PRESBYTERIAN BANNFRI ~.,A..: 1 VOCATE. priarbyterlan Itaafters Vol. Me N. 15. Proilloyteriama Adveeste, Vet. XII I We. 10 DOD &KINNEY, Editor and Proprietor. TERNE6-IN ADVANCE. Original Vottrg. " Whither, and Why 7" While walking through the crowded street, Where fashion gay attracts my eye; I to myself these words repeat, Ye careless throng, whither, and why ? Eaoh presses onward hi his way, And some rejoice while Others sigh; But oh! how few there are who say These solemn words, whither, and why ? Thus, In this world of enrife and noise, Of busy care and vanity; Each presses on in search of joys; Nor stops to ask, whither, and why? The youth, with footsteps quick Iliad light, With bounding heart and joyous eye, Eager to seize some new delight, Ne'er asks himself, whither, and why? The businessman, engrossed in care, With enger footsteps hurries by; Nor can he e'er one moment spare To ank himself, whither, and why? The belle of fashion, vain and proud, In silk and satin gliding by Heeds not the voice, though oft aloud Her oensoionce calls, whither, and why ? Ye pleasure-seekers, careless throng, The hour will come when you must die ; These solemn wordl, neglected long, Will then be heard; whither, and why? But see that sinner pressing on With throbbing heart and streaming eye; Go 'watch him as he sits alone, And hear him ask, whither, and why ? That meek and lowly child of God, Whose faith and hope are fixed on high; Whose trust is in the Saviour's blood, Oft aka himself, 'whither, and why?. While pressing onward in my way, Or musing o'er the days gone by ; On childhood's home, now far away, I often ask s whither, and why. While traveling through this world of care, In scenes of sorrow or of joy; 0 let my memory ever bear These solemn words, whither, and why? May I on Jesne cast my care, On him alone for strength rely; 0, may I to his throne repair, And daily auk, whither, and why 7 And when my days on earth are o'er, When Jesus calls my soul on high ; Far, far sway on Canaan's shore I then shall know, whither, and wiq. Wapello, lowa, November; 1858 ror the Presbyterian Ulmer and adsveat3 Prayer. Prayer is the means whereby we may communicate with God , ---ithe' way in 'which we can tell him alI, our wants, unburden all our sorrows. Livini in a world of sin, away fr om our Father's house, how can we keep tip our com munication with our 'heavenly home, if we pray not ? If we close our hearts against the visits of the angels, as they ascend and descend upon the ladder of prayer, bringing us life and strength from heaven, how is it possible for us to keep up a love for the better land, the home where we expect to dwell And will not sin, with its allure ments, entice us away ? Let the• enemy of our souls but once persuade us to close our Bibles and to neglect prayer, and he destroys our intercourse with . God, shuts us off from all communion with him ; and unless the Holy Spirit comes in his power ipon us, we should soon be given over to worldliness, and become castaways, last forever I Neglect of prayer on the part of a professing Christian, is a plain notice to him of a de cline in the heavenly life; for what is prayer but communion with G od, and if this be comes a burden and a task, if we love it not, we are certainly going back to the world. But, my Christian reader, do you not too often forget the petitions you ask ? If we ask a favor from a friend, or if we present a petition to an earthly ruler, do we go away careless and indifferent as to whether our request is heard, and our petitions granted or not? No : we anxiously wait to hoar the result. But when we appear at a throne of grace, do we.not often pray only because it is a duty, and our conscience feels the easier for having done so? Perhaps we pray, because from our infancy we have been taught to do so, and it has become ti habit; or because we are professing Christians, and it is ex pected that we should pray. Certainly, if we are in earnest, and do really desire the things we ask, we should be more anxious about the success of our requests. Alas ! bow many make prayer a mere formality—a thing 'which must be done—a thing lair- • riedly disposed of, glad when got through with, and forgotten as soon as uttered. Whilst there are many professing Chris tians who think too little of prayer, there are others who make their prayers the main thing—their chief religion, Suoh persons pray with great fervor for the hastening on of Messiah's kingdom, but they do nothing to advance it. They confess their sins, but do not forsake their; they Make solemn vows for the future, but never perform them; they rise from their knees, go away and forget all about it; they seem to think that there is some hidden virtue in the act or form of prayer, which wipes off all past sins and leaves them clear for the future, ready to begin their old lives again they live all the week like men of the world, and on Sab- bath trays they sing hymns and pray, and this constitutes their religion. How can that person be a real, sincere disciple of Jesus, who keeps all his religion for certain times and places, to be used only at the prayer-meeting, at the Sabbath School, or at the church on the Sabbath ? He expends all the energy of his pious soul in singing hymns and praying occasionally! All his efforts as a Christian soldier consist in words, and not in deeds. There may be too much dependence on outward forms, whilst there is no inward life. • Religion should be an every-day , companion, and • prayer a delightful communion with God. Another meat sin, into which many pro. fessors fall, is inattention'or heartlessness in public prayer. We stand up to pray in the church, but we pray not. We hear a few petitions, and then our thoughts rove abroad, and we have no heart in the prayer. We may be in a position of reverence,and our outward apputrance be as those who worsbio aright, but our spirits ! do they commune with that 'God who is a Spirit, and who must be wor shipped in spirit and in truth? Our thoughts wander, and whilst some one endeavors to lead us in prayer, how often do we criticise the words of the petitions ? We feel them not as our requests. Oh ; it is to be feared, that ofthe many who stand up in the con gregation on the Lord's day, to pray, but few, vary few are there, who do really en gage in this duty 1 Again : •Our prayers should be in.earn est, and to the point.' Wen Peter was sinking. his prayer was short, importunate, and ear nest—" Lord save, •or 1 perish." He felt that ho needed aid, and that immediately. The poor publican wasted not many words, but how much was there in those seven words, "God be merciful to me, a sinner !"—con fession of guilt, earnestness of entreaty, ado• ration of God. His position, too, spoke most eloquently; he stood afar off, bowed his head and smote upon his breast. He felt his need of mercy. Blind Bartimeus, too, how importunate, how earnest he was The ten lepers, who lifted up their voices and cried, " ave mercy upon us !" All these should teach us how to pray. Jesus tells us to pray, and not faint—to be im portunate. Christian reader, were you sinking, drowning, and .you saw help but a little way off, yet none knew of your danger, how earnestly would you cry to your fellowman for help, how you would plead for your life ; but men are sinking every day into eternity, unprepared, and they are indifferent, and pray not, and. Christians see them •go, and are almost is indifferent and unconcerned as they. The Church of 'Christ needs more real, earnest prayer within it; and 'Christians must pray more, watch more, and fight more, if they would advance the cause 'of Jesus upon earth, and hasten the time of his glo rious appearing. S.L.C. For the Presbyterian Banner and Advocate A Word to Young Converts, The past year has been one long to be re membered. Many hearts have been made glad, because many sinners' ave found the hidden treasure. And among those who have found this treasure, are many who are but in the youth of life. It would be well for these youth to remember that their posi tion is somewhat peculiar. It will be neces sary for them to secure a livelihood. If they would support themselves, they must needs seek employment. This is all correct. Re ligion will not keep a lazy man from starving. "If ye work not, neither shall ye eat." . But my object in writing this article, is to caution you against being too intent upon the securing of large salaries, and permanent situations, to the neglect of your spiritual interests. It is not unfrequently the case that young men professing a love for Jesus, will seek a location in some place far re moved from the ordinances of God's house, because they receive a small pittance more than • they can in the midst of a highly in telligent and religious community. Again : young men who have professed Christianity, will hire themselves as salesmen to some Man who is engaged in an unlawful business, and their only excuse is, " I get so much a month, and that is better than I can do any where else; so I shall stay on with this man until I have gathered some money, and then I will go at something more respec table." MA E Again: young men sometimes violate God's commands, because it is the will of their employer, and excuse themselves by saying, " Welf I can't help it, I have told my employer it was wrong, and he will have to bear the blame." Now, my young friends, this all looks very muoh like giving the lie to your profession. You profess to have found the hidden treas ure, and yet you turn right round and sell it for naught. How different is your con duct from that of the man we read of in the Scripture, who found a treasure, and imme diately sold all that he had in order to'possess that treasurei You may make what excuses you please; but none of them will be sufficient to justify you in relinquishing your hold upon . Christ. On the other hand, if you have found Christ to be a treasure, you will understand more and more its value, in proportion as you re fuse to part with it. If you prize it above all other things, you will find it precious even in a pecuniary point of view. Yes, my friends, even among the ungodly this hidden treasure will secure you confidence. It will seoure you employment. Tho ungodly may try to buy you at the expense of your religion; but if be finds you honest to your profession, he himself will pay you a larger salary than he will to an ungodly young man. And it is no won der he should do so, for it is to his own in terest. The writer of this article, a few years ago, and just after finishing his College course, made an engagement with a gentle man in the city of to act as an agent 'for him in the marble business. After re ceiving some good advice from a pious father, he set out upon his journey, reached C— on Tuesday evening, and met with his em ployer, for the first time, on Wednesday morning. All was right, aria we were to start together for K--, on Thursday. Thursday came, and his employer informed him that he eould not be off before Friday. Friday came, and it was the same story, and so also Saturday. Saturday evening, how ever, the employer came to the writer:, and remarked : Well, sir, lam all ready now, and, we will be off tomorrow, sure.' The writer, by God's grace, was enabled to an swer, promptly, in the following words : Well, sir, ./ am not ready to go tomorrow." The employer, with an angry countenance, and an oath, exclaimed "You not ready I thought you came to put yourself into my employ." "I did, air, (was the reply,) but to-morrow is the Sabbath, and I shall not trample upon that day for anyman." " Very well" replied the'employer, "you wont suit me • I want you to understand all days are alike to me . ; and if I ask my men to go on Sunday, mean they shill do it. I will pay you off and=let you slide." Though ainong strangers, and scarce of funds, the writer did not relent. Sabbath " ONE THING IS NEEDFUL:" "ONE THING HAVE I DESIOD OF THELORD:" "THIS ONE THING I DO." PUBLICATION OFFICE, GAZETTE BUILDING, FIFTH STU", ABOV :1 ti ; t FOR THE WEEK ENDING SATIj , ° DAY, JANUARY 1, 1559. came and passed, but the employer did not go still. Monday morning the writer called on his employer for a settlement, for he was now resolved to retrace his steps toward his father's house, and engage in teaching. The employer had him do some business for him before settlement. He had him go to tbe bank, and draw out for him three thousand dollars, and pirchase a small boat with which to carry marble down the river., When this was.done he had him take an other check, and draw out of bank two thousand dollars more, which he intended taking along with him. When this was done, he urged the writer to remain with him, and promised he would , uot ustorfert, with his ob serving the Sabbath ; and, more: than this, he promised him more than twice the wages he had promised him before. The reason he gave for this was, "that he knew a y04,11g man who would lose Hs place rather than violate the Sabbath, would deal honestly with the funds entrusted to him, and- that not one of the young men in 'his employ would do." You see, then, my young friends, that luin esty in your profession is an 'advantage ,to you even in' a worldly 'point of vies*, and among the ungodly. Let me urge yoii, then, to hold, fast your profession. If you have found - Christ, never forsake him, and be as sured, "He will never forsake you." Do not allow a small pittance More to take you into a community where you will be deprived of the public ordinances of God's house. Do not assist - an ungodly, roan in an un righteous traffic, because he pays you well. Do not listen to any arguments that would teach you to trample upon God's holy law. Let this be your resolution: "'As for me I will serve the Lord." " Whether'l eat or drink or whatsoever I do, I will do ail to the glory of God." n—s—g. For the Presbyterian Banner and Advocate Benevolence; MR. EDITOR :—Would you grant UM the medium of your paper, , for the presentation of a few facts to the minds of the professed ly Christian Societies of these , cities ,and vicinities, `sugg estive of the relative respon sibilities devolving on those who profess to be the Disciples of Christ. In the day of ad versity, we are called upon by the voice of Inspiration, to consider. When we view around us, on every hand, the prospective indications of extreme suffering, during the coming Winter, as a consequence resulting from the want of employment, ought not our sympathies for the distressed be awakened, as well as our energies be directed to the. amelioration of the destitute, whose common. humanity (with those who are possessors of plenty,) entitled them, by the - special law of Heaven, to the regard of all godly persons ? Are we not bound, by the Great and only Head of the Ohurch, Christ Jesus, to bear one another's bnrdens and so fulfill his law ? If we recognize this principle await rule of life, let us remember Him who saith, ".Give to him who asketh.thee ) _and-.from, him that would borrow of thee, turn not thou away." g , In this, the children of God are manifest, and the children of the devil : whosoever doeth not righteousness, is not of God, neither he that loveth not his brother." And, again : " Whose hath this, world's good, and seeth his brother, have need, and shutteth up his bowels (of compassion)` from' him, how dwelleth the love of God in him ?" "My little children," (saith the •beloved Apostle,) ." let us not love in word, neither in tongue, but in deed, and in truth. And hereby we know that we are of the truth, and shall assure our hearts before him." It is written in the Prophets, " Then shall ye return-, and discern between the righteous and the wicked ; between him that serveth God, and him that serveth him not." Let not Societies, else than. God's Church collective ly, take the Crown, which God hath laid up for them that love him. Now is the time for the manifestations of the eons of God. Yours in the Lord, A PROVOKER UNTO LOVE AND GOOD WORKS. Pittsburgh, October 21, 1858. The Two Services. "I know, with Newton, what the world can do, and what'it cannot do," said Hedley Vicars, a pious English officer, who perished in the war of the Crimea. " It cannot give or take away the peace of God in the soul. It cannot soothe the wounded conscience, or enable us to Meet death with comfort. I have tried both services. For twenty years I lived under the yoke of sin. The retro spect of my past laie is nowmiserable to me, yet, before I was taught by the Bpirit of God, I thought and Called it .a life of pleasure. The very name when applied to sin, now makes my heart sicken. Even then I could never enjoy reviewing the oc cupations of a single day; and think you my conscience was quiet? No, no. Bitter experience has taught me that there is no peace for the, wicked.' Blessed be God, now I am pardoned and reconciled- through the death of his Sen. How happy is the Christian's life when he has this assurance." No Substitute for Christ Shall we find nothing in the true Church of God which Would seem to indicate a proneness to submitute some object in the experience of the believer for Christ ? Verily, we think so. To tiddlice an exam ple, alas ! too common:"When the act of faith is substituted for the object of faith, what is this but the hewing out a broken cistern. Whatever I put in Christ's place, necessarily becomes a substitute for Christ. If I look to my faith for comfort, and peace, and evidence, instead of my faith looking to Christ for these, I exchange the fountain for the cistern. We are now touching upon a truth of vital - moment. Jesus is the fountain of all life', light, grace; and love to the believer. Faith is but the channel through which these blessings are received. And yet, who has not detected in his heart a tendeney to look to faith for the evidence of his Christianity, instead of to Christ? Thus making the sot of believing it substi tute for the object in which we believe. You have long been pleading, as your reason for the unsettled and unhappy state of your mind, the weakness of your faith. What, I ask, is this, but the making a Saviour of your faith ? It was not faith that died for you-- it is not faith that saves you. It is Christ, and Christ alone.---Dr. Octavius Winslow. 0112ERISR the tender buds of piph and they will bloom with benevolence. • From our London Corres,pildent. 1 The illentatembert Trial—Position '' a Character of the .Emperor—The English Fri. -, Unanimous —Contrast between Prib Asia mod orance—The Univers Warned—Why P—The En Oh Working Alen and the Sabbath Question—S larisna at , a Discount--Cheering Prospects of , ze Beanget ization—The Pioneer Causes—Seria tliterature— The Pulpit and the HaSses—Mr.l , fOlter's 'Lee- ~ 1 tures at Halifax—" Love's Labor, p4'!--Spir itual Results—Kindred Lecturesr ,jiiiiichester and Liverpool--The Bishop of Lo het Preaching to the Poor—China and Tap - ,Dr. Pait's Views—The Bishop of Oxford' Spiech—.Efis ' 'Soft Words for Romish, and it -Words' for : Non-416'0p0l Missions—Postscri 0 .. ` • ...• ' LONDON, Decemberil 41858. .. , The MONTALEMBERT MIA iontumes to : occupy public attention. With , illuminable bayonets at his-back, the Em i or may . be s able to despise the indignatii , Of. all that is enlightened in Enrope, but'' ,„Z '., *. ina.. f. 'possible to believe that he cant 5',44, , , e i-itt-!, : different, or escape from the a* , "41 .that` he has committed—a., , grievou e if: — It.-. argues butlittte - conititinee in be real love of the French nation for hiti`,,persei r and.' , government, when we find hi ii ••, i i tieing mil. the free expression of Ben 'bears' with ~ which, if a• real 'lover of lib':,-• ty, Isattrottat ~ himself ,sympathise.• . The ninth is, Ifiet here is a man whose selfishnestind f got*a are intense and albabserbingi : It tyere is to be any degree of privilege tiocoididiany liberty conceded, it must comeNrom 'him; he ; Must think for, plan for, and fegulate every thing for all classes, and tillan/ Frunee; is the habitual sentiment of; the ~nephew, as it was that of the uncle. The Fina tp lish Press unanimously - Condemns the recent trial, and is the 011C:wing, front the London Daily Telegraph, 'lan haie 11, specimen, of its utterances : 1 i. 4 i , .: .. The Emperor himself is' the firebrand of the ' Empire—the man who, by emit* innocent and.' honorable men, will raise' agarhimself,' 'it .. length, the blood and gallant a lilt of all .that ' remains to be called by, the namea virtue in the • central realm of Europe. 'lf not7France is dead, and `Louis Napoleon is enthrone ,•upon. the cor- , ruption of a colossal sepulchre. 4i,ut France is not dead. 111 . .'de Montalembert Iti. self IS ci. proof t that she is alive- lie apeaks r and:kililt'aing,le calm and faithful word,. the bolts ofiison must be ' drawn upon him for half a year. L Within the next - six months who knows What I.3larhaPilt,al ll The ~ game is desperate; but : Louis , Nlpoleon..-has al ways gambled more like a manitic.than a Coward ; i yet cowardice, and that`of the raise - unmanly dit- , scription, lurks at the bottom Of this. policy. --Tfe ,' fears the great men of France; ite prefers the un broken '• Edina° 'of imbecile's, biets, and 'Shari). .., era, intent upon their severaitt iicherote ;clitis power rendeis him _dizzy ; anclin. the,•midst l ef ' his tremor, he reflects ; that if the glorio u s Fre nch . nation were`for one moment to qr-igo-veined3by- its intellect, instead of beingmver den bp i ti.,Zouar mob, he, Louis Napolion, woul":• . a a f?gitivii, a • prisoner,or a relic of extitiguisPi hhaien-vanity. Therefore does heinsult allAtinps,, and deride its public opinion, by licentiotialy, depriving an • illustrioua citizen orliberty, by 'fliiint him; lip , hooding him' over'to the unmeaspted severities et a police controlled by no kin and. responsible only to the Tiberitis of the TnillilAes. -In-such , an hour what must•Franee think-,toifEngland feel? Was •it not . enough that- free; m s h o uld be . strangled and equity i1ei.494; I .cortifigretAi aspirations ora - gre'ar people itho I to- droW,tied%, in the beastliest sonsuality---asaiduously, flattered in the ifoniteur—that philosophy. should be crusked and: religion enslaved, that the very idea of public life should be obliterated ? Could not Louis Napoleon survive an eulogy upon. England, from lherpen of M. de Mornalembert ? This, itt deed,7 is , the dscropitude, • the self-judgment of usurpation! It tells us that the throne of the Empire rooks upon its unnatural basis ;'it bids us look where we may expect to,find the inheri tors of administrative authority in France, after this apparition, 'this eclipse, thiS moekery 'has passed away. It is also significant and curious that the two weekly Romish organs, including Car dinal Wiseman's paper, the Weekly Register, deplore and condemn the Emperor's conduct. The Times, after referring to the striking " resemblance Which France, with its new institutions, bears to imperial and enslaved Rome," remarks that " there is one great difference hetween the world in which we live' and that Which obeyed the sway of Nero and Dernitian, namely, that there ex ist nations whose independence France, in past days, endeavored in vain to crush, but for whisk . Frenchmen might indeed fancy that the heart and -brain of Europe were paralyzed, and that the sun of civilization had gone down at noon in darkeess." The contrast tietween PruSsia and France, at the present morttent, is very marked ; the one case, liberty throwing off the - fetters with which a Court party had encompassed her limbs and impeded her, progress; in the other, an Emperor stifling her accents of sympathy or 'Complaint, urged on by those parasites 'whom Count D'Alembert denounces, and of whom he says, in words which helped to bring down on him prose cution, ",When I choke with the weight of an atmosphere charged with the pestilential vapors of servility and corruptions, I hurry to breathe a purer air, take a bath, of life in free England!' And so says the Times, of Prussia, and its prospects in, connexion with the inauguration of a liberal policy : We think it is not merely as a matter of Prussian or even German interest that the recent changes at Berlin are to be regarded. We in England are generally immersed in our own con cerns, and are at present little inclined to be hopeful of continental yet the accession of the Regent, the dismissal of the Manteuffel ministry, and the meeting df the Chambers'have undoubtedly raised curiosity in a high degree. It is felt that Europe begins to move. The long sleep of the continental nations is coming to an end. On the second of , neitt month, seven years will have elapsed since the forcible overthroli of free government in Prance, and by the time that this anniversary has arrived, the Representative Chamber of Prussia will have been constituted by the elections which are now proceeding. The in stitutions which have perished in the one country are coming into action under the happiest auspi ces in the other. The moment of deepest dark ness iu Prance sees the sun shoot his first cheerful ray over Prussia and all Germany. While in Paris i an eloquent orator has been finally silenced, in Berlin a band of new. deputies are preparing political orations ; while in the one place the press has been reduced to the lowest point of uselessness and degradation, in the other, reiiews and news papers are daily imbibing the spirit of free dis cussion. We trust that, to make the contrast between the two countries complete, we shall shortly have to report the proceedings of a Prussian Representative = Chamber, distinguished by the independence, the disinterestedness, the dignity, the moderation, and the ability of its members., Well may the Times anticipate that Prussia shall hav' "the good wishes of every free people!' " They are . indeed few, in number now, unless we count each of the great British colonies as one.. But, such as we, and the Americans, and the Canadians, and Holland, and Sardinia, and Belgium, are, we, are glad to receive a new ally." • I am sure that when the news reaches the United,States.of the Montalembert trial, there will be a universal expression of dis gust.. is well that the Anglo. Saxon race, in'all.italrinches, should haforced at times, into a fresh review .of the _"great sum" whereby their fathers purchased the . boon of that liberty which, to rest of. the world; is almost finknown,'and that the con-- duct of. Continental tyrants, loresbadowipg, it ,nay. be, an assault. on. Britain itself,. should Mahe . Bagland'and‘. 4 America register a vow 'of 'united' resolve 'such 'is` Words .. worth grveemtterarice-to, when he says :' " It is not'to be thotight Of, that the food OP Itritishifreedlnn, which front the gfea - t sea • Of dark ax,itignity l „hath,flowed with poinp of wateri That this'mostifilnonisaajn 'bags ancrsands Shotild,paristi ; in ,our,4B,lls,is, hang Aimory of the inkdoeibla thiighiO of Old, We idust be 7 freelloi die. * f*;. • •*- In 'PYerY h t n g re.fiqg: l3 Priing From earth's, best blood, lave titles manifold." - „ ff't tt • !..-Tney#,..auAito 16 0 .$R9p 1 JaSVAlt9E 611 ed:outthitfititiOit 1 4 . 4 6 *14. 1 0Y 14 Pettt" ,0 ' Jesnik,s which- indulges in, a eu Ogg orf of the Religious Tract Society. The foregoing statement as to the breaking of Secularism in one district, applies, be it remembered, to many others. And. tkis is the result of free'discussion. And so, secondly, I have to add that at a large meeting of the - Working men in the dis trict alluded to, to which the advocates of the Sunday League views were brought in force, after a full 'and fair argument, the people, by an overwheliming vote, decided; and that on secular grounds,' againstthose whe would have "`Sunday play," at the cost Hof ever increasing "Sunday toil." Most encouraging, also, is the prospect of evangelizing the Men of the leitizatt Class. Several things conduge 'to this. One is, that total abstinence principles, amid great opposition, are making steady'progress, and that even when these are not practically embraced, the result of the agitation is to discourage and "diminish the Consumption of intoxicating liquors. Another ' powerful means of pioneering 'the *ay for the Gos pel among working men, is the increas ingly Christian character of, many employ ers, and the deep' interest they take in the workmen employed "by them, and in their families. Liberal wages ; no 'overtaxing of strength by protracted . honis of toil; the provision of ,sanatory appliances in,the way of comfortable dwellings, with abundance of pure air and water; and the supply of use ful reading—all these are the' sure fore =Duero of something better still. The popular passion for reading is also tending to the same end. The periodicalain largest circulation, are certainly those of a secular character, and in the use of fiction, love stories, &c., are e'nerviting and injurious exceedingly. But even these periodicals, with perhaps one exception, are free from the vileness and licentiousness which once characterized them, and which made them the poisoners of all that was virtuous and innocent. The superior character of illus trated periodicals, through which Christian truth runs like a golden thread, has com pelled the proprietors of what was once literary garbage, to provide healthier mental food for the masses, and even occasionally to do homage 'to the morality of the' New' Testament. Thus; for example, the :Lon don .Tov,rnal, the other day, referred one of its inquiring correspondents to our Lord's Sermon on the Mount, as the moat satisfac tory, and complete elucidation of what was sought for. - Religious Literature, - properly so galled, is making every rapid why, and is eagerly sought for. This is true of many tracts and books, as well as serials, ; published in Eng land and Scotland. We mark it also in the large sale, among working' men, of those sermons and lectures which 'are. specially addressed tatliens. • At Halifax, in Yorkshire, I found, that lectures of this class are now being statedly delivered; these are published on the 'pion day morning iromediateljr succeedinr the Sabbath afternoon when they were = ad= dressed to a 'ma so of working "people: The ale at the - adjoining railway station, and Philadelphia,. South, 'West - Cornecaf Seventh and Chestnut Streets • - tirrc,ugh the town, is very'great. 7 ' These I . Clothes," and "opens with a description of who heard them, burthem and read :them i the Ad j'ew , calling out , " Clo' Clo' rin The railway, porters who are able to,go to a , the Amstar': whoi on being .retionstra,ted service in the afternoon, and who heard with for not saying " Clothes " 4 ,instead of them; buy and read them also, and - mere "Oki"; Etubbezinfully- pleaded the"freqency than this, they are found at railway stat Ans ' : , with Whin"): be 'had to, call out during the far and near, and in, country -in day, adding, that if the objector were iirhis shop-windows, and working people purchase place,, he would gladly do the same_'' A and read them. • good use is made of -the enbject, , however. You ask," What are the respite?" Xiist, With all its defeats, the attempt to do good in reply, let' me tell yen wbktlielecttirer y is. - 111giliairorthy He, belongs to the diali whose style jof 100 THE BISIIQP or townott is , bvsy,,ol",e.h. tures - couresfunderjthe,eensure - sortie; who. jug: t ? . the, tery 10 . west classeir in Landon, in .sarnante that style as (thue ; speken of in my t last,j "The Few, Valpit.", The Bev. Wm. colmeiibewith his Diocesan Mission wive- Walters, of ,is lecturer Of this rhent. Ilia :sermon this week it Bethnal School. ' like S'ourgeon, 4 OvhoSe Green,, was, aeed en the words, "Behold, I. predecessor 144 its ,p' erk -s treet effe i tel . s p tsmi ; the ,t 4o a ctr 'ku t o c e . k . ;; li a s u si d o ' n w ar a y s London,) liable to b e' inisunierifciod' lain earnest `affe trona bythose ,who don ' t ter, wont read or, heart .olergyme n for dark , districts have beenbeen ap. ', , = for themselves; -,The• titles- of his lectarea, their o utt ,e r , bcy consta ntly L admit, 'cr,;': — Theiatited thPies ih' the 'Mali - I t iromalgitaik ei a n ti e Agir e l m f fen* IMO movkpfidt . as alb h A to Halifax ,, r-'' not arr.rgant, - butitinmble;earinist; ..01304.).ariD,JATAN,:are!ibqgittaing tb:he successful among, tivrt,,,very ohms whom lie niewed : together g in connexion, with.Missipns seeks, by e,',,' 3 10 arrest and , pardoChri s trApiw. nreeting,,of the mem. Save, the feeling 4.3 Woodronaly modified, hers dud frienchi ihel l ioPagatiou'Peoisty h "ll' a e as ' to the es o fl'ectu'res ;an was held a few days ago, tha:Bislrep •clf these, when read; (Iliad. nor the opportiniity, ,don in, the - eitair n , to drrect attontron to the of hearing any of , them , ,) give; you lefty prrivide t otial opeeiriga "Which 'fias:g recently idea of . adaptation, vigor, ; fidelity, truth,. been made:lfoF the intrOduction Chriitian unction, and,leye. • ity into' China and Japan!! Not a side'H ere; for instance, before 'ine—given Evangelical clergyman appears to have been to me by the 'lectirrer` himself 'three Liao % Pressrit. The Bishop of. Landon directed tares, "lieliveredin the specie!' attention to the system Buddiiiim, Halifax:",,- The title of the - firatiis,'" lave's 'whiare , adherentsire'eitimated at three hint. Labor ,Lost!,' •t" That title, 7 !, says nome,of dred and twenty millions. Its very succesi, your readers, "is rather „too much for a as an aggressive'rlystem the East, the ministers ecture. yitannually the"Bishopargued, was an encouragement for name otone of Shikspearg's plays us to believe in the Still more abundant and so . said I till I CaMe salsa*, and'reid.t ",,final awned .of the. Itrne ;religion of the Let ..the lecturer explain- ,himself to that „crop., , crowded gathering of working „Flea, apd, As fofirapan, 11,03.enisin had once esthb women, end let us -listen: First f , he opens ' Hared itselfthere, brit was expelled becanse the second series of WiWer teeinies; by' 'of Wel nitittlarahirdoeities between its agents, a thankful refirenc'e to results kit `year, , I andrespecially teem:lee of political intrigues, praising - God ." for thae -who hale bearded a .i14:40t4 of which were - to be found warnings to teverencepthe religion,!which onerpthey to the Protestant missionaries who should despised;, for thotte who have renoupped occupy Japan. , -,,. ,10 Bishop referred,' as evil habits and reformed, their lives, for a matter of encouragement,that the whole ' these Who'haieteriteied e ta a , Scriptures 'Chinese tAgup could now laE attendanCe on' the'rneatris of kriaeVat'olve liendire i biriednn China-forla earn of two fir thbsetwhol'hnve been . savin* , con bhillings , and-the Gospel of Luke into - the veiled to mho Are : 14sejja 1 Japanese-has- also been executed. ~members of the lahurckot ,Pl,iffst77 i for all 4 The Bishop ; . of,, Oxford ,Was the chief these, let us Traikii::his M ay his. speaker at this, meeting. , Ile dwelt cu the goodness sicea r g rickelblels. duty' of Christian nation to' propagate its mg crown our labors. Trui,syoll see,lthht faith. -Re aid, hat he. much dpposed ;besides thet" Shaking Taiirongehbrdipbones; as 'ever to the spirit which had led to the 'and. outward reformation.' the Spirit of Life late wq.y,tn China, trutithat tkp irpico4 all the has,b.pen at work .pyllatilara of all more endeavorbrjpg the healing inga this I had from Mr. Walters' ownlips: got sates, of the quarto hear, upon that which Yhen six 41rIfineme u nitird'',theii - six 'had been' niattered 'hY these 'hOirvesiots, uniCed tiieonselves tc Wicker/1i elfin Natrir& doeirLto clothe 'the debris rbf which'he is Alb rpaster, , Mithelruit of his' o of-.the -mighty earthquake with the beauty ,labors; while cases-of 'dishonesty abandoned, and fertility with which the vegetable wo(ld -and restitution practised, ef-licentiaus t habits surrounds it." As to. China, he referred to `utterly forsaken, ' through the Smitings . .ther,forantain t flueace -pf Apreaniaur in that consciences awakened hitie Empire,,, and, _ seesreato give it credit for the • been most giatifying. Brit :Whir iiihrtnith charitable t irtitution's oirteast Children, Lotretstlapboi Lost?"' giL'ove's -and, infirmarreslorithelsiok. vllccould g not Istber;',4,Tlrials threileetlbrerie I,T)ackittre trite Idicide% "whether this -21rott been the irteurnerahle. efferts„of t ,clariaMmuftud reitiit'orde t pretiainiefikd adspeif (that the inercifurdeeds and dispensations eau -- Irififf-difsPertitr,:si:eailied Itiknish Being, of Whom it is 2,641163;1re ZovT." Trieste; thrt Bishop admits it Was "the Gbs- And then he proceeds to 'show` how, in the - perry" old'Clibleie system Christian home, where pions .parenta, have of T-'thoright had. been impregnated With expended' such pains and . training ; how, in the Sabbath School,• how, in connexion with the work of the Chriitian ministry— " Much" of this " Labor"seems wholly and irretrievably lost !" And very: powerful are the appeal* to conscience, coupled with tell ing facts. Here is a specimen My. Hearers ! many of you were. taught, in childhood iii the Sabbath School. In this town and neighborhood the large ntojority , of our young, 'and even of our= middle-aged men and women, have passed through our, schools. And yet how small a proportion are joined to Our churches, or swell our bongregations. Sobto give themselvta to lives of open profligacy and shame. Some help to fill our prisons. &Me come to an untimely end in drunken brawls. Some die on, the gallows. While thousands, like yourselves, live, a worldly,' careless, sinful lire; enjoying no peace with God, and haying 'no ; prospect rof heaven. Let me beseech you ' this, day, to. con sider your ways. The SundayScliool has'a 'charm for you:yet, I know. You love,to contribute :t6 its funds at the Anniversary. Teihdelight to, hear the - children sing. But de you 'fit.fer thitik 'hew you used to' sing long ago! =Do yon never: look hack witkre . gret on the days when,your voices, filled the anthem, of youthful praise? Do you never Wish you had made a better use of 'your' early instructions and given your hearts in your youth to God 'I As you look, around and see 'one here and another tfiere - or your old school com panions, filling nseful-and honerablejpeaitiohs.,,, in the'Church of Christ, do you never secretly wish you hadgreivit up as they have, and Were en 'gaged in a similar wayrt: On. you hithertb all toil and prayer have, been spent in vain. Wan derers return. Pursue the Piths •'of sin and death no further. Hear now the voice of warning. By all the blessed instructions of loving tear:hers —all the joys and hallowed associations of the sacred songs of youth—all your remembrances Of happier days—all the vows often made "_to serve God some future day—by all these considerations' I implore you to turn this day, to the Lord. If you :refuse no*, you may perish fOriver i and in your eternal ruin furnish fresh illustration of "Love's Labor Lost." , . Another lecture. has - the title of O A Chip of the Old' Block." In dais, is shown, finit, that God hath ihede of ' age blood all nations and all classes; -that, illy's idally, the rich and poor are on a levelthat they are 'subject. to the same. 8011:43W5,, that they have common sympathies—and finally, a.common depravity and guiltiness of nature and state before Goc 1 on which' last is based a Soletnn and:eeriest aPpeitl, for Christ, and his silvation, to the men and women before the lecturer, A, third lecture, is styled "The" Light of Other .Days,','.in which the-bac' katider is dealt with, and that' with great fidelity and &I.e . °. You *ill ihns perceive, that a. good' tee is made of his. position by' Mr. Walters, and no 'abuse- of it;. 'and that in his noble " avarice for souls," he does not hesitate to set forth, his topics in the pfaineit Saxon and with'ipecial 'use o f popular *phrases giving them anew, and. noble, and eanctified application. • Kindred lectures are' being delivered at Manchester,hy 119 , 0 Opr:CSET —and at Liverpool by the ,Rev...H.,Stowel, brown, who was 'the first to 'inaugurate this novel, and now most popular and effective at tempt to attract thdsWiithe l torevhitialy . looked 'upon ministers with coldness undjsuspicion,i and neglected the, 'public worship of God altogether. Netwithstanding the startling novelty of his titles; I think Mr. Walters is more spiritual than either of the other leo : turers, and is more careful to avoid =stirring up -ids audience, to tinseemly , laughter, broad jokes or ludicrous deaeriptions. One ,of Mr. Idnrsell'ilectures ins entitled '''"Old By Xad, or at We S1:60 per ; Tian t SER' PROSPECTUS Delivered in theitity,* 1.76 " '" ' WH.OI4A NO. 827 Christian ideas:" . • The Bishop evidently deprecates any form of Christianity in China but that which, as "the"Chu'r'ch of Chrisi, comprises the order bishoPs;prieists, and. deacons." With a bigotry and an impudence worthy of the !Wan and: his party, but insulting to that glorious King whose departed servants, Morrison Miller, and others (on whose heads no prond prelate's hands were ever laid,) first opened China to the Bible, and the true Gospel, he declared that "they could not expect the -blessing of the Divine Head of, the Church, unless they conformed. to the model,". (the Episcopal.) "He had prescribed'(!) and acted in obedience to his appointments" William- Barns, the Pres `byteriai Evangelist; and his-coadjutors at Amoy, have in ten years reaped a rich spir itual harvest. American missionaries and those of the London Society, are doing a glorioris work, talt they are all "cursed " bythis,Seni-Popiali'Prelate of Oxford, and their - toils Utterly ignored. There - are men, (like you'' , Bishop Doane, of New Jersey, whose words of narrow exiilusiveness were heard in this country, some ten or eleven . yeareago,) who would reenact all the strin gent laws against liberty, of conscience which Lind rejoiced in. They are a class "not ti)l3e'reelainied. They will live and die impenitent bigots; with impotent malice glancing from their eyes and trembling on their tongues- P. S.L--Motitalembert's sentence is can celled! The'Eciperor is compelled, a third tinge withini a year, to bow to the power of -the English press. From India; - we have news of fresh suc cesses against the rebels, both in (Nude and Central India. The Queen's proolamation was issued, with great eclat andfire-works on Noieinber let. • is very conciliatory, and lies well received. Christ - the Ventral Glory. It is the glory,of the World, that he who formed it dwelt on it; of the air, that he breathed in it, of the sun, that it shone on` him; of the gioimd, that it bare him ;. of the sea, that he walked on it; of the ele ments, that they nourished him;_ of the , waters, that they refreshed him; of us men, that and died among us; yea, that helived and died for us ' • that he assumed our flesh an d blood, and carried it to the highest heavens where it shines as the eter nal-ornament and wonder of the creation of it gives also i p to Providence. It is the chief event that adorns the records of time, and enlivens the history of the uni verse. It the glory of the various great lines of Providence that thei pant at this as their centre; that 111.4 prepared the way for its poming ;.that;isfter its coming, 'they are 111.0313_rVient to; th e 'ends of it, - though in sdraYiideed to u4:O-pieient mystezioui and unsearohable. Thusoie know that they either fulfill the, ;.promises of the crucified :Jesus,, or his threstedings; and show either . the happiness; of .receiving him, or the mis ery of rejecting him:— Maclaurin. Tii *hills Christian Religion lies in this Faith in slums Christ, ail the means of salva tion the Gospel, as , ,the source of light;- the SPirleof God, as our guide; the love of God; ;our .la*; heaven, as our home eternal life, as our end. raw