Nanntr anb Atdoratt. DAVID MoKINNEY, JAMES ALLISON, PROPRIETORS STEPHEN LITTLE, - PITTSBUROR, APRIL 2, 1859 TAM 01.60, in advanees or fa Clubs glLASlFOriiinlivered et iiiiidenees of Subssrie bora,dee Prospeetus, on Third Pegs. 1131JCIATAI. A should be prosaptra little while before the year expires, that we way wake fall arrangintenti for a steady supply. Tll RAD WRAPPZIt indleates that sou desire a renewal. If, however, ill the haste of . =idling, this signal should be omitted, ere hope our friends will still not forget us. RENIT'DANCES.—Send payestott by' oafs handl, when eonveident. Or, send by wall, ' owdosing with ordinsuareire, and troubling nobody with a kuowledge of what you are deluge Tor a large amount, .and a Draft, or large note& iror vise Or two papers, send Gold{ or email Ilittes. TO MAIER Cry&Nett, Solid postage itiourpog or bettor 01119 road for Maori' paperill !lay 01 or Seventy aroßobers, for Tikirty-torso noirmobors. • DIRDOSI all Letters and Conanannientiono SO DAVID NoRINSTAT A. CO., Pittsburgh% Pao WZSTERN lionvEßSlTY.—Prof. George Woods, Presidlint elect, arrived in this city, last week, and will Moon enter upon the duties of his office. .We hope , that his connexion with the Institution, will be both pleasant and useful; • - FULL REPORTS. —Every chnieh should make a full report to Presbyfery in the Spring,' both statistic:4 And on the State of Reklion. The latter, for Ohio Presby tery, isto be sent'to Rev. S. Finley, Pitts burgh., :ten days before the 'day of 'meeting. See -ntitiOes. Butausvu FEMALE SigairwAuy.—The CatalognatrlBs9 shows an attendance of seventy"young ladies. This salami has been greatly:blamed as amursery of piety, as well as in leing a means of a good education in literature science, and other things belong , ing to usefulness and enjoyment. Session Closed. The Session of the - United Presbyterian Theological Seminary, closed last week. Six young men were certified to their Pres byteries for lioensurb. the whole .number in attendance was' forty-seven—the largest that has ever been. The Faculty are Drs. Primly, Clarke, and 'Kerr. Lectures Expected. We learn that the, prospect is very fair for our enjoying a course of Lectures on Astronomy, by Prof. Mitchell. The engage ment is not yet positive; but his visit is probable: The effort to obtain the course is being made by our enterprising young men of the Library Association. The Pro• lessor is one of the m,ost successful populak. expounders of Astro'noiny, who' hive ,ap peered on the platforni. • The •PrayerlGeMis; PITTSBURGH. - The ncort-day , union prayer-meeting was'-suspended, laet 'week. The Young Men's morning' prayer•ineetini is still continued, and'frequent meetings are held in some of the churches. ALLEGITENY, CITY.--The union meeting in Dr. Swift's church is continued with great interest. The attendance is large. There are alio nunierous evening meetings being held, and specially for and by the children •of the Sabbath Schools. Steubenville Female Seminary. We have received the Thirteenth Annual Catalogue of this excellent institution, from which it appeirs that there have been in at tendanoe ! daring the .past year--Sammer Session, one hundred and one ; Winter Ses sion, one hundred 'and twenty-nine. The graduating class nuMbers seventeen; and the whole mutiber of graduates to the pres ent time has been thiSe hundred and eighty four. We have been 'informed that every member of the graduating class was' a pro fessor of relikion, except one, and that most of them became-pious while in atten dance at this Seminary- At the last com munion, ten of the pupils made a profession of religion, and nine more intend to do so upon reaching home.' For many years this Seminary has been b4fisiia with the presence of the Holy Spirit Power. The Discussion Renewed. We think that our responding to the two articles of the Fresb,yterian, on , a subject so' important as the missionary work' of the Church, needs •no apology. But, for one word we have used, we must apologize; that is, for the am of the name of Dr. Leybure. In the former discussion throughout„ not withstanding the frequent use of our in& vidual name, and that in most offensive eon nezions, we never retorted by using the name of our opponent. And we should not, now even for once, have trespassed on edi torial courtesy, but in the discharge of a high duty. We have found that our valued friend, the senior editor of the Presbyterian' was suffering under the belief by many, that he still controlled that journal, and was responsible for all it contained. This is a great mistake. He is only an employee there. Dr. Leybarn is a proprietok, and gives to the paper , its' controversial chante ter. The discussion we Putpoee not to prolong, only as we may be called, out. .13nt still, our readers, must not become: wearied. The real question at issue is, whether the Boards shall be .under lindividuat, or under Eccle siastical control. Our opponents wish to enjoy the whole of the.fortner, retaining the name of the latter. They would have.ihe Assembly elect -all their nominees, ratify and send down to the 61throlies all the de cress which . - and anther: ;J„ be and urge large collecti ons.,; but to origi nate mothingl no not •tveu to ;propose the, abolition of a needless';offioniur the 'change of a re-duplicated Hymn. The Presbyteria n -and the Domestic Board. Oitr contemporary is sorely exefoisnd •at the affection and liberality, of the churches toward the Board of Domestic Missions. Theieattachment continues, notwithstanding the repeated efforts to weaken confidence in its Secretary and in its executive manage. went. One is in a sad predicament, surely, wheit,hts prophetic reputation depends upon a calamity to his own Church; and when the promptitude of the Lord's people in the discharge of their duty defeats his projects and brings sorrow to his soul. We pity the Presbyterian. In compassion for its unen viable position, we could patiently bear with it. We did bear its misrepresentations of the 19th, and might have been quiet under ,its assault of the 26th, if it bad been con tent to strike only at us. But it attacks also the Secretary, and misstates facts, and im- Teens the Ifoard. Our persevering silence might result in injury to the missionary cause. Some response on our part becomes hence a matter of duty. The Secretary's speedy announcement of the large contributions in January and Pebruary; made known by him thus early that the .missionaries might be cheered with the a full and prompt payment of theirlalaries, and that the.. Presbyteries about to meet shortly might cheerfully pre sent their, feeble churches for the customary aid, was published, by our contemporary, in an obscure, position—in a dark corner, as it were—and with not a single word of grata laden. Niijoy lighted up its soul at the un expected tidings. Our missionaries, church es, and' Presbyteries, will know how to estimate this want of interest in their welfare. Of us, the Presbyterian says "Our contemporary claims the large balance in the treasury at the close of the fiscal year as a vindication of its policy, in advocating the abolishing of the Associate Secretaryship." This is a sad misstatement.. We did not claim the large balance, but the. -large :con tributions of the churches after they found that thci Board had yielded to the .Assem bly's proposition, and had abolished the needless and expensive office. This act of the Board re-established their confidence, so that although their contributions during ten Months in the year had , fallen off $14,- 400, yet in the remaining two months they sent in so liberally, that the decrease from last year .was, from the churehesi but 'a little over $3,400, and from Legaeies and MiS oellaneous,mot quite $2,200, making in all a decrease. only. about ss,6oo—not $6,636.69, as the Presbyterian erroneously stated. . Speaking Of - the balance in the treasury, it:nays : Thie balance may hairs, been secured by a curtailment of operations. A reduction of the numb& of missionaries, or, cutting down their Salaries, would of course diminish eipenses, ,and leave a birker surplas,,Oven with smaller'Ve ceipte." ‘‘ Hay have been .1" Where the neces sity for the may' be, when , the editors had eaey 'access to ,the means - of,full informs-". Lion ? T - And 'why the insinuation that the Board:hi& redicid the number of mission ,siliesitiud.cut - down. theirselariedr - 9rrenft' the editors was at the late meeting and heard it there stated,That no proper . appli. cation had, been refused ;- and that the amount asked' by the Presbyteries for their . Missionaries, had been:granted' more fully than forMerly. And if this was not satin-' factory, any of them could, iu a few minutes, have stepped to the office and received all information. The office of that Board is not a dark and inaccessible chamber.. It is, ' the expreEnive - language of Secretary Jones, a glass house. It is, transparent, light, and luminous. Every man who °hoses, may look in and see all that is done. It has nothing to conceal. The latch string is always out. Every intrant inquirer there, is received with kindness, and the books are opened for his inspection. Every call for information, is answered. Then why should those who live but next door neighbors, re sort to conjectures and defective statements? Would not facts and fullness answer their purpose r The financial facts in the case are these,: The contributions of the first two months of the fiscal year fell short about $6,000. Then, that is, in March and April, there had been no public agitation of the Secre 7 tauship. Daring the next eight monthd, the deficiency , increased to $14 , 400: This embraced the rise, progress, and subsidence of the agitation. For the remaining two monthe the churches were liberal; . pay ments came in rapidly ; and the deficiency was reduced to about $5,600. This was after at became manifest•that the will of the churches, expressed through the -Assembly, would be executed by the Board, and that a needless 'Waste 'would not be prolonged. These are the facts. Men may account for them as they will. ' • t The increased, balance, over that of the previous year, , while the receipts were less, occurred thus. The year began ' with a larger amount of funds'in the treasury, than the previoue year had done. There were fewer expensive outfits for distant missions. A number of mission churches became self sustaining. Some of the Presbyteries, knowing the shortness of the crops, and'the financial' difFieulties, and heeding the 'isug: gestions of the last Assembly, felt it incum bent on' theni ci..ask for smaller appropria tions. Thus it, occurred, that while the Board did not, refuse any proper applications, anirdid;'more fully than usual, grant what the Presbyteries asked, there was yet an in creased balance remaining. The number of missionary , appointments was, however, about Six. hundred; say, some ten less than during., the previous.year.- These statements • we make-fro m . our own inquiries and hives tigations, it the recent meeting of the Board and3hey„ge substantially confirmed by the Secretery;s:letter to the Presbyterian, which , r. we :give - On our firstipage, and to which we invite pirtioular attention. The,Preskytericin 'thinks that becauee the Report of 058 presents a balance of $12,- 000 more-than the .Report of 1857, there fore the'Report'of.lBs9, instead of shOwing diniinialleCreceiiti, should show an increase TILE PRESBYTERIAN , BANNER AND ADVOCATE. of another $12,000. Well, possibly it might have been so, if only the Board had promptly complied with the Assembly's sug -gestion, and if the Presbyterian bad heart ilpassured the churches that . their wishes in regard to economy and, efficiency would be thorophly and wisely executed; that sinecure's should be repudiated, and sacred funds be given only to truly useful laborers. Still, however, the inference is not strictly logical. The , ability to give r doss Ast ne cessarily increase every year. - And for the last year, it was evidently diminished; the Lord having withheld the usual fruitful ness of the. seasons. The experience of the Church has also shown fluctuations before this ; as the Secretary has : made manifest One other thing demands a word of notice. The Presbyterian endeavors, from the fail ing health of the Secretaries, to make eip ital. for its favorite idea of expending the Church's money lavishly upon officers, who are expected to do but little work. We shall give, its words, piscine in 'brackets from our own pen, seine things needful to a fair presentation of the case. "It - is well known'that Dr. Wm. A McDowell, sunk under his onerous labors, (he having the aid, in his office, of one, of the Board's agents, during the latter part of his official life,) and that Dr. C. C. Jones', was so enfeebled by a few years service as to compel him to retire, (an Assistant Secretary being employed with him all the time ;) and now Dr. Musgrave resigns from a similar cause, (he, also, having with him an As sistant Secretary all the time, until • his disease was contracted and confirmed. _Ergo, Assis tant is indispensable.)" Great reasoning, this, fora Presbyterian I Another man might draw the inference that an Assistant was annoying, perplexing;.de structive to health, rather than a preserva tive of this blessing. And really when we, saw Dr. M. since the retirement of his As sistant,• his eyes exhibited less of disease, and he seemed to have a. mull More eoM fortable use of them than on the last two • occasions on which we had met with him' previously to, the Assistant's retirement; and his general health was perfectly good. But, away with such reasonings. So far as physical powers are required, any one man, 'blessed with ordinarily good health, and judicious in the care and 'use of it, oan dis charge all'the duties belonging to the Sec retaryship. He will need clerical aid ; and a liberal Church and a wise Board %Sill give him just as many Clerks as, he has real use for, and will compensate them at - fair . rates;. 'not - with Secretary's, but with Clerk's wages; and not for idlene**, nor:for pleasure jaunts, but for service's dilly rendered. , We agree with our , contemporary that c 4 it 'is, poor economAr the Church to at tempt to save money at the expense of the health and lives of her - faithful servants." But this is a folly of which she has not been guilty. She has furnished an Assist ant, at a salary equal to that which is ordi narily paid to three pastors. And see the result. SeCretary Jones said, and Still 'Says; that the office is not needed.' Secretary Musgrave affirmed and, maintains the same. Heed, then, the voice of experienceli coun selors Our oontempers#.oliarges -withl‘por verbng Nets to Serve a purpose." We have Shan that our fasts were really facts, and that we used them aright. But it did not tell what that "purpose " was. Will it not be, so kina as to supply the defiCiency and give' the evidence on which it founds its charge. It says in its last : ‘t It is worthy •of note,. that in , order retain Dr. Musgrave, it tuts been , seriously proposed to employ assistance in , the office, though the Church has been, assured, time and again, that none was needed." By whom " seriously proposed 7" At I the Board's meeting, when Dr. M. tendered his conditional purpose of resignation, and Dr. Clarke offered a response, Dr. M. .re tired. During remarks on that paper, an amanuensis was spoken off; but those who knew Dr. Musgrave well, resisted the thought, and said that if this relief were• resorted to, it would be only for a little while; and that at the Secretary's own pri vate expense. And the Treasurer, if we remember right, said there was force enough in the office (himself and the Clerk,) to render every help needed. Why did not the Presbyterian, if it wished to be regard. ed as reliable in its statements,, tell its readers these things? _ - It is said again : " What must be thought of the judgment, fore sight, enterprise, and faith of thane who manage our,Domestic Missions, if, for instance, they de cline sending a well qualified missionary to Cali• fornia--that field where we have already irre trievably fallen behind other denominations, and ye • t report a balance of $25,000 in the treasury at the end of the year ? Will the Church approve this policy.?" Now, what " well qualified missionary" did the Board decline to send 7 Will our contemporary name him ? Or is this mere ly a conjecture, invented and cautiously worded for effect ? And when did this " balance " come into the Board? Was it not during the last two months of the fiscal year? How then could the Board use it? And " would the ChUrch approve " of the policy;" of making a large debt through the year, in anticipation of large contribu tions during the 'last two months ? And especially would it be a good "judgment," and a wise " foresight," and .true "faith," on the part of " those who manage our Do medic Missions " to incur such a debt when the country was- suffering under short crops, and the funds declining and a factitious ma jority of one, got together for an occasion, were resisting the will of the churches, and an Associate Secretary was in rebellion against the Assembly, and- the old and in fluential journal of the Church 'was in de termined opposition. to the working Board, and when not a journal in the Church save one was ready to sustain them in their ef forts to'-carry'dut the Assembly's wish— wouldit hare been wise in‘lhem to launch • . out into any new and expensive "enter prim " in such circumetances ? Did they not 'rather show a sound "judgment " in their conservatism, and a true "faith," and . a strong faith in God and his people, when they efficiently carried on their regular work ;, refusing no proper applications, and curtailing not the missionary's wages ? " , Thoselo manage our Domestic Mia. okras," deserve the confidence of the churches, and their lasting gratitude, and the; -will have both the one and the other, maugre all the efforfs of Dr. Leyburn & Co. to involve them in suspicion. They were wise and firm. They did their work, and the Lord blessed them, and the people ap proved. How the Secretary and the Board may treat the assault, made upon them, we know • not. They are entitled to the columns of the Presbyterian, if they see proper• feud themselves before the churches. If refused their proper rights there, our col umns are at their service. In either ease, our readers may expect to find reliable in formation as to whatever. may concern Zi on's interests in the case. EASTERN SUMMARY Boston and New Englaitd. The difficulties in one of the Ptiblic Schools, mentioned in our last, are in a fair way of being settled quietly at least, if not satisfactorily. True indeed, suit is said to,have been entered against one of the School officials, for dismissing one of the pupils,_because of refusal to comply with the rules of the School, with regard to repeating the Lord's Prayer and the Ten Commandments, ea zoording to the. Common English Version. And Bishop Pitzpalrick has •addressed the. School Board complaining of the hardship imposed in, compelling Catholic children to recite from a Version of the Holy -Scriptures, the validity of which is not acknowledged by their Church. But I the whole difficulty seems to have originated from the course of a single priest not long resident in the place. The other prints seem to have taken but little interest in the matter, and did not advise the . withdrawal of ,Catholic children for the cause alleged, or that they should refuse to comply with the regulations of the School. The differences between the Remish, and Piotestant translations of the Lord's Prayer and 'the Commandments, 'are so trifling, that the dissatisfaction has re sulted more from 'disapprobation of the whole Common School syritem than any thing else. The bill ordering the continuation of the Hooaa Tunnel, has passed ,both houses and become a law, so thdt hopes are now entertained of a speedy completion of this great work. The subject of elm' Communion as held by one division of the Baptist Church in this country, -has been again brought before the public, owing to the action of a Council, in rending to ordain Mr. Howell, beeause of his avowal of open communions sentiments, although entertaining a decided preference far baptism by immersion. In general his sentiments seem to be the same as those of Robert Hall; and the fact that' these views are making,progress among the Baptists in, this country, is sufficiently indicated, by the fact 'that while sixteen of the Council voted against ordaining Mr. Howell, seven, voted in • favor. Thus, in this vicinity nearly one-third of a Conn . ail would'ordain a man who-avows open commun ion, of the most ultra kind. And the Rev. Dr. Stow, pastor of. theltome Street Baptist church, at the last communion service, invited members of all Christian, churches to join :with them., This c. cannot certainly be called close communion. From the report mode at the late Aliniversary of the Orthodox Congregational churches, it ap pear; that the number,of Sabbath Schools in their connexion is nineteen;"whole number of Mission seven; whole number of teachers,. five hundred ninety-six.; whole nundier . of teaaliers and scholars, five l thousilaSii hintfrii(lantl4ity-, four; ifiveraie attendinci — of teachers and seholars, three thousand six hundred and ninety. six; amount of money raised, $1,917.64;_ and that during the year there have been among the scholars three hundred and seventeen conver- MOOR. The Maasachuaetts Sunday School &Wet*, so well and favorably known for the high literary and excellent religions character cif its publications, is about to 'issue a , condensed biography of the late Dr. Chalmers, 'by Mrs. Robbins; of Middle bury, Vt., author of the ‘ 4 Cathedrals of the Old World." • Professor Noah Porter has accepted the Dwight Professorship of Didactic Theology, in Yale 'Theological Seminary,,made vacant by the death of Dr. Taylor, who occupied that position from the founding of the Seminary. New York. The hopes of the friends of rein' perance in this city, have been again disappointed in the failure of the proposed prohibitory liquor law. - But, in the meantime, new rum shops are opening on al most every street, and the work of demoralization from this cause makes rapid progress, notwith standing all the occasional opposition Put forth fronitime to time. The future of the laws re- speoting the liquor traffic is still in doubt. All legislation on this subject has been, for the most part, in vain, owing to the want of faithful nese on the part of the officers to execute the law. Any other public pest so boldly displayed, and producti've of such terrible consequences to soul and body, would be quickly abated as a nuisance not to be endured. When- Harper's Weekly Journal-of Civilisation was started, from the characterOf the firm, aid the abundant resources within reach, a valuable litera ry and fainily paper was expected. The form, thepa per, the type, and the firstcontents, promised much that worild improve"the taste, refine the manners, and promote good morals. But, unfortunately, in an evil hour, miserable wood cuts were intro duced, that have defaced the entire general sp pearanee. A. wood cut of Bartholomew's Statue of "Eve Repentant," now on exhibition in Phil adelphia, published a week or two ago, is such a libel on the original, that both artist and pub lishers should be ashamed of the injury thus in-. fiicted on a meritorious work of art. But-this is not the worst feature. Some time ago, the same paper was profusely illustrated with cuts repre senting the murder of the Gonidi . family by a frantic band. Then came cuts of the Key and Sickles tragedy, in Washington City, and last week its readers had an opportunity of feasting their eyes upon the horrid murder lately perpe trated in Hawesville, Ky., and which has done so Much to disgrace the whole,community in which it occurred., This is pandering to a morbid appetite for suoh news to an extent altogether unworthy of the quarter, from which it comes. We were pleased, a few years ago, when the Messrs. Harper abandoned the publishing of the cheap novels, andlt will afford us much pleasure to be able to state, at no distant day, that they have also left off theflash paper business. ' • Dr. W. W. Hall, the editor and proprietor of Rall'a Journal of Health, so Spicy and so sensible . as Co be widely read, and generally admire& is about to issue another journal, to be called Hall's Fireskle Honthly. judging fromthe Doctor's past efforts, we expect a monthly abounding iu rich, thOughts, pleasantries, and unexceptional moral sentiments, General George P. Morris, so" long connected with the Rome Journal, and one of the beat song writers in the United States, hasa been appointed United States Consul at Havre, Fiance. ' The Century, lately started by Mr. *McElrath, formerly of the .Tribune, is exceedingly able, and fulfills most amply every promise made at • the beginning. Its spirit is conservative, while its editorials are marked by a high degree of ability in the department of news, it is full : ; and its lit brary criticisms are of a very superini.order. Scribner has in press a valuable work by Mr. Wm. Swinton entitled "Rambles among Words; their Poetry, History, and Wisdom. The Carters continue to send out additions to their already large and valuable catalogue of pub lications, which id now being advertised in our columns by our enterprising friend Davison, who richly merits the large patronage he has received, and which is continually increasing. We feel that we are doing a kindness to our readers in ask ing them to examine and preserve this catalogue, as it will appear in three or four succesSive num bers of our paper, before it can be completed. There is no more unexceptionable list to be found, and it contains worke,indispensable not only to every clergyman's library, but also to the library or every family, every church, and every Sabbath School. Our London Correspondent lately referred to the interest taken just now in the Stereoscopic art, in England ; but it is not generally known that the art has reached great perfection in this city.. A company called the "New York Stereo scopic Company," was formed some time ago, of which Messrs. D. Appleton & Co. are .the sole agents; but these gentlemen have agents in the principal cities of - ... the union; Mr. John S. Davi son is the agent for Pittsburgh, and has: all the stereoscopic views, American, English, and "French, to be found anywhere. The stereoscope t,akes its name from an, instrument invented by Prof. Wheatstone, of England, consisting of two mirrors, the backs of which are inclined to each other 'at an angle of ninety degrees. -For the benefit of our readers, we give the explanation of the effect produced by this arrangement. "It will be obvious that if two piotures of the same object be placed. at a little distance in ,front of these mirrors, we , shall have two reflected images. If, hoirever, we bring the nose close" to the edge at which the mirrors are united, and thus look with an eyt; into either glass, the two will be re solved into one, and the resulting image, instead of appearing as a plain surface, appears as a solid, possessing length, breadth, and thickness. The result'is very successfully obtained, if the precan thin be taken of preparing the drawings so that they represent the- object as seen by the eye." So that the whole effect of ,a stereoscopic view is to represent an object of whatever kind, just as it would appear to the eye,of the beholder of the original. In this way, a fainily can in ancvening travel over our, own country, visit Europe, Egypt, and the Holy Land, and get - a sight of the moat important 'and sacred places and things men tioned in history,.at a very small expense. Views are, taken on both glass and paper. Thoae on glass include the most noted scenes in every part of Europe, America, Egypt, and the Holy - Lana, such as the monuments of Egypt, Jerusalem, and environs,' COnstantinople, the classic, 'ruins of Greece and Rome, the romantic Rhine, the grand cathedrals and magnificent palaces of the Old. World; together with the greatest woidis of art, ancient and modern. Paper views include land scapes and noted edifices' in America," England, Scotland, Ireland, Wales, France, Spain, Germany, and Holland. There are no lese than fifty views of Paris, fifty of London • twenty-five of; Edin burgh, twenty-five of Dublin, and one hundred each of the Rhine, Switzerland, England, Wales, French Provinces, and Germany. ,• Considerable excitement has been created by the Sua,pen.9ioti of a Catholic Priest, by Bishop Xughes, on account of a: sermon lately • preached . in which he inveighed strongly against unfaithful priests. -The lorient, retorts defiantly and de clares that he will pursue his labors, but in the meantime allgo - od-Catholics, 'are forbidden - to 're hinvintoAlieir 'houses- or: Any: thing in the wa'y of aid and comfort. It is . re ported that another priest has joined in opposi tion to the ,Archbishop. . Weekly%Prager Meeting* have been hold for several weeks in the different Episcopal churehes, several of these churChes uniting together: Hereafter they will be held daily in the church on Astor Place, at 8i o'clock A. M., thus giving gentlemen the oppOrtunity of stopping while on their, way to their business. Philadelphia. ,Considerable interest is manifested in, the ap pointment of a Successor to Prof. Trethake as Pro vost of the :University of Pennsylvania. The claims of Prof. John E. Frazer, now Vice Pro vost, are, strongly urged rby some, while others are warmly in favor of. Prof. GleorgeP. Marsh, of Vermont ThiS gentleman is of very high litera ry character, and has made the origin, progress, and sources of the_ English language a special study. His lectures delivered in New York last Winter, attracted much attention for the origi nality of thought and research displayed. The opinion of such a man with respect to• our pres : eat version of the Holy Scriptures, is entitled to much weight. This he has given, and it does not, do much to encourage our modern revisers.' Here it is as expressed in one of his recent lectires "The attempt tO modernize the style of the Bible, he says it is asAbsurd as it would be to translate Shakespeare into the dialect of Our American Cousin. Be deprecates a new trans lation, because it would. tend, to unsettle not merely the formulas, but the faith of the people. Be thought that this more than counterbalanced the, advantage to be derived from a correction of the errors of translation. Besides, it was prob able that the fifty years to come Would see as great an advance in the knowledge of Biblical language and English, as we had seen during the last half century. Then, a much better trans lation could be made than now. Bat he doubts, In any event, whether, in case a new translation, or a revision even, were really- adopted, there must not,be as many as there were sects. To revise now would be to seotaiianize." The Philadeliklda Trade Sates of Books is wet attended, the stocks are large, and the prices en eouraging, , • News. Smith, ; English 4 Co., haw, just pub lished the first volume of a work that will be largely sought after by Biblical students, "Winer's Idioms of the New Testament." The Philadelphia Conference of the Methodist Xpiscopal Churches; which lately convened in this city, was attended with great interest by, the members of that denomination, and others. The reports from the Book Concerns at New York and Philadelphia, indicate great and growing activity in that'department. The'capital of the New York Concern is over $518,000 ; 'the sales there in 1858 were $20,000 greater than in 1856; - and the circulation of the Sunday School Advocate of that Church, last year, amounted to 187,000. The net capital of the Concern at Cincinnati, is over $208,000.- The sales for the last year at this 'place were, for books, $76;253.20;'f0r periodi cals, $108,644.12. The net' sales for last year at Cincinnati, show a falling off of nearly $13,000 as compared with the previous year. The Book Concern of this denomination has also flourishing branches at Pittsburgh, Chicago, and St. Louis. When will our own Board of Publication begin to exhibit a' similar spirit of enterprise ? . When that day arrives there will be great rejoicing in the Church'. Judging from some of the speeches made at the Noen•Day Prayer Alerting; there does not seem to 'be' that strong , disposition to unite with some Christian Church, on the , part of many of the recent converts, that is desirable. This is a great il l mistake on their ; part, fo r if ,they helieve that they haves been . truly bor again, they have the privilege of uniting wit some breech of the 11 great family of Christ; it is their duty to do so, and thus profess Ch at according to his ap pointment. The Sabbath School, the Union Prayer Meeting, and the Young Men's Christian Association, however excellent in their place, must not be substituted for union with the visible Church of the Lord Jesus Christ. Quite a number of Additions are reported, in several of the Presbyterian churches, and evi dences of considerable religious interest exist in many of them. SEMINARY AT COLUMEIA.-A. Catalogue of this Institution, just received, shows the whole number of Alumni to be 249; De ceased, 36; Foreign Missionaries, 11;. now in the Seminary, 42. The Columbia Semi nary is well endowed, and has an able corps of Professors. Eceleslastioal. Rev. W. B Connarr's pastoral relation to the church of Wilton, was dissolved by the Presbytery of Charleston, on the 23d nit., with a view to his accepting a call from the church of Cheraw, Presbytery of Harmony. Rev. E. Ertsitniz, of Sterling,, 111., has re ceived a unanimous and urgent call from the church of Freeport, 111. Rev. J. A--CAMPBELL'S Post Office address, is changed from Fletcher,, Ohio, to Win chester, Indiana. Rev. J. HENRY SMITH'S pastoral relation to the church •of Charlottsville, Va., was dissolved by the Presbytery of Wes Hanover, on the 10th lilt. Rev. JOHN' S. WEAvER having becon:ke pastor of the Dick's Creek church, his Post Office address is changed froth Car- lisle Station, Warren Co., Ohio, to Blue Ball, Butler County, Ohio. Rev. Wm. POB.TERFIELD, of Morris City, Illinois, has accepted a call from the church of Washington, lowa, and will enter upon his labors there the first of April. Rev. THOMAS H. URMSTON has accepted a 'call from the church of Van Boren, Ark: Rev. W. A. SAMPLE is settled over the churob. at Fort Smith, Arkansas.. Rev GEORGE W. ZAHNIZER, of Conneaut vile, Crawford County, Pa., has received ' a unanimous invitation to become pastor of the church 'of Huntingdon, Pa. Rev. J. P. MCPHERSON has received a un- animous call from the church of Laure Hill, N. C., Presbytery of Fayetteville. Rev..B. E. Lannean, has taken charge of the church in Lake City, (formerly Alli•. gator,) Florida. Correspondents will please address him at that place. Presbyterial Notices. The PRESBYTERY OF MAUMEE stands adjourned to meet at Hicksville, Ohio, the Second Tuesday of April, at 7 o'Olo k P. M. The PRESBYTERY OF NORTHUMBERLAND will hold BA newt stated meeting in Serwiek,on Tuesday, April 19th, at 11 o'clock A. Sessional Records, Statistical Reports, and the assessment for the Commissioneri' Fund, will be called for. ISAAC GRIER, Stated Clerk. . The PRESBYTERY 'OF NEWTON will hold its next stated meeting in the church of Ifiairstown, commencing on the Fourth Tuesday (20th) of April. Contributions to. the Commissioners' Fund of one -and a half per cent. upon the salaries promised by.the respective churches. will be called for. The usual Sessional Name tives of the Ntette of Religion should:be forwarded to Rev: J. IL Mitchell, and the annual Statistical Reports returned to the StSted Clerk at least ten days before the meeting. The pastor, and the church of Slairstown earnestly invitee the members to assemble on the day previous to the Sea sions, mid spend the intervening time in devotional exer cises. The Sessions of Presbytery will be opened 'with a sermon by Rev. James Y. Mitchell. J. KNIGHTON, Stated Clerk. - ' 2EO PRESBYTERY-41F OHIO will 'meet in' tse Sixtn Presbyterian, church, Pittsburgh, on the "T,Lird. Tuesday of April, at 2 o'clock P. M. Narratives to be sent to. Rev. S. Finley, ten days•pree Timm to the meeting of Presbytery. W B. MoILTAINE, Stated Clerk. The PRESBYTERY OF ALLEGHENY will meet at "But ler, on the Second Tuesday of April, at 11 o'clockA. N. NEWTON BRACKEN, Stated Clerk. The PRESBYTERY OP WASHINGTON will hold Its next stated meeting In the church ot Fairview. Va., commencing on the"Thir' d Tuesday of April, (the 19th,) at 3 o'clock P. M: JAMES I. BROWNSON, Stated Clerk. The PRESBYTERY OF CEDAR stands adjourned to meet in Lisbon, on the Second Tuesday of April, at 2 o'clock P. M. F. A. SHEARER, Stated Clerk. The PRESBYTERY OF STEUBENVILLE will meet, agree• ably to adjournment, In Steubenville First church; on 'the Second Tuesday, 12th of April, at 10 o'clock-A.M. ROBERT HERRON, Stated Clerk. The PRESBYTERY OF LIRE stands adjourned to meet in Gostien,lndiana, on the First Friday of April, at 7 o'clock J. C. BROWN, Stated Clerk. The PRESBYTERY OF NEW LISBON stands adjourned to meet in the church of &tient, in the town of Salem, 0., on the Second Tuesday (12th) of April next, at 12 o'clock M. The churches, according to a standing rule of Presbytery, will be called on for Seeeional Recurds, Statistical Reports, pastoral eettlements, and the assessed fond neeessary to de fray- the expenses of the Commissioners to the General Assembly. ROBERT HAYS, Stated Clerk'. '7he PRESBYTERY OF ST. CLAIRSTILLE will meet in Cadiz, on the Third Tuesday of Apiikat 11 o'clock A. M. Sessional Rewords, Statistical Reports, . Congregational Settlements, and the Commissioners Fund to the General Assembly, will be called for. JOHN MOFFAT, S. C.. The PRESBYTERY ON BEAVER will meet in Nether neck, on the Third Monday of April next, at 2 o'clock P. al The first day of the meeting is to be spent in religious exercisee. At this meeting, the churches will severally be called on for Statistical Reports, Sessional Records, and re ports of settlement with peators. D.C. SEED, S. C. The " PRESBYTERY OF ERIE will meet on Tuesday, April 12th, at 7 o'clock P. M., in Meadville, Pa. Congregations will please be punctual in sending up their atatisticaireports. Narratives on the State of Religion will be forwarded, it is hoped, immediately, to Rev. J. R. Find ley, Mercer, Pa., Chairman of the. Committee on Narratives. S. J. al. EATON, Stated Clerk. The PRESBYTERY OF FORT ,WAYNE stands adjourned to meet in Lagrange church, (intim First Tuesday of April, at 7 o'clock P.M. JOHN M.LOWRIB, Stated Olerk. ' The PRESBYTERY OF ALLEGHENY CITY will meet at Manchester, on the Second Tuesday of April, at 10 o'clock A. M. " JAMES ALLISON, Stated Clerk. The PRESBYTERY OF PEORIA will hold its stated Spring meeting at Lewistown, on Friday, April lath, at 7 o'clock P. M.. " At every stated Spring meeting, the Session of each church shalt present to Presbytery, separately, written re ports on the state of religion, on statistics, and on settle =lentil with their minister during the year."—Standing Sole VII Sessions are required to submit, et this meeting, their records for review, an to pay in the amount assessed for the Commissioners'. and Contingent Funds. ISAAC A. OORNELISON, Stated Clerk. That part, of the Peesbytery of Peoria, which was ap pointed by the Synod of Illinois to be organised into a new Presbytery, to be called the. PRESBYTERY OF BLOOM INGTON, will Presbytery,-to, at Bloomington, in the First Presbyte rian church, on Tuesday. April 12th, at 7 o'clock R M. The Seseions .of churches within the boundaries pre scribed for the Presbytery of Bloomington, should send the amount of their assessment, their reports, and records, to the meeting at Bloomington. I.A.C. The PRESBYTERY OF DONEGAL will hold ite next stated meeting in the church of Bellevue, on Tuesday, April 12th, at II o'clock A. M. The Moderator, the Rev. J. Al. Rittenhouse, will preach 4 the opening of the Sessions. The Sessions of ehurches will be required to present statistical reports, and written reports on the state of reli gion within tl eir respective charges. Contributions will be taken up for the Presbyterial and Commissioners' suede. JOHN FARQIIRSII, Stated Clerk. The PRESBYTERY OF HUNTINGDON will hold its next stated meeting in the Presbyterian church. of Huntingdon, on the Second Tuesday (the 3.21 h) of April, at 11 o'clock Statistical reports from each church Sf3BBloll, will be called for' t this meeting, and each cmgregatiom through their alder, will be expected to report as to whether their pastor's salary has been paid. ROBERT Halktilk, B. O. The PRESBYTERY OF WORLAND will hold its annual meeting in Shelby, commencing on the Second Tuesday (the 12th) of April, at 7 o'clock P. id. Statistical Reports, Narratives on the State of Religion, and Congregational Settlements, will be called for, from all the chus oboe The foll Owing is the assessments of Contingent and Com raissionere' Fund, from the churches, which they 'will for ward to Presbytery, viz.: Milford 600; Loudonville, 45c.; Perrysville, $1.00; Clear Fork, I . oo ;.Martinsburg; 2,00; Lexington, 200 ; Belleville, 60e.; ilaysville, 1.50; Lake Fork, 70c; Jeromovilla, 80c.; Ashland, 4.75; Orange, 1.40; Frederiektown, 420; Mt. Pleasant, 80c.; Bladensburg, 1.50; Savannah, 225; Utica, 1.8 a; Olivesturg, 1.00; Sandusky; 165; Millwood, 1 00; Shelby;l.6o; Ontario, 1.60; Chester, ville,- 1.70; Waterford, 85c.; Ilarmony, 100; bast Union -70e.; Bloomfield. 35c.; Bloomingrove, 1.50. Mansfield, 3.50 Mt. Vernon, 280. CALDWELL, S. 0 The PRESBYTERY OF WOOSTER stands adjourned to meet in the church of Jackson, on the Third Tuesday (19th) of ikpril t at 11 o'clOok A. M. • Statistical Reports will be called for the first day of the session. Churches are expected to send up contributions for Commissioners' Fund and Preebyteren expenses, at the rate of about eightcents per mornber. The PRESBYTERY OP CLARION will meet in Green, title on the PindTuesday of April next, at 11 o'clock A M. D. &MAY, Stated Clerk. The PRESBYTERY OP WESTRAN RESERVE meets in Sandusky City on the Third Tneeday of d pril, at 7 o'clock P. in: .FREDE 11.19}1. T. BROWN, Stated Clerk. The PRESBYTERY OF HOOKING will meet (D.Y.)`at Burlington, on Tuesday, Aprill2th, at 7 o'clock P. M. J. 11. Num, Stated Clerk. The PRESBYTERY S OF COSHOCTON will meet in the church of Millersburg, on the Second Tueeday of April, at Business re - rived very - much during last week, in all branches of trade—indeed the improvement is more than was looked for by our merchants. No doubt the prospects of good crops the coming season has had Its effect in bring ing about this change. We see it stated that vegetation is muting on remarkably well. The Winter crops look cheer ing, and tie §pring crops , are being put in. We bare bad several smart Showers of rain, which have made the roads in the country very bad for travel, and consequently keep produce from reaching market. The Money Market (emel:moo easy, and the bankers era , able to take all the good paper offered. Eastern Exchange Still continues scam., bit the Ulrike aro drawing fer their Custotoera at par Bunnell errn Boas—Choice roll, 25@26; inferior to rood, 20@,23. E'ggs> 1241.3. onesan—Wesiorn itenerve,l2c.; - Goatkon, 74e. DRIED ..P.aurr-Apples, $2.37; Peaches, 3.25©3 50 for guar term and halves. Eltivmuts—prime Tennesvee retailing at 4Sc. FEED — StPody sales'of and Shorts at U. 60 per 100 lbs.; Shipatnffs and 'V idilliugs, 1.62. nomt—Sales on arrival'of superfine at 6.60, and extra at ,600. Etmnotore, sales of, superfine at 5.75(a5.737, ti.atia at 6.00@6.25; and fasnily do. at 6 40@0.50. The general ten deney.itc down}ard. Rye Flour: from store, 457. GRAM—Oats, on arrival, at 52(453e., and from store st 66@58: Corn': Tenness43 abelled , SSe Ohio, S6e.' Rye. 9050 95 c.. Suring, 66taloSe., and Fail 70076. Wheat lifediterratman-frOm wigon at 1.15, and good Penna./Ird at 1.25 Southern 8ed,,1.40, and White 1 45@1.50; agoomuss—Bugar by the hbd. at 17440%, and bythe bbl. at Sc. 'Molasses , 38009.04 k Coffee, 12%. Rtv—J9 00@16 00 per too. Immom—sB.Bll@t7 00. Timber, R(010 per ruble foet Porvrosa—Reds by the bid. at 2.40, and fleabannoefis nt 2.75. From store, 00c. per bbl. for Beds, and Suctlatc fnr B BARR, stated Clerk 2 o'clock P. M. Statistical Reports, Narratives on the Stato of Religion, and settlements with pastors, will be called f,r, from all the congregations.. J. E. CARSON, S.C. The PRESBYTERY of SALTSBURG will meet at Kit tanning on the Second Tuesday of A pril, at 2 o'clock P.M. Sessional Remrds, Statistical Reports, Written Narra• tives, and certificates of settlements with pastors, will be called for. W. W. WOODEND, Stated Clerk. The PRESBYTERY 'OE ZANESVILLE will meet in lkPOonnellsville' on the Second Tuesday (tho 12th tidy) of April. at 2 o'clock P. M. N. It —lst. Let the Clerk of every church session mako it a matter of conscience .to send up. with the Eessional Records, an accurate and full statistical report. 2d. Let the proper officers be prompt in sending up the Commissioners' and Contingent. Fund, which is, by a stand lug rule of Presbytery, five cents p'r member, as report in the last Minutes of the General Assembly. Persona going to the meeting are informed that the boat leaves Zanesville for bl'Connellaville every morning at g o'clock, which will land us in time for the meeting at o'clock P. Ikt. WM. M. ROBINSON, Slated Clerk The PRESBYTERY OF ROOK 'RIVER will b , 4d its stated Spring meeting in the Presbyterian churl et Albany, on evening, April 12th, at 7 o'clock Ses sional records will be examined, and the assessment upon the churches for the Comroissioners' Fund, which is at the rate of ten cents per member, will be called fcr. S. T. WILSON, Stated Clerk. Vie PRESBYTERY OP ERIE will meet at l'kiPsdvilte, Pa . on the Second Tuesday (11th day,) of April, at 7 o'clock P. M.. Statistical Reports, Narratives of the Rate of Reli gion, and Oommitteiouere' Fund, will be called. for S. .1. M. EATON, Stated Clerk. The PRESBYTERY OF BLAIRSVILLE will lx• - .1d its next stated meeting at Johnstown. on the second Tuesday of April, at 2 o'clock P. al. Statistical Reports, Congrega tional Settlements, and Narratives on the State of Reilgion will be called for from all the congregatione. During thZ Sessions of Presbytery, a sermon will be preached by the Rev. Joseph Smith, D.D., on the subject of Early Piety. J&ISLES DA.VI.9, Stated Clerk. .ThePRESTSTTIIRY OF lOWA stands. adjourned to meet at,Libertyville, on the First Tuesday (sth day,l of April, at 2 O'elcck P. N. The churches are reminded of the 119jUtle. tion of Presbytery, to send up their Sessionai Recoros fur correction and approval. T. STEARN:3, Stated Clerk. The PRESBYTERY OF SCHUYLER will meet in Quincy. on Tuesday, April. 12th„ at 2 o'clock P. M. Etathtwel Reports, Commissioners' funde, and ev, ry member will bo expected. TE , IOB. S. VAILL, Stated Clerk. The PRESBYTERY OF REDSTONB will rc eet at Mello - both, on the Second Tuesday of April, at 11 o'clock A. M. From all the churches, as well sasent as .Bose supplied, written reports of congregatio_tal settlements with pastors and supplies, statistics of membership and benevolent operations, contributions to COMMlSSietters' Fond, and ar rativeo of Religion, are required to be forwarded. By order of Presbytery. JOHN WIiLINTOCK, S. O. The PRESBYTERY OF DES MOINES stands adjourned to meet at Albia, on the Second Thinsday, (14th) of April, at 7 o'clock I'. 51. J. M. McELROY, Stahl Clerk. The PRESBYTERY OF MARION will meet at Milford Centre, on the First Tuesday (sth) of April neat, at 2 o'clock P. The Commiseioneis' Fend is assessed ns followi; Bela. ware, 6.60, Marysville, 1.50; Corinth, 280; Cardiecton, 10c.; Marion, 124; Richand, 66c.; Pisgah,l.oS vlberia, 2.10; Liberty. 1.80; Kingston, 1 10; Brown, 1.60; Ellen, 7or ; Waynesburg, 50c.; Caroline, 60c.; Mt. Gilead, 1.10; Canaan, 1.56; Marseilles, 2.00; Salem, 50c..• Bneyrns, 230; Wyandotte,6oe. Milford Ceetre, 50; ' Crenline. 1.20; Leesville, .00; Sandusky, 70c.; Winchester, 22c.; 60a.; °swell, 50c; Upper Sandusky, 100; Little Mill Creek, 2.5 c.; Broken Sword, 80e4 Winnemsc. .50e4 Radnor, Sec.; York, 1.20; Galion, 80c.; Sunbury, 80c. It will probably be neces,ary to increase these artannts somewhat, to make up the amount of assessments of churches which have been taken from this Presbytery, to form the Presbytery of Western Reserve. H. A. TRUE, Stated Clerk. Pius epartment. Tax opening for a physician, noticed a few weeks since, is now filled." How. Deem Rrreare has our thAks for sev eral valuable Public Deouthents. OUP- READERS will please notice Burchfield & Co.'s Card, who it seems have already been getting their second supply of.goods for this Spring. They have been increasing their facilities for business, by arranging a large and commodious Shawl Room, on second story. A Passenger Railroad in Pittsburgh The Legislature has passed a law chartering the Citizens' Passenger Railway, in Pittsburih. The road beginning at Fifth and Market Streets, and passing ont Penn Street, -to Lawrenceville, is likely to be soon made. . The Knickerbocker The number for April, like its predecessors, is witty, sprightly, interesting, and instructive. It has twelve articles„with the usual literary noticep, and the indispensable editor's table. The first article shows up the absurdities of modern Spiritualism; and the second is the beginning of a. very agreeable series on " Dante from a Modern Point of View." Peterson's >Philadelphia Counterfeit De- tectox. We are indebted to the proprietor for the April number, of this valuable publication. Peterson & Brothers' are also engaged in the publication of the works of Sir Walter Scott, in a cheap but neat form. The series will consist of twenty-six numbers, and maybe had at Hunt & Miner's, of this city, at 25 cents per number, or $5 for the whole. Sir Walter has had no equal in his de partment. The Atlantic Monthly. This magazine for April, was promptly on our table, and we have already' perused several of its articles, with much interest. The first is entitled "Agrarianism," • and shows' most conclusively that the popular idea attached to this term - is by no means correct. The article, on Palfrey's' tory of New England, and Arnold's History of Rhode Island, has awakened within ns a strong desire to have the reading of these recent works. The Letter to a Dyspeptic contains, important suggestions to any of its readers who may belong to this unfortunate class. The reviewer of ion's New History of Mexico, exhibits not a few of the faults he chargas on his author. Railroad Convention. Sixty delegates, representing thirty-two South ern and Western roads, including the Pennsyl vania, and the Baltimore and Ohici, met at Colum bus, Ohio, on the 23d ult. The meeting was har monious. Time tables were adopted. It was arranged for two daily lines between Cincinnati and New York, via Pittsburgh and Philadelphia. One of them is to make the trip in a few minutes over thirty hours. Freight rates were also agrei d upon. Gold in New Mexico The Lawrence Republican says that a letter from Mr. Morey, of the ariginal.Lawrenee COM po,ny, now located near El Paso, states that a plenty of shot gold has been discovered on the banks of the Arkansas, and there has been ex tensive prospecting. It yields five to ten cent,' pen pan. He thinks the prospect better than ever existed in California. • Narkts Prrrasuada, Tuesday, March 29. Suns—Clover, 5 50 from first !lands, and 5.75 from gore