Presbyterian banner & advocate. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1855-1860, June 04, 1859, Image 1

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Presbyterian Banieeri Vol. T/71)14.1 37.
rreibyterbut Advaeate. Vol. =I, 116. 32 I
3riginal Vottrp.
Brother, farewell ; we meet no more,
In this dark vale of tears ;
Thou art "not lost, but gone before,"
To brighter, happier spheres ;
And faith looks up with joyful eyes,
To a reunion in the skies.
0 happy day, when we shall meet
Thee in those realms above; '
And bending at the Saviour's feet,
In rapturous notes of love,
' We'll there unite in blissful ]ays,
To celebrate his glorious praise.
With what delight we 'll wander o'er,
Those bright celestial fields;
And pluck the fruit, the tree of life, •
In rich abundance yields ;
And drink of Life's pure, living stream,
Basking in Light's effulgent beam.
Our Father's face, we there obeli see,
Th' incarnate Son behold ;
And with the Spirit, One in Three,
Their mysteries unfold ;
Our then expanded minds shall know,
What darkly we beheld below.
With happy saints and angels there,
Forever we shall dwell ;
And in their songs of triumph share,
With joys no tongue can tell ;
Loud hallelujahs to our King,
Thro' all eternity, we 'll sing.
But who can paint the joys above,
The glories of that place ;
Where we shall kpow the Father's love,
The Saviour's wondrous grace ;
Where faith is sweetly lost in sight,
And hope in infinite delight,
Nickleaville, 1859.
Prom our London Correspondent.
The Outbreak of War—lts Seat as Described by an
Future—Bloodless Revolutions in
Italy—The Money Panic—Genera/ Alarm—lts
Cause—France and Russia Banding Together— ,
The Public Reassured—Naval Preparations—The
Day of Thanksgiving—The Indian Mutiny and
its Merciful Suppression—A Memorable Sabbath
Day—The Past and the Future—Peace Amid
Tumult—The Thanksgiving Sermons—The Claims
and Wants of India—The Pope and Cardinals
Rated and Affrighted—A Scene at Rome—Aus
tria the Champion of the Papacy—The " Uni
vers" and its Lamentation—The Monks and their
War-Loan—Dr. Cumming a Prophet once more
—Our Statesmen and Non-Interference—Political
Prospects—Special Postscript as to Islington
44 Fair," and its Results.
LoxpoN, May 3d, 1859.
Win has broken out at last ! Its field,
for the present at least, is Italy, whose beau.
tiful fields are likely to be watered plente
ously with hunian blood. There seems no
doubt that Austria was, in part at least, en
couraged by the deriv,noiation of the French.
Emperor in Ufa closing words of the hist
speech made by Lord Derby before the dia.
solution'of Parliament. But even without
that, nought remained for Austria, as deter
mined to hold Lombardy, and to maintain
the status quo. in Italy, but to fight, and so
take the initiative with such promptitude as
to have the opportunity of overrunning Sar
dinia before the French auxiliary troops
could be mustered.
The Tioino has been passed by immense bod
ies of troops, who now form a kind of semi
circle, and the Sardinian army retires by
command, as the Austrians advance. It
will help your readers to a clear idea of the
position and prospects of the combatants, to
ponder on the following communication to
the Examiner, signed by " A. Elallenga."
It is an Italian view of the Italian Contest,
and deserves attention for the - aoouraey of
its facts, and the probabilities of its infer
It is not easy even for those who have for the
last three months given all their attention to the
subject, to calculate the chances of the forthcom
ing struggle. Till the French take the field in
sufficient numbers, it is very clear that Piedmont
must limit herself to a strictly defensive warfare.
The Austrian army in Lombardy is calculated at
two hundred and fifty thousand combatants; that
of Sardinia will only be on a par with it when
the Emperor Napoleon has sent down the one
hundred and . fifty thousand men promised, as it
is said, to flavour. Sardinia has taken great
pains to avoid a collision on the Ticino. She has
concentrated her forces at Casale, Alessandria,
and all along the Ligurian Apennines;
sad will offer no resistance to the invader North
of the Po, as far as the Dora Battea at Chivasso,
abandoning thus the defence of Novara and Ver
celli. It is doubtful, however, whether the
Anstriana will avail themselves even of this
momentary advantage; but what is quite sure is.
that long before the French have mustered in suf
ficient strength to give the Austrians battle on
the plai is of Vercelli and Novara, these latter
will have to fall back on their own Territory, as
their flank would be exposed to en attack of the
Piedmontese from Alessandria and Casale.
All campaigns of this nature, from those of
Louis XII, and Francis I, of France, to those of
the first Napoleon, almost invariably begun by an
inroad into the centre of Lombardy, and an at ,
tempt to occupy Milan. Such a plan of campaign
will, however, in all probability, be modified in
the present instance, owing to a variety of rea
sons, but especially to the strong position taken
by Austria at Pavia with a view to cover the
Lombard capital. An occupation of Milan, how
ever rapid and successful, would have no impor
tant military result, eci long as the vast Austrian
armament can find a safe shelter behind the walls
of Pavia, Mantua, Peschieta, Verona, Piacenza,
and Ferrara, all of which places have lately been
raised to the importance of fortresses of the first
order. A more natural and rational course for
the French and Sardinians will be an advance
into the Territory of Parma. A large force col
lected either at Parma or Reggio, would enable
them either to achieve the investment of Pia
cenza, or to threaten Mantua, Verona. and Fer
ran. It is not likely the Austrians will show any
great anxiety to sally forth from those strongholds
to give battle; nor is it probable that their
enemies will lose their time in the siege of places
which modern art has rendered all but impregna
ble. So far as mere military mancenvres are
concerned, the war is likely enough to turn out a
drawn game between the two immense forces '
the Austrian army will to a certain extent be
placed in a position inaccessible to its adversaries,
and it will at the same time be too much divided
into different garrisons, and compelled to be on
its guard on too many distant points, to be able
to strike any decisive blow. A war pursued un
der Such circumstances must needs leave ample
scope for the work of diplomacy ; and it is ex
tremely likely that England and Prussia, unweary
as they have been in their efforts to prevent an
outbreak of hostilities, will lose no opportunity
which may offer, either to put an end to the war,
or at least to hem in its ravages and limit it to the
narrowest possible sphere.
A few days may put to flight the hopes of
a comparatively bloodless contest, as indioa•
ted in the closing 'part of the foregoing;
and such, too, as Mr. D'lsraeli in his speech
to his constituents, yeeterday seemed to be
lieve in. But ,surely the French and Sar
dinians, now that the sword is drawn and
the scabbard thrown away, unless thoroughly
beaten, will persevere in the attempt to
wrest not only the Dtachies, hut Lombardy
from Austria, and, in fact, to expel her from
Italy. altogether. To do that, however, is
no easy task. The forces of Austria are
immense. France and Piedmont united,
are not, in a military sense, more than a
a match for Austria alone"; and were they
to cbtaiu too great and sudden an advantage:
over Austria, it is possible that all Germany
might move to the rescue. Not, indeed,
that it is likely that Germany will cross her
own Rhine except in the lust extremity, to
meet a French invader; and the idea of the
last has again been most solemnly disclaimed
by Napoleon. Notwithstanding her brist
ling fortresses in Lombardy, who can tell
what one disaster to Austria in the field,
might lead to I
"Who," (asks the writer of the article
already quoted from,) who can foresee
what the movement of Italy will be when
the first roar of cannon turns the hope into
certainty, when Austria falls back from An
cona and Bologna, when the - fiery cross runs
from town to town, and the French and
Sardinians enable and even invite the Ital
ian youth to arm and muster in the rear of
their ranks ? In such a state of things, it
will behove Austria, to guard' well against
any untoward' slip, against any disaster
however partial or temporary—for, the
example_ and instigation of the Pied-
Inontese, and the ~encouragement of the
French, will embolden' the` Lombardo•Vene
tiana to fall upon their masters, whenever a
chance offers, and the ground will soon be
too hot under the feet of the Austrians, even
within the walls of their impregnable strong
A Bloodless Revolution has taken place
both at Florence and Parma, the troops and
people sympathizing with Sardinia, and the
Grand. Duke of Florence, and the Duchess
of Parma both sent peacefully away. AU
Daly is ripe for change, and Austria's fears
have compelled her to place Trieste, 'ire
nicia, and Ancona in a state of siege. The
Austrian General in Piedmont has issued a
proclamation to the Sardinians, guarantee
ing liberty and protection of property.
But he is making Novara provide forage
and food, on pain of overwhelming fines.
A TERRIBLE PANIO seized on our Stock
Exchange, last week, when •it • was found
that Austria had resolved on war, and more
especially because of a deliberate announce
ment in the Times, backed by all its author
ity, and given in wide, g‘ leaded " columns,
that an alliance offensive and defensive, had
been concluded between France and Russia;
that the latter was to declare war against
Austria "within fifteen days" of her as
suming the offensive against Sardinia, and
that both, had resolved on the destruction of
Austria as a European power. To this was
the corollary that Constantinople was to be
seized by Russia, and that the French and
Russian fleets were to co-operate in the Baltic
and Mediterranean, and finally that Den
mark had joined the inauspicious pair of
conspirators against England and Europe.
The result of this announcement was an
alarm and agitation which have had no par
allel since the memorable French Revolu
tion of 1848. Even grave and quiet people
at once believed it,, and there was a sudden
reversal of the verdict pronounced against
Austria the week before; for her apparent
obstinacy. Men saw at last the unmasking
of the dark, deep, long cherished, tenacious
'purposes of one whom this nation bur never
trusted—the Emperor of the French. 'lt
was even said that at Osborne, in the Isle
of Wight, the proposal to " abolish" ARS
trim, wee made by Louis Napoleon when he
visited the Queen, and that she and her Min
isters had rejected it with indignation.
At all events, disaster fell on the Money
Market; the funds went down four or five
per cent.; not less than fifty Stook•dealers
were obliged to succumb before the tempest;
stooks and shares of all descriptions went
down fearfully ; and, in one day, the country
was by many millions poorer. Trade and
commerce received a rude shook, orders
were countermanded, workmen were dis
missed, and the food of the people was sud
denly enhanced in price by 10s. per quarter.
IL was felt that England was herself in peril,
and a rapid manning of the navy, the get
ting up of volunteer rifle clubs, the calling
out of the militia, and a revival of the days
of 1804, when Bonaparte's flotilla at Bo
logna, threatened our independence, was an
ticipated by many.
Now, there is a change, and a calm
Why ? Although war is begun, yet " the
offensive and defensive alliance " between
Russia and France, is gradually melt
ing into thin sir. Russia has been ques
tioned by our Government, and Prince Gort
sebackoff, her Foreign Ambassador, admit
ting that there is an understanding between
France and Russia, of some kind, , denies
that it has any aggressive aspect whatever
against the intereste of England; and the
Emperor Alexander himself declares he has
no intention of attacking Austria. Had
Lord Derby been out, and Palmerston in,
we would have been spared this panic and
'A , ailt7
its sad results. The. Economist, a paper
edited by Mr. Wilson, an eminent member
of the late Palmerston Ministry, puts the
matter es follows, and, as I think, ju
diciously :
We do• not read in the alliance between France
and Russia---supposing it to be as stated—any
such covert hostility to Great Britain as alarmists
fancy. That one motive of this proceeding is to
neutralize any possible action on our part in favor
of Austria, we entertain no doubt whatever. But
this precaution we hold to be permissible enough.
The French Emperor, believing that he and his
ally, Sardinia, have a just ground of war against
Austria—or, if we please, being resolved to
"have it out" with that power, now that he bats
foind a plausible pretext—is resolved not to be
interfered with. Our Cabinet have used language
which may well make him fear that under certain
contingencies they might have been as much in
clined to help Austria as they have showed them
selves inclined to praise her: be is wise, there
fore, to provide an ally who will help him to oc
cupy our fleet in case we should manifest an in
tention of intervening therewith in the dispute.
We do not see any need to suppose designs more
unfriendly than this. As for Russia, we have
long known that ever since the C,imean war she
has been cultivating friendly relations with France
and Sardinia, and has been waiting for a fit oc
casion to repay Austria for her hostile though
passive and selfish proceedings during that disas
trous contest; and we cannot wonder that she
should embrace so promising an opportunity as
that now offered. Nor can we see why we should
regard the mission of a fleet into the Mediterra
nean (if she really has one to send,) nor the con
centration of a corps d' armee on the Gallician
frontier to menace Austria, as any act of unfriend
linos or any indication of aggressive designs
against ourselves. The latter step is no doubt de
signed to weaken Austria in Italy by compelling
her to retain one hundred thousand men in Ger
man"; but if we have no wish to help Austria in
her Italian struggle, why should we quarrel with
such a proceeding?
Nevertheless, it is well to be on our guard.
Sir Chas. Napier calls out for a Channel
Squadron of great strength ; so does that
" Dog Tear'etu," Mr. Roebuck, and the
Ministry themselves are not slow to obey the
call. A Privy Council wan held on Saha-.
day, and it was at once resolved to increase
this number of marines for the fleet, by the
addition of ten thousand. For this purpose
a Royal bounty has been offered, at the rate
of £lO per man, and there is a rush yes
terday and to day, at Tower Hill and at the
Receiving Ship at Woolwich, of men suita
ble for the service, so that a magnificent
British fleet will be speedily in the Channel,
and • another in the Mediterranean. The
garrisons of Gibraltar, Malta, and Corfu ;
are all being strengthened, and it is right
that they should "be so • for, who can tell
whereunto this war may grow ? My own
impression is, that it will not last long;
but we all bad the same expectations about
the Indian Mutiny, and yet we know how
formidable it became, and but for God's
mercy, and the special heroism of our hand
ful of English soldiers in India, led by the
God-fearing Havelock and others, how it
might have been overwhelming.
A DAY or THANKSGIVING for the sup
pression of the Indian rebellion, was held
on Sabbath, the let inst., and was univer
sally and devoutly observed. Men's,mitids
were deeply solemnized by the black. cloud,
charged with tempest, which brooded and
was about to burst over Europe. The min
isters of the sanctuary felt it impossible, in
offering the people's thanksgivings, not to
mingle with them strong supplications to
Him who alone could avert apparently
present and imminent. peril. , Indeed last
Lord's day will always be a memorable one.
With multitudes it was the day of Sacra
mental commemoration. They "kept the
feast," and at the table of Christ, as . in the
very shadow of the Almighty, they expe
rienced the peace, amid surrounding tumult,
which He who said there to each pardoned
and welcomed gueet, ' 64 I am pacified toward
thee," could bestow. But what a week had
preceded that fresh, happy, soothing, sus
taining Sabbath, and its holy feast ! The
Demon of War had stalked forth, and the
nations trembled as they beheld him, "The
dart and javelin glittering in his hands."
And mingled with. the " confused noise of
the warrior," from afar, was the tumult of
home excitement. All over the kingdom a
stern, close, hand-to-band political contest
was being waged, on whose issue it, was felt
the future of England largely hung. On
Saturday, the closing day of that mem
orable week, every' borough gave out its
utterance, and Conservatives and Liberals
were placed in an antagonism, and changed
places in a manner such as has not been
known for years. On Saturday even
ing,• the busy cities and towns—agitated all
the week, and throughout that day, in a
state of feverish excitement—subsided into
quietude, and men were unusually glad to
find that a day of rest was before them, and
that " the Sabbath drew on."
The sermons on the day of thanksgiving,
partook of the nature of the prayers. The
ominous future received attention,.as well
as the wondrous past of that Indian Rebel
lion so marvelously trod again. It was good
for us to be reminded that God had been
very merciful, even amid righteous judg
ment; good to feel that "had not the Lord
been on our side," the floods had swallowed
us up; good to mark and recognize the
glorious union of Christianity and courage
in that Indian struggle, such as had been
unknown in a British army since the days
of Cromwell and Ironsides; good to see and
recollect that Heathenism and Mohamme
danism had both been judged and rebuked,
and that the way was now clear in an hum
bled people's hearts, and by reason of the
resuscitated zeal of a repentant nation at
horns, for the carrying over Hindoosttn that
lianner of the Prince -of Peace which, as
yet, has been only unfurled in the eyes of a
very few. Neither British nor American
churches are more than half awake to the
claims of India. What six Christian
teachers would ,be in this London of ours,
are the four hundred missionaries that are
in Hindoostan ! Whole tracts and provinces
never yet saw, " beautiful upon the monn•
tains," the feet of a herald of deliverance.
And in.spite of all that will be done, for
years, Hindooism will remain a system stern
and formidable. It is a far more consistent
thing, in its diabolical unity of spirit, than
is generally believed. It even exceeds
Romanism, in its adaptation to enslave, de
ceive, and destroy.
We bad a RI:molt, a day or two since,
that the Pope bad fled from Rome. That
event has not yet happened. The French
troops, his quasi•protectors, are still there,
and he hates them thoroughly. A few days
ago, the French troops were cheered by the
higher and middle classes, in the public
streets of Rome. At this, Antonelli was
very angry, and some arrests were made.
The French General resented this; the
demonstration having really been in sym
pathy with that French alliance with Sar
dinia which Rome fears above all things,
and so, no(ens vclens, the Pope's Prime
Minister is compelled to set free his pris
The Univers, the French Jesuit organ, is
in a great fright about the issues of the
war. Its language sufficiently indicates how
thoroughly the Papacy is being 64 minished
and brought low," as even prophecy expects
us to look for, ere there come that final
overthrow which awaits her, and whose
crash will be loud enough to make the world
know, at last, that she was the Grand
Adversary and Antichrist, and that "strong
is the Lord God that judgeth her."
Rear the Jesuit's organ. It is quite
true to its principles; but to its confusion
and dismay it cannot arrest the conflict be
tween " Christian princes" which it de
precates, or sweep out of the path either
England or Russia: ,
We are still of exactly the same opinion we
were a week ago, before the French troops en
tered Piedmont, or two months ago, when war
appeared neither desirable nor prottable, or even
a year ago, when there seemed no possibility that
the peace of Europe could be disturbed. We
then wished that war might not be declared for a
long time to come, and that. when France should
draw the sword, it would be against another
enemy. The Church implores Heaven to' send
peace among Christian princes, and especially
among Roman Catholic princes. But at present
war breaks ont between the two great Catholic
nations—is about to• overrun and lay waste a
Catholic land—its flames threaten to spread even
to the Vatican, the sacred abode of the Father of
the Catholic) family. For our psrts, we know only
two enemies to France—the two pointed out by na
tare—England for the present, and Russia in the
future. We believethat Russia menaces Latin civ
ilization with one of the most memorable catas
trophes that any civilization ever had to undergo.
Russia aspires to the empire of the world—to
Constantinople and to Rome, and even now this
dream of her old ambition can no longer be re
garded with contempt by any serious mind.
France has only one truly great part to play, that
which prudence and history indicate. The rev
olution made her relinquish it for a while, but she
has not renounced it, because she has always
felt that she could not do so with Out sinking in
the scale of nations. France should be the heart
and arm of Latin civilization—the shield that
covers Rome, the hand that assists, raises, and
upholas all Catholic nations. England and Russia
close the world against us and against the Gospel,
England now, Russia hereafter. The vessels of all
nations only traverse the globe with a passport signed
by England. When England no longer signs the
passport, Russia will do so. We should hai , e
wished to see France, as protectress of the great
European families, give the world to them by up
holding everywhere the true religion. Such are
our ideas and views, and hitherto nobody has
persuaded us that it is possible to form any of a
more patriotic, more French, or more Christian
•haracter. •
Austria now is Rome's chosen champion,
and the monasteries of the empire, at the
Pope's instigation, have contributed a mil•
lion of money to the expenses of the war
This will soon leak away, and if Austria
survive the shock, and get her finances re
dressed, (now she is issuing paper money,
and making an enormous demand in taxes
and loans on ber peetti43lhe is sufficiently
Churcb..ridden as totebedinnest enough to
pay the monks Buk,,nietbinka if in
English " heretic" Nara Raked what he
thought of the prospiept,,,9Lrepsyment .of
that lent million, he touldvle , tempted, in
the naughty-boy fashreaftUglace his fingers
and thumb at right , glen ;with his nasal
promontory, and wit ot.'lnii and leer far
from respectful or cothtinting to the: friars,
would simply say, iffea"t, you wish you
may get it?" Or at,i,;; ; ;paddy might say,
"You'll never see I .again except in a
' v
.drams l" ''
e ,
DcraTOtt CllMMlNGiiiit.;ltiti , thanksg iving; sermon, has turned tPrephet once more.
The Russian war of 14,A E ' ''sSW, Was the premature effort of t 'Ali ;' ' ; - !fulfill that ,
destiny which he ( ;; 1 0 4 04
time was indicated inlie 38th and 69th4tf'
Ezekiel. He had staid then that Russia ,
would again emerge from its frozen steppes
and ledges, and, , tilted with auxiliary
forces, would yet °le its way to Jerusalem,
to its own overwhelm . g destruction. And
so the two mightiest ' wens have coalesoed,
and their object is: en Eastern Empire,
headed by the Czar, d a Western Empire ) ,
headed by the Emperor of France. So
" the ships of Tarshitai" are England and
her navy, and "Shrible,:,and Dedan ) and
Tarshieh, ' are her commercial, and, mercan
tile, and colonial dependencies ; and it is,
inferred that England:4l4ll be involved in a
fearful struggle, frontiiiiieh; however„after
a fearful expenditu of '.men and Means,
she will emerge radiot with i virtues.
Dr. Cumming oho have learnt . a little
caution and modest from the notorious
failure of his predicif rti-aa to the issue' of
the Crimean etrugglC:'But the "school "
of which he is an i„Mtelp, is,,always, credu
lous exceedingly, an4rusiatonllaying down
date and place, and i tipping out the fitture,
of those times andslPs which the Father
had kept in his own teller. , . • - ;,
have dealt very Sew!. "'with the idea pro-1
pounded in Lord y's speech; and at-
tribute mischief to remaining in 'office.
It seems certain, in ( i pits , of gains .Sy ~or-
rnption, that the Ca 'net , must give ,way'
before a united majty of at least sixty.
One thing is (sera Pathat 'all 'political
parties are resolvegtof keep` out of: the
European fray as itg , as possible. Mr.
Bright is not alone , - ow in preaching, the
doctrine of non.intermition. Even General
Peel endorses it, whiPit the same time ex
horting the mann, '6,, keep- its "powder
dry," and giving,l ah orders for rifled
cannon, rifled
.musks 'And other weapons
of war.
P. S.—the Baia; ijsiington ,cacne off
last week, and inspi 9f ungenial weather;
political turmoil, and war-panics; was most
successful. The arftflres 'front , the United
States did not ocoupiti l sep t arate table, but
they were protn4evAthe ',principal table.
The painting by .*:4l :I, the vases by the
venerable grandrffeth.: The writes that she
has " forty g '!
.'s: , ,re, t, ti*:6ooks • for
warded with - a-= ,- ; tStiffeasi-114iiiithof;
with other articles from Washington and
elsewhere, were duly appreciated. I beg to
thank most sincerely the donors of all, as
well, as the sending of the two gold dollars,
which were safely received. lam sure I
must have forgotten to chronicle some of
the gifts. Nevertheless they were all wel
come, as expressions of Christian love. If
any others were intended for us, they will
be in time to complete and crown the early
and entire extinction of our church debt,
which, thank God! is now virtually abolished.
Mr. D. M. WILLIAMS was liaensed to preach
the Gospel by the Preabgery of Saline
at its late meeting.
Prof. M. M. FISHER was ordained sine titnlo
by the Presbytery of Missouri, at its late
session. JAMES A. QUARLES was
censed to preach at the same session.
Rev. C. H. MUSTARD has been received from
the Presbytery of Wilmington, (New
School,) by the Presbytery of Lewes.
Rev. WM. MCCONNEL has been installed
pastor of the church of Honma,'by the
Presbytery of New Orleans.
Rev. Mr. Ti INDLEY has resigned the pastor
al charge of the church at Springfield,
Rev. W. C. MePar.ETEas' Post Office ad
dress is Liberty, Mo.
Rev. W. J. MeCoßmioK's Post Offloci ad
dress is changed from Youngsville, 8. C.,
to Gainesville, Fla.
Rev. T. D. WARDLAW was installed pastor
of church in Clarksville, by a Com-
mittee of the Presbytery of Nashville, on
the Ist of May.
Prof. J. W. SUTHERLAND, formerly of the
Jefferson City Female College, has been
taken under care of the Presbytery , of
Missouri as a candidate for the Gospel
Rev. J. S. WINFORD was reedited by the
Presbytery of Memphis from the Cum
berland Presbyterian Church, at a late
Rev. if. H. FROST was received from the
Bloomington Presbytery (New School)
by the Presbytery of Western Texas at
its last session, and has commenced labor
ass missionary at Corpus Christi.
Rev. S. K. SNEED; from the j Presbytery of
Alton, (New School) was received by the
Presbytery of St. Louis, at its elate ad
journed meeting in St, Louis.
Mr. ROBERT BRYSON, a member of the
class just graduated at Princeton, New
Jersey, was licensed by the Presbytery of
Northumberland, on the 10th inst.
Mr. JAMES M. SALMON was ordained on
the 10th inst by the Presbytery of Nor•
thumberiand, with a view to his settle
ment over the churches of Berwick and
Brier Creek.
Mr. DAVID M. Elm - plum., late of Prince
ton Theological Seminary, was licensed to
preach the Gospel by the Second Preeby
tery of Philadelphia, on the 12th inst.
Rev. J. F. LANNEAII 'Of Marietta Ga */ has
received a unanimous call from the church
of Salem, Roanoke, Va.
Rev. E. G. PRITCEtETT, from Geneva Pres
bytery (New School,) was received as a
member of the Presbytery of Rochester
City, and a call from the Westminster
church, Geneva, N. Y., (lately organized
by Presbytery,) for his services being
found in order, was placed in his hands,
and accepted.
Rev. JOHN V. MEMEL'S Post Office address
is changed from North Hope, Butler Co.,
Pa y to Sarvereville, Butler CO., Pa.
Rev. G. A. MAGEE was received by the
Presbytery of Connecticut, at their late
meeting, from the Presbytery of Nassau,
and is at present stated supply - of the
church in Providence.
The e General Assembly of 1859.
TUESDAY MORNING, Nisi 24, 1859.
The Aeietubly occupied ahaif hour in devotion , .
al exercises.
The • Minutes of yesterday irere read and ap
Reports on Systematic Benevolence, State of
Religion, And statistics were called for and pre
sented. On Systematic Benevolence many of the
repOrts were verbal, but the indication was, that
the,Abjeot was attended to by the Presbyteries
very extensirely.
Corresponding Secretary, did
riotiliinleit needful even .an analysis of
therepciitof this Board, es,it,ladhetnoiroillated
Seiniral .days ago. , He would tratinite a, few par
tiaularax Tlia'ketjelpie
7etirb7lsl§oo" btires)l,o9 o. 'grmkter,','& l o l
the bus fi ve 'ytchti. - The
fleard• iiiiiini out iiidriaillitger balance then'tisnal.
This 'was owing tb fact that, , during ten
monthli tb ieceipti"hed been leis than usual,
' but were for the last two moaths, greatly in ex.
°ass of other years. .
' There was, however, no diminution of the rids:
sionaries' salaries, even .during the Menthe 'ol"
small receipts. The Board hid' faith, and' kept
up the appropriations. And no proper request
for an appointment was refused; and the amount
asked for was given more fully, than had been
usual l '
'The large balanie in the Spring is needful to
keep the work goiiig on through the Summer and
Fall, when reeeipte are light. The Board had
borrowed no money. It should not , be subjected
to the need of borrowing, And still it,'had paid
every missionary' who lent in his rePOrt, ;Within
the first *Milt • after its reception. '
He would - admonish the Presbyteries not to
neglect collections on account of the large balance.
The absorptiOn of thisibalaiiee was very rapid,
and, streams should be constantly pouring into the
treasury. But &small increase in appropriations,
and a few.additions to the 'number of laborers;
would speedily use up the balance.
In reference to the South .Western Executive
Committee; the Board , reported against it. But
-there *ammo-objection to ; one or more Advisory
Committees; and he hoped the Assembly would
arithetize such s, Committee at New Orleans with
a'•Dietrict Secretary. Also, if the North-West
brethren desired it, he would rejoice to harem&
a Committee and Secretary; there, and 'one also
the,Paclfic coast. - These would ,add greatly
to , the efficiency of the , Board. Also, - if the As
setnbly would appoint a Committee tveonfer with
the'Eoard, on the great subject of Domestic Mis
sions to report to the Assembly next year, keend
all who wrought with him, would he greatly
The grand wank-said Dr. 11., is the want of
men. He desired vastly more • men. The
Roard could grant no more commissions
than- •there were men, The Board practi.
tally, hod employed every . man the Pres
byteries had recommended;.and he would favor
a -Resolution- by the Board, that they would
commission every man whom a Presbytery would
duly recommend to. any of the'Presbyteries' fields
of. labor; and they would pay them &lithe money
'the Church would furnish. Bat if , the' Chureh
wpiild give but slolooo,'the Board mild not
: payout:s2oo,6oo; . ,
- Unemployed mirth:item it was said, are plenty;
why riot commission theni? - Some were :snper
annuated. Some were in ill health. Some pre
ferred other sources-of livelihood. Some`wonid
note g`o to the`Vacant' fields. Some the .peoPlei
-would not have cif .they did, go. •
• But we men. The , Board cannot mann-
facture, men;Ji is useless 'to talk of destittt
tions, and blame the Board iff'snch- oiroumstan.
oes. Take Means to multiply the Men: ;As to
sajtAr t Oijkatii I ttlun for ty rzi t . l , s -
per cent.; inthifilhe'MArff yeareraf&—would
be happy to inorease them still farther.
AS to collecting money, the Assembly required
the Board to dispense with all collecting agents,
and leave this part of -the work to pastors. It is
the Assembly's plan, a good one too ; admirable ;
one of the best ever conceived. It works well.
It progresses. But a little advance still is,
hoped for. Preis on. Be steadfast. It is, the
Soripture plan, and the true Presbyterian plan.
This plan was inaugurated in 1864. It in
creased, by fifty, then by one hundred, then by
one hundred and fifty, and . the fourth year, one
hundred and ninety-nine. See the 'progress.
Last year, owing to failures in crops, the number
diininished by ninety-four But the reports from
the. Presbyteries• just offered, give bright pros
pects of a great increase, the present year.
If every minister and elder will see to it, that
this plan is effectively carried out, there will be
a large increase. More funds are needed. Many
of our missionaries are still not adequately ,sup-
ported. And more laborers are called for. If all
hearts were right, we should find money. Our
great work is to preach the Gospel. Help. Do
not discourage.
Dr Humphreys, Chairman of the Committee
on Domestic Missions, presented a report.
The report was accepted, and a motion made
to adopt it.
Dr. Wilson, of Cincinnati, moved to amend by
enjoining it upon the Board to appoint an Advisory
Committee and Secretary, for the North-West, at
Dr. Humphreys had no evidence that the
North-West desired it, or were ready to co-
operate ; but evidence was perfect from the
South• West. Also, under the, present arrange
ment, the North• West is well supplied, with
missionaries, while the South-West is very
Mr. Bliss, of Alabama, proposed to amend
farther, by adding, " provided it can be done
without expense to the Board."
By consent, it was agreed to take up the reso
lutions offered by the Committee, seriatim.
The first was read and adopted. Also the
The third, relative to a Committee in New
Orleans, being under consPeration, Mr. Bliss
offered his amendment, " provided it can be done
without expense to the Board."
Dr. Rankin, Dr. Phelps, Mr. Vandyke, Mr.
Bliss, Dr. Ball, Dr. Palmer, and Mr. Kerr, took
part in the discussion. Mr. Bliss then withdrew
his amendment.
Dr. Wilson, of. Georgia, offered an amendment
embracing the South-Bast in the privilege, if
desired, of having an Advisory Committee and a
District Secretary.
Dr. Lowrie favored the motion, but he felt in
doubt about the propriety of inaugurating a
machiitery of this kind. It must be eptteneive—
all the Boards must have it. It wilt interfere
with Systematic Benevolence. It is not entirely
in accordance with our Presbyterian system. He
would go for the South-West as an experiment.
Dr. 'Anderson, of St. Louis, would agree for
the Agency in, the South-West, but no farther.
The principle must not be established. He pre
ferred the Central Agency, for economy and
general efficiency; for harmony, and every real
Dr. Thornwell was delighted with the report
of the Committee, and was sorry to hear the
amendment offered. The general Committee of
Inquiry and consultation proposed to be raised,
to report next year, would review the whole
subject. He would not change, in a morning's
,debate, a scheme which had been operated for
thirty years. The South-Bast is satisfied now.
It demands no change, so sudden.
Dr. Wilson was glad to, hear what Dr. Thorn
well had said. His object was to bring the
subject to the reduetio ad absurdum. He hoped
this amendment would be lost unanimously. If
the South-West needed an organization that was
no reason why every -section should have one.
Mr. Ribeldaffer, of St. Paul's, did not want a
Committee in the North-West; but he wanted
more life to be thrown into the missionary
Before Mr. R. concluded, the Assembly ad
Afternoon Session.
The business unfinished on Monday at noon,
•iz., Foreign kliseions, was taken up, and the
resolutions offered by the. Committee were adopted,
as follows:
Resolved, That it becomes us as a Church' humbly, yet
with our whole heart, gratefully to acknowledge the good
ness and grace of God in giving 80 signal an answer during
the past year to the prayers of his people, in, restraining
the wrath of the heathen, taking obstacles out of the way
of his servants, preserving their lives, and setting his alp ,
proving seal to their labors by accompanying them with
the marked and effoctual influence of his Holy Spirit.
Resolva, That the providence of Goa- calls; ; upon the •
Church in tones that cannot but be heard, and ought to be
heeded by all her minister/ and members to the exercise of
increased liberality in contributing of their substance to
the service of Christ in this particular department of that
service; but especially that they should accompany the
exercise of this grace with that of prayer to the Lord of
the harvest that he would send forth laborers into the har
vest, that he would abundantly shed upon them the Spirit
of promise, that they may be endued with power for .their
work, and then pour out the same,,Spirit in, copious, Wir
ehair. upon the nations, that their beasts may be opened
to receive the truth in the 'love of it, that, they may be
Resolved, That the General Assembly highly approve of
the efforts made by the Board to' . erdist ; the interest of the
address of the Char& in the work of Foreign Minket;
Philadelphia, -South West Corner of Seventh and Chestnut Streets
and they would' urge upon all pastors and Ruling Elders
throughout the Church totnetruct the baptised members
in their respective congregations, in regard to their obliga
tion in this matter ast members of the Church, and upon
patents, that they endeavor tottairi their children to the
habitualdischargeof „their obligation.
Rpolved, That the rePort of the Board be approved and
referred to the Riemitive Ckonmittee for. publication.
• The ,unfiniehed hardness of the morning was
rout:fled. Mr. Riheldaffer on the floor..
wished, the„resoottes of the Church should be
brought out. He regarded the Board se able to
do its work, only give it means.
The amendment was laid on the tabl.e,,and the
dieoussiownontinued on the third iesolution.
Mc . . .
Dr.. cLaren, of Alleheny, did not,approve
of the measure.. He was opposedAo any addition
to the , present, system` Of -.Domestic Missionary
operations., The. Board,was natal:dialled for the
whole Church. It is act weak on the frentiera.
Its strength ; depends on Presbyterian organisation:.
Thliii,competent throughout. It force % is to, be
applied, let it be at the centre, ~Strengthyn.,tbe
system there, litorttilint, ione Ato l : floth l megt
ti li : fo7o4ollooWAtagiia , ;..O nl Y '
bo Mi,refu supervision. 'He was opposea7 i te
sectional operations. The proposition for
Orleans : was such. ,
Dr. Sparrow, of Alabama, wished to . know
what was to be the'spetrific field
.for this Agency
How far does the Bouth-Weet extend Y What are
its boundaries'? ,
Mr. Geary, of- approved. the
measure. He wished *files% some Agency.
Mr. MoNair, , of Wisconsin, thought :: there was
no need of such Agencies. Advisory Coml
mittees of the Presbyterian Church ,are the
Presbyteries. These , can ,do the work, most
efficiently, in every part The Board; should
obey the PresbYteries, and commission the men
they_name; and give ,the„money:they , ilk.l He
was grieved to see their requests, for Atppropriol
tions out down. Birenif the. treq.anryis empty,
the Board, ihpild , have faith“ and t ap,propriatm
But he did not appeal to the, sympathies, a the
Assembly but to their integrity He had riot
suffered from want. , •• - , • t
Dri,Pahner Would, net b0,,,50 indlsoreet. as. to •
make : a: speeeh ;ont only &remark; , He ‘desired
not disunion, !but ,co-operation, . The ,Seeretary
desired. was not to interfere, with. the ! Presbyteries,
And the Adv isory - Committee was to, - help- the
Becretary in. counsel.. There .desite for
!separate Synodic*, action.. He .desired .to .assist
Texas, and put : the Ohureh there in-.a. condition
to go, forward ; . It is hard.. to get ,men, to go to
the South-West..,Ages i t, :permanent, .thor
oughly to explore the . Aeld,- and piocure - laborers
for . it, he wanted. Br:, g ave a deeply interr
eating account ot the.,deetitutiens., of : the -South-
IN est, and ,pleaded eloqttentlY. for .help. He
recognized.the.unity Of 7 tlie: t Chnrch of 'God; .4 1 0
'the 'authority . fieneral ..Assembly,, and
would , ask. for, nothing , to, override • ,thio. great
prinCiple of oneness. l. .
Mr.„Speer was. the : sole representative of the
Western half of .the .Continent. He, offered an
amendment, that,.. a eintilar...„Agency !.shall. be
established . in California. There were =many
young.. men there ; .and • there., Was gold.- there.
Much, might be„done them. . We are lOSiUg; raltY
of . our people. there. , They ~ge, ~other
churches;-able. to Presbyterian
churches. , . • . ,
Mr. Vandyke, of :.Brooklyn, regarded this as
the most important, subject, to, come before the
Assembly. The Board:of Missicins, : present
constituted, does not !meet the wants and e4pec:,
tations of the chnrches. - Some : plan._ must be
j devised,to„promete its sifteteney. - Why has;: it
not met the design of its appointment Efelras
,glad to hear it. said that.tho Board .wanted men ;
!..but,.to, get .men, .we. moat promise, them, a
support. . He knew of five . young --men . who
wanted to go to. California, but they mould; not be
appointed foi,want of, funde.
What meant that large balance in the,Treasury
How was it accumulated,,t , : .By WIMPS to appoint !
missionaries. . Why retain. 3 the, mouey? He
,and if 14 tress*
'° borreir(thoidmpihg*Yrkl.
a going. •
Much was said about the increase :of .contrib.:
uting churches, since the induction : of Systematic
• Benevolence. Four hundred in four years!. And
we had formed nearly .that number o new
churches. The net increase was but ten. The
system was wrong. We have seventeen hundred
non-contributing churches s and at this rate it
would require oaekundredkand'seventy years to
bring them all to the work, . wanted agents
to go round and stir the people up.
The Board abolished part of its executive
force—the Associate Secretaryship. They ought
to send agents round. to collect, , to: stir up the
churphes. The pastors are bound to do it, but
incitements are needed. A.system of application
has been in use, and half the -churches have
been brought. to contribute, and now we abandon
Mr. Hickman, of Wisconsin, knew of some
applications for a • commission, the last year,
which were not granted. Several applications
from his region hastbeen redueed.
Dr. Humphreys—The report suggests the
appointing of a Committee to investigate the whole
subject, to the next Assembly. Let
this amendment go there.. The Pacific coast is
not now ready ; but*New Orleans
.is ready.
Dr. Wilson, of Cincinnati, thought the true
policy would be to lay' this, and the New Orleans
Agency also, over to , next year. Let the general
committee to be appointed, to consult with the
Board, have the whole , subject under, review.
Dr. Edwards, of Philadelphia, is not a member
of the Board. He had, before this, condemned
part of the policy of the Board. He was glad
for the free speech, and the enlarged views pre
sented. But something was to le said on the
other side. The ,policy of the Board has been
always sanctioned by the Assembly. Its features
are those which the Aisembly has given it—the
veil , features which some brethren now criticise.
Collision between appointees and the Board are
no new thing; bat the Assembly has always sus
tained the principle upon which the Board acted.
It always decided that the Board should give, not
what was asked, but what it could aford to give.
To quarrel with* the Board is to quarrel with our
selves. The Boards are ours. Let all tee Boards
know it. InvSstigate them. The Board of Do
mestic Missions does not shrink from a full in
Dr. Thornwell thought that to defer the New
Orleans Agency till next year would be injurious.
He regarded the present system defective, but
the- resolution urged only provisional arrange
ment, at the place named—specially as the
churches there were ready`for action.
The amendment offered by Mt. Speer was laid
on the table.
The third resolution was then adopted.
The fourth rescdution was taken up. It relates
to Agencies at the North-West.
Mr. Holcomb, of Ky., moved to amend by
inserting "California and." The previous ques
tion was called for and decided in the affirmative.
This cut off the amendments. The question was
put, and the fourth resolution adopted.
The fifth resolution relates to a speedy attention
to California. It was advocated by Mr. Speer
Dr. B M. Smith offered an amendment instruct
ing the Board to commission all suitable men who
may offer, for the Paelfte region.
Mr. Gaston thought the amendment did not go
• Dr. Musgrave was invited to take part in the
discussion, but the hour of six having arrived, the
Assenibly adjourned.
WZDNICSDA . Y, May 25th, 1859.
A half hour was occupied in devotional exer
The Minutes of yeaterday.were read and ap
Rev. Dr. Fisher delegate from -the Reformed
Dutch Church, addressed .the Assembly. An
agreeable duty had been assigned to him by his
brethren. He had long desired to meet the Gen
eral Assembly, and now his anticipations were
not disappointed. He had feelings from infancy,
connected with this Church. His birth and bap
tism were in her, and he had never ceased to es
teem and love her.
The Batch Church held the same doctrines with
the Assembly. She had her Colleges; Seminaries,
Boards, &a., in the same order. She was a
smaller body, but like the Assembly, was inoreas
log. The Master expects great things of each.
The. Assembly,- extending throughout the whole
land. was a bond of social union, connecting and
holding together the North and .the South, the
East and the West, to repress the fanatical spirit
of the times, and to check all tendencies to die..
union. Inthe Master's desired grace,;
mercy and peace upon the Aesembly.
The Moderator was pleased to' be the organ of
expressing to the Dutch Church, the respect and
affection of the Assembly. He acknowledged.
the kindness shown, and would return• the gratu
lations of the Assembly. He gave to the Delegate
the right hand of fellowship.
Rev. John M. Krebs was appointed a Delegate
to represent the General Assembly at the General
Synod - of the = Dutch Reformed Church, to meet;
next week, in Albany, N..Y.
Dr. Chapman 0 1116 , thvaromuccaarman of
Bridal, or atthe Office, $l5O per 'Year ,
Delivered in theleitY, '2.00 "
the Committee on the Board's report. presented
the Committee's views on the suhjeet. The fol
lowing resolutions were presented:
1. The Assembly desire to reeordwith gratitude the favor
extended to this enterprise by the Great Head of the
Church. They would reiterate their sense of the high
Value of this Board in counteracting the effects of a use
`,MAN vicious and infidel literature, by disseminating. tar and
- ride ofiltrne theolegy and vital piety. In these
respeetaithe Boardt_ilf.Publication is a valuable arm to the
Church, and has prefred itself to be an efficient and honored
instrnmentalityla the hands of God's servants.
2. The great object of the noard's organization and ef.
forte is the widest possible circulation of the free and on
disguised, complete truths of tsod'a Word. It would see
the press es a mighty agency in sending abroad, on moral
wastes, its pure and refreshing stream of light. knowl.
edge and salvation. It aims to furnish the Church and
the world a literature through whose pages shall gleam the
great and precious doctrines of our Confession of Yen,
and Catechisms, Marines which have cheered the Church
in the past, and which constitute the hope of the world in
future. Its pkbileation, while cultivating charity, liberal
ity,,and the largest measure of love to all, who bear the
Master's image, still dis Play a cordial, affectionate' and te
nacious adherence to the distinctive principles, wh ' ieh have
ever Marked neas a Church.
S .Dottri3ll,,the Assembly • great plearfave•to mark and
evigence whrokiketiliwir on the
the , Colportifge effort. These
lineable, self-denying men are. dcling .9.otr a work. They do.
serve and should receive .the aid and sympathy of God's'
' people. - With the books of the Board in their hands, and
with the love of Christ and of souls warming their hearts,
they often, as pioneers, go 'before the missionary and' min
later, preparing the way of thehord. Thus greatly do they
;ad in diffusing, amid Ingham of moral darkness, Christian
• light'and'kneirledge.•
• The assembly woul I, therefore. urge im the churches un.
tier their care the importance of this arm of the enterprise,
exhorting them to increased liberality in their contribu-
Monti, that the (Iterations of eolportage may be enlarged,
; andtbat the* publications of the Board may, through its
Instrumentality, be More widely diffused.,
4 The General Assembly notice with great pl.esore,
among the publications of the Board,' .t he Lettere of Joon
Calvin." They doubt-not that this rich and varied (tortes
pandence will throw new light and incresied brilliancy
,epon the labors and character of thatdistingutshed servant
of God and Ms -illustliousnompeers, and- that it will be a
fratfutiource. of .delight and information to all who are
interested in thahistory orthe.greot Beformation.
The Assembly rejoices in the opportunity of express.
ineits apOridiatien of the efforts' made by the Board to
meek the wants '.oftthe yonthcf our land. as regards Sab
blith Rehm:" hibriaries. r Thrp,se laye {too often and long been
carelessly, someri cues ignorantly chosen: ,'
"laniiimpririt of the' Mardis - -groiraiateiv of 'their merit
and:character. • The.publications of this. kind are judicious,
.attractive and sound. The Assembly recommend that, in
the; urchase of Librarlee, either for gift, or feeble churches
im`hernie at bothe,‘ that these bc;oks of the Board should
have tbtipreferimee. • -.•
R.,..lneemnch as the last General Assembly, by reeolntion,
direoted` the' Bolird of Publication to substitute for the
Hymn tearing the number 330 it being the same as Hymn
454, whiehidirection is uncomphed with: for. reasons which
the Committee deem satisfactory; and whereas Hymns 469
and .500 are one; and whereas the Board of Publication
have asked leave to insert in the ilymit Book additional
"logOlogies in these metres, not, heretofore represented in
the Doxologies of out. Psalmody; therefore resolve , ' that
the Beard 'of Publication be directed to make alterations
and additions, in the'spirit of the said resolution pissed by
-the last General Assembly. The Aessmbly would specially
commend the Hone eats Foreign 'Record to a more general
patronage, throughout the Church—to - Win F that in its
'diligent perusal, menibers of our communion may catch
more and more of the spirit of missions, and of Christian
benevolence, so richly pervading its columns. They also
' recommend the Visitor as a most eieellent publication, to
Ire &Ciliated through our Sabbath Schools, and among the
'children .of our charge. •
. The Committee recommend the Approval of the annual
report , of the Beard - of Publication, and that a copy of it,
with these Resolutions, be handed-to the' Executive Corn
mitteeTotpubliCation. The •Cointaittee nominate Rev. S.
• B. an the preacher in behalf of the Board beforethe
Clerieril'Assembly inlB6o, and Bei. H. J. Vandyke as his
- alternate. •
S. Schenck, porresponding Secretary,
of the ,Board, would say but a few words, as the
report had been cirCulated among the members of
the House. The Board was sowing seed. Its
Work seemed small, but the harvest would come.
All the`results cannot be known, but, still results
could.he gathered up, calking for' great thankful
ness. . The Board has circulated four Millions
celiles,of its publications. What an influence is
put forth!. Influence upon ministers and people,
the, aged and the young.
The COliertage work waS.,necessarily diminished
during the early part of the year, owing -to the
scarcity of `Fends.But the labora are revived,
,and presecuted. A large forceof -excellent Men,
. w, •
is no employed..• They do ,
not merely sell and
give sway books. They, give spiritual counsel.
.They visit families and,pray ;With them.
Theitotal receipts....fthp,..l?oar j d, is an . increase
#.:Xiil.lTitheugh`themciiiptOtm, sales Nas .
diminished. This was to there BMW-dm
played fewer Colportenrs. At one time there was
the appearance of a deficiency ; but, toward the
close of the year, there was a large increase of
tdonatrons, Which enabled the Board to report a
large balance on hand.
The co-operation of ministers and people, is
earnestly asked, in circulating the books, and in
supplying funds.
The Committee's report was accepted.
Dr. B. M. Smith moved to approve the report
and adopt, the first resolution. He had found
many ministers and elders who seemed yet to be
ignorant of the purposes for which this Board
was originated. He would advert to three con
siderations urging the work.
I. Our., experimental views correspond with
strictly Calvinistic doctrines. Say what you
will about manuals of devotion, yet the Confession
of Faith is the Book. 0 that ministers, elders
and people would read it. It speaks the experi
ence of the Christian. It is a great book for in
quirers—sound, practical divinity.
2. We thus make provision against the ca
lamities which may overtake us. We are united,
sound in doctrine, increasing in numbers ; but,
he would not boast. Boasting intimated danger.
We needed to be sound. to live and grow. We
look to the children. They perpetuate the
Church. A good literature is imporant for chil
3. Ile preferred this Board to all other means
of getting books because we have the manage
ment of it—the control. Let others make up an
organization if they please. Put nothing in their
way. But let us do our own work. We can
trust our Board. We can hold. it. It publishes
sound divinity, and if it varies, we can manage it.
Dr. Anderson, of St Louis—Our Church is
thoroughly equipped for its work, in the conver •
eon of the world—educating our children, pre
paring ministers, sustaining them, furnishing
reading. The publications of this Board have
one advantage—they go where no missionary can
go, and they abide, awaiting the caprice or the
leisure of the man, and speaking in season- The
press is the most dependent of all agencies, upon
the Spirit of 'God, but, with that Spirit, it is the
most powerful- Pray for the Spirit, upon edi
tors, writers of books, and especially upon this
Rev. A. R. Graves, of Mississippi,
the Confession of Faith. published at five cents,
as the best work the Board had done. [Alas,
that the edition has not the foot notes, the proof
texts, God's Word, the grand agency or good, to
give the doctrinal truths their power.] Let it he
impressed upon the Board that, not its fine and
costly books, but its cheap works, are the great
means of its usefulness. He was of the poor,
and he would plead for the poor.
Rev. A. R. Banks, of Arkansas, comes from a
country where there are many poor, the colored
people. The works of the Board were doing
much for them—specially the Plantation Ser
mons. They never bad buyne colporteur, at a
time, in Arkansas. They needed more.
Dr. Edwards had not been invited to make an
address; but he had some thiogi which ought to
be presented to the Assembly. He referred to
the general principles on which the business of
the Board was conducted. He was here to delib-
erate and vote. He fully responded to the
words of comineudation which had been heard
from every part of the House. Such a Board
was needed He loved and honored it, and ap
proved of its design. He was not a member of
the Board. Boards, it is said, are screeps—pre
vent things from being fully seen. He could,
hence, not know every thing. But he knew
some things. The report of the Board omits
some things. He would like to have known the
number of contributing churches ; also, the
financial statement Should have been presented.
He was obliged to refer to last year's report.
The reoeipts from the churches were about
. $20,000. The expenditures of machinery were
about $12,000.. The . ColPorteurs were salesmen,
paid by the olnirches to sell the Board's books.
The Board , report their Secretary as receiving
$l,OOO from it, and $1,500 from the Colportage
fund as his salary. . Then, a Superintendent of
Colportage receives $1,500 from the same fund.
Thus `the churches pay $B,OOO annually to
manage colportage. This Board, and all the
Boards, cieede to be looked after. They manage
money. The Apostles had men of faith appoint
ed to look after the money affairs. The Board's
report ought to be explicit, full, in this respect.
The Board had its Treasurer. He served
grathitously, a while. His work occupies three
quarters of 'an hour per day. The Board volnu
teered to him $l,OOO a year, which he now rt.-
ceives for`this small service.
The Home, and Foreign Record circulates lake
than eighteen thousand, copies in this whole
Church. Are there interests opposed to its cir
culation? Thai.% Sr Visitor is edited in one city
and published' in. another. Improvements had
been made by the S. - S..llMon ; contrasts are now
run, and we'stiffer. He deplored the small cir•
eulation of these papers—and their ,tharaoter,
Oleo. • ,
The Board ask for permiSsioil Akot B,dd to ti e
Doxologies. _Two , tails •hang: to rtbis.l In 'he
Presbytery of Philadelphia, an. Overture ;Was
offered to refer the Doxologies to the Apserably.
Members of the Board present opposed it suc-