P , • . • , •, , • 4 ' „ •• R. : • • I t * - 7 0 5 4,;.; r. ATE.. p ro brigarging Saamoiro Vole WIN $l. 50. 1 Vilelbyterillsot Aliveoat% Vol. XXII Me. 46 I DAVID MoKINNEY and JAMES ALLISON, Editors. LORKB.-IN ADVANOB. Ortginal Votirp,. 'The Aged Believer• behold , the hoary, aged sire, Hie four score yeere have ,flown ; His eyes have loat their wonted tire, RIB VACS has quivering grown. His tott i iing gait, his bending form, Foretell his certain dgnm; 'The op'ningeartb, the loathsome worm, The cold and drearitorob. But if big hopes are fixed above, He does not fear the grave He knows thro' the. Redeemer's love, He 'll death itself outbrave. He sees by faith a crown of life, Beyond the starry spheres ; Beyond this realm of noise and strife, A glorious rest appears. He sass the saints, alt rob'd in white, Before the eternal throne, Basking in usoreated light, In eostaoles nnknown. He hears the golden harps rosound, With heavenly notes of joy And never one discordant sound, Those rapturous songs alloy. He leaks and longs, till glory fills, His Heat vilth holy fire; His ionsost'spirit pants and thrills, With pure, intense desire. But ah, he still is (dogged with clay, And, ere he joins this band, His earthly holm must know decay, And lo I the hour's at hand. His feeble health Is failing fast, Around his dying bed, Death bath his gloomy shadows oast, Anon, the spirit'a fled/ 0, what unseen, angelle bands, The free, unfettetad S4Oll/ 7 Convey to those celestial lands, The Christian's peaceful goal. There, free from sin and sorrow now, On thosaeternal hills ; The glitt'rimg crown adorns his brow, And joy hie spirit fills. He joins the bright, harmonious throng, On golden harp to sing, The glorious, never ending song, Of praise to heaven's great King. 0, ye who here his loss deplore, Look,up = ward to that place ; lie whom you, loge,, lives evermore, And sings redeeming grace His preeence there still beckons you, To illeyotir hearis aboie Then yetigthtlijoitt those praises too, And ever alien in love. Nieklesiale; 1859, 'or the Presbyterian Banner art!, 4dvocate l Letters , ON THE REV. TORN - SMITH, A PBESBYTS BIAN MINISTER, TO HIS BROTHER, THE , REV. PETER SMITH, A METHODIST PREACHER. LETTER V. TO THE Rzy. PETER 'WITH :—Dear Broihei :The trial of e our first parents was, 'actiording • to the representations of Arminianism, virtually of the nature of a farce. It was all a ahem: F.Ar be it' , `from to•ocharge you or your brethren leith regarding that great tiansac; tion in the light , of a farce, or with•aatually believing that it was all a sham. To - say this would be to slander the denomination to whioh you belong.- But the teachings of your system'do, certainly, show up the whole matter In the light of a solemn farce. Now for the proof. Your Standards maintain that the whole human race were put on trial in the person of Adam, their federal head and representative. Adam, according to Rich ard Watson, the great expounder of Irletho• dist Artninianiern,, Adam . " is to be regarded as a public man, the head and representative of the human race, who, in consequence of hie fall, have fallen with him." "The circumstances 'of the case infallibly show, that in the — Whole lianesetion they , ) (Adam I and Hve,) stood before their Maker as pub lic persons, and as the legal representatives Of their escendants, though in so many words they are not invested with these titles." . threateniogs pronounced upon the first pair," continues Mr. Watson, "have all respeot to their posterity as well as to therneetVes• The death threatened affects all. 'ln Adam all die death entered by sin, that is by his sin, and then passed upon all men." Nor does he explain this of natural death alone. " The opinion of 'those Divines, who include in the penalty attached to the first offence, death, bodily, spiritual, and eternal, is not to be puffed away by sarcasm, but stands firm on inspired testimony."* So far all is plain, and 'true as it is plain. But we are now, unhappily, about to enter the domain of fancy and of farm You hold the doctrine that uod, though he PO placed mankind at the dis posal of their head and ohlaf, that if he stood they stood, if he fell they fell, bad not the right to leave them to the full con sequences of the representation to which he had himself eubjeoted them. Methodists accuse Universalists of representing Jehovah as threatening sinners merely to alarm;them, as employing the most fearful terms of warning and rebuke, aim ply—for nothing. The accusation is just. But the same accu sation may be laid against , the Methodists. They admit that God did ibdeed threaten Adam's posterity, as well as Adam himself, but it was a mere Universalist threat ; it meant nothing. We believe, not only like you, that death in its three terrific fermis was denounced against our race, but we be lieve, what many of you do not believe, that the awfal penalty w.s just. We stand abashed, we feel our littleness, we are con scious of oar deep ignorance, when we Hp• preach this mysterious, this incomprehensi ble transaction. But we are bold' to claim that God always does what is perfectly right • and fair, and what we ourselves would see, is perfectly fair and right, had we only un• derstandings equal to the high task of com prehending his ways; had we only line enough , to fathom the ocean of his perfee• Lions. With an unflinching front we ruain• tain that it would be iu acoordande with justice in the strictest sense, were the pen alty annexed to the first sin committed on Our planet, now to be , carried into execu tion. For this we are aaaaihd, in no meas ured terms, from ten 'thousand Arminian pulpits. The Rev. Dr, It S. Foster, in his "Objections to Calvinism," printed at tho Methodist Book Concern in Cincinnati, has resort to the following style of argumenta. Lion.: Sinners , were born corrupt, and so cannot' be guilty for this; they cannot * Watson's Theological Institutes. Part 11., Chap. H. . escape from corruption, and so are not guilty:for remaining in it." " His die .oility came with f him into the world— it was communicated as a part of his exist ence—it was his very and ' essential nature. And now was he to blame for an existence and nature which were forced upon, him— , which never, at any period, he consented to, and which he never could avoid ? His first parents may be to blame, but surely he can not be responsible ; for he not only did not bring Ole disability on hiinself, but it was imposed on him without 'the possibility of its removal. Let him sin; no being in the universe can censure him, he is not to blatne " 44 If it is impossible for the sinner to avoid sinning, and if this ;disability 'of , his was not brought upon himself by, his own act, he is damned in hell for ever, for that over which he had no more control than the angel Gabriel." - f Thus, Dr. Foster openly takes sides with rebellion, and publicly proclaims to the universe, if the universe will listen to him, that, had not the' effects ef Adam's sin'been nentralied by the promised' atonement, 'the sinner must go clear, while the, whole. Maine of all the sins and crimes perpetrated from the creation of the world would have to rest With God - himself, and the Reverend Doctor Would hive' no scruples to' tall his*Maker so to his face. But surely, if it was unjust to let the penalty denounced take its natural course, the threat itself of, the penalty was unjust. If it is `iniquitous in a human tribunal to confine an innocent man in the penitentiary, it must be an act of gross wrong to sentence him to the penitentiary. If it is a sin to inflict the penalty of:death on a person guilty of no 'crime, it must also be a sin to, pronounce sentence of death on such a person. - Ain* of one of 'our criminalcourts sentences to the gallows a batek of Unoffending creaiures, who he knows are innocent—who he knows de serve not such a fate.- In full inowlidge of their uprightness, however, he solemnly proceeds to declare that on such a Friday, between Such arid' inch' hours, the terror stricken wretches before him shill hang by the neck till they are dead. Would not every body shrink from a farce. SO revoltiog Now you Arminians, my dear brother, are chargeable with placing the Supreme Judge of the world in an attitude precisely analo gous to this. He to Whom the,future is as the' present,. to whom' things that are not are as things that are, has before him, in the person of Adam,' the , represented htiman race. He knows that it is an innocent race. He knows that he is trying a dangerous und an unlawful ex periment with his creatures;' an expert for which, in future ages, he will be oalled to account by Anninians, Pelagians, and Infidels. He knows' tliaf it -col be contrary to every prilloiple of right r ind justice to inflict woes and sufferings on millionirinnumerable, en account of the sin .of ,that one indiyidual;, for if - the Rev. Dr. .11 S. Foster,knows that this was -unjust, God, the All.witie god, must cer tainly have known it tee, > In slate of all , this; in spite of the guiltlessness of ha tnanity ; in spite of the flagrant wrong of making the transgression of their, chief the ground of condetinOtion'to Unborn myriads —oe proceeds to ',pass sentence of death, `death bodily, spiritual, and eternal, on en tire generations, from: the beginning to the end of time. I conclude as I begun, with the remark that the trial a our, first parents was, according to the teachings of Arminian ism, of the nature 'of a fares—a solemn, a stupendous farce. JOHN SMITH. MARI: t Objectione to Calviiiem, from the article " Effeottial Calling." Penally Religion, andipr:lzaltienoe en the One of . t z he beet securities! for the growth, and prosperity of a °Unroll, is`to 'be sought in a faithful exhibition " of religion in fami lies. Here is a law of 'increase, which God has incorporated in his - Church, and by whiCh be designs to give it' strength and encouragement. But why is it—the ques tion is asked with grief and pain—why is it, that so many children, se -manyrapprentices and servants, are seen, to grow up, or to live many years in Christian families, without any regard, or even respeit, for religion ? It is because their parents, guardians, or masters have that sort ofliiety nibliiii can flourish only, like Peter's sword, on great occasions. Then, perhaps, they appear to have an erases of piety, and put forth many awkward efforts to dogood in their families; of a character, it may be, to give them a permanent disgust for religious things. But when . ' the- great occasion is past, their work is done up.. A spirit of worldliness, now rolls in again, a- want of conscience be gins to appear, a, light and carnal- conversa tion to - show itself. The preaching of the Gospel is very critically, and 'somewhat wit,., tily, canvassed on the Sabbath.- The day itself, in the meantime, fares scarcely better than the Preacher. It is shortened by de grees at both ends; sometimes even by a newspaper, or some trifling conversation, in: the middle. There is no instructive remark at the family prayers; and, perhaps, na family instruction anywhere. There is no effort to point ,the rising Stilly toward a better world, and apparently no living for such a world. Bad tempeis are manifested in government and in business. Arts are practised below dignity, and wide,of integ rity. How is it possible that the children and youth of a family should not learn to despise such a religion ? How different would be the result, if there .were .a simple, unostentatious piety kept up with constancy, and the fear of God were seen to be a con trolling principle, in all the daily conduct and plans of life. There have been many striking, cases of conversion, which were produced, under God, by simply seeing the godly life of a Christian in his family, with out a word of direct address, and in a time of general inattention to religious things In such a family, every child and inmate pill certainly respect religion. And the Church, in fact, may count on receiving a constant land certain flow of increase from the bosom of such families.—Christian .Miscellany. Unreserved communication is the lawful commerce of conjugal affection, and all con otaltnent is contraband. it is a false corn pliment to the object of our "affection, if, for the sake of sparing them 'a transient un• easiness, we rob thew , of the comfort to which they are entitled' Of mitigating our suffering, by partaking it. All' dissimula don, is disloyalty to love ; besides it argues a lamentable : ignorance of human life, to set out with au expectation of health with out interruption, and htppiness without ai boy. When young persons marry with the fairest prospects, they should never forget infirmity is bound up with their very nature, and that in bearing one another's burdens, they fulfill one of the - highest duties of the union. TEE most;:effectual means of obtaining good for otiffelves and others, is prayer.— Arehibnictilkeindin "'ONE THING IS . 'NEEDFIII4:" "ONE THING HAVE I DESIRED OF THE LORI) THIS ONZTHING,I, DO." Church. Have No Secrets. PUBLICATION OFFICE, GAZETTE BUILDING, FIFTH 'STREET, ABOVE. SMITHFIELD, , PITTSBMIGII, PA. FOR THE WEEK ENDING SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 1859. From our London Correspondent, National Defences— Parliamentary Debate Mr. Cohden'a Speech—French Disarmament, and What it Means—The Tuscan Deputation to the Emperor —His Advice—Other Protesting Parties in Itaty —An American Citizen and the Massacre at Per. ugia—The Pope "Solemnly Promising" Reforms —Auetria Penitent, and Protestant Belief Meas ures—The Hungarian Legion Disbanded by Bo naparte—Kosauth and the Republicans—Jealousy of the . Lombards toward the Sardinians—A Story About the -: "Iron Crown"-4 1 Revision -of the - . English Liturgy—The Bishops Obstantes and Ob • stinate—lndian Financial Dfflculties-The Bible in Indian Government Schools— DepUtation to .Government—The (Pope and Religious Liberty— Two Eztremee, and the Truth—Garibaldi , once more—The King of Naples and 'Si' Itindaiius— The Reviv`al in Ireland LONDON, August. 2, 1859 COUNTRY ; THE DEFENCES OF THE have been onoe more brought under the consid eration of Parlifini'enicby a motion proposed by Mr. Horsman, to eipend any suM requi. site for' be .00mplete' fortification of the country against invasion,'instead of,,begitt ning works on a limited - scale; and- proieent• ing 'them -slowly and "in driblets" -from year to year. It was pointed out, that if- an attack was,intended, an enemy would not bide our time as to readiness, but 'consult his, own. Mr. Cobden came out strongly in .opposition to the motion, in an elahorate speeoh. He endeavored to prove that our Navy was stronger at the present moment than that of Frame. Oa the other hand, it was Said, in reply, that he:included in our ships a large number of mere gunbeats, each mounting only a feW' guns. To this' again it is r e torted, that gunboats are a most effec tive means of defence when placed in shal- lows along the coast; and so the contest as to defences, and whit kind ordefences— whether we should trust only to our Navy, or' surround our naval harbors with an en- canto of fortified works to Protect the ships of war--iftwaged in Parliament and out of doors. Lord Palmerston is for defending the dooklards and arsenals as far as fortifi• cations can do so Mr. Cobden laid, amid general cheering, that he would willingly vote £100,000,000 at once, if he believed that the country was really in danger of invasion. At the same -time; he give a . quiet intimation that he differed from "his honorable friend," Mr. Bright, in his apparent admiration of and confidence in the French Emperor. THE FRENOU DISARMAMENT is a-reality for the present; but it is of that description that it leaves an enormous number of sot. diem within oall, eo that in &month, half a million of men oould be in the field. And as for the Navy, Bonaparte will not oast , bis rifled grins into the Bea, nor yet dien:riss their OTOWIP to an irrevocable distance from Brest, Toulon, or Cherbourg. One of the French Government .papers, the Patprie, points out, without comment, though .doubt less with a purpose, the statistics of ttie Re port of an English Naval Cdpimissioner, from which it appears that thS Admiralty fOr years past forindlYe r it difficulty; first,. ithrtanning thi navy; ant,'Sicondly, in. re l . 7 iitining , ' the mei when the 'tide 'Was :tip, during whioh the ship , was•put thiscommist lion;' The Gazette del Freinde, the= Legiti. mist' journal, says in its own spiteful way :, ," The terrors of our. neighbors must notiar-, rest the drielopuient ofluefieetr—We have always thought that France. ought tmextend her colonial possessions." -Isere is-a• signifi cant hint for a• naval war, in which Eng-. land's colonies should be "annexed." The Vienna-correspondent of the, Times -strongly urges that we Should proceed with ourdefences, as the -atmosphere is, too hot and•sulphureous, not to bode a violent storm ere long. A. Truce is the true description of the present state of things in:Europe. For ex ample, does any one believe that Piedmont 'in her ambition of extended lealiag-doliiig-* inn ii"satisfied with "the' gift of lorebardy; "or` on the other hand; are we to suppose that Atietria,.retaining all- her , fortresses, would , not, if any thing happened , to Napole LH', or, she herself was, strong, enough to fight, afresh, at once seize and conquer LoMberdy Y:', And as to France and her Eisperor, he; wants to be crowned by the Pope, and he has no objection to a year's rest that corn, meree may revive, and his `deep plansmay, the better Mature. He avoids the faalta of his uncle in that he 'knows when to stop, and its' patient.' The Tuscans lately sent a deputation -to Paris to the Emperor, how they `oriel ed to' retain their independence, and how strongly they 'protested against the return of the Grand Duke'or of any of his dynasty.' The' Emperor was'veri courteous ; assured them that he- had no wish to see a ruler - imposed on them' contrary to their wishes, but ad titled Thetis to recall the . Grand, 'flulie's son, (the Hereditary. Prince, a — youth f sixteen years old,) and that he would grant a Con= stitution: It is not_likely that the Tu.scans will do this:• , In truth they are determined net to do So ; 'and' as for the •'lliodenese— althbughllie' Austrian Gazette lirediats th e matters will cool down, and things return very much: to- the state quo antea—they are more energetic in their resolve 'to keep the liberty `they hi've obtained. So, too; . the Bolognese, encouraged by Piedmont, are signing a, protest against Papal Gcivernment. The 'CRUELTY. of the Roman troops at Perugia, is now amply confirmed in the face, of the lying Government journals, by an American gentleman, who was himself an eye witness and a sufferer. Here is his letter. to Galignanr s Messenger VILLA' CAPPONI, near Florence, July 24.--.ln the Messenger • of the 21st, you quote from the. Giornate di limit, " that the Ametioait family resident in Perugia at the time of its capture by the Swiss, have declared that the troops , behaved with a moderation that could, hardly have been expected after the provocation to which they had been'exposed.n Will you do me the favor to contradict that statement? It is one of many assertions made by that journal which have no foundation in fact. The American family have never made any such declaration ; but, on the contrary, have stated in the most public{ manner their conviction that the soldiery behaved with, the greatest- brutality, ferocity, and incense: l'he samejournal asserted very coolly that the American family had lost some of their effects, whitih'had'beint or were about to be restored to them. As we lost almost everything we` had, to an amount of between two thousand and three. thousand south, in the sack and pillage of the Hotel de France. where we were residing, and as the 'claiin made on the Roman Government by the American Minister has not yet been paid, you will be able to judge how accurate are the sources` from which the Giornade di Rome derives its in. - fornsation. ---Begging you to excuse my: troubling , you in this matter, which I only ,do in order •to avoid Misrepresentation, I remain, &C., ' EDWARD NiWTOit PRIXILINC-''"., AB for RomE,. THE POPE; AND ANTO, HEMET, it id rumored at Paris' that the Pope has "solemnly, promised" the Em peror of the French to grant reforms, and that even Antoneilli admits the` neoessity'of some changes. "`'Route` always bends before the storm ; but temper eadem is her nature. She ,oannot alter, otherwise she would cease to be herself. AUSTRIA is dissolving the ""Military Chancelleriei" which, - based on aristooratio prinbiples,:has.wiought great mischief, and kept -such a General .as Benedek, in the back grottndf sitaftlyzbecausecof•hitoPloheiatt extraction 1 Even old gees, up to the mo. went of hie leaving for Italy, was anubbod by this clique; while a man of high family, "the tenth transmitter of a foolish face," found no difficulty in -climbing high on the military ladder. Ilencdek is now to be brought into office. • More than this, the Protestants and the Jews, we are assured, are abont to obtain privileges for which theylong have looked for'; but which the Jestiits 'at the- backof the Throne, always successfully opposed. It is not likely that under " a paternal Gov• ernment " the Protestants will be placed on a perfect equality with the -6 true believers," but it may be !presumed 'that' theywill hive a goodly measure of freedom as: tUthe-edu cation of their. children, ~,and the manage ment of, theirecclosiastioil affairs.—Let us lioPearid believe thatlhe t illu i ngariii Prot estants .tvilk-:sliare , lotherberiefits that are likely to follow from the lceavy,chastisement" that Austria has undergone. It is now understood. 411 in his cominn nioationa with Francis Joseph the Emperor declared that if peace was, not then =ado, he was ready to make war,to the'knife, and would stop at no measures to break up Ans. trig. Doubtless this waithe reason why had already.encouraged Yilisenth and Klap ka, and formed a Hunger:lin Legion.. The latter is now being disbilided; but will 'be paid off by French money. TheY served as avtingb'esto , to't Austriai and poor .Kossuth is pledged to remain in Switzerland till. their men are scattered abroa4 there "chewing the cud of sweetr and. bitterifanciee," and reflecting on the faithiesamess of Princes. Kossuth is now at the lowest ebb of favor with the Republicans ofi France, who so long and so lately held him in ~the highest. admiration. He has been deceived, but can scarcely be called a diceiver. There is likely to be great jealousy on the part of the Lombards, to;eard .the 'Sardin• lane, as the latter will never consent' that Turin should cease to be 'ivtapital city, and the Milanese' would of course infinitely pre fer to have a King arid' it Court, in iheir midst. And is to Milan iced the Cathedral, a curious story is afloat,ininiely; 'that- the famous " iron crown of Lombardy," .(of; which it had 'been ruinofedk that: the Aus trians had carried it mirth) was lately ex hibited to the peciple as destined-soon to'sit on the brow of Victor It was restored to its resting Ogee in the Cathe dral, and now it is discovered that it is no where." The clergy.protest th.eir innocence —several of them have been arrestedi: and` Victor Emmanuel, it is -also.= eaid,,was so disturbed by.the abstraction of the famous crown, as to have left Turin in all haste,for Milan. He will, however, yetain.,the sub stance, and,it is hoped, permanently, be a King over Loinbardy, amil , 4 o 4ditcr*Otost: like those which Banque saw, each of which The ; Ueness dA,adngly ; pro wn ,Imd,ort.!? Ttri'RwwwlO ''or Tit"' Liikrathe has . , again been agitated in tbe=tilatnie , offLorda,' brßarcina Ebtary.4Tha tpetilienskrwhich lie presente'd, weft. ligskedi by .alliargeatrod y; a the clergy, asking forstwotthings. shortening of the morning service, or the . division of the - , services,.: 2d. -Something • still more., importa,ut 7 ,—, . ,a. _ of .aertain • objectionable. ph t::mes ,s9d.Atatereyikciß t the s :' Baptismal •and, Rural -gervfees ;,in.ftiot an assimilation to what ,has, been done in,the, ease of the Liturgy as used,in the Americo:a, Episcopal Church. The Bishops, as usual, were not opposed to a shertening a division' , ce:the services, and the Bishop of London apedaily recoareneeded the use of the Lit=,. any only in the afternoon service (3 o'clock;) bat _he moat" strenuously protested against any - alterations in matters of doctrine, inns- much as — that would be inconsistent with the mortiprehensiSc character of the English Church,lind inevitably break up the Estab lishment. Thetis - 114 4eale point; ind this' is' is the- spirit of. the ilatittillinarian 'compro mise that keep-together the living'and the h dead—the Evangelical andthe ritual zealot.. And thus' many consciences; are , opPressed, and error' is indonsed . 'as tot baptismaL regen- Oration, by 'those who in their souls believe tto bea lie of the devil, , /low :Toils a - goo& maul& make him:a. prelate, unless, in deed, he reniaim.glorionsly inconsistent;with his position 7.. The,sight of,that mnstering„ law robed company of Bishops in the .House of Lords, always tills my mind with sadness,' not umningled with diegitit and indignation.` There sit the Bilhops of Exeter and . Solis bury, and other High"Clitirehirretiy`with the, truly Jesuit`speaking face of the'Bishop of Oxford (" Slippery Sam,") . in the midst while there too' are the Bishop 'of-'London,' (a meditim - ated' i Vetwielitwo "extremes) the Archbishop of York and Canterburyiarid the. 'Bishops ot . Carlisle and Ripon, all Evangel icals. " INDIA, last night,' Vag' theosubject of financial exposition and debate in the House of Commons. A fresh loan of £6,000,000 will be needed, and , before all -is settled the Indian debt will reach 4106,000,000. Mi. Bright'vehementlylieblaimeda against mis management, and wishes to have" India broken up into manyemall Presidencies. The military ;troubles 'aret not over. ,Cone English regiment at .Berhampore had barricaded itself within the barracks, and choffen new offioers, and the Madras . Fusi liers were* following • their 'example.: ,These ; 'things tend to °depress thel , publia.mind This inutinyMight nave been prevented, by Lord Canning his Council doing - the soldiers. justice, a' to fresh bounty on ~their re-enlistwent.- Lord Canning oughts to be, and probably will be, recalled , --only that Lord Granville, his relative:l,li in' 'the Cab inet. The Times says ‘ g rio*l3ody " is in fault; and that Meanwlord.o2nnibg. r. As a financier - and ,m-statesman, , Sir John Law: mice is the man for the oriels. , • Otherwise, we Shill bava — tionqnered India;' and not prove equal to its goiernment. , INDIA AND THE BIBLE are again-before the public mind ;,:,.A; Deputation, strong in numbers, and hilts representative character, waited on Lord Palmerston, and Sir Charles Wood, (Secretary for India,) on- Saturday last. The Arclibiaha'p'offOanterbury intro duced it, and explained the strongi-feeling which prevailed throughout thevountry, on the duty - of allowing Bible' classes , in Gov ernment, schools, and • ore . thentitional sin involved in the . endoreeinant Of - ,Lord Starc ley's " neutrality The ,preoftee object sought, was " a removal ~of the authoritative exclusion-of -the-Word of God, from the system of educatiOnj so'that none who may be,so,disposed r lc intepliCtedlrota 'the , ..bearing -or reading, of the 'Bible :in sobOorhousas, provided always that,,: snob safeguards be adopted 'against undue , inter ; ference with the religion of the natives,,as may appear just and proper to the chief local authorities in the several , governments , of India." Lord Shaftsbury . stated that, all religious denominations were represented' the Deputation. A written statement, was also read, showing that the Marquis of Tiver dale had, in 1847, when Governor of Madras, with the doiieurieta"Of his .ooun eil, which-included two ,natives of,r4nk— one!, vilindoo and lbedotherf aMoharnmedan —recommended voluntary Bible .claites. The Rome Government had, however, for bidden it . So in 1858, the chief' authori ties in _the Punjauh, including Lawrence, M'Cleod, , Montgomery, and Eowardes, had urged the same as " proper and expedient," 'brit agalif'it' had Veen refused. The Deputation disclaimed all compulsory education, :bat pointed, out with, great clear messdiowiwhat,is wanted has already been done ire Ceylon ; that the interdiction of the Bible is regarded by the natives generally as antagotiiktie,te'Cliristianity ;, that it ,riebessi , tates the,,einploymeiit of a variety of _see ' ondary Anoiles , Jof inculcating moral truth, (theLßible,. •the grand standard- of .•morality for'all nations, being shut out;) that it is anjnjpstiee to India on the part of the GOveriitkent,, Which tikes itself the responsibility of the well-ordering of popu lations which are necessarily ignorant of right'and wrong ; -and that it lays the Gov ernment open , to the unfair suspicion of an intentto.proselytize, by underhand, and in. direet,meani. Sir "Charles Wood explained that the Government desired 'the Christianizing of 'lndia, but that some zealous for missions were afraid-that such classes might create a prejudice in the native mind; and, that in the Minute he himself had issued, (years ago,) there was a provision for voluntary Bible - classes before or after /school. 'hours. Lord Palmerston indicated difficulties - in the mar; yet it is hardly to be doubted but that Evangelical pressure, on this important question, will be successful with the present G-oveniment. Nevertheless the issue is doubtful. ' THE POPE AND THE PEACE receive fresh illustration from the following state ment : 'The Pope has addressed an autograph• letter to the Cardinal Bishop of . Albano, requesting him to invite all the faithful of Rome to join in a ,solemn thanksgiving for the cessation , of war. The _following is the principal passage of this document : s• To thank God for the restoration of peace between the two great Catholic belligerent powers is our duty ; but to continue our prayers is a necessity, inasmuch as divers provinces of the States of the Church are still a prey to the men who are intent,upon demolishing - the ,estab lished order of things; audit in with this view that in our days a foreign tisurping Power pro- - claims that God bath made man free as regardeth his political and religious opinion, thus denying the authorities established by God Upon 'earth, and to whom obedience and respect are doe, for getting, at the same time, the immortality of the soul, which,, when it passeth from this transitory ~ ,world, to the eternal one, obell have to answer unto the all powerful and inexorable Judge for those religions opinions; then learning too late, that there is but one God, and one faith, and that whoever quitteth the ark 'of unity shall be sub- jected in the deluge of eternal funishment." <• Here comes out the grand mistake of Popery, and bigotry generallyout to the true nature of civil, art& :especially.. religions, liberty on the one Judge,. for, his religious opinionsi" but he ..isi , wrong , and Atitithristliflrittitte - *•'himSelf as GFod and sitting, , on the throne of 'Judgment. ; Then, as to " the,ark-of untty, and who soever< quitteth it.shall be t subraerged in the deluge of eternal..,pithishmeno the -state inent is right . generally that out of Chi,ut, " 1" - the:, th or, a ...y0u..4 eap,, apartrom 4 ea o lic Church .of whioh he is the 4yip g head, therei .dented as; having , performed their :tasks underotery t flifferent ciicuntstancee, end in I very different moods . tone of tliem - lisdirlg taken the preeaution to soften his fiaa by boiling themOripped lightly and • merrily , ••over the :ground; the:Atli:et, who -)Adj not is gumption'!, enough to RED011: 10 ,4 LlFtdi Pgr lets into, a,, pouliicebyji m mat process,; limped and howb;d,all thp . iitay. It ,n, iruitiah the isms in our p ilgrimage through this - I'" vale - I)l4teireßT. , ll.llhblitnpatient afid imprudent titvellontd4rdtpeasi;*ltbe..Prziacor ._,and sagacious make-flkeinseiv,cm.asy:iN ttypir .shoes, and run ,obenrfniiy. the , 'wee_ t•bat ie act before 'tbe—ni. Mr= tt WIT,ELQUT ApltT 3VORE TAU , 17.411 E th shall be' among those GOD" - Saab reaeenie4 from the liy —ll6 . " 4 5. Thanks' beante 4 gfthelliord t lor right dolineee,fitiukt we Way ‘ bosmailee‘Stightepsua i e wees of. , God is hivaq'rr,Oir e 4 WHOLE NO, 862 Brother Tim:mous. Brother Timorous its one of the kindliest souls iinsgiiiable. With what sleepless 'so licitude he watches over the parish—how promptly he_hetat's whenever Hr. A, or the widow B. has a new twinge of the rbeuoila tism—bow speedily he notifies the, pastor, when any young stranger shows his face in the congregation—how perfectly übiquitous he is among the pooh—Lis . writters.ie the book of the chronicle's of his neighbors' grateful metimrien. You would think Brother Tim orous. to be .tt ,perfect, Gl:Assn d_tejis.ktisto r --Aaron and Hur fused into one. But; alas for him, everi rose muii have its thorn . ; and Brother T. is all thorn t 1 his 'goaded and jaded minister. He flutterts at every whiff of excitement among "the pen.. ple," like 1111,17piput feathered dame of the poultry yard, tie tshdrsoovers a hawk sailing over her br00d. . ,.F10 is ,a,,baroineter of the most mercurial , sort, amid the j obanges of parochial weather, and hie spirit einka be fore Hie cloud' gets; bigger died half - of a Mall'lS hand. . • ,There' will be , ocessioually„of .course, is every i parish, little flurries, here and them Squire like it; that the pastor.'has dared to Vote-::-Iirp'ecially, since he has, in the' Squire's liidgifient," lbtearthe :wrong ticket. Dea. D , 'thinks thh choir , is .•alt go ing back to, musical chaos, because his Sue>n has not beenpnotnoted to the firstseat in the alto. Dr. E. will hear no longer a preacher who connives at hornd'oPathic (or allopathic) quackery (as the case map be.) Brother Timorous is'appalled at the gathering ele ments of wrath: His heart begins to quiver, like as electronometer at the rise of a thunder storm. He runs to the parsonage with his doleful story. He is ig viry 2 Sorry," (brother 'T is always sorry) to trouble his pastor with parish difficulties; but thisi .(like -scores of others which he has reported before,) is so particularly serious, that he could not, in censcience, withhold it. 'HaVing thus built up his molehill into a mountain, he plants his battery of terror on it, and Tiroceeds to bombard the pastor's head, till it aches as with a fit of neuralgia. " The heaviest payers are getting disaf fected "—that is the first broadside. Then follow others in quick,suceession,_a_nd with stunning report. Tile congiegatib:n are thinning out. The young *Pie ire-Whin terested. The ladies Fare growing cod to ward the pastor's wife. The church A.ebt is increasing. The ,house needs repairs, and ,no one, will contribute. The salary comes harder and harder. Everything, in short, is resolving itself into its original elements. BrOther Timorous means well enough, on the whole. He has -no , notion of the mis he does. Bat really, he,,is—a sort of incarnate nightmare, haunting the, parish. 'What is to be "done ? We answer, do not make too'serious a matter of it. Every phy sician knows that some ailments are best cured by lauglking . 44 the patient. Brother T.'s manic iiisjustAhat sort. A little pas. miageqinimiriisterial experience will suggest a judicious reatnaent. Scene, the pastor's study. Pramatis perspnre; ,the pastor within; Brother 'Tim °rota rapping SS the door. Pcsatori---"'Wrilk in." Bro. T.. 7 -(Bolernuer;tharkusual) "Good morning, sir. I called to see you privately about some parish matters." P-" 4 .Ah, yes ! We are in a very bad -Condition."' • Bra. T—"Thert you have heard of it?" P.i—"Yes-4've ,alwAys heard of it— „OA the congregation is dwindling, and the young n people. leaving, and the salary is grudged, add 'everything generally - is going to destruction! Of course I. have. The bottom, lonk'aio idiliiiped. out of our parish, And=lre-all-have been taimbling though ever sj.upe.., That's nothing . new.” Bra. 1 1 .—(Oisoonceited.) " I see it's of no use, to talk to you. But things are in a bad'ease among us." Certainly; perfectly horrible." Brother T. finding himself ; beating the .air; presently retires, ,with ; distinct y; r,eAsinu,pfm!nnthinglost from his personal dignity. „,. : AuAtte,mpt to o repsou seriously with such ,a— character is commoply rank folly As well bring a battery of ,cannort to bear on Augusez,musquitoes. Firm, faith in God, and s, steadfast pursuit of duty, will enable a motor ,to sudle at, those elements of pa rochial tiouble which are more effeetively treated by smiles than by earthquakes.— :Congregationalist. Augustus Toplady. In the pleitsanV county of Devon, and in one of: its sequestered passes, with a few ,cottagesisprinkled over it,,mused and sang Augustne„Toplady. When, a lad of sixteen, and on 'a'vtitt to Ireland, he had strolled intos barn, where an illiterate layman was 'preselaing, but preachin g reconciliation to `God through the, death of his Son. The l kcinely,sermonz took effect, and from, that ..moment the Gospel wielded' all the powers 'of hie 'brilliant 'and active mind. Toplady tennis irery learned, and at:thirty-eight he (died, nerearidely read in fathers and re formers than most academic dignitaries can , boast when ,their heads are hoary. His chief are ,controversial, and in some reepects bear painfully the impress of hie over-ardent spirit. In the pulpit's mild er 'urgency, nothing' flowed 'hut balm. In his tones there was a commanding solemni , ty,- and,in his words there was such aim ' ,licity,, that to hear was to understand. And'hath at Broad Elembury and afterwards in Osage Street, London, the - happiest re - suite attended his ministry. Many sinners were converted. And the doctrines which God blessed to,the. accomplishment of these t imailts, may, A 201417,134 , front „ph' ; hymns whiohlropladaagttkcqueathedtrithebliurch: " When kangstor and disease -invade," " debtor m te merOV alone ;" " Rook of ages, cleft .forand, "Deathless principle, which it would seem as if ktgil finished *mkt were embalmed, and the lively hope expiting.in every stanza; whilst lealt,.pe s san stAtbsglorions Godhead radi ateflulerq, grac and holiness through each encoeseive `line. 'luring his list illness ) ifitetetue thpliidi seemed to lie in the very r vetitibule'ofglery. To a friend's inquiry hsianewaret with sparkling eye, "Oh, my dear sir,- I. ‘ cannqt•Jell the comforts. I feel • in my soul; they are pest expression. The consolations of God are so abundant that ' - c - othing to pray , for. My ufssysisare all converted intolpraise.„ I en :ijoy alre4dy in my enul.'2., And ,within hour of dyifg, ) yl3,.es"lled his friends,, and asked if :they could him up; and when they isaid . thei r diiillirtears of jeffirideive"his cheeks asiMPad'dedi "Oh, Whit`it blessing that:yeti are madaeAlling to give ring,. over,intolke-hancle,ofley.,tiear Re. ~deemcl,,, and "part With,,aei for no mortal can live after the 'Orrrieewhbortiod has Manifested to my soul."—Theiti D ivi ne Life. =-Trtict.Society. FE 'HE t braveiti wan41.1;44 nflioiaaitaat afraid c rain: He shall hatcebgldriess in the day of judgment. RI