Presbyterian banner & advocate. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1855-1860, September 10, 1859, Image 1

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p ro mbytarliuk Saimirs Vol. V 119116. 51.
p r osibyterlan Adv•este, Vele XXI I Ns. 45
God's Support and Guidance.
Forsake me not, my GNI,
Thou God of my salvation!
Give me thy light, to be
My sure illumination.
My soul to folly turns,
Seeking she knows not what;
0 I lead her to thyself—
My God, forsake me not!
Forsake me not, my God !
Take not thy Spirit from me;
And suffer not the might
Of sin to o'ercome me.
A father pitieth
The children he begot ;
My Father, pity me;
Bly*God, forsake me notl
Forsake me not, my God !
Thou God of life and power;
Enliven, strengthen me,
In every evil hour ;
And when the sinful fire
Within my heart is hot,
Be not thou far from me;
My God, forsake me not!
Forsake me not, my God!
Uphold me in my going;
That evermore I may
Please thee in all well-dding;
And that thy will, 0 Lord,
May never te foliot
In all my , works and ways—
My God, forsake me not I
Forsake me not, my God t ,
I would be thine forever; '
Confirm me mightily'
In every right endeavor.
And When my hour is come,
Cleansed from all stain and spot
Of sin, receive my soul;
My God, forsake me not!
For the'Prneb,3;ierltin Benner and Advocate
Extracts from the Historical Reminis
There are some events , in human life, to
whioh we always look haok witivfoolingo of
interest. Such' is the time, when an individ
nal in early youth leaves home, for the pnr r
pose of acquiring an Aeademio or Collegiate
education. Ile looks back to it as a turning
point in his history l toga. - step which changes
the diminutive itefestWaitiling -Cur
rent, and gives, a peculiar iodination and
character io the 'entire :stream of etitieqUeri't .
Such, also - is tbe time when the youth ,,
having Passed thidugh` preWeibler
of studies, is grif'dtato,by havin'g 'confer;
red on him his first degree in the, Arts and .
Soienoesi ` The 'custom or oetogsrpv:•woa
demia Degrees; was Ifirstiiiiiroducef at the
time of the revival, - of dis -,the
twelfth century of the CheistitiVeta,
consequently f' venerable with the antiquity
of seven oentiiiiee.:' has aftliiiiilbOiSktO ,
garded as a passport to the various learned;
professions.' We need notsvonder, therefore,
that young men look forward , to it with plead=
lug lentioipationevand that e -in their amine.
ries of ther past, it is etrefgreen and radient
with feelings of interest.
Assembled as' we now are, on the . 30th
Anniversary of the graduation of the;Clasa
Whioh left this Institution on the fourth day
before the Calande of October; or, accord'
ing to our method of marking time ' on the
27th day of September; A. D. 1829, it
seems appropriate to recount the changes;
that have occurred to each member of it,
during this time. The Class consisted of
thirty four members, in this Histori
cal Sketch, we shall notice in Alphabetical
order ;
B Balm returned, after he gradu.
ated, to Yolk District, South Carolina ; and
moon after died. His talents and aCquire
*manta 'were respectable. He was amiable in
his disposition, modest, retiring and genteel
in his manners, and orderly and moral in his
deportment. In his ease, the rose of pro.
mise was out down ere it was noon._
THOMAS W. BARTLY was admitted to the
Bar, in Mansfield, Ohio, where he has since
pureued the practice of his profeesion. He
has, in the meantime, been a member of the .
Legislature of Ohio, and, not only one of
the Judges, but likewise Chief Justice of
the Supreme Court of that StAte .
BANRILEAD 130 YD was licensed to preach
the Gospel, on the 29th day of May, A. D.
1888 Having traveled tor a little more
than a year, he accepted a call from the As
sedate (now United) Presbyterian church
of Pigeon Creek, and in the Fall of the year,
A. D. 1834, was ordained and installed pas.
tor of said church; and to that church he
etill sustains the pastoral relation.
JAMES BOYCE was licensed to preach the
Gospel, by the blot Presbytery of the As
sociate Reformed Synod of the South, in
November, 1831; and ordained at New
Hope, in December, A. D. 1832. After
lapse of more than twenty ilia years, he is
still pastor of the name church, where he was
first called and settled. In A. D. 1843, he
became editor of The Christian Magazine
of the South, a monthly periodical, under
the . supervision of the Associate Reformed
Synod of the South. He continued in this
relation to that periodical for nine years
During the month of August; A. D. 1854,
be had the title of D D , conferred nn him,
both by Jefferson College, Pa., and Erskine
College, South Carolina.
Of WM. COYLE, I have been able to learn
but little, save that be became a lawyer, and
has resided in Washington City, D. C.
CHARLES DIIBUISON was admitted to the
Bar, in the city of Philadelphia, in A.
1833. But before entering, on the practice
of law, he was, in November of the same
year, elected Professor of Latin and Greek ;
Lineages in Jefferson College, Mississippi,
and immediately entered on the duties of the
office In A D 1835, he was elected Presi
dent of said College, and continued in the
office for about two years. In A D. 1838,
he commenced the practice of law, in the oity
of Netchez In A. D. 1839, he was elected
Judge of the Probate Court of Adame
County, Mississippi, and continued in the
office, with an interim of two years, till A.
D. 1847. - He was sleeted to the Legisla•
turn of the State of alissisiip,pi, by the city
of Natchez; in Ar. D. 1851, and again in A.
D. 1853, and served two sessions. In the
management of the various Associations and
interests of the city of Natchez, be has filled
a prominent plane.
JOHN Eigtzsom was licensed •to preach
the Gospel, by the Presbytery of Steuben
ville,' on the Bth day of January, A. D.
1888; and after itinerating for about a year,
commenced his .._ministerial< labors in the
the Presbyterian church of Upper ..Buffalo.
• on the 1911 i day of January, A. D.''1834.
He was ordained and installed pastor of the
church, by the Presbytery of Washington, on
the 24th day of December, in the same year;
and still continues in that relation, after a
lapse of a few months, over a quarter of a
century, from the commencement of his labors
in said church. During his ministry in the
church, it hue been blessed with several pre
cious revivals of religion.
WILLIAM AIKIN was licensed to preach
the Gospel, on the 17th day of June, A. D.
1834; and ordained to the office of she min
istry, on the 6th day of October, A. D.
1835. His first pastoral charge was over
the Presbyterian churches of Deerfield and
M'Connellaville, in the Presbytery of Zs.'nes-
Ville, Ohio. ,In this charge, he spent twen
ty- two years He is now pastor, of the Pres
byterian church of West Liberty, Va.
learned. but little, save that they both be
came Physicians, and entered upon their
profesaions, in the city of Philadelphia.
ROBERT M. FINLEY was licensed to
preach the Gospel, by the Presbytery of
Redstone, in A D. 1834, and ordained to
the office of the ministry in A. D 1836.
After his ordination, be spent ten years
preaching in Somerset, Pa He now re
sides in Wooster, Ohio; and has been preach
ing for the last thirteen years in the vicinity
of that place.
JOHN FLmansna was licensed to preach
the Gospel, and ordained to the office ofthe
ministry, by the Preebytery of Huntingdon,
in, the Fall of A. D. 1832: Shortly after
hie ordination, he went as a Foreign Mis
sionary to the Muscogee or Creek; Indians,
whose residence was on the Arkansas river,
sixty miles West of the State of Arkansas.
When in the Indian country, he acquired
the Museogee language, reduced it to wri
ting, and published the first books in that
language, which were ever printed in it.
The first was 'an elementary book of spelling
and' reading lessons. And the next was a
Hymn Book, which is still in use al:nougat
those Indians, as a medium of devotional sing
ing. At the expiration of six years, his
health failed, and he returned to a mountain.
'ous region in Pennsylvania, where't.e took
the pastoral charge of two -churches, and
continued in that relation for six years. His
health having been confirmed, he removed
Earlville, Lasalle County, Illinois; where
he has been preaching for the last eight
WARREN FLENNIKEN was licensed' to
preach the Gospel, at Hopewell, North Car
olina, in November, A. D. 183 L, by the First
Presbytery of the Associate Reformed Syn.-
od'Of the South', and ordained to the office
of the 'ministry in November, A. D. 1832,
by the same Presbytery. Re 'died of eon.
eumption, on the 21st day of July, A. D.
1851, in the forty seventh year of his age,
in 'Chester District, South Carolina, in the
midst of his people, whom he had served in
the Gospel, from the date of his ordination.
He left a widow and,eix children. His fam
ily' was left' in good worldly circumstances.
He was distinguished for his tact in trans
acting' business in Church CoUrts, and for
his abilitir'in extemporaneous speaiing.
JOHN B. GRAHAM resided for many years
After he was ordained to the saored office of
the- ministry, in New 'Lisbon, Ohio, and
preaOhed to a church; a few miles distant.
He . also, during liis residence tfiere,,spent a
number of years in an agency for the. Bible
Smiety, He is now pastor of the Preeby
lerian churches of Morristown- and Fair
view Ohio.
WILLIAM GRAY, after he graduated, en
tered upon the study bf Theology, in the
Western Thaological Seminary; and whilst
;there, his health failed, and he went' to the
South, with view of regaining it.; but in•
stead thereof, died in liuntsville i , Alabama.
'His literary attainments were respectable,
his talents of the popular 'order, .and his
prospects for usetulnese 'itinCituaging. But
whilst he was preparing himself' for useful.
ness, that fell destroyer of, the human race,
consumption, was preying on his. vitals.
Thus, the morning of promise, in human af
fairs, like that of nature, is often overcast
with cloud..
JOHN E. HEANON became a minister in
'connexion with the Associate Reformed
Church.'` But 'I have not been able to gath
er 'any special information in referende to
,hirti, since 'appointed to this service.
J. J. HEMPHILL, Cincinnatus like, retired
to fatal, and has been, as I have under
stood by report, pursuing the peaceful and
independent occupation of husbandry in the
vicinity' of Shippensburg, Pa. No recent
information has been received from him.
JOSEPH P HOGUE became a lawyer, and
settled in Galena, Illinois; where, for a
numberyears, h pursued 'successfully his
profession. During his residence there, he
was elected to Congress, and served one term
in the House of Repreeentatives. He now
resides in San Fritneisco, California.
SAMUEL M. ,HAWBY, after he , graduated,
traveled and taught, for many years, in va
rious places At length, he settled in St.
Clairsville, Ohio, where be 'has held, for a
number of years, and still )olds, the office of
Recorder for Belmont County ;
ROBERT R. LEMONS, after he graduated,
returned- to the South, and shortly atter
died In Chester District, South Carolina.
He was amiable in his disposition, modest
and retiring in hie manner, respectable in
scholarship, and upright in his life. In his
case, the sun of life went down ere it was
JOHN C. LOWRIE, after he was licensed to
preach the Gospel, and ordained to the office
of the ministry, went as a Foreign Mission
ary to India. After residing there for a few
years, his health failed, and he returned to
this country, in hope of regaining it He
is now Co-ordinate Secretary of the Board
of Foreign Missions, of the Presbyterian
Church, and resides in the city of New
MATTHEW S Lowarv, entered on the
practice of the legal profession, with"en
couraging prospects; but his health soon
gave way, and he went to Cuba, in hope of
regaining it The hope, however, was de
lusive. He departed this life in Havana,
nearly twenty five years ago; and has been
reposing since, as we tank, in the mansions
of the blessed ' . His character and attain
ments were such as. to warrant the' hope,
that he would pass through life, with rea•
peetability and usefulness. His course in
life was brief, though promising. Peace to
his memory !
CHARLES F M"CAY, after having spent
three years in teaching. was electedProfes•
sor of Mathematics in Lafayette College, in
A. D. 1832 He removed to Athens,
Georgia, in A D 1833; and after a con•
nexion of four yeare with the University of
Georgia, as Tutor and Assistant Professor,
be was elected Professor of Civil Englneer•
'ing in A. D. 1837. In A. D 1841, he
was made Professor of Natural Philosophy,
and in .A. D. 1845, Professor of Matbemat
ics in ea University. In A. D.' 1853, he
was elected Professor of Mathematics and
Mechanical Philosophy in the College of
South Corohna, at Columbia; and in A. D.
1855, was"elaosen Pyesident . of said Oullege.
After twn , yearioaervice, he resigned, and is,
now residing at Angnetsilaeorgia. Hell the
author of a work o❑ Civil Engineering; and
has been honored by having the title of L.
L D. conferred on him.
SAMUEL MOODY was licensed to preach
the Gospel in 1833; and iu A. D.. 183/,
ordained, and installed pastor of the Pres
byterian church at Big Spring, Ohio. In '
A. D. 1843, he removed to Ashland, Ohio,
and beeame pastor ‘of the churches of Or
ange and Hopewell. On the. 24th day of
April, A. D. 1856, being homeward bound,
he entered a skiff for the purpose of cros
sing the Obio river,
opposite Wellsville. In
crossing, the skiff was capsized, and he
drowned. He was modest - and retiring in
his manner, and wise in counsel. His
preaching was plain, affectionate and Evan
gelical, rather than brilliant. He was much
esteemed in the community in which he
lived, and his death much lamented.
A- D. PoLLocx entered on the duties of
the Gospel ministry, in A. D. 1832; and
spent about three years laboring, as a Domes
tic Missionary, in Culpepper, and adjoining
counties, Virginia. In A. D 1835, he be.
came pastor of a church in Richmond, Va.;
and in A D. 1842, owing to feeble bealtb,
he resigned his charge, and removed to a
farm in Farquier Co., Va., where he labored
in the ministry, as his health permitted.'
In a few years he regained his health, and
aocepted'a call to a church in Wilmington,
Delaware. After three years, owing to
feeble health 'he left this charge and re
turned to Virginia' At the time of the last
great schism in the Presbyterian. Church,
which took place in A D. 1838, be went
with the New School. In A D. 1858, he,
returned to the Old School Branch of the
Church,. and now preaches in Farquier
County, Virginia
RICHARD Ef Bdt.srsost became a lawyer,
and settled in Kentucky. Bat I have not
been able to gather any information in ref
erence to him, since appointed to
WILLIAM REED became a minister of the
Gospel, in connexion with the Presbyterian
Church; and went as a missionary to India.
He was not long in that country, till his
health failed, and he was'adyised to return
to this country. On his return voyage, he
died of consumption; and found a grave in
the Indian Ocean. He was amiable in his
disposition, 'respectable in scholarship, ac
ceptable as a preacher, and distinguished for
his missionary zeal and enterprise.
DAVID RITCHIE studied law in Pittsburgh,
Pa., where he still resides; and was admitted
to the-Bar in that city, in A 1). 1835. Be
fore entering on the practice of his -profes
sion, he went to Germany, and continued
the study of law, at the University of
Heidelberg; where the degree of doctor• in
utroque jure,
was conferred on him, in A.
D. 1837. He has been in the Congress, of
the. United States, during three sessions as
a Representative of the Twenty : First Con
gressional District of the State of -Pennsyl
ALEXANDER SMITH became - a' minister of
the Gospel in connexion with the Pres.
byterian Church, and settled in Tenneasee.
He now preaches in or near to Fayetteville,'
in that State.
CHARLES, C. SULLIVAN studied' law in
Butler, Pa., where he kill resides; and was
admitted to the Bar, in A.. D. 1831. He
has teen suceessful 'in ?the' practice ?of his
profession'ai a lawyer ; 'and was elected' to
represent the Butler and Allegheny Dis
trict, for six years, in the Senate of the
State of Pennsylvania.
SAMUEL O. TAIT was admitted to the Bar
in Mercer, Pa., in A. D. 1832, where he
pursued his profession with marked Success,
so long as health permitted He departed,
this life, on the 25th of January, 'A. D.
1836, in the 28th year of his age. He
possessed a high ordpr of talent, was honor
able and gentlemanly in his deportment, and
conciliated the respect and friendship of
those with' whom be associated.
DAVID I. THOmpeON became a minister
of the Gospel in connexion with. the As.
soeiate Presbyterian Church. He was, for
a number of years, pastor
,of the churcii. of
Mount Hope, in Washington County, Pa.
When he
_resigned this charge, he removed
to the Territory of Oregon, where he resided
for a few years. He has recently returned
to Washington County, Pa.
SAMUEL WILLIA.MSON was admitted to
the Bar in the City of Cleveland, where he
still resides, in 1832 In A. D 1834 he
was elected County Auditor,.whieh office he
held by, successive elections, to A.. D 1842;
In A. D. 1850, he was eleete.dlo the House
of Representatives of the Legislature of the
State of Ohio. He ha, been duly honored
with city offices ; and is now Vice Preaident
of the Cleveland, Columbus and Cincin
nati Railroad Company.
JOSEPH S. WYLIE became a minister of
the Gospel in connexion with the Presby
terian 'Church. During the former part of
his ministry, he labored in Apple Creek, and
one or two other churches in Ohio. At the
time'of his death, which occurred on the
12th of February, A. D. 1852, from disease
of the stomach, he was pastor.of the church
of Cross Roads, in Washington County, Pa.
His style and manner of preaching were
easy and flowing, and he was popular and
,useful as a minister of the Gospel.
Now Classmates, after a lapse of three
long decades, with what propriety may we
say in reference to each other, Quantus
mutates ab The great orator of Greece,
in addressing his countrymen at the anniver
eery of the battle of Marathon, in which many
young men of the country had been slain,
said : " Athenians our youth are no more.
It seems as if the Spring were stricken from
the year." My old Class mates, our youth
is no more ! The Spring is stricken from
the year of our lives l The plea Sing hopes
which we then entertained in reference to
ourselves, are now transferred to our chil
dren. Within this period, which is the
average length of human life, a whole 'race,
including eight hundred millions of earth's
population, have passed from time to 'eterni
-1 ty. • Thus pass the periods of human life,
land the different generations and responsi
, bilities of men. What an admonition to
those who survive, to be diligent and faith
ful, that we too may he prepared" for our
final hod moat solemn earthly change !
Upon our return, after a lapse of thirty
years, it gives us pleasure to find that we have
good reason to congratulate this 'venerable
Institution, in view of its progressive history,
during' this period of time, and in view of
, its present prosperous condition. Within this
period, this spacious building in which we
are assembled, a large and commodious
house for the President, and a boarding
house of like character, have all been erected.
The ball, the recitation rooms, the rooms
and libraries of the Literary Sooipties, the
College Library, the Lyceum, and the Phil
osophical Apparatus all exhibit evidence of
progress. Learned and wise Professors are
in readiness to instruct those who resort to
Ithese halls of science. And although many
other kindred institutions have sprung up,
which have diminished, the wide range of
its patronage, it still moves onward with a
well sustained number of students. Within
I this peliod, the. ,Cotlege ,, haa• also been en-,
dowedi and - the lands. !skip investes4 so
that means are proviiled with which
promptly to meet all current expenses. And
list, though not least, itt still maintaine a
high place in the affections of its numerous
and wide spread Alumni, which. causes their'
eons and others under their:influence, to flow
back to this fountain of science;for the pur
pose of completing their' ednotition. The
Institution is now regarded as being on a
firmer basis, and as having brighter prospects
than ever before.
From our London Correspondent.
Out of Town"—The Train r and it s Divisions—
The Port and the Departure= The B elfast`bough
and its Shores—Crops and Contraats—The Great
Awakening—A Day's Observations in Belfast—
New Life in the Church—Secret and Silent
Energy—The Pastor and the inquirers—The
Countryman and his Facts—The Trance like
Steep—The Visions:—The Waking—A Mystery
and a Marvit—A. Night &ivies before Camino—.
nion—The• Birth-Place ofv Souls—The Joyful
Sono--The Closing Exhortation and the Closing
Day—Sabbath Evening `' Protracted Meeting—
Doubts and Difficulties—M Jloussel—The Peni
tent. Minister, and his Confession—Politics—
Parliament-French DiSarinament--" The Pause
Prophetic of .the Storm" • •
AvousT 7, 1859.
Our OF Town—in otpuion with hun
dreds more,- at this erfatic and, excursion.
provoking season—l have:found 'my way to
the North of Ireland, and write this from
its commercial , capital, Belfast. - Weary and
worn. and - longing for rest, pleasing and
holiday like. was :the <feeling with which I
was borne , away from the . North Western
London Station, by expreis train. In that
train was a number of excursionists, seeking
fresh air, and healthfid recreation: In the
next carriage is Lady Shaftsbury and her
daughters—her hard working husband not
yet tree from his multifarious toils and cares
in the' cause of philinthiopy and religion.
Others, of the " Jocelyn' family, are also
there, suggesting the head of the house,
the excellent Earl of Roden.
This huge; serpent , rlike train, as it sweeps
along and turns the various curves, at the
rate of thirty five tidies an 1 hour, is indeed
a composite affair. It has carriagei•
Wales, and bears her Majesty's Mails for
Holyhead and Dublin °has r carriages,.
also, , for the Midland Counties and . „ when
we. reach Stafford, what a 'pulling to pieces
the train is subjected to, , t eausing , no small
delay. It is also the train for." the North"
—that is, for Scotland via,Carlisle, and will,
bring its passengers this eiTing,. ere " dap
light dies," safe and Glasgow, and
to Ernbro' town. Theae diverge at Preston,
leaving a remnant, including myielf, to
wait' an hour for a mail traih that comes trim.
Manchester, and 'that 'bears home with it
Belfast Merchanti,'Or theiraders of Lanca
shire, or YorkshireNrho Wend thither from
time 'to time; for" the'purfoses of trade and
commerce: And "When' the''weary` hour •is
over, it comeri, id! onwarld'Ve preiss Over' a
fiat country, becoreinerifore sandy
vial as: we iapproaoh the Fleetwood is
our terminus—a town andlporti or , rather• a
port of real value, to •which a small town,
not badly built, but looking , as, if but half
peopled, is "annexed," with a few shops,.
including, of course, the inevitable chemist,
to say nothing of a:hotel atd public houses,
with bazaar-like sheds; the chief attnietion
of which are baskets of all sizes, formeilout
of 'material:furnished in,illie,neighborkood.'
It is half -past seven ;NA jek:-L-the Second'
train from London arrives—the steam is np,
and the vessel is off. It is full time she
wereighne, for 'the tide shas; ebbed So fast
and far that her keel twice touches the
shingle; and' had it been a , quarter of an
hour later, here had we remained for nine
hours at least, in durance, till the tide had
floated , the " Prince Patrick" once more.
The breeze is ahead, and soon all retire—
the Calf of Man is safely passed, and ," up
in the morning early," I find myself enter
ing the Belfast Laugh, right opposite the
"Coplands "—a pair of rocky *eta which,
ere now, have concluded the strange, event
ful history of a gallant vessel. What a
pleasin..'sight those white' Waitied' 'cottages, -
on hither Shore, watt the Cave Hill and 'its
brother'reountain; stretehing from North to
South ; and Carrickfergus town, 'where the
F i rench "landed," - one hundred year's ago,
(an era in old people's "reekoning of time,)
and where,
two hAndied and eighteen years
ago, was' formed that first Presbytery of
the 'Church of Scotland, of which it , may
beirtiliaalethat the little one has become
a thousand.
THE WEALTH of Belfast is strikingly
indicated by the aspect of, these shores of
the Lough. To the West are seen wood
embosomed 'villas and mansions, with the
tall chimney stalk' of the great factory, not
graceful; yet suggestive, its black' dust and
coats turned by the alchemy of trade into
gold dust, rich and precious as that of the
tends of Pactolus ' or the' product of the
California mine. And on the Down shore,
all along those Eastward' heights are seat.
tered elegant houses, of which . a trace was
not to be seen twenty years ago, but which
now are multiplying fast, by reason of the
suburban tendencies of the age, and the
facilities afforded by
,railways for living
"out of town."
The comparative lateness of the crops "in
Ulatel, strikes one greatly, who haajust
come from the'South of " merry England."
There , --in the Isle Thanet, in Kent,
Sussex, Essex, Hertfordshire—the sickle ia
busy ; nay, many a field has been cleared,
and the new wheat is showing itself, in •fine
samples at Mark Lane, at .a Monday's or a.
Friday's market. But here t the crops are
at least three weeleaqatik The fields of
oats are green, and 'the fields of wheat and
barley—with very limited exceptions, in
deed, of patches and sunny corners reaped
—are scarcely yet white 'unto the harvest.
And more than that, the crepe have suffered.
here from the long drought of earlier Sum
mer, the very season when, in common with
the Continent, Southern England, in con•
oast with its Northern Counties, as well as
with Scotland and the North of Ireland,
wai'bountifully watered.
The harvest in. England superior to that
either in Ireland or Scotland; the hay
crop in the former is abundant, in the 'other
districts it is 'meat scanty. Still, , the very
lateness of the season of ripening, coupled
' with recent rains, has prevented the calam
ity of scarcity in Ulster. Provender lor
I cattle will be dear, stock is down in price
in consequence, and the flax, on •whose•
abundance the prosperity of the linen trade
so much depends, is short. But all the
crops have wonderfully •recovered them
selves by the rains: that, have fallen within
the last three weeks; and, more than .this,
the potato "crop (though the size of that
• valuable esculent is email,) has yet, by rea
son, it may be, of the drought, entirely
escaped the blight, so disastrous in other
THE HEAVENLY RAIN falling in Ulster, ' clone work was there, therei seettied no rea
(while the natural heavens were as brass, son to doubt. Mr. Ktrim first epake to her
and the earth beneath the feet as iron, ) affectionately, , and' then left her with a le
making the moral wilderness to rejoice ad male friend, introducing to her a minister
blossom, will always make memorable in the just arrived from the United. States, of the
history of Christ's Church, and in the ' New - .School Prishyterian Chutch, whose
reconditions of ,a 'glad eterpity„'the name nottiesmiandolih - ot
of.-1869:' likis is -indeed a,,graturaid dressed himself to teach and oonatortlthel
TIMIS . epoch in the life•progress of true
religion in the nineteenth century. It is a
fresh chapter added to those .which record
the AmeriCan awskening of 1858
now attempt to'give you, although with
necessary haste-and incompleteness But
for this Ulster Revival, might have
chosen sdme other scene for my annual
Autumn holiday. I could have buried
myself in the deep recesses of Epping
Forest,. or have repaired to Ramsgate, or
some other•• waterihg tplace, either on the
Southern or Eastern Coast. Bat I thought
it desirable, besides reviving old friendships,
and visiting familiar scenes, not to be satisfied
with authentic - reports of •the awakening,
but to go and see for myself. I have felt
as if it'wererwrong to slider an opportunity
to pass which-might never occur again, of
witnessing, myself, some of those " strange
things " which shall leave their traces deep
and strong behind, long after the Revival
Wave shall have refired.
Before noonday, then, on' Friday last, I
found myself in the, house of a dear
friend and brother, the Rev. D. Hatu
ihon, -one of the wisest, most judi
cious, most experienced and successful
ministers of the Presbyterian •Church in
Belfast. There wean peculiar propriety, I
thought, in repairing-to him for information,
as well as for direction as to my course of
linspection, inasmuch as he had for =years
been the beloved minister of Connor and
Bells-the birth plaeo and early home of
the , Awakening. He had, moreover, re.
cently visited that parish, assisted : Mr.
Moore ' at a communion season, and seen
with' his own eyes Aoome of those converts'
who had there, after deep distress, and loud
cries of agony, been • led , to 'the _Saviour's
feet' to find deliveranoe and peace, and who
in his presence sat as joyful and welcome
`guests at their Master's table.
All that I had heard', then, of the ,work
of, the Spirit in Connor: and its • neighbor
hood, as well as all that was .narrated , by the :
religious press of Ulster, as to the movement
generally—its depth, .reality, and - power .,
‘my friend abundantly - confirmed. He gaVe
me, from his own`• experience' arid `obseiviill
tions; facts even moreYsatisfaetory than. any
evidence to be drawn ('from external mani-,
festations. The thorough seriousness of his„
his,, people, the awakening of; formalists ;
1 their self s.earehing and self anspicion; their
' alarm; their penitence and` Seeking for
'mercy, with their true and thorough ; sur
render to Christ; the increase of communi
eants from the class of fair professors, who
1 yet • were either formalists or backsl i ders;
1 and the secret yet mighty energy of conviction
f'and-anxions seeking after salvation amongst
I ainners—all these, as unconneeted , with any
outcries or prostration", 'told me that the
" kingdom" which " cometh not with oh
seriatim," was fast enlarging its' bounda
ries. 'For be it remembered 'that this is but
a specimen of that re-Viral• of the Church.'
1 as such, and that secret .yet tree life.. from
the dead to the unregenerate, which is now
•general over Ulster.
ITo showthe - State of feeling—altogether
unsuepeeted, by the pastor himself—l may
mention that last week ' Mr. H. received a
letter from one who signed himself;" An
' Anxious Inquirer," suggesting that Lin ad.
4liqqn to the prayer meetings held twice a
week in the that's Should be appoint;
merits made for private inverse with those
who were ' coneerned about eternal - things'. ,
The pastor took- the hint, and - made an an
nou.ncement to the effect that before, each .
of 'the two weekly prayer-meetings, , he
would- be in the vestry, to (*bairn with
such persons. On the first Occasion, eight
presonted themselves, and; on the second' a
considerable number more. These were
not the poor only, but included also the bet
ter and wealthier elan—riot the"outoasts or
thotte , out`of the Church- only; but also
i recognized members thereof, who had deep
1 searehings of heart as to whether.they were t
in Christ or not. Of the latter class was the
writer of the letter already'referred to, and
which led to the holding of these meetings.
After' leaving the house of my friend, and
coming back into town '.from his suburban.
dwelling,, I overtook on the road-a country-
I man, in farmer's garb, 'and fell into ,conver- 1
! sedan with him. 1 , found 'very speedily
that his 'mind was"filled with the present
ongoing& of the Revival, and especially that
the was familiar with . its ;operations sand
1 results in , the neighborhood of Connor,
Ballymena, /to. He seemed at fast , to be
donbtful of what a etranger might think vf
these' things, and cautiously inquired my
opinion. When I told him that from all
that I. bad. heard, I believed the Spirit of
God was, busily at work, he became very
communicative; told me of what he had
seen in another part of the country; how
a tilscolefaidli, who had kept a public house,
had given up their business; how these
and- other converts r were complained of by
their neighbors for not speaking to them, or
holdirsg l any intercourse with them, the lat.
t er 'thinking it wrong to hold any fellowship
with the wicked. Whereupon he gave his
opinion, and 'I gave - mine--we agreeing that
it was right,and proper, and Christlike, to
go among Jfinners, not to join with themin
their sins, but to warn and via them, if
possible, to the Saviour.
The'social change in /society, as witnessed
by this man, was truly marvelous. Intem
perance, Sabbath_ .breaking, dishonesty,
' were fast passing He mentioned
oases restitution;" noticing' the case
of one irominlwhity twenty or thirty'years
ago, "had stolen a bag of meal," but : who,
after her arrest and conversion, had paid
for it..
1 Leaving this wayfarer, I hurried to the
daily dinner.hosir female prayer meeting,
held in the school room attached to the
:Linen Hall Street Presbyterian church.
Here I found., a number of millworkers,
passing rapidly up stairs; at the door.stood
the Rev. R , bert Knox, quite worn out with
labors manifold, and unable to officiate, but
~handing to , eaoh..girl, as she .passed , by, a'
: .:tract. Up stairs - I found the room nearly
full, and a Presbyterian elder, Alex., Dickie,_
Esq., commencing the half 'hour service.
There was the - joyfil'song, then's solemn,
Scriptural,' tonsibing .prayer,; then a short
exposition of the texts, eaok illustrated by
an affecting and appropriate anecdote, during
the relation of which I observed agitation
and tarsi: Singing, prayerVand
the` benediction, and' the• mill- girls went
away to their trail. - ,
One, indeed, remained; and what. oe was
upon that face ! She was bound down un
der the conviction of sin, or rather that else'
although' hopefully converted recently
was not safe, because-sheo;iantedAssuranee;'
The Weeleyans teach the:necessity .of ,as
snrance, to safety,, great-error,; and she
seemed to have been thus distressed with
out cause. For that the reality 'of' a gra-
Philadelphia, - Smith' West Corner of Seventh and Chestnnt Streets
sorrowing one. Ab I even in the eight of
t hose tears - and of that •distress, there is a to
ken that Satan is not allowed to keep his
goods' ii peace. Any thing is better than
and/Terence, such, alas . as still prevails all
England`, over, and in the great metropolis.
This reflection ;forces itself on :me-continu
ally, coupled with , -the other thought, that
what God is doing here he may anon do
yonder; for, "Is there any thing too hard
for the Lord?" • •
In the evening of the c laooom.
panted Mr.= Hamilton to see- two most re
markahle cases of a form of affliction Of I
may so call it,) which has recently mani
fested itself. 1 refer to deep sleep falling
on the person, accompanied by those pre
visions to which I referred in my last letter.
I was taken to a small house .in one of
the streets in the Northern district of
fast. Hered found a considerable;number (
of persons gathered together, ivith the father.
and' mother of the maiden - on" whom :the
affliction had fallen. She had, the nights
before, been visited by Mir. Hamilton, who
had heard! from her ,lips, any account of a"
vision of heaven, which she had enjoyed
while " away "—that is in a trance, or a
sleep.,She had told him of another girl,
Jane oore, in another Street, *he was alio
there, , and who= she said " was back "—that
is, had awoke before--her. Sher:named the,
hour to 111.r.11., when she .would " go away":
again, and that was ten o'clock P. M. He_
waited to see the, issue, meantime ,convers.
ing with her, and marking-her faith 'in and:
love-to the - Lard jesus. At ten:o'clock pre-'
eisely, without any premonition, without)
any Clock or watch in the .apartment to tell(
of the hour, the girl. fell into, a . deep„cahn ,
She airoke also the next day, at the'
precisati9ne Which she herself had indicated;
and4it was , in that , waking interval that ;IF
saw her; She said that she -had been,in.
heaven; that she saw,the Saviour; that shay
It received:her saorament ". from him., that
she mingled' with` the angels, and that their
singing was glorious?' their 'song .-heing
"beautiful," audits words,
" How bright those glorious spirits shine - if! &o
.Afteriprayer,iwir left I`-the i - house ands ck
I.'t may here add that next (Sabbath)levehing,
a after , preaohieg, in. my,friend'o ; pulpit,
called With him again at
.the house, and
found the girl (about tiventy•ene" years_ old,) c
in - a deep -sleep.' She - liad.`4Woke' at. the l'
predicted ."hour.- She was not Communiest
eve r; and ,had declined to- tell all she -saw:.
She took very little food, but., there. was,
physical distress. The sight to ime was
novel, yet by no Means itself remarkable
or -painftil. It was 'sleep, yet- something "
more. It was not Catalepsylrithe senselof the;
eyes staring, .and open and wild., An ; nfant'ot
repose could not: be more profound. , I felt
the pulse; it beat soft and slowly, while the'
skin` - was cool and : unfeiereil.' 1 Put' the .
ear to the lips of the'slesper; but while shet'
• breathed; respiration 'could,-,heard-'
. whatever. The cheek was,healthy, and .was
atroost pillowed on
..the. open, hand,. It was
the, very ideal - of. Complete repose ;'
and it
was a-'repoie iio 'deep, and the` nied;the Beni
so 7dorment.Ker ; a6seat 7) that not ••therought
handshaking that recumbent form, mar .yet..
the. blast Art a .trumpet, .oeuld wake heel
This - is her seventh sleep," said . her.fa 7 ,
ther-a, pious man, onceunder *My' own
pastoral= 'care. • There; amid' the quiet-'on-
lookers; eat a' half eleternt.the ideeper,:and
to show how. toords are .nowarrowsLin 'Ul
ster, the Minister,. my friend, visiting , her ,
three days ago, had asked 'that young**.
in a low voice, "Have you found Christ?"
She was somewhat oonfused'-by the (peed*
but gave a half hopeful, and.' gentral.answet..
But the:question was the Spirit's arrow.
Her soul was alarmed, and her ! conscience
distressed her all the more that she had de
ceived the minister. And so on the Sab
bath day, during the sernsonfehe was CIO 01..
gelled in agony of soul to 'Save the Aura,
and then returning. home, shellac). cried for
mercy r and had found peace, and herewith,
the sweet, soft, modest smile of a new
born child of God, she sat meekly . in her
" What can you say,", said my .friend, as
we left the house,." to such a aase as that?"
" Nothing," was the teply. "I t is inex
plicable? "It is so," was the response.
It is inexplicable. I profesi not Ito ex; it mama not under the mreitement
of the crowded meeting.or the alarming-ap
peal. It was qo with another cage thet I
saiv, kindied, yet somewhat; different—that
of girl superior in understanding - to the .
first, who " wept = away" also, at intervals,
who had visions of glory, toe; mho wanob-
Nerved to-straggle,.and as with„one atm to
repel an unseen foe, which she afterwards
said was Satan; and who; even in het sleep,
while she could not -speak; - yet answered
questions, by writing suck words als`" God
is my refuge," &e.
On Friday evening (the, close of, my first
day in Belfast,) I went to 'the Berry Street
ohnrob, of which the Rev. Hugh Hanna Is
the minister—a young:man of great energy,
and remarkably sucCessfil-even= before 'this
awakening, .amongst. the working classes.
He, with- one exception,
,perhaps, ~that of
Rev. T. Tope, hai had todeal with the oases
of "stricken" ones more then any other
minister either in town or country. At all
events, his experience of such oases has run
parallel with that of the ministers of Bally
mena, and Coleraine.
Heretfauad a large congregation assem;
bled at a service preparatory to the observ
ance of the Lord's Supper. The sermon
was by Mr. Denham, one of the ministers
of Holywood ; and at its close, self exami
nation,and immediate repentance and faith,
were urged on the careless, while poring
converts were warned against self-confidence
and. spiritual pride. It was delightful to
witness the profound attention of a - congre
gation of people who had worked hard all ,
day and were weary. Many of , them were ,
recent converts,• and the joy of the Lord
was their strength. The singing struck'me
as peculiarly, beautiful for its liveliness,
unanimity; and fervor. '
I closed the day by. a visit to another open
church, "The Evangelical Church Union,"
where I found a Scottish minister in the
desk, addressing abort sixty or seventy
people, mostly Men, and urging:on the SAX
ions not to be timid in making ,known the
state of their minds to the ministers of
Christ. He 'himself had once been so when
anxious; ; but when he took courage: and
went to God's servants, befound them:frankol
affectionate; j and ready to give optuisel and,'
comfort; and, so would thsky., ' A;r: T ejit
prayer was then` offerekAnff :
non was 'pronounced, and as I '"needed cut;
two , small - were put - into% niphatid
one a hymn, bearing the title,4 4 ,Liteßoat's
Last. Turn," ;urging.. )Chriaktala„A once to
seek to send forth the Life Boat of- Salva
tion to souls shipwrecked and ready to
And so closed myfirst day's observationl
of the awakening in Belfast.
On the Sabbath evening (yesterday,) af
ter preaching and my visit to, the ; house t of
the young maiden asleep, I entitled it nine
,o'Clook;lthe chnriailtifl the Ref.°T4lTOye,
Prestaecirge'v,Street , dlie4regulitreverp ,-
'lhVialice) tour, bO-the Jiouiss
By ][sll; or at thelellae,Xi's; prze i n rinue.
d tit
De" Wend irahtiViti,
Wi3014361 N 0.863
filled, and , the minister was in, the pulpit.
Immediately under the cushion sod Bible;
was a printed placard, headed, " Goon
NEws," and then, "It is a faithful saying," -
&O. Above the minister, and on the back'
of the pulpit, was another placard, " WARN-,
ING AND PROMISE," " The wages of sin,"
&0.. Mr. T. read the account of the ten
lepers cured by Carist, and how only one
gave thanks. He tLen referred to the
Lord's Supper celebrated in the ,toorning, ,
and in -the strong, rich, Southern brogue";
told the "communicants" that one of two
courses ley before them—either to - be hire
the men who had -given ,no thankever Ake
the one who had expressed his gratitude to,
Jesus. " I call, therefore, on you that love
Jesus, and are 'not ashamed of him, to staid"
up and testify of his love i to your ..,„Here
was something new to me—at: least quite
unusual` in 'Presbyterian churches: r Mr.'
Toye had , been aulndependenti butlie4ai
even;then• somethingsmore,” rierivritilaV
ways a Revivalist,preacheriAnd; bemmrp.ol l
his intense sincerity and unwonted seal f aryi
peculiar idiosyncrasies, as well as adaptation
to a peculiar ,class,:he has been " a „free
lance thelrish'Preihitetiac
out rebuke,- and :not th,arliait
warrior. •
One young man' after, anotium , rose_ up is
his place and testified in fervent, laugnAge,l4
what he owed to. the Saviour; hoW be was
not ashamed to confess hie obligilion, and
urging others o -awake and .aimisegroil-the
dead and to seek salvation. One man, older
than thiv'-others, referred -to a prifet that
bad.been offered: by an aged Ohristianfron't
the North Of. Scotland fishery, station, at
Wielr, and spoke , soberly and_pipusly,,of the,
I preservation from death which he arid,other
1 , seamen' had there been granted tient the
perilous deep: ,.. - I -;
These confessions, , deolarations,' , .and sp..
1, peals by converts,—are Antermingled with
i t , singing and prayer,stAtorge's Street, up
to a 440,1nr,.rather .to an earl ;Be.
gently the ,orowd,remained even after
benediction war pronounced twice, and ,then,
the . doOrs to be
.81*.• Pastor
from ,France,-. his been writing on What be
saw and heardrin this church, in- , terms of
qualified reprehension. As for •Inyself,id,
feel npitipp with
ont'further obserioation . and inquiry ; Nev-,
ertheless fear that the calling forth-Prom
inently of yonng - oonye . ttit endangers them,
and is not thilbeit-meinizof leiffing others
to thefOrots.
- A mass of documentary -evidence of the
spread Fitl. power of the awakening, gath.
ered from different quarters, by Mr. A.
conveyed to` him in tette* now
lies before me. Knowing, as I do, ‘':the
scenes , and persons in manyk;oflAhese,
they a fford the most satisfaetery. testimony
possible.. Studcute are among _the. waters,
thimselves converted; and I may jupt add
that one token of the ,Divine ohniioter of
this-work, =is the, : reconversion of ministers
alreadyein Christ, and. by
the Holy.': . Ghost, One , taii,2_ieter of ireputa-i
-tion, lately owned, publicly,, witiktenrs, how
negligent he lind been - -told' 'Of t ,stuaeht
days,'When 'a class-fellow *aeon th° North
era Coast in the not :of - oirerleapifig a fence,
into what seeingli i i l field;'bit which was
really an-awful precipieee, seven ',hundred
fest !leepton i tne tether, cide. He had ; with
a loud cry rnsheil after --him, seized his
garments, and drigged, him WC- fiom de
struction. " And, never, fear:" said the
minister, " have I-been so anxious to save a
soul from death eternal as to • save that fel
-1 • low-student-from temporal destruction !"
POLITICS are now .in a state of -quietude.
The. cenference between the.. two-Emperors,
at Zurbish, in Switzerland, begins_ this, day.
It is feared that by foul treachery and by
the juggle "universal suffrage," the
priest! ' 4 *f:irking ton the Mann- peasantry,
the Grand?Dake.may. be restored And that
the -D ate ,of Modena ( may If e brongyt back,
• too. Napoleon,;. by , 'quit " juggle, is the
elect of eight milli ons" himself ; and why
should he not flatter the Pope and keep
friends:with' the -priests,' by doing the same
d in Italy. I We.'.shall..see. If he. do this,
foul scorn be on.him. All Europe will ring
with execration, and distrust , will be deeper
than before.
• Parliament has voted a reserve marint
force of thirty thousafid men. Meanwhile,
France is. difiirmingrand -there will
be peace for a time. Let- us bless-God for
these ...pauses in ..the tempests.of the. last
times. But who can doubt that others are_
yet to some 1 One thing is certain, that
tb'eiWir a 'Cyclone coming, so terrible and
disastrous as to .engulph. the vessel•whiolt
bears, upDespotism, Temporal ,and Spiritual.
That shall, go dow,n_with all. its living.
freightage, incl . the wreck shall, strew the
alibres: But, safe in " the eye of the storm,"
the Ship that.bears Christ and his fortunes,
.shall _ride out the- , fury lof the gale; and
when it is, past r the prosperous, breeze shall
waft her speedily into the haven of Millen
nialrest. J, W.
The' laws in Ameiina.
Di a lecture delivered by Dr. Morrie X.
Franklin, in Providence, some timiago y and
reported in the Providence Press, theespeak.
er said:
The Jews. in this • number
about two' hundred thousand. In New
York alone, there are forty lhoniand.
The attention of-the Jews in Europe is
turned toward America, bn account of the
perseontion theY are itibiiaTed in
some countries on the continent, and a rap
id increase of their numbers here may, be
eicpected by immigration. Many Jews in
this country are occupying
, prominent and
influential positions in politios and business.
Mesers.‘Yniee and' Benjamin, -of tlie.United
StstesoSenste, and Messrs* ZolliegfferiAli•
ver, and PhilliThpnd
.11,,Th of tlieXational
House. of Rewesenftstives,,, are , numbered
among the children of Anhui. Instead
of, reading the gerVaitilit' the 'Hebrew
tongue, understood i lotilyi is :the Rabbit in
terpretsiit,‘ inanyismat4npeotlie English ever-.
11* clues i4.lloo lo l l l lo ed m4n3A o *
foritisOto tneirmadc,if Forst!ip—rtbey v pow
have theit L oliorra, titOr organs, encflieir
SabliatleSdhoOls:" The Hebrew Christians,
the converted Jews,lin 'this country, num
beer three' orr fate hifed red; 'and; of -this =num
) ber onitAitindred: aft , engaged' -in
preachiorthuttlesper if Christimaty . ,tor
course of study preparatory • • to 410;4 so.
Inelegikoies of epoion: '
1 cf-; • ~• ,
.', "Alma` eav o liost be takeu l lto,*miro a
i' habit of using gook-ipipiejge,,, , T, , tufpee,
whO goes e4lshoa ,1 14 OiYildn4 4 !ree.ks
• wilt r liy
.. 4 ,witN i nase ant, ; nn 00 ;
seVeith, m!le T' 4 Oes- if .sh?",kippwo ,ctf,
every,4ay4ife is not wellphom4pOorfoit,,
it will be
~in , vain„ to attmiks SB Volk
well in the pulpit, or even to,wilte., : well,in.
the' l ,study. This will rittlyo,Fp4mn„Why
Isoleiiiims ,vulgar phrases and idionmxtom,
mon place and cant expressions 10. BO
i, abound in the public efforts ,ot i iorop :{ men.
i The habitual use of good language in 9r-43i
'' ~ nitifiPee'Or, prepares for its use readily and
i 'almost without effort, on ooMisiOns of more
.. ...„...,,,,,.„,