Presbyterian banner & advocate. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1855-1860, August 20, 1859, Image 1

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preabytWain *WWI Vole VIII Ile• 48. j
PriseWeds* Advesotei Vsl4 IXI I 11*, 43 I
origiwg:lootrg, ! :,.
On the Death of a • Young:J.l4(ly,
A Lovely Young Christian, v oitllfvt, away in the
pinto of 10.
Far from this wilderniiil of; woe,
Thy spirit pow,is fkown;
And thou' h'ai AufieriVegtini poi°,
Whertv,itihrow lefUttithonii.
When thed ones steed around thy bed,
In each ; to weep,; '4
Thou calmly bade them all adieu,
And gently fell asleep.
E'en in thy greatest sufferings,
Thou still didet wear a smile;
And in submissinialbu-diiiiifiti'd*,:eillq
To God's most grardons • ~.(»
Thy language wee, 4g I'failLnat didefileoL
It burp ii D 6 49.r.R42,0 loa i ?::::: A'
AXI4 , tol tbe
" here,
Why tlies dosld
Or wish thee batik again, .• • •=. • • =
Sinoe.thou arte.gwne to - resin:Ter above,: . .
Free, thrd'ehildt;'lcfroni
M. 'moo.
Whit is 0641 Pretii:)hitigl" '
The following fromiths . Wisdom. Haruki,
pleases us much:'` ' imirdnend it' to the'
attention of oar nitrititeirial'lrethren. The
people [alsoMarderpte some benefit from itr•
if it will.lieliotheni6;form a correct taste
in regard •t0! ,, -preaohing. Theivaritilistias
have an th h t;ii s Ofit
no ttpon • e o arao e•
sermons tn.) , are to near. Min isters desire
to p/eaie n is, i t erasY i t'o'.edify. They .woirld,
attract in' Wei. to dime. Ministers and
people both, however, have, sometimes, an
incorrect judgment mid an erroneous taste.
Several pers'onsifir4V. here , represunted as
disouseipgl . a . serinnn lat i ely , heard
"But whj , ie it,ferrathisriAut is there in
suck preaohisa r tbat,,eapeckem.-....,
phatioally that you like it 1 responded one_
of the group of retiring worshippers.
"Well," replied the first speaker, "I
think it would take some time to specify
the particulars in such preaching, that makes
it in accordance with my trte, or °MOP
pond with my ideas of reit preaching. But
I will say I . beasuie vie 'see
from every taiga' 'Or Oleic sitniSery - worirof
the speaker, , that hW'is iri direct' earns/it;
and desired' that the theseige of God Shill
be heard for its :own sake. You see and
feel that lie came ' into the pulpit fora spe.'
clic purpose. Next, there is .ntoldoubt.
the minds of his hearers,- from the com
mencement,' lmt - 1 / 4 55,1iimsoltbolearly.Aundetrk
stands thed;nollll l 3&9qtliiits he,,hemP.lnebt 4 A
?`Textblitatitl) o o.lo 849129 1 10/1. ,a 0
without many words, what he is ainitig r At.
Next, he does not burden our mind!! with
long statements of goog to do,
but gOS t!'eforb, y our, `es
doing one thini andl
on.y , one.;
and that is sio'distintst that when be g ets its
done, it'is "Of 'th•P`flilTafg'o'f' eta!
pie standing before -your.--This is fixed in
the mind, ant scrbn"lreinionnutliingloto an.
othehgtititat PtMlisitAlljS 0P. 1 414.4.5as
great: eNcelis*ei, itftf•micA ircAoNvcion
there is littO i or gillvers,r,4:l(4AdeS
,IFlgillieskint4'7B7,ll%4l43:Pw What
the spida)sar,,,iS IM,St 11,9
conclusion.Beery'' point is strict
plain, and . not_ooveredlia by *ids, nor in
volved in others. Then there ~is
,feeling in
it, earnestness; thetheatiPlidels himself a
party to ,thb .frinsibtion,"and''an 'interested'?
participant in the argument or exhortation.. ,
In short it stAn4t to the word of.
" But t " said the •qtierist, ." do you not
suppose , the teermon to which we have
listened,,tollay, would ;bear close oritioiem
as a homiletio disoourse, or,that iS l would be
called good or gteat , by those„w,hc lietmkto
the finished preopbers_of, the day Z"
" Indeed," repOok i the,lfft i f 4 ,4 my hears
was too much in'terelltecT;toWnkiiebout l , orit
'; ind;l know or oire!lintlitifei
rank t' seinlon' *kid' ddikiiiiicing . /
leatilik' Of this I 'tun sure, theie"Was
word sir •okfrifiefdli to shook s . sensiiiiis ( ;OV .
sidr. I ieniemhiir no .vio
lattdiftif tlii fires r of qiitikorprtitiodk, but
I d6'tititoniibbP l effit 'the tlibide oione
blinKnp 'of m'earting, eVei'y One of them,
and fair , of 'heart, also; Ind what is 'beit,
the very beet of all is, I am •sure they will
be remembered; I am sure :every -one un
derstood every word uttered and every po•
eition advanced. I am-eure that I felt-that
the preacher was,incl I:think
Buoh was tile impression generally."
Two Kinds of Pretohing.
Paul says, "We preach not, ourselves, ,
but Christ Jesus the Lord," It would : be.,
well , if all who profess to preach the Gospel,
conld use these words, truthfully. DIV. ,
'it," is sometimes the case, that the ea: .
cupant of the
. pulpit would, if strictly, truth-,
ful, be obliged to reverse the apostle's state
ment. Of the two grand diversities of pul
pit performances, it has been said:
There is one kind of preaching that draws
attention almost exclusively to the preacher
hirrtelf, and with certain disarm of bearers;
comprising ,generally a large majority, he is
held• in very h,igh admiration.. Their recol
leotion, indeed, of his sermone, is very vague
and indistinct, and lees have they any,de.
finable purpose to obey the truth, neither do
they get any vivid conceptions, of Christ;
somehow he is kept in the background, be
ing overshadowed by the towering fortn.4
his ambassador. r
.When the people retire, it is not to weep
and pray, but to talk of the prima*
"Magnificent man "—a "real Beechet;! l
"Chapin himself cannot corpse himX .
" lofty thoughts," " burning eloquence?",
Such are the froaireendatione that fall
from nniverealiets, - tipiritualists, formalists;
half alive professors of religion, and men of
the world. One ease alone are silent and
end; the praying .moirqiers of ,the church,
the burden bearers before the LOrd.
There is - another kind ,in :
preacher is alrbdst entiiCry, last sight
The congregation are arraignerat the bit,
of conscience, and confronted with God.
For the time beitigthey are br•the' midst of
the realities of eternity. Each unboloverteld
hearer is searched by the truth; in the secret
chambers of the _pour; and many, are led fa
inquire, with deepest ooneern,," What shall
to we do be saved 1' Christie meet oomph,-
nous, walking among the golden candle
sticks. His voice, full of sweetest encour
agement, is heard, saying to the believing,
"Peace be unto you," and to the fearful,
"Itisl, be not afraid," In tones of
mercy it falls upon the ear. of the repenting
sinner, saying,' " Thy sins are Al r ,lergiyeri
thee.", , The alteptioal and i protid ge.stertlecl
into fearor•ragehy the faxiful•WOW4foi` / 3 ' l
°apt ye repent ) , ye thall.all likewleerperish."
. reir the Pnehrletie!L Banner.and Admit'.
:Bins of the 1 Toni/n0v..4 a I '
" Keep thy ,tongue from.; evil, and , thyllips, boar
aliaahing'lltae-"Pealm.xptiv,t..4B,4 ~
The occasion „in referenos.,.W vrhioh,this
Psalm t was written, was •Devid's ~ feignieg
hiinielf mad in the t .pressium,of v Aihiphi i of,i
Gatti,' and . , thus owning, „fteAteij o himself,,,
. „ .
on this t oeeasloe„, been, guilt,y,of„deeettum,,
'and in grntefni
,rqoollectien of the, peril!), ,
havingliyen hipi c anolk„undeseml.deli*.
anon, f liemptiAiikeong of, praise ? ,
lesa he, felt ,rionipunotione of conieientat l in '
regard to the ilic l eiiiicti, he r hid'p 7 riliigki
and to guard others against similar . sins;le
says, '!‘it;efi . thy toi , igni from evil, and tli)r
lips froth. speakin g guile." "Keefrrthy
tongue from evil" ie a comprehensive exhort
tation, f himie there are thOusaddii , of Wayrin , •
which we may do evil with the tongue:
And the latter,part•oft , thelverse , simrat the
sin , of. lying in all its, forte-" Keep thy
lips'from !speaking guile r-••Gitiard against
deceit,,, Neyer,,,be,, gpilty ofildraplicity,..or
treOliery. Though Amid had escaped frecti,.,
.411s,hands of a heathen king hy pretending
that he was mad, he co :much yeg,retted and
',repented of this wicikildifiiillOT 4 hf saving
his life, that he wariteelfl iiiiii l read this'
,';psalm against filling intb'siniilai sins. ' He
, deleltliii he had' escaped , b ' G od '
, couleep
essregissi* , and not because he 'was deceitful.
l'ilTlies subject of the textiii. sins of . the
tongurgenerally, and especially that of 7y. ,
,ling. ,
These sins are exeeedizglyrootemen and
ve'tYlat."ahl to G°d•- -34 6 4M4e - JAmq
lilts, if .T.( nu;man miping.,you u seem to be
;'rehfikinne, t hridletit' riot ' liinopgwi,;but
vo lt
deoeiveith 7 -, is Own heart , this man's religion ,
is vein. " .
' I
1 ;; ;This is one of ttinwhyrby which Ames
'teaches that every man who possessee faith,
9r true piety / will showit. The man who, .
fears the Lord, will be careful not to offend , :
him 1y unguarded or wicked words. Jametv
says, niorover, that "If any man offend , not in '
word,'the Same id a perfect men, and able
also to bridle the whole body." To employ
'the tongue:properly, helikenkto the use of .
a bridln,ppont a horse, or ,a helm upon a •
ship: ~.. If we use the tongue aright, we owl
. late the whole body,, and make each ,
teeMber ,pn instrument. of , righteousness.
The' hiegie; islikenedijoi dorsal:ad Npostlb;. l
to afire . '' When ` allowed' tifillinia CH:Mill :l d
unoheicilieCit line destr4dve 118'flie among .. 4
combuitibleill.;2l, r .'sibil'e , pm'ipili; ei:;'' T irk of I
fire 'is stiffiniiiii 4 to Midi.? it' ObilikratiniV
that will destroy a city.' So a single bulgur
`iometimes.,eilite is whole' neighborliobd , ob..
fire. The Worst passionstare by it inflamed,.,
and'the peace and happiness' of the entire
community are burned , up in the hot flames
of ranger,,mlice, and revenge, , , ,
Thali9Pgua, 1 1 " a warfirgf RigariATl lin l' : 4 ,
the tongrie T among our members,,that it de-,
filetli the whole body,, and setteth on, fire„
the',oo#ree of nature, and ie set on fire of
imli."" °Beery kind of ' beeifs, i and of 7
,hirdilllgiul ofPloirpents r and CP things in the '
iejk,', fettilbed; and bathban. tiined'of Min('
fund. ' But the tongue can no man tune i'
ii an .unruly , CO" eallii44.leatilYiPoiP4-:'
' From! snob ,8 9.44/* tracktaA9n4 it is.i,
'Clear that , ‘Olocover Zt l o4‘:lightly 9 ..kth 49 , ls inlk:
"daTmitte4 by ithiti suProh. Meflubarl Lot' 04 0 ..'
Alody, knows _little on nothing of ,trug, ritkir,i
ion. c . The *pert, is 1 lndeeit She : forinteint of ,
all ;that is evil in 'our wordainnot gon.fla_et; ,
[ But gio one who is d l iligenth cultivating his ,
ct , r i e r , 3 4,111 he "ihli ff erellt . iffilliN i this 'Anita '
9 wogs) tili# - fielis "friiiriliti'ilioat . N . n , e; l t 'tia
, N istinsiiii iirtnre' or fad. 7 .' f ciiiin'ot • per!: • '
~haile treat this subject in any better way
ishmieby .eimmerstingviand dist:lusting sO 7 Me
liiihts that , arelforbidden byl4the text, band
by whatever other (parts of , Gkeiren Word 1
todoh upon the same points.
i,iltelp I , thy „ , tongue, from ] i 1f,04 1 , and_ p,hy
liPs a fiPm flPolkkink i3Pile(.!.. ~. - ~.,
~.) la the ' first• place, the Usti for bid : every
violaiion of truth: Trails' r is ' tli9 enki
-,tsary'toi filsehood. r " Trail' is' tlilh'iminfonnitY '
of !notions to things, and the conformity of
words to thoughts. Whenwr intentibuillyi
convey wrong iinpreedirm of our thoughts
.to the mind of another, we -are guilty Of ly
ing. • It is the incentionithat makes thek
crime. If our words are misunderetood,,
and thus convey a •wrong ,impression, ,we
may be innocent. ,Or, if we: are ourselves',
" " ' matter , 'make r :
Mistaken concerning a we may
'a statement which we afterwards find to be
incorrect, and not be gnilly •of the sin of
Tying. Brit everfhifir 'tvlid`rfrbiild shudder
it the :idea 'of :telling 110 vtiliftd A fileictiObd; t
'will be exceedingly -ioV9ftilf Illifolaii to, tell
what is untrue through, ignoranoe,,and will
also ward against, i a, mmunderetanding of`
'hie' waN.8.h7,.hii,h4 14 0 2 - ~ 111 41 1 15'4iitS* .
lating Aitit h fita . ., .ptures Bre„dleer at its 1
oundemai#ou, Are exhortod to
our heuv i,* „ST., Whibi r wo'hiloW this; i l ,
t r)
such is / ..
.4„limigatlness, of his ,aature; that.
he ,cannot li la.: . '4, 1 ..da11i004. ' kJ; "Be Ya,
holYßlTATErkilllei , . , g o ,s44g F.Tilli make,
as more unlike OW ihan a habit g.. speak-,
ing,lios . „Our bragged Redeemer F iaspranng .
Of • Neilismiel - usid, " BehOta,ma praelite, :I
indeed, in s whom is no guile4 l i-.. V. 4 4e not, .1
time, to., !Maher;brethren,-,seeitigiii ,have mt, off , :, the, old •man , with ' his;' depts.'? ,
" Thou shalt not hear' 4 false . ,iiiiimit lapa i meit, i ;
'thy neighbor." " Lying lips are in abomi
nation to the Lord.,', Those that speak
lier sre,ocalled. the o hildrea ,of ; the devil.
'The case of Ammons andl3Bppira, stands; .
an awftil monument of God's displeasure, at
"the sin of lying. The curse of the Al:
mighty came upon Geller.' the servant of
Elisha, for this sui t 460 h x , became a „leper
as white, as snow, la the book of Revels,-
lion we are told that I . l l'll liars shall have
,their, portion In -the ,lake that horde with
.fir, and brimstene," and that there obeli in
no wise enter into heaven anything that
" maketh,a lie."
, In view.of .this teaching of Goofs Word
concernin4,,the guilt, and de a ger,of Aiwae
who knowingly speak 'whit is untrue, how . i
, sad it is to eee;eny oat unhesitatingly kting
upon himself ,the pares,.af God to ,this. way.
And when Ive rqfloAitif. 0 thlrli 'A, 01 ° -4__""' :
'of the hymen rstoeijoemparauveiy,,,,,now ar
word may be relied upon at all limes,. rid . ,
`under all circumstances" and teimptsttonsp.,
!what an idea it gives, as of marl's depra t y4y. ,
,A ; bisto•lian of our, country,, shortly after the
American struggle for independence, in at
temptiog.tio ,gain correct information; con
cert:llEllth laor9akt aliPlakew,4ol,4) ilfl a tei
eye witumsea•pt_Astukt i , they were, called
upon to -r0b 44 b ( 1PM4, 36 .. 1 . 1 h u 01 l imPPO,.. 'Mi.
to find a man who would give a striCtly ac
curate and unverligbpd account of what„
, 41 •
bad seen, so that he was . ready to join with
David in shying7, 4 iN,ll' in . en are liars."
With him, aa raitli l Tigiiil) it war,no dotibt a
hasty conoinsion ; 1 bet he xcight,4,7,e said,, ,
pith all deliberation, that too Many mokare
Liars have various objects in view-Ow:it
tering faleihood. Scimetimes chat ;jab'
merely to excite ,the ; surprise or, Iroildpr e s .
their hearers. They tell remark** in*
dents that have occurred; as they say, in their I
own history, and other ,astonishineetr§utsf,
wrth''tilti 'little, t eiSiatiemPtible aMbition
, iie
exciting*, fceliqg etmendetip, the ininijil it,
heir hamem,at tbstiexpense ototrolthi• ti t. 4.
seems as though the Wiekedi-Onelhintelf
7 a,liq , - - 2 , • , .. , 4 - r , '"? •,,r );,...i.
• • .1 . • ' ' ' : i.e.: 11 , 3 7 7:6 :1 1 •._ A. 5$ V . •
. •• 14 • •
St • • fri
.• •. • . • e ... .. 11., - 11 7•446 11.1. f fr.M.!:.r.lcion
..11s,---eraokt ;;Et IinFIV)I3 :.017.7tri
FOR , THE ,wrizii tiENDIIII4'SAT
, .
might be salaried of his ohildren, when
they lie,,withont any higher motive than 'to
amuse. '
Then ifteric are those who' make a neces
sity of lyingounder • cirourustances. of •diffi
culty to canape ffrorr. something ,unpleasant
;or .dangerous.;: They often, make, we ,of
;this, expedient, to v ebelter , themselves from
tlie,:min#edbdiegratke of .some, wickskthinK
they have<,,dons.„ -Sometimes they, f1:10, to.
the , imprSertge of _ expressing, themselves,
tntePlYncl•aln9kiriONYf-S"k11 fPOIT , P 9 O
4,5 -
0 the„gseet,py i An!, efAenywg. ivAaf i they,
did S ometimes men ' lie_ ablmt I their
'fat erty, to avoid - paying - paying just; 'dela , . 'tut •
;falsehood is always the same in its' nature;
*chateVe'r tfelirliirtliler iiiisentlit• ifii titt4r4 B
anus.. 'The' iiiiithle tie glithei OP lit e,' litidt
liitiebititfiditifiliifft6 folk) . * bili4ximple.i; -;
• SoMetinAsPferebie liethrougliTmaliiie and:
envy. , . When the wiekkailvassionsl of) men
are r excited.' against , eaobrotherp andy,lin.f.
dulged, -, any 'one , with ,, lnichl feelings; iscin f
ditigrlof speaking!: something not strictly
p i ,
f....his neighbor. And those/rehabber!)
.11. es i ered,,reger,4,for,truth, e . gillAt„moli
times tt,oFTePr:qt 4 10111 P.,. i : 1 4Mi t
their; einenAive!, ,y t ipst,.reglird.,4•;444._ i tpkh. : .
tifitheir,,e4taigentot. :Ai ,leaiiikela :eirayy, inns
who Would, aveht pip ! ,.,.in ,44i Ansi 'Sage "td
'guard W00.,,t9e.g ,i,fr'kno.,t4,i,„4l..fib.
neighhora . j., l i`cpoi gtf . ile.,:seeoilff'llini,' if' iiii:
thnis sneh faeffn i ga 'plink,
,to 'part' again*
speaking I ,liteely of hie neighboill Sala!
The isOn i egesSnliis roused, rili y give 'tub'
deep' it' ootorini to our extaiiiione; and"ii6
may be . hetriyeil'iAto - the . 'six 6f giving i.
' filse itoligisilion. ' -" '
The guilt of Waal' eilantletle 'very greet
What is there beltinging'lb. inyltine more
precious' thin' his reputation? The favoi.7
able opinion of our. fellow-men is only•Me
!little importance) whim , compared , with - thee
lapprobation% of t , comeieuee t .and , the
. epailes
of otii benvsnly,Ftither: A's his:been *pi
and ' eloqpektly , said, I! .. Vghe„ eljarestiMate'
the cost_ of, jarioeteep.mpiitatyn?, that,'iii
, press 7bieja givele d 3 thie kruinaili Aiwa its cur- .
',rang: , :Without yiliph, we 'iliVid'despised,
debased, iieprecjated. iflik e idadl u i l epair it
injured? WhO &hall raeatii it reit?' 0, well,
and : truly, does ' the 'philci f poetry
esteem the world's <wealth is trash in the
comparison. Witlibut reputation, gold has
rio value, , birth no- distinction; station no
dignity, beauty no charm, age no Teverence.
Or, ghoul& I not rather:say; that without re
' puttion every treasure . impoverishes,- , every
grace d elm ors, , every dignity !degradesi , and
all the arts, the deoorations, and aecomplish
merit!, of life, • sterld)ike,lhe beacon blaze
upoka roilti'dierning ite - tihohi 4ierTriVitt."
its aifr9a l ' ih'Te' flinger ; that 'its 'eilet!ifit'iie
deatY."' • 1131tile'A ‘iiii'lliiii" . of repitisifon'i
ancllWlnitit'ffeiidiah fileasneeif Is; that - some
Pensnialiike in blaiikenifig • and Wasting the ,
fair:' nhific' ll' it" id their , iieighborel , The
' crime' deislanitef is 'seeiind' to. that Of murder
onlY.Tiatid'itif4 " trinien privily slanderstlel
his netibbni.,.'hiniliiil Tout - off.' -' 2 ' Solomon i
said, miHeithatnlandereth his neighboris a
fool."fl -Paul in the first chapter -of, ther
Epistle: , to •the Romans, ()leases ' f.t.baokbitets 'I,
among the : mostDshatneless, - . And abandoned.
Sinners that rhavk ever, lived . ini , this wicked)
world, We may commit : the sin of. slander,!
withont,attering -a deltberaykly i .,fabrioatm -A ,
and downrig ht fallehood;tp,theinjury of.pu
neleP9r. If,fiei4er.e l 99 l g -14 - fo4'sl l Ft
neightßF)hMi 9 0 PAtted a- AO
pr PORN)
and vie l P o , o , llrigluiliti 4•PIK-3914t# 8 , 6 tee1.
lent letAite.Rek,Rwiit t t9,o,takes.. tAce il k.
is bu t little, if. %pylon, Ch ao' that ,o,t, tnee
, 1
who ciriginate l dilief#o,, l ispoit, ..,-' . ,
Or, if we speak Otst Wel "fanitlif i neigh:' . '
.j?or,..'itred' :0000 t i V '63l'J, itlei l iati9g t .
what 2 11 4 1 / 1 1 16444,41 , 4 1 10tiSCIAMi*Mtr,
Or; ifAte,inetiruitelASMObfealrathilX! MAP I
mach' truth in ,an, evil a.
peighbolythangh'lkir frave -, friel geed , reason,
! for behest:hi thcr!refaq, (92' he 'otlitienrier"
i t
are '‘'f,enek-g4ti l -O(flia 7 * ieti:.Pri# l 4. !Ilk
SometiMes,, too, ,the saw Ina 45 com mitte ,
by ; telling Atnneoessarily,. and in nbadeptritir
• sothethiag, against the character of: inother, -
.1,14 intimating that we know t i Oat, -deal
.l mini' ''sie "-bild''br" wOrie,'Whieli ''are'liteltoci
phliititZte to flake known f r la' all latter
oases there 'are thwitinfio wicked ':feelinge
• and intention ; and is thet eight 'of. God we
stand condemned. c.,t....- ~ .'
i'i pro am cescsamee NIX! WRVS.]
iroetaiiziwarsterkii baza ia ar And Advocato;
-.‘ !I , • , 1 trett
:^, l •
011 THE Joll2i OMITS
•PILIGACELER. , •• • i•
• , •
To tax TE,R SMITH :—POO,
Bitalt" I
a 'mixture of truttiotud error—of Ilestoile
truth anil'stit~ti rror. Christ' the'
true . ii r indeed, bit' On CIO'
itf . riiefi l Y do
"Aatilineth* devices are
:tinOiletted - their 'eingulitilyinit 'thht'
free legenettru loSt by sin ; thelitheetlitt
I freseigennytirife• restored by grade '" We
o i b e e hn ii d V by
oSOdi rt o h f e
th DC G tr e i n n e a r l a l Tracts
r pu c b e, -
"we believ e" •say slit the preachers, , eldere,
aud d bishops of; /the -- , Mettiodiet Episcopal
:,Church, "we believe• that in the moment
Adam fell, he had no, freedom of will, left."
Bat why do yon all believe so,? Is it be
cause the Bible says so? • Will yon•ppint•
to a single passage—in the .Old orrNetr,
Testament where rsueli a statementje msde.,t,
Or,, if this is•apkting,t,top mnab, .will ; ,yeg„at
lealit , 4ametsor4o.4Nline
Ic ifr04474‘11.4)11P.14311
such; . an • if4fOrg,l lo P,reaß:disi-plairo
1 31 . ni
You tioXY. P4t 11°4 . TOO. know
my goo biother v thst wlt'a* 1114 j5 eg rs a inet
and that: 'the' stwed, Orioleit,pitt pue "fonn
language very„diethrt and ivery,
you . stete repy that free ?tgenel i - was - ie.
etord„hy 'grace .,,. messitue t ot liertfilr,';
es3l...i ) he Doctrinal Tirade,
to kr4,10 therefore
notrr given
eitildt!iiblo nonce: Witeiti r do r the
doik ' 'feet' gricsi the
seine' Bottli;ribailter' and' trouts',' I 'esipioise; ,
wh'efe loot'it:
But • curionis • .t4i 'lnow how long
Adinv - Wies iN'tbat anomaroill State in twbioli.3
he , 4ietused to be an accountable 'being? in
whtoh, because lie Was not accountablei-thd.
could commit no' sin ? The DootribaitTraotit:
throw no light on this point. Let ius,l bow.
ever, suppose it to have been , the period:
that elapsed from Ahp g itietintcpf the tall to
the cool of the evening when the voice of
thVloidiGild"iiiiilliireg: in
kehirn; " Where tat thou?"'
Diking thisiiitefimf, the'litlierorthe ha
min lracsiq'tioedrdibglo.this" Arminian theory,
couldrdo'liorWrtink o tbeoartse . he' Was not s'
freer agent: :"Tortieepise thesglorions Creator,
to shun 'his presence, to resist his mandates,
involved no guilt. If Adam :,was /finally
eric,d, the notyip# thttAiwar upilded for e
'Yrlo,l.4*.t)lo,otpttAC,4.l, of
that hour copl4 ,not. be ~.p unis h ed. be
a°o ; CtuFtl l ?) , , , it f: 4 4 '
muerolapa i grecei,ena flyst i m svi t eo, tee' ol,iege
Witldt a s j ind Y6pmti:
JrAbt 04AaftPiti
stowed, Octe t tmti•born•rebul
all his own way. There was no rto
statute book of bit l i tOw 11
grace had been withheld a w o tnen
the acts,4 Chat bole year would`have been
yresponsible acts. if grr
t, . f ears, e
, e , l4eilslotet i pl9,ol7l"d
poeiolval sire to pass ui
pttntatied, •And ,if grsoe
con(errta,4 ll4, ,traitor won]
PIO:6)Y 20aolivilykuit 411
sing_ obey kightem
eternity it, yottla
privilege a tct !mit and 'Map)
Hie Maltr.ll9olpink
hint to an umiak Sr the
.rettsiin where no grace is
caniibt be held seeonntab
.Here, then,(Wei
,on the teachings of God'.
lose Tof man's frai ll iginey
the ffl reetdratiOrr ,,, ofq free, Sget4ihiPigeoo:\
The ',whole' circle of Theoltigioakilimmilow
,i:lot:furnish two lastanolioo •
I .14,, 11011 ),,h,f!Ft 4efrnilscid i . MAut t Y:,. . ~. **A i
j 'ney, Inve,,Doett i 40146,1,4e¢ into . tire grea t
:10,5416A.:of.:phini thwi,..ol o _ iiiiitit!=44_ ,
take, it. for grated , i,hat these error!. d'o of
itgljiibipking 047. c , ,
~:.Your late "iitiselliMt Bishott:Hodd d e g,
iilititm young man, once filled mi. i'' ' tx
liiefit 14-
'n • a' Free Will:' :pH*
blithe OfcwornhipOximowhere in New Eng.'
ililid-4 think in Nov Rainpshiirb. . It was
fii eastern among: the Members ad thatide- _
nomination, lifter preathing,.to make an ex-
hOrtation:c or, as theyloall it, ".to free , their
minds." When Dir.:l(edding ! had finished- .
'hisgsermon, seVeraki.of! the , members ,:rglifor i
onfraftlr ,another, to, their ()feet, 10,--090 I
tilettllail ofi WhStillo.lllillietlY:f ; /. 44 OPAdtotoo
:them.. At length, a z brotheki wP9,:wa5.,41 2- vo
featly ,delighted, ; with., 94,41.1400tnib, t 1440.
'the iloor, "to free his mild" also., ~After
. .., _,, , • ,
saying / tAreat, many b r andrme things,:abont ' i
the 'aermOni Wishing, isi tijit , 'lei ilmiiihif `a .
iiiiiiiOitigili r ,ireiiible - 'nompltni c t inffhe laic: '
eluded P 110102 i ifieille,i, :font' have ' '
'tiara the iiiith islo•dif,' Bret hre n
ilitaki iiiitYliiiii c
iticiie thann - the tiitai.:' When 'ro l l s Mithlidiell
Arminian's teach 'thiit'Adim , 'Wi r mi '411411' 1
.toted 'the federal' hei'd'aiiit ViipiesetitaiiVe ,
of hie pciateritr,ryicti'lity'tiiif`iiiitli: "Whesi -.-
. you farther teaok•that2deltiPTehitilitalciitoir- -, :)
itnal, and eternil,:iimobikrupodosil 7:nien , iti
consequence 'of the Biro ofrthe• .
say, the • whole Attlith. )tiltitkarhourrin. addi-_,
tion to this,: youzmaint,io , Alitikikee 0 , 139°91;;)
,was lost in the fall and afterwards restorad,,
by gnyat, yoß et tlavl,imt f.tke rep01.47-io;:‘
Vay more ~t4ifflk•the,. trikarl . '...- ;_; , .
'' ' - -, -, , .J011 : 11, SMITH:,
From our Londou ): Ponteopoudunt. - .
fTM War OPer — Cßarar AgiffitinignuP4ScagenJc
—PLO EngfitA ,fresa., atifl ifte,fre,rie&Gr gram!
—Sect IV.IutlY Villejraggs •
• Coutit
.• NanifeatoltordrJohn Rusur4 Dirpatolti+-21.1Po;
.:utitista /POPO' Simi its. If*Stel 4,t,fstpffqtg;.:l l lo)
vif to - F ilav i oq of , War Sonctinsr4e Petting 46.
Orr a —The Peal ri;:012e1:4 48W .7 ° aZ72: 3
..- I :fion- 2 4;rigatioie- and Dittrtat—ltarea l leil 166°41 t+
• Tax —Conservatile :Banquetl- The Rom:Ousts; quiff?
a their nkr-A.4 AMC qg.sig9/ 6 . 0 1?A - Arriffiri
of War =ilistualpfer i u J,Feeret. t
"Igtion—Religions Freed is .idiligaiil; —A SW
RI/nintti'L . wrigt It* ,Canerbsiiigirc-tl r inisgaeit44Nevell
oelits7-Bioallb. .40644 1 ,,:elnt:PArstWaiwkriktr
,-• • • , - Lownow,,lttly , 22th; 3,859-701
, • • , • (2-r , • .;••
'.'''.rtei, WAt'is oirzit= bid peace 'Kos 6 sset'
' Coins/ ill Ermisie "is ' dlithrbie Valid' iiiiri- 1
%led ifisiolidiseioir'disapiciiisimenti4hitd, far; al
and dfitlivaittioliktion,litievail: 1 Looter Nica
ivoleob!t iii• )Ihe•' - bbjentt!of• de teetationc blvalli•
litinesriselniv• Id vain have. the Kriglialtzproio
pen; entering Pane, been seizet . it , Sheliposbud
AtTleeq•ltheAlrisianS, and the FrePrneknwed.
• what•Englispil, thisks, of ..his oppingt, i Ai.
.101041 . 4y, d tAie.. 1,c43,gv qtßi!lai 4l ,lk4Alo 4 s;t .
ling l o , •Fe Okre‘Xtlikg fflittPATNlffrliwik
. ° 6 • 13 4 3 099 , i f" -t4VdMi a ,tpr t l... , Sg e tPlf.A h ° ~
•E'FIPOTAT; . 1 3 ,4,140, 1 MAI '4 4 7At n "Allq l l ° R, , t
.tins" lese,osaiN tile:,l)%esee..of i r,, eropgrit; v an i ti
I donht - soi that AT l l,l4er,
, EmMannel . hi self;'`"
g rindl4 .,:l 011W,a,#+*•tfAiF 443 ,_,2 0 f=i ne . Jo .0,,
.p..-. 1 Ana t!eitly Wes siriled ois i e no? •
• moriii4 ie Vilbigibieli,n , ,toliiW3iii l itie:
t wo'
,Eniglioig, iiiiliont' - se *Ord liefileiiiimitele
trod him : . '' T TEi f feo‘iii6eiiiig of'As!'taiil-
tateeivisr r inkiibild'to'hitii t I ' liiidditioli , to:'"
this;iieiltlfaidy filfeTnsedito bin's; butliired:
Abioleoif isilieTirte r itor;"andi tlieri'l.hantfi - •
Cli " . toia a ,'•! as:: the' Word '-beiv is, to '
'i King- of Sardinia by the: Emperor. ,•
'Elise than this, Count Alavour resigns,• i
`thereby represeotingAs real, sentiments of 1
'his owniSoversigookildA9feb, Al" present: •
'int PlOismn,PrOVatfgaighkethilsT.MtintO! ,
1 .'e59 8 71% 0 1 •ApPre141. 104 tisaf AU. E,s;on• ir' ,• ' •
. ` T4e,P,P,lrcorkqf„4,utii,f4 B Jkikfiuliit?,o4
thatthfsiFYlAligtd to MO, 6 ..r-aPP>ii4, 0 9 00 4
of '.tli, o..elff,krtig° • °T , - "jig •t?•1 5 : t • Tgo and.
'ir i t ii noP.fei ' • he : 4 4 : 0 1 -0 90,',fe 66 4 011 1,rbi•
Arhtati he means : the pittme of pini k iii'snd.
ids I Si•M:i'i iol.,
,lietPritsifa teglaied i tOr Wie:
all'Germivreantdikitir Oliiiiiiiiiitlistayliii:', l
lowed tier. ' —l. - - -
li' now appeareolesi,'loid '3Oll Russel,
Oar : foreign - hiiiiistti : imienitisted ' strongl y`
'Witli'l'insiiii f e Witilike 'aiiitiiteciiit Wended
`Ciermani'ihtit'il shei N eiigigetin'iniii loins
'taid• Austrian dominicfn lis Itily",lherdOttler
expect 66 SyniPathY ( lfiodi EiWitadit'ihit is
'eonfidenly "believed' 'amt . " Niiperechtt "was'
'verf niselay• tip tdiiil serf= pisnokst the
attitude ofllermanl. : rge'believed that !she z ,
meant •to fight; ratitcit• is ' , said that ••• i if- his -
doubts tend tanxiety, witpecial agent was' em - '
'ployed , to converse fwithltheTrinoe col Prue- 1
sia at Berlin, to ascertaiw,hisintentions;. for, •
'without, Pnkssi44,s4Prillltiqnl44
00 9%?, 111 4.
*00d.n, 1 4.644L01 11 494 1 ,0V,kehi1f.YA1*1
Irsq..,..f9rel!iirPeSit aqL:th?:..Fir4 l o4,#oslt, K l 4. •
!whflt .til l
. e.44 l 9ll4A l ,fiketi9ol, t € l VA,..189P-to I/
' lll4 lw, Wge.r,, , PfeiStrilli!"l c!°°FillAtee 0 .IP"T 1
' 7611 iF'4°.4' frßPiev,l,l•l,?'_.l,g7 h i ve'.
lusi i i nftu9np9: to bear ,",p,it as ersiites IA v at
:Pane,. "WILi. 'llidloiiitii - ,a l icooi, 'ald intifilate
Iristiof of Ellerkiiirie," Of Trujitiii: — Wiiii'
, • ~,
Pe4.*l.t.eriih.;,.. 44 itki r. , 0 9 4 *PimPfY
under; the` iniget - liirin bid: tilynil, ' of thi' '
s Priii4,':iiik , 14‘'00,1,::;inii5" . niiiiiid.. The"
.franfireeis m of; 'km& inteirlociiine'wle nattirl -
.oy . iiiidi tiikiipectiegly indulged viAjo . it
;Regent. He SeitlYediliiiTrieniPth'i.t'hequid '
iio f intention=• cif entering into war , io"savel:
iitistris ~froin Iti, late ,she) deserve/ for her , •
Ibinduot•in is said that)in this way .
`the Emperor of the French-was able_ to.prove .
'to his brother of AtistOp,ph,en they met at
ticilbscrsoca, that Prisons woo l 4 not stand by,
thin:p6"ggielah r oan% ,iiiiiiiiiVcre: -
riakiii hilillinifies',,o het' Pirhlighed:kittei: 9
ilyl O o bt
Ingik ib
i e tliliaf l g U ein
ll g a f ' or
a lre n 6 4
b • us - Olde ke ,
oi iThArinieMeebeiiiieitteiio'Eoperori'
.hitiiiiieir*iiitielyaeigibed.' 'ot bbnite - lea ' I
'Wird - . iiiit Ilse 4derv'efilitiki#3 l 4hibh . lasted
'the' greabsf'pirt of •i - Wail+ , litt , the follow
ing is an 'aoisendt of some of , the ' Siroutn- -
stancesi'of the occaiion :. ' ' ' "
When the sovereigns were abcint to enter the
house, the GnardeliNoble were rangea on the right '
in the vestibnle,)and>the:Oent Ciardes =the deft. 1
The Emperor Francis Joeephinsieted en l the_,E4 .l , 4
peror Napoleon entering first. The Emperor
invited Frannie JoiePh tobreakfast r , bnt the
la,tier begged' to be excused; as he hili breakfasted. ,
before .settieg , out.,l ]lbe tw_o_Btoperoce , thenterel I
, terse„ sisting,rpoin Alone., .Thi,kl.z!,,Atepseti,, r
eat down at oponsia 844: if 'the bible: ' ' The'
ll i nipirtelligOlkolVisfif f Onilii•tible 3 i filirlifgial- 11
.::. I r. , 9. ~d :, .k.l:° :ii oc:110 Vibq i..alt ,rrai
.i.- i~
- .1 o • walk ! ,
.S.MOINI:OIib 4 r.ei
.: .!,.• i f
r . : • : ).. ! :Pfa i...: , 0 r r .'. ; ..', ( .1 ',._1 . ,.
.etteti in,altentrelope tthdAreiled,ene k tp thtzpunA.,
I 'sovereign, who deolinea it. Although no thyrd
!perion heard a word of what petelted'iiVi6liinte7 l
-elerc, I t o'n .8ta11! .94 6 444M,9,9.!7,1f 0 ,V4P 2 lPf s i
' in Italian, lint more krequeptly' in German; not a
word Wes 'Wlitlenidown: • . During 'the .'cioiivertia)
tips, the.f. olp star 491ap oleos; ps t f ! peolultdpiti,l7g.
,opleked to 'pieces' some of the flow . e r e pieced 'i n a
twischnfOre him' On'hnedtiefrnni'tihe hanisli tlll9
fEtApptmn(Nnpoltron , .,o,Onyeneedron , Instant : with..
„Baron ldees, Whilat_F i ranois. Joseph apolte with
I 74areht:117alllitnC"'thecrNfa!jesties'then briefly
l'aspeotedi tielr 'moils. ' Tice. Emperor of Auldria
• *A l i „so if o rt 4y4th..thr , uniform and bearing of
1 r : the ..Aitent 'Gerdes and 'Guides' 'that lie openly
.p.nreloldibiWadmiritiott;!r l lleniso ankedirhethee,
*it'll ;soldiers formed part of the IMppVakAilnard...
• : 7 i'XII:e loans incurred by both armies,. hure
been ifiAlttfut."'"li, is" beliiiisfibiit l thbiiat - I
,Ilinknoellidhi iiiibi/ietiitntuilittislidstlibgalsOW
Omni milata intifight, 6hastep..been . ) sevOttyi
thou* fikeJliPlao 4 41 .-mnlittf., The.
liemi Anitt PMRPtP l Yli r g er -1.4 0 .
teed o f}lo,fty t mound men in :li l erJlSliba lb
roj a
at aqtrulliit Itertiiii v . !'irh - iviiiil6lEgiii:'
iii tEAVillickiiiiinotriteiWti) tvimg thkeid
lb deli' Ma kirounOidsoldiempieNielt
mi i '
would ( mpriled, i 45," atiiisfort,.. ' ,' Tntiit%
•.gentieintin told 'itte u iiiet"wltti;lhir A rkon'
. .. , .,. . .
bad just'ekionted - an 'order from the - IFriieh
-GoTerrimetit tot cigars for -• the army;: and , •
.that the sum .itaid was More. than-..£8,090,i
. THE litivoEits TO EutoPs are at, this
moment,serionely;impresimd on all who holm,
found out what this French...rimp,eror ils--.411,
irremediabli bad msn. Here in Eogliud
ever' Oil; 'Vie incessiini to : the' throne;Nee
hiie Win' spudding eight milliodif annuAlly
additional on , warlike armanients 4 i We;liad
'II6PSd inaBllote, : blixe get h rid,,of i the, e hate-,1
'ftil Income Tsxaltogetlies lc uid4heortijup
rY'y" revenue of, the 'eountri has i marv el'; 'oiiily itioreiaet (in'1863W,000,000, nick
164,000,000 1 ,) 1 but the hoyeeofihneountry'
are blighted, T l • 4,l l ,9le4ar s ul'ilf, 9 1 : - ,1kint4iii°1
'dtittrim tuition ire.! evradoyed uo,„ as, tut
'Tiniis p"nye "it, `"'in ' ilie'"e'Vei ope iiiteik
military preparation, and' ilii iniii-linagrnit
what - another iiiontti , m4 bring-fortioliff Iv ..
4 , The., irritation ',)of?..the Euglish!4soplo.toft
all ! Par.ti es,_ligliPeibtAto Emperor,. is, Wi°,Ff-i•
The Tories ' to do them justine, i nave alw ays
,iniPoWer ,i i synkerkiiini fiirp but haVii'lrept
',herd irthe'viiirle3rnaiikpretiarlitibtitil t "The
Whigs, with 'the etbeption .of tPaim r driton..
iv ,
1 hi m self, a friends of Ahe;Emperor, haveylittle,
I 'faith hi m ; 9. l ol l Pf4lerfq) l 4 s ,4°,ltiVii
Post, in. mg!alF e 'd 14.911 if'dP°4oPi t : MO*
'Oa irritation, gives out rte eondeiunallOWsik
the !Compig orl'illifiiindi, Ina i'allii- for
COngress to modify it, and that Engbisli.
shall. be :represented there.i L.The jEfltioLlaibrl
'oral P 1 .0174 14 P04. 0 ) ( 5.1 1 tite-sdos 'Telesis&
"tae biglit3 .to 1.)?:qs, Aitt .43'
would be
atio," l beciiiiie Ifiiiiiparte Itad 7.- Said io; - and'
they" thought they esti 'the . indications'. of,
,euoh. a Lpurpose in his.profeased.patrooage,of
.x1 1 * 1 2 , 0P (1 . KI°00.1',,Bull?ow,40 1 AO him,
alike a traitor I,4ind, the :Tiptes th4s. xesoile,
`they fire of national' ifilgiifrinentiger;*
tniiehing the i natiriniloull wall jobikval t ow'
' .. pi e,raw,spot
‘ of.koppietaitf MigitlkoilVeAi 4.1
' `!ll lo ; l 4llil,E,lfi'lik,f9T ih% i°l l ,gleireAlggi, a
industrious people is, t i ow long tree nor
ilins'aiti 'to' be l fterife r : ThPagii) tititovi•
'ernriefit Ifillioft -iiiiitii'lePrandef thriate tie t
Itti exhinst•notionlyithit country; bat every'
lottioP•in 44 neighoF.4oiiditlllo.9el4,l924,Ra
alaclrligi 4111fm°P.4bf.°_,741°?..a°C.,40,..- one,
leer aiAn An_,,thin the expeotillion.ol an-
other ' begins .'' No selsiai r doe jiiii"oldua
break' iip in' the Bentilyttunit anotheiiii to be
seeim'foribing .in fthei:SouthfEast. Asr, to
,the Foturciii4 iteiwkrikt# ilb§o.4l.4.d,iAc The.
peace which has just bes,n l „ . 99, o„?l,!!9!ei , ,: i rf,
5 1eft Eurppe r in he t worst . pessible situation.
The': inilitie liseindoirieY l of Filifoio clif die'
Oontihent, irfesiAblished i and' yet thoseTO-'
%Al h
cs l .. Angell t whibh .1144 clisiveiremoled
the .danger. ot,s ,futFutq,sollision,Ave,,nclt,
biengtlizett, .llllagent a mand;Olferino have,
'poled that F,ris i nehmen, pin beat 14 It r es : ;
'Milani iiihe'''fielif'gittqthesngreat `victories
hhve done' utithitkgs big.; i leFurthermOrei Abe,
tEmperor returns; to, ParierioliKme 4 3 ' 1 4 31 44A:
'bifllAdiPq ( l 1'i1.t.".4,4 , m 14 ) 1 J. iigeA4.a° l lPiirli
'the consciousness orhis ,p, , meiy, he . irpowe
:that he is equal to any 'Gerniiii Martinet ifs'
the conduct of an-army - and' that he has
. tr o ops which wilheirry ll l3iss tkirogLi every
difficulty. ;
id 'i'lAti'd Yet he le'aVes Italy ' Ball in i dei Atiii•l
tlinn =influence ;": the'PoVe,.; •perhapeli 'wiz
pencilisfodlby .the ,honors: thituit • uptptil hitn,;•
1: 1 43•9 0 1q, 4 ;!filiP4 l ii'SATioteligQ°_..- 3 44 ,i 4 ° Aulh
,trite ever; i wNle;at i horle t the parties h 054.,,
file to the Einieror, are as *diva is A ify,.
E4iod last year. He cannot but feel that
futtire - and'inote complete triuniphs ' are` he!
I,43o . llaryttoerown the edifice , of hie famboaid,
it 4.l.:lokgfotilC. to 9° 1 ?le°4 1 1:4 0 )thil APlttioF
On which:, tho storm will brmik.„ l - P. T : a
titist loek l ti4eriself,' anl it eerisiot .” 1-
41otnes '' thi s country . ' to watWeitiq lino ei
!ilea of 'ii dangerous ca , iieighbei.! '' Niy, Ain
conceive that a time. MO .06ne.Whencrthe,
ext . ensiop,of the French !Navy; will, giViS,tni ;
, a right to ask' for explanatione regiiiding sr,,
imataents ' necessarilY , titerided for Offenilie
•,warfarK iw ` '-' '' 1 P" 1 "..• • 154 1‘ ."'
t THE' . His' again b e:
Astiaii•rietliktiek '' " -
lore the publiel,indVollthid lend to Wan lid;
nlitional interest. On. , Tuesday Jest, in the.
)House of Feers,..Loyd'Eltauley,pf Alderley,
dwelt on the great importance—in case of a
mar with.FranOis;=•%f'tikidrig.ziui,telegisiph
it' 99m 1 4"lokAtiSkti nig' I!"liko,qtifQ4Y. ,fr° 45 ,4
foreign3ontryl m end esltntlieestioss -as to, i ,
,new line with% tit t 6 be laid down direct to
kkilindter. (At:present; all our telegraphii
coininunieition from the Eist comae through
Yrinee!eictlitareeillee..)- Lord E Ranh oroiigh
spoke strongir on Gibe' mime' ali . hie ) ot, • and
~ ,liitid- t iftPlindttiortiiiiise. tif 4 iiiiitiwing . the co rn..
'rniiiiiiiiti'ol Niith titeTiiiieil Suaee, the" ter- 1
' i•ltifithf if fite6diy 13144401 e Weitne of lines !
'b l uing:lilt te r ) theK boiliftllof •r 1 so as-to
enable us to telegraph to ourili ' '
.. •,- , ',.. r.... 1.". .I'.V.e'eTr , t_ . ,....7 .— r; „ ... 1, .. - ...4ft - ~..
A 1 41 1 . 1 i it plaß lT 1 " eil i a '1111°Mr; to
itlie;r4iii9f is, d4bl b !.. i'Bl4-;.,- DS , t '' s
,01,2 t?4,..,4,,iki!,,:tim,,, F reT ir thllr'
q one, the,pirmettor i o Aos t - Foiheqqer, ~I
.owid - heis,beene ndigg 14 X'afliampat., f ... This ,1
burdesn filllels 6 ol Pa/P . 0' 6 4 2.D.1411°q who;
)ive,Sy l the, Swist i of I d* braPh eiil4, wlioo`o, 1
, incomes Of ,wit ' the*. . Tap. t o .taxitAl
' the same rate - With 'those w h o "have real
property—an inequality and injustice whrob.
Idr. Roebnole blilit)bittalf yobrillAtined of.
'l'll Oct *pie. of t1( 4 3 I priMelP INF, Ale 'income
, tai rose : as, : 4igt,k im I sixteen pence in the
pound. ~4„(4Tept tax like this, however, is
the: b es t ' for - the p ur p ose in view. ,The
1 .
,w6ilting olisses are thus not burdeneds; ! tea
AO certgariiid other excisable artiolesp i ban
. no i ti l he intqfered with.
'Thi CoIiSERVATIVE PARTY hiVellbello
st 3 ir v iiiitithintftiet at Meroleikiftrailolik Hell"
firth. They;'nitteteredveiy •airorkii,
ioiduwerei taattinsiaitio their udemodetraz
tlenVef lattasihment.tailtheir leaders: - Cord:
Detbritirbke‘ of ,the 4 pirt yeilirlt which had)
In l atifekted ?Iy the t nPailianiehtary.
miajority in' ejeoting , ihim from office; which'
wits not;. one ronla saypirmatter }foreithee,
ieprehenaiotil bliitiej'when the'oppoelti oil
after his appeal th'e catintry',.fourid publie
opinion dtelarltik "aktinot% Hi .ecitri•
Paint that:lia•fitteeessora +are Turista g
tbi - eatnetpoliorse•the tbeAlormaavatives; t o
the proper teppiaithey4arcdoitioo;
tr , s 7../1 ortft p•le.isilnirn
efc.' - - - -
14.1::71 8 trZt.l nal 01 14130 e .1 !
Philadelphia, Both a West„ Corner otaiventh ad , Chestnat Shute
(hit Ea Sari,t 41%,.. • -vf a tv, t I —•—•
4 4 ' 7 " " 711 4777 ' 7 . 4 . 4 ;i sr . ir e y ^l. v. - Ir bin icrtA
' fr o. o %r'irpinKiitciaLlesiE:l WANIPZOTVII•
14= , r ,441
12113* 96n0 frOVARUCTO,
••••• • ••••...• • r
, „ 7, 11 I :KM ,. •:..: :.:o.ll4h t et Or, P. /DC' el V S. . . IMpfel,
but with a difteienUWtetAgiffeigiidis"
0 .
( , . Ogr
,tFolyt , the :Aik tt0,,004. P4 ll .o( 94;,14.9P..s S 9 ~ S
.1 t a ri t t l' tettiVi Tt i l ie * pel .ti or l i vri :gtaii4 ""nif" ' I've ',
tiedett !* l 2l fs43ol.titi Ottrll r f l Ati:O r P r3 ':.
1 fowl: afterhut ueeeeeietrtoiumielt :"; —. , ~. ~ .
..:Moiltil htta—coilsrp.Ain • , c .urttl , (.7, . ..! •
• }THE'' R 014.011414% am's rn , lttall7 trolling ,
.. their chime , Plifmc i pne ttg, ) • o3P,..loti.?o;i"
tips! 0 1 0140. PAWS' 044 11, 1*- .14*R.Tii .41 6 71 4 ,".`,
igniting; •forf.some I ohms . pato to
1 n _ et. ..,
Aliafelpgit r dhiPliiiititil! jilliPAlid 4 work:.
hOliiiel::".::/a. :pike iiiiiiii6tcliftb4, 4 iif 4,1 (1161 bib;
• Ant! 01iiii4 L .,?X . ,,1,i • 4 .l. 4 7lgiantio alVie'..fct_of;
Jig?, kfr knillo4 , N•'.4PWAI: 9 4409 efifind•
.peeouie Lord r Cuanoegor. p• w bey, itroJcPooo
. onn ni n glretviding7this LLaw .-= of , Mortmain;"
mild-) itua, r!roitli#"Oligfah'''''lbini t roatitit table •
~, and . in w r g i l l ioo f. 44 lo o, o4, i K ip ? .. t , Tir4 4
."4, Pirli4 . lol@iki;i4a*C
. .* 4 l,___ A _
_AVi.V. „
Tystionsi i a+; SkinsgP,...Protioninpanymempw
*eat lig ftilifirliiicW+Soi tlawdlis •
"with a remonstrance. The .fdlibliiititak Iv
.etitUmary kof f.,P0i401 eolith dOMPOIIon ItE,
lAgittin 447).0P• Ag.i4ff F!iz Tvt , ..l yii!, t , i• 4 ?u .y:
o" (i nkees tlk ° l l -I !**ll ° %JrA l t#4, dell3l4l 4 l zr ei tta j
.oatho e.ectica en 'front t e dowse to The AZ/ffe•
: sit,. Ref) iilite Tfite'rtnedliitireolidath,Sa :shelter) fori
the Catholic University; Audr,thette
,toinge, they
~demand because, apart froinOther considerstioino
....apait froin the ititrtneitilltstitie- of Afierdernand
• 1 _they ] have a right , tu,eapect ,ther, yrould,,be,
„.dealt T AIL npon tbe sante tetute,as the citlielicss
lot Great 'Britain,' of'Canticia;- of Aristriiii,. &Oil
- OfJother rcarts, of the British domi,nionsolfkierw
Catholisi.sdasatiou,is free, nay, in sows ilkstaineee,
favored fitate's chute, . .'. .s' . . l
Furthermore, they dawn:l.3'am free exercise of
and prttoot,ion;for their I . ) e i ligion,,with competent
rtigitus instruction on equeeterinswlitirnitesi
ants, Tortteitholiois int•the sce,:j,'la naval and,
~.military Bello*, Onmorkhouppe, .in„. prisona,_and,
-I in f otherpuhlio establishments.' The instalmeni
iii fustice titieidilgraited,to tiieratholideordler,
% and, with,lio , good : , a,; gracei, Ait„aEl.
.et,rx!ea!, of a
larger measure of justice , and an argunienCin
favor rot 'th4 fttriber" det'iiiklid:''-okhat had'Deka
done is aidirect encourairpont to delso,(l444oagrAil
A loetot, and not to Ceaße asking Until full justice.;
fi eto all Catholics in plait° eslablisbitionte; ;
'yr. 'past kind 'waver ' Shays maintaiinunder;We
con of of the ptate... , , i • ~..„.,
Oghir'''iniisnires, teo, there are, Willa Irelat4*
1. 1 1
-hii rightle, and wilrdennintica,l • the-proper c timis .
, 04 .14 the ; the ; present, jt,seema i beis to ,00ntine,,o1r.,at t ,.
s a
ten on to those indicated, as being 'ot 'urgent"
"rneoesstV, 'se well airier ot/a7"ricsioni: - We 4ii.:
upon you, theli, 1dt4 1 50 17 4 4 1 1 495,. V? ...PEIJ!trLII I .I B 4 S S • 1,
Governeunf the jostle*, the ,expediency, t i ts
neoesiiti, dflialiak Wel liiailoestionl'theehaitof
.Iqmistipn,-,tbe,queition, of ftne. Catholic ccitkoatloc l -;
7ith tlifq. of alparistein(krmedliste,sishoola.ani a 4
charter fOrAtie CirtiarthilJniVeilifty, ttie ZiOeitilor 1
of friedoin4 , orotsistion• add 'conspetefit-, provlaleari
, tor iths i teaplillitgfif thkr . rep i glep, for Catholics 1
in our public establishiiiiktii, eitd'frnally We P 6 4 -1
, Law queetion.t: Theselsitois:settledi WM" riestiols
i_ wilt cir!finAtetfonfr.
!e; • *lkPAilew,Fitn 40,4 ;; the a rnPit,lh . :Patt7
...,has beerilkea4 against it from tie bakiiriing ?
;!aii it iiiSiiii mliollinatedikat tfieV4itife,
- in the` threatefiiiie 7 lBl66t 'for 'the clink:ll67
y z 'oft the • ;Romish I authoOtiesnot for.,
getting a very ,detleakinetPettiliPA taken-
by' .
444! ) , 15 h°0 'rat —that 7-411'W.te'ls
t iltddtn par&D. in -ins liliigpni may, „ Nre',
as4'cited with fahliSio'ionfiligiim, Be tlan - Ati"
'. an Y Mier iiinfaiditatioli:loit'sitiirtlitiePopiiie
..that .prOvoked: ttlie'iwat; by tits 44pport, - pfl
, Atintria: i9Apqyoul4-119 it } , Relseet 0^4 3 9 1 :
has gro.dlBo ths6 reaftionary nlini ei r Ve ..
makes war o opt
' thi "i oifikpvativeki . p.r less • '4,
it,E4t."Tiii riqii "eiren . 14i' ceriiiiiiiT
3Prereilit tediopliki!enbdistPhientelselliorusb gall
,j ec ta l -,and if ißonaparterbring baokliby forttik,
th! DAkel 6 9r Roii i infq44l4.AßTerl, ..% TR,
lie' in 11 1:0P ) ,f s tir l s i t u til l alai ,lee s t f s
protestinc , rptila on—s i n, 4 all' 1 to cosQ
cviaie R • • ; .o 13 fiIUFV,IP.I Er 3 ,rt,llo
h Nile truth, hdireiver,larthatAteitheitthe
Emperotftruata the :Papao'y, nor, theXapitop%
*3 l E..{lll:tero_ EL:d Abb.! rtil eiri well kn9Tailboei,..c
I lie encouraged the i rkblioatio l ii of gi...,coont's 1
trirli . Ithrne„':f C essterldiui.'aiiikki °A ;
'Wag Yilillredlkinied at-lifrdinieki,u-hiit'itutiar
drbe i teteisiti inio'lfriitraa 'for I's (considerable
ON, andAchen seised ,- at ilea ilby t tk.e l aoy-:4
~ErpinPittlEO tit". ittlAsT.4cA-14.44.cirietfsd.,8 ,
Arinhi4,4',#ltYtfl &Mt"? t o t ne
tdoksellers so pu aWay s gre r nil:air ,
rot ! eofies; killaotiiWikikuiliem 1 4 1 4oithlii
'Make, and more eagerly sought. , :nirliuk,osla
ithe Paris onmeeponderitinfotholitailit Ale
', , - , •
j gr / Ttp . itAyk,4 6 the Gathogo t partyAntw b elk
enough that hind ot i fiiencll A thops,hie:
at tti.Tralreritilj:aali Ws listtril3k willlW
addiiili'iloief'Whioll"iiiiitiltiettie'leli ilige'
two ,imiable cpartiish 'Be7 'of .Agoootrotieeri9
hntiest men]; :you. &bawl, some rhino el of ..ben,,,
"e#tt when et4Fe3AFe!.2 l3 llViel;nlA4Kin4 \
Jkesoh other."
1.7 Oh'e effe'c't ;if' ih'e '''re 4 veltifionullll-illillie,.
. I Tigta , , to compel thirJainite: to , paoklnp fill , '
their, baggage, ottid, rap*: irArN r kelanshloAl i
1 ' O l 4 - 91 31 .4f!.1wh,P, joh,l.M4i4r ptitA A1t 1 711 11 , - .;
sate! me
~ thit there. Is Aip. doubt that in
..lio &hardy,' afousi l i berty 1611 , 1346 i: fay
!rieitsibliifiility' Birdiais 7 l4 mina' aVeliaiiris
m te allow thor!frecreiritislitioniof t4e.diforipli ,
tetea., ;That , LisrkjOil. thg i the.;;lcinggent IPA
7 . r.
4 , - Uh W .ilt P9 L4 MlF l Vadr i hi l lA ti q tr A i bi t q ba
i•slinged-for consummat ion when the, Goape 4
~i ii VPiallitte' prerity'ai r if Minitel,' sin Ve
Apreabliadt"ittiltoine?altio'r neithiterelliginl
nor a Papalr'stipremeily forbidding.it4 .:., , r
i Thectrzier Or' THY. Wititaltlik-lisienbeen
,Wery-great, for.. some .• time. N ..11i .: tzutb,l the?
~average tempertAtirp IggkboitioTo is, ki g tm
"Oen ferAhe.Wekt,ii , SX:VT 311" L- Stu i tti a
Jnnaisberid pitr,on% mi t e did of sinitiOke,
Whiiii li'iery unusnal r in u thislilNiiik - ' 'We'
have alstPbeen visited. by , thtindei:stotrais' of'
imam' severity,. giving• but short reliefi
howev nil'Alw° er, from,the
4 • 7 Al 4 isell 2 ,t.ln tWihe Jn 4 idat ,of ;
- AM! 9"FA A 1 41-
feltirilmnieneii cluarititieil, ' 'de stroy ikig giaiic
Jtml'iheliying flat, field' of doinli A
.Southgate, it was most, destruCtive. "Icicles
were• from;ther ground, as large -sill
sp ß ies 1, The country generally lookslseanl
Alfa!, ifter recent rains, and _the pro ! ,
yirovisioria, or , at least of bread, i.e lllpsti ta,
: i ta.l6 lotWfoi: ' the next' tfirrilie bread,
haliff retlentlyrheen - vii a feW* day's' ,'Tierit , -tio
i eambridge,-.aod, its ,-neighborbOodei ?:The
, proaus t s" . u. cf . , the, ,harvppt ,as. abtsnlant, : and
' indersillf is - already tgun. l'he. beantiful
. 7
__,_ s' ,iOV the /.iiii,_ ~,.701'.11 - --likA:, ~ ,A,
°roar ,or news, .6 Loyal -variety or
1,. park and-meadow, ana of yellow grain, with
F; Ovoid asieeatralitreealof ininoriai'mansions,
iptiforgetting; tile ;ohmic banlut , oflithe Cam,
thq„hip ofiPollegin),"44.o 9 44,fitard,q 2 •l, ,
,fii the memoriryof a Thidlay, a Bsoon, ,
a Barrow; a Milton, 's CranWell,' a Newton;
a Phitoc, l and a Henry Martyn—all thelW
peeking.. rapidly in ettiioessiden vbeforeLeatill
leave , delightful reminisoenow.,even After
th 0 mighty , 1110 1;r 0 Bilif sitell' °lilt t °14 5 agai%
and when lab o r are 1
ll festusse,_ d. ,
, t.N • Oirli • t.wk • ,if :';', 'W 13
I ,11);
Prifflictleittb4uSe 11 1 ) 1 WHA4a. PM
work; °mod " The Idyls Of a Kin"' : It
is c 'ti leiiiii'arf6 , o` l l4eifds` of %WU**
• Kl6t Aitiiiii; lid' o Iniglitiaorcldl.
) it-msa put7into my liandit3 by.ioneurot tbe.
IlirnbddgCriellolte,nwJailo,Lll3ll4 iiiilguestfn
nd in tims do ciolgi, ,f,ciir opp ItA st ig (i s „gpllege
retreat, 1 read a portion of the boob with intioihutilijoYmiltfil G - siiitiTili tlifgre — iidniii.
inksbly; with. itn, ,, nobly , suitinstivpi.ilret ,
ific9g2t:poW,WOnl94oAs ippaciats4 4, t
°I 0W.... , T<lkeldfile T uPP4 tIKTP .014 r
in or aligns is most mark an tlis
?niiiiil isilVoillinglii fir "crime' rria(i4iii. idii ;
?indittieifriiiiiiiNgAitioteeEelbAlliiiittr° otbi
is 3 pojinektonsy 4,l4it)Tennyeroni aid axing.,
.fellOllziM:o.o.44 ll y,dtviAttrAkbr4ekl.: pia.o4
tCSFlMq n *?..3o.V ° Wail 4 l 3l 44V m 2,ll,,P t s
4,11_41. uulsbrnts. w . lyrjp, ' orm, lam,
hriVim&l faiiitiq 411614+Win a tilit 6411,411"
Alinsof ttiniari;l4,.
- WAPtitairsl44lol.-
l; ACCihy;iiiYittlik:VuOileir, Auk' by
'Tandyson,rand4tiip aiso,suu *ti . that the poet'
~.Laureate,•oct-this.oestaeioniteoeived a gentle
t liapiratioefkill4thelBciereign herself, , that
I , anoh iitinaillcirfoctli . enstional patriotism.
AN dis.o44tirt, : 1r1iiti1,10)06,91186, it ytdi
cites that .ths Queuri-guyi e tlie,Court have no
,great confidence rin.y.thcvoft professed good
t faith 'of Latir.Napoleony 'coven , though his
!lip hsye, ore .now, tiAokied, Of not " pro
'Wed,"),.,r.he cheek , of , a trio ,Queen, and
one Of ihelaiiiiiit imitneitf . '
*V - BpAirr . leitieliireOeity. "opish .as ever,
i e yet a work 'of real Cvangefizition its
.Ey*gelization STiWiltit . t*ltintpllhiCh
, 'lrnowe and dries more In.tlp matter " 'than it
wcei liberty to- thsiiirar le 'rfie' 'Bible
Os eiy;ritsoil,:hic , its)iteriiiiWil?aoini and' ,
~,gEict °pity delpottetinrohatOlieen ptgly Air-,
rrste4 ,l ltviniffllPAl FOS A tflPfielqiin
" the TS i g hl 3i ll/ %21 •794it---1li• had FT - ..,
lvionej •een. e oee i n fly aetit;it i iii . ;Anda- I
Anaii, - Ogiligifinip iffrafonivlliiih tlitell
':'iliitiettlii that fierttininlotAlitofiiiieon •\ Where'
. derenitiriroonizimAiianillwlierei thn*. in
lone:monster whodmwrdpred feur men in a
ofeirlrure He says that the blasphemies
,fie bears, witli, , their looks,;and the.oeverity
. or r ilie - ga4leire, ire dicl;,iiful. ' Judicial pro
., eildibgel ark•gbing iin: 'against him. “ 1
• fear," writea. rine; ".that inr the ' present
(istita of relieoue excitement, kept, up by
a.: tji clergy, the resnit-cannot-ba-favorable."
4 F-The liusa Aiisiciiirrestill progresses,
~and, i iiii-pleaeant for me-to be obliged, as it
:ine*,- by , its anarvelOus results, to make a
aglep./y,„report regarding, Dr. Begg, of
'Edinburgh one of Li* Pree,Churcli Depu
-1 ties to theitriiik Aoseeilliii,' in iddreseing
.-liii COngiegitlorilliemief, Stated that from
"wht:het/beard:Worn „respected brethren in
4PP, liait 403./ 1 044 1 ,n0 , doubt that the move
~wor)„of the ; Holy Spirit. He
also stated Ai '#te sederunt, ( set apart by
4 ,
s-thei ike l sieldhly,klas 'one of the most solemn
%ihich lie hied ever attended.
;.. NAt Belfast,' , at. almost all the meetings
~belii,, each .evening omits of conviction ocean
,At i Ote d praysr meetings held in private
' liking, chiefly by laymen, the number of
veniteinte exceed thoae in the churches, and
. :iiiaity lie - thought to seek for mercy while
;engaged in their usual avocations. The
number of Bomanists whrohave been led to
, look to Christ, farserbeidsmhat Is:generally
Alliewp las , persecutirt ,Is sure to.folOw if
Ptile 10nof conversion, is revealed o the
..priests and' bigoted rtilatiies. Ws are as
surer/ i'lliht j the 'ileir .obtiirerta 'from Horde
1 seeetottiriderttind the' way of salvation by
l fisitkiasithcirotighly,aa if they bad all their
liveit i lits,n .taught, that doctrine."
ir''D°Pqßiing4LtolUJstsr is now common on
Lithe . .part u lif re l igious people all- over the
1 kiriguB:l?" 'I ravisCirle hopeithitlerte Tong
I. 1 shall/oin:thedpligririi• band. LlfJeo,• you
l' e 7 i 4e i lbluivai &Jaithfal: report, of -,whatr,l. shall
see afill . ,hemr. f s i 4 Mrs.palmer, ao r Arnerioau
. l iitisum and D r. Palmer, are now in Bel.
Infiu Iliidi- Wu', !Tait in' revival serVices in
. )r phe Methodist - clitiiiibee. The lady is a
eeeai.ber of(theMetbodistlEpiscopal Church
" !the United States.
; 5.,...1 i•
1 akt,-,.D,srg, the jiimates,of the Peniten• ,
!belay have been ts - eget` doiiii," 'although
Illina'riiiiiiiredAiii - sitilliiii'beefi'delliered to
~httuidPikridl ilereigt iliforinatioe his; takem
lamr• An:, their. ..conduct ::: and:: habits.
t 1 near relative at Belfast,.. Mr* me
. ' . iii follows : "I think the,bodily Manifests
r 'tions are deoreaskion4, goo„ tpd,they are
341: discouragedbylhe Miuisli of England
g luenliiiialiittielifieirPliieb*riariministers.
1 I ti n!otliersreigiects;; ill irogoingron well, and
grwofteriokfiintes , lind,-improvisiL3mOrality
1: - ...4vibi 1., ;Wes IFPniiiiirrtt3.*l.,PTening,
4814)e July
tiSoy L.iirtti k id, May Eliiiet'ohtirishi. ' 'He
6ditsnrknitOst powerful' address , iiith-Veleich
I fihiolifefbefoirmhislooniervion, .to airlins.'
1 7.menseArdienos.?! Many of• yore readers
'11 . 41,..bri gls,4 x tei Ancla. that,,the Revival is
' gPTe,ihndi more !.Pll T re s -Orß i 4l4-t i 6 ,
;',. towns " o 'Lurgan,
,inir t Newry, - ati ' their
„xilitokititrisideittaorh r oisie "'" i , 7 " . v.J.W.'"'•
..., It:' SI , -:—lti"' a debits, latit'tnigliti • fili-• the
111 1 00.1Ps, Tix,)PilasielientilaßnghtnatiK4o7 ,
'']deprecated tlho Tiolio„,„ , e. i .of ,this
'P r rti a gs a Y nd Yritoe• 14,Rd • until - and
Rai Irstoegilliffil_tilii View'," ii-lietify .
~pitfinalitUniimiiiitai. " .. TheYpicOie' •icilti,
lute Ai .,- . , ...looigress in :order.' to meow better
' taiNfikiV,ltsly..i The iTchoule•retas to re,
Hel l irh rt blipk . ,,the , 4ll ll l/d Duke, aid neither
I.l.lrrane4 nor Austria wili`dare to force them
1 ,4 o; do so. Piedmont will secretly favor die :
iffeetliiii,;'ind Nlmoititori'liiill doiEnoh to
unprOve theo,termi of !peace. Austria is
S'rt.!•o7, to Kelaz dsapotism,,at„ home, as to
'T;q sB A'i ti W! B andi Hungary.
• l'ainfiret•itisswistil
)tC' • .
-.)i i i.av,r 4 -4 1 6. 3 yr 0 k.r ta . , .A . • .
o d At ' tide - e merman
p rp act Botsiety, Rev. DElriniaid, missionary
. m Burmah, exhibited•s-tract printed in
"the language of their:bifid - Try; and !stated
"Digital L49P94.104.4aR1A* 46 1 11 . ), k !I:14 been'
: 4131 #19 1 44 4 , SAW tied eonveraiop,
imbraPle Atha
a ir r areit'ehkefhttn ued
linfo r e, 11444414d'
-ail of whom name to inquire into the trials
'of •Chriatisnity:- - • •
"This book," said he, "zost 'ono bent.•
WhniiiVien'i was thit can iney# i i!e'
ItnglitiLltero, but it will stand . .eSt,l,
I ,kr9lllll,tont eternity : 46B,th° ,offering
alone and ifikithAo . - ' •
TlieoPexisth Minister.;
ZhPVtl4-404.44drun B ede, n, sketching .
uthe.reetortof &pariah ,eeye, he wee nc4 mach ..
spre!teher.w He :preaohed Jake* :
eerflibileV heatifeld: 3 040
lip N.. ifiii 7,l / B . l44 , g 6.°4 4l lT ritiPi j O r
blitNe diffek*.t , f. ,
Yin . 00 : 14 Rq 94 1 :op AM>,
, end then be, asulike , 'en - iApp,,two,peetkothei:4
;NN in4l itYtAnlYlit 4.)114,10,1110 t.MPI29t.
per t
mea vie ae, yea_ were
4 fe niiitiotiaiiETlFni on ie u as " •` f
• •
Hrypeditetillaice • Idfidels.
) infidel onogleftitlie oOffipany of some
great ptoftkaeoteitholtiad done;Agithin •
„Halt 14MkkitectilIkelBigh b9l i 55 1 1 1 -1, 1 1 0 1...
they seettiqo to love morel tmqi
thin. he r eild, Ifiledrii
ChiitatifiVaiid '
hdpillotver to tie one!!! Let 'those, who:
mho, ito represot cAroz.
Presietigic , cf..mto
'{"oh" enemy„and hit o4nee:ty their
tq)iirdellilt'Of all fa
J xi Si E „ -
.aillpagrKEl L AS .444"Rkikrntt
t rn tigAntsr a ngliTsf,nolr; r4P h nliti
not m ak e e tus in* more eo 41 . j. o e prep .
eitie:Of,l 4 ' o l 113
mthiitife mi. in the one
Ootelnport:thiimrorlOo , .nif it: were, netrialio •
IIaY4A I A 41 ,44rimloyei Aegleo otztfigtig
) ,
it were never tokve i beginuivs.---"ewgiort. •
a Tith
Ott'Ailloitee/azid thstlANtAndElliir thy; the
sieWt . .ititutalenB' 40ov ;balmthe:ono
tlici ii 4xo99,le,:ytitilAdcry, to over the
'w t tlibaaVS ie tia n eVir;y4r , RP t .
t to owg naqn. 7 — .t& r .
1017 of 183, _ Patt 5)18