R A pit s. y prembyterbui iluaner, Vile VII, Nob 41,15. Prosliyearlas Advesitte, Vida =I, aer. 4V I DAVID Id °KINNEY and JAMES ALLISON, Editors. ZERKIL-4N ADTAIOI. Original Vottrß. . The Good Shepherd. BY EBY. J. Y, Not in the pulpit only is his voice Upraised, to make the sorrowing hearts rejoice, The laws and doctrines of " the Word" to teach, And to a ruined world, good news to preach: • ' The truth he speaks, where, on the bed laid low, Strong men to fell diseaso'are forced to bow; And where, with woeful cries and falling breath, The young or old writhe in the grasp of death. He speaks it at the stricken husband's side, Whence God hath just diSplaoed a blooining bride; 'Mid orphans, mourning parents, he appe-re, And blends his words with sympathizing tears. Ills office 'tis, with generous hand and heart, Relief and prudent counsel to impart. • - To sound a warning to the sons of vice Along the paths where smiling sins entice; The conscience smitten, to the Cross to guide, , And win the wanderers to the Saeiour's . aide. Such scenes and works demand hie daily qare, , And these hie talents, time and labor share, Happy the faithful man, his flock to feed In pastures green, by quiet streams to lead. But trials, too, rte well as toil, his hit; When duty is forsaken, grace forgot; When love of brotherhood is raft of power And sheep turn on each other to devour ; When some, he led and fed with gentle hand, Colleagued in wrong, hie loving words withstand; When some he warned or weed from ways of death, Requite his oare with false and slanderous breath And some he taught the words of prayer and praise; Aorta his ear with coarse and vulgar phrase, When poverty, elate with growing wealth, And squalid misery, in recovered health, From him and truth and duty turn away, Forgetting favors of a former day. I do not say such griefs as these to all Who lead the faithful shepherd's life befall : But if not these, then others hard to bear, Privations, disappointments, fear and cafe— To see his flock a light and thoughtless thiong, , To see some sinking, who he thought were strong, Some madly gay aneath their triple loadL:-. Wrongs to themselvee, to•others, and:to God. Yet comforts, too; the man f , oGod attend, And to his heart, peace; joy, and hope, extend ; For heaven, approving conscience, and the good, A threefold fount, pour forth a generous flood Of consolation; and their favor yield To cheer him in -hie toilsome, troublons field. Some rescued trophies of the SaVior's blood, Some, by the Spirit's witness, born of God, Assiduous these in love around him stand, To soothe hie spirit and to nerve hie hand. , • The sons of peace, too, heavenly arts essay To banish discords from the fold away ; Or, falling, they with him in grief retire, To mourn the fury of the griadeleSe'fire ; His pious sorrowe, they 'assitage or'share,, And strength or succor"beg for him in prayer: Besides, upon his weary heart comes down'` The The gleam of stare and ettneranthine @Fowls; Assured and sealed by the Chief Shepherd's blond; And safely treasured•for the man of God. ' For the Preebyterien Banner end &droente "The True Psabuo,oily,.:', MESSRS, EDITORS send 3?011 . for-pub• Relation in the Banner, a few , remarks upon the work with the above 'title. It ,was'pub lished in Philadelphia last Spring y by Committee of several ministers and laynien of two or three denominations who eitm " Rouse's Paraphrase " exclusively, and' are much opposed to .the toe of " Hymns." The book has been highly'recommended the .Preacher, and I' perceive, has pisselVto a second edition.' I have not noticed that' you have, thus far, so much as mentioned its name.* The paragraphs annexed, are extracted from " the Appendix" to At small volume about to issue from the publishing house of Harden & Son, Philadelphia. This work bears the title, " Letters on Psalmody—a Review of the leading Arguments, SRL The work; I may add, has received the cordial approval of a number of the most prominent brethren in this vicinity, including such' names as Messrs. Paxton, Howard, Plainer, and Pat terson, of these cities, who speak of it as " written in an eminently Christian tem per," EXTRACTS The materials which the Committee have thrown together in, this " compilation," (the book entitled The True Pealmody) exhibit some cations examples of incoher ence and discord. Nor is it easy to deter mine, of two or more conflicting sentiments set forth with equal zeal and authority, wbieh they wish us to receive as, their ma tured convictions. For example, in the "Introduction," they plead for, " The Book of Psalms in a literal translation," " to the exclusion of all uninspired songs," page 7. But when they reach page 217, their propo sition is, " tbe Psalms of Scripture to the exclusion of all uninspired songs." But do the Committee really believe that, " the Book of Petin's," and " the Psalms of Scripture," are identical in meaning? Are there no Psalms; hymns and spiritual songs in Scrip tare, except in the one book ? Will they venture to maintain so absurd a proposi tion ? Again On page 7.0 f the "Introduction," they plead for " the Book of Psalms to the exclusion of all uninspired songs." But when they reach page 65, they quote &lead ing author as follows "It would appear to be the Divine will that this (Book of Psalms) should be used to the exelueion of all oth ers," This of course excludes not`only "un inspired songs," but " all others" except the Psalms of 'David, both inspired and un inspired I Which side does the Committee maintain, or wish us to adopt in this conflict of sentiment? And what is most extraor dinary, on page 133, the Committee them- selves say—" The issue before us is, have we liberty tolnake and sing * * songs-, other than those of the Bible I" On page 7, 1 it was " the Book of Psalms to the exclusion of all uninspired songs," but when they ar rive at page 133, they forsaktrtheir first po sition, " the Book of Psalms," sod are found arguing against " songs other than those of the Bible —where of course they take un der their protection not only " the Book of Psalms," but " the etngs of the Bible" gen erally, as well as those of the book of Psalms! The leading author whom they quote with so much approbation, says it appears to be "the Divine will" to - exclude "' all others" but " the Psalms ;" but not so the Commit-. tee when they arrive at page .133. They then say, it is "songs other than those of the Bible," against which they contend! At one time, it is " the Book of Psalms" exclu sively for which they are valiant, but at an other the songs of the Bible," including, of course, all songs in the Bible, in defense of which they have unsheathed the sword of controversy I And still more to confound this confusion, the Committee tell us near the close of the book (p. 217,) " We have kept but one definite proposition before us— . the Psalms of Scripture, the Churoh'S suf. *Because we were not favored 'by thet.Publieh ere with s copy for sotios.—Sioe • , fioient and•appoioted manual of praise." So that this oriole of "True Psalmody " gn at►y needs an interpreter to expound its res• ponsess This " True Psalmody " is largely employ. ed with objections to " Uninspired hymns ' "They hive led," the Committee tell us, " to the abandonment of congregational sing ing ;" and "in domestic worship," they strongly' inti Mate, "there is comparatively little use of sacred songs." These' are un questionably great evils; and so far as they exist among the advocates of hymns, de serve to be condemned. Bat have the Com mittee traced these evils to the true , cause, viz., the use of hymns? In afoot note they admit cv , fact ,which' entirely spoils their ar gument. "The Methodist denominations " not only " retain congregational singing," as the Committee concede, but as every one knows, make more use of song in Divine worship than all the other-denominations put tolrether I Yet these same. Methodists do not sing "the Psalms" at all, but only `hymns ! The logic of "The True Psalmo dy " is 'sadly at fault here. Again, " the use of hymns endangers. the Church's purity : they have been used in diffusing error and heresy." Bat has not the pulpit been often used for 'the same purposes? Do not Men wrest Scripture to their own destruction ? Are the Scriptures and pablic preaching therefore to be discarded . as dangerous' to the purity of the Church ? Hasmot" the grace of God " often been abused to licentious ness? What, then, becomes of the Com mittee's argument Do not the Arians of Ulster sing and explain "Rouse's para. phrase" so as "to diffuse error and heresy?" Of course the use and explanation of 1 ( Rouse's paraphrase "should be abandoned as endangering the purity' of the Church! From page 73 to page 96, we have a labored attempt from the pen of Dr. Coo Per, to prove that Paul's "Psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs,' (Ephestans v: must mean the Psalms of David'exelusively. Dr. C.' is no bad special pleader, but we merely refer him to the deoisiore of Ralph , Erskine, quoted in ontrof Our letters. He will there find the unbiassed judgment of a prince among I,the original fathers, of Dr. C.'s divisiorrof the United Presbyterian Church, viz : that Ephesians v :. 19, Colossians iii 16, contain a Divine precept, for singing such human paraphrases as Erskine com posed on " &lemon's Song." As Ralph Erskine had no peculiar, dogma to, defend, it is quite probable he was right, and. Dr. C. altogether wrong. In the same connexion it is arguSd that "the 'sayings of Mary and the prophecy of Zacharias" (Luke i,) are, no,"'precedents in favor of New' Testament songs; `"for,"` they tell us, "of Mary it iilmerely stated that, she said; her utterances are not styled a song i nor s there any evidenee that •she sang tnem. --„ • Now as this argument has been employed in Pittsburgh,* as well las Philadelphia; it is worth .amom,ent's • attention. .„« Mary did .not sing---she;only. said.” Bat in Revela tion v :•9, we read—r” they sung a new song, saying, Thou artmorthy," &t: Hence it follows, that the four living ereatures;and the for and twenty,elders, did. not, sing at all- 7 -they only said For other, examples .see Revelation iv 10, v 12, vii: 1`0,:12. Try the' same argument with some of:4h° - Psalms.' "" David spoke' unto the Lord the words of this ' Psalm xviii. Did Daidd say or sing? . Or is Psalm xviii a song ? Again : "1 said, i will take heed tu my .ways." , Psalm xxtix. Cif' course this Psalm'is not to be sung, for David' only said it ! Again : Psalm lv- , ".Sing forth -thsAhonor of his name---make his praise glorious. - Say unto God, how terrible art thoa." The Committee can perhawdeoide whether this -Psalm, - like, the eighteenth, is to be said or sung, since 'both terms are used! . Again : To account for the fact, asserted but not! proved, "that .singing piaise has been dropped so extensively in connexion with the use of hymns," the Committee say ".the:idea of worship has, ceased to no inconsiderable extent to be attached to the singing of hymns." To' prove this extra• ordinary assertion, they quote "S. D." in the Presbyterian; thus " Protestants and ,Papists alike sing to creatures." "We sing to all sorts of inferior creatures, especially to sinners." But if this is sound argument, we wonder the Committee have not long three ",dropped the use' of the Psalms l" Take this example from Psalm lvii MED IMil Why dost thou boast, 0 mighty man, Of mischief rind of ill. Thy toogue.mischievous oalumnies Deviseth subtilely. • If any worse example of "singing to creatures; especially- to sinners," can be found in oarr hymns, we have never dis covered •it. Again, Psalm xeiv :8 : Ye'brutish people, understand ! Fools ! when wise will ye grow , ,? For more of this dreadful evil of "sing ing to dreaftires and to sinners,"•see Psalms xlix, lviii, lxii, lxvi, lxvii, ii, ix, x,• and many others. It Dr. Cooper and his breth ren will practice the doctrine they preach, and drop all such Psalms as these, we will begin to think they • feel the force of their own; argument. By their own Showing, the Psilms of David "Contribute influences to mislead the minds and corrupt the hearts of sinful 'men," equally in this particular with our hymns! When our Assembly shall issue 'an expurgated edition of 'our hymns, Dr. C. and his brethren of course will be found expurgating• David ! - Our sys tem; they tell us, " needs amending and purging,' p. 155. We rjply, by your own showing, so does David On page 69, adopting the words of a lead ing author, the Committee say—gi One thing is certain, that neither oar Lord nor his apostles have furnished any Psalms and songs for the use of the Church." The . Committee surely do not think that saying 41 it is certain," is the same as proving their proposition. But no man who carefully reads' the'New Tectament, can for a moment doubt that there are many songs of praise in that volume; such fcir example, as those of Mary, and Simeon, and-Zacharias; as well as those recorded in the Acts, the Epistles, and, the Revelation. Scores of passages can 'be`readily adduced, having much more of the 'attributes of sacred song, viz.: sub lime devotion and poetical excellence,-than many of the more prosaic parts of the book of Psalms. = This is so obvious, the wonder is that it has ever been called in wagon. All that is necessary is to have some poet, such as Rouse or Watts, to paraphrase these beautiful passages in verse and metre—and we have a volume of New Testament songs. How strange that good men should venture to affirm that " our Lord and his apostles have furnished no songs for the. Church !" And this rash assertion includes "the new song," Rev., v 9-14, recorded by the Apostle John. It will not do to say "it is certain this new song' was not furnished for the use of the Church." That is the very point to be proved; and which never ' was and' never `will 'be 'proVed.. - The Com mentators teach a very'different lesson. - To: make this reasoding still more obiriousi Pressly-cot Psalmody;--p.,44, "ONE THING IS NEEDFUL "ONE THING HAVE I DESIRED, OF. THE LORD:" " 3 THIS ONE THING I pp."' PUBLICATION OFFICE, GAZETTE BUILDING,. FIFTH ;STBEET, ABOVE SMITHFIELD, PITTSBURGH, PA. Hy NMI sm or at the ' " smite, SIM Pp' Yen t PROOPECTV S IFOR THE WEEK :ENDING SATURDAY, AUGUST 18, 1859. Deliveredia thellity; 4 • look at a few examples. Can any one doubt that there are many - passages in, the New Testament, at least, ad worthy to be nailed "songs," and versified for purposes of praise, as are the fotlowing : At evening they go to and fro: They make great noise and sound, Like to a dog, and oftvis walk About the city round. And let them wander up and down In seeking food to eat; And,let them grudge when they shall not Be satisfied with meat. Or these Whose belly with thy treasure hid . Thou fillet—they children have in identy. Of their goods the rest, They to their,childten.leave. When they me, saw, they, from me fled; Wen SO . I am forgot As men are out of mind when dead: I'm like a. broken.pot. These and scores of similar'etanzas, are parts of songs of "Divine institution; but the songs of • the New Tesfatnent---. "None are - furnished 1" But, say the Com mittee, Prof Alexander, of Princeton; cif that all " the Psalms" are "songs, poems intended to be sung; arid' with •• it , musical accompaniment;" and 'that "they are Intended to be permanently used. ; in, the worehip of God." But in wiptt manuer.are, they to be " : permanently used?"-What , did Prof. A. mean by.this language ? "The learned and highly esteemed , Professor". constantly, uses our.." Psalms and hymns," and, in all probability never sung five,stan ass of Rouse in his life I ,Yet the Commit tee venture to quote him .11A . favoring Weir notions of " a correct and literal trinela- Lion The "permanent'use" "advobated by Prof. A. does not help the cause of "True Psalmody I" And then as to "the musical accompaniment," which the- Pro fessorsays'was also " intended "—the Com; tnittee shrink'from it With' horror. Not to mike my article too long, Messrs. Editore, I close with the following: The Committee endeavor to make ailittle capital out of the fact,•that-aninehynans in frequent use were the proddetions of men who gave no evidence of being regenerated; and that Torn Moore's .hymn beginning; " Came ye disconsolate, , where'er lan guish," is found in our:collection. It can not be denied that our hymns in general arufrom Christian pens, from such, entinent„authors as Watts, Newton, Toplady, Cowper, Hotter, Montgomery, &a. But one of these..soge is the production of • Tom Moore-that } is "the dead fly in the ointment." Let rutin. : quire whether nothing can , be eaid in pallia tion of so great an. enormity. (1.) Do these brethren never woiship. God by reading or other Wise uttering the , prayer of Baalam " Let me die the. death 'of the , righteous, and let my _ 'last end be like his 7' 7 =Ni:umbers Have they-never worshipped God by reading from the pulpit his prophecies—" There shall come a star out of Jacob, and Saiiitie shall' rise out of .Israel," '&a ? Are these prophecies and this prayer the worse, because their author-was not a regenerate Thin ? ' ' (2.) Is not a large part of the book . . of Job the., utterance: of; error ?• -Does- not-the Lord tell- Eliphar-t-" , llyrwrathis - kindled against thee and against thy two , friendir;lfor ye •have not spoken of me. the thing taltiak as right as nay servant Job haat, P" xlii: 7. But do not these brethren.worship God by reading publicly these 'erroneous sentiments 7 (3.) When "the devils'," in various - 1k stanoes,,acknowledged Jesus to be' the ,true, Messiah,. " the Holy One of God," he :did not command themto be silent—he did not refuse a recognition oUlits `Divine character and mission even from "devils." And our, brethren worship God by reading from their'' pulpits theie just and true ascriptions of', honor to Christ, though theivauthors were the devils? Is not' this almost as bad-as singing hymn of Tom Moore? If the Committee feel no " compunctious visitings" While worshiping God in , the language. of Baalam the son of Bosor, who,. loved. the wages of unrighteousness," (2.Peter with the utterances of Job's friends, N against whom God'a Pwrath,was kindled"— and even in the language of "the devils" ; of the New Testament, then what becomes, of their argument 7 Doubtlesseven wicked men are sometimes deeply;impressed with. Divine • things, as Baalam was, and are so under the teaching of the Holy Spirit as , to utter many moat valuable and interesting truths. And if, after the manner of,Bialatu, they possess the most elevated poetic talents, we think the Scriptural examples• do not condemn the occasional use of 'their• utter ances in public worship. Certainly the Committee are not in a position " to cast the first stone" at us;Presbyterians. The "True Psalmody" has touch to say against "uninspired songs," human .00m position," &c. And the Committee say they " are certainly at liberty to pronounce very decidedly the Scottish' version (Rouse's par-. aphrase) to be an accurate rendering of the original." Not to repeat what has already been said in' our Letters, take -.these' sped mans from Psalm cii: 6 : Like pelican in wilderness Forrsaken I have:been I like, an owl in desert•am That nightly there doth mesh Will these brethren inform us , where they find in " the original," the second and fourth of these lines? And the same is true of hundreds of similar stanzas. They are spe cimens of Rouse's composition. Yet Dr. P speaks of Rouse as " the Divine songs ja this version," including, of course, all the sentiment and verbiage which he has added, to the inspired text I The Committee must not be surprised to hear from every intelli gent Presbyterian,' in reply to such-4Na ment—" Physioian heal thyself." And, are they certain, that Routh was "a regenerate per. son '1" If not, " how dare they sing his effa sions ?" W. A. For the Presbytertain Banner and Advocate'. Trust in God. Trust is different from submission. ,Sub mission: has to do with facts. Trust has• to do with possibilities. The one has reference to the present; the 'other to the future. Submieston bows to the stroke, now. Trust puts its hand into the Smiter's, and follows, whither he will. It is hard to say ,whioh is the more beautiful, or which leaves in the soul the more profound peace. Manifestly they are the twuangels which guard closest our happiness. He who has learned to sub mit and learned to trust, is safe, whatever may come. " His life is insured." Let us glance amoment at the import. anoe of Trust in Goa. We are walking on a path where a thick vailstouches our toes. It advances 'a step as we advance. That step is the present. All behind is past. All before is future. Through that vail we can hear the sound of coming events. Looking up, we can sometimes even see the shadow,of. the Jelled. of ; them;;,and by the shadow, judge something of their character. But that,is the ; most we can, do. Now, be fore 'that thick. Tail, trust is certainly the grace raost,esseutial. -Withoutlit,.we dupli- cite our miseries. We fill.up, the horn of actualities out of the horn of possibilities. On the book of each day we make a "double entry "—ills that are, and ills that may be. We cannot.think of mercies which are, for the miseries which are to be. We cannot sit &km in the sunshine, for watching the storm brewing in the sky. And so it comes to pass, the majority of people never have a sonny memory; or a neaceful hour. They are always in some titillation, actual or poSai ble. • Trost , in. God, is the specific for all • these possible ; and .they are, by far, the west numerous. What a burden is re moved wheti . the care of the future is given to God, - and -present duty is our only con cern. ' Well; may lre , be solicitous :who ,takes this burden on himself. There are women tons interests in the • future. Resolutions are born there. ;the actors in the coming drama are harnessed • and trained there. And when wehest •the muttering of coming• storms, .the mustering , of -coming fames, the clang of their heavy mail, and see the shad ow of their. crested helmets, right, here across our path, What feverish anxiety we hare to lift the and get a glimpse be hindlthe scenes I •IBut itomay not , be. And • before such an impossibility, I can well con ceive how the man who has never learned to rtrust God, will, stand trembling. The calamity that lies right 'ffliere, not an inch behind that Vail, may be the one that shall .blast.his reputation.or .his fortune, and be , sides that, he has nothing. But he. who bas learned to trust. God, rests =well assured that nothing can come which Will affect his standing with him, and that safe, nothing that can befall him will be of very grave im portance. How happy should we all be, were, we only content- to grasp firmly the reinsi that are in our hands, and leave God to manage the reins of great coming events. cr Trastin the Lord to•do good ; ,so,; shalt thou' dwellin the land, and - visrily thou shalt . be Ted." From onrlondon Correspondent Great Surprise—A Fortnight* and its Incidents— The Change and its Author The Conditions of , Peace—Criticism of the Press Thereon—The Sack of Perugia—An American's Testimony—What Neat 7—The Future of Europe—lnvasion Alarms and the House of Lords—Dangers in ihe Mediter ronean—Nalta, the Duke, 'and the Emperor Pauses in the Storm—The Advantage to Trade ,and Commerce—Harvest Prospects—lrish.General , 'Assembly—Discuision on Sabbath Question, and Professor. Reickell—Rome • Mission—Missions .'to Roman Catholics = Scattered Protestants and Scott Immigrants--Funds Needed—The Colonial Mission and its Field-Continental Missions— Letter from ' , the* Moderator' of the Valdes:Mats Sgn'od—Rrport on Revivals in Ulster—Special Features—Recommendationa and Resolutions. LONDON, July 14th, 1859. :` A SiIIPENDOUS - SMI,PRISD came upoia the worldun the,afternoori of Friday. last. Ex ;witty a fortnight,before,, on the .saine.,dil . Of. the-:week, two mighty liosts., were fiercely' engaged in the very heat of the bloodiest battle of modern time's. Solferino won—the Austrians sullenly, retreating—tremendous slaughter on both :sides—mUltitudes of'' , .'fAirounded," to say' nothing of " the raja king "—the crossing, by the French, of the Itlincio 7 --the. investment ,of Peachiera—all I,hese- 7 4ithUelintiiiitennepf-:a4Other bat tle—with a succession of.sieges—With at the dread results of sorties from the beleagured, shot and shells from those death.dealing, far- reisching French rifled cannon, which had Smitten the , Austriaris at Merino like the Destroying,,Angel,and the last and :crown ing-storm:Of each fortress in succession, in volving frightful destruction of human life —occupied-the minds of men and nations. We heard, too, of a Tuscan and French army arriving at the. Camp of Louis Napo leon, of a strong, force about to be thrown on , the. Tenetian coast, and of Venice itself, once "the Queen' of the Adriatic," to be bombarded. More than this ; Hungary was to be revolutionize.di..Kosanth was in high, favor, Germany 191143 menaciria, and,although diplomitoy.wits,husy„pothing7but war to: the knife, seemed to be the role for ,months to come. How,' wbat. a change ! -Napoleon has done it all. .Without -.consulting Victor Emmanuel—without asking.t.the:advice, of any of his generals,leapts asx.ual, on his own secret resolves, and. like himself, he does so with* the 'decision of an indomitable purpose and will. The aribistice ,that took Europe by stir prise, that sent up,the money market, ,and made July skies brighter ,than ever, was the result of various causes and considerations It is believed that the Emperor of the French found his "army disorganized and shattered to a greaterextent than.to rie,'itt a distance, hearing of .victory, seemed possi ble. The Austrians had fought fiercely, and had their leading been equal to their . obsti nate °enrage, and reserves been brought up at the crisis of Solferino, and so their Cen tral position been held fast,: the day-would have been their own. But they inflicted terrible losses on the . French army f and eve-. cially on its officers. The Sardinians, too, suffered terribly. In addition to this, ten thonsand French troops were prostrated with typhus fever, and the marshes of ,the Min ch) were becoming more deadlytevery day. Then there was the prospect of long , sieges, and if not.of doubtful results, yet of such a time consumed as to involve a tremendous waste Of blood and treasure. Further, the revolutionary element was becoming too rapidly developed for the .astute Napoleon's liking, ,and even for, his ultimate safety. Russia was beginning to draw back, or to become cool—the Pope, the Cardinals and the French priests were murmuring and' menaning—and -so,: tempting ',fortune no lenge% in the hour of his triumph he sends back the shattered body of the : young Prince Windisgratotqas asked for) to the young Emperor of Austria, deploring the horrors of war, and adroitly taking advantage of a second message sent by an officer bearing a flag of truce, to ask Francis Joseph, whether he would not consent to a conference with a view to the suspension of arms. Venice, he 'has told, was about to be bom barded,;' but, eaid Napoleon, "I.would fain spare its vbeautiful buildings," &0., &o. And so. there is, a ,door opened , to one too proud, even in defeat, to ask. for terms, and still strong enough to fight obstinately. And thus, on Monday morning last, the two Em perors inetoat Cavirana; and on Tuesday af ternoon the telegram flashes over the. Conti nent and across the Channel, the news that an armistice was agreed on, and next thit a treaty of peace was actually signed A Congress it was supposed would' follow the meeting of the Emperors x and as the ar mistice was to continue till the 15th of. August, it was expected that.ease somehow or other would be ,agreed upon ere that period of time expired. In prospect of such a Con gress, - the Times strongly depreciated the idea of sending English plenipotentiaries to take part in it. The .conditions of peace are : Ist. The surrender by Austria to France, of Lombardy, and the handing it over by France to Sar dinia. Austria' s humiliation wiusless bitter surrendering Lombardy to France , as- her conqueror, rather than to:the.hatedSardinia. 2d Austiia retains ;Venetia including I be !ilieve,t her possession ofihn feurjsrmis for- tremors, two of which are in Lombardy. 3d There is to be an° Italian Confederatioryof which the Pope ie to be "Honorary PreFi dent." When thiii wae ,read oat• from the telegram in the House of Peers, Lord Lyn& hurst was evidently tickled by the word " lionorary,""and••asked' vies the word really used It is a significant, word. The poor Pope is becoming a,shadom as to temporal sovereignty. What kind of presidency can he exercise over Victor Emmanuel and Count Cavour—the one, according to the Tablet; the " Henry Eighth" of the day,. and 'the other, " Cromwell r 4th. There is= to be a general amnesty. Mazzini will not be included in it, I presume. It 'is a significant condition: that Venice, although retained byAustria, is , to form apart of the ,Italian,Confederetion. What next? will be the question, incee sandy put, until the Emperor Napoleon is pleased to etep forth once more as a cham pion and a:challenger. He it is, that shapes Eurorean politica, and has done so for years. But for him,. peace,,,wo,uld not have been made ao soon and, snddenly in the Crimea; England's army was last what it, ought to be ; the French were exhawited, and bad got " glory," and it was not the policy of Napo ; leon-L-far, seeing as he is—to make„ Russia. his eternal enemy. On the contrary, ever, since the Crimean war there, has been in ever increasing *coraislity , betieen the,tivo powers; utitil , at last an " understanding " ie -announced,-which accounts for the humbling I of Austria,- and the alarms and armiuga of agitated Germany. Now, Austria is likely to become France's fast ally, and both together may seek to humble . Prussia, against Whom'strong resent ment is felt for her, recent menacing con duct-,Shall there be, after :a pause, a war on the Rhine? Shall Germany, South and North, Atistria looking on with grim sada faction, and Russia not lifting ''a hand to save her, be the next`objeet of French- assault? " Tee," say ,multitudes ; and then, " what next y, . Why 7 rEnglan4Fe turn flail come next. Austrie, will be ,only too glad to see, her humbled, anct if Russia please, she can join her fleet with theta France, and above sil v an invasion .marbe attempted. , is•constantly on men's minds , and, lips It is a firm, conviction in Germany. You will, find it among very eober.thinking men in Germany. He is playing a deep game -such is the sentiment----indicative of a con viction that Napoleon's plans are vast, his ambition-gigantic.. The Mediterranean, henceforth, if it be come not," a French lake," must be vigilantly watched' by England.' She has Gibraltar, and the sentinel -island and stronghold of Malta, ;an& these. are .being strengthened.. Parliament has' been disowning; perils, and providing for them. The veteran Lord .Lyndhurat last week deliveredlt powerful speech as to'the den. gera twbe apprehended from= France, in ref ereneuto invasion. He dwelt ow,the intim& nieney„of , our fleet and d,stenees....He; is the Nestor of the House of Lords, and ie always listened to with the profoundest , totted and attention. Lord Elienborongh warmly see ondedthis,views, and Lord Stratford de, Red. elifteL W,ae capeutalitempbatie ;in ;thez, eame strain.,e,4a.an .diplomatisi, he evi• dently_ ,confidence, in Napoleon. Lord Granville and the Duke of ,Argyle, on -:the part Of the Ministry; depreoated the use- of exciting and provoking , lang„uage, anemade light' of. the dperil. ,Lord.r -Derby. :said no thing. The French. ,government ! papers ridicule the House of 'Um& for their ans. picions. THE NAVE 1.6'0111 the'subject of attention, and old Sir C. Napier considers it very in sufficiently manned. 'lt is: , clear that we must submit;to, a largely : increased expendi ture for our .fleet, and, that taxation. .will in crease in. proportion, even though to,Europe there May be granted a period and Trarenthe xis of tranquility. Few there are who' be neve' in permanent:peace. I -heard ,sn -an ecdote this week.. which .I am assured is an .thentio. The Duke of New Castle, the present Secretary for the Colonies, was for merlY an acquaintance and associate - of Lonis Napoleon, mben residing-here as an. exile. One day when shooting together in the COUR.. try;'Napoleon, said, that Malta ought to be long to France. Recently, the Aike of . New. Castle was in Paris, and asked - the Erdperor did:he recollect that conversation. " Yes 1". "Are you still of the same . opinion as= to Malta ?" " Yes 1" was .the grave .reply. The " opinion" Napoleon—if opportunity offer-r-may try to turn into an accomplished fact. But after all, by these pauses TRADE AND Comatnnes speedily recovered themselves. The buoyanclof the money market, and the general' cheerfulness and hopefulness that Iprevail, are most ,refreshing, even for'those I who are only lookers on, and have no. stake in shipping, merchandise, banks stocks mines, railways, or other securities. /Ifiiiione of money have been added to the capital of nations.within the last few days. The 'United' Staters wilFbe' enriched and gladdened, too, by the news of peace; and all good men will " bless God that the days of vengeance" in Italy,have been shortened. Nevertheless disgust is the general feeling here at Bonaparte's conduct. The Times thinks that the two alleged causes of the war, and the real grounds of the complaints made, namely, " Austrian oppression ,and Papal misgovernment'," "do not find a solution is this peace. "France desired to leave Rome, ,if Austria would withdraw from the 11,{egations. The Sardin. ian Manifesto, and many similar documents from Paris and Turin, were direoted to the expulsion of - Austria beyond the 'Alps. France has spent X 50,000,000, and fifty thottsand men, only to give Milan a Pied montese, instead of an Austrian Master, and to establish the Pope in a temporal dignity even beyond his imagining, and capable of any extension. Is all this `real?" In the same article, the Times says of the facts of the case': , " Austria is somewhit huMbled, but relieved of a difficulty. Sar dinia is aggrandized with a province that mistrusts her, and a neighbor 'that has earned an , impetishable and inexhaustible claim to her gratitude. The Grand Bekaa once, more are supposed to be shaken into their thrones. The Papal States are left as they were, but with a master somewhat greater than before. He ie Honorary Pres ident the Italian Federatien, and Gen. °mei 1 olds the sword 'by his side. The King of ,Naples is made a member of that Italian Federation, and has to learn' the worth of that honor, and 'its true import." These sentiments as to the :aggrandize meat of power 'and infinence given to the Pope by the Treaty, seem modified in an. other article in the Times, where it, is said; " The Romans must hope that the Italian Confederacy under the honorary presidency of the Pope, shall be- nothing like any gov ernment they have hitherto known under these too infallible auspices." " Aope is also suggested to Kossuth and Hungary, that the restoration of the kingdom' is on 'the programme, 'to the Lombarde,that` Con stitutional government , will be extended' , to them and to Venice g that het independence • I' • , I will not be a mere tame!" Philadelphia, ..South 2W 3 Corner of Seventh and Chestnut Streets AN AMERICAN GENTLEMAN writing to the Tirnes,.eigning hicuself4.4,l3ottms,X S A ," deseribes the ,cruelties, of the, Spies Papal troops at Pertigia, the plonder of himelf and his family, and their almost: ruiraimlous deliverance from rnassatire. Tit appears that the destination of ithe .troops was. conoisaied from them till ,they approached ,near the town; they then .mutinied, were punished,, and next promised the plunder olthe Place. HARVEST PROSpEOTS are . moat cheering. Nolilight or frost has , fallen on ; our, fields, while drought, extending over :May and June, injured the crops in Scotland and Ireland, so as to make the straw of the ce reale short, and to erne the flix elms to be inferior. Repent rains, however, falling in, Ireland ,and Scotland, have IT:Wined great change for the better, and thee hirveat of 'the United . .Kingdow, in a *bole, *ill be excel. lent. With this, sod meaee,, , we may.ex• peot, God' willing, the clusing . part of Allis year to prove very ,prosperous and enriching . to the country The heat of the weather this week has been Intense.' THE IRISH GENERAL . ASSEMBLx, after four or five days sittings in Dublin, has ad. journed till the month of September, and will then reassemble in Belfast. There were Some matters Jirenght up, .whieh‘ involved differences Of opinion. One of tbeie was a notice taken; in the Report of the Sabbath Observance Committee, -of the pamphlet published. last year, by the-Rev.:Professor Reichell, of• .Queen's College r -Belfast r being, the substance of a sermon en, the Sabbath question, delivered ,by that, gentleman. I referred to it in mrcorrespondenee; it the time, of its publication. It was 'a Somewhat plausible and certainly daring `defence .:of the lot? -views , of., the. iSabbeth r adepted by, the, late Dr. Arnold-ef, Rugby, and by, the present Archbishop Of Ditblie," Dr. Whatei ly. .It also contained sneering illusion!: to " Puritans " and Dissenters. .:Mr. '.Mo- Natighton, >of Belfast,. Kr.: S. :N. Dill, of Ballymena, and •other *listens,. published able replies, and there is .reeson to believe that one of the antieedents`ef the revival, namely, an increasing" feneratiOn for 'the Sabbath, and the, more practical .andr.thoe ough recognition of the,,,Divinn, antiquity , , and perpetual obligation , of the Lord's it day, was, by reason of the discussion, largely promoted. . • The question before the Assembly was, the propriety of alluding in the report at all to Dr. ,ReichelKs.painp,hlet,,and,en the bank of, this came up the, 'further consideration (although not formaly piit,) Wheitier''the students of the Irish Presbyterian Church. could be-safely allowed. to attend,7 while st Queen's ,College,-the .preleetions of, a :Pre feseor who- held (it was not titeigho, such heterodox views.; It was urged sue. cesifully that it was beneath the dignity of `the "Chnrch, and . uniiieeasart-also to 'open -these qtiestioni, and , views to this effect ,were, :virtually endortied r hy4 majority.* favor. f the previonsquestion." ,The Horne Mire:ion of the'lrish Assem. .bly embraces as' ifs 'field,' the South ands • 'West of Irelandovith ..,expresi 'lnference to Itionanism , and .Romanista . Kerry,, and Connaught. - The ; .priests are, very vigilant. Thus in Kerry, " every re port , published luddite viarto,ttlis pliestos'eft the district , and'lrlien they :,fi nd snimeny of • -their people attend Protestant worship,.they , tisk& pains to wile, them away, and in too many cases, ' succeed." 'the t ig yince :of Connaught •-onlyn few , Yearti ago :the :Pres-' byterian Church ,bad &velar:all and feeble congregationi _now hisanineteen,. with, twenty `three 'preaching • stations, 'having a regular attendance alinirtit,o!thoniiand, worshiPpers... TheSe arnAchieflY Voteatente., Boattered'iProtestanti r fast degenerating into, „Popery; or heathenism', have thus been -saved trent §eottiabisettlers • on the lanai in;Connanght,,finff tore , for themealvja, and their nhildren.", The number of Roman Cathelielhearers.and scholars, 'is mistier t• than -• in -Winer - years. , But conversions occur, and' America tenerj ally receives ~ _the . converts:- 4 1•Three r con • verts from Popery," says a missionary , "left my district this year, and many Others' be- fore them: _Freya' sonin!..iihet-werePleactied from Popery', by meane Of our jeticiolai have had letters telling orthedelight-thej , feel let:ivorking , in Atzteriesn,revirale. ; Quer youngmarr took part in theigiand enterprise of erecting-the union revival tent iii delphia." Besides missions in the West end. South, the Irish Assembly supplements from its 'home Mende, , the stipends of twenty one congregations, or: assists them Outlying missionary work in,their,retipectlire - districts. Of the"five hundred And ten ! cOrigregetiona, of the- Irish. Assembly,,feurs-hundred.,,and fifty are in Ulster, and the other`Bitty in. 'the other,,provinces.. The Sonthein ;Tres; bytery of Munster, which few years ago. had only four or five congregations, has now twenty three. The total -collections for the Home Mission last -year, were £1:,564, and this la distinct from that for ra m ", ,o st h., olio Miepions," which Wis-42,fq,Including contributions from &Wand; But the field is extending, and more, Mid is,urgently re qUired. The fund is in debt, and if a Dep. utation goes over this, year to , the United- States, I have no doubt front the prelibation presented to Professor Gibson and - Mr. Mc .Clare, l ast year, at Philadelphia, that a full cup oe Atheridan synipathy •for old Ireland and her best interests, will be fortheoming. There is an Assistant Minister's Fund in 'connexion with the Irish Assembly, which distributed £5OB among twenty ministers, last year, Some receiving larger sums than others,"-under jpecial eircumetancee, of posi tion'or`income' from •other' sources. Some Assistanti-have, from the ordinary stipend, only MO, and many, do not receive more than £5O per annum. The Colonial Mission of the `lrish"-Pres byterian Church; embracei the fields of Canada, New Zeland, and 'Australia. 'lt is suggestedithat. a:missionary obeli be • sent to British Columbia, the great majority of the. eighty , thousand or one hundred thousand settlers' there, being Presbyterians. The 'report-inferred to the sonteinplated union of Presbyterians:in Canada, which would " make its ministers and, congregations upwards of two hundred. A union has been effected between the three' Synods; of Australia, the' New General Assisiablrnow 'eciroprising six• ty- ministers, with•Trospeote of rapid Greene. - - - 4 The Continental Mission of the , Iris h . sembly, =lee annual grant ' s to' - the Niqiik of 31 eiattgeliaation • and Northernly. "very- interestinpletterl Was read by: the, Moderatorifrourßey m. p. Revel, President of ,the YirAiljtEktianpyp u th Refering to, the results of the ivar,'he Bays " Boon, we trust, called, bi r 'thli`nifir fields open to its enterprise, will we be obliged to send them new laborers to proclaim the good DOOM to souls hitherto bowed down under the yoke of Rome." The Waidensian.Chureles special mission , seems to' be the provision , of'•Evangelists for ;Ihtly. Shall the .f i elds be, opeu Ander the, new regimel. Shaul Florence.. receive , #e,Glespelmthout, a p ii establitibe end hig h ` gel Gland TAW datineihilider Since • WHOLE NO. 859. the oe serration of Milan by the Allies, re ligious liberty has beta recognised Is this to be lost How can "the honorary presi dent" tolerate sneo a thing ? The REVIVAIA 7r4 MATER. occupied the epeeist attention of -the- - Assembly. In the report on the subjset, by Dr Kirkpatrick, it was stated that when an answer was given to, long continued prayer, it came as " an actual surprise." The special eharaeteris tins'of the revival have been such as I have repeatedly intimated to you in recent letters. `l:Tenons of :both sexes, of all ages, of va rious ranks in society, of all denominations, including Unitarians and, Rotnantats, have been at once convinced of sin, and appar ently convoked to trod. ' 2. These spiritual emotions have, in • numerous cases, been ac cam ps.nied physical, impressions, produc ing bodily infirmity, and continuing, in some oases, for hours, and in others for days, and usually terminating in peace of conscience, and joy unapeakiable'tad full of glory. 3. The two great truths_on.which the converts, prominently and almost exclusively dwell, are the sinfulness and. utter helplessness of man; and the sufficiency of Christ, as a living and..pereanid Redeenier. 4. No her esy has beet started in this state of new soil unusual excitement. The whole move 'inent givesovivid illustration of the vital doe trines centained, in the Standards of the Church. 5 The effect produced on the life and conversation of the converts; has been 'decidedly eSangelieal—in a deep sense of 'sin, eipeoially in neglecting Christ; in aim pie iehaece qu him ; in ardent love to him ; in brotherly kindness;, earnest zeal for the conversion of sinners; habitual min i:pinion - With God ; delight in his Word, Vioiship, and service. Ai to moral and so cial results, they have been most striking and decided. 6 The. work has been car ; tied on largely by converts themselves ; the fear of man being taken away, uneducated persons are heard to offer prayer to God with fluently and 'fervor, in the presence of multitudes; and without embarrassment or trepidation, call on sinners to repent and believe the Gospel. Recewtmendatiow were made, that in dreaded attention be given to the observance -of 'family worship,-to the catechising of the -yoling, and to the formation of Bible classes —that the private members of the Church be,encouraged to exercise their gifts for its odifiriationand enlargement; that Sessions meet more frequently for prayer, conference, add mistrial` encouragement; that ministers meetingsler this special end of person -al edification to those assembled; that relig ions intelligence be more widely circulated; that the people htinatrdetedto become , well acquainted. with the : Confession. of Faith; that libraries of, standard Theo logirial works be established for' the benefit ofnniiiisterir • 'that' notes should be taken of the operations of Holy < Ghost, in oases of 'Special -awakening; ~.and that classes should . be, formed among. the converts, to build theirt,up 'in the faith, love, and hope of: the.oepel. . The Aificembly then ` passed a series of.res oltlisimar•acktiowledging the marvellous :work do s ,oi r fee*n g heir need of Divine 'leottinsal and . t wasdotn, eautitining.the v iers against'suspicions ofthe reality of the work of the Holy Spirit on the one 'hand, of of doing any thing whereby physi cahagitations, or even convictions of sin, might be supposed to, be genuine conversion , :,to raoa ; also, entreating all ,ministers to watch againet, the introduction of any erro ne6lis doctrine or *edicts "lest Satan • shauld get, tn , advantage, and the Spirit of .truth be provoked to withdraw." J.W. For the Presbyterian Banner and Advocate. ' • . The Name of . jeens. quipoipts. EDITORS :74 - was gratified in reading, 'knit' now, in, a late paper of the United- Presbyterian bhureh,•.: to - find the -;' l .Edtteraittering argumentsi sentiments and 'Vrpressions, a certain. subject, very simi lar to what we Presbyterians use on the sub 7 feet of their ,restrietive ,doetr:rto Of. Psalm°. .dy., !It seems that an inquiry was made of the editor of a Masonic paper, whether it is in.aepordanee with the nature of Masonry, that prayer, in tbcl,o4ges,-,sbenl4=bopede in the , name M Obristi ,the answer was in, sub ;•Stabee a negative one. Oa this, the U. P. editor :makes 'the' : expressions •- alluded to above,, which - I peseta . below, lwith our views in. juxtepositiont:. • It would be a gross violation of the . ilnda mental Principles of this v`Order; avow for d Christien • ministers, when praying in a lodge; to put up their petitions -• the naiiel of Christ." are not - even , allowed to say, in the conclusion, of theirTraye er for ghe'*gAi o Jesus Christ."" ,‘ You may pray there, (in the' lodgeo but yon Will , not ,bea allowed to mention the name of Christ la .. : yetki ,prayer, nor even td`B4..in . end....at: you - :prayer, for the sake ofJesus Christ " It would be a violation of the ' , distinctive prin- Ciples" of the U. Pres byterian Church, even. for Christian minister's, when praising in it, to offer their praises in the name of Christ. They are not even al lowed, in the , beginning, middle, or end , of their praises to use the name of Jesus Christ. You may sing there (in the U. P. ,Church) but you will not be allowed --to mention the name of Christ in, pier song, nor even to say in the end, orin any part of it, for the sake of Jesus Christ. We wish to judge no man, but we must say, that it is a perfect mys tery to us how ' any Christian, and especially Christhin minister can find it in his mind or heart, to have anything to do with snob a notion. What ! call upon me to sing praise, and yet not allow me to sing praise in the name of Jesus Christ ! Is this the waY that I am to ehow my love to I Him of whom it is'said, 4Byillim let us offer the ,sacrifice of.praise to God iceptirituillY,! Heb. xiii : l'isf ittst"Whatsoever ye Idii,llovord or deed,' do all in 'the name of the Iliordklesus." !` I have .gitien•the parallel fairly, and corn menditoi seriotutmOnshlerstion of it to those who go through: their entire,Ohristian life, without once uttering the sweet name of joins in a eittgle song of praise. , To.use the language of the ,same article, "it is with painful feeitege, that we record this fact" It* sad; that the name wilcoli is above every name,'- se honored :ihr their preaching, so trasted in their: ,prayers, Aso:; cherished in their. r haarts,-e.hotdd , nevertheless be: sal , lowly excludadt from their , songs of praise. Whit mighty , , aridl had: almost said', ma lign pole'. does a mere theory exert on the 'l4ttnan !dal- dloicit 'biases the judgment 1 trow it , e.veriadiute: the pereeptions 1- ,T. F. M. • "We;wish to judge no man, hut , we must sAy. that it is a perfect lays• tery to us hi)* auj , Christian, and especially any: Christian:: minister can find it 111.10 heart to have anything - 0.40 with such an institution." ,4 What!' mall upon me to, ay, and yet not al low me to pray in the Immo of Jesus Christ I" "le this the way, that I. am to *Mow niy love to Him who has said, No man cometli.lunto - the Father, but, by-tutt,' and! 'whatsoever ye shalfmdi in lay' name, beliering, ye shall receive.' " Gon xN,liii.— , What a }privilege it is to plains God in all things, while we. have them,,anti all things in God, when , they are Ashen from tut. ¶THAT preanitep gratitude4)lea s Uie '4itteetotleof )Gositind men ; foi Wig:tont it • Oai neithei be-sociable nor religious.