. , . B . .• • Y.±.l-. • TE • . V..' • • "3 preibyterlark Baniner."ll•4l,ll, 116.17. preilryterhus Advesatei Xl7, 114.1111 I DAVID MeKINNEY, Editor and Proprietor. iERML-17f -ADVANOL 3ri,gol-i. 13;ttrt From a Sister to a Brother, on Presenting a Bible. Brotber mind, this book ie given By a loving sister'a,band ; may it be your guide to heavon— To a place at Cbriet's rl i kht hand Read withinof promieed favor To the oontrite, broken heart That, returning seeks the Saviour, Mourning sin with bitter smart. See the gates of heaven open Toreoeive the humble eoul, That in Jesus finds its portion, While eternal ages roll, Read tits threat'nings, too, 'and tremble, If thou still refuse to henr ; See stern Juetioe' angel standing-- See We two edged mord ißpetir. Tremble at, the awful presence Of a ain-avonging God See the pit of dire destruction Open for thy last abode, Read—reflect—and may the Saviour Deign his Spirit to bestow, And awake thee to repentance, Ere thou sink to endless woe. Nieldesuille, 1858-, Far the I , restkyterlan Banner and Advbeste. eo.Operation of Teaching and Ruling Elders. [OOROLUDED, FROM LAST 'RE$.] Rem. 4. Much depends upon the proper exeroise of discipline in the Church of Christ. But there can be no efficient dis cipline in our Church, without the cordial, co operation of those who are equal in authority. Here then must be unity of aim in all the members of the Session. A dif ference in administrative policy must, sooner or later result in the destruction of the Court, or the,eeparation of its members. But where Ruling Elders may do most good in matters of discipline, or which might ultimately require to be dealt with, is in striving, to bring about an amicable agree ment among those who are at variance, and in repressing tendencies to delinquenciee, in their respective districts; so that the minis ter may not be under the necessity of rioting as an officer of justice. And when eases do occur, which must be taken up, the Ruling Elders of the church should act so prompt ly in the matter, that the pastor be not obliged to take the most prominent pert,' as the prosecutor of offenders; anymore .than the presiding officer in our Ceurts,,with reference to civil and ofimind, cases i t nhjs especial business being 'to labOr in word and dootrine. Rem. 5. We have spo'ken of having each congregation districted,: and each Beetion placed under the immediate care of.pne or more of the members of the Session. d And with regard to some of the duties Whiff the Ruling Elders should perfortiCin their igJ spective districts (a.) They should, in connexion with the pastor, visit all the familiesit.their areral; AlistriOts. This they should niso do alone,, as oceasion offered , especially' in times of sickness and distreos. O.) There should be a regular stated prayer-meeting held in, each section, of the congregation, under the lead and control of its representative s in Session. At these meetings only the occasional presence of the' pastor should be expected'. The Ruling Elder should employ his own' gifts, not as an expounder- of the Setiptures, but in Christian counsel, encouragement, warning, &o. He should also enlist others, and es pecially. the younger memberEi - of the,ohurch, in maintaining these meetings; by which course both the gifts of the Elder and those of others, may be cultivated ; the Ruler upon whom the vows of ordination rest, al-, ways being reponsible. for the manner -in which snob meetings are eanduoted, as his conduct and doctrine are always subject to the review and control of the Parochial Pres bytery of- which he is a member; which, when properly employed, will prove a 'safe guard against error in doctrine and praotice. This kind of labor and co operation being safer and more easily secured, than any other designed to attain the same end, should, we think, be more frequently resorted to in our various congregations. Recent experience shows us how much honor God seems to be putting upon labors of this kind, and how safely and profitably they may be employed; which would seem to indicate to us the importance 'of the sys tematic application of E labors so productive of good, and that we so direct and guard them that they may , not degenerate. After the great revival of 1800-1-2, when it was felt there should be 'more na tive labors bestowed on the 'vineyard of the Lord, numbers were hastily, introduced into the full work of the ministry. gubse quent experience has taught us that the measure was unwise, as many of those thus introdueed; proved'unsound in the faith, and unsafe guides to the flock. This re sulVd in the formation of the Dumberland Presbyterian, ChtlXo ll . We believe, that it is only necessary properly to enlist the finer 'gies of our intelligent Eldership, greatly, to extend our bounds, and usefulness as Church. They, associated mith their breth ren, with trained and experienced pastors, having themselves subscribed to " a form of sound words," would not be likely to pro• duce schism, and run into such eitravagan ces as would greatly injure the Cause of religion:' When the whole Parochial 'Presbytery come together, they should consider points without their bounds, whieb need the means of grace; appoint some of their number, to visit such places; begin prayer-meetings and Sabbath Schools, i f the way be clear; and, occasionally, by maintaining meetings for prayer and praise id their own church, so - relieve their minister, that be could preach in such places, and thereby prepare the way for something more permanent. (c.) The Elder should, in his respective district, exert himself in the sabbatli School cause; so identify himself with the School, if there be one in his section of the congre gation, as to exercise a controlling influence in it, He should encourage the young to learn the Catechism, attend upon the means of grace punctually, avoid the formation of sinful habits, and cultivate early piety..., (d.) Ruling Elders, in. every congrega tion, may do much to promote systematic benevolence among all classes. Rem. 0. Another means, and a very im portaot one, of increasing the efficient co operation of the Ruling with the Teaching Elder, is a punctual attendance on the part of the Eldership, upon the regular meetings of Presbytery. Indeed, we believe no man should accept the office of Ruling Elder, who is unwilling to take .his turn in repre senting his congregation in Presbytery, which is not only .a part of the functions of the office to which he has been set apart, but also a means of securing ,to him advan tage, and exerting upon him.an influence, that all (both Preaching and Ruling Elders,) need, without which they are lily prepared for their parochial duties, and the bands of sympathy which should bind our various congregations together, are severed. But it is often a heavy tax on the Ruling. Elder to lose , his time and incur the expense of traveling to distant places, to attend these meetings. Every congregation should, therefore, provide for the expenses (and loss of time, if need be,) of their represen-, tative, so that they and ,he do not fail to, secure advantages, which all concerned May secure from this source. Your Committee believe that attention to the suggestions which have now be'en , pre sented, would' tend greatly to !increase the efficient on operation of the Ruling with the Teaohing Elders of our Church, in promoting its interests, binding it more firmly to gether, calling into more lively exercise the sympathies of its membership one ,for another, extending its cords, strengthening its stakes, developing its energies in every good work; and advancing the. ,cause of re ,liginn not only in our own beloved branch of Zion, but,also in raising the standard of piety generally, throughout our land and:the world. COMMITTEE, M Mt For the Preelenerlan Baanet and Advocate. Presbyterianism in, Texas--Its Condition and V ants. At a late meeting of the Presbytery of Western l'exas, the subject of Supplies being. brought up, the discussion elicited some facts in'referenee to our •great need of ministerial labor. The rcTorts from , differ ent quarters were,obeering, .and it was ad- miffed that there never las been so-nnieh inquiry abroad among the people 'in our Nun* and en great a desire for, knowing the Way of Life.. From every,quarter,,,the elders bronght up the cry for supplies.;, their language Wail, We want more ministers. In view of our necessities, a Committee was appointed to prepare an article for the religious.journals, in reference to this, wide field. In compliance with the duty as signed me, I will briefly notice some- of our vacant and most desirable fields: Ist. Goliad. This town is' situated on the San-Antonio River, and is- a 'pleasant and , ; delightful location. The. lands in Gelled County are rich and cheap, and 'being ebout thirty miles North of Araneaa Bay, it is edmirefily adapted for cOrn, cotton, add steek.raising‘, The town has _a p,opuli e tion of shout six ; hundred, is ,settled with moral and intellectual people. , Aranama College, under the care 'of . the- Viesbyteryflof :Western Texas,,,and, Paine Pernale,lnstitute, kMethodist,) are located hete,and are both ipsupeespful operation. The Methodist, Baptist,' and pieshyterian Churches, all have organizationsi but "no building& They use the , Hall in the Insti tute. ,We have sixteen: reembers. i , The people are exceedingly anxious, for Praeby terian pienching. ' ' - This'location hate mapy natural : adVan tages. Helena, in`Carnes County, Can be connected with it; this_place tbirty.five aides distant, and a few members- are, there who are very anxious ,to be supplied. A very no:enraging, .missionary field can be carved out in this section. 'The would depend on the labor given,, and the man. The Rev. W. C. Blair has been elected President of ; the College, since the meeting of Presbytery,, and he will doubt less occupy a portion of this field; but his former charge at Green Lake and Port Lavaca will then= be vacant. In this sea. tion of the country:is the, growing town of. Clinton,with, a small organization and the rich and thickly populate& Mission Valley which should at once he' energetically oc cupied. Also, Texana, on.the coast, whe.rew. -little band are now -erecting a neat ,house of warship. Bat in, reference to this lower field, address the Rev. d. M. Cochran, at Victoria, Taxa& 2d. Gonzales. This town is. ,on the Guadalupe River, and has a population of about one thousand. The Cantle, or Ova sales`County are very fertile, and easily cul tivated. Itis rapidly filling up with intelli gent and substantial people, who have means, liberality, and enterprise. Gonzales College, male and female, is_located in the town, - and has fine, large buildings, with experienced teachers, philosophical and chemical apparatus, and both departments are now in a • very prosperous condition.• The Methodist and Beptiet Churches have buildings; the' Episcopalian, Cumberland, and 'Old Scheel Presbyterian, have nate. We have about twenty-five members. They are exceedingly anxious for a minister. A promising young lawyer, who is a- mem ' ber of our Church, writes as follows : " We are still in want of a minister. I have been looking around to see what we can do' in the way of salary, and have inquired 'sufficiently to- know that we cane safely promise: six hundred dollars per annum, and [believe we could make up eight hundred the first year; and for the second, if he proves acceptable to the people, can doubtless increase his salary to one thousand or more." This is an inviting.field. One-half the time would be spent in points twelve and fifteen miles distant. ' • , 3d. Lockhart. This is the county seat of Caldwell, which is a rich and rapidly inereneing county, in soil, &0., like Gon zales. It has a population of about five hundred. The society is intelligent and re fined, and excellent schools 'are in operation. The Methodist, Campbellite, and Episcopal Churches; have houses of worship, whilst the Cumberland and Old School Presbyterians have a large union building. We have about thirty members. They are very ' anxious for a' minister, and the noble little -hand will give any man a hearty-welcome. Orte.half theetime will-be spent in mission "ONE THING IS NEEDFUL:" "ONE THING HAVE I DESIRED 00 THE. LORD:" "THIS ONE THING I DO." PUBLICATION OFFICE; GAZETTE BUILDING, FIFTH STREET, ABOVEI SMITUIELD, 'PITTSBURGH, PA. FOR THE WEEK ENDING SATURDAY, JANUARY 1454 1859. ary.labor at Prairie Lea, Fair Bun:mitt, and other intereesting pointn. • About five hun. dred dollars could be raised-the first, year. It is expected that the Board, of Doninstin Missions will aid all tiese needy 'points. In the last two fields, the traveling will, not be laborious, as:all the points are at a con venient distance.. We 'have, also, in this section .of the State, a numerous otlass, =not to be Pverloollied We need some men .in our Presbytery, who can speak the German langnage. There ILA a large and apiritually i destitute population, and comparatively little is yet being done for - them by any Protestant Church : • New Braunfels, in Coma] County,. has a population of near two thoisand, and CaB - in Medina ,Clounty, has six hundred,`{. and Fredericksburg, in Gillespie County, bas several hundred, and'other smaller towns and large neighborhoods—they should an have . Presbyterian preaching.:,,. They. have, the peculiar, notions of. the, fatherland, in religions matters, and"greatly need sound Gapel -truth. They must 'either be con• verted, or they must -perish. They are willing . to hear,..and would belp to sustain an educated ministr.i.: Who will come and enter upon this work Certainly a more inviting missionary (German) field, cannot be found. They are au industrious' and thriving people; their-lands are.superior'in location and .richness. They, pannier by thousands, ,have their printing, presses, schools, infidel clubs, 4c., and are still coming. The harvest is.ripe. The beauti ful Cibolo. Valley, :which is noted for its rich lands, fine location, intelligent and liighly-refiried citizens, is but partly aim-, pied—here, teo,,is .4 ,noble field. ; _ In refer ence to Gonzales, Looliliart, the Cibolo`, - and the Gelman work, address the Rev. J. M. atßeguire, Texas, or she subscriber, at San. Antonio..,.. But it -is needless to , specify ; our Presbytery,lB,almost one wide, 'missionary, field., We can give. - employe:tent, to all who come among us—all who are ing to work in their Maater's.cause. Those 'who belie, families, should bys all means first visit ,the- State,—select • ,their: field,, And then remove. Young- men end", bachelors can come already, equipped with the whole Gospel armor, and the land is waiting to be Tossessed. In some sixty counties, embraced in our rPreshytery, from. the Colorado to the.. Rio. Grande, but:twelve, , or fifteen are in ,part- occupied with twenty organizations. ,Nearlyfour-fifths have neither church nor minister of our faith. ' And they are all in one body, except. Guadalupe-and Bexar, in the Centre, and Cameron on the extreme South Westp . which i heye,.one min ister each. What is this %lit territory to be neglected by our Church ?- are these thousands of people, speaking almost every lingusae, to hear no words of Eternal Life fromlier ministers:? . God. forbid. Brother Wilson: and ,myself are, now. the only- standard-bearers, :in, a:territory large enough for a noble State; we do "what we can, but our efforts 'aro only a drop in the oceans My labors are principally.confined to this city... West of thisuhurch, :we •have. .no minister•; , neither has a Presbyteriark's voice, I believe,ever been heard preaching' the Gospel of hrist: We sliould'Now have one or two men, who would bi- willing to east in their lots with "„the,,saddle-bag com pany," and travel through the *edipa, At awes, and Eior46 ilegion; ilk Missionaries. That section is.fast filling up; many :excel lent families , are -moving in,. •to engage Art farming and stock-raising, and among, them we have a number of 'members; but there is no one to seek them out and organize churches. Other denominations are.pushing: di the work, .and we are losinguar members, , their faMilies r and- a promising field; How long shall it .be thus ? ;Who among . our young and off hand men, will come to •this frontier work? Oi the Lower Rio Grande, at Rio Grande City, Roma, and. Laredo,. we should have a minister.- Those places ,are rapidly increasing.in*population and..business, and should be occupied by our Church- at once. The new Rio Grande ConfereneeP expects to supply them this year; ifpossible; we should be there also. I would direct attention to El PaiO; which ,lies six hundred end' fifty-one'miles North West from this . city. It is on the Upper Rio Grande,. and bounded by New Mexico and Chihuahua. It lies on the mail route limn New Orle'aus 'and. San Ant e. elo to 'San Diego, Which now runs weekly, 'with six mule coahhes, and the, great Mertp;,, phis and St. Louis oVerlarid mail route. The-, eountyfias 'over three thousand inhabitantai . and without a 'Pretest:ant preacher. The soil is dry upon the uplands, but - red and rich in the valleys, where 'wheat,and corn grow well: Coal is fOund in abundance. The hills are 'covered with several species of most delicious grapes, ,which will doubtlese, at no distrlnt day, be what Languedoc is to France. No country in the known world can compete, with them in -the style, size, and flavor of their 'onions whilst their pears' quinces, and grapes, grow very large, and are of an extra superior quality. The valley is fast filling up, and we should Certainly have a man performing:missionary, labor among them. There are numbers of little towns around El Paso,. whilst Fort Bliss is near by, and Fort Fillmore, which lies on the direct mail.route is. bat forty-four miles North. In both Forts a large number of troops and efleers, with their families, are continua 4 stationed. This is glorious field for any energetic man, who is willing to occupy the frontier. 'A knowledge of the Spanish lan guage would be very important, both here and on the Lower Rio Grande. Qat coun try/non are there ; BOMB of them I know, who have been trained in our Church, and a , corrupt Catholicism is now their only wor ship. They are willing to do their part in sustaining the Gospel; they look ,to us for help ; shall we entirely neglect them ? Now,, in conclusion, the question arise's, who will come to the " Preabytery of Wes., tern Texas," and help us to occupy this great and promising field 7 It is already white for the harvest, and Now is the ans. Ticious time for, laborers. Other Churches are already vigorously pushing forward the work of Evanglization, and it is our duty r not to follow, BUT TO LEAD I We have a land that is enchant ingly beautiful; a land of sunshine and flowers. Oar climate, is unrivalled; and if there is a healthy spot in the United States, it is undoubtedly found in the region de scribed. C9ine over and help us, brethren; come with a will and courage to „work, 'and we will give you a hearty welcoine. But perhaps some who read these lines are aheady considering their slaty, asking them.' selvestSuch questions as'thei46:: What kind I: of ministers are needed ibrihe. Smith WeSal.. - Am I fitted for the .w0i1c.i., , " Lord i what wilt thou have me to do. 'After. six years' experience and observat . ion in frontier life , and labor, I cannot bettett,, c sinsiwer the ikului. ries of swih, -thee by ialibting - fro:6 l The' Witness, a Baptist paper k iniindiansPolia; In short,:then, we want, in Tikes, men of. God, who are able to .go into th "iGospel field and dogood service. Not - onen—not lazy, . men—not fops, nor dan. a;. but men of' energy, of true courage; rti en 'of place, , but not mere place.thari execurrn;rjnen• of well :disciplined powers, who, arowahle,of i niap r ,- pitig out their ,field of lab4.and er4 l 2p adapt the `means AO the end::, ireeNVits,' no ranclein men, DO eXpc:rialtilkorg t ilp visionary 4 geniuses'' The-:world' aatlie Olitireli havei'el been ,wellnighrauined by,SUch .nien,, We . :want:. good ,chmmou.serise tudnisters; men .. mighty in the Scriptures;ien Of faith, and of "all prayer.".' We want men Who can take the hearts of the'peditre 'in their hands. ' , We do not need= men wl4afe always baying ;' to drum. p for the affectionkof their-Church. We must have leaders vvlael. will not make mistakes.. Men to have .tO go ; ; backward half of their time to get into. the right track' themselves, can never 11'2.4 the' eonfidanee of their peg ple,: and•hence4re noriprofitable - in Zion. We want men .of Universal adapL, ' tation, Universal applicatifin Men WhOlave the cause. of Christ and 'the.eouls ,of men 'more than they do themseivds ; men,.whe are minister from a senseil duty;,.and, who are willing' to endure' Ofdings 'as , good ' soldiers. We want men ' who. are able ' .to" make.places, rather than hunt ,pleons; Men who are looking out for fields here churches may be made, rather than *< good, , strong,- liberid:churches, wheretbiey-may obtain' a ' i pleasant' home and fat salary. - '' But, to speed* no further,ionr Presbyter* must , have more.ministers:le- Odr. fields are : numerous . they are verywhite—fully ready , , '1 for the sickle. But often' Yam asked; in letters; 'have you good meeting henaes„ :and' are the churches pleasant, ind able to pay , good salaries r. Nothing. of all this, is our reply. < The fields are here, ltnd . they are 1 full of promise to the Gospel. labeler.' The people are to be githered,.and they are 'very-, willingii, the, meeting houses, .are .to be, 'erected, and the churches to- be. organized and. built up.. ' •This isleasible..4 Nothing isd wanting but men of the' right 4 ,str. ‘.. For `the Lord of. the harvest, has pi.oriiiiied;that he! that soweth. bountifullY `Oen; also reap ibountifully. .Oome,over.and help u;! Should any minister desire I lurtliei infer- " ,cation in reference to the: had designated , above, andrespecially West-ofithis eity,; : any k thing in iirpower will be , ch.:wittily given, J by , addressing ' it. F.lidiziliva, ' San Antaltio - nict.s: :,.December-,16,3.858:..""‘40--.;:-4.,' From our Loudon Correspondent, Bright's Speech. at Ithinchester—A..- Squire arid , ,his Tenantry = The •Paper Duty—Hottiehold Suffrage—The Present Blietoriel Rollin Counties and Boroughs—The Game Laws and their De moralizing Resutts,---, The Tattles otihe " Times ' —Lord John on`' American Legal Codr4tAtr. - -Bright's ;Warning=Diirae.di and: the Cabinet-- Lord Stanley's Address; to the Cadets for iradia-- Eneouragemt and Counsel—Duty of British o:Xceis'to the Natives—A itfohaiiiinedan Gentle man " sworn in" an Attorney—Deaths of Ladies from Fire—Crinoline and its Perils—Secret So cieties in Ireland—Recent Arrests=Tke Biband men and the Priests—l enerak Peel and " the Garden of the Soul , Bigoted Chaplain Genera-The Boddie's Frientre'Bosiety—Good News from India: LONDON, Deeember , l7th, 1858. MR. BRIGHT delivered another remark 7... able speech, last. week, in the v Free.Trade .Hall, Manchestey. He reviewed ,the pro gress of liberal ineapnies sine. the lament able " Manahesger toessiere," .l :(cennected with an Anti=Corn Law.tneeting,) forty years.. ago. The Corn Laws have...since been abolished and a Reform Bill had been .ob tained. And now there was the "kmucing spectacle" of the Tory party "actually engaged, at this very hour, in cinisiderinv the claims of the4leform Bill, which shall . still fartber.extend politioal rights- ; to the great mass} of the people,of this country." Mr.. Bright, from all,that had been done, took heart and hope for still greater things in the future. He urged the concession of ' the ballot, as the true means to put dOwn corrupt , practices ',at, elections, and quoted Lord llifinatilay in its, favor. He then amusinglY.lihomed up a oolustry..gertgeman's notions 1 , of the freedoM ter , be erijoyed ,, by the tenantry of a landlord • - The speech was made by. 131kB..Dryden st s Conservative dinner at Northam if, it is most instructive. He hal 'spoken candor and fiat:An ese; and let us behind the scenes. He gives utterance to hie "views upon the just rhea - of landlords and the ditties of tenants id political matters. Thus he s,ays! .‘ A tenant hid no right to;ufle his landlord's laid, and to vote against him (laughter;)'but, on the other hand, a land!ord had no right to make" s tenant vote spinet his principles. He had long - decided what he should do if ever a case arose with his own tenants, and one had occurred. He thought that where there was a difference between the landlord and the tenant the tenant should not vote (laughter.) He did not canvass his own tenants, but before taking one he always tiatisfted'himself as to his principles (continuedlanghter ;):and then, if after that the tenant thought proper to turn round; he . thought he might fairly come down upon him (great laughter.) •Sontetimes case would occur where, from the death of a landlord, the new landlord would be of different principles to the old' one ;- and in that case he thought the tenant should re main neutral." (laUghter.) Now, this seems to me to be an attempt to rednee the political lions between landlord and tenant with sort Of mathematical aocUraoy i but ; it convinces we Unit they would all be relieved most effectually by the vote by ballot, and that Sir H. Dryden might shut up his book of theories, and content himself, if he pleased, with the supposition that all his tenants votod for hiin; for if he had the vote by ballot he would never know the contrary. (laughter and cheers.) He next dwelt on the importance of repealing the tax on paper, which is really a tax on knowledge, especially on political knowledge. . ‘ 4 The tax upon the cheap newsparw,,makes it not a`, bad one, but it prevents it being so good ke it might be, for it benches on a fund that might be em ployed by - the proprietors in obtaining high literary talent to instruct the people, and spread intelligence of all kinds, political as well as other knowledge, among, the mass of the community. [Hear, hear.] I ask you, then, to assist the battle of the paper duty. It is an important political question." On this particular point, a London piper maker has stated to me his opinion that the repeal of the duty will certainly raise the price of paper. It will benefail to some . . extent ? newspaper proprietors, but will ecarielftnake any difference in the pried' of books,' for which, !aig - a rule, ;the English reading publiO ',demand - paper ;of superior character,. and whose, -weight, as a rule, is not great enough'toutake, much difference to , the indiiidaaj purchaser. It is impeasi bie for litertirjr teen' and : studenta 'here not to long for cheaper books, such 98 are to be had in America. Many.a, library is sinctily urnrsheti on-this , debo'uno The price , to authors.here is very, largo, especially to those of 'high reputation either 'in the strictly Soientifin - and..llteiarY,'_dr' in, e theological , 'rb i e tax paper Is -alma* certain to be thrown Off 'nett -session of the g's" ties alreed , Yrigiidtereii i" - riote.'ia' to ' the dOW. eirablenekiithe i rePeal; the' Cabinet only 'tilea4ftli d fOr delay. It trings into ' the' ^Treasury,' now, 'between_ one and 'two lions' alerting. - 'The' main Object ''of Mr. Bright's speech Nits the advomkeY of tcgreatlY ; increased' enlititemenV of the Constituency . which TrOtisii of Commons. It does scent an' ariornOlY! that the 'Present' s eleetoral bddy should amount' to only avo ' hundied i "thousand. The folloWidg ; the "piettire drown of imnstittienoy in equaties,iiidlt` will be intereating to' Amer- ' Qan readers to see the real influence he'. ' - 1011gitig to s .€ 4 the landed interest" .and ' the anstedrao3r over the Honse of COmmonS : The counties, as yon know, return their mem bers chiefly - by the of freeholders and the occu.piers , of - honses';'pf the value . of £5O per annum and upwards. Of the latter class ,< there are about two bitadred theneand, bUt of occupiers between: ZIO l'find by parliamentary: returns lately. printed, there,are no-fewer,than four hundred thousand; but the eXistenee 'of" these four itundiedthbusand ie eittrely'4'gnoredP and excluded bythe.twehundredthensand, 'who are, to a large extent, occupiers of lank for which theyhave no leases ` ,' are dependent Upon the good will.of their landlords, and , their, votes, speaking generally„ are employed te swell the, power of the great landed proPriettirilh all ribs" county electietwof the •kingdomt4 (Rear, hear.) I:ordperhyis a man who has the : met; of ex ,pressing veryttentirsiery , hurt herneane;: Ho' a great maker Of-the English•lingtiage, ;and be. declared aocurately, what hemeant pir)iett he said !that if any one would tell hiin what: Were the polities. of three` or four 'groat landed proprietors is any county,* iscoulditell him what- werethe politics of the members for that county. ,(Laughter.) We might fancy, if we did net know soinething about it; that this was ,a conjuring . , trick ; but it, is that which we all The three Or four great proprietors are'the conatitnen cies ot your conntiee, and:the members are the. representatives of those,great proprietors. They' have, is you know„ sybipathy ith nom= merce of any kind ; for the laattlsixty years, at least, theyhave, never - exhibited , any sympathies , in favor of parliamentary refOrm. 'And how should they? ' They committed to the Main tenance, of the peerage, and tothat which may, be defined as the territorial pewer ; they do not come into the occupations' of irade';- - they find employment;- at! least they, find!' salaries; 4% the. military or naval service of the country,_ or, they take shelterframAiatorms of life'insiimn - Sing f,imily twin ureic.s I , 3rentnre ito :say that.if it were poindhle,te obtain an aocerate,,ac 'count of the receipts and rMyineete 'of thee° families, I believe - it would , he found that there are many hundredsi nay, I, may say, thousands, , Who get moreemoluments Or Salaries &aim from the - sixt y or "seventy thilliens of taxation; or from• that portion of the public revenue which for a time is entrusted 'Co the Established Church, than the whole 'Of the taxes which 'they annually contribute' toward the, expenditure-;of the State. As to:the h,cirotighs,th&dietribution of the. franchise .is most unjust and unequal. ..The entire population of seventy ; one bprongtl4, , amounts only to' and SiitY- • seven . thhinniiil,Por not' nineh k4 mtire than 'the'' population 'of Blancheitfiee There fire four boroughs; with -eightlhotsandiaegi lase ,., inhabitants and. "the. half .of t boniughs,. which return . eightylme,: meth- hers; have no n notion' : 'pritsiice"tia the' 'power of free" ale'Ctidn„ Whateioi,":' l This; i$ 'if is Tiddtid;i "propertylas vistinduence the government of the 'Opuntryi. and -it, per ~ property 'from, the .fair higdee of taxation." The. gqme law; were : next attacked. We faVe . sonie shockingm urders recently coin.: oat the'adtlatry; ladtint makeigldr. Bright's , • language more emphatic, in connexiow-with.. the evils produced-in ".Yon Bright,. "Men going mil armed, ag.o„tolivelect 00413, •eheep,„anci. poultry, balliskwhich 'the Jaw ; does not dare' to desighilikiailiie it 'dibl i. you haieluither,.bandilif to!thent teeth, proWling aboutinalinost every .coentyir, to 'destroy this ;game, and: you have outrages. : , , inch as have been described to us within..., the list month, in .which s e veral of - .obi • fellest-crentitigil hiIA - Veen murdered." '• • • The neesiiti. -Refoitit - sWas'ilen nrgedi as the sequence :of the premises. - ;Mr"... Bright proposes a household suffrage,;: that ' is, thatrevery one .thatnecripies a house, and .. pays parish rates, Shill have a vote. The 1 • Times retorts -that 'thti -*cilia' 'deprive' " laborers - who' occupy - houses - in- the country;.. who-pay no rates, froth - 'voting. - But the Times is not honest on-this point. It is not for household suffrage at.all.. Bright, lo.show h'oW the people . are improving, aiSteriell;t:iiik mentioba!: the hot, tbat tavilittailted thousand .pertiontk: : are . members* oPßentfit. Societies. But ;the. Tithes.. pooh-poohs: this also, and declares,'; with Borne - truth,,that*Tenefit Societies' arid • Clubs ofteo. fraudulently managed, and that a-great dial'Of.the money.is spent on drink,: in public :louses, f•wherc their meet. , ings are - held: Indeed, itiaterts . that their rules of" " benefit" are conetructed on such. an ultra-liberal'. scale, es to necessi tate certain ,bankruPtcy..•eome. . day, near or - distant:v "think' this charge is • too • Sweeping. - dlt 'has - :soma truth One respectable; aged Chibitistn'man;*Rknown to me, is now poor, indeed, :having', lost to the extent of X9O, the investments which, as a working' , carpenter; .he had made' in a Benefit Society,; in .• the . city of. London, during a -seriee.of years. • The old members - are often thus sacrificed -by a bankruptcy, end then, with young and heilihy inernbors, 'the 'Society starts afresh,' Reference to American Institutions, in Mr: , Brights previous speeches,• and animal=' versione.thereon, drew. from him, . at, Man- . chester, the following nbserVatione:. - These men assail me because I have praised the institutions of America ; and, probably, if I were in France; and a Frenchman also, they:would pros ecute me. One word more on the subject. I would not propose any institution in this country because I found it 'elsewhere. There are many things erroneous in the customs of the United States with which I do not agree, but I protest against being abut up, or being deprived fronl• taking anything from, them but,cotten, rice; and tobacco. Now I am told that. my friend Plitt; who is connected 4itit - an- eminent firm iii the neighborhood of: , Manchester v i imported. ,;front Philadelphia, South West Corner' Of' Seventh and Chestnut Streets A itioriCrs a wondeifal:Rmi3hibilifor,inaking bricks' We ila. apprehensive 7 o7 A-m,Trica4V‘ri/Nfm# ll P e eiti-e4*e have , persons apprehensive or ' an 1E1%410.0; ihSt ttiey contintially birry revolvers - about their' pe,rsons; of American ,inanufacture (loud ,cheers.)- Lam told we haie a, manufactory for.' small arms at Enfield, which is got also • from AriitiriCti, 2 ' where.; Ailey can turn out a, gan stoph in twenty minutes and I hope that &Ir.. Miles will not be horrified when he learn's' that tli6y have actually gotArlitiV cans, to show them liow to work it (lan gtterotti.d. ; cheers.) And we have the , Timm, Stir, and the' Telegraph, as "well as some Other of the. leading newspapers,.which have machines from the insuiel country; and.the Manchester -Examiner, and I be-. neve two of three of the widest circulat'ed among the weeklY *ere +Printed :by ma chinery made in} Ameriea; ,or. brought intof notice by American patents ;. and %you not remember 'that ladies'stiliscribed tett &bleak' purpose of; inviting a clever fariner,fro,M 9 1 , 11 n: to show them how totatne horses?, (laugliter!') in point of fact, yon may hat% anything Anierican' but politics.. You may delight tiourselves' with their charming poets, such as Longfellow, and May: YoU may he'interested and instructed by their.historians,. such as Biiitiroft;,but , call for ,a. popular institution, .or praise the Institutions of, your ' couniiymere of Amerlea,'-aUeyOti' are • flounced ab unpatriotic; and - treasonable to:the House•of Lords. - , Lnrd - John Russel was then, glinted as, praising New York and 'Louisiana; with . internee& o "`their laws treirig , ,," so 4ini.lT ply oodefied• tlh ' at aEfewctdays.Would enable one An, master'thca ;" and Lnrd Carlisle as, having said that in the Free ,tnat ! es, at least; the; eople heir an active, and, en" the' *hole, useful- part, in' all' the'-`nbiiierns daily government ; and "of political f; &illy • fife s ".s and that 44 , gushing abundance strtiok , him, as the, prominent .ohal:antflistin-,of ~the! land " Mr„ bright says that 4 ! he cannot . ,help it' if Lord bite 'fallen Into c fooliati ,panic"---==referring' to the inediftect opifiions recently expressed , brhitn. , Brightionnoludes .his ,spookily warn-1 ing both theWhigsand,Torimagainsta, coin: dna in passing an iinperfeot Reform Atienitainle awaken piiireairne indigAtilftit against' the rifling classes ' Which; lie' be= Hewed, theytWould'bh:*holly'unabl&,to.:nori-- tend agaitiste, pap ‘annoatioed- , L his , f intentiew 'of bringing in a separate bill ; of, his . own, independent of :that' of, the With" hawlenie eye,: ilenjaidd Disraeli watch es' all ittati Inovenientif Land, 1. • ben - junction • with the Afore 'advateladdiberale , of the Cabinet v .he is doubtless I nkosild keg and shaPlig-i:M4F.efeT'm ,Bill, which, while ft.,, couoiliatas the `maistei, and will p'rehablY give' votes feliteiaii , toili, as jubh, - hopeslieePqiiin party iii • and -pay;', and lcae:on.othe ehailitai de tofi the I tElonse of Commons the. Whigs,' iheir herek, itary enemies., 5 • LoAD, §r.sriLric bs/, delivering very dm rabla VidA2ggClAivee?ldar9N 3 40 the successful et:igineer ealfeti l at - Addisconibe CollegeOictere Weir' depariiie l qie riaik He Toinied oatAhe4eenlin - rftrl'ati lishatan,3espebially , in -the! militafy, service, now occupies in the Piat,3l,. - ",Everything in Asia- 7 pnblio,s4ofel l y, na ,tional honor,: personal reputationotir' the fore of iidividial 'character. In England, law'and. routine are the limits!ef . Personal action, for society is atronger4han anY iFt" In , in IT. l PiarY, life particular, inecropeteney is r never Oirn,iki nentlileafe *6i - detection, and valor,' with perseverance, need -never'''despair:` of "'an npportunity!!! kin proof;of thislastpositiorq Lord S. referred:, to Hat:o)44l .es,- Only, ~ shining out in his glory. ! two years ago, :when neither he nor . his friends , could have anticipated thatqle - nithe wa s l'Oittke a placein ' , history. Distinetion was delayed ; it was unsought for, - hutdt Cameirtt, last"' So Duke of been,Aith r ,Metealfp; and ; "even the Duke , of *Ong*, in.early. ,had contemplated the ' abandonment of' mili tary life. 't Such• cheering J Wordst and examples are' very neoemaryi for that lonely and " weary_ land ; How.d9ttiAe YouPg,m.nzk.Pilaetfer home How monotonous in ordinary : p4e,e,Alneflt, ( their existence l` What a "hope deferred" ; istheir's I God'etrations - Spiritthus often 'visits, . them, . and... rums. -theirrtyearning 'thoughts and .heartat ithildh6o4ll d s, and• a mother's, teithingaindtprayem Thusi are they often,..itiught-,.-eventtitodalthitsleft -homegiddYiand,thoughtlitis-Aliattthe4eg gionvf4Christonly can filLup,the.fi aching_ iindpgivriench, consolationar is. are. true, and permanent. . , As. to: the treatment;:tby.officersidqfl the natives, Lord StanleyFspaketivith greatteerne lestniss and power:. He urged` the young/ ;.men-to .ffavoid ignorant and unwise conducki toward ,all-that is Asiatic!' * * ."=For a: European India; there eirititly Vate life: is,one of the rulingrape? then 1 few among:the many—one of. a popnlatibn ten thousand- strong- I among more tent times as many There are;`itle as many know oreare about it, q uic k eyes to his,wateh.. .eondttet, *Ala ou g ., ?Fi I: ready. enough', to disparage his name and his: t race. A single officer who forgets Wit'ire is an officer and a gentlenian, does intlie , harm to the moral influence of this Country,;' than ten men of-blameless life eau dOgood:”. These remarks !?ere l enthusiastically o re , .'„Ceived; and Mark ihe mangnration of a new era in India. fiord Stanley'dbes not refer ' to Christianitt aii the secret of gentle; ~ rtess, kindness, and justice. toward theLna; tives,:and that is to be regretted. Otherk who have delivered similar addresses , did not' forget to say ao. I,IOHABINEDAIT GENTLABIAN has been recently sworn in as a Solicitor before Her, Majesty% Jedges. There was a little delay, ,:'about' the admiasion as the with fortierly' .taken wee, '"'on t,the itrue faith of a:Chris. ..:tian;" but Lord Campbell rdled that rectint act (under which-Rothchild took*, seat in the Rouse of Commons,) rendered the oath unneoessary. I have little &Mitt !that this Mohammedan. gentleman-la:the . same whom I met on a river, Steamer du August r and interview with 'whew ? , in 1 connexion with the discussion of. Indian matters, and the teaching of religion 'in Government - Schools, you may remember; was described at ilingth. He told ino that his intention was to praetisir-in the:native , Courts ofJustiee, in the town Of Bombay. THE DEATHS OF LADIES,: fIOM their dresses taking. fire, have _been- frightfully frequent during the last. year or so: The I latest victims are two daughters of the Earl I of Bedfore, Ladies Lipp and :Cftsrlotte BridgMan.The 'dres of, he first mentioned took fi re I as she stoo d before the fire, . She rau. sereaming to the lobby.. sister.fol lowed and. trie&to put 'mit the flames, and both' haVe"perish d' inftt#6a the expanded` dresses riowv,frriir, - By 144 - or aCthiMilel, sl.lso.per Year, ton IiBOSEISCITS. Delivered it the 'City; L 75 - " = MI WHOLE' No: 829 . lomable,Zand of which (such is the bondage there seeMs: litt ah6pe of abate men t.. 7 in - apite of the :remotiOranega of the press, - abd the incessantnaricaturelLef Mr. ranch--unless the Empress Eugenie awl. her ladies their benignant - ver eigily resolveipen and dedree a new mode rmitogethei. Recommendation are given 9/ Ot r , stand., ap:ufter the.. dreesctakes- tire, &c.,; . I b;ntlthw•fright tn,zi unnerFes.the trifferer, that practically, these suggestions seem almost imitfilese; - A washing Solcitionis 'olel r be, made- fire proof ; . ,and at is, probable some enterprising ,manufactiirer will 'adopt, they plin. ref& I to this . matter-because thee` peril .pertain to American as well as,to English families. A A. number of years. ago, I saw standing, in the Summer evening light of a window recesa L the lovely daughter of Christian nobleman She ;alai' about, b . :, repair to an adjoibieg , telnporart , Chrirob, where; by a Presbyterian itinister;, the 'Gospel Was wont 'to be preached, on Sabbath evenings!: Not long after, her dress-took:fire, and she was, (not withon't showing' that , beds was the ; faith of God's dear children,) after - much agony, snatched away, ~, A mother's heart etas . well nig,h, broken, and her intellect pniitilinentlYdietutbed by 'the . sid catastro vfp h. qbet, it• is I true, was before the , days of crinoline, and the peril has always, existed. ... ) But.now it is fearfully i ncreased WRATH:ER ia. now mild. In Novem ber there, weeya sudden accession of cold, "ahcompaniedbyfnge,, and greatly increased 'tkidloreSa aml,rportralitY over the country,. 'and espectiltrje`kh4 Metropolis. BORST SOCIFTLES' have been busy in Ireland. ' A nuniber" of arrests have been made this week' add fast, of parties =in dif , ferent parts of the country , whose designs are iiid'-to'be tilifeoliable The Government has been. watching the Riband Societies verpploselyz,,, On, last Sabbath evening, a :body of `police` Were suddenly surprised •by the _pOlfee the town of Belfast, and • - carriedoff to ' ln like man er number of= young' men haim peen :seised at Iw Skib.berenti,l Kenmoreiend Killarney. All ate Reiner; Gatholiee, a i nd have been plolting, it is sa,i4;l;lit theitissandSsire„ of obtaining .1.1 a; toiise:Of i Anierliftefililius6ra, in c.rder to : t ereatel revolt:l.46'lin tlreland Hatred of • Prbtestatit F•lnatitutions,Yeoupled with euoh `' ion:lenge petllatriansl,,foolfehzvanity as led to. T;rthe msvemprits of•Sinith O'Brien and John 'l , Mitehell,bas doubtless instigateclthiSettempt at 'dNinietaile, - whiiih is virtually "-extin. guished Soeue fit'onthiciego, an neunced that, an - Iris k 'Rifle ,Regintent, all c Papists, inteiifetf wct ift oast tit' -Ireland 'With ,rulairarid 'accoutrements, on a professed' qto Altair; Stave land., Lords Napier, i f 4 4 Ulit,Lerptcitiedssizlend , the Govern *slit, _at nbiligton the views of the Brit. ish Cabinet en the subject, and it ie 'certain' that alleied to' land in Ireland. - That country is comparatively prosperous and peaceful ; and the peasantry ,would not follow a rebel Standard. Besides the . ,curkehiig,prielta have too much at Stall:Pas `their teniporat interests—to say 'inching of-U r :Sal Utary dislike of the gallows— cto •hound ,the., people. against England, although,they, : are : taught to hate her, and ,Jent:for her.dourofall. But they ate justly , eltposid a to l great 'odium, from_ the fact. that Bibsitil'Soeiptiee flourish In spite of them. A goOdiliaPistAttlinil? consistent, afteti all, in beidga RibandMin, an disworn to exterminate_ the‘'l3ereties; 4rolibishop ,organsmake a very poor defence t fo,ithe lack of success of Church teentipnaries;in pitting down Secret Societis ikfin ~; liefetring ; to,,Triih,Roll4l.tit is a painful fact,' , '"iliat," - donee:llion with the army,; great' 4 and c ,infreßiiokierenticeisibiti: ha** been lately Made to it, but 'lash 1 t that by ~ ... order. sots General 9 Peoli:Sectretszy at War, copies of Clhalloner's- Garden of the Soul ) Contsitrittertie - ifiy . 93 i* the 'Croia;'` Visits to the ElOstOd.:7Bacrami)ot3'l)evetions, to the Sacred Ilearli i lka Mors, with 'azoonipany ,,iing deVotions , turd instruetione,'? „bound up with the Rheims - Now Testamentiu English, linu r furph4rja h rt the, public expense, to Roman' Catholic soldiers. . In 'all the Rev.' Mr. 'Grieg,. the ,Chaplain General f ra higotted High" Church- Pally acquiesces; and at the same:time, beds ~; o rganising a new Soldiers! , Vriends' • Society, „which shallbe compocesl,:exqusbrOt.y,nf Mem -4ers'l4.ilifiEstallelied4Cluirelies of England rand'Sli4triine j iii'Oppnitiorikto the old ;Soldiers Prienila ' Sintiety,tand quite im.har grzinkWith'OU'eanduat pf:)the man, who did * i t 41 4 t?TSPFIO , 4` iB4 Preehr'eriaa being- appolpted. The last named ed So :defy:la noble work at beme, and espemally in India. It is delightful to find how many Christian "officers and soldies in the East appreciate itevalizie, and subscribe to its ThelitestaiuruNiwilv is very, cheering. The :.:Talcieriderslundjiebelleaders in Oade were fast torbrnittin6as also several Chiefs in Central India The groclatuatihn o of the „Queen hatipOdiipedatiericellent iMpteetion, and'the "proffered iiiiinesO l eperates rani: The'YTint'es?'‘'eerreeptind6t- at •Cii,l - refetring.to anal civilians' in the Government employ, icakealthe gratify ing ...daelatetitm, tkat, Fly; prohibition virere p . laced oil poll' rtberty'tq subscribe to ,Mis sionary Sticietiel,litigesi'nrimbers of them, ineltiding the kiirst"Mon, would unhesitatingly - resign. • We- :Government:will venture to `'brave such hight principle as that ; the ma :ligharit neutrality! party must , be content ;with' tiimehirig their; teeth, - without the i poWer tdoairy' out their infidel policy. J.W. T. S.—Mr. Bright bas t tine' week, -- deliv. ,ared- a second speech to an immense meeting at . Edinburgh.'"< OUTER .UNION INOMASVIG ENERGY WlTsrriAn ekainination of the late con vention jeftinals"Will isiteWtilcat the Contrail,- tionsluitie Wen' iirgestnfilltAideti cases, - nob' as' St. Philip's, Philadapiffaikklt. George's, New iYork4 and a the eiixelk,of ,the Atone ment; Phil a4e)phia, which the ministers have rinitothe groat revival movement of-this Stoniner: So far *friiin - a sympathy 1J and co. operatitin'qii'the - =general work di minishing ifitekestinthe amial, it increases it, just in the same way that men who loves g his country l .Inr. an addiAionalt reason for hiving his home. Episcopal 'l3rsure Ito mend that in thyself Which thou Afilersrestadoth exceedingly, displease sx '6.43f= tot4em ni