Presbyterian banner & advocate. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1855-1860, January 01, 1859, Image 3

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    For the Presbyterian Itannar and Ai:troves
Bible Agents Wanted
having recently adopted, upon my field
of labor, the system which for several years
past has been so successfully carried out le
Illinois, I am in immediate need of a few
enterprising and efficient men, to labor as
Bible agents. I therefore send cut this call,
hoping it may fall under the eye of some
who may be induced to make application for
a place in this ig g oo d work of the Lord."
Ministers of the Gospel are preferred. A
fair and satisfactory compensation will be
afforded to men of the right stamp, and pos.
nosed of the requisite qualifications.
Applicants Lire requested to address the
subscriber, at Cleveland, Ohio,
Agent A. B. B. l ,fir Eastern Ohio.
Tor the Presbyterian Bonner and Advocate.
Chippewa Mission.
Ma. EDITOR :—Whilst at Bayfield, Wis.,
in eciMpany with the other brethren of the
Prepbytery, and several friends, I visited
the Mission amongst the Chippewa Indians,
at Bad River. The morning was pleasant,
the wind fair, and a few hours sailing on
the lake, and rowing up the winding Mush
ke•see•be (incorrectly translated Bad,) River,
brought us to the Mission buildings on the
Indian Reservation. The missionary, Rev.
L. H. Wheeler, gave us a warm welcome.
We were sorry that his excellent lady,
whose kindness bad made former visits sn
homelike, was absent, but glad to know that
she had left toil and trial in the wilderness,
to sojourn for awhile with the "loved ones"
away in the East.
• Col. Drew, Indian Agent for the West
end of Lake . Superior, was present, and
preparing to pay the Government annuity
to the Indians on this part of the lake.
From one thousand to fifteen hundred were
present, representing three thousand. Their
wigwams, of bark, matting, and balsam
boughs, were scattered in all directions.
And these sons of the forest might be seen
lolling on the grass, or leaning against the
sunny side of a house, smoking in listless
indifference, or engaged in some species of
gambling. They were peaceable and quiet,
and I saw no drinking. Generally, the
Indiana are a degraded looking race, very
different from the imaginings of those who
have read of them in our histories; but
amongst the band from Lake do Flambrau,
eighty miles in the interior, there were
some noble specimens of men.
The Agent called in, successively, the
chief of each band, who came with his
head man, and a little stick for each inch.
vidual under him, and from him obtained
the whole number of families, the number
of individuals in each, and the name of
its head; these are all written down, and
a complete roll made. An estimate of
the amount of money each is to receive, is
made, and the goods divided into packages,
and labeled.. This year, each received
$2.20 in money, and $3.00 in goods. The
roll completed, and the division made, the
payment proceeds. The first chief, with
his head man, is brought into the office,
receives his bundle and money, and remains
till his band are paid. Each is called to
the door by a public crier, and receives his
portion. Many of the names are emphati
cally jaw -breakers. I remember but few,
and these not by any means the hardest. I
give you a specimen : Na wa je.wun-os ;
A•ton•e-ge-zhek. When the bands were
paid, guns, ammunition, &0., were distrib
uted to the chiefs, according to the number
of his people, and each was clothed in a
new coat, of blue cloth, with satin lining
and gilt buttons, and belted with a red sash.
At the close of payment, a Counsel was
held, in which the Indians told their wants,
and their "Father," the Agent, gave them
good advice. The old aversion to labor still
remains amongst them, as they told the Agent
they did not want any more grub hoes, but
more guns, ammunition, and traps.
By the energy and system of the Agent,
the whole payment passed off quietly and
A vigilant police prevented the sale of
liquor on the ground. And by the compe
tition of the traders present, the Indians ob•
tained such goods as they needed at reason
able rates.
As soon as payment was over, the.lndians
left for their homes, some of them having
a hundred miles or more to travel inland.
It hardly pays to travel so far for the small
pittance they receive, and be exposed also
to the danger of losing it all for that ac
cursed thing, whiskey. Many of them
would no doubt be beset and robbed by men
who would sell soul and body to get gain.
These things in regard to what our Gov
ernment is doing for the temporal comfort
of the Indians. In my next, I will give
a brief account of the efforts for their spirit
ual good. Yours, truly, J.M.S.
For the Prembyterian Banner and Advocate
Dedication, Revival, and Installation.
The Mansfield church edifice was dedicat
ed to the service of the Lord Jesus Christ, on
the third Sabbath of November, free of all
pecuniary inoumbrance. The dedicatory
sermon was preached in the morning, by Rev,
R. P. Farris, of Peoria, from Isaiah lvi : 7
"My bowie shall be called a house of
prayer." The house was filled with a very
attentive audience. The sermon was very
appropriate to the occasion. A very deep
and solemn interest was manifested.
In the afternoon, the Lord's Supper was
administered. Introductory service by the
pastor elect, prayer and distribution of the
bread by Rev. George Cairns, and distribu
tion of the cup and closing prayer, or thanks
giving, by Rev. R. P. Farris. After ser
vice, on Sabbath evening, an invitation was
extended to any who desired the prayers of
the church, to come forward; when about
twenty-five mime forward, weepinz, as they
came, to present themselves as living sacri-
floes to the Lord Jesus. Truly, it was a
house of prayer.
The Lord not only heard, •but answered
the prayer of his people, for in .the morning
the dedicatory prayer of King Solomon was
read and prayed, and now the glory of the
Lord filled the house. Such a visible ac
ceptance of a house of worship by the great
Head of the Church, in bringing these
youth, by his Holy Spirit, to offer them
selves up living sacrifices to himself, we
never before beheld. It was truly a melting
time to this little flock of Christ.
We continued our meetings On Mon
day evening others came forward to ask the
prayers of God's people; also, on Tuesday
evening, some others added themselves to
the number of inquirers; but numbers of
others, deeply anxious, did not come, wbo
we trust will yet come to Jesus. Most of
those who came, are children of the Cove
nant, and are now "rejoicing in hope of the
glory of God."
The first sensible indication of the pres
ence of God's Spirit among us, was at a
monthly prayer meeting, about mid Sum
mer, from which time we have kept up a
weekly prayer -meeting, which has been well
attended and very interesting. Besides our
weekly prayer•weeting, we have established
a prayer.meeting conducted by the young
Our meetings are still very interesting,
and the earnest prayer of his people is that
the Lard will continue the gook work of his
Spirit among us. We are much indebted
to those excellent brethren, Rev. R. P. Far.
ris, Rev. G. Cairns, and Rev. J. Winn, for
their labors of love during our meetings.
On the Monday alter the Dedication, the
pastor elect was installed. Rev. R. P.
Farris presided, preached the sermon, and
delivered the charge to the pastor. Rev.
George Cairns delivered the charge to the
people. S.
Receipts of the Board of Foreign Nis
sions, from Kay let to December Ist.
From Olnarolies. Ltgncies. Mloollan'a. Total.
1358, $42,249 12,530 8,815 63,594*
1857, $44,533 4,957 10,005 69,496
Under the first and third of the above
°lasses are included $3,290 from the Sunday
School collections in the same months. We
learn, also, that including these Sunday
School collections, nine hundred and twen
ty•eight churches, out of the three thousand
three hundred and twenty four which form
our body, have made contributions in whole
or in part during this period, to the treasury
—leaving two thousand three hundred- and
ninety six to give their aid in the remaining
five months of the mission year, which ends
as usual on the 30th of April.
In connexion with this statement, we are
thankful to mention that six of the students
now in the senior year of their Seminary
course, have been accepted as missionaries,
and others will probably apply for appoint
ment. Three of these are appointed to
China, and a missionary now in this country
expects to return to that field in the Spring.
Only one as yet is under appointment to
India, though we have reason to expect that
two others will apply for appointment to that
country. The field of labor of two of those
who are already accepted, has not yet been
fully determined.
We trust it has been in answer to the
prayers of the churches, that so many ap
proved brethren are expecting to go forth
as missionaries. And if so, we may believe
that Ile, who has heard the prayers of his
people in this case, will also enable them
to furnish the necessary means of sending
these new laborers to their work. The funds
for this purpose ought to be provided before
the end of the present mission year. The
expense to be incurred for outfit and voyage
will commence early in the Summer—at a
time when very few of the churches make
their contributions to this cause. We do
not ask for special collections, but we are anx
ious that our brethren should clearly un
derstand the case. Unless the regular con
tributions of the churches between this and
the 30th of April, should be sufficient to
meet the present current expenses of the
missions, and also to provide for the expense
of sending out these new men ; it will not
be practicable to send them out without em
barrassing delay. It will not be wise for the
Committee te.boreow money in order to send
forth new missionaries. We earnestly hope
there will be no occasion for any delay.
These laborers, and more, are greatly needed
—especially in China and inlndia., Shall
they not be sent forth ?—For. Missionary.
*Of which are $2,758.97 special contributions
for losses in India.
Per the Presbyterian Banner and Advocate
Presbytery of Western Reserve.
The brethren composing this new Pres
bytery, met, by appointment Gf Synod, in
Westminster church, Cleveland, Ohio, Dec.
14th, and completed the organization of the
The sermon, a very able one, was preached
by Rev. Wm. Campbell, of Northfield. The
Rev. J. D. Hughes was chosen Moderator,
and Rev. F. T. Brown, Stated Clerk. The
Rev. W. S. Kennedy, Principal, and Rev.
J. D. Hughes,. alternate, were nominated for
Commissioners to the next General Assem
This Presbytery, which is nearly co•ex.
tensive with the Reserve, has twelve
churches, nine ministers, and one licentiate.
One of the nine ministers, the Rev. Mr.
.11e Here, is a missionary in Africa. The
brethren are in fine spirits, and hope, by the
blessing of God, to do much good in their
new organization. F. T. B.
For the Presbyterian Banner and Advocate
The Trustees of Mansfield congregation,lll.,
would hereby acknowledge a donation of
sistysis dollars, from a few tried friends in
the congregation of the Forks of Wheeling,
t 3 aid'in furnishing their house of worship.
T. T. S.
For the Presbyterian Banner and Advocate. '
New Lisbon Itesbytery.
The following supplies were appointed by the
New Lisbon Presbytery at its late sessions :
Church of Niles.—Fourth Sabbath of December,
fourth Sabbath of January, and fourth Sabbath
of February, Mr. Speer&
Yellow Creek chureh.2-Fourth Sabbath of Feb
ruary, Dr. MacHastor.
Study the Bible.
Never, never neglect the Word of God;
that will make the heart rich with precept,
rich with understanding; and then thy con
versation, when it flows from thy mouth,
will be like thine heart, rich, unctious, and
savory. Make thy heart full of rich, gen
erous love, and then the stream that flows
from thy hand will be just as rich and gen
erous as thine heart. Above all, get Jesus
to live in thine heart, and then out of tby
belly shall flow rivers of living water, more
rich, more satisfying than the water of the
well of Sychar, of which Jacob drank. Oh I
go, Christian, to the great mine of riches,
and cry unto the Holy Spirit to make thy
heart rich unto salvation. So shall thy life
and conversation be a boon to thy fellows;
and when they see thee, thy face shall be as
the angel of Uoti. Thou shalt wash thy
feet in butter and thy steps in oil; they
that sit in the gate shall rise up when they
dee thee, and men shall do thee reverence.---
Spurgeon's Gems.
Alterarg gatirts.
This is another excellent issue of our Board.
In a neat case there are six admirable Tracts,
neatly printed, and covered with colored paper,
costing only twelve and a half cents. These
Tracts are for the young, and no better reward
books could be had on ordinary occasions. Our
Board is doing a good work by preparing such
admirable matter as the juvenile library now
POVERTY ; Three Essayß for the Season. By
Charles P. Krauth. Pittsburgh: W. S. Haven.
1858. Pp. 48.
Every production from Dr. Krauth gives evi
dence of a warm, kind, and well-trained mind,
and carefnl research. The• substance of these
three essays was originally delivered in the form
of an address, at the Anniversary of the Alle
gheny Ladies' Society far the relief of the poor.
Subsequently the same. matter was used in lb
sermon to his own people. And now, at the re
quest of Mr. Haven, this publication has been
made for the promotion of Christian charity. The
subjects discussed are: The Perpetuity of Pov
erty ; The Causes of Poverty ; and the Relief or
Poverty. Both the reader's heart and under
standing will be profited Sy the perusal of these
well-digested and well-written essays.
Smyth, D.D. 18mo., pp. 170. Philadelphia:
Presbyterian Board of Publication. 1868.
Like all the works which proceed from the pen
of the esteemed author, this little volume is re
plete with clear, forcible, and judicious matter.
We are glad to see such volumes written for our
ATLANTIC '4 l .'lolin:llY, —The Januoxy number is
on our table with the usual promptness. Awl a
glance at.the table of contents, along with a taste
of one or two of the articles, assures us of a rich
feast just as soon as a little leisure will allow us
to sit down to the repast. The publishers, at the
beginning of the third volume, promise that the
same general features that have characterized the
work from the beginning, will be continued, and
that new attractions will be added from time to
Sat/SHINE ; or Kate Vinton. By //artist B.
McKeever, author of "Twilight Musings," &c.
12m0., pp. —. Philadelphia: Lindsay .3-
Blakialon. 1858.
We can assure the authoress, the publit3hers;
and the public, that this book is far above the
ordinary range of the Claes to which it belongs.
The lessons of the volume are arranged in the
form of a tale, in which the incidents' of a girl's
boarding school are well portrayed. We know
the " Mr. Howard," and too much is not said of
him. He is one of the excellent of the earth.
The chief character of the tale is happily con
ceived, well drawn, and true to life. Altogether
we feel assured that "Sunshine" gives evidence
of much valuable matter being yet in store,
which the - public may expect front the same pen.
New York : Leonard Scott 4 Co.
The contents of this admirable number are :
1. The Present State of France.
2. Translations from the Sanskrit.
8. German Church Historians.
4. Oxford Aristotelianism.
5. Aquatic Zoology- 7 Sir John G. Dalyell..
6. Decimal Coinage.
7. Novels by the Authoress of "John Halifax."
8. Popular Education in Britain and Ireland.
0. Decay of Modern Satire.
10. The Atlantic Telegraph, and,
11. Recent Publications.
HARPER'S MAGAZINE for January is. surpass
ingly one. The Panama Railroad, the Red River
Region, and Quebec, are all profusely and beau
tifully illustrated. In this department, the pub
lishers are acting in the spirit of a hint which
we threw out shortly after the starting of the
gtl2s ptpartmtut.
Locks, Safety, Philanthropy.
• Our friend WOODBRIDGE - continites to furnish us with
BURGLAR PROEM Locks, to sell at reduced prices, and apply
the avails to Missionary purposes, Sabbath Schools, or the
spread of a pure Gospel in, any form. All the commission
we wish for selling them is the•pleasure of thus promoting
the cause we love. That the locks cannot be picked, is a
fact well established, the proprietor haying, for several
years, publicly offered $2,000 for picking.
The present reduced prices ($3.60 to $5.00,) must make it
an object for store-keepers and others to use them, espe
cially those who love the cause of Missions. Call or send.
DEC. 24.—The 'Union has an editorial this
morning, ir which it speaks of Spain as a fraud
ulent debtor, and urges the seizure of Cuba..
Nothing official has yet been received from the
schooner Susan, but it is generally reported that
the filibusters who left Mobile in the steamer
Fashion, ostensibly for Texas, have landed twenty
miles below the month of the Colorado, where
there are now congregated probably one thousand.
armed men.
The Secretary of the Treasury has decided, on
appeal, that beet root, used in the manufacture of
paper, is chargeable for duty fifteen per cent.,
the cotton velvet part of Coburg robes a quille,
twenty four yer cent., and the worsted part nine
ten per cent.; cotton duck, nineteen per . cent.
(The importer had claimed entry at fifteen per
cent., as "sail duck, but no such article is speci
fied in the tariff of 1857.) Pearls, though strung
on thread, if imported to be set in the United
States, four per cent. Bags of American manu
facture, exported from the United States, filled
with grain, and afterwards imported filled with
grain, will be admitted free of duty. Tea laden
on board of junks in waters within the T.rri
torial limits of China, is considered as laden. in
the ports of that country ; but tea, the product of
China, purchased and laden on board of Chinese
junks in the roadstead, harbor or waters of Singa
pore, cannot be treated as coming from the country
of production, and-will be subject to duty. The
Secretary has overruled the decision by which
duty was charged on mill stones, and, places them
with burr.stones, wrought or Unwrought, but un
The following regulations, prescribed under the
tariff of 1846, have been reaffirmed on questions
arising on appeal under the tariff of 1857:
Dutiable merchandize imported into the United
States, and afterwards exported, although it may
have paid duty on the first importation, is liable
to duty at every subsequent importation.
Wheat, when imported in moderate quantities,
exclusively for experiment and improvement in
agriculture, will be admitted duty free.
The balance in the Treasury on Monday
amounted to $3,414,000; the receipts of the
previous week to $1,072,000; the drafts paid to
$1,969,000; the drafts issued to $2,298,009 ; re
duction from the previous week $1,226,000.
The session of the United States Senate was
opened on Friday last by prayer by Father Boyle,
a Roman Catholic priest. He was arrayed in
full costume, and quite a number of priests, also
in vestments, assisted on the occasion. There
was a numerous attendance of spectators, and it
is reported that the novelty of the scene occa
sioned no little conversation.
DEC. 28.—Judge Samuel W. Black, of Penn
sylvania, will, there is little, if any doubt, be ap
pointed Governor of Nebraska, and the vacancy
on the bench of that Territory will be filled by a
gentleman from Georgia.
While the opponents of the Old Soldiers' Bill
estimate from $11,000,000 to $15,000,000 would
be required to carry it into effect, its friends
say that from the most accurate• calcula
tion the amount. would be only $300,000 per
annum. There is, however, no prospect of the
bill becoming a law.
Gen. Walker is believed to be in the vicinity of
Mobile. Gen. Henningsen is still in Washington.
Among the recent confirmations by the U. S.
Senate, were Alexander Wilson. of Philadelphia,
as District Attorney for Utah Territory, and Al
fred M. Lay as District Attorney for the South
Western District of Missouri. .
DEC. 28.—The Southern papers received by
mail contain accounts of an enthusiastic meeting
at Columbus, Mississippi, to coniider the subject
of rendering material aid to General Walker, in
carrying out the Southern emigration scheme to
Nicaragua. Several other similar meetings are
announced, and it is said that the sympathy of
Mississippi is fully awakened.
The Slave Trade.
Savasmaa, Dec. 28.—The 11. S. officers caught
one of the young Africans. supposed to have been
landed from the yacht Wanderer, hat week, on
Seltyl Island. He was brought to this city on
Saturday, but has since disappeared. The•offi
cials are bothered about this single African,
while scores aave been transported by rail and
steamer throughout the South. The 11. S. Mar
shal is Jiere; his resignation is requested, but he
refuses. He will probably be displaced, though
he is generally considered blameless.
Important from Mexico.
NiW ORLEANS, Dec. 27.—The steamship Ten
nessee has arrived from Vera Crox with dates to
the 22c1 ult. The news is undecisive though in
teresting. El Progresso spnalts in high terms of
President Buchanan's message. and thinks that
the position taken in regard to Mexico will induce
the European powers to recede from their present
position, and that the Liberty party will reap an
advantage by the attitude assumed at Washington,
and prevent the necessity of establishing military
posts at Obivahua and Sonora.
A deposits of silver, 'amounting to one hun
dred and twenty-five thousand dollars, bad been
found in a vault attached to Mr. Forsyth's house.
Gen. Zuloaga was still in the City of Mexico,
but was prepared for eight at any moment.
Gen Marques has been defeated by Degoledo.
The Archbishop refuses to supply Zuloago with
More money. A triumvirate was proposed.
Five French and three Spanish war vessels
were at Sacrificios ; also, the United States sloop
of war Saratoga. Another United States sloop of
war was seen off Vera Cruz.
It is rumored that Zuloago has offered to place
Mexico under the protectorate of Great Britain,
and that a Mr. Worrell has been dispatched to
England to arrange the matter.
Gen. Echegaray has defeated Carnano at the
Hacienda San Michatas.
A Spanish brig of war had arrived at Tampico.
Gen. Alabriste had defeated the Zuloaga forces
before Puebla.
A bottle has been picked rip at sea off Coates.-
cokes. river, enclosing a written statement to the
effect that the Spanish frigate Guadeloupe had
been wrecked off the coast of Lobos, while making
preparations for the threatened attack.
Pittsburgh, Ft. Wayne and Chicago Road,
At 7 o'clock this morning, for the first time
" since the Creation," a through train of oars fur
the East is to trundle out of a railroad terminus
in the West Division. Glory enough for one
Christmas day, for our West Side friends, we
should say. Thanks to the untliuoihing and un
conquerable zeal of the managers of the enter
prise, the Chicago, Pittsburgh and Fort Wayne
Railroad stands to-day completed, and in one
unbroken line of railroad, managed by one com
pany, ties together the Garden City, on Lake
Michigan, and the City of Brotherly Love, nine
hundred and odd miles away.
And this has been accomplished for Chicago
without the slightest encouragement and aid as a
city to the company—without a dollar loaned, or
a bond executed. The undertaking has been
pushed during a period of unparalleled depres
sion and money pressure. It has triumphed over
obstacles that seemed to loom insurmountably in
its path, and to-day is here—another tie between
the North-West and the seaboard.—Chicago
Press, of SFiurday.
Exports from the United States.
The export trade from the United States should
be diligently studied, not only by merchants for
profit, by statesmen for knowledge of the finan
cial condition of the country, but chiefly by the
people, that they may know the condition of the
national balance sheet, and the effect of the Tariff,
commercial laws, etc., upon their prosperity.
We give the aggregates of the export trade for
the fiscal years, 1866. 1867, and 1858, dividing
the statement into different products :
Products of 1856. 1857. 1858.
Bea $1,856,797 $3,739,6,14 53,550,266
Forest 10,694,184 14,699,711 13,476,771
Agriculture 218,290,649 227,558,727 201,632.408
Manufactures 31,276.238 30,119,646 30,241,991
Bullion 44,148,279 60,078.352 42,407,245
Raw Products 2,820,183 2,768,685 2,446 665
Total $310,586,389 $333,985,065 $293,768,279
Comparing these statements it will be Peen that
the decrease in exports in the years 1856 and
1858 is chiefly in the agricultural products.
The difference in the exports for those two
years is as follows :
Total exports,
1856 $810,586.330
1858 ' 292,758,279
Deoreaeey $16,828,051
The decrease in the exports of agricultural
products for the same time, is as follows.
Export of Agricultural Pr0duct55218,290,649
—New York Courier and Enquirer
Horrors of the Coolie Trade.
The following figures, = derived from official
sources at Havana, exhibit in a striking light the
horrors attendant upon the Coolie trade:
Coolies received previous to April, 1855, 6,106
Coolies received since, - 28,880
Died in transit previous to April, 1855, 965
Died in transit since, • 5,874
Showing perished at sea, in course of transpor
tation, 15 3 10 per cent. of the whole number
embarked for Cuba—not enumerating some thous
ands lost by casualties, mutinies, itc., where the
vessels did. not arrive.
Increase of Wool in Ohio.
The Wooi-Grower, for December gives a tabu
lar statement of the numbei of sheep in this
State, showing 3,308,883 bead, which, at three
pounds of wool per head, is 9,826,490 pounds—an
increase over last year of ten per cent., or about
a million of pounds. The aggregate net increase
of the number of sheep in the State, inl.BsB.over
1857, is given at 32.100. More than one-half
the counties show a decrease in nuMber. The
number of sheep in Athens County in 1857, was
25,495; the number returned in 1858, was 22,-
643—showing a decrease of 2,852.
Increase of Beavers.
The beavers, being comparatively unmolested,
have begun to increage and multiply, and to re
appear in their old haunts. At a recent meeting
of the Canadian Institute it was stated that they
bad made their appearance in many places in
Canada, and were rapidly multiplying. Quite a
number are to be found within three hours ride
of Toronto, and they are to be seen in consider
able force in the Nottowasago river.
Interesting to Spinsters.
A. new kind of ig immigration" scheme is being
carried into -execution in Paris. The English
Australian colonies suffer from the scarcity of the
fair sex even more than the French colonies from
the want of negro labor. Several agents ,have
arrived in the French capital, and are offering
large premiums with the promise of a husband as
soon as they arrive at the antipodes, to all French
spinsters under the age of thirty. They have
collected about one hundred.
Guano Discovered.
It is stated in Washington tapers and letters,
that further large and valuable deposits of guano
have been discovered in the Pacific Ocean, and
formally taken possession of by citizens of the
United States, and that they have been recog
nized under the Act of Congress passed 1866.
Among these islands are Malden's, Arthus, How
land's, awl Christmas; .and at one of them there
is said to be a land-locked harbor in a lagoon,
six miles broad by twelve miles long, which is
entered from a bay outside, where ships can
safely anchor in seven to ten fathoms water.
Almost the entire surface of this island, more
than forty miles-long and fifteen broad, is reported
to be covered with guano from one to ten foot
Kansas Gold mines.
The Kansas City Journal of Commerce of De
cember 14, and indeed all the - Kansas papers, are
full of letters from the gold regions. The news
appears to be favorable. Among other letters
published, are eight from miners, who left Kansas
City and Leavenworth in the Fall, all of whom
speak of the gold as abundant. One miner
writes :—" Gold is found everywhere you stick a
shovel, paying from - live to ten cents the pan
while prospecting, and there is no doubt but what
it will pay from ten to twenty dollars per day to
the men. As I remarked above, gold, is here
plenty, and as soon as Spring makes its appear
ance, the whole world will be in a blase of aston
ishment at the riches that will be taken out of
the earth."—Philad4phio North American.
THE remnant of Carnaghati's Winter stook of
fine piece goods for custom work, and well made
clothing for men's and boys' wear, is now being
disposed of at low rates to make way for'Spring
goods. • Those acquainted with the character of
hie stock will best appreciate his present :prices
Tnn deficit in the revenues of the Public Works
of Ohio for the fiscal year ending Deo. let, 18 , 58,
as compared with her expenditures, is $66,819.25.
Catholicism in the United States.
The Metropolitan Catholic Almanac for 1859,
just issued, contains the tollowing statistics in
reference to the present condition of the Catholic
Church in the 'United Btktes, contrasted with its
conditions in the years 1839 and 1849
Provinces 1 1539.1 1899.
Dioceses 18 Dioceses
Bishops 18113isbons
Il' tests 45P Priests
Charehes 41F Churches
Dyspepsia, Headache and Indigestion,
by which all persons are more or less affected,
can usually be cured by taking moderate exercise,
wholesome food, and a dose of Bmrhave's Holland
Bitters, one hour before each meal.
CAuTIo7O.—Bo careful to ask for Bcerhave's
`Holland Bitters.
Sold at $l.OO per bottle; or, six bottles for
$5.00, by the sole proprietors, BENJAMIN
PAGE, JR., & CO., Pittsbargh ; and Druggists
Xedical Testimony Cannot be Contra
One of the most startling cases is narrated of
Dr. M'Lane's Yertnifuge by Dr. John Butler, of
Lowell, Trumbull. County, Ohio. The case was
that of a young lady who had been sick for eight
years, and had consulted a number of physicians,
who had treated it as one of Prolapsus Uteri.
Dr. Butler was then called in, and for a time be
lieved with his predecessors that it was a case of
Prolapsus. He was, however, soon forced to the
conclusion that his patient was suffering from
worms, and after much persuasion prevailed upon
her to take two doses of Dr. M'Lane's Vermifoge,
prepared by Fleming Bros. of Pittsburgh. This
medicine had the effect of removing from her
a countless number of the largest size. After she
passed them, her health immediately returned.
She is since married, and continues to enjoy ex
cellent health.
Purchasers will be careful to ask for DR.
factured by FLEMING BROS., of Prmannuan:
Pa. All other Vermifuges in comparison are
worthless. Dr. M.'Lane's genuine Vermifugel
also his celebrated Liver Pills, can now be bad at
all respectable dru g stores. None genuine withou
the signature of FLEMING BROS.
Aariaa—Pearls, 6 416%04 Pots, 5Y 4 04 Soda As - h, ordinary
quality, Sy.sage.
Aretes--Ohome varieties readily command $4.25@4.75, if
in good condition.
Berns. AND Eses—Prime Roll Butter, 200. in bblo., and
21442 in boxes. Common roll, 17018 c. Eggs, 20c.
BEANS—SmaII white, 1.50; from drat hands, $1.25.
Esammaams—Bales in the small way at $12.00 per bbl.
Onazsz--Bales of choiNs selected are making in the small
way at 9e per lb.
DRIED Pam—Sales of Apples on arrival at $2.20@2.25;
from store in the small way at 2.50. Peaches: sales of quar
ters from first hands at 8.52@5.75, and from store, quarters
,and halves at $4.00a4.25.
FEATEISES—Westorn. 48e, from first hands, 1111 d, 68a55e. in
the retail way from store.
Froo—'6:47sc. for _Bran, 95®100 for Shorts, and 1.20@125
for Middlings.
Frous.---Sales on arrival of superfine at $4.75@4.80, and
extra at 5.0145 12. From atom, sales of superfine at 5.00
115.12. extra at 5.25(0.35. and family do. at 5.50a5.75.
Rye Flour sells in the - small way from store at 4.25, and
Corn Meal at 75r481c. 88 bus. Buckwheat: sales from first
hands of bulk at $2 56t2 62; and in sacks of 50 lbs. at 2.68
(42.75 100 lbs.; from store, a good demand to go out of
market at 2.80©2.87.
Gasm—Oats: sales are now making from first hands at
50@530, Corn has sold freely all week at 75c. for liar, from
first hands. Barley, 61§6.2e. for Spring, and 70c. for prime
Fall. Rye, 76c. Wheat: sales of Mediterranean at 1.00,
and Southern mixed at 1.20 ; Tennessee, 1.25
Grtoosams—Sales in the regular way of Sugar et 714.@7,64,
by the hhd., and Molasses at 36®38 to city and country.
Coffee is quite trm at 12 412%,
Her—Sales of new at $10a1.3.00 per ton.
Momms- r Sales of common at $6.00, and choke Pearl at
$l6 648,2 I
Mugs—Green Beef Hides, WA; Calf do. at 10; Green
milted laties,'BXe.B%; and Dry Flint at 17%e18.
Boas—The receipts are steadily declining, and the pack
ing season le nearly over! pales of large live Hogs at 5.00@
5.20, gross, and dreaded at 51.4 a
Lean—No. I,llc.
Ltnessa--Greest common is held mainly at 8.00 on the
wharf, and shingles at 2.25. Timber firm at 7 4 1 9 e. per
cubic foot.
Otr—Lard 011 No. 1. 85e. Linseed, 80c.
Yorazozs—Sales from store of Nasbannocks at 21.00 per
bus., and 2.60 per bbl., and mixed at 8485 e. per bus.
Suns—Clover from first hands at 5.26, and good sized
lota would probably command 5.30. Timothy, 1.20a1.60,
and Flax, 160.
*reign linttiligenct.
The steamship Asia, arrived at New York on
the 27th ult., brings Liverpool dates to the 11th
ult. Her passage was delayed by bad weather.
The Asia passed the steamship Canada at 8
o'clock on the morning of the 12th ; the City of
Baltimore at 7 o'clock on the evening of the Mb,
and the Persia at 1 o'clock on the morning of the
Numerous• arrests have been made near Cork,
Ireland, of parties connected with a filibustering
invasion from America.
It is fully expected that the British Govern
ment will guarantee' new capital, amounting to
half a million pounds sterling, in aid of the Atlan
tic Telegraph Company, and that a new contract
for another cable will be immediately made.
Numerous political speeches had been made by
many prominent politicians, including Messrs.
Gibson and Bright, on the subject of the reform
movement, at the great demonstration at Man
Fifteen young men, occupying respectable po
sitions in society, have been arrested near Cork,
on the charge of being members of a Society, hay.
ing for its object the invasion of Ireland by Amer
ican fillibusters.
The London Times contains the following intel
ligence in reference to the Atlantic Cable
The Company has made application to the Gov
ernment for a guarantee of 4/ per cent. on L637,-
000, subject to the same conditions as the Red
Sea Telegraph line, and this application has been
backed by memorials from all the leading firms of
London, Manchester, Liverpool, Birmingham,
Leeds, Halifax, Bradford, Hull, Glasgow, Paisley,
and Norwich. If this application be granted,
contracts will immediately be concluded for anew
cable, and any negotiations with the American
Government which may be necessary, will subse
quently be entered into.
No attempt can be made, with any prospect of
success,,to lift the old cable, until the return of
calm weather at the end of April or May next,
and even under the best circumstances the expec
tations with regard to this operation are not fa:
vorable. Meanwhile, it has been definitely ascer
tained that the existing damage is not at the
shore end. The laying of the new end has been
completed to the distance of twelve miles out from
Valentia, and the portion taken up is found to be
in perfect condition for all purposes. The experi
ments lately undertaken by a person previously
connected with the enterprise, confirm the original
inference that the main fault is about two hun
dred and seventy miles from the Irish coast, at a
depth of nine hundred fathoms. There is also a
fault on the other side, which is thought to be
about three hundred miles from New Foundland.
Currents, however, still continue to be received,
although of a kind so feeble and uncertain as to
be useless for any practical purpose. At present
the telegraph is in charge of Mr- Henley,* who
is manufacturing an apparatus such as his expe
rience on the spot leads him to think may yet pos
sibly lead to some results, but in no case could
there be a hope of achieving permanent and satis
factory communication otherwise than by a new
line. The Times thinks that there is but little
doubt that the consent of the government will be
given to the application of the Company.
The meeting of the French legislature had been
postponed till February.
The hearing of M. Montaletabert's appeal has
been fixed for the 24th of December.
The Bank of France has gained during the
month 26,000,000 f. in specie.
It is reported that a French vessel engaged in
the negro emigration trade, had been overhauled
by a British cruiser, on the African Coast, and
compelled to discharge the cargo of Africans no
* The word" Henley" wee received through the cable on
Saturday wee.k.--Reporter Associated
3 Provinces
30 Dioceses 43
26 Vicariates 2
1008IBishops 45
966 Priests 2108
Oburehes 23Z4
PITTBBI7EGH, TUeitdfily, D.cember 27
Great Britain.
board, although the shipment bad been made in
perfectly regular manner. ,
The Spanish expedition against Mexico is to be
augmented by large additions of vessels of war,
and troops, and it will evidently be much larger
than wee previously supposed.
The Eton. Wm. B. Reed, the American Com
missioner, had not returned from Spain.
The death of the Emperor of Japan is reported.
All was quiet at Canton, and trade had been
The Australian mail, with Melbourne dates to
October 15th, had reached Suez. The mail
steamer had £130,000 in gold for London. Trade
continued good, and large shipments to England
were being made. •
I ad/ 4
Lord Clyde marched to the attack of Amethee
in the month of November. The Rajah submit
ted. and the fort surrendered.
On the 11th, the Sepoys fled front Gewarre,
which was captured by the English troops.
The PRESBYTERY OF ALLEGHENY orry will meet in
the Lecture Room of the First chnrch. Allegheny City, on
the Second Tuesday of January, at 10 o.'clocir A. M.
' JAMES ALLISON, Stated Clerk.
The PRESBYTERY OF OHIO will meet hi the Lecture
room of the First church, Pittsburgh, on the Second Tues
day of January, at :a o'clock P. B.
W. B. McILVAINE, Stated Clerk.
Leeehberg on the Piret Tneeday of January, at 2 o'clock
P. M. Subject for conference, Eph iv; 30.
W. W. WOODEND, Stated Clerk.
cording to adjournment, at New Alexandria, On the Second
Tuesday. of January, 1859. To be opened with a eermon by
Bev. Dr. Kirkpatrick, "On the. Nature, Reasons and Bene
fits of Christian Humility."
During the. Sessions of Presbytery, .a sermon will be
'hunched by Dr. AlcEarren .; subject, "The Election of,
Grace.' JAMES DANIS; Stated Clerk.
On the 21st inst., by Rev. I. N. McKinney, at the resi
dence of the bride's father, Mr R. Clams Tian* to Miss
MARGARET KELVINGTON, both of Allegheny County, Pa.
At Milroy, Mifflin ()aunty, Pa.; December 23d, by Rev.
Samuel Lawrence, Mr. Wittisti JOHN MOKANIOLE to Miss
MARTHA JANEWAT LAWRENCE, daughter of the officiating .
November 25th, by Nev. Wm. S. fool, at the ' , Ouse of the
bride's father, Mr, J. STARR. LO Miss MARTHA Gomm, both
of Jefferson County, Ohio.
At the American Rouse. In Millersburg, Ohio, December
23d, by Rev. Robert Carothers, Mr, GEORUI A. BLACK, of
Berlin, to Mies Natter A. Dor; of the saute place.
November 80th, by Rev. W. F. Morgan, Mr. Wm. N. Pea
TER, of Clarion County, to Mies Aar la. irioxonitrox., of
Rural Valley, Armstrong County, Pa.'
At Port Carbon, on Tuesday evening, December 21st. by
Re,. A. M. Lowry, Mr. ORLANDA NEWTON" to Mrs. Lmit Iltes,
all of Port Carbon, Pennsylvania.
In Williamsport, Pa., on the 14th Met, by Rev. W.
Simonton, Mr. Senna Tonem of Linden, Lyemating County,
to Miss Maim Humus, of Williamsport.
On Wednesday, December 22d, by Rev. William G. March,
Rev. James E. CAROTHERS, of Rural Valley, Armstrong Co.,
Pa., to Mies MATILDA-E. BOWE, of Canfield, /Rationing
County, Ohio.
In Ridott, Stephenson County. IIL, at the residence of
Alexander Kerr, Esq., on the 6th inst. by Rev. J. S. Dickey,
Mr. ANTHONY Honest., of Canton, Ohio, to Miss Attar Y.
KERR, of Alooresburg, Montour Co., Pa.
November 18th, by Rev. A. Virtue, Mr. Arrinurw TILLBROOK
to Mien M. E. 74ISMERMAN, all of Allegheny County, Penns..
December 2d, Mr. THOMAS M. Warms', of Armstrong Co.,
to Miss LYDIA. A. ToMss, all of Allegheny Co., Pa.
On DJ evening of tbe 14th of December, at Eden HUI,
Huntingdon County, Pa.,by Rev. A. P. Mapper, I. M.
Kelly. Esq., of Cleveland, to Miss Santa E., daughter
of Major Samuel Thompson. On the evening of the 23d of
December, at Spruce ()reek, Huntingdon °minty, Pa. Mr.
R. D. MATHGATE to Mrs. Suess RINDIIOI‘., all et Sinking
Val!ey, Pa.
In Cambridge. 0.. December 23d, by Rev. W. IC Fergu
son, Pde, JAMES GARY, of Washington, 0., to Miss JANE B.
Atrizeit, of Salem } 0.
aged 6 months and 8 days. December let, SAnI
IIEL SNYDER, aged 2 years, 1 month and
1 (lay.
They were lovely flowers, too fair to bloom on
earth's barren soil.
DIED- Near Connellsville '
December 12th,
ELIZABETH, youngest child of William and Jane
Eccles, aged 8 years and 8 months.
An interesting child, •around whom were en
twined many affections of parents, sisters,
brothers—especially of one little brother, \ older
by two years, and blind, whose young life seemed
to be made up, in part, of hers, as they walked
and talked together, she leading the way, and
preparing the seat, and smoothing the couch—a
delicate' child, gradually declining for months,
yet called at last unexpectedly away in a violent
fit of coughing; a child of the covenant, sealed,
religiously trained, testifying that she was not
afraid to die, and, we believe, saved by grace.
Such, the brief history.
Tbese Machines sew from two spools. and forra a
seam of unequalled strength, beauty, and elasticity,
which will NOT rip, even if every fourth stitch be out.
They are unquestionably tbe best in the market for
family use. .inf- SEND NOR A CIRCULAR. "V*
XX TIC affections, erysipelas, eruptions from whatever
hidden cause, are overcome by the use of this greet cleanser
of 'the human system. It heals by eradication as well es
suppresdotf, and .penetrates to the hidden source of the
Sold at the manufactory, No 80 Malden Lane, New York,
and by all Druggists, at 25e., 83e, and $1 per pot.
. .
The Ninth Volume of the PRESBYTERIAN MAGAZINE edited
by C. Van Rensselaer, DX., will begin in January, 1559.
The value of a Religious Monthly as an ally of the Reli
gious Weeklies in supplying Christian literature for the
families of the Presbyterian Church, must be readily ad
mitted. The PRESBYTERIAN MAGAZINE will discuss subjects
connected with the Doctrines, Polity, Life, and 'Work of
the Church, with- a regard to a dne proportion .of missal
laneons and general reading.
The PRESBTRZILIAIf M6.6AZENN includes, in its regular
Monthly plan, Six Departments, Tin, Miscellaneous Com
munications, Household Thoughts, Historical and Bio
graphical, Review and Criticism, The Religious World, and
Fragments of the Day. Under. Review and.Oriticiam, the
Editor proposes this year to notice EVERY vow Mg AND
PAMPHLET issued by Presbytsrians, so far as they may
come within his knowledge, as well as to continue bis WNW
Reviews of books. In thislDepartmenr, as in every other,
his motto will be, as her4ofore, ":Independence now and
forever." Whilst a Magazine must necessarily follow, in its
general discussions, the course demanded by the events of
the day, the editor will be expected to exercise Judgment
and charity, as well as whatever skill may he at bia com
mand, in the selection and management of his subjects.
Volumes of 1858 are bound and ready kir delivery at
SL2S per volume; by mall, $1.50.
The price of the PRESBYTERIAN MAGAZINE is One Dollar a
year, always prepaid,' or Bix Copies for Five Dollars. All
who think well of the Magaiine, are invited to assist in its
Addteso. J. M. WILSON, Publiebei,
cletB 4t NO.III South-Tenth Street, Philadelphia.
ESQ., No. 24 Wood Street, Pittsburgh Pa. will here
after set ae Receiving Agent at Pittsburgh for (he General
Assembly's Church Extension Committee. Donations for
the Church Extension cause should be sent to Alt. Nevin.
delB Am
Al One who is atle to teach all the branches nanaliy
taught in our best Female Seminaries, including Instru
mental. Music, Drawing, Paintinc &c. The applicant mast
be member either of the United or of the Old School
Presbyterian Church. Please address, immediately,
REV. R. A. "McAYEAL, Pastor 11. Free. Church,
REV. W. 31 STRYKER, of 0. S. Pres. Church,
.deiriLat Oskaloosa, JOWL
#lll'l (MC &ROA& AGA, Waal loOta*Fre.
is FIFTH SESSION win open on the SECOND OF
NOVEMBER next. Young Men and Boys prepared for
Business or College. Terme, $6O per Session of five months.
:Light and Fuel extra.
Those desiring a Soho& in the country, easy of access,
affording thorough instruction, conducted on the principles
of a, well.regulated Christian home, will please address,
J. H. BHUMAKABH, A. M., Principal,
se2s.dra* • . ;:Academia, 'Juniata County,
•1 TIl
The Banns Is published weekly, in the cities of Pitt
burgh and Philadelphia, and is adapted to general decal kti ,
In the Presbyterian Church.
IN °LIMB or twenty, and upwards,
DELTVERFJ) in either of the cities,
For eight lines, or lees, one Insertion 6G cents; each Nub.
sequent insertion, 25 amino. Each additional line, be .14
eight, 3 cents for every insertion.
For eight lines, three montles,s3.oo. Zech addition:l line
25 cents._
for Sight One Year, $lO.OO. Zilch additional lin•• V
Oesve of two fines, $6 11{. year, and $1 for each addl
onal line.
Busman NOSIOna. Of tan lines or lees, One Dollar. Each
dditionallina, 5 cants. ,
Clommutdcatione recommendatory of Inventionr Me
dical Practice, Schools, &c. &c., being designed for the rfcy
Mary benefit of Individuals, should be paidier ea Bus.e,:i.
-Baum by mail,where no good opportunity is calm who
at hand. Drafts or notes of the larger denomination: e
preferable, where they can be conveniently obtained.
PASTORS sanding us twenty Imbecribere and upwcrde
will be thereby entitled to a paper without charge.
N.B. When Presbyterian familleeare yerymuch dispe reed,
they may be accommodated at the Club price,even though
few of the twenty be wanting. Let all be supplied, if l nsFi
bk. The POOWwe Ethan frhvor, to our utmostability. Let the
supply be rim, but every paperpaidfor.
Tor. Two Dollare paid, we will vend Seventy numbers, or
for One Dollar, Thirty-three number& This is for the Babe el
easy remittance.
IS Pastors, In making up clubs, find some persons rot
ready to pay at once, theymay yet send on the names. at tbe
Club price,!on their own responsibility to pay= shortt y. It
is desirable that clubs date their subscription periods at the
same time. DAVID IfoKINNEY, Proprietor.
ING AND ELOCUTION, and Select Reading Entrr
tainments, (not theatrical,) given by PROF. M. F. EA Tnlf t
for several years Principal of the Englieh Department n
the Western University of Pennsylvania, Pittsburgh.
Bethlehermend her Children. 25 cents.
Looke'm Common-Moe Book or the Bible. 60 Me
Toe Rescued Boy. 20 cis.
Agnee C. Wirt. 20 cts.
The Veil Removed. 10 cte.
Youth's Bible Studies, in five parts, with tine engravings.
Hannah Moore's Stories for the Young. The Morning
Glory.. The Wanderer. No Pains no Gains. The Pilgrim
Boy. Songs for the Little Ones at Home. Annals of the
Poor. Tales about the Heathen. Pictorial Nar-ative..
Life in Africa. Faithful Ellen. Childhood of Teens Toe
Ten Commandments, antique illustrated cards in col wr.
S Ms.
Picture Alphabets. Cards for Children, and a large none -
ber'of books, beautifully illustrated and very cheap.
Life of George Whitefield. Sketches from Lif' Run
yan'e Pilgrim, finely illustrated. Lady Huntingdon and
her Friends. Mary Lyon. History of Reformatins, new
edition. Memoirs of Summerßeid, Dr. Mlinor, M re. Ora
ham, Mrs Smith, Payson,ll. Page. Gems of Sacred Poetry.
Border's Village Sermons. • Jay's Morning Exercises (lal.
landet'e Scripture Blorraphy, with other valuable bGeks fur
presents, adapted to all classes, elegantly illustrated.
real Numbers of the Child's Paper. Tracts and Handbills in
any quantity. A large sod due arentment of pocket end
family Bibles, suited for Holiday Gifts.
Descriptive Catalogue gratis.
AMERICAN moar sooniry,
ju7 No. 929 Cbestnut,Street,
OXFOILD .1 1. 111A1.12 siraturdlesir
The Winter Session, of live mouths,will commence. thi
Wednesday in November.
Expenses, for Boarding, Puel,Light and Tuition n the
gilt& branches, $6O per Session.. Ancient and Modern L. r
guages, each $6. Lessons on the Piano, and use of Itarts
meat, $l5. Painting and Drawing, each $5. Or the pito
meat of $BO, will include the whole.
A daily stage connects with the cars at Newark. Del— nor
also at Parkesbnrg, Pa. Address
J. M. DIOEDY, or
Osford,flept. 80,1555 SAMDEL DICKEY. r
Tuscarora Valley, Juniata County, Pa., one-worlll •
a mile from the Perryeville Station of Panneylvwkih EN I
Tie Summer Session willoommenee an Monday the lOtt
of April. Whole expense per session of tweuty-tc,, setkr ,
I or Board, Room, Tuition, Washing and Ineidental.,f4C,
able ona-b al f advance.
/Br See Circulate. DAVID WD.SoN,
Irnarl6-I,i rrinnitml alla IPmprlatnr, 'Petri Rov.l P n
Located in a healthful and beautiful region of country,
eight miles North of New Brighton, with entire freedom
from all immoral associations: The moral and religious
culture of the pupils le regarded at of prime import.ore.
The etudente, for the most part, board in the family of the
Principal. The course of instruction is comprehensive sod
Terms,- per Session of twenty.two weeks, i act siding
boarding, room, fuel, lights, washing, and tuition. Sr.°
Latin. Greek, and French Language's, $5.00. One-half 'o
be paid in advance, the balance at the close of the See 4011.
TbeWlnter Session will commence NOVEIWBER ere, 155 a.
Students admitted at any time.
For further particulars. address
North Roolokloy, Boomer
Just received by
No. 40 North• Sixth St., Philadelphia:
shall also receive the fourth volume, completing tive w ork,
in two or three weeks. and will send it, if requested, to
those ordering the third.)
TAYLOR'S SERMONS. Practical Sermons, by N. W.
Taylor, D.D., late Dwight Professor in Yale College. Sec.,
SPRAGUE'S ANNALS. Annala of the American Pulpit,
or Commemorative Notices of Distinguished A mericau
Clergymen of Various Denominations, Ac. Five n now
reedy. Bvo.. cloth. Vole- L and IL, Trinitarian Congre
gational. Vol. 111. and IV., Presbyterian. Vol. V.,
Bvo , cloth.
ALEXANDER ON MARL 12m0. ' cloth.
RIENCR. 12m0., cloth.
Threto, cloth.
To be published about January Ist :
troduction to the Exegetical Study of the Scripturee of Um
New Testament. By P. Patrbairn, D. A, an .bor
"Typology of Sariptore," &c, &c. ' jus•ly
FAOULTY—Prof. A. t.URRY, A.M., Principal, assisted
by a fall corps of experienced Professional Teachers.
The plan of this Institution is comprehensive, embracing
departments for the critical study of all the branches tint
pertain to a relined, liberal. thorough, and practical educa.
Lion.. Pupils can enter at pleasure.
Txusts—Board, $lO Miner three months from January 2d,
1809 . other expenses according to course pursued.
Air This Institution affords superior facilities to pereons
wishings to qualify themselves for the Teacher's Profession.
Edited by a Corps of Clergymen and Laymen of large ea.
parlance, having the moat Eminent Writers of the
day among its regular contributors, and a
Foreign Correspondence unrivaled.
Itjs the most complete
that can be made; published weekly on a large mans
sheet, so that it may be separated, making
each as large as the "Presbyterian" and "Advocate," and
each perfect in itself No other newspaper is made upon
The Branum sheet contains a full report of all the teas
ofs, the Day; a vast amount or miscellaneous reading:
poetry and prose; an Agricultural page, conducted b, a
practical and edneated agriculturalist; a Commercial pegs,
edited by a gentleman distinguished for his acquaintance
with the financial world—giving the latest utporte of the
Money, Produce, and Cattle Markets, Bank Stocks. &c ; is
Miscellaneona department. embracing scientific, literary,
end artistic matter, with tales, anecdotes, biography,
travels, questione and answers, for the instruction and
amusement of the family and social circle.
The Brumaire paper is filled with the choicest m !ginsl
and selected matter hi every department of Christian Lit
erature; making a delightful. Sabbath companion, and
furnishing& volume of interesting and Instructive m oiling
every week. The best and most accomplished Clergymen,
Presidents and in our Colleges and Semis, cries,
constantly contribute to its pages. One of its chief fea
tares of attraction is a Summary of intelligence from
a feature peculiar to the OIiSERVER, and highlyvaluet by
Christians who wish to know what is doing in other eAn
manione than their own.
. The grand object of the New YORK OBSERVER is to pro
mote "peace on, earth acd good - will among men." rot
this end it reeks to advance all those principles which
make the anion of the States more firm and permanent. ; it
cultivates harmony and good feeling among all denoneino
tions of Christians ; and is n fearless defender of the rights of
all men, under the Constitution of the United States and
the Word of Goa.
In its &Morin, diacussion, its foreign and dordeatir cor
respondence, the vigor and beauty of Its original sold; lb,
tions, and the attractions of Ica several departments in
science, literature. art, agriculture, and commerce, it-
w YORK Mawr= is determined not to be ahrpasse 1 by
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