)-. - • -.-- -' ' 7 . - i :', - - .' • : ic.--.4, '. ', -: ~ ~4- . !.. ii. i •., ~. , . . F. . --, " -- mh _ I - I vi car . I 7 : : 2 :' ,'..ig . ~,,,„...,„?....„...._ .......,....„ 37 , _.,,,,,,..„., _ .,. .. , ... c .. . •. .1.1.:.,,J' - • 'L! 4- r i.i, ... ~ . . , p .... q . : . NI rt , " 431. re ' t . Pit - - . - '4l:.; t. ~7,4 , ;:t. , . 1 r '' I'4 r ~4 r , ,; , ruttl/41 If 1 :a '• 4, ; " f• • 0,41 I'. .:";.•. b . ..,. .• .„ 1,1„, ' ~ t ' I. .. 1 • ' -re ~il A 1 ' -1 r ^ 14. Mt. i •t' Tr. 't . k I .: . - ' ' . I c rIA. ( , / .. . . • 44.1 V Zi , ._,,.. .. • 4,91 . i ; )1; * ; • • • A / . ;' . 4, Nrr : "k 1.1.' '-'' r r rr' •:• •• • ) • .! -') .(Ve ; ', i . 1. , ...7. rl. , - ; 1 . -.•-, , . ' ''" 1, :' ' _!' j, , ,, t : ' ... : ii liiir,:t. , l4..itt : -. . A . f..!, :. , - . _ . - ' ................---.....„......z..--;...... 0 , . . , 1: '1 el Iprogbytailel i illiiiiiiiiiiriiVala 'Me Wee 41: - Probytuttar Aditeiluakiii i llr j el s MEINik Mt 1 . • DAVID Mili s iNgif 'and AVE'S ALLISON „ Editor: WERE.-IN ADVANCE, 1 0. , 4 a r '• ' • . • r ' I 0 rxgma - ' 14 otttr ~ . y c - g,,, MEM MMII The. Baby ? . ,- 4 Theremee a cradling lent as here, To:Oheer:oir lot; . ltters,T a cherub in diskuble, But.yet our dhn atia earth-bored Oyes Perceiredlituot' Its,Toitkik'n,iis like the symphony ; Th t.nto strings loud; et'thongh our hearts the mush: hailW bfeatti of,helaven, ihey_fail"d .TConinprehend: • 11941'4 ti ll T h tol#lftr c l?..9 l l;..,= Thp : ,, 431-147.ta A IL:4 . = 1 - •,VGOIII,II3M, !Openrey%„ , ! A„ . ttAVIIRTIS, . 1 614 t4112 ,08 ttnl .I.lor. o BIZ • . 4 it;:41,3 wont roam , And the first, , e n herry bloasoms , stiroo, eoft,iring of chirping bird, 1:: A call from annel'ilarps it heurd, Come tip Come home" , t4; 4 r,Or . fh q°l!?4‘s:OffiSfy A 86?., • The Circus: • The following paper was prepared by the •four Protestant pastars,•of a late town in the interior of thills State, SigkedNthTzt and publiihed from their severat, pidpits, Im the Sabbath preoetlipg,the visit of a Circus. ; A friend has sent ,us a, copy .of, it, and as it, relates t 4 tulkieet of gerkeykt intere4, we giv,e it a place n,our , columns : • •The undersigned, pastors , ,of the. several Protestant ohurehes of,Hollidaysburg,- have felt themselves called:upon talenter into and announce to their ieveral-eongregetient the following united, solemn ,warning and re moustrattce:. - • • We feel, it to be our duty, aszwatchmen .upon the-walla of Zion, m ap at °t(' endeavor , to lead our beloved flocks into the green pas .tares of salvation; that they may be flour ;;abed and fitted for duty,: but -also to guard them spinet the dangers that beset :theni, ,and warn them of approaching ~enemies.; , The, candid reader of the thirty-third chap. ter of .Beekieli•must be convinced that the Christian -:ministry . . beoome chargeable tbe blood of souk if they fail tolgive faith-II far • warning-lagainet those influences that 'l tend to lead the people into the way of death : ; and it is unreasonable to expect us to incur ench terribletguilt.; must be, faithful, whether the people will hear' or forbear. And adtwe believe; tlkat the,,Circusi and tits inseparablea poncomitanto art-evik and only • Mining ,40, immorality :of sentinient and practice; we do unitedly,andzipost emnly lift 4ther Nolo& 0f. , -*arningi reinon strayer!, andentleatr.; Mautioningtour beloved lottOple,'andeapecially, , the dear limbs wf our flocs, 'IOWA ,the 'dangerous Allurements, Whit:44lm ~en'enige, o ft, genie - his - .connected velth e this- aunniettient, andz entreating them to . abitain from:Mt : en denoting:Wu this spooled of t ( itre. • • b thinAtatiteptipwould-z -fee-from any attempt to interfere - with leap bf the. innocent' and. lantfnl ienjoyments. of ouripeople. We rejoice to see our people cheerful and happy, when we can approve of the source of their ‘ plearili as lawful and safe. We wohttriat; 'We °quid, . abridge • hfidymir • Ptai4 Ettd- 4 BOW anliageminite But vtimidanfdrAtii lahlinit over thErliiiiethat anti instlitition 'so taW' in its neoeiatjohi l lO audit bittaittatitenitt an art, se linileticitte in nal leo in entire tetifi r entiesy salts the dircus, aboidereileive countenance from a community in whose ppirittud welfare we have'rso deep and heartfelt an interest. • z few, of , the many, objections , which we have Wilds sort of theatre, are as follows: I. It is the degenerate relic of the lowest and 6 4)9;4194_0f them games; by, which the ragen!Eriperors of Rome sought to amuse tb unwashen moba, who could only be re • strained ifrom violence, rebellion, tend ta rps, hy„anok appeals to 'their fondness 'for base amusements. The „Circus as A place of ginueement, can be relished only by o f people, • uncultivated taste'; 'or by meth as have" a fblidaeisis'for`that which 'is coarsest in wit , or most groveling - in morale; and we are .re 'natant to hehold any resyeatable pOrtion of teti ouirifunith in which our let is oamta,,giv lag 'such Proof 'of a buskin:hi condition,pf plead and soda' lefinsiment, as attendance uPan the' Mews implies. 2. We are rah:nitwit to have it kiidWri that our community differs, ' in its estimate of this place of low resort, from the great Majority of other :immunities .where' aoeiall refinement and Christian morals have Lmade some advance. The, grans ,pep p le cenfeser that, during the Simmer season, w hen they traverse `the country; thei do not make their eitPensea:---and only expect diminish,: therm. Their main dependence is uperi their Win ters'•itient tint the city; and there it id well : tbet their :patrons are the- ignorant and vicioluennidses; and that it is ricdc(n- Adored reputable, for; any persona ,laying, claim to,Chriatian morality And respectabil ity, to, attend. Why abenld,virtuous,coun try and ~village people, place themselves upon a level with the less *reputable masses of city porilation I • All that is objectionable in the theatre is found in the Oireuti, in'intensiliddlnedeure.' The evils of the theatre without ia are found in the Circus. In the 'kitty, horses, monkeys, and men without manhood, and women, forgetful eft the ~delibaey of their sex, are the adore(' whilst the lowest buffoonery, and the most ribald wit, and the coarsest profanity, constitute„ the ; staple of all that je said. 4: Those who attend the 'Circles ars brought:in' contact with men and l irtnneli of improper, cheraoter, andcontamination, to greater or less degree, must ensue. The mind' that consents to breathe an atmosphere so' impure, must be conscious of a moral deterioration. !fp. The Oirtius presents to Tashi , that are in straightened Olkonatistatices, a temptation to spend their slender means, and bring them. selves to want. They are tempted to ” Deena money for that which is not bread." And the very people who are , moat likely to do it, are those who can least afford it- A large amount money is taken riiitYof every oolnmibity in which a Circus eitbibita,' and for this money, what equivalent is left be. bind ? Is any good done ? Are the people left wiser, or= better, or happier P A. But, our great objection to attendanife linen the Cirque is, that it is of demos icing tendency and is wholly incompatible with a consistent Christian walk. It is a worldly coctiormity of the most diereputable kinA. Our Lord demands of his people not to coaformid to this world, and be calls them to Christians should avoid the very appearance °Ceti!. And we do most solemnly, war p : and ,entreat our ; beloved, flocks to .touch not „ibis 'tinishpin en treat the youth of otir,Aoiliwift4 of our Sabbath Schools, to stay away , 4,141 •••• 4.7 fronb•the Circus,. and , we appeal; to heads of &miles to .interpose .t iaa :' raofluenoe, ,PPed J.l l ,ir,s-. ll PltKßltt.ti.-%* re-' stra9 their children from i going to_a phuse where they, can get .no possible .good, but . muOliioevifahle = Hoping that a fistiniony - horne unitedly , by foili'ivitnilish4 (tour with addition upOti':the t ioinds J:hiaJoimuniiy, tre'lhaii) fiken this ixtetfio'd ot - ainienitch?a We belieVe'that' we Were mcivea t- 44''it by the Spirit of our Master, and with singu-! lar ooindideiiie ' thoughe'anl pur p ose, ' and bavitig °odelva-ore& to perfoini this dtity faithfully 'and affectionately, we leafe the. e-, suit TAlltrioit;`Pitstor'Of Baffin ch.,, h' of Pli t eittirtiititlp; 41,1114110 YD C4 Oft tuthertin; J. H. C. Dosn,u - dov .of , Methodist: r.ll, AI v:te 7 , 3 I o ebrs4olP,Mobdertimataiinorokod , editicate; - ;D Lai+ Inter/3120W Thdia ' ". • ' -- NO. 11. ,- 7 ['BY A Itl'lTTßiii 4 ir MitideitAltirl: ~. . vat ; ~....q ..,... .;;,„ ••..,7,1.3.7e,1041g gllArgoo.of oppEessionomd f . villains liiiv, b?„op ,lioro,,,nglit against the East' Tridi . ti - 'tMilpitiy, without , en,fficient: res:ion." tfery inrellMent, gindOo "Yritli 1 whom, tie: 'fifer cofiVerse d . at this , 'ept,lo l c,i; frOii 4 ' ac- ' knowledgedlhe `i.rpla?i,,, , , Mach happter ; liiiderthe Englisy Ain under ' their „own r 4 itiiira.' ',The latter liamany more ,btirdens " . upon. them than , : the former. "'ld' tidal ;of war,lhe people had to serve as soldieti with- 1 - out ;regfibir p . ay. " They had :no protection, `rib. redress' in tithe of peace.peace.'`They'r6 f re alike' the prey of",,the robber and of "the 1. polices. Thee,two„.classes united in , plun- , • doringsillagesand individuals, and, &tided 1 the'4lp - oil vaitiong L thempolvie. ' 'But 'Tinder i rV l : e ., E ;•" t , T ,, ii i ai i i , ','°°. -03 , PiiiY'a I'llP'..,t l i 4eliFil l m. as ~goPEL 11 P91.109 ~systein established; all:lover .' the ,countryp and as much- security 'of .life ~ and property afforded' the people ail the state id -the ' country, would 'permit: .. 1 " - That ;of 'which the natives ,cOnti t plalite m il nithit,„ - iiiiO:the heavy hind tax thii-hikli.to pay,.andAlie in- . 1 sectirity . of the ,onitivators: As, the land belonged to the native rulers when the Eng lish became masters ,of the „eolintrY, it be ramie theirs by, „riilit of , eon,queet" It. was , 'l4 them coosequently:farm,ect opt, ;at an 1 , average rate of tax, to land epeculato,risorhp `beiginie reeponeible 'to tile, l ',Governinent for , the tat, and sublet the lend' at a high rent to the cultivators. In`case` of arrears of this land tavon;the part or the speditleitdra, sum- 1 mary sales werespermittedviiiid from these : sales all undertenuree were.' unprotneted. • This oftenlea . togreat distress ''"' " ' -''' 0 .., 4. . _ aiming village conimunities, who clibhed together and took large qiiintitiii of land from thei:spee rilatori, to cultivate in common.. Many of these , villager', whoever were ihp .rulers of leasers, hid firm, time iminemo4al; cultiv‘r tilt the same .lands ; , .and haying improved ttem , by' _sinking wells; Plantjng i trees, &0., at their own expense, they, had; a claim upon ' them *hitch was generally `respected by the irileni. Tie being deprived Of , these r ti ightir; as in the Ostia of 'luminary, sales, 'the eultiv,atera eonsidered the greatest oppression: But. op iiritoignislof this kind were more. 0" Wing:..to. viti th,"OteA.L. • ,:, *it; ,tst - ', fa n o ne Iloynkniiient. .I i ; ',. ~ . ; Besides their civil seririce;,the East India Company`had also , a military , one--a ',stand ing-army of Y tyro,hundred.and fifty thousand men of all, arms *With th 11 exceptiono f .. . „ . , . a Mime nine ' thousand Europeans , these , ; wer e all natixes of India. _They were command,- ii(l by About five thousand English commis- Isioned office ass i st e dby n officers,: ;°n'°Tsuniltillml4 native officers. In addition to the Portipany's i ttoope, the Government' usually employed 4 &Kant forty thousand of ger British Ma* ty's army, sent out from England for short pe riods as a oheek on the ~.'ipohis., , For the, service, of these troops, the company, paid, the home ,Governrcient an equivalent. . The domparly's officers, were oily = commissioned , for' ndia; They were usually educated,at, the East India hlilitaii.OU'llege;it - Addis-, combo, Epgland,,and were intelligent men. A full Colonel's pay was 167,500 per annum, and from this rank down the salary, 'was , in profortirm. ' The thinerals of liivisions were. : mostly Queen's officers, sent,outlrom England: in their old age, by fayoritiem, , and received, 152.4,000 a year. The nativdregintents, when lull mothered one di 'd' each, .;l 4 ) stationed were At various . oints thrOrighout 3 , the eoun , t4 ? from one to ten regiments at a place. At the large stations therelvere also one or two European regiments. In order 'to avoid- toomuolt lorial influende; these all relieved e slastr a stkieF tk onee-An three . years. No army sills evt'i better ,provided for than the ',Sitalit! 11, , , ptiVate . gi ? iiil'oor's month,, ttih, , 'a While tiieehanto 'onli'iot,f3 'OO, and 'SI'S.' borrif!O OW He could wi t hdraw MS ' . niirie , itt iny thi§i ldriring peace,' was' not' obliged ' to go on foreign service, and. after a oar itiii2 mingle' Yillis, he" : dreitr a F ikineiriii. .If Allied ifi battle; his irldei :and ilhildren :Were' prOirdrid with 'a ebinfertible., iiring. From the indignitYrif beirifflOgg e ed the (Si pdlti want always l inrenipt. '; Cis worthy cif remark - that in retain for ',goolOreilittrielit, ' the native aOldier,`nntil'latelf,' saa',rfar two * hiindredi fats, giteriunder c iairta,f4trying iiitatiniiitandifi inked faithful td,`" of ' iillegianoe.'"oath: cole lei - tiiikftiVatile' 'Phenpinerro l i at Ale ngniiiiitithrailit tile e the ven t quiehed the eetja of ,their own ' eiPetUal' subjtfittigii". 4 But' it Vail 'by the native army India iiii 1 Congliilied'ind help!) .subjection sii rit4UY-, y , eare, and b`ji them leo „many 'istirrounding„, eoludirfel Were ritildidto the Company's ir...: Seiaidni. ' bleleldiirti 'ever xrianifeatett more ai:oho:mit to e ilit:Air offiliers" ~ atilt e tioCia 4 ever hid 'lesi einiei for iiiiitilly.," Soldiers by bitth aUd 'pOfistilop/ifilty: &oiled` in 'faith fri:lnekkaiiol-iiets of 'valor' even When "fight' iWg 'egiiiiiiit' aerie:kit: conntrYinen.:,", Whell', leiPbyTiird'peart'ofaeers, 'nothing 'eoulil'ens- Pati4Siiireb6ii . , e'ew'in darigei'. l 'pi its long fritlifuin ali: mild loraie . iy the mill aiiitY hid colnirbtElyliiiiiid Ihe %gin - Mont into fatal ' 'linearity, and; at the time Of 'the' lite ,IVirftil Outbreak, they were ,in the entire poieelC4o Oflsoine otrthittlaiglist ir'senals in& ma Pt' , Ula ,s in the ecaiiitiVc, 1 ' uch hitliilletriqiiii 'illcit `the; Minim Of, , th:e late *affix, arebtli .i the` 414bhis',"' and '" ,ulth i ii4ifili&b6e of oPiiiton still' exists ` onm thislinNei . e." :Triat optiiiiiindon tbdPatt of thii'direrim'ent'tb &Ale extent, did exist, ilia: t been 4 a thitlidf aild Wit the Slpiihis ii4re"ik‘'‘ll7 l4 *iiiipgridr tad their caste ' I t to'nliteht itwililo..Vnrilit* litithori: ' tea);. v§ ties, : she atfinitted; an d yet the true , +me' mai nai l e assigned : ' i . be truth leililie Sipobi Rebellien was the Sesultant of - ruaiii causes : Voc *anti had the laud of their fathers &fen seized' by fOreigners of it etrenge speeeh l lnclitreiget habits,_ but those, White-faced demeCshad iittiddire,d many inn,,vations ,On revered customs. Instead of 'the oluniey, dragon headed boat, towed by men, "majestic steam ers' st emmed their sacred rivers; canals deprived 'die deified Ganges of its hely waters` ; "the Ralanquin, carried on men ' s .shoniders by feet:paths' thr6figh denim — inn.' les, infested: by tigers and wild elephants' as dispteecd 144 tbieliis and `by IN A" ormeitiver good roads; the fine carriage L. H. 13. 'wir 3 rf,irtol • "'ONE 'THING IS' NEI:, t " ONE: fr Et I - 1111ES rEt. ED;OP THE L;ORDr ". MEM ON., THING I 170."1; • PtikidnieN OFFICE, STREET;. ABOVE SMITHFIELD, PITTSBURGH, PA. .to -„E•- 4fiv 4 , ` , :i t; 4 i4R 'TILE .WEEK ENDING SATURDAY * JULY '2. 1559. • ,F thinderisfl over the ' site's ' of 'diliaolished Ampler and ' kora& *alai' , and througlfittoly -ditiasiaprea 'rig: bbnitekinatioti fall:; around ;,, An agiaiwiree old. tales frone,Ons , end - J (Az thz 1 0 .0 A 34 0- the ; other , vitt filightning pepold. j ilvigkt , maa;oo acing in ; darkness,`' -thededolatitunhofxllinttooisni. , l 91# 41, inge,w . Ire passing away, : aud g-xk al l things IFefrilltecqu4kiow, Naliyawere , .4lo.l9loY amazement, many wept,,w k 4,-411,..ettebkitt0,, What will become of us and our gods t The lions of 3 titlP 4 .R . 0 14 'Waters had fallen 1 befenawthe" iiiltininittiefingV iiiitiitt 'tio4 Thotoldentfoksted`Bilibilititiltitetin &Mho! AloweC,3by#lthe foreign ' *At heitait) b DUO% f ''OeNtqllte , f6il6priliope 3 oli' .011W,3111inabtreend 4410baatnieda-n ;. aadJtb ea eiadleletitheaellicihi,' felt illayfw ~ strokei'ilf .ttbac.LobVil3ahiViPiOti ~Iwithoitt. ,: sai elfetti',td , maieditteitlExtiOndat4 E I tsnatemid btu:ll-the ;! Brie AfSlaniCalthy the 4.‘ ( }oval 4th I,!tetasikkedt bausao eft tl ligt ' I, . ,ftwievog A sAtcoloi*wal rpti t ,::, ...„.. , ,-. .silenneln ;gip, 7 iiith; ; i :c 4 4441 1 ii! 4 ) 3 14 Y O /4 1 itoh ; ! .; IcrlitiP ff,llltfAlkilP lile 341 1 - APIN , I!,i/le-gc) . CO , . :movie tb the . 10iimal ,Die :.ceSept. ,and, !li nlill read tiiiiiiiiia:nit, " the la n d. 1 de mss la shelf's .1 Ind , r .4 , 1 1 A l ' .oll , iiiVerlor, 'their j tnd . , l , intigi* tiiinkie sObi i feetnie t t'th.'n'tant -- ;'4e r kl i Miigil f r id' Osier, iiii't 1ien:4'0444.f eniyiag , as i de : - lititerd 'id Mieneffoit' friani)th;dii,Tii' Th'e'ileti 've*lely trainified:' Thi, ~a vislanysiteribiudyluiih andrfniektO city: k , An unwillieg 'obeiliedati to' 1 , fulnesso and , pr ompts' .._ ... foreboding rot eviii 811 .doontretto die: - 4Bdt• dam by. thesauthoritit At.Je,ngthtsen eves trap*rd, which. was, a *salon w,ltiohrhas . 'Old aa. tingle. . ; The, , ..„ , said . to be greased ,witht,lard, or t,allsik, was,intpo- AuCed to the native army, friinj England.i took Hinddos and Mohammedys refused to' t toolt.,it., ~on ,the plett ij of,,de timent.,.,4tl Meesut, in the -IN'orol;aw.9it • ,07.048. of qiii* i o ff etii, the: long , pent :op t atorni burst; lorikn all its fury; tiglitylpiOnliii hid! been itairlioned . kni refusin g ;tartan tha'ne,*l CaT44lga. Cie' a Veautiful, Ibith'nitok.: 'neon, 'oa. `the 10"th' of .114ay;18 while t,bei f it - Efigiieli'iiffiCeriiiind"Meri 'Wale. iiolmicions 4if eVii:iiiiil'iliiiiitly4vorshiipt 1 the '.ehria- tiain G4il;llfe -- domrades 'Of! imprisoned ' men liberated ' them, and it'tlio 'itd aorivfoll fronilbu'irislie ' '.A2uilitikat 'lr laite then made on all foreigners. Many Med,'itonniti and children - fell - in; line vaitillaugliteririn ' the chiral' and station. • -The kiellohisc . then made as , nil& on 'Dell?i; thirtylleiles . .distant 'froanMeeint, and before{' the'taiin at 'the next day, , massacred hundredsfab foreigners and native Phristiansi lotdqvisessioive the Ext f and•prociaimod;tbe-oldleinglefliDelhf Emperor T ot ,Indist.:lThinheattolenen and b 1 9 08 A 10 4 A811t..40 neves, well'ftrieeotrdett in any,age, spread ,frorn atatione*alatiewwith -Lso4.l4lViditY, and inAttvaltajifkin o Mivrnt,pplhiisHmi,ratareilly t guttahmthr, 0*1!1?1,9%•0 •fi .W ll '4 melancholy, iansociai dons, these names, bring li to remembrance;'! . FoT,Moptha. the destiny ,of tha gaat, s india COmpany's_rule tiernbled, in the . kalanoe, a But. Lawcenoe, an Edwatde, a , Hp,velook, and a , f ,,Gcratit'—all, God-fearing , men-were taiiiert4 by TrpTidniken to stern.t . lukt3de:of rebellion, ' and 'save the fairest ,portion of asi& ficiii- Mcihimmodin tyranny an d 11 . ,4 . ..In', doo siqrstition. ~ , ' So utterly unprepared , t however ` , ;visas „ East I nidia'G in Overnent foxthe insurrection, andligievere'weethe'slioCk they sisitained, gat' the 'trial& Parliament 'irithdreii 'the naliniitillreharter they'l'a c ,d ' i granted them' a few years ago, and annexed India la , their own . •leinpire, , 'The „44neilm , IhiksA.teen pio claitned;,,,Empresa.of Hindoostan, , and every where hailed- . with delight by-her one .hundred and ,fifty millions of Hindoo sub- - ,jects. •,,- Thousands :of • English-troops 'have' ~ been i poured , into- thc :country,. and .order. restored. The,t roubled night, which , lately , rested on. that vast country, has passed: away , 1 11 , 1 4 the Arkosl447Phq4,hung over itiPor' !tending r,mn, has, peen, u djsperted. . The; angel . of death ,hae, retired from his., work of 'destruCtiOn, "had the _wildflower again 'brodiniiin peace on the field's:if 'battik The niiitionniy - of Partin. again' goes 'OW to his . 'work, often encouraged by the 'powers that. tHonor to the , Chrietiari 'beret's whd fell in tbeldieciharge of , their drifyq't ,Hcinor tofthef martyredoilissionariels , whose E.lionee *Mien on.,the plains -of rPawnpore and ,May Great Britain _fulfill. her high Inie=q eion, and- India term , become, int:morale, what she .ia v in neturei the I Garden -ot• the, Lard.: e 41 . r For the Preehrterhinfßanner arid imearat - 1:1 The JAtonementi, I r "Nor vaLtx r, . ) 3 Having thps f shown from, reesph,W z rev.e., lation (eatiefeetorili We' hoPe least to tsupTqudiked ,minds,),Christ „did not die for all ititikinlecie'VA•hp Atin4 l iionOlute hotiOifg,a few:Of.th lore `objections to 'the vieis 'w'hioh~it has` been my aim' to 'eetiblish. • IP I 4- i F It has ottAn''bilen :said; in slpflpiiitiOn' `Christ did' nut die alike kir faki' is inteirmaible "tii t exhort -sll. rids to repent 'aiitl'hgliiiVe the Gospel. 'Sit low it is 'itureasonal3le is a? .. 4neetionlif - kdiffieultdeolutiore. IV* 'lp& have sinned, it is , -ef 'course the • ditty 'of alli to repent, and Sierflainly it cannot he wrong or,unreaso,nahle to ,exhort: men= to do their And Ahquht sinners ; reply, "Ne are' Wnetble,to,ropent,Juivo not, the ,power,7 I 'ewer, : th a t ,nothing 'hut the ,love, of sia inTieis & spy, ( sinner from repei2ting ,at any time; ,h,nt, the love of sin is of course no esenee..:There is no physical hir4ranee ,I , iepentutiod; no secret purpose of God hold. ing f ple sinner back from Repentance; he does fi t oi l even tois4, to repent ; nay, is'bittey ly opposed to true repentance. • Aid hoiv'does the &outline defended con flict with* the . .olovforie duty Of Fait to Jesus MAO' *Gbd•comutaitds men ` every Where fo'bdrie' on hie Bon Jesus Clink ; of doilisei' rfiti c stlief their thuk'te he lievt Oind aiiint it unreaeonible to exhort =f 'To 'do their .'ditty? • Christ is Presented to all who hear the Gospel ae• the oki" eel , of Faith p os iblii tb the uttermost %Wylie receive himw The Primary act of feigr q igbneMchelieving that (Arlo has Oita form.% hut that he died km sinners such as me, and,thst whosoever be= lieveth,shall,be saved. , ,This ; ,:is encourage, ment,enongh to wait on God; in, the , use of, the means. And,should it!, be, said„.“ faith to the li git) " . ti n e, sinner ,has not the irwe!, ctf ! 4 "4 ef*Prelle-e. faith * 'anisiver, this ie aJ tiutoJM.tpo r6iakiiltiiierer Wily; t sinner'ehould not He4/14, to tome was CO. tie f, 0 ®' RPM .. i~~; :-.1 , k, ).1•--1,, v, '.:l,!' r.- -," ~ , belitintbeentib..God'edfifitaitai bilft - to 'be- i -lievler; and' bitir..inabilitri 2w: believe being' Aelf•fr t 999TlOA kri9it 9f - 091/11 1 1 4 , no valid ; ex euse. cod is b not itic o stithor. " 0 ter,sel, 'thou el lisild'''`desVeyed .111.yel,"" ' lfriidee , 11 'therefi l ifel id'ibilityrie the cue kihialC iii t ' riot' botivilicitiitillei rate tesitil Mid' lioneO. quait, / elmwonititutiono - - possible , apology ,for , m oplkelysk., t ll,forgover, if. the sionee h e helpless ottion.sbetuld diaomirasp o ang, f o r tli i sa'a r r 4sen,at( have eCiiitil reason for discotiligifheliptildil !alike Oilief ilie..aine Anability.l4offiann.ha r ve wittin . `thebiselves' :414 ,r , 9l 2 te.PWrrafel believe.. and 3 , repent,' n i p Pii i rgir.Z.e l iallffl9 l oe iiTeßd iiirg4ll; ,the; sheer toAtugprithe, grace and shinty r4l- 4tu niin'tic' Mae,' y " . for'' WiiiiliOnine'asliitht ,iu ce itithrtidttis -, ~. 7. 1.1 .1 1 , . : ri '.'9 1 : di 2tr,F4kgainAtiliorten . 3ll4&tbiti the' !difi4- r &0 9 911 . 0.°241.riiiWAnaisionbient;) Jpalies iti MY:A t'2l- 0% tale. P. 4) !lltekhasv tti n A e l l * Tins , is nsui er„rmeitea .tuen mews) TA Wilted b i , Jadiiihatre illifeliiihingir r$ 1 flsodOnloalesi deftrgitiPalilive ?" 44 h14 1 tholighbAthe 'great Afaistfe:' 4. -Wherefthere 'lli , .no poops:II, ,there.is unealietioi. ;In preach. : lag pe„Gopel,,,hotrver, it id, "lop, imum . 46 fe 'tell' m en that' Christ died &signs:no, ,by ;hit' death, 'ti. 'sae al/ en L AVllifit;`,oiiid• not be trite..4` It ii' °plea stifidient 'id iftit.. 111011-the:gladritidiagei ,thalit4thrist aliedf-lor, fiArkeTkilifoßiL9.49P,.. hAateoitep . litith±orreti. arms e r-47.1P04,q, fcg , M9NeYsi9;94 Air. Lion. Wha t greater eicor' * eutifit , ids.. l, Di given ? We are, t 'iliol'ilivel,, no £ t thorizedift ;hut `ienjecibed, Telisiglilaiiif the boundless sujicieney of !Ohristicineritslii Pleve,,h i . wti.9 1 .9 .1i.945 1 , . 1 1.449)*Iltbut come: And 4r tens of t thimsande,lpliziotioeno t Qas experience lamentably (hod certain 4S,=. inliieboiiiiel to make'ihtliiit i lie responsibility :hod bliiine,q tit " '";"-ortheir not ,coming rest, not uperniGaiipbutmpon sin.; nets ,Allizuselves. Traq vc ind '' " he :; does make his "people will i ng in t l„ ref lis itt a power; and if he did not do so, i. none would' tbiiiit; abdlievehriet i wanle faille 'died' in =Vain.": But his doing , thia; Weitifirryipeh• ,p, , l is ,-matter of- purcsjiiiice,' , l4dlnpSwif, .ele4. li Ae a y soyreigo - 13.441,1 i n ch ' ) 14k.. in. Alisputahie right tot ake." ; &reselso . 'iierny"l t r . vitt of 'some of the vestitdilifiira __,'" when! cii/Pwain " by katirii the' iiiiiiiritiii i btireitii." dlisaloingithii for sonte r nisikketheihilditielu of others, none,the worses hl[avingl inalleow' munificent banquet for e,beggatect world,-it was wondrous mercy in , God to make pc `iiiiii4 to . partake of Within sirlilio - ouch. fi r ineral;:notiipittsion, all W' mild ' hive Midi) , manse r.tline the 'Lerdre7, l lmittiliet 'Woild' have been without a solitary gliest, and-this rich and boundless provisionfurnished. in , B n ' . . - : "Ag a in • ' l n' op po sifi , V i to c ' the " d octrine ' defended; noilieeniertihaFii leineeniiitiiii' with the ;goatees - sr of iglodi' as 'it meanie to make; salvationim . possible , tomanyizand tends 4 , desPalr.,4o,9b 4 ,4 1 .6 4 how_.,can these lionsequeneeli p o ssibly snuc k ?. ,if.,,P5 0 4.1 I*, . name, had designitallthe peTionft not ~in. , ollided iii . ther oo r itinine er'redgliiption, * the ease of such ;Would t haVel indeed"hten' dee penite; .betpQod has non.dolus saitand) we durst 99L , s Ministers, 9f .I..hfil OTpfl, f;Anz entirely nutieraintis.444,the seorptinit, .iniel'Of Giodfinifoonsi all" Olin on every iSifu9;ttP blidieve;iisaiitin e 'mid' Oftiall ration ort*alotng, ands ially - peritadtd. of the eifficiency ofi.the death) of:Christ' to save_ every pit ihat,be)ieveth. ,Besidesi if lie . ' doctrine,, thit 'Christ did not die design, ing 'tiiiiivi'll by iiii li diath, tends to de. spairpthit , !same ticideniy - certainty lien in' the.doot'rinn -(admitted 'by all bit 'Culver.. salisw,) tivo vast,inultitudes of our_race will assuredly be lost. Ansi,,,it i3 Obritsee,doeigu, in his death in not embracing the salvation of all, is inconsistent* With - the goodness of ,i3lod;i4, isiequellyi if .no tat/ ei,.. repugnant to that goodness to suppose that Christ having died alikividerairittPlfaiiiiil unlined saltation , for) allowq-manr are 'still' left'to perish, int,.. their. sips, when-God nicnild have easily ~ p revented it; with, no' additional - east? to.his own.Bon r had he chosen tollo•so: It. is 99 - 1 9 281 99r,t , 9.the5e diffieulties) tole) , that) ifiliTerii. Pe#B4i gbe„fault lie :their :owntp this Is ' fiillY*4 l 4lo44, bnt z doec Dot relieve the ' difficulty,' as the,itetter fate j ofoothers4. is , the iiiiPle Feaule of distiiguiehing- grace aline, ; aside from, which eternal perdition,, and that richly deserved, awaited , the entire - *Wont delaying ,to RotispiAther ohjeon thine to tilis -- 4 1 w we hav e tot "%ken Of this. subject, I.deSign to" nlose, the discussion by, a 'brieflexiinination 'of"th Bible:eitidwiten% on Wiiiih;after all, main Opposition rests .. If the Bible is opposed to the " doctrine we advocated we folinerfullfribh'ildettle lit)he meat otiiiiii,l , whit ' ' shilll 0 beljdone 'Vali "the' numfrousSpassagen , alreadvidiltiond' ii"-•ii:' tablish the psi** nnainidnedrifil theteriP going disoussionl , i Can the Bible o , intridinti itself ? Assuredly not ? . 4 cLet GodfbiStrie'; bat . eery pan. a Aar." -As ,preparatorylo ththis # ,9"94"g o 44 Po 14,,ltcl'iiffitA P P9Afteini how th e words, all, al!, men, the wordd, .the e whOli tto'rldake need the Dille, wheo tf i T d6it, Vat is not referredlo If they ~a re : often enipleyed with necessary tescriOgns. upon their tiCanietuknoinemon t witAsothey subjects,'l4'idiat'riilb' of 'exegesis, we hii . ye a -rightitedeaninitiPildirttlirbi'AlliTiiiiih out the ileastrlitidtatiatiiiiihilialijeot if fee , demptioul ft;Thiscpart - of ithe - subject' I Shall take up ju u t rueut i.: ,r tiltr_crair , . , 4 A , i . s" tr.± . 17 7 f;Te1. , e CU , . •' 'lO, 1 Nor t the, Pres,byt_ whin Batumi 'slat AtiTife4B. ; 17- • nTbhigefe Erie , NeabYtefir,Pl--"A The 1491 dirk - 3 , 60 . tii 41 df of'Erie? tu biving to 'oeireial' dedthis of the isliui shoe' were left without a paotor;lad reeiain " ed f in` that mituation ,for,-oome`3them Several pai tors are, now being settled among no, rand' , prospeota, are brightening. - • •• Howey, a graduate-of the;hat , oh" op,Alleglieny, has taken charge of the, acTSrePti9Pe of , Creek • and, Sugar, C'4o. l r.t "1. , b. 0 -7.! a 41 1' During lut : winter,. Rey , Shieldq„of; Georgetpal,_lor e ar :gotinty,,,labored. i for week is the Wier, :oongregationi the, result of hia..lalions being , the• addition , - , of twenty 'six persons to 'the - ohrfrolf. Ob the first Sabbath of this druisainfOn' *a againheld in the Ohnrohli the . name, AnOther, whim young persona were re, ceived into the church. , Onv-Babbitb, Us- *fie 'efoiided. Laige"iniiigsVgatiennteiii. in it:094144 on the three PITNiPue . Mr; bee endeared , tetthe people of Sugar Creek both,olland pang. -oTAcTro' .o. Toot,,of •Love. av ilierfectly' welMaideittoodi or if ifdt," it should be, that alintistiiny husband would leap into the, sea, qr rush.into,a burning-ed. Owe ,to rescue...a perishing ,wife. But to an ctioipaiq ,the ,00nyenieneo,or happiness of 46 wife in Oman 100 tor the,negleet of which rwcl l 4. unOMPT4iii! it., Agra t.eloquent Pr?of:4- teniferurf.L L., ',This 8.40,n, *OW ,foldirs 10 . 1a4ruao oivesj,p Mbillb t A9 eqiikiltireif.%"gnd,btapl e aliqr the oeipk t sion'eliad:nuou, tiatenitt •affea. two A. 4.44.1 Zt tas. tumults "the altenttonfat Bus nett. From our London Correspondent The New- Parliiment:— The Swiaring in of Members —A Struggle of Parties—ls it Probable ,-21 fr. Roebuck a. Pro Derhyite—The Reasons Why— .Nnpoleonic Assuranees" and Papal Alarm—The 14 Al - 14- Ara/m(4i in v ilmbaydyfki,Em- V /all t ad . they 4 tt . th,_. ~.• .B,igtie ofm„,-,kbeno Parma and Asc l anfa - Revolt—Ktissuth and his , i.l.Warningi to • England.L.L'Elung - ary -end It/surrea -1 fioU r Ti Wa r .ergßarotions in Eng/and—A. Case of Rama' deduction- 7 A ,Rehuke and " Costs " I ` 7 ..: Paiseeratio'nlorkTraCtisrian Church—The BM . eA . : n' St t l e is= e emili k es e j3i rL a ee nd .; l n h g e lrov — a• , ) tions."—ZMO.. s Witith arid; Lay Rvinielisis—The Free Church Asgembly ! and, Brountlote, North— Dr. Cunningham and Prance—,The palatial ~ L . .Miision,--Thelfirdiensirk &tire - A.' , Cl U. ,`7 r. , :,11, LoLVD6N, litay 8 1at,'%1859. 1 0 141 . 1,tiNnv, PgitWAJNIFIT .instate this "day.", i 0 11 „in to he ,opmcd by, Commission, ,antliiint, tyilie"Que4u m,perkiii.' The Main body of lib k ifiAbkrii teih rr notiiiiectiidlolie in town cc,,,,,, j a r , - --$ -0 - 04,1 Atilliegljhritnitolts‘e' ir esti -events, a 'Prot:sees 444,0 , 8wetiti*iid'imfbgaArn fa- nometlitne, - -II atilt. 9.Pht.09‘14460114 APPlogillibilet triat - of _stren6th. chistylleob pjlioeB 4 lMn.,heri lade. 'Manor s are not wanting on that '. . ' 4 .4. I . 0 ..ei It . - ..4.41 , .....,, 1 .r ' 4. l9litiiiiooP ) 4ly*lDA iris eonadently affirmed that the Derby Cabinet is to be ;fisher by; a ~yote ptimaptt l of f icongifuoilp an& ttiatFLordsi v.Pl a / m rill ind .il te lligkA t tT e :2 3 4 011.1314,he come runup the firjt obpanins the„.l;,',re- 'lTiefihifil i iiidliie w rnitei b le4ing, nli' C i r. hi m, - t; 'litailitii Wit DWI Bilihf iiidllie liiiiiili t eeter Liberals are in accord withsttinirina-Dniby , t sleeigne,, 5 Oil ersAlloweye r, Irbco &Teethe - n dly ,4 0 111, 11 ,Ye, 9. 6 I9 .O NISTeRteRT4 B ,49109.0 1 . 1 0, - grim. Certa in it iti , ..that the i gnkinet r ef,pepts 'inlarrilititliirit iiik,land they fiiive bleliefi!T •: - kenb (Areal% tbsiilf Wet PRifeerndiiiiii i''• .; ; etc, tobirin nhiiii.Plicsinti r dcordinglA. Tli - , ,or at,thinprembhukter Azgo:4 Iltaloal - ~ , e'if thniiiirisions in thu t Libecjil j ratilte,„stilf hobs up ilir. Brig ht as it jingbear. to frigliteli . , i .Al rt , .4 r .ti t 4 , , i t itle frielia ottnonartifiy" itto and , one; goes . 1 .1 ';'scifili as -`to 'beg 'Lora .Jiiini not to' lie in a .burmiliasmnoheas if hironlyt wait, (MAC ItrificiPle 4 1 4 t Os zPeqtei:efeA:ctreLto, glit tired of an administration after ~a ; certain time, the' iitie linit,,, l will'"drUp . into hisliind I, l y and by. , rm.; - , Li: iii W., 1 ,13 ..t.,1, ~. 1 4 ' ,7 / Mr: ROlibeckl tiffileeciallf nit' himselflp t,AdcpreCatnitheiloVcrthrowi vt :the Cabinat. His egotismiand..self'sesteem are enormous. ..V i e B the man,. i'lmlMi 9( lßul .sivilL cite . with `bini ,. ' Ilehits riot been lioninited fii:L'Ord i.folfie;iiin hillined'tolie; andiliorilit. serrou's 4 ilgencir,,anclolintirniiierlin belonis-',Officially sl to,oti : Direotory,of the,new Lever line of Mail 61 8 . tenice,rii i ; from Galwa,y, to ~ the, United States, which. is largely eubekifizt(k by: the friliett Goirerninenq aild'ite Mr Lever, the projectbr, ibdtlithe'r Daly, of Galia4 i ltlig , ago: Zpenly deblakedt`themselveS Politically, -,tiold- to- Lord, Derby, because •lia-vninifinant eially,!i s tbn man gorp-allily,'' now, ‘ lir,lßot i , buOkbai an additional and golden reas'4- iCiiing tiplhneyestlse i itherwiee tig t IlotilitiltVith ptyc bleeding Italy' ill : ;,he'll wrongs; and; awn flash with the ilidig i ...sant sconn,ot m a true,-freernan,stthn aigico,oc Ausisian ,tyrants ,inivakuing , to, trend d. 4.4 ' rising liberties of a.„,bing Cp l itelsA ' lieclfiliV lie c licielinisiChitipea " the Vert :Aiiiiistrylvrillsitity itir aintritill doled ili''" ~t o retain them .-.1 Ilia tared ofNepo 7 . a • ° I ffr , intysiiMp. 41# *din.. A ‘.4psf, t lit T'allgerston loct Wi th -erctiv i tiv i , ' 'al' 13 4 ""thiii 4m ' c ur ia s;_ rie me on v eryc and, it`muit 'be inorifessed, justly to be eliEl peeted 4 personage. - It- is something, iroti .even, ,to,Y.eielitectothat the First Napoleon `did much to weaken the PapaCy and•that it will go hard with his unitative, nephew, if lirldied liliek 'do not follow now. • One thinV hi 'Certain,' that' the' alarm 'among the ;Cardinals,at Rome, and in thnbreast of the, 1 314elnentsshietib all: i over; ~, Europe, in very; Areat. :I'ha / t yl ainun ,is, ;pot ,allnyed even! though ' ;Count Antonelli, ,Publiehes ,t, o , the' Worrd'thiejaelren'eleGoVeintnent;intlidnr ~t o allaY'appretbentibiliis 'coinierningthe Sever eigre pontiff and the States of tho.Chtinah," has sent the -moat ‘,', forma ""assurances,that it will, not Ili theprpgr,epe, of the war, permit with impunity - 41 any 11 , e rf yrhatiloeyer i contrary to the ' keapeet aim lie person of the Rely Father, 'or having for its 'Object tbe destruc tion of his timporildominionr." : - Fine wordi, truly Lblit, proverbially fine words.; hurter rio parsnips, ,nor dOliey cnriiieh, a sauce pigu . - aide - tor ,the PiOil.dinneitiliin: , Mock re, Splice foithe - POpe ;iiiii carried"` tii the very acme=of Yoempletlineir on den pait'Of .14 My : nude;'-'',and ialthoigh; it May notAbn Artie ' thi4 the ;I,Dershew 7,:seqqnietilY causing: O. be aired and dgettl (assorn gossips ,in ,rat t aiY;) the : k ol t d 'apaitmeots in ihe Tliilleries tined inhabited' by .Piiise Nit, is a State ipiistiner,;finaiidilly, politically, and encleii= , astically, Napoleon the,Jll4iiis the Worst enemy,, tha t ,the, ",,temporal,. W dominion of finis Ilt: ever { yet encountered. Yet I fear that gapolion dares not do what many . b'ope" fon. - The- Jesuits 'in France are too strong forhim.s 1-i ‘;''- : ,' -i -,---:'' , - 4 Tat Wieliiii receired' an im p ul s e bY the dariagiprogreatvof. 4aribaldip in , hie .turning the right: of Lthe , ituatriana -.by a . raid .: into Lombardy. r:Withput artillery or'. cavalry, and with a following of less than ten thou sand he '1611 4 ilriien the Altai : rine; after trikittle; frolieGdmii; 'Eleiled the itierh. era.. off; theAdoes , a_comsr - ana Maggiore; rowed 49,1 VAS- t,ieoPp.aluata by: a patriotic 1 proclamation, and ruade advances toward Milan itself. If p roperly reinforced with artillery; leTiVriliiP,'"ln'ir frail , ItivOis, he is 13..ye1y tof prove the i true .Bonaparte of this Italianoampaign. ‘. .. ~ . .. ~, .., , `The ,stuperor of the French her lingered it the fortress of ilest4itdria, While Victor Emmanuel` hie OVOieed the iiirer Seale in the face 'of theithemyi and taken ' many -prison. erst e ...Tht z Empe„refa piane once. matured; and, all his , material* of, war Arrived, there is little - doubt that Satin will be takenspeed 'ily. "The "Fielleti,people are a little imps. tint: ,' They-411e Parisians especially would like a bulletin of the veniiiidi; vim' order ,eyery day. ~ ,TheT are glorifying:them 'Befves on,, tie battle of ; Montebello, , which, however, was a moat bloody affair; and al- ;though a' iictorY, yet settled, nothing, save that fit'sbowed the terrible se ries: of tiombati of which this is but . the pioneer. The Imurs of the Austrians ,were„ gm ) great l iiv the affair, and the ~eonibat, I}perned,to. prove that their Me* however steady even under artillery fire, cannot anti will not And be fore a bayonet charge: D'il N 4 .' The Duchy. of !Permian , once more re:, volted even efter,thereturn of.the Duchess and: le, r poweriess and permheive, ati to , the advance' of the VreniSh. Theeapy, too ; te in their'Made, " aid flesh 'utoVemanta greatly , embarraisinr to Austria, are 4hus being' fa cilitated, ~ - • ... in.- b ,; .. ~,{ . ,!- .; Kossura has been ringing, int ;rating parts ~of; Englandfae i itocainn of, alarm •aild a l i ti .n l ai ' o jt_g 4 ; e o ' p t. ll 4 43 f . r 9 v a t e r , d i l s that, lo i t i fal , 2ll `-`, t n . h ttlt x ra n i g tt l Y4 4 ','„ , Ministry have Atiatrinii ityripatiiio, and it lays down • theirule-that ittidoieno- pOsteible . circumatan gee , is England Ao .i . mute; the "fitcy:' Ilia reason 'fpr r tliis t lilearly i ta,,ltit tf ..tng,„ ! 104',i914114994itiejaiilkstiviill.inet *tree to strike a blow' fortheyr . eservation tif I.oin.L baritttOrAtietriai Of , unituhol'eTliti 'air piano's -frobilelt 4 0 'll#ctrafty nelitiiii; riletherciVitnilk yoritil4reack*O ite; hew:, tialliy,if he forind an English Oahinet4ulll. of sympathy for Italy, in office, and ready, ME . c ..~• ~ / • • • •thJ Philadelphia, Sou ' est- Corner. or Seventh and Chestnut Streets 411f* 44,../44441ter, in easel . iip9teon aid Yiotor, Emmanuel : , were worstek . to lielirtliiero with the strong. hand. 'The BOW by What Roireill'ealls fg au,,instimit'or.tivil/.1 iibnies , him seitvidly, and Illine,orMfAlltnisbin, I.ncWttg ilt pursued the 8841 4 I ll a f eTille.o4fißgstile, , Eittegiri" insurrection to 1849, and that . .mn with.' l Lord Palmerston in the 'PO i rein °thee, That nobleman did notlielp'lltingarYin her ' extremity. ~:It remsios.3o be seeny ifittet,o. , an epportnnity,neetil,,whether he willfsn i repentant Mood andlp,iri&,.prietiesitx Tscialle. . • ~ and recant:Ape wiling. •• , gores2o; 1 t It isitiftiOrstAditfilt Itoiatiith yery soon Ao••Italy: ':lts appeal; *Ted; that 'there) t Is .. one 'parts :ohlthe AuStriati tieolesi4 wmr t o treoßeoPehtlimi44. l g4t 3 A falkan,adymmintO ) I° g 4l7 '.!'Pf l .mTl l .Ti.li f tro K eCePft4 AiMiltge f et.l r ail liflapka—the atter as the Gen s trajona the other as the ft' Governor and'Orlifar--- appear ,sinong.', thliegiyguri MI Viil leap, P.4..tieir hut , flitteltheir:,4 l 99edeFti§#74. liker4.eat o a f tliy i owl/ aitit,Wiv i gt 8. It 01'41S:tilt; froweveNto liseive t,44,941ietf. "ItimehiaVraltieleliiiiid Ilia to age a Vi,4.1,. 'Wart. Iltitigify: 4 ' Tfi"Senfoeliallifi - liirepe is more _probably thairldettign,'l* ' ' gillirit, palsdespotism stih ri toginy' 1.0 .•,.i 4 :-.-rsvi., ; 1 •' I n ii 1 4 , ( 1 .1, # , ,E4KAnt, ORJITtiaNsT I /* l4 Pitetifif ' i ,a g • . e gt.e. r9 e!TEIe-Wellefl) ilqfaittnAini*ilmat l l , - , quesiion 'of lima. _ The„,ll,useieu r poippy,bas 'S v triumphed in theNUaltoll,ana notifirmitien tioy:lbef'Partes , (iiil'apiteiif' 'itself) 'of the elebtlon nf..a illosiiodut. - over AlitinPrinbifialti ,)tim.l,lnjiiite,ipAnner theaMoutenegritsiyare. threlten,ing,p Alphif t Asitri c hinAtiarp v iv.i. tnally independent of - piii, ey,,,,,w1ti,13 *re ffeliVoilio - Ppilitilik'keiteially,:and ail the 'peopled of - underihiMierOltileh, ' ate , in a. , state of teoinmotion and-expantiitiaq. It rnMahlelethe aentii 4sllothaitbes!, thmul. 61:° R a li' avi° g e P l reee t deA tempest,ofAihetit er by,a - speedy eeseation of ibe r warip i ltily, ' confining it wit' is stlid Napoleon desiieti to A to that ocintry,'.' and: to' One' eitinpaigi, the me hopes and) fears I. ottintagoniat,,judi c ral a shall alike be disappphite4 11,0 -I V4ll/. c r ~ .I` PR R AR4II ° N g i ; MeiglitafinEigfrtarft . :still beingnisde , with teen England.:iroluiiteet: forges are .being avi.- 1 - - idly - ergiiiiiiedj:' 4 'Marg'tliali' tiIi,YWC have ...5 veryloonsiderablirifieei iir 7 thalleditliii4 , neap, Silty, seyen lineraid'aigstery and , :sniallet vessels either itotly,ely,at,lten r , or.inv.oommisl• lion, coast defences 'extended, and a speedf eing on . 7 of3tie.pieliarition'rif will iiititerial; which seems , to bode misehief.: `lt irisiid u that: the, Ministry fear,tbst-nentrality.)oiiitioi hepreserved. I think it.isoxdtit beia,bettek to - 2 ‘ + s' - explanation of the real, state of th e , Aispi thatettiet W 64.10011 it to be ireseyved-,t Alkali :1i in Tilie-iiniiiiin'iltoh - the nitl4n \ inerally. deifies.it,.. it isltibir affirmed that hfllgbrit.P4l WV -I,Yrit4iegbaniug. 'l4. i . 1 1\, It 4 . solemn ! form leatithimanifernaT. ~,,`,P. k.? ., - - --- -" , Ve l le s !iktitim-bYl.VOrktittite_Lanreate, ,, an 4 not -withou t r '' it isillisehie'l 411 1 ,44rtkeirksi 'The 3-'0; 441ittitiW- :b(~st: ,board marines. I 'be paid, I bi it cheerfully, prop to put on the double income tax again. ' A CASE ov ABBiJOTiON, of very -.offensivelind, fie& occupied our la* courts for a week past, and haajaist ~ b een decided ~way, that. the- Aelitelltegt.l,,Will speedily €orgot Those Ile,linquents ,are Caidlinif'Wiseman (per-du), and the Rev. Mr. Roberta, a priest of tßinne,' and master of, a Ronian'Catholielsehogin York Street, , MeeeheeteW• The abiluot?dri lir' of twelve years of , age, whoie mother is lead and whose father was formally nominally .a Romitlist, but who brame .a convert to Protestantiimi and thairied sediind wife, a Protestant. The child was sent-to -ad ln= depenileßt.Boll9o4 in Wellttalnet9,lbut iwas one ,dity . traced to the Popish'Seininav, but Rob erts and the schoolmistress 'both denied that t ihe' wan in the place. At the eame'iifoiiiint; it is now prov4,4m., gkil was in , Action' was taken against flip priest and WIT le • e a ra of: Iffikibeqs &Ars, wpm sgriell,to„ to bring iiri`the and: ''Agaiti r the • Sitikellitiiiiii took placwas-toi latiireabesiitki* , ' thieqiiiii pn.. oath; Mr. -Robortoplthe.,nisarnip and -Shea, ..Reettliehieetle.eelodefeedi ing his evasions , ,all dlittated, fors4oth,..by the desire' to save thechild's - soul from hateiy, and f‘ by the sa cred interests the Church." . .1; The judges. lrere 4. extremely ,firm.-,-The *liernss7a.,PFßPWd to, F.. ll 4her:Aoherfa to give up the child, it?!go,toptison., -Where ; upon be did give her tip; The law of ° Tog. land gives° the Witient poWer Over' dill Add up to a certain Frago , 'and Rome darisd?-it i t hoping, to baffle sae awfully, rand so‘balle another Mortara, victory, inL.the ,Psotestant i eillde. The poi* child was made j artitew War, warning her fathei Ugainiii his tare Sty; Jibing " brotigbt" scathing a:tit:lo4o tosa'finiise religious etote' of horror on account of : er,rots an the einbjects .of.conenbata, sithigon ,and transult, istantiation."' This kind 'wadi naturally outrages public :opinion, and 'dainiiges the interests of the cunning Cardinal: Besides, his friend Mr. Roberts pays all '1 the costs "`'of the trial. „, The CO,NE9CORATION,OF IvlNzw.,olll7Roll4l of madisiyal „architecture ; And .of.,enortnque, Costliness, and beauty, wae : 4 . 14, by the Bishopof IliMd6n.'• It is the - church of St. Margaret's; arid its iinigregatiiiirCP-' resent the ..Tractinan party, which, -ad , 's' Parth early rdeveloped malignant vitality, and, successively, sent ;two, ministers to Rome. One of these was, Mr. Oakley, now a canon of Rome, at Islington, and a very bond slave of the Papacy, and 'a higs of the intensest description. The present incumbent is .sjr.Riohards.. The Bishop2i presence iinpnaltgood behaviour., °tags` gentlemen it priests. " " Not only did the Bishop refide to" begin service 'even whenieeatgGd=within the mnliiiiion rails, until a gorgeous sltateloth wee-removed from . the communion: ; table, and s, ; linen cover = was subOitz44,;,iipt ! only didbe obtfPel the omission of iilitiriaters iu the, preisticlon, and of 'in 'anisitint:litiii'bYinii - Rohe nervieegasirell:an taka.ooll tai eet~tiie qt: i4 jEntoliipg „Itt4hei NortheAtni. Auf; tftf 4 .1 1 1,104).45 jriat.esd MAW N6rth:West i .eitrner, and witktiali j nyk t in i the, peopleL4itaYingr MO, the iiirnimm,to ‘ tbe" East- 'tat ~`"' 7/m4 -'01614P risgrivirf ohoristeiik-nbut &et Piemihdil2Nit which he,apalre Am, plainly, althbugh fairy, kh eY,lkki n P.,9 r t , Pq49P4 1 10,4 and Seriptn verities. st true„ be i ;taikid b cbolit_t conipromni sfpiiii of Bit, "Churcii4,of he land, al( indidatineVie - Lir iviediiin "'fir' its founder Spew well towitisidgticatiAlrelikidenal sities,of its onnditkon.'iliallntlisfletillFltber, • F rind RlNtlYttgh ‘?'ila4 l2 *.atilluAti.dolffePt, = inheritance , came ee d tur t fathera . apciatH)liouttlitliNriliolfdhaetieeti "tarp; 'soured, but which God in his great mercy 1111 n tenTA 1 1 1 I 19 , • .. E Pail ; oral the Oiltee 81.50 itr Iretri fin nosnons . Delivered in the OW," - ` 2;00 • iftM c 4 larHotz N 0.853 Ellll/I=l '•bad,consed to shine forth anew in that happy ,Reforruation agess.,!K .s.-.% _Beware Meet in your, zeal' for . an.tiquitryou be -not ancient , enough, going:hack to the lealieting /*lifters ' of the Apostles, irnd not to the Apostles themselves Alas Iwe must speak of waver -,ing,, :kw tbitimiee. has produced many sad ' .. eXamPlei . irjr - „per , ' trakied in pure Gospel teaching in our ;' , Apostolic Church, 4b . m:ng leititWaX—rtf, .. by„ excited feelings, ' some by - the weakness c aused by sickness motoopproaehing-dissolutionto - the-miserable l worltii, °Chipman saints, and the Lord's InVnisuimiither t lilt° Which, in their calmer kfilollients;:tliey , contd. not 'have believed:they fl`would haVb fallen " ' 41 4The.vefdrenne here.3° . , cases of conversion m i . i r ,ff,* approaching dlesol . ion," was particu larly pointed, inasm i s the Doke of Leeds, wit° died n,orn ` leeks ago, was a -Tractarian s And r sentler IMr., Richards, to 41 . 0 ,rrelLe _ th,p, , eacrament from , him ; ,but, d'enh*AhaValidity cd",,biti orders, and to : make lige : Pita -that - a true " priest" - ilibauldiadanitster thtlorlittist ' Holy Sacrament mf.,tlfe :Alt:N .as .Richardif!and his school , i kads taped, 7 :: , . was necessary. to salvation,) 1 'sent iii , aiiiid- - , .. night for a *Roatialt Bishop, and reeeivedAte _communion and last rites 1 t r ?"94.gi1L;; ,14 .1.4!, if.l 3 ,Eultiol 6 ",,TY.recentlYl and ma d e air. itieharle?epr,ridistilona. It i `id Co be &axed the Bui"top s 'warnings will be •iterii 'lselin% aad-hlir" irriadallireh " ta• ,erance ;;cif Tmetr . funtniionsly linsonnd, is a tal% faireo s very, lamen ' ' eabstestvin one who has .sor LunAh to_ci , '4; bim, He errs by 'dtifeetAnd by a litiskt, . :ty. He is a con Anglican Biabcfr4: but just because be is so, be is a very imperfeet Evangelical. His theology _bi - "gbbol; but paler diluted, , His lastikeation by faith ' on;,tbe imputed ~ Triglitentintiethi, although 1 belieVe substan ,titilly held , brhim, is- seldom or ever fully ; =put forward, -Yet is he not a denier.of the "orders. " ..:of Presbyterian Churches, and wer sympathizes with the Protestant '' rnii Orirelitent: Fiance. - Ilia . ) SooTiisa Assmuuts are now - , , drawing .their , sittings =to a close. In the , Establishedhureh Assembly ; the ,ease*of Dr. .abert Lee, of Edinburgh, excited great interest, and, long debate. He had beeejeanikmned-,byi his.: rtesbyteryi for the ~introduction ; of kneeling, in ,prayer, and standing in singing, and also of written fOinm o f , : prayer , into: public worship. By J un.appefil t the Matter -cense - before the As nembly,.and; -.by a considerable majority, the , ,lf.lipou,yatiouu," 40 far as kneeling in•prayer " and standing in singing , were permissively sanctioned,: While the use of forms of ' juiyai was fdrbidden. Dr. Lee had pleaded . =for -.the '" litter, from }h is inability to pray ex tempore with liberty and fullness-, and also argued • for the lawfilneas and frequent necessity from I. the ;- jejune and uncle- and recognition of Mr. Brownies , North, (an Episcopalian, snail revival preacher of great power,) u an Evangelist. He was, after conference with a Committee, publicly recognized by the Moderator, amid general enthusiasm. There were some objectors, however, as interfering with "order." The mind of the Church, was- all the more strongly brought out,' that while - retaining her love of order, and recognizing the im perative necessity of a ministry regularly trained'and ordained, that there were ex- Ceptional asses which should be joyfully endorsed, that so souls might be saved, and God glorified. ..The YREE.„ CHURCH -COLLEGE REPORT indicated reduction of building debts, and large increase in endowment funds. The 'Case- of Professer (libson, of Glasgow, ex- Cited muirb: attention. He had been in antagonism 'smith. some of his students,-.on the grounds.of alleged_. heresy in some class essays furnishearbrthemp.ald he had ap. paled ,to the Assembly against, a decision of the Glasgovi,Fresbytery, in . :favor ,of the College FiCultY; and adverse to hioiself. The -Whole Metter' waethereforti fully' viii- Ailated.ig 'Theo decision of; the.i %lege* s was • sustained.. The, wor th y Frofetwor, seems, to - he, often tin hot water wath'liis gratin:en, fiom bis :peculiar tem `fierament.- Ounningliain delivered' a ititement from the - chair?:agreeably to 181 001111519 Lto that effect .coneerntrig .the 'Reformed Trot. ~estant Uhrirch,,,,iNFrairee s , ankits present ' ;'' Mond, afterwards With kniiieeerhisitnessi and'affeetion on ,theleitthe subject withspecial reference to the Ter , - . Centenary of the Church of . his fatherls,l l -` • •4; • • • • The Colonial Mission of the, Free Church has isoisS,nearlY three hundred ministers under' ibis' 'bare: - Eighteen' fresh laborers lave beinrient one during the pier.- Special •pnins otrerexpendedl on Nova Scotia and Canada, and a steady purpose to do good at Fraser. Mier ,gold, region, is cherished, as there is there already a colony of eighty thousand perionic'most of whom are Pres byterians; -- Jt large United kresbyterian, ,Churchds,lilreirto be formed in Australia, which will he, greatly facilitated by a bill Passed into law, by which the , property of emelt:lady is meowed in its present connex ion, and is tut' -beyond ° disturbanie When the-differezte braes Aran become ecolesiasti. tally roe. 41skiittilararraegentent was agreed to, (althowgit i ngtremtripg a special act of Parliament,), at the, me bf the union of the Synod of Ulster an ti d,the Secession Synod into our Irish Asitetilbly, l inlB4o. - Great usistanceilasthen rendered during the yeurfdimulit itiebisittlblfietion made for Cputißegbi g Evangelization, to various ob i_iefitk Of .Finmkry. impAlince and interest. Evingilitial churehes i n France, the Evan gelical Soda* bf Paris, Geneva, Bilgium, and the Higli , the' Turkish (American) Missions, Ispeckit winir done 'at Genoa, I f i, Prenee's igiloottori Nloof and Pau, as: well OP aid. to= the . . Spanish Evangelist Society,, the Herrn Mission, and . , the College at Preiitli.:N'Tegthe Waldettian Church, a grant woe tnillel6o4llA- and L 35 was - Voted for “ a Valdensiawnstudent." The WALDINSLiN 011171101tv6)11tilltleil 415. 1P rI71 #11.T ir l er* - / -walociKBhted' to tear =ibis por ting a letieni'read ,at our Tract Wait.) , tittlgrkont `Pailoagnriln, iant'szia big tbstal ithaplidialind liedri 44ecialli ap-' pointed dOs the bsViddipsiatsVisohtiers in than almYstAf YieterseAßolooneirtePCOoo . that tel l taco osolgAr, , , urivemabout to,begin .e. work/ Of bilk - die lintion both among F 4114414 Plhatlfin glai4.''' tklairaisthurel, . . . oppressid,tahedv , bht 4itteeit p astes;` now Ole) iltS filtYoliwol , i Altidtie elementary school,/ atteld Stirs thelapanddchildteno and eighty-. seven Intidenll are In itcpellege. lf Ant e trio itiii ibe l diewiiiike' shilt this ievivtng Chureh be found ? AT.Vrf.