Na . Autt..-nli:- . 21y*Ili-c* {PITTSBURGH, JANUARY 1, 1859, irmings.... 01.50, in advansel or in crabs was; or, delivered at residences of Suburb burs. $1.75. des PrOspeetur. on Third Page. F. MN LWA. la i.ohoidd be prompt§ a little whilUbefOra eke yam expires, that's's NMI" utaka full arrangmnonts for a steady supply. MIT RIAD WRAPPISII indicates that we dears a renewal. If, however, in the haste mailing, this signal should lao omitted, we lops our friends will 11111 mat forget use R.PINITTANDOO.—Fond payment by safe bands, whey. convenient. Or, mad by asail, enclosing with ordinary ears, dad troubling nobody with a knowiedge of what you are dais& For a Jana anammat, send a Draft, or large mots.. For oneortrici papere.send Oold or Mesa notate. TO PrAXIII CHARON, laud portage stamps, Or hatter Mill. mad for store papers! say $5 or Seventy numbers. or it for Thirles MAW= in IV I4IIOIIII *Aka emir: susloapilesra se nay. awaits NoIICINNIM Plittablergfte Paw A SPECIAL KEETON' of the Trustees of the Western Theological Seminary, will be held on Tuesday, January 4th, at 2 P. M., in the Library of the Seminary. A full at• tendanoe hi requested. By order, F. G. BAILEY, President. TEMPERANCE.- - A call has been issued for a meeting of the, friends of Temperance, in Allegheny County, tobeeheld at Masonic Hall, to•day (Saturday,) at 10 o'clock A. M. Among the signers to the call we notice the names of those two veterans in the tem perance cause, Revs. Drs. A. D. Campbell'and J. T. Pressly. New ORLEANS.—Vire learn from the True Witness, that the Rev. B. M. Palmer, D. D., who had been'prostrated by the yel low fever, has resumed his pulpit labors, and that the churches ,are open for public worship as usual, the pastors being at their posts. PRESBYTERIAN OF THE WEST.--This journal of our Church has changed its name to that of The Presbyter. The reasons given by Dr. Monfort for the change, are, that the paper is no longer in the " West," but in the " centre';" that the old name was too long, and that the new name will be both distinctive and ecclesiastically signifi cant. Foreign Mission& We ask attention to the brief article, in another column, on this subject. It will be seen 'that, leaving legacies out of the count, the contributions to the Board, this year, to December Ist, fill short of those of last year, $3,474; and deducting the spe cial contributions for losses in India, the de. felt is 46,232. This, in connexion with the short payments to the Domestic Board, suggests painful reflections ; and, the more especially so, as this is a year of revivals. Cannot liberality act, even at the expense of self-denial? Endowment at Allegheny and af Boma On Sunday, the 12th, ult., collectione were taken up in the dioceses of the provinces of Bal timore and New York, for the purpose of endow ing the iollege recently given by the Pope to the Catholics of the United States. The collections were, in some instances, we learn, er.ceedingly liberal. This collection was for an American The ological Semina ry at Rome, to be founded for pupils from the United States, who will thus be prepared for the Papal priesthood. There is a zeal on this subject among the Romanists of our, land. The very same day was set apart, by the Synod 9f . Pittsburgh, for completing the endowment of the Theo. logical Seminary at Allegheny. We hope to hear that these churches all respond promptly and liberally. Do we value our great Protestant Institutions for a succession of Protestant ministers in our land, as we ought? Let all the churches move at once, and let none fail of their full share in this undertaking. The young men who go. out from this 'Seminary to the great West, and establish churches yearly in the new Ter ritories and rising States of the frontier, are the hope of our Protestant country, Young lien's Christian Associatim. This , Association continues its career of usefulness. Under its auspices, a course of lectures is now in progress in the Central. Presbyterian church, on Palestine, the Isles of Greece, Mt. Lebanon, scenes in .Jaffa, and other remin . iscenoes of Eastern travel, by the Rev. J. J. Marks, of Illinois. Mr. Marks is a native of this country, has trav eled very extensively in the East, and is a very pleasing and instructive lecturer. At the monthly meeting of the Associa tion, held on last Monday evening, the fol ing officers' were elected for the ensuing year Fresident—W W. Mair.. First Trice .President—E. D. Jones. ,Second " " —Wm. G. Warden. Recording Say—Henry A. Lav ely. Corresponding Sec'y--Thos. H. Lane. Treasurer—David Robinson. Librarian—James R. Reed. Historical Society of Western Penna. This Society commences its existence with much promise of usefulness. At a meeting held on Monday evening, the fol lowing nominations for officers to be elected on the second Monday evening of January, were made For President—William 31. Darlington, Neville B. Craig, Henry M. Brackenridge, Dr. Wm. D.. Howard. Vice PresidentsH-James Veech, Fayette County; Edgar Cowan, Westmoreland; Alfred H' uidekoper, Mercer; Daniel Agnew, Beaver Co.; David X. Juukin, Hollidays 7 Robert Orr, Armstzong County John L. Gow, Washington County; John S. MoCalmont, Vensngo County; Dr. W. D. Howard, Judge Williams, F. R. Brunot, Robert McKnight, Pittsburgh. Secretary—D. L. Eaton, James W. Bid die, Greenville, Mercer County; Thos. F. Wilson. Treasurer john Harper, Nathaniel Holmes, John D. Bally. From these, one person for President, five persons for Vice President, one for Sec retary, and one ' for Treasurer, are to be selected. The New Year. New Yetti's Day ! What associations does it a w aken ! What memories does' it recall ! Wl* anticipations for the future does it ex cite I One of the great periods by which time is zaeasured•and.,life estimated, • is gone, and another is just commencing. The labors, the watchings, the anxieties, the smiles, and the tears of twelve months more, are ended; and the duties, the conflicts, the disappointments, the hopes and fears, the joys and sorrows of another year, rise up before us. And what changes have taken place since we were permitted to send our greetings for the last new year, to our read ers I Many prospects then bright, have been blasted; many. expectations then fondly cherished, have not been realized ; many hearts then warm, are now cold in death. Many of the loved, around whom our affec tions olustered, over whom we carefully watched, and to whom we ao often spake with love and tenderness, have been taken from tts. Their places in the family, the social cirole, and the Church, are vacant; voices that hailed the advent of the first of the past year, are now silent But there is also another side to the picture. Many bright days hail, visited us. Kind words have been spoken to. us. We have felt the warm pressure of friendly hands. The bounties of Providence have been showered upon us. The delights of home, the refinements of civilized and Christian life, the: means of moral and intel lectual improvement, and the hallowed blessings of the faniily altar and the sancta ary, have been ours. And how many dead in trespasses and sins, one year ago, are now rejoicing in - hope . of eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord ! If many to-day mourn for the loved that are not, many are rejoicing over the lost that have been found. To-day, the young look forward with eager eye and exulting hope, to the year that has now dawned. And though an unconscious sigh may escape the bosoms of the aged, their faces are wreathed in mellowed smiles, bemuse of the exultation and, happiness around them, arid from gratitude that their days have been lengthened out. To all our readers we would give our warmest greetings and our tenderest sympa thies. We would weep with them that weep, and rejoice with them that rejoice. We would be glad with the young, and cheerful with the old. The past is gone, not to bp recalled. Let its lessons be pon dered, its follies be avoided, and its blessings be held in continual remembrance. The year opens propitiously. We have peace and plenty. The pestilence that walk eth in darkness, and the destruction that wasteth at noonday, are not abroad in the land. Opportunities`for educating the mind, disciplining the heart, exercising the Chris tian virtues and graces, and doing good to men, will be abundant. < There has been a time of refreshing from the presence of the Lord, and in many places,the gracious show ers are still falling. Jesus of Nazareth is passing by, ready to hear every cry, to al ford all relief, and to bless all,. This is emi nently the dispensation of the Spirit. Grieve Him not. Quench Him not. Let us draw near unto Godi and he will draw near unto us._ It is for Christians to live near to God, and to, keep their hearts with all dili gence. Let parents be faithful to their children, treating them with all kindness and forbearance, and bringing them up in the • nurture and admonition of -the Lord. May the Elders that rule, rule well; and may the Elders that preach, determine to know nothing among their people but Christ, and him crucified; May the prayer of faith go up from pious hearts, from the closet, from the family altar, from the social meeting, and from the public congregation. " The time is short." To each one of us the Lord says, " Whatsoever thy" hand find eth to do, do it with thy might; for • there is no work, nor device, nor knowledge, nor wisdom, in the grave, whither thou goest." To all of us, may the present year be one of temporal and spiritual prosperity _ ; one of earnest effort, of much prayer, and of great grace. • He is faithful that has said, " Be thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee a crown of life." "The.night is far spent, the day is at hand." Allegheny Seminary—Practical Training. The editor of the Presbyterian of the West, lately paid' a visit of several days to the Allegheny Theological Seminary, and says (among other high encomiums :) " There is one thing about this School of the Prophets which has always interested us. The. young men are not confined on the Sa,,bbath to the Seminary. They worship in regularly organized churches. They have the best pastors and churches for models. They have abundant work to do; and they are not in a cloister, but in the midst of the field to learn their future work, to keep up their interest, and to`gather rich experience for the future." Our readers are not to suppose, from this, that students in other Seminaries are con futed to the building on the Sabbath. Those at all the Seminaries hear much and labor much. As an instance of the excellent working of .the system at Allegheny, we noticed that a band of the students had lately gathered a Sabbath. School in a deed tute region, numbering on the first day, one hundred and ten scholar& They . have be gun another, within a fortnight, in a needy quarter of Pittsburgh, opening with forty. five scholars. This is one advantage of Theological training in the bounds of a city. The students are constantly brought in contact with the living world, and made to feel the actual wants of the field.• They are set to ,work thus incidentally, and usefully, while they are making professional preparation. And this is the proper, way to prepare for "popular preaching "—to learn, with the popular wants in - view, like Paul, at Ath ens, stirred in, spirit at seeing the city in its various idolatries. In the cities of Pittsburgh and Alle gheny, there are thirty Presbyterian church es of different kinds, besides leading churches of other Evangelical denomina AND ADVOCATE. tions, supplied by the best specimens of their ministry. These are advantages to be ap• preciated. They introduce the students to much active work, in some of which they participate. Westminster Assembly. The Church of Jesus Christ .ever rests upon the same foundation, is the embodi ment of the same truths, and is quickened by the same spirit. But much in her de fence, in the outgrowth of her principles, and in the diffusion 'of her spirit is com mitted to human agencies. Hence the• ne cessity 'for conference, for comparison of views, for adjudication, for a proper arrange ment of forces against the enemies of the truth and to effect new conquests, and for mutual edification. And the great convo cations of the Christian Church, not only form eonspicuons chapters in her own his tory, but also in the annals of the world. In them, some of the, most important deliber ations that ever interested the heart or oc cupied the human, mind have been held, and in them, proceedings have been initiated, the effects of which will never cease. Each of these great assemblages has had some marked characteristic 'by which it is especially known. The great work of the Couneil at Jerusalem was to acknowledge the Gentile converts as brethren, and to determine the conditions on which they should be received and what should be exacted from them. And the Council of Moe in 325, gave its formal deliverance in favor of the Supreme Divinity of the Lord Jesus Christ. The most noted ecclesiastical assemblages of the Protestant Church, have been the Diet of Augsburg, followed by the solemn •Alliance at Smalkald •in 1530, at which the Augs burg Confession was agreed to; the Synod of Dort, which convened in 1618, to oppose the progress of Arminianism ; and the As sembly, which met at Westminster, London, on the Ist of July, 1643. Each of these convocations met to determine controversies which agitated the Church, and to settle commotions which were upheaving society; each was dignified by the presence of men of great talent, powerful weight of charade; and earnest piety; and each one was fol lowed by momentous results. But the supremacy in all these several points, must be yielded to the last. So that we feel that we cannot perform a more ac ceptable service 'to our readers, at the be ginning of the' new year, than to invite their attention to it; to place before them the circumstances in which it was called ; to revive its memories; to speak to them of the men who composed it, of the work they accomplished, and of the effects which fol lowed.- The remembrance of these things should be ever sacredly cherished by every true Presbyterian, and by every lover of liberty and admirer of patriotic devotion. The times were, indeed, threatening. The early vigor of Prothstantism had been weakened. The light that once glowed so brightly had begun to fade. The old cham pions for the truth had been 'gathered to their fathers, and the re-action had fairly set, in. In France, the genius of Richelieu had repressed the growth of Protestantism, and united the divisions of the Papacy.; and though he was dead, yet his designs were carefully carried out by Cardinal Maz. arin and the youthful enemy of Louis XIV. In Spain, under the lead of Olivarez, Rome was rapidly recovering her shattered power. Germany was still reeling under the “Thirty Years' War." In Ireland, an insurrection of the Papists had broken out, in whieh at least forty thousand of the Protestant in habitants had been slain. Scotland had only just thrown off the yoke of a galling Prelaey not many degrees removed from that of Rome. And the King of England, mar ried to Henrietta of France, was not greatly indisposed to favor the pretensions of Rome. Indeed, just at - this mpment the people of England were engaged in a terrible struggle to deliver their civil and religious liberties from the grasp of a vacillating and despotic king, and a semi-Popiih prelacy. While in the distance, loomed the dissensions be 'tween the King and the Parliament; the fierce and bloody conflicts between the peoe ple and royalty; the execution of the King; the protectorate of the mighty Oliver; the restoration of Monarchy in the person of the voluptuous Charles IL, surrounded with his licentious Court; the expulsion of James, a tyrant, and tool of Rome; and the final triumph of Protestantism and liberty in the accession of William and Mary. Before the time of Archbishop Laud, the great body of the clergy of the Church of England had been . Calvinistic. But, during his ascendancy, the object that lay nearest his heart, was to destroy whatever of good Protestantism had achieved, and to re in state whatever of Popery could be endured by the people, not from any particular love that he bore to Popeey as a eystem in itself considered, but from absolute hatred . to all godliness as exhibited by a faithful ministry and a consistent people. For, however much be might delight in his book of sports, or in the bowings and genuflexions of 'a frigid ritualism; or in the infliction of cru elty, by , cutting off noses, tearing out eyes, and digging out ears, or by the fire and the rope ; yet the great and moving cause of his persecution, was hie inveterate opposi tion to all genuine godliness. By his Ar minianism, of which BO much is said in the histories of his times, is not to be under stood that system which is now generally considered Anti- Calvinism, but Anti Evana gelism. And / 4 the Puritans," to whom he wai so bitterly opposed, and the very men tion of whom, filled him with the greatest in dignation, did not compose a sect of dis senters in his day, as many now suppose. They were the men of piety, faith, and prayer—the Evangelical clergymen of the Church of England. But at length the call for a meeting of Parliament, so long unheeded, was heard; the famous Long Parliament met, and the hopes of civil and religions liberty began to revive. In 1641 Laud and. Strafford, the authors of so much mfechief to the State, and of so many evils to the Church, were committed to the " rower " upon a charge of high treason; and shortly afterwards they re ceived the reward of their crimes on the scaffold. In 1642 the whole fabric of Epis copacy was leveled to the ground by an Act of Parliament. And, on the 12th of June, 1643, the memorable ordinance went forth, convening the Assembly of Divines at West minster, to deliberate upon the form of Church Government to be substituted in the place of •that which had been destroyed. This important document was entitled " An Ordinance of the Lords and Commons in Parliament, for the calling of an Assem bly of learned and godly Divines, and oth ers, to be consulted with by the Parlia ment, for the settling of the Govern ment and Liturgy of the Church of Eng_ land, and for Vindioating and Clearing of the said Church from false Aspersions and Interpretations." And this Assembly was declared to be called for the purpose of "con sulting and advising, that , such a govern ment should be settled in the Church as might be most agreeable to Goi's Holy Word, and most apt to procure and preserve the peace of the. Church at home, and nearer agreement with the Church of Scotland and other Reformed Churches abroad." Who were the members of this Assefribly, and what they did, will form the, subject of our .next Martyred Missionaries. For a length of time Test we have been waiting, with much expectancy, the appear ance of a volume from the press of J. M. Wilson,. of South Tenth. Street, Philadel phia, on the melancholy catastrophe which the great Head orthe Church permitted, as a trial of our faith and patience, in the over throw of our Mission at Futtehgurh, and the martyrdom of the beloved and devoted band who were laboring at that station. The work has now been published, and we are happy in learning that the first edition was called for by purchasers before time was, given to bring the book before the public in the usual business manner. The author, the Rev. J. Johnston Walsh, is the sole surviving member of the Fattehgrirh brethren ; and'as he had been intimately associated with every member of the mis sion, and was perfectly familiar with the history of all the plans which had been pur sued in their labors up until the mutiny broke out, he was eminently qualified for preparing this affecting narrative. The his tory of the mission is given with great suc cinctness and simplicity, and the biograph ical department, in which Mr. Walsh traces the lives of the beloved ones who witnessed a faithful witness for their Lord and *Master among the savage followers of the False Prophet, is clothed with a touching and melancholy interest. This book will no doubt be extensively circulated. It deserves a place in every family connected, with our Church. The publisher has done his part right nobly, sparing no expense to make. the volume in every way worthy of the momentous providence which it is its aim to reecird. , Engravings, in the, very highest style of art, are given from pho tographs of all the martyred brethren, male and female. Again and again have we taken this volume into our hands, and apart from the world, we have looked face to face on the likenesses of those sainted servants ; who are now on high, singing the song of Moses and the Lamb. We have thought of the Noble Army of martyrs who counted' not their lives dear unto them,' but who joyfully laid them down as witnesses of their attachment to Him by whom they were redeemed; and we thanked the great Head •of the Church for that our Zion in this Wes tern land has been, by this baptism of blood, raised to the high position which, as a faithful branch, we trust it shall always oncupy, of bringing forth undying fruit to the glory of God. "The Centennial Thanksgivig---Otir Civil and Ecclesiastical Heritage." ' This is the title of a sermon preached by the Rev. Dr. Jacobus, in the Central Pres. byterian, church, of our city, and pub lished by request. The author gives a graph. is amount of the great revival of 1858; a sum, mary statement of the resources of our own Commonwealth, and . the trade of the United States; a succinct account of the principles upon which our Government is based, and also the abuses to which they are liable ; and then cicises by an exhibition of the characteristics of Presbyterianism, as math. fested in its history and its practical workings. In the following extracts, he states facts which Presbyterians should not lose sight of, and which others Should know The great Protestant Reformation in Eu rope, out of which grew remotely the Colo nies of this land, was essentially, as all, know, a Presbyterian Movement. And it resulted in all the Reformed Churches, ex cepting the English Church, taking the Presbyterian model. And, though the first band of colonists were Independents, who came to establish a Church State and 'a State-Church- - and had good reason—as sheep long hunted by wolves—for .trying to keep out all others, and to be each a little circle by themselves; yet this was not the main element which, long after the first colonies, gave the word for a Declaration and a Constitution, and struck the blow for the Revolutionary struggle. French Huge= nets, Dutch Calvinists, Scotch Covenanters, and Welsh colonists=all true . and tried Presbyterians—had come over by that time, and had formed a prominent feature of the population. * * * The Pastoral Letter of " The Synod of New York and Philadel phia," shows that the Presbyterian Church were, the first to encourage the struggle of Independe,nee; and the Presbytery of Han over, in-Virginia, was the first to acknowl edge the Declaration. That Instrument which has become so sacred in our national esteem, has been traced by a distinguished civilian of New York, to the Scottish League and Covenant. The' Presbytery of Hanover, and not Mr. Jefferson, was the first to propose and urge the separation of Church and State, that so long prevailed in New England. And with that Presbytery the great idea arose of a voluntary support of the Gospel. And in all the revolutionary history, no names were more exalted and honored than those of the Presbyterian Witherspoon, in Congress, and such men as Generals Morgan, Shelby, and Marion, on the battle field. And it ougbt•to be known, OD the authority of such as Chief Justice Tilghman, that in determining the structure of our national government, the framers of the United States constitution borrowed very much of the form of our Republic from that Form of Church Government found in the Constitution of the Presbyterian Church of Scotland. And with all these republican features of our Church, which, as American citizens, we ought to honor and love, bless God to. day that we take no narrow, exclusive ground. We hate never denied to the Baptist the validity of his immersion ; nor to the Preia. tist the validity of his ordination. We have only claimed for our own forms the same validity that we have conceded to theirs. We have never denied to the Psalmodist the right to sing the Old Testament Psalms. We have only claimed to sing a New Testa ment Psalmody, besides. We have never said to any Evangelical Church, " You are n, Church, because you adopt not our modes of order and worship." No ! But our free Church, like our free country, has invited all to come in and share her liberties. We have adopted no exclusive rites; but - we have claimed, rather, to be an asylum for the oppressed, of every name. Princeton Theological Seminary. The number of students in this Inatitution 41181, of whom. 49 are in the Senior Class, 48 in the Second Class, 82 in the Junior Class; and two are resident graduates. They are from the following States : Maine, 1; New IlarePshire, 1; Vermont, 2; Massa chusetts, 1; Connecticut, 2; New York, 44; New Jersey, 24; Pennsylvania, 48; Maryland, 3; Virginia, 2 ; North Carolina, 2; South Carolina, 3; Georgia, 1; Missis• sippi, 3; Tennessee, 3; Ohio, 9; Michigan, 3; Indiana, 10, Illinois, 4; Missouri, 5; Wisconsin, 8; lowa, 1; Canada, 1; Nova Scotia, 1 ; Ireland, 1. ,The large increase for the present year, in no doubt owing greatly to the recent revivals of religion in the churches. Many waste places will rejoice at the prospect of being 'supplied with the means of grace .from the large accessions to this and other Seminaries of the land. Our brethren, in their Catalogue, say : " The course of instruction is finished in three years. There is no study or exercise reserved for a fourth year. But graduates of the Institution, and of other Institutions, are privileged to attend all the lectures and exercises; and, in review of the whole course, and preparation of sermons, may spend a fourth year with great advantage! Now, whether all that is needful in Theo logical training can be acquired in three years; and whether it is advisable to have a fourth yeari voluntary; and to what studies the fourth year should be 'appropriated, are questions on which Doctors may differ. We, however, advise young men, who have the health and means, to occupy a fourth year in study, whether in revising, as at Prince ton, or in advancing, as at Allegheny. WESTEEN THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY.- The students of this institution have invited the Eel Pr. Rice, of Chicago, to make the address at the close of the present session. EASTERN SUMMARY. BOSTON AND NEW ENGLAND. The 22d of December, Forefather's Day, the anniversary of the landing of the Pil grims, is still held in fondly cherished re membrance. The festal board is spread, courtesies are exchanged, meetings are held, and speeches are made. In .Boston, this year, the day, was celebrated by the Massa chusetts Historical Society.. The address was delivered by the Hon. R. C. Winthrop, and different gentlemen entertained the atL dience with the recital of historical incidents connected with the people, whose memory this day so vividly recalls. At Plymouth, Mr. Everett's oration on Washington, took the place of the customary ceremonies. A military company called the "Standish Guards" was in attendance. The publica tion of Longfellow's "Miles Standish'.'s Courtship," has done much to revive his name, and for some years it will be met with more commonly than ever before. It is not pleasing, however, to one who admiree the heroism, and loves the faith of the Old Puritans, to be told that the Pa grime' Meeting Rouse is now occupied by a Unitarian congregation, and that Elder Brewster has given place to one who denies the Divinity of that Saviour Brewster so eloquently preached as God equal with the Father. 0 The Quincy School House, of Boston, erected in 1847, at a cost of $60;000, and one of the finest buililings of• the kind in the whole country, has been destroyed by fire. It was capable of accommodating- one thou sand three hundred pupils, but the average attendance was about eight hundred. - The Sonsof Harvard are continually heap ing new favors, in various ways, upon their Alma Mater; one of them, the Hon. Stephen Salisbury, of Worcester, lies given $5,000, the income of which is to be expended in the purchase of works connected with classical learning. The History of New Hoagland, by Dr. Palfrey, once a Unitarian clergyman, and• some years ago a member of Congress, is going through the press, and will be issued in a few Weeks. The Puritan Review, so long and so ranch tallied of, is about to be launched and to try its. fortune& The first number Will be issued early in January, although definite arrangements as to the permanent editoria management, have not yet been made, It will be published under the auspices of an Association, .styled the "Puritan Review Company," and is intended to represent the conservative and strictly orthodox wing of Congregationalism. It will advocate the same views as the Boston Recorder, and promises to be Conducted with much vigor and ability. Probably the design of its pro jeotors may be best stated by the following extract from the first article of the Constitu tion of the Company`: Its object is to meet the demand, which has l ong existed, of a Quarterly Review devoted to the interests of the Orthodox churches and min istry, and to meet the ever occurring occasions for discussions, and for articles not adapted to the lighter and more popular periodicals ; and also to - promote and defend. the doctrines on which the Congregational churches of New England were founded, and in doing this, to counteract the ten dencies to latitudinarianism and fusion with Uni tarians, which now threaten the purity and safety of our churches. This object, kept steadily in view and faithfully pursued, will receive the cordial approbation of many Orthodox Christ:Ems in other places. Prominent laymen are talc keg an active part in the enterprise. For the present it will be issued from the ogee of the Recorder. The financial agent is the Rev. Calvin Durfee. It is a wonder that the repeated failures at improvements on the Version, of the Eng lish, Bible, does not deter men who should know better, from making so many fruitless attempts as are now put forth in that way. We lately gave our readers some precious spesimene of the new translation by Rev_ Leicester Sawyer, published by J. P. Jewett & Co., styled, ambitiously, "An Improved Version of the Scriptures." The Boston Courier and _lnquirer concludes an elabor rate article on the whole work, with the fol lowing severe, but just remarks If it had been the set purpose of Mr. Sawyer to demean the language and tone of Scripture. which we do not imagine, he could .hardly have been more successful, acept by some such gen erally gross perversion of its phraseology and spirit as would have been defeated by the disgust and contempt it excited. Its entire tendency is to lessen the popular respect for the Bible; nor can we conceive that any scholar could derive the slightest advantage from his labors. His critical emendations in general are equally trivial and worthless; often grossly misjudged and imperti nent. It is impossible to read the translation with seriousness; no spirit could be awed by the tone of . the Bible, as he has lowered its language. Whatever want of grace it may betoken, we are irresistibly compelled to a sort of indignant mirth as we proceed, though more frequently Shocked at such a humiliating exhibition oVincapacity and fool-hardiness. If Mr. Sawyer has • spent twenty years, as is reported, in this work, they have certainly been employed to very little purpose. It would have been much better for him, and no loss to the; world, if he had continued to preach the Gospel in the North church, New Haven. The Congregational Journal gathers from the Minutes of the several Congregational Bodies in New England, the following sta tistics Ohs. Min. Mem.. Al,. .Add. Rem. Maine 244 201 17,842 2,553 3,855 898 New Hampshire, 389 191 18,231 3,470 1,828 1,095 Vermont, 190 195 10,987 2.476 1,120 811 Ateueschnsetts, . 480 550 69.176 10,614' 5,020 3,171 Connecticut, 284 220 38,609 3,188 1,691 1,495 Rhode Island, 23 21 3,284 1,410 1,378 164,092 22,301 11,512 ' 7,470 By adding the absentees, the most of whom are probably residing in New England, there is a membership of 186.400, of, whom about 49,700 are melee. The additions were 4,042 more than the removals. The statistics of all the States, ex cept Vermont, are, for the present year closing June, 1868. Those of Rhode Island are taken from the last Year Book. From this table, it will be seen that the female members of the Congregational churches in New England, are more than c .lhree times as many as the male members. NEW YORK. To be Kept Clean, and to be Well- Gov. erned, are two great requisites to city com fort and prosperity. In neither of these particulars can New York claim any great pre-eminence; for many of the streets are suffered to remain in the most filthy condi tion, and many of her aldermen, judges, and police officers, have failed to Require a very high reputation for integrity and the the faithful diieharge of their duties. But if these conditions are not obtained, it is certain that the outlay to secure them is very great. The estimates of the Comp troller for the tax of 1858, amount to $7,- 840,174.80; of which sum $1,246,000 are set down to the common schools; $1,043,- 198.40 to the police ; $929,500 to the State Tax; $736,800 to the almehouse and $594,519.28 to salaries, &43., &o. To have to pay all this, and then be compelled to live in dirt and disorder, is too bad. The amount of wealth in the . possession of W. B. Astor, Essr, is intimated from the fact that the other day he paid his tax bill to the Recorder, amounting to $85,000, of which $25,000 was personal, and $60,000 on real estate. The New York Herald has commenced the publication of a 'Classffication of the City Population, commencing with what it terms the "Raney," or that part of the, people that frequent race courses, pugilistic encounters, the 'higher class of drinking and gambling houses, Sze. It gives the following statistics of this dangerous part of the community : .Superior pugilists, 100; inferior bruisers, 1,000; vagabond shoulder hitters, 2,500; gam blers and touters, 2,000 ; keepers of houses of bad repute, 1,600; men about town, 2,000 ; thieves, swindlers and loafers, 6,000. Total, 15,000. - Rather an ominous record. Judge Edmonds, whose conversion' to Spiritualism" some eight .years ago, at tracted mulch attention, denies that he has recanted, as some of the papers have re ported. The Judge adheres to his views, maintains their correctness, and says that he has no idea of abandoning the position he has taken. Well, the Judge is welcome to remain where he is.- The world moves much as it did before he embraced the vagaries of Spiritualism. His opinions have but little weight, and will certainly influ ence but few. The project of a .New York Observatory, is again agitated. Men of means and enter prise have held several conferences on the subject, and the probability is, that the in cipient steps will soon be taken for one of the finest Observatories in the world. The first of Mr. Everett's Mount Vernon Papers has appeared in` the Ledger, occu pying two columns and a half. This is 'a general introduction to the series, giving an account of the circumstances that have prompted the movement in which the an thor has borne so conspicuous a part, and vindicating the present owner, Mr. John A. Washington, from the censure so freely be stowed on him for asking an extravagant price for the Mt n Vernon property. Mr. Everett suggests the propriety of each one of the five hundred thousand readers of the Ledger sending him fifty cents, or more, in, aid of . the enterprise. This series of paper s is not to be conticed to Mount Vernon, but will be made the medium of whatever will set forth the history, character, and memo rials of the. Father of his Gountry. The twenty second was duly cetebrated at the Astor Home, by a large number of the Descendants of the Pilgrims, of whom there are many in New York. . The Appleton's have in press a now work, styled " Christian Theology," by Prof. Henry B. Smith, c f the Union Theological Seminary. The seine house will also issue, shortly, a work by that much-admired author, Isaac Taylor, on " The Transmission of Ancient Books to Modern Times." The members of the Methodist Episcopal Church, in this vicinity, are exerting them selves to extend the circulation of their Quarterly. Bnt few other denominations ire doing so much, just now, to support their own institutions, and to diffuse denomina tional peculiarities. The Ch,urch, Journal, , of the Episc-pal Church, does not seem to have a very high idea of the present revival, or to be at all favorably impressed with the manner in which it is conducted, or the results to Which it is tending. It discourses in this way: The great " revival " _of the past year affords the crowning proof that the ecclesiastical organi zations of the sects are effete, and rapidly be coming ready to vanish away. For the ministers —the leaders in all previous excitements of the kind—the ministers have had comparatively lit tle or nothing to do with it. Almost everywhere the distinctive peculiarity of the movement is its spontaneity and purely laical character. The people of various denominations promiscuously have taken the matter into their own hands. Sectarian topics have been carefully excluded. The general type has been that of the Tract Society kind, which admits nothing that appears to tell more in favor of any one sect than of another. And therefore, though immense num bers of converts have been made, who have mostly joined some denomination or other,, yet never has any one of those sects received a body of new members so little imbued with its own sectarian ideas or attachments. They have ac quired bulk, not strength"; nay, the increase of bulk, together with the decrease of cohesive power, will only make them tumble to pieces faster than before. PHILADELPHIA,. The Academy of Natural Sciences, in this city, has been examining an unknown antediluvian reptile, of strange proportions and great size. The bones were found at liaddenfield, N. J., and have been classified and reconstructed by scientific naturalists. The result is an amphibious reptile, with monstrous hind, legs, short fore legs, and a motion somewhat like that of the kangaroo or frog. It must have been at least twenty five feet long. And . bones since found in the same vicinity, indicate the existence at one time of another reptile of the same kind, at least fifty per cent. larger. The Monument in Memory of Washing. ton, in Independence Squs,re, is now in a fair way of being erected. All of the origi nal thirteen States, with the exception of South Carolina, have already. committed themselves to the work- The whole cost will be $125,000, and the following appor tionment, based on the census of 1850, has been made : New Hampshire, $3,000; Massachusetts, $14.- 000 ; Rhode Island, $2,000 ; Connecticut, $4,000; New. York, $BB,OOO ; New Jersey, $5,000; Penn sylvania, $26,000; Delaware, $1,000; Maryland. $6,000.; Virginia, $12;000; North Carolina. $B,- 000; Georgia, $8,000; South Carolina, $6,000. The Rev. Dr. Stevens is engaged in writ ing a History of St. Andrew's Church, that will also contain accounts of the character and labors of its successive pastors, Rev. Gregory T. Bedell, Rev. John A. Clark, and Rev. Thomas M. Clark. The; _Publication Committee of our breth ren, of the New School, are greatly pressed for want of funds to meet their January lia bilities. Their last General Assembly deter mined to raise $16,000 for this cause during the year, and the action of the Synods en dorsed the recommendation of the Assembly. But, as yet, little has been done. _Surely the churshes 'of that body will not permit their Committee to be pressed any more; they have the means of relief, and should forward it'at once. Ecclesiastical. Rev. J. W. HANNA, of Canal Fulton, Ohio, has removed to La Porte, la., where he us, for the present, supplying the First Presbyterian church. His Post Office ad dress is changed , accordingly. Rev. H. MosELY has taken charge of the Palestine and Mound' Prairie churches, in Texas. Correspondents and others are requested to address him at Palestine, Anderson County, Texan. Rev. C. R. ITAIrGRAN's Post Office address has been changed from Farmville Va to Cub Creek, Charlotte County, Va. Rev. T. M. HOPKINS, of Yellow Springs, Ohio, las received and accepted a call to the church of Bloomington, la., which is also his. Post Office address. • Mr. 3. P. UONIKEY was ordained by the Presbytery of Dubuque on the 25th ult., and installed pastor of the church of Belle vue, lowa. Rev. JA Arriis, a NA.HoN las received a call from the ohurch at Shade Gap, Hunting don Counq Pa. Mr. SAMUEL T. Lowers was ordained by the Presbytery of Huntingdon, on the 7th ult., and installed Pastor of the church of Alexandria, Pa. Rev. JAMES WUIMAMSON was installed pastor of the church of. West Kishacoquil las, by the . Presbytery of. Huntingdon, on the 14th ult. Rev. .R. B. WrrzrAmsox has been invited to take charge of the church of 'Demopo lis, Ala., where correspondents will please address him. Rev. J. C. STEWART'S Post Office address is changed from Fancy Hill, N. C , to Bridgewater, Burke County N. C. Rev. ASA DONALDSON, of the Rockford Association of the Congregational Church, was received by the Presbytery of Rock River, on the 17th Rev G-. RiorrArtps having removed from Ebenezer, to Liberty Hill, S. C., requests editors and correspondents to address him at the latter place. • GRACEFUL manners are the outward form of refinement in the mind ) and good affec tions in the heart.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers