist itistiojci is gliert ea 'the 'Nemo %k id Ilelodsei. at • legkierate charger. 8. DIN fNN DOJO,' jyltay 9: WOAD ir Ifs Bs A .11, Iff, im Am,* nn Ma COUNTY, ' • Wintof e melon, of AY • mon tha, will ammo c• %tint Wednesday in November. Alpena's, for Boarding, ihiel,Light and Tuition lu the Is ilia. branch. s, Op per &waken.' Anoientind Modern Len gamest, each lA. lemons en the Piano, and ape of Lustre 'merit; Pahtlidg and Drawing, each $l.. Or the pay '_ mint of Sitiorf.P (nand* the .Whole • A doll : Map eonn'ectaw(th'ther °air at igiwais,D44.loii dmit Parleeibnig, Per. Adevis J DlClllllr..ftt ~.'• trk'ifit.l 6 .l 4 l4' VIIT.: , ”: 1?‘ al /Ili bin /. pßoarmaruit or TIM PRESBYTERIAN BANNER MEI 41;botatt. The Berthas Is publiched weekly, In the dike of Pitt burgh awl Philmidelphla and is adaytedtooraerelehreulatk In the Presbyterian Miura. 111P/GRIIII (14 ADVA.I4I,Ia, • IN OLUBB of twenty, end **era, DCLIVE/lIID In either of the atlas, ADVARTIEIBICEN.TA; In Advance. For eight Ilium' or leas; one Insertion In ants; nab stl6o eaquent Insertion, 2$ cents. Each additional liwa,beyosit eight, 8 cent. for *very insertion. For eight lines, tioreetoontlke,s3.oo. Isola additional line, 26 Gent'. . For eight lines, One Year, $lO.OO. lath additional IN. $1 °taut Of two lines, $6 a yeti, end $1 for etch addi - &nal line. „ . •• • • Bunt!Roo Norfor.o: of cen"lfnee'or lioss,One Dollier. Kati owildiltionolline, 6 oent. - • Sir Communications repeminemiatory etineentione,Ne dical Eracticealcbools,/tei4e.,14145 designed for the peon. Nbtrif benefit of Itullebineleishould be poistfor asiinsinese , • • Notices. Bunt by malt, where no good opportunity is otherwise' at hand- Drafts or notes of the larger denominations ars preferable, where they can be conveniently obtained. PASTORS impeding as twenty subscribers and upwards will be thereby entitled to a paper without charge. N.B. When Presbyterian famillesereverymnadispereed, they may be accommodated at the Ohibprice,eventhongira few of the twenty be wanting. Let all besuppliekif paid. ble.. The Poo. we shill favor, tO our Ito:mutability. Lei the sandy be rm., but every paper paid for. , /or Two Dollars paid, wo wllleend Seventy numbers; ire !be One Dollar, Ttdrty-three numbers. Thfslefcrthesakeof essy remittance. If Pastore, In making up clubs, And mom* perms .tot ready to pay at onee, they may yet sand on the rusmee t at the Olub prlea,tou theirown reaponalbilityto parrs shortly,. it Is desirable that clubs data their subscription periods at the sometime. DAVID MulafflllY a - CO , Proprietora. BUSINESS NOTICES• w u w„ Rik , • FAMILY szwrNo MACHINES, a SEND FOR A CIRCULAR. sa- These Machines, `Which liaise gained sneak. an en' viable reputation over all otherlfachines on sieconut of • I. Beauty and , excellence of utitebodilusanbotit Odell the fabric sewed.. 1. • 2.: Economy of thread. ••!-• A .• B. Biroplicity,andlltorougbreas of eonstrnetlon.,%; - • . 4;ffortabiiity, ease of _operation ,end nuenagestinkt., • Speed. ti." Quietness of, movement.' •' 'T., Strength, firmness, anti durability' of seam; that ail not rip or ravel. 8. Applicability to a Sariety'of papoose sadmdtteriab. 9. Ciontpactn-is and elegance of model ead Enieh n , gre,now• offered, " WITH ALL THE LATEST itSIPROVE ',WERT'S ...AND.. ADTANTA4Sh At Reduc ed ,P,r4 ce4,- BY ' LEXI c REED; fel9-17 68 Fifth- Streit;lslttabitrith;.•Pa. W 0 0 D. Dr: 'fa 0 ~g);. k I , ~.,,,,,!:: .: i ~, „ Fi c) • iWliolesale and , 'Retail Grocersad'Tem tYrii Dealers, -'• .• '• . • ~ 'f• ..:. 4 . -', ; NO. 241 MERIT STREET,JIFAD 'oll' WOOD, . 'Alt? • PITTSBURGH PA •- • ,• .• Keep constantly on hand evetything "genanlly kept in a firsbelass Grocery Establishment: - • ' ' ' Gtoda delivered in theksitysind at the depots ;free of ahem's. We makes discount to elergymigm ~ i - ' , . . • r ff i ti OSE WHO MAVIS LOST wilt be glad to diarn!that they may now' heitikthein I replaced by artificial sets, which are forall pjimmin of mu tication and articulation in nii These qualities, which - have ao lone been sought for in the , 4ntal art, have been tittitibed. by the employment of Pirea. lalisiland Coral, or Vulcanite, as a ham ,:7 - The difficulty hithi , tato' bee been that, lightness,could not ; be socured witsout 'itehrificee of strengilifilleith - oPthese desirable qualities are combined in the new meterial,..l, Gold and all otter metallic plate for insertion, . ,, of ctal tibth must MOD fail Into' Om& litimetheutlince the: i 'borate and Porcelain work proves itself .vastly superior. It is more elegant and cleittlY;Tiei&tn"ciiiroilion'oniVall metallic taste, very plea.ant to wear in the month, and lees expensisewmaeereaxmrussauxmn- ,, 1 - - .lllitB4NS - TriCDTSTNNT I II,Iri - ofteath; will find' to their advantage to avail themselves of the improve invents embraced in these styles, which, with the reduction citi price and perfection oflit, will amply resay . the-trouble 'and expense of a joniyey, to; Pittsburgh. uti,facilities for nieWuratitarlitj them are such that a job can be got up In lees than half the ordinary time. ":Teeth drawn without pain, and no charge to those having teeth. inserted, N. STEBBINS, M. D., Dentist, anl.3.3mei fi , f No: 1911Penzustreet ~.t 413 ti',o ; ll. A' l / 4 11 . i L°'Y - . 8 E IV •• G.. , tea. •wa ' 4 tastif sitivrioi shyditherl: and delicate Sewing Machines, made to 'plaidie the eye nieiely, are recommended for family nee. They will not anilinfetlieinirpose.• tilt 1 el Ibwing'.lfachines . oughetObestroirger than any other,as palter variety of work is„rsquireS, and o they, go info les; .skillrel bands. bny"Mie %rolls lifadditesinsowie to a eertainM, .E.7IFORK ..27.Efli • WORK RB'QUIRED. 4*l and i ezatainehefore purossing. SlMiiket Strand, Pittsburgh, -Pt.,' • PPL I IS ALTI'O Br WILL 818 111 ADA ,tsk the kegielitare of yennsylvanitt, _at its, neat Bee. moti, for the Charter of a Bank in the city of Pittsburgh, to be cellos-the tr. ; ; . -,Commercial; Bank :of: .Pittsburgh,: • :with.Alcalgtoth:g One ,finedred and .Fifty Tlionsend Donate and subject to the General Banking Law of 1860. ° R . U Br'S Alk. NIP 9 rel f 1c51 ,- i 1 , ? , . F4Aft.47:' GAPGER? 268p4ittrcy Street ; Pittsburgh, Pa.. wcrebtr mv ae.trta l y.coll.ti o z. attrition of :tho:publio to hi* extenlivessicirtinefie6r °MICE 'FAMILY GROCEBIES;' • Which Ike trusts hie loog experience in , the bade. and the ' advantage of purcholng directly from the manure 'torero ,and importers; Will enable him to offer to his customers, on mere favorable and satisfactory teems than ever. i:Lnakiditionte aisrgp steer of Staple Grocenrlee, his list oompriiree all the Mile delicaries, both' Imported and do mes4e, that are to be found in flrst-olass grocery stores. Green and Black Teas Of every variety. from the lowest pilaw to the guest chops imported, put up in caddy boxes for family nee, or sold by ihei pound, or half chest... • _loatiloguee containing an imbrided list of m toek, for. wished by Mill, If desired: .• `‘ 4 No.,ckargo for cartage AND *EMAIL WM. 11. KIRKPATRICK, • JOHN, KIRKPATRICK. Late of the firm ot Klrkpat Late mitt' Gillespie, Zoller & rick A ifetalper. oe.,- Philadelphia. • • W 4L - ,W I 6 I IL 7:4ll "l reSi l tf 1° ,4 1 % 411' CP." • • Ls Z.•• " <.' FOrmf.o4lng and,.COmmiision, erolnintii . . Dealfmada , , , • ..PI7BIII9IHG'SBIANCIfACTIIIISD ARTIOLRIL: No. 299 Liberty Street, opposite head of Smithfield, • PITTSBURGH, PA. 1,1 Particular attention to the ode of °pantry . Produce. E R, .S .•.e.;...t lii 4 3) ' "46C Za.ASTP-44- itpusE , AND SIGN PAINTERS' OA OS; BANNERS, AND '.• ~PAINTEI? IN EVERY STYLE. ..• Painting Land Ornamenting Masonic ' Reg alia, &c. . . -m7xED PAINTS, grass ) , AND PUTTY, ! von 'faun eT- . • Sfreet, near Wood, ."•• 'pviirsouitim, PA. 't. A i x..o V, 4 4. LL. • ' WM E. SCHMERTZ •dc •00.,. _ ,wunaBLlA DEALEis AND MANUFACTUREBS 07 . . BOOTS AND SHOES.: • : Have removed to the new and npacloue , storahoure, if& DETWBEN WOOD AND MARKET, • PittelbUrgitt ENIDIAL; • . Calling your attention to the above notice of nor Re.f. , moral, and , being now.p..orided with more,ample,and nom. modlous rooms for. ournerge'stock of goods, we would respectfully solicit a oontionsoce of the liberal patronage heretofore bestowed upon the house. hiSeritilateg tilih.f4c&Pf§29l7 AN fi obtain -a - ctram manufacturers, hailing been selected with the greatest care never has been stir pawed, add le partienharlyedapted to the wants of We-tern purohesers, aniAwilitridl9poilsvi of, an ;h. lowest - guarket rates. Our groasWe'lle've marrnietured witll reference to thliefi engaged' n •RISTAILINO, and sea war ranted to give satisfaction. Purchasers visiting this market are respectfully requested to call and eaimine our StOili7iTiwo are prepared to isootun- Write themplhpqme a, a nd t such • r A R -- 2* ctari, A Ri SIZES A. they maygwant. 'Eastern bi ll s d u pl i cated. All orders promptly 4t.tonded.to, and,satitfaotton werranted. ma -dm • WItl:11. HO 01E01 t 00- No. Et Fifth Et: ' • • --; I , " VV. Z 1111 :7i 17Vre Till M., ATTLIIITIOI Pr the pabltolto the pH - MAW/I.MM - at' Housekeeping • D*uCtoods !Italie , ' where May be Smite& Arr. atwortment of all klodror Dry °nods requlredi,ftt forniehleg,, a house, thus saving the trouble usueliretnerienced to hunting such ar Icle, In i . 'alone plait*: et prooneetiuence of our glyi air our atteatlon 4, to Able kind srf stook, to the exeldirlon of dress and tapefy flooda, we `6ll imamate. oar pilaw 'and sty lei to be law '. mosr.tatrat4e to the market - • ):., .. , . .'', • lico‘f . 9 , , , . ;/- 1 14 1 PEN• GP )I3 •% •,,.6.41i:tail Er. 7 we are Oa t° give,peEteet ilitlIale301). I,lb. Tier, ESTAELTIIFIED LINEA •ATOHE In tha , 'aid . • Vag ' ' ,Imezi- for more then twenty years re Ilettio nese r 30M. of the bast manufacturers iu 1,044 We =l9 8 6 1 •0 1 I terse stook of . .. • . , ; ; Frut..V/r/LS• .49itrD Wa511.514 , --,: i P. t . ~.; ,of the beet,quilitlea to be .. o4jettO at the iwry lc t tt,, 'Orissa Also. B3ankets„Qatioige,Tfeklora, Da= 1 able Cloths, and NaplfWilawaLlitlflk niaPere, geokabletie, Table and Piano Cove, Der lft ekerA , 4 .14 oreetta, Lao 034 lattelln Curtalon,ithultiee, Larrittiare °hints. Window ghtdings, iceakECEE. - 1:440,N- - X. 00E0: 1 44:,. 11.. 9 - oitct - . W. , amkit Of Chestnut and Eat lath 1 , ... 6 ap344f ' '' •- - " 7 ;Vh '