Presbyterian banner & advocate. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1855-1860, September 03, 1859, Image 2

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    ginner anb *Watt.
JAMES ALLISON,. , TitoppiaTwo. , ,
MARMIIow .1•10, or li Clubs
.141111; oridellvared at rinlldwassa of lihabrarlo
bars, ifiaoo. Is. Prolvtoltus, os 'Mari Paget
A U SSW Al. I sewed& Ls prompt, a Mlle
While before tbse year expires, that we may
malts fall artaniseaseata fey a !steady spapply?
IMO RHD IitiILAPPIZA. Indicates that WS
&entre a renewal. U T bowers,. in Who harts
isk alalLasi this sigma should be osoltiodt opt
bops our friends will otal not forget as.
payment by rata
Wanda. when eoavealeal► Or, toad 1y ansli,
enalining with ordinary sale, and troubling;
nobody with a knowledge of whit yaw. era
doing, lifer a largo amanitas, aensin Draft, or
large note& roe onaor two impskraocend Oahe
or anion noses.
VOKSJ/LIA (=mows, &coital p 056740 stamps,
lislitsr stills samd Gar mos% poplars; sap VA
or Severity SllUMbsra, or Si rot kirtystlirss
DINAH,. all Letters sod *.ossisiamiestittiat
Is DAVID VisKINNNIV A CO., Pittsburgh)
Board of Colportage, will meet• at the Rooms,
on St. Clair Street, on Monday, Sept. sth,
at 9 o'clock A. M. •
J. CULBERTSON ; Librarian.
ads of Pittsburgh and Allegheny, will 'meet
in their Rooms, on St. Clair St., Pittsburgh,
on Tuesday, the 6th of September at 2
o'clock, A. M. A full attendance is re -
quested. DAVID M'Krrrwzr, c'res't.
DEA.TR OP DR. DANA.—Tbe venerable
Rev. Daniel Dana, D D , of Newburyport,
Mass., died on the 26th nit., in the 88th
year of his age. Dr. Dana had long stood
as a representative of the old fashioned
Presbyterian Orthodoxy in New England,'
admired for his talents, and beloved tor his
piety and excellence of character.
nual Catalogue for. 1859, has reached us,
and gives us the following summary—Sen
iong, 8; Juniors, 20 ; Second College year,'
37; First College year, 41; Preparatory,
18; Primary, 4; Ornamental only, 6; •To.
tal, 184. This institution, located at Glen
dale, Hamilton Co., Ohio, is in a very flour
ishing condition. The Principal is the Rev.
Joseph G. Monfort, D.D., assisted by a large
and competent Faculty.
Rxv. Da Rouenns.--This excellent MU
and beloved pastor of the Second United
Presbyterian church, of Allegheny, owing
to oontinned ill-health, tendered his resig
nation of the pastoral charge. The congre.
gation unanimously refused to accept, but
agreed to employ an assistant. Brethre' nof
all denominations will be rejoiced to learn
that Dr. Rodgers •is to remain among us, and
that he is at the same time relieved from a
part of his labors. Dr. Rodgers lute been a
mast laborious, devoted, and successful pasr
Rev. I. W. LikeinL
From the Presbyterian li - eralel, we learn
that this valued brother entered his rest on
the 9th of August. He .was, a native of
York County, Pa., graduated ,at Jefferson
College, was licensed by the Presbytery of
Fort Wayne, and exercised his ministry in
Waveland, Indiana, for a time, but more
recently in the vicinity of Nashville, Tenn.
Mr. Lanius was spared for but five years
of ministerial labor. He died in the thirty
third year of his age. He is spoken of as
having been eminently pious, as devoted to ,
hie work, and as greatly enceessful.
A Comparison.
We see the following statement in a New
School paper, accompanied with the remark
that the efficiency of labor in the two
branches of the Presbyterian Church ap
proximatee very nearly to the ratio j of
equality :
The Old School Presbyterian Church,
with a membership of 279,000, received •
last year nearly 24,000 converts. This is a
per outage of 8 6 10. The New`.School
Church, with a membership of 137,990,
received 10,705 converts, or a per centage
of 8. As to benevolent contributions, the
Old School churches gave to their four
Boards, $542,600, or an average of $l9O . to
each communicant. The New School
churches gave to the four corresponding ob
jects, $266,572, or au average of 81 93 to
each communicant.
End of a Volume.
Two numbers after the present will
close the seventh volume of this Journal,
under its title of .F 4 resbyterian Banner.
The favor shown us has been very great,
and our efforts to - serve the Church .have
been limited, but by the measure of our
ability. A large number of sibscriptions
terminate with the volume. ,
Wa respect
fully solicit a renewal ; and ask that the re
newal may be prompt—a week or two be
*fore the time is out, would be quite a >favor
to our. business department. bum as
usual. They are exceedingly lel, but a
large subscription, promptly paid, and well
kept up,: vill enable us' to meet our very
large expenses.
Our adveirtising patronage has been in
creased, but we have enlarged our sheet Ike
cordingly; so that the amount of reading
matter in our columns was Atever .greater
than it is at present.
The Sabbath Law Question in 'Weihing.
ton, Ps.
'On Monday evening of hurt week;irhich
wee "court week," a large 'and reiPectable
meeting of, the moat, entutential citizens of
the county, was held in the Court Honeeito
take into consideration the movement' lately
initiated in Philadelphia, with regard to a
change in the Sabbath laws , of lam State
Addresses were made by Eev. Dra.. Vines,
Hanna, Browneon, and Alrieh, and-also by
Prof. Brewer, Mr. Sweeney, C. M. Reed,
Hon. Jno. H. Ewing, and Hon. '.Tno. L.
Item°!talons strongly oppoeing any repeal
Of'the law of ,1794, and condemning any
attempt to give any particular-locality-the
right to determine this questionfer
respective of the general sentiment of the
whole State, and also commending the Hon.
Alexander Henry, Mayor of Philadelphia,
for the stand taken by him in this matter;
were unanimously and ' enthusiastically
We are eapeciallipleseed to lee Abe kr
tive part taken in the meeting by leading and
ipfinential laymen, and the temperate and
conciliator/ tone that characterized all Fee
No man would think of attempting to
carry on business in any department of trade,
without being daily conversant with its
Achangeo f ite ..dangers, and its prospects,
through the medium of the secular newspa
per, or journals devoted exclusively to such
subjects. And no politician would risk his
reputation for sagacity, and his probabilities
of success, by neglecting the political papers
that reflect the ever varying phases of pub
lie sentiment In-like manner should the
Chtistisi be :liar on the alert that he may
be made acquainted with the present condi
tion and future hopes of that kingdom of
which he is a subject, and of ;which the
Lord Jesus Christ is the great monarch.
The movements in progress are vast. The
enemies to be overcome are acute, untiring,
and powerrnl. But the resources are abun
dant for the supply of the wants of all the
followers of • the Lamb, and for the diecom.
Ettore of all-lhicen'emies. But how can the
true slate of- the Church, its present emer
generes,,its many encouragements, the new
openings presented, the preoious revivals
enjoyed, and the- pressing duties to which
&Ultra called 'at once, be known, without the
religions newspaper The people should
feel that the sighs of the coming o kingdom
are worth seeking. ,
The-religions newspaper brings new sub
jects oft thought, and new topics of convex.-
satiori before theivninds. In.this way they
are reminded every week that'the' movino ,
and stirring scenes in which . ` they , are, en
gaged, are not the only things of import
ance now taking place; but that the Lord is
accomplishing his own purposes and- rally
ing his own people around the standards of
the Cross, even in such a world as this, :and
in times such as these.
When they come from behind their oonn.
tars, rise from their benches, leave their
forges, or quit their...fields, the religious
newspaper is ready to inform them that dry
goods. and leather, iron, oxen, and village
politics, necessary as they are in their place %
are not the things worthy of their great
est care and highest aspirations. Here
they are brought into communication with
the. Church of God. from all parts of the
world, and made to see that it is really one
—that they are a part of the "sacramental
hoot of God's elect," and that they are
called to come the help of the. Lord against
the mighty. .
He has:been a very careless observer that
has not noticed the difference between falai
lies and congregations in whioh the religions
newspaper was sparingly taken, and those in
which there was a full supply. To bring
congregations up to any thing like a proper
standard of Christian liberality, without the
aid of the religious. newspaper to make
known every. rweek ,the wants of .the Church
and-the world; and to communicate the news
of the progress of the work of grim has
heen'found in our day' to be almoat impos
sible. that paetors,, elders, and others,
who would- have the .people awakened to a
sense of their duty and ;privileges in-the
matter of Christian-liberality and enterprise,,
and properly informed in all that pertains to
Church affairs, will find the circulation of a
sound, diserithinating, reliable, and vigorous
religions journal, indispensable. The effects
will frilly compensate for all the time, care
and money, that may be expended, in the
effort. Oar pastors, elders, and .private.
members, will confer a great blessing on in
dividuals and families, and do much toward
increasing the activity of theit respective
congregations, and exciting an interest in re
ligious movements, by exerting themselves
to hive :at least one, if) . not more, of the
weekly religious newspapers of our Church
in every family.
This is the way , in which our Methodist
brethren are giving finch an immense Oren.'
lation to Some of their newspapers, and pro
ducing such an intense spirit of attachment'
and ileirotion to their own branch of the
Church. Let the effort be honestly made
an& faithfully.persevered' in, and most bene
ficial results mist follow.
. Home andl'oreign Record.
Thee Sigtember number of this journal
makes its appearance with the usual prqmp- .
titude. We sometimes hear the 'Reberd
spoken of as being "dry;reading" —Well,
that depends much upon the reader's taste.
How nearly it may apprcurimayLto the surn
mitof interest which itis , possible to throw
into a sheet which has its specific work to
perform, we shall not attempt to,determine,
but this we 'can say, that" - We deeply regret
the' want of interest 'felt in it by the
churehes, and we fear that a large part `of
the deficiency is to be found with the pee
plc They , have no strong desire to be fully
informed of the wants ' aiid the doings of
their own aggregate body, through their ed
clesiastioally 'constituted agencies. This is
manifeit fiom the fact that less than eighteen:. .
thousand copies are taken in our whole
Church, and that the subscription price of
some of ; these, small s,,& . it is, is permitted to
lie over unpaid, - ,fronalear•to year.
We' have` from Oreaon and Iron ,
top, 1,40 showing the progress of religion .
in those mission ehurates; and a letter from.
Tribes Hill, -N. indicating much labor.
on a field not very fertile • one from Chestei
Pu., where three year's of missionary toil haS
added eighty-pine personi to the communion,
list and , forty seven families ) to the ;congre
gation, and raised , tha 'pew rate fro& $335
to over sBoo.—The‘charge , now self ens -
taming ':Therel alscr!,a letter from Mit- .
cheater, Pa., speaking of favorable prospecti
of an Ancrease to , .the .Glermarr. church in
that place. • .• •
A table showing the contributions, during
the last year, by the different Presbyteries,
and the amounts drawn by them from the
Treasury of the Board, is instructive. The
. `
Presbytery of New York is the largest giver..
Its donation's amount to $12,949, of which
it dtew put 0,480 for churches in its own
bounds. The Presbytery of Philadelphia
gave-but $2,634, all of which it drew out,
and $6lO More. Ve complain not• that, it
drew out so much, for it is;:eallyn needy
misaionari,:6eld, but must consider it a
I shame, if •not something worse, that so little
was therweentributed. Just think of $2,-
634 given to the Doinestic cause by the nu
inerobsVrealthy churches of Philadelphia and
vicinity And our own Presbytery of Ohio,
eau make no greet boast. Our thirty-two
gave but
$1,570. They, however, left of this, for the
supply of the-needy, $920.
It ustylelisefel to look at the table; and
titipeeially'reiglil it-be useful-to Idok -at de
The Religions Newspaper.
I 9
t 9 - •
more detailed statement given in the Board'i:
Annual Report It could not but tend more
to stimulate aotivity and benevolence, than
to increase pride and flatter vanity.
Ractirrs in July: at Philadelphia, $2,771 ; at
Louisville, pm. - - '
On this subject, we are furnished by the
Secretary with some excellent thoughts. The
following gg , practical lessons" , on the subject
of benevolence, are worthy of special atten
tion :
T. Small gifts are tore diligeatly sought, and
thankfully accepted.
2 ' The power of Miles does not interfere with'
the privilege of large donations from the wealthy.
3. No church, or congregation, should .be sat
isfied with its small donations, simply because
many small ones make up a large amount.
4. The true principle is for every individual
and every church to give to the pause of Christ
in proportion to their ability, or tt as the Lord
bath proepered them."
6. Ordinarily every church ought to make
some increase in its annual gifts for the propaga
tion of the Gospel.
6. It is an encouragetnent for all to give'some
thing, and to give liberally, 'when the aggregate
depends ea mtioh upon the united sums of the
whole church. • • „
7. Thei e is no merit in donations, be theylarge
or small. Donations area duty, a privilege, .a
grace ; 'but'never a ground of merit.'
8 Rememtering the power of littles, let no
small church neglect to send a little to-the Board
of Education, and to all the Boards, because it
cannot send much.
RECEIPTS in July : at Philadelphia, $1,865;:at
Pittsburgh, $176; at Louisville; $l4O.
INDIAN Missrons.—The senior Secretary
gives an interesting ;mount, at.some length,
of the 'state of the work among the native
tribes. Progress is slow, but good is being
done. We hope that not only " a remnant"
is- being saved, but -that a "seed" will be
preserved; yet to become fruitful in
gating, as it were, a new mile, numerous and
of a high grade, from the decaying stock.
SOUTH AMERICA.--Aiitate of warfare at
Buenos i Ayres, greatly interferes with and
hinders the mission work. In New Grena
da, the prospect brightens
A~xzoA Mr . Clemeni and his company
arrived safely at Corisco, on the. 25th of
April. Mr. Mackey continued feeble. He
may benbliged to.make a visit to the United
States for his recovery. He urges the send.
'ng of more laborers: '- The field •is both
large.and promising.
Grove ---The brethren are much encour
aged with their prospects. They expected
to witness a growing favor toward their
capee,' and, soon, Co have ahcess, by 'mission
ary journeys, into the, interior.
SIAM—The missionaries are enjoying
good, health, and prosecuting their usual la
bors. -
INDIA.—Of thew missionary work, the breth
ren in India continue to write•in terms of enoour
sgement. Mr. Fullerton refers ,particularly to
the Schools of the Misision at Futtehgurh, which,
nolwithetanding some hinderances, appear to be
prospering more than ever before. About' five
hundred scholars are Under instruction in all'the
schools. Mr. Fullerton also mentfons instances
of . , hopeful attention to religious things. And he
gives an interesting notice of a communion ser
vice latelY held in the city of Furrukhabad. The
wife of one of the native Christians was then ad
mitted,to the church.
RICONIPTS in July,. $6,910.
ant to have the opportunity of
following, from the :.Record :
"We are extremely:gratified by the interest
, excited in various-parts of the. Church, in the re
cent cheap editions; of the Confession issued by
the Board. Those who have read the Record
for' the past months, are aware' that the BOard
now has two cheap editions; 1. A tract edition,
d2mo. ' ,
64 pages, with `references to the proof
texts, but not the texts themselves. This is sold
.at five cents per copy, or four &liars per hun
died. 2. A large edition, 18mo., 190 pages, con
taining the proof texts in full, which is sold at
ten cents per copy, or eight dollars per hundred.
" There is much difference among.pastors as to
which of these editions is to be preferred. Some
have thought the Confession should never be
Printed Without laving proof-teats appBnded in
full. One cointnisSioner in the last Oeneral As
sembly desired. the Assembly so to instruct the
the Board. Many,lowever, prefer that the texts
should be hunted , out. in the Bible by the reader
for himself."
It is to be hoped that pastors, elders, and
other good men, will not rest till every fami
ly in the 'Presbyterian Church is furnished
with a,oopy of this valuable manual; riiir till
tens of thomands of copies,are given away
to such m may be willing to receive them.
ENCUIPTS in July : Donations, $969; Sales,. $6,-
The demands for.aid increases rapidly.
Tice Committee say.:
" Since April Ist, 1859; the Church Extension .
Committee' have, put on . file applications frOin Pu
rr ehurches: calling for aid to an amount exceed-,
lug twenty.fivei thousand dollars. In addition to
these fifty applications, fourteen other applies
tiOTlE previously filed, and asking for more than
eight thouStuid -dollars, have during the same pe
riod been put in a position to require the final
action of the Committee. The aggregate amount
of aid the Committee has been called upon to
give, during the last four months, therefore, ex.
ceeds thirty three thousand dollars: The receipts
during these four months vary little from five
thotisAnd dollars. Moreover'the applications of
the present7ear are of an unusually urgent char
deter:" -
What is to be done ? Shall the needy
suppliants be refused ? This must , be the
ease, and extensively so, unless Christian
liberality shall abound greatly beyond the
measure of former years.
Rauxtrza - in °July : at'Bt. Louie, $805; at Phila
,delpliia, $303-; at Pittaburgb,,s3B.
A. McClung: -
This distinguished minister of the Gospel
canoe to his death, by .drowning„ in the NI;
agarit River, on Ovarian after the 6th of
August. He 'bad 'been, for some years, in,
feeble:health. On thetd of August he left
his home, in ; Maysville,..l4., on a Northern
jaunt- Owthe , 6th - he stopped at a public
heuie in' Todawanda, about eight miles
above the 'Niagara' Falls. Some time after
his arrival there, how long isnot stated, he
took a stroll on the banks of- the river, and,
as is evident from circumstances, he went'
in to bathe, his `clothes 'being afterwards
found the bank ;' but froin want of
knowledge-of the water, and filo want of
strength, to buffet the current, -
be was oar-
Tied down the stream and drowned. His
body,Lseveril •days afterwards, was found
below the 'Suspension Midge.
Mrlll6Ching was about fifty'-five years of
age. He was a Folituokian; studied The.
ology at Princeton ; afterwards studied law,
and practised at the Bar for some twenty
years; then returned to the ministry.
Some time ago, impaired health compelled
him to relinquish lus pastoral charge in the
city, of Indianapolis. During a period of
,comparative ,rest, he passed several months
in Minnesota; but even there he was ever
on the alert in doing good, in seeking the
prosperity of the Church, and in devising
ways. and means for the extension of his
Master's kingdom: Upon being partiiiiy
restored, he accepted 'a` mill to the church at
' Maysville : , Kentucky, where his influence
was widely felt, and, where his labors were
greatly . blessed. But his zeal and ardent
temperament soon brought baok his former
teniporiry 'neztation;
as it ins :supposed, from pastoral duties ue-
His family, his congregation, and a large
circle of acquaintances, are overwhelmed
with aorrow,T)Ale.tbe.,o4 o l47 10 0-aa.
able and faithful ambassador for Christ.
Mr. McClung was a man of great •warmth
of feeling, possessed of considerable literary
attainments, a fervent preacher, and a ,fe•,
licitous expounder of the Word of Clod.
His eloquence was striking and peculiar;
hissstyle ; and manners of speaking wereem
imentlY his "Own. Those present at the
meeting of the General Assembly in Buffalo,
will not soon forget the notable speech made
by him on that occasion, in behalf of New
Albany Seminary; his wit, his gesticulation,
and his mode of argumentation. The effort
was decidedly successful—softening aspen
ties, reconciling difficulties of opinion, and
at the same time accomplishing the object
of the speaker.
The leaders are falling. Who will come
forward to take their place ? Pray the Lord
of the harvest to send more laborers into his
The family and congregation of Mr. Mc-
Clung. have the sympathies and prayers of
many pions hearts.
Boston and New England.
One of the - largest and most enterprising
Publishing. Bowes in Boston, has suffered severely
by the death of two of its leading members. A
short time ago we chronicled the death of Mr.
Charles Sampson, of the firm of Phillips, Samp
son 84 Co., and now we are called upon to report
the death . of the senior partner, Mr. Moses D.
Phillips.,. Mr. Phillips began his public life as a
boOkseller, in Worcester, Mas&, hilt has been for
many years successfully engaged in the publish
ing business of this city.
The publishers of, Worcester's Illustrated Quarto
Dictionary, expect to have it.ready by the 15th of
October. When it comes, it will be a treasure to,
the lover of English literature, and to every one
who desires to understand and use correctly the
English language.'
The receipts of the'American Board of Foreign`
Missions for 'July, were unprecedentedly large,
amounting to no less than s6o,olB.B2;:'the'
largest sum received in any month since - the
• •
organization of the Beard. The receipts for
June and July were about $lOO,OOO, of which
Massachusetts gave one-third. The total re
teipts for the year ending July 31st, were $826,-
000, of which $120 : 000 came frem Massachu
setts. Trnly the churches of Massachusetts have
done nobly for this Board, and we are highly
gratified to be Able to report that the nhurches
have responded so cordially to the urgent call,
made upon them. But notwithstanding all this,
the deficit of the year will be $30,000, which,
added to that of last year, makes a debt of
s7o,ooo—a very heavy burden .to be; borne by
any institution dependent on voluntary contribu
tions. The Annual Meeting of the Board for
1860 will he held in Boston, and will close up the
first ^ half <Century since its organization. Its
frbstids 2 liope that the half century anniversary
will awaken new interest in the patrdns of the
Board,'so that" the debt will then be wiped out.
Whatever may be thought of the policy by which
the debt was incurred, it would be a great -mis
• „ • •
fortune to call home any of its missionaries, or
give up any of'its schools for want of funds ; and
yet this must be done, unless the contribntions
are greatly,onlarged ; • • •
The Good People of Portland, are beginning to
be greatly , excited in expectation of the arrival
of the; long - expected Great Eastern. ThO hotels
are rnaking<preparations for. an immense influx
of visitors, and many private houses will be
thrown open to invited guests from a distance:
No doubt naval architects, machinists, and en
gineers will visit this' modern marine marvel in
great numbers. The largest and most famous
vessel of antiquity was 'Noah's' ark, which was'
much smaller than the Great Eastern, although
the opponents of Biblical truth have ofteilnsisted
that the very size of the ark, as described in ,
sacred history, was a strong argument tikainst the
truthfulness of the whole narrative. According
to the most approved computation, the dimensions
of the ark were as fellows: Length, 647 feet;
breadth, 91 feet
,; depth, 55 feet: keel, or length
for tonnage, 492 feet Bat the Great Eastern
measures in length, 680 feet; in Ibres.dth, 83 feet; ,
in depth, 68 feet; and in keel, or length of ton-
nage, 630 feet. She has,tvro Sets of engines and
two propellors, amounting in all to a ten thou
sand horse power. The calculation is that she
will; be able to go . toe Calcutta round the . Cape, in
thirty-two days ; taking along with her 10,000'
tons of coal, 5,000 tone of cargo, and, at least 2, •
000 passengers The architect is Mr. Scott Rus
sell, the soilof a Presbyterian clergyman in Scot
land, and large numbers of Scottish workmen
have been engaged in her construction.
The Great Eastern reminds us of an elaborate
artiele i on the ; Deluge, that appeared in the
Misch of England QuarAerly, some thirteen years
agoorhioh was afterwards re published in, this
country in Liftoff's Living Age, and which altvao.,
ted considerable notice. In that article the fol
lowing paragraph on,the Ark is found :
"Now, as it is clearly impossible ,that amessel
of. the length and breadth of the Ark could be
otherwise than a floating vessel, designed entirely.
for perfectly still waters, we have supposed it to
be fiat-bottotned.and straight.sided ; both as mak
ing it the more buoyant and as giving to it the
greatest capacity. It was devoid of all sailing
properties; had neither rigging nor rudder; its
build was simply that of a huge float, to all out
ward appearance wholly at the mercy of the
Minds and the waves, liable to be drifted,or driven
about according as currents or winds for the time
prevailed; but as we shall show the Ark could
not for a moment-have been subjected to the in
fluence of - either winds ,or tides.. The e;traordin
ury length of the Ark proves at once, the miracu
lous point that was;'at every moment, in exercise
for its preservation, since no vessel of the Ark's
'proportions could naturally live in distarbed wa•
tars •, the very first wave that rose would inevitably
break its back and rend it entirely asunder ; nor with'
all our experience in ship building would it be possi-'
his to construct a vesent of the Ark's proportions and
to navigate it front Dovei• to Calais in rough weather
—the least swell of the ocean, by raising one end
and depressing the other mould break it in the
middle .and. cause it to founder; nor could any
possible contrivance or ingenuity of construction
,prevent this oonsequenee. And if the very peon
liar construction of the Ark had not made such "a
conclusion irresistible, the purpose for . which it
was bUilt Would have proved that such was the
fact, for had the Ark pitched in the least from the
swell of .the waves, or rolled at all from side to
side'under the influence of the wind, which from
its great length and Mai width, it must most &Ores.
singly have done, the whole world of animals there
in contained could - not have kept their footing;
of very necessity therefore a dead calm must have
prevailed "around the ark during the whole of the
one hundred and fifty days that it was floating on
the waters." .
Of this the. New York Courier and inquirer re
marks: ..
"Here,we see s it is said that a vessel as long
as the.,Ailt could not possibly live except, in a
dead ,calm—that the least agitation would break
baek—and theta continuous miracle neces
sary to avert such a catastrophe. Yet here is the
Great Eastern, one hundred anffthirty-three feet
longer, about to navigate not "from Dover to
Calais '. ) .,but from. England to America, and after
wards to go half round the world, making sport
-of'allthewinds,andwaves, It is said„"too, that
the "great length and little width" of the Ark,
would have caused such a pitching and roiling
that the animals inside could not have kept their
footing., Yet here is a ship a great deal , longer
and materially narrower that will, if what they
promise of it is true, maintain a condition'of al
most perfect equilibrium and repose even in the
roughest weather.
" The late Dr. Sooreby conclusively established
by, a series of experiments on the waves of the
Atlantic) that a vessel .of some six hundred feet in
length, could .never fall into the trough of the
sea as' one grave: would counteract the, effect of
. anOther. Thus instead of a miracle to save the
the Arles hack, it would have taken a Miracle to
have broken its back, constructed as it maa. The
English Churchman is not the 'first 'man who has
been supergervieeable in clearing np Scripture
, aiißanitieh =which. int& Oki
imagination. The sacred records need ,no eking
out by human ingenuity ; it is best left to its own
simple statement."
The science of the Scriptures is all right, and
neither the opposition of its enemies nor the mis
interpretations of its friends can affect its . , , trnth z.
How long mast it be before men Willoease to fly'
to the aid of the Divine record, where no such aid
is required 9.
Prof. Piaher, of Yale College, has an article
in the last number of the Now, Eriqtander, in
which he discourses of the "Surface Theology"
of the present day, in this style:
"There is very much discussion aMOIIIII- 1 40;
upon tha subject of religion which is on e s
face. The doctrine of Eternal Punishment is
handled in suet' a way as to make-it evident that.
the writers heie never inquired into the nature of
punishment, and the necessary or retributive re
lation of punishment to sin and guilt. In the
same manJer, the Atonement is Considered, and
a theory sought for, when the subject requires's
definite view of the grounds of penalty, of the
relation of the moral attributes of God to his
will, and of their relation to each other. Some
of our older writers may well become our models
in thoroughness. Owen understood where the
seeds of theology are, when he set himself to
write a special treatise on the nature of Divine
It is an auspicious omen for Yale, where the
Taylor school of theologans has so long held
sway, that one of its Professors can be found
oommending such men as Owen for imitation.
The Re Union of the sone and daughters of
Newport, last week, came up to the most san
guine expectations. The crowd in attendance,
the speeches, the music, and the festival, were
all that could be desired.
New York,.
The Last Week has been characterized by great
activity in all the different departments of trade.
The jobbing houses have been busily engaged
with merchants from the . South and South-West.
The hotels have been more crowded than for
many years at this season. Flour and meal have
declined a shade, while the prices for desirable
lots of wheat have advanced slightly.
Among the means of entertainment for the dull
season, is that of Yachting, and many of the
different clubs have quite an ambition to hive
their respective crafts regarded as the best sail
ers. Quite a fleet of these tiny vessels has been
sailing along the coast during the heated term,
and many exciting races have taken plane. But
'the pettiest objection to the habit is the dissipa
tion and the Sabbath desecration with which it
has been accompanied in too many instances.
Drinking and card-playing have been resorted to
for: he purpose of passing away the time ; and
the obligation to "remember the Sabbath day
to keep it holy," has been forgotten by too many
engaged in this sport. Bow long will it be before
Men will learn to enjoy themselves without in
dulging in evil habits, and without setting aside
the law of God? This brings to mind the ten
dencies that have been manifesting themselves for
some time toward indulgence in sporting and
games of chance. The< brilliant triumphs of
Morphy, as a chess player, awakened an, interest
in this game throughout the land. Well do we
know the arguments urged in favor of this game,
as an intellectind exercise, and it is not our Pur
pose to say aught against them just now. 'But it
is certain that the introduction of the game of
billiards' followed quickly, and that in‘ a short
time license was again claimed for cards in"-cir
cles from which they had long been banished.
Then came the horse•race, with all its attendant
vices, even in plasma where the •sues course had
long been unknown. So that just now, " horse
talk " forms 'no inconsiderable part df street,
railroad, hotel, and even parlor conversation.
We notice these things at present merely to res
mind our readers of the deteriorating process in
Constant operation among the devotees of amuse
ment andfashion.
One of the most powerful associations for evil
that ever existed in this city, has been the
Liquor Dealers' Association. It Overwhelmed a
good "part of the
_press, and all the politicians,
with a dread of its, potency, and filled the advo
cates of temperance eno good order with most
painful appreheroions. Bat owing to the ambi
tion of two opposing candidates for the office of
Prosecuting Attorney, in the city of Brooklyn,
and both of them being in the liquor interest, a
rupture of the whole organization
_is likely to
occur, that will reveal the designs cherished, the
means adopted to accomplish their parposes, and
the tremendous influence exerted in elections and
on legislative bodies. If the present strife
should continue much longer, some rich develop
meats may be expected. •
The Fifth Avenue Hotel, of which we gave an
account some tame ago, has been opened to the
public. What a pity that each of these palatial
hotels, for which this city is famous, has around
it the sickening fumes of intoxicating drinks!
The Eclectie Magazine, published by W. EL.Bid
well, has reached a circulation of ten -thousand
The Rev. Abel Stevens, D. D., senior editor of
the Christian Advocate and /curried, has issued a
pamphlet containing a series of editorials - that
have lately appeared in that paper, on the bonw
nexion existing between - the Methodist Episcopal,
Church and slavery. The pamphlet is dedicated
to the Rev. Charles Elliott, D. D., and the follow
ing extract from its dedication will show its tenor,
and also inform our readers of the discussions
anticipated in that Church :
~"This appeal is a plea for unity in behalf of the
Church and the slave, Assuming that we are not
.now two parties on the essential question, but
only on methods respecting it, I endeavor to show
that by mutual forbearance and harmony, and by
measures in which we can all agree with few and
unimportant sacrifices, the unity of the Church
can be maintained, and our agency for the alavi
be Are effectually exerted, than by any partisan
movements. I do not claim the entire concur-.
ranee of you,. or of any man, but I venture to ,
preemie that a vast majority of the Church would
pronounce that 1 have spoken the words of truth
and soberness; and as I eeek the. peace and suc
cess of our common cause, this pamphlet is sent
forth without the intention of replying to any at
tacks which may be made upon it. It has been
predicted that a momentous "crisis" is at hand
in our Methodist history; few of us can well
doubt the prophecy ; the humblest among us may
therefore without egotism plead for our common
The Rvangelist and the Independent, are engaged
in averyvigorous controversy on the Home Mission
question, that promises anything elte than an
makable settlement of the questions at issue, be
tween New School Presbyterians and Congrega
tionalists. The latter journal is still in hot pur
suit of the AMerican Tract Society. Scarcely a
week passes without the " Nassau Street Admin
hitration," receiving the infliction of a column or
The New Plymouth Church Enterprise has not
been abandoned, as Mr. Henry Ward Beecher
informs us in his, last Star paper. The work
will be undertaken, Mr. Beecher says, just as
loon as a selection'oan be made from the various
plans proposed. This ohuroh is composed of the
most heterogeneous materials. No doubt it em
braces many excellent and pious people,.but after
all, the great mass are pervaded by no real Church
spirit, The bond of union is not Independency or
,but simply Henry Ward Beech
eriam, so that upon bis death the whole flock is
very likely to be diepersed.
The Fulton Street Prayer-Meeting has been
crowded during the sultry days of August.
The Cooper Institute morning prayer•meeting is
well attended.
The prayer. meetings of the Young Men's
Christian Association, held daily at 7i A. M., and
64., P. it., seem to be advancing in 'social and
spiritual power.
Tent and Open. Air Preaching, as , in the days
of Whitefield and the Wesleys, to reach the
masses out of doorl, is beginning to have many
earnest advocates.
The Receipt! of Flour for some time have been
very light, and holders are pretty firm at pra
view prices ; but there is a wide difference be.
tween them and the buyers. The, grain market is
fairly supplied. But everything in connexion
with provisions in this, city, as well aaln New
i lKork, promises a year of beautiful supply JA,
moderate, 'but termaerative, prices.
Th Lotteek, Business, though contrary to law,
and frowned 'Upon by all' who love honesty, and
good morals, is still carried on by dozens of per
sons in a the Quaker City. The principals are not
known in the transactions, as they act through
,sabordinate :agents,, wbo,, render an account of
their doings every day at 12 o'clock. The char
acter ofthe officers devoted to this business is at
tempted to be concealed. The North American
calls the attention of the authorities to the sub
ject, and intimates that the *far distant
when a general police raid may be necessary on
the whole tribe.
The Weather has been for some time delightful,
and the absentees are meeting with a propitious
welcome,wpon their return to - their homes.
The. Churches are filling up. And the attend
some at the Tent is very encouraging.
We commend the following to the notice of
those who object to building Large Churches in
cities and growing country towns and communi.
ties. It is from the American Preebyterian:
1. Build Claurehe,s eery large. Suppose the
church is built to hold eight hundred persons:„
There will than be, say, one hundred and sixty
pews. The expenses •of a congregation, if the
church be paid for, we will plaice at from $4,000
to $4,500. It is obvious that to support the
church each pew must pay from $25 to $BO.
Suppose, on the other hand, that the church he
built to hold fifteen or sixteen hundred persons.
The expenses being almost the same, it is obvious
that the pew-rents may be placed at from $l2 to
$l6. In other words, the common people " can
hold a pew in a large church, but not in a small
2. Why not build free Churches? Because they
cannot be supported permanently. It has been
tried over and over again, and the expense comes
permanently on a few, and they grow weary and
the church dies out.
But if they`could be so supported, it is a bad way.
It pauperizes the masses. Let us take a lesson
from the City Railways. The poorest man has a
right to ride beside the richest man for five cents.
Rent pews low. Let every American citizen hold
his own pew and pay for it. Let him give his
suffrage freely in Churches in State. The result
is that y our churches are full, permanent, and
well supported. The masses have the Gospel
preached them, and are elevated, by their tempor
al as well as their spiritual relation to the
Rev. DAVID HALL, of Adams, Armstrong
County, Pa., has declined the appointment
to the Chair of Latin bytiefferson College.
Ris relation to the churches of Union
and Brady's Bend, remains unchanged.
Rev. A. R. HAMILTON'S Post Office address
is changed from Brownsville, Licking Co.,
Ohio, to Dresden, Muskingum Co., Ohio.
Rev. L. F. LEAKE'S Poet Office address is
changed from Terre Haute, Indiana, to
Indianapolis, Indiana.
Rev. Jam, STommuo.sp's Post Office address
is changed from Woodvale, Pa., to Con
nellsville, Pa.
address is Wheeling, Va.
.41x. LFRED N. ..., n
ENNIT, of Greenville, 111.,
was licensed to preach the Gospel by the
Presbytery of Hillsboro' s on the 22d of
Mr. DA.VID R. Tonn was ordained by the
Presbytery of Hillsboro', on the 23d - of
Rev. j. HENRY Swim was installed pastor
of the church in Greensboro', N. C.,
by the Presbytery of Orange, on the
24th of July
Rev. T. A. HoTT, of Abbeville C. 11., S:
C., has received a unanimous call from
the First church, Louisville, Ky.
Rev, N. F. Tumt, having received and ac
cepted an invitation to become -stated
supply for twelve months to the church
at Shawneetown, Illinois, his Post Office
address is changed from Covington, Ky.,
to the forme. place.
Rev. A. B. BIILLIONS has resigned the
Professorship of Languages in Carroll
College, Wisconsin, and correspondents
are requested to address him at Troy,
New York.
Rev. COLIN MoKriswEir's Post Orme ad
dress is °hanged from Jackson, Tenn., to
Perryville, Boyle County, Ky.
Mr. JOHN HASKELL SHEDD, late student
of Lane Seminary, was ordained to the
work of the ministry, at Mt. Gilead,
Ohio, August .3d r by the Presbytery of
_.Franklin, (New;, and is to be sent
by the A. B. C. F. to tbe Neatorians.
Rev. A. W. Loomis' Post Office address is
changed from Millersburg, Illinois, to San
Francisco, California.
Rev. A. T. RANKIN has been appointed by
the. Board of Domestic . Missions, Mission
ary Agent for Kansas. His Post Offin
address is Leavenworth, Kansas.
Rev. Isern FARIS was. installed pastor of
the First church . .of Phelps New York,
by the Rochester City P;Csbytery, on
Tuesday evening,l6th inst.
Rev. JOSEPH H. CALVIN, late of the Pres
bytery of Tusealooes, is now a Professor
in Austin College, Texas, and his Post
Office addrese is Huntsville, Texas.
For the Presbyterian Benner and Advocate
The People Refine.
MESSRS. EDITORS your issue of
Aug. 3d, you published an account of the
election of Rev, David Hall, of Brady's Bend,
to the Chair of Latin, by the Trustees of
'Jefferson College ;`and as many of your read
ers may be desirous to know the action of his
churches in the matter, r send you a brief
account of their proceedings, on my own
responsibility. The church at Brady's Bend
is very small, but enterprising and self.deey.
ing ; but owing to the stoppage of the works
for the last year, and the probability of their
standing yet another year, they are not able
to keep Mr. 'Hall, one.half of his time.
They are strongly attached to him, and will
do all they can forlhim, but probably will not
be able to secure more than one third of his
labors, this •year. In view of the situation
of Brady's Bend, a meeting was held in
Union church, on the 19th, and though in
the throng of harvest, yet a very respecta
ble number attended, and all actuated by one
desire, to keep Mr. Hall, if any thing they
could do would do so. With some differ.
enoe of opinion as to the manner of raising
the salary from one-half to two.thirds, all felt
that it should be raised; and the general es
preesion of the people was, that ig we can
not spare Mr. Hall,"; who we believe, has
been the means of building up our congrega•
tion, and of bringing many of our dear youth
and children into the kingdom of our bless
ed Redeemer. And though no formal res
olutions were prepared, yet one hardly
sketched was offered, and most heartily and
unanimously adopted, as follows :
Resolved, That we feel undiminished at
tachment to Mr. Hall ,as our pastor, and a
high appreciation of him as a preacher; and
that we hereby, renew our promise of cor
dial and hearty assistance in his labor of
love; and that , he and his shall ever have a
place in our hearts and an interest in our
humble prayers. F.
Union, Aug. 29a.
, .
Nor the Presbyterian Banner and Advocate.
.Par Pennsylvanig' golonization Society and Ash
muss Institute.
Coloniz'n A. built.
Ohio P'hy: "Fait Liberty oh-;; $12.00 $25.00
P'by valaiTsv'e oh., 10.00
-Balisburg Saltsburg oh, 5,37
First 11. P. oh., glyy City, 12 70 .
$40.07 595 00
33; WrzaLusts, iteeeivint - Agent,
itt, 11/ Smithfield Street.`
P burg „Pa., 44. 2500E59. ,
Presbyterial Notices,
First Tuesday of Oetober, it, the church of Mt. M o 4.h
U o'clock A. Pd. The church i- eh
neted about two 'See
South of New Geneva, Payette County, Pa
J. hVGLINI:OOk, Stated Clerk.
The PRESBYTERY OP ONATER will meet ha. Sharon
o'clock A.
on the Third Wednerday (Met !ay) of depterobe,r
at 13M. D• BEAD,
Stated clerk.
, _
The PRESBYTERY OP DUBUQUE will meet in the
First Presbyterian church, Dubuque, on Monday evenin
September 26th, at 7 o'clock. JOHN M. BOGUS, 8.
The PRESBYTRILY OF CEDARII meet in Nlnecatiae,
on Tueniny, September 27th, t2p. wi
E. A. BREAKER, State] Clerk.
The PRESBYTERY OF ROCK RIVES will hold its stated
o'clock P meeting.
M. et Freeport, on Tuesday, September Fab, at
The assessment of five mute per member, aeon th e
churches for the contingent fund, will be celled for.
5. T. WILSON, Stated Clerk.
Gl enwoo d, NOD County, lowa, on Thureday, the I tth of
September at 7 o'clock P. M. D. I« RuGlll.3, B. C.
The PRESBYTERY OP ST. 01 , 41ESPILLE will meet
in Woodcteld, on the net Tuesday of October, at lt o'clock
A M. JOHN MOFFAT, Stoted Clark.
The PRESBYTERY OP CIELLOAGO fa to meet at Mendota,
en the last Tuesday (the 27th) of September, at 7 P.M.
J. M. PARIS, Stated Clerk.
The PRESBYTERY OF PEORIA. Mande adjourned to
meet at Prospect church, on the Third Tuesday (29th) o:
September, at 7 o'clock P. M.
lte neat Anted meeting at Northtl-id, September lath, et
7% o'clock P. M. t PRUDERIOII T. BROWN, 8.
nest stated meeting at Sewickley, commencing on Tuesday,
the 13W of September ' at 1.1 o'clock A. K.
WILLIAM ANNAN, Stated Clerk.
The PRESBYTERY OP lOWA will meet in Mt. Pleasant,
on Tuesday, September 20th, at 11 o'clock A. M.
T. STEARNS, Stated. Clerk
next dated meeting at Weet "Urbana, EL, on Moody,
October 10th, at 7,4 f, o'clock P. M.
R. CONOVER, 804.4 Clerk.
Centre, on the Third Wedneeday of September, at Tt o'clock
A. M. NEWTON BRLOSEN, Stated Clerk.
The PRESBYTERY OF, HOCKING stands adjourned to
meet in Harlon, the• Second Tuesday in September, (13th)
1859, at 7 o'clock P. M. J. H. PRATT, Stated Clerk.
The PRESBYTERY OP NEW LISBON stands adjoarsea
to meet in the church of Rehoboth, in the village of Obl
town, on the Second Tuesday (the 13th) of September, at 12
o'clock DI. ROBBRT HAYS, Stated clerk.
church of Lexington, on the Second Tneedey (nth) ei
September, at 7 o'clock I'. M. J. P. CALDWELL, B. 0,
The PRESBYTERY OF E.8.1E will meet ■t Sugar Creek,
on the Third Tuesday (213tu day) of September, et 2 o'clock
P. ht. S. J. M. EATON, Stated Clerk.
The PRESBYTERY OF ZA.NESVILLE will hold die Bert
stated meeting in Cumberland. on the First Tuesday (pth
day) of September, at 2 o'clock P. M.
WM. M. ROBINSON, Stated Clerk.
The PIIBSBYTERY OF OL ARLON wOl. meet hi Greenville
on the Prat Tuesday of September next at 11 o'clock,
D. fd'eAY, Stated Clerk.
The PRESBYTERY OF WOOSTER stands adjourned to
meet in the church of Green, on the fleet Tuesday of Sep
tember next; at 11 o'clock A. M.
R. C COLDIERY, Stated Clerk.
The SYNOD OF SOU TIAEN lOWA will meet at Enor.
Marten County, lowa, on Thursday, the sth day of
October,lBs9, at 7 o'clock P M.
SAMUEL O. WOUND, Stated Clark.
The SYNOD OF ILLINOIS etande adjourned to meet at
Patio, on the Eeoond Wednesday (12th) of October, at 7
o'clock P.M. ROBERT JOHNSTON, Stated Clerk.
The SYNOD OP lOWA Is adjourned tomeetin Muscatine,
on the last Thursday of September (29th) at 7 o'clock P.M.
J. D. MASON, Stated Clerk.
The SYNOD OF ALLEGHENY will meet, agreeably to
adjournment, in the Presbyterian church of Mercer, on the
Fourth Thursday of September, (22d) at 7 o'clock P. M.
Narratives of Religion from Presbyteries, are to be sent
to Rev. William 11. Blackburn, Erie, Pa.,before the drat of
September. ELLIOT . B. SWI FT, Stated Clerk.
gettls pepartment,
JAMEs P. TANNER. The attention of our
readers is called to the advertisement of this
,firm. The stock on hand is large, well selected,
and offered on advintligeotts terms.
WAVERLT.-T. B. Peterson & Brother send
u, through W. A. - Gildenfenney, " Surgeon's
Daughter," the last volume of their cheap and
popular - edition of the works of Sir Walter
Dram Boons.—Messrs. Hunt & Miner, send a
the following series el useful and popular books,
each containing seventy-two pages, at the low
price of ten cents. The Dime Bong Book, Nos.
1 and 2; The Dime Dialogues; The Dime Speak
er ; The Dime Cook Book ; The Dime Recipe
Rev. H. R. Wilson, D.D., has disposed of the
proprietorship of this long established, popular,
and favorably situated Seminary, to the Rev.
Aaron Williams, DD., formerly & Professor of
Jefferson College, and a successful edudator of
youth for many years. Dr. Williams' high repu
tation must secure a large patronage. Hie ad
vertisement will be found in another column.
—Tbe advertisement of this new work will be
found in another column. The attention of our
readers is called to the table of contents, an
examination of which will'lead to the purchase
of the book at once. WO-promise them that they
will find this to be a most thorough examination
Of the whole question., written with much opright-
Ibsen and vivacity. A more extended notice will
be given shortly.
Pittsburgh Gazette
This long established, and well known journal,
has received an accesson in the person of Abu
A. Bausman, Fag., as canvassing and collecting
agent, and for many years a popular editor in
Wasington, Pa - . Mr. Bahaman is a gentleman of
pleasing address and.great energy.
Sad Calamity.
Last Monday afternoon, Mr. Andrew Ellie, of
Sew inkleyville, Pa., was run over and terribly
crushed, by a train of cars belonging to the
Pittsburgh and Cleveland Railroad. •He vas a
young man of excellent character, amiable 'dis
position, and greatly beloved. His death is
greatly regretted by the whole community, and
much sympathy is expressed in behalf of his pa
rents, brothers, and. sisters.
Pennsylvania Railroad.
This Company is replacing the bridges between
Altoona and Ifuntingdon, with iron structures on
the most substantial and approved plans. Every
thing is done to secure the safety and comfort of
travelers by this popular route, which is rapidly
taking the precedence of all others. It is rarely
that a railroad has the good fortune to be man
aged by such officers as J. Edgar Thompson,
Wm. B. Foster, Jr., Herman J. Isombaert, and
Thos; Scott.
A Strike among the Coal Diggers.
The coal diggers along the Monongahela, con
stitute a large population. At least three thou
sand of them have been on a strike for some time.
Higher wages are not asked, bat they affirm that
the cars conveying the coal from the pits have
been enlarged of late so much that many busbele
are dug, for which the digger receives no•recom
pense, and they ask that hereafter every car of
coal should be weighed. The owners of the pits
refuse to comply on the ground that the time ne
cessary to such an operation in every case, ie an
insuperable objection to granting the request.
Ptrzsaonen, Tuesday, Angst
Business is moderately active, for thls season of the Naar
and in the produce trade quite a Insert business is deing•
1 he Money Market is :without change.
,APPisa-1.25®2.00 per bbL
burr= Akin zeoe--ttoll Metier, 11340g1.234. Begs, B @ 9c *
Dula, exit-13®18%.
EtOue—The rates from inill yesterday were $ 4 . 91) ___. 1"
Spring superfine. and 6.00 for Winter do, 6.25 for PP'`
coring extra, and 540 for Winter do. There have beau
very tow sales from first hands. From store, yesterdeli , "
ruling rattle far small lots were 6.00iin5.25 for superpe ,
5.3 i for Spnog extol; 6.80 for Winter do.aud 5 62@e.75 lo d r
werefamily do. There ere some Andes ' Winter extra 1„
family do. at 5.26@5.60, but the general tendency
our figures.. Rye Flour le selling from store at 4.s o fs' °
and Corn Meal et 90660.1 si..r brush. eord4.o.
ilaesti--date on arrival at 38, and from store st
Corn, 80 from first hands, and.Bs4/)813 from store_,—„ e ;
from first hands. Wheat hiss ; et twit' m il e
I 12a1L20 a:depot during the week, bit yeeterdatt",,6„
,were quoted at 1.15%11.18 for Redound I.2e{gil 25 or "-
iiar-12 0f.018.00 per ton '
Ssene—ricuothy, 8.00 from first hancii.' lL,%
Wool—Tho very little coming in ia Men by imo'''" ,,,
the former range of gitge4,s.