Presbyterian banner & advocate. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1855-1860, January 08, 1859, Image 1

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prerbyterlas VIIIIIIIOP.' VOL VII# 1 in.
rillainflOrlike A4Vend% Yd. Ellgalloi 111
DAVID McEINNEY, Editor and Proprietor.
Original ilottrg.
Hy= for. the Pad Year.
Now let oar hearts Thine altars prove :
The inoense.burning , there,
Rich gratitude, all fragrant love,
The penitential tear.
The year hath closed, with mercies orown'd
By thine all-liberal band;
Bioesiage the people do'attrrland,
Vast blessiugs fIU tbe , land.
Praise, ail praise, the glorious King,
Let all hiworeatures praises sing.
Joy to the Church on earth bath been,
Angels rejoiced above,
Sinneralave Thy salvation seer.
And proved a Saviour's love,
Heaven haib'sent its gracious showers,
To moist the arid plain;
The Holy Spirit's quickening powers
Have made all bloom again.
Prase, all praise the glorious King,
Let all his creatures praises sing.
Our Lord! tby kindness yet extend,
Thy mercy still be giv'n ;
Rich treasures of thy Spirit lend,
To fit our souls for heaven.
And when, the evening star bath set--
Life, with its voyage o'er,
Then may our souls with angels met—
;Sing from that heavenly shore
Praise, all praise our glorious Xing,
Let all his creatures praises sing. .
For the Preabytatian Banner and Advocate
Co-Operation of Teaching and Ruling
The following is the substance of :a 'paper
read before the Presbytery. of Luzerne, at
their had meeting at Pittston, Pa. It was
prepared in answer to the question, "How
may the Ruling Eiders of '.our Church most
efficiently co-operate with the preaching or
teaching Elders, in promoting the interest
of the. Church, and religion in general."
The. Presbytery having received and adopted
the paper as the report of their Committee,
requested its writer to furnish the religious
papers, with the substance of, it, for publi
cation. The following is given
The question does not require of us a de
fence of ,the Scriptural character of the of
fice of Ruling Elders. This bas been ably,
amply, and repeatedly fund - shed, by wise
and goad nien,.in various branches .of the
Reformed Church. Taking, for granted
that the prganization.of putlealerid Ohnrch,
isembehlry' in "irocorifairie itith'ilrWord
of God, we are to assume.-that a- vastly
greater degree of effroitEtok 'rniewi, nay,
ought to be attained under that organiza
tion. Thie l webelieve, is felt by its ,w.arm
erg friends. The want of more extensive
usefulness on the part of our Church, is not
because of any defect in its organization,
bit because its working capacity lee camper ;
atively dormant, and needs to be aroused
into action to produce the most healthftel
and blessed results. New life and vigor in-
fused into the body, by th'e Holy GhOst'shed
down upon it, which would: secure-from; al
its funotions the proper performance of thei
organic, duty, would make our Church a far
more brilliant light in the world, a far more
formidable foe to the kingdom of darknese
than it now is:
We are not bringing charges against the
piety or ability of any of our Church offi.
care, but we, think that the piety and ability
of many of them are not so employed as to
piomote their constant increase, and give to
the Church the efficiency which she is ca
pable of exerting upon the world. There
is a vast amount of talent in, the: Ruling El.
dership of our Church, which is not fully
employed, not called out, but int a great.
measure lost to the. Church and'the interests
of, religion.
Why is this the ease 7 let. One yeasan
is to befound in the fact that many off our
most intelligent Ruling Elders are' men' of
modesty and retiring habits, 'They hesitate
to take that aotive part in spirigial things,
for which they are qualified. Other men of
lees ability, and who do not.etand so high in
the estimation of
. " them that are without;"
seem to accomplish far more in influencing
the minds of men in religious duties. It is
true,- this influence is not always abiding,
DOT always of the most wholesome kind.
Stili it shows what may be done with' proper
zeal, as well as what is wanting to- produce
real and-lasting-benefits:
2d. Another reason may be 'found in the
Preaching Elders. They do not systemati
cally and constantly endeavor to call out
and employ the Went of their Sessione.
Many ministers in ,their intercourse , with.
them, and in their public ,ministrations,
leave the impression that little else is ex
pected of Ruling Elders beyond attendance
upon the Sessional meetings; elsewhere they
are to be looked upon as private members of
the flock. They are not made to feel that
they should take heed to all the flock over
which the Holy Ghost has made them. over
.Bd. Ruling Elders themselves often as
sume the vows of office with very inade
quate ideas of the dignity and:responsibility
of the position they occupy; therefore,
they have never properly considered "how
they ought to behave themselves in the
house of God, which is'the Church of the
living God, the pillar and ground of the
4th. The absence of ardent piety, and the
predominance of a worldly spirit, are the
greatest obstacles in the way of many of our
Ruling Elders, to more extensive - useful
ness. These hinderanoes should, above all
others, be removed. But,
5. That which we believe stands most in
the way of a'greater degree of co-operatiori
and efficiency- on the part of the Ruling'
Elders, with the teaching Elders of our
Church, is the almoet entire absence of an
organized and systematic mode of active
effort, which every Session is competent to
establish, iu order most effectually to ad
vance the cause of God and truth. Aod'as
we sincerely believe that ours comes nearer
the Scriptures than other branches of the
Churuh, in doctrine, polity, and modes of
worship, it is by no means improper that
our Eldership should exhibit a becoming
zeal for the particular branch- of Zion Sin,
which they are officers; while, at the same
time, they exercise charity for all others co
operating with them in the common , assault I
against the kingdom of darkness. - The
warfare, however, will be most successfully
carried on by scouring the best possible' or
gaurzation of the various bands, under . the
leaders of their own choice • and by pro
moting sympathy and confidence between
the,officer and the whole, band of the sol
diers of the Cross.
We now turn to the more' practical, im
portant, and iliffieult'lluty devolveetrpOwtor,
viz.: Suggesting as remedy 'for the defeats'
whush we suppose to exist in the efficiency
of the Ruling Elders, and striving to show
how they may more successfully eo.operate,
with those who are called to be the author•
ized expounders of God's Word, and in con- b
nexion with whom they rule the flock.
I Remark 1. We would endeavor , to se
cure a greater degree of efficiency and co
operation in the Eldership;-not so much by
pointing out new and extraordinary duties,
as by insisting upon prompt and systematic
attention to those duties which are common'
and. generally acknowledged by the body, to
fall within their sphere. We wish to see the
office elevated, not changed. The courmis
sion under which Ruling Elders act, is suf•
fieiently comprehensiVe. It is efficient co
operation with the pastor, we desire ; not
that 'they should take his place,. AiadthiS
affords, ample room for the highest order. of '
talent; nor does it exclude those of hum
bler gifts. Here all may work to the ex
tent of their ability.
Rem, 2. When the Eldership was first
formally introduced by Moses, in the wilder
ness, at the suggestion of Jethro, his father
in-law, the reasons for its introduction were,
that there might be a division of labor, and
thereby a more satisfactory administration
of the government; more general watchful
ness of the interests of, the people; more
purity in their manners, and promptness in ,
all their actions. The same reasons -are
still operative, and demand the
tion of the, office of 'Ruling Elder in the
Church"; but these tends,' desirable , as they
are, for want of i proper , system and organi
eation, are not attained, generally. We sel
dom find that by increasing our Session, we
really gain an increaseliof care and watch
fulness over the flock, and a leiriening of the
personal efforts of the pastor, necessary to •
keep the flock together, and promote their
real prosperity. This is no doubt owing to
the fact that our Sessiens do not look at
their whole work, and agree ,upon such a
division of .labor as would be oppressive to
none', but delightful to all engaged; and, at
the same time, would be extending to many
members of the flock, and many more with
out the fold; s. degree of attention; which ,
igh* DF i sq ik WO. Pet-ia408 01 4 1 . 8
receive.-We,: want, not only that every, 1
member Of `the Session should feel` a gow:
.eral responsibility, but that all should have
a particular ind, definite - duty to,perforni..
Rem 3. There should be regular, stated,
and frequent meetings of the whole Session.
These/meetings •ahould be eminently devo
tional,. and , never allowed to degenerateinte
mere_ social gatherings. Nothing should be
introdliced during the time Set aped' for de
votion:and theltisiness of the Church, but
what has a direct -reference to - the ;Spiritual.'
intereate with which, they are entrusted; or
;what, may 'have for its Cobjeot the cultivation
of the gifts of the Members of the body •
or the repressing, in a' fraternal spirit, the
manifestation of anything unbecoming In
one . another. It is the iduty of the Elder
ship to counsel their ,minister, and in the
„right manner arid proper time, -to tell him
of any thing' in his conduct that may , haire
a tendency to '"impair his usefulness. So,
'also, should: •the minister and' Other ,mern
hers of the Session \act.orie toward - another.
These meetings should really be representa
tive gatherings of , the whole Church or field
embraced in the congregation. Each mem
ber having had his particular district and'
duties assigned, should The able to inform his
brethren, as to the:condition of those more
particularly under his care. Thus from the,
various reports received, the minister and
all the members of the body, would be
made familiir with 'the whole field -its'
wants, its prosperity; &o. Matters requir
ing thet immediate attention of the pastor,
arebrought =before : hid mind. He is made,
acquainted. with Providential openings for
doing good; with the - necessity of' remov
ing prejudices which may be arising against
him , or his cause. ' In this way he may be
enabled to do much that he, could not have'
effected if obliged by personal, inspection,
to hunt up these special openings for use
fulness. Not only by these means may,the
pastor be enabled to do much positive'good,
but may thus be prevented -from losing
much of his.; personal influence ; for minis
ters,- generally,, lose more of their influence
by neglecting these special'opportunities for
the exercise Of their sympathy, Tor irapart
ing inatruction, giving' counsel, Ste., than
perhaps from any other cause.: There are
times when people gratefully, receive the
attentions of the minister of the Gospel.
At these same times they keenly even
apparent neglect; but 'theif'ifirininiatancem
are often unknowntri s mand to the Ruling
Elders, too. But would , not .be the
case, were the congregation districted, and
each member of the Session set over a par
ticular section, and made to feel deeply in
terested in its spiritual Welfare. Thitt 'mem- .
her would.know where his minister could' do
good, and 'could, with the greatest. possible`.
ease, communicate the fact to him.
In our childhood, some of us well remem-,
ber the little Session-house which stood
is hard by the kirk," where the whole Sea
sion were accustomed to spend a little -time
. every Sabbath for devotion and consultation ?-
Where now are our Session-houses? And
where, we may ask, do we find that filial
regard whieh was once so commonly, shown'
to the ministers and Ruling Elders of our
Church'? Would it not be . productive of
good to recur to the usages of our Milers?
Would it not have a good effect to restore
the bench on which the Ruling Elders
formerly sat in the house of God ? Ought
they not to be brought more prominently,
before the people as a class of men olothed
with office 7
Nso F.
ME Christians in Turkey are said to be
daily incre a sing in wealth, pester, knowledge
and enterpOs9, and in the fullnuss of ap
pointed thee . , =it is not Unlikely that they
will supersede.'the Turks 4us the doininant
For the Presbytayisiji Banner end Adrocate
Visiting Careless Families.
The, increase of the Presbyterian. Church,
since its organizAtion in the quited ,Statee l
and espeCialildiiring the past year, must
be a matter of "profound gratitlude to every
Christian. The fact that there were added
to our: beloved branch of Zion , during
the previous year, upwards of irty-one
thousand members, s hould cause • every
pious heart to expand . with emotions of
thankfulness' and joy. And, Whilit a re
vieWtof'Ondltedgalinksiutith us affords cause
of gratefulnesi farthe past, it should stimu
late to greater diligence in the future; it
should induce every member of our Church
to endeaver to ascertain and practice that
oeurselvitiCh, under God, moat effect.
tively ea:tend-our Redeemer's kingdom.
One means for the eonsvmmatien of Ibis
end, is indicated in the . caption of this, arti
cle—visiting careless families.
Ist. This class is numerous. There is a
large- number of farkiliea residing within
the limits of almost every organized church,
who .neither profess religion, nor attend
regularly the ministrations of the sanctuary.
There are many . more 'of this character than
Christiana are Often aware of. Freqnently,
when' pastors and'Sessions are interrogatsd
on thiesubject, - they will respond, " There
are .few. families, in the bounds of , our
church but those who are attached to, Some
ecclesiastical organization:" In many in
stances, however, this conclusion is reached
without iuffteient' inveitigationi as will ap.
pear ; from the following example
A country congregation, organized nearly
fortyyears ago, located` in a neighborhood
in which the population were regarded as Very
punctual in attendiarohurch, was explored,
some leers Macey by its pastor 'and Session.
Every .:family , not identified with some,
church, was visited. And within,this con
gregation, numbering about one 'hundred
and fifty members,- there were found ferig;
four families, not a member of itoltiok seas
united with any religious society; nor a
regular attendant at any, place_,ofworship!
When the result of this exploration was
annonnced; it astonished many of the oldest'
members of the ;church; They di:mid-scarce
ly believe it. They ! hadl no r cenceptionuthat••
the onerfottrth of. theinumben were,neglect
ing the, mama of „grace., Corresponding re
sults will be found wherever similatexplora;
tion will' be made. There are Many families
withim'our organized churches, Who Utterly
neglect'the,means of grace, and are. beinw
hurried by time's resistless sweep, with all
their sins upon them, into 'the presence of
an angry God.
"2d, No 'special exertions are — maile,. in
many instances, to 'iridium these careless
families to attend to -the , interests :of their,
souls.i,-,Tbey : arnnot conversed rwith. oir - thh
subject of religion by-pastor, by. Session, nor
bymember. They livp ignorant of the
Lord 'debits 'Christ, and' from 'the 'apathY
manifested" toward' their xeligionerrinterest,.
may say, allo. man careth for. my, soul!"
Nor is this• statement made at random. It,
is a legitimate conclusion, drawn from a,
number 'of facts, part of which Will be'
(a.) .In conversing with- , a number
ministers and elders, who':practice= family
visitation, uvi o n this subject, they have
almost uniformly stated that their 'pled - is
to confine their religioni calis . to' menibers,
pew holders, and: those Who inVitethem.
(b.) A middle-aged ministery who had a
high,character for, piety, was laboring in a
feeble congregation, which was recteiVing
aid from the Board of Domestic Plissihias.
At a. rope.ting' of Presbytery, in renewing
the 'application of the:church:for assistance,
he made a statement of his labors during
the: past year. Fie remarked that he had
done what he never did before, and what
he would not do under different circum
stances. The 'curiosity of the audience 'was'
excited, and they turned their eyes lotiard
the speaker. After a pause, he , preceededi
" I have invited families to come to church,
and hear the Gospel evidently implying
that the pastoral visitation of irreligious
faixiilies lay beyond therange of the minis
ter's ordinary duties:: • ,
(c.) kip owii observations confirm this
statement., , I. have known careless families,
which lived near churches nearly all the
time supplied' with' pastor 4 for thirty 'years,
during which time no minister rice elder
made them :a pastoral visit.
From 'facts which are palpable to every
careful observer, it is manifest that there are
many families living near our churches,
out God and - without hope, to *horn scarcely
any Christian speaks with reference' td the
interests of their souls. It is true -that
they are without applogy. They , have the
Gospel preached at a convenient diatance.
They miglifatterid theninistrations 'of the'
Sabbath, if they saw fit. 'And; if they
neglect their:souls,' they are:without excuse'
But are Christians who neglect thenz,,mith-,
out excuse? Are we not our hi:other?
keepers .?' Aid, - if we permit theni teler
isir,[ under the circumstances: indicatedy'ivill
not their blood required
,at our u liands
Are,Christians to: baye less regard for the
interests of their ,Redeemer's kingdom, thin
politicians hairs for the sees of their
respective parties What' is the response
of the follower of: Jesus ? :-Does he :not
say, :emphatically,, emphatically,
.No Let Christians,
then, learn duty froni,these who undertake
the guardianship ,of our civil liberties. - DO
they', permit' those -who 'have not interest
enough in Politios:to go to the election' and
vote, to reniiih in their indifferehey? By
no means. Before an important election;
they, will form committees of vigilance.
These will eXplOre every sohoOrdistriot.:
Every waverer will be approached. 'The
whole power of theparty wine brought to
bear, to induce him to' repair to the: polls,
and swell the vote :•of the, ticket. Should
not Christians emulate this zeal ? Should
there net be committees of vigilance formed
in every church, so that each careleis
family would be canvassed, and have urged
upon them •the importance of attending •to
the one thing needful ?
3d. Moreover, - if this course is pursued
in, the proper manner, the visitants will meet
with kind reception. Nan is a religious
being. 'He will have some system of faith,
let it be right or wrong. And the individ
ual who: approaches him seriously on this
subject,' will gain his • attention—he will
touch a chord which vibrates to his , heart.
This opinion is confirmed by the testimony
of those Who have practiced visiting' the
irreligious. A pastor known to the writer,
has pursued this course for years. During
his ministry, he has ,
number of families,'
glen, not a member
with any church.
were received with
not one instance la;
wurd addressed to hi)
. . .
4th. Finally, this 99nrse, if „preseented
in faith, will be stui;.d op :by the ' geed of
tee Church, and wil .be`fraught with the
most gratifying resul , •., - -- LT ; •
(a.) The thought ,1,. 40111: "beindtteed to T
meditate on the su i : OtILOC Miligi9iii:lll) B 3
remarks droped, 1.• !T i.•l4,sr.ffigifOo
be forgotten; they • 'r . ,, plSa,
, e emp,-tor,,Te.-, 4
Ilection afterwards. , 7- • V l n
(F ) The prejudice' - krige*lotiataVgattexr°.•
fists ag,ainstniiiiistereqi i . itirekAtlifireue;raall:.'
be disarmed, Perim . zmumet Nikettnick.A.a , l
pre-possession agains oe.e who fellvtspAtt,
interest in their wel • ' - •, ; '
(c.) Dais class wil;: t 4 .4 infili,enAgrio its 'I
tend Church, and wil' hus be kbiouglat'ktii- 1
.der the influence o n. special 'Means -br I
ince. Because, if ey are eontroled :by;,'
no higher, considerati they will hear.
the minister out of urtesy, who was so` I
kind as to, pay them . Vsit. , ~
For these reasons,- rid others,-the usage 1
'here recommended, pilot fail,- with •the '
Divine blessing, to beitkpowsrful u egency in.-'
bringing sinners to - 4 a.
~.Thpy will be
interested' in th pahfeel of relision ;
they will esteem godr :iiiiiisars i kid' made
tent professors; and t ey WillAttendlo the
ministrations of the;lnetuariyq; Tile Spirit
Will bring the truth ~.lear; o e.their•minds, ,
with the demonstrat'n , of, his power ; . he
will lead them to Chi i,:and:give *CM, joy'
and peace in believin .` ' r;••••-•-_ ; .•--, ”. .
Many facts might 7••:adlinced lin ittesta..
tion of the conalusion ereterinticiatedi; but.'
c r; shall only occupy ytir space by, noticing
'one which occurred so wears since.
A pastor, .who v " i ted as nanny. of the
careless as ills time 'llaiiistifft Wet
chiding his •congiega 2 ;on. • When. ;leaving•
:one fatally', he madevquirY, with regardito,
the ;religious •.charact of the, .next .One.
'which was on way. Re` did tiotjeceiie
..• T - -T1 , , w
a flattering account, 'an was "idvise t not 'to
nall with them, lestdthhoitild r r elleffe , awl
respectful treatmentitii& and vhis: :elder'
,consulted on. the: ma f i In : thpy tudfkajoug i ,
and when
,they .9.1 ; Optlite i tta; *yr,
ideternained to go rnki hey, entered, and
made irnONsili their ordie. J Taelitaiiv 'ai t f
,peered ennsideriblyf etularrishd;eitinift'erif
a moment's 'hesitatio r onsented fjciiii In
prayer. Hexing conya lied a short tinie.on ,
the subject of religyi they did so, and..
arose to anee:4,9n t t - r way, t The family ,
now appeaterfplease -,' ''',tti';the interview;
and• -thanked':them': 'o ]ling. n -Mei next ,
'Sabbath Tihis,.family, . 7 .1..,t4 - 40zeloy PAJ
months lifterltiirthe - ' rs.' made a.profes
sion ofreligion under interesting circum
stances, and had - her Children baptized; and.,
ever - since,faii tar as the 'chair& is 'able' to
judgi, las Tmaintained a Christian walk and
conversation. . - ... •
Nor As,,this ti solitary- example.: Xany
`more might lie, cited, resulting from 'the
course Oeomnaended; equally 'Striking.
The Lord'jesus Christ has-given it the-un:
rizialifi4d:, , Seir of this , approval, sinc; ,
eess. Let' this practice be , adopted' •by All
'our•r_ninisters; ; let each one, as, far ae his
time will ..enable, imitate the ,Saviour • let
them,' like - him, teach from halite to hinse,
on the way' - aide, shipboard, in theqiesr
erti, and: orf.tbe mountain top ; let . such
line: of, conduct - adopted and ! continued
in all our ehnrohes,-_and it will be the har
binger of .a reviVal, which w i ll! not be as the
morning cloud, or as' the early deW, 'Which
passes away, 'bit whioh =will continue
through many generations,: making the
church indeed what' she ought to be, the
garden of the Lord. "
.T.ettor of a Dying Wife
The following most touching fragment of„,
a letter from a dying wife te - het husband ,
(says the Nashville Gazette,) was fistrid*"'
him, some motiths rafter her 'death; between •
the leaves Of.) a religious, voluufshwhioh,, she''
was very fon d.slf perusing. The letteroildeh
was literallY dim with, her tear markt, was
writteplong before 'kerhuabland was aware
tlfat tliiktrasP orfaiillistilie had fastened
upon the ltrirelY•form:' of'thil wife, 'who, died
at 'the eirly sige of. nineteen -
" When this shall—reach your eye,„dear,.
George, some day *hen you are turning Oyer
the reli6s of the peat;' I shallqiive passed
away fOrever; and the 'Cold white"stbne
bekeeping its lon'elY watch oweitliestipscyoi
have so often pressed, , and
growing : green .that shall hide.lorrer from
your, sight - the. dust ,of one who beis Often
nestled close to your vririn beak.
long' and sleepless' rtighispishin beside
my thoughts wereo.ati rest, r have'lwrestled .
with consciousnessuot -approaching death;
until, at last it has, forced itself upon my
mind ; and although,to you suite others' it
might now semi linCthe nervous' imagining '
of a girl, yet, dear 'George, it is se! Many
weary nights have "'passed in the endeavor
to reconcile myself to leaving you, whom I
loved so well, and.,thit4 bright world of sun
shine and beaut";, and hard indeed it is to
struggle 'on silently and alone, With the sure
conviction that , V'aln 'about to all for:j
ever 'era go into the dark yeller!
'But I know in,whom I t have and
leaning on His soo t g fear no .ev il .'. Do
not blame me for keeping even all this from
you. How (Mold' Subject you, of all Others,
to' such sorrow as I feel at patting, 'when
time will soon make it apparent to yod I I
could have wished to live, if only to be , at
your side when your time shall come, and
pillowing your head on my breast, wipe the
deathdamps from your brOalkid usher your
departing spirit into its 'tflllP r's presence,
embalmed in , woman's holiest prayer. But
it is not to be, and I submit. Yours is the
privilege of watching,, through long and
dreary nights, for the spirit's final flight, and'
of transferring my sinking head•froni your
breast to my Saviour's , bosom 1 And , you
shall share my last thought, and the lastfaint
pressure of •the Jmnd, and the last feeble ,
kiss shall be yours, and' . even when flesh and
heart shill have failed me, my eyesshall'rest
on yours until' glazed by death; and 'our
spirits shall hold one last communion ' , until
gently fading'. from my view—the last of '
earth—you shall mingle_with the first.bright
glimpses of the unfading glories of the bet
ter world, where partings are unknown.
Well do I know the spot, my dear George,
where you' will lay me; often-we stood by•
the place, and as we !watched the mellowl
sunset, as it glanced in quivering flashes
iiitiversed with. a large
kg subject of, reli.•
,which was united
cases liii vigttg
irked `lt ind flees, and in
the , had , an 'bffdasivii• •
iTL -'
through the, leaves, and'burnished the grassy
mounds around us • with stripes of, burnished
gold, each, perlitifts,has thought that - some
day our of us would opine alone, and which
ever it mighthe, your name would beon the
stone Butme•loved the spot, and I know
you will love it none, the le4s, when you see
the same quiet sunlight linger and play
among the'grass t a grows ver your M ary ' s
grave. I know you will go there and Lily
spirit ';will be- , with .you 'then, and. whisper
,waying ;branches;:-" I am not
lost but gone blfore
orr pon
QUM' I"rootanin7naif=l4 ioorniton
*rilearaha palizi!rmria ‘ 'et
" lon WAy--.Lordiaanley Thwarieei-mAra(ene con= :
sortsand their New Jag/as—The Fuirre. of Syr
John / HitcyL-Am3/4 ibs at/ Sul '
+Murders -17w , New eampatgn—the caltdoihe
Churehef from 'lndsa Irwtona .Decision _
'Chat itoter'—A Story about Leeds and Dr Trook—
Sabbath Evenao Serums and &mom at St..
Ratd's Montatembert Refuaes Pardon--. The
"Law of the Suspecteci," and its Wickediess--Co.
•chrwalana and' Mel/trance Spanish Expednumr—
Nr. Gladstone, at, the lonian hiands—An Agglo
Indian Liiter— New 'Light on the itOsiacre of
Canwpore—Pabh‘rston) and Ma Disokan—Nr.
Gthson's Rebuke to tkePl:ese--- The R 1 1.0771 ,4 441
and its Enemtes—Postsen , pt
LONDON, Depetehir lOth, 18 k 58.
THE PROOTANATioi establishing` the
Que6n 4 e authority in India, *ad' stileindly
read and ioadet known at .&ibibary,teihAitta;.
Ailahabad, Agra, and other plebes; ott4ton-c
day, licvember the first, and tunce i theu,has
been circulated wide and, lar o thymighout the
whole of'llindoOstan. It reached thirOpia
try on the`fish instant, and its pertutal'hati
excited intense interest, and. I may tritir
add, warm approval. , The•isummary given
'of. ifil?Y4lie 212 1k 68 . 'PcITSIIPO9,dent Tat Born
bib (IliterA the i illairlinatious•and rejojoings,
wire'roariellotts,)ls generally endorsed .
''‘ It is.bAltifill•Veatdif *driblimelits, the
weightiest instruments, : that , hasif ever . itp.
Pealredminaudia at has, a eimplibity: atedA
force well calculated to inspire respect, aed
rivet . public atterlion., It conveys, with a
sollPrikiditVoith t i irelineisidt 'We oca
elanirtire;principles 'orr;whiShiths future pirto
'icylof Ida is based. r It, utfixesithe, staler ,
of,e'EfneloguraPtle a Tturse
rfounded.on the experience of the pask„ It
dtollreil, once' for'11,1; ihniEhgliili is 564 1 :
eioi mistreia ithrotighiliti(the Ilerneliaand
breadth of theierlande., .
SA; gefkraut trAtietiFwouxe,a , fr *TatioN:
and .pr.oup# p alwat,zieci rp is as, aie,,oppg i et,ent
with the form pf, u the
(Itiatis)' Mir
be - e n ;., ; ;_, _ :
I - Theiwriten adds : In :scr far. am Trainlable
to judger therg 4 l llabign PP,i , 3 1 4). 11 - Ahifir
.4.os*AithiinrfaVos-et . l the:- -
The 'open recognition of Chriatianity.
the , Qieen'n' , Proolinnation,-is gratifyinglall
the toore,lam fearn-pievailed. that:from Lord;
Stanley's known " neutrality"' views, it
would im.othearise. , The, Reoord asierts,
r tvirit'itafftiliii; to be the best antlidrity„
that the Queen :lithe - if-here interposed•'and
insisted on = a ahangerin- the . •intended , Proc.
lunation: , Thestatement . is " Pe,,have
good ,reason to believe ,that a draft of a
Proclamation was issued from the Lnlian
Departinent,Whlch proceeded on the prin.
Ciples erinitchited by the-`Noble Secr'eta=r'y to
the Deputies of the - Protestant Mitisinns, ig
noring the. sovereignty of <the- Lord Jesus
Christ,. and treating o the,opinions, of Europe,
and the , religions of Asia, as matters, over
which - the Br'itish 'GOvernmenfhad :no con: -
tier 'in the Empi=re`"-which:W . 4 undertook
to govern.
!r. But we rejoice , to think that Lord Stag
-10,!s draft had to obtain the sanction of an
illustrious personage, who does not forget
wbose minister she is, and' under `whoa
arithority she rule':" The. result= was; that
the original draft was- remitted to , the'Cab -
inet, with instructians , which were not to he
gainsayed,;and we , now read words which
save the Prbolamation from the shame which
would been its inheiitance, had it gone
forth to India and the world that England
ignores the Christianity which hai been her
glory-and her shield, or that the Sovereign
has forgotten that the Sovereign rules by
the grace of Almighty God, and lithe de
fender of the only faith whereby can
Biel ieved. -
- "The woidain which Christianity is remit
nieed,,might.,have been inllenand more ~diftt
inet ;Ahoy, might have , Contained a diked
statement of the plaims of the Trios' Goff;
*snit OfiJninis Christ "wliOr i n he hattivierit.
But im perfect, 'they furnish groind
for thankfulness.; and, accompaniedmerthey
are by the assurance of perfect: toleration,
,they_tendte l present our holy religion to the
natives (if•lndia'in the traeliglit ef" its just
and benefitent•ohtraister.
" Firmly relyingi.ouriselves,. on . ' , the, truth
of Christianity," sayis the Imperial Manifes
to, "and acknowledging with t gratitude the
solace ocreligion, we disollim alike the right
and the desire toimpok our convictions on
any of our subjecti. tWe declare it to be our
Royal wilLand pleasure. that none be in any
wise favoredi none molested or disquieted,
by reason of their religious faith and observ
ances; all Shall enjoy; alike, the equal
and the impartial protection of the law; and
we do strictly charge slid enjoin all those who
maybe in-authority, under my that.they ab
stain from all interference.witOhe,religions
belief or worship of any of : Mu siblecite, on
pain of our highest displeaisnre.. it is
our - further "will, that, so fartiai:mijobe, our
subjects r of whatever race or , oretid ; be free
ly, and impartially admitted, to. offices in our
service, the duties of which they may be
qualified by their education, ability, and in
tegrity, duly to discharge."
The last clause of the foregoing, clearly
establishes the right of native • be ,
employed in official 'positions, and it is wor
thy of notice that in the procession at Bom
bay, 'headed 'by' tord Elphinstone, native
tionverts. were 'to be: observed. it remains •
to be omen whether there will be made any
attempt to interpret the clause forbidding
"all interference with religious belief or wor
ship," to the virtual sanction of the abcnn
inable obscenities of Heathen Festivals, or
to the power of authority -upon Christian'
officers, . either civil or military, who shall
venture to speak privately to their native
servants or soldiers on the claims of the
Saviour and his cause. In this, public,
Christian, home opinion, will be the great
safeguard. • Lord Stanley will not always be
in office, and he must either bend or break
before tbe.porsr, of. Evangelistoov,hich now
! can claim a ble . statesman-like views of Sir
poso4 . •
Otthpi Of Seventh and Chestnut Streets
~ ._
4lphu lAawrenee, tut its r.potent aux liar
The '7 l /,rtes expressed" 'ya deep ',edit/in,'
tiith; igie t tin overWlieteii4 - ;eajeirity, of the'
'..nittiOtili4.lntlfeioi-ef hist views. .john '
if lei' is , to dealiethe Ruejatib, ,is to come,
to England_in the ,beginning of ~the, year,
His health requires a ohaek., ap e d ; the Cop
.cil of India will he reinforced and Inad,e in-
creasingly: Chrisiiin• scat'
Binttd, 111-14egideehills 'Street.
'Thence he will .probablr 'return, , after"
time, to India,: and that. as „a, Peer . of, ; tlite
,and l if not Governor. qeuiral„.,he, ;
- One ;sr
tiy#o set kurM-4 . ereisi
!of Saglinlgoothapdz-nglisiay9oo,.4,,Offired.y,
!apil,ihn i . k epoys ; itud. disaffected people ! , are,,
I gi7ien t&the pk."Ja4liarY toret ire retlY t& thVir tr fioMelii - gill
the , pet z , beteg )ttssiirelf there! 'Even ' , for
!those gf'.Who. have.leveu 'ol4l=l to:Murder,
era," .that lone .guaranteed.
"Large indukence,will JM,ittown to, thoatt
whose 16„hifre originated `
too- iredideue acespiante • of the' filen
'l,reports: 644;01104 by ; •
4A49.,!kk1e 4 , 40 'Pt -India, as soon 08
inace.„i'e f f e+r ic ed, the pßeen..#,efoots ,it to
1130,14 ".UStry eareesecteinie to
and: - !inipreveisiiti' , :",atlClti 'attniiiigrer
. tgesretntneneifer tile:: benefit 0.41.1 otir exibt
i ,eetairef l 44 ol 4, Athfir. , P3TvlriP!
~aozll Irk our sirength,azta,thesr
1 8eCtliii(y;#ndin; :Weir 'Ontfitiide:"OWi‘beit re
lard, adds' gtieeiii . "Mei the'
I,Gbil)of anki to those
in, authority tue lioronsij strength , Carry., buk
timsestiffijahei,for,thg good of,psr p i eopier.,
Stern judgo4ot,
Bngland, , ea, 7-4 i6 l
era:.;Eve it4et, r, Sip Coliii.
Capp.hclir. th!.
leld and t % Tantia Tope repeatodjy defeated.
, • Lt • Ke.
and almost . „hunted down,. ; has, it „m
f itarp ati4ngthi)thih taiViiifeil wilt be :abeo=
necessary 100 cot:ovine° &her/people of!
the overwhelming ~power, oft ffmglantly: vg4.4'
itk.4.9Pelell 4 o At *9.ta.ifOßgAirse t oo tees~t
Tnia t f tne asawaitce „roe guise_
n:Medi ilia:ll4'e tesiiiinted; , iiiid , giortipitiofilli
rouitt,saudeu, this DiTintrlbibe.t.
te.lkirfoterkllYs• 7 - ;
„Now,„therefor,e, ) Churphes,,,eo,
both sides Of a glorious field is
u'Ap such as may Well'
•is dtitlitte , i , olay'ilf lir wVirelVdoeis
'a ,writen'iii year.',4iaper ;Ilepteciatie..; &prayer.
wi# l 9 l ol,lW.4 o .o4 B ltifillt): l l l 3 , o l ,4r4kitlilteo74ll , lti;
fete ~Nowf . .
that. Chma t „Indilt,L o a an,,
"ritiatitfllt'is are
lr. .47,
the great idaritti be that ; of` uolicn`tpers - far
Christ: - Even -'in '4hislnatter. , of- Wditeatiorii;
'ana 'the , teaching ,ofe, the Bible,, ,schoolai ,
' Mr' N9P4 l 9o±WylieAw*pi4 from, Calcutta, :;
Christian i
teachers Thetinth the'll*lteiS' Of the ..
work has been properly '440 ,
ciatedLi ' .
' Tan QuEEN's Dicisrox in' the matter of
thettroilaraiiiini;! 'read tide me -, of her
nesa , in matters of far: lesi - lireportance.
Thus, .at Leeds, as you know, she had; an
enthusiastic reception, some months ago,.
'and before her arrival, a Progrittarde of the
proeessioi and Iproctediagi > connected Wier
her, isit,, was sent for her .approval.
looking nyer.:it, she. saw po u thipp wkioh:s#.
once elicited her
,disapproval The first'
was the Prifitedlegitiremerit; that when the , '
Queen' entered the magnificent n&w Town
Hall; the company Was. te , reeeive her "'in
'solemn, silence." -She took.--her. poR 4md.
struck that out. She preferred,to bear the
truelearted cheers of the laity Yorkshire;
men. Next, it was announced in` tie proof
programme thatlthe Hall was to' be= opened
by prayers, by:'the Bishop of Ripon; its.l
!dated by the;Rev. Doctor Hooke," the. Viear,
of Leeds. the. author of the sermon,.
"Hear the Church," once itildreiied to,
Royal'ears, is, as the &oft& would saY, ever
since, quite a "scanner " to the-Queen; and
therefore, at the sight.of this offensive name,
she, took her pen and struck .that out, - also 1.
Well done, Protestant Victoria I.
open for. Sabbath evening, service and
sernien. Under thegreat dome hitid been
gatkored r- severid thousands, and hundreds'
and' thousands More-thave been ‘obligedlo'-ge
away from want off roomt The.;Bishop . of
London preached the, first ,evening; , and fir,
the Der of St. Pau4's,. on the,
second. Tle dmcol:wee .of the Bishdp was ;
clear'and - evangelical; that or the Bette.--
Who:is/amnia elegant aecompliihnienti and •
poetic , ability- T moderately, :,yet pleasingly,
so. ; His text was, fCI will arise, and go to
my, Father." He has, a woidr a ni, voice.
Well do remember its sonorous, yet intik.
cal and mournful cadences, on . themeitiors.-
. bib November day in 1852,- when
_a whOle
nation, as it were,,carried the great Duke to
his burial. That old, ,stooped, hoary.
headed man, as he, stood over the , o pen
grave '
under ' the donne, while Lor ds all
Commons,' elergY and laity; in thonsandi, ( ::
listened in intenseit;silenee, 'read out the-
Burial 'Service with , sublime , pathos, and ;
with a distinctness that penetrated every
ear and heart.
Doctor Hooke le to be the next preacher.
He his coneidirable -ease, as a' preacher,'
and - much of the. rotunda ore style. He
will endeavor, - , no_ doubt, to 'be plain and :
simple, and, probably.will produce a decent,
imitation` o f the true Gospel. it will wa.n . t h
however, itsi* Pauline fullness, and its Ja.
like fervor. .; The Bishop-of London tries' to ,
please all partiei; and after Dr. Hooke; willl
come one of • the very. best , of men,,and, l
ablest of preachers, the Rev. William Gad-,
man the Hector • of a SouthwarlC(London)
Westminster Abbey will be opened
similar services at the beginning of the - new
year. God grant, that in, addition to, this
" shaking pf the dry bones," we may, ere
long, find that 'a Divine breath, Ina en t er ed
into them r and that they live and stand
upon their feet, an exceeding great . army
MONTALEMBERT'S ibParoSitu- toy accept
"pardon," has proved most embarrassing to
the Emperor and : his eateilites. lie,appeals
to a higher court, and he has written to the
Moniteur a dignified rejection of - the offer
Made' to him. The truth that -even` if
"pardoned," he would still be subject , to
the- abominable ," Law of Suspected Per , .
sone," made Binge,- , the Effer9riliegalOP..
reign, by which, at anx,rime, and without,
Brian, or atitllolofilee; SOO Year, / BEE pßosp EcTus.
Delivered in the City, 1.75
teia4 oonlii. be, deported from 'France'
and -to 'Ambles.% , :and ileyemp,
tionermliko-thirhave oeoarred;. ' After Merl+
oregliettre bilinisonisient, also, this - retult,/
could. fel lo w
• In ObeHitool.ll . te l i, th e allied French end - .
Spaniah tro'opa 'beim been making progress .
in strooessful war, and were likely to Inizoh"
on ,the opi pi tal. The. occasion; or pceten cc
of this, is the persecution of Ilomish priests,
of whom, it is said, there are_three.itnndred._
if' "l' o m Cr 2 IIV EP•Pa
tivar. t oil?tri • j)oiltiold made,
iveth44- rr
''~.~~~~T iii. cc~,i~r:a~.
ltiptLor in ciietaki4rosirteite-'-. A
"niveki be)': vefp With
!such a email commercial marine: Fn Pales l
t c ine,Rusais i mekc to nonata,viot bar 4414-
ICIICe by th; foundation' o'f 'fresh eie l erttiliki:
sal eetabiiihineide. • ' '•'•
; Md. (i~LADSTONE has arrived - 'tin' the
'lonian Isles, as, ;an, 4iiiaordiriary porn rio
- and' adireAccr • DeAigiiiii4 in
Italian, with' greet ihiefitiy aleli oft.
• ;It is i,probitile we eirelinblik , eliato he , ":1 14
`equally „ ready with the Pet p ,e19#9 77 11
Greek,,laugnage with •whiA, 1 15,1 t :ite
and' ancient fornis ? he is, preignufien
familiar. His . visit is receiiielkiMlespli=i
imentary by the loniabit;itidit'say man can
i recone'ile their) to the BritisVPi•otedif,tate,
theiperlion to achieve) sushi's "":success.'
'Arri-Andthtl'aittisir; W i titthg , froie ',Ltrek.J
..nOwifdeities tlie:,truthCdf 'those 'represents- '
tipnattß whioh Mr.
,Resspl, the; Times core •
!respondent, has given some sanction,.
'that the English in India have it - truculent
spitit, toward the natives, callin g
Algid; it - the best;
Itinrignoultly Atithiltern. Thelrrithisf, that'
!the tone
.sfAlie Indian press rdoes•not repro-)
leee4 thv general, reeling,iarld ;tisk it lei no
lie first ,
up ... tot is the pre, hopar rr that.
• lie first , itnd last year, • throughdut ! &wrest
films the necessary reeuleor , itati; , e tria6b'ery; •
jand that
.‘ se,Viiility t 'gab ' AreVited
_,,by self
' ipreservitlofilliblitirocietY' nowwia -claming
?down; latklthatijusfice) and mercy united,
irepmrepttlie present , state of feeliug. lur
laddit on to Chip , ; the writerof long eve, t
, tetia---saya that cases of orueu t y ,
or' of eiiiiiiiiihktione dimanot toward naives, -
Jatelqiiiiateitieni.;l/, and-have been' found'
• ,11,13201* ,those) recently arrived;, twt:iunong)
• ..9.19 ,w4cm,t 44,1104*.
• ttu3sqlhas v!rpittle peisluid,knowledge, or
, !aotinaltrianie; id to thiiilvigiitirunt teenage.
Ir. . _ I
t The. IMAM:MT 414. T ,CAWNROBIS 44 /
inewl!kh • throin 'on" it, by . the 'activity of
aepireon-41to - 114 . 4ieen preeetti; lake, *
;for the sake aftlife3.-hart-tiourinalliltiiitidb
- Idillaninneesec. 4 lfil deiscribert fair
English gentlemen, who, lived in the,same ,
building with the ladies, were called out one
evening to, an interview with one of the,
•Nena's • chief officers, and, on their Way, '
were attacked frem behind, and butchered.
Thikw,as the beginning of what the Nena had.
• {resolved ,Tleye were twoltuidred and
;five woineuMii:itijuldren. The troops practi
t refusedWkilr them, lest they should
MP" defiled'"' with blood, and so lose caste.
Th la
ens sent into the town for two ordi
' !nary butchers, and a few others of, low
carte, and commanded,them to go in and put
them all to death. was zm, a hotel
hard by, .the terrible work was going 9n
from 5 P. M. -to' 10 and j fkisi l / 4 after five
hours, ie the bloodies picture in 'the book of
time," was reported as complete ! The
bodice were thrown into the well or the
Marvellous point remaining is
, this;the daughter of
•-;Gebetat-Wheelitri - is stat er,
ed to have been
• ;earried.folf alive 10y.,a Sower, and warp seen
1 0. 1 .14VOIrlejkd, 4 10 09PPeeY 1 ?g the Nen"
. Alms 1 , thinks t h at the poor
;lady May be yet _and that she may yet
i beihind and ieliairred iirtilie breaking up or
imiurrender of Tanga Topee's army That
'would-indeed•be life from the dead !
PALMSRS'I'ON hat 3 been speaking at
artlakgrioultural• - dinner Romsey , (where
is his cotirft omit of : " •Broadlands,)= and
wit:bent any prominent referent:o4o palities
,points out how the late. adininistra
tiCiiivelesiteillsirdesElgitt-ind Clyde tile men
liselbeettectenceesitful in
China,-,and Aspen. 'The4ilityor of the town;
adroitly took credit to .the noble Lord's]
If moral, ecittrager in crossing the channel
aneving good- advice to the French Em
peror, --for -the Otani of Moritalembert
Perhaps he- spoke the truth after all: It
will come out someday.
The.. Right a . Hon. Robert , Lowe, late
President of the Board of Trke,, has .been
sioeitifii at great - length at Kidderminster,
against Mr. Bright's extreme - views. -Mr.
Milner Gibson, - the' success of whose mo
tion last session overturned) the Palmerston
Ministry,.haebeen readingli lecture, to-:the
Liberal Press, for its remarks on the French
Btrifteicor'e conduot, and advises them (very
basely) to say nothing about French affairs.
TheTisne#; Daily News, and other papers,
retort ,w_ith dignified severity. , The Man
cheater school, in their, zeal for trade and
'commerce, seem to have got hearts of cotton,
and not of the - true Britieli and patriotic
kind. Mr. Bright is to 'speak to-night, at
a.great ineetinglit lianehester. It is
that the Reform-Bill.of next session will be
a- compromise' between, parties, much as the
India Bill of " lastsession
turned out. The
Daily, Aresei asserts that ft the elemenis of a
faCtious land' frirthidable Conspiracy agaiinst
all[Parliainentary Reform, are eetivelyi in
motion, end that the Whigs have s band, in
4." The Times backs this standstill policy,
and it is pretty certain, that Mr. Lowe, one
of Palinerston l s lieutenants, is the writer 'of
the subject,- W
its articles
P. S.;--The •Atlantie;Tolegraph Company
propose, the lay* down of a, new Tele
graph Cable, j!nd, backed by eminent pier
ooritile authorities, Bak
,the Goveinment to
p arsifitieez 5i per odd': on a 'capital *of
1 , 580,60 Q.
The=,-Bank of Englandtunexpectedly re
duced- - disecnntr IMO rdah to • 2.1 per
pent, This was foll9wpd by an immediate
rise in the 'friiide.
What a beautiful virtue is benevolence- ,
It is a prinione tie existing biltween man and
Man, childien of one' ednirtion4ither—i tie
:wholly affected by difference of age, station',
)kindied,,er.,.cormtry, and overwhich the ar
.tifi4al.distinotions of a vain world have little