Presbyterian banner & advocate. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1855-1860, March 26, 1859, Image 1

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Pr•sbyterlau llaikawro Vol. Vile INN 2 7.
PreiliFtsrlan Advosato. Vol. XXI, *6.23 I
For the Presbyterian Banner and Advocate
Demission of the Ministerial Office.
MESSRS EDITORS :—The last General
Assembly sent down to the Presbyteries an
overture proposing so to alter the Form of
Government, as to make provisions for the
demission of the exercise of the ministerial
office, in certain oases and under certain
restrictions. The overture may be found at
page two hundred and ninety-nine, of the
printed minutes of the Assembly. I. had
hoped that, before this time, some one, who
might command more leisure and wield an
abler pen than myself, would have called
the attention of the Presbyteries to the
merits of this overture; for it certainty in
volves questions of great moment. Disap
pointed in this hope, I venture to ask per
mission to state a few of the reasons which
weigh upon my own mind favorable to the
proposed change. lam prompted to do this
partly by the fact, that a number of my
brethren fro& widely separated portions of
the Church, have addressed me by letter
upon the subject, inquiring for the history of
the overture, and for the reasons which its
friends urge in favor of adopting it. This
will be a convenient method of replying to
these inquiries. And I solicit a candid con
sideration of what I shall say, which shall
consist rather of heads of argument than of
thorough dispassion.
I. The history of the proposed change.
There was an overture, asking the Assembly
to propose the change, before the General
.Assembly of 1841. After passing through
the hands of several Committees, it was
finally committed to a special Committee, of
which the Assembly appointed its Moderator,
(Dr. R J. Breckenridge,) Chairman; who
filled 'the Committee with the named of Drs.
Phillips, Cuyler, and: Krebs, and Mr. Mack
lin. This Committee was ordered to report
to the next General Assembly; which it did,
and that Assembly (1842,) sent down the
proposal in substance, though not in the form
now submitted, to the Presbyteries. (See
minutes of that year, page twenty-nine.)
To the Assembly of 1843, fifty-nine Presby
teries sent answers to the overture; thirty
agreeing to the charge, and twenty-nine dis
agreeing, whilst from forty-cwo no report
was received. So the overture failed, al
though a majority of the Presbyteries that
reported were in favor of it. In 1846, one
of the Presbyteries (Newton,) that had
negatived the overture, changed their views,
and petitioned the General Assembly of that
'year to renew the proposal. The Presbytery
of Philadelphia sent an overture to the
same effect. The subject was referred !o a
'Committee, of which Dr. Breckinridge was
Chairman; that Committee reported, and
the report was referred to the next General
Assembly, which met at Richmond, (1847.)
That Assembly" took up the subject , referred
_6o thelxlr , ond oottimitted.i4,te...,aoCoreafittee.l
of which the present writer was Chairman,
and of which the venerable Dr.' Hoge was a
member. It was upon the suggestion of
Dr. Hoge that the, overture was , put in its
present form, so as to apply to ministers • the
same process of demission already applied to
elders. The Assembly by a l strona,vote sub
mitted it to the Presbyteries. Next, year,
eighty-nine Presbyteriee answered, sixty
three negatively, twenty•six affirmatively,
and thirty five made no report. The matter
Was brought before the last General Assam
bly, by an overture' from the Synod of Phila
delphia, asking the Assembly to renew. the
.proposal of 1847. This was done, and thus
the matter now stands before the Presby
teries. Such is 'the history of this pro
11. I propose now to.sugest a few heads
of thought favorable to the proposed change.
Ist. Our Form of Government, in ex
press terms, assumes - that the thing, for
which it is proposed to make constitutional
provision, "often happens ;" and yet makes
no provision for having it “happen " in an
orderly way. [See Form of Government,
Chap. xxiii. Sec. 6.] Here provision is
made for the orderly demission of the office
of Ruling Elder and Deacon ; and the Book
asserts the fact, that the same thing it often
happens in the case of a minister;" but we
search. the book in vain for the process, by
which, in case of a minieter, the thing is to
be so effected as to be lawful, and consistent
with the vows of a. minister, the duties of
the Church courts, and the analogy of our
Governmental system. What is now pro
posed is to remedy this manifest defect, and
have an orderly process of doing what our
Book already recognizes as an often occurring
2d. The provision is demanded by the
analogy of our principles of Government;
the theory of which is that, in the Session
or Parochial Presbytery, the representatives
of the people shall possess a controlling
majority, and in all other Church courts one
of a majority, if they choose; or at least an
equality with the ministerial members. An
equal number of ministers and elders in all
courts above the Session is, evidently our
theory; and , as the Moderator id a minister,
it gives the elders a majority of one. But as
things are,.ministers who have demitted the
office de facto ; are still members of the
higher Church courts 'de jure, are counted
in the basis of representation in the General
Assembly, and in fact do often share as fully
in the government of God's people, as those
that are fully engaged in the work of the
ministry, as doctors or pastors. Thus is the
balance of our system destroyed. But this
is one of the weakeriorguments.
3d. It not unfreiluently happens, that
a man may mistake his railing, and enter
the ministry without a suffieient call thereto;
when in some other line' of life he Might
much more usefully serve God and his gen
eration. Must he, in such a ease, be oom•
polled to remain in an office to which he hes
discovered be had no call,•and the functions
of which he may have no ability or no op
portunity to perform ? He may be charge
able with no crime—may indeed be a sincere
Christian; but, having, by the injudicious
advice of parents and friends, or the mis
takes of his own judgthent, been led to en•'.
ter the office, must be be held under its
vows and responsibilities when his ability or
circumstances forbid the performance of its
duties ?"
4th. The dogma "once a minister al
ways a minister" is a relic of Pa pal supersti
tion lingering in the bosom of Protestant.
ism. It is a port of the doctrine of orders
which makes it a sacrament. It assumes,
not only the infallibility of the source of
others—the Churoh—but also the infalli
bility of the candidate's own judgment. He
cannot mistake his calling; and therefore,
once in holy orders, there is no escape but
by degradation.. This is not a doctrine of
Protestantism, nor of the Bible, and is an
excrescence upon our system. •
sth. It is admitted that no man ought to
enter the ministry without a call; ought a
man to stay in the ministry without a call ?
Ought he to be compelled to stay in it with
out a call ? No man ought to be a minister
whose conscience does not clearly constrain
him to the office and the work; and when
his conscience permits him to lay aside the
work, he ought not to be conscientious
against relinquishing the honors and prerog
atives; nor should he be hemmed in by
Church rules and public sentiment, so that
he cannot withdraw from eo anomalous a re
lation to the Church.
VI. Many a worthy man, who misht - be
useful in some secular calling, is embarrassed
all his life by the feet that he has no alter
native but to continue a minister, whilst he
has no opportunity of exercising the office;
onto be dishonored in the process of remov
al from the office. Some, for want of talents
or manner, cannot get chakes ; some, who
have health for ,other callings, have not
health to perform the labors of the ministry;
some have lost their interest in the work, and
have gone, as a matter of taste, into secular
employments; and some may have beconie
convinced that they had mistaken their call
ing% Now, by the present'system, they are
constrained, either to suffer for laok of a
livelihood, or to engage in . secular employ
ments, whilst still bearing the sacred office,
thus, unintentionally and by force of cir
cumstances, bringing reproach upon the
VIL. There is -a -greater- necessity for the '
proposed arrangement than 'there was at the
time our Book was framed. Then probation
for the ministry was extended through a
larger time. Ordination did• not so closely
follow lioeneure as now. A libentiate had
more tints to' try hie gifts. ,hie taste; and
strength for the work, and Presbyteries and
people had fairer opportunities of judging of
the claims of the candidate to ordination.
Fewer were likely to mistake , their calling.
VIII. The proposed amendment will pro
vide a method for getting clear of that in
cubus of a Church, a horde of secularized
ministers, or Ministers not engaged in their
work. Already is this 'class so numerous as
to afford a standing, argument against Your
educational enterprises. " Why educate
more, until you employ the men already on
your rolls as ministers ?" I do' not allude
to those that are usefully engaged in teach
ing in colleges, schools, and seminaries, or
to those who are preaching through the
press to tens of thousands; but' to those Who
are in no *ay employed in work 'appropriate
to the. ministry: Many of these • brethren,
:..itria 4 believedMetideglatlbf
portunity of retiring from a relation to the
Chtirch, and the Church Courts, which is
so embarrassing and anomalous; whilst in'
the case of a few, it might be the duty of
the Courts to advise them to demit. Suoh
as are in civil office, to the neglect or the
dishonor of the ministry, ought to be ad
vised, either to fulfill-their vows,or consent to
be released from them. And this suggests
the argument which, to the writer's mind,
ought to be conclusive on this question.
IX. It is wrong to permit, much more to
constrain a man to remain Under the obliga
tion otordination vows,' when he has ceased
to perform the functions to which the vows
bind him ; and when there is no reasonable
prospect that he will resume those functions.
The vow -of ordination binds the minister to
be "diligent and faithful," not •only in
"private and relative duties," but in=" all
the public duties of the office. 44 NCIW, it
right; to permit a man to live on, from year to
year, under such a vow, which he does not or
will not pay? Is it right to compel him to do
so ? Or would it not be wiser and better to
have a constitutional provision, by which the
same authority that is the agent in imposing
the 'obligation, - might, in case of necessity,
release the man from it? Why hold a man
all his life under obligations which he can
not or will not discharge ? The proposed
amendment would• be a condition in the
vows of ordination, which would release the
conscience of many a worthy brother from
distress, whilst it could do no possible harm.
To many a man; disqualified for the exercise
of the office, by causee not involving immor
ality, the proposed process would be a wel-
Come relief; whilst its happy effect in purg
ing our rolls, would tend to elevate the stand
ard of ministerial position.
X. The proposed amendment is well con
sidered and carefully guarded in its provis
ions and phraeelogy. It can never produce
hardship; for nothing .of the kind can be
done without the consent of the individual,
except by advioe of Synod. And the same
remedies that apply to other. oases, lie open
to this, in case the action of a Presbytery is
not agreeable. It can do no harm ; whilst
it certainly will , do much good by softening _
disoipline, by reaching oases' where other
processes would be too harsh, and especially
by affording a lawful process' forth volun
tary correction of 'mistakes, which, under
the present system, prodaoe life•long em
barrassment. I beg my brethren to remem
ber that no new principle is involvedin the
overture; for, as. I have shown, our Book
already 118011M05 that the thing "often hap•
pens with respect to a minister," and all
that is proposed is to make provision for do•
ing it in an orderly and constitutional- way.
Let the brethren come to the consideration
of this subject, With an eye single to the
glory of God, the analogy of our system,
the purity and dignity of the Christian min
istry, and the welfare of our beloved Zion, •
and-I trust it will meet with their approba
tion. Now is the time to make the change,
if eVer, for the reform of the discipline will
involve anew edition of our Book, and we
had better do all that is needed at once.
Faithfully and fraternally,
For the Presbyterian Banner and Advocate.
A Query.,
8 cou ld not ministers of the Gospel pay
much attention to children and youth—often
'conversing with them directly in regard to
their spiritual state and condition, and
urging upOn them immediate submission to
the Saviour? What think you, Mr. Ed
itors ? •
[Certainly; much . rio — tH d , sown. is lost
for .want of diligent• 'se culture.—
A recent flying visit into the bounds of
tkO s treebytery of Sehuyier,. revealed-to the
writer a gratifying state of , things in con
nexion with the churches in that region.
All the more important points, as we learned,
in the bounds of Presbytery are occupied
with faithful, earnest laborers. There are no
<important churches without Gospel or
dinances, and while we heard of no exten
sive revivals of religion, there had been
much quickening, and a deep interest in the
all important subject of the - Sours salvation
Was manifest in many places among the im
penitent. In one locality we found a union
prayer meeting , in progress between the Old
School and United Presbyterians, which prom
ised much good , and wherever we weitt, the
spirit of love seemed to have taken posses
sion of the hearts of Christians-to a greater
extent than heretofore. Especially, does
this seem to be the case among the different
branches of the Presbyterian family of
churches. This is certainly as it should be.
At Monmouth, Warren County, 111., with
in the bounds of the Presbytery of Schuyler,
is-located a flourishiag young College, under
the control of the United Presbyterian
Church; and we found in connexion with
the College, a theological department, =with
several young men preparing for
.the min
istry, under the instructions of Dr. Young,
the. Professor of theology. They have an
excellent theological librafy, not large, but
selected with much care and judgment ;- and
the young men,_ so far as we could judge,
seem to be making good progress in those
studies which are calculated to render them
useful in the" proclamation of the truth as it
is in Jesus. They have not, of course, the
advantages to be enjoyed at Princeton or
Allegheny, but are an well provided for, per
haps, as those who prepared for the minis
try years ago, under the care of our Pres
byteries, with one, or, at most, two' faithful
pastors to take the entire charge of their
While, thei, we have been resolving,
talking, and working to a certain extent, to
establish a Theological Seminary for the
North-West, in connexion with the General
Assembly, the - United Presbyterian breth
ren have actually accomplished something—
have at least made a beginning, and some
seven or eight young men are in sans' train
ing by them for the ministerial Work.
It is to be hoped, however, that our Gen
eral Assembly will do something for us at
its meeting next May, in' Indianapolis. So
far as I van gatlier from the expression of
sentiment as I have heard it throughout
this whole region, our churches wish the
Assembly to recognize the enterprise, ap
point Directors, with insPruotions to go-im
mediately forward in the selection of a site
for the institution, and in the raising of' an
endowment fund. When something relia
ble can be reported in this direction, then
let Professors be appointed, and the actual
work of instruction commence.
.1 may not here -express the sentiment of
all, but I do of many in Illinois, in •Wiscon
sin, and in lois. We greatly fear that
urging the election of Professors at this
time, before the Assembly will open up the
old discussions with all the old issues. This
would effectually retard the work of seotor
iug an endowment., Let this be first at
tended to, trusting to the discretion and
wisdom of the Assembly afterwards to fill
the Chairs with proper men.
That a Theological Institution in the
North West is needed, no one acquainted
with all the facts can for a moment (pee;
tion; and if we had the hands, it should be
put in operation at once. Let us then have
Directors appointed by the Assembly, who
shall raise the funds and place the institu
tion as moon as may be, in a condition to sus
tain itself. Let such a pledge of endow-
ment be obtained during this Fall and Wit
ter, that we can go up to the Assembly of
1860, prepared to ask for the appointment
of Professors.
PUBLICATION 0 ) ; i , .1: I: ), TTSBURGH, PA
Western Correspondence.
MESSRS. EDITORS commence this
letter by announcing the organization of a
church, to be known as the Presbyterian
church of Don's Grove, under oare of the
Presbytery of Rook River. It was organized
December 14th, 1858, by a. committee of
Presbyterians, consisting of Rev. A. H.
Lackey, Rev. C. Axton, and Elder John
Millar. Fifteen, members united in the
covenant, to., walk together in the •life and
faith of Christ. John Groves and George
Miller were elected elders, and John Ross,
Robert Adams, and Robert Richardson were,
chosen deacons. It will thus be seen that
this little church sets out with an organiza
tion upon the New Testament basis, having
both elders and deacons: At the commun
ion, dispensed upon the first Sabbath after
the organization, two - persons were admitted
to the church upon a profession of their
faith. The congregation propose to build a
house of worship immediately, and expect
to sustain a minister one-half of his time.. I
understand that Rev. A. Craig recently of
Milford, Del., is °vi s a visit 'to 'the vicinity,
. it is hoped that he will take the
charge of this church, and another
at Hanover, twelve miles distant. The
membership of these two churches is of the
Scotch-Irish origin, and can be relied upon
for soundness in the faith; and, we doubt
not, if Rev. Craig should oast in his lot
with them, he will find them a kind and af
fectionate people. That they are desirous
of growing in knowledge, is indicated by
the fact that they have cheerfully subscribed
for quite a number of copies of the Banner
and Advocate, the paper for the people.
The Rev. A. H. Lackey, who has for a
year past labored in this field, Hanover and
Zion's Grove, has consented to labor at Mor
rison and Unionville, upon the Chicago and
Fulton Air •Line R•ailroad. •Morriston is the
county seat of Whiteside County, and' Bro.
L. commences his labors here under most
encouraging circumstances. His people ex
pect to build a house of worship for him,
and by the Lord's blessing, he must succeed
in building up a flourishing church. Even
now, I believe, they ask no aid from the
Brother Coon, who was at Morrison the
past year, has accepted a call from the
churches of Camden and Beulah, and has
already entered - upon his work: For . Pres
byterians, looking for locations: in the West,
Morrison and Unionville, in Whiteside, or
Camden 'and Beulah, in Rock Island County,
will be found to possessndvantages of a high
order. With inviting 'soil, with good
schools and churches organized, Settlers will
not fail to find themselves well situated in
either location.
It is possible that , the great pressure now
experienced in pecuniary matters, may post-.
pone the aslcornplishment of our wishes in
this matter; much beyond the time above
designated; but we hope the Assembly of
1859 will give us a chance to work.
We.have,had a remarkably mild Winter
west of the lakes. March has opened wailmi,
and the frost is already pretty much ant of
the ground : ` in Illinois and. lowa. Byrithe
15th of thisr month, our busy farmers will
be sowing their Spring -wheat, if it poOn
nes dry and , **in :
,May the Lord,"„gtve,
them an a 'dant crop as' th 9. revAird i of
their labors,' , sr thus only, salt seems to us,,
can we be'rel ;:fed of-utirtpecuniary embar-,
rassments. NoaTli:VlNsir.
For Ilia Presbyterian' Benner 'gad
The tnemb rs of the Centre congregation,
in Ogle CountY; 111., and the friends of religion
in the vicinity; have shown , their kindness
and liberality by a d'onation-visit made their
pastor, at the louse of 0. T. Cooper, Esq,
on the 17th ult. The, day appointed ,for
this expressiou of regard was unpleaSaht,
and the roads'bad; yet the attendance was
large, and thedimatiorc liberal indeed, when
we consider the 4 late failure in crops, and.
the. low price of produce, which have shut
up almost every source of inuome upon'.
which our people are depending.
When we say the donations were
tearlYsixty dollars, some' may think ?this a
small amount, 'Put we hs:ie no he sitationin:exy
ing that, aocor e ding to thekineansaa ether.
e onsid erations few, any,. have acted , a
more liberal part or .shown r more -kindness.
toward their pastor. And no minister -has
greater reason' •to riokl his peoplicii the:
s• .
highest estirre thaziOhe Writer this
article. .. ' 'ISRAEL W. WARD.
ror the Prepterlan Battwand Advents., ,
Reviv;al in 'Antrim, Ohio.
MESSRS. EDITORS : - .-TheiPresbytery of,
St. .Clairsville,tat the 'last meeting, direct.'
ed. me to fill a:supply,iw.a organizatieni
we have in the town of Antrim, Ohio, which,
had been , sadly neglected - for the, last five ,
years, bothrby theniselVes aqd by Presby.'
tery. • After s investigation bithe Committee
of Missions,. this little church ..was ' still
found to consist of ten. members. , •
I visited-the place, Aceording to Appoint : -
ment, expeetieg to' meet 'Brother
Findley, who had agreed to assist me an few'
days in the eervices,tpreparato*. to a 'tom:.‘
amnion; buthe was-prevented from , coming,
and to add to this discouragement, the house
of this little flock was unfit to worship in,
being old and dilipidated. Oar Methodist,
friends gave usithiguse.of theirhotiwfor't
few days—TArii.attentinee-wisifrilhand*siotnisl4
times the church Was crowded- to overflow
ing. Soori there were indications of a more
than common presence . of the Spirit of God,
marked by profound solemnity, and:anxious
inquiry, inducing some twentrtwo -persons
to seek a connexion with-the church, and
muting a number more to be deeply con
At this interesting crisis, and' afteta4stay
of six days Among this'people, I 'was neces
sitated to -return home to my own eharae,
and thereby defer the administration of the
Lord's Supper at A., for three weeks. In
the meantime, I procured' the valuable aid
of Rev. J. Ross Findley, of Mercer, PC,
and we both met at the appointed, time 'in
Antrim,. - but our Methodist 'Episcopal
friends who had given us the grant of their
house, were now using it themselves; and
our Baptist brethren kindly tenclered us the
use of their house-for the occasion, whit%
was thankfully accepted, and our services
renewed, when, , we soon found:but.- little
in the religious interest among
the people, whioh - appeared to increase as
the meeting - progre,sied; •for -the Lord was
with- us; as at the.first, in his• reviving grace
and convincing power, which resulted , (with
the above) in the addition' of forty two per
sons to the communion of this little church,
and nearly all by examination. 'Surely,
they -have abundant - reasons to thank-`-and
:praise the Lord for inereasing , their. number
from ten to fifty-two i more than. five.fold, in
so short,a time, , and chiefly; too, from heads•
of families of prominence and respectability.
This congregation has now 'appointed a
building committee, and are' going for Ward
to: erect , a house of worship. And permit
me to say, that in connexion with the Birm
ingham church, located in a_ village seven -
miles distant would make, a promising and
pleasant charge for a brother of some ex
perience and working tact. T.R.C.
Moorefield, March 9th, 1859.
Presbyterian Strength.
In looking overtthe Presbyterian Alma
nac, noticed in :another column, we have
been struck by ,the large amount of Pres
byterian element that is in the
country. Few persons - are aware of the
real strength of this element. A. few sta
tistics which we have ;'gathered from the
Almanac will exhibit this fact. We,=pre
sent a feinly.
Old Sohool Assembly,
New School Assembly,
United (Knoxville) Synod,
Associate Synod,
Associate Reformed Synod,
Reformed Presbyterian Synod,
A. R. Synod of the South, .
Cumberland Presbyterian,
Free Synod,
When to these we add the Dutch Be
formed, German tn
. Refored, and Independ
ent Presbyterians, the aggregate will 'be
largely increased, and show that the Presby.
teruin element in this country is one 'of int.
.2nse weight andi-power, if that power
*could be concentrated. It is, perhaps well
that such immense power cannot be wielded
by any single denomination, as there would
be danger of abuse. And it is perhapei
Utopian to hope that each division , will so
lay aside its shibboleth as to join in any
plan'of concerted action. But it would be
a grand spectacle if we could see a dele
gated representation of all this great family,
embracing as it does, so much piety, talent,
and learning, brought together in one body.
There may be somethingr approximating to
this, seen by those who shall live when the
.watchmen shall see eye, to eye more than
they do now, and the lines of separation
shall grow smaller :as the lines of union
grow larger. Meanwhile let all endeavor to
eultivate - more the unity
,of the Spirit and
bond of peace, and Xudalf not vex Ephraim
'and Ephraim not vex Judah.—Central
Doubt and Anxiety in Europe—War More 'Probable
--What the 'Germans think—Prince Napoleon's
.Ainbition—Secret Treaty—Freneh Preparations
t Emperor's Riacsfyl Assurptees r •The pia.-
. • vers, Loans, and the Money Market—Vonreree
Paralyzed in France—The DefenceAfVngksad
r—Giaerny Views of a ;General and an Admiral
.—Napoleon qAtnplhies—Our
~.N'avy,T p estruc-*
Live 4turthe Sin'ewe 'of
TrarThe New IROrmi - ipill;=-Dr. Rook made
;'la United erayfrzt-riitt Witness,Mr.'
.raynes, and 44.: seigHiree Church Ade
' 'Pendshol , of Civil' Courts-4W 'Parties
&MIA, Establishment—Saluting the Rost at
Malta—PreaShing to the Masses—Young Men's
Christian Assbeiation—Postecript.
Lowootr, February 25th, 1859.
Boum iIiDiANX:INIT are not set at rest
on 'the question of -peace or war. The
'Times' correspondent at 'Vienna affirms that
intelligence, had been received from France,
that Louis Napoleon undoubtedly continues
to cherish warlike • intentions. Prince Na
poleonritis belietred,ia theinstigator of an
assault-upon Austria-, and that in the inter
est of Victor Emmannel,:whoiaspires to be
King of Italy. The reception of the Prince
and his bride in Paris, was rather chilling
and there cannot be a doubt that he is un
popular. But his influence with the Em
peror is considerable; and •so far did his
organ .at 'the Prei3s- go last week; that 64 a
warning" was is administered to it by the
Miniater, of the, Interior.
"'tits positively affirmed; also, "4 a Itnssian
journal, that a secret treaty has lien eon
eluded between Frince-and-Birdinia. 'lt is
-also-said that •theraim of-Russia and France,
now-fast friends, is to cripple. ; Austria,, and so
thoroughly humble her as to make her like;
what Turkey has become. That, hosietir,
would not be - aw•easy task: AustiiVirpow
iirfulr-and the hatred of France, , from the
reminiscences of the, past, is vgeneral, and
strong:throughout Germany. The German
Diet will support Austria by force of arms,
if necessary: •
We hear of flat bottomed boats, 'arid other
vessels ball-proof,•beingtPreparedbY.France
'fop thelransport of 'troops , as well fati' of the
inoreased• fortifications Venice by Aus
tria; so-10140 meadytto resist a - projeoted
assault- froin 'the sea. On the other -hand,
to la,dePutatiort sfrom one o 4 f the f great coin
..;mcroial towns to the:Emperor, last week, the
'reply - was; that peace would- not- be“ die
lorbed; The Jesuit U./a/veil has the• eo6l
- to propose that the differences between
-and--4itistririhotra-be` left th
arbitration of 'the Pope ! This, too, at dr
very time that the Papal Government - denies
thezneemisity of those reforms which- France
has suggested, /and while the Concordat
with Attatria,is binding the latter hand and
foot in the affectionate and grateful embrace
of Pius the Ninth
Austria has 'succeeded in negotiating la
loan, which, however, is at a disdount
already, on the London &oak Exchange. If
she, go to war, she will require a second
loan. It was rumored last week, that France
intended - to borrosi' money to the 'extent of
twelve' millions sterling: The -warts of 'war
,as•to treasure', would , ,indeed , be , 2one -fright.
ful result of a conflict. But even already
the mischiefs to commerce from apprehended
war,iareliiinentable •in. France: At:Orleans
<alone,. failurerhavel taken:place . to the extent
of a twelve. , millions , of francs. Trade' else
mhere on : the Continent is half paralyzed,
and the English markets and.mannfacturers,
altheug;ti 'comparatively buoyant, espeeillly
those that supply the demands of India; are
by no means unaffected by'the presenVstate
of affairs.
It is asserted that Austria has offered to
negotiate ""on the basis of the abandonment
of the-Roman territory-bY alfforeign troops,
but‘that , France refuses on the plea that the
.witbdrawal of her troops from the Papal
Capital would lead to an insurrection. That
would certainly be the issue, but the real
object of Franoe is believed to be not to
make s:niore ;: tliau .a: sitinoT of inegOthitions,
while she ond Piedniont go' on with their
p - regaratieds for war. "It 'is - diffichlt,"
says the Paris correspondent of 'the' Stand
ard, "for 'the Paris public to believe in
-peace,. when, in: support of all that they
hear of military preparations; they see, every
day, long Ales of horses, led by soldiers in
undress uldform, crossing from the Rouen
railway to lhat of Lyons." The cloud
lowers more than ever. •
°"Bella, harrida bells,
Padum, mute spumantem sanguine tern."
Count Cavour, in the Sardinian Senate ,
has thus oharged - tlie violation - of the 'treaties
of 1815 .by Austria :
These treaties, gentlemen, , have been several
times violated in Italy by Austria, and are so at
MS very day. If the Treaty of 1815 assured to
Austria the Territory befween the Ticino and the
Po, they also limited, her influence on the right of
the former river to the occupation of tvrolortress.
,es ;; but, by diplomatic means,. as by military oc
cupation, Austria has. at the present day extended
her posiethiibn'S (f) beyond the Appaninee
down to the shores of the l Adriatio. This, gen
tlemen, is contrary to , the stipulations of the
Treaty of 1815. And let it not be proclaimed in
my bearing that these encroachments have been
made with the consent of. the Italian , princes, for
I do not hesitate to adieu() that Italian princes had
no right to alienate their independence in favor
of Austria (bravon;) and that by that- act they
have manifestly violated not only the spirit, but
'also the text of ;the treaties (applause.) I aslaert
thatlit is a principle of modern , politieal right,
and I maintain that it is one of the great ad
vances made by civilization, not to admit the
right of princes to alienate their subjects or their
independence (immense applause in the galleries.)
When, in consequence, we protest openly against
this extension of Austrian influence, right and
equity, even the very letter of the treaties, are on
our side, and not ort that of our adverrearies."
This shows that the grievances raked up
may any day be made a emus bell€.
occupying much attention here. Some pub.
lie men, like General Thompson, a Radical
Member of the House of . Commons, and
Sir Charles Napier, also speak in alarming
terms. The one; at a public 'dinner last
week, said that. the country was in- a moat
defenceless condition, and .that there were
£12,000,000 in the Bank of • England,
almost entirely unprotectid, and said what
prize money that sum would give among the
first men that would seize it.
Sir C. Napier took an almost equally
gloomy view, asserting that, there : was
nothing to prevent an invasion of England.
The French he said, possesied one hundred
From our London Correspondent._
. and eighty steam vessels in their oommer-
I nial marine, and at least one hundred and
fifty 'steamers in their' navy. England, it
was tine, posiessedr -many more than this;
, but what was there to prevent the Emperor
•of the. French from laying: an embargo on
rill. the vessels in , his ports * , using them as
transports for his troops, and in a fortnight
from such a thne, hie whole fleet might
anchor in:the Portland Roads?
I cannot believe that - the amperer has,.
at present, any invading,designs upon Eng:"
land .I bejilitelds thoughte are all toward
the Italian Peniniula, and the ItalnAtietriim
`difficulty. Some say that 'he was once a
member of the secret . SodietroUthe Car.
honari,- and ,had intimate: relationsefen with
Orsini,- : in !vntly As ; to, our steam
fleet, it is to be much increased, the menthe
,of various rivers are to he fortified, and nab
inventions in - 'artillery, musketry, and
;destructive' are being rapidly
'adopted. There for example,"" The ;
Armstrong Gun," thefinvention of .111 r. W.
G. Armstrong, of Neweastle-on-Tyne. Shells
can be thrown with this, nearly`five miles
and a quarter, and a shot is - said to have
been propelled by the same gun through a
, solid - hlock of= oak timber, nine feet.thiok,
at a distance ofeight hundred yards. Long
before other artillery could act, the head, of
a colemn ef hostile infantrY adiancing Might
be Cleft is if "hy the Destroying Angel."
No; invading force ~cOnld; debark,. or live
through .the-attemptie again et...aoland :battery
of such is •• these. Thir inventor of
this new artillery has just been knighted by
'the Queen,; and appointed tea high office in
.the Engineer Department of the army.
:This is regarded as "At
,:eignificipit r fapt."
Le* - Napoleon ; hie almknadif vast improve
mentis in.artillery.
There is also being adopteda bre oh
loading Om forlitivalry, of greet pOwer, and .
a Captain Norton , has them -exhibiting; a,
; kind ,of ,fire ball, of most destructive
,character, invented by himself. '
Will war, howeve r , be less murderous,
because more spee dilydecisive?
any .one Inationi ever possess a - secret.that
shall i paralyze; all others; and 3 so , eenzpel
peace ? The litter is :notprobable, but of
the first. -we alay,pspeci that 'the result ;of
increasingly destr uctive weatiens; aftOr all,
tends to less alatighter. Ever,* elasifical
reader knower:how; when in- Omar's days
:013posingohosts .fought conkinusf . ",;(hand
to hand, each man fighting for fik , wif i l), an
individual antagoniet,) that, the.,destreetien
of life - waif far - -greater' than' in Modern bat.
Ile-fields. • ' ' • '
~• , ,
i THE Morriv Powatc, as bearing - ori War,
I or - the Ability oft inaking -And "stititainitig, it,
was recently, pointed-;oitt . by, the .Tintes.
„.,„ffAzt fear f o t t4,fs4cmg...,Anm*Wegvt 50...
called, will , expire. In other werds,. this
Country shall, by'the termination . of these
Annuities have £ 70,000,000 of her national
debt swept away. Thus , her borrowing
f powei 'Will ha immensely lecreasedpand; her
i'eredit be higher than ever. ,God,grant that
not in this -way may that credit be tested I
i .
' TEE New REFORM Btu, in , to be intro-
I shoed to: the House of Commons on the
1 30th inst. It is. confidently Sated' that the
ministry' will propose to `abolish the .t5O
" Chando's clause ' of the old Reform Bill,
,t and.substitute a Xlo , freehold , votelor (man
,• ties., It ;is also , said that a, ,E 6, rating
boroughs, ,will entitle , to a vote, and .that
there . will be .a permissive solarise for auy
constituency: to adopt the 'Otillot"when '- a
i majority may desire it: • Alli these? conjbc
i . tnrea,, however, will be , solved ere .this, own
munieation Appears in ,=your columes. The.
. Whigs will try hard to, flail:flaws sufficient
to justify them to 'urge the house to iihOsille
I vote, 'and so' to - scramble biek into offihe.
i Mr. , Bright does not ihimselliseenr very sea
; guine i about &Teeny good , Reformr Bill, , iin
his sense of the word, And it must ba owned
. .
4 that merchants, ,artizaris,. And . fanners, are
- thinking far More shoat trade and'agriell
tural prosperity, tharuabout•changeis in the
s. ParlianHintary:reprelentation.
i ,
thrultdri PATROSUHE - niider the Deiby
Ministry, , invarisb,ly runs itoWard the High
Church party. Thus we find that Dr. Hook,
.t, vicar ,of Leeds, has jnst been,. appointed
Dean of Chichester. For such
f t no'doubt the slither of "'The China` Die
-tionary," his long beerryearnitig. ' He' his,
t aayinc.aresaware, beenchalVeoirderia , 4and
ladopted by the •Broad Churchmen anitthe
• Semi-Evangelical Bishop of. London. 4is
preaching frequently in London, and once
1 at St. Penni during the last twelve lei - Allis,
seemed to indicate that he' might; ore long,
be preferred. So long as he . is 'not 'on the
Episcopal Bench,•his Towers of mischief are
much diminished; , andliciimPhltdly believe
that the Queen; would exaction a proposal to
make Dr. Hook a Bishop.,
UNITED PRAYER for a Revival of . Religion,
and the downfall of all Popish, Heathen,
'and Mohammedan -superstition, has — been
published in Edinburgh. The , periodopro
posed for united prayeros.thatembraeed, in
the week 'front the 14th to the 21st
March. The subject of united prayer is
evidently engaging many minds and hearts,
especially in Scotland; lii the :Witness, for
example, of; last Saturday, is a separate ad
vertiseMent, simply, consisting of tlie text,
" Prove me now the,reiith,"
10. Of the proposal, just alluded to, for
united prayer, the reminds its read
ers that the period, the middle of March,
corresponds to. that of last year, when tid
ings of, the ; great .awakening in America
reached this country. And then' it is added,
" A preparatory revival work has evidently
been manifesting itself -in this country for
some tune past; and.who van - tell what the
month of March may witness, in answer' to
the , united supplications of a large ;portion
of Evangelical Christendom ?"
Mr. James, of Birmingham, haS been
writing in the British Standard, on the
subject of Mr. Finney also addresses
a letter:to the editor, from the
of St.. Ives, where ;he says he has spent
more time than he intended, "in Jona,-
quence of the fast growing interest in re
ligion."' He is about,Aciwever, to II spend
some- time in London." He depteoates
Mr. Jatuethliotionuthat we are not• to expect
a similar form of effort as that in, the United .
States, with. like results. He points to,
meetings now going On in Scarborough, in,
the North of England, and says if Mr.
James will belieie himself,' make an effort;
in Birminghim.-landistir up all Christians to
unite and labor, with perseverance for amore
general revival of religion, he has no more
Thiladelphia, Snit ',West Comet' ilf SeVenth and Chestnut Streets
BYom Y
KW, or at the oev ever, OSA figE PROSPECTUS.
Delivered in the City, 2,00 /
, 'VVEIOLE NO. 889
doubt ,of its taking place than he has of the
faithfulness of God.
" I see no difference," says Mr. F , "in
the power of the Gospel and in the influ
ende of prayer on this and on the other side
of the Atlantic. lam obliged to believe
and maintain thatunbelief und . a consequent
neglect of
,energetic, and persevering effort,
suffieiently account for the failure in this
A minister of the Free,Church also writes
teltliti'Bratish Standard, stating that two
obstacles to revival, and two grand re
quisites of the Church are, pure doctrine
and i ftureSeriptural discipline. "The first
of these is imperilled by the Negative The
ology; the latter by-tolerating appeals to
the eivilconits, or purely spiritual matters."
The writer referei to the Eraitianism of the
Church'of England, as iedicated by appeals
Ito the civil power.
• I may here men toned that the Lord Or
dinary (Benholme)" has dismissed both ac
dons brought, by the Rev. Mr. McMillan,
against- the Assenib ly of the Free Church,
for exercising discipline upon him. Thus
it is settled, that all matters of ecclesiasti
aoal discipline in_the Free Church are to he
determined by "the final sentence of the
General Assembly."
There* are both HIGH. CHURCH AND Low
CIRTROH in the Eitabliahed Church of Scot
' land. The latter party is for an amend
ment of Lord'Aberdeen's Act, so as to
secure thethorough and practical recogni
tion of the principle of non-intrusion, while
the other will stand fast by what they have.
Sir John H. Maxwell threatens a disruption,
whose results wilt be a secession toward the
Church of England,-on the part of the
wealthy - laity, presiime.
.0n the other
hand,, Dr Norman McLeod urges the Free
and Established Churches to unite, evidently
prepared to meet the Free Church half way.
at Malta, kali been attempted to be explained
away iu ParliaMent. It is said to be only
to the Archbishop when he goes at the
-head of a procession along with' the Host
,this is a very. Jesuitical explanation. The
'Papists of Malta do not make a distinction,
I am sure, between the priest and the Host.
dlleclasise, in the' dines of the Knights of
Eiti•stsilates, an Arehbishop 'was a Knight
Grand Cross, and was only : second in
yank to the *rand Master • so now his sue
,4oseovis,saluted as only inferior to the rep
resentative--of the 'British S3vereign. Suck
idihe explanation, but our soldiers da salute
'"the procession," and artillery are fired on
Festival Days: Lat us hope that this cow
ardly and wksked policy may be abandoned.
• There is .a4strong, feeling of. indignation,
`abroad/on-the subject.;
in. Leaden with great apparent success. A
new feature is, that besides the Sabbath
evening services; there is one for working
people, at St. James' Hail, from three to
four o'elook in the afternoon, The first ex
periment made last. Lord's day, was most:
suocessful. More than three thousand per.
-sons were present, mostly men. The Rev.
Neiman' 'Hall, of Surrey Chapel, was the
preacher. At four o'clock, the service as
sack terminated. He told the audience
that all'were at' liberty to depart; but that
for any who - wished-to- remain, there should
be a prayer meeting. The consequence was,
thatmearly all stayed. Mr. Hall then said,
"Let any one that, feels at liberty of the
Holy Spirit, engage in prayer." After a
felted pause, a Crimean soldier, with four
'clasps twills breast, knelt down and poured
fortitsa. most beautiful prayer. Others, also,
.among the(andience, followed. This I had
from Mr. Hall's own lips.
A friend of mine attended the great
gathering imder the dome of St. Paul's, last
'Sabbath evening. A noble sermon was
.preactied:- by Mr.- Eyre, the Evangelical
, Rsotor, of a Loudon parish. But what was
most striking, tents the character of the eon
gregation,-rmade up chiefly of the very
lowest.. 'him& new thing this, I assure you;
.thermihate been nothing like it since the
preaohings at Paul's Cross, in the days of
thel Reformation.: I do trust and hope that
great things spiritually' are not far away.
Let American Christians pray constantly for
.the outpouring of the Spirit upon London,
the mighty heart, whose pulsations, healthy
or othertriee, are felt at the extremities of
the Glebe.
[NATION, after a- series of brilliant Winter
Lecturp,44 distinguished persons, id Exe
ter itart',sela their annual meeting this
week; Lord' 'Shaftsbury in the Chair. In
numbers, resourees, and morel power, the
4sakochialoritad**es mightily. Hundreds
attend meetings for - united prayer, and dis
trict4ibraries, olasees,, and evangelistic
agencies exist, and are in active operation •
all over the metropolis. J.W.
P. Bel—Lord:Palmerston brings on a de
bate-On the European question, to-morrow
night, , in the House of Commons, by special
motion. . It was supposed at first to be a
party ,move to upset the Cabinet;, bat it
seems rather in the interests of peace.
Matteis have reaohed a crisis. France will
fight unless Austria' yield. Lord Cowley,
the - Ambassador at Paris, was summoned to
London, and is now dispatehed to Vienna,
to urge concessions. This has caused the
Paris Bourse and English stocks and shares
The Pope is in a great fright, no doubt,
;and thinks- that- Austria alone, among a!1
the, European powers, is to be depended on.
The awful conflict may be postponed.
Doctor Keith, (the venerable writer on
Prophecy,) whom I saw yesterday, thinks
that the scenes of mutual slaughter, and of
~thealestruction-of)the• temporal supremacy
of , the Pope, are riot yet; but- that wicked.
noes meet , first develop itself in Europe
still more fully-ere the crash arrive.
fitlatkii) TEAM PROTESTANT.—A Dub
lin wiiternsserts , thatifully , one-half the peo
i plop ofilreland are Protestants. In copse
quenee of this .increase of Protestantism,
the. character and habits of the . Catholic
popiilition' are' changing rapidly for the be t
torrfrOin the powerful influence of example.
Jewett writes that there, are ,now twenty-five
evangehlal charohee in the Northern Ar
menian Mission, and nine, in the Southern.
In the 'former, a church of seven members
hasljust , been , organized at Yozgat. The
Sabbath audience there averages fifty five.—
Ohriseinn Observer.