. ,'" . . . .. - lor' limpi ' :novit ~ , , . , i I ~ , ? . . , 11,... .... -7 ...,-,..i . . , . , . . • - •_ _ , 1 - ...., - - , ~,... 1.A.,, . Irly t ~. , . . ... - .= .. ~. . . . i A -.. -- 4 i. of j. - . , *, =tit 7..,• 1 t 'V r 1 T •. . • ...,,..c. ..r.,. •,. ..,, Prowllytealan Ilanwers 1 /0118 V/99/ 80 0 1 4. rrobitsrian Af&vomit'. V•lg JIM, nee 89 DAVID MCKINNEY and JAMES ALLISON, Editors. TER IL.= ADVANCE. rigirtal ottrg, - Days of Yore. When to rest the sun has molten, And the weary day - is , o'er, sit we then and ponder sadly, On the happy days of yore ; On those halcyon days of gladness, When'the world was light and gay, When no °low:14 our pathway darkened, And our hearts were light alway. Then, amidst the twilight shadows, Comes a vision fair and bright, Of "the lov'd and the departed," Gone forever,from our eight; And 't is aad when we remember, That they'll come again no more, With their smiles our hearts to gladden, As they „Dame in days of yore. for the Presbyterian Benner and Advocate Prayer—Au Incident. The late Rev. William Wylie, D D ~was a man of prayer and power. Toward the close of his ministry, he aided one •of younger brethren, on a communion .season, some twenty miles from his own field ofla-, bor. The brother had a child, a, year ,ord, called for the Dr , apparently at the point of death. The child was emaciated with dis ease, beyond what his aged physician 'said he bad ever Witqiipsed, and he' pronounced his recovery impdreible. As'soon as Dr. W. cast his 'eyes on- the little form in which breathing was hardly perceptible, his sytnpa= thiee were enlisted. The father told him be had not prayed for his recovery tor Reversl days, but prayed that God would -renew and, fit him for heaven—a prayer for his recovery appeared like a prayer for a miracle. The hour for family worship came, -in which the Dr. led, and 0 such a prayer for his-recovery, and that he might be spared and fitted for , the ministry The nextolay he made the same petition in the nulpit. The day following he requested the: warm bath to be used, which wail done according to directions. An hour after the bathing operation, he inquired after the effect pro duced, and was informed that it- made it more apparent that the lungs of the child were nearly gone.. The hour for family wor. ship again came, and his prayer for his.' re• ooverY, and that ho might be fitted for the Gospel ministry, was even more fervent than before; and one of the last petitions he ever made in that congregation and at that fami. lar altar, was for the recovery of the child. Fourteen years rolled away, and the Dr• was informed that the little pufferer for whose recovery he had prayed so fervently, was a student of Washington College—now a member-of the Senior Class—was a subject of the revival this,Colilege 1855, and has the ministry in ,view. Qn,receiving this information, he addressed him the, following letter ; tt Wirziramt, Va., Oot. 700856. Wm. W. Anderson—Dear Son :—By a letter received some time since fremypur, father, I learned you lyere , :at-W44in-gt-nn,' College. praythat God , would. preserve, your life and health, and endow you. with mental and moral efficiency, that you may ptove a blessing to your Country, and to the ChurCh of God. I have no doubt you are, diligent in your studies, and I hope you make your, self acquainted with the- first principles of every branch of your studies. Take suffi cient exercise, and use continual care to pre-' serve your health. I hope you have devoted yourself wholly -to- the service of God. It is the only object for which you exist,- -and for which you are—redeemed. My dear son, give the Lord. Jesus your heart. .Re ceive him freely. Be careful to •cultivate every Christian grace. Live for eternity.. At all times it is within one single breath. The knowledge of God's existenee--his cliartte ter and works—i conviction of our endless existence, and the endless existence of all others; vith the awful and glorious events which are before us, and a firm reliance on the power, truth and mercy of God, greatly strengthen the intellectual power's of the hu man mind, while they fill it with the peace of God, which passeth all understanding. My dear son, you live for interests compared with which, worlds like this; though more than the drops of water in the ocean in num ber, are nothing One year ago last April, by a' fall Which occurred at Grand Gulph, Miss., I broke the upper end of the bone of, my lift thigh, and have been unable to walk since. I was brought' by steamboat, after-some months, to this place, and am living with my son In-law,- Isaac Irwin I have not suffered very-taueb, and my general health. has been , good have been able to preach- several times since this event took place, and the Lord has gra ciously kept my mind in peace. ~ I wish you would, write to me. Remembpr.me to , year father when you write to him. If you pass this way on your return to Ohio, call , and see me, if I am living. May God Almighty , bless you, and be your portion I Your affectionate friend, W. W. WYLIE " To this letter he replied, whioh reply is probably among his papers ' and spent , a night with him a few months before his death, and had the pleasure of, praying for hire, in re , turn. When this venerable Ambassador of Christ, far advanced in life, prayed so ear nestly for the recovery of an infant from the verge of the grave y 'strong as was his faith in prayer, and confidence in God, probably little did he think that that infant would one day pray that God would- sustain and com fort him on the bed of sickness,•and be with him in passing through the valley of the shadow of death. • Dr. Wylie was mighty in the pulpit, 'even after he had pawed the meridian , of•life, and seldom did .he preach with greatevpower and effect, than he did on the occasion alio ded to in this communication. The great themes in the plan of redemption on which he dwelt, were suited to his lofty imagina tion, which, by times, would; soar and roam, as if reckless of all control. He felt the magnitude of his subjeot, and his crowd ed audienoe must feel it too He painted the love of God for a. lost world, the agonies of the Oross, and the glories of heaven in such a light that even the most stupid hear er felt that they were living realities. He has oeased from his labors, and his works follow him. J• 4 • Lexington, 0. LEADING MEN.—It is customary to speak of sundry men in the Church of Christ as "leading men,',' is e., they go before others, and make and second the motions which others vote for. It should not be forgotten, however, that a man in & Christian Church, who really deserves the name of a "leading man," serves the Church. He moves and goes in the right,direetion, and, determines others in that direction. As, Baxter well remarks, ig Church greatness consists, in. be. ing greatly servieeable."—Christiai kstet ligeneer. .1' II For the Presbyterlan Banner and Advocate Christian 'Union MESSRS , EDITORS:--While the different nations of the earth are being drawn to by means of steam and electricity, we rejoice to discover indications that the var ious portions of, the Christian world are, by .a celestial influence, coming into closer union and fellowship. , Too long have the followers of Christ been alienated from each_ other. Let us hope that the hour it at hand. when all denominations of 'Evangelical. Christians shall " dwell together in unity." "One is your Master. even Christ; and all. ye are brethren." Here is a broad Scrip. tural basis on which all may stand. Were the eyes of Christians more steadily directed to their Lord, they would soon lose sight of the minordiffereiices that separate them from. each other. What " envying, ; and strife,. and divisions" have been excited the. Church by undue attachment to party names and party leaders. " I 844 of Paul; and I,of Apollos; and I of Cephas; and I Of Christ" Is it not high time to dis courage this spirit of contention.:Would, that all the ministers of ~ the Gospel pos , messed more of the Apostles mind. Then Would the watchmen upon Zion's walls be gin to see eye to eye, while from each would go forth the earnest, exhortation Now, I beseech you, brethren, by the unwept' our Lord Jesus Christ, that ye all speak' the .samefliing, and that there be no divisions among you, but that ye be perfectly j3ined together in 'the same mind,,and in the same , judgment." Can it' be that those who have One Lord, one faith, one baptism," shall continue to treat each other as' aliens and enemies How painful to the pious heErt to reflect how the "Shibboleth" of sect has 'sundered those who ought to take street counsel together and walk unto, the .house of God in company. When will, we learn to bear one another's . burdens and. so fulfill the law of Christ I' Wilen'will the' different branches of the Church discovpr, that the `communion of saints is not to be interrupted by every shade of difference Perceptible in the opinions of those who embrace the same Saviour and walk by the same rule ? I rejoice that the 'denomination with which we stand connected, encourages no• narrow minded bigotry. Oar General As sembly has thrown open the door, not only for union-prayer meetings and union ;eon- ; venticos, but likewise for ; inter-communion at the Lord's table. Her language on this subject is : The'terms of Christian `communion'adopted by "our Church have been In accordance with the Divine oommaud, that we elhould receive one an other as Christ has received us. We have ever admitted to our communion all those who, in the judgment of mharity, Were the'sincere diSolpies Jesus Christ. We fully recognize the authority of the , command, " Him that is weak in the faith receive ye, but not to doubtful disputatious." May we not hOpe froni preeent indications that this spirit of liberality will soon spread through all branches of the Evingelical Church? M.W.D. Youth and Age. It is said that - there is no icoonnting for it 'l,O l / 4 ieditlieUlttktelonitt for judgments. Iloth run very much with the, fashion, that is, ,witl! .the, populav our-, rent. And this is much the case, in things ,religions as Well as secular; and, in the es timation made of persons, as well things; Ministers are by no means exempt. They have to bear their part in life's variations. The current has been setting strongly in favor cif young, , ministers, for, some .time, and to the exelasion of the aged, in i regard to all desirable pastorates. The following, _from the Christian Intelligeneer, of the Reformed Dutch Church, may be read with interest: Al 4 ATROCIOUS CRIME. Opinion` has changed since the Bel of Chatham complained - that he was charged - with " the atrocious crime of being .a young man." " The light of the XIX Century" has dissipated• some prejudices in favor of age and now for -some Men,•it is, indeed? criminal to be old. The-Church, whit* ,is the pillar and ground of the truth, bears,its ,teetimony against the crime of „age, by none. damning It in the .persons, her pinisters. An old minister, is a great sinner against the intelligent wants of a .rising,Chirch. nominations agree in-this matter, but we are disposed to think the Dutch Church has been foremost in - declaring against old min isters. What precise metes or hounds should be put to the expansive adjective old, in this connexion, we are not quite sure. Bat we feel safe in asserting that neither such an one as• " - Paul the aged," nor as the :venerable John' who was in Palms• "for the Saviour's sake," would be 'a proper can. didate now for any vaoant-Chureh of our order. So thoroughly are 'the Dutch Con sistories alive to the •necessity of settling ministers who have •.f.t the. dew of :their youth," that 'we, have little expectation of ; hearing thst our,older pastors able to hold their positions , much longer,. unless they renew their „youth in some physical sense. Hairdyes, Cosmetics, Dentist's and Barber's tools should be freely' employed in. a Skillful way to.farbish up the house of this tabernacle," and to - keep the rust of age from its exterior. ' They who will' not' use these implements well for the purpose of strengthening theiehold upon the - affections .of -their flocks, had better -study law, or medicine, or become 'candidates' fore the Senate or the White Rouse. `For an old Lawyer, or an old Doctor of Medicine, is commonly-regardedwith - great revereneerand his opinions are paid for in sums , proportioned; .to his age. 50, , t00, , as the Constitution of the United States admits members to the Senate, at the age which usually ends the usefulness of the minister of , the Gospel,-it might bewell for „those . who have no, time for either pleading or pills, to betake themselves to polities as soon as they are old , eneugh to attain. eminent dignity in ,the service of the State. If fifty .or sixty Winters have frozen up in immeas urable depths the wisdOm of early years, so that - there is small likelihood it, ever thaw, then our Iliseardeti veterans of the pulpitmight with some propriety direct their efforts in proper ways to become Presidents of these United' States. For the State re verses the rule'of the Church. The Church likes raw 'recruits • best—the Stage prefers experienced veterans. From thirty to thirty.five years, lies flow, that deep Slough, through which must wade, with growing fear, the worn.out pastors of our ambitious congregations. Young as we are, and • embarrassed oftentimes with the foolish blush of inexperienced youth, we nevertheless, see clearly, and digest inward• ly, the melancholy fact, that the time will soon come when we shall take our place in the ranks of the old. men who are over thir ty,years of age; f eud, we can therefore, even now feel a thrill of sympathetic exultation in the thought that if old men are ejected from perishing pulpits . , the Muter has as. 011 110 4kogekto.theajZi heliveß• is a "ONE THING 173 NEEDFUL:" "ONE -THING HAV a -2 -Q e . vr - •' - PUBLICATION OFFICE, GAZETTE WILDING, FIFTH STREET, WYE SMITHFIELD, PITTSBURGE:PL FOR. THE W , IRNIE ENDING SA.TFRDAY, JULY 23,1859._ comfort • to know that old men are not de spised in heaven, nor anywhere on earth, except among the heathen Escpiimaux, and in some of the Obiistian churches. There are, however, honorable and- many exoeptions to this. Churches that have, ac tive members and working Elders and Dea cons, usually keep their pastors long, and cherish their instructions as age improves their value. Bat in those churches whine. Elders 'and Deacons, and, members, expemt their pastors to do the pre t aehing, and pray ing, and visiting, without any aid, and to run up the rent roll for pews by extraordi. nary flourishes, rhetorical thunderings, and lightnings of matchless eloquence, young men are most needed. When the clergy. man is expected to possess and exhibit all the active piety there is in the congregation, he ought, indeed, to be fleet, and strong, and work fast He will break down by the time he is thirty, to be sure; but then an other young man can be placed in his roam, and the grinding of flesh, , and maples, and bones will go on again in the heavy treadmill of a lazy church. A praying, active church` will keep a minister, young until he is Seven ty; a 'slow and indolent - church, will make him both old ,and criminal for his 'age, .by the time he is thirty or thirty five. By the foregoing observations, we have no intention of disparaging in any way, our younger brethren in the "nilistry ; but, as, we note the growing disposition among the churches to settle young men only, we can not help asking whereunto will this bring us who are young? What will be tie effect, in a few years, upon the stability of the pas toral relation? Ministers there are now, by scores, who want to be settled Tutors, but gray hairs are here and there upon them, and they are consequently tabooed by Cortes tories. We do not believe that a minister must be accounted acceptable because he is over thirty five; but we do insist that.the vacant churches ought not to eetablish it as. a rule, that a man Cannot be an acceptable pastor because he ,has reached or passed the meridian of life. This is all we have to say at present on this topic, although it merits fuller consideration. As we claim lirgsly ulion the first half of life, either perwiiially - or by oar sons, our younger brethren , Will not charge us with be ing envious,of their acceptability. We but speak a word for• the wisdom,which exile rime brings to the minister, as surely as to the physician andl-the lawyer, and swhich, is as. truly valuable to those who would .be guided aright. Tor ttie•Praebytartau Baader aad Advocate Dr. Halirei on Coogregationollom. The venerable Dr. Hawes, of Hartford, Connecticut, recently delivered a discourse* kefore> the Congregational Board of - . Pub oration, in Boston. The „subject of the discourse was Congregatioettlism, ~an 4.. the • means of improving it. Among the means, the speaker enumerated - Ist Parity of Faith,. Dr.'Hawei admits "fully that the times of true revival in New , England,. have been the , times of - the ,elear preaching'of strong and;therough: Galvinistio doctrine.; while the times of declension have been those in which these doctrines have been withheld, or the opposite-preached. Another great want of Congregatioaalism, according to , the !puke; is a better organs:. cation.- The caramel/ Congregationalism, (that of Maesachusetts,) he represented as having one grand defect; it has no organic unity, Popery or prelacy' is one extreme; independency is another. Independency in Church organization„Dr. 11. admits, has no foundation in reason,or. Berinture, in nature or. grace. Oar churches, he says, have no bond of- union in faith. We have no com mon Standards. When asked what Congre gationalism is, it is not easy to give an answer. There are great differences in faith and practice. We, need more unity and order, and we must more in this direction, or we shall los6 our hold on the conservative and thoughtful, and ; , fall into .the hands of the rash and the radical. [A. Congrega tional pastor observed to the writer "that the . Doctor's prophecy was already history ] To realize this unity, Dr. H wou'd haws a common creed to be.receivad by aIL Con gregationalists, and a General Council, or Assembly representing the whole denomink tion. This, if it means anything of account, means Presbyterianism. And although Dr. H. is not a Presbyterian in doctrine or order, and would no doubt disavow this con clusion, his testimony is , porte the less im portant, as witnessing the deep and urgent . need in the Congregational churches.of pre cisely that which Presbyterianism , supplies. It is a ,significant fact, when men -who have held snob a position in the Congrega• tional body as Dr. H has done, are impelled by the ,very necessities of the case to pro pose, as a matter of expediency, what Pres. byterians hold as .a principle of Seripture t The grand deed of Congregationalism, as a Church,organization, lice ,exactly here; it really denies the unity of, the uhurph. Denying this, it throws itself at once off the foundation of the Word of iGod ; and if the foundations Ire deltroyed, what can even the righteous, do? What remains,.but that, a system must lose its hold on the wiseand thoughtful, and, fall into the hands of 'the rash and radical ? -Z. Z. Speak Kindly' of Your Pastor. . Many Christians inflict serious harm on their pastors, and"on the cause of Chriet,hi their careless gossip ami.' habits 'of ()Spiking. ness. An idle :word ,of censure, forgotten,' ', perhaps; as soon as . uttered , leaves a permit nentiMpression . 011ihe Minds of. children and visitors, and ' works mischief is the future. While Christians are human,' we' suppose; it is useless to hope for a perfeet . cure of this vice, but the follOwing'wordeof advice are pertinent "In all your.transiotions with your min.: ister, deal with him candidly and honestllt. Hold his reputation as a snored Never by word or deed permit yourselves ; to' injure it;' if you do, you injure his useful.' ness and your own interests: If you think . you have ground for fault finding, tell him, that's the 'Manly and Christian 'course, but neviir:Whiaper scandal about Ihim to 4:tthere in his absence. And especially .nev,erapeak derogatively of him / to the, young. Parents little. know what they do when they permit• themselves to censure his conduct or dis parage his work in the presence of their children. Many a. young-,heart has thus beenalienated from the minister, and 'frog'. truth, ere yet it has been brought:ander the • salutary influence of either. That accounts, in many instances, for the fact that children ! do not follow lathe steps of their parents,, by.identifying themselves with the churches. ' to which they belong, and this, .in its turn,, ' often accounts for children breaking loose from .religious vestraints and influences gether. Not till the issies'of time are re ' vested .in .eternity, ...shall ~wp see., all. the wrong , that has resulted ,from the evil I have deprecated. . , May. ,eyeTy.:o4;ah be saved, from it _ _From our London -Correspoiflent. Pause brfore Me Storni-7'he Two Armia?!—A. Con trast—The Austria?: Fortresaes=The Line of Me Nincio—Charge of Blaspheniy by Paiists— Who is theStaaphemer, and Idolater ,—Thp Fears of Me Pope—P, rus.sia's Position--.4r0 Syinpathy for Austria—Count Cavour's Circular the Austrian Cruelties—A Brutal General - and his Pass. port". Card—The Progress of the Revival in Ire land--Testimony of Ministera—lnciderits—ffnited ,Prayer—l Union kat , Belfast—British Officers and ths .4fffsirs— The;: European - " Cornpany':,'i Troops Murmuring—The Rebels and.the Nena—:Address to Sir Tohn Lawrence— , Postscript. June 24thj 1859 THE PAusx - - which has oecurred in the storm ragingiluljtaly,-has-sbeen Caused by the,retrest , of - ;the lAustrilms!inpont the ,line of ,thoi Mincio,,and, one le ready ; to add, by, the !enmity, of, re organization on the part of the belligerents. The effect of repeated defeetsim the morale of the Austriin army, has been disastrous. Nothing 'could be more striking , than the contrasts unconsciously drawn by two correspondents of the -Times, the one at the Austrian headvarters, the ,other moompanying the advancing ()Chimes of the Allies. As . •to the latter, they are described as marching through the' most beautiful and luxuriant soenes, arrive towards _evening at the capping. place for the „night, where they find excellent provisions, all kinds 'of rural dainties, and a most agreeable bivouac.' The next morning r refreshed and joyous, , they resume their advance, to go through a similar promenade, witka similar conclusion. There is, nothing of afar about the proceeding, except its stimninahnd ex- , citement. The' description.' 'says the Times, " remlnds`twof Ribin Swill men, in Sherwood Forest, disporting tliemeelves through pleasant, glades, driving ~,off ~ good red, deer, arid sleeping at night on smooth turf, under the greenwood tree." Now look on the contrast, as thus coil mented on : 1 4 Our ,00rrespondent at the he4quarters writes from, the, same, country, Under • the very same' date, p a,nd after a march ever the very same roads ; and whit' dOeti hi. say He can seemly describe the sufferings, the impatience,-or the disgust, existing:ars:and him. The past week—that very ptriod so agreeable to the French , -,--has.been Aitad. ful one. The, writer, though hring horse, and strong , himself, found the' sun arid dust almost inaupportable - "'The wounded soldiers mist luivtivrithed in torture, as •the miserable, springier's carts-tof the eountry bore them slowly Along.. for,,nearly twelve, hours a day. Tide roads were nearly impassible. ' A minuted officer could' Scarcely get along - at die 'late' of 'a. ,Anile an hour. Instead of Universal` tion, there is universal rage. Lancers tear away tbe tlags,,from their ,lances;igiflemcia, pluck from their oaps.the flowers which they al waysr ,o 4 l -TM 3 larAi n le..; and. Aribirillither ,give vent to their—furytin,execrations, or more. discreetly confin&thenaselvesito! , arigry s gestures and, frowning. brows. , "What makes all this differ:en*? Dne condition only, • works all thiat!tnarvel. The French are victorious-=the Austiisns hive been defeated. The. 4i'ons„- , sti, may .cOnvey, instructiva idea of ,the , Abietwak,a„ pagimia . of the soldier.' Bad generalship has thus'ilemeraliaed, as well `as decimated, the 'Austrkin army. GeneraLGuylai is. 4isnalissed, and -Count. SARA is the new Leader, but .he is as yet - untried, and no change can 'efface the, dis haaitening remembrances of officers and men, who know that at the battle of Magenta, not less than ten thousand of their comrades were. either killed or - wounded— It also nemes-out, that. for fifty-hours before the battle, the soldiers ,had,not even,a.pieee of bread I Thus the poor iretches, - famish. ing and overmarched, .were hurried to cer tain 'destruction. The French ' , army, nu merioally, is not sohgreat as that of Austria, t in..everything, ,else,, and especially in, well fed and effective men, it. is far more, efficient. Oar , new War Minister is. re minded by the Press; of how oulOoMmis- Barka broke down in the Oriiean war, with sieh...fataleresults to life, :and receives a Eagan! to learn ) 16 ;lessen' from. the-French, in that department. • THE SQUARE"- OF FORTRESSES is new Austria's main leliance, _even if she should be .„worsted 'in the field. Their recent re treat .is similar to, that of 'ltadetsalry, in 1848, before an inferior foree:of Sardinians, ' under Charles Albert. The Mineio from the Lake - of Garda to Mantua, a dis tance. of .sixteen Add to this ' ‘ seven miles from ,Mantua f , to where the Illincio i fallerito, the, Po, andyou wili,iiereeive that the line which the Austrians have to defend. is about twenty•three iniles;' while it each end is a-tortress,.which it Will be exceed ingly diffioult to turn. The one is Feeehiera,, on the -above Lake Gards.oand the other, Mantua, ties in the midst of bogs and marshes, which extend to the Po. Irke garrison of the' first named fortresS his also , the power of-inundating , the country for several miles, by closiag ,sluices which are ,between the lake and.the river. Mantas lies on an island; and has a forti , fied camp for thirty thousand -men. b seems impregnable, and a writer Irmo Vienna 14 says,Napoleon-is resolved to, ,have Mantua, he must be.prepared to sank flee eighti„thensand, or one, ;hundred thou-, sand men; for hie renowned uncle did not„ get possession of the place after' had besieged 'it eight months, and,- fought' eight or ten- battles. The French -}artillery • is infinitely-more.,powerfal now, than, it was in, 797 ;. but so, are the,,:fortressekagainst which it is, to be employed." But, the French have great ponfidenoe in the destru 3 - rive powers of their: 'new rifled ominous, -which carryAshot several miles, and which can ,be thrown into the fortified towns..and camps with deadly power. Besides this r a navel expedition, possessing immemie•meana of destruction, is on its' ay to Venice, and nne•hundredand twenty fiat bottomed-boats, sheathed with iron, and • armed , with ,rifled cannon, are r it is said, to,,asoend the:A.dige and the Po. If Venice falls,, the fleet ,may . land an army, corps,.to march on the Adige, and take the Austrians' in the rear.. 'There are also in -Tuscany; French troops, Which will, at an appointed day r appear °nit given, point. The Austrian prisoners also think the conflict will be' short. Thep admit that' their soldiers are seized With great alarm at the sight of the Zonaves and their bayonets, and they count little on Mantua, as it is below the spot.where .ansitempt.is likely to be made by the Allies to cross the Mineio. Pausare. having mobillied, her great army is now actively seeking to bring the belligerent parties to an understanding. Her own Cabinet, it is said, differed, by a majority, with ,the Prince Itegent, on the, alarming and expensive , measure of calling out the wholelorce of the country, including the, 'militia, or Landwehr, as has been tone. A greich paper tells Prussia very„ thntahe may send her diplomatists to the belligerent Powerekbut "propositions banked by bayonets,: diplomacy,'' or aimst—negotia tienn, wildly:4a wider the'menace of cocked pistols, are what France ,wittAtot accept IF ber.cleinonstratien is hostile.,. she, will find France reacly,to meet her. 14r Quos ego does not intimidate us." Sv!itr.ariziv,rott. A USTRIA• there is none, ou the part' tif this; natien, properly so called. Tine,Napoleon's` designs are feared," and suspicions gain -ground that Russia and- France mean to, generalize the war, and ab,et. insurrection in Hungary, for the thor ough htimbling of Austria. True ' also . that Lord Normandy, our late Ambassador at Florence, made a retrograde speech on the first night that , Parliament met, and Tory Peers P approved. . Nor is it unlikely that the Wilyold fox, the King of the Belgians, who has just arrived in this country, and„lrlinse heir iemarried an AuArian Princes's', may excite mach fear and feeling at Court But ilia instincts of: the nation Taint, on the one hand, r tp,ati„angicentation, of, the army and navy, andlireparations for the defence of the country against possible invasion; arid, on the other hand, (with ` the eiception of Papists, Trent:atlaw priests, and very old Tories,) the ,pepple,dsfest Austria. 'Why shotild any one wish to see.her.come out unpu.nishedkwhen she iiipp guilty and winked 7 She is the POpe's'sworn vassal, and her Preliteis only remit* enacted' new laws for'the diOness, whieh, His,Reliness has apprOved, 'strongly disapproving all communication of, the faith fuk, with, protestants, ? Yews, &c., and de claring that it will.be a tmnished.” The Times Ooriespondent at tlenna, asks, "Is it reasonable that Austria Should, under such circumatanees, expect` to meet With Sympathy in Germany and England ?" do trust that no anxiety about" thatbalance of power " in Europe will evoke anysym i pathy in her 'behalf in the United States. LetEus leave the issue`to a just God. Na poleon is aldangeroue man, but heist un'der Divine control, and is but "the ,rod of His anger," whieh,_when it.has done its work, HA: van snap jasunder • - THE SIN or BLASPHEMY is now charged home t.• against PritestantisM.l The Hon. Mr. Langdale q says, "it is, ...Catholic , truth that, in ail., ages, , the, .Church, from its fipit fonndation to , ths,prent time, the, agora* f ind 'eveivblianted Sacrament has ever been to the Catholic his happiness and his , support during life; and his consolation in „death:. This, most holy, and .adorable Sacrament, THULE. Cron, the. and, religion of ,the work-horise teaches the child to protest againit and blasPhente."' This gentleman is a Papist of an old English family, who, at a recent meeting got up by Wiseman - infltielice, in, London,. to clamor for. okoploinsi . in workhonaes on# prisonlN declaimed against the proselytism and the ran "of ilie soils of "Catholic children," Carried on by Protestant chaplains. H'e Said the children were taught to "blaspheme God." Beingtaken .to task for•this *the Timea,,,thA Above ,is, his defence mid i cora mentary that the 'Wfifer Taut.* Grin " to the Papiit It `is the old lie, int= pudeutly reitived, , against which our fathers witnessed *Avert unto blood. TAZTEAR * B OF THE Pm are sought to be fished by the Alliesthi , Italy, even white they , are eargieg,ea a strife: 'which brings kr to its final Bologna were virtually rebuked for theis revolt,- and were assiiredAhat the security of the Pope's= throne was , 'an object in' view with the Allied - Sovereigns. The - Pope, not.long since, being asked by.lLvisitor for some reminispenoe of the :interview, and having given it, spoke in terms the most dolorous-of the menial distress he has long endued The Popes Swiss , troops have attacked the ,toki of Perrugia, which, had . declared, for liberty, slaughtering and,tread-, ing down both, men and - women. This is the niilffrule of the Vicar of Christ ! Flf BOnaparte get power and position in Italy, in the sense of a, Nirtual protectorate, it is more than probable , he- will use,.tha Pope for his ow,n ends, just as he,:has done Elie priests in Fray - Ice: That I expect - will be found the role of his policY. HIE EMI COFPIT CAV,O has published a.cmula to the Aisplawatic agents of Sardinia, in. tended as an exposure, in the presenee of the whole civilized world, of 'Austrian cruelty. Fie, details, l atahe result of ; a, j adloialjuves• tigation, rustle, t he,s wit, hp cy Ain ions op, Sardinian peasants, were arrested on the 20th of May, whose ages variad from silty - ; to-fourteen years. _ A =search having been inede4A - the farm house, and a small bag of Shot ,fOra.fowiing pieee.laying been found, they were, ,to thp_number of,nine while nnable make themselyes understo;,, and trembling in every 'Aril, 'ordered logo down s.path-on one; side of the road: A platoon of ,soldiers instantly fired on therri, by order ; eight fell dead, and the, ninth, an old ; . , man, was mortillYWninded A - bailiff, who had hien compelled to sot as - gtaidejWai then lei go, and as a passport through Ale' 'Austrian troops in; the neighborhood) the Commander gave him,a vieitiag card, which . , *slander CIOTOtiAt, thi s ;time FIELD MARSHAL URBAN.' • Littler did the_ giver of this eard ' think that one day it should be produced as damn ing proof of thU foiles't and most savage cruelty. The card is, affixed to the ,back of the } judicial decument, drawn up, after an investigation on the 'spot. It is right to add that •the Anitrian Governarint denies the truth of the .statement, and promises. fall-particilars in .the way of explanation. MEE IREVIVAL IN IRELAND is progressing with, marvelous power. During, The last thirty, years,„ there has been a glorious resurrection of spiritnaf life in Ulpter. The old-faith, which ;Arianism had corrupted, ' hashein:restored, 'missionary seal has been 1 enkindled, Christian liberality -has, been' raised to an unparalleled standard, piety bas been largely diffused among the people, and a noble race of ministers has been raised np. Bat not until this year has there been a revival, in that fall sense of the term, in.' Ulster, which marked the. early history .of Presbyterianism there in the early part of the seventeenth century. Its origin was, as .formerly indicated, -in-the neighborhood of Ballymena, and there it. stip: exercises mighty influence,. The -Rev. F.. Buick, writing ; me last week,says : _ . "I never, saw such holy, heavenly scenes of prayer and praise in all my life before. Characters often the incest godh3sa,, and even maliciously opposing, the work; have heem. stricken,..dori / under terrible distress, crying, out fotmercy from . the Lord jesus. Even poor ignorant children, bronghtrup in the . midst of wickednies, are offering up Prayers' before the throne, (wadi te perhaps3his most learned Divines never offered;) in lan guage the most exalted,, and with 4lnetling earnestness and power. "Delight s in the Word of God is most remarkable ; never was it so sweet tit the taste. The Psalms of 'David are sung now: Its thernever were before. Whole nigh* are often now spent in reading the r Word,_ and in singing and prayer 7 —especialty where, there are any parties . the house doweetion: " - ',g‘ Frivolity is gived'up ,forrteericradness -;of ifts3l whole. , deportgiont. koala _LA t ttiCF/At , j 0 1141004,', SSetth Com „of Seventh and Chestnut Streets 4 Suoh love ~for him, such Small and lofty thoughts of him, I, never ; wituessed, before.. Oh I it would do you good ,to hear them. But to be thorougbly'oonvineed, must see the work yourself.. IT IS • , 01h, GOD Never in this country has Satan : got such a stroke." The movement has now spread into seve ral parts of, the counties of Tyrone, London• derry, and Down; beside&its wider diffusion in the county or Antrim, where it At Cookstown, in County, Tpone, where Presbyterianism is very strong in,numbers, them has been a great ((nickeling of, the. dead, and also some physiCal amtation an companing it. The ministefe there are most faithful and judicious • men - and they themselves have been astonished beyond measure, at what they see, and hear. On. Sabbath, the 12th June, in one place of worship in the town, at a, Chore when there was nothing to excite the audience, one person, was struck down under .•tionvic tion, and after he had been .removed, • the entire congregation knelt down in prayer fur several minutes, ` `without having received any intimation front pastors or elders ► At the , Cookstatin Market, ihe'llth June, there was little if any of the swearing or.drinking usual on such occasions, hither to. A solemn impression seemed , to rest on, aimost every one. The, great bulk of the people had left' the'Market lcHig before the,ousaomary hour, and as emulsible man ,observed, 4 1. t was more .like a SAbhath titan a market day." In the town of Belfast, the revival influ ence is—as•an Episcopal clergyman writes , me--" atmospheric." Every one," he , says, " talking about., religion:" ,Dr. 0,4 e has, publicly, vindicated revivals against the scoffs of Unitariatia, &o , and his warned " serornere'tO The ministers of• -Delfast,• of ah, denomi: nations,-with the Christians, met Jest week at the first °La greakand„united Eyangeli. cal prayer Meeting. While DEStp,rganurajs , speaking,briefiy and 'nolitinnly, a woman was struck down and carried out. Afterivirdei she was comforted and-made:hippy in Christ. An Episcopal clergyman, who takes anue , tive part in the work aa Beffset, and who is well known to me, gives the foll Owing earn mary of the reality and residteuf this move meat,- as a:.Whole i 1.• There has plainly been an outpouring of the Spirit in answer to,prayer. 2. This has, not; been,,in,,, the usual way ofhuman agency, but is, the,di red work of the Spirit. t hinottelf. ff. Phyai cal manifestatione have accompanied, 'bit have not been necessarily 'connected with it. The nernber of those seriouslyAmpreased: Ilea leen far,runre,than those ,physically „af fected. 4, Its tendeney iato unite in closer lionda the members of Evarielieil Church es. 5. It-has pervided'ill classes ' of more ty: 6. The abiding fruits * of the 'Sikh have been,manifested in the „ altered.A lives. and, continua oftheseonder,,graciptatt influence ; OM careless and ungodly hecciming anxious ?, the drunkard sober, the ,profligate abandon us vices an ecommg pure. I shall, ?doubtless, bey called on to give a weekly notice, if, spared,.of thittiremarkable and, unexpected, spiritual eulargemenk,of, the Kingdom of Christ inlreland. A number, both of ,Thaltarians and -Romanieta, have mittee meeting - or, t he • . p.onhet ooie, ty, this week, delightful tidings were given us by two Christian o fficers, Captains Orr and Hawes, who had gone eirifiesly't-C Ulster' to sea the work, and who , mingled repeatedly amid the most glorious, scenes of. Divine, manifestation. Oh, that it may i sprucLover the whole kingdom And let all the converts , Of the American revival of last'' , esti, and all God's =people in the United 'States, pray earnestly and, constantly that it may be so. Hitherto we have , had little more • than the noise and the shaking, or at but the skin and flesh covered the - lifeless bones, but now we want and' long for' the breath of God, - for the throbbing. pulse:and , roseate hue, , and stalwart vigor of a life, immortal and and desire to pee the , dead standing on their . feet, an exceeding , great, army. INDIAN ArrelaiChave still their intaest, eaßeoially,yith regard to a„freeJlible there. Lord Stanley :aeries Weed takes Inc piece, ser Sioristiry of Stole for Itdia. It la - confidently hOped that the 'abiiininable "mentrality " exclusion' of 5 the .Book= of Book% from Governmenk Schools will, be , abolished. It Lee been denounced ntEdi,. ' hnrgh; at i..gicitT meeting at ihe House, .LOrcton ' by 'the Lord Mayor him ' self, wo called it an ."infidel"policy, in presence of all the Biiihops and many clergy, to whom a dinner . was given, and also with . Lord Johnßasselful agneet, who sxreased sympathy''with' the sentiments uttered, while hinting at some difrionleici in the way of easy accotopliihment of a eh:nee. The late. Emit India Company had among tomes several regiments of European aoiaieni. When the government passed into the ‘QUeeit's hands, theie troops expected to-be ditibandea; and then to be re-enliated, with; a bounty:, given . to each' man: The Governor. CespereL-bas , refused •'this, and voet„dissatisfaction,..,almost bordering on Mutiny, has ,been the result. The-object was to save money, and Lord Canning's policy is generally condemned. Lord Clyde baiallayed the• storm by a most judicious order, for-inquiry, and hinting ta.thesoldiera that., Parliament can bs approached by, peti tion if there ire any grievances. : I . believe Lord ;Clyde sympathises with the Men: •As to the native mutineers, they are becoining feiver every month, and num bers of them are, constantly. !surrendering themselves. The Netts and friends had re oently. to fly from, one of his refuges, where they=Were beginning to make large prepara tions for resistance. - SIR - JOHN' LAWRENCE wart this day pre se cited witki, an addreps of . congratulation and, approbation by. the Bishop of London, in the name of seven thousand pubsoribers,.anclud hag the officers of : the varioni Itliesionary Institutions. In any next, I hope to describe . the personnel Of this eminent "man, and 'the incidents of the scene. .Meanwhile it is werthy of teinembranee that this is another ; .l and very effective protest_by the. great Bran gelioal party against the Stanley anti Bible . 13.L-.•lf :the-Allies - win a great" battle on , the ifilineio,,Pruesia, it likely to step in at a; netraotor, and *raft will ,f!s seen,whethen, an armistice with peace in yie*, men. ,aVk `.ffif extension `6l the war, is to 'c ome. %mouth is in Italy with en a'Aid•ast ottanpf"'` Tuies. The Oburoh, has always contained some. rather, eccentric reenibera r goribbigt, with very„ *V„,tty eenspienees. .I'3o "migrant I woman, once went to Dr Gill, with her loaded Bail; to receive Soneolation She was much'grieved with the "fact that they ' were in the habit ef 41inging nnholy,tune& sg Perhaps se,", said ,the Doctor;, ff wiist tunes shall we sing ?" Why, iitivid'e tlPeez raid would be very goods If .you will 'get 011 . siti4 of DOM'', tnwee;iviiirilpnive; 1,061 , ;: Ir4lAttrip RA ear a ss; 1 -BriaiVerJat)thelOinpo,oll.s44trAttri tall PROOPZOTIIS DelivereitinpejObi WHOLE-NO. 856 Calvinism Misrepresented and Corrected. • MISREPRESENTATION I. rs Calvinists . hold. that al beings and events are bounit fast'in fate, so that every hieg'ii, or lal rus '',pyde s , by an eternal ne .essity, which ghisps the inevitable end, respective of means, or voluntary agency." CORRECTION'. Calvinists, in ac3oriance with Scripture, believe and maintain, that fi A, not fatally, but'freely created all things by the word of his power, upholds them, governs them, and "works a i ll.things according to the counsel of. his own will." MISREPRESENTATION /1. galvipiets hold that God tie the author of sin." CORRECTION Cilvinists reject this opinion as bias ,plKmons, + end. maintain that God is "holy all his Worki," 'and 'that he neither "can be tempted' with evir, , nor tempteth any man." 'f, MISREPRESENTATION if Calvinists hold that man in not a free agent:" CORRECTION. Oa the contrary, Calvinists maintain, that "no violence is offered to the will of the creature; nor haSwoa taken „away, but has established the libertY, or, contingency of causes." Without liberty, there could be no resOnsibility. MISIIEPRZSENTATION IV " Calvinists hold that God from eternity, Rod.uwithont reaped to moral character, *med, the greater portion of the human race to inevitable and eternal misery." CIOMEMON. • Calvinists believe .and, *maintain, that not a single human being is foredoomed to mis ery, AT.cept for. his sins; for which he is justly 'Under condemnation, and will be pun- Idhed;'if belie in unbelief, according to his deserts. ' MISBEPREBENTALTION V. : I . l C,alviniete hold that if a man be not one,of the eleet—let him do what be will— let hit repent, believe, pray, or be as good as he_will--he will nevertheless perish.' CORRECTION . :; ,0 1 n ,the _contrary, Calvinists believe and majntain that,th,ere is no Bin so great as to bring final oondemnarion on him who truly retients—that all who truly believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, shall be saved—and that 4 g whyronver confeeseth and forsaketh his tins4all find'mercy." MISREPRESENTATIONS VI "Calvinists hold that if a man be one of the sleet,. lethim do what, he pleases, live as Ind, be as worldly and as wicked as hnlnay, cannot fall short of salvation." CORRXOTION. It If sufficient to say in opposition to this, that, Oalfirdists sinCerily believe and main , airt,,thitt. t..(mithout holiness, no man shall gee the :Lord!' 31.11311 t EPREEIENTATION VII :"Palviniate.hohl that then** infanta in hell not a span long." OMILFAMON. At44l.einistsmiaddcticti l litiuktithtirulgar and grass imptttitioir worthy of notiee, were it pi9i so perpetually repeated, that simple pro• le give the 'slander credit. It may be itifficient to •say that Calvinists believe they have "=scriptural grounds for maintaining, that, although implicated in the fall of the litst Adam, yet not having tranegressad niter his similitude, infants dying in infancy, are ie.ticemid and saved through the atonement and . merits of the second Adam, the . Lord tresne,,Christ. MIE4P.EPRESENTATION VIII. "-Calvinism represents God in the light of a Want, ralinghiettniirerse with a stern and *arbitrary sceptre, an object of terror, not of CORRECTION. Calvinism, while it adores God as just and sovereign in all represents him as ;moil wise and graeious, diffasing ih,ppiness :mei% all his holy creatures, vis- Ot l ingwitb the ; riehest grecs and most, unmer ited'mercy, the sinful 'rase of man, saving many, and bearing with the guilty remainder, es long as he deems it consistent With his glory,, his holy purposes, and the general *oil, being ,of his.universal. empire. IifISHMPIOISNNTATION IX o.llvinkin represents Goa as partial, and therefore nnj CORRECTION. If Calvinism represented God as favoring the un'cleserifing "and "neglecting the merit°. riorte ; is condemning the righteous, and atlquittinip the guilty;. then, truly, it would aspresent him as partial and unjust. But, on the contrary, Calvinism represents the Scriptural and self• evident doctrine, that grace is in its own nature free. It teaches that God has a perfect right to bestow, or to withhold, that to which no creature, much less a sinfacreiture, hasaiitle; that, there fore, in bestowing or withholding grace, jus tioe or injustice is out of the question, and partiality without a meaning; that God le merciful to pardon, accept, and save all who sincerely, and in the true and Scriptural sense of the words, -"believe in the Lord Jesus Christ;" and that he is just to punish all, who, neglecting the light of nature, or . of revelation, persist through life in sin, and die impenitent. MISREPRESENTATION I "Calvinism exhibits. God as mooking the greater part of those to whom the Gospel is sent, by offering salvation to multitudes, for whom no ,providlon is made, even should they, be williog•,to 'weep!, the offer." WI,REOTION. Vulyinbup, oW tie contrary r teaohu! that God mikes: uo,effer of saliation to those who abide in sin, Whom he does not mock; but he truly - wins them, that, if 'they continue in sin,they continue under condemnation. teacheslt there is -in‘Chriet a sufficiency of Wo4tii3•AlitalgetifilltullivkillP 3 ellcuee to meet tkgwkpte pf t all tuwbr,the Gmps' message is smit t and that no sinner who comes to him ouroid; for' - he is able to save to the uttermost add that:come to God by him," ind wholfaul!ionbt.tbisatillbtgness? or who caukfilar t th,t his Tiilliugnems may prove in e!lP4o,l,ll ?, - It may' be added that no system of. faith,, held by Christians, has less to fear from sotkorought investigation, in the light of SeriptureisnArsonnd reason; and none more !likely to receive injustice from.the influence of,Trejudiee on the pions mind, or from the natural enmity of the 'earner mind, where pieffis w absenti against all that humbles manixnd exalts the only true God and Sa viour. 81,Lr Szencs.--Read '•not kooks alone, !it men, cudiamong them chiefly, , thyself; if thou findest anything queetirable there the commentary of a severe friend, ifithirlharethe gloss of a, "aviiitlipped fiat 4here is more profit in i distasteful 4141t1t1tliart delteitfal meatus. : ~