Presbyterian banner & advocate. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1855-1860, March 19, 1859, Image 1

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Preffilbytellait istaamorp Vol. V 11,110. 2 0.
Prostsysortan *divests§ Vol. XXI, Xo. 91.
Ministerial Changes..
Our rural population are said, by stran
gers, to be destitute of attachment to their
native. homes. Farmers often, even those
who are in comfortable circumstances, whose
.lands are producing richly, and Whose flocks
flourish, will become dissatisfied, and " go
West." In the cows of a few years, they
find that they have not yet got far enough
" West ;" and accordingly , they , remove
again. Thus they may be traced until, per
haps; they shall reach the utmost bounds. of
civilization. '
But, are these the only people among WI
who are ueduly given to change 7 , We fear
that an examination of the Minutes of our
General Assembly, for the last ten yearn,
would show a condition equally unsettled
among our ministerial brethren. Will any of
our readers be at the tronble to note the
column in which we Jecord ecolesiaetical
changes, and state the result, in three
months, six months, or at theend of a year?
We are able to record but a portion of the
changee which are'eonstantly occurring all
over the Church, nevertheless, the exami
nation would convince any impartial inqui
rer that under this head there is great room
for reform.
Formerly, the acceptance of a charge .by
a minister, and the settlement of a minister
by a people, was' held. to be the formation
of• a onion so sacred, that reasons of the
most grave character could alone justify its
dissolution. A minister felt that he was
settling for life, when he was 'solemnly, by
the laying on of the hands of the Presby
tery, appointed as an ambassador to the people
of hie deliberate and prayerful choice. He
had examined the field ? meditated on the
difficulties which be had to encounter, and
*Ward of the fact that in all spheres of labor
there must be hinderances encountered, he
had entered on his work in a spirit of devo
tion that was not easily overcome. Instead
of contemplating .a bed, of roses only, he saw
before :him, some thorns, and he anticipated
that the lapse of time would shout others, of
Which,. at the outset, he was . ignorant.
Hence, when trials occurred, he was not
taken 'by surprise. He was only meeting
diffteultiee rof.which he had prepared 'him
self. ~And the people, on their part, had
also eoUnted the. cost, taken the man for
better or worse, and agreed upon a life eon
tract ; end - few,
they felt bound tb cherish their attachments.
Hence it was, that -at an earlier period of
our Church's hietery? the severtnei of the
ministerial tie was compardtively rare.
'We 'are far 'from' affirming that it is nu- ,
lawful, always, for a pastor to ' &ate a
change in his location. There are reasons,
many and good, in special cases, why a
man obtinge. It may Sot% be foutid
that he is not at all adapted to his field of
labor. He cannot cultivate it--cannot en
dure the toil, or cannot edify the people.
Or, on his acquiring a little experience, he
may be fitted for a mifoh larger field. The
Lord May have "need of him" in another
place, and may stir up his nest and make
him leave it, or may send to him the direct
invitation to remove. Sometimes the people
fail to fulfill their stipulations. They had
• solemnly, before God, engaged, on the recep
tion of their pastor, that they would sustain
him by an ample support, eo as to free him
from >worldly care, and enable him-to de
vdte his time and talents to their spiritual
edification and growth in grace. But their
vow they have heartlessly broken. There
are but few churches in which there are not
some members who comprehend the mean
ing of their engagement. They knew bow
many hundreds of dollars are required, year
by year, to buy. their own raiment, to keep
their horse, pay traveling expenses, enter
tain strangers, east into-the Lord's treasury
on scores 0,,f calls; to pay for the innumer
able odds and ends that a family and a
household establishment are daily demand
ing; in addition to the more obvious and
well known articles of rent, food, fuel, &o.
They know that if they were obliged to go
into the market, as the minister is, and to
pay for all the multitudinous articles which
their necessities require, they could not, by
the must penurious saving, make the email
amount of their minister's incoreeover
their year's expenditure; and yet they fail,
small as this income is, to place even that
punctually in his hands. If, then, a people,
through a heartless niggardliness and cold
blooded contempt of their solemn engage
ments, subject their spiritual teacher to
debt or to starvation, what can he do but
remove? When a removal is, by such cir
cumstances, rendered needful, the custom
which too often preVails, of concealing the
truth and covering up the misdeeds of the
people, is to be regretted. But even there,
the delinquent people are not the only party
to be visited with disapprobation. In such
cases there may be a grave fault lying at
the minister's door, and at, the door of the
PresbyteryVbecause of their neglect, in not
using remedial measures in due season, or
in not probing the case to the bottom, anp
dealing with offenders as they deserve.
Still, allowing for all cases of miserly
coldness and neglect of duty on the part of
the people; and allowing, also, for the goad•
ing insults of an occasional Diotrephes in
our churches, we are constrained to admit,
that among our ministerial brethren there is
too often an unsettled and restless feeling
which operates in the direction of needless
change. We fear that, sometimes, our min
isters accept of charges without any definite
idea of being permanently nettled among the
people whose spiritual oversight they under
take. They would try their powers. They
would gain some experience. !they, have
changed already, and they expect to, change
again. They may meet with. unknown
troubles in the new Fettlement, but if this
be the ease, why, there is the.' great West,
or there are innumerable calls in the relig
ious papers from destitute localities; . or
they have been engaged in teaching, and
they can become teachers again; or they can
accept an agency. , Thus the mind is famil
iarized with the possibility of change. With
such persons, almost any , thing,will,serve as
an excuse for a removal. Now,' this unset
tled and ever•shifting condition of a minis ,
try is much to be deplored. It is fraught
with evil to the churches and to the minis
ters alike. Congregations are made familiar
with the idea of parting with their teachers.
Hence it is easy
. to lead such peeple to look
on ministers as hirelings ) or as"mechardos or
tradesmen, who may be engaged for a sea
son or two, and then "'distniiii;dr when the
bargain is fulfilled. How ruinous this to
the Lord's cause I How subvereive of our
elevated * Presbyterian ideas !
Such incessant changing tends to chill the
affections of the people, and to:rekess thiir .
liberality. We know' a church in an im
portant place, where two or three removals
of ministers, after short incumbencies, had
-left the cause of religion at a lotrebb. But
the people rallied, • and - another !pastor was
called, and high prospects of great success
were looked forward to, under, his care.
The salary was nearly doubled. Hie dwell
ing was inrnished at the expense of the
congregation. One member paid the flour
account of the pastor, and another paid his
grocery bill. His will was a law. Had he
remained a pleased and-satisfied ;laborer, he
had the highest prospects of =usefulness.
But an opening in another platie :soon pre._
sented/iteelf, and, to the amazement. of his
people, he too, like a bird of passage, left
them ! Variotis and prutriotd& efforts Wei%
made by the chagrined peoide, and at-letigth
a suecessor was found. But what'Sirlis: the
result? Why, five hundred* dolllo, per
annum' were deducted from the paetor's sup
port. No congregational effort provided him
with a ohair, a bed, or a table. Ipe= might
find a house wherehe could; andlnotrocer,
n 0... merchant, earmoted: witlaturch,
has ever thought• of settlinghishills I All
this is natural, much as it is for be 'deplored I
We ask special attention to one of the ill
influences of these; changing visitors of 13071-
gregatione, on which we fear they do not
often meditate. In the ear)) , historrof oar
Church, when a pastor had vent. the best
yearsoflislife among a people; when he hsd
toiled for theiredification; and warn , himself
out in their service, they felt that theywere
under , a Scriptural bond to• sustain. him in
his'dealining years. He,'Waa the fither of a '
great family. The 'people lbved 'and' rev
erenced him, and would have felt,that they
were disgraced, in the eyes of the Church
and of the world,,had they left him - to pen
ury and want. This feeling was then strong
among our people, and it prevails yet in the
Church of the But what could
be expected from the operation , of a system
which has made a;people familiar with the
faces of two or three pastors every dozen of
years or so? When a- thus movable minis
ter is verging on old age, on what church
can he have a claim ? He has roamed
about from place to place. He may have
done very much good, too, in various places
of labor. But in no particular charge has
he established a claim for-that sympathy and
aid which age and - decrepitude require.
What church will insure a minister's life,
or buy for him and his an annuity, when it
isexpected; that be may be in a distant re
gion in the course of three or four years ?
Numerous as the evil consequences are,
which ate entailed on the membership of the
church by familiarity with change, the re
sults are quite as disastrous to ministers as
to people: Both are deeply interested in a
return to stability in the pastoral relation.
All who enter the ministry with intelli
gent views, must be- aware that difficulties
should be expected. - Ministers themselves
are not perfect ; (they are note all wise, •and
what but trials must imperfect man expect
to meet with from imperfect people ? Let
ministers, on the occasion of their settleuient,
see to it, that a fair prospect of support is
secured to them in a field to which their
talents are adapted, and then, relying
on the arm and' promise of the great
Head of the Church, let them go on their
way, being assured that he will sustain them.
When difficulties of such * magnitude occur
as require the counsel and interference of
the Presbytery, let such be edught, without
strife and passion, and in a calm, determined
spirit, that recognizes the institution.' of
order. Let the voice and powers of those
who are invested with authority settle the
difficulty, and obtain redress. The future
course may•then be one of peace and joy.
Let this be done, instead of deserting the
post, and leaving the sore to fester and 'the
poison to produce a continuation of disorders.
AR we have alreedy said, the power of heal
ing or, of mitigating this great evil, is in the'
hands of our Presbyteries; and just as they
are faithful or otherwise, so will be the result.
Hasty admissions of young men to the posi
tion of candidates; hasty licensures; hasty
settlements; frequent disrukons of pastoral
relations hastily sanctioned; and a 'general
floating about of unsettled ministers, and a
clamor from important vacancics—fOr all
these evils, the remedy is in the hands of
the Presbyteries, and they are bound wisely
to apply to the disease a healing balm, or
the chastening rod, if need be..
In putting down these thoughts, we have
found it difficult to be faithful; but the evil
is so extensive, so rapid in its growth, and
so deleterious to pastors and people, that we
felt a plain notice of it to incumbent.
Its radical cure must be a work of time. It
must result from . a cultivated Christian sen
timent—a sentiment which will both prompt
to, and sustain Presbyterial action. Let not
our 'system descend to a blank Congrega
tionalism, where the Presbytery shall not
have the opportunity even of acting as an
advisory counsel. Let not the sweet, confid
ing, and edifying relation of pastor and
people be degraded to the worldliness of a
mere hireling system, to be ruptured by the
irregularities of pride, prejudice, and pas
si.on, or by mere money considerations.
Tor the Presbyterian Banner and Advocate.
Superior, Wisconsin. ....
MESSES. EDITORS -I hive recently
made a `trip from this place of my sojourn
to St. Paul; and its neighboring towns, some
notes of which nifty not be without interest
to your readers. The distance between
these two points is one hundred and sixty
miles, and the journey is one .of interest,
and is made 'with' comfort, notwithstanding
the low temperature'af these highlatitudes.
The mail contractor runs au line of sleighs
through, between these points, three times a
week. Three days are occupied in going
through, and comfortable resting plaaes at
night, and good entertainment, are found by
the way.
The character a the country over which
we pass is variegated. For a hundred miles
from this place it is heavily wooded; the
timber alternating between the lamerac,
which grows in the swamps, and birch,
maple, pine, oak, &c., which 'densely cover
the bluffs and - table lands. The . last, sixty
miles has but little timber, being, chietly
covered with dwarf jack oak, with occasional
small' prairies. Several good streams ',of
water 'are crossed,' the prinmpatof *Thiel are
the Kettle, the Snake, and the 'Bunt ise
Riversa branches of the St. Croix.
I had for my traveling companion, the
Rev. 'J. M. Barnett, of this place'. We
reached St. Paul late in the evening 'of the
third day of our journey. The next
noon mas devoted to a general,stirveyaoa this
new and precocious city of the Narth-Weet.-
After dinner, the. Rev. j. G. 'Rilleldaffer,
the pastor of thee Old School 'Paeihyteriati
church, having heard of our arrival, (Ailed
upon us at our hotel, and with genuine, large
hearted. hospitality, compelled ns, thence-for
ward, during our sojourn in the city, to be.,
come his guests. This brotherhas perforined
a good service in St. Pahl, in 'the cause
of Old Sehool Presbyterianism,'and of
religion generally. Through his labors,
begun when there was but, little in the then
state of. things to encourage • success,, and,
steadfaitly, yet unostentatiously persevered
in amidst discouragementsi he has suc
ceeded in gathering a fine congregation', of
Whom, huddred, are .members of
the church. His hands are now made
strong by the co.operation of six Ruling
Elders, and many other efficient workers in
the' church acid congregation. A substan
tial •and commodious house of 'worship has
been built. It occupies a site in the imme
diate neighborhood' of the State Capitol,
which, though not at present the beat
adapted to gather "outsiders," will ulti
mately be' one of the best in the city. 'A
very flourishing Sabbath School occupies the
basement of the church building.
Brother. Riheldaffer has .also recently
commenced another enterprise, most import
ant to the interests of St. Paul and the
region which it represents, the establishment
of a first class Female Seminary; thus main
taining and vindicating the character of,
Presbyterianism as the patron and pioneer
of a liberal as well' as- general education.
He has secured a beautiful and commanding
location, on which he has erected buildings
specially designed, and admirably adapted to
secure the ends which ought to be aimed at
in every institution of learning—the phys
ical health, and comfort, and the intellectual
activity and development of the pupils.
Il e is aided in ths work -of instruction by
competent and accomplished assistants,
graduates of the veteran and popular insti
tution at Steubenville, Ohio. Boarders are
treated as members 'of the family, and the
sunshine of a most amiable and truly
tian household sheds its influence upon their
expanding minds and hearts. I greatly re
joice that the thoughful forecast, and the
enterprising activity of one so competed, to
the task s has thus' early provided - for .the
thorough education of the daughters of
this rapidly rising State; and I wont ear
nestly pray that his life, and the life his
amiable and excellent. companion, may long
be spared to carry on what they •have so
auspiciously 'begun.
In addition to the Old School church, al
ready mentioned, there are in St. Paul, two
New School Presbyterian, two Episcopal, two
Methodist, one Baptist, one Congregational,
(recently organized) two Roman Catholic,
and perhaps, some other small churches.
The statistics of these churches I tun not
able to give. The first - Presbyterian (Rev.
John Mattocks, pastor,) has about one bun
, dred and twenty-five or thirty members.
The other New Sehool under the care of the
Rev. E. D. Neal, is a new, bat promising
Across the river, in West St. Paul, Rev.
Mr. Thayer, an fald School brother, has
recently commenced the, work of gathering a
Congregation, and erecting a church. There
is, as yet, on that aide of the river no
church of any denomination, nor is 'there
any male, member .of the Presbyterian.
Church ;, yet there have been found those,,
who, under the wise and energetic leader
• ship Of brother Thayer, have &hewn their
willingness, with ready hands, to take hold
of the work of building .a house of worship.
Already the stone is on the ground, and part
of the foundation laid, although brother
Thayer has been there but a few weeks.
Of the past, rapid growth, present appear
ance, and future prospects of. St. Paul, I
cannot now write. It is certainly a vigorous
}youth of its age, and by no means unsightly
notwithstanding the fact that it seems to
have been the design of the'proprieters of
the place, to, concentrate and combine the
irregularity and confusion
,of both Boston
and New York, in the laying out of the
streets. It; Claims twelve thousand inhabi
tants, and possesses most -of the conveni
epees and , comforts - of older. cities, A mag
nificent bridge is rapidly approaching'eora
.pletion, by which .the two sides of the river
will soon be re-united.
Before leaving the regiorrof St. Paul, we
made a visit to Stillwater tisc-the , St. Croix,
twenty miles 'to the Bast - of the.eity„; and
also to Hudson, six miles farther downorn
the Wisconsin Side of the same river, or
'lake, as the deep and wide 'Channel of its
waters, in the neighborhood of thee° places,
is called. These are. both fine towns of
abitut two thousand inhabitants : each." The
object of our visit was to pay our respects to
the Old School ministers io
,these places.
At the former is the Rev. ":' . o.'ealdwell, a
good and earnest . brother, fites.dily growing
in , the confidence and the affections- of his
own people and of the coareaunity generally.
While here, it' was our privilege to he ,the
guests of bent. Gov. Holecanhe, Whom we
had met at Bro. Rihefilaifer'S; incrivlio is a
Ruling Elder, and one of - the 4illarri.of this
church. The other elderis the:Hom S. J.
R. • McMillan, the presiding judge, of that
district. He is one of the most popular and
,influential men of his age, i
i n- the. State, and
a thoroaghly consistent Chriatian. Your
smoky city.has the honor of-being this-birth
place, and. the good Calvinistic training
which he received, under old Dr. 13,laelr, has
,not been lost upon him, thong he does now
sing not only 44 PealMfl, " Att ' also - 44 ityirkno
and Spiritual Songs." His wife is redatig,li
tar of Major Butler, oftlia.„ArSenal i Alt
At Hudson, we had the every , great sans-
faction of visiting; in his Westein Wine, 'that
dear and devote& brother; the Mei% Wm.
Speer; known to all your readers, asliv font:ids
missionary of our Church Ito China, sma af
terwards to the Chinese in California. 'I
regret to say that his health is. still feeble;
though he thinks be has been benefited "by'
the bracing atmosphere of this- teliglitftil
climate. Notwithstanding, his weakness,
he "in labors sibundant,"?.. in the. midst of
a small bat interesting congregation:to which
he ministers. And the Lord is bleising his
labors. An unusual degree of seriousness
and attentitm to the °dawn's of the 'soul
was apparent, on the part of many, at the
time we were there.
From Hudson we returned . to St.„Pauli
nod, two, days afterwards, visited St.. Ark.
thorty, , and Minneapolis. These are twin
cities - in • embryo, on opposite sides orthe
Mississippi, at the• fallesOf St. Anthony,
seven miles -above , S,t. Here again -
our c‘ blue.stecking ma
fested by - our devoting - Minket •thewhiire
time of Our short visit, to a call upon the
Rev. Levi Hughes, who last Fall com
menced, and still continues with trurrApos
tones zeal, his labors ,irt the Old School
churches of these two towns.: There is, a
great work here to be done, and:this is the
right titne, - and' hrother Hughes is the right
man tosio it.
These towns are, beautifully situated.
Nature; seems; to have designed, it: as .the
location of a. great city. They are already
places`of considerable size, one having about
font thblisand,' and 'the other about three
thousand inhabitants. They are connected
by •two bridges across the river,_ one • of
- which is • a beautiful wire-su.spenston. St.
Anthony is the seat of the Stage University.
One wing of the contemplated buildings is
already erected. It is a large and imposing
structure , of stone. The University is •not
now in operation.
. our -return to. St.. Paul,.we came-down
`the West side of: the river, visiting by the
way the Falls of the Minim:las, and Fort
Snelling. The Minnehaha is °comparatively
a small etre a fft, flowing between low -banks
until it comes within half a mile -of the
Mississippi, when suddenly *leaps down a
chasm seventy ,feet ; .deep, forming a. most
beautiful and picturesque cascade. The
walls of this chasm are about three times as
far apart'as the banks cif the stream above,
and they are now thickly covered- with
frozen spray, wrought into eurious-and fan.
tastio shapes. Far down near the water,
these accretions of ice have gradually
stretched'out from "thesides until they have
met in the centre, so that the stream is com.
pletely arched over, and upon this arch the
ice has increased to near half the height of;
the whole fall. Behind this icy wall, the
" laughing water" pours *itself 'doiki into
seething cauldron heneath. '
The road crosses' this stream a few rods
above the falls, and. if it were not. for the;
rising spray, a stranger might cross and not,
be aware of their proximity.
Resuming the road, we soon found our
selves at Fort Snelling, at the junction - of
the Minnesota and the Mississippi: This
is the , property, includingAeverallthousand
acres of the best land in the State, out of I
which, it is alleged by the papers, certain
parties have swindled the Government. The'
fort looks-deserted and gloomy. It is °caw
pied, I believe, by a few ,of the employees
of one of the many_ projeeted, but not soon•
to-be-finished railroads of this new. State.
From Fort - Snelling to St. Paul, otir road
lay upon the frozen bosom of the great
Father of Waters.
Monday,morning, two weeks frem.the
time of our leaving home, we started en
route 'for Superier, which, pince we reached
in due . time, in safety, highly gratified with
our visit, and deeply ichpressed with the
fact that God has > placed the formation of
the moral and religious character of the
people of Minnesota in the right bands, so
far, at least; as this work falls to the lot of
Old School Presbyterians. '
A Beautiful Thought.
Here is one of the many beantifril
thoughts to which Fanny Forrester las. giv
en expression
" Oh lei me die in the country, where I
shall not fall like the sidgle leaf of the for
est, unheeded ; where 'those that love me
need not mask their hearts to meet the care
less multitude, and strive - as a duty to, forget
me 1 Bury me in the country, amid the
prayers of the good, and the tears of the
loving; not in the dark, damp vault, away
from the sweet•seented-air, and. the cheerful
sunshine; but in , the open fields,, among the
flowers, that I loved and nherished while
Front one London Correspondent.
Indian Finance, and. Lard Stanley's Speech,—The
Debt—Statiatice of Pubtic Works—The
Indian Army—Exports and Imports—The Opi
um Traffic --Opium Smoking,. and Christian Con
veria—Missions to China—Appeal of Mr. James
• —Albert Smith's Scoffs and Ignorance—Mr. Spur
geon not, gads to America—The; War Question—
The "Times," and its CounNt to Austria—Her
Crimes Against Religion . -=-The Day of Retribu •
tion—A Prophetic-New Map of Europe—ne
Last of the Moguls—The War in India—The
Lodiana Afiseionary and ;United Prayer—Post
LormoN,'Nbrattry 18th, 1859.
INDIAN FINANCE has this week been oc•
eupying the Attention , of the House of Com
mons. This has ariebb from the necessity
of 'raising a loan in the English market.
Lord Stanley discussed the whole questivn
in a tenderly - manner. Indeed everything
he does, is distinguished by`"the e careful at
tention Which he giVes to facts and 'oAm:i
-rate details. It , startled the House of. Com hear that the great:lndian Mutiny
had, cost eighteen millions sterling, besides
five'raillions for losses. There is a 'set off
against 'this, in the forfeiture of pensions
&militia by rebel chiefs and princes.. Bat,
at the: least; the ,expenditure has been, for
two years or, loss, X21,000,Q0P True,,tlie
British Exchequer does not defray this ; it
, 'from the revenues of India. Nev.
erthelese it affeats 'this country in a mesa=
There have alwaysbeen debts-running up
from the series of wars either forced upon
us, or waged aggiegisiVely in India,- It has
expanded from eighteen millions in 1800, to
seventy-four andit half Millions in- the pres
ent year. , Thie,fliowever, 'bar sanely , eve!'
exoeeded,more.then twolears of the entire
revenue of, the country!. , It .appears, also,
that Ofty.nine and a half millions of the stock
had "been taken in 'lndia, and that fullY
three fifths belonged to natiie holders.
Immediately before the mutiny, the rev
enue': and 4xpenditurei -*eve .naa'rly vegiaal.
ized,,ametating to about thirty-three mil
Lord Stanley,onlY asks_a lean of seven
millions, such cofifidenee has he iwthe elas
ticity of India. , Worlia of iznp . vbvemeni;
siteh as > irrigation, canals, and , rail Ways
have been;in progress r and will lae.muchin
creased. There are more than three thou
sand- miles of railway heing constructed,
and more thwwfive hundred open to - traffto.
The Govermiient are-aaterniindd' to +eve
telegraphic , communimation with India
whatever it ecats, and it appears- thatthere
will be a cable laid, from-the "Bolnbay`Presi
dency as far as Aden, in June next.
THE ARMY Or INDIA is now an immense
force. In January, 1857, the ,Indian finny
comprised forty-five 'thousand five'hundred
and forty-Seven European,troops, a:nd two',
hundred, an'd- thirty oAm:id nine
'via - fifCy one 'datives,.press
eiatlclree is ninety one 'thousand five hun
dred arid eighty Etiropeans, and two hurt.,
died and forty.three' thorisatid nine hundred
and forty-one natives, showing that the
British force has`been more than doubled,
and the native regiments only maintained at
their former strength.
have more than doubled sines 1840. Many
of the public works have already , proved
enormously t remunerative. As to land= ten
ure, Lord Stanley deprecates any change,
contrary*, Hinded oristoms in that matter;
but there are large= unoccupied domains
which might be used for colonination. He
also suggests that every= holder of hied
might be encouraged and enabled to convert
his tenure into freehold, at small expense.
THE. OPIUM TRAPFIO suggests itself in,
connexion with Indian Finanoe. You are
already aviare that from this-source a reve
nue is raised which: this; year will probably
reach £5,000,000 sterling. , " What shall
do for, the three hundred talents," said a
Hebrew king. And the Prophet said "The
Lord is able to give thee Much more thari
dais " 'This, ilas t is' not the modern-way
of-States to settle the morale and .the true:
policy of revenue: drawn from human mis
ery., ,And -so the opium traffic is le
galized tinder the new treaty, with China.
Before, it was contraband. now to be
admitted it an ad valorem' duty of eight
per cent.; but the importers will-notshe al
' lowed to, go' into the .interior -to sellit r or,
to accompany those who sell it, who must
be exclusively Chinese.
The mischief, physically and morally, of
opitim-smoking, is deseribed Id frightful by
those who have witnessed it. Our own
English Presbyterian missionarieshave come
in painful contact with it. In onp ease, it
was admitted that there was the evidence of
"repentance andlaith" int'. professed eon
- vdrt, but inasmuch as he had been ender'
theAtirrible spell .of the habit, and had; not
thoroughly abandoned,itrhe masuot.admit
tedhy baptism into the visible.giturch, It
is rigkt to add ihat our 'Foreign
Committee 4uestioned the propriety of the
refusal of baptism when there were evi
deneesof 'repentance toward God,- amLfaith
toward our Lord Jesus Christ. And yet a
returned "missionary.-would'-tell you how de
basing, ensnaring, and almost uneradicable
- . the habit is. A painful,proof was furnished
of this, by the two native-assistants of the
Rev., Wm. Burns, at Swatow. They seem
to , have relipsed into the habit, of opium
,' smoking, and the felt it his duty to, dispense
with their services.
Mrsgalms ,CRINA. tare receiving in.
oreasediattention. Mr. James, of Birming
ham, has,puldisted ai very • powerful appeal
to the British and American .Churches on
the subject. It is like the voice of trum
pet, and it comes from a noble veteran in,
(Arlin; servioe. He it was that proposed,
some years ago; the printing of twenty Mil
lions of Testaments for China. The in
crease of- laborers will be very considerable,.
and '.I expect;that new fields as distinct from
Canton especially, will be found much more
satisfactory as to results. Indeed,it is now
believed that various Societies made a this.'
take, after the opening of the:'five ports
some years ago, in not Ong Northward.
Al'far as,locality can account for it-, tlie loca
tion of. the American and' Presbyterian Mis
sions at Amoy has confirmed this. Indeed, I
believe our own Committee will concentrate
its efforts still on that plan; -and while Mr.
Burns is emphatically an Evangelist, and
ought to have, and will take entire liberty
to preach where he pleases, the other mis
sionaries will, I have reason to believe, be di.
fected to confine themselves to the field-on
which they have already entered-L--to break
Philadelphia; South West Corner of - Seventh aud Chestnut Streets.
up fresh ground, and to feed the little seat
tiered flooks , elready glithered out We are
likely, ere long, I trust, to have three addi..
Conti uiissioneries in the Chinese field.
Roman Catholic Missiods to China are"'
once more active and aggiesiiive. The wart
against Cochin China, in prbfaled"oheiti4e.:
went of the murder of a priest, *lit fasten
on that country a regular colony of friars,
bite*, white, and gray. And ,as for China,
proper, the' vigilance ofthe'propaganda *UV
take carelhat agents shall not be wanting
wherever there is an open field. A book
has just appeared, written by, a Mr. Mar
shall, to ridicule Dr: MotrisOn and'Proteet
ant missions, and to Write
. up the great
things done in China by the jesuits ) centa
ries- before, any modern missions were heard
of. The Horning Star,, which professes
only to give fair play to all part*, praises,
the hook in a thoroughly jesuitical review.
It is ' , known that this paper (one "Of' the
cheap press,) findtriti;way to Popish 'break
fast itablei. t Mr. Albert. 'Smith,' also, onoet
ttiedsto , caskridioule'on. the Church-Missions
at , Cantdn, , end la. clergyman presentlisied
him. Itiwas mean trick on Smith'epart,
and his knowledge of China is so limited;
that Married missionariesithinoe, .`treat his
ridicule.with the greatest• contempt. 'They
also consider his entertainnient' a - clip-trap,
and •it'very: inferior affair. He Went'uolidr
tiler' than Clinton.
SPurtonatt, it would seem will not ,
after.all, go ,to Attie:lea this year. The
Morning Advertiser 4.has .the following :
" We,ar&enabledio state that: the Rev. C.
11. ! Spurgeon has labaudoned oontem.
plated-trip America, eertaiply, for the
present year. As, immediate atlraligemenis
arcto be;pciade for erecting. his;-new Tabor,
nacle, it seems a jadleious,reaolation helms
come to." The various plans for the tte,tir
buildingwnre publfolY exhibited ini t tiebit.
Th l e'eStimiste is. atkint - X16, 1 000 ;or" $
It is:probable thatfahe ultimate; (lost will be
r4uoic . greater. 4
A Moue QirrPiony,einte - preivalle =this
week, on the - European war question.'; Aus;
trig; in theleofficial tergatr,at the nwsit pro-,
leases view the f rEtnete,ror's,rteent,speeele
as, eminently :pacific, ,and says ,she places
" implicit"" tionfitiAnce in his r friendlieeeel-'
hag: ' 106*fitd' tet heliettelthat die this unify
such confidence, especially as 'repetition*
for, war continue in. Franomand wor Italian
campaign would be attempted before April;
at all events.. The Time; solemnly_ werns
Austriallikt slit — Pniseitbe litadYitf Pirtle
concessions; otheriissetheielmayi bro as (little'
safety; as- there beisympathyr-for hev
She professes wilrievese to, take as -a beast
forfor.dipi matte discuss i toneop her temporary.
occupation of CentralWisitielvet may be
agekideirlibYliineeinitelEftgitted...-1 11 ,Ratr
tays-eth;)' T asks ,content
with what she has elfeadfd3he, and, he-'
lieves that by eondescandingto adewaraooth
expressions, and compliments, she
has discharged her duty in' his inattei, we
are convinced the. day' is not -fate distant
when she -Will be aroused from icier dreamof
Uncle/ security. She, ought not to -ts ontent
herself with °fent& articles;:she ought to
lose no time in addressing. a Circular to her
diplomatic agents, stating in firm, dignified,-
and courteous language, the terms' on which
she is disposed'; to treat. r Sherioughe to do
more. • She should at . once ripply to 'Eng:-
land and Prussia, requesting -their good,
offices, and thus enlisting two Powere, which
stand impartial in the present quarrel, and
have every wish-anti interest to 'prevent 'the
breaking out of a war.-
" Let Austria accompany this overtnie
with a statement of her willingness Ito ,evac
uate-the Roman,lerritory afixed
riod, on condition of, France also retiring
from that portion in her occiiipation. *
Let her remember that the French Emperor
haertot, receded- from, apypositien , lata.hae
taken ttp,..thathie pree#atiernt ate ithititer-'
stating, and that'on - her part it would be
suicidal folly to neglect , teniake adVanies
which will either,-prevent war -altogether,; or
else place:Austria in a position . to command
the, present sympathy and. future assistance
of Earope."
It remains to be seen Whether this
friendly warning—ratters& -aloud in - the
presence of the wholenivilized
be,taken to heart by Austria. Her - young
Emperor is obstinate and Proud. He is the .
Pope's Willing vassal. He hie, young Be le:
is, the innocent blood'vf on hie
hands. He and the Jesuits. together, op- -
press 'Protestant liberty, and -they deported,
seven .years , ago, the Scottish miesionarieatii
Hungary, and, treated with dishoner and
sent away from their waits not only the
living witnesses of trade, bat alio the Holy
Scriptures, themselves; sending: large-quan
tities-of them across their borders, as if-they
were infected with the plague, If there is
one Poiver on the Continent that has 'pro
voked righteous reiibittion more than
another, it is Austria. Naplevis n wicked'
and cruel, although not so powerful. Her
exiles will soon reach your tree shores, and
no doubt an "enthusiastic and soothing wel
come awaits Peeritt and his fellow martyrs.
.A NEW MAP or Euno.RE, as it will be
in 1860, has been Published at Paris. It
was said that it had been seized by the au
thorities, but this hail since been.dehied'.
It assumes the prophetic. aspect, indicating
the peeper and desirable, result of a great
war, that shall revolutionize the present re
lations of kingdoms. Queen Victoria ace,
quires the island of Cyprus and the source
of the :'Euphrates—the Shortest 'road to
India. France keeps- her present /itniti.
The Czar..acquires Gallicia. The King.-of
Prussia cedes to Belgipm, and Holland, the,
left bank of the Rhine,, and swallows up a
number of small Geriean States. Victor
Emmanuel is to be "King of Italy," - ao
quires the Lombardo Venetian Kingdom,
(from Austria!) the -Duchies of Parma,
Modena, and the Legations. IX..gets
.the Abruzzi, but cedes the Legatiens.
Many 'other changes are indicated in this
map: The Prinoipalities go' to the Duke of
Mechlenburg I " The •• Tomb of, Christ,
Jerusalem, free town of Palestine," means
that Greek and Latinanonks fight about the
Holy Sepulchre no., more. And, then the
Sultan" cedes all his possessions in Europe,
and athose on the bout of the Mediter
ranean. The Crescent retires into Asia
Minor after three centuries of opposition
and disgrace, to Christianity." ,
Sim% are the ~<llosing annotations of-the
compiler. It is, not probable-his ideal will
be realized, or that 1860 will the peridd
By'Nail, orittlie Nies, $1.50
n r Tear, ln a.
in g osp E c Tu
Delivered insthe , City, 2,00 ,g
for that ; mighty change on the face of nations
which is inevitable.
ex..kiog of i)elhi, is, after all, not to be
sent to the Cape of Good lope, but to ,
turniah."lndeed,-.he arrived on' the 11th
of January; at Rangoon, and from thence is
to be sent to Tounghoo.
THE. DISARMING OF Oun has been going
on rapidly, and has disclosed how thoroughly
warlike the people were and are. Of mus
kets, swords, spears, daggers, and other
weapons, not les.f. than 316,379 had been
colleothd, from the let of November. The
whereabouts of the Nena . had been so cor
rectly, iseeriained; that lin ofilftsoliped with
some•diffioulty from la party sent out to sur
prise him. 'HeAndthe ; the Baguet
were in the jangles of Nepali!. “There is,"
writes 'Mr. Russel, " £15,000 set on his per
son—if it were on his dead body, his head
might be soon in our• camp." It appears
that the whole.Provinterof Conde is now in
the hands of the. British.
India, is thus summed up by the Oileatta
correspondent of the Times:
. ,
Lord Clyde's Ricans in subjagating Cade, the
ever-increasing force of Europeans, •and the
energy evolved by a loug,protrauted struggle,
render the.Britielt position for the,hour impreg
nahle. rhino Mithing in our'history more eon
elusive as . to the. Strength of England than these
facts- Twenty mouths ago we were assailed, un- '
prepared, by an army of a hundred thoneand
men, thoroughly acclimatized, possessed of ample
magazines of an almost incredible amount of
artillery, and of every great city ezoept two.
We have-fought incessantly for twenty months,
through smells of unprecedented severity. We
have lost alt oar native army and forty thoneand
Enropean, and in- the , twentieth month of the
struggle we have regained every province, hays
re-established every station, have beaten every
army, are in fall pursuit of every-fragment, have
re-creatid telegraphiodoommunication, have new
steamers on every,,river, haie recruited a new
era& of one iinadritd- and fortirittottsaLl natives,
and haie'roundthe standards a. European force
four Atues.asetroag as the army which originally
faced'the revolt, twice as strong as the army
which hois perished on the field and in the hospi
tal. The Indian .popeantry may not understand
these facts anymore than oar own laborers, per
halis would;'' bUtToantiot-believe the. aristocracy
are equally; mnacquainted with the truth. In_
presence of such a history, individual blunders
seem' tpities, add eyes the most despondent can
seareelysvoldra beliefithat the difficulties of re
organization, and even of finance, will yield to
, • the energy and the wealth or Great Britain,
*,Theye ,hap been, t a
Ts~ritev Ply,
itifaitt; imememiou with the
funeral. of' a native Christian. The soldiery
were ,e'alled 011,,and aatielbe,r :of the rioters
were killed ,aiAtl. wnunded., The affAir is
sniub to be d4tined. • '
.p.A:Naw l iktov'StiKowswißzbas. been °stab..
lished,Nndia, cooatirising xn Ascjarisilie
Sfitle,r,States," and . " The Delhi Territory."
Sir John *Lawience is to be the first .
Lieutenant-Governor of "The Paujaub and
its Dependencies." Mr. Montgomery, late
Commissioner of ,Qade, and now . of the
Calditta Council, and Mr: Edinondstott,
Secretary to the Bombay Government, are
likely ;to occupy the other Lieutenant-
Governorships. Two.of these, at least, we
know to Im deeidedly,Christian men.
THE,REv. Da: CARPI:mit., of the Amer..
lean Reformed Presbyterian Missions in
North India, has transmitted to me "An
invitation to,anited prayer, addressed to . the
Church of Chriit thioughout the world."
This foruis an extract from the Minutes of
the Twenty-third Annual Meeting of the
.Lodiana Mission. .The Mission is sending
one thousand copies to Christians throughout
the world. The proposal that the second
week of January, 1860, should be set apart .
" as a tinienfepoial.prityer that'God would
pour out his Spirit, on all flesh," that the
flret, Monday,,the Bth of January,,should be
nday cif holy convocation for thanksgiving
and, praise that the intervening time be
spent in private and public religious mot..
cises, land , that all Christians. should be re.
quested to, unite with us in a similar ob
servanee, of , the time; besides habitual
supplication, from the receipt of the invitz
tiOn, that Gad- would prepare his people for
the solemn - observance. I trust this invi
tation*ill be responded to. Timely noties
is; given..lMany are , praying now for the
Spirit, here and, elsewhere.
Dr. Campbell writes most cheeringly as
tO 'the . Lidiana Conference. Besides two
days devoted to business, " three days were
set apart for prayer,..fasting,
and thanksgiving, geld four meetings were
held daily, each perion praying or exhorting
Al he left disposed. -God` poured` out his
Spirit upon us, and we can never forget
that most interesting: season. Every eye
was suffused with tears every heart over
. flowing, with love. We have returned to
our, Stations filled with joy and the Holy
- Ghost?' As - Dr. C. is a reader of the
Banners he will. be aware that I have re
ceived.oandi will .attend to his wishes in
connexion with this matter. 3.. W.
P. S.—The -latest •telegram from India
indicates the entire conquest of Cade. The
Begturi and the Nene both - have fled to
Nepaul. Militia Tom had been beaten re
peatedly, bat still att large. The B heels
and lAtabs-Weere troublisote in the Western
districts. . •
The Vienese still fear that Napoleon is
bent on war and will find an excuse for it
fire long.
A Bill for thei sanction of marriage with
a deceased ivife's sister, has just passed its
, second:reading, in the Commons, by a large
majority, The Lord's have repeatedly
thrown out similar measures.
Two ' Jews, Alderman Salomonsiand Baron
Meyer de Rothschild, have - been elected for
Greenwich And ~Ity,the,- respectively, acid
have taken theiraeats, omitting the words in
the oath "on the true. faith of a Christian."
The, Glasgow Presbytery of the Estab
lisheirCiiiiiiih of Sootland have adopted an
overture the next- Awsenibly, virtually
nondintiltsive in; its , ebarenter. Lord Aber.
deetils , A.oktis =found n: yoke ; too heavy, but
statesmen " If you will be a State
Chnich, - ,you must automat to control."
' W.; have hada Winter -. Of extraordinary
Mildness, andithis dayfi• - are-lengthening fast.
The new Bishop of Columbia. was taken
to task, theiot)ier- day,.for hattig pictures in
his (lata) ,parish church. .His explanations
, were unsitisfitotoryi audit public meeting in
. London became quite's, scene, and broke up
in. confusion. The. , appointoient is a bad
one, _I , fear.: He is one of the High Church
. pets of the Propagation Society.