Presbyterian banner & advocate. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1855-1860, August 27, 1859, Image 2

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    §nutr anlt
DAVITAMo - --' ,
JAMES ALLlSON, riopataToas.
..1 .
jtiTTB2ll7lOll, AVOI7O1 1 27, 1822.
$.1401 is aaysneei sr la Clubs
4*.f4 011604101ritiPlOailisi4
Mors, 14.00. Yoe Prespesease Oa libled Psi*.
Rita War* I. If eleauld bie prompt; a Mae
while War. Om pass axplasso tkat ws slay
airangaliaati far a atraully simply
71111.1. RI Indleatei that ws
r!loowalfr !gs hrowsrb_rOik
largralitaigg _
*Wiwi siumabille emalttawat we
hops oar trioads will still Met forgot, WIN
itlflll7Waltalak-bend garment by all
gaud% waesowsonoinalent• Or, mead by auks
eneloelits with ordinary pare, and troubling
nobody gilt"' a knowledge or what you are
doing. Po, a large amunutto sand a Dr,afttor
Ilargsmotes. !Tor outer twe papersownd (told
ernatall ante*.
1,0 KA KM 011AMMII. 'Nati postage , statetp4
or .berllor stint ss*d for altar* paptrst pay 01.
or el for Itbirt7"throlii
' all bottom; ants communications •
to DAVIE! & CO., Plisslintight,
ilitto MR MARKS, through Dr. S Frease,!
of the Pittsburgh Water Cure, receired"a ,
bandienietrib'ute of regard in the shape of .
a large silver Urn from the members of that,
institution, atothe ! olose of a course =of leo ,
tures on Palestine, Jerusalem, and the. Holy
Land. Tokens of regard to the servant,
are indicative of respect for the M. aster.
,P....t.oKEßADoizzarAmx INsmomr..—This ,
is sabool of a high order, forYining Ladies.
11: le' beautifully kg:tiled on Brooklyn'
Heights, N. Y., and conducted by a large'
Faculty, male and female. The number of
pupils', per catalogue, is—Collegiate Depart
ment,- 130 ; Academic Department, 402;
Preparatory Department, 172—Total 704.
An Opportunity.
A large and fine building, nearbr finished,
and a portzen of it weal furnished,in a flour
fshing and healthy city in the far West, is
offered for sale, on very moderate terms.
It adapted to a first dams boarding
sehook A school undir the management
of a,l';festlyterian would, be preferred by a
iarge ,portion of the , eitizens, and it is
thought would succeed well.
- _
'Farther iartionfara can be learned by in
ihe office of the Bander and
Presbyterian Magazine.
The nuMber for August eOines with its .
usual aupply:Of rieh; variOd; and ii4eresting
matter. , leading articles . are-" Plain
Thought ,on Colleges," by. the Editor, Dr.
Van itensselaer;'fig EPiseopal , Prisbyteries,"
from; the same hand, unless we are greatly,
mistaken • and, " Ethiopia's Promise and
the Means of its Fulfilmant," by the Rev.
A, ; AVilson, formerly one of the :mission-,
aria, of: oar Church to Afiioa, and now
preaoTmg to the Saoand Presbyterian elan*
of Steubenville, Ohio. -
What ti'Difforenci I
The; opponents of Calvinism worry them
selves much in ‘ their endeavors to make it ap
pear that the adiocates of 'this 'system be
some infinite are lost eternally.,
Their effort! ve vain. The charge most:
ly Anode • by, Episcopalians and:4etliodists,•
and &Ay endeavor to establish it•by quoting
the words " elect infants" from our Con
fession ofFaith. = The True Witness, in
noticing this says,' with much point c
"The very persons who make tills charge
pray every time they baptize a child--! that
this child now to. be baptized may over re
main in the - nimber of thy faithful and elect ;
children.'The Afiferenoe between them,
and us, is, the , difference between 4 elect in
fants' and elect children.'
How it is DOne.
The Printer's Nair's Leifer; the beet au
thority ill tbe•oiteei, nye : •
" How en' , paper of uanal size, can be
published for 81.50;160°dt losins, money,
we havWnot'- yet' been,, RN° to diloover.
This seoret is yet a'Baled' - book to us."--
Central FVesbyterir'sw • -
As friPirefellinife eejibiimfoe rn the matter
we reeicrud;`,..tbid Opposing skill, industry
and -ionnorny oLihe pert of the, publishers,
the secret is, a large,subscriptiott, promptly=
paid • and =WelllkePt up. Without such s.
subsoriki!iiNbn'tbing is impossible. We
hence ask I;ikfiiends not to let their lists,
run down, but Auinorease them, if possible.
The l• /fanner mid r Advocate must 'be sus-•
tained. - 1 s' are
En'd'. 10,
a Whole.
THEE uumbere , after the present, will
close the - seventh' volume , of this Journal,
under its title of Pregteeriari Bfanner.,
The favor shown us has Velite very g eat
and our efforts' to ,
.serve, the Clittrob, a,ve ,
been limited, but by the „measure of our,
ability. ,. large ,, number of silbser l iptioine
terminate 1 With i-tbe volume.'We'
fully solicit' a'rineival ;an d, ask 'it l it r p re.
newil MaY'be.prem pp, —,a week,er t twe i Ae-,
fore the time is ,out, would be quite ao favor'
to our -business department. Tintsfe' ae
usual. They are eineedingly bni'a
large sefisoription; iiniePtly paid, aiikwell
kept up,, will enable , to, ,meetorir very
large expenses.
Our adirertieing patronage) hie' bieit,
creased, but "we have eiiiii&eitoniViniei l
°Ordinal" ;. that the 'initount of ,reading,
matter in, eur., solemn was num.! greeter
than it ix it riteient„ ri
if: I
,liiitgrii)Bl, Sermon ?
. e
op elm ;table, alHistoricalo Stir
mon, preached .iin the klint .- PitebytOrian
church of . Zatkisville, Ohio, `July 24,`1859
by the plistoi,•.ltei. james M Platt . This
church. was organized' in .a log.s.av,ern„ by
the. Rey,.. John Wright ) , the. Spring of
1808.rc.,Itr;first pastor was • the Rat' Pia.
Jonesofei'iluoitalier of 'thi 4 Preebitery
of' ColtifiChnii;: , .,Ae . was suieefided in 1812
by tirl::*;! , t" ,
' 1 ;t Calber.kon, i t wiip had
papaw:l - old othaologioal atudiew under the
superrislon.tof Bert , Dr. King, - oftlierbers•
burg,/Poi) ) and Rev. Francis Herron, D.D.,
for so mirifyilars - piaitOr af . the First church
of Pittsbttrgh. 4 ' . llr. - Oilbarhaitit died in
1847. ASV: gimion BroWn *is 'called to
be szt".? tint" in 1844, and his pastoral
Alesolyed, in 185 Q. .1851
, 'Hoge was , installed. pastor,
Si went rout' nth the ioldny to
fo War,oh. And in 185$ the
installed. lfr FiSti.has
donein this . sermon. We
Ili Iprouer ' Field ,for Inds d ual Effort.
a hap p y tru.,
ru; th#, in the pre vent
dap tit aspaiity which Once characterized
the Eviingetioal brincheld'of , Christe t idom
toward each other, has been greatly modi
some extent, it should , be always true,
occupies its own territory, has its own mar
libelled forbrik - ind'eleirates its own peculiar
efehdrirdi,kbutAkckeAtAieVidently, a common
ground of considerable breadth, on which
brethren of different names may and do
*Meet w'th"rnriai l4l ooi rtv There is the
4 , ler 1 , , ,1 ~ 4t4 ,t a l ,„ •
Sabbath School Union, the Bible Society,
- the ' Tratit — Saerify;lll - I — inirdiritiqii- -
meetings, and many other, organizations of
minor -,extent, ; •having for ttheir object the
sanctification of the 'Sabbath; the reolama- '
tion of wanderers, and the elevation of the
degraded. ' In 'these, good men unite on a '
common principle, and to great benefit
PH eminently is this Tiateinal spirit Mani-
fested by the Pdtti4 ; 'iend in the ,different
Youog Men's Qhristian Associations, we
have a beautiful exhibitionsof the sentiment
of the Psalmist, "'Behold =how good and s
pleasant'itle, iortirethren to'cliell together '
in unity." IVherle there is, no sacrifice of
principle,. and where there is real, beneficial .
work done; by such Associations.; ; .. work
which tells - on the prosperity of Zion -by its_
bringing the' young thenegleated,'`itUl the'
, - ' ,
carelss' t h e' to o bottle of God and the com
munion „table; bringing them to a good
profession. and As f corresponding =conduct;
then'and there we are Collid upon to recag-
nize the Lord's haid, and to bid the Asso- r ••
oiation,:o4l epeed. ... .. . ~ ,
Itiapossible, however, that there may bt,
in many places, those who are aiming at
union, and strivlng to filiapiay a biotigrly
spirit, who , yet, unirittingly, though un-
Jp ,
questionably, neglect the duties, they owe to
the church and congregation with, which by
membership they are connected. We shall
explain what we mean , and point to the
application of the principle we would lay
down. We take it for granted that ,when
persons are really converted 'to 'God, they
will 'desire io act for his glory. Being bortr'
of God, they will enter his family. They
will, be professedly and ;visibly his. They
will recognize the voice. of!him who called
them, and who bids thorn enter his vine
yard. And 'they will, go in l as laborers.
Being' called at the third, the 11/%41; or the
ninth hour, they will Wish to no longer
idle. Christian life, like every other prin-s
ciple of life, Show itself: '^ There will
be movement A Hiring soulls an 'acting
soul dead, body ,witl lie iminerable.
Let life be i .jzfused. and there is motion.
The, vital power will enhibit'itself. Hence
if the Gospel islo any, the VOrd of life;
if theY are profited by the ministrations of
truth • if 'they are feeding upon the good
W,or d -God ; ,they ere, embracing ,the
pronnlee ; :they are . growibg in grace;:
e 'll
that is if they are •trn y reg ner te"d
alive 'in Christ JesiK their e4rgies • win
be ateseerated Him whe!enewed 'them,
and by whese favor they, live. ~,
Here, then? "are -nay a' dozen young men '
and' women joining 'a Church. It will soon
be sesn, as certainly . ,as, their Trofession. is
sincere, that Alley *MAI! : manifest a
ness, , we- might.almost say an 'eagerness, to
engage' in senie , sebenke of Chrietialfintivity,
whereby theyiney advance tbe cause of Him
who loved` theni and gave 'hiinself for their
salvation.' re . ei:;gnize : this im
portant and never•tcpbe•forgotten principle
that, in i ttniting, with a particular congrega
tion; they &moaned-upon, and do really .ob
ligatelbemselves,'-while thus associated; to
'labor for Christ , in cinnexion with 'that
portion of ,Afehol4 . They are
bound then to - , attend' to the•Worti"and : co t.
dinances, to aid; the Sabbath'cßottooltrof that
'church, • to. 'contribute ' its"
scheMektnii; with their l'elltiW•mernbiri ; to
advnnce religion ;at home and ,Ipread,
abroad.... Aegis soldier , is obligated: to serve ,
his country_ in the regiment -in which he ,
is enrolled,' and may not desert, nor make*
little private'Wer of hie oWn, nor niiitei with
renegades or stray aspirants from other conk
,panies who, would_ make a conflict after their
own fashion; so:every; intelligent arld''con
that his first
and main duty to hislerit ind t fliaVer. to
be performed in connexion with that body,
branch, -or part of Christ's 'household.- to
,whieb.' he-has; liy his &dem - wind' delib'er'ate
choice 'or by the tnanifist 'eliding Ofqcid's
This teeing the lease, and it. will lhaidly
be, disputed )14 `the !well -Linfornied,'
becomes a mottintvesting inquiry O'yonng
diseiplo, nature ; of ,ChUrph,
membership, and, ghat the. obligations:in
volved in uniclniwithratpartioular . bramihnof
; the 'Christian' . All .the energies
Lore, of ooniset liernieerated 't o 'Christ
- * .; .
;are th ey t o p'ftrtirely put forth in Sad witn,
that branch, or may a part, and if so, what .
.part, abstraotell fou'an independent en.:
terprise, or be gifeifftb w.eci operation With
other 'branotkeiCne" the great household?
We shall not-,attempt a definite s answer.
We haie alretidY admitted the general intin
ciple of coteretkOn. The iinairei d ite to
when,ifiere,lal ' what extent must be' `
. • •dp - 1. 1.1
it roodiqod by , oiratynatences; ,but
doubtleswmost of•-:these , mho.have well ;Goa.'
'sidered the , eitietiveness of 'steady, wisOly
directed , ;Andi *ell iii, r iaoeittrated effo twill
ardor Rod„,tilente, qt.every member of -a
chart/ ehoolChe,direetedito the forwirding
,of the °lanai+ , within the o 6rginjia'tion
whiokihe member is a `constituent part, and'
where he has
tz recOidethis vows ‘ "Church,
officers may, sometimes, be very negligent
in providing work and in leading the`labor.'
era ; but still, if there is himhle and
earnest desire,' ini . the:iiart :Of '4,y;;te,,Tiait.
the careles s and iri4.,ihern to the house of
God; to seek the young that wander in
noisy bands, and gather them into the Sab
bath School; to search for the sick, the
,poor, the'widow end the' fatherless, and ad.
, minister onztfort: ;*o t ollect for the cause of
'missions; to.forut i and aid : Dorcas Societies;
to do any thing:for the good of humanity,
and the reclamation offlost sinners, and the
advancing of Chriit's kingdom, ministers
and elders.will rejoice in it. .And there are
very few churphes „where there is not a vast
amount, of this work toabe done—enough - of
it to> employs scores'` of converts:'`' There 'is
an inn:dense iniount of - euffering and igna
• ranee a ndd great masses or Heathernom
'our midekand.pear i pround l tm. Here;, then ;
is the grand ..iflildt for. Christian labor. • (It
pis jtuit where GOdhas'-itlieed4fie Christiai,
sand in 1 64er tlia Or
r *fi ' 8' '
s 1•,I
.„.„, , . AN 'NI l a
• •
** A 41 "` - •
I/ • - D" YOG TR
cnointion wit& the oisciplepand •14boret 4
has his membership. here then is lull
scope for all pidinary zeal andi tale% and
here these consecrated powers may be most
productive of good.
be made self . ..sustaining. The, pews are,te
be Bled; Saisbath' gat:Pis tjhfillett
largedr another-Sabbath - Sobool-isztoltein- - -
stituted and Inrnished c`-wkhl ,Vll4lOllO
teachers; a colony is to be planted, a new
church organike - d,reiredifitie erected; and
pastorobtabsed IhelothrOifiaeogfte i tols,
fr W
and Still' newer congregations. There are
of, and to be constituted into churches. ,
If, then, the, main field of labor for the.
individual Obristian is in his own Church
connexion, so is to increase 'her strength
and spread her saving influence, it must be
most' highly incumbent upon the,officers to
understand the principle, and to guide and
encourage the work.,
,{ o et them.have always
something for the intelligent and active to
do; always something ! definiti i . inviting,. im
portanti praotinable: • Alis, 'bow bawl of
the time and energY*Orout young metnhers,'
and of the'aged too, gd„qiougliticlei;lfiirms4
rulers,, suffer. to, go to ..waste I Like streams ,
of vivifying water running ',TOICOs 4o the
ocean, past innumerable placee where wise
heeds and busr*barids .might"'have turned
them to iinuannse infit, So the ,young; all
over our 'land, have been neglected:-' , Yea,
in some
,Paees, even their, Willingness to
work has been misconstrued 4 into , impe,rti
tiaoi). ,or nintrilittlon;"ind, their .devotion
being-maligned:And , their serviced rejected,
They have 'been; 16 'a, cold
formalism, or being ,driven to outside enter.
Shall this _folly t be . continued? Will 'not
the regularly constituted "leaders `of the'
people awake for the cause of, their I t ord,?
What might not Presbyterianism do inenr,
great cities and in our old and , deuselyjet,
tied counties, and in our new anditrapidly•
populating dildrictsr, if ministers and eideis
would call forth 'all' ti t le with their .
eurrgieS, „and wisely`lead ;theii; wail oca
toying they Appropriate fields, and, extending
their boundarietionilntirtiated I = A .wisely
directed use of all t'our energiei,
Would make oiii"Ooniltry'tl4 garden of` the
Lord. v
The remarks of " another Column,
have much truthin them. It' is to t be la
mented that thereare human beings not to
be conquered by the kindness of theirlel
loWs. Still, kindness is one' of the' most '
potent means of influence within the range
of man's ppssession& , It is an indispensa
ble ingredient, in the instrumentalities to be,
used for conquering: men And: making, them
sweetly compliant. Parents, teaebers,. pas
tors elders - neighbors "all Who wouhreithet
rule well or. otherwise do, good, do not use,
it near enough. Mere hymen kindness *ill`
not' convert the. soul; `
, ; , It requires God's,
kindness, made effective • by the Almighty
Spir4, to do this.
. • But hurnin kindness
a 'wonderful= instrumentality, even here:
God: uses it' in 'doing his Work. It, edm
mends his ,religion. :It makes- men desire
the oomtanionship of It soothe
the sorrowing heart: It dissipates enmity.
It disarins (except 111 :extreme' oases,)' the'
prejudiced and mistaken opponent of the
Gospel. It opens up for the saint, access to
the sinner, as a teacher, counselor and guide.
'llhough%it is not omnipotenrit is wonder.
fully instrumental fOr good.
The.extraot inourpaPer Anguet , Bth,
of whiCh our correspondent complains, ,
not , to be taken` as a .unive l rsal proposition,
embracing the pastand fitrirtiex.perienee of
all men; i but as a statement of 'the writer"s
own experieuPe., Neither it! the, "confession
of guilt and desire of amendment" of :
which he .speaks,'' to' regar'de'd sier the
evangelical confession and holy conduct
which prooeed .from; a truly , regenerated
soul. He means but that ~c onfession and
that amendment, which
place in our
social relations, when a foe biscomes a friend.
Thia, howeier, hail' an immense value. It
gives great, present < pleasure; It is an, ins.
portant moral reformation: , -Audit tends to
Open the way for a confession vastly deeper,
and an amendment farltlgher. ,
:Let kindness be the Um of Hie to every
human being. =Especially`let 'kindnem
the of every Chrtitian'i life. It belongs
to his own joy. , It adorns, his profession.
It will be a leading ingredient, in his-infla.
epee in the converting ,of , sinners, r
Church, Movement in Washington,.D. C.
We learn from our exchanges that the
Secand and the. 'Street Presbyterian
.churches - Washington D. have United'
`and are about' to erect a beautiful and. coin_
:modions church:edifice. The new building
`is to be on -New 'York Avenue. It will be
one •hundred' feet by sixty-eight feet, with
basement and spire, and will afford nine
.hundred sittings. The F Street church
building was sold for $12,000; the new ed.
ifice Ao - cost 825,400, and is to be ,com
pletediby,the first of July next; the base.
ment to be ready` for opeupancy by the con
gregatton, on the first of February. Rev.
Gurley is to be the
pectins = signed G.> Gordon, Louisville, Ky. )
'notifies us of 'the intended fiblidation of
monthly of thirtyiwo pages, to, be devoted
:to the,interests of the Assocaite Reformed
Treabyterian Church. .The price will , be
one dollar. An able journal is pnimised:
Mr. J. A. E. SimPtiort's Poet Office address
is changed• from Allegheny , CitV,
Millersburg,. Holmes County, Ohio.
Rev. Jom JONES was installed pastor, of
the, Presbyterian church. ` Wyoming,
New York, on the 3d inst.
Rev. Wm. G. CA.MPBELL has removed, from,
Moekeville, N.. G., to,,Staunton,
Reir. BLANi, of Sharon,: Tennessee,
died' on Sobbath morning; the 28d ' nit..
He lived higty iesiteetti'd; an i d'ilfedoeirti
Rev. J. P.4.F.L,Ps, ioctqlled,pcstort
1 , of W estminster,, church ;of :Beloit,
Wirioneip, on the, 3d net. , by r the,Preo,
bytery of Miltvoikie.,,
Rev. E. Cs Tandsx.x, , c'of .Parie,'Tenn., has: .
received ' and 4 so eepted front Cher
i church In jaCksbiWtObil.V made' ' vacant
to. , the removal Of Rev;" C,
p err y v ,
LEONARD'S Post Office ad.
drawls ohißgid fwaApAeopo„,N....X.; to
Ohivlaa County .iffilr
:244, 4
fit 7 J 1. ('gram graat ' of the lafit
= .
'4- class At Danaklie, has reared a unani•
moils call to benome pastiii.'ot the church
in Jefferson city , Mismi.
Rev. ,T,imEs Ginn is about removing from
Brownsbuz , a, a., to Christiansburg, Va.
- ar . mk - ktler—e - ^ , to ,
Rev. Wm. H. JdnrisTow died in Yorkville,
• 01, 4 ,0044e4.9th ofadnee
II.ev,.H.,IIC.„HEIINIGIL having accepted an. :
invitatio% from the cluirch of„lkogans-,
d theret't
lane, a or,all' 11. '8 a e
accordingly from Monroe, 0., to Logans-
IpqN.le.-Fidfcorceoponie4s; ors, W
'sired ttailril Rim!
- Rev.... - A: - 0: - . - KwmPun-ist - Tfastorar"relatiorrte
the church of Miami City, Ohio, and that
of Rev. WM. T. FINDLP.I" to the Church
of •Springfield, Ohio, were dissolved en
the 20th of June, by the Miami Presby
tery, at the request of said pastors re
Baaton,and New England.
The Boot and Shoe Market for the season, has
been thus far unusually dill, and the prices are
consequently low. , This arises from, the iact that
the mallet is absolutely glutted ; the supply far
exceeds the demand.
The Book Publishers are highly pleased ,with
the results of •the- late sales, and are preparing
_vigorously for theisino of Many new , and valu
able works. Our friends, Wears. Oduld & Lin.
coin, as usual, will hold a prominent Place in the
very front rank'Of the issues, during the coming
Autumn. The fact that a - book is published by
this hones is . no aril evidence of its worth..
Our readers will do well to keep their eyes on
the ailVertisements of these gentlemen for the
next three months, that they may be prepared
for passing the h . :mg Winter ereningiiin a plesiant
and instructive manner. = ,
The August nomberk . of the Neu , .pngiander has
a rasping ;notiee
.of Dr. Holmes; on aoootutt of
his theological concert under . which he must
wince very ,considerably, notwithstanding the
pretentious daring he eonietimes assumes. t
The Boston Recorder ban a letter Trobi Califor
nia,which speaks of , a controversy that had been
for some time in progress in the city of San
Francisco, and with which it is but'iright our
readers should be made acquainted; For`we are
of those who believe that the 'people should - be
correctly informed 'of what is taking place in
their country," the - world,' end the'Church, and 'of
the side's taken hY,differcott indiv i idaila with re, 7,
sPictto important , questions S4 i e,.give f tha'oi
lovvieg n extract - ,
A lively controversy has for ,some , Jime been
going on here betWeen"Dr. Scott (old .Sohool') on
the - 'ene side, and Dr.! Anderten - (Old fieliont") the
editdr of the I?acific and, two lay correspondents;
on th'e , of the lattericing r &lawyer of
Scott's congregation. Dr. Scott takes ground
against the Bible in schools, against Chaplains
the; Legislature, against, all" Stieday' itiVis, and
generally goesin for the largest liberty - en relig- -
ionig subjects, - insistinglthat ours is nor's — Chris"
tian country, origovernment in distinction from
Mormon; Mohammedan, or, Heothen. oppon
enta of course take the eppeeite ground, and they
have pretty effectually 'demolished the Dr.'s ergo
ments published in the papers and in &pamphlet,
The secular papers side with'DE Scott', and'poli
tiCal demagogues generally are jubilant over such
ait ally. It is a pity that adman occupying Dr.-
Scott's ppsition should take such ground. Etc.,is
an able aratiiiiiipiiPidai• iiiiiMenialitindfriefid
ly,, and hanniarge,congregatiomi•
The:sante paper'lo:eyliteaeeriee of ectoriaTs:
[ahetehing the hfe,.ohmeet'er,' hehits,.eimlitg
faequirements of the pious.and eminent Tphir.l
,athan. Edwards,Yarid.siso the ieonliarities OUcloo
trines 'greatli! .
'needed, in New tngia,Mijnit now, where se many :
opposingidootrines , .are addressed to the 'vular
:ear, eaohgelaimini the - anthOrity of his great
' Andoeer..Theologieal Spwinary haa furnished no
less then - one hundred and ,thiitY=four misston
aries for the foreignfield, of whom one hundred
=and twenty-fisiu-have gone ont*der the patron
age, of the American Board, and sixty six of
these are etill in, anti'M service : -, By Pnejair'7.
sionarie® the Scriptitree live,beeU translated
into ,fonttrn,.new languages, six of which had
never before heen reduced to a written form. The
*same Seminary;has also furnished , three hundred
men , fornthe Home Missionary field.'
The : -Congregations/fat has then following with
respect to the 'exatninatiOn ;of he class TheoP
ogy, at Bangor Theological 'Seminary, the
Recorder liays that the shine remilitsare applies
ble to Andtiveri
In this, as in almost`every other examination I
:have ever attended, I was ready to ask 'Cannot y dung
men be trained'ibi a higher style of examination ?
Wby catechize them through point afterpoint, as it
they were children? .Why not . give them a topic ;
—the Divine Foristeno., the Atonement, Itegener—
talon, the Organization' of the Chtireh, and:let"
. give ne :in a few minutes in' as systematic
-and condensed a forni as pOiside,What they know
about it ?‘. It would tax their minds% more.i ,
would,be .-yortbier of -their -manhood.--, Tt would,
iincrease the interest of the - examinationtenfold:" ;
It is worthy of consideration If the idea here
,sugges4etkis not worth a trial in our own Thrtolo-,
gical Semi,naries,and,espeoially,,in our Presbyte 7 l
rial examinations of oandidates for licensure.
For these examinations:lde, in manyinstances;
degenerated, to aboutrhe driest and most uninter
esting routine' Connected, with - the 'great subject`
of `Theology; which it is , possible to imagine. So
stereotyped, has the form becortkin'saine places,
thatA student of tolerable memory, t would be able
after attendance upon an examination or two of
other : candidates, to meet all thWdemands likely
to be made upon his theological knowledge in the
Presbyterial examination, with a considerable de
gree of ,credit.., Do begin to allow students and
candidates to fax their own mindere little more,
and ,to give ;some ; evidence , of their skill and
ability,in stating end defending,the, gr,eat truths
of salvation.
In New ..Fevriand there is one minister for every
six hundred inhabitants, 'and yet one•third of the
people of competent aga, are-not in the habit of
attendance at the sanctuary. But it is to be borne
in mind that in this enumeration, the, whole body
of clergy is included, Hnitarians and Romanists,
as well As others'. ItiOreciver in this region there
are many plergymen employed as professors in
Colleges, teachers in Schools and Academies; Ea
itors ef'religious newspapers,' and Secretaries and
agents for the, different religions and philanthro;
pie Societies:: Here, too, are many who have
borne' the heat and burden of the;day in distant
parts of the Master's field, and who, when strength
hae failed, or old age has come 'upon them, , haye
returned to the hemeil of their youth and the,
friends of their- childhood, to breathe out the.
little of,life that may yet remain to them. There
is also another class addicted to literary pursuits,
:and some, it cannot ,be denied, who have. become.
seoularized, , and have laid aside thicredentiols of
their heavenly omission.
Trade is , beginning to bemore active,, and the_
number of buyers is increasing. Alf desirable
goods remain firm; but purchases are compara
tively, , In the silk business scarcely any
thing, is doing; but cotton staple goods, are in
good o demand. Buyers from all parts of ! the,
country ; are evidently cautious, and are limiting
their purchases to; an unusual degree. Flour,
mesh , and proylsions generally, are still held at
reasonable figures.„.
Quite bit been oesision'ed by the
unusual flavor of the Crotais -Water; and Many
causes for this have beenliseignrt; Irian) , hive
beee greatly alarmed,' lest it might be the . result
of sotnetbing poisonous or unhealthy. Commit
tees Wm:reconnoitre& the lake, and chemists
have yeeir analyZing its ' tiharacter, while many
sovereign remedies have been propose& After
all, the general impression now seems to be, that
the peculiar, flavor so disagreeable, and giving
rise to so, many - ettePlolook fe merely We effect of
the violent rains over the country, from which
the iiiret6s' 'siipplying the Cretion water issue
and that it contains nothing deleterious , to. health.
Althoegh it is probable that many of our. renders
accustomed to drink grater only from the billitaing
New, York.
spring, or the:. cool well, would not, TelisiOnnen::
the Croton even in its best'state.
The New York Evangelist, one of whose 'editors ,
if 5
is a brother of Cyrus V. Field, Esq., so uselY
identified with the Atlantic Telegraph undertaking,
says that the pros nets of ftualrd
68813 this great enteiiritie, were never so cheer at present. The neoorwy !nude are
fair way to be raised, while gresteicarethan ever
-is-to be-taken in the manufricturing iflfie — eabli
Injpreservisg it from injury efterAt Is Modal and
in submerging it. The projeetord of this renewed
attempt-are-sanguine of entire success, and-Igieuf
aterminotimto „exhibit the. greatrt,patiense t nani
tpersevrtae;:lWthe l ileiVidliesolifseoli be
York :Eiinitisf Post says that iL is
not, a mere rumor that Dickens will visit this
country during the Autumn and entertain the
public with readings from select portions of his
own writings, but that the arrangement has been
actually entered into, for no less than sixty of
these readings, and that $25,000 have been al
ready, secured to Mr. Dickens, in addition to a
large per centage of the actual income from the
readings he may give. When Mr. Dicken's was
in this country some years ago, he was. greatly
lionized, but the publication of his notes on
America, after his return, did much to array our
intense Americanism against him for a time.
He has beeti the, great castigator of English
Governmental' abuses, the advocate of edu:
cation and reform, the ""successful successful delineator
of 'characters, habits, and usages of society,
which he has lashed most mercilessly. Though
his 'writings lire pervaded by a kindly and genial
spirit, their great fault is ,the entire absence
of any thing savoring of Evangelical Christianity.
His domestic relations have been by no means
happy, as he has been separated from his wife
without any fault on her part sufficient in the
least degree to warrant any such step on his
part. He is a high liver and dandy in his hab
its ; nevertheless, his coming, will be hailed 'by
multitudes, and his publics recitations will attract
Mr. GeOrge Henry Davis, SeCretany to that
great establishment, thViomfort Religious Tract
Society, IS iioW in' this' ountry, andhas addreaged
,a letter to 4l the ' New York' Timis, -in 'which 'he
shoirs 'that rtlie clicumistanOas of tigland,`
.parishes, its towns, its people, and its wants; are
so different from thii Country; that no argument
can beiirawnifrom-the operations °tithe Loudon'
Society against the management ofthe American
:Tract :Seciety, as its colporteirr operations are
now conducted. = Without any such agency as a
paid' coliortagek the' London Society last year
distributed , thirty-eight' 'millions of its pribli
"Caticins, Mostly itt" borne.; And it is suppoSed
'that not less thanetwenty-five Millions of these
jrblications 7 --traets; "(nicks; and Periodicals—
reached the'Poor. •
The 'Christian AdrOcate and. Journal informs
us that the internal 'xisar that las been desolating
so many
: of the Methodist 'chinches ,of New
York, has at length taken the form of open
schism, end, that in 4yracuse and- other places,
Independent*rthodiet churches have ; been set up.
This is ascribed to the• factious course of the
Northern Independent opposing Ate : General
Conference, stnikfomenting"ek sorts of Roolesiasti - -
oal disturbamte. ; -
m The Rev. Mr. Barnett, of Brobklyn, entertained'
his congregation, a Sabbath Of two , ago, by an.
exhibit hinMelf dressed altogether white.'
If some men 'are.- not notiCeable' on' account' of
their 1 : excellenee . tof character end amount 'of
/talent, they will - mak e themselves ridimiloris by
'some folly or abitirdity. • ••
With many, Henry raid •Beecker is quite in
oraale. L His sayings are quoted, s a nd his scaentri •
cities are imitated. Be is a min of wondeifur
energy and indtistry; and of no inconsiderable
amount of imagmatioi. But as ao expounder of
Scriptural truth, he is about as fanciful and up.:
reliable se it is possible for one to be, while, preT
feasing t% adhere to the old landmarks. Take
the following as 4-instance n of his skill in, the
matter of. Biblical interpretation :
" The heavens declare the glory of God, and ,
thefirmament aliciweth his- handiwork 4 , How
:our translation does mar'and despoil the beauty
f the tollaing senteuce I Qur tranelatiobieus •
' 4 Day witii• day nitareth speech; 'end bight unto
bight showeth knowledge.' But the thought of the
lieble.vria.that the day standing like. a sentinel
upon the mountain top,: when it i s watch is, done,
and tt comes'to itilurden; looking over
all thathes been done thraugh all ifs lupins, de
clareit it to the night that is coming on; =and "the
bight in its tarn ,tells .its stories to . thaday, and
so the whita.plumed sentinel of .the day, and the
raven plinned sentinel of the night are ever tit
tering to each other the knOwledge of what God
has done on earth:" : '
Now all this sounds very prettily, and no doubt
. ,
many of Mr. Beecher's admirers thought it the
very ' consummation of beauty and
: sublimity.
!Bet the Chriatian-Itzteßigeneer shows it up
on' this ` wise :
_IV • •
5 , 1 It is , a rare specimen of blundering.,:, For, in
the first place, the gibe at our English _Version is
wholly gratuitome. ' That version is in this ease
`almost literally. exact, 'andi certainly gives the
- precise meaning of , the original. As the reader,
:may see fr,om the following, which is the render
jag glyen,by, one of - the latest critics, translating
as : nearlY as possible Word for word : 'Day' , io day
ehall pour out epeeela; and night tie night iOll Utter
• • ;
la the,second place, Mr. Beecher, changes the
Tsithaist's sentiment. That sentiment does not
relate at,all to God's works in providence, : bat to
his work of creation described-in the first 'scree.
Atui'daY and night are represented as a chain of
Witnesses bearing testimony in unbroken succes
sion to the display of the
: Divine glory in the
visible heavens. Mr. Beecher is undoubtedly
imaginative and eloquent and has great power
of thought and expression; hut *he can't beat
David. Nor does it seem from this example that
he is the proper person to criticise the venerable
authors of the English- Bible.
Rev. Dr. .Bethutte is rapidly recovering his
health while wandering among the' mountains of
The Clothing Trade of this oity is now a large
and important branch of 'its bdiiness. And yet
it only dates thirty years back. when Mr. Charles
Harknees began to make.up a few packages for
the plantOtiOns of Southerners who were so bold
as to dare the Winter passage across the Alle.
gheni es.
For some weeks, Concerts have been given
every evening, except Sabbath evening, at Fair
mount, by a band provided by the different Pas
sengar Railway Companies, for the purpose of
attracting travel. .But loud complaints are be,.
`ginning to be made, because of the injury done
to the grass and trees, and the drunkenness and
disorder that hare been introduced to the neigh
borhood. And this. suggests one strong argu
ment, why, the suburbs of this city and other
cities, should protest against Sunday travel. It
will disturb the peace .and good: order of, the
community, destroy all privacy, and subject to
g all the evils incident to the presence of the many
,rowdies that - will inevitably , be led to these local
jilts on that day. And the argument in favor of
letting the orowded population out into the fields
and green.woods, might have some, force, ff the
thing was practiCable: But unfortunately for the:
argument, access to the'fields, gardens, and woods,
in any direction from Philadelphia, at points
capable of being reached by the railways; is im
possible, froth the fact that they are fenced in and
carefully witched, and that visitors will be 'lim
ited to the dusty ibaff and the smalf beer' henna.
This is no less true of Pittsburgh, than of the
Quaker City.
The Sabath Discussion has done =eh to reveal
the anim us of the infi ne
el portion of the co
ninnity, and, of the desire secretly entertained
by the enemies of Scriptural truth. .
There are three hundred and ten Churches' in
this city, possessing property, according to the
assessed estimate, tcr the - amount of $4,000,000.
The Noon• Day Prayer-Meeting has been kept
up through the Summer, although with a dimin
ished attendance, when compared with last year.
Daring the keit week the meetings hare been
larger than usual ; and it is probable that when
the goie6tees return borne, the attendance will
be Isrgely. increased.
The Union Prayer-Meeting of the Presbyterian
eburebes,, on 'Thursday afternoon, I ts, still held,
and, .rneararaPl9.:
ri . * - • k;
Eor tna Presbyterian Banner and Advocate.
$8*.11: N. Parsons.
DiedlAugusi lOth, at Southampton, L. L,
Rev. hi. ?axons.
The life, and the early death of this
Brother inakeltej SY
' B
otir lm l ry a il7=Kinaness ot heart, gentle
neks of,-spirit, and a refined ease of manner,
iogether with educition and grace, had pe
traliarly fitted him for the winning preacher
and pastor.
He first settled at Illorichesi,'` ' bat h hie
failedom4 in two or three years after
his entrance .upon his labor he was cow
pelted to seek health in the South. He
visited Cuba, and while there, he served as
Seaman's Chaplain. -Spending two Winters
there, he returned to his flock, and remained
one year.
Hoping that an inland climate might be
of advantage, he accepted a call to Warrior
Run, Pa., and served them a year or more.
His health was such that -he could not
abound ,in preaching, yet such was his
spirit, his kind words, and life among them,
that his brief ministry was, blessed, and his
memory is still a living epistle for Christ
among that people.
He loved to preach, and felt it .a sore trial
when laid aside. That he might then do
sornething,.and as a work in sympathy with
This feelings, be wrote a small book, now
published by our Board, " Christ's Tempta
tion in the Desert."
As a preacher he was persuasive and
winning. As a pastor and a sufferer, he
commended more by his manner than by
many words, the meekness, the gentleness,
nd sustaining grace of rist:
The evening before his death, he spoke
of his unshaken confidence in Christ, and
his joyful hope of entrance into rest.
He has done a good work, many, bless his
ministry, and weep his death..-
In the keeping of his
_covenant God, he
his left a wife and child.
For the Presbyterian Banner and saroeate.
Kindness . Not Always Successful:
AUBSBRS. EDI:r0118 :—Qn. the,first page of
yirar paper, Ang. 6th,1859, occurs the fol
lowing paragraph : "We have never yet met
with'the man, woman, or child, too degrad
ed for the voice of 'kindness - to reach the
heart, and to lead to confession of guilt, and
% desire for amendment."
I. know not whether this is intended BS
the experience of the' Editors of
,the Ban..
( diner and Advocate, or whether it be some
waif, the owner of which is unknown. But
the sentiments which it contains, certainly
ignores,.and la contrary to the experience of
the writer of this communication, (who is
unwilling that any dead fly should slip into
your pot Of ointmento but also, as he has
reason to believe, is contrary to the experi,
encie and 'testimony of the Lord Jesus
Chriat, and of several of those holy men of
old, who spake as they were moved by the
Holy, Ghest. It appears, in fact, to the
writeri not only to give re barrow and false
view of human nature, and its depravity,
but also to attribute to kindness an effect
.'no agent but the Spirit of God ever
. did or ever can produce. Gratitude for
'.kindness shown, or , favor received, may be
felt and expressed to some extent by t h e
woio and:. post abandoned of the human
species, and yet never in any ease go so far
as to produep " confession' of guilt, or de
,sire, or am miment, ' eithe of heart or, life.
" The love of God is the sirbllmest grati
tnde," says Paley, "which the'kindness of
any man never yet produced, or even rip'-
itroximated—celestial fruits never grow on
earthly ground, withnut both Divine planting
and culture." Ye'seek me,.riaid the Saviour,
to the Multitudes, not because ye saw the
miracles; but because 'ye did eat of the
loaves and were filled.
I am the bread of life; ye Also have seen
me, and beteie not.—John vi. Christ went
'about doing good, and the law of kind ness.was on his bps also, but his perfectly disin.
terested kindness never prod:aced in a single
instance, eonfession of guilt or desire for
- •
amendment. good work s , ' s aid he
have I, shoied you from my Father,_ for
which of these' works `'do ye itone me; and
BO David complains, they rewarded me' eni i
for- good, - althOugh I behaved' Myself as
though. he had been my friend or brother.
FrotWri particular stand point (i. e. when he
sat chief;' and dwelt as a king in the artily)
Jobeheard the blessing of him that was ready
IQ perish, come 'upon hini but When that,
Stand point was changed, he was a by-word •
to the same people to whom : iforetime he
was a tabret. To 'return good for good is
manlike to be sure, hut no son of man ever
proved himself even-thus a true man, un.
c lees he first become a new man created after
lhe image of God. • ,
If good,: moral , results . ever flowed 'limit
kindness or bountiful acts, God would he
greatly glorified in the earth. Show kind
ness to =a proud man, and he will consider it
as the homage juetly due him; and-Ihelen
efaotor of the poor may be Made a god of is
Herod was when he made art Oration to thorn:
But thinks and blessings for lets of kindness
to the poor`and needy never yet "led so far
* as confession of guilt, or desire of amendment
on their part.' Those *lies' do good' for
Christi's sake, Christ will-reward; those "iho
do good from any other motive, Will have
their reward in kind. Some, says- Jeremy
Taylor, do good deeds out of spite, and preach.
Christ ;out of envy, in order to lessen'tfte
authority or reputation of others; - and some
are kind from good will; but in no case care
kindness break the ice- of human depravity,
or "lead trr confession of guilt, and desire
for amendment," for that is the exclusive
'work of the Holy Spirit. R.
Nor the Presbyterian Renner and Adirosate.
A Church' in the New Gold Region.
Rooky Mountains, July 22, 1859.
Messrs. Editors :--Knowing that you
and all. Christians in the States will feel a
deep interest in any movement connected
with Christ'a kingdom in theae "ends of the
earth,"4 eend you an account of proeeed
ings had in relation to the organization of
a temporary church in this place.
It being ascertained that- there were a'
number of Presbyterian'and Congregational
brethren in this vicinity who, have no. let
ters from their respective churches; yet
feel the need of church privileges, both for
their Own good and their usefulneasja meet
ing.was called on Sunday, the 10th inst.,
andafter a season of prayer, it was voted to
form a union church, which should be tem-
Porary in its character E and not disturb the
existing connexion of its members with
other churishes. A Committee, consisting
of Rev. Lewis Hamilton ; ;of the Presbytery
of St. Joseph, H. Brown, and E W.
Henderson, was appointed to = draw up a
Covenant and articles, of faith suited to our
case. On the following Sabbath, ti , e Com
mittee made their, report, which was accept
ed and adopted ;. the articles of faith being
such as are usually, adopted by Presbyterian
and. Congregational churches. I will not
cumber your columns with them. The Pre
amble and Covenant being peculiar, I send
youu copy.
preamble. , Feeling the ~ i mportance a of
Chuich header Our spiritualtim
provement and enjoyment, and our 'useful
ness; and being now deprived of -them 'on
account of our peculiat circumstances ; out ,
residence here being transient, or at least, ,
uncertain, as .to its long continuance, we
hereby orga.niie ourselves as a temporary
arrangement, and to meet the ;emergency in
to which we are thrown, into a Union
Church, and adopt they following- as a Con
fession and Covenant, cordially inviting: all
' ,Who can adopt . this' Confession and. Conve
nant, to unite, with us- in this organization.
Covenant. t We hereby join ourselves;-to :
pais ? church, undoovenant to walk I,with.,, its
....4..memberet, in charity, faithfulness,: unti, so
briety; to submit to its government, and th e
discipline which it has appointed, and to
strive earnestly for the peace, edification,
and purity of the church.
Sixteen brethren joined in the above, arid
then united in celebrating the dying love
"ortitirifigirLON: — That 'wee ascent never
to be forgotten, by those who participated,
as the molst eyes and heavin. b h earts of the
brethren fully 4 attested. We canbut hop e
and pray the.,}4ad of the. Church, that this
'firsijoelehrationt• iir4he: Lord's 'Supper in ,
thee° Rocky Mountains may be the initiatory
step to more decisive measures—that the
Lord would smile upon and bless our efforts
and build up a Church to the glory o f
his name here, where a mighty empir e is
soon to arise.
We have regular preaching every Bah.
bath, by Rev. Lewis Hamilton, and a pray
er meeting every Wednesday evening, both
of which are well attended.
Yours, &c.,
Presbyterial Notices.
Re next "dated meeting et North&ld, September 13th , et
734 o'clock P. M. FREDERICK T. BROWN, S.C.
nest elated meeting at Sewickley, cnnimencing on Tuesday,
the 13th of September ' et 13 o'clock . A. M.
WILLIAM ANNAN, Stated Clerk.
The PRESBYTERY OF lOWA will meet in Mt. Pl meant,
on YliesdaY. September 20th, at 11 o'clock A. M.
T. STEARNS, Stated Clerk.
next stated meeting at West. Erbana, 1111., on Monday,
October 10th, et 734 o'clock P. M. .
Centre, on the . Third Wedneedey of September, et 11 o'clock
The PRESBYTERY OP ROCKING stands adjourned to
meet in Barlett, the Second Tuesday in September, (13th)
1869, at 7 o'clock P. M. J. H. PRATT, Stated Clerk.
to meet in
the church of Rehoboth, in the villas% of Ohl•
town, on,the Second Tuesday (the 13th) of September, at 12
o'clock M. ROBERT HATS, Stated Clerk.
The PRESETTRRY OF RICHLAND will meet in the
church of Lexington, on the Second Tneedny (13th} o.
September, at 7 o'clock P. kl. J. P. CALDWELL, S. O.
newt stated meeting on the bet Tuesday (30th) of Augoit
at Osceola, Pa., at 734 o'clock P.
JULIUS FOSTER, Stated Clerk.
The PRESBYTERY OF ERIE will meet at Sager Creek,
on the Third Tuesday (20W day) of September, at 2 o'clock
P. M. S. J. M. EATON, ',Stated Clerk.
The PRESBYTERY OF ZANESVILLE will hold ils next
stated meeting in Cumberland. on the First Tuesday (6th
day) of September, at 2 o'clock P. N.
. WM. 'M. ROBINSON, Stated Clerk.
The PRESBYTERY OT CLARION will meet in Greenville
'on the first Tuesday of September next at 11 o'clock, A. E.
D. M'OAY, Stated Clerk,
The PRESBYTERY OF WOOSTER stands adjourned to
meet le the church of Green, on the Sret Tuesday of Sep.
tember next, at 11 o'clock A. M.
R. C MERRY, Stated Clerk.
The PRESBYTERY OF DBB MOINES stands adjounied
to meet at Oskaloosa, on the fret day of September, at
o'clock P. 81: J.; M. IneELROY, Stated Clerk.
The SYNOD ON lOWA he adjourned tomtit in Muscatine,
on the , last'Thursday of^September (lath at 7 Oda* P. M.
J. D. MASON, Stated Clerk.
The SYNOD OF ALLEGHENY will meet. agreeably to
adjournment, in the Presbyterian church of Mercer, on the
FonetliThuraday of September, (22d) at 2 o'clock P. M.
Narratives of Religion from Presbyteries, are to he sent
to Rev. William M. Blackburn, Erie, Pa.,before the lust of
September. ELLIOT E. SWFT, Stated Murk.
NCAS gepartma
tising columns for the time of commencement of
thin institution.
Pnor. Claw, we learn, has disposed of his
interest in the New Brighton Seminary, of which
he has been so successful and popular a Prin
cipal for several years, and removed to this
WAvammy.—T. B. Peterson & Brother send us,
through W. A. Gildenfenney, " Highland Wid
ow," another volume of their cheap and pop
ular edition of the works of Sir Walter Scott.
Our readers, however, are not to infer from
such notices as this, that we approve of spending
time insuch reading.
New lintourox Sranweas.--Thia institution is
advertised in our coltunns this week, for sale or
rent.. It has bas been in successful operation for
six years, -and will afford a good' opportunity to
any pertion desiring a location for a school.
Allegheny County Agricultural Society.
Our advertising columns, contain a notice of
the Eighth Annual : Bair of this prosperous Socie
tY- liYeste? l P.ennigylvania and Ohio, are cor
dially invited
,to take part in it, either as exhibi
tors : or.. visitors. The arrangements of the So
ciety are excellent the premiums -offered are lib
eral, and every effort will be made to give inter
est and efficiency to the occasion.
The Eftburgh Review.
The number for Jitly has eleven articles char
acterized by great research and great ability.
Theyare-1. State of the Navy; 2. The Acro
polis of Athens ; 3. Memoirs of the Court of
George IV.; 4- Life and Remains of Douglas
Jerrold ; 5. Fossil Footprints ; 6. Queen Marie
Antoinette.; 7. Dr. Cureton's Spine Gospels ; 8,
Life of the Duke.of Wellington ; 9.
, AciamDede 10. Tennyson's Idylls of the King; 11.
The late Ministry and the State of Europe. Re
published by Leonard, Scott A. Co., No. 79 Ful
ton Street; Nevi York. For sale by W. A. Gil
denfeiney,' Fifth Street, Pittsburgh.
Atlantic Noahly.
Our attentive friends, Messrs. Hunt & Miner,
have sent ns the August number. The extent
and variety of .contents are greater than usual,
while equal ability is displayed. Evidences of
the influence of Dr. Palmer, the late addition to
the editorial corps, are already apparent in the
more comprehensive range of subjects and
criticism than formerly. The " Autocrat " still
discourses on theological subjects in a very bad
temper, and exhibits his usual proclivities and
partial views in snob matters. Dr. Holmes un
derstands medicine, but is lamentably deficient
in theological knowledge.
Unhealthful Habitations. Rat Riddance.
Best Tooth Wash. Humad Mortality.
Papered Rooms.. . Soptdatory Calculatiows
Use the Sunshine. el ikwhor's Habits.
Where to Ballot. Death Rate. .
Drowning. ' Food AdraterstiOns.
Lightning Shike. • impure Air.
Occupations of Life. ' Air Cure.
Squatter Sovereignty. ' .Deadly Emanation.
Curing Consumption.-''.••.- IA Welcomed Death.
Filth and Health inadiertencies.
Rfillosoiby or Life. ' !Notions, de.
One Dollar a Year. Specimen' numbers, ten
cents. Address Ball's Journal of Health, New
AUGUST 21.—There , is little, if any doubt, from
circumstances which have recently transpired,
that a'Convention or treaty between the United
States and Mexico, will soon be Concluded and
received here from Minister McLane, early in
September, in which event Mr. Lerdo will return
to New York, with the view to conclude the pe
cuniary arrangements already initiated by him,
instead of first laying his , plans before the Juarez
Government, as , he originally intended. This
treaty will probably be confined mainly to the
United States transit over the Mexican Territory,
with certain commercial privileges, or exemption
from custom duties in that connexion, together
With provision for adequate means of protection.
It is - confidently asserted that the compensation
for these advantages can easily be rendered even
tually satisfactory.
Other treaties will be proposed in due time,
and in these arrangements there is no reason to
'doubt tki;.t, provision will be made for the satis
faction of American claims against Mexico.
DistiognisVed friends of the Juarez Govern- ,
ment,including a number of Mexicans now here.
regard „the latest Mexican news as addition
ally encouraging to the cause of the Constitn
honalists,- and Speak of, the exCom n i nn i ca tion of
that'llartYr`bi the' Aretibilihote of Maxie*, as a
harmless proceeding.
R. CONOTRR, Stated Clerk
MAIM for August, oon.