Presbyterian banner & advocate. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1855-1860, June 25, 1859, Image 1

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• ;:r. - A AtKi i;tl :1( I.: • •
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p r ombiterfhua asaiarre ref. VIII !Aft 40.
Prribplirleas Aibrieste, Via. =I. Is. 36 I
rigital tfetrg.
On the . Death of Mrs. Mary Hunter.
Sweet sister has gone to the land of, the blest,
Yes, gone from our presence, with % angels to rest;
No sorrow, no sighing, she e;rPr will know—
No weeping, no dying, titpatiguish or woe.
As a flower transplanted from earth, she will
And triumph forever o'er death and the tomb ;
No pain, no affliction, Gan fellow her there—
ISho 's with her Redeemer, his glory to share.
The eonge that enchant her, the ransomed do
sing, , '
In harmonious numbers, in ptaise to their Sing;
Her bosom Is glowing with: heavenly fire,
While the host all surround her look on and ad
Could I see her so bright and so beautiful now,
With a harp in her hand, and a wreath on her
In gimlets of roses, In transporting' bliss,
By life's flowing stream, what a rapture is this I
0, may oho yet come ne A guardian to earth,
To watch o'er a father thatemiled on her birth ;
To bring him some Ini3page of hive from the
throne— • •
To impress on hie spirits some thoughts' of her
To whisper some accents of love in my ears,
And banish my sorrows and dry up my tears,
And Booth my sad feelings, and - lighten my load,
And tell me of heaven, her glorious abode.
0, sister, dear sister, how hard 't is , to part I
How I ding to thy image so twined round my
Thy friendiall lament thee, they loved thee so
Their fond admiration no language can tell.
Can I cease my lamenting, my anguish, my tears,
And look to the Saviour to banish my fears;
And bid thee farewell,,enraptured in love,
Enshrouded in glory with thy Father above!
Cumberland, Ohio. BMWS FARNIV.
For the Presbyterian Banner and Advocate.
The English in India.
MESSRS. EDITORS :—The East India
Company, dating its commencement in
the time of the "Great Elizabeth, and
one *of the., most gigantic ever formed,
has with all' its faults, and all its ex
cellences, too, been numbered with the past.
The millions of Hindoos and Mahommedans
who •lately rendered obedience to "'&e
Company Sahib Bahadv,r," no longer,
acknowledge its imperial sway. India, with
her fertile plainri,. i end smiling fields of corn ;
her groves and &dens, ai4peiennbil fruits
and, flowers heAmountains towering far
aboVe all territtial things into regions, of
perpetual calm and profound solitude, *line,
far below theirffenow-cappedßummits, the
dark cloud, riven 3 with forked' lightnings,.
thunders as the voice of . planuatert,
pours its fertillzlhg shavre t re _On eveggrew
forests of majerititroaks and pines, and i gentle
slopes adorned with delicate wild•flowern;,of
every hue--s-all, by a Vote Parliame nt ? '
Parient ?
have been transferred to the crown of Eng
land. Who could have foreseen that the
imprisonment of eighty gintine,
' mutine ers, in the
North-Western confines of Hincloostan .on
the 10th of May, 1857, would have led, in
lass than eighteen months, to the entire
overthrow of a'power extending from Cape
Comorin to the Itimaliyary and from ABBM
to the months of the Indus, and embracing
a population of one hundred • and fifty
millions t
The early history of the vast Continent of
India is veiled in obscurity. It is generally
supra/NI by those beat qualified to judge,
that it was, at a very remote period, entered
from-the North-West by apeople professing
the Braminical faith. Probably from Scythia.
Of this supposition many proofs are adduced,
Which cannot be - dwelt upon at present.
Ilietory informs ue that , the Tyrians car
ried on an extensive trade with India, by.
means of the Red . Sea, and that the Greeks
penetrated the country as far as the Upper
Ganges. To them succeeded the Scythian
Nomades, who, in their turn, were driven
out by the Tartare. About the year 1000,
came_ the Mohammedans, who ruled the
Hindoos with a rod of, iron, until the
middle of the' eighteenth century. Part
ly by conquest and partly by negotia
tion, the whole of the East India trade
passed from the hands of the Saracens
to the Italiano. To them succeeded, in
order, the Dutch, the Germans, and Span
iards, with various success, in this lucrative
commerce. At length aristopher Columbus
discovered. America, end Vasco de Gama
found a way to India round , the Cape of
Good Hope. These discove*ries gave a new
impetus to commerce. Fleet after fleet WAS
fitted out, and every port in India was vis
ited by the, Portuguese, and for more than a
century the East India trade remained in
the power of that once enterprising people.
But the high road they had discovered to
vast wealth was open to all the world. The
Deitch again turned their eyeti-to India, by
the way of the sea, and the English, under
the able reign of Queen Elizabeth, speedily
followed their example.
On the last day of the sixteenth century,
the first "East IndiaPiimpany," under the
name of the " Governor and Company of
Merchants of London trading to the East
bindles," was incorporated by the Queen.
This unpretending " Company" having,
with the consent of the different potentates
of India, gradually planted their feet as
humble traders on the Coromandel , and
Malabar Coasts, >and . on the banks of the
Ganges, for several generations attracted
little notice. But their ultimate success
excited the jealousy of France, and ehe
too founded an East India Company, and
established agencies • at Pondicherry and
Chandernagore, which, however, never
In 1745 the corner stone of that series
of events was laid, which converted the
humble traders into warriors, statesmen,
politicians, and potentates, and made them
masters of India. At first the home au
thorities allowed small bodies of soldiers to
be maintained by the Company, to protect
their factories from the barbarous and
covetous printee in whose territories they
were located. These were gradually in
creased in numbers, and instead of self
defence, encroachments were made on the
possessions of their unscrupulous neighbors,
and new territory acquired, until •the police
force became a mighty army, andbthe great
chieftains beheld with dismay the new
power which bad •spriing up among them,
as by magi's. On the 10th of May, 1757,
just a century before the great Sepoy Re
hellion commenced, Lord Clive, in the battle
of Massy, gained a decisive victory over
Sri Raja Dania, the Nitwit/ of Bengal, and
hero of the " Blachhole" tragedy, whioh
gave India to England .,`., From this date
the ti Company became iridependent,
began to build 'forts and - ships of war, to
make treaties of alliance, to wage weir, 'and
to exercise the . most it the '-ights- of sov-'
ereignty. Bat in 1784 a bill was passed by
the Parliament of Great Britain, *placing
the Government of India under a " Board
of Control," composed of the King's Min
isters. This checked the power of the
" Company," and• gave more protection to
the Hindoos. A t Supreme Court of Judi
oatare was also established in Calcutta, the
English capital, and courts of justice erected
in. Bombay and Madras. The political
government and patronage of India were
placed, .by charter, in the hands of the
Directors of the East:lndia Company. They
were twenty four in number, chosen Vithe
proprietors, and were -Usually selected 'from ,
the members of 'their own civil, - military, or
maritime service, or from among the mei.-
Chants who bad acquired knowledge and
fortunes in India. Each Director was re
quired to ,hold two thousand:pounds of the
Company's stock, and the proprietors . who
elected him were *only ieligible poisessiOn
et one- hrindred pounds "stock, which ear
vied with it a ,sirigle vote:' 'There were
about two thousand five hundred proprietors,
six-of whom retired annually. This Court
had-full authority over all matters in Eng
land or India relating to the politicakfinan-
Cita, judicial, and military' affairs of the
Company. Bat their proceedings were
enbjeot to the Board of ,Control.
In. addition to this home establishm'ent,
there were local governments in diffeient
part 4 of India. The SuPreme 'Government of
India consisted of a Governor. General, two
members of Council drawn from the civil; and
one from the military service ; also; the
Commander in• Chief, ex officio, and one not
111 'either service, generally,.seleeted for: hie
legal attainments, and called the law mem=
• ben There was no legislative Assembly'of
any lind to repreient the interests of any
claw of the, people. But all had the right
to petition: The Governors:General were
nominated by the Crown; and appointed by
the Court of Directors. ,They had also
power ! to mean them. The Governor-
General's salary was $125,000 per annum,
and each member of Council received
$50,000. A highly, educated civil service,
consisting of.- about fotettirldra
was placed by Wine' 'aethe
disposal of. the Supreme Government. These
were called the Covenanted 'Serviise, end
until lately they were all educated at the '
East India College, at Haileybury, England.
Besides those who held theivcommissioni
from 'the Court of Directors, ,there was a
large class, composed of Eurasions (half
castes) and natives, called the Uneovenanted
Service. 4 These were employed in India by
the -local authorities, and assisted them, in a
subordinate capacity, in administering the
affairs of the country. Many of them,
however, rose to. &Unction, and acquired
much influence.
The Company's jtidicial establishments in
the interior of the country, consisted of a
great number •of courts. At the chief
stations •were Circuit Courts, and' in every
district or/large city , there was `an English
judge, a magistrate, a collector of revenue
and ,customs; assistant judges, registrars of
districts, and many petty native officials.
Tlielawa`which *vaned in Were
based on the Mohammedan' code, ex
cept at the Presidencies; (Calcutta, Bombay,
and Madras,) there English law was idinin
Inko this code much of the Hiram) law
had mitered, and - , modified by inrinteerible
rev:l)l4lone, rules and ordinances pissed by
the government from time to time, it be
name the law of 'all the country - courts.
This mass of discordant machinery was no ,
less unwieldy than it was costly. It must
be obvious, the obstacles to the correct ad
ministration of so vast an empire, with such
materials, were extremely great. The de
graded state of society in general, the cor
ruption of the native officers of the courts,
the ignorance of the native pleaders, the
prevalence of perjury among all classes of
witnesses, the imperfect knowledge possess
ed by the Anglo-Indian judge of the multi
tude of dialects, customs, manners, and ideas,
of the natives—all constituted serious
ments to the healthy course of iestiee. With
such a corrupt, heartless people as the fin
does to govern, is it any . wonder great evils
did exist in the East India Company's rulel
That so few existed, was the greatest won
der. We do not wish to apologize for their
sins. Their government was doubtless in
many things faulty and oppressive. But so
far as their connexion with idolatry was con
cerned, allowance should be made for the
circumstances under which they acquired
and ruled the country. There are
within whieh oomplaints against thenisheuld
be restrained: On-taking the 'country from
the Mohammedans, they found the Hindoo
religion richly endowed. Large eridow
meats in lands and revenues belonged to
the temples and priests, which had been
'respected even by that bigotted people.
The forcible re-assumption of these,
and appropriation to other purposes, would
have been highly impolitic.
The management and disbursement of
these endowments, mixed up as they *ere
with the general revenue, gave to the
government, duties to discharge which a too
hasty consideration of the ,subjeet • might ,
condemn as wholy inexcusable. Bat gov
ernment connexion with idolatry had ceased `
to exist before the exit of the East India,
Company. Within the last 'thirty years,
much had been done for the moral improve
ment of the Hindoos. Then the alters of
Darga reeked with 'human blood. The
sacred rivers were tinged with that of in
fants oast to the deified crocodiles. The
smoke of the funeral pile ascended daily
from every town and hamlet. The- ponder
ous wheels of Juggernaut relied over its
thousands of victims. A secret system of
organized robbery and murder filled the
land, and hundreds mysteriously disappeared
forever from their own dome, while sur
rounded by suppoiied friends. The widow,
however young, was doomed to perpetual
widowhood, or to burn with her deceased
husband. Infanticide everywhere prevailed.
No scllools for the people were in existence,
except a fe* at the mission stations. No
steamboats ploughed the rivers, nor oars ran
to and fro on 'the land. No telegraph wires
stretched from city to city, nor passable
roads intersected the country. Thofisands
of acres of good land, covered with jungle
and swamps; hadinever been subdued by in
dustry. But now what a change
The most of the cruel rites to which ref
erence has been made, have disappeared by
the fiat of the "East India Company.'
Schools throughout all India for the ver
nacular, and English languages, and Col
leges of a higher grade in all the large cit
ies, and a University in each of the three
Presidencies of India, have been established.
The bestowments of gl Grants in Aid " on
all educational institutions, whether govern-
mental, missionary, or native, in which car= '
taro prescribed branches were taught, were'
sanctioned and carried into effect some three
or four years; ago.. The Bible had ceased to
be .exoluded from the Public Bchmils and
was permitted to be added to secular bp
it*NsD.SHO:Hatt 1,21P-0011sJirilWel.;*40:Wirlizf-VlDO*Clafz)o;4aoX-04144;$:iclbfielOW
struction, in "case any cine ivished to study it.
Native Christians were made eligible to
offices of trust, both in the civil and mili
tary services. The " lex loce" act secured
them in the right of their proPerty.
Much also was done by the East India
Company for the physical improvomentof the
country—for agriculture and commerce.
In the'North.West of Hindoostan, there pis
the Ganges', Canal, made for irrigation, five
kindred miles long, and one of the grand
eat in the World. In the Punjab there is
another almost equal to it in extent, and
others, rendering a famine in those parts of
India a natural impossibility.
A- railroad extending from Calcutta to.
Peshawnr, a distance of •near two ,thousand
mileti, is `partially completed, and others in
different parts of the country are in opera
tion. Steamboatsity on'the Ganges and
Indes, daily.
Macadamized roads, nowhere surpassed
for excellence, interseet Many parts of Hirt
doostan, and stage coaches'run in all direo
ilea& Telegraph wires are stretching= over
the land, and eonnecting—the most distant
Parts. Thirty years ago, Aracon - was little
fifty better than a swamp, and did not export
tiousand dollars worth of produce annually.
But mark
. the progress. In 18541-5 the
quantity of rice alone exported from Akyab,
part of Amon, amounted to no less than
$2,800,600: In 1856, the i e.xpor of rice
, ,
from calcutts, amounted to more
~ Itan $5,
000,606, wheat $500 . 000 and sugar more
than $5,000,000.
Large quantities of tea are now made
every year, on the' Himalaya Mouritaine,
and sell readily at a higher price than China
teas. In 1855-56, the whole iinPorts into
Calcutta amounted to about' /40,00000,
and the exports to $60,000,000.
Many gigantic schemes of improvement
t in agriculture, and internal communication
- were Projected, but owing to the many
wasting'ware in Which the ContiPani
rengaged - with their tronblesomn'neightiors,,
during , ther last 'twenty yeara, 'their treaiury
'Vas exhausted, and the public 'work's post
For the Prubyterian Banner and
'An Mccitiag Revival orßeligion inNales,
Great Britain.
,MESSES. Enrrona:-=--Knocring "as I do,
that -Zion's true increase and prcisperity at=
all places, and times, lieth (deeply in your
minds, I tender to you a brief, statement of
the .present condition of God's holy, work as
it goes on now in some parts of Wales, and
especially in the
,County. of Cardigan.
Cardiganshire like other counties, in
Wales, had "hing been blestied, to a great
extent, with the enjoYment of - religions or
dinances and Privileges. Than produced
in return 'a beneficial` savor the minds
and manners of the people. But, lately,
'post extraordinary revival Of God's holy'
converting power and 'Spirit,•harmanifested
itself amidst the assemblies of Fthe faithful,
in this particular spot; more' so than any.
person now living had ever before witnesset
This wonderful aspect of things commencea
at the close of last year. Abrother who was
licensed about three years ago, at Pittsburgh,
Pa., tepreach the G-ospel amongst the Welsh
Calvinistic Methodists, but who found it
needful return to his' own native Conrary.
for the sake of his health, writes under date
of Mar& 25th, 1859 as folloie /el have
had the privilege lately of being in some of
the 'most wonderful' meetings ' ever held.
Not long ago; when present at a ineetingin
Llangeitho, (a name familia; to many of
your readers, 'being the home place of
that t venerable departed man of God,' the
Retr: , Danielackflands,)'oame dm*
togethe; to the Society; and shortly after in
another meeting I saw eleven more staying.
In Tregaron, I ea* twenty-nine staying he
hind 'at one time ; there is an increase her e
Of about three hundred. In Pontr:hydfen
4igaid, about three hundred: Penarth,,sev
env ; almost all of the inhabitants here hive
become religions. In Bethinia sixty have
been added, -there being only three' persons
in the neighborhood left behind. ,Last night,
March 24th, I attended a.Meeting at Aber
meitrig, when ten persons were received
anew. It was aseertsine4' brine last tight,
that upwards of six-thousand have'been ad
ded 'to' the, Calvinistic Methodists, alone,
(who are Presbyterians in every thing but the
name, and , it appears now that this also will
be soon rectified,) and about two thousand to
other denominations."
Another' writer from Pontrhydfendigaid,
in 'a letter written by hint in February, to
his brother'here .in America, says::" Bitten •
loses his subjects by scored here now". In
every meeting, a. stronger than he Caries' to.
the field `and spoils him of his *Oyes.
The taverns have become unfrequinted;and
the house of God. has become too little by•
half to hold the prayer meetings. I will as:
sure you that you never saw so many per
sons before present at even a special preach
ing meeting, as is now to be seen in this
church at the prayer meetings. Persons of
every age and distinction are saved; from
the 'child of ten years old up to the old wo
man of eighty: And the feet iNrwhen once
'one out, of a family is converted the iv6le
is so, soon efterwards Last`Sunday evening
but one, 'fourteen joined the church. Oa
Monday 'night 'again, thirteen. Thursday
night, thirty. two. 'Friday night, tvienty. five; "
and last Sucidaj, forty•one. In all, two
hundred and eight persons joined the
church here within six weeks, being swih;
I hope as will be saved. So you 'see that
Satan loses his subjects, and if things con
tinue in this'reitiner, he will be soon on the
Common without one to serve him." At
Aberystwyth, £I,B many: as four hundred and
twelve persons have been added to the Cal
vinistic Methodist church, within two
months; thus bringing the whole_ number of
that r
vigerouehurch to amountat present
to about one thousand menlbers.
FrOm a correspondence' of ; : the Rev.
Thomes• Edwards,' of
: Pentlwyn, who is a
brother to Professor Edwards, D. D., M,
the Theological Tutor at the Calvinistic
Methodists' Academy, in Bala, North Wales,
wbieh has been printed in the Treasury, a
monthly Teriodical belonging to the said
denomination of Christians, I select the
following rerna'rks
Religion and its advancement has be
come the topic of the day. One of the
characteristic Ifeatures of the present revival
is seriousness, in all places, at all times, and
by all classes. It is'astonishing what an in- 7
clination people have to come to the means
of grace—nut only to the sermons, but to
the prayer meetings as well. The ;hurdles
are thronged every meeting, and the meet
ings are held every night nearly, if not of
tener.' The additions made to the churches
in so short a time has been almost incredible.
I could name now in the end of February,
twenty churches or more that hid about one
hundred new converts added to each of
them, and more than two hundred to some
of theni. At-the same time, you may
perhaps be afraid that the whole of this
is superficial r and that Uteri:are drawn to the
societies without being converted. We hakie
feared, : nauelo so- ourselvesneither are we
yet freed from fears that many have joined
themselves with religion, who will turn out
in thii end to be deceitful. But yet for all
that, the maj l ority of us now haie been com
pelled to believe God has'come out to save
sinners. We see wonderful things coming
upon men that overpowers theta entirely,
whether we have tasted of the same or not.
You can see at times twenty 'thirty or
more, of the worst charaeters rising up at
the end of a sermon in diffetent parts of
the congregation, and directing themielvec
to a bench near the minister,,appearingas
their consciences had beep shot through;
shaking as leives of the trees, put yet as_
easily - conducted' as litiabs;this-icari f running
Suppose you 'beard som'es, of t them - quo&
tioned, you would wonder at :the ,honesty
and simplicity of their answers. For in
"What is your name, brother ?"
;have yon ".been se.:
(painted with c ireligion befora.?".
"No, minter?"' , ; ,
"Whit inclined Yelute`Oome now ?"
"1 6'0111(1'12ot
" You lave beets fora long time faithfully:
serving your old . 4 1 0 ,N0r
"Yes, yes; sadly
,too, mpati."
" How do thinh of doing now ?"
"I think of trying Jesus for my life."
"Do you mean to leave those things the
Bible prohibits ?"
"I s will leave all things for. Jesus."
" Are you temperate ? . " , : _ (meaning _ an ab
stainer from all into x icating drinks.)
" "I will be so from this time out
"have you ever prayed`?"
"No, never."
" Will you try?"
"Yes, as well as I can."
"What think you of doing so in the film
ily ?" ,
" I will try. touight."
"There has been some who persecuted this
revival, but many of them have been after
ivards heard to cry out, What shall I do, to
'be saved? -Mt ificidff; a W hat
the age of fifteryypigti o ttgps *sly to re
ligion from an irinligious family. It is laid,
that hiis`fathertieli ,
make a pet
of him, and his
by`taying,that' hekanst
, get new s
every time, and not " pray the'llsi t tne things
over again. By Si*day nigh4boili of these
were caught;and the',,young Man overjoy r ous,
said to his friends, 'This is fright; ;' they
also must now look out for new, ,prayers.'
Messrs. Editors Lute that neither time
nor any, thing sloe ,allow me to
pronged on ill this luY-a,„n3rlf4.rt.tier- But
alloir me just to remark, that these wonder
fnl of dstid,ara'O.xteiplizii to other
parts of Wales ,espenially M4ioneih
shire, North Wa les,
rnitand' aMidst every, oe
"Let' Mt 'thank
God and'take coirke," and earnestly pray
for a renewal of the same invaluable hies . -
sings amongst'oirselies in Ameriba.
Your well-wisher, JOHN ILLIAI4I3,
W elsh'o.'lll: Minister.
Ebensburg, June 18th,1859.
. For the Freelipterian Banner and'Afiio4te.
Annals - of the Aiiterican. Episcopal Pulpit ` .
This is the title of a large and -beautiful
volump,,of more than .ehght, htmdred pages,
in crolev,,iestied lsit*srs.Cirter Itros.,,
New `Y o r k , L ied of which the .
Sprague, of Albany, New York,' is the au
thor: It' is one of the of Vfslutries—
entitled "'The' Mint& of the Ar:merieati
pit." 'oU . this'great work, the first two'-vel-'
macs, relating to the' Corigregatieriat
Churches, , ippeared` some two years - age.
These were followed a year`-'since by two
more volumes, relating , to the- Presbyterian
Churches of the Oldt and' New School, as
they are termed. And now we haveanoth
er volume of about, same size, relating
to the . Protestant Episcopal .ohuroh, com
prieing commemorative notices of .distin
guished clergymen of ; that ,ChtKob,
the early eettleMent of the eounkry,,,tp the
close' of,,the year 1855. gther, yelpmes
will Alin* at ho . feridistent interva l s, re-'
d a ting to all Otiochis` or religioin
denominations id:our lend. The. entire
aeries embrace at keit eight; perliips
nine or ten volumes.
The conception of shah - a work Wag - a
grand'. ' Se, too, is the plan - of its &
cation. e
eon. Itlas -been the` aim 'of - the' author
to give ta hrief, but sufficiently - full portrait
ure of,, character and sea - of all the
most distinguished ministers of the 'Gospel
of every,branch of the Christian' Church in
our country, who. have ' passed from the ,
scenes of this life. In doing thie, he has
availed himself of. thee aid, by correspond
ence, of, a, large number of the ' most dist*.
gushed Hyin g men,„ed,..onr country, - -tokh,
clerical aid lay. This has, been, done,;, of ; ;.
eourse, mostly in cases , whsre the corm].
pandents have been personally
with the persons respecting ; whom, they
write, and' their leMiniscericesgo to increase
the interest which the ahthor has given. to
hie sketches of thosei'vehoii has !nide,
the subject , of his works.
There'll; nothing :like' this great ' work to
be found' in any other Ciitintry. The task
may *Cilia `called , hei•cutectul What
sesearobr Whit coriesikindefiee; What
arid , perseverance execution '
have deMandisd ! Arid - What
and all-pervading charityf What tale 4, Loci
We do not believe' are another man' in
our country who weild'have ixecited tiler
work so well. No CongregatioUalist, no
Presbyterian, no Bpiseopalian hai'any vilid
reason to be dissatisfied with , the
which relate to their respective. rObiliehes.
And wesre quite aura_ that . nollethodist, - or
Baptist, or , Lutheranor Renianist, , will - have
reason to .find fault,with the ,volnmes. which:
relate ,to theirs. We sincerely .hope 'that
the distinguished author may live to accom-1
plish hie_ oble enterprise. ti
As to th'e volume whose, title we, have,
placed, at the head , of ; this,artiele, it, is one pt.
which every , member pf the Protestant,
BPiscopil Church in our country may well
be proud, for it embalms the, Christian &-
tiles and useftilneis of mor&than, one'hurt
-dred and fifty, of its' diitinguished clergy
men now deCeased, and in doing so, it
in twi c e thaenumlier of 'teeliMonies , to the
preciotisness of their memories.. But the
volume will be read by hundreds ,and theta.
sands `who belong to other churehes,' who
have liberality enough to respectand love' s
good Men, whether within or withent the
. pale of their reapeotive deneminatione, and
who believe that there is a noble serum in
which Christianity is abeve Sect.' R.B.
tar the Preebyterlen - Binner and Advocite.
Members of Licking Presbyterian congre
gation (Presbytery of Clarion,) lately, raised
and presented their esteemed pastor, Rev.
J. Mateey, one hundred and,thirty dollars,
to purchase a new buggY. Peelle and bar
mony, above all, 'love, the beet evidence
of' true piety or discipleship, appears to be
on the ascendeictin the congregatiOn.
ONLY-good arid *die inervosib bi &aids . ;
otherii are but ocimpauloub.
For the Presbyterian Banner and Advorete.
Presbytery of Dubuque.
The Presivtery, of Dubuque, met, at Independ
ence, on the 8d of May. There was a good at
tendlincm,both of =fast:ere land elder Rev. J.
P. Conkey. of, Bellevue, was. elected, Moderator,
and the Rev. John Smalley, of Waverley,.Tem
porary, Clerk. The state of religion in most of
the churches was reported as very good ; and
some, churphes reported very , precious revivals as
having ocoirre4 during the past year, and a large
number of hopeful conversions. Within our
bounds, vital piety and sound doctrine are evi
dently on the increase.
Mr. Jsmob Conset, a licentiate of this Presby
tery, was .ordained to the work of the holy min
istry, according to the apostolic example, "by
prayer and the laying on of the hands of the Pres
-1:143,17." , . „
The Rev. Alexander Caldwell was received into
the Presbytery from the Methodist Protestant
Theßev. Dr. Phelps requested the Presbytery
to diedolve_the,pastaral relation now, existing be
tWeen,him and the First Presbyterian church of
Dritinqrie. The reqiest was gaited, and the
'foligwing minute 15118,adOpted unantmously:
; The Presbytery ; of Dubuque in yieldiog their
assent to,, dissolution of, the pastoral relation
batiteedthe tea. J. 'Phelps, D. D., and the First
Presbyterian church of Dubuque, adopt the,Al
- expression' of their views in regard to
the subject:
Resolved, That while we do not feel called wpon
to,sssume the ,responsibility danying, the re
cfuest of Dr Plielps;it is with sous* that we
contemplate ; his departure from that,people ; and
that our sorrow be greatly arigmented, if the
matter shall result in his removal from .our .
.Resolved, That we ,beer testimony ,t0,.111q, zeal,
fidelity, ability, abundant labors and success as a
minister of Jesus Christ, riot only in kis own pas•
total'abarge;,btdelso :throughout. the different
parts of - the territory embraced within the, limits
of, this Presbytery
..ffero/eq; That our best .wishes amd„prayers
shall attend li,rether, Phelps forhis irsefulness,and
happinesshappiness;iii whnteyer part of Hie:Nester's vine
yard he . Shall be called in the proyidence of God
to labor
2i'ssklueff, :That . the „Presbytery lames , their
deepsympathy with the First Presbyterien
church of Dubuque, on - the occasion, of their
separation from a faithful and .dpviited, : pasior;
malt is Our earliest prayer that .the gieat Head
Of the Church. will speedily,supply.their loss.
Jogs SMALLZY, Temporary Clerk,
From our London* Correspondent.
Death ,of the King ,of Naples—His Career and
Cruelties--Pope and ,Sing in Harnumy—The
Young Kingi:-The` Future of the Two Sicilia—
The War_and the, First' Battles—French Prestige
and Austrian Obatinaey—The Pope's Tranquility
and- Cardinal' Wiseman's Testimony—r Whither is
' the Pope to Flee ?—beague between Popery - , and
Derbyism—The Times and the .; Dissolution
-Lords Russel and Palmerston Threatening the
Cabinet—The Free Church Genera/ Assernbly
The Established,Church Assembly—Female Edu
cation in inVia--Funeral OraliOn on Humboldt.
LONDON, May 24th, 1859. ,
Ten KING or NAPLES '6 dead. One of
the worst of tyrants has passed , a,Way,
What adds to the defeataele Character of
his kingly career is; that violation of the
Moe spkm and, ; e s peated paths „And_ vow, ;
arirlais t aerocions cruelties inflicted ort,the
'pefest patiilo;' we're all' done in 'the name
under - the'z sanction of the 'Poise, the
"the Church." E When Pio -Norio
declared. for liberty and Reform', Ferdinand
Of Napiee,denounced him as a Jacobin s ,andlA Revolutionist. When Pio NO9 repented
in hot 'haste, then Ferdinand became his
I " dear son," and in slavering= abjeotness,
prostratediiimself at .the Holy Father's"
feet. ~;All.his massacres ie ;were ',then'
'.,endorsed, and applauded,
the political prie
oners hig tioniinions, amounting to between
; twenty` thousand` and `thiitYih,Ousand; were
t ‘ treated hi the Pop; as "Teretiihimideserving
iihe black . bread, the • fretting , chain, the
noisome dungeon..; l
have, recently, seen, , in_ Italian, , ,the
rallegetfeno of a teepees of ingetry, Aent
by the dying mouirehto the Pope, together
'with the
,reply. Touched with , some re
morseful apprehensions, Feidinand asks the
highest authority a question to this effect
If a vow has been Made, And a, !Aaiun
promise has been ,givelvaed neither have
been bathed, is there no sin ? To which
the Pope, we ate told, replied, " God
judges' kings by their intentions, rather than,
by thfir . Mords. '
Onirthitsiis pertain that, such ,teaching
is in, perfect harmony with the_ principles
and ,practiceS , of the Jesuit' School. And
.that, Ferdinand was ruled by the Jesuit'
FAthers we well.
.know - :In his ridiculous
and 'seperstitions reverence for Ignatius
Loyola, he actually nominated the. dead
'Arita Major General in the Neapolitan army I
'AI. Loyola fought rand. was wounded as a
soldier bitfore he entered on vocation;"
as the founder of A new Order, it has beee,
titiggMited that hiving seen service,,, he
shoeld , have been. nominated a Field Mar
shal, lather than a Major General. .
No abehrdify wee inconsistent in a Mem
try; and ender a, royal reginze, where the,
liquefaction of the hlood of St. Januarins
in a State inquisition, at which King
and Qneen,.archbislieps and 'ministers; 'Mile-.
tart' and civilians, how 'Own „in., reverence,
I Let' it alio:he remembered, that: t there are
now, in ,1859, - neariy seven hundred mentos,
teries and convents in the kingdom of the
Two Sicilies, tenanted by about twenty
thousand priests and monks, and fifteen
thpitelind 'nuns. , Under such a system as
this, and with a highly educated aristocracy,
is it to be expected that things will re
main quiet I
The new, King has alse, like his father,
been an alumnus of - the, Jesuit Fathers.
He will try no doubt, to'keep up the in
fainons system of the past. The father
actually added to the civil' code, or rather
altered' completely, three' hundred
s tied sixty
decrees, with his own hand. Hi was cun
ning, as well as cruel, - Idirlitirrip Money in
- yanks, and had itivetiielaige suds in the
Vglishfunds,, ,expecting Abet " a., rainy
dafil J.
might arrive. , suspect one or two,
rif re: Continental despots have done the
'sane! Bat he'died at last in a royal pace, ,
aithata of disease; and yet, as the Times of
'this morning remarks, " it May be that his
legit moments were soothed by some priestly
:juggle, and that
• he passed away without
feeling that extremity
- of misery which he,
had inflicted on thousands and thousands of
his fellow creatures."
The FIRST BATTLE has been fought in
Italy, and singular enough that it icing
utiles a stern strife with Austria on the
same field.of . Montebello which is associated
in' history, with the first successful encounter .
of "Napoleon I. with his Gertiiait foe, fifty
years ago. The Austrians have doni much
berm in those portions of Sardinia into
which they crossed, but they were totally
unable, strictly speaking, to invade that.
country, still less, to advance triumphantly .
.upon its capital. Tbe, Austrians were very
severely handled in the resent fight) and
were compelled to retire' behind the river
Po, The French had serious loss also, in
officers of superior rank. The combat was
very flue!, for , five or six hours, and , it , giyes
a suggestiVe indication of Piedmontese
pluck and iatriOtism, that a Sardinian
cavalry regiment, in the course of th ' e action,
cliiirged their hated foes not less than six
;ii f i = , a 14, LW: .'+'
!The prestigelef..the first success restslvith
the ,Allies. The Sardinians surprised a
hand Of AuSeriiis at Vercelli ) and` drove
Philadelphia; South West Corner of Seventh and Chestnut Streets
them baok, and thuifa,•second blow was in
flicted. Bat all-this while,..Austria, has her
strongholds behind her, and one would say
has thus the odds in her favor.
Meantime, her attention is being dis
tracted` by Garibaldi a famous 'guerilla
General in the time of Roman Republic,
who, with his volunteers of various andel*
is about to pus the Ticino. So likewise a
greet body of troops is to enter Tuscany, and
amongst these is found thellungarian
General Klapka, the famons defender of the
fortress of Remora. Distarbancee are
spoken of in the Duchy of Modena; and
while the telegram says; ","
its quietude may, be but the pause before
the bursting of the storm, or the belching
forth of the volcano fires.
Pio. Nono is, we are toldi very calm.. .So
says no, lees an authority than Nicolas
Cardinal Wisentart, at , the opening of, a
Bazaar yesterday, at Leeds, for a Popish
Orphan Asyluth there. True, the Cardinal,
admitted that to the Holy:, Father 'the
present , was a moment of great, anxiety, u
to Ig the doubtful complexion of,affairsin his
own domielps." Bnt,neyerthelees ; lie had
been able, forgetting every Other care, to
send a cameo all the way from Rome, for
the Leeds Fair! ;
Within, these few days:" says .the very
cious Nicolas, ,kave , seen; some pewee
who, conversed with the Holy Father last
week, and all, with one 4biee,lieve assured
ins. that he; isLas trairquil in -niiiiesit , thinigh
the ,had no.personalintereet in the dispute.
ni B remarks were these : A ;
" Whether in Rome or inexile whether.
.free or in prison Ism the same. I. *hall
,still be Vicar of Christ and head of the
.Churoh." •
.It is ; plain, however, from words,
that ,the Pope and-the... Cardinal- are in
"terror lest ere long they may_be seat,a.
ipaoking. The new King of Naplee will
' i nanely have the face to offer , hira another
retreat' att.the Gaeta, that received 'Min in
1848. Whither -.then - shall he,. go Y. ,To
Jerusalem, say some. That is-not:likely.
There there has, been a yegulari",Chrihtiap
fight" in the church of the, Sey s ikl;
chre, and the Greeks and Armenian priests
have been tearing down the - furniture of the
Latin.portion of <the building, '.#4), hid .on
eaoh others' heads. : The, three priesthoods,
that live there are certainly worthy renre-,
ientatives of the Religiori,,pt Love I ..The
Pope would 'la ' find himsep attiorati in
Jerusalem. Others talk of an island iii the
Mediterranean; but a Romans , Cithelic gen
, tleman told a, friend of mine, the other day,
'that if, compelled to leave Rome England,
would he , his chosen .destination Well,
either England or America Would, be piifelit
for. the fngitive from his own aubjedte. -
ttereties would protect hinubest, arid , show ,
hincrwhat practical :Christianityis, in heap
ingsolls of fire .on the head, ofome,who,
lhowever mild pepioeally, yet emlorses all
the barbarous perseeutions which England
both endured and survived.
, AND,
DEEBYISM ) thetecent oleitions, has excited
intense disgust, and will; I helieve,
tate:, the doom of the Cabinet. -Since. my
list, letters have been wrAtten.,,,by the. earth;
. .
Ina, designed to in fluence an ,Irith 4 litorough
election, in one of which it is thus written, ",I
am bound to say that from the pitient Gov
pranient Twe have received more attention;
more courtesy, and more - ready arts-in-Once
of redress, when we have had to, treat of
matters of religion, than, we have expe
penned from others." The Cardinal, in the
.sanie spirit, yesterday, at Leede, 'expressed
his hope that the day was not far distant
when „the • people( of England.: wthild=nebly,
justly, and eqnitably, give-to the Church of
Rome ,that which, waejustly her due. .
An endowed Xotnish University '
,in Dab
lin, the break up - of the National System„of
education, the granting of gaol chaplains
With fall salaries, and ,of army. chaplains
richly endowed ad libitum, are some oU i the
instalinents of whit is" due "expected from
the Derby Cabinet.
The Tablet, speaking - is' the °Qin of
' Wiseman, thus refers to the:" two aides " in
the war, and - furnishes . one reason' for:: its
support of a government which Ayinpathiseck
with, Atietria, that hates Evangelism,,and
that true Protestantism which form the ba
sis of all true national : liberty :
The atwo sidee" are, a Indulgences,
maculate Conneption, Intetteseion of the
Virgin. Mother of Goil,,prayert, for, pence,
and Holy See on the one side • ate Walden
sea, Church-robbing Cavour; Victor..mnien
uel, end - Lord Shaftslaitri, -on the nther."
The Times bitterly laments- thewthe Lib
kids did not -accept andiimprove in- , Com,
mittee, ,the .Ministerial ,Referin
have prevented that dissoltittoii which, by
corruption and- PoPighl : co-opkttion,
given to the Cabink twenty-flit' new - sup
porters, or fifty additional .notes ou
sion. It says, with, some truthi that it was,
a; great concession for, the Tories to,propost,
a, £lO county franchise; and ails, lahr
measure to Lord John Ruesel as a ' great
mischief maker. Nevertheless, it hints' that
on or before the .Anniversary of Waterloo,
the united forces of the Liberals may upset:
the Cabinet. The Morning Adtertiser
okra that Lord John and Lord Palmerston
have made up their differences, and hive
°mato. a distinct underatanding as to the
course to be adopted of , ridding theeountry
of a government whiph,if, permitted to re
main.much longer, will certainly plunge the
-nation into a war on
„the side of Austria.
We must have in their 'stead, a men who
abhor _Concordats,- Jesuits, and Ultramon
tanism. , .140Palinerston the, only man
for, the crisis; and the,,country will , never,
be secure being dragged into,this way,
for Austria, for the Pope and Poper y , until
l e
he again at the head of affairs. " But
what •will Messrs. Roebuck, Bright; and the
Ultra Radicals. do?, The Advertiser only
caloutates on a majority against the .Cabinet
of from fifteen to twenty: five. • D'loiraki is
so, wily that it will be strange indeed if the
Cabinet"perish this year. If; however, 'it
remain, the peril is imminent. of evil being,
Palmerston ;at the . F o r e i g n office
would be equal to a fresh . division of fifty
thoueand men added to the Branco:Sardin
ian army.
in, session at Edinburgh. The gathering is
held in a new and magnibcent Hall, built;
on the Mound in close prorrimity to,the new s ,
College. ,Doutor Beith, ;in Anost felieitqua,
terms, proposed Principal OunninAnuir ss
the new Moderator. Lord Patimure
admirable speech, supported the- proposal.
He took Inii. l 4°V 4) -TllSNAteltoßcKvtgAi
the:Assembly in their new hall ;,an uoicyNn .
moat suitable , be' 'confide - a, iener;rig
their Disruption vows, ind their aahisiiiii to
those great principles of which-the .Princi...
pal had , been the ,powerful;;; defender., )11e,
also indicated how, by the death o f many .
of the Disruption Fathers, a new, era was
xi)! inaugurated. He , paid a touching"trial
steno thevverrerable fittlfersit4ey;Bufnii,
aryl Mak.ellar, iwho ha& 4ecently passed
; t tt #l4
:IhR new Moderator's opening address . , was,
characterized bi both modesty
6 '6 1 5 t'
By &op; 1111 opa Oar. "raw upErmus .
DeliMetirthaTelit*,,, ;2.00 " " 7-
WHOLE N 0.8521
It was observed that he wore a shade• over
his eyes, on entering the hail, and be re
ferred-to the affection of the eye as likely 'to
cause his absence from - the Chair occasion
ally, in the evening sittings, from the irri
tating.. effect of artificial light. Of the
American Revival, he said he believed it to
be the greatest event of a religious nature,
since the Reformation: Religion in Ameri
ca had, to a large extent, been produced by
a truccession of revivals •'
in this country,
the process had_ been of a quiet nature.
Ile thought that the great - work still going
on•in America had not yet received the at
tention, or , produced the effects in this
country which might be expected from it.
Referring to .the situation of China and
India, the Moderator said that it ought to
fill them with the irrepressible conviction
that a loud call was addressed to them to do,
more for the heathen. Referring to the
Continental nations, he announced • that in
the ter-centenary of, the first Protestant
Synod'of „Prance, which occurs to•morrozo,
and Which Wiltbe observed by all the Pro
testant Churelies in France, he would call
the attention of the Assembly to the history
of the. Protestant Church in ..France.
His next tonic was the state of the home
population with reference to intemperance
and other..,ferms,of, immorality. The grand
Ussion :deri i ved from a review of all these
ciii3ustancei, Was, that they needed and
must lance, so to speak, a great outpouring
o'fithe.. Holy. Spirit: He:•called upon the
.brethrew to dedicate themselves anew to the
service and glory of God, and to abound in
-Labors and in prayers.
, . '
lug apeoial attention in Scotland. Last week
a public meeting was held in Edinburgh, of
the Free Church Female Society, for this
eanse. The number of pupils sustained by
tb,e,Sopiety, are—at Calcutta, four hundred
and ,eighteen ; at Madras, eight hundred; at
Bombay, four hundred; and, Poonah, one
hundred and seventy. These ladies have
some •• aid from 'friends in England, and a
c box .of work from' the ladies of my own
congrogation, is sent annually to Mrs. Dr.
t, Wilson, of Bombay, for the female school
opened as nenehin State- by the Lord Coro-
the Earl of Hopetown. The, re-
Atirink Moderator Was Dr. Leishman, of Go
van, : near Glasgeiv, 'an Evangelical " rat"
Ei# the time .of the', Disruptien, or rather as
„i . he w,as.the foremostuf a band of defaulters
of thirty.nine • and one over, the leader of
" the fifty thieves," as they were called at
'the time. The new Moderator is Dr. Cook,
.!of 'St. Andrews, , one of the true, moderate
:31)yeed, and whose, claims to the Chair were
-said,to rlst mainly in his efforts" to preserve
,the Christian obaracter , of the, parish: schools
Sootlaid," 'which being translated, means
Abitfor an exclusive Parish system, it was
iriropoivid to establish a national one, the
Bible , the-text book in them all!
A trikm,to of respect was paid by Dr. Hill
to :the learning and character of the late
Prinapal tee.
Dr:Bryce reported that the Government
I.4ied been very liberal in appointing an in
;crease of chaplains in -India. The Conver
sion of the Jews occupied the attention of
the Assem.blynn the , first day of its meeting.
It haimissionaries at Darmstadt and Karls
ruhe, in Germany; , Salonica Constantincple,
and= Smyrna, In 'Turkey. The collections
~amounted, to £2,043, less by £lO2 than last
year, and the whele income from collections,
Subscriptions &o is £2,580, less by £754
than last year.
THE - DEATH OF HUMBOLDT, referred to
in my last,' was the occasion of a funeral
, pronounced by a German Divine ;
which seems so illustrative of a misty, per
ilous theology, that I have thought it well
tolay a portion of it before your clerical
'readers. It is not to be forgotten that Hum
boldt was, if not an Atheist, or a Pantheist ;
Theist .at - -the' most. Yet the Bithop,
i first ,pregeher of-the Protestant Estab
lished Church of Prussia, Dr. Hoffman,
spoke, thus strangely :
:1. - Lovii never ideepeth, because it is derived
fromthat one eternal love given to the world by
Godin.Christ Jesus, ; our. Master.
44, put how far the deceased entered into this
source'' "of all love, and really and forcibly
sok' nowledged and confessed. peace to be exclu
sively,gained by the forgiveness of sins, it is dit.
&tilt ttrsay; owing to the almost bashful reticence
which Alexander Von Humboldt was wont to ob
serve in all matters relating to things of eternal
moment. We know,
_however, ,that not in all
forms which DiViriectiuthAins' been - Made to as
* intim 011. earth- did he recognize the original
*eider of all things. We know that he was apt
'to slider hiedislike of that zeal which in its holy
earnestness will repose upon nothing but the love
of God. It is likewise certain that theological
dootrinee, although but the earthly vesture and
embodimentiof revelation, yet were very likely to
Anake-him doubt as to whether human theories
had been installed in the place of Divine truth.
The eye of his intellect, accustomed to the con
templation.ofthe visible world, and the laws reg
-tdating-Hti arrangements, was more open to the
understanding of the wonders wrought by the
breathnf, God, as shown in created nature. than
tothe reception of the moral miracles effected by
the Almighty gratie in the microcosm of the hu
man heart. But whenever a friend interposed to
shoW him the Divine nucleus within the external
husk—the DiVille essence contained in the human
'fortii—,he did not• shrink - from the recognition of
- it; confessing at the same time, with the fell sin
cerity of his heart, that this holier world of -mir
acles was not equally-opened to his insight as was
the natural one.., He, nevertheless found himself
,canstantly attracted to the contemplation of this
, highonworldp brought near to him by the spirit
ual beckgmund ‘ which underlays all his researches
into nature. More, than once, in the midst of
qtdetconversation,l was rejoiced by remarking
this unconscious teedermy of hie mind, and pointed
it meta him. But it was only by fragmentary
utterinees that he stowed the manifestations of
his longing for the eternal grace of. God, which,
as sinners, we stand in need of for obtaining our
sout' ,
"From,this coffin we raise our eyes to the cora
-1 passionate love , of God. That God who has al
ways lobed the dilarted one; and whose spirit has
been secietly striving•withitt him—that God, like
aliun of , justice, we Tay hope, will irradiate the
glowing heavens of his loving soul; and this never
ceasing love will be caught by him, as the gift of
a merciful Father."
§ ll O-j l e the trChanty" that Geiman
ittitionalisin endorses, mixed. with something
e very mtiehlike'that of a state of salvation
b'eyond the—grivel
yor the Presbyterian Banner and Advocate
• There le hut one death that mortal man
should prepare for, viz.: The death of the
righteous." " Let me die the death of the
righteous, and, let my last end be like his."
Those who received , the ordinance of hap
than in johilclho4 enjoy a peculiar favor;
'lnky they, when they come to mature age,
deny , the name of our Lord and Saviour
Jeans, Cbriet,Aey will , be in a condition far
( worino, then..,the heathen.. It would have
- been ',hotter for their„ souls if their bodies
had never had existence. If revealid rt
liglon were a fiction, and we should embrace
it tit leould .olcv us .no harm:. But if it is
trAte,And we reject it, how infinite the loss I
And it, is Arun. ~Let 4 ue.thervxnake it ,ours.
the i n, t heie a good conscience in
Mme, andj ' sall be gainere throughout eter.
.nity. *ha live and die in the dark
;Melo of heathenism, shall , have torments in
the inture world, light compared with thole
. „
wire neglect the great salvation. MUM