Presbyterian banner & advocate. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1855-1860, August 20, 1859, Image 2

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Prfirstmkatoitotreso;i o69 .
11111111,111koo 5i,... la advaaaaj_aet COMM
bars, lIDLOO. Aar Prospootura ea Tiara Pais.
AL t should ba promptf a . little
Irbil* before tits year expires, that we stay
stake fall arraagematato for a 'toady supply.
WEI* IMOD WItAPON.III thiteateo that we
desire a rastawah If, bovrivar, the-haste
of aaallthigo'thli atrial Mould be omitted, we:
hops oar friends will stlll alit forget rub
payamat by *alb
baud% arbook aolavoalatat. Or,, mead by sails,
s ataloalag with ordlaary ear., and trooablbil
'Reboil, with a Iraiowrltaiws of whit yea hilt
ilothig. Per a largo amiattiatip semi a Draft'? •
lorpte batiks. IP Ire pnpars,sepsaeli
or small !motes._
l go '
'1 K z Grit poka
, • WWI*
or bettor Saadi tior toot* .
or Movaitty aomabors, o0,e1. 3 11:alr
DIRAC. all L tttttt andl.Ceposayhtest l o. o
to DAVID IsILINNAT .111'01).. Plttebir l;,
' thibbth . • MIDIS. '
t I• 't
thi e .1 1 ,q . 1 21° 1! 40 1 6. 1 "14 i g i1t , • A°
beholds tati * 114 " ,
tube zot , eleably , washedcalids neatly
clad. toknotitlait;ioffunt'
these 14iflatesli people > °'ezbinded
from Gooks 11 ;*"'solt"aiiniti la tt1 : i0. 10 K ii,
not also fine. , Ifilier ittunials;44 APIS) A•l4
display made inTehurolvbithais neielboreb
This istimblidg
With this, vie* Ire 101 .1 13 1 /F' / 4ft:
readers, art , sdmhtf_,
fourth page, Read.and ponder,,,d,if yoiN•
approve of the , suggestions, lead. the way.'.
Make a nev i fashion.
The l'aeitle, EzpositF.,
This is a new.mandidate for the , :faverief
Presb,yteriensirbn.t.not a .begger.flor aeste 7 ,
nanoe.. It needs nas4ninine,4sid intuit iin f leii•
it or perii4,;.;l;ilt;sit #t30:!14,
and ability, Anlip.,t9 13,?MoLcIts4./4Merlitt•
The .Expositor re a ,moqt,l2lp,ofi•fifty Ogee,;
edited by Rai , . A , ..)130et1,; , 1D:D.,: and .
, 1
published by George' W.",'Sitliieß i lh BM!
Cal. It is sot up , sed
filled with excellent matter. ir lt
blessing inAhe peoplo oLthis, StateeLonfthe
Pacifiti p . dad Will; .tnnit, 'have. the
oPP O OPOit of!ficifgre.l4 good . off the
of the 1ine1q...r0i,410,1?:
Let pbsoriba fopit. ;
$3 per, inmairi:nv 74 *I P. si •:,
-Paul ofwa , iirolusul. ►
Fours nurribtlis 'after 'the" Pielleitt VIM &fel
• •
the seventh volume nf,tNa ,Ptull s 'etidc
its title of Presbyterian Benner. The•Seree t
shown us has beep vary great, and our efforts ; te ;
serve the Church have been t liinited, but by,'
the measure of our abilitt," l . 3 .pilige nnri
ber of •subtoriptipini!'*itititie
time. We. repple !ensiT,
ai d ttif t :..TE
and ask , thatlhe remind .:miy,be, prom pt,, 7 "
a week ir ititt;bilfirethe time is out, would ,
be quite busfpese (lepartmerit
TERMS as tea ,;They are ex.cpiedingly
bat a large tetjapription, promapPy paid, end
well kept 14,10 edible ivaito Junto= very:
large expenses. .atitza IntioU
• , tof , . •
Oar SavertiAneipstron* baspen r in 4 /
t,t. !:.• VA!}
creased, but. we .beve.enkrgplaur..ebeet se'
eordingly ; so that ' the .ampunt 2 of t rpading ,
matter in oar 'columns'. •was mar greater
than it is at 'p'resent.' -qt &O TT 144 , 7
.7 Tivis!; !!:
Sine of the Tentae.ani 11
We 00P.MV19°)_,t.V.R4414 Ti na
lieation 'Ors 11 ee 4 0 / 1 104 igeljeltr*
Rev. J.:R. 4 oOldpo s latafirikehil•Pea; -, Miir
imbjeo4 , lllil,olll6so;:(4mir , treed ii `
trul ylS 6l l 4l o iial M e t!'ilf ic eat i*ei
nen Ot4 1 1 0 " 0 , 11 illud, .411;:i6iP fteki9 l l4
earneetbeem.. Andirtill, iCiseitith.somelhelit
itation that ivcilJeld to the &must [request
of the werthilisiiiresi: Welthibk
mons ISh 011
(.„ 1
/3 . thin AbcY ari;iniabct444/P , in ,pa ph-.
let or !book. t , They lasis Amt.? at all.,adatitedi
to the weitipaier.. *is ijoiti leo
lish(td"'s ihrtniniverY'
qr. 4
large i,prortiy:pon o of our, read
satisfied g th#
the practical; And this is. the only,..inistanee
for a long thi'itilitowhiSh.w hi* 'o4l:led
to the soliotigiotkiliir'hia"hlyediri•eirigi
mente ,
d 0.1 , v - ~ f
Those • WhOi)!Ffiuld ~ use the .ezcspapei,,
roust condense their thoughts, and be satisi
fled; even then,-withilpreseilting but a feii
of them at a time. elie demand of
the publics: kifirns o sit . ,f2r e 4hp l pulptt ;
brief, condensed. ; pithy artiells, w t. on occurring
events, for, the,nevrappper,i , ; i 204
. ; , . . .60"14/ utc
Thei Pitishurigh•L! 0 1 tildrotiotita cif
last *l4' 4 T plelifijoniiiiiViel b oi i tiViroli i
( . 3 .0441- eqsa r d
6enn eg i a.PClO/ 4114 1! n flrimi lKs s
CI .
10 W 15 :i i MiUrdli of stlitt) triCil77
Arminisaaism is the more commomfonsCoterier
which mr,orhe its ,way intmthoT k yangOical Chnkaha
It onghtp,,he )tpown saad Assistid:,
cies of fe e `dcetriaewhicliMai , ha . bsist in con.
neati On 6' 3 4 oriald le 1 'degree 18,
life ; = lbfrtliichereVeY•injailotto.7 Voirtiltif. feriae;
and leads to deception.—Preebyferiait fl3anser - eiluiF
Our neighbornfithellaregNtericm t LiOner is en
titled to our congratulationt.. We seldom fl 4
more truth' in the sat e. aiiiciuntsof plisse 'than' he
has rnanaked , to' crowd:: ints iithese few , 'lines:
There is, however, oils, material error, to; which
we would direct ‘attentign.' W,hathergi t t is,iypo-
graphical, or not; he knows .' "But if - he i irill.suli-`
Istituto Cofeinistu 'for ii o lliminiaiiiirii,i'lt'76ll` e iii,
coniletimoy'to the'pareiraplertind 3 aild' Pi lb that.
additional merit' of perfect truthfulliese P.od:i 'E,.
At this I suggestion . 'of difir'miightifif, Ist
re-exialifei2 Ana , little' Paiiiiiitsit,"a t id A i
gild that it Zee no t ' tiaintikift "cue iiisiq r4 ''
ski . , = . AJ , , 1•11 , .. . .t
error." To substitute . Calvinism _foi_fi -
minianism," would litterly.;„take,loll its
truthfulness:. We lave been ' somewhat
close observere . of Anninianism, - from oars
boYhoed, and hive- had miiiilifOßPortithity OF
noting _the siorliiCiS r ia tife ! "'siiiigiii i i lliisti diiii i
~ ... .. . , Nurvflt rzt .1:
as itflixhibits itself itt f the n49 o Pilift.flikilril i t
also se- modified; stippreseed; or ocattrelleil>
in the regerierateil'; - arid onrbelief risittiaV
our stateinene:ii 'iiOrrinit. '' 'Xriiiiniiiiiiin /fel' .
„ ~ ~ t...;. : ~. .Itorii, . a .7.(02,..
oNierinjursoms. ,it rostersrpn e, au mace
to deception." This is its teedenoy; a 414,
the result will be fatal; unless -where it is
resisted and iiverpoviiied r ifi , Mine-Wigs :,
3 4 1 Y!! bout is., `by I;,T's''A.l.i,i4iqii„i);Y:
enlightening, ' drawin g , ',g, rearaiseliieglivi,
, •, T
it becomes CalVinistio. Every, tritly, : rfgawr .
crated man ' is; at heart; cealiriniatolullis ,
speculative notions may lien reeltly *tat -
bit the piiit'ii teiiihisialthiesNiikiiffilli. 4
Hence, it is ,that a Ohristilsnll2lo# Rea
Arminian, but , must , .‘prsy , Illhilobaliiii. l illii
Before man, he exalts himselfilitt whinihe'
approsohes God, he, bows hid; proud spirit,
confesses !WO!. hat ,f9tnigaSkesnF,Per
Gates mercy, lid' a sk s lii Maier 'o worli in
him both to will and to do:
-/: ~
f .. ^•.Y ..~.
The Preibytefiln Dr/,'
T o :ivell's.Theory of the Chord'''.
The North , Carolina Presbyterian of
magnet 18 - tifi7initn iErtlfrlollslrOfnh%
late Assembly on the resolutions asked , for,
recommending the American Colonization
, to tha fsvorable "tiger& of the
- ohitrOh'es, addiq ' t st'': ? !t.i
It ought to be stated tbat the Monday pre
done, the views 6f Dr. 'Thornwell had been
titdoptid! and Jimiorseiclihyo,tkeLAssembly, in its
almost unanimous ,vote,., is favor of the re
commendation of the slime Coinmittee to make
the-following-answer _to .thaJavertimeirom _the
Presbyterian Historical Sikiety, salting the As
senkhly io recommend to. the .-ohurohes to, T take up
s'oolleetien '''
9 ' The eh l uivi t t " Of Jeite's 4titt4abedi;ceek.
mtwitoold tint* to execute the revealed :Will, of God, can
anatain' net direct relation to any volnatarl e iiesoclifickm,
howevertiraiieirorthfin theiiiims, formed' t the purpose'
of -promoting the interest, of art', literature, or secular.,
morality. Where eueli Booletlei involve` no' wrong princi•
plea; it le a matter of Christie& join them A. not
.Join..ttielm encourage them, or otherwise—and therefore
the ohurerahonid , loare,tehia-where r ,Ohlintileft }hem; M I
'thin round. diecretnin
euni l !ile pee .
-Is it dot's littli alir i thaVWheit the tineetiOit'
was tug exathinitilon'l
ite simple hieritb, tifiperatedslrOm 'all side issues'
and sectional bearings; it shiuld 'commend: iteollf
ile`fairly , and_ilionestly tq the. - Judgment of every„„
!memb'er, of ,the Aesembjyy. 4t., i was,very. eitdept"
,ths4t thep*'elpie wae t right and true , but, the 'op?
'lin eation: f an the 'Other ease-woe eimply unpopular.
IV grant' o6linter to.' inen's • prejudieee-Lhend then
Isle favor mbielFit•reeelvei in. some , quarters!
The 'Ausembly hevennequivocully andtheactilyo.
,JnEtorisegthe i theo i lyi resolution concerning,
,the Presbitertan HietOrieat'SWciety ;' and'as
inetiinWOtr is i ef a' far more dealdedly religions . ;
COloitization Society; the 'Aria -if.
,will'Applyiintioh!snore powerfully ti rte fat ;
teirthse 40itkihfIMege 91 It
B°l 7lUh ' criiitatioth rear regarded :as t)uro'
ten' . ...;
j exitance of a pretty . long arfiatvativoestmg
.•., , - - 0 • -. lf , r:1,7/-nf,,;Th ;
ptlr r y hen oe d e a d. some c110t100) showing. tal.] ,
inbonilitatignean, ifs 'not Ns filliel.;a r j.
, cy , h iv. • ;.• . .c
Thek,./keliN.ery lut;iol7.ll?4lPotea) . to is
Agifibiety •ti nays t"' T he . .
1:., 4.7..1414 1.
°l' ;Jeeps , ' lllri fi , .114 8 . .sPlAlfsif4t , ,
%Thielimpliee Shit ;•thefiChtiroh inlay{
lb' eoneidered' in other eapeite th4h iierety '
filbsew o i;e einritual .The prep:
tV,,VI .{
'o tio > ot+is
*twerp, &defeats one from . . that, of
. Ifiiiiziieu;•4 viz , • tifilti, 44 ,l4iii i eliViah of , "
en t • ; .t.-r • ' • -
'qoa.ia...atacturarvamr..e. opt titti 1 4 pi poik
Lion, and' Odeeesees Noirrbtitranal , Friciii.o
er.' r iotgboe; sg,.giffirmfAftp.o e smel ,p
left htdobteit iusde'i• infaffirmati r oncobthe;
61i (•' .1 1 . ( !.171,tf . p 114: Pt."l! , < 1
, I or; ~(1,4
.. I ;,the i gtristiloß,.presepted r it
examined-ort , ikeinspkbeteriAt,g sinoorkeßt.
fTher9altrrlilli'riO," " - orthati:.
- t • 0 ••• f. 10 .1.7 . .qq)
neetwn ) nor or;anyAlleh ark I.olstAlMPloji.•
. the'Aieertnres'arad,beak kbpalaiolsgbt :the
• )r 0 4` ..Mt St T. ECIVIVI.
lakilniikitei)o 3 %%T.:44 ) 44geq9 P..toPPAllet.. ,
tbar onitiattla lOth-dst 'of the neneion
Jesid •
rdimailymeinioriiika4 'begun to.. lid irk , us,
P Feld 0 47 4 , 4,404** 41 ,F.2:::#.0(0f te;
isgme - twos ty•eiix overturam mare T then tipre l , •
- muted, and some tw47ntylwo orthain t Slid)
Vas One
siii elka! r rinnittei 4l
'the 'TOI a, ! amswi amsremiss. LUw-gi
000iPigii 9n 4.7e4tYllvt 9. l rnAgek.ltal on ly
9i.partlof anorni4a eseasion: Ir. Barely: this v . '
iti0n1a42664)11 Silk& SIP
• °. *o4'4
. 1 7.) L'v IL' Nit r.i
the hone' Wm" fa wag •
,r 1.4 •
.44 Lp.; ri
sPot a-,Pfell34ll.ilia;OhurokYATlLitB4.4,ol.l6 •
meritiit;"d noryet twastit Dl7/ Tes. theoiy dig . - a
*latter' drlb
Elie 'Agent, -
riiiiicA:iiiitiit`""tiliVi4.. kilt°
4. piety. ~ .... I.
At 4 the g deoiaionu..trae f inek_ jts tithe tip., the;
. t
oolleetioi. eSiimee feliAnembersAniy lhaver:
19_ Stsd i l.^t l
veay y'•Zi;jlll
P .472 lT , 7 ll t.r# l .jßi gl rMt
piiSeipies. it is prohibit) that not, pliz?pty,..
,sieS , thodwAthangh,to644l,4 c populimi;
ftheorrat tliet Anduireallt
"pp Oi!e l ihkellijOTßP ; iol 14116%1bl:1.
sNitf Fe* 4 e. g i i l4 ,4# 4, , , lrdeiiiimitioii,
by oi,:kilikeoo,i;lo,lPA, fliciti'Wmgt473) ;
• ,t4i ledieethin g liadorsemenc , of, hie *lrk;
neither , iiiut 3hiak i it' 4air Efor parting)
t _,,, 04N ., I:1 1 14 0
bit g,i_zmqviff and helartay, It? ! 10
iu a L• 4. 1 . , le. . nn.t y sTt at !.1*
IneionroOno; rAPltoth44o l .l,Prsa
Tor atagoliiiiinum42o, .613 >4 1:.) bus
3.. lite aiistat siyi; thettherghuroh f, v a l l
etV irorOtaOr
i ii
,afursp.m, ..pip v e
.4 mrgba
hplipitme trOsirti rRASnii,)/3.11.9k-Ml,lllBlq.
.as wouldrauthorisetimilindrfavortbleissAde,
'if ;unt i ed; alidieienutoleneoura'ge,iwynisea:
twat', ais "
terial het meraberio. . 1 . 7 t"
4.,,ThElapgulage,l l ,cog N tlie smw,e,r
sedition"! td promote. that interdste.,... et art ' s!
Iteriturer • - ;;fr 10itt114ignioiality.'?`:;'AgiesWP
• Is. e( / arg,
linonymetanrcla ox, kore v ary,
$ . .1 .- c oseme
PIYebO49. I .TeAVA.P iltYstinOtlMl te. o 9P44:l9Rei
, denigned7l4:etttotnotaißeleitmonility,totvolks
tideihublibitf,f , l l;3 re=.l •
maßvi or
, 1 ;
e we! 2.lntarta i
rti EG , .11/1, t•knieri. -Jo
nilititeAledsPNlCO'clier ,POl, Mit*:
!inut some Maio& Lithe clhurehpthimgW it-ti
lbw l i11 0 4 030 V-1.34 01 5ti9P lac in. 000 0P 100 11 0 ' '
'with/the ; Church% designs sands ninis„ *skim
prptnotide of' k'pTrE titififirf
A n.l 4110 %,,r 't
yaeserve, aLooliartnerelpii, fr
• , S/e 0/ - 4 .1 , 1: , A. , (3 J) 0.:11. ,
ae .kt i ltePf P.P. U S. h Vg.P.n t t 9 •-l e t eer il
her fannollid)retetiTe(hqr: 0 01 nrAPIPO: 0 1 11 !•',
Rho sinsirersaSrsiughthe Chttretrehbuldi.,
1e3413 iheiscskfolintrily Atitioilitiorito *hefty'
. . 13 4 , 4r 3 5 . 1 : ,.. 8-8 1 1 / 11
0 .1 vriiii°ol2—iprt crr i t 01-1•;!
jcilittyliati. wig&, regiNrd5310,1P0J94*1n.,
tir'=thatn the iceople- of dGedriinfrAeseinbly
mettireiltiO t'h'eir' satindTalkeibtria,
a f o ai atib i fe r t j oast ,seici tatito97 'nft4 .ig,l
• • 11 . 1 'N t ! , / 71 1 / 4 ,44 ,..(11 19 ,Aviacrixt
°w3..n, 41, t4,4l°P.aucn °° ll 6 3l , fk u %l9)i_.wiu .
its designs, ...kMrings, and insults t sa t , toylka
promotive ' otrthe . Chtiroh4i work—riVattisie
promotty I°~hrist ' s 'klYog~lOm , to rally's
and nisi g.4.l c lic t a n vil zei wi
1uvv.Y.,;144 7 vs , ci st"Trgq,Ditt ecit • 0 miser y
P r° P*Mis i r ,l g! u ktPPPOb PPEES 4 IOgA t Iig.
pll,4noidedgdo,aind I , ,bzinging man i.un,, , ! 1
4:llAdthe infinemie &shit
set:Wes tehi al o4(" - ' s l
P./1 • ..
#ptti of- Tit. heart, yelieve" task •
f • CI , : ic".. e lir /5 ltl A PO, 7,
"Okil i g 4 P .I!! 2 ° B PP, riketd,;aildAVlll
influencesattof nthel-Colonisatiobilkk4oyis,
I •
übhc dottb designs(' re the , nibtivett-:nildhpePo
• plisal"' f °Finteli,i'Asliintinfistlidis i eltlind
others, artnii'inen who ortgtnated the
sbraiy,;alTW' 6 ititsiriii#virervieritilA
w h i4bkife i lfPt n4 I°' A °usi ge
If ft t; mv9J•ct e se s
littiltPPls o P4`..„ o 9. o #4)o o )._, 11 1 1 0 4.01110At.i. 0 . 0 ,
olttinotimt snots* tril important, Ms.
tionttersVte cihurclty?i'd'itrmty !klifilikOntcr
qr r.".3 00: itidliewi fi tii4ois:J., a
N ,
SW Er 1 00+ , 1
W.4.444 , fiet Ameilllgh 18 49 , tro, l .lo ll otirr
cid tkodypmight ginate:, r and I
07Ifrir Whibiti r Colmilettiett,
e° l 144 1 .191f 4 3, : k0 z ,fiRC ,
10 440 411 .04 . 4 ,a gi."41.4g er- A ti° 94o / 2/.1
1111 ailed bften, doperepasid ettoonragingly tcif Ail
the` Minn ai'underistkorillbY:OhristiabunfeiP
.• "11J.1“.. PSG
Kilf_ rip; kill z 434 fifiet 001.03;e43,-
urtaan familia:
On 'this whole subject we may have more
F rya
to hey, when we:s/1 ' ! seen Dr ( orn
well's theory steed, by imself more fally;
deliberatively and argumentatively; a favor
ber oftlis e gouthern,Pnesbyteriate r ,Review.
•. 4.A
Church Extinaion at HOme-111: "Wish
..t c r. ' ajr:ll' , l7l
"If any,_ provide not for 144,0 w% And.
specially fog, those of his own I:qie t hejtatti
donde& lq/ hors with-
,fidel,".. _This sentiment has its_primary ap•
plioation to parents and masters, - but it
einibracies also,
l in iti. principle, churches,'
Cities, and nommonitiett, I , ;
Jost, oolr, 7,:ooffirnendo
`of Presbyterians in tie l oitiel ~ 01.itstasii,
and .A;lloien , y;
Have we m e;►rograionsforotiAw4 ; i —,,that,
iffi'fOr r 'Otir men • who .. .belong IW' our
It :Lit+ , 11_61 ,, t.:4_1 , 1 op
MUM sogiallinyge L.„. ,
.aptwe tun:; so,maFe
1 11114140 . 1111 1 6 H
4 OWlia .3 it :with .Birmingham,
WfA i g l OklOrikl, 3 l i i
tirovpiapealciandi a n d: other Aflacte4:lllona l
tri tpiti lo 1110it.t
:."Mrf Nxl , l • 1911 G 7 tiri:..!!
,titZ tit• loVePgM a t °t , n41 I "ll,inr.i
ei:liPloaotaw.liatio....b,ctih,poo,B4lle and PAO!,
`Cable inlitoremonrrimalleit Bonn
iVE, liieel e
jt ir s — Arbl)
removed bb
ri:n geo.,-71n n t ?CU 15r; DOlll `f
Tf„ o!rmrtg V.,A o3 ,toilytto w / filppi ratio),
AMOK Oftfts Two {pwrialhp, wqrpottitibto
bind. il3Wirere.sioiit. ith l eiiv souls r iiireoioniors
fidt, tit if'-iiihotniarof
It h, 5 a ldr i en in ii
J “Joovr Jr4t b: , •+ na•;••
To indio9.:thoP WPFP,9 1 ,14M 1 0, 0 9,.kV591,
fuss ithpossihie, on acsounktotOfkolihtincls:
of. thee' e4aim' of pews; and ofithe: oostlya
NparelAbere fPehionable3 Thewramady lat
on itigiested 14ififoli'iltlititife:' • AO. ,
"oit o rdin t ili,i` smile I
dhouse ,
ti 3 Vae l e4;yatsC/Pw, /TO.; tt, PA t t 3 ll,
lthronn's it ' oge.thri.irOdeleeetA. , agus-sR* 2 4
,were eriota • sup es :off pfesohins, n
!.. ....twoßm .h; '14 , W7
'" g a P i AtU I Pf(PMAP,T;7, B , , P I 3g * SPi a t•YISLI:ft,'
4 11Orsilpblessiogjelorowping,the,Alfort. J o •
noriojaAJlffabliohl , ,iiiliirciiiiiiisi; 4440
e . 0.4011 - ,—. tv.uuspn - L'lrr 'Ore..- r ___
" W eigr l i l gr:Oil efne t e4iGeoo;iiihotiBa Al
W I , PPPAAPPWaIint4 Wfy: Per° 0 1z11,11 1 an . Y,
'''dt them stimilydathsr. , ‘ §Olneief theI ' AIIMIKe:
,quitOcsinlillolohildienii This ‘'delihtisdine.ti
Evenlifi i oibagoilit sf'siri "-Linieliottuitibiut
- .
e t ' i TPA . St) , 3 Ifi Ira {. l nil ej . 0;16. 11
l ilig. 3 e AVM Al ° 411 R lNilra rs " Id
Tin Jiv,to,,lP ' 7 .-;
71 thficliarhMNlF•t4.?thffunPtillileALM/P
kik ofneeklabd ashorlivaa .400 Ow to
.41ro atSitiiiivoi tOdvmditoinidetbthatliitheri
,libr Vuilifilig oilier' iddiilehilditehei klUd
help lititild ii tigia b iii4 h t aikeib' iiiiioi t irliiio-:
' 1 4.1P.1. ' MN iiftltgl - Pli:ftierb
/,‘, i•-„ _, t0, , ,t(41 r ,lt ;Mu 4 ***44l zitoto 0 . 1
me geilp:i.:i s. tit ih. , :i Ji x...;.ual : - ..4
`... iiitiowgiiikatral havelnow.t nearly . ] emit.:
plete . di'ii welt iihniShAito4obiable - of 'to:
''UOninT4Sietviti f hihriiil gidilftileielins;.
.• -1 ~, • ~. 4. NI: % •/} .1' 0 1 ( • !I •,:..i " wi 4
rid TAlig,k) ll 9Y, , ,xPEAt Aritiqe.7l. l nPrlgn..ii°
dedidate)oolear, Left,iiiebtge They - ;number.
•forty2foUr.tonimunioantspand hive •wifieb-,
' %idle', detail ',.'bfl - Zoilei l lhtuidi'difil Selibliiii:
Thei;Vaiditi - whtTiiok itio'bit'i4,iido.`"
~..„, I. .1/. . /s ui J.ltt., 's
i•,,, Now, *ex:fob:lily ,alludsduttromight have.
dome to thezetlisieeoe!r:tiezthigie, -te,fwor=
' ehijo, i iiiiir'fiiii? *ld " thiel ligli ,, iiiWP rent,
teri m zi. ,• 4 ..1 ~;m.„l 'Wei 4.1 ' , )1A1 , , , 2.._ ...V. • kl,
ota yes paw footey. r , as, were seep nos
ti f . • • t P .• •A "r) • • a 9 * (• •
M U " khn i -e:P9 I O 3 .4I I TYG•P I P E K d .1* S ho uld
'got! others dorlikewiseo litidv did , cor dhey.
40 well'wh'o Side& thinivattlekeied though
'the NV1060436 ' ireie / Ismiiill74iit sibitid'
Pitl, g T.);LTethrt, - .7:' ejlt (+Pitt ,•(I' , ft. le
It notbe,„right and pr a ise, woFthy . to help
-, , ... . et r 'y ! c, (t : ~, % 111
them yob al littlerwkokei tto fiPiak *I .00kr 1 0..1
and shah!e tlibm.i.lo,!obskorite f it -,toi,G o d , s
Wore . hiirfiei,ifeeildir Aelirentlo *Madill
iti pp I .1).1)1. !)110 11;t 3 , ...;1 . 1 ..."-.1 ri - ihri -,&
per:Amery gionie quo"
.. --- ..m,)•• -, ~-n,. „rIC 7. •• • 1? .1` • r•• "J . i
- AP: I _ PM BPgill"q it , te:ffiiit#l4s' flilitn" 1
in thisieith' that they eliiiiitiopy_this Audi, :
Ilie; L and iroproveUpOnlit. if eit, , them' isiare ,
a far - of tliliii, inibibeiliiilio reSide hi' tie
• 'desti4 c iiSoiriais h , lid nf eielbriiiil', x Tie"ij i
r - siso wor l i •,,,/
and ,help them and,help.• t hem abundantly
ito idoitaplhave/theffstiinable7.faniilyi Iktille,
iWeehiiigthii: '' This'iwillim 1 providing for ,
!sheik argil . ""` Title dill 141;1464'6d , iati'dt.iiiiii
ifi d i r s i tur e c i t ta l r, n l io e n ll . l ~..., igSrinf*: - .•tr,ry
is) L. t *.', *ll nit• • .),(1 MS L't !any r; off zt
i„ ! rc,ii :4! ,t-:: . .s c ot.. m...t0 .:*, , el.vvr ,
i 1 .-
*lli iiiro r 'rociiiliii, iik At"ily; Nit:
ft , .-?i , : ,, ,f,
This, Institution has ..struggled ~ against
„piny A difieulties and.)4B, at. thelnitzuktime, l
'been , thighlrusefultto thoehiiroh. vats , pros./
peetii"ere ithiViltelitlYliieglfteliiidi aid' we
i •-, 0 rnikor n.:4 gortort 1.: .1 :,(rr' • t:'• i , . r,.
irusethit um : asp of its mourning are
/14 'A.I y•VI 7:41 - 1:14 Sla ,•.*•;1,., ~ ~••••,, 1,1
iindisi. I s ~ Jo• 1 A
4 , . •
•• i, y 301. Ng, Oi .1, ..;•
',l I ~r:
Attitegletertee inteenaepierit,lein .. efleung
Triii.ikiitooki their 'first rd'egree 1 in the'. Artio•
Ti l vViirllleiiillodii4OrWird t 6 tir'iilfribtiiiiii
inini f eff,'' Dr! 4- Voog P threident d elg4,
3 0. JacAil- .2 . 1 tA 'is„,u,ent ~ r
P is s c MY V l . au g u nttS lll 4 el, ,T1tt;. 4 ...., Wrlgittis9
, fitoießitif:addresse.4l , 4 the tElooiet3ok Relig, ,
ler alequiiy. t•aDr. IPlumeri.:addreisied 7 th
ILitfillaqMoilititiiii.P ; f -TlibTaladilimiis iniii/1
se .1 4 :0 1:1,-vt nosti. l .lltakrn act :Us. ."; , 1 f!'4.:1
JournaL .epeele A the eeeesion_se one or
V% 11:p..11.4 rlt 0-t.• 111,s; xgrsolt. z,f , :.1 - , ..“1410,
mpoh Interest. The religious oharsetfr i .of,
: tlie•tillakliMit "Adnint°,WlYelthfo/TWDIe.T4P
;festureagofr thtto, ) oliaraetstri,, indicate i great.
:bent& to ths leeirbuiltp 0 .ig V N i di IVot)ii
1 a 1 1 ttr)/ tt. :.) j6;tlC t; . l intl.l Asst'l lo e.c..,
; la to vit. i etT.:-;.tu.:Jogfitt fir -A etl,l oo 4tv
, . OlGaueralutisemblY's(StatiatiOlLti !if/
t I thii 3 PristriOiali 6t 'ittigulitil.Bth,"gitel
1 We ) f eihriiii itiliiiiiiiiit Odni'pari:"'.!'"
. co 30 'Ilt: 1.7...3) 1.)1A1 0 , ) ))) of ittlifra Vint In
A41 1 1 0 . 1 RP 1 0 8 914. of tlie.)e.thi,Piafie .. Ffi . 0 f t.k4i
;year, mitln .thoee, of Abe. ) prnoo4tng, t , L almr‘
tifetAetelliell.bei.ell A. net 4041 -.01/ 1 9si:PAnnal
1 7terildrigulitlentietfeng 5 (eenAidAtth 1 99.
',lnniet4M.afti.PllPPlllPP•erakit 2 P 9 .ol9(l%
'lmittoiciAte.,egihik tner9P4en An Leentlikettl4 l A
litr *olio** is 4 186 1 99,8 , whilato Ole tag.
mettle" Of SlPP.tKibutielMoannee. del ttkeeepn!
1 581 bOt;2. 2 thro os tigateelel et an oftle
The number of oommunlisete refrivell
.o Vierittil2all,6li'ii Fer7ilei r tlity is iil l? "tilT
;3;ear riiiiseo l t'lBg2';'4rfiint; t a ta
( i v t li t - q(11 4
11 sis..):( - .f tev., I is) 1 -, 0 11 *MU
of ',. e , 'extensive ',revitrala l the l nTutfr,aLair..
8 1 9.4"1i 1 1.833,"i1ie i l .4004,61110i35 repo
wer& "23,64 e '.. l The Zintinber'iii2"fOr t
lfiso:',ii'',g94s. ' rdi!" - .lB6,Eirttrigiii• *ale
20'190" Mt alliritiV . prieent w leif ' beibie
„?,,.., ...i .k: • b y th • fi n - • o f fi i i -.
14ritqly spelajd - e , tte e re
••.... .57.1 o w gear ..3 '%'' .!'
i lialliff t`'.i.jallipi hoe viLtoin, , . ,
• 1 ;to t )t .rafrpOlik. 4 o44 o 4.QPl. . :
I Thilfollii4in'glrillYhigi the bomiiiistive”
etegitioil of th'6 New iiid'Old :Selma : , J f-J
1 te j.s7:lifort ,allll. 9iii Zei , 6:11,,i N. , ~-,.•
g y fiaL, 91-17 si wiling :..., r 'BB , !,' I 28,
greebytaiieetlo at= .1, a • !,p.- . 1 ?.•,.1 x,1:168 : , " , 108'
igigep..4l.liJlt ef.d.ceioze •Tatib .IW 7 - 4546,,
.ffivre 1,...4 1 4*,g7 _/s°°u
oentistm, 7 '.184
Qatultdifiteer,cd Y TR aci I 717A711354 9 W,./ 9 LB7O
1 MTP4riadde4"9.n;f41 4. a1iee49 0 ;41 ,1 4140 ,7, 90 ,
TlNi °°r ""' . 4° . 9l B, - ,;T - le 3.FW.1§ 7 1 ,1 C 1 ° -
r ia ~, the .foroghing .statiotideof l eo mew l
ohooli are included , thetSynode of Virginia
tar I'diseouri,Kwhilihi -.however; do :noti ,pro,
' orly, belong lto.ithe 'New, liohool ... General.
Alt.ese 03 bly— i it ;will . (tie Observed, that; wh ilat
'oather; 91d0 Sehool ilkaly zt the, t .nuo2ber, of
e,burehee, exceeds Allot. of the ministers 1 14,
910, in.-,,te (New Soho s olt the . Eniaititm otitis
iiiipibin Ltlia L l:ohuro hen :by ,:a.!1.440ir. lailkl
difillteßl Ifite also; propeqpnally-treoeh Liegrit
nawarooo l than oore,,!eolthot.unlese theytePrf
gage ; la ore ,exteneiVel,y t ia: l misqiopaty.,work,,
th t ereisiatproepfotAbott t tlitty ; will 1430111 j have
more ministers than they ean..dispose of.
Adding together the statistics of both
i MI A '
ti ,
Aljv,oc,_ , T V '
. ; i '''''-'1'4 w 0144
- -'
v .„
~i ...: - .4. defeat' '
tuttn suite agate; at oprer-'pot le' w 010' ? °rola:m . o l o63l9m co l es in Whiftl some . v er " 11 6 , . - 7-4: j• Wylie, Pastor 8i0 ,., ad Str ee t g etout°
tittle guardians orthe pablie,tin
d l aeau re t o ~ .= th . arious Winches o ,he Presb,Re,,, rim f,annly, Tres . chn_rah, , ~
it. '.4...Willits,.,Pestor T h at Refo rme d Da
~ Patoter Third Reforms} p rl t e l,
'. a -controlling; infirtencei • toany church.
the law, have been discovered to be among the exercise ' ''
regular violators of the law . attempt toward the repeal of the law. Therefore W. j. B. Taylor ,
fir' and'*KlitredA r'''' " -"-"' - - "e . - ' •
$610‘411061091141 LPRMI.MPIMA 'WNW b r oa d
"2141rOEFOS CO ta,l,4 , Rribia d ;t6 - 1-a ye th a -, 4ire - adat rioare ,
The Ifitiror arid - Brie Railroad - has 'become .". J. H. A. Bomberer, Pastor First Germ* Be
. • to, gets neiclaw,passed, confer Ting upon Conn- C a stle ,_
~ ,
8° utterlytankrupti that its shartynhaveleul l' li -ht t determine whether the oars shall ~..c , s r I,° P ur '.!:. ' •
.1, am .el s t the "
right o
to five per cent. The total cost of hulloing
. a ph Craster western methodi s t Bpi&
run or not on-the Sabbath, and in this waY-tlrallig church.
equipping - this road was $83;742, - 000. Aflength ,
, e matter
directly to the test of the ballot box, Alfred Pookman,,Paptor Union Methodist Bpis..
iCrielriver'hislieentrpointed, Withipotrer te-i rnit' ;i; - h a c hi i!. .1 • l. 0
• ; ..., ~. ~ c - - • -,..--* • inPhilade l p hi a, l
or any place that may boil:40 1 W .. 0 r •-• .. -• , -
the road, and pay the operatives and the interestD. W. Barone , Paster Green Street Methodist
btai uch a law. _We repor t tit'proposi ti on."
- - ' - - - -Bpis. church.
"" "-1" 11" - " I robabili '' ° ° °
on mortgages - an other ebts. In al p
fewt2 that the friends of the Sabbath laws may know Franklin Moore, Pastor Wharton Street Methodist.
the r o ad. will , loon oelne into possession of a,, ~,,,,
4 Hi . ? AV es'thanintlf the Origtharcost and , ,
f 4-# 5 'i, 1 1what to expect in the future. Bpis. church. =
Trinity Methodist E *
wee - men e ' This Sunday Transcript thinks that if the mat- G. E. Crarrow, Pas tor pm
they will be able to run it afterwards, and compete _
ter can-only- be b roug ht - t o the ballot lbox,-the -
cli"4— r . Frankford Methodist
successfully wiTli - its rivals at an immense profit.A. Atwood, Pa s torkids.
of thelwill t " h But we
opponents law nump .
But in, the meantime, the original stoekholdent , .„ , church.
`. .w .14 4. .-. i nve s tme n ts . ' :- .• .. ; . think that they are reckoning wi ou their os .W. 3. Beau sy, Muster a rnao e ßaptist
'th 1 h' t - ei Tbe 1
lose their entire The miser- ,
r, • ..
will`... • t t., . ... _, '`'''' ' ' ' This matter has been bitithd at the Kellett= in church. , ~ it
,bi e . mitmagement to whioh t his great work as
'' 11
'St. L ou i s ; sett:the friends of the Sabbath laws 'James H. Cuthbert, Truustr .. ..Tirst Baptist church ,
been.subjected is, a matter of common_ notoriety, , ~ Joseph B. Kennard Minister Tenth Baptist
! have carried the day. No* we can hardly be - b ,
, - chore .
Since t h e• recent enlargement , of the Seientfilo -
3b,uut,,..._neve that Philadelphia would turn' out worse in 3.• Wheaton Smith, Minister ' Spruce Street Bap
' 't";k:' l'Aiiiiiicati;' thiidettiand for it has been se great' - - - ''' ' fist church.
this'paitieolar thae SeLouis. The 'prominence ,
•' ''
" ' MessrsMunn''S Co . have '. • ' b 'lll' Siind 'paper to Prisbyterians in
that' its proPrietore,..- • , given y m !ix,.
... , Independent
John Pastor Firstchurch:
found it' eeessery to have all%the numbers of the' ; the Sabbath controversy Is , no smallldner,tut it ' ---___._ -
new aeries already tamed, eletitrotypedl lindithey- will be found that Methodists, Baptists, ' LOW
Wilfeontinneio do so with'.the future nuntherti, ft
vhurchEpiscopallins; those connected with some
and in this way will be able to supply any gun
-- 'of the smaller denominations, and: wispy Who
titY of 'enniteirs of . this valuable Pablieitiol: have .no ~particular denominationBl nccolivities,'
We are giBd to . knOw that these enterprising-end 'Will,contend es stoutly as Presbyteri a ns for the
reliable gontleinen receive the encouragement,
".preservation of,
the Sabbathlaws. ,
they po t jOWi i r rit,, .,:.: This city has , , novelty in the shape of a P
1 ; ,i'sylBs2,en. Episcopal, Church. was formed in )etierian Church, of, which, a Mr. 'Metcalf hi pas-
Ahis city •for the purpose-of - gatheringtegether in ton !Tie members are bound * lire , on , wen
:Church relations, edultdeaftnutes and, their fain.._ chisiVely'vegeteble diet, :and to ahetain Irwin'',
jlietiitaaA,theußev.. , Themse ClailaudeteTwas &gee!). vintoxicating-drinks. 1 '; , ....,"1. -,r t. - ,•.
Reeter. 4.,:kiines the , Organization , of the Aura,
'-!. ' Ate Mi. Dr .:i -Trateon,'-cif RoclioniaraNdisi , Y . ark,
(fifty:4lst nwiteelhave , beencrecoved -to :its:Amur, )
heibecirealledifi beeotroit , iector of chunk
.smunion,rindi at , present.'there; are one-hundred; ~ •
of the ktoneniek (EPiscoril,) rnifile , vdeeirit by
laild'fiftXileif mutes innttendance - upon the 'Ser." •= ,;i , ' -
' 'of 'lt' 'Ki n g sto ndG ddird to
• "-the' re m ova le Re v. - o
4ioes et the , church ' • '.. - • . dii m b u r at i .. .;.,, .. • ;;; ...1.; ~ i.. r.....%.,
iiie . 'Nfiireraitite -# . l favor ' of consolidating , ' Gni .'
various ffiiiirds'and Societies of the Bitptibildhuriih,'
so 88 to" secure greater efficiency, and at much `
less expense than under the old eisteM, do not
ii;iiigreeslrii.i:ispialy. - The Committ ee s aplioibt-'
ed,o i p the pcit of the American and toreign Bible '
S'ociety,iindtb*eiinerican haptistPubliCaijon , Sociit4
report thaf . the legal 'and other obstacles toviiird .
union are, insurmountable„and that therefore the
,union olpnolie.eccocipliched., To. changet ‘ he;
ipf4oF oS tinge,, and introduce neceesary,rcrons
where men have become , wedded to a„systeuk- 1
, hawevervieimm-- 7 is
. hy no.lneanc , easy, rine,
Tottisoos, , And uperceyerenceupe,neweeeary, .before
even acknowledged evils can
.be corrected. ; Tbe,,..
tßritishiGovernmentis not-the k only, place. where
the eircuiniomaion:offize fis, found ,to exist., • -,. T';
• 7 - - !.. ' • "joy. 4,=-.. - 1 ; -• ro-; ) - - ' • -T, ,
grearwood C e me te ry was - opened in June , 184 0,'
and WI telhiilid - of inly, sixty - nine theiiiimd*
aa i d i forti t iad4k r eaWp 'their abode within 'its'
limit* When ' s . few ecoree,'"of ; Years shall have
Pidaef away, the inhabitants of, this sil4oity
, , P.+ , . ~.' ' .r " *... .
wilt exceedinnumberi th ese of I the moving, tu.
,mrdttious and oroirded Oity,Of NeWtiork.. ,
csolot 1 3i ---
o w 1 . tie ffillo
_g 'le the
Preeb •tee
Ttlifeasfei,74.l`.7 .
_ Religion in bum.
Aoc‘ty r diligpl q t y. I:low:1W of COW
yi y
France numbers now thWeiz &Um of
Cao i 9 ' ,
n 1 ..r4p•,lL w ibentlane ;• • . 1 ,i 5 9 7 °°, 9
jewe l . 75,060
TrretareT Winkßonvinnta,l7s,oo
•,.1 id! • ' l3 r. •••;
low .f: ::...# 1391:Jf .1;.. ~ i '•: , 16 , )06 No
!raj_ AO It 1 . 1_; eigirmf... , i4_,4o._:iia..
' Z "fr it i aAkrigiri 6 1 . kiP;iliate:t
I" : , : e ;,. cv.. ...,,,-•-• .:. ~. ..
ntinibeig, lip94",:i .
~.uo ligh— p Ornspo fiee!
k1i i. 61. •( ,11 , 1.1 'then. . "
.f .. I '.' 4,• - • -•. : ', • ' •
'' -71 ..ixiinee lo p t _ ;Shp ' Itripot ,ICathoho ..
country - in "lie ..wITI eoliF gir) V• 8, iv*
. ..tri IClel,'ii'l' , 1 • V • ' ' • ill
Pot ithire3; , i ' 01.41,11;:iiii!; , 14:
,t i krtioiF . init,
•lions•! ilkiviti*gley AC.usfall!• ; h! B 'Duly; tires
tilie 'ilittiiiiii of Piiii?..o* out ;of, fOityf
. niilliOniyOf :iiiilibittipio.'"'Tgo tinio , !t44 , g , fif . 2 . .
) - • • liSrli , .
lief; ; Mil;t1) - jM . F 09131, to
. ilk , o
, rOtestai,
, Gaek,4dleitiolaiillitOg. • : s
- 7 t. AV !WA i ~...07 .4 Tr' .. ....7i , •
• IF.E.)
b ort 1 : Itl4-11.c)li k;rn't ci.) 14 t1,nit:94.,..
• p ds • 101 1 1. 4 0 F 111 \ 1.4 , 6 1 r fig 9 1 1111 1 5 1.111 if.' iwi.t
1 91 91! BalfavinfAy :eigioc;• after' eirpesdhignbec
•tiwcolu $4lO - ;01X11 it'd Ts' Phaiiibee' la riusirsisdatt
ti, l)):W
for wantra tittifiiiien - oitSfsta, '.; ..o*,t 117.:k"
It , on la gA l ixii.4o4l l tValieVloiaettrait . ' 'i
Ifreslentghth;:iiweekl l y neW4iiii; to' ' • 411 1
ratite i siiih v okitc: l Titkpriblisiiiiits iiiiti s ' t' its i
' abin'Wili iwa to fldinlia title:' it 'Miles; iaifiai.k ,
ii i ßle XiA f Pl ) l B n r fft9!'rP ° ' 19' 8 4? ' ; ,i : iieet '
Terms s2.tits per year. , • '' ' ' '' 1: '
i ..i.,..1..1,1.... . • ft- ii • ~k 1 :- -., ~ ~ ,
) ifivrouid-pejksii i lias sixteen buildings,,-, and
four or .thepp ‘ * -- were, ereoteci,vbefora,ithe; American'
'!kreolutiou, ,v)z., Abtaassohubetta gall j Nat ip.
) 4 71:84-201;b1IbldeeChipel;Aulit tistilT44olollla
! gall; built tin el/62-4 ;,andl'aszvmdabkup.lnt
0 11,6 , 4; tan tiiiplace cthi) , seiondv. : llsirvitrd , Igalti
sitii I pioiredi;bk;liitter in g a iitietii of Ile* siiii. It/
• wee stat'ed:ls. 66Bittitithe agio; a'Votierali the t :dsAly :
wayer-Weretiiikariii We) lord lion* 611t6Wilttboif
!aeveutrof 6 ind l erzgraduatai •of ..thir hketliii ,
top irdt 7 liVntiiiitTerii 'Or Eiiiiitelfeal ehiliehis; land
,that'ooileit; sidt6litiiiiisiferi-m4tiage'ilkel:rig- .
.lilerly leid t ,by ti l 4. inu,'a 6111 (61i °4 "' 1
nion. MX VIM IPS' 1..)* , . • ••'" , r••••
. 1 : ;:The boo,pellics n o 104 ii4ii. g htebr ifth
ilis map im ip q vihich• the - Book .Yalu were mew-
Tolse‘d t , Anil aiteilliiiii tooiWeigd '404"
, VNAI /'. X . ••,, 'id A•- .1.a.1 '.4 j . •/d
~ 4rs 41 tegpginfigHT,oo4".#32:ll4l6
'body .i:l4.o_lne,a,,elgf.vl4 ' in ' i t' l'*e s ,2_11:11 1 1
littilterable„nd titre FepALlation i ?tor,. in!fgr/V: a,*;
'itlieiiiete,kopjits*Ted!Y z itiJi- There Was fflii
d atotirslotantotitit*:bayi I spipcbes were :mat: hi,„
'`iah'compi4nestug , toast&er
we gi Tea : . : - -
..The !National Astirßiaseritiandard.finds spe
cial oanialor:exaltationliWtheldebt now, impend ; .
ing over .
the Americakßeat of Foreign Mtm•ons.
110 s (161666111 e linirnal 'tluislgiteit i expression to
at , fee iiiikil.,l P.I)1410 , wit bits I!*ic C•ti
:.• i 'There is not, sethe world, a more unprinoiplid
Association, bearing a religbiina . narbe, , than the
l AwericanTißbaid dfiCoinmissioners for Foreign 1
Missions. In itis.oonoentrated, the corrupt and
:i ixiirupting,PharisAism and conservatism of the,
Efio•slavery' OirilioaiiirdliifrinbeiLoi)2Clt 1 2' C EV , Y2.I
:4 ,:inah" etatim 'tii aw theeel litter* • devoid of
ti til
ra ) am. I , - ~ c ) r• ti, , ' ...} ‘ •
truth, reveal y the eluAkiii er 'tee timid slid
Pia ','''''. '- I '0 ‘o' , -1.: .•".I . V . _
_.s. . • ,
44 4. / e ' s t u *c or t PO 104,400Acktlie APard or.
I ' ~ ttleilit.-thhaerwt harm:V. AArrltelt-la,. the
4 1 °44"!fiee4" , e t iligPilt !" "* " lll 4 llr. ' # llllUal
te l
la te r • iv
,Mee: 64 1.11? " t e ll ° A 1 r,", .P r
Are: a t lams 1 121 4- that ,t4 O , :taalla3S4 4l l•o l- 141b 1 :
l ositsling4to • this , fonniostiolk, ;said , iim•providhig
n istarttaflisSifoi
pilliottitintkr27# okirgiajfit: s .z • •
.'l. The "'Maria," of ' New' Bedford, was built at
,the toWir ofLPembroke, ,, New Haoipshire, - for a
privateer, during tbe ReiointiOnary'war, and was
`:the hrst ' 'Jai bilit 'ini the . ljnited4tates. Her
.dAt,eci 178,2, and Bhe-ip, optioqueutlx. i '
'lll her s!",""ItY7 88 7 11 4" - Yelqr P:inCAt l. 737iPr' 743r
'Alio mr,i4e a
,Toyage rtoliLouclou, • erluko44s4l o ,ig
I so,, and 'Ojai ma . tO be A, Ilroev,aBol : oo,sll4opi t tit
rte Anierioanollas ;int Britliih.ientiwotOeTi ths. k.,
H.? ' v o lution. ,
,11iis , Bag -.241 Siili•; Itri mdetenee,
' oughlinhikredis: • . x ' t••• t• . t 4.1 ,ai•t4`l. ,7, It P. 119
i i i
I. i1iii6410 3 4 the itiffisk i stif ;by 6 'Slew
t'lle w
, At ilalisit, hiii*Waltiniieoladde l 4bie eiiitidelly
pad redNlifeli
ieleet ' that' visisele iiitendia - ai
Oil; Ill i dleildiait;tlililiftfeiAaVe 'i liekiC6i eons'
time ilitaky l titto .c . , r,4 4 iii"tiii:i , i44.1'
pcigialidAy4,:4 som e
, (W . 11411;014466, tiii•Y
,peigogisl7:NiottOric Or I;o4i,.iiiioiii, 3 :o'i $111:4 3
selected v i e t .4 .l t..4474l,#l ,ao 7 ittiic
o f:* .14 , 40 .
With s s rh stall 4 7 j oi l efatisMii night ii'!;k4o: ,o i ti;
It I s S t ? e ,, l iitk4 6tl :,k lie l 0 1° I ii ! l i ' i t th !: 31 - 14 e, 1 .
'6661tVi1Mr41,1Y01'6501,1 their duty, lifdintl
deavo A tt4 lto
. deteot, all _t j toolt movements, and
brOg,fitt FifrEAerA to !61 0 1cP , 6 181,n r itt,- t h ey -,B?
'.ii@azoixttri!"l,l Tirm , wt? LIIPPPee e th e' . gff 4 t,i
. IYiestorttlie:Pto.Ple iPit4eßP, iVi4teq. S tates , .0.40 p.
Torth , t or 713opth,•, ) will ) ?.quiatly ',,subpsiti ttb It.
r'snew.aliof .tfilh nefwrione trade; ,will'find : loll- .
I se ° Ives:grOtdi mist4en: ~ 1, ID. ', i t ,•': (1,, i - 3 t'ii
The' ) Co'hiirieh A • Were Tollegeomnat
„op t , bitleirbliA i ft ft" VisttiditldttlieTilfieutirti.' !
Alm Ilacieliiiiireste`geriiiini v i r aebi c tlief'l*l o l. 1
,§Marns, in •Mi c iiiliPwlifh, l l;iersalailiniiiii t Vera" ,
1 •',--, •'••• IS 4 .. . 4 riAew A .; -er , te el I l'
( And gor . ;:ie set - fo - me Tiktral',•prinolple tif
rel it%
.401pr . lif .
_9iniiiiioo' . "a ' tso . h , aisiiQi . fit . ti , sit , i4
tbe sW &Ina to t heir /jail linter 'ilia i 63E114
. tot %ori iin t :q z ie , rgygt.ivi. °and iiiiiafjziJ.
tikes n o e l *l3 o t, Tha i O iATii; r eC ; - u 'it4riritil
influence ' lit ` the' s Ali N' arlatt v. of :: pa n ' s•
i ~ , ,,,o, ~ . e _.., -. i- ~ u. t, ;1/ ' ' :. o.'l' ;
:make jurists, states . en; physicians, linalifte !tn ,
' wb° k lt , t.tlr Tri.givti ti rhPref_BW, . frT i • tk ini
selves. the .benefee of t their . no*—to Iliac
•, . ,JJ61,1 ). , . • els „;;• ,': • "'ll
Mea t/P i / Sf e ll3 C ,to•l B T4 151bletit lease, Pf•tbß:
-I rmiTFR 9t•Pnerrn; ein 4 thatpower for , PO
in whate3er c ephr i ti life thegAntay,be calte4,!" . ,
lest. Ili 4tahern , jp . ,alig . aft, Ao,lll.:s l Ahis ,Year, and.
r,only, t ene L.I.D. I tha Hon. Heorge Hrennel. ; . As a
',gine* lki9g,,tthi lffew l Epgland Colleges, have .
*mg ymtegegipsi3f4.4to i the D. 11. , it turizteee 3 qd e
' iYisr.irllenerse ittneeessaryCtbat • they shou ld
lievoto tauteh istirtioriT to-, the, matter just Jtowi •
1 'fOr trfeiß. Weeterit'Oollegesi tieem•-sleterminedi•tc
' ' T moqopalisentiiirentiiefdepirtment. • : , a. ht.?! ,Ic
/ s
.': . Thep gti niiiidicirpirlaiiit *o.nfiresteeel . • ofNlie
AfetheatitWietsfialtinpli have•ti niembershii,
it 6 ‘ i
on nil* regfirterii;lifilighty 2 ona . ou . sand. Those i
,Aartli v icf• , tkaat ki 4 ciaka.A;iieftii. Weed 'of the
PreiliAtPli'"Ait diiiuc'eais;4e:iireit: Of' the
riverA u tlisit n ' ents:,belocilistiO 1 , 144, Nei tork,
and leeV i to' i ril t *lt ' COn •fertaie4'iveltrigis
'teraMititiPreftiliopti.C*-iirib'tligt4d: . Thiel
'terse s.p.larn 0:Ws:VI . .
nu ' l rPl 3a M t g a F• • mre"Teb l ll 4 e almed bY ti le.
.1 t •• . 0 it. . ,
Ohu oh in New EnglancLta heVne ilLudied silAtign4"
•IL ,
thousand.., ,1,!..,,
..,k.. 3. ....
....iv ilm i.. : ! , ..:j . ...) au ,
, i . 7 1 •14 15 4 ah . . Na z e• •
eight hundred and elgibt7 ire Us ......
1 , • e. .e k e ..4 1 SO a, i — a i r ..=.1.7
ef'ven huPdr;d l!.nd . . t kiTY sm .'!" 1 ° 111 . 614 ' 1m !
twe•b9Pdr.ed end , 1 41 1 WTINATftpAg" -
:1 I Thweomtniites , of:ithe:• North Congregational
•Ohnvolt oft Hartford,) Conn., has recommended
• !tie :140,11r. IV obber, l of St: Johnsbury, Vermmit,
As thersuceessokto'Dr.flashiell: • • • .
1 : re ,nut 'v.,l) r i t i e vi lac/ • . - ... T ,j I'•:;
1 aLtaa - 1,4 ....e . ti ates>.ll. 4 ,i6ri t r i&'
trr:1"..„4 1 1 11 M , •_,1.r7." L erl e.r A
l r ia l t ri:ll.4t a rsll.7.7lMil l i a a I /I "1 7„%"' .0: ".. . UIJJ
• 141 1 Jt r aar0 X a trij_ l4l :.l 9 jl J . ," 14,111°1 w ere
778, a g ainst 4105/, up t i it, name, tii3 J- e ; laa k •
Ye 11 , 1 ,21': I Ti l t li dt4 6 / 8 111, 8 Atri e li g str g n i M e i l l :1'?. I VI .
'Thee! 1 . 3 , 0 F 1 3 , 6 ko) or. l frks,4llo.aff6P d p ..Pox . k a, ,,
last. 7 PaT i 60 P° 1 , 11 Pg Aki mualier.lF . i nmates -9f
'the institutions onlFarl'efleles4 ere ite be or.
• eidero 4 00 8 jn3aer cifgTee, • Ai lible Atiqle last
•''' year, there were one thousand, two hundred. and
lfifteen in ,these iutitutions ; the year before at
e. e 1.. • .1 ; I ~1, e ... fil.:et; P. , ' ..e. .2' i. ' .. ' r
theitlitele:that3,4o. ,f iellltKe Rile AVe.nefigt fe* * be,fr,
t &relit and I eiateent , whilecat ; present. there' ire.only
seven tundred iandjitinr i term.• • • • ''' 'i - ' •• • • ' • •
1 ~: ii i :Ait icili .o ., l 4 .: J a a l t oire :! : n oi i t ii r v ias
i imartrefosme,cwhich ‘ 4, avrieitoat,' will do much,
to ffea 4 this airy afilieldiseedit into; which Ulf:
t i ' 1 1 1 :40 •
0 1 f8i 0aii ? •O r l i f fe l,NVNl. 34l lY ,l4 6 4 ,' Xia l:
• being abAP4 ar 4 4 6 )-A 1 5. 1 . 2 11 1 !"..%tc ( 444, (. 1 1 Pa
'icemen, and petty office holders, wiko ‘ iteep liquor
saloons withoat 11-.lenes, for the purpose of instt
419;620 •
...:1• . • 7..
Mr. A.-T - Skwed, •of the, Marble Palace dry
goods establishnient:on Broadway, it is said,, in,
:tends to build a large Home, for: Widows and.ln
digenttWomen, and endow it most liberally ; and
that if.:one:million of dollars , arknot enough, be
'trill use two millions.;: Mr . . , Stoirart says iit: is ,to
the • women') he ie - indebted; for adavfortoae,t and
now in; retori , hir-irikiise: it Itkeino
without reigatittslifsbotoicte ereelL.': sr> s
cd Lied 3fil
.: 1 4.0:AittraIt of Dr.,#1140810 di - 411111 4 i of
the DI co
444ar0 • W i t
)).14 .1)4
P ublis l i ett e M4l 3 o 3l Fr/PM e ,...triiiiik, t iltr ./
Lion st :t the kamlei Of !Okay wt:iterai opalpsw,
WWbalre'foad AO.P4dret 3B , (no 4 10 °T0d0;04 WIT
clertaking,by ;the ; way, in,,these Angt0..,474).
'and mnetrsay that it is by no means worthy
the notorietr,tbat has been given ,to WA"
only; reallytretratritable thing about it- iN thlolll
- adinission of••the powerlessness: and Wren=
nem o'f the'wholefljnitarian system, and anxiety
to seir.eup(in sOmething, the. character of which
is noVdistinotly stated, or probably , even :aliarly
,apprehlsilded' by the speaker, .thavlointi46
least of novelty: Ali' its "rikiithiiiiinti;-
tion. - Dr: Bellois himself4:lSiii to lie - 'filial
profonndlifnipreesed with the sensation billies
created;iiidlins addressed a letteitii
1 4 0aer; the organ' of thelrnitiilkiattnellii
„nation; :in wit ich he desnee
1 4 , Broad "cdittiek"
~. .Of
H ai ptedtiblidli
rtke York 2):stss thin sp ' ';::;; '
4. di .Itedetieltiontie as bro * ad , as, it is leng,..,it
-ought to Satisfy , ev e rybody , and include 'all Mi.
kind ou t side 'of the Cannibal'lttlstirdi. 'The Rev;
tr. thinke the " impetttotie ptildio"-Isave , shtiwn
sektraordinary interest , in hie* discourses and do
ings, and infers ,therefrom „that thnienbject must
'passage yrofousd relations with, theluteTior . life.
offtheAwe. We are afraid that ,thO 'peace
~ of
the extreme" hot weather mist
oitiritedlor something in , the extrinfdiiiiiy.
riint,erestA -Which, to those conoewsedi: the.
diatter i tiapfor. a moment,haysesseated,to
bin thP. psi l
it ffltAtektiftlll4 o kiPitiFire,S.,kostOstafilg ;WI! ,
detter. ;• ( thelectß *te was ont al pinch, of that
kind k of reading as-we can endure present f ; 4
het. , George Boah, at' One time - - poster of
Pi•esbyterian church, afterwards a Professor of ,
Hebrew in the eity"of -NOw author of ;a se
of popular notes on most of-the books of the
Pentatenoh,.but latterly an adherent of,Swenden
borg, and an exponent of his views, and also an
iiii!or of his works, has been for some time den
ill,at Roohe ater,, New York. , ,
iiTh - e;death, ofi. Dr- James 1,,W. Akrander, has
:sidled forth a large expression of admiration fort
t f liis character, abilities; • and . services, as a sohol
ar; s viter„ R . pastor, and a Christian, from all.
,14 ••-- "o .'
,paits of, the bovin i ty:, and from all evang elical
rib:new:ifs" t• • .
1..,5 , •. • c 11014
' One of the things in Which Dr.'AlexandeT smelled
1 * ( 4,01 hP!..,°PP.?ir'sl•4Th was" inh°.•Tfrigg_f°"
of Ake Ilr.ora of . G,a. His semitone upon Old Tett-,
teteeeS trißtory; : we , re e valttable commentaries .on_
inet k pertien l ot, flerrptere , gy.,,,,ore t tair,i e otn r es
...VPIh,OP ;tee ,PFl9lll> a nd on the
Aidonatj l drew.lares crowds %Ids chapel. And
?chew* )New•Tertr. left fetwegy„we found be
tweed, tve,4i,undied; lied ; six.ihnedred in attend
. :03Citst..the'lactnre room on the. regular week day
ey'eaing:for thitriterrice, -to listento 'his profoUndi,
„I / wader and..devootly •praotical expositions mf the
...Hpietlerotraul to the Hebrews., Hi always kept
;hie eyealkiere;tolthe literary,' mo'ral, and religious
.snOveniehttrAalcinr, plicC, , and ...was exceedingly
well 'Versettixi ih'eltpopular literature of our 'own
.thrtikc .( Thie retuarkablrfor theie ex
fewliiiiocif the' dangerbni U r :adenoids' of 'German
ilia French so-
'aid era 'effectiiely fierce hhiCpoidi:lfue
literiiiitimies were 10igr l ai0#14:ablterfliii With'
'his otioniistinoos would
acquainted' with the families of
his l'arffe itilartifillittite ; He irttched'Moit'lit:
'1 inattly;o7e. iiieionqi of his some
his' hap et end most useful eff j ortawera in the
'for* rif qiii)reseel and oonneehi l oo:4 young. 'The , received itteintion,
and ,frrn* own experience :et :
in "tits, l bw knew well ..Low,iii?.mitudrilltoi. most,l
siallfully.-the consolations of thi;.34;spel.,;And
one of hii most useful and popular ,workit y Is ,
.. .
volanze;en*cand,„ CoputoWion : WsDiacourses tiOe
) aderifV4e 6 l 3 / 6 , of, itir.04.011,4w -editl(ll ,0,1rh194,
bikkjuljt beenlpublished by ,Charles Scribner, No.
1 124.0rFldtetreet. This book has been blesseW
,many a stricken soil, and will be the means 'of
,comfort to many.", others who.willayet become par-
Aiieritofrits worth. , ing
1!1 • v i t..
. -
. .
OfAl'OtA ll2 oo l 4''ff ith l i ‘ ,4 filii.
ter' Sonfb . I P4, *.tettz Wept ;; . "itir'joo,4%.
)irairs. raftill#Migsge d "4FL
OW MO enetorperik Lbtauy out of
tie city, but , the , homeward , tide for the.eeason,
hika:rairly set in. The pastomare returning, and
,IjApiesul t i services will soon ba.,regaltsrly held In
teirselitherehea:- li, ti I tt, 'lnv I
The Sislohath- Questik agititid ; ihethe -
Syl44 . ITramieript, of r icrignit '7th; gives': an
~inlaing Of the comae 'to 114 inrioueii-herelftei bY
..therotpluth'is `ot 'tie l iVitsting
i:eilealoilit l 4P4si if
noi l prieftioable ; and, a
that there are always enough members of the
Legislature, who ars themselves Presbyterians',
. , ,„
%Rev. JossixTignissori:was depaq from
the ;Geeliel,tplihit47 . • uneiinietenettnd
• unaiiatiai, le*Oug 4 tAi i . til k-T i *r er Y
of 84must , 11 0 6 I *, me'kiißg•
*MI JOHNSTONheSS 'ordained
and‘;:installed pastor of the Lestington
.ohoroh, N. C., by the Presbytery of 0r •
anie on the 30th OIL • ••• 31 ;•-• A
Y." 4"...v.v.._ -• • )
Dv - ma* *lei! ed !lie Pro
‘fessorship. of Lariguagei in.,Uliirtolt Col
, legs; liVisconein; and iso*Spoedents are
aiidresir hint at 'Troy, N. T.
Pre„W.'L.,-BREaIKINIIIII9E.-has made
"iviltoninkto the people in Woodford County,
liTaKi v ibis•intention to ,settle among them,
o 34canpling, to their invitation. '111:, will
ilrr.noktinns,to preach, in the Woodiggkiind
-NI :Midway churches., He denliso,•theynri
f„4ointruent, to the Professonop. in the
dilsininary,at Danville. ~,,
W. SiErrnciOn. has -icsigteduthe
'Aire of the 'church 'Crittenden', I gy.
'"lfelhhereoeived: calla from' the - ohnrohee
'Of Berf&tiorinduktileiiiitliinie 6 ' l ;
,lif • - • • • •
eleoted;Pieiddent of,
..,,Biaren College, and, atr, reoeitit meetink
„how*, _Prfebytery of Dubuque, was in
r t:De =Ol l 0 Pasipi . of the church at - Hopkinton,
, aware flo unty , ,
M: Wit of Floyd C. H., Ts., hay
inelbeen l eleoteA' President of the_ Female
00thige'in erevilley Tenn., expects to
remove there the Jut of, this month,.
b keesre. D. o.'Efaxiii"Siiire7o l
and MosEs NOZER ), Were Stlsnred to'
preach the aopitel by the' Pielhyteiy'ot
Bt. - Louis on the sth inst. '
aßev: - .. Wm. H. -.PARKS Teal!, ,received ;on
sth-inet.,44 , ..theTreAqtgy
- (0, B,;)from f the Presbytery of Ot. Loito
SeV. GEO ' : IV N. PETS nsi of Montgomery, , W. t'.2ie.TER,- of the Ifni:
' - *Tv - 'Rev -g3
, co _ls it pp . AS ,
W.INV: •
I.4ltrc:of-MietiseiTipi; bele had' eiiiiferied
on themiby , the littiSitieitp..Of
the' f igiee
Rev. .5.&1 7 -FORD, .‘y•Axx, 1 1, P, inetalled
t ; pastor of ,the : Eliot church ,:ot,NiOs;
.Presbytery lifcilis",")i the 2d,
inat.. . a . vC - ;
"Rev: E: liAttrititribesp it )ieresid, vee.,
oe'pted.P the appoliktmeizt , of Professor .of
Litinvisodr. Greek irig9akland College
ft(fjPl ILI &oil
Mr .
• .e oc. r
Rev' - Mr "Grraioar, refoe l it l of
Princeton T4eolegiptifileolinf:iiii
ceivea' and' aideifid io'onp
or. . -,fl I'2in J.
P I I.IAO Pe-irt Vin
' • ' s 4)4 l l # 2 ?!.frAut i • 7( Asx; •
"IteviliVicl.liffMrioriaur.iiiiPosttOfftee iddrose
iepfortlie preseot;tMoConneleville; 014:
1112.-11. Iig,EILWEBEION alai epted - 'sheall;
''" feta thli. °reef; Valley-`church, Cheeter
i:•""' - 1 , • f
ki i , o 0 ,
Bev. JOix I'. 14117 E. au his accepted
A ttie
Salem; itotioke j 'Nitityl
, It 3 , W f. ("A' )." i• .*TAT
••• 7•!;irg 1;6 a
t) TA. Chrlatisacofv all Denaminations.
Pii.;!ITEIE ria Yid Army . OP. THE SPIRIT.
1 43gir r ig•etiii* . l 2 :iTti‘;iliiiiiiiiiqielidee
of iir Iliiii'is iiiterrliisliiiry:pr:lso;iimiijniirli
with n ifees iitereit' the eilileatniaiiiihiihial
he Refs for onerietgraiit'oiio hii•disiriPh ‘ le. • •
' l3, NiV i lio: e:i 'dial I ftit,',tiiiies:' in . that ' prayer;
i(jolfieziO tiOU'Our r isleseed :Uri i 6ffei tire''
Ire OA i (Sia iiiiiiiimirYinif, 44'0410 - 30 1 01Ciii . y.'
`'"that "6iti , all riiiiy i la r k 'sitar "alkofeitOlOw '
lietielinho'hq ikei ni t wia trilii' unitambet
.i li s - f o lp" m yi .. , .. • ••.• • ..1 el :..... :
Tfie, - I.oiitle f lit 4 . ,,Pliit Iliiii' ) hy:tlii
?Holy; ilVast, stoliiiiiiiiin theCliiiiitieneat
Roniti,.,(iii: 5,) tiglintli, liii.o",;' ill :`l2;' .
'of Ifti'Elet4o'Maifigtill 4 : sBo'"EPheihei•
f . (iv itl . i; Philli p (, iii (s 4 l ilati r eolgiihri.'
;!(iii l i a llir: 4 . ;r Ws liiiieliiiiiiltihk aliiiii
in liiirlitinil'ofitatiop e T=!,?.. 1 ' '..5.'41 t..... ,, i'
- lefiniet tiittlir Wieyete' in Chiief hoiiiiv
ily:dfraie thitt l .'hii :. .l7iioei. nifijr , be 'inewilAir
and t ib`r Aliiiitliris - ;iikKnertione '''oheyeki 'and;
• thn i f,tiiiiiiicf;'liiiidlievi v alvioions'ilinnk €h ii.'
tiatie;wlhoh 'RA' lib' ohOsed • t.ii "-theitTiiisit
Will, and .. iihiiilV,s6 3 6hierasit 'the iiinitreek i. dif .
:the, piitiellifteit,' - iratir bi'donsi airitY; P theniii.'.
' dsitOod iispeatfolly 'stiggase thieinia lay',
• be 'ri nuilli keiVis'aril for sp 4haiiiiiijihi,'" ea s t 1
' Chi l i:mild' t grantlinit i tis *hayloft . ehildiblii •
41 iiii4hemidiotAireot iii Onwr'iocitiatiii
- thei : " operation:Of
!Icily 41Espist; all Chris' •
g ap!! may „ a be,so, joine.d r, togethef •n"iinitycOf
•;ioiiit' in 4 in' iha', balk Nif 'phi'ae;%lfit r th r itis
ins `be in' lalf ti t icittlii ' lileislable' "'unto'
•• : Tilli hombl7 40prolabing 'the 'tliiceifi- of
I l ea
grabs;: united telieW wi EI
iityli ... 11Cilit LEG!
, odeisnitiit iii tiiii:' ” 4 "willlif Goliiii:'
• ino , :liiliei+ 4 ,lifitiC • e " (,}heat Hai `of dthe'
Clint& in ' - aniiiierfot-iiiiiyer 'f'or."inorairaed
• tinily' of ihrhAa, , iiilt"hiiiihilf s laid that
! Church Ina * asidhl nielistfien 4 file 'th'e aeon*.
isliinnient Or sit'orird 'tinion - ae 'shill moat'
reabittid td'hiss 'gory. " '• ••• • " ! -,
`• ' - We, begleare . to designate the first Mon
'arslif OOthber, g asslb'e' dif forquoh sifseithiP
prayer,' arid' invite - nui'lll4 . iiititin Brethren
geini i iilly to unite inliihilifnolemn eupi),linit
654. .. ; - ... t •,. ',; . .!!.. , r, ..: , • ~_ :. ..
•,. 9'M/4'4443'6W ilifiy i ki.6s9. '' .' ' ' r '' l' '• '
' .11 - , •r. :I. , $ .7 f volm .4 , 0 t '''" it ! • .
"11 fi alU t"
*P • AM
* ate , oo.„ ReCtarlEL, I
ea. :
;-14 .
Epie. ohuihh: —
Riehaid' Neinii,litealak
St.' Palifil•Pletl"Bili,'
'Lurch.; • , esn• ooilortasi. if 4 f.l .. AO Al.:.
M. A. DeNi olfe Howe, 'Reiter St. Luke's Trott.
~ pie. ;oh t erolL z : ',.,.. Irt :•• ' , ..1 ,•-s . "-.i ~. • '
Geo. , Xmlen , , Haa. 4 . ? v, ; 10latoir St. .adlossials P o .
Viti. ohnioh.' " '"'" ' •-'' - 4 '' l'•J:
Afex. l ll: Vinfin, eitenfif "•oh"."of;11411 oiiiiiiiff; 2
i.roi. Epie 'Ohnith. r!1.1 . . . , :l.' ~ . .-...0 r..... i 1 1, ~
Albert Borneo, linotorairottreshlteritik-ohnroh.
:John Jenhiiioi4ift., / ,papprx ....),”..., „..
*in. P. Breed i it,: Welt ,13pewie - etiiet 'Free.
Ai i firi a i .....u..o & 124.k.!.1qt.:'....... I b . , : 'fKa s
'W6. ' BilkOWWVk i i i iktieNfaik Piik liniridi.' '. , - . 'a
Jilin B.toiloo,te nAesvlisiiil Usiedieski Hal
‘Tormid!ftweolhibila V. , ' 04i, *:. 1 1• . .0 ; em..,, .:
Joseph T. Cooper. Pastor Stead Aloolate Pres.
~ . ~.~ •}
Tor the Presbyterian Banner and Advocate .
Church Extension Receipts for Ray.
Bee'd First Pres. church, Pittsburgh, $lO 0()
4, ' Leesburg, Allegheny P'by. 4.00
: -"- - . Muddy Creek, cc •-• ." 10.00
• ."-, Bacon Ridge, Steubenvi ll e
,Pb'y, 6.00
cc Harlem " cc 9.00
The PRPERITTEBX OP IRXXING - stande adjourned to
ineetin Barba, the Second Tuesday in September, (33t1)
18695,at T °Mech. P.M; ,-- 1,1 ; 11. PRATT, Stated Clerk.
',.Ttoo PRESBYTERY OP NEW LISBON elands adjourned
to meet in the &web of .Relsobeth, in the village of Ohl
'tolin. on the Si:mad Tuesday (the 13th) of September, at 12
,cdeloik N. ROBERT Ilan, Stated Clerk.
The PRICBBYTNRY OF RICHLAND will meet in the
dun& of Lexington,' on IheMeeontr Tneedny (13th) of
September, at 7 dela& P. M. ,S, P. CALDWELL, 8. C.
newt dated meeting on, the, last) f needar(gOth) of August,
M:000001e, st 734 io'Cloek P. M.
Tha PRESBYTERY iiieaf at Sugar Crack,.
PAL the •
MI EATON Stated Third Tacaday (20141 day) of iloptem
Mork. at 2 o'clock
itated meeting in Ownberland. on the Pint Poiday (6th
lied of Septembersat2 o'clock P. M.
WM. M. BOSlNSON.aitated Clerk.
: The PRIBBIPIESCY OF CLADIDN will meet in Greene Mer
On the Fret Tueeday of September next at 11 o'clock, A. N.
), .. D. M'OAN, Stated Clerk.
The ritsairintarop 'WOOSEER stands .adjourned to
meet le' the church of Green, en. the fret Tuesday of Sep
tember neat,nt Ito'cloCk Az If.
GOIHNST, Stated Clark.
. -
The PAISBYTERTOP DIM MOINES stands adlonrned
to neeetar.Ockiloo* on the Bret day-of September, at I
oPelock P. X. J. If. MCELROY, Stated Clerk.
The SYNOD or Amcminnt will meet, agreeably to
adiesintmeit4 In the Prephyteriari church of Mercer, on the
Thrunday of September, ( 22d) at 7 o'clock P. M.
; Narratives of Religioalrota Presbyteries, are to be sent
to M. Msekbirn, Iris, Pa., before the first of
September. , moo N. SWIFT, Stated Clerk.
Nttos Nqationt.
prof..Garhier, the : ;isw . g : . ,sp u, ic
atpretnit in this city, ,which he intends making
his, he a dquarters for., some time The Professor
is ready, 4o entertain his awdience with disquisi:
time en, it, politica, literature, and especially on
the great quoit/au Qt: 'fBoo•P!' - an article fra
03;exiii$ deisadded - in thismity.
• •
• Ms Biamear Barium Msernsic:--Tkiis machine- :
, i4verffided in ciltr)columns; eel e 'pisrellaiers' to no
rtie iti befire they conclude 6ntraota
With others..
Wivnno..! 7 l!. B. Petereon,k ilrether send ne,
through W. .A. tilidenfennii, Per,oril of the,
Peals;',' anot:her vol u me of Altair ..oheap,.and pop
alor edition of the worke of Sir *alter . Scott.
" 1 5 71Viers ethemeneed running on the PSseenger
Its Iwy;,aer t Fean' Street, oei the lOttilitet., from
tg. , to' the libith' , Wiiid.• l ateen thee
hsve heir; dayexteiableg liiiiiijaineys, as.
4e iosa bie; prOliressed: Thei reset,.
4.(v. •
We Dee it stated that Peter Sinclair, &q., the
rilketch‘Reformer, the gentleman who wee so ac
ceptable to, our people here hult Spring, as a tem
perance lecturer and worker, will return hither
again in October, and:reen4 for the entire month.
Arringeinents have beentmade , tal that effect. It
ie hopiuk•thit he will beiibie tor - commit:rate and
render. inere4flicient the labors of the friends of
c teinientriee thioitgkOwt 414- 4 Ontrity.
i.-1 • n
A: Lazge - Puineau
In IFIK.Iiie foie of ,Vermifuge .
' SOW the sale by
Bitioihers; no ,less than
r id , bottles per annyun, in all
4,aFte -United States, and, the Canada&
Miring the intervening period , the Proprietors
have expended the,large sum of $500,0430 in &dyer
ttitiLeg,3llore payment ; of which they hays always
Ibeetrlibe rat and 'prompt, , These facts show the
etent,- to -.which, these medicines • are need, and
,also Abe effect .of, a.juditione system of advertise
ing•tl 'I 7'l .
. 41. -LtZ/ Thilifestmineter Review,
.1. I
Fir July, lam idgliVaitlides in-addition" to- mum?
'oiions moo — literature.
.111i8 worthy of
etetlierly all thinking minds,
ia the eiponen't !bf the. higher 'and more
!pinions form of *British Infidelity, united with
moat Gaishedlitermy culture. It retains the'
itame•Christiao, butrpeoth the fundamental doc
trines tif Christianity., The ninm.-:-Irkai irnoso
comparative estunater
:pf 'relative values' ortlie'iliitirent kinds of
Iliairliidge for the purplOtes of education, from
Alin Utilitarian stand :poiiit IJMocte and me Broad'
AMA is a review of Professor .Tewett's Epistles
flt: t ;Paul to the Thessalonians, Galatians, and
Aomantio-ths In./Isamu of LoeadiCaume on Ha
4ionia Chordate, is , en interesting exposition of Cho-
Viefration -of nature, in determining:the pursuit ,
pptltf ; and future destirrrei a people.' In the
es Conjurer we Arid an account of that
Niainiderftil ineohanicalt4eiiins, Robert Roudith
Zeviewer reinslices, "if not born with a
ellfer grim in hid mobth , 'rimy be said to have
'rivalled that phisiiNgical almoiniity, by coming
into the world with a Ma sad hemmer in his
laid." The most itibiAtirthile in the Number
T ie a very loiig Ole on ibel l ifikecalsont of Indio, it,
Lio&ilities'enid fa' followed by 77it
Reeolleiiione of .2tltraftair' 'Von Sternberg, The
lioniein o 4esestian, and Anstrian intervention. Re
iniiithed by Leontrd &Ott & Co., 54 Gold Street,
;flew York, and for sale in Pittsbargh, by F 4. A.
Fifth Street
Railroad Bridges.
the frjghtful accident 01k , the Northern Bail
toad, New York, by which so many persons were
killed or - wounded, bas" once more attracted At
tekilon to the insecurity' of many of the railwsy
hriiiges. It seems that the one in question was
an old wooden structure; thoroughly rotten, from
long exposure to the action of the elements.
This is no rare c ase, and yet railroad managers
be l t ed these warnings but little. Fortunately, our
of great Pennsylvania Central, line has /op? m
bees under the 'oare of prudent en, who fore
taWiand appreciated all such dangers as this, and
the, Company has been for some years past ea ,
*aged In making, at its workshops is Altoona.
shiOtt - Apel wrought iron bridges, and introducing
theiiiibiri:nsn at 'every Plice on the line where
bridges occur, so that;there ate nowfew. if any,
Wooden structures '6f , short span left.. We ba le
seen,these,iron inventions, , both in the shops and
fiy;ple streams isrOsied by- tle„r*, and can
Wel" say that they are truly - admiiahle, reflect
higlbesgrestest credit on the' Iniiinuri, Mr. W.
ILA - Wilson,' and on the enterpries.of'the Comport./
erbieltcommeneed their use , so early, before the
pubßo had begun to pay any attention to the
egbjeCi—North Atruncan.
7 i.n .~...,.j t.
7. 11. NnvaN, lieeeiving Agent
Presbyterial Notices.
City 'Passenger: Railway: