been expressed by not only the religious p art o f the people, but by many others. The quiet of the dwelling houses and the churches on these lines has been disturbed, audit' other roads should follow in this innovation, as they most probably w in, if success attends the present attempt, there will be evidence of sad deterioration in the moral tone of the whole city. Two large meetings have been held, at which many of the leading laymen and ministers took an active part. The lasG meet ing was annoyed by the conduct of persons who came there fur the express purpose of creating a disturbance, under the auspices, as it is sup posed, of that infidel concern, known as the "Sunday Institute," whose great ohjrot seems to be to array itsfdf in opposition to all that is good. On last Sabbath the Mayor bad arrests made promptly, when the cars were brought out in the morning, and thus stopped the desecration The whole matter will now, in all probability, tome before the legal tribunals for adjudication The allegation that running the ears on the Sab bath is for the special benefit of the poor. is a mere pretence if the companies are sincere in this desire, why do they not, in the overflowing. of their humanity, remit the usual fare, or at least reduce it on that day ? Many of the people are elevent from the City some in the handsome Summer residences adjuitt ing the city, and. others at the different places of public and fashionable resort. Most of the con grevtlons are but small, and in several instances two or three churches worship together. But in a few weeks platers will return invigorated, and the aburobee will , be agile thronged. Reths ii•epartuttal BARK CLOBED.—The Bank of Lawrence County has suspended payments. A Committee of the stook holders are investigating its concerns. Coralite or Porcelain Teeth, Conservatism is so strong an element in the character of the present generation, that new things, however great their merit, too often meet with much prejudice, and a cold reception from the public. We are al Aye OW to see red improvement of any kind duly appreciated, and therefore copy, with pleasure, the following from the pen of the Rev. Dr. Kerr, concerning the new styles of arti ficial teeth: Among the many improve cents in dentistry is the insertion of teeth on plates prepared from the material designated above. Nothing can be more beautiful of the kind, or more closely resembling nature, than teeth set in porcelain. And then the material is absolutely pure, and is incorrup table by the acids of the mouth, which sooner or later affect metallic substances. The coralite plates are not so beautiful as the porcelain, but in other respects, are as excellent. They are, perhaps, more comfortable and durable. This style of work has been introduced here by Dr. Fltebbins, late of New York, wife, at his office, INo. 191 Penn Street,) is gradually and success• folly applying it. We have the pleasure of using some of his coralite work, and can testify to its comfort and adaptation to all proper uses of the teeth. We have never had so comfortable a use of the mouth, and of the vocal organs, since we lost the teeth which God gave us. Another im portant consideration_in their favor, is economy. Frazer River. Oar dates from Victoria are to the ilth Tune, but they bring no news of importance. The general depression there reported by former sr rivals continues. One correspondent writes as follows : "In five more tripe it is not improbable that British Columbia will be cleared of its mining population, There cannot be many more than one thousand miners now in the country. 4, 1 could mention six mercantile houses that have decided to clear out within three months Real estate is not to be sold at. any decent price ; many, if not all, who have invested would gladly sell at fifty cents on tie dollar, on the oast. Some say they will , wait and see it out,' until the departure of the last steamer. In short, the country is a complete collapse. The most can guine and interested admit that , things pock 'very. black,' but are very loth to let go the:atrawrthey have grasped. I could narrate some very amu sing attempts by disappointed speculators to bolster up prospects—' gas' has been completely exhausted. There is but one remedy—a discov ery of an extensive• auriferous deposit. 4, Victoria has received her death blow by the inauguration of Queensborough which is now a port of entry. But what the said Queensborongh, alias Pinesborough, will be, is not at all certain. Undoubtedly it will fail with the failure of she gold produce, while Victoria will contract into nearly its former limits "—N. Y. Times. Pittsburgh, Ft. Wayne and Chicago Rail- road. The following is a statement of the earnings of the Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne and Chicago :Rail road, for June, compared with the same month last year : • 1859 From *eights, $5B 9•48 87 $4l 06801 • Ina $16,06196 PBBBBllgers, 68,710 87 61,88+ :11 -Inc. t 326. h 6 4 ' 818116. . `7,82500 4,482 29 160. .13,34,271 1, bit eaellapeoni, 67.17 Dee. 87 17 Total, 132,58444 107,9 a ft 8 Inc, 24,648,86 Tonnage of the Pennsylv anis Railroad. The following is a comparative statement of the tonnage over the Pennsylvania ; Road for Ifiyi years past: ' • Through !Freight. 1854 ' 1855. 1850 1857 IRSB From Milts r West, 44,07, 6b,049 7005 t 77,108 79 644: " Pittsb'h, Bast, 58,420 100,484 88.707 91 905 141.265 Total through, 98,793 171,533 165, , b8 172,u73 220,909 From W tgil ir a r . 4 , 3i res t t, 13,316 13,461 15,791 15,232 17,148 " :way stations to Philadelphia, 47 986 77.330 122,198 159,322 141,102 Total, 180,075 262,324 808,145 858,627 379,159 Settlement of the Bonaparte Family Trouble& It Is said that the dilliohltles between tbe Im pellet Bonapartists and the descendants of Mrs.' Patterson, of Baltimore, the former wife of the Duke of Westphalia, are in the way of being composed. The Emperor has offered to make her son Jerome, a Duke, and her grandson, ,Terome, who graduated at West Point, and is niow with' the army in Italy, a Count, with suitable peen nlary endowments for the rank, if they , will formally renounce all claims to the name of Botta parte, The parties In interest, it is further stated, have the matter under consideration,'and it seems to be the impression of their friends that the proposal will be accepted. Survey of the Kansas t,entral Railroad Sr Lours, July 14 —A party of engineers left Wyandott this morning, to survey the Kansas Central Railroad ,to Fort Riley—a distance of one hundred and fifty miles. This wlll be the first railroad survey, West of the Missoula river." and will form another link toward, the Pacific road. Tut MANlAattli AT PAIRMA--S2/480 ' hirerCentt: ries—Paris, Wednesday, June 29 —The Romagna . is in a State of violent ferment at the news of the German fillibusters, called "Swiss" Guards, be ing let loose on their households, in the absence of so many thousand volunteers, who wouid have deterred Antonelli from that sanguinark exper iment. A letter in Le Nord to-day from Florence (June 23,) gives the number Murdered in the streets of Peru.ria at 800, and adds that what Captain (now general!) Schmidt urges in excuse is, that the women poured hot oil, and red char-, Goal on his men, and It we's necessary to fling them bodily out of their own windows down on the street flags; besides be lost two captains and ninety men shot outside the town'. The walls era of immense circuit as, before the city was usurped by Paul 111, it counted 80,000 inhabi tants, and even still 'has near 20,000. An Eng lish family of tourists fell into the bench of these "Swiss" and were robbed and outraged, These fame are also stated by the Gazette de Cologne Paris papers are full of imprecations on the em ployment of snob foreign brigands by the church authorities, and urge that to clear Italy of Aus trians requires 'a supplemental clearance of this mongrel horde of , irresponsible, lawless, and native-landless beggars —Globe. The Swiss Consul General at Turin bee adz dressed a letter to the Opinione of that oily, de-• Oaring that "if the Swiss regiments at Naples which have been forbidden to retain on their flags the emblems of the Federal cantons con tinue to style themselves Swiss, the title is a usurpation, as they are really nothing hut for eign regimen's, and that the same may be said of those which still existin the Pontifical States. In reality thee° regiments are en agglumera . moo of soldiers of different countries, for winch Switzerland hi 'in "nowise responsible, end abe deplores that they should be improperly (alled Swiss regiments. The Confederation Cannot prevent Swies citizens, the eons ' of a free country f rom enlisting in a foreign 'orrice, but honer. gelioally repudialee all reeponeibility for seta which are purely individual. Tea FIIIOOII FLaLD TKLECIRAPH —A war cotreepoud.nt., dating front Brescia ou the 24th of June, reports a fact which has not hitherto transpired, concerning the scientific appliances of electricity to war purposes. It would appear that the remarkable precision and unity of the Freud' evolutions were accomplish ed by a quite novel sort of flying aides de-camp. From each corps once in position, a horseman rode off to the next division, enrolling on his rapid ()puree a light wire, which no time wee lost in adapting to a field apparatus; and the pro cess was repeated all along the French line of twelve miles Hence the movement of the whole army watt known end regulated like clock-work, 'from dawn till dewy eve," on that. decisive day. This arrangement had been planned in Paris, and a supply of gutta-percha covered metal thread forwarded with becreoy and dispatch. has done its work, and the patent m,►y now he dieolosed. Portable galvanism beats portable gas. It was already known to both armies that. a special telugraphio corps operated iu the rear of the Allies, and laid wires as fast as an advance was wade M. Lair is the Chief Engineer, and the first Frenchman who entered Novara, while the Antal Haus were scarce yet out of it, was M Gant hirr, of that staff, who set up his box and tel. graphed the details of the retreating corps at. tte moment they were outside the gates. Luna to, Montechiaro and Castiglione. were in instant communication with Brescia and Milan 'when evacuated by the foe on the ad.—Paris Car. of the Globe. THE NEXT PFIABB 08' TUN WAR.—Pesehiera i 8 invested. The Sardinians have established their (a, p before it, and begun the operations of a t (mules siege. II seems probable that the war is now to change its character. It will no longer consist of l• u Gee sßiv e field conflicts in which one army is steadily and victoriously advancing, and the other sullenly falling back Tne Austrians have now reached their stronghold—the famous quad rilateral of fortified towns—where they can rttind obstinately upon the defensive. IL was here in 1848 that they retrieved their fortunes in the struggle against the Revolutionists, whom they first. wearied by protracted sieges, and then sallied out upon victoriously. The subjoined diagram will give a tolerably accurate idea of this strong position: LAtor Gurus. The passage from the western to the eastern half of Lombardy can only be made through a plain, but twenty miles in _width, which lies be tween Lake Garda on the north and the marshes of the Po on the south, and having 'the Rivers Adige and Miuoio for its eastern and western boundaries At each of the four corners of this natural square is a fortified city, Pesobiera, Ve rona, Mautue and Legeano. Military and eugi neering skill have been employed fur centuries in, rendering t hem impregnable. Within a day's march of each other, they can easily send each other succor, or concentrate four sallying, ar mies upon the unlucky enemy who attempts to pass through the square between them The invader who undertakes to besiege one of these towns finds his labor complicated by the facl that the other three are ready to assail him in flank or rear. If he undertakes to pass through without besieging any, he will find him self surrounded by their outpouring troops, and even should be force hie way past, them, into Eastern Lombardy, they will mmediately out. off his line of oonsmuoioation behind him and recap ture all that he had previously gained. The on ly alternative seems to be to lay siege to each in turn or all at once, for not until all four have capitulated can Lombardy be said to be con quered. But when they have once fallen, the disaster willtbe Irretrievable. Nothing can then stay the march of the victors to Venice and the Adriatic. When, the Austrians are driven out of the Quad rilateral, they will be virtually driven out of Italy.—Ala. Eve. Jour. NEW BANKS.—The period having elapsed dur ing which notices for new Banks, to be applied for next winter, must be first published, we have in the following list, the sum total of the new projects of which notice has been given: Nam, of Bank Loccvson. Butchers aed Drovers' Bank— Pla,ladeipttia Shu. , and Lumber Mulcts' ink Eastern Markat, ti Ntanuftttnrars' Quaker City tion.loBl.tal gi Partners & Matintetttrers' " " Cow Stoisti. . -" Lancaster... Buck' of , larliste t' rl sle Med la Back of D Media tik of Disc.& DapiAdt 46 Breduir I oou..ty Batik Towanda.... Clarion County Back Clarion Aliquippa unuk Pit sburgh. State Capital Bank Harrisburg oleirfie d Count 3 Hank Clearll-111... Bsuk of &Manville 1868 - Here we have propositions for seventeen new Batiks, with about four millions of capital stock; seven Batiks, wish a capital of two and a guar• ter millions, being for Philadelphia. Besides these, the Carlisle Deposit Bank intends to ask to be made a Bank of issue, with the name of thr Carlisle Bank, and an increase of capital to $250,000 The Columbia Bank intends to ask for a renewal of its charter, with the same amount of capital. There will also be an appli piation.for a charter for the Lvekawana Savings Bank, at Boranton.—Pittsburgh Gnaw. There is but little change to note this week, except the downward tendency of breadstnifa. The wheat and rye craps have been gathes ed in gond condition, and the pres• out warm and showery weather is admirable for corn and potatoes, both of which look very promising. The Money warket is quiet, bat the demand is good. Naqtnn. Brchange fa still scarce. The banks draw at par, and the rates outside range from par to 4 premium for par funds and convey A sins—Yeqrbg, g, 634 ; .Pote 405; Bode Ash, RUTTER AND ECM—Roll Butter le retailing et no. Zgga, 1.4015 e. Beans—Small White, 1 2501 60, in the small way+ 111701071111 AT—Salsa in large lots at OK and in the small way at 70f475. D4ool—Shoulders.7 l 4, for Western, and 7107 Y, for city: Sides. 034; Rama. 10Y,11.034; Sugar Oared do , 12%412%. amass -868% fir. Fs eraser; —Prime Western, 45, on arrlval;and in small parcels at 48 Fwnt—The market is unsettled, with a steady downward tendency. A lot of 200 hips Super sold yesorday from first hands et 6 60. tb, only lot repo; tea from first h and s during the week; from store, 5.75t66 87 For Super, 0.006 6,25 for Extra, and 6 zeta 60 for Family do ;Avow—Oats sates at. 60e on arrival; and from etere at 52464. Corn, 95 for smell lots from store Rye is not yet in market, and in the absenee of sales we quote at 85690 Barley, new Spring, 76 Wheat, sale. of eonthern Red and White at $1 Mel 46. and one lot of 400 bash prime new 8 nnth , rn White at 1 50 . . . Gtomsatte —Suva. 7%'48 by the hhd. 'Molasses, 4 ( ) to the city trade, and 41042 to country. Coffee, 1201234 Bloc, 5 Et Y-10 00016,00 per ton. ' LARD—Small aides of country STo. 1 In kegs at 11g. and city do., in bble. at 11y . X 'B4 Po 4it —later to the trade at 17.05, and to the country at 17 501'118.00 BOYS' CLOTHING, fancy and plain, cut in the moat tasteful manner, and neatly made, will be found at J. L. Carneghan & Co 'a, Federal Street, Allegheny City. As fashionable tailors in both children's clothing and men's wear, this firm stands among the very best. The attention of families and manufacturers is called to the Finkle Sewing Machine, sold by J. L. Carnaghan & Co., Federal Street, Allegheny City. "I have used two bottles of your Boerhave's Holland Bitters, and have found it very useful in ease of Indigestion and Headaebe, and recom mend it to all who need a pleasant and efficacious remedy and valuable tonic. DISPRPTIO WOMAN NOTIOE.--BCethaVo'B Hol land Bitters has oured me of Dyspepsia by using it only one week. I recommend it confidently to all suffering from this disease. Piltaburgh, Oct 24th, 1856. [Mrs. S., is the wife of the noted Lithographer.] The late High Sheriff of Allegheny County, hes given us the follow ng: "I was afflicted with Debility of the Digestive _Organs sm nutting to asevere attack of Dyspep sia, which had reduced my Sat considerably, Peschl ra. Rat ay The Quidriatrai II ilium ...3bimbe.... River Po Aggregate Capital Markets. Piresgurta a, Toesdayolnly 19 Pouitiza—lnferior 40@50, and prime 60@65. [ADTRIUMMIATJ (LDVERTIEIEMIINT.I Tonic, Prom 'Col .Albert Pike, M. C., from Arkansas WASUINOTON, D. C., June ll, 1856 CLARA E. BORIICIBMAN. TIM PRESBYTERIAN BANNER ,ANF) ADVOCATF My wire was also afflicted under same circum stance!, and with same diseases. Having used your medicine called Bcerhave's Holland Bitters, we both obtained relief, and are happy to afford you this public evidence of its value." Pittsburgh, Tan. 22d, 1857. Csunoo I—Be careful to ask for Bcerhaves Efolland Bitters. Sold sit $l.OO per bottle; or, six bottles for $5 00, by the sole proprietors, BENJAMIN PACE, JR., & CO., Pittsburgh; and Druggists generally. Mrs, gannen, No. 600 Fourth Street, says of Dr IPLone's Celebrated Vermifage PREPARED BY MERINO 13R03.0F PIrTSBIIRGBI New Max. May 16, 1852. A child of mine showing symptoms of worms, I gave it a bottle of Dr. WLanc's Celebrated Vermifuge, which brought away a bunch of worms, numbering, I should judge, about thirty The child was •ery sick during the operation, but is now well and hearty. firs. Twist, No. 18 Avenue D, writes under date of August 10111,1852, and says she bad been troubled with worms for more then a year, and that she took one bottle of Dr. M'Lttee's Cele brated Vermifuge, prepared by Fleming Bros., which brought away from her over three hundred worms, big and little. She now believes herself to be entirely free from disease. Mrs. Buggins, a German woman, residing at No. 204 Riviagton Street, says, that after using one viol of M'Lane's Celehrated Vert:range, she passed two large tape worms. The above certificates are all from parties well known in this city. If there are any who doubt, they have the names and addresses, and can satisfy themselves by personal inquiry. Purchasers will be careful to ask for DR. M'LANE'S CELEBRATED VERIIIFIIGE. mann• factured by FLEMING BROS , of PITTSBURGH. Pa. All other Vermifuges in comparison are worthless. Dr. M'Laoe's genuine Vermifuge, also his celebrated Liver Pills, can now be bad at all respectable drugstores. Kane genuine without Veron% the signature of FLEMING BROS. [so] foreign littrifigenct. IMPROVEMENTS IN THE ART Or DESTRUCTION Legume° The ingenuity of man is ever on the alert, to discover new and more speedy ways to destroy his fellow man, in warfare. One of the more we cent is a most powerful iron vessel, called the "Steam ram." The London Times says of one now in preparation in England: It will be afloat next June ger total length will be three hundred and eighty feet; breadth, fifty eight; total weight at sea. about nine thou sand tons; full speed, sixteen miles an hour. About two hundred and twenty feet of the broad side of the vessel will be of teak, twenty-four inches thick; this will be covered by armour plates four and one half inches thick on the deck. The ram will be armed with thirty-five Armstrong gun' , s, each tbrnwing one hundred poundshot over a range of six miles The lam will run down ships, by driving straight at them at full speed. If sbe only toes one-half of what may fairly be anticipated from her, she will be cheaper to the nation than a dozen sail of the title. The cost of the bull will be about £200.000, the engines about £75,000, and her fitting for sea about £45,- 000 more, or £320 000 in all. This is no new thought. The balloon, however. is tor. unmanagable to be of much utility It has a fashion of going with the wind, and it will not return, bringing its, tidings. Still the Messrs. Goddard are experimenting with it, at the French camp. A letter from Vienna, in the National Gazette, of Berlin, says: - "It is generally believed in well informed circles that the next mail will t ring an account of an armistice, which will serve as- the basis for negotiations for peace. The same opin. ion prevails at the Bmree, where prices have im proved." A Berlin letter in the Hamburg News says: "It may be considered as certain that the Pius sian Glvernment has opened -negotiations with England and Russia, in order to establish a com mon basis of mediation." CAtit St , cle. 4600,000 buO 000 400 OW 2bo 000 200 000 25 ,000 The Independence states that the new English Ministry has addressed counsels of moderati.m to the German States, cautioning them, in language serious and firm, against the dangers of encour aging a policy which might lead to a general war. .. 140 OUO ... 500 000 . 100 080 .. 00 800 .. 1004 00 . . 200,000 'OOO l .... 300,000 ... 140,000 .. 100,000 .. 100.008 The Invalbie Rune says that Austria ought to thins seriously of pace. She is endeavoring to secure the support of Germany and Prussia, but in acquiring powerful allies she might at the same time array against her still more powerful en emiee. In that case _Europe would be inundated with blood, for nothing else than to preserve Lom bardy to Austria, though that province can never more-belong to her, morally. The Indian at Oaebec, brings Liverpool dates to the 6th inst. .$8950,100 The latest despatches say that the head-quar ters of the Emperor Napoleon is only four leagues from Pesehiera, which place is under a vigorous seige by the Sardinians. £he report of cannon is heard night and day in that direction. Tae Austrian advanced post is but a short dis nee from Villa Franca, which is occupied by the army corps under Gonna! Niel. It, is much doubted whether the Austrians will accept a battle in the present demoralized condition of their army. Turin, July . 4.—lt is rumored that 10 000 French troops have embarked at Los.sin and Pio colo,*on the Adriatic, and that the bridge to Cherso has been destroyed. Vallegio, July 4. --offlcial.—The French army, increased by the army corps of Prince Napoleon, will operate against Verona, whilst a portion of the Sardinian army will continue the siege opera tions at Prechiera. • " The Emperor Napoleon having sent book the wounded Austrian officers without exchange, and having requested an exchange of other prisOners, an Au-trian officer has arrived with the announce meat that the Emperor of Auetria will also tend beak without exchange, the wounded officers taken from the allies, and that his Majesty is equally desirous for an exchange of other prieon era." There are great complaints of the scarcity of provisions in the villages occupied by the allies. FRANKFORT, July 4—" At an extraordinary meeting of the Germanic Diet to day, Prussia presented new and further proposals respecting the Command in Chief of the corps of observa floc on the Rhine. Immediaiely after the close of the sitting, al. de Usedon left for Berlin." The Berlin correspondent of the London Times says that Prussia's new proposals are in the hands of the Representatives of Russia and England. Also that in a week the Prussian army will be in full march. Two corps di armee will be stationed on the Silesian frontier To guard against Russia on the Lower and Middle Rhine, one hundred and forty thousand Prussians will be , stationed, and when all her preparations are completed, Prussia Will probably make her proposals to France, which will undoubtedly be refused. PARIS, July 5 —The official condemnation by the French Government of the article in the Paris Siecle, affirms that respect for Popery forms part of the programme which the Emperor Napoleon is carrying out. The losses in the battle of the 24th of June, were: Sardinian, 49 officers killed anti 167 Wounded, 642 sub officers and privates kiiled, 8,409 wounded and 1,258 soldiers missing, making a total of 5 625 absent at roll call. French, 12,000 rank and file, killed or wounded, and 720 officers bore de combat, of whom 150 were killed. The total loss of the, two Austrian armies is put down at from 20,000 to 25,000 men. Tbe Board of Trustees of Jeinrson College will meet in the Library room on Tuesday, the second d iy of Anguet, at 10 o'clock A M, The me Ahem are regneeto to be punctual in their attendance. ' JAMES McCULLOUCI Et, Belly. la ft S. 1W lASI. 0 W.) an eaperienoed Nurse and Fe male Physician:has a Soothing Syrup for children teeth- Ing.which greatly facilitates the process of teething, lay softening the gums, reducing all inflammation—will allay all pain and regulate the bowels. Depend upon it, myth ere,, It will giverest to yourselves and relief and health to your Infanta. Perfectly safe, in ad minx See advertise -1•118.11 I EDVERTIKIMEN Tug BALLOON . IN WAR TOO MANORS OF FRAM The War. *aid Botirts. Jefferson College. They soothe pain; protect the chest; they extract the completed impurities and soreness from the system, and in part strength. They are divided into sections, and yield to the motion of the body. Being porous, all impure ex. orations pass off, and they cannot venoms offensive, hence can be worn four times longer than any other plasters, and are cheaper at 25 cents than others at 10, Where these Plasters are, pain erupt exits. Weak persona public speak ers, delicate females, or any.affeeted with side, cheat or back pains, shoUld try thein You will than know what they are. They are a new feature in the science of medicine. All Druggists have them. Take no other. Each Planter bears a Medallion Stamp and our Signature. BARNES PARK, 18 and l 5 Park Row, New York. JOI#N FORSYTH Also, LYONS MAGNETto_LNSEOT POWDER fe2ll-gat [rho marriage noticed In our paper of the 9th Inst., as baring been eel -mnized by the Key. John Rice, should hare read," Mr &am &rams to Mire MARY JANE LOCRARD.I By the Rev. J. Smith ffo•don, on the 11th hit , gr Fa•NRUR hiller; or the vicinity of Cate 6, Pa., To Mier Maltose ET, daughter of John Wlthe:ow ; .1s of Pannette. burg Pa. On July Btb. by Rev. D W. Townnend, Mr .E/ 11. WALTZX saucul to Ulna SALSA CHHISTIO, bah of 'Allegheny Co. eg in McKeesport, Pa., July llikat the bonne of the bride's father, by Ruv. R. F. Wilson, Mr. MOIMA3 A MiLtoia to MI s Out u., only daughter of Capt. ki. B. Sinclair, all of the above place. Ou the 14th, by Bev Robert Heys, Rev. hl. M TRAItB to Miss Attn.'s A Coorrox,laughter of the late Abraham Ca cotton, Erg, of Saliuevit e, Ohio. Dun—Near McKeesport, Pd, 'ants sth, of putrid sore threat, after a eh .rt iliueew, HAVANNAH atm, daugh ter of David'and Jane Rhodes in the 6th year of her age. This make. the third of this family , that has been taken by the Great Shepherd 4 to the higher and greener pee tures and still walere. Dten—On tb- 4th inst.. of onaumption, In the 07th year hie age, *Sr. THOMAS P. KNIRK, of scrubgrams, Vt.nango Conmy. Pa. It need only be said of the deceased, that he was a good man a aonsisient member of the Presbyterian Church, and that he had an bumble trust In the moray of the Lord, and of antra. had "hope in his death," Drca—Te Fannettsbarg: Pa., on the 2d inst., MISS Jai COPINSLL, In th 4 44th year of her age. For nearly a wore of years the deemed bad been afflicted, and during a large Dart of the time an intense sufferer. Thus God tried the faith of his child severely, but faithful to his promise, his , grace was proportioned to her trkl. As abe drew near the hour of her geperture, her desire for re lease grew more and more ardent Shelonged to be deliv ered from this body of sin and death. Calmly and in peace her sun went down, ere she had attained the high noon of life. than--On the sth of July. at the reetd.nee of Rev. S. Swan, near teland,lllinda, Mies Jetttus Overt, in the 79th year of har age. Daring her protracted illness previous to her death. she exhibited great submission and resignation to the' Divine will. Her latter end was seam. She had a very jeep sense of her unworthiness, casting herself with a childlike coral. deuce on the finished work of the Saviour. Her frequent utterance was, " None but Christ, none but Dinist;' "Jesus is my precious Saviour." Although long a professor of the religion of diens, yet she seemed to receive her comfort flora the belleviag.contetttattldn of her Giving Redeemer, As the scenes of time rec dad from her slew, her mind be came more spiritual and desirous to depart ani to be for. ever With the Lord. We hope that her death was not merely the termination of earthly,eafferiag, but the, intro duction into that glorious rest , which remaineth for the people of God. Then—Neer Canoelleville June 23d. Mrs. NAisomusr, wife of James R. BloDowd], in the Mat year of her age. June 14th. 1828, Mrs 11cD. made a profession of religion in the West Kishacoquillss church. Dr. Jae; Wood officiating; From February 21st, 1838, she lived happily with the hus band of her choice in the same profession April 11th 180 she took np her abode, where she was millet away, afte r which time she was connected with the church at Connells villa Self sacrificing devotion to the welfare of oth ere, especially of her husband and children; selPrenonocing lowliness at the foot of the cross; and a cairn, unwavering , trust in the Redeemer, were ;narked traits in Mrs. SicD.'s character "I have great satisfaction in continuing to pray that'all my neighbors be saved; they have been so hisotto roe,". was she heard to say with , undoubted sincerity; vben so_ seals that she could scarcely turn her head upon the pilloW. I have done nothing to merit such enemy, yet I hope I am saved by grace; Kiln and again did Ole enrage herself thus, with uniNcted simpli•ity For two yews before her death, her health" gradually failed her, but when the end came- all was pears. She sweetly fell asleep in Jesus. Ihre--At his residence in Hopewell Township, York Ca., Pa, May 15 1859, Major Aao/311 3 / 4 1D Stsm..Joan'as; aged 88 sears and 21 days. Tao father's are feat passing away; and few go more lamented than Maior Jordan. A Christian gentleman of a by.gone age, he was loved and respected by all who knew him, for hie kind and gentlemanly depot ttnent He wee a member of the Old School Presb)terian Church for nearly sixty years, and once sleeted an elder otrthe Church. but through an humble feeling of unworthineas declined or di~ation. As an evidence of the feelings with=which lie was regarded by those who knew him, it may be stat-d that when quits it young man he was appointed agent to pay the tares of a large estate in 9 , PIOUS counties of - this State, and started on his commission (which he faithfully elled,) with ten thousand dollars, for which he gave no security but his own raid character. In 1800 he received a Captain's commission from Governor McKean In 1808, and again in 1807, he was commissioned by the same Governor as Brigade tnspeetor of the First Brigade, Fifth Division Pennsylvania Militia. In the Winter of 18 8-9 and 1809-! 10. he represented York County in the lower Reuse 'alba 'legislature. In 1811, add agsin in 18 1 4, he ressived . com mission from Gov. Snyder, re appointing him InsPector of his old trigeda Re was a men or much intelligence and influence, espeeially in his immediate neighborhood, and was often a peacemaker 'in times cf difficnity,,as his in fluence was always exerted for good His mind was clear, his faith firm and his hope crew brighter as 44 . 1 appresiched his end. A short time before be breathed his last, he gath ered his children around him to give them his parting counsel, and then prepared himself in' peace 6 depart to his God in whom he had so long trusted; and thus, in a glad old age he yielded up the ghost, and was gathered unto hie people." .1. Y. O. D too—On the 26'b of April, after'a abort but painful ill- DOM, Mr. JA.1128 K. MOBROW. Mr. M. leaves a wife and two smaltehildren, as well as ma ny friends, to mourn his early and unexpected demise. Last Fall be went to Illinois and lowa, on a tour of explo- ration lie came home well, and arranged hie nuttiness for an early departure in the Spring, to the reiddence of the widow of a deceased brother, living in Mercer Connti, III• Seen after hie embarkation on board a steamboat at Pitts burgh, be was taken with disease of the bowels. This, through the fold, damp weather, and unavoidable exposure, to same extent, on a boat, grew worse, and turned into in. flamm &Mon. Through pain and exhaustion, be disembarked for a little while at St Louis; seemed to recuperate some whet, reembarked, and landed on Monday evening within eight or ten miles of his place of destination; and on the following morning departed this life, in the hope of a blessed immortality. He was a young man of great amia bility of diepoeition, kindness of heart, and loved as a friend by all who knew him. His walk and conversrtion were snob as become the Gospel Of a large family, including father, raother,and six ebrdren, all here twenty seven years ago, when first we peached to the congregation of Bethel, all are now gene, save one sister, recently married, and who, with her husband, accempanied him to the far West They were all amiable and pleesant in life and - from each other by death were not long separated. We trnet that hi• loss to his beloved family, and the Church, is gain to himself. Be gave evidr nee in life end health that be lovtd Jeans and his canes, and now is not, f rr the Saviour has called him. May- his widow and f &thorium children receive from the God of the widow, and lather of the fatherless, that proteetio'n, comfort, and sustaining grace, which their tiling circumstances require. dnd may the lonely sister, and other Mende of him taken, so love and follow Christ', that they may soon meet him, where assemblies never break np, nor Sabbaths end, but where all sorrow will be turned 1,.t0 joy, all darkneas into light, all conflicts into victory, and all hopes into °seder ing fruition. 0.11. GROVER MID BAKER'S CELEBRATED FAMILY SEWING MACHINES, A. NEW STYLE. PRICE, $50.00. 107 MARKET STREET, PITTSBURGH.. 490 RROADWAY, NEW YORK. 730 CHESTNUT Brawn, PHILADELPHIA. iris- These Machines seer from two• spools, and form a seam of unequalled strength, beauty, and elasticity, which will NOT rip, area if every fourth ditch be cut They are unquestionably the best in the market for family nee. ANA BEND. FOR A CIRCULAR. 'VG NATHAN WHITING, No. 107 Market Street. excluelve Agent for Pittsburgh and vicinity. aplo-ly TUN WORLD'S GREVE IMBIBITION PRIZE lIEDAL. AW.LaDEu T 1 0.- aticv For hie Two Pianos, London, October 15th 1851, SINTER., respectfully Informs his friends and the' pub- H e generally, that he his constantly on hind PIANOS, egosl to th•'ee for which he reeeived the Prise Medal in ,London, In 1861. He has received during the husk fifteen years more Medals than any other maker from the. Frank lin Institute; also, first premiums is Boston, New York andttnltimire all orders promptly attended to t and great care tat en in the selection and racking thi - acme. Warermitns, No. 722 arch Street, below Nighth. Sane fag/RW*O44W jy2lis6t P. P. P. PARWS PRICKLY PLASTERS larrieb. y{ ~► bituaa NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Tills , BIBLICAL IMP icca °Hy AND BitINOBT'uN RIIVI.KW, for .ttitY, is out, and contains the following articles: I. Buddhism in India aud China. TT. Chriatology ITI. Parries on the AM , ement. IV. Dr. Taylor's Lectures on the Moral Government 01 God V. The General Assembly The test is a more than nevally elaborate review of the proceedings—faitbful and earnest. The Biblical Repertory and Princeton Review is edited by the Rev. Charles Hodge, D.l) , and le published quarter. ly. In January, April, July, and October, at three dollars per annum 1 Subscribers far one cony, who remit three dollars in advance, to the °Mee of publication. will be entitled to pay ment of postage on alt numbers Issued a ter the receipt of the money. 2. tiebecribere who remit five dollars in advance, to the office of publicatien, will be entith d to one copy for two yeant. postage paid. 3 Six or more persons uniting In a club and remitting in one sum t' the Wilco of publication, at the rate of two dollars and fifty cents each. will be entitled to pa, meet of postage on the numbers leaned aver the receipt of the money. Pay meet at Altlth r rtatt wilt not be received from a leas number than six eubseribers iu one emaciation If payment: is delayed . by members 6f a clot, mad wirer the expiration of the pier, the full price .of three toilers will Invariably be charged. 4 Theological Students, Missionaries, Young Alen's Gbristian aesociatione, are full:IMMO with ins Review at two dollars per rear; or $2.4b by mail, postage paid. 5 All arrearegre are charged at three dollars per year. The above are the only terms upon which the Review is furtilMed to subscribers. Subscribers and. Presbyterial Agents are requested to re init by ebeek or draft, to Order or . . PRTER W • LK Tin 821 Cheat.ut Street, Philadelphia. Raff- Where a che4 cunt°. "e got conveniently, money may be 'ens by mail, in a tegistered letter, at our riek. 7922-144z0 N WB tt ORTON MOROI AL SEMINARY. PR . ..F R OrrititY, Add , rne Wm next Session of thie Institution will pen on DION , De f, Ougtietllth, 18t9. For further pertiou are, see oireuter, or addrrre the Principal. ' j 5 ,28 i't rli•LoW Oros PALL S.—IT 13001.11,,,, noderetand that the t.peratlon of theft famo4e pills le tot lhoite4 to the cure of tl ee.. diet.-oe perm for which they are eueoex.fully adminiap•ree thin e m try and all oth,re They en' also se at. Immediate eor. rendre la the minor allumme Incident to both saxes Sold at the manufactorl, No au tdaiono LAM:, tv.w York, and by all Drugging, at 250., 080., and $1 per boa. jy23 st MISCELLANEOUS WILICINYBUD G ACADR DIT. MLNDYILE. 'Ate Eleventh Session of lideinetitetion, schlrh islocated in the pleasant village of Wiliiiniburg, seven miles distant from the cty of Pittsburgh via Pennsylvania ttailroad, will en. mence on MOND Y, August lst it is the design of the Tru-tree sad: Principal to make this cieadimy. in all recp.iete. a air telas litatitation the thorough instruction of *hone entrusted t their cote; preparing young gentlemen for the Junior Class of idir Colleges, and il.e onin. Mess of our bait demi mules. SPECIAL ATTS.NT ON is Riven to those Pre' paring to teach. Counrcted with the :sodomy are two Literary Societies, usoirr the imrned , ate care of the Prinel pal. affording enc. Dent opportunities to the etudents for deriamattou and discussion. rip beauty of the sorrow ii log country. salubrity o the cit, ate and the morality of the lobalitents, make Wiliiinsbn g. a very desirable loca tion. 'Good Boarding and Booms can be procured in the village. at from 12 00 to $2.25 per week Po. further informatiou. apply to Rev. J. M. BAST[NG3. President of Borrd of Trustees, or of P. W. HASTioOB, Principal 1311XEM BATES & *TOWNSON, notz mariur.cruasao or ROOFING OFFICE, 75 Smithfield: Street.. between Fourth and Fifth, PITTSBURGH, PA The only Manufacturers and Dealers in their Improved GUN ELAFPIO OgIiENT ROO min G, which is appbe over maturated felt and canvas, for a foundation, and the aur!ace sanded, making R FIRE AND WATER . PROOF, end war• ranted not to ORAOI3 or RUN, nor is it effected by heat or frost It. OFLII he applied over Steep or Flat Roofs. Steam. boat Decks, Railroad Care, dr. and le not affe.o ed by "clog tramp.d neon. Tide Gum Oemeut applied to Metal Roofs is much ch. aper and more durable than paint. Two coats render an old Leaky Tin or lion Roof perfectly tight and mervicable at but little coat. Also, wholesale and retail dealers in ROOFING SI AT SRI &LS, frith pilot-d to.tructloos fur applying the same, to those living at a distance.) N. 13. Particular attention paid to Repairing Leaky Metal, Flaw, tirevel end 0+111 , 41; Roof,. Also, agvnts for Ntent English asphaltic ROofing Felt. .Wir Orders solicited AGBNTS WANTEO--To act in the large country towns and cities In the above hovioese 0c16.1t liglOgß 8 111.. Ee—tlt BIM GI.. E SOEtuL SHIP K 1 in Jefferson College. Address J.B BROWN, jy9 Tluehatian P. 0., Allegheny County, Pa. Neste, A.S K e. LAN+)V.—TENS trer lona signed will attend to the locating of Lnud Warrants in the Owitia and Nebraska City land disttlets, W. r. The land sales will rake p-ace in the mouths of July and Angela. After the sales, Land Warrants can be end The lands of this Territory ,are of the finest (panty Good eel-thous can be made near-the vlisso.iri River, and near aliments. Ada warrants c etrunted to my care will be located on lands selected by careful Mod examiners. Letters of Inquiry requested Terms reas atAble. ALt X. F. triCINISgw, Orlapods; Class County, N. T. . REFERS TO KRAMAIIt A RAHN, Hankers, Pittsburgh. LLOYD & DIAOK, MY D.1.1"11IN NET. D.D., DR fan & CO., Bankers, Philadelphia H. J. LONBABRT, Auditor Penna R IL, Philadelphia. BRYnN, (4 grne gg * Rankers, Hollidaysburg, Pa. PiP B. M. LLOYD k Co., Bankers, Altoona, Pa. GEO. R. MOWRY, Eal ' Ohio igo. ALEX FINLEY, Esq., EL Louis PROF. G. LOOMIis, oriapolie, N. T N APP LIC ALT If/N WILL WIC gIALIDIC MIL to the Legislature of Penns Ivan's, at its next for the Chatter of a flank in the city of Pittsburgh, to be ogle t the Codunercial Bank of Piftsburgh, loth .a capital of One Hu deed and •city Thoaeand Del his and subject to the General Banking Law of 1550. J92-6nl 500 GRIND STORRS, ALL MINKS, various grits, for sale at,ala iberty 'street, Pitiebti riz h. spat!' am • CITES T TROT Dina. FOUNDRY. .[Establighed in 1826.] 813161.4 The subscribera have conotantly ror sale an as BELLS' sortinent of Church, Factory, Steamboat, Locomo BELLS live, Flantation, School house, and other Bella. ONUS mounted in the most approved and dureble manner BELLS For full particulars as to many recent improve BELLS tarots, warrantee, diameter of Belle. space occupied BUM. In Tower. rate, of transportation, ko., amid for • BELLE. Circular. Bells for tba'Soutk delivered in New BELLS. York. *Admits INErglesirmA NCiNN, Agents, m-18.eow•tf West Troy, N Y BUSINESS NOTICES J AXES 11101truLL Book, Pamphlet, and Job Printer, FiFFH STREET, CORN EM OF WOOD, • Entrance Opposite the Theatre, • Ts at all times prepared to do every description of Job Printing, in the neatest manner. tv, either for g J e g a c i r la te u n p t ri n eeirc n rk t , o w o i r t l i i c e l; s h o e u rr t ilwa the rr e a i nt to give satisfactiati7 ' jyl6.2t* JOSEPH WITITIL9 I II SASTERN CAR. ftIM3II4 IMP BfIoRY AND MA NUN t•rfOßY i 1it•136 . 6 I tear the Two-bl to 'quo, between Pittibottb and Lanrenaavills; has on ha 41 a all !laid anortment of Carriages, Buggies, Ile is al .0 constantly New and. El, cood band Vehicles, and manufactures to order on abort notice Oarrisges, Buggies, and any article pertaining to the business. Twenty year • nractical exeerietica. and. good busioeas facilities enables lum to otter great inducements to parch Jeers oar Public Conveyances from Pittsburgh, peas the door every ten tninntes. • 3,16 Bt Rlna Re EY & 0111•• • NO. 85 WOOD !MENET, Corner if Diamond Alley, Pittsburgh, Pa,, MANUFACTURERS OS Saddles Harness, and Trunks, RIVETED LEATHER HOSE, AND MACEINE BELTING jell-iy IaIItrASUING. CLOTHES BY PRESSURT. VT —After fifty yeare erperireenting, the pr-per arti cle has at lut ht.-a invented for heiplug worocn in their hard laboza on the washing day "IT EVRN 601" Opine and be convinced that we are ahead of every lambing in nee Half the time. half the hard lab r. half In 'Wear and tear, sod half in seep .ie saved. Little bye and girls Cali do the work for their mothers. The under signed bare purobased the exelnel..e right of Allegheny County to make and sell J. T. kIUDOWS Superior Washing Machines, Manufactured and for mile 4 No. 34 Water 8 , ., Pittsburgh. We desire the nubile to call and examine this truly labor saving machine. It can also tos seen at Lad/Tette Bell, sample Room of the bieeherjcs , Institute. GULLET Sr, BENNETT. We, the undensigned, having thoroughly tested the ab ‘ve machine take ple•enre hi recommending the same to the public, assured that they Will find it all that le above claimed. 81,1.1111 HEATH, P W JENNIES, HIIOII LEN, R. WHIM 8. BaO., 18410 OH AR L J. M. DUN L &P. JAEN'S THORN, GEO. W ROBLEY, AH. ROWAN!), F. BI OUNT, J. MENHIR EN, JIMES RENON, ALI EN HR AMER, JANE B. EVANS, WE WARDEN LOI MIKINN ET, 11.14.ATTS; F.H.NIOLEY, T RON. MIOONNELL, JOHN D. , rus, W B, NCAIPN, WM G. WETO HT, JAS. M'OCTOILEN, IILSN RUE!. .!a JOHN GREGG, O. H LEMON. JOHN AIKEN, CHAN. B I RN HENRY MURPHY, J. KLEE, MARY M'MURTBY, -A.H ENGLISH, J. C. 8111111. . , J 14 ; pARKR THOS. BTONLE. J. M. BRUSH. W. RORINSON, BARNHILL. )e4-tf YORAIILIII CieNM EITe—WEI SFS. SOltigein is the exclusive Agent in thin County f r the isle of BEfimora CEMENT. This Com int is Impeder to ens othet sold in this market, for Public W irksMitierris. Fire walls, &a Every,barrel contains printed directions for using ft, and it is all warranted good We invite a conk purism of this with any other Cem -nt, whether from East or Wist. Alarge stock will be always kept on band, and sold whisissale and retail, at low prices.- . ap3o.3m. W. W. WALLACE. • 1111T.A.E.ErAildEPS WOUNDRY VEr MILL FURNISHING - ESTABLISHMENT, Office. 319 Liberty Simi, Pittsburgh, palms Steam froginee, warranted, on hand, an , made to order Steam Boilers, etilmneys, and Milt Pane. Grist and dew Hill Castings, and Irons Mill Gearing of all kinds made to order, and latehornes of wheels given to all who wait gearing Grate Hers of all else% always on hand. bolting Moths, Anchor' Brand, warrante' good. Wiener. Sur Mill Stones, all sizes. Portable mills, for ChopPmg and Flour ing Preueh Bur Smut Machines. used io one theneind Mills, are cheaper, better, and many times more durable than Iron Machines, and warranted to give satisfy lion. , Itoee'e Patent, direct action, water wheels, the hestin the country, used in over eight thousand Saw Sills, will out as much as the overshot, with the same amount of, w der, din charged We will got the wheels into ' , Ma Mile, on short notiee:anthwarrant them to give satisfacti ,, n.. Pot further particulars; address W. W. sayritut 819 Übestot etaat t ilifebassbirsii = I li 0 U Tr R 0 R B - MANUFACTURER BOOTS AND SHOES, And. Dealer in Shaw Goode, Trani's, Carpi)! Sacks, Wh leoale and .Retail, NO. 109 MARKET STREET, between Fifth and Liberty Ste, Oboe Market Place,) ap2B.3m Pittsburgia, Pa. REMOVAL:: : • WM: E.' SCHMERTZ 'dc WHOLESALE WAGERS AND. MANUFACTURERS OF BOOTS AND , .SHOES. Have removed to the new and apaciona storehouse, NO. Si FIFTH ST., BETWEEN WO')D AND MARKET, Pittsburgh, Persaksat. Calling yonr attention to the above notice of our Re moval, and being now provided with more ample and am modious rooms It or our large stork of goods, we would :eventfully anlinit a continuance of the liberal patronage' heretofore bestowed upon the house., Our complete and desirable steak of BOOTS AND AMES, obtained at drat hands, strictly from Manufacturers; having been selected with the greatest care never has been intr. passed, and is particularly adapted to the wants of We tern purchasers, and will-be dOpeeed of at The lowest market rates!' - Our gouda we had manefactured with cape ill reference te those engaged in RETAILING, and are war. ranted to glee satisfaction. - - Perrkasdrit visiting this mviket are reipectfully muested toeall and examine our Stook; as we are prepared to accom modate them with prime goods, and of just such PARTICULAR SIZES As they may want. Eastern bills duplicated. AM orders promptly , ftended to. sod waif faction warranted. .ma2fatim W li. E. SOLLHERTZ & CO.. Xci. 81 Fifth St.. WEINVITE TER ATTENTION OW the public to the PRILADEIoPUt& Elf Housekeetting Dky Goods nom... where may be found a large assortment of 'all kinds of Dry Sands required in furnishing honte, thus. sawing' the trouble usually experienced in hunting such ar ids, in various places. In consequence of our giving our attention to this kind of stock, to the exclusion of dregs and faney , goods, we ei n guarantee our prices and stiles to be the. most favorable in the market IN LINEN GOOLE, we are able to give perfect satisfaction being the OLDEST ESTABLISHED LLNE:. STORE in .the city, and haring been for more than twonty years regular important from some of the best manufacturers inJrelend. We offer, also a large stock of FLANNELS .AND MUSLIM of the best.qualities to be obtaine4, and at the very lowest prices. also. Blankete, Quilts. Shootings, Tickinga, Damask 'tattle Cloths, and Napkins Surellings, Diapers, Hackabacs, Table and Piano Corers, Damasks a d Moreau. - Lace and Muslin Curtains Dimities. Furniture Chintzes ,Window She4lnge, - JOON fX)WELI. *14414, • S. W. cornet of Chestnut Solt Seventh Ste., ep3041 Philadelphia. MB rg , 4 & J• T. a( 9 CANoin, to Corner of idbertY and Sixth Streets, Pittsburgh, have received their SPRING STUCK ()ODDS for MEN'S ,- WEAR , Comprising the latest importations of Clo,he, eassinterea, Vestings. &.o, which they are prepared to make to order in a et) le and at such prices as cannot fail to please. Their Stcwk of READY - MADE CLOTHING , ., Got and made under their own cup , elision, is got np' io a 'very superior manner, and will be sold at the LOWEST CASH PitIOES. manly W. W. WALLACE p*LAS,TER AND LIME. Piaster Paris for Agrieultniafpurposes. Do. do. fir Stucco wnrk Snow-white Lime; an ertra article. .Loniarilte Lime; a large stock always on hand, and sold wholesale and sets& W. W. WALL WE, apBo.3m 819 Liberty Street, Pittsburgit. FIRST PREMIUM AWARDIOD -BY THE STATE PAIR TO GRAFF & 00. FOR THE sgsr T_OVEB FOR FANNIN'S AND BEST WOOD COOK STOVE. Diplome for beet Laundry Stove, also on hand a large assortment, of Seeing Stoves, Plain' and Fancy Grate Fronts, Fenders, Hollew.Ware;d o .' No. 245 Liberts, at the head of Wood Street. fe19.17 S lON INTITUT*/ egY.= BANDMitS DISPENDORP, , Principal and Professor of Languages. John Simpson, LB., Professor of Mathematics and As trononsy. Samuel Glass, M.D.,Lectoror on Anatomy and Phyalology. Rev. Jam s Y. asbenhorst, Professor of Moral and Nat ural Science. Rookaivays, &e Mr. Peter Zahner, Tutor in Mathematics. Mr. L a. Leyenberger. Tutor in Mathematic'. Mr Z. W Armentront, iActurer on 'look keeping. Thi r Institution is locaindln the quiet and healthy all. laire of Dayesville, Addend Co. Ohio Duriug the last year there were over Two Runde d Students, Male and Pe. male, in attendance Diplomas are awarded to young la lies who deiab the course of atuAles laid down lb the Catalogue. The branches taught ars the following: Arithmetic, Higher Arithmetic, and Mental Arhitmetio, Geography, English Crammer, Analysis, Orthography, Book Beep. ing. Algebra, Geometry. TrigotOunetry, and 'all the higher mathematics, Philoa.ohy Chemistry, Astrott amp. &laity, Physiology, History, Mental and Moral Science, (Inman, French, Spanish, Hellas, and the Latin and Greek Authors usually read in o ,, llege. Poi Suisnity;Pive n Coulars, paid in stivitnott,a'strident shall twelve good btard. a room furnished with bedstead, table, chairs, stove and fuel, and tuition in any of' the above branches for Two Sessions of Five Months. each Or for Forty two Dollars - and Fifty Cents paid on the 211th of October melt, all the above items' will be furnished for the Winter Session of Five Months. Two serdotits will occupy the same room and furnish their own bedding. which can easily no brought in their trunks. Students are admitted at any time.. Instruction is &Lien on the Piano dud Melodeon, at Moderate charges. B. DISFENDORP, Principal. X 40.0 0 tYR FOR A FULL: 00rF11111111W WOK JU IRON CITY COLLROS, the lewd, most sztenalvelx , pats misted, and bed organized Commercial School in 'the United States. 357 Students Attending Daily, March, 1859. . Signal' time to complete a full. worse, froSk ofx to too weeks. Every student, upon graduating, le guaranteed to be competent to manage the Books of any Business, and qualified to earn a galas) of trout s 6 oqjP ' .**9 ooo -,i, Students enter at iny'tlute— no vacauoißeirleir at 51 PREMIUM& FOR MOST PRNIMiNgIiTP AWARDED B - Ministers' sone received at belt price. For Oirmiar and Specimens olWriiimr,inolosetwoletter stannic, and address P. W. JRNKTNS. Sittodnirch, , Path ' ' • tuiriPRA.L. /LOADS'S Alf MCAT .91IlliPt ki Tuscarora Valley, Juniata Panne!, Psk., one-fourth. t rolls from this of , Pennitileania Si rood. Test flummer session willconustencenn - biondoxilts Lad of - April. Whole awns. per sautes' of 'twenty--two weeks, or Board, ftoom, Tnitior, Washing and inoidentalleo6. par tble one-half in advance fir flee Ciretalara. DAVID . imam, lily Pvinottirtl alma Yoreintrteir., rapt natal 9, icoXPOILD FICA ALE' UHESTIIR OCOINTPi he Winter Session, ally* months, will ootainanaa the fin t Wednesday In Dismember. iliriu""?. for doardittit,etket,ldget &with:Litton In the Itn sash tranehes,s6o per Session. &natant and ithdirn Let pages, each $5. leowonsfrol7 the Piano4ind ass of Introwent, $lB. Pointing and Drawing, Weals $l. Or the pay went of $BO, will fueled* the Twholo," •-* 11 daily stage toonnotte with the amnia Newark MIL, and else at Parkesbarg,lPe Cddriss=- , J. M. DICIEST or , *Ant, Sept. sOsis twaraL blOiraia solliedf CHAR ESDESILVER, MEM ME An. No_ 714. - 0 1 31:Lesiertml.t 1/3tre,cst, Opposite the Masonic Hail, PHILADELPirie s , Pa, SCHOOL, MEDICAL, AND MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS NM OW IaOLEARS AND tOORWT WOWE D Fumaishiai tatt the Mast Favorable Terms. NCT.ALT-5ia.e1i,13T43113 JOICLIECC,2IensIa .131CIICZMECJES. Lord's Medern Ilbstory, . . 4 '. Rice, $l6O Guy and Keith Gny on Astronomy, and Lours Elkton , of the United States, . " 00 Keith on the Globes, 1 Planck's School History of England, . -84 Manesea's French Grammar, aWants, . 84 " " Reader, . . 41 " Rome, .. . 84 Interlinear Classics— Greece, ; 84 Virgil, interlinear translation, . 160 Sargent's Standard Speaker,, 40 Horace, " Intermediate Standard Speaker, .1 00 Omar, " . . 1 150 liNtsaui Standard Speaker, . 84 Cicero ' " " , . .1 60 Johnstores Turner's Chemistry, . . . 1 50 Salina, a a • 150 41 Elements of Chemistry, IA Xenophon's Anabsals, interlinear tranern,'2,26. " Natural Philosophy, . . . 100 Practical and Progressive Latin Grammar, by " Primary Natural Philosophy, . 60 Thos. Clark, Editor of liiteriblear Clunks, 1 00 Frost's Histories— IN',PRESS... . , " History of the United States, . 90 Ovid, interlinear translation. " REMIT of the United States, /81no, 50 Homer's Iliad, interlinear translation. " gNi4tWINER VOSIMMIN LPIEP PSG avaage,Asnis e Chiefly selected, from various authors; with a Preliminary Essay. Together with a Selection of Hymns; by Albert Barnes, a new and enlarged edition, with a portrait of the wthor. One volume, royal 12m0., in various lapin of binding. Price in cloth, $l.OO. " The book is committed to the blessing of God, with the prayer that it may be one if the aids by whioh the worship of God may be extended and perpetuated amidst the families of this land."—;-Exeracr from the Preface. We take it for granted that all' true Christian heads of- families will see to it, that there is under their roof a family tau. To those who may feel that they have not such gifts as are requisite for, gib. duty, the present work may serve a good purpose. At any ram it removes the last excuse for the neglect of family prayer."—Extract from the Presbyterian. DR. ADAM CLARKE'S COMMENTARIES UV 'SSW 711 e. The text carefully printeefrom the most correct copies of the present authorised version; Including the marginil readings and parallel texts,. with a commentary and critical notes ; designed as a help to a better anderstameng of the sacred writings, • EY Uhl ULM, LL.B.F.s.L I M. R. L New Edition, Improved—Complete in one Volume. The work contains upwards of one thousand royal octavo pages; The two volumns bound neatly and substantially in one large volume, embossed:, gilt leather binding, with , marbled; edges; or in plain .leather. Priem $3 00. p:IkifiLO:V4OACIAIS6)I44 S in(OO) O I-110NdsPridAl 4 (x) 4 1 UNITED STATES, .ENGLAND, AND SCOTLAND. Written by anthers belonginit to the, resnsettre denominations. With Sofrfanne. 1/01 met itro. mbossed, price "u s; sheep library, $4: half eel!, marbled edge, sb. CALVIN AND LUTHER'S SERMONS, ug., • k • ' .0.71C 4, 1 , C.l I till A eelection of the most celebrated sermons of Martin Luther and John Calvin, Ministers of the Gospel, and Leaders of the Protestant Reformation; never before published in the United States; to which is prefixed their Moraphies. jar Descriptive Catalognei of Cherlee Desilvor's valuable publications, throbbed on ap• plicetion; and any book sent by mail, post-paid,en reoelpt of the advertbed price. SCHOOLS. o f . , IN 1868 FAMILY UlollBlol'. COIN %MON m WITH PORTRAITS. PRESBfrg lAN BANtiPl,' The baumuu Is published weekly, In the cltles at PIO burgh and Philadelphia, and le adapted tc general armlet/. hi the Presbyberlaw Church. LN ADVANCE, IN GLIM, of twenty, and upwarele, DELIVERED in 'Athar of the cities, a,IWERTISEMEN'Tfi; In Advance_ Tar eight linen, or lies, one 'lnflation 66 ante each sob. oequent insertion, 26 cents. Each additional line, beyond eighg, 3 cents for every inaartion. Tor eight ii 11106; toren monthe,l3.oo. Each additional line, 25 cents. for light linee,One Year, $lO.OO. Each additional lir.f $1 !Janos of tiii) Unea, Ad a year, and $1 for each addl Nona] line. Snarl's es NOTIONS. of ten Lines or less, One Dollar Each aulditionalline, b cents. ComMunicatione recommendatory of Inventkros.Cl '- Noel Practice, Schools, he. ac., being designed for the refs - niary benefit of Individuals, should be paidfor Be Posinest Notices, '" • Sawn by mail, where no good opportunity la otherwise at hand. Drafts or notes of the targer.denomineliom are preferable. where they can be conveniently obtained. Paeirosal Rending us twenty subscribers and upwerds will be thereby entitled to a paper without charge. N. B. When Presbyterian familieß are very m yet. dispersed y they may be accommodated at the Club price, wren though a fru , of the twenty be we.nting. Let all be Toppliod,ll OFFit. ble. The POOR we shall favor, to our rAmost ability. Let the supply be rum, but entry paper pa id for. Tor Two Dollars paid, we wil lßend Seventy numbers - or for One Dollari Thirty-three numbers Thiele for the sake el easy remittance. . If in making up clubs, find some persons Dot ready to pay at ones, they may yet send on the names, at the Club price,on their own responsibility to pay us shortly. It is desirable thatelnhe 4ate their aallseription periods at ea e same ilme. Vil) A4011110M7 &CO Proartot.. a JOHN D. VPOORD. - JAM l P. ItP4.ORD M 2 Coltank eir CO_, IWANUPAOTURNP.S AND D , AtERS IN HATS, CAPS, AND STRAW GOODS, . WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, 131 Woodstreet, Pittsbur' Nave now on hand for Spring pales, as large and cumpl ete an asteortment of Goods as can be foetid in soy of the East ern cities, consisting of • . Fur, Silk, and Wool Hats, of every style and quality; CAPS of every quality and latest fasbione; Palm Leaf. 4traw. Leglvrt, and Panama EATS; Straw, and Silk BONNETS, eta, etc- Peraons wisblng to purchase either by Wholesale or Rita% sill Sad it to their so vantage to cell and examine our stock. tosi9 ly I WM. IL KIRKPATRICK, JOHN V RTRRPATRICR, Late of the firm of Kirkpat Late with Gillespie, Zeller A rick a Metsgar. ('o., Philadelphia. ta - ILLIA el H. IX I MEP WEL CH & CO., VI WHOLESALE . OROCF:11S, Forwarding and Commission Merchants, and Ttaa , pre in PITTSBURGH 31 dNUF 40TURED &RIP ILES. No. 299 Liberty Street, opposite head of Smithfield, PITTSBURG 11, PA. Particular attention paid to the sale of Country Produce. fII D Ee. OI L AND LEATREK TrquE.— D. KIRKPATRICK a BONS, N 0.218. THIR.D t., bt tween Market and Chestnut Streets, Philadelphia. have for sale Dry and Green Salted Patna Kips, Tanner's Oil, Tanner', and Ourtior'a Took at tholoweet prima, and new the best terms. sir All kinds of Leather in the rough *anted, for "blab the digbeet market price will be gives in NIA or taken' in exchange for Hides. Leather stored free of charge, and sold on commission. ja29li U 0N A. H. rclirsupw, FAIPLY GROCER, Would respectfully call the attention of the public to his eitenei►e assortment of CHOICE - FAMILY GROCERIES, -Which be Woofs hie 10-g experience In the bade. and the advantage of pur-hadng directly from the msnufa hirers and Importers, will enable him to off .to his customers; on mere favorable and satisfactory terms than ever. in addition to a largo stock of Staple Grocri.s his list comforts** all the ta - ,le ihdicselas, -both imported and do meatio, that are to be found to tlrst , cla a grocery stores. Green and Black Teas, Of every variety from the lowest prices to the finest atop* imported, pat up in caddy bo tni for family nee or sold by the ponnd. or half chest tistabignes containing an extended list of stock far niehed by mail, if desired: No charge for cartage WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. A LONG e3z. HOUSE AND Slallr PAIATTERS FLAGS, BANNERS, AND BADGES, PAINTED IN EVERY STYLE Painting and Ornamenting Masonie. Regalia, &c. mixEitt PAINTS, GLASS, AND PUTTY, FOB.' SALE AT ma 96m ‘7.15 . 11.1111, I A II BLINIDS• V A. .BEITTOIk a 00., MANTITACITTIBICItS, WHOLEBALI AND ILETAD DBALEIGS. 5i0.82 North EITOONII Eltreet,above Market Plidindelphh The largest, cheapeat i aud beat amortment of PLAIN and, FANCY GLOWS of any other satabltshmenl r the Tufted States. fir RNPATRING promptly attended to. Give cc a call eel satiety yourselves woona a, co., Wholesale and Retail Grocers and Tea Dealers, NO. 241 LIBERTY STIMET, BEAD OF WOOD, prrrsßunGa - , PA, Keep constantly en hand everything generally kept In a. first-elms Grocery Itatablirbmeot. Goode delivered in the city Ikea at the depots, free of rharge. We make a dinouut to clergymen. sytGtt T. mocußtour. & E ID 'Who/seas Dealers in El Td, ()APB, AND STRAW flowers„ Ruches, and Fancy. Pura, Pros. Wand 81 Street, (nearly opposite Merchants' Hotel,) Philimielpbia. fel9-11 t. MIN. B. M. TIMM ROB'? P BMX' fill 11. %Kleist 4. CO., .MANIWACTIIR. A r SHStor,,WHITS LEAD, RED INAS, mild lITH. ARate.V. , 24 Wiinri,ltrwAt Pitt.hvor,h. ittift 11. • Amuse/0m ien.W Ala, taJAi FOR FAMILY SEWING. Our-Machlnes are vastly inverter to' any other. Oragile and delicate teeing., Machine), made to please. the eye merely, are recommended for family use. They will not iinswer the purpose.: ; • t ,Sewing Idachtnes,. ought tofie stroliger than any, ce her, as gloater variety of work is required, and they, go into lees akiilf,nl hands. Wlicefer buys one of oar Mac Write 'knows o a certainty it will, ,• - PERFORM THE WORK REQUIRED. Oalrindorramine bithrs purchasing.` -R* s'rn vp9-17 4 V 2 Market Street, Eittebtir„die ENtOts cctto , el 4 yr U REM - 4.6bucatt, WILAX DAY AND SALTED STANDJD 111D.AVS, 253 Liberty Sir et, Pittsburgh, Pa., NTERS. No. 105 Third Street, near Wood, . 1 Is 100 $1.50 per yea 1'.25 200 14 " apiB PITTSBURGH, PA.