Presbyterian banner & advocate. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1855-1860, September 17, 1859, Image 1

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. ri osbytairlaz tanner, Veda VII i~.lild.
i ros bytoriall Advesates Val UI, No. 47 I
The Bible.
Blessed Bible, book Divine,
Sure thou art a treasure mine;
A letter from our Father sent,
A light to every wanderer's tent;
A mirror polished bright and pure,
A kind physician who can mire,
A bright star in a cloudy sky,
A sun of light at noonday high;
A lover ever wooing me
My duty and my crown to see :
A friend to guide my weary feet
O'er mountain crag and glassy steep;
A page of history eo true,
Its lessons none can ever rue ;
A code' of morals undisputed,
A solver of all questions mooted,
A law for nations universal,
And chart for business commercial,
Peace maker on land and sea,
Filling the widow's heart with glee,
A father to the fatherless, -
And sure the humble poor to bless;
A lighthouse on the shores of time,
• Pointing to heaven's healthful clime ;
Inspirer of an ardent hope
That lifts the fainting mourner up;
A deed to brighter worlds on high,
For which as prisoners here we sigh;
A hook of promises to men,
" To the believer—yea, amen 1"
Hail, monument of,grace and truth,
We ne'er can tell thy endless worth ;
Thy wisdom's boundless as the ocean,
Thy bliss in parallel proportion.
Thou'it guide us by thy holy light,
Till the city spires heave in eight;
And then thy bright and glowing pegs,
Unfurled to view from age to age,
Shall brighter and yet Mater shine,
As angels' hallelujahs chime;
And traced on adamantine walls,
In heaven's vast and splendid halls
We'll read thy truths in living fire,
Precise as told by prophets sire;
Thy mysteries foretold of old
In beautuous form shalt thou unfold,
And God, the author of the plan,
Will aid us, too, his works to scan.
Roll on, thou pure. bright'oonstellation,
To bless with light our land and nation ;
By day our olond to guide aright,
Of tire a pillar to lead by night,
To the promised land, though far it be,
In faith's pure light we ever see.
Per the Presbyterian Banner and Advocate.
Extracts from the Historical Reminis-
Dnirvintup wr Rub, EAGLESON, AT THE 30TH
Duals WHICH /.121 . Jim/Amax CoLpsom,' IN A.
D. 1829.
.417:0; IL
The past thirty years have been , mikked
with progress in the history of our country.
Thirty years ago, we had in our Union
twenty five States. Now, we have, thirty
three ; and "a sutheien ay fofi-Territopy, out , 'of
Which to carve more thin•.a 'hundred States
of the average size of the Old Thirteen.
Thirty years ago, we had a population' of
twelve millions six hundred and twenty
thousand five hundred and forty•fivei r now,
of about twenty.eight millions. Within
this period, the population of our country
has more than doubled itself.
The thirty years just past have been the
era of steam travel, on the land, on our vast
rivers and lakes, and on the broad ocean.
Now it is common to see splendid chariots
drawn on the land by fire; and packet ships
moving on the ocean, with winged like
speed, without the assistance of masts and
sails. The first railroad trip, by locomotive,
on the Western continent, was made in A.
D. 1828, on the banks of the .Lackawaxen,
at the commencement of the railroad• con
necting the canal of the' Delaware and Hud-
son Canal Company with their coal mines
This was just on the threshold of the period,
of which we are taking a retrospect.
Now there are twenty-six thousand two hun
dred and ten miles of railroad, and five
thousand one hundred and thirty-one miles
of canals in operation in the United States
alone. The North and South, the East and
West, are bound together with bands of iron,
and, we trust, with the stronger bands of
patriotic and Christian affection.
Formerly the average time of a sailing
vessel froth England to the United States,
was sixty days. Now, the same voyage is
made in less than half that time, owing, not
only to improvements in shipping, but to in
creased knowledge of the prevailing currents
of the ocean, and of the prevailing winds
of different latitudes. By ocean steamers,
which have but recently been introduced,
the Atlantic is now crossed in about ten
days. And they are constructing steamers
in Philadelphia, which are calculated to
make the trip to Europe in seven, or eight
The past thirty years have also been
signalized, by the invention of the Electric
Telegraph by one of our own citizens, and
by its extensive use. It .was but in A. D.
1843, that the first telegraphic line, of, forty
miles in length, extending from Washington
City to Baltimore, was constructed under
the direction of Professor Morse. Now we
have in operation, in the United States
alone, no less than thirty.five thousand miles
of telegraph. By this invention, intelli
genee is communicated, with almost incred
ible rapidity. In the time of Ahashuerus,
the king of Persia, the utmost rapidity with
which intelligence could be communicated
was, "by riders on mules, camels and young
dromedaries." It is but little more than
bait' a century, since it took some weeks to
convey intelligence from Washington City
to New Orleania. Now, it can be done in as
many seconds as it then took weeks The
',IOWA of the death of I'aul, the Emperor of
Russia, which , took place in A. D. 1801,
was t . wenty•one days in being transmitted to
London. That of the death of the, late
Emperor Nicholas, at the utmost, was only
four hours and fifteen minutes. Nay more,
,clispatchee direct from St. Petersburgh, have
been received in London, within.a second of
their leaving the Russian Capital, the length.
of the wire along which they were coin
ruunieated being one thousand seven hun
dred miles. It bas been truly said, that
"Franklin seized the lightening and tamed
it. And that Morse put clothes on it, and
taught it how to read and write and do er•
rands." In ancient times, Mercury was the
messenger of the gods; but -now the light.
nings of heaven are the rueseengers of men.
During the past thirty years, speci/al at
tention has been given to the cause of edu
cation, by the various Stalea of the Union.
The educational statistics of the United
States show, that there are four millions of
the youth of this country connected with
the various educational Institutions, in the
different States of the Union. Their teach
ers number more than one hundred and fif
teen thousand, and the annual current ex
penditures are estimated to be about fifteen.
millions of dollars. Within this time, alpm,
special efforts have been made in the cause
of female education, and with marked sue
eras. We have in our country one hundred
and twenty-two Colleges of very consider
able prominence, besides a number of others
of minor note; forty-nine Theological Sem
inaries; seventeen Law Schools, and forty
Medical Schools.
Likewise, during this period, the various
denorninationa of Evangelical Christians in
the United States have made special efforts
to diffuse the Word of God, and along with
it, all the Institutions of religion, with a
view to keep pace with our ever increasing
and widely spreading population. Nor have
their efforts been in vain. According to
the National Recorder, there are forty
thousand preachers of the Gospel, including
all sorts, in our country. In the various
denominations of Evangelical Christians in
the United States in A. D. 1856, there
were thirty thousand ministers of the
Gospel, four millions of communicating
members, sixteen millions and a half con
nected with them by sympathy and educa
tion. Thus it appears, that out of a pope•
lation in our country, then estimated at
twenty-six millions and a half, nearly two
thirds of the whole were either members in
full communion, or Sunder the direct influ•
ence of Evangelical Churches. And the
relative number of communicating members
has doubtless since been increased, by the
great revival which has prevailed throughout
our country within the last two years.
For the Presbyterian Banner and Advocate
Meetings of Synod.
To attend the meetings of Synod is ad
mitted to be the duty of ministers and of a
constitutional number of Ruling Elders.
Tbat it often requires , pastors to be absent
from their congregations, that it exposes
them to the fatigues of travel, that it in
volves considerable expenditure of money,
and that the business transacted is not al
ways interesting or pleasant, are all facts
which cannot be disputed. Yet, they bring
no doubt on the question whether it is the
duty of every member to attend.
But is it not also a privilege to attend
meetings of Synod ? This is not so clear.
It depends on the character of the business,
the Inede of transacting it, the deportment
of members, the state of one's own mind,
and the general condition of the Church.
Meetings of Synod and of other Church courts
ought to be of suoh a character, that they
would be anticipated with pleasure. In the
appointments of God, duties and privileges
are so " joined together," that, if they are
divoroed, the blame of the separation rests
on ourselves. Our Presbyterian constitu
tion furnishes a most perfect provision for
agreeable, social oo.operation in religions en
terprises. The principle of Liberty, Equal
ity, Fraternity, is not, in our system, a
pleasing fancy, but a real verity; , not an
impracticable aspiration , lint a matured and
pervading attainment. '
If 'eoclesiastioal meetings 'be fairly underk
stood, as to their character and design, at
tendance on them will be esteemed both a
duty and a privilege. They will be greeted
int only as a mean's 'of doing-good, bat also .
REI occasions of enjoyment. They are not
intended merely to' keep the machinery of
the Church in good working order, but they
serve the further purpose of strengthening
and stimulating her operatives. The work
men are called together from the different
and widely separated portions of the field, to
enjoy a sort of family meeting. Some have
been toiling, solitarily, and often sadly, in
obscure corners of the field ; ; some have oc•
oupied places more prominent and not less
trying; some have enjoyed tranquility and
a good degree of success, and some have
had the varied sorrows of toil, trouble, and
disappointed hopes. They come together,
for the purpose of reviewing the joint la•
bore of all, of devising plans for the future,
of encouraging and counseling each other,
and of participating in mutual sympathies
and consolations. Occupying common
ground by bearing the same . office, and by
obedience to the orderings of the same
Divine Providence, questions of rank do
not legitimately arise among. them. One
cannot say to another, "I have no need of
you," but in the true spirit of fraternal
equality, each is to help his 'neighbor, and
every one to say to his brother, "Be of good
cheer."—ls. xlvi : 6. Responsibilities and
prerogatives are to be shared by all, and by
all alike ; and a deviation from this practice
will be like the fabled disputes between the
stomach and the members of the body, or
between the weights and dial of a clock,
rendering' the parties both uncomfortable
and ridiculous.
The whole benefit of Synodical meetings
will not be attained by restricting atten
tion to the jejune details of business.
Ecclesiastical business is a means in
tended to subserve the religious interests
of the Church. And an ecolesiaetioal
meeting should be a religious meeting. Re
ligion should be a pervading element of the
whole meeting, not a mere episode or di
gression, gotten up "on motion," and con
structed under the formal direction cf a
Committee. A higher tone of religious
feeling would then be given to the discus
sions; and discussions that do not admit of
such elevation would be excluded altogether.
An impressive dignity, consonant with the
character of the body, would then supplant
the levity that sometimes throws it into dis
order, and brotherly love would banish sev
erity of remarks, which always, when in
dulged, fill some bosom with dietrees.
Deliberative bodies, in the Church, are
often embarrassed by certain classes of their
members, whose motives and intentions I do
not mean to impeach. Indeed, I have
seen members, of unequivocally good inten•
tions, retard and embarrass the proceedings
of Church courts, without producing any
advantage to their brethren, unless it might
be, as " tribulation worketh patience "
. Absent members, I mean absent
bodily. They are waited for, and time is
lost. They have reports to make, or records
to produce, and business is delayed for the
want of them. •
2. Inattentive members, absentees in
mind. Not less culpable, though less cum
bersome to business, would these be, if
their inattention were constant. But it is
occasionally interrupted by a formal call of
the roll for remarks, or by taking the yeas
and nays on a vqte ; and then, to save their
consoieneps from a wound, they arouse them•
elves and become highly inquistive ; and
the business of the body is held in auspenee
till a large share of the information, the
reasons, the explanations, the propositions,
which others have already attended to, are
reiterated for their special benefit. •
3 Talking members, who are never
ready for deciding any question, or adopting
any measure, till they have expressed all
their thoughts upon it. This is not a Large
class. The majority are generally able to
do all their thinking, reasoning, and decid
ing, without saying much.
4. Leading members. There is no great
, er mistake, than that of identifying these
with . the preceding class. And the mistake
is oftener made by that eh se t an by others.
Leading members are not 'g tncrallv most
liberal of apeeches;:eontemed, rather, as
main springs, to Bet the ticking wheels in
motion The principal inconvenience oc
casioned by leading members, arises from
their occasionally leading in different direc
tions, toward their several favorite objects.
And thus, sometimes, business is retarded,
complications arise, wholesome ends are
frustrated, strifes occur, and adroit manoeu•
vering works the body into factions.
The salutary purposes of ecclesiastical
meetings are best promoted by a strict ad
berenee to the essential Presbyterian prin
ciple of liberty, equality, and fraternity.
When a man is ordained to the office of
minister or elder, be should be regarded as
competent to.any and all the functions of
it. Oar Church courts should be esteemed
a part of the great erwinery for the sub•
jugation of the world ° to Christ; and a
solemnity and spirituality, suitable to the
great design should characterize, as indeed
it generally does, all their proceedings.
Kindness of sentiment, elevation of princi
ple, and courtesy of manner, shpuld mark
the intercourse ‘of brethren ; and attendance
on Synods and Presbyteries should be reck
oned not merely a duty, but a privilege and a
pleasure. ' J:F.M.
God's Providence in Little Things
Perhaps in nothing does the discrepancy
between what we know and what we realize,
make itself more manifest than in regard to
the providence of God in little things. We
know that it must be true that he, in whose
band our breath is, and whose are all our
ways, must shape all the minutest events of
our life, and exercise guiding control over
the whole current and flow of our daily no
tivity. And yet, how little do we feel that
this is so; how slow we are to recognize its
tokens; how skeptical; when some event
seems to push the thought of a present and
interposing. God upon the mind !
It is one of the special‘points of interest
about the Book of Esther, that it brings out
so clearly the interposition of God's provi
deuce in a little thing, as the hinge on which
all the interest of its narrative turns. Those
who are familiar with Melville—whose ser
mons, so rich in thought, yet so disfigured
by a seduclive and dangerous mannerism,
have been almost more popular with Ameri
can readers than with English hearers—will
re-call a discourse which is built upon that
culininating point of the Book of Esther—
the first verse of the 6th chapter—where
the Divine interposition makes itself mani
Mordecai is sitting in . saokoloth and ashes";
the bloody decree for the extirpation of the
Jews—a decree of Medo Persian inflexibil
ity—has gone forth ; and Haman, its mis
creant instigator, is in such favor at court,
that he has builded a gallows, in expectation
of gaining permission to hang Mordecai the
next day - upon it. Congenial night has
closed in upon the scene, and there -is no
visible channel through which relief can
flow. The king has retired to his couch,
and so far as any human eye can conjecture'
the'. future, the dawning of the• next day will
begin the work of slaughter, which will not'
cease until Mordeoai m andtthis nation, ,arul r
the Queen herself, shallthave been destroyed.
In this perilous juncture, God's provi
dence interposes by a little act. Some bus.
sing insect; some slight indigestion; some
unusual closeness of the air; some trifling,
and to human eye, perfectly natural cause,
disturbs the king's repose. He tosses
uneasily upon his couch. He bethinks him-.
self that the sound of reading may lull him
to the rest he seeks. He calls his servants.
They bring the roll of the chronicles of his
realm. It is unrolled to just that spot
where record is made of a conspiracy against
the king's life, years before, averted and
punished by the honesty of Mordecai. No
history of reward follows. The king arrests
the reading to inquire, " what honor and
dignity bath been done to Mordecai for
this ? It is replied that nothing has been
4 done for him. The circumstances had glided
out of the royal recollection. Ahasuerus,
now reminded of it, and regretful that such
- fidelity should have remained unrewarded,
charges his mind with the subject for con
sideration on the morrow. And when
Haman comes, at an early hour, to ask per
mission to hang the Jew, the king, first
obtaining from him an idea of what ought
to be done to the man whom royalty de-
lighted to honor, (a programme dictated by
•Haraan's own hope that it was intended for
himself,) commissioned him to take Morde
cai, and honor him in that way before the
Thus the tide was turned. That sleep-
less hour; the opiate from tbe Chronicles,
with the new phase into which * it brings
Mordeoai ; changes and reverses the whole
future. The murderous decree is counteract
ed ; -Haman is hanged upon his own gallows
tree ; and the Chosen nation is. preserved
for the centuries of its fate yet unfulfilled.
Here is stimulated the grace of faith in
God, in the most hopeless position. It is
easy for him to change the fate of a nation,
by the mere buzzing of an: insect's wing !
So that those who love him and serve him
may hope on and hope ever—however dark
and doubtful may seem to be their lot.—
A Scrap.
DANCING ! What do I think of it? I
really think just this, that when professors
of religion dance, that their religion is all
in their feet, and not worth much. I'd
rather there was a little in their knees; then
they could kneel clown during prayer at
church; and may be they would kneel in
their closets sometimes. I'd rather it was
in their hands ; then they could shake hands
' with a poor body, could give something to
the needy,'and more for the spread and sup
port of the Gospel. Ah, I'd rather it was
all in their hearts; and then it would send
a healthy pulsation throughout the system,
and then really dancing would seem a very
silly thing for sensible Christian people to
spend their time and health at.
Oppose drinking ! Yes, 1 do; for when
whisky gets into the stomach, I really think
Igrace gets out of the heart. Somehow or
other, I've got the idea that grace do n't
love e smell of Aislry, and gives it a wide
E berth. This Ido know, that whisky don't
help a man io religion. I haven't much
use for the religion of the dram drinker;
it 'a like corn blades at noon during a drought
a in Summer.
Yon' see, I've seen both sorts of profes
sors; I know some such now, and really I
don't know where to place 'em. Do you?
—Biblical Recorder.
MAN AND WOMAN.—Man is strong—
woman is beautiful. Man is daring in con
' duct—woman is diffident and unassuming.
Man shines abroad—woman at home. Man
talks to convince—woman to persuade and
please. Man has a rugged heart—woman a
! soft and tender one! Man prevents misery
1 —woman relieves it. Man has science—
' woman taste. Man has julyment—woman
; sensibility. Man is a being of justice—
, SWUM of mercy.
From our London Correopondent
Triumphal Entry of Troops at Paris—Popular En
thusiasm—The Emperor's Address to his Captains
—Future Dangers to Europe—The Affairs of
Italy—What is to be done with the .Duchies—
Close of Parliamentary Session—ltaly and a
Conference—England and her Defences—German
Discord and its Perils—Admiral Roinstnoff and
the Naval Review at Cronstadt—Chtiech Prefer
ment and the Whig Cabinet—lrish £resbyterian
Howie Missions—A Deputation to the United
States—The Claims of Ireland—Piooress. and
Personal Notes and Inquiries as to the Ulster
AUGUST 16th, 1859
.8. TRIUMPHAL ENTRY into Paris, of the
Army of Italy, avus the great event of the
first day of the present week. From time
immemorial, France has, as a "matter of
choice, made the Sabbath the day, for mili
tary reviews and gala shows of every descrip
tion. The Emperor knows too well, the
popular love of. "spectacle" and of the.
" glory " which is won by the sword, not to
gratify it to the uttermost, and "thereby to
strengthen his throne.
We are informed that the reception' of the
army on the 14th inst., was most enthusias•
tic. Sunburnt soldiers in worn Uniforms—
Austrian colors and cannons ; above all, the
sight of the wounded men raised the popu
lar excitement to the highest .pitch. The
troops were covered with flowers and gar
lands, by the people. The Emperor, as he
rode at the head of the army, was received
with acclamation by the troops and the peo
ple. He spoke at an Evening Banquet,
given to the principal chiefs of the army,
with "regret at separating soon from a force
so well organized and so formidable. A
portion of the soldiers is about- to be die-
banded. A " medal of Italy" is to be -dis
tributed to the army which has served there.
The danger to the permanent peace of
Europe, comes out vividly in this great mil
itary demonstration. True it is that our
witty Punch represents the Emperor playing
Fre pipe'of peace, seated on a bank, and in
shepherd's garb. But not far away is a
" scare-crow, ' set up in the meadow, repre
senting a French soldier, and indicating the
real condition of things. It suits. Napoleon
to have peace for the present, and so he is
issuing ordinances to re-esitablish public
works which had been siispefided by the
war. In every possible way he will seek to
encourage commerce; and: but for the ap
parent or re'l necessities lof his position,
might be content with " piping- tunes, of
peace" for life. But he is the elected Chief
of a nation notoriously reetless and fond of
excitement, and as such, it is : said that he
warned the late Lord Lyons (AdMiral,) that
the day might come when hp might be
forced to make war upon England. The
idea of such a war is now becoming famil
iar both at Paris and Madrid. The Con
stitutionel seems to speak threateningly,
when it talks , of the completion , of vessels
suited for the transport of large bodies of
troops, which could be thrown' on an ene
my's coast. It is in the same direction
that it abuses Belgium for fortifying Ant
werp, which it says will thus be a grand
dekuclte for England's armies! to be thrown
upon the Continent, accessible to her by the
Scheldt, and shut out by its fortifications
from other powers.
In iike r irmencr,,,the An •fie
Madrid, exclaims : " The time is a an.
when the taking of London will revenge
Waterloo." Must not all this, if not under -
Imperial inspiration,, be at least far from
displeasing to Louis Napoleon ? And if so,
what wonder if there should be uneasiness
in Europe still I
THE AFFAIRS OF ITALY still occupy anx
ious attention. Some are in despair as to
Italy's future; others believe that Bona
parte at heart wishes the Duchies to ie free,
and that the ostentatious journey of a French
agent, with the professed view of ascertain
ing the, minds of the people, was intended
to stir up their enmity to the old rulers more
fiercely than ever, and so to render their re
impossible. Whether that was intend
ed or not, the result has been the same.
.Count Reject tried to influence the
new Sardinian Ministry, but they refused
with a dignity worthy of the Cabinet of a
Constitutional King, to endorse the claims
of the minions of. Austria. He proceeded
to Parma, and there overwhelming evidence
met him, that even the amiable ex Duchene
had but few partizans. And as to Florence,
his carriage has been filled with written pro
tests against any attempts at the restoration
to the Pitti Palace, at Florence, of a family
which is detested, and especially since the
discovery of papers indicating both the plan
and the resolve to bombard the city 'in case
of an insurrection. •
The Times correspondent at Paris, is now
inclind to believe that Napoleon bee sent
his agent abroad in Central Italy, in order
to deepen the agitation, and so to render
the return of the exiled rulers impossible.
That is not unlikely, if it suit himself.
Treachery to any party rather thin his own
interests should suffer-such is the ruling
motto of his political life. i
The Italian Confederation plan and pro
posal, seems to beoome more impracticable
every hour. The Conference now going on
at Zurich in Switzerland, will not attempt
to settle such a queition. A General Con
gress is almost sure to follow. The Opposi
tion in our Parliament endeavored to pledge
the Cabinet against going into any Congress,
but wisely did Lords Palmerston .and Russel
pledge themselves neither one way nor the
other. They justly think that a better set.
tlement for Italy and for the cause of free
-dour, may be obtained by England being
able and willing, as well as unfettered in
her discretion, to take part in a settlement
which concerns all Europe.
The speech from the Throne, read by the
Lord Chancellor, has one passage indicating
the Ministerial policy as to Italy, as follows:
" Overtures have been nude with a view
to 'ascertain vrhether, if Conferences shall
be held by the great powers of Europe for
the purpose of settling arrangements, con-
nected with the present state and future
condition of Italy, a Plenipotentiary would
be sent by her Majesty to assist at such
" Her Majesty has not received the in
formation necessary to decide whether she
may think fit to take part in such. negotia
tions She would rejoice to find herself able
to contribute to the establishment of ar
rangements calculated to place the general
peace on a satisfactory and lasting condi
This indicates both proper caution, and a
sincere willingness to serve the cause of
freedom. On the whole, the Tory policy ; as
to Italy is bad to the core. It is, indeed,
heartless; and although Lord Malmesbury's
dispatches did not, on their publication,
compromise him as to neutrality in the war,
yet the suspicion, well founded, that the
Cabinet of Lord Derby , had no real pity for
oppressed Italy, was fatal to its existence. I
regard this as honorable to the English na•
National defences are also referred to in
the Royal Speech, the Queen expressing
"great satisfaction" in giving her assent to
the Bills which were presented to her, for
the formation of a Naval and Military Re
serve Force.
"A complete and permanent system of
national defence, must at all times be a sub
ject of paramount importance." Lord Pal
merston and his organ, the Morning Post, are
by no means so cordial and confiding toward
France and her Emperor, as they once were.
The Post remarks, that whatever Napo
leon has not accomplished, he has at leant
succeeded in setting the powers of Germany
at variance with one another. And this is
quite true. There is great bitterness at
present between Prussia and Austria, and in
case of future war, we shall see some of the
smaller States of Germany going with Aug.
triainto a most suicidal Austro-French Al.
Hance against Prussia. It would also seem
one of the " inevitables" of the future,
that Prussia and Belgium must yet side with
England, against ' Russia, Austria, and
France combined.
A NAVAL REVIEW on a grand scale, has
lately been held at Cranstadt. It is mar
vellous, after - the sinking of the fleet at Se.
bastopol, to mark the powerful force which
Russia can now command. The Grand.
Duke Constantine is the Admiral who inces
santly urges on them an enlargement of the
force. He is a restless, active, energetic,
dangerous man. Not4ong since, he was ex
acting homage from the Sultan, under the
pretence of a. visit of respect to him ; ; after-,
wards he made a :grand display at Jerusa
lem, surrounded by Greek priests and their
followers; next we hear of him at Cronstadt,
at this naval review-; then he turns up at
Osborne, in the Isle of Wight, on a visit to
Queen Victoria; and, lastly, (traveling un
der the title of Admiral Romanoff,) he is
off to call on the French Emperor at
disposal of the' Palmerston Ministry, his
been given to the Rev. Thomas Gamier,
who, for a number of years, has been
Chaplain of the House of Commons, and
Rector of a Went End ; Parish. He is now
appointed Dean of Ripon, and, as an ardent
Evangelical, will be a suitable coadj utor to
the excellent Bishop of the Diocese, Dr.
Biekersteth. , The Evangelical party has
also received fresh strength by a transfer
once to the. Bishops of Ripen and Mulches,
ter, respectively, of a laige amount' of
ecclesiastical patronage. As long_ as Bish
ops are to retain the power of presentation
to parishes,' independent of the will of the
Christian people, it is all important that the
Evangelical prelates should have large pat
roiage at their .disposal. The system, how
ever, is miserably unequal in its operations,
and - altngether unworthy of true Protestant
and New .Testament Christianity. The
Bishops of ,Oxford and Exeter are contin
uing to oppress truth, and exalt and cherish
error. Whole districts and counties are
thus given over to darkness and delusion,
and souls perish without remedy.
are now occupying much
,attention. The
Irish Assembly's Board of Directors find
the field of the Home Mission becoming so
extended and so expensive, that the means
fail for its proper cultivation. Deputations
Vll4opgV4Optie.eonglegations, to invoke
more liberal aid ; and in , addition to . thivat
a recent meeting of the Board of Directors,
in Belfast, it was resolved to send, this
Autumn, a Deputation to the United-States.
This Deputation will be formed of four
ministers of eminence, who, I believe, are,
the Rev. Doctors Cooke,Edgar, and Dill,
and the Rev. John MoNaughton, A.M., of
Belfast, formerly of Paisley. I have no
doubt that they will be well received in
America, not only by the Scotehdrish,
whose early , associations with Ulster will be
powerfully awakened, but also by American
Christians generally.. Let all such remem
ber that Ireland is a source of moral PIM•
ohief to the United States, as long :as
Popery is rampant there, and that its Evan
gelization will solve many a difficult ques
tion even in the political economy of free
nations. Here an, Irish and B.omanist sec
tion of Members of Parliament hold the
balance' of parties, and determine the fate
of 'Cabinets. With you,' they- interfere in
elections for evil, they seek' to exclude the
Bible from.oommon schools, and they em
broil and imperil great interests. Help,
then, for Ireland and its Protestant aggres
sive agencies, will react on America for
gresses with unobstructed power. High
Churchmen frown, worldlings sneer, Uni
tarians are bitter, and Popish priests hate
and fear. Bat the effect on society is un
mistakable, and "fruits" such as indicate
that the tree is
. 14 made good," attest that
the work is indeed Divine.
I have seen and heard much already, and •
(writing this from Ulster,) I hope yet to
see and heir much more. But it would
take three months to visit and carefully in
spect the localities where the harvest
sheaves are fast being gathered in, and still
"the half" could not be told ; only "the
day shall declare" the whole. For there is
a secret, powerful coming of the kingdom
of God in hard hearts and consciences, of
which physical agitations are but the feeble
indices, at the best.
Since I last wrote you, I have visited and
examined the condition of things in the
neighborhoods of. Lurgan, Tullylish, Ban
bridge, and. Newry, all in the County of
Down Meeting on the streets of Belfast,
last week, the minister of a congregation
once presided overby the Rev. George Hay,
-(once a student of Brown, of Haddington,)
whose name is borne by one in Philadel
phia,•dear to American Christians, and who
baptized George Hay Stuart, as well as
myself, and where be and othens—now far
removed thence—first commemorated the
Saviour's death, seated by parents whose
spirits are now in glory—l was persuaded
to visit that old and much-loved spot.
It was a week evening, and I found a
strange and new thing—that in harvest
time, every night in the week, save Satur
day, large congregations were .meeting,
simply for prayer. With much emotion
did I address such an assembly, looking
from the pulpit on the pew where once I
sat, a boy, and from whence parents,
brothers and sisters had disappeared for
ever. During the address, there occurred
a case of suppressed, yet real and agonizing
conviction of sin, accompanied by phySical
weakness and agitation. It was a young
woman, an orphan girl, and there is reason
to hope that with returning health of body,
her soul is, now at peace with. God, as .
Father reconciled.
The Rev. Mr. IVleMarray, of Paringstone,
took part in this service, along with the
pastor, the Rev. James Moorhead. The
former gave the most thrilling information
as to the mighty change, which had taken
place at Lurgan, a large manufacturing
town, and also in his own district, where,
he said, linen weavers 4 t could scarcely go
on with their work," from deep anll,.ever
whelming convictions, of , sin. Some of
these ,had rbeen-open infi,clels, a few weeks
ago-others ' the most Aeeperste and' wiokett
Philadelphia, Sonth.West Corner of Seventh and Chestnnt,Straits
—now tbey Wer? wrested and trembling
under the fear of Divine- wrath.
Next evening I assisted at a similar meet
ing at Tullylisb, where the venerable John
Johnston, , has been pastor for nearly
half a century. Here I found a large as
sembly, also, and meetings held almost
every evening. In this parish and district,
female prayer meetings have been estab•
fished, and great good is being done.
Drinking, swearing, and other vices, are
being abandoned, and public houses in
creasingly find the trade in spirits a losing
Visiting the town of Banbridge, I found
that one of the deepest and most powerful
manifestations of Divine influence had tip
peered here. Not less than sixty-six per
sons were, in one evening, either in the
Presbyterian church during a service, or in
returning home, "stricken down," in awful
distress, both of body and mind. .More re
markable still, some that went as mockers,
(one especially notorious, who said, scoffing
ly, "I shall cry out Calvary !" compelled,
in fear and horror of soul, to look and cry
to Calvary's Pierced One,) were brought to
I was taken to see two persons, who had
been arrested. One was "an unfortunate"
who, not at the public meeting at all, was
found, by a Christian gentleman, on the
street, crying in agony, ,and saying, " Lot
all transgressors like me beware," in her
apprehensions of the.anger of the Almighty.
The poor creature was sheltered and pro
vided for in the house of a pions Covenanter
—a weaver--when I saw her, and seemed
thoroughly humbled, and truly "loving
much," because " much had been forgiven."
The other was a young girl of blameless life,
but who had been undecided. Her radiant,
meek, and happy face; was a fair type of
the shining countenances all over Ulster, at
this hour. •I heard, .here,- - a150,,. of s, Uni,-,
tarian .young woman, .heartily and entirely
embracing the Evangelical faith,_ after pass
ing tfirough a horror of •great darkness and
distress. 'Here, preaches a Unitarian min
ister, (nephew of Dr. Montgomery,)- who,
a few weeks since, poured ridicule and con-,
tempt on the awakening.
At Newry, whence I write this, where my
first pastoral charge, extending over 'eleven
years, now comes up on " busy, meddling
memory,i' with peculiar forces and' tender
ness, I have seen. ma t ch to delight and
encourage, but on which I may not and
shall not dwell. At Drunhanighei and
Cremore, in the County of Armagh, (the
latter in connexion with the 'pastoral sphere
.of the Rev. Alex. Strain, D.D., well known
to many in America,) as well as. at Gloemix,
Lough break land, and Donaghmore, in Coun
ty of Down, a glorious work, permeating the
mass of society, is in progress.
At the Free Church Commission, held
last week at Edinburgh, the Rev. Dr. Den
ham, of Londonderry, the Rev. J. H.
Moore, of Ballymena, and the Rev. James
Canning, of Coleraine, gave full details of
the awakening, as it had presented itself to
their own eyes. Dr. Begg also gave the
results of a week's close inspection.
The United Meeting for Prayer, at Bel,
fast, last week, was .peeuliarly solemn and
impressive. Mare than thirty ministerel
observed as present, in the crowdeolasseinbly.
Three minutes'aveigned fhr silentzprayer, at
the close, seemed to me to be the beat pos
sible completionof the service., Surely
Gad was there I J.W.
P. S`-The King of Prusaia has been in
s prostrate and hopeless condition for several
Life Preaching.
A plain spoken old gentleman said the
Other day, " I don't think so badly of your
sooiety as I used to do; and tell you
how that has happened. There are a good
many people of your-way-of thinking in our
neighborhood, and they are the right sort of
folks, too. So I'm giving up my old preju
Now this old gentleman's way of judging,
is the common mode.. People, in general,
care very little for abstract principles; but- ,
when they see the good. fruits of a good
faith, they are impressed with the idea that ,
there is something in religion, and in that
form of it which produces a holy, useful,
happy life. We do not say that this is a
reasonable way of looking at the subjeet,
but it is a very natural, and almost univer
sal, popular method. If you doubt it, recil]
to mind some person of ordinary talents,
but saintly life, and note the influence . of
that life for years after ait has ended. Or,
remark some unostentatious but energetic
and benevolent Christian woman, who, dis
regarding the calls.of the fashionable worhi,
or the more selfish pursuits that might occu
py her time, spends'her life in the constant.
discharge of duties to her family, to the
poor, the sick, and the ignorant. She exerts
an influence more powerful than is posseesed
by many of twice her mental endowments.
The most irresistible of all 'calls to 'holiness
is the example of a holy life.
All cannot preach ,from , the pulpit; but
there is , a kind ofcpreaching that is permit. !
ted to all men, and oftentimes this kipd is
the moat effectual. Offrees of kindneon in
the bodies and souls of those around us;
words of encouragement to the weak, of in.
struction to the ignorant, of brotherly kind
ness to all ; hearty devotion to the services
of religion, in our families and our closets,
as well as in the sanctuary; in a word,
earnest, active, self denying love to our fel
low-beings, springing from our love to God,
this will form a most ingressive sermon, a
most convincing proof to the world around
us, that we have been with Jesus All
Christians are called on in this way to preach
the Gospel ; and woe to them if they neg
lect the eall.--Christian Miscellany.
"Look Well to your Faith."
He that has the faith of Christ has all;
he that wants it has nothing. Weil might
our Lord say, "This is the work of God,
that ye believe on Him whom He huh sent."
It secures the heart for God through Jesus
Christ; and that secures the whole man;
all,his thoughts, all his words and actions;
forming the whole of his conduct for life
upon a perfect, a most Infallible pattern.
This, then,
is the direction every Christian
must turn his rnind, if ever he would thrive.
Look well-to yOuriaith. As that is weak 1
,strong, languishing or, living, such whll
the ,whole Christian frame be. .And, there
Beware of startling your faith by neg
letting to lay in proper;protisionw Faith
comes by bearing, and hearingly the *cord
ot.God. .That is the only ,sustenance fora
faith; and what the Word 49)45 ) forth and
conveys through faith into
the grace of 'God in Christ„ is the only,aup- ,
port of the soul. " Wherefore, an new bo"rn
babes, desire the sincere milk ofr the Word,:
that ye .may grow thereby."- e 4 :And Jet the
word of Christ, dwell in ,you .richly, is n all
knowledge and sPiritual utidertitandOg."
It is the <Sf irit of ( Christ, which
alone oanr-kindle
flamet I bnt,it l is the Olikletian's ikehrearto
fuel ready.
BizO aie of pozsgaing your faith._ -And
By Kail, or at tko 0, es, 1111151), per T ea r, tSU PROSP101118:
Delivered in the City, 2,00 " "
'WHOLE NO. 86 4
this may be done either by preverse
plea or practices. Both commonly go to
gether and mutually contribute support to
each other. The. milk of the word must be
sincere, or without mixture, in order to
nourishment; for every foreign mixture gives
it a poisonous quality. And as without
Christ we can do nothing; so in the same
degree that anything else is trusted to, so 111
oar strength is lost..
Beware of spading your faith by suffer•
ing it to lie idle. Exercise is as necessary in
the spiritual life as in the natural. By faith
the Christian lives, and, of come, be .only
lives so far as faith is kept in constant exer
cise. Just so much aotivity.and
there is, so much is there of faith vand
whenever it ceases to ,act, the Christian
ceases to lips. The seed of life may be in
him; but life lies in living, or in the exer
cises of life. At the same time we m ust
beware of attempting to live, thatisi-toex
ercise faith, or any other grace, but by
strength derived from the Spirit of life.—
Meditations for the Clergy.
I do greatly fear and mistrust
Preserve me, Holy Jesus, from my own
particular thoughts, from indolence, from
worldliness, however secret, from love of
self, from love of men's opinions, from
pride, from love of advancement, from
cowardice in rebuking sinners, or from
harshness in rebuke. ' I know that I oft
times yield to`sloth ; I am often indolent, a
waster of time, an ill , husbandman Of time;
I abide at home when I should be laboring
among roy.people; I linger and, hesitate to
go fOrth, or I leave.eff too soon to do my
work but partially, or I shrink from those
who most need' exhortation, from the most
:sinful and hardened of my people; I please
myself with, the conversation of thedevont;
I choose rather to sit with the righteous,
than to go among sinners; I have often dis
i taste for mytoils,; I want heart ties
and Faience; I often , go to thim - inwil
tingly, and - end gladly; or when I brie
done little, I think I have done enough.
Indolence Both much possess me, and back
wardness; I had rather read holy things,
than perform holy labors. lam Often seek
, ing excuses for easing my neck from the
And, yet, whensoever I have devoted
self to my flock, and have spared not, my
self, I have returned home, with, a gift in
my 'bosOin, a treasure of inward. satisfaction,
with a light conscience; with a rejoicing
spirit;swith great peace. , have Austad .the
cup of peace for obediences to Thy will; I
have knelt down and been glad; I have had
exceeding great refreshment in m,y evening
praYers. Thus haat ?lion ever rewarded ine
initantiy_ for my services; thus East Thou
enconraged me'diligently to do
Bp. Armstrong's Pastor itt his Mast.
The. Itighteouposo of God.
There are some books of ,the Bible !hit&
can only be read with thoroogh profit when
you have found the 'key, tuthei some,
where' telli'us • that -he 'need -"to: be greatly
damped by this expreasionin the °ilia of
the Epistle to the Romani: 111, am not
ashamed of the Gospel of Christy.for l therein
is the righteousness of go By
" righteousness,", Lather, An4rstood the
justice of Gedilitrittautes. 'of- Moral rec
titude • and so understanding it, he could
scarcely ,see the superiority the Gospel
over the law, and stall events% his 'troubled
conscience could find no comfort init. .But
when at last it was revealed to him that the
.term here alludes, not to an attribute of
God, but to the atonement 'of Inunanuel—
that it,means, not justice, but God's justi
fying righteousness, the.righteonpneas which
(14ed incarnate wrought out, and which : is
imputed to the sinner believing—the whole
Epistle was lit up with a joyful illumination,
and the context and raspy other passages
which used , to.look so dark and hoetile, et
once " lefped up and fondled" him with
friendly recognition. To .I / Other ever if
tel., the Gospel was glorious as the revels
tion and the vehicle- to the slither of a
righteousness Divine.—Hamilton, of Lon.
The Livi ng . Way.
Is Christ a living way to heaven? Then
what a sorry, pitiful case are they in, that
walk in the way of death—that devise this
way - of life ! It is very common, and it
does not,pease to be the more sad because
it is common, but is so much the pore
grievous, that persons love death rather
thin life.. The matter now is balanced
thus': every sinner is by nature dead in
sin ; if he continues in that state,.he- dies
in. his sin; .
.and dying in his sin,:he ,dies
forever for his sin. This .miserable ,wee now is to be balanced with what our Lord
proffers—that he will give the of life
--thitt ,, he' offers to klead men to heitien—*
that lifahey will. but set foot in him,set
their hearts on him, lodge their faith on
him, and put all
. their tyriet r in him, he
will guide thinilhitiiiir.. lir hit ails men,
that , they refuse Jeans Chriiitl—
Swine Time.
A, clergyman who enjoys the substantial
benefits of a fine farm, , . was slightly *au
down, a few_ days ago, by his Ilieh plowman,
who was sitting at his plow in a tobaceo
field, resting his horse. The reverend gall
tlenian, being an economist, said, with great
seriousness, " John, would n't it be. a good
plan for,you td have a stub / 30 04 here, Egli
be grubbing a few bushes along the lopee
while the horse is resting ?" John, with
quite as serious countenance as the DiVine
wore bimaelf, replied, " Wouldn'tit be well,
sir, for you ,to haye toitub o' palatine in the
pulpit, and when they are i i singing, to,f t epl
'em while to be TAdylor the pot?" . ,The
reverend gentleman laughed heartily and
Heaviness Tareawk,Teniptatiim.
There is a "-needs be," I doubt not, in
the eenee ofeotOtesityi that nWe should be
" sometimes in heavinces through. mao!fold
temptetionef and our eureet and readieet
help atiO,oh times" will be found a deep
conviction, .thatthAnoidentu of human life,
as they arieepare only the unfoldinge of a
map--on ly the revelation of oyottp- of
things, t hat have been done in the eogAsple
of God' from all eternity. In blip bellef,mee
arc *l4 to the havenieliereve Would
beiftiaud feel our souls, as Geerge Fox,`elye,
"anehoredltdetheir immortaiibiehop," in a
octpdition,of !equity, equwehholaorginge .of
9vil,*liowever they, may tops,4saA,nover,oFfr
ivhelm no."—Reminiscences of, Thoug4
and brOeling.
A TRUE FRIEND —Thou - wapiti:le - sure
that he:: mill in private tel l' thee 'thy
faults, is thy friend, for he adasita4nree4hy
dislike,, and., dot,h, hazard lior l ttfts43j.for
Nateare few4nen that
et baeitpit-e yla
dtrqtar the, Fart,tligg in.self
4ilttiwhiolto oie'if ihei univeriil
'follies!thst bewitehethiriankind , —Sir Ad
ter Raleigh.
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