Presbyterian banner & advocate. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1855-1860, July 09, 1859, Image 1

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Prooloplutalillaasiere Veil; Irnsiik. 4*.
PriaibrisillsoCAdviitatapi Yil.Lilo Li. 37
Linei Written in, a
Within this nook lies
0, search with earoesk mind I
Riches, exceegingvtas or gold,
The humble'sonl shall tied.
Turn npt away with scornful eye,
This hidden' mine explore ;
Bee,Juorieisls pearl that, will ontvie,
Earth's choicest, richest store.- <
MI earthly gemeinuat pass
Their heinty soon malt fade,
But this never knelt decay,
Nor moth, nor rot itivide.
0, pert with litllLeour Ye PIA 1r?7,0
Thies pearl 4,Prioe untold ;
The Worthink Which, eternity
Itself neinot unfold.
Nickletville; 1869.
rOli th !Tr eaby ter' Banneigin&Adioaste.
The AtonemenV
1. Aa to the word '' all;' flits *ford 'is ob
lan and ofti& P lit,Lid
eta/ cannot ,tieurnfitt. *lrleitte told,
Ex. 'ix 6; that all the , tattle of Egypt
died of the murrain ;,andyiektbelame.versi,
that none of ,the cattle of the children of
Israel died. And „even , of, the pettle,of the
_Egyptians, many w ere not d'estreyeds-bythe,
murrain, because vines 19 informs us : •that
many Aattle 'were atillleft,to be,deetroyed
the hail... Again: Verse 25states Abet ,the
"hail runt:do j o-eery herb, el>the. fteld, c and
brake, miry tree of the field;' and.-yet, irk
chap., x: t 5, i'vee„ learn the locusteeete
residue of quit, which elicited and remained ,
of the hail. Andwhen it issaid-,* , (041r.
etspking, of tilts ,deetruction.,
that all theheasts of the: nations shalliodge
in the upper - lintels:9f, it, it, certainly' oes tfot
mean %every boast An t att parts of the , Wirldr
brit ,only such ,as generally aye in, placies':
remote from nities„auchps the cormoranW
bittern, &o. Again : lea. ii: 2, speaks. oZ
all n • atione.fipplog into the mountain:of:the
Lord's hones t , which 011EInnti bev taken, liter
ally brit the, prophet .'explaine in the,
next versepthus, ff many. people4aluell. go
and say ? Come ,ye, and,let ins `go , upto the
mountain of the . Lord." Also,, is
80, 1., (Throe. xiv 17: The fame of,
David went nt into all lands; and, , the
Lord brought t- the. fear•of him upon.„o// , net;
tions," it
• pannett, mean every laud :nude!.
heaven, but only those cironicijiiterpt gee
Judea. EAgnin a when: t'is said, Matt. lit :
s j , " Thenlffiknt out to,hint.,Jernsalem and
all , iTlillefe Ancl, &RAC, region a.rolitids about
jer,d,an,,, and were baptized of , him," , Stc.,
it,eannah)iii,:taken-iiteraity.;" but merely, that
a great,,,trusety leent, ,out. _for , that , purpese.
Diti,t,hesoribee and. Pharistresge tint,forthat
loPpoile? In Ala *xi 26,1itisitlso said, •
"pad , ortm field Joitwas, a-prophet.", , Cspf
this meak.,that ,hiksteitter -enekrieebteming
the Jewhilpojudingithe Serib,9e 4indi Wart
sees, esteemed him as such? Certaintyy
not„ ,But simply Abet a great twiny so re•
added k And :when. tit e Saviour isayeil
tt x: f‘,Ye,eilall be hated of• aamen •
for my mimes sake," a literal construction
=mot+given, as thoeie who became Chris
!taialy• did not hate them: And
when, hots ii : 5, it is, said, si there' 'were
dwelling at Jerusalem, Jews,of'every nation.
•underr,4avto,ft ,the sense must, , be restrict.
ed, as there is no probability that any Jews
reeide d.atttlutt!time: in :various nations under
heaven, such as China,,Jspan, Hindoostan,
Burmab, , Frappe ? gpein,'Portugal, England ) ,
.frehind. ;,,It
.sat said,
Jno : 26, ai Jtieus baptized and , all melt
came unto mbii , which can mien nething,
moree s than that many of the Jews attended
ministry, which was indeed• , a very
smallpart of the ,nation; for of - Jews
as a aation, it was truly said, "he came to,
his own and his own received him_not.",
ritieeilt and similar passages fully prove,that
theword all often means but apart, and not
every individuals
• TO same result iscorties from an examine.
ti,orCef the words 'World,' all the world, the,
whole, world, .&o. Thus, the Pharisees
once , remarked with chagrin, " Behold,' the
world is gone after . him " The Jewish
nation was but a small flare of the WOrld,
and, but a very small part of that tuition.
folloried Christ ;" and yet it is called the.
world, because a ..number • followed , him.
Again, it is said, Luke : 1, "There went
out a decree from: Augustus, that - all the
world should be tirps4,;" which can mean
nothing more than that the,countries subject;
to, the Roman Empire - should be , Used: In
Acts xvii : 6, it is midi' "these' tliat beim
turned the world upside doitn, are come
liioer also," whielf'of cowrie simPlY,meaus ,
those pares of the world where the Apostles
had , preached the Gospel. And when Paul
sa to the Christians at Rome, (i 8;) j
"Their faith was speken of throughout; tbe:
wh:Ole, world," be can only mean throughout
those, other churches planted in several parts
of the world. In *Acts xi : 28, " Agabus
signified by the Spirit there should be a
great dearth throughout all the world,"
Meaning obviously only the countries adjacen t
to J:udea ; jest wwhen it is said, (Gen. xli
61,) "all countries came into Egypt,krbuy
corn, because the"famine was sore in all
lands " 'the' clintitibiladjaini
Egypt are
clearly intendid. - ll ratifier clear as the
noonday, that these universal, lerms often
mean, but, a email part. If .time: permitted,
it were easy to show that all men often
means all sorts of , men, irrespective of sex,
estate, pation, character, ac att ; when -
Paul says, 1„ Cur. ix : • 19-22, which , see r
that all, or the world, often means-the
Gentiles, in opposition to the Jews;
Rom. xi: ”If the fail of them (the
Jews) be the riches of the world," (the
Gentiles) as instantly explained in the same
verse—that the world is occasionally used
for thugs who l dmnot believe, in opposition •
tO the Church; Yas, ,Rev. xiii : 8,4, "all
the world wondered after the beast, and they
worshipped the dragon," which (verse 8,)
is explained to meant mall that dwell upon shall worship-him, whose names
are not, written in the Book of -Life," &c.,
and as ..(John v 19,) ," the whole world
Beth in witikedneas," does not, of course,
include the Church.
Enough has.been said to show that those
universal terms, when used in , 00nnexion ,
with other ,subjeots than that or Redemp
tion, are often necessarily limited in their
meaning, and of course may be thus limited
when Redemption is the subject. Besides,
the whole world sometimes means the worse
part of .the world;:and why.may it not, by
a similar mean the better part
of,; 'thus, (Rev. xii : 9,)
devil and Satan,whiott.deoeiveth...the whole
"ldt" i. e n th,tbldr i ittli,,,to j !probate in
the world • 'god, a passage already quoted,
"the whole' world:lie tAisipMhit t r:re,„
the godless graceless-Tart of.:-the Asa&
e wben Redemption ie the subject , what
in,the analogy of linguage t , and the
turel usiie loguendi, hinders ; to nuderstand
such general exp,ressiens to Mean the letter
part of the world 7 The o'4 l / 4 4 'contain:
in g
,puch expressions, , and which " are venally
relied on to proVetiniVersil Itidenption, can
prove it only by proving universe salvatio n.
This` has already' been'foy shbin'in a Ore
iibus part this
13iir ire'notice a `few of the more :pronii
nent geriptdre'i fella on bi A.rtitiniaes and
others: And Fifet.'l. J'no halm '
propitiation tor otir 'not Ifisr , vurer
only, but' also foi the tins or the whole
world." To • understand passage, .we ' ;
Must'seinetntier , that John'Avalopre , eminently ,
a ministetto the eirentncisioneLte. .to: the
Jame: as,-:distinguished , .from the ,
(see Gal:/ii :, 9 ) that.this epistle islagenerni.
°two:tot i ng Penns -werei , addressedto, a par- -
denier Ohuroh g benanse the ,, helierograewse
Were ecattered through_ all-the, surrounding
countries—that even, .converted Jews were less ‘ prejadieed against-the Gen-
tiles and that in the ; papsage qiioted John
ionld have the beheving!Ters understand thatlihrist, is, the. propitiation not_onlyfor,
Glee sins of believing„,Teuie ' , • Grtirilea„
alto i that : the. partition wet is noir, broke n
down, and that a eiv are. now
one in Christ jail. This' is certainly. a.
natural and consistent view of this :iassage.
+tither i iiiiisiike`yikitoli ' an' is ' I Cur.
xt 4, ? : 22, "As 'eri
Gtiriat'ehill' all be 'Made
ndtiitle first; the subject is net'recisiriPtiOn; - '
to 'which; it 'is OheerflillY -aditiftferrthat'iiVery''
individnal,-gbod'and"blid; hbidrrise'froirthen
dead.. 'Second,-•it cannotniliarr that 'all
diesinvAdamishall'.'bive-ll glorious resurriree-'
floe ' las that catriotthe tine without inferring, ,
universal , talVatiod.; thus' proving , ' tea-Much;
itt , proyes nothing. , 9,c - Is au- , •
Other! , passage,ofteni quoted to -.sustain -.the
doctrine ,of funiversakredemption i lL":lThat he
by„the grace of God should tasteodeath
every man." But to,understand
in the next, Verse, , those for . wbom Chkiet v
tasted Viaqi ire called many„ s ons,: are
to `be firotikht to glOry: bitiviliist, if biliist;
delth' for adaliliei many! '}
oeine' i the a/relic/41'th be called
a n tiirm iliftwhere r id'ili t e'Bibliiipiliedto •
•1 '•
any' but the righteous. Tend. Tome sons
liQta-he "Ibriniglit" glory ' trife'
of "the "tinged)) , ? Tlfes'e - ire igribui 'objeii
tithis to the Ariniiiiin ifinistinctinn Of this'"
paintg t viz that'every man means every
individuttliof the race. f Besides, to campasel ,
the glorification , of "these;' many ions, is' the'
express design (Seti4.-10;) ofithe,Oeptsid , ou ,l
Simi* Salvl4494,bqkug.kus.dgyperfect.tbdrougb
and as that , ,design o riannet be. ,
frustrated, every -man; this. Pafilagfb . I t!ust
Mean ' eSery son. ,Oinfittnktory,,this
4,tIRO,tOPA, persona or Whom he
to f ftel Aleffittt,-ar.o celled iny,..ll,sanotiftid,,
and whom Christ is not ,-aahathett6 call his ,
bi.ethren ; and, inv., - IS, tbq are ,,
geitie Children' Which,GASsith. given:loi."
Now as the,cOntexi manifeVly, teal:ll,46e,
doctrine a
, particular redemtlon, the
nint]i `
verse cannot certainly - Contradirit, brit
Must 00086.
quently Must - tie non-
StVited to Mean rinkertl4 4 `wir l ini sons .
tote 6;on§isetb
titled" and called ;Ohlistrit"britilithn: Of
(iodise; this assage cannot' ird4 tbat'Obrist‘'
died alike tof ?all' addition' o l
-theres. is" not GreeklwhatiNer- for , the
word inanrinJthiswilaassge tit :a :mere
expletiviyinserted , by theltranslators. Whyt'
may we. nob read every-son t initeadl•ofievery:
This would accord , 'exaotly , witlrthe
Context.: Another: passage supposed to :grovel
universal x redenptlon.iii Rom. vr:)lB,..‘f By .
righteousness of mile, the free gift mama,
upon all.menrunta justification of life." It •
is, however, nfatal.objcetion to:such use of
this passage that the ,blessing ead. to extend
40 Dot bare possiNlity ,of t salvation, ~
but jAstifwation of life; and, the same per-,
sena, v..17,,,,are said
,to a receirrp,abrindanee,
of grace, and of the e gilk t ot iighteciusnese."
Lan all this be or,every,individnal
Of th e, race ?
,_',Then certninly , rione can ,
"Besides, the alt;tilen to,irboni ft.
the free r '
§ife'conee u nto justification of life ir:qB
are manifestly the same as tbe Many; who
ibilll9, and
ionise, the pasinge'faill to prove
redemption ' •
Matt xviii 11, has been adduced for the
same purpose, "The Sim of Man is come to ..
save , that' which was lost." -ButirOhrist does
not say- ho came to . save alt that' , Were lost; •
nor does , the .original word,-tazio7b/os, imply
this.; it 'denotes "'merely that salvation 'sup
poses all that: partake of , it, toPhavo 'been in
a lost'state, and of course, it proves nothing.
in favor of a general - redemption.. Another
passage ; often quoted,to establish the . doctrine- r
oi•universal redemption r is 2.. Cm •v
"-We thus,,judge,• that if > one died ; for- all,
then were all , dead." they -context clearly,
shows that, the, A.postle, is here prcving. not
that all were dead : fn, sin, but to sin,, and if
so, the, word all is necessarily limited, by the
very, e,ature .of the subject. Pius geld -
speaks, of (v. 1,) as having full assur
ance of their salvation . ; v. 2, as groanißg to
be clothed upon with their house*blob is
from Heaven ; v 5, as fiiivitiO the earnest of
the Sidrit ; v. 11, as having . the ApoStles
made manifest in, their censitienees,:i:
their consciences attesting `the intheatie •'of
their ministry ' . to
,them,•for Which' they had
occasion to glory on their 'behalf,' all Whinh'
phraseology clearly shows them icogiaire been
tOontiVerted people: 'The conteit then
quires, that when Paul,' addressing'his
Christians at Corinth, remarktrtliar if , Christ ,
died.for you. all he Intent-all; then-are , you
all dead; not•dead in` sin,- but unto sin and `
unto, the world, froth <which the. conclusion
flows that:they are boundi, v.. 15, tolive,not
unto themselves but to him that••died. for
them, and rose main.
The happiness we derive from creatures is
like a beggar's garment: it is Made `rip of
piepeo and patches, and is worth very
after all. But the,Blessedness we derive
'from , the Saviour is single.and complete. In
hit:44ll4llnm dwells. t He is coeval with
airy' period'. He is answerable to
condition. ' He is aPhyinciin to
countialtir - U - Plead,". king,tti geVirn,n friend
to sympithire,'nfather to provide. He is s
foundation sustain, a root to enliven; a
fountain io reffeish. ""He theidindifir Voile
the lieat, the 'bread of life, the' Morning
star, 'the suir'cif righteousness`; all, lind'iri
all. No 'creature' dan be a: substitute for
him ; but he can supply the place of every
creature. He is all'MY.salviitioni - and all
desire;,my hope i my peace, my life, , my
glory, and joy.'
Whom have I in"henven but thee ? and
there is
,none, npon earth, that : desire
besides flesh, and cyAeart fail
ed', but gin-lart the strength of my heart;
and my portion- forever— - I cannot be ex-
Posed, I cannot belfrieedless,x It'oinarotlibe
poor, Loannot be i fenrful,a cannot Bor.
irowful, with timarmfen,
The Fullness of Chriit
Tor the Preabyteriaa Banner and Advocate .
Another Minister .Pallen.
The: Rev. :Richard 'H.. Morrow is no more
He died iof consumption .-at Theirs Mills,
Tuscarora. Valley,. Pa., on -Friday, June
ittb, in the 37th year of• bia .aget. Int his
fancy he was:dedicated to God in baptism,
andtreitied o up,by,pioui,parents in the nurture,
and admonition of the Lord In early, youth
he was hopefully converted to God, _ , publicly
professed, bps, rippe, NO dedicated himself
t" clultea,t .degire
annjervnnt, prayer thtti o he, utight:§l3 pArpit
td-t-4) PTea 4 k ttittS/At,T&P l , ll # l . 3 Pf
Chrrat. 4:-A6 - d granted him timdeeire Of his
wori v 4) - 1100 - 406 e, Vie
earner was hire!, 'bit 10124 forthriat
abt bia t hingaotn ;reit, glesstkir orCfod to the
salvation of 'Many prealiiii eau s., •
pursued 'l2lleparsiteiy .
stedreifin'the Seadiaiy - at He
illraduated at Jefferabir attii"wbroh
efengaged forzscind , time ae teadher lint the
litilowoOd Academy, at abadaGappPari, then
under tbemanagement-ofithatdanfentedand.:
belove'dNbrotherirtheßev. J.•.Y. McGinnis: ,
His •consistent . Christian . character,. hilt
cheerful-tilisposition-and: social nature, 48
well as.hithability. ma scholar .and !success
ap.e teacheritgrestlynwen, upen,theAffectioner
of dills pupils and ; secured; for, him, the j lover
and esteem ef . , 4410
AuCelejlltth): B 4,n s t4ntion: o 4
eminently for , good as , many who will read
this pan'teetify : But his saul longed to ; bn
MOrpfully eng , agidh M
ls aptpr's wOrk,
silt after siiiuggling;thrOugh Tiny Alf:final.
tiSe,hieiviiihee'weraerowned . with eneeess.
- Erie ilieoleginil ai k tilai at.-
tended and 'Senititt
aries; nitter i liiiiiitin'yearii and
one erthe fittbeletitittitibn: l n'April, "
1854`Plitikirliceifered'hy, the'Preebytery'of
Hniitinydel. 'Rd Wie r eirfielitly "diiiiina'
take; ehalte the': ehlitirebei - of Bnint'
Cab - ink: O MA Fantietkibtrgy
daddiate''k But'" so Jigititt. 'wasp the '1
need:rand:46 lotitthe • call- for ministers
Many parts'of the Westpbeffele constrained
toicgo.-therei .that , he :rmight. , l preach the
Gospel to the destitute, and not build :on
another ma n's • fo u ndation. About this, time
hejeceived a to,the church
df Cedar Rapids, lowa, itqc infl#PeY'l
*44 het !Vl° P.. 0- aSdiPPtc, l 4 4 9n:)iis
dra,ltx d une, 1855. He stee l i t
dained an
ibiltaked by ~the' g P resbytery, of i3 Oedar, &eft,
continued s „pastei, the, nhirch:or cedar
Rigl46„'Rritil compelled;
to resign Ma charge. He wig the first acid'
only pastor, greatly t,ozvat, : ,: r s i s' altielked
Oebele: hadthe, pleasure 'of,seeing` . the'
Work' of 'the' Lord' proiper'lltiongh hill - in .
Strumentality, and' 'hie' 'ehtligh
inlay membership fourfold dering 'the'
f., ii,. years of his,patimite. ~ I t, Wan, Any-.
ingaint sueoesefid labors.. hereptliat e he re- 1
delved 'a cordial and :unanimous call 'to the
Chtliches ofins:Peri:Ain-ard NeTibielllglit
:P,l in the bounds of the
of yeditipgfip. Many were thetenoc i •
men tt to' aneept' this call4et `trOt4tl3%
deelined ileitoted'hinillelf airs'
Whiterti'fielii. lava his'lll4eer' i s ) Vork,
exid'hill sent "
rejoiced in thii irollflire'nf
preacher, he 'Wu' plaid, pungent; ptite
.'eal.' Ae a'pastor, he Wee
boriciulk int iiperit , tine"'
iEntion, to As it Man he,
ei>iro'e it de ilteAtippy - faeidffnf glib;
ing the' friendship 'and' esteein of alt.-that
knew him:: As a' Christian, he Wtastlfumble;:
consistent, 'and devoted,: onti! . .who walked
:With:God-ant coMmuned , with him mtich in:
:His healthy gradually failing t . him under
the waiting disease •of consumption ; he was
Sent by his Presbytery as Commissioner to,
the. General Assembly at. New Orleansilop•
ing # he might .be 'benefited - by, a visit to ! the
South,;.; but, he returned without any , ina.
provement Finally , he was compelled,.
when no,longer able to officiate; to resign
his charge;.but he ever retained a stioeg af•
faction for his . , people t, and i manifested . the
de f etiest interest in the weifiraiif the chitinh
till the 'day of his death. When told &hill
dying hid, they hit selected
lout rejoiced; and gave thalftite*God.' His
pastoral relation was not formally diskilfed
Until 4019184: bur in:lawn/try' p r e c eding
be returned to Pennsylvania, that he , ; might
beidid;putkorgided by a large circle -
Of' abUrningirelativesiand friends. •
-From this tithe:he - sea 'rapidly. - •But :as)
earthrieneditnfiom 'his iritial:heiVini' . with
c ite jOys,'heeeine •-hrighter to his vision;
His mind was.clear, and calm to the.
He manifested the 'most entire resignation,
to:the will of God: - Not winurmur escape&
his In his greateet eufferingeffieitvenit
sweetly smile , and . say, "It is all, for'the
beat"• 'Oa' the WabliathiMeceding hie death ;
Weadminietered the Lordli Whin'
he was to he carried into th e
church that he might ince more Mileinego , '
orate the dying love`of his: risen Re'deetilet.'
But"bis'entreine debility would norperniit'
witesocleafter taken to that 'house(
not made with hands, eternal and in lthei
heavens; to sit down totthat3able, where he
should eatand drink; and 'rejoice - forever
the immediate pretienee of God. That Gospel'.
Which :be•preached to .others; oheeredrand
comforted: him through all his -sufferings, -
even`, to:: , thex hour of..' his :death. - Wheat
asked concerning his faithin Christ,
"Iplied, have not a doubt " He seemed ;
to be " always conkdeut "... t. .On one occasion
he said, " A lightliai the 'Cross illumines
the diirkliesS'of the. grave." To a minie
teriar broth ere he'said;3" Be faitlift 1 , tie ilili-r.
gentthe glee is 'Alert,: stand tip fcir'ireatte.m:
TWicerbefornlfe died; he iota an liffeetionr
ate leave ofAlis`beloved Wife; his aged Moth- ,
or; his•brothers and sisterly who < hed' gath•
era around , hisidying *Couch, He , spoke:it
witnoet•Eaffeeting manner. of his little. boy,-
Howardotn only:; child, who- , 'hat gone be.
'fore, and whom- hebelieved he: should- tows
meet and know and' embrace. . His, last
Words:l were,t ",Come Lord. Jesus,- ttleme
Milne he passed away. " And.l,
heard eV,01013 from, heaven ; saying unto me,
write,Bleesed are thedead which' ie•in the
,Lord;freni, henceforth, ,yea, smith the Spitit,
that they. may rest from their labors ; and
their Works do follow theni."
Narrower—atill Narrower!
The narrow limit of longest life is
'every' day ' , becoming narrower' still. ' The
story - is told' of 'state inisonor,
whniafter tome' weeks' confinement - be - iiime
suddenly aware that 'his apartment Was be
come smiller.. IHelvatched; •and saw,' with/
'horror, that a movable iron wall was grad.
natty encroaching on the spacei and! that as
the movemenvcame on, its must soon ;crush ,
him to death, and;he could calculate it to a
day Bat you • have, not that advantage.
John Foster' yet ; more apprupriately resew,
tiles our_tame to, a sealed reservoir, frop,
which *NS daily ,a„ certain , email- quantity,
of water,, and , , when the ,reservoir is : rT : ,
4 1 # 4 0,1" 4 1 1 4lnlO: POPh of thir st:JAut,we,
have no means of sounding it to asceriain,
how munb it , ori bully cOntaiped
Iwhether there' be enongb, remaiuiug,
0 to filtiA w ftl Ir; =
r ixiorril r •
Ja. Gulf ;
ati . may . , 1
From our Lon...3tr__sepon ent.
The Rapid Developmenito
,the r Struggle—The
French E'mperor's Watelytr.Auatrian Miatakutr
rictor Emmantete and : the Zentaves—A Great
Victory for the Anies,z-0,14 liliiniiii.sitalfil'itn:
itr'lnsurreetion—Re4t Elepeli, , For--Attituele - of
t Prussia,-Rijire andiintepdir,.-1/ame Panties—
~ The Minietry in
_Persr4Thle Lieettai 'Yu Nioh—
• Batik - of: Parties -Lt ail in - tfeizde nrattrom
merce—The Weather . '''- ' q the Crops—Spiritual
Sunshine and &mange—Marvellous Revival in
Gister-TheißoniefiffiAs of 'the Tree Church-L.
Open Air,Preaching,4, „Seolland ,anti England--
The Ali& Asylint,sierße s iutia—A'Neta . *4 4 lattice"
'at • Weatminster-4r4easkei • int (derailed; , iind
Jesuitry, of the Ciar.**-::Agitatiane and Peril:
de Rome 7 -Ponsiript. - , .. - 1 - '' . -
LoNiXttro.Z.7oure, 7th, UN.
TICE Will ' . 15 L' ir
_ t essuinins gigantic
prciportione',"and'greliVf4ffee -kiln Lidnifet lit',
hind: ''±fAt'Ati4tYliffirifiVe'' Itist"pittitiOe ;
and, niefli . Ibln -4 -itile'one :.' defeat' iftetl
ancitliecomilbilineibein ' to',, retire ''freuv
Siidiiisti 'soitl—hie - itidOped- thepolitlig
lAof striitegle iaouneel - 411i0; Oife I hilidaid
a 'deep lidd•and mile * ' piliefokthifotlier. l
The Bie r t.teroi of ihFreWho'haii"'Weeii'
tanifited'beicinsoe: . '. r at eifelefliell'iheo
the tild,!'ind,iiitgell r°Lriiik.:a;ogicsit tittle : 1
Uit lie 'lies L'acti.. iiith bee riisitat-coot
ssikeity:' Hilraelotlik :the liiiribipaiiiiii
Of Ills adveistiffirr r iWnelf; taithiglidilietoi
hidieelf" the' 'eginseecgiVen Id i all - %Veils.'
phiyeris;'" Tilde' la fifiefielf . iityeil"' '"While
=Austria might iiiteOt relied , odTerih, and
wren lhleatelitid"Glip 1.4-lithil4f slie-'nlight
tfilhave:strfich blotil Isrilhaiidtferriih,li; eve
the Frilich`troopli"ii 'lllicit's? thin' • half in
ici f
'the field—she' hie• sed liefeeif'dtieatel ,
eerily,' and 'been-, d sic leek *Rh sdisluitee
Alt the While, , heartad hope were given-`to
the. Sardinians ; lliottelio of ' their -siaceeasekr
spread over Its* leisinetileil`VoilitiftiOni
more and snore. Tfia‘gmperor, meanwhile,
lirla 0011 09.4 12 &.,:1inther 1 '4% ii.°L.Ttrd -Pe t
stores • of provisione,and every land og
lwarlike ` m,ixteiieg, iiheleditig trtiolis' freshly
Litilitiieev'ery diy`ai•Atinda. , : f •' ''' •
Miiiitebello s - main*lory was due :to-the-
Sardinians ; 50 was stiffolalarAge 4.4tth_e Sesiar
`at Caeteugio; and . kliikiretory, at. P i alestro„,
ithere . Vh3tor. Emnii k otiel . perforined_pr.
OA of 'valor. tiet,e'gitnetit''et l't 4i"
Zettikes *ere in 114. hibi. - 1 - I hati`ellen.
- these =troops ItirtVapd:llliavel.beeu
litgly - roonveraing wit' ouei who' ',wee ;•fa..
miliar- v with their eiploitk. before l. Seb„asto-,
.Pol; and certainly 414 are, th'i very ideal
of men ready to dui kir 4 i'd'ae 4 licoiliing.
Oa this ' lilt oecaidonwlthisi.regiiiient,• finds
ii t irthe-Austriankatte#lpting,to.out .off
oommuniqatiOn .betw4n a the Sardinians and,
*the French, and the formic (who, `had" been
figlitiiigiVehliny 'so4,l'eorely pAlese ,
'dashed' aerobe the', Sirsiitiandl mcNed • right
lOp to "BorgoTereelli*Wittioat•like, , elastio
1 step,t•regardlesa of be44ce-grounds,4)4llate, ,
and grapeshot„ . on
. tlia atebed. , Incy,ossiag,
th e river,.they iiete:Etitged ee deitiT, ilia%
r ; theft. pOwder 'Weer .1 etiell tieli 2 ei ; Aid fiti
I:they pressed up 1474erep . 'illobicakrierierlivhefies
;an •Atstrian butte ' snit oath: its Aleadly,
fire -, they fell in deg . i . The iast disoharge.
it . distance '
,was when they we • - at, tn,,a., of.
',tw 4 olvo yards. The v eves' tbiti leveled
..their bayonets and' , elleflir the - liiiir
'dailh.f Five' gua '6 EleliPtifedf, • ie*lbe
artillerrocni , alsin...o , llllbey'Sireiniatier...teeki
`two other pierces - 50 1, nnnn•LoTh..likifflragillf
- cioptinuousliqUitgle in the town.oteadestro
'4ldili. was -re' captured street ' hy l itreetria
bolts° 'by houiej with terftbre'lehe - lii both ,
sides. The Austrians the
'ohirrgecand• showed " - greatt , gallintry., Thai
'Pronoktroops, as a body, took vopart in . the,
fight, which, as they were close at bapd;
Occasioned great loss to the Sardinians;' and
excited 'nfueh .vezitielf•and . inter.' - In' this
affair,. the -Blench ZtottaveT and ',Sardinian ,
• lost o killed ; and irounded , wee, about „two,
thousand men;
,the :Austrians iii. said t',o
, .have lost ail hundrediiriewleiks:, ll' 11;10 guns,'
'and shout' three - thbtiatid 'lien. ": The
, , Zousvee say that there was not-such fighting
'Once Inkermann. -- -• , -
A great, sEiutply-pamg,un c #ifthealgtof that
,The Frenoh Emperor. haa .suo ;
°ceded in miisleiding 6ib'ene'mi e e as
. 13 ids
tactics, : eroded "the TO iniAll-rfnapeorteir
diteotiOn, land seerisittto - alaughtii-thiu
Austrians :in a soars. Qp Aturdaydlast.,
Sad atlthe hour when aGrand,
being celehiated at' Vien na , Oae
%Iloilo for 'the' sutleeei r e •of "Francisdfilarity and the"Pope's'throue'toglittier
reoeived: a treniendOus, if not indeedtlav
brain • blow. The., telegram.. to, Paris,„ m, I
thus: "The Emperor .to the . Empress.,,, At ;
11 30 a great victory was won at, the bildee - of
Magenta; five thoudidd
and fifteen thousand of the eneinfare
or wounded." further particulars were prom!
ksed},-,,Ttie Anthusiasin awakened
tidings.-was immeire,,apd ,ga i the rluglii of
the sth inst., Paris was said' to be erilliantli
illuminated ;* but noii,'to be
gistponed. The tidings.. of , . thiscAnoniing
indicate that the Alliestwere fprendrig forward,
toward - Milarii-the ;Capital- - of Lombardy; the:
.A.iistrimierhavingl. evacuated-4hr townic
itii)arentlf (although' therii-sre' , ramors to '
the contrary;) •the Castle also: :Certain it is , '
ilmt theteople 'of Milan are in 'insurrection.
Yet still. there ire *doubts eel t ede ei siv
Mediator , Of lthe , battle iof 111mgal:it& ; the
Atastrian Aelegrams 'say that thefighting arse
to be 'renewed,-"and , one Announcement,
through - Frankfort , on-the Maine, is to the
dartlipg effect that the,• French, 'and. Sur.
bad - been-driven back behind the
Ticino. All these.dbubts,will becleared
speedily, Anduother results-will be patent to
your readersi•before thesergines are int pint.
Meintiale; paws is lorigedifdr, and .even
hoped for, And the - fundsi - rise acorirdingly.
If France ' 11•114 Sardiniwwiii 'a great battle
or two, then - it is thought diplorniny 'will
step in. It is effirmed'this moritiag " - that :
Prince Eeterhasy is , 'lhere t - ourfro Speciall
Embassy from Vienna. , • -Ftirther, "it- is
stated that two great Powers are prepared
to propose that. , the ~ e ntranee of 4the Allies
into Milan, and their undoubted weloome
there, shall be regarded - as- settling the
questionv. whether Austria' is, to- rule -Nagar
in Lombardy . tbatAll ev i outti r tluiitjhAll be
Made a separate . kinictom. TheDuohies of
T4loden3 d Pia oe nal with t Jortress /of
Piaotinia, sirii , to be added to thel Austrian
domiiiibris. , • The idea, hOwever,'Crilloaing
'the LoMbird'eVenetian `tetritory, although
dissevered from the Anstrian - .Edpire, -
governeid by ac•Grind' Duke "of the Hotieleof.
Thipisbiirg,lis"g tea badr . if rthe . diplematisti
—as ig - said=havebreiichelt it: ' '
G. V, A.
join its foroes to those of Austria
.41..11036 .
or even to march forces to the banks, 0f i<he
Rhine. ~They only promise , to move'if. e
many is attacked. , All this , caution,
Prussia's side, in spite of a perfect :furore
of hate and proposal of. the actual invasion
of France, poured forth . by the German
press and largely , shared the German
population, indicates how powerfully English
neutrality, as well as "mother wit" on the
part of. the Prince Regent, tends to keep Eu
rope out of,a genera/ war.., ,The overthrow of
fr,b i e,D,e. thy ,Ministry would undoubtedly, °On-,
'dune to the doWnfall of-Austria, and the
l eopsequent settling. of the v ltaiiikkattestion.
Our'aovernment provoies France by oeten
ERDAY 4 . iiIPULY49 - lES4S9'
irivasion. `Sdnie`day they welly "be itUded.
Wel 'hear eflairgri ordertfor sent to the
lTnited States,-and also that : the armorers of :
Liege have oputraated with our,slinister
Wrai to furnish foui . hnodreifthinrsaiiii rifles:
HOME P r 4LITI~ are again full of int/tr
eat. An'isiite; of all the remonstrances of
tife"Thligs=-01011chlifit'iteted ferY deepioa.'
bbiraikeselffelitiWell• is in' the face
of. the , deprecations , of - the Ministerial jour
nals .the-laibetals as a body have resolved
to ~unittyp -vetkyg down, and
_voting out of,
if paaddeilie Derb7tabinet. The
het; sUffioiently
irtdickted ,
thelehling3of Mi.4l3tighvand his
friendspaa ta,the neeeseitylorifollowing up,
theW9eßl4' l, 3 7 Sike ,* t4Att°Pga.Pall.e4l!‘ , d0 , 19.14 - e
tionpfgat-liataent,.hy..,a, ptll66lp and nor-:
rerpitidi,iirii move ibia," it indiai
°Ohl& only bViffiktid widitning
egrtliegbaidav'nlithiehia , newfadministiatiou
-is to be formed; that is, an adtnissiott into,
, tibe Cabinet of. a fair-proportion of the
understanding of
siboneet t dealing , on 'tie r. great ,of
sißiterte • lt - Was suffici ently I‘lollLeittft to
ri 'Mt.: - s'it'
Prominent.: member Nof° -, the- . ...lltannhater
- 94p9loppan,dedatonthP: tiralthl convening,,
'the meeting at Willia,',ollppma t iOde„by 7 l3lde,
Arith the names of. Paln3eraten and - Russell,
- Without dram/ Far ghat a real
Oiion 4bf wakagatAiiiit
il:9 1 ?1 1 .0 1 c 1 -. LA 0 49 1 4 ithat t ,gd , , plOge,,!
qthe iixty Inde penden t Members of 4 tha
House of Cmnroons,; and moreover Roebuck ,
ittia dAfgathui l iitetiihn 4134
5 any attempts to oy,,er.t,h;sw „the Therbyttes.
J . As, however, his h oiltloli j *is, , it is said,
x• **de €fiCatTir thigfeiditedient rof 0 a ""rptttz ,
- prandial stlitilalle,l.6irieithitlitoll*e4baii
Water, it was ItiitiaoseiblittlittfigPAitimult"
( 1 1 1 F:wlak AtzlqlkiliPrit - 1 1 (11MRarAlljelt
think mire t wjaely_And,niarp t crupstrtly,,
hre positilll and 'dates tatriid,litti latida
political itotoolittlar''lftt thelwaiii;
.thchirehe ;''. t•
.)rhez , . mestingi of, ,Liberals,, monyened by.
°4llll l .lrif w,flkeldlll B ..ler,daYid ibieoY3.4gee,-
huidied were pr t eeent,
„Roebuck opposed
( vtiVol i WnPol rectilfiden'a4lll',ilie4ofern
tent. Roismiiir` and 'LID soy thought it
auld be chatter--'toy wait :tiff; itiwas &Min
Whptithe.Ministers ihad isay pcprpoilet;
1 ?0, Itickt l 44P_AWlP,}koP [ ht4lTWAeArtgr-r§
unanimous. The unterptanding ir,„that, if
doubtful—that the Bright partpshaiPtiave
a sbarquftbe,G-overomenty- Vale_yet con
' ceding so far that ,oply a tou.yound comity ,
`befth# babirohi`fieseftefetir
A GREAT RECOVERY. inVitilieire' place - in
tufde aanti,commeyoe f ejuce titultenjo l pf 7 laat
" iDegl* h e; have risen, *OAP- las t=
r.; iiiinkrabi 'of Tiudel'ilidfcate 'an 'ettilat4P:
'nary elasticity of the revenue. The" tate
oßttaY:lTet,lftli! *MP, , qf
orlSA 7 ,veyi
nonsidfra ,ohipPing, however; still suf.
fialfrom Wait or - reintieiatiire 'ern.
Payhatint, faeigtpiesielsleing , able to cow
-1 pate, atf,grtat tadvantageloverF,ottf- own, 'in
teouilequalcepf #ltypl . t . lug,of,ons ;gauge.
tan Laws, :‘Qtkit,
itetointrahiflOrle - lit'„, eta Stsicirsiliiih
great ship building fiert - tfi thelictiir
England, becanadtlielfaidfileed to vote for
r a change .in,-or74her inquiFy into, tits
2 brivisatioA Lawe, !hese lay/ at's on ,a frce
the o f. recipiOolif to,
the titlitta etes and colt p'-
leti*ith lithetgestiesi , ocoidebii 'deprissiow
in shipping.
' THE ' , WKA'rniu. s irtif the) mart' ferorabTe
descriptionalternater hot sutiehine' and
warm showers, and the,growthnty.egetahlee,
Of,.All,lsindlpf l .grese and cereatle r is aln3nt ;
beyond preoeden4,.4ia:ilianelieiter, ejerge
business is being,Aonei with-India. The
• declining; ,end :
if:4449e :0 111 ': ,i:TVlerveli iii,i,healiediriti.,of
entire neutrality on our part, the Meanings
in store this -year -for—Eogland, are very
great. The goedtioss of j Prrivideuoe.sermoet
nonaßipuous, and o'l'l while many_ alas.! re.
ideal ri "the. iinthetiliftil 'arid 'the evil!!
' the - iiniwerii that tall' sb
finotifyin g,k(t and - 7 th e ge t nialnrslitilehinefithit
iiin) iri.making- the laild)onel gairdenrof Lbeauty ends prdmintij ruin*.
rainy-aP;Chriettair berth - -!to' "keg, and play
' more eirneitly - thit-'onts epeelilly' in& in.
I follneee ttiriy. be "Wei innehirieteniF , the show:
ere thett'V'el'Diiine. heel promised
SHONVAPidiIIP-BLESEHNOS j "'mfd :here "au,
theio t hey hoc ''fallbbvsnd , 'arti .1)
all ti ded in` a'formerlettertolhet remarkable
o uwaring•of thew Hely] Elpirivlind there...
entioititiort oft spiritrial . , life whit& began to:
miiiifelat themselves , •this 13pringptin 'Mies
neighborhood otliallymenei the- North.
of Island. it.'The ground was hallowed' by
the prayers andyreaohing, , itudi by: the - emi:
tent' etteceer" of some nit; the ' : Great Fathers'
and Founder'', of -the Churcri
in IrCland,rtwo -, hnhdied7 years ~ ago., Ever
since—amid general defection in Ulster, in
, the last ioebtnry÷.. 7 truthl and, lift had their
representatives in that region. The names,
of [ Elder, ok Ffinyox, an .1419 r, .of. pen.
nor, inert ' 7eney,ole,ned hay, who held alof t
wer -tbfo
thell t while Arlanieni PoligtAtitsm
. soMe'bf .
hZei 04110jiialj , 01200Pci t s iiiiity5f4ittl
ogO . ,...w,Voli,e_iittli!) lt# Oolod to - pf.ea..bli r thecrok .
Pek iketao.iPs: marking "Age .sdez"!okur
sncees,mop f ",(if . trig end holy , b o th
oler Anckily„ remained'. in - that;
.the, early part Of the 17th c
tur.f. of ministers .who.inielieett„
' l oaned to take ayrominent part in` this:mime;
;Me t a; iiiihjalev.'Fiederiek Bela ? native
of the Cannty of Meath, arid - . one ofrthe
early converts of the late lamented,Josiaar
Wilson, when he held .his first
Dinned'. The minister!' have, however, ,
'beeir tether giiidesiiii;ri leaders in this titing:
Wilk Miura prayer Aililsobiations ''brought;
the bleeding 'down; !noar'evervolittot
the:converts issayiwg tothiabrOther,l'iikell
'o9ll,the..4lV 4. To 4
Bodifg, as i to:tions 14ve sooomfainied
aWiliet i nk„ enbia • 'ail" you know were yeot
iiiicatOadterlinuNeW goglend;' in' President
Edwards'''. the 'same 'period in
' flootland, , aad v -We,aler.4 •Satan have
; -Ibut powerful
emotion, and toe terror of. convictio n ,, may
sot on the'ne'rVoilui eye eau in''matiere rie l re
ligion just, as 4414 W;uld'do mother segues'
of imminent or'apprehended danger of teml
pond destruotion., ...the.factt, i remeins..that t it
is an intelligent and extraordinarily yigorouti
apprehension of the Crud' as is Christ
that alone gives pelac'e, end` that "tie
and social change oWtiie community corres
ponde mart/eh:l'6lT -, to' 'then - extentofe" -- the
great awakening. People at their looms
within doors, , have broken out inprazer k rin
the con;firsiori of their souls. the lahor•
s erve - thrOian doWti"fOr
while, "their - itripletnentr;. cried
out, for immediatepardon, and-thenirejoicing
in Christ, bave l sainee4o r praise 'God. for 44
fnedro i menu tn..thp , so u ls.
°Lo th? cove t
mlent spreaW re mai ns it) ee4n
tr*sit.s.6l To
1 vAiit:PutAtitiNd
rilyione4ofAtikeitimiateeffectiveAnzodef3of nee::
. f
übleso(ianot tezwArefieYslitMeT theAnitc4
Kingdom, at leaet in manyAksteit t p , regis,
It coneidered a recognized inatite:'
tiotidon"elpielialy. 41.0r11 5 40hii
;Russel advocated itikititheicoutti andealleyis;
aJlneetingukal4) o eAto-,,
elf. Ctlie,,fg‘dps / Citz,Newin,,laemezels,
returning homeward; t:fki'd - ii
of -piii*iliathia
lic4btiatittid an°d spoke`
with greatvearneetnesanaridt colearez esti
biterlYel#PgtrnlMl l ! Waltz*. Pltirifv4.l44''
,gayil t soree..ls9ng ovotiels„davia,
apart of etteniloii prevail:d. Vri Sabba th - ,
'many nooks if aniteconnera, eff,
igbt of -Ake gitatthgrogykets ) Tke Itev,
ißopeo f i neuaber ,of ,cler 4 lsfame)t
after bin s4eitng diedotifee. in, the
well Green 4 epaciouet opening, att&itherel
iortiwilliaistero to tbienticitendoifiallii,ptocienw
tion v or,the i gloripm,
day evening, the pli:Alieri), another
gilergyfiV'atit , iot' - the
itraining 43c1foot the" Ottietf,' Miesibnity
front;' of villein:l:lr
ohoMl* -- --:l2ls . olm4OittOsiftkiii;_to
'slangy operations of th e Coogregationfil
extending. over tiff teoutt
tiekaind'isith aliMiti7ooo l :pee
annum; enibrace dpeniautet . lireaddiim ,;
The Christian and IMIPMPIPIA
the: ,agf, :deeelim i thenaseNleejn,
'forme. The goapitili,ided for Vloat,
tevery' tot:hi - orditatie',s mov iii& As:l4lw from
4 mn l s eepirate'ndtiree bligait,lenttht
• .7.
Philadelphia,-Sonth—Westl Corner of Seventh-and Chestnut Streets
By Xifl or tlidoe; sper,Timor, BEE PIIOIII9IOTE 8.
'Belfverdd 200 "
• • "I ,
wheretnito this, wilt grow. The following it
from the Ballymes OblerFer
; This remarhabla.movemeat, which was first , ex.
'hib at Connor and 'Acogicill, le now, exiendlng
thi4inglient'tlieptoWilaanitighborheid hfitally=
mesa aith the most eatoilil}4lo/1 celerity, soc 91A
ponied by syluptaap, and followed by residua, pie,
which 'bane art, able 4 iiPatie i rsint 'nab
lished. theory—whether of ..,bod suffering in its
action upon the mind, i or of mental owed= ht,
its'influences OPOU- the Welly.
opinion is that the movement is attributable:du,
the supernatprol setion,of the ,Holy 14001—that
it is God's work upon the heart, prodding!solo
stantaneous (IxonTlistiontof4faio,4 ' oiftfitipinielitbfriki
apraling-TITe 4 11 ,PSV i ng 4 1 .4. 1 8 5 ,1; ,1110ttlitlit
log in a thorough iionversfen to a; life of faith; "
ands-works -of coirespindineholinetis: -this
opitaitin the greater nut W the,loso,l„,,grctiaat 7 ,
ant clergy appear disposed to concur --ind amid
of thtuirhave fakhn it 'very WathiiiiidUltliditlein
tercet:la the •;.proceelli nits. "OA ! the other, kited,-
some of the,Romaa Catholicpirdation say that
it is the work'
all ;of ;that Persoasien,liereitefore f,affeeted, thave,
renounced the Roman Catholic faith; ~,ap.0,h40 the
ea s tieteiniktioi'of
this tweeirepteidttnto diittem7 Wet ithelcoontrrat:
tensigely tohabibaktyjamilico of, their, common-.
ion. Some medical sentiemen wfriiiiiilehatYfill
quenttepporrithitigs aftwftbelesifiggtheupitieleltil
agonies, which ; !IT.'likrinnarkabhl'isatur."4-Sefir.4;
all the caries, pronounce tine eiteseitci no' in-cpf
tieilfeaV sibilant ."ittAit hitherto taliktfawn,
Tha7iallirmthtt4t goats theAtaitiAmi t iterptia, ? ,
eystem—more or fess in,pieportion to the Amiga;
! , enl,_PClltry , ;abiktritti.Onialf LtkeniiPaliri - loteageekts.,
and in others „a, species of, what, may be called,
conditiontatflhe.ibody niapbetnied satimintitra- ,
mentality. for,tbe Spit' kwork upon the geol.
i l tkefirse, fruits of a. harvist gat ered
from a Ong ulster itoman deft: olliiirterhe ' re'
ins as a: L'Elithetteillit . itiliteitheyi '
in-eeatisatiteiensaylßeteamets Writ
Orli:eland,' held last tootheir-,,blind 'guides,
laiolloimMassiowatibi F:ree.lohdroh.
pf SeotlandOsAn.iingenizatins imptigtisokkly.,
iggTelifhe 1 94- ilhjlll t he hat bee been eiAnstizek 'awing
, tne, het twetie
ineirtii, by:n . lo4'l4'6l tkieninfilie Die
6reiaitoemoliortoe'thiks - aesiho^othiifriani
*mild niierasearAbbaceOell
t • kIUaL•I 4 f'
The Inrirr As!..pusi ;
• q•ii tat
l art
itidluooeieflu in Ito work amook
olies cif -whoa mnntßly impioNretineiltlihtiW
both-hitherto, been °finished:ream° ;shad.
'ow : of, hope. gkili,AnOitatio%nqw Aortpe4-
*goo its agency at Earbrivood, in Surn3%
There are two hundred,and,Benillty.ll , llV ia
iina"lightt iiev6
iwiales,ilisCainetftire fettaieS. s 4ond,
:andAmple, is Inividedpgr . e4 attention-is
trliAli %Ault
in soron i neme .theitiv, figment of the !Mil;
leotaai ~cwens " be en, `refaiikablg th .ll§"re`
&le t elsd t 1 from he'sp~'
i pendirtn the YAnnual itepart:`,
ifteentyeark) Jai hesi , an.ininatte
inf . , the Asylunt for, sknleare. At ; the timapf
mieeion'she was par a lysed on sin; mare`
ealetelillY the rightrhmid ehlAitt snitbjhokrtol
strong and frequent Sts; ;In ,tempar was Awl*,
I willed and obstinate, and the icontffalo:
tion wonid bite berilibudettilliketllood carnet.:
t she ;mold not;dress ..herself, 'bernid.,,puttmg
;shoes and socks; could not work at all, or write,
but iiiew few of 'tile Atlv thi'dpresent•
.time she ban wadi andidress be ntlfiwithoePteeY
little assistance; s dines ,ynunger t ohildFen,
, Ihedis; l iereeP ) ind diet neatly; and can iteirs7 knife
and lark, ntbleltshe flats leeknedto 7roathwell,z
ens! can add up npittd)Yiteletebie,Perteete,
nese ;doeit Plain netidlewotk ; can write a small:
I hand copy - (with the left hind l 4 hae - leBrnetttot .
I sing ;. in knitting ot:fpin q ing,,dces, not : arogret l / 2::
owing to her lame hand. In .teitycii she is very
meth: , Int pio fed ; ron Isnot& iltibjectisAa
gent- The fits Are 114 1wx.r47 CO% at". 3 -1 1 4 6 1 14 or ,
Oren months will int e rvene between them.
''he Aonnal Revenue of able noble inati
tution; was '.£18;681 last yeariiiid son= '
'tautly increasing. .
Naw riPAlncir at Vestritinster hie
just beet, dratted q Whit t startling'sermigo
annotmeemer-' lAelt - yet: true. Paltdi* ,
fiS nal Wiseman has. dont and pricst, or
► rather "'Father "114Wris, has innourined
# In aiy last, ion; hid 'full likriiculars . of the'
rebedb Of 7 4,7kidniiiyied#
priest's-handt, by =chef-1161ft of that lam old ,
British right of hjAbrar rot/sour eeerlred , tor ,
Magna All fult!Ter(?fiJelmitd99k,
knit' was ainplCie4 ; to avoid, and iiffchlvta
were tlinirir'on the 'aide; s lhicif
man &Witless' r e tietWetddp ethiitttiiiteitimet
Loyola, if alive, bwOuld' appland , with.holy ,
rapture,. el#l4oh Mae. first Owe , eirAll'4%9llLP"
road y Beira: Franci s , , Pg!lontil,Pofteel#o,,
endemics in hoo k that r the Cardinal' has
but `mail elcuititei iii'
LirdlOhief Jodi* mist; that
they Weil'!" evasive, -illtgal, k andynntrrma,
Nevertheless, Tries) 4obertsimtnes Rat with
a laud ttthe2Warc, i pinfestiti, against the
remarks 'lied.' ` ii litinttoii'L his :taiga
and -actually datie hiiNattlirofrOlt TIM
pAr i at i ,#" "Westminster: - This ,, inears'-
Billt# o l4!)###leeet Osedlleerirlemilidelmeisa
at the Cardi b al ii6the real, .ArnithilshogAt
Westiainsteh This "kind' of 'tid i ng idiom
that His Eminence has not learnt
thiefill . fit &leg his 'little kfilitettimilke
hikOhnrehmindlhithaelf inordflietesti4ltbasi
irr,er,b4 eannfe free PeePle• ,isy
n d, mobs overrhiAlhe latmAbOc
ilnatlgafviolem;4l. Lately mob t su)nrinliell
Obuttrel#Kitkitigy tifetTiotAttata 4ttergyi
mba who was attending her, , adthehonefoott#
!fienieePt bee% llireeNt trriliqg
te.thelr t z orMt Axi n -ili Ctrtitt w iren
# 1 flung body and bonne a raging mass
h`niniin beings . The. pries then
did trimnWiiita
the dying momium vorroninintt
*alit Ert#lloltreftereteitieeprteo - , 1 14# 1 1r4.4
A f erV i laillgatZteil f
pf num yrz onade
, .164.5 t 41 V. 6 1ti rxwi **Oa 7,41,111
1;57R dLE WO. 854
herijusband, and her twnchildren, sign a dea -
IM:atrcitiNtatlbby " renounced, abYured, and
reprobated: thea t r:Fotettajit rel igion."
The•Zardinal r and s.friends are waxing
more*and•mpre t inapridwand- impudence, just
;la:their Graft it 4rtiad•quarters -is in the
freSt*priil:: 'Auk:Tell& iwaranagink things
at Rome wit
h ini.10 ; :to" difigurit
leyeT:body, and .the Papal %dragoons have
laggilirted in ,great l'Firbe . ry offer).
!give conduct of the Pope's Nunci o at Vi.
the service land prayers for
ISt extirpation of - the Frenciii' and Sardin
iiimerw&not-be-forgotteri-,by and-by, -when
is keckonfug Da,y arrives... J.
`P'.B:-It - ijp . alieVed"thitt - thez French
18tifetainuSit i tirda3144oileietrrelidifilii•it least
six thousand killed and wounded
- ' lialid Vile* ' ' 7. r . 4 . t ... . • .),
t • OdefolietfriArWordVisintreAt fiboe , ;lost- eln4
finer, , fit e „thee I;"Yettlibigki.4x:ra . igen* ' Mit
!come to Grodbeestree-youitare vile. Noarfit,
'me tell you themie.not.a.saintin this place
1 1,4 t is .7:j!, , rift9s 4f Job.- an 41.1940, and
alitl,were.,_ohl!god -to,say ci ,;(l,ton vile, , ' 0,
ro"Taiiiner, NA' tkot'be lehdin l ed - to join
ititakiftleionfanTilal, 4 riiii , iili7 l ' ta
tri i r onfelo•God this nitihtli'pfayer, 'when '
i le,atit oni zny Itneeel 1y...n1y,.; ihedeide; I shalt
1kiF ,1 9 ,00 .m,e, Ai? t ati,d 414, a ,inner , vile: and.
f ull of sic . My brother ei,pnr,l I , tiOst, .thou
• Nra
of to have any better corlieLion 'thin
!that T Thou iiiiiiititit — tro be better doer thou?
I WW . lfilais iiPille'llifgelVeir ii l itPtiiiiatier." If
Divine 'glade deeir - ncit iradicate 'ill- Mn lur
. !the Ittiliever,.ho* .doetr,then h6pe to do it ,
gelf?:ami if God loves, s his,„people while
, ltitay are yet vile, dot thou, thinic ,i thy vile-,
illegal will ,pitirent hie loiting . ...`theff Nay, •
' l ilts- tritinii, etnet-to- Je'etti-1-"vifest of the
ivile.ll Belittle loi). a c l ue!. thcnt 'intteast of
ithe world ' s society. I bid thee 'acme to.
I. 'Christ. Christ bide-thee •believe on him.
4iNotith4righteous,inbrthe righteous;
4itirs 7a . , Jesus came to suye •
p02: 1 / 1 3 now ; ain vile ; give,
' nre `faith; Chntit died 'fOr sinners; lam a
Aline; sprinkle tby ' blood on
1- " Pteil thee; ainner 'from Goa, if h
r Foe ,
wilt bonfwais-thusins,ithon shalt find pardon. all thy heart thou wilt say, "
1w ,waa — h - me," thou Shalt be washed
Shall' enable thee
" Lord, I -am '
1 . 0nf0.W.4- - • • •
r -14 OrustrimasMmilrithont oue phut,
But that thy blood. was,aheit for me,
4ied iiiteilion-biddit no asitie to thee,
0 Lamb of God, I•oomo, . .
4 thin/I:shalt to in.Woft Alfituplace With • all -thy
,:4934P'5ank9,A;140..t4.9n4.41k ( T-ARmeat.' jai
' 'here wit y ; ,every sin thek,toan,,hath ever cool
inTeteann th y th4ii`shtilt go out ais
th`iik' the new
t born babe :cc - Tim/0 thatitoolestinitere :all
over sin, thou shalt to. ont with a robe of
tightenuvrteso,cwhitejettantelsfWre4fid pure
klAccl,inntelf„,so, justification , is-co,n.,
1 cerned. "now," mar k :" Wow is the
• ..;• .
adneptedlnne; if Won neheyest on Him
wiloljaiitifietlPthoi• - negbdly,"' 0 - may - the '
Holy -Spirit give thee isith.that thonmayest
bewaveit H Spurgeon
1 " .•A Touching Incident.
NVllilo s tik.4igir4 fend ;poorly..clad female
irasAlciA t at is at, the -corner ofJporth
"re, flt - i pit& -a
VaiikeeitileVaidid' within a few feet of
, r; gistingintelitly on her haggard face for
Oeveyalominutes. Sheiipproached him, and
ortendedher ,palm in silence.
' I ,Instantly •fonnd its way to his
rt,POiouti„pooket„ind when he drew it out
ht'wa~sfille`d with gold and silver, which he
iacept,- saying, " There, good
inother,itake4this;•you•may. as well have it
'as,the,knclohoThri. The last cruise I had
'out of New York found me with four thou-
Band dollar!, op, band; but as the neighbors
• told .Bother' was dead, I got on a
, lopreetiith - tge"nioney;•and spent it all inside
. !of a week, and then - II Shipped again." "0
• igood, good sir -1 you.are too kind to an (Id
fbAyllilto take it.
i 0 ! you remind me•vi•my, poor SOD ) 'George
!White .L• where -ore, ?".
" George White 17 hurriedly exclaimed
the now excited " Why that's' my
Yiwilulyikt are - m ' y'mallet !"
... I :Witiettbibliiii;selidid-her his:arms and ,
;kissed her , affetitkonately, labile the big=teare
InfAnypren.,down hie l idoneed check,
The poor woman wee. entireiy.. overcome
ihy the reedier) , of her lo 4"
'f' c i'asiiiiii* - shidtlf after conveyed the
hillier Wad-eau away; leaVing many a main-
ItehiedleYeb.mong the crowd who- witnessed
!the ,soetie;'•*
Ddn't Forget to. Pray,.
lady who had ibti 3 Ohnige of, young per
unit fiVaied'iiloir l d f became on one
dbothibtrferipibilid Stith *gad tit'her duty.
Sbefir'esireti; to: her 'own vroom to meditate,
apt i betergrie+o4l- in-spirit E laidoher head on
thcAtlole,,au4 `Sept bitterly. She setucely
psrpeiltedbeT,littlo daughter, seated , quietly
(swam.' !liable longer to bear the
Night Of- 1 let Mother's -idistress,'' she stole
softly to her sidy and tubing, her. band in
botati r lympown„-attittl, 44 Mamma, once yon
tlnht. m!PA'Pre#Y.; hymn :
1 1.f,e'eLygnaneet,with trials,
Or troubiei on th'e way,
• .TfkanwitattYour, eine on jeans,
,And do Mt forget to pray. '"
Tile counsel 2f, the, little monitor wan
Mane. The mother was •
repaid forriglaltiraining her child; by
baviVhdr4oonie her own Merced teacher.
thOutrotthamiontk of , babes and sucklings.
(194 ordained- Praiso." — nSaYings of
Labe ,Ones.
, Religion in Daily Life.
1- i , %... ~ o , +-") • • - ~
gion; s not a . , , periietual moping over
Oietiboke! s not
is not even prayer,
praise, holysbidinittecv--these , are necessary
tigriali*s4noartita samba-religious without.
them mti ptitqedigi 4, 0 mainly and chiefly
thelxitlißg4, l o,?,uong the duties cad' l ..
iiialei of the *or ;, the guiding of our
0012111Camid the adverse winds and currents
of.ternAolon, by
_tieilarlight of duty and
RR w•sk . '' cie LOW truth ; the bearing
,iaantallyil Ilgiseflo cociageolielY for tili
itovirbafriChrisk. our. great leader, in the
conflict of life. .1
air , rk
itrOP; T h"),` llll l 42 ,l 3°9o
,i4aniorai inkyti, 'of eacesidvedisnomina
reklivwft Wherever ,this, goes beyond ,
lode or souls, something is wrong. Sa.
tidal . arra spirit, tinier hive been
=a"o`isnetoddad' or years , lefataing a helm of
wilihitottsoine , other -denomination than'
114b54144 0 ljffsTAY heed to? 4 0 4 in prayer
pr that viiiioer and his Iteople!'
ye! leas Eq iikilY t, , ,.• '7: , 2—,! ~,, , •
GlVElp i g hi g e alle f 'IRO?, a„Rie
.11OrtOW for
Nos, &Wall enitie - me to eialorsoil all
~ 0 , --t. t ~.., , +„-, bitter f or
eeeeita :mem, bow ooeveT, ior
*Milt Nit d'otftif imiy.-iiiilli - •
1-7-bau 4 ----'. -•^• ',' ....... - L . :-.._ , .
iNagrolja,AtiteL petit .teroply,tgelf Baking
laraltSCOAlienP" /44 14ilughtt Epic
h43 :lWPl n t r, 4l , •
tr, r-prir-r r