laude, In large quantity, but that Parties in bom ble circumstance unite in the enterprise. Labor and skill ere capital se well as money; end pro vision Will be made for virtuous and industrious persons of straitened means,. to go along, and better their worldly condition, and at the same time promote'the good of the, proposed community. MI persons desirous to join in tbe proposed oniony, or to obtain information oonoernine it, will address (enoloeing Meow p,) John A. Crawford, Beg., (the Secretary of the organization,) at Hol lidaysburg, Pa.Applionnts will please state, Ist. Name and Post office address; 2. Whether a per son of family, and if so, how many in family ; 8. His or her occupation or profession; 4 About how muoh capital he would wish. to'invest in real estate. Pres;byterial: Notices, The PRESIITTELY,OLNI)PAWKRIfitrAND will hold An Adjourned unietititin'teek niVeli on the Third Tut*. day (i9th) df, ; July, at 11 o'clock • • • ISAAC OMER, Stated oak. Ras ghparhutitt Aoadeihies. We invite,atteitttpi to the advertisements of the Wi/kinaburg kindly*, end the Vermillion Institute. Both are worthy._ Litton's, Living Age. Messrs. Danner and Procter announce that they hare coated to publish the Living Age, on aocowct of biessiti. Littell, Bon & Co., baying oontraot. But Messrs.' Del• ieeer & Procter have honorably determined to ful fill thefiduty, to titeir suboribers as far as possible, and Will funtleit them with the Eclectic Magazine instead of the Living Age. The Eclectic contains the very cream of the foreign reviews and mai. seines. Pike's Peak Gold. The accounts from Pike's Peak are so contra dictory, that there; is .no imoviing what the trait is. At one, time it is raporied as all a hum- bug, and that people are starving, having neither bread nor .gold.: Again the account' cornea of wondrOtis discoveries. Probably the following embraces some truth: Sr. Lotus, July I.—Mr. McCoy, who left Den ver City en the 24th ult., informs a St. Joseph's paper, that there are only eight of the ten claims yet discovered that bay like those on the Gregoryr lead. All the rest are -deserted, The reports of the.richeess,of were other' 'claims are .absolutely false. . Miners were leaving in large numbers, and some threelhousand wagons are now on the re turn McCoy estimates that there are from twenty-five thousand to thirty:thotuland per sons, in or about the mines, most of whom are either doing nothing , or working for their board. He also says the mines will not support more them five thousand persons, and advises everybody to stay at home. The Great`Baleen Voiage. The great Balloon excursion from St. Lonia for the Atlantic Cidatit;'oatie off on the first of July, almost sets:siding to the programme. The party did not quite succeed in reaching the Atlantic coast, butqatided'on the shone of Lake Ontario-` in Jeffersoi County; N. Y. A dispatch dated St' Louis, July Ist, lays ; "The first grand, experi mental air voyage , to the seaboard took place from Washington SqUare, this evening,. Professors Wisa,Latnoninititt and Gager having made a snot easeful ascension fri the mammoth .balloon •,‘ At lantis." •At 61,40 R.. M.; the inflation: of the 'Bal loon was finished,• and the voyage•was commenced; William Hyde, reporter of.the Republican, :room , panted the aeronauts. They Balloon passed Fort Wayne at 4 o'clock Saturday,''mornings; 'Sandusky at 7 ; Cleveland, 9:80. , Mr. Gager gives the fellewing pirticulars of the.landing•:•• . • Saturday;: , l*,l!., M. ? Elt, Louis time, Were abreast', of iteoheeter, over' Like. Ontario,,' when the altitude : was increased onu:want of the wind; which was knrrlifftisiNnaticom= pauied,by,,ralu. The anitily-of ,gas consequently the.ballocw did not reach an altitude above the storm. , The yeesel was Att;Me#4 l4 4.o headed sh.itreZ ;`Wh en„ itctric the >vessel was =only' about thirty • feet , above • tne level of the Lake., , :We,dacha& land in s feW seconds.,, lu, the, lottn, o:gender, son, ',Jefferson OcuitY, witl all hands ott hear.4.,:.iTti,fleAded,44 • an edge of Woods, with Y•the -, ibesket , swisl4iog •to and fro, meting rapid evoirtions,among'tkelligli= est branches of the t,re'eS,, the passengeri'elliging to the rigging. ,The,strength and general knee of the arr angement of , the balloot(beeket,; probably saved the party."-The balloon was left Ina high tree,'sWinglikabove the boat and !kitsch damaged. Tint :Whole, distance: traveled. is one thousand 'one • hundred and _fifty miles ; we started at 640 P."'M.; . 'oil" Friday , Louis;" and landed. af ttendirrim; ,leffersoii • Gounty,• at 1,20 Saturday P. • •• • The above ir r aivery ..brlef Account; we. ant from an .exchange, dfo &Jong and perilous' terial voyi4re. Prof. Wiscitarted - witfi a strong expeotation of reaching the Atlantic; and be published-a"oard•AyArhicif ftit,ppTiare 4413 is not at airdisoolfraged•:—Tle -thhois that I'ol,lll yet accomplish k the:feat, that,', after two or three_ voyages _honk the Mississippi tortheAt lantici rwill I. , the Atlonitio)4elftin -r hi latolokr: t `'" The theory of Prof. Wish is, that there is at. ways a strong haft eideurvint littlihAPirer mospheie' - 'l T hisiscii•rent nioires-itt the ititer 4 of sixty to ninety miles an hour, and hence would carry Plo•TPPlifrortoAtlV o Pe4lPlTtl t*Yl74' and nights, or less . 4.twoertain hight ;it is 110 East, siittle,North of ViSk and, a little idwei' it is South of East. Th u s, W ohooSingf .. the bight In the ' at~dio s phere , Rtl o Algae ) of landing varied. go' 6,1 iai The experiment, on this 000asiontosniiimilothhr Professor greatly I in, his at.trjbutes his failure to 14 8 riling, 0, 0 , krir;-CC91 ,618 ; .-b" , ..1 tributh's'io the 4arit df fokethouglit rib . The first prat titthe:lvoyage -, weohighvandliery oneoessfulJ E r lint; 11,0,41'044 hoci"nof,,nnifitAsink raiment to endure ~thsr The „halloon,had,„ hence to ,Rry=44.their e peipitiing. This brought them in to the' regionOf .4ariabla winds;" eddies and storms, aiedhermaitheirmishaP.', If .the :theory of the yfind aPortuttpted,dur,our.: reet,,or true tor e7en half the yetu!,,OtrctriLbe ; no difficulty' in reaching Euippe, in forty e*ti hottik'Bitlitiordne" MOP thus beeditelt dnit' o klif some slight utility! but• we think that `tile sub- merged cablO wilt 'oerri; fitif disistohis Yet, liefore he a tmungats.wi e liido ;much , toward es,tttlalkohltig speedy „Intercourse between, the Oid and New. Worlds.. j The Haneeltf Mollatitntienar Cenvention: Lonts, Aildy r 6.—A, special diarist& to,ti?ei Democrat, sairs, the 'Kailas Constitutional' Co& vention met at Myliiiilotte; yesterday, and` Iran permanently, organised 10,3'i the , election: Of Winohell, President, 'and Martin, Seeiiitary. No btadneas of importance *SS tranintotelf.' , The,Convention stands Abirtl-1 1 1T,Beribliontis to seventeen Demoarats. c. 'Markel!. rti Pirmstrasir, Tussaj; : ,ltiiin: • 8110 45 00 0 ; Yr" , duns , so 'claw , ' in lstiiiinuP4!4et4 The Spring mason, llowever s just dosed, basteen a remarkably, satire one. Thlimile no &ago in 'pricer; alil f illiltaigkei retains its uniformity with (=Adorable apparentlirtmness. The bioney'lltarkat is odet. The Banks are 4 . alcing alt good paver. =EI . , t h e Our farmers ( sa ysh Goselte,.of this city ' ) are now in the midst of tkeittigesticleiriest. Wheitevei the wheat and rye have been spired, pr, ibila le mo st eXceP l ' tltt i 'l, f r a t'i r 9 i fi blemish, the grains ba l ing Mirth losger and plumper then until, d fields, til, ' The-numisFef geeelds, howerer,lgreire a ski disproportion. to the ruined Mies; and rietWithetending OA bountiful yield, and the increased breadth sown; the crop to this inrotediate section wiliWot "armed onefonitii of an everege. The "its mop will be verb large, sad that or corn and potatoes premises to be etiumisiti; bits tie bay c rop wiltbe Shutt. . z - . -c" I ", :. , t .1 r ,,-,, The : M 411 4 . 190: 14"witare will: ##P,, MP t atr.".rlPtaii wheat and rye. The hareem le note gathered in the ,main wheat growifi-Segleroi to the Beath Oriii Tone lie the 'best 'VW MI 111'11,1 rsuienti'74e in the i llytknosit7trallaine, nrol N pis r end.Towss—the promise is'verydne. The preipetit 10,egat grain of ill kindstwill be grate eleteti,liid diet ifis obtkilltrfoOlo to _Yr,., 11 7PF:Ptif' mw1 6 .411 1 1044 ta 04, wi ertr ut r lucid drotteienaros. A Nati, 'Nokia% : Itits;'s6l44.l4ialt Aeb , t t • ma) arm tikros.alreisit item' Butter, Ise. Eggs{ 2411100 , , , . ~ ~„ _. iisatnet--Itrime small itnits,"l.6o. • - - ' Strokir47:ofill79ari to.tha., Wade, and in lattati h/ts at pr f a3vv % fil A eltlV r lTAtfr i lClM u d 4P iru lt rir Fe C i r t J2 i 2 7 .ll - mi-0.0.4.,eh0fe.,, and fanny 8,50. : r ~., es—bas destined about 260.. per bbi.durieg the week. "Mal is none beerier from firstlando. -oalestfront Oersted ~aa ror superfine, 0.60 for extra,Al6 for tßed Wheat Ifintalii .„,talartt and 7,00 , f0r White What do+ -Thema. a good t b rub '''''''''• *Out at these figures - la e t.,, , t t , to at ''' t. °.', 41181MOMAI ; int ro ,011.iirtival at, 150.111).sind from otorip °ante 901 11 66 4 4 ,6 1 000 61 : laithrt`lallit Spring, new croip, grown withiiithres villa 'of thitSitlY4o arrive, at 76. Wheat; prime•hew tionthaktijet 146, old at"; 180. 314 ilagt tee—Einger, 72 by" the hhuOit d Onoaue-et. 40 to the city trade, and 41042 to country. „Coffee, 120 !, 14i, and Noe at 6(gi6 1 4. WOOL—The receipts to go Sad sore now ranging from ; 2,000 to 2,600 bales a watt, the bulk of, which is ,on menu- facturere account At least three•fortrthe •Of AIM preterit year's clip throughout the couritry'heie. been bought rip by ~ the manufacturers dlreot, at an advitnce on the picas pad , to 'growers last year, and the regular de e lersin the .East • will this year banal, comparatively little of the clip but year the Western dea'ere bought up the balk of the clip, at . an average of 88(441, and resold in the Winter to.manu• feeturere at 58@02, and the latter, belleviug that the same thing would hopper' to them next Winter have, It Ifl.frlß, preferred to buy froth first hands at much lower rates. Thie le shout the true elate of the forts in regard to the wool market generelly. A PUBLIC NECESSITY TO A CERTAIN EXTENT. —The Finkle Sowing Machine bee proved to be snob ; not that all are. compelled to buy a Seiring Ylachine, but having determined upon buying, , eel( interent, compels , the choice oCithe beat one. They are eold by Carnagban & • Co., Federal Street, Allegheny City. It is of the first importance, when buying any artiale ‘.of clothing, to 'know , it 'to be well made. T. L. I Carnaghan & Co.,,,Federal At . reet, Alle gheniCity, claim to be the leaders 112 fashionable clothing for both men and boys' wear. , 'Their custom department is kept under excellent man agement, and a fine stook of seasonable goods al ways,on hand , to fill orders. . , .•. MEMO 110111 faysitTuoxxxxr.l Those Who Have Used It. Among the many testiinonials in favor of the effects,of,Bo3rhavell Holland Bitters, we (der the names of the following, many of themwell-known tames COltin, of South Pittsbnrgh; says: s, It is certainly a valuable medicine ; it cured me of Dyspepsia." Captain .Henry Eaton, says : is It cured my wife of Neuralgia." A. Von Bonnhorst, says: '•I never met with - ipeedy rimed); risk acidity of 'the stomach , " i • r;' 'Howie); Paulus, says; "It cured me of a Severe chronic diarrhea In two days." Woodrnff,:' #theni, Ohio, says : "When I commenced using your medicine I Was so prostrated that ''could not walk ,apiess my farm ; after using one lbottle , l can eat any thing." HEADACHE. From an Eminent Clergyman. I take great pleasure,. in saYing to you that I made nee of Beerhwieli Holland Bitters, and found apparent relief ti of a severe l headache, from "which I bad long suffered, and I believe they Were - 'ofiserrice C3lo'ill'rolleVilli:tily itln;moh and head. &mama E. Bazaann. ' CATITIOS I—Be careful to 3ask for B'rerhaves Hollatid Bitters: Sold at SLOB . per NAOS ;- or, six bottles for , $5,00, ,by Ate' sole- proprietors, : BENJAMIN PAGE, JR., & CO., Pittsburgh ; and Druggiste Interesting to those Suffering from Head ache. ! A ,Certain Remedy pciund in DR. RUNE'S CELEBRATED LITER FILLS PRBpARBD BY PLBMING HBO& OP PITTOBIIII9II The following is a,. saniple of certificatee re- Ceived daily from oni'ovm citizens :' , Nis* , YORK, Anglia 1, 1852. Th1)111341) eirtifi that liai&beett subjeof at times to ,seyere headitehe sometimes the "pale would be so severe I could rest neither day nor night. , Bearing of-Dr. M'Lane'd Celebrated Liver Pills, `prepared , by Fleming Fres., I iserit' , Und:gut a box, of which I took two pi ll s on going to bed, for two nighti. They relieved me entirely. Some timeline now elapsed, and,A have had no . more trouble from sick headache. ' ' '• ' M. JoHNSTON, 118 Lewis Street. • Purchasers will be careful to ask for DR. Br 'LANE'S CELEBRATED LIVER PILLS, manu factured by FLEMING. BROS. of Ptirsimisai, Pa. There are other Pills` purporting to be Liver Pills, now befOire the publhi. Dr. IPLane's gen uine Liver Pills, also hill-celebrated Vermifige, can now 'be had at all respectable drag stores. None genuine without the eignottirs of „ , [49] , FLEIIING BROS. 'itiiiitiii:l:f4t,4 : iitiii . Onfaatest Thropean dates. 'are 'tigt',the , 80th , of June. The:late tuittle,atilolferino, on the right of ,the Mbio!o, a,tuuns to havi been theYninvi e'en gpinary which Imo yet taken place , between the Austrians and the Allies; but strange it is that though it occurred on the 24th of June, aminute account s had not reached'' Paris 'ind 'London. Auritrists ' we're ` ' deoidealy lieaten; ' sad compelled to retire; • hinai they would not be in haste •to spread --the' -particulars. - But Abe . Allies were also dreadfully, handled ; and for this' reason, details may be kept secret.- News of such` ' terrific slaughter must be repulsive, and would tend to injureAnEinperor's prospects of speedili raising his; four hundred and , fifty thousand recruits in France. Hinordering home the letier writere:sent to the seat of war, by the condi:icier% of the Paris daily papers, shOwn'that be wishes the tidings to be but partial, and that the suffer tug must be great. The Allies have, thus far, triumphed in every battle, and have advanced .after - every conflict.- The Aultriens; hoWever, are still unconinered.' Their defeat has never been a route. The victors never felt it safe to pursue 'dewily. The Austrians have e4ered much for want of general ship. The French ' have gained' greatly by 'the use of the bayonet. . ? • • • It tie: renPpesed that • there rmusttbe tone -mere great field battle. • If the Austrians should then be defeated; they will likely•take to their 'strong holds:" • Thei have fortifications"- which are ex ceedingly strong. Improvements of attaok,'how aver, have advanced as rapidly as hale -there et- . defence, ,One, of, them is the production °trifled narineii; - of great range.' These 'belting, to 'the French; and it is thougiit that at a 'distance out of harm's way by the old guns, a fortifiestionean soon, by theee; be battered into dust. A trial' is likely soon•to 'be made.' • We give a few dbtoonnected excerpts of mews by the late arrivals. The War: A dispatch dated the 25th of June tram the Emperor to the .Empress Eugenie, says that " the enemy withdrew last night, Cud that be slept in the room occupied in the morning by the Emper- or of Austria. 'General Niel bad been appointed Marshal of France. The Austrian troops crossed the Minato, far the parpose of attacking the French „with their whole force. but were obliged to abandon their position, - and withdraw to the left bank of the river after blowing up the bridges at Guile. The Emperor also says, " we took thirty cannon and seven thousand prisoners." i A private dispatoh says that the Austrians had thirty•five thousand .placed hors du combat, and lost sixteewflags and seventyflve cannon. There has been no circumstantial, account of the battle published at Paris. Private dispatches intimate that the French army has,soffered so severely as to be unable to resume the offensive. Vague rumors also` pkt the French' loss in killed and woupded44l? twelve thousaid. The battle was fought at Solferino. The Austrians are preparing fox another great battle under Hen. Hess, who has already dis placed General Soblick as Commanderin Chief, Thp Emperoi Napoleon honied a, stirring; to the army after the battle of 'Solferina. Thii Austrian dispatches acknowledge that they were obliged to retreat, after suffering extraor dinarily heavy lessee. The Emperor N,apolenn, was conitantly,in the hottest part of the battle, and Geo. Larrey, who accompanied him, had his horse killed under bins. General Niers corps covered theciseives with glory.' The Sardinians fought with - great fury against superior numbers. The Emperor of Austria is to return to Vienna on important business. The Paris correspondent of the London riflidd says that another battle is expected, ands is con sidered as inevitable before the siege operations can commenhe:' ' ' Large;reint,roevevtre constantly leaving hams. - • - 'fie a tank on Venice . Van expected to com mence on the 28th. One hundred and seventy-five thousand troops from, the Austrian reserve were ou their way to Italy. They are called the flower of the Austrian army, every man having served upwards of eight years. Five French Generals were wounded at the battle of Soiferino. It is rumored that en English fleet of twenty five sail was cruising off Venice. The Gazette de France says that preparations are raise, within two months, an army of four hundred and fifty thousand men. Great anvil isreparationts are 'going on at Cher bourg. A dispatch received at Paris, from Carriana, on Wodnosdah the 29th ult., says that the French troops passtd the Minch) Without interruption, the enemy hovine withdrawn therefrom. On , the 25th ult., Prussic,. made a proposal to the Federal Diet to plane att army of observatioh on the Rhine !miler the superior orqers of as varia. The proposal was the military committee. ' • '• • • It' was reported that the Emperor •of Austria would, soon, have an interview with the Prince Regent of Prussia. • The English news is not important ' • The Atlantic Telegraph Company has issued proposals for subscriptions to the new capital. of LBOO,OOO. • The following is the' order of the day, pub lished by the Emperor Napoleon,: after the battle of Solferino. - CARBILVIA. One 25.50 Tile enemy, wbo believed t --.- to repulse us lions the Chiese, have recrossed the Minoid. You have worthily 4 defended the honor of France. ,Solferino surpassed the recollection of Lonato and Catstiglione., In twelve boursasyon , have ye, pulsed the efforts of one,hundred and fifty thou.' sand den. Your enthuelasm dld‘titit: rest there. Thunumerous •artillery of the' enemy, occupied ':formidable positions for over three !Arlo* *hie& you carried Your country thanks-youlfor your , courage and and laments the fallen. We have taken three ' thirty . Mennen; .and 'six thousand prisoner& s tf , 4 The Sardinian army fought ',with the same valor against superior Aims, and' worthy is that army o march beside you. Blood_hast not been, shedln vain, for the. glory. of France and the happiness of, the ,people." No ,eironmstantlal account of the battle'has reached Paris. It was, inferred from the- tele. grams that the French army , suffered so severely' that two'days after the battle it , was still unable to resume.the effendi.. , MEM • • . • B ANNERe AND ADVOC ATE There were' rumors of n ten thousand to twelve thonsind: F rehOlt troops hairing been killed 'and wounded. • ' The .Atietriait affletfal Account. of the Batik. Vearnra, June 25 —The day before . yesterday our light wing ooeupied. Portolenge, Solferino, and Perilane, and the left pressed forward as far as Quiddizzolo.and. eas-CiefFrelo, hut.were driven back by the enemy. • • ' , A collision,took.-place b et ween the ,two_ entire armies at 10 'A"."`M - Yesterday Our left; under General Wimpen, advanced as •far aa , Ohiese. In the afternoon there was a concentrated assault on the heroically defended town of Solferino. Our right wing 'repulsed thhPiedmontese, but'pn the other hand the order of our centre Gould not be•vesthred, and our losses are extraordinarily heavy: — The development of powerful masses Of the,enemy against our leftwiog, end the advance of •his Main body. against V olta, caused our re. % treat, which begun'late in the evening.':, VIENNA, ,Tune,2s.—The Austrian, correspond once 001011.11:113 the following : The day before yesterday; the Austrian army crossed the. Mineio at font.' points and yesterday came upon the superior foree -, of the enemy in Chiese. After an obstinate combat-of= twelve hours, our army withdrew, across the Minoio. Our headquarters are now at Villa. Franca. The Paris correspondent of„ihe London Times says, in , regard to the battle of Solferino, that General Neil with thirty-five thousand •• mew and two &Visions of cavalry, in about ';fifty thou sandmen, was engagedAill 4 c'clook P. M., when he. succeeded in' forcing the Austrian centre: Aftertivelfshbura fighting; the Austrian* brought their reserve of eighty 'thousand;' and the allies their reserve of fifty ,thousarid men. It watoambst critical moment, and in three' hours more the'fighting inded,ta' the advantage Sof ,the allies. The VI/sores are said'to have been much out up, and the First ;Ohasseurs , of Algeria were terribly treated. Four Generale were wounded and .one killed. Orders had been reoeived=zat Milan' te'prilare fourteen tlionsald beds for 'the wounded. • Grist eritoii. ' Business in. Parliament, had, been, suspended until,..acoording custom,' the members whwhad received ,appointments in the mew Government, might-be re elected: It is stated that, in consequence of but few reinforcements having been sent to India forisevz eral mouths, the authoritiefi determined on, sending out .neamly five thdinainecivilii and in fantry; ' • • • • Thwfiardirdan Ambassador it Paris is reported, to have complained ,;to the English Government against the Secretari of( the British Embassy at Pariefer anti Sardinian manifestations.,';',', TiliVSubraarine Telegraph Contpaey have suc cessfully laid a new - cable, containing six conduct ing wires; between Folkestone and Boulogne. , It is the largest and-strongest „ cable .ever made, its weight'being ten tons to the mile. The London Advertiser niakei the extraordinary assertion,,that 4 Louie Napoleon has madeup his mina it the ferst' famoiable opportunity to . make,a descent on the shores , of Ireland. •- , , Franoe. , • = The news of the; victory on the 26th. imparted much =buoyancy to the, Paris Bourse, and the Routes advanced nearly one per cent. On the 27th there' was a relapse, three- fourths' of the advance being Ost. On,the 28tb, market opened:with a still farther decline, but rallied, closing . steady . . . Patriotic demonshstiOnaly the werlung classes in .Patis ere' universal. Large `reinforcements for the French army were constantly quitting France for Italy. The Daily Nem' city article says that the funds were Weaker on Tuesday; owing to the renewed fall the French-Rentesorhioh are, prejudiced by rumors in relation to the cost of the late -vic tory; as Well as bytho creation of 'steer arising from tie =it loan. • . ' Prussia. . . The advicee front Frankfort-on-the-Maine, state that, on the 25th "Of June,`Prussie made a pro poildio'the Federal Diet, to place a corps'of cob;. serration oit the ,Ithine, to be composed of the 7th and Bth Federal corps d'armee, under the superior orders of Bavaria. The proposal was referred to the Military Committee: ' ' The Paris Seele and journal des Debato ridicule the Ades ; of German mediation, on the basis which rumor has placed in circulation., Austria. The Vienna correspondent of the London Times asserts' that for the last ten years matters have been so terribly mismanaged in Austria, that it will be ahnost miraMtlons if the Emilie °loupes dissolution. In an autograph letter the EMperor has caused ordinances relative to the,Proteatants in Austria to be leaped, without waiting for the revision, of the Council of State. The • official 'Anstrian 'correspondenceof • the 27th of June, contains tbe 'following :1" The 'Eat , peror of Austria will :soon return to Vienna on account of important business. The command in chief of the army, which is preparing foi battle, is given-to Gen. Hess. - prince Napoleon arrived at Parma, on tlie'2sth, and was received with enthusiasm. ' ' • - Forty tliothothdliten were Oritbarkintitt'Alteria; for, the Adriati.c, and at Paris uric was• ' expected of the, occupation-of Venice by the French.— The Papal States. A dispatch from Rome announces that Ferrara, Ravenna, Farb', Ancona, and other towns • have been•replacedimder,the authority of the Pope, bithe interientiOn the Papal troops. The officer who commanded the Swiss troops in the affair at Perugia is said to have been-pro- Late The Canada, with news to the 2d inst., was boarded off Cape Race. No lighting had ocourredainee the battle of Sol: feriae., The allied troops continue to cross. the riyer, without molestation from. the enemy. Emperor Napoleon had remevod his bead quar ters from Veto to Vallegio: The Sardinians, under command of 'Victor Emanuel, have invested resehiera, their lines tending frOM Lago de Garda to the Minato' . The Emperor of Austria has not, taken his de parture for Vienna, and he is now expected to remain in Italy. , - The new English Ministry have announced that they will be goiterned by a strict neutrality. Mr. Cobden has,deolined the proffered seat , in the new Ministry. • it trial Notirts. defferson College. The Board of Trustees of Jefferson- CollosB' witt Meet 1 the'Libriry room on Tieutey, theleiskid 417 of Atie*;:ut lOdoioak.A.lf Tie ineetheskie*iieettid tea itueotual is thekettteidit t af'" IlfeCULLOUGll,l3etfy, . . • Western Theologioal'Seminary.' Therirwill be it epeeist meeting of the Trustees of thb Western:Theological Seminary, on Friday, July 15th, In the Chapel of the tleminery building, et 10 o'clock A. M. Preeldent. P. P. P. PARK'S PRICKLY PLASTERS They, soothe pain; protect the chest: they entreat the coagulated impurities and !oneness from the ordeva,*nd Impart strength. They are divided into'oections, and yield to toe motion of the body. Being portant; ell impure ex. °redone pass off, aril they cannot ueocate offensive, hence can be worn four times longer than any other plasters, sad ere. cheaper at 2n cents thau others at 10. Where,,three lilaeters are, painaeonet snits. Weak persona. public 'speak ero, delicate femaler, or nay affected wlthalde, ehost or bask pahm, should try them. You will then - know „what,. they, are. They are a new feature In the Wend, of medicine. All Druggists have , them. Take no other. „Pooch ,Piaator bears a idadallioe Stamp and our Signature. BARNfIIS &Rif, IS and 15 Park Row, New York Alio, LYON'S MAGNETIC INSECT 'POWDER fe2s-6m WINSLOW, an enlietitheeil Nurse and la mte Physioian, hes II Soothing Syrup fon. children teeth ing. which greatl y facilitates the process.. °Meet/limi t by softening the`guins, relining all Inflamenthion:--will allay ell yain and , regulate the. bowels. Depend upon itonsith ere, it will `give rest to yoursaireiand relief health to , your infants. PerfentlY See In "all eine. eireise. meni. . • f ".10264y Atri' --- , , • - . - On the evening' of the 6th Snot" by Bey. JohiG:Brown. Mr. Joao A Ream to Miw•MLTen A.'Wfuntoof; aIL of Pittaburek t On the sth toilt,lV Re% T. G. Awn, ,Mr. WOALIOt MOOS to MIR bleionfo Conzoomy all of LiwrenOo County; . : = 1 0 ttinarl' ME • Aran-At her reeddance, neer Butler, ,on the 14th of June, ult. - Odra. litinenern ldoßtvenr, widoir of the hitn David tieNtrain, in the 64th year of her age:' hfre:ld'iriaine before marriage was MoOliestry: Fhe waif born in Weetmoreland Donnty, and:early united with , the :Preabyterianphureb. h:orr!1411g. period eh* was a value , lble member of the _Presbyterian church of Butler. Her children will eberialtherMemory-with . all: the affection In. • 'pared by her goodness and Dm, To the hut, bar faith and hope ware in the gnat Rediemer. ' Y., o Dmu lT Ceptireville, Butler BOunp June rink, 1869. of casu Talon, Ha arm S. ?moan, age 21. yeirs, 11 utotitlni; and 27 days. The de:wall:pus a young man of anumiable disposition, and good charneter. He was a Membeer of the Presbyterian church, under`arm Samuel Williams. Irian Mimi liit Norembor, he concluded he Would not recover, and cem , ' tueleed lookirig to deans; and as life seemed to ebb Out; he Seemed to, sinic : ,in to, the, will of *Redeemer. , And on MondaYithe 27th day of Jane, seeing that the , time of his departure was aflaind, he railed his parents and friends; and physician,. ind'tooh their 'hands; and bide" theMtare• - well.; 'and then, liftinglhis handsi said; “ ODD* LOS' 'Jesus, come' quickly.'!.: Bodying. a; little, he Mid, "Lure yesue; he is all my:desire." , Ands few minutes,!came, be 'departed, being asked by his father if his trust wee still in the Savionr, he said it was, and in arfew minutes fellisleep Dun-7n' West Deer Township,Allegheni County, Ps i On the 6th of May, Mr. JOUR Ineamrax, aged 74' I - Mr. /. was born' in Wales, and came to this corm* abmit . 1800, and shortly , afterwards he settled' in Westmoreland County, Pa. In 1816, he removed into; Alleglieny.County; So the farm on which he died. As suitisen;he oommanded . the respect endmmidence of all who knee' hint. - Early in Write dedinited hhiself to God; and united with the Pres. byterian Church, whose doctrines-he, well understood, and loved with :an ardor that increased with bie years.: Nor more than halts century he was in his life the livineem , ample of.the 'doctrines he , professed. Re wee a constant ,student of the Bible, with which ire had' an eXtraordinary 'aonuthitallco,./Std was able to 'give a Bible masers for his faith and hope. IShortly iffer hie removal tolthis`connty,' he was elected a Ruling Elder in the Presbyterian' church of Bull Creek, which office he exercised till the time of his death, greatly to the advantage of the Church. Constantly enforcing his preeept by - hls eisniple74ormi his influence gm" Pt"rer. i •,,,!"."" t ill11r11.°beli?. a f h iliNiff.4Y;P u°6- tuality,benevolence, and ndustry. He felt it privilege 40 be aiming the foremost in liberality.' His dames wee protracted for several monthi, bet horn the dret Mimed. to depart and be with Jesus. ,Ric. clear, view of,thessVi..: dence,of anion to Christ, removed ,cverytionisti,and he could say, "I know I ttati my Redeemer i iveth, and that be shallobind at the last day upon the earth'; whom I shall see for, myself." Se leaves a whip* to QUM= the laSs-of a antlevingkhosstiarid.l:rf .;. Hun—At Mu reeldence,'near Pulaski, Lawrence County; Pa., May •29 th, 1869;91r. dsisun fierrsann.n. • The deceased was a eon 'of the late Bey. James Better field, a Ilsithfal and devoted servant of Hod, whose probate in . 211 our din/thee. Mr. Banittel Eatterteld wee born in Mercer`. County, January, 1906, and was consequently ln blillitrfoUrth year, when he died. He united; with the church of Hopewell in 1883;' and *6' at the:time of hie death a Ruling Elder in the church of Puleekt. Mr. Sat. teraeld's death was the result of injuries sustained by the running away of his team on•the tlast day of March, while engaged in hauling rails. He was caught in the , wagon, and dragged with his head and shoulders on the ground, a distance of seventy rods; dislocating his thigh, breaking hie leg, and injuring him otherwise far beyoid what he, or even his attending physicians, were aware at the time. Mr. Satterfield died much respected and halos:el by hie im- mediate frionds, and indeed was highly esteemed by all who knew him. The following Minute, adopted by his Session, will show how highly they esteemed and loved him: "Weenies, It has and adore- Me providence, to remove from us, by death, oar beloved brother, Samuel Satterfield, for nineteen years a faithful and diligent member of &melon; therefore, "..Reeolordr,-That, .whiles , ,with-proloundrsorro,wme.make this record of his decease, we thus bear our united teed mohy to his consistent arlitian eharactec, ,and the faith ful and sealacernianertin jrhish he, diacharged 'the, duties of his office." D.W. GROVES AND RANIS±2 .911 • qinmaaasto 7 .• FAMILY BIAVIXO MACEEIIBB .... A NRW STYLt.Ng, $50:00.. .107, MARKET STREE9,.PWRIBVIDIM.., ;,... 495 BROADWAY, NEI W YORE.. *. , • '79O'OEIB2'3MT SYRBBT, PHILADELPIIA sar- These Machines sew from two spools, and form a seam of unequalled strwagthi beauty, and felaetiolty, which , will. NOT rip, even if every fourth stitch be cut They are unquestionably Abe best in - the market for family use. • W WIND NOR A CIRCULAR. , RADII /or WHITING, N 0.107 Market Street. exclusive Agent for Pittsburgh and rloinity. aplo-ly - NEW .JABIES MoDZILLAN. ' l. " l '"•*4 .• Book, Pamphlet, and Jobpri - nt . • or, . FIFTH STREET, CORNER OF WOOD, • Entrance Oppoeite the Theeitre, , Ts at all times prepared to do every description of Job Printing, in the neatest manner. , Special attsritbn given orderm oot• of the any, sithoi for Job or Pamphlet Work, which he will warrant to , gin satisfaction. , . jrlB4t* JO 8 IS. WHIT ILI 8 BIA.B7'IEUI °Ana BIAGI' REPOSITORY AMD MeNUPROTORY, • Situated near the Twcrkile Run, between Pitteburph and Lawreneeirill*; , boa on band a splendid assortment of Carriages, Buggies, Ti is also oonatantly receiving New and Secondhand Vehicles, and manufactures to order. on ehOrt notice, Oarriagee, Buggiee, and any •article pertaining to the business. Twenty year. practical excertence, • and - -good btudnees facilitiee enables him to offer great inducements to parchment. Sir Public Conveyances from Pittsburgh; pass the door every tan minutes. jyl6 at INIT/TUTS. REV. HANDERS DIEFENDOBB, , D.D., Principal and Professor of Languages. John 811Mpson, A. 8., Professor of idsthezottles Ai. ,tronomy. Samuel Min, M.D., Lent o re r on Anatomy and,Physiologj. Rev. James Y. Ashenherst, Professor of Moral and 'N at- Meal Science. : Mr. PeterZahner, Tutor In Methematios. • Mr. J. Layenberger, Tutor, in Matheinatics. WTI II: W:Arnientrout, - Lecturer on Book•keeping. This Institution Is located In the quiet and healthy vil lage of Ilayeaville, Ashland Co.. Ohio. During the last year there were over Two Ilundvd Students, Male and Fs. male, in attendance. Diplomas are awarded to young ladles. who finish the course of studies laid down in the Catalogue: The branches taught are the following Arithmetic, Higher Arithmetic, and Mental Arithmetic, Geography, English Grammar,Aislyrim,. Orthography, Book Keep. tug, Algebra, G eometry, Trigonometry, and all the higher mathematics, Philosophy. Chemistry, Agron. omy. Botany, Physiology, History, Mental and Moral Science, German, trench, Spanieh, Italian, and the Latin and Greek Authors venally read In College. For Seveuty•Five Dl:dare, paid in advanoe,• pendent sha ll receive good board, a room famished with bedstead, table, chairs, stove and fuel, and tattler' in any or the above twanchea for Two Sessions of Five Months. Or for Forty, 'two Dollars and Fifty Conte paid on the 20th of October next, all the above items will be furnished for the Winter Session of. Five Months. Two students will' occupy the same Mori, and furnish their own bedding, which can easily be brought In their trunks. /Rodents, are adwittad at any time. o .*lnstruction Is given on the Piano and Melodeon, at . moderate charges. B. DISPENDOSF, PrincipaL jyttYly HOLLOWAYPS OINTMENT AND PILL& • —IIIRAIIDS —There are no kande so execrable' al those which' imperil health end life. Therefore the late attempts to disseminate counterfeits of the abovonsunest great balsamic remedies are infinitely more detestable than the operation/ of the common forger. The genuine has, in water mark, " Holloway, New York and London," on every leaf of the book of dim:Alone "eneloelng each. IMid at the naanneactory; No SO liautais Lane, New York; and by all Drsiggisla;'allbst, Ede.; and $1 per pot'or box.' ' • jyleilt w i L IL DUB II R 0 A.lO 'IC II If • MALL' AND FEM ALE. ' TiftfElerenztli Session of title Institution; which is located In the pleasant village of Wilsiorburg, Bevan miles distant from tilft c ty or Pittaborsh, via Pennaylranis Railroad, will ron.ntence on MONDAY, Augant Ist. : • It Is the design of the Trtr.tree sod Principal to make this Adtdemy, lit, all respects. a first-cleas Institution, for the thorough Instruction of .hose entrusted 0 , their care; preparing yriting itsittlemen for the Junior Clue of onr Collagen, and ladies fir the cantor Clans of our. be..t Reani mates. BPFCIAL ATTMETION is given to loose pre. paring to tench; Connected with the Aladeuty.:are two Literary Yocittiss, ender the 'mandate ogre of the Priuct pet. ensiling err. Dent opportunities to the 'students (or clerlan.atieu and 'discussion The beauty of the shrround lug con utry..a.,lubrity o'. the climate , and the motality of the Inhabitadtb, flights 111klusbu.g rcry desirable loca tion. Good Boarding Nod Room can baprocured in.tho village sr froin $2 00 to $3.26 'per' orek' ' Fo, farther' Inform altoO, apply to Rev. J. M. 1148TINOR. Preeldeut . if Robed of Trueteals, or of F. W. II aciTtotiii, 1.0.1 m . •:, • , DEE= fa ATMs a- Jiautarsoia, AP - DOLE MAStUrA4"TOO,I.I.O4 Gir 76 Smithfield Street. bettoeen Fourth and Filth, The only klannfacturrns and Dealers in their improved GIISI BLASTICI (WIENS TIOOFINC, which is eptlhe over saturated lelt aid (Aurae. for a folondseion, end the, auras. sanded, making' ft PINE . AND WATER PROOF, 'and war ranted not tc.,ONAOK qr BUN, nor is it affected - by host or frost. It can be appliedover Steep or Plat Root, Steam• boat Docks,ltaUroad Clare,A.s., and is not affesled by being upon. applied Co — Metal Boofe Is much cheaper and mere durable then paint. Two coats will render an old Leaky Tin or Iron Hoof perfectly tight and eervlcsble at but little oost. Aiao, wholesale' is& retail deaden in. RO s OP(MO MATBRIALS, (with printed inetruotions for applying the same, to those living at a distance.) N. B—Partkniar attention paid to Repairing Leaky Metal, Slate, Gravel and Genevan Hoof. , Also, Agents for Patent 'Mnglish Asphaltic Roofing Felt. Air Orders solicited AGENTS WARTRLI—To act in the large country towns and chess In the &Wet/In:minces. oolLLly C. ,o. OL BOOILI• 1 •• . _ EMM MEM THE'NORMILL SERIES OF SCHOOL BOOKS Have .beconie - Reeervedly popular. They erten sliely need In the Pia bile and Private Schools throughout the Onion' The Bailee er:lslet, in pert, of firODDARD'II 81/KIIOB OK ARITLEMISTIOB,.oad /WOODARD ARM. ALIN ALORBRAR. The Juvenile Mental Arithmt;tle. Price 18 cents. • The American Intellectual Atittimette. Price 20 ote. • The Practical Arithmetic Price 40 cents. The American Philosophical Arithmetic. Price CO eta. _ Key to the Intellectual and . Practical Arithmetice, Ores book.) Price b 0 cents. btoddard and Beatles Elementary Ala Ore., by, John P. Stoddard and Prof, W. D..lienktii. Nearly ready. Stoddard'r end llentle's .fligber Algebra: Price The tilthors of- fhb, aeries (Professors John Y. Stoddard, Penoplrinla, iod W. D. Henkle, of OMO,) are practical and' acoompliahed fatalism, aad. the popularity cif :their books le evinced by the anotal tale throng out the (Jolted etotoo ad she Csaadae;of nearly Ito,ooo - Mil r • 14 ELIMINTS OF Anatomy, P,hysiology, and Hygiene. By PROF. J. It LOORIs. President of. Louisburg University. This l a work of. rare merit, beantifully illustrated with eoluied plater, and many original drawings. RACINIII HI9II 80800 L, March 1,1868. "We hare used Loomis' Phytdology in our school, end cheerfully recommend It as a work ofsreal merit Its ar rangement is superior, aud.the author, has euticipeted the WALLAS of the school room. He taw done mach to draw the attention of teachers to , the Importance of the study. end the general adoption of his troatlse, as a teat-book in our schools, would be an advance In the work of Education. , • JuEIN G.'I4OMYNN, Yrinoipel. The best Prencit'llook extant—"A NEW METEIUD or LEARNING THE FRENCH LANGUAGE,. by-lean Ounteye Hostels, Professor of Wrench and German in the Polyteoh No Institate: I vol., 12Mo. SIM; Profiliormand,, *Maya. says:—" It is the beet book published of ebe kind L tbat I bare seen." Made. Cheiner3riadd Viewed, of 'Madison 'Aran ne say: "Wit Are otsing.gropigestehf French Work with perfect satisfaction.!' • WEER'S BBBSRB OP SIB ADERS. . Consisting of Normal :Primer, s,cents ;. Primary Lessons, a aeries of cards, It per set; The Word Method 'Prinnote., 15 cents; Normal Reader. No. 1,12% cents: Normal. Reader No. 2. 26 cents: Normal Reader, NO. 8, MA etc •, Normal Itead,r, No. 4, 60 scut.,; Normsl,lteader,No.A.l6.cents,_,.- - GOLDSMITH'S OYSTERS OP PENMANSHIP. Complete in in tire numbers. 12 mote. GOLDSMITH'S BOOK-KEPPING. Price 76 cents. For full part:hinters and recommendatione, Teaehers are requested to send SF: our new Descriptive School Book Catalogue. ' ' It will he sent, ponied on application. Any sample copien of the above-Books sant by mall prepaid for ono-half the retail prices annexed. Address SHELDON & feblP.eow . Pnbliaheia, New York. FOR SALRez-A susozz SCHOLARSHIP in'Jeferson OoHoge.. • .AAlrees. J. 8. BROWN, . • Buchanan P. 0., Allegheny C.ouncy, Pa. .Nl9 SIELAS LANTISe—TiIIiC UNDIECRa signed will attend to the locating of Lend Warrants in the Christie midi Netiresks-Oltriand districts, N. T. The band salmi will take place in tbe,usontba of July and Annie.. After theaalee, Land Warranta can be need. The linds of this Territory are of the finest , quality, Good selections can be made near the MilElolil River, and near eettlemente. All warrants entrusted to my . acre wilt be located on lands selected by careful laud examiners. • Letters' of inquiry requested." Terms reaionsible. ' • ALEX. T. M'ICUINEY, • ; .Oriapolia, Oen County, N. T. • : IittFEHEI TO 8R,A411184 . 11./1114, Bankers, 'Pittsburgh. LLOYD & BLAME, ' REY. D. ITIL'INNAY, D.D., DREXEL n' 00., Rankine, Philadelphia. . LONBAERT, Auditor Penns. R. R.. Philadelphia. BRYAN, 'GARDNER .4 CU., Rankers. tiollideYeburg, Pa 'WM. N. LLOYD & 0,J., Rankers, Altoona, Ps. 'GEO. R. MOWRY, lutt , Chicago. .. . ALEX. PINIARY: Esp :PROP. LOOM E, , A* • Ap. ',a air Ir. wt.:win...lG Ns MADE • thitrogislatuie Of:PsizsYlidnia, at Its next Rel. MOD, for the Obarter of • Bit& In the city of Pittsburgh, to be called the , ,Commeroial., Bank of Pittsburgh, with a capital of One Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars, and subject to the Gages . ] Banking La. of 1860. 19 2 1 3,12 , . c.. 1.. DI V. PA I 11 . 13A-Ilt Br HermosaCHM! Manual; or, Intioduction to the Exert. icil Ptedy of this fitirinteres the New TrelsmenL • By ratrkk Falrhairn, „D. D.,. author of - "Typology of Scripture," • • 12th." (!loth $1.50. ~•.'. • Fromibcßev. Jarobus,- D. 8., Professor of .Oriental and Biblical Literature and Exegesis in the Western Theological Seminary, Allegheny, Pa., (Preehytartan,) walla of !‘ Notes on the Gospels," At. Lxtstard Fairbairn's Hermeneutic.' Manual se a vainsble aid In Biblical study, discussing Important points with thoroughness and 'elearieu,ropeolog dlffieult 'terms and passages, and deNingforth In she Ira* light certain great princicles'ofloteipretation aticiut which manj ere In the dark. I shaltbe glad to direct the attention of ~ or students to It eia reliable and excellent Manual in Me department. Flint the Rev. T. V. Moire, D.D., liathmtnd. Va., author of the able Eummentary on "Toe Prophet. of the Reston- I have fora number of Veers:been familiar .with the crit teal writings of Professor Fairbeini, and I regard him as one of the finest exegetical writers now living. He com bines Scottish good sense and German erudition to a . very remarkable degtee Hence as has precisely the training HIM would enable him to'give is freak and suggestive mirk on lienneuvrutlea. Both • work I , conskier his Manual to be. Withoit golig into . any tnik.rts detail, it prevents the' points that are important to a student. There lea breadth of view, a clearness and manliness of thought, and a ripe. loess of learning, that make the work one of peculiar freehnesa and interest. 3 consider it a very Valuable addi tion to every student's library. • For sale by Booksellers , generally,* will be Bent by mail, Prepaid, open receipt of the price, by the Publishers. SMITH, iNOLIBH & CO, jeb-ly No. 40 North birth Street, Phila. SOO.B.Se—THIC IiVAILD oir COL• TORTABII of the - Ai/rods' of Pittsburgh sod All.- • gheny Dave received a Valuable addition to the stock on hand et the' Depository, on St. Clair Street, Pittsburgh. In the Sabbath Bohool,Department there can be !bound all the ionise 'the Board of Pobiktetion, together with a selec tion of the books of the Vassachusetts Sabbath School Society, which have hoer approved by the Executive. Com. mittse of the Board. Also, the books of Airs. N. W. Camp, Doll—Why am I a Presbyterian; Why Should! bee Psalm; The Twins, or Conversations on the Ruling - Elder. The Life and Labors of Bev. Dr. Baker; The Martyred Missicm arks HadJi to Sacred Gyt. , fmm , the German; together with the Assembly's (Utak by Baird. ' Our friends will do nettle favor to come and see for them selves, what we have at the Depositary. JOHN OCIL9BBIBON, Librarian, je254.f Board of Col portage, St. Clair St., Pittsburgh. 500 ".R.triN0.' 3 .1,7717'.":.:41.;.=t, Pittaburith. W. W. WALL AOll. spBo43m Rockaway!, &43 JEt&n. T ic. F .y £ CO., NO. 88 WOOD STREET. Oorner of Diamond Alley, Pittsburgh, Pa„ MANUFACTURERS Of Saddles Hameln, and Trtuilca,.. RIVETED LEATHER. HOSE, AND hiACHlNEiniundta . jellay WASHING cLoTnaus BY PRESSURE. —After fifty year. experimenting, the proper arti cle hen at lent been forented for helping women in their hard Libor' on the wiabing,day. , , , - --• • "IT 18 ZITEN 1301" Come and be convinced that we are ahead of every machine lu use. Halt the time, half the hard labor, half ID wear and tear; and'half In soap Is laved. 4 Llttlel6ye and glee Call do the ;work 'for their mothers. The under signed have purchased the exclusive right of Allegheny County to make and eell J. T. MUDGE% Superior " Washing Machines, Menufactitred and for isle at N 0.84 Water 8 t., , Pittabnrgh: We desire the publiito esti and examine this truly labor• easing machine. It can also be seen at Lafayette Hall, Sample ROilin of the kteehmtice' Institute. - GULLET & BENNETT. We, the undersigned, having thoroughly _tested th e above machine, take pleasuse in resommendlne the 1 dame to the publir, assured that they, will find It all that is above • claimed. ELIJAH HEATH, •1 W. JENKINB, 71130WLEE, R. WHITE & BRO., 18440 CHART: ER, J. M. DUNLAP. JAMES THORN, OEO. W. LUMLEY, A.•R..ROWAND, N. BLOUNT. ' J. M MKT MEN JAMBE ,11.11110 i, ALLEN KRAMER. JANE B. EVA Ib', WM. WARDEN. DAVID WHINNEY, IL WATTS , T. H. STALEY, THOS. M'OONNZLI4• JOHN DAVIS. W: B. /WAIVE, WTI H. WRIGHT, JAR. M'ODTOHEN, D eN. RHEA, Ja. TOHN'ORTXIO, H. LEMON. 'JOHN AIKEN; CHAR. B t ENEB, HENRY MURPHY, J. KLEE, MART M'iIIIE.TRT, A. H. ENGLISH. J. 0. J. S. PARER. THOB. mesa. • J. H. BRUSH. W. ROBINSON, , 4., WIN. BARNHILL. J• 4 • . . HD a.O _ c 111C/Be 8081811111hithe . erelndve Aren't'la r this County f r tke tale of BELUG_NT OBECHT. This Dement la imperlor , to any othet sold In 'this rdarket, for Public Works, USBUTIS2, llnowalls, he. - Every. barrel oonta/rut printed threatens for , using it,, anti it le all warranted good; 00 m. parts= of thfewlth any other Getnwnt, whether from Nut' or West. A large stook' will be always' kept od'haltd; sold wholesale and Mail, it law Wow ' , • , ~pgpgm' WALLOW. RAD 0 3E I IN G PITTSBURGH. PA MISCRLEANEOUS HERMENEUTICAL MANUAL NUMMI BUSINESS G VIM kV WORSItIP . staturnas Van VMS TRIM Or EVIRES&EIitip Chiefly selected, from various authors; with , a Preliminary Bossy. Together with a Beleotion of Hymns, by Albert Barnes, a new and enter edition, with a portrait of the a ather. One volume, roysll2lno., in varionui style' of lie g. Price in cloth, 81.00. " The book is committed to the blueing of, God, with the prayer that it may be one if the aids by which the worship of God may be:extended and perpetuated amidst the families of this land."—Alrrset from tha 'Prifcass. We take it for granted that all tree .ffitristian heads of families will see to it, that thews is 'ender their roof a family altar. To those who may feel that they have not molt gifts as are requisite for this duty, the present work'inafserve a good purpose. At any rate It removes the last enema for the neglect of bray Yrayee—lawraerfrom the Presbyterian. DR. ADAM ()LARNE'S COMMENTARIES TheAcrlt contains upwards of one thousand royal octiiir pages. The two commas bound nwitly andiniritliiillillybilinirlarieSiolutim; embossed 'gilt leather binding, with marbled edges ; or in plain leather. Pries $3 00. HISTORY OF ALL THE RIELIGIOUS DENOMINATIONS o • p 0. is 4 - . • MANDFACTORDR. BOOTS, AEI) SHOES. An/. Dealer in Strew Goodn,.Trunke, Oerpot ; lucks, &c., Whrlesalwand Retail; • • ' N 0.109 MARKET STR,N.B . L'y , between Fifth and Liberty' Stot., (Shoe Market Plre,) ap2o3tn - Yitteburg,b,, pa: RENOV A'L. Wffi.E. SCHMERTZ & CO., WHOLESALE DFALEarANO' AOFFIRERS 'OF BOOTS AND SHOVS: neve removed to the new.and..spaohins storehinee, N0..31 FIFTH ST., BETWEEN WOOD AND MARKET Plttaburgsss , Pinson. Calling your attention to , the `above notice of One Re moral, and being now provided with - more-emplwand cora, modlone rooms for our large Mock of goods, we would, respectfully !Mien a continuance of the liberal patronage' heretofore bestowed upon the house. , , Oar complete and desirable Meek of BOOTS ANA SNONS, obtainedet,Amt bands, strictly from fdanufactruers, basing , been selected with the greatest care, never has been gin , maned, and is particularly adapted to the wants °rife 'tern' purchasers, and will be disposed of et, the lowest market rates. Ofir, goads we have had manelbetured with Especial reference to those engaged in hitTAILINO, and' are war ranted to give satiefection.. . _ Porch mere visiting this market are respectfully resatiwited to call and es:amine our Stook, as we are prepared : to 'moons.; modate them with prime goods, and of Just sea. PA R TI C 171' IR 'SIZE .3 As they' may want.' 'Essitern dupliieted. 'All orders promptly sttended to, and satisfaction warranted:. WM. • m5,264m WM. IL SOAMBB.TZ k No. at Fifth St,. NVALLACE 9 .II FOUNDRY MILL FURNISHING ESTABLISHMENT, Office, 819 Liberty Street, Pittibte . rYh: Penna. Steam 'engines, warranted, on hand, and made to ,order. Steam Bollers,ehimneys, end Salt Pans; Grist and. fiew-Itill (Nett:me, and_Jrmia. Mill Gearing lof AG kinds made , fo order, and Catalogues of wheals given to all, who went gearing "Grate liars of, all Blies; alwaYa orrhand. Bolting Cloth.,Anchor Brand, , wariented good.: trenrib Stonee,"lll shoe. Portable. Mills, for Chopping and glom leg. French Bur "Smut =Machines, nasa,lo one thousand Mills, are cheaper, better, and many times Moro' inferable than Iron Machines, and:warranted to givermilisiketiou. Rose's Patent, direct astion,water wheels, the beetle. the country, used in over eight thousand flaw Milli. will ant as lunch ea the overshot,.with the same amount o wster die. charged.' We will put the wheAs into heir Mille, en 'short notice, and warrant them to glee eatiefactkin;' , For further particulars, address W. W. WALLAOI3. my7-11m 319 Liberty Streit, Pittsburgh, Pa. 1= . . „ . Pk ATTEN TION OE tbe.public to therIIIIADBLPHIA. ormekeeping , Dry Goode Store, where may be Aland a large assortment of all kinds of Dry Goods, required In farnisbing' a house, thus amdriethe trouble, usually experienced in hunting inch, article, fn. various Warne. In consequence of our giving* attention to this kind of stook, to the exclusiOn of dress and fancy 11001111,1telchnluaraqtee'ous, prices and styles to be the most favorable the market IN . LINEN* `GOODS; ,• we are able Malin perfect satisfaction:teak the , OLDEST' EliTAßblallitu,LlMEn STOKE ,in the,pity,, and having been for more thin twenty yesia regular Important" frobt some - or the bestmanufacturers in Ireland: We olhir,,atoo, a large stock of - . FLANNSES .A.NL. MUSLIN'S, of the best qualities to be - obtained; andel the very lowest prises. also, Blankets, Quilts, Shestings,Tleitings, Damask Kahle Chitlia, and NiMitius; TOwillttigs. Diapers, linekabaos, Table sod.Piatio Givers, Damasks, at &Nooses; Lse,-sad Muslin qurtains„ Dimities, Furniture. Chintseea . Window Shdings,'&o., km; JCiIINI V. COWBLI, , i'SON, 8. W corner of Chestzintand Foam& Stet' ,,. ap3OM ' ' 111 af• To ..K lIID OCAS 9 Ts oorner of Liberty:end Sixth Streets, Pfttsbaighi bave,rooolved their SpRISIO STOOK 0,,60DDS for MEN'S Comprising. t h e latest immoytationa of. Cloths, dasehrieres, •Nrsatings, Oa, *Mob they are prebared PIMA* to eider to at3la and at such prices sureanaot fail to please. Their Stock oft ' ; ; , EADY MADE CI THINM4 ,I Out and isadoiii*der , their own enperifilia; Ii got tiptel's ?rem ;andewill be 0:4 atAhe Lowssr !CASH PRICES: , . stel2l.Y p LA S'T E R E• Plaster Paris for Agti en It" r urn .purposee. , - r • Do.. do. ,for Stucco WOOL Suew-irldte Lime; ein emus isidele. Louisville Lime; alarie snick away.= Mad, and sold ;wholesale and Teton. W. W. WALLACE, 430.311 - A 8191iberfy JCR a T p lc in Jr iitc Asvitmour ;, ' THE , STATE PAIR TO, - I .G R, E: & , o, , , FOR THE AM . ?' S iT 0 V `V. 8 - roe mums. Atm BEST WOOD copic STOVE. Dieltecte faii beat Leundrf 'Stove 'Also, on hand • hi* assortment, or, Hewing.titres, . Plain and % Pesci Orate fronts. Venders, Hollow-Ware, tto. No 248 Liberty, at the head of Wood Street." felttly • , , „//,, • , $40.00 • 7r015 .4l FULL COVliin , THE j , IRON CITY COLLIOR, the lamest, most extensively. pattenieed, end Wit orstudited Cosonentmar Bohol' lu - the: United-Rota. ,‘• • • , • • ; • , 357 :Students AttendlngiDaily, Maroh„, 1559;„ Usual tae to complete • ital course,, from six to tan wait& livery atudenti upon graduating; to-troaraoteed be, aoropahant j to nsanatro,the, Book. of any Itastuaaa r and giordillad to sun tealary of from !Umlaute enter at any time—no umatlon—lterlevr at pleasure. 61 ,PIOIIIO9IB TOR BEIBT. PENDLAINEIMP,AWARDED. ldiniaters' seas recedred at ball price. /or Cirenlar and Specimens of Writing,inelese two . iett r stun and address , .IP. , W. lIINEDitt, Pittsburgh. Pa.. Oars AMWICHKEiIIiIf NARDI AND ACADEMY, Beaver OcreittyiDe. • - • - H. WEBER R, 'Principal. ' The Summer Herndon of tideinalltutton win comment* on the Bth day of May. It &Ends advantages for a thor ough Scientific end ClaseicallEduoatiOn 'which: cannot be dorPolood. Its location is healthy„ and the etudentw are freed' from essoideitlons. • TIM 'teachers em• played are of the first clam Terms, per Seseion of Ave months, ineludiug Boarding, Tuition , and Forniture, Lights and Fuel, $66.00. . . Refer to Hon: J. E. PARKE, Manchester; Capt. W. W. MARTIN, Allegheny City;- C. YBAGIBR, Req„ Pithdrargli, and H. WEBBEE,Priwipali apO•tf , . North Sewickley, Beaver County, Pa.. Ari*.M.KAL ACADMITt AI If; . ok!' Tuscarora Valley., Juniata uounty, Ps., bas fourth anvils trosallos Perrysville' Radon -of Peautiyhouta &a 1 rood. The Summareessbia-sillictommermis Sferads7,tha of April: Whole eaveneepersemlye ottwouty-two BOISra; Room, Taitionerashing and, ficlitoirtiriAMS,pay Able:mll4olfintidvanee. iiirsee Circulars. DAVID. ILSON, aboirtg-lv Prinwlimittiotel Ilpnvo4ofeer. P. 44 anvil 0X lo OIL D 211.',1V1. ; MOTU - COUNTY,PA. ‘;, The Winteritesioo, of Ayeitu . mthiowtlfetasits' oetheApt Wedieed4 Noirozelbei. • " * Szprou,for Bearding,Tnel i pght exidTale M o dern glholUswhes'itte ;le* Emden. Azolent and Mee googooieook` $6. Lemma on the 'Mo t ad nos Of ludo; meet, . Ptlntinciuld Errathity Or , tom" py i sat ided" t the whets.. , • ../Litatlyistage eotouletellithAtut s eeetAttinukiDel.o l 4 Obeli Porkeito f fvt r- 21.1CTALickiter. Oftisiyest. 30, "MIL DICUMOdeId, ; ye I Ne. raisin" 01111R7, - ,,SA, DESILVER , POLE IND MA U' iA l LEI, No. 7.2,6 I:rkkisstmutzt Opposite the Masonic hell, PHILADHL*H2II,, Per. SCHOOL, MEDICAL, AND MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS NAPS ON HMV PS ED 13 OCTtEE 101311, Furalabsii on the *Oat Favorable Terms. 17.1L1a1174163131A11 1191CinC401COXA songs. Lord's 'Modem lihnern .-Triosal. 60. Lord's History of the Vetted States, . .100 Pinneers School History of Znibird, " Prenot, . . Si GE «Rink% • ig • • . Standard Speaker, . 1 ; 114 SO "rg r * lntermediste S Hreioe, dore . SPoater, 00 . Prhaery Standard Speaker, . 114 Jokustua's Turner's Chemistry, , " -,;q 1 Xlementrof t>bs misk - , " Natural Ph/10100r, . 1 00 preeertseteira Plelooope,j; . SO Wolfs Histories " - Maori' of the llnitet Stites, Theo.. 90 " History of the United tatm 50 IRV IMSTAMIDT. • The text eatehdly printed from the most :sweet copies of the present =diorite! version !minding the morginsl readings and parallsd texts, with a commentary and.oritioll notes ; designed as a help to a better nndisitanaing of the sacred writings, ByllalatialUES, L D. P. 5, A. LA. New Edition, Improved—Complete in one 'Volume. UNITED STATES, ENGLAND, AND SCOTLAND. Writtin iff ultimo be to the reopoottoo dencookationo. Wt e rtitottit, moo. 1101, royal Svo. Sothooted, oboop library II; half toff, marbled IX CALVIN AND:LUTHER'S., SERMONS, Platt:,:rolo4lAlT le CollllllllPC:l4Lipilapin Ctr.scjho WISUCCI*I 011. A selection of the mosteelebratid sermons of bLirtin` Luther and John Calvin, banisters of the Grogiel, syd Leideri t of this •Protiltint; Ufa:nation ; never before *bibbed in thy 'MAW States ;Z to'which la prettied their blogtsplges. ; • Descriptive Ostalpipass of ; Charles Desikver's ;valuable publieations, furnished on Kr &yam ; and any book Hod by Milif.P l l 4 l l4 4 PIP,* of the favlrtlfd pries. SCHOOLS. $6OO 'to' $1000• , Cloy and Keith—Cloy on. Astronomy, and Keith on the Globes, I rol., 12m0., Hammes French Grammar, . " Render, Interlinear Classios -. • Virgil, interlinear translation, . . 150 Horace, " a • . . .150 QOM, . . 160 Cicero, " . .160 (l Sallust, Xenophon's Anaemia, interlhiceir tnand'n, 296 Practical and Progressive Latin Origarnar,try ' Thos. Clark, Editor of iiterlinerii Olandos, 1 00 IN- - PREM. Ovid, interlinearAranslation. . lionter's Mad, =i=lll zit rale P6L4dtso"ito6 PH3BIHRIAN BANNE AbbocAtt. - • • 1 . 00_,04311,1110 10 POO/1101011 WI"..X/71, 10 M 0.4111 0 .0 of Pitt btsrczba4id Phibidetphis, cod li salaried to general aireadk fo tiaa , Prosbvr.tairisio ,Chrtreb. . llt OLIInd of twenty; sad upwards, DILIVERND 'neither of the Wien, APVEILTIFINUENTB; In Advance Tor tAglttt UMW, or ion; one insertion an motto each sob. !mourn t I,neirtion, 24 cents.. Each additional line, beyond eight; 3 Gents for Ovoi7 insertion. Tor eight Ilium, Lump roontba.sB.oo. Mach additional line, 45 nents. for. eigittlines, One ear,s.lo.oo. Mach additional Ilne $1 apike of t7ro iir!egh, $5, rear, and $1 for each Me thmar ' ihniinips ;loners- of ten lineal or less, One Denim. Blob 'oriditionel like, 6 amt.,. air.Akrtit n iiturlcationb'rebeimmendatory'of limentionealle• akal Pracgoo, &0., being designed for the peen, nie&rbenetit of lialividnale,sheald be pa tdfor se Business Notiein; ", • - lister bp mail, where,no good opportauity Is otherwise at band': Drifts or *dm of the larger denominations are preferable; where they, can be coureidently obtained. PMITORA, eading as twenty subscribers and upwards will be thereby 'entitled to a paper'without charge. N. When Presbyterian families ere very muchdispersed, 'they may s be accommodated et the Clubprice,even though a fiw'elithetennty lie reading. Let'all beenapplted,lf peed- Pon. we shall favor, to our annoetability. Let the 'wept.* be rim; butevery paper paid for. for I.go Dollars paid, we will Send Seventy numbers; or brpasDollar, Thistrthree numbers. Thiele !assimilate of easy remittance. • Pastors, ie meting up clubs, find some morons tot ready to, pay at once, they may yoteendonthenames,at the Club price;ne-theireetireeponsiblltt3ito payee alertly. It is desirable that clubs date their subscription periods at the same time. DAVID Main aIT & CO , 'Proprietor'. JOHDID.,IB VORB. - ; 481188 8. 114.XIIRD• : 1 2 C * CIVOD : etr C°'•7' . .„ M.AMFACTURERB AND ,D8A1.388 IN ; HATS 9 9 CAPS • AND STRAW GOODS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, .131 Wood Street, Pittsburgh, Have nova's bend for Bring as large and complete on intendment of goods as can be found in any of the limb width., (nodding of Fur, Silk, and ~ Wool Hata, "of every . style and quality; CAPS 'of every quality and latest fashions; Palm Leaf, atraw. Leghorn, and Panama BATS; Strew, and 'Silk BONN E TS, .eta, eta Pewter 'eliding to purchase , either by Wholesale or Retail, will Wait to their advantage to call and examine our dock. matins, WM. KIRIEPATRIGE, 1.7011. N e.XIMPATP.TeIr, Late oftbelirmoi Kirikpokt- . Late with Gillespie, Zeller & rkk."*litatripar. Co., Philadelphia. iklinitilLraat H. RIRK.PaTIL WIC at, CO., W!WHOLESALE a_zocries, Forwarding and Commission Merchant', . .-., And Dealers in • • iirresoada siseurAcrrussc precuam. - No 299 Liberty 617:8141,, epp4ite heisel of Smithflekl,' • PITTSBURGH, Pd. Particular attention pada° the sale of. Coautry . Produce..; apVty • Tr k is IXi AND LEA ' T'HER 170,010-._ Wil KIRKPATRICK & SONS, N 0.21 it. THIRD teems Market and CheAnnt Streets, Philadelphte, have fen isle 7)R AND'HALIND SPANLIMHIDER, • Dry And Green Salted Patna Rips, ._Tamer's Cll,Tannerle end Ondier'S Teals at Miaowing prides; and II POIL the 'best • Ale Ail tingle et Leather ba the 14;igh wanted, er erhfe&the highest nuirket Tries will be given hi 'nab, Or ' taken in exchange for Mdse. Leather stored free ebarga. , end sold on coinisiedon, 1. 1 7 jrA, N B: H; W, ' ' FAMILY 'GROCER, • ' ' 268 Liberty Btred, Pittsburgh, Pa., Would respectfully call the attention of the public to his oitenohno aaeortinant of • ! 7 ,01101CE FAMILY; GROCERIES , Which introits hie long experience, and - the advit'utage of purchidog 'directly Mon the manufacturers indimporbtry,wilteneble him to offer tcrhienctskoment, an Mere arrorable and satislactoey terms than ever. Isi t ailditicirt to a large 'stook of Staple Groceries, his• list comprises all the table delicacies, both helmeted and do. Media, that are to be found in first-class grocery tames. Green and Black Teas, Of orrery variety. from the lowest 'prises to the finest chops imported, put up in middy boxes for family use, or sold br the pound, or half stoma. , , Ciitalognaloontalning en extended list of my Wit, Matted by pail, it desired. " No +theme for cartage. ssi- WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, p•AINTER.S. i:o:DNCI-8Z LANE ; - HRUSE AND SIGN PAINTERS. FLAGS, BANNERS, AND BADGES, PAINTED IN EVERY STYLE. Painting and Ornamenting Afaaonie Regalia, &e. limp PAINTS, GLASS, AND PUTTY, ton eita'isr No. 106 Third Street, near Wood, nala , PITTSBURGH, Pl; tr IA IA NE A 4•A it -iz o t I II PAII A NumnfiertinatclimnoimarAND • DAA,LARB. Illarket,Pthtlaileiphia ThelargettehespeetistAbest sesottmentof PLAIN.an6 /*NOY AtuNDS.of sity.other ettabnatimeet ft the United States: tr-RAPABLINO promptly *eroded to. Elbe •• a eall sod safety yourseres. • NV . :O; 0 , D; s 44„P B Wholesale and Retail Grocers and Tea :ft Dealers, Novzst•tissourr gram% HEAD Of WOOD, PITTSBURGH; PA., . . Hoop conotantly on hand everything' pnailly kept in a Arstapos Grammy Establlobtoont. Goode deliveredin thei any and ittbio depots, Deo of charge. We me l sl lll ,4 1 ,eritat to clergymen". WWI I. WOCCIUDOW r- • • '• - W. W. WADI - OA 0 - 0 Hitin 411 0 0 Autak• Whideasia Dealers in 114T8,. CAPS, AND BMW QUUDB, atiUDB, Mowers, Ruches, and Fancy Pore, Nal. Be and , at NotfiAloarth Street, (wady ; opposite idgerobsate altiaj PbUadiFpldi• • 6.19.1 y T. U. MIL I. U. PUMA?. ' 103, P. Pim ?rm..; tittro -W.-IMS or WHIPW LBAD, LUX, and ,LITH ARGCWO. 24 Wood Stmt. Pittsburgh, Po. sodni itiPTlAFP*pumas , li) 'ft lo r 'Ali L'Y WING. eVieitaitiiiaseee'veitly interior to any other.. basfte mac dente d:iv Montag. Machines made to phase the eye not =ire% Terril5 8 4,1 4 4 for , 4 T 11 47 raY will "BMW thi purpose. ""IPandly Sewing Medina otgliiloWitroiiketitban any °two's, *d a t e r midi of worA,Attstqatrod, and they go, pato, too‘altillfal band y. Baja cid of Oaf Mactifnee Itathar to a =watt u apt; • zWQRM TIM- WORK 4.8M1 ioiustkomitair;beibre%redissing-it.: STRAW, 444W' did, Piti•bursk, . 1 Ili 1 OD sh , CO EECI $1.60 perm 2.00 " " EEO U17311D