Customs —4r. Milligan, of Solgs7rale, sends es a Angle duster , of fifty six cherries., whieh are mot difficult te4ispose of in this office. • Fittsburgh. Annual Conference of the Wthodist EpisecTitt Chnrch. We are indebted to Wm. fii, Kincaid fora copy of the Minutes of ehie body ror 3.659. The printing is very neatly done, but we notice greet •zorrrusien in 'eke paging, and severed cages are all "together wantint in the copy aent'us. This is a large, wealthy, and active Conference. North British Review. The May number of this valuable quarterly, ihas just been laid en our table. It contains eleven able . and interesting articles. I Milton , and his Times; Qt. Birds ; bongias Jerrdld —a biographical Chetah that pleasantly illustrates modern literary ilfe.; IV. The British Press—its 'growth, liberty, and power, a most -readable sr• tide.; V. Poetry; VI. Public life of Lord Brotigham ; VII. Indian Colonisation; VIII. Select Memories ot• Part Royal; IX. Sir Wm. Hamilton's features; K. Recent Publications. For sale by W. A. Gildenfenney. 'Readers will and thie•ll eery instructive and entertaining slum ter. A Plll3lio CORVOItieRee, Mr. F. A. *snowland has made an arrangement, "whereby citizens or strangers, by leaving their .orders at the General. Railroad sod -Steamboat Ageney,.in the Monongahela House, corner of 'Water and Smithfield Streets, can lave Omni buses call for them in any pert .of Pittsburgh or Allegheny, to tawny them to any of the trains 4zonneeted with any of the railroads, or to any of the steamboat landings. In this way, the extor • Coos of baohmen, and all delay will be avoided, And a conveyance secured at a small espeole. Mr. Koosland is also agent for all the West. ern Railroad lines, and all the lines of steamers on the Western Lakes. PFT843138 desirous of visiting the,Weg,,the Lakes, or Niagara Falls, will resolve all necessary information, and tickets at the lowest rates, by calling on Mr. Knowland. Litters Living Age. We take , special , pleasure in calling; the o=- 6m of our readers, to this valuable weekly, of which Messrs. Delimiter & Procter, have become the New Pork Publishers. Mr. Littell has had an experience of thirty years in making selections from the best literary productions of the age, for which he, possesses admirable taste and tact, together with the greatest facilities for the work ;in which he is engaged. The 1 $ Living Age " is issued weekly; and each number contains sixty-four pages, filled with the ekokest specimens of modern literature, gleaned from the leading Reviews, and thc magasinet and newspapers of highest "European repute. , We know of no way in which $6 per annum, can be expended by any family foe an equal amount of interesting, instructive, able, and valuable liter ary matter. Subscriptions may be sent toilessrs. Elelisser & Praetor, No. 608 Broadway; or the work may be obtained through any publiostkin dealer. Chamber's Enoteloptedia. This is " A Dietionary of Useful, Knowledge for the People on the basis of the latest edition of the German Conversations-Lexicon." Massie: gent & Miner hive sent us the first monthly, part re published in this country by the Apple tons, without alterations; 'from the London and Edinburgh editions. It is intended to be the cheapest Encycloptediti ever issued, and will at the same time be fall, fresh, and domPt4thensive in all the usual brioche!. di '43oPgrsid4Y, Bin graphy, 'Natural Illstm, and the' Sciences. The first part leads us to believe that this will be an importalit' addition to the of, ,every. mechanic and farmer, and of every household. At the same time it is so published as to be within the reach of all. It is published in Weekly Sheets, royal. 8vo„ price three ,c9nts ,each ;, and also in monthly parts fiftein cents eacli ; the whole will be comprised' in three handrei 'and twenty Weekly Numbers, or eighty 'Monthly Parts. The whole work will contain an immense amount of useful and accurate knowledge, at' a price so low, and paid so gradually that it will not be 'felt. Runt •& Miner are the agents for Pittsburgh. Marked. • . PIMBNAGN, Tugsday, June 7'. 'Business is growing duller every, day. Our rivers, are now so low that navigation has been almost suspended. On Saturday, the 4th lust, we were visited with a very extraordinary spell of cold weather, followed by able frost on the following morning. ;The report at the .country is that the peaches; pears, ' oheirles, plume, and ;perhaps the apples, have. all testi injured greatiy. Also, ;that the entire vegetable crop bee been destroyed, and that the 'wheat, setae, and .potatoes 'lava ban nfppld Nrw .grounds :News Item 'Eno!), WOOlder,-Oanton, Ideurstion, mud other faces, give deplorable accounts of the effect of the trot, on the arowing,crims. Yrom Indien , e, New York, Ohio, and:Virginia,lie hare the sad , intelligasie thii the ,geowing drops'have all, been blighted, and manful'. them— wheat, corn, and potatoes—killed. But this is only the first report, and we must make some allowances, for exag. geration.' , f") ' • ..1 Tinder existing cirtrotthinces, the BeitiFilitural Boofety held' a mectilik thie 'city on the Sib itia.l and unani Mouldy agrieed -that it • was inexpedient to told:K.lnm .exhibition. This will be regretted by, many who iwerre looking forward to this display as a favorable , time to aged Atha best variettee of Roses and Strawberries, • Money is not as plenty as it bed been,, and put *tat!) of ;things in the Balt hoe made many of bankeisio 'feel some alaim. Contraittione , seem Ito he, prevalent every where, and we may. look for tightness , until the Larceet begins toteoine into market. , • - AsErs--Pearls, 6@)6364 Pots, 6 1 40 W; Soda Ash, 3 1 1, 4 1}Bii• BUITIR AND Racts--titoll Sutter, 10(412. P1vit4, 10 66 11 . BACON—Shoulders, -7% , dt8 ;0: 3 44110 . ; plain Items, 10 1 4410%; Sugar Sureytdo .12412 1 4.. . • BURS-1125 fur prime entail white. ' - • (asses—Common to medium -at -80)9o., and- choice me fleeted at o.)it 10, the bulk ;of miodiqualitles going at 8 „kW . Dann Matur—Peaches, 8.00@8.26. • lasittmot—Prime Western, 46 on' arrival; and. in'emell parcels at 48 1 • liorat—Tory little offering from , ilist , bindi, thole* lots orating go at 6.0606 21 for super. and- elate. Prom store, Bala* of superfine at 6 . 25 0 0 .a 0 ; extra •at 0.76; 1 ; andt hardly elm at 7 2147.60. OlLitte-Abittii 45 from first hands, Corii,:86000;" €0686. Barley, 60@70. Wheat, 1.30401.4$ for Red: and White, hi lots from wagon. • , Geocsatie—Sugar 7,4013 by the hhd.; and Molasses at 40 to the Mt, trade, and country. ' , Coffee is firm at 12W$18 and Rice at b@s.. • 11 - vt.-.9.004118.00 per ten. • • • `i LAUD—leck 1 City newlywed 12e. In Mac and tea.,,and in drags B@lB3o. Ciiantry at 110. ' , kliesfoaX-17,6 0 ($ 1 8. 00 . On—gitereof Reflo 9 at Cosi Oil at ltoo,:and:Lubrinatiumat 10. Lard Oil No. 1, 0008, and Linseed 75(078.- Parevoserwnzthe bbl 2.2502.60, mod .tylthe bushel, 70 for common JUSeinited, 80 for Reds, and. 86090 for Ne shannoeke. POI titweetTh—e.sales of the week are"ooo"ans, Mercer County, utade from Lake Superior ore, at, - 25.606 448.60, as quality" ' Woot.-880)4h andthemarket is exceedingly quiet. 0 vrma-898 offerd, and , 267 sold, at prices rangingt from 4344% gross. • , `Suns -8, 4M, of which MO were • sold vrtalance +beteg set.t seat; the prices mega& from 420891 , grotts„ mod 12.00 per bedsit 180 bead of Lambs i - offeredi and' 00 sold 'at ,3702.00 per headi the balance met h!r. I Fos swots class of work, for: neatness 'and strengtii,, ter ape'ed attained with' ittlelabor, the aFinkfe"- Sewing Maohin.3, sold - ti r. Car Bt, 06., Federal Street, AllegiieW ft no doubt preferable. There is no injustioe done to anyone in saying that the establishment of J.' L. Carnsghan,& C 0. ,• Federal Street, Allegheny City r now mantle imthe •very front rank for first class work, both in Ames and Boys , wear. Their Stook is kept fresh' and mew, their styles peouliarity neat, their work oarefully made, and; everrgartneut, bearing evi dence of care and mite in its manufacture. Per• sone buying goods in their line will find into their interest to moraine their stook and styles. tairrzitintilt4 Spurgeon 6 Sermons , leer in the New • iZork•Waverley" verk Week: . By reference to' our advertistug,loionsis it will be eeen that the enterprishig publishers of this admirable literary journal have, iitifiestexpense, made an aieitogenteot to publish, every sermon of this very ,celebrated London divine, revised and corrected by, himself, and forwarded , by: every steamer expressly, for their paper. ,This novel ffrattre in literary journalism must commend the Itrero Yotk Wdverley to every and its eneivetic publishers to the patronage and support of the sulighiened ELDvmtn,,enurifT4 Another Instance of theSentey of &or have's gollend Bittern, N. .K Poindexter, at Union offief‘thiptember 18th, 1864, says' "brae weeks Ante being steltnnitiltifeetiod with pain and uneasiness at the stomach, loss of :appetite, and at times strong symptoms of dye 'peps's, I was induced to try your Holland Bitters, and I feel it but an act of justice to the article, as well as for the good of those who may be af- If feeted with like derangement of the stomach to state, that the use of one single bottle of WS medicine proved of incalculable benefit, having freed the stomach from all sense of depression, and removed every symptom of dyspepsia. I would also remark, that two other members of my family. Who were afflicted ilia similar manner with myself were entirety relieved by the use of a single bottle each. CaurioN i—Be careful to ask for Bcerhave's ffolland Bitteri. Sold at $l.OO per bottle; or, sir bottles for $5.00, by the sole proprietors, BENJAMIN PAGE, JR., & CO., Pittsburgh ; and Druggists I generally. rAD9IRTI6IItINT. I Worms ! Worms ! There is no diease more common among chil dren, and yet none which so frequently baffles the skill of the physioian, as worms. They are highly detrimental to the con3tituticn; and their presence should :be carefully guarded against by P' _larents. On the first manifestations of symptoms. every means should be used to expel them / promptly and thoroughly. M'Lane's Vermifnge, prepared by Fleming Bros. of Pittsburgh, is well !' established as the . most certain, safe and speedy remedy ever offered for this troublesome and ,) dangerous malady; and, all who have themaeagel'i meta of children should keep this invaluable 1 raidicine on hand. In, addition to its perfect Safety, it never falls to prodinie the desired effect. Purchasers will be careful •to ask for DR. 'O/PLANE'S CELEBRATED VERMIFUGE, mann factured by FLEMING BROB, of PITTOBIIItoII, Pa: All other Vermifoges in comparison rare worthless. Dr. M'Late's genuine Vermifnge, also his celebrated Liver Pills, can now be had at all respectable drug stores None ,genuine without 11 Ae signature of FLEMING BROS. [44) lortign :The news from Burope , comes down to the 25th of May, and is of deep interest. A battle has been fought between the Austrians and the Allies, (French and Sardinian.) It oc curred at Montebello, in Italy. The French account makes the Austrians fifteen thousand strong, and the assailing party. ThelAllies num bered . about six thousand, and bad the advantage of their fortresses. The Austrians were repulsed,' with the loss of two thousand men, after a fight of four hours. The Allied loss wasletween six hundred and seven hundred, , including' a large proportion of officers. Great rejoicing at• Turin and Paris, is a consequence ; net at the import &nee' of the battle in iteelf,,hut as a succeisful beginning, and as a prestigi of victory through out the war. The forces of the Allies Were rapidly inoreastng in numbers; and would soon exceed those of the Austrians. : The latter were retreating: from their advanced positions in Sardinia. They were like ly not to be the assailants in a general battle, nor to await the shock npot.the,enemy's soil. Their fortifications, on their,own side of, the Ticino, are very strong, and in them, or sheltered by them, they are likely to await their foes. This will subject' them to some serious disadvantagini. Their pecuniary means are exotiedingly straiten ed, and•, subjected. inn Au the sus taining of an-inactive army..whose supplies must be all conveYed by land. - The Allies pare entire command ,of the , Adriatic, and ~canj choose their own times and modes of attack. Prussia and the German States still abide nen. tral, and are , likely to continue ;so, as lank as the Allies make no serious demonstrations toward the acquisition of Austrian Territory. Russia's in-- terferenee`iakllli to be inininderiefon:thelitove meats of Prussia t,and,,Bagle.ed is likely to await Russia's decision. If then the - Allies are able, , and disposed to press Austria hard, a general war will be highly probable. In this state of suspense, all parties are strew.' nous in making ' preparations. Prussia abd-,the German States are bringing up their armies to the war footing. Russia is marching her Vast forces toward the Austrian frontier!. .*neatnt is enrolling and arming her militie.,,strengthening lier Channel and Mediterranean fleets, sending immense military and: naval stores to Gihraltar, Malta, and Corfu, and has already advanced some six of her ships of war to the Adriatic, as a fleet of observation. " • Contemplating the vast expenditures, and the dreadful slaughter which must, attend a general tier, tre 'still ' think that counsels Of peace' ;lust' prevail. Some skirmishing about the Ticino and the Po, or perhaps one or two terrific battles may Yet persuade the belligerents, that an equitable peace will be far preferrable to the devastations of war. We shall, at least, please ourselves for, a little yet; with this righteous hope: ' The Anstrian account of the affair at Monte bello, simply states that General Btadion pushed fineward a reconnoissance, = by a forced march, toward Sees and MontebellO, but after a hot fight with a French force of superior strength,' retreated behind tho Po in perfect order. - Great Britain. There is an Austrian tendency evident in the present Government's words and actions, but the new Parliament, which will meet about the sec ond week in June, about Tuesday, the 7th, for business, will induce the Cabinet to belieire that their tendencies do , not square with, the .popular • feeling. The returns are all made and the num. ber elected is six hundred and fifty-two. Of these three hundred and three are Conservative% or what may be called Government supporters, and' three hundred and forty-nine - are Liberals, giving a majority of forty-six to the Liberal party. The latter, therefore, have lost some twenty .votes, but' so' large a number of the same Members have' been' returned to Parliament that it is con: stituted pretty much the same as it was before the dissolution. - A. variety of rumors wre.ahroad respecting coalitions and amalgamations 'of par ties, fusions, &o, but very few are reliable. One thing is, however,' certain, that the opposition are bent on a determined hostility 'to the present Government, and a new one is looked for which will comprehended Lord Palmerston, Lord John Russell, Sir Jokes Graham, and probably. Mi. Bright, and his fides Achates, Mr. Cobden. ,At present it is, - however, all speculation, and much of the movement will be guided by the progress of events at the seat of war. The Paris Noniteur announces that France , ad.: hares to the abolition of privateering, and the 4, the neutral flag ,covers,theten emy's goods," , There is great enthusiasm among the people, favorable to Napoleon and the war. The loan of five hundreid i million francs was all taken by the people,' and•< More than double the amount of monsy asked for; was tendered: •`' The Emplues Edgenie, as Regent'. presides Council during the Emperor's absense, at the seat of war. King Bomba is dead. He was the most-hated eilfModern monarchs. =I Nevis from India gives us an account of the capture, through the treachery of Manneingb, Of the celebrated Tenth+. Tepee; tocethKr with his trial, his oonviction, and his execution. He was hanged. He, confessed to .being present with Nana Sabib at Cawnpore, at the massacre; but de nied any Couiplicity in it, either on his part or the Nana's. He declared it to be the work *of the frantic soldiery. Some disturbances had taken 'Ptah on the Otidirfrontier,lirttlitiYWeielluelled, *paint lb:dices, P. P. P. • ; • PARK'S PRICKLY PLASTERS Ttab: Soothe paint prokiet the chest: - they: ktr,et the soniasted impurities Arid sorenesi from themathm, and impart strength: Marius divided.into outlaw mid yield to the section ..of the, body: Being:porous, alltinpure ex. mem oraggi% bias France.. Naples. India. TIM PRESBYTERIAN BA NER can be worn four times longer than any ether plasters, and ere cheaper at 25 cents than others at 10. Where these Plasters are t pein cannot exits. Weak persons, public speak. ers, delicate Mutates, or any affected with side, -heat or back pains. should try them. You :will thou know what they are.: They are a new feature in the science of medicine. AM Druggists , have them. Take no other. Each Plaster bears a Medallion Stamp and our Signatute. BARNES & PARR, 18 mid 15 Park gow, New York. Abu), 'LYON% MAGNETIC IGBECT POWDER fe26-6m FIRS, Viti*SLOW, an eiperleneed 'Rune and re male Shp''elan, has a Soothing Syrup for ottildrim:teetli ing. which great! yfacilltatis the prone& lit teething, by softening the gums, reducing all inflammation—will allay all pain and iesulate the bonds. Aepend'upou it, moth ers, It will give rest to Yonrselves and relief and health to your Infante. Perfectly safe in , all 'oases.. See advertise• Parritb. At Manchester. JunP let, by Bev. L. L..Conrad,Nr , DATID CAUVIIIIRS to ells, AMANDA MEIRMY, both of Turtle Creek., Allegheny County, Pa. At Huntington, Pa., on the 24th of. May; by Bev. Dr HI tie t, of the W.atern Taeologloal Seminary, liev..Jaugi A. Run to CORNELIA hi., only daughter of the late Judge Ker, all of Huntingdon. On .Thursday, June 2d, by Per. George Marshall, , Mr. Dam Hoar, of Lower St. Chic Township, to Miss Annie P., daughter of tr. John Smith, of Upper St, Clair Township, Allegheny County, Pa. May 28th, in Roston. by Bev. John P. Robinson, Mr CAR'. ALURT ASP. to Miss Mmionsurrs eldest daughter of Mr. Louis H. de Zutiehe, formerly of the city of Dublin , Owthe 10th ult. by Rev. Joseph Bniith, 0 D., at his reel. donee, Rev OAIVIN• Base, of Lewisburg, Pa., to Miss litmus H. lilsurst, daughter of the pastor On the 26th sit. Mr. Jomeilogneroti 6o Min MOM A. LLOYD, both of Derry Townhhip, Westmoreland Co, Pa. • April 28th, by. Rev. .T. R. Duncan, Mr 0.0 B. Rama, or . Fairview, 0., to Ansi MART IL Okutorti.'or Moundeville, - Vaj, April Bth. Mr. Wit,t.tan Roes, of Illinois, to Miss 6. Mamma Hums; of , Noble County fl - • In lariville, elle Oonnty. 111., at the house of the bride'sfather,brßev. John %tick, Mr ZIONAII D. WOLuits to Mies Lorna M. Maness. On the 19th inst., by Rev. A. Oreig, of Hanover, rn., Mr JOHN^MONSILLY, of Galena, to Miss' Jinn Wentwoon, of Elia , beth. On 2fith twit , Joao George, Evil, to Ml.e dans Dour, both of Woodland, Carroll County. Ill: On the evening of the 29th ioat, Mr. PARSONS 0. CHANEY, or . Peters borough, N: H., to Mrs. Oman W. Klan, of tionoyor, 111. On the 2611112 ft., by Rev. 2..13. Van EMI'. Mr. RICRAID WARD to Mina SIARGSSAA ar.TPID, all or WORDirigtol2 CO, Pa. bituarg. Dun—At the bous,e of Bee. A. L. Agnew, in aobneMeu, Pa, on Sabbath' evening, Meg 15tb, .OLINEFELTER, aged about, 45 years : She wait leimerly Neweeetie, ie., and was iiii;ritenii years a member of the - PreebrievisM chinch. She lived a very humble and 'consistent life, and died tweet iihriatiau deith. A. diseasiof the heart, on the 10th of March, near Rockville, Clarion County, Pa., Mica SARAH E., second daughter of Mr. Samuel cross, in the 21st year, of her sge. Raab was :rim,. many; 'years a cOnsisteite Member of the Presbyterian , chnrch .of Leatherwood. Her history, since she became a propellor of religion, may be summed. up Ma few *orde—she liveiis Christian, and She died a Christian. "For her to live was Christ, and to.die was Gran—On the 24th of anvil, at the residence of her sane, In Green Townchip, Noble Connty, Ind., Hrs. Maim Mom, In the 25th year of her age. Mrs.H. fifty years ago, connected .witlt the Presbyterian church of "Montour!' - she afterwards removed. to Sharon, and Joined the Presbyterian chirch in that Plane, Where she remained tait .Years ; she was afterividds Tonneeted with Hopewell church,: Swan Township, ; Noble County, Ind.' -Her last and - was peace; she was submissive to the will of. God, and her entire trust for salvation:was in the Saviour whom she had to long professed., She loaves omen thildrefi to mourn bar look . - ' Birehardvilla, Susquehanna 'County, Pa., on the 18th inst., Mrs. HABSIIT BIRCHOLD 3 aged 86 years. Most of `her days hid been given to Christ. " For het to live was Christ, 4nd to dti Was gain.", andn her hushind.vrere among the first who moved into this part ; of the State, then an nnbrokenwilderness, forming a nucleus of boll civil and'religions 'society . All the early Mission- . sties in nth% rnegion shared—in:their hospitality and'Ohris.; , Mau sympathies. They were warn.friends ..ot the Calvin istic faith. Mrs. B had lived a widow nineteen years, and a consistent member of thePiesbyterian church of Primula vffle seventeen yeari, when shop died. Dun—At the residence of,his lather, in- Greene Town ship, Harrison County, Ohio, on die Morning of Mai . 12th, of pulmonary disease, lr: JAME.II aorsow, The deceased was a young man of promise, strictlyinoral, (so far in known.) honeet and Punctual in all his dealings,' but - had never made. profession of religtoo. His Mint, during the hat Winter, had heinegruch esercised, and be fore his last sickness' he bad Come to the determination to connect himself wfth the March of his fathers.' at the earliest opportunity. But God had determined otherwise, • and at the early `age of thirty three called hire, as`vre hope, to join the Ohnrch of the Firstborn in heaven.. "Be ye also ready.i' . . lo—ln George Township, Payette CountY; Pa., on the 29th9 of January lact, Mrs. JANI OPORN, in, the 79th year of She was received int, the Tent Presbyterian 'Church, nu der year the, ministry, .of the R ev. James 'Adeline,. in the 1804: and for the long period of iiityfive yea're adorned her; piofesston by a truly exemplary Christian deptrtment.. In her, most of the Christhtn graces shoite with uncommon brightnisi, ea that et who know her were constrained: to acknowledge the power and the excellence of the religion of Christ. Her - patience and Cheerful resignation unser the severest trials, her meekness and readiness to forgive injuries, her faith, love, and zeal; and her entire swifoonce oration to the Lord, -rendeial her a distlnguished mother In Israel, wh rea eiample was looked to by old and young. Like died at the resideisce of her eon, the Rev. A. G. OidiOrn, Lear ItairehanCe Iron Works. ' onlyvvrat Alin's/m.l4ton FAMILY . SEWING. 'MACHINES, A. NEW STYLE. - PRICE, $50.00. 1.0 MARKET STREET, PITT3RIIRGH. 495 BROADWAY , NEW Yo 730 OiIIiSTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. - /or These Machines sew from two spools, and form a seam of unequalled strength, beauty, and. elasticity, which-will nor rip, even if every fourth stitch , be cut They are unquestionably the best in the market for family use. ICS SEND FORA CIRCULAR. ' NATHAN WHITING, No. 10'l Market Street, exclusive Agent for Pittsburgh and Vicinity, aplo4.y . , . NEW ADVERIBEVENTR iIIikPORTAN ANNOUN GERIFIGATi . The , Selentile -American. to be Enlarged NEW VOLITAIENEW 'BERIES,! , • • To Commence on .Tuly 24, 1859. - • ---- Inettiad OW 'pages, the - Yearly Volume, Enlarged 130 rtes, will contain,. - r -y Huedi'ed and thasti-TWO Pages VALUABLE READING MITER, useftilostid lastriictiee to all Massie '? The Saturnine Ansmossr has published ' for YOUR TENN „TSARS, ..and la the only journal iliac .character that 'hes ' with uninterrupted ' - euccese ' The; leant of this ii to be explained only by the fact that its ainducters thoroughly Understand their business, and havd,the'ficulty of presentint Art. Science . ,"ltivention, tilatinfactinnie, aid all the variety of Industrial pursuits in a manner marble ted to lulerest and Instrrot einny ; OW/. It is published weekly In quarto forme" ; saitable I'ov:binding, and tho num bers for a single year. willemitairi about SIX BGEDEED ORIGINAL ENOEATINGE.. Every'slogle nunibor 'lit:Mini page's or forty eight ,eolumns of czpading, ~dlivoted 'to - blew, fnireptiona, llitchinerY. all 'limn - ekes of Msittifivitirlng Procisseli and Improvements; Agricultural Articles and Implements, Engineering, Millwrighting, Milling. Iron Wounfacture, Foundry Work, Obeirlisti*; fich almost every indristrial pursuit receives more or lees attention in its columns: All Patent Claims officially putdi4hed every week, as re. ported from the Patent Office ; and tor • INVENTCIR.I3 AND PATENTEES t contains Information not to be obtained elsewhere As a Family Journal, it low no sn..trior tor real, practical utility, since in its columns will Abe found, petrol prac tical relpes. Alec, instructive answers to all sorts of curious inquiries, giving information often worth ten times the subscription prize.- r • .Careful attentim will be given . from time to ifme, to re ports of the Metal, Lumber, and other 2d'arkets- Tbeptibliebers confid-.ntly believe that the Enlarged ge nes willenable thorn to present to the intelligent reading public a journal without a rival either in this country or in Barone, when it is considered that the annual inhecrlption is only Two dollars: • A complete set of back voinroem of the Scuerrino •Aeren- MAN .wculd sett for five times their cosi, .and cannot, be obtained without great difficulty. ; This fact i alone, shows the great value of this. journal for. preeel ration. With the _Enlarged Series le presented' an opportunity to subscribe not likely to occur again for many years. ' It will be like commencing a new •warh—Vol. No 1, New Series Bend in your sub.eriptions without delay, ,so as to ,begin the heti voltimie-- . *Juiy 2d; . WEIZILi Slagle anbacriptioas, $3OO a year; $1.01) for .alx months , give Copies, for Six Months; Ten Copies, for Bix Months, Ten Copies, for welie Months, Fifteen 0004/11, for Twelve months, Twenty Cemles, for Twelve Months, , Southern, Western.. and. vanadlan Money, or Post Office Stamps; taken at peeler 'aubsoriptions. ' Canadian antt• smitten wilt please remit twenty. etx.pents extra on:each yeses subscrlOtton; to prepay, postage:, • Money can beisent'etour risk, if the Postmaster's =till oat* Is taken.' Address' .00., Publishers: ' , No. - 87 'Park. Row, New York. 110 W TO OBTAIN. LETTERS PATENT FOR ::.:NEW INVENTIONS. ,re PAMParnr, ot ttivrie, MILL AND COMPLUS. The siteve . Pamphlet prepared ,by the , Editors of the Siaramno n amemata x 1111311 free on apptf cation to Anti " .f 37 Pec RlYin H. • IFILAIRT ,/c. Ue•• R. NQ. 86 WOOD exturirr, Corner , of.Dieutond Alley, Pittalvprgp, MikNUFACITI/.48 1{, i or Saddles Harness,: Trinks atyp e T i r ty ADZD SACRJNE BRA rollr 1. Wdli S PI Lite ii-1/1/40 m. the Mitt few , montha, many, cures of erupts eit. and. of this most marvellodecliaracter, ha accomplished by this.all-patent remedy, (They see specially adapted to the cure of (them disordersl stomach; II ver, and bowels, most privitieut in this Sold at the martufacton, No 80 blidder, uaue, ale and by all Druggists, at 25c., 880., and $t per pot. PURGEON'S • •SERNI S SPURGEON'S BE RM ... SPURGEON'.S s.git.m WILL APPEAR MEAT *BEE, - WILL A PPE i A ItWERY WEEK, WILL APPEAR EVERY WEEK, i Phonograpbkally Reported, and'Corrected and Rivised by himself, expressly and exclueiYelytot • I The New York Waverleyi The New York , WaveTley, The New York - ,Waverler, THE CIIOI - EST 'FAMILY PAPER, ! , THE CHOIVEST FAidILY.PAPEIR now put Robed in the United States—high in itsimorel tone, unexceptionable in tlll literature, and nntobefing.among its contributors sme of the most dlstingu • writers of the age. SPURGEON'S LATEST SERMONR.' Received by the Steamer every week. will appear In the* 'NEW YORK WAVEELEY. . 52 Complete Sermons tot only. $2.00. .• • • . . INCLoDINO WIPItr. • . ',he Guns Of the Pew 'Term.. Waal Belletaa Pulpits I. . , HENRY WARM REECHER, DRS. R' s IT. CPIA N, TYNG, DURBIN . , STAER , EING, /to., AO, ' -• • WITH .A yam AMOUNT OP , Liteiature, Novellettee, and Tra vels, vele nr. VOL. NEW YORE W a',VERLit - , SPURGEON'S SERMONS, which are electa Ong Eng • laud, and are greedily eought after by admiring theoaands in every Ohriatian land, will henceforth , e pear fresh every week in the NEW YORK WAVE EV, oho. nographically reported exclusively for this pa' t, at great expense. and forwarded by every steamer. Tir drat num ber, containing a faithful portraitef thiegreit vine, will In the No. dated -, . . - ..• • , JUNE 11, 1869.. NOW REAM im With an Original AlOgraphlCOl Sketch, props d expressly for our columns, by the Rev Dr . Neale. of hoe on. Evesy,subooriber-to the New Ifosalfavottr,:.fto.ll2 00 prr. annum, single, or $l.BO In ciao ii. will set Fifty two Sermons of this great Divine, tesid.s the Hems of the unday Ser mons of H. Ward: Beecher, E. HAOtiapio; Dr ..Neale and Tyng, and others of the greatest Dielnee of N York and Boston, weekly, during the year, together wit a rich and rare variety of Literary Matter, Roman . Trayebt, , Sketches. ' Poetry' , liumorvlllography, Wit and i'sdom: ' In' ebort, all that can bugathered to make the b eat literary paper of this &deluded ige, by that:est Amen 0 and Euro peen writers wed oratorsw . ; Eir Editorially , it will be entirely flint .in P'olitlee and religion. -• . , ' ' Whereverthere are News Agents ,th . ey wit eolith you single ceplei 'it fair cents each nuMEer, , eont Meg at least one of there great r'ermons complete. Now is t 0 time to sub scribe. Sitigle'subscriptiona $2.00.. Club of n to one ad dress, e 1.60. Club of twenty at $1.25. Cle men supplied at el .00. . . far Address JONES & SMITH, StlOoollio to B. Baker *CO.; No .15 J.lii*ls ;Street. BostOn, . . - • • . • • • .ssam www rag . ___ JUST SERMON,' TiillE WEEK,•DATED - :SPURGEON • ON , THE WAR!. . ~ Text,-" Fight the Lord b s Bittles."-1. Pi thavered at Royal Sorrey Gardens, Msy 1, li l'' SZOONO , SERMON, DATED JIJNEi •"And I will put my spirit within Xxxvi : 27. . Delivered in London, May Bth, - 1859.• • FOR SALE BY ALL NEWS AGENTS. Ask for the brat number of the Niw roar WAitiLOY with Portrait and Illogrephietd Sketch of Spurgeon, dated June 11,1869. sir- Back numbers supplied. I .Bfir Aii settled Clergymen and Postmasters are requested to.act as agents, and receive and forwaill subscriptions to. us.l .••I • A : Jell-It . MISCELLANOUSI WAXWING CLOTHMI Bt; PIi.ECINSURE. . . —After tlftlyesre experitnentlfg,:the proper. arti cle has at laid, been invented for' g women in their hard fishers on the Washing day.. ; • • • .1! • "IT IS MIN, Come and •be convinced that we are) ahead .of every machine iti use. Half-the time; half the hard labor. bait In near and tear,- am d , half in soap .is sired. Little boys and girls can do_ - the Work for UMW 'inethers. The under signed baTe purobised the exclailre righlt, Of '•4l.llelente7 County tilitake mad sell J. T. MUDGE'S ;i 9 " • tingerioi Wishin g Miehutes,—„, Manufanture d and for sale vt Pr0...34 Watir 8i p?itiplog: We desire the pnb'io to call and examine t4kihtailia v saving machine. , It can also. bi seen itt eample Room of tbe,Slechenics'lnstitnte. ..• ; ,„ - GULLET & BENNttT. We, the undersigned, having thoroughly tested the ab machine, take ,planiuee In aneommexiding the mom to the public, assured that they 'find' Will that is above BUJ AST HEATH, VW. JENILiNS, HIIGTeLRE, R. WHIMS ICBSO., ISAAC OH ARILS, J.M. BUN LAP, JA.M rS THORN, :DEO. W. 13.11ELEV , y - A. M: ROWAN°. F. B 1 OUNT, 1. MNSKINBN JAMES RAZOR, ALIEN ER kMEE.. - • JANE 'B. EVANS; WM. WARDEN. DAVID M'RINN AY, E. WATTS: . • F. H: THOS. M'CONNECA,,• JOHN D• WS. . D. SCATFE, WM- O. waTakir, JAB..M'OHVOHEN, D RHEA. JR. JOHN GREGG,. • 0.11 LEMON. JOHN , AIKEN, OHAS.'Et REES, HENRY MIIRPHYO/.ICLEB, MARY M'MURTRY, :A. H. ENGLISH. J.- O. IBMVEIL • . J. C. PARKA. • THOS. STEELE. IL BRUM C W.ROSINtON;JR., WM. BARNHILL : ,•!* • ~!,;,! EBT,TROY BELL FOUNDRY. W • [Estiblikhed' In' 1826.] r.• ' ' '•' 1 ' BOLLS 'The eubscribers have ,Vonsteintly for ',Slit SD* BELLS iortment of Church, factoil; Steamboat, Lairiiiio' BELLS tbre, Plantation, School house, and other Ilene:. SELLS_ mounted in the most approved and durable manner . SELLS For full partAcnlars as to litany recent tipprove. BELLS Meats, warrantee, diameter of Belle,space occupied BELLS. In Tower, rates of ~transportaVon, to. ' send for. SELLS. Circular .' Belts - 1 delive red = ! or' the South deve;eillnillew BELLS. York. Addreee 10:11110br SONS,Agerityi West Troy, W."! NEW EDI TIO A OF MAJOR EIL"Ls , This day is publistso a second s4ition, rallied, 9f , A .CONSIDEEATIQN. OF THE SERMON ' ON THE HDUNT.' By Major Daniel T 4. Milli of North Caroline: ete. An expository treatise of this kind, from the lien , of a mathematician and a military n,ln, is•eartainly,a novelty But the afill:Dllbf 'thief litibk by no assns '46Si:fits tiovelty tame, It is really, an, .excellent.troatise,.aud all, the more. attractive because it it,sta . piniris. We confess - to • a much' higher appreciation of the • Bannon on the 'Mount. - 61104. reading it, than w• ever had before. lils logical mind' 506031 te: dwell with pleasnienn , tha logimtl sr bf that inimitable dlecouree, and he makes his leader share that pleeitire, The spirit of the writer. Is wiirthy or all prattle, and we most cordially commend big work to oar readers es* one Which; while it Is sure to inatruct and profit. possesses also a peculiar power to leave and hold the iutereeted" eV. tention of those who peruse if z—Roanyelitai Repository. s i ,* A copy will be 'sent* by:mail, • post-paid, on receipkof the prise. . WILL "II PITBLIBUID JOLT I A new work by Majorlllll, entitled , THE CRUCIFIXION 'OF CHRIST. . . • 1 volume,' 12mo. . Published by • WM.' B. k ALFRED, MARTIItIf, ', • Wnblishers, Boekeellais importer's.- N 0.4336 Oho/lota pweet, Phila. • EZI! JUST IPUSLISIStb GOULD & 151' , 700LN, THE 13 , 5EA3l /DAY OF. ATO•NIIMENT; OR, Ml_ 'AMMONS AND PRAYERS ON•THE LAST TWENTrSOVR•HOuRS OF THE SCIPPRRINGS , ' AND DEATH OP OUR LORD AND' • , 11AVIUDR'JE8UI3 OHREST. Tranalaltd by Ilfra..oolln Slaokentle, from the German • 0•• of Charlotte Elisabeth. Nehelin. • '' Uhno. Cloth, 75 centa. Itlemintly.prlnted om.toned paper., A beatit,i al and moot acoeptatdeloresent to a rellgiouto frlebd. • • fe2s-1y SHEL - DON'„ AND• ' • • - •• • 115 Haagen Street,Aiew York, • • • • • RAVI; NOW — ".RadDlf: • A New Book bilDr.• Prime, •• • The 'Bible the Levant;..: . 0 1 BIBMOIII/3 Of tßav:massma N.iItiGHTBR, D. D. With a due Steel Portrait of. Mr Righter. By Rev. 8. • Ireiiseas'- 8. Piinie,l):D. I•4olume,lllami.. • ' Priee 7Ccenta.: - • ' • • -. • The scenes• sod, in,Pente cOnneiet.sak.wAth journeys are, many of them, or thritling l lntsnisOsnd his death,verie was one of the moat tUtiehlug that recorded of those who paveh died in the service of Cheist.:: • • The Christian Graces. - By Bay. J. P. Thompson; D.13:,' of :the Broadrury Taber. eacie. 1 , vol lBmo. . Price "fb riarthi r . The Lectures embodied in this volami meet ealleeL by, the recent revivel, and are derignirdjet laitiect new conv e rt, and aid matorer Christians In the formation of :a complete :and elevated character. Each grace, Virtue, Knowledge, Temperance, eta, is carefully analysed and detioad , as to its characteristics, and thee Illustrated by saaaspiee and enforced by , argument and appeal. Thus the Lusters, are at eacecrldeal and practical.: - • 2 That Eitieirthok, . By Mrs. Thomas Qeldart. 1 vol . Um. Price .60 etc: Qommentaq..on rtho •Gospol , of 1 vol., web.. *Ail $2 25 Jr 0 .H.Willa fle S! Illir • iqpr FAMILY ORocar - 253 'Liberty' •Strici,- . Pa, Would respeetrally call the attention of the put Oil to hie 4zionsive assortment of ' CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES • Which he trusts hie long experience in the trade, and the advantage of purchaving directly from the manure taring: and importer% will ensble.hlm to otf-r to his customers, ms, Mere favorable and satisfactory tering than ever. ln addition to a large stook . of Stvpie' Groevrive, 114 Hit. comprises allf the hole dollcecie i both I imported and dai maelia, that b,Youod lo tlrsechos grocery stores. •• .0„.. Green and Black. Teas, • es , f i f ery variety. from the lowest prices to the finest eblog Isiggerend, pot "tip ill caddy boxes for family use. or siold no pound. or half cheat. Catalogues containing an extended list of my stock, fur niched by mail, If deeired. ' lvo charge for cartage. WINOLIN3AOII' AND •RE r 4 • $4.00 B.f 0 100 - vino ZBAKI DIFEY9II el MIIIBRIC 4W P131111P0 9 -I , }itlS E , PUMP.. notioed enitorialtylo the "Presbyterian" of the .Llth of Mirch, bon riowiind moot novel Invention, be fog v DOURLEAOTING PllMP,'.witb bat one piston; one , toorerno grade rode no pecking; and no suction. Patented 'Vetirnary, 159: 'lt raises water in all depths to 150 feet by bend, and Werke ~lei 'than . any other pump made ;is .gimple/ duisble, oheip;. and can he pagan Iwitbontleing the well, and warranted to give satisfeation, 1 Prices fromilginpwerdeo. ;Drawings parttenisrm tient free. filliES M. 511114.11 Y, utatiifers !Atilt% Pero' ittilit AND ADVOCAT E BUSINESS NOTICES InITTORIIROU AGRICULTURAL WORK%-- Nos. 49 and 51 Ferry Street, . .*: PITTSBUAGEL PA EMI JOHN BART, GUUAL 6011117 _ . BALL'S OHIO ISIOWNR and MOW aR AND REAPER COMBINDO, Inc the harvest of •1819., to which was awerded the Hemet. number of merit marks, (61,) as a Mower, at the grant natioral trial, held in Syrecove,luly. 1.16 T. In again presenting this truly valuable machine to the terming rommdbitV, we do it with tboillonl/111:10# that it will still hold and retain Its place at. the bead of all other As a Mower it If well known, and we now prevent it le a combined machine. the Hasn't -baying been well and fu ll y tested.during the harvests 0f,11167 and 1868 Among the many advantages it Petiseires over other mactifner, 'are— . 1. Lightrege oti dr , ft, dorebility, no aide draft., tteab cut ter bar, portability, he 2.' Running on twn wheels, the cutter bar tieing hinged, allows HAD follow the uneven surface of the grimed. . • 8. The very Important advantage. possessed by no other machine of rep; lands the cut, by means of • lever et ,the driver's right hand, so as to cut high or low without aton ping, which any farmer who has dui lodged gram knows is of great importance. • ' - 4. Its portability ; sett can be traneporled from.plane to place without taking off the cutter bar. or taking out the knife, being roads to a moment for cutting or transporting 6 Xiery farmer knows: the advantages of having ma chines manufactured near borne; • I pg. in ' been .to b. Of the •itetry. York, NS, NS, NS, 6. flaring two cutter butters, one 'exprtesly,for reaping, outtiniesix feet wide, and one expressly for mowing, cut. Mug four fret eight hiches:wide, comphtely, either for mowing °Creeping. The .change 'can be effected from mowing to reaping, or reaping to mowing,. in fifteen ' minutes. Theee are only a few of the many advantage's the BALL AOHI 1: possesses over all others, ant w« would advise these wishing to...urchasm-to examine this =chine before purchasing eleewheks " Employing Waft bt4 experienced workmen, and toeing no materials but so has have been selected with great c,re, enable PI to turn out work snip/mad by'no.other manufac tory. For further information, or circulars. address WARDROP, STOUT & WILLIAMS,' N 05.69 and 61 Berry St. Pittsburgh, or any of ottr-Ageute. myl4-8t alb O 0 F a 41 N A P 4N D n. DURABLE FIRE AND WATER-PROW' ELASTIC CEMENT }VICTIM!. . The ' Brin P FIBRIN AJOHNSON hawhig, by mutual consent, been recently diasolved, G. 13. . BATES and WM. JOHNSON give notice - that Wet. have entered into partnerrhin, for, the pirpoee , of carrying on the above ROOFING BUSINESS, $n all its,branehes, under the name and firm of BATHS A 101INHON, at the old stand, 75 Smithfield Street, near Dierovod Alloy- • We are now prepared t. .vier, with oar SUPERIOR ROOFING, steep or Bat roofa.. over rough boards end ohingles,eonwosition or, metal, r?lfs, steamboats, , railroad ears, Au, being admirably'adapi-d to withstand the serious change,' of,woatber, or the action fire, and it is not in hired by being tramped upon. We, also attend to repairing old' gravel mote, to the most thorough manner; also, to cementing tin, iron, "ebpper. 'or, sine roofs, making them water-tight. and securing them ; against th e action of the weather. for AIM per square, (oe hundred egriere feet) SHINGL,E.RoOPiii ,O.ItMENTED, Preserving them and rendering; them FIRE-PROOF, fur, $2OO per squarediatount for large roofs. ' . This roofing is CflßAiltit THAN ANY HIND Olt ROOF, and is inenred at same rites• as metal roots; and !a fast supeisadinealL other . • • Roofing mritertal for Sale , witli.instractions for applyin g. Refeiences and certificates at our office. .• ';-• B aTES A JOHNSON,. 75 Staitifeld St., near Diamond Anil, Pittan'g,'Pa. N. 8.. - Our cenvea Is not 'rendered worthleal in preparing itfor the roof. • oel6-ly , 1111 dt , JJ. T.• 9 0 A.ll OZ ,E , COrner of Liberty and Stith Streets, Pittsburgh, bate received their . SPRING STOCK Of ;GOODS far I , ' MEN'S WEAAL; comprfeingvie. latest iniportationsiof alottis,i.Cassinserrs, We/tinge, , which' they are pripsred , to makokto order In a 'MI6 and at such prices as cannot fill to please. ' . Their Stock of - sot ; R A , D r r erlfill I N - Out and made under their own superviskin; largot up in a very superior minner,randi will lrtsuklepik the LOWIST CASE PRICES.I f: at r 1 I- I i!A ' um • i WAR! igimirrr IW/i . ; • !WIN. S. I. mn aw. 10B? e tams TH. nIEVIR i. (Ka n WIEREIWACTURa . ERE or WHITE LEAD, RED LEAD, and LITIE. ARON, No. 24 Wood StriettPktobrabel'o• su34 ARPET .W..A..4g1E1 1. 0-17 8 NO. 87 FOURTH-Er, NA.4111 fOODivPMSSlNnitelro W.- D.•,& arCliafrialk;l: • Ns,. now in store a em, birme aseeitieeekof goods la Agile line, to whiefi they reepeettlilltlndfe diellatelitioii of chasers. ,They.following asp fir a frie444464lool 101,0g1/2". neually compose our Mot* Wiltons, Velvets; Brussels,. • Tapes - Three' Ply and • ' • Ingrains, • . of every grade:.. andlikedr earpetelltalitS6de, Mat tinge, Rugs, Nets, . Venetian Bliode, and Blind. Trimmings, gold Shades, Plano and Table Covers, steß • • • . o&arcre FOB muaoinos, • "We offer all at a veil alight !awake Os - • . ; W.iD.:ll.WlOlll.lll,lTha. SIN6IIIIIR 9 II IlitlIVING1714114:111410T11110 FAMILY 4111VING. Our Mactklnee are vuetly simerfoe'te'ini oK. YTOgUS and deflects Fe wing Machines, fleadleqolgAlikel":lryll merely, are recommended for family imes., ijorill not viewer the purpose. -r . . .. • • -. • Pettily Sewing Maeliiiiiic'' • ought to be stronger than any caber,' as " gleatetsfilekiety of work ig required, And they, go into less skillful hoods. Whoever burfono of ourMachinesitems* to W Certainty it will PERFORM THE WORK REQUIRED. Call and „aiffpW blLoce. Parchlang.rt 82 Market Street, Pittibirgh.•Ps• sp2-1y • JOHN D. M'CORD. - JAM 11. , 101011D., mg, • '; piAN rioniiiiia . , . I N . _ HATS, CAPS; "AND STRAW • GOODS,• • WE - tot/bid/4 .131 areet, `PittObtrgh; . Q/1117 ' 1111 )ftige andAnmPlata airastaiiisiiordainda acetate tbindin cay' of the Said , 1 4 1/P. Hats; 4.ofori style and qnality; OAPS of every. quality end albeit faablone;•Palm:beic Leghorn, and Panama BATS; Straw, end, Eilgt, BONNETS, etc , etc.„ Pinions gibbing V> Lptirebeae either by Yiliotente or Retail, 'will And it to their advantage ,40 „call and examine, mar lijoek. •„•Ina 10.)..a . Fr. , R, S • *e•V'..PA.NE4 HOUSE - -- AND -- SIGN — PAINTERS. PAINTED IN EVERY STYLE. Painting •:•-•J and- _Ornamenting, Ma sonic: , R ega li a; : pAiNYCatAifs:•AND ttirr, pba - 140 - ;04 1, -: 1.0 • vti Na ;101rThlid *Vet, near Wood, r' V enuntiso • A. BRITTON I CO., • MAERACTURERS, A 'WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS. - - N 0.32 North BECK)ND Street above Market, lihtiadelphis n. largest, cheapest, and best assortment of . Pi. N sod FANCYEILLNDS of soy e th er'establithmeol n'the United States. RiSPAIRI NG promptly attended to. Give nt ,t call sod •atbsty yourselves. • " • •• • ' A c ILIECO eitreosistl Ai , To VV. NEVIN,. SIACKNOWN•CCO ' • ' w H,O L 8 A.. 1, N...,f)11._0,01.8%. And Hannfacturn• of CARBON 'and OPOAL' 1110.:1117 Liberty Street..Pitteburgh. Pa. R ; sir White Lead, Window. Glass, and .fflaim ,Warth. st cheapest rates. . • ' .• •• • s JOHN IL Or 'a •MitNITIPACTUBMM • ',.• BOOTS AND SHOES, terii's . ::l6tOodii.franks, Carpet Backs, &o. WhOlgthlMA RIAB4I iz ioo jutE i r I,llbetitesula Moe Market ) f ' • ilt4.ll?°rgb, Wiil;VA.Cilr. 9 ll'llPOlillDltY AN, . MILL FURNISHING ESTABLISHMENT, Ogee, ; 819' !Liberty'' Stroott, , . PiUsburgh, Penna : Steam Nngines, warranted, on band, and made to order. Steam Bollers,Chimueys, and Salt Pans, Gait and Saw-Min and Irons, Mfil Gearing - of all kinds -made to older. and Catalogues of wheels given to all who , want gearing. e Grate. Bars of all sties, always on hand. Bolting Cloths, Anchor Brand; warrantee good. Franco 'Bur Mill Stones. all elves. Portable , Mille, for . Chopping and Flour leg ' Fiendi . 8117 Smut Machines, used in one thoistand Mills,"are cheaper, - better, and many times more durable than Iron Machines, and warranted to give satisfaction. Rtou'i Poitent;diroCt'imtion ' water wheels, the best in this cmantry, need in oyer, eight thousand Saw 11 oat as much as the overshot:, with the same amount of water dis charged.- wheels into Paw Mills, on short notice. and warrant them to give satisfaotion. For farther particulars, address W. W.' WALL 4433, ' my7-3Ect 819 Liberty Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. WALL PAPiEIFgIaW.A.LL PAPER ` - um e slotiks Ax KASICiIe =gen r FOR Pilla .mcsELita,..:& Vs" mole •larg• additionv to,Abeituanin , *lei, NW Pri"g, 54 .7 1 . 0 1 • - i• . I '*H4XLS. - LOGO es: • - CHAMBERS, ""'OFFICES: - ' DINING ROOMS,. i.VBSTIBULBS. A Gold Bopiet Plain and Panel N 9.• wixtrow=cuit , r4ngs" TErrEns,. 111.11EtiBWARD • . • 14!4cle , f;* amt .. acmsplets.assorbrest • *.E ST .oF tkE 4 ,lll . A l l ' 14-41ifire indeftwitiles ve to SOH at ' 478 r row•Pßrozs.• • • ' MARtitil:LL 8c:CO.; 87 Wood Street, PatitinriLi ERIE pLASTER:AND Plaate'r Firth for. Agricultural purposes. ,Do. do. for Stnetio work Stinwi•whlte time: an evtra article. • • Louisville Lima; a hula stook always on hand, and sold irholesais and retail. W. W. Ws'LL SCSI, Sat • •. 819 Liberty Street, Pittsburgh. •DlB F " JIC DKI E AWAim MD BY ••"• STATE' PAIR 'TO • - GRAF.SII.4 . C .. :THZ BENZ, - • • • , , • O . ,O . VE A A.W•D AAR 461 Poi mittniti, , aion• RENT WOOD 000 A EITOVS. ' 5 Diploma for boat Laundry, Bt,ove. ,Also, on,. hand. 6,l4irsee' mortinoot• of Hewing titaile; Plahs. aStPaiky Crate illrandarit,ZolLowrjrif,m•;ko.lj O.!' Li • I Whilrey% d nil wall, ince owe. Amy =II •. .. =I OE BEE fi a. i a D As =II • CHARLES . DESILVER, PUBLIS" l O en BO E 4Theistiammittreet P. OPP" Re the!' *saw* , X lll 4 •1. • rianaiblitaisrA, -SCHOOL, - MEDICAL; AND: mats aelavital.: Furnished on the 17.4iLXiit7.41431-r3lllllll • ‘ Lord's Modern HMtory,- . . $1 Lord's History of the tinited'States, . N 1 _ Pinnook's School Bider] of nnigisnd, . 5, ft, Wos in, . • $ 4 • a . 1141 ., Grew - • Statendainn:diaptiAteadsvd.sPeAmt • I' . oo . Primary standard Speaker, . m 5, Johnston's Turner's Chenitstry, . d mamsnts of Chemistry. 76 , n manual Ph y, . • • 7, 00 Primary Natuai Philoeophn • MO Innt's./Mekoriee , ' ''History oethir 'United Ettitak 1 ,60 - History of, the 'United eta 444, 14030, . FAMILY WORSHIP • .stitialnistit volt awe wen QP VAIREEMEIfiIte Chiefly, selected, Man various authors r . with a Preliminary Busy. Together with a Selection of Hymns, by Albert Barnes, new and enlarged edition, with a portrait of the dsthor. One volume, royal 12m0.,in various stylei of' Nailing. Price in cloth, $l.OO. '" The book is committed to the blessing of, God, with the prayer that it may be one sf the aids by , which the *airship of GOd may be extended and perpetuated amidst the families of this land."--Betroct from the Preface. "'We take it for granted that an true Christian heads of families will oft to it„ that there is under Jheir roof a family,altar. To those who may feel that they have not ouch gifts as are requisite for this duty, the prefient work may ser e a good purpose. At any rate it removes the last excuse for the neglect of family prayer."—Extract from the Pre:Apiaries. ` , DR. - ADAM CLARKE ' S COMMENTARIES The text e s refnllj printed from the most correct copies of, the present authorized version; including the marginal readings and parallel testa, with a commentary and critical notes ; dUsigned u &help to a better understanding of the sacred writings, .iy5i0:t..40.10,..0,',1Lt5'. - a.;11.:t 1.. i. New Zdition,.lmproved—Completein one Volume:. The. ork t oontains upwards of ono thousand roYii octavo pages . The two volUmns bound neatly and substaniially In one larip "Time, embossed gilt leather , binding, with marbled eo d rin plain liather: Prise 00. HISTORY OF ALL THE RELIGIOUS DENOMINATIONS r ix MIS -USN BAD ENGLAND, SCOTLAND. Writlea bxautlion' the respective denominations. !nth, , 806 sages. 1 vol. royal Bvo Simboseed; price V. 76 r sheep library, $4; half calf, marbled edge, $5. CALVIN.ANRIAUTHER'S SERMONS, csayrarreoxacrneou ar,.siaccoH, os,o. x..mascrie ors- r A selection of the most celebrated sermons of Martin Luther and John Calvin, Ministers of Ilie•GesieVand Leaders oftthe Protestant; Reformation ; never before published in the 'Drifted Btates.r)to tridelitis melted their biographies. .1111111• DesatiPtiveDatalognee of Charles Desilver's mduable publications,'Arrnished on or plieation; And' any_lt9o_it tent by mil, post-paid, on receipt of Ithendvertised prima 50 " .6.03rp wroarzir, ALL, MTZ ES , variousfoi• etas lit,ll9'tlberty rts: ea" t, kitiaburqh. .:. • • VV. WALL&O.E. , spBo.Bm Wholesale and *Retail Groaer,a and Tea ' " ''" Dealers,"' EIEAtiOF'WOODi {4:s; , Pll7Bll,URG.ffi' Keep eiirenanily on. hind leferything generally kept, in a &Brehm Grepery Establlehment. . 'Geode delivered In the'eltyand at 4 tliedepota;free charge: We make , dlecennt t 9 clergymen: , ap3o4. ru.E 31?„. 0: V A 3 L • • ' Wit• iCH/tEtTe • wgevyks4r3 BOOTS - AH.D .- SHOES." - Haiti remoiad todheiniiiititd timednuakterebenteer NO. 'VIETH BETWEENJ WOOD , AND rMARKETi. palling "your attention to Jlke,nbore notice of our Re;:, moral,and M4111;0;17 provided With : more ,antplu and tom% nuilltbui" rooms" for 'enrlirgetVtoiti'of gado,' ive would - respectfully solicit araentinuancesofithe. liberal patronise heretofore bestowed upon the house. Our complete, anddesirable stock of BOOTS ANDliffCiiiS, obbtiried:at iliailhandsfstiretly froth Blinnfaettnera, bating beetteelacte,d,with, the .greatest- care nvgr has. been sur pawed, and le parecoliiii Whiroh - 4U thb'wents of - Wetter!' purchasers, aad will be disposed of rat 41m:towed market rates. Our goods we here .bad, manufactured with especial reference, otnese engvgd in„AtARAILMB : and. are war rantedlo givelialisfactior.' Parch esers,visiting this mitketarereepeotfullyrequested , to Call - and exitaihe our Siock. ae we are 'prepared to accent ith prime - goods; ind. of just Tenth, .1' A R T .107 U I ZE S • A. they may want. Eastern bills duplicated. All orders prompOhAnended to, sod sati.faction-Narranted. , makreerd 'WM. E. sopilzaTz'A 'No: 31 fifth at. C itx,n,u Ifik, A T 5.., WAT6RES , AND JEWELRY, Silver and Platad W-ara, MILITARY -GOODS_, :ripeoo44 • *A:TCILi,REPAIRMO, UT 1 . 610116g-iera t ltOOd v irieti; OORNER OF FIFTH EAST SIDE. W I N- MOTIVE !ll* ATTICITION OP itbovpablic to the PHILADI9UPEIEA - .Housekeeping.. Dry. Goods , Store,. where may berated a largo assortmeut,o t, all Mode of Dry, Goode. 'required in fornishhig • bones, thos — seuritig ths trouble :usually , experienced In buotiog each article 'lrk various plates. In oorisectuence of our glviogoar atten tion to this klud'of stitch., to the exclusion 'of 'drese and"hroor goods, we, tun. xuaratoe our. prices ,and ; xtokui to be the most isiorable in the' market.' • ' - • IIir.LINEN'GOODS;I3 7 aro' ibis to gieelrerfeet eatiefaction.belng the' OLDWIST. EB'reBLIgHBH UNION BTORB In the city, and baying, linen for more than' twenty years regular Importers from some of the beet miinnfacturen in Ireland. We 004 alao, •Jarge stook FLANNELS * AND MUSLIN • Of the bat qualititSito be obtained, attd at' the very low•et prices. Mao, Blankets, Qoitte, Sheittitess, Damask able Cloths, and' Napkine,Toweliings, Diapers, Huckabses, Tablesind PllOO Coen, Damasks, and alornana, tali and, Muslin Curtains, Dimities, Furniture Chintzes Window Shadings, to:; ke. JOHN V. COWELL'S'. ..• 13. W. corner of Chestnut, and Seventh Sta. • * ap3o:lli* • Yhtladeistha. =EMI IMMEI SC OOLS. •,•!• , 130 ," ,i F i agr orim ir4 azG Es faiia iisisiknia r/OUNDED . IN' Reinoved to thee New Iron' Bullifings, Fifth . • 1... • Street, , 18500. 7 t.: x • into ipartmsnts constructed ezpreesiy flw the Instltntion: having one of the most spacious wed degentirthilehed and Int nished Educational Halls in the Union. . •Ai soitii of nor imititors , horecoopied the-design of•our Bosluass Cord, to present the deception attempted by ,this mean,, au accurate and elegnot engrs'sing of the new Iron Building., with the College theoular of fifty pages. and P . perhnen• of Mr. POLICAIIei 011111011011011 Ornamtntal.Peu and Int Writing, receipt 'of flee stamps. • A &Vets 14 • 11- A in AiF 1 0 11 " 1 " , m • . . zL Om l iar/00104 .. • . e'B'o 'A R D 6 1- 0011 . 0 - 0 Is.• • ••• - • FOR YOUNCivOlitit • St'Joy; laimisiter Plivinetylvasli. • ; •ri VittCs=iid.w 7 "Pupil• admitted at our tuts*: for particulars, mud for a . Circular. saw MTH OSA I CKI.111T• 111T.111 0 00 .I.Mt MALI ACADH , tY,.BeivrenCoOlity, Pa. •' : • :; R. W llBBER,Principal. . , The !Mouser Illeeslon of ibis" Institution will - cowmen* on.the oth •My, of May. ,It , rds,%advintagve for • Thor bush lielentfflo and Classical Illunation' which` cannot' be surpaised.l; Its location Hi booltht,, and the students, are freed from, all immoral associations. The teachers rm. *red are of the Fist class !Teems, p e r, g e of grs months, including Boarding, 'Pnition, Room and Furniture, tights and Ptiel; sll6dol'''' • ~:.Rafer •to Hon.; 2. B.,PABl.Pilliantohester ' • Capt. W..Y7 ) . MARTIN, A ll egheny HAMM, Esq., Pittshuißß, U • 4, • ' • ;# 0014 , , • NOrth IS•Voidey, lieiver,Coanty, Pa. •groSSOIN KAL, -.ACADEMY, MI • AIR'S; j., Tuscarora Valley, J,nodsts Ciounty i Pa., one-fourth iintiti from the Porrysillie Station 'of Penatyleinta Tee Summar Houton will commons* onaday,tbn 166 of-4M Who's expense per pettion of trenty4wo wpooks, .or pard, Room, Tat don, WaohLog sad IncidenialsAid,sis, • 1 • 0- nee DAM. !FILSON. . arausisd and ay50040.4 d' . .. 4 Rossi P • r 1 X C I ICVT IL III i t ), 001Z7P1. 1111 INARIF Theo :Winter Session, of five month', will commence Mental' Wedneit - lay In November. • . ; . • I Expanses, for Boer ding, luel,Light and Tuition in the in. gllshbranabee,s 6o prr geedon. Anelint and Modern Lan: triages, each $6. LemisOne on'the Piano, and nee of 'nein meat, $l6. Painting and Drawing, each $11:' Or the pay ment.or,sllo, include the,rbole. • \ • A daily due eoineetirwith the alai at 1! DeL; and oleo at Parkeeburg, Addreee •••- ' a:, N.DICIERT; or • Orfprd,Flept. 23. MI. SAMUEL DIMENY, Orrferd, re A r, •,, 41, a • 7 ",..! • i• 1 31/ 1:.. • !111111 I , , : , ,; ;," .9815:00 •„..(a i t; .. 11: ;4 ATS ITO* • A LL. 0011111MBRAN Taq , IRON CITY pOLLEGIR, the lataesp most extallitft atrinized;'sied" best orgeriteed OgninimPidil / Behentrim l em United . 357 Students Att,endintDifity,, uma time to eomOete ,a . 4101111k10, from slryto ten • lentil. •Every student,/ npoir.kesaiAllnik, - ii ornatirteed•to be competent to menage ,ttige !Vivi Bnolneee, and gunned to earn a islary'of 6,9.9 , at •ilemmre: *. 0. '• •I 'mt.': Al. it PitEllll3llll FOR BIM PAIntWiIiPAWAIDEI • .... • . ':1 1 , tlf.. , • .1 . .7 3.4144, blinfsters'eOn MOtarpoi Oineili;r'end•Brogitmineldt Mire °Wa ne" 4(14", i. . D M.': lemma litatEMlMe. W.. WILSON, elifii ' ' MISCELLANEOUS BOO.Kg Alt zw poettettout t Favorable .Ireigniscr, ISCCOCOi.a . 33 4 00:3 1 3EL15. , . . . Guy and Keith—Guy on Astronomy, and Keith on the Globes, I rot, 12nf0.,. Manama's }french Grammar,',.. ' ' • • " Reader, Interlinear Classics Virgil, interlinear translation, ' . 1' RY Horace, " " .150 Wu; Cicero, " " . .150 . Whist, 14 . Xenophon ' s Ambles, interlinear iranarn, 2 25 Practical and Progressive Latin . Grammar, by Thos. Clark, Miter of Interlinear Classics, 1 00 Ovid, interlinear translation. - Homed Mk interlinear; ttanalatlon. P tOSPACTITS or RD PRESBYTERIAN it.NI. , bbocAte'. Tha,,BLUIVOt, tkputarlt.ed..ucehli, In , the ritievof Pitt berighiiiiiiPlitlithilOWand hi adapted tf- fiencrul CirCtatals thu presbyturiu!. Church, "-* ' VERSO ' • IN ADi r AN # 7N~' TN,OLIIIIB of. twenty, aud upward', DXLIVXRED in either of the cities, dMiItTIBIIIISENTS ; In''Advavce.. Nor elettiliiies; or lima, one insertion ;eV emits ; each rub. requent inwlio u , 26 cents. Each additional line, beyond eikhtP3 oats 'Par everP Yor eightlimpaithreemouidno,s3.oo. Each additionaLline, Od Ceuta. Ole Year;slo.oo. leach additional live .0.1 , 214 c , f /pelf, $h , year, sad $1 for each ad di - ' --- , . Builtralis KOMI& often lines 'or lese,One Dollar. Seth imiditionallineAS cents.. , • . •frltai• - •Cnikninitiostiond rec ommendatory of torentions.llle dimiltPracticeillehoida, ke. ge.„, beixig designed for tins pees • friary benefit ofshould be paid for ailluniness .- Notices •••• • • • • Bum% byy mail,where no good opportunity la otherwise at 'bald: Drafts' or notes of the Larger denominations are preferable, where they mhn be oosieniently obtained - ; PAIITOILB , sonding res twenty subscribers and upwards willhitheieby entitled to a pacer without charge, IT.B:When Tresbyterian faxiiliertare very much dispersed, they may be accommodated at the Club price, even Pkougb few of the twenty be wanting. • Let all be supplied, I f possi ble. The POORffe shall favor, to our ntmostability. Let the supply be rum, but /very paperpaidfor. Tor Two Dollars paid, we will send Seventy numbern; or for, Due Dollar, Thirty-three nunibers. Thiele ftwthe ealre of easy remittance: ' .I.f.Pastors, sulking up clubs, dud some , persona • not ready to pay at once, they may yetsend on the names, at the Olfib priee,!ou their own responsibility to pay us shortiy2 It hi:desirable that clubs date their Anbecription periods at the sale time. BAWD NoliaN. NTT at CO 'Proprietors :NEW PUBLICATIONS:. Vl. , , • nz FIRST PART OP TIM FFAXIIeY TRIMASURIE OF SUNDAE BRAWN% " • . (Edited by the Rev. Andrew Oameron, formerly Editor of ehrlatian 7 reastory,"), will appear on the Isr ov JULY, and' Will be publiehed on the first of every month Ibliowlog. The principal object in lecuing this Magnine ia to pro vide suitable and wholeeome Sunday Reading for families 'lt will contain contributions fr..m the most eminent ciergy 'men connected with all the different Christian denonitna tionr, both In America and England, and in each partliter• will bee . . • .. Children's Treasury, Wall a 'erica of " Rome Leseons," in which Mailed to 'Detract their children on Sunday ev, slogs • The Family Treasury will not belong to any pert:Mutual: 'persuasion, and therefore all Sectarianism, cud ,points of 'dispute. will be carefully aciuded from its columns. • .Bubsorlptlon Two Dollars per Year, which .will bo re• eelved by , any Bookseller, or may he' remitted to the Pub: limbers. • 7 11108. NBl Os & SONS, • • • 751 . Nassau Street, New York.. , Also, at London and Ediabiargb. ,itt4 4t, , CHABLIGS SCRIBNER. 9 NEW YORK, HAS JUST ISSUED, The Art of 'Extempore Spetddng • Hints for the Pulpit, the Senate and the Bar By Prof, • M. thiamin: with 'addition's; tté.; by a member of the New York bar. 1 volume, 12mo. . • ••• 370 pages. Price, $l.OO. • , This work Is by a distinguished pulpit orator of Prance— long habituated to address some of the most polio .ed,audh tortes of. the French Capital. It is the fruit of his studies, and experlenoe, and deals'with tke subject cm swig. ." Many who are in the habit of delivering public addressee, w ill reed& faithful pit. traltore of their own em b. rrassmente, and will also disarmer many valuable solutions of the'peen llar difficulties which beset them in their trying voqatiou. "Thls work has no counterpart or rival in the English lartgoage; other worki teach how to write; this coutaine suggestions on , the art of speaking—easily, agreeably, forcibly, dc:'-Christian Observer. • " The Milne of such a book as this cannot be computed— it, is a .wonder that there Cr. not more like it wholnis ratan with great clearness, end-with skill possessed only by one thoroughly conversant sr th thersubjeot. Tonsil speakers this book will be invaluable , —Troy Whig. " Prof. Bantam is entire master of his subject. and pre sent, it with tolin'eas. vigor, and• above all, with a 'Twit ting clearness which invests it with a genuine charm. • * • The suggestions made are simple, practical, and distinct-the results evidently of personal experience." Boston Journal. , • '4 It ia no common book,'and deals to no commonplaces— it boriginal and suggestive. No portion can read it with• eat blooming tudebtea to it consciously or unconsciously." .ttgaralster of the Cross. Alao, .A.DY : J. T. HE&EELNYIS NNW WORK. LIFE :OF 'GENERAL HENRY HAVELOCK. One volume. 725n0. With a fine Portrait and other illustrations. Price, $1.25. "111,1 lie hands of Mr. Headley, tbe. Christian and the soldier stand togeth•r as a unit—a glorious whole in Which- are 'comtdiaesi the pious virtues of the gentle: disciple with the heroic firmness of a J.coihna • * • The friends of Mr. Havelock have placed Headley in posiinidorto of the necessary informatke to make • this memoir well as elegant . Thus favored, he has brought to hhi l taak at Once 'a familiarity with hie ,seihjecl, and that lively and powerful descriptive style of which I:ni is the master, and whirl" hie oftentimes 'charmed the 'read ing publio."—Buffalo Commercial. , , • It Is well that : the author .ofNapoleon and life 31er &file" . staitildbe'the filet to write an biographY of'Clen. Havelock; big mind can nobly conceive lack a' character, and his fervid. picturesque style can fittingly represent it."—flew Perk Ezprees. t • • " He has given the leading points in ~ Haviloclqs military career with mach narrative power, and pictured hie - rare Christian virtues in a 'stile that will commend the to many persons who would not read accounts ,of seen vs. r f war and earner° with 'iny relish Whatever."—Bmtah Evening Transcript. • • SORIBNEK,B NEW 110.4914% WaudY N. P4.I3ONYA,LEBOENT. 1 yol, . $1.26. , ' , , ART OF BXTE3II PAO: !WILLS NO. 1101 $L00: '• 1101IR8 WITH MY PUPILS.' By Mrs: Phelps stop. _ , sorrsoz AND ART.OFIDEMS.S. BrJ. Monello: tYIE, 00 - • ' •.t • MOSAICS. By.T. Saunders • Ilia HAMBLIN AMONG wolttlWallidillhietiy;Blaornaiid Wisdom. By Wm Swinton. 1 vol, Dim*. • 41-00.: , THR PASHA PAPBIIB I n01.,1101 0 : - $ 1 00: , 'These'boeks sent by mill, Y 0181034, 00 1r 000 0 60 4 0000 lthe Poblidiers. islelallttibiargh by "'OWN 8. DAYTIMML, mi9blJtl 93 Wood Reils.oo. sirsit V IBODT 'WAITS. • '' !Airv.:l,lll • TWA . 7±4NILly DOCTOR; coNTecoasoi 'PEtitINI ~LANODAGE, , ERXE • ISOM MEDICAL ,TERMS, •- THE CAUSES, SYMPTOMS, AND. CURE, • oe DISEASETNIFFIRY FORM, WITH IMPORTANT WOLFS rOlt PRESERVING THY: HEALTH, AND 1/11USO OK OticStSKR. AND 1,71;311T - 4 7 ER 'Fft I EATNINNT OF TON • MEE. ILLUaTRATID. • book fivirritten In a plain, easy, and faudliai ; style, ad a pted Scp . - tinaly to family and leaden rates rno' particular theory of tredlsine, but tlike frion dhS of the Field, the slants of. the Gatlein, or. tbirrioerais of Zerlh...for. such HA:rowing se bare proved the moat simple. safe, and 'effectosl,bOltaring that wherweir dhmago - bas totted a foothold, there tho Otter of all Good his, iiitiOthe form, mercif.llyi niece& a rpecifle: Neither doesit,profews to topertods,the physician, bat_ wily to avoid o:4mm/tatty aid expense f oalllbf him in'roetit; io din- It lit in .faetyatphjaioisu Dealt al g i lt band sod readilo`iieive you, lux ermple tricellits may save you many Its cost Ins few months, while.allitotde critical moment, when yourmilular prastitionor,,is e qot at band, It may preierie your own life of 'that'of'sorne-lonem birTif your fafaili, or others equally nenriwltabstr. 1i o. Olotb., Price, $1,00.,, ' • I 1 6 ht , ' ;IP 'lf worvimno. tioplevatt - by s cona poefpatd, to apY'aodreas, ou recant •Cf 'Otte*. itseatif it +4lll..betfiaWfidTeid in qesatitissos - terms that cannot fall to pay. Oet a copy and U 7 frieods. Address, Kalif s. POTT.ER, Eithlifar„. 11 1 00 $1.50 per yea 1.25 " 2 00 '"