Presbyterian banner & advocate. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1855-1860, December 18, 1858, Image 1

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prambyterlius IMumiaer, Vol. Vlliplie•l3.
PrellbYterlsa Advosatill Vela W. Its, S s I
DAVID MeiMEV, Editor and Proprietor.
Original Vattrg,
A 'Psalm of Isaiah.*
0 Lard, my Saviour and my King,
My faithful Shepherd, oonstant Friend;
To-thee my song of praise I bring,
The grateful knee thee I bend.
Though long thine anger fiercely burned;
And long thy fade was hid, from me,
0, sweetest grace I thy wrath is turned,
And now thy pronenon ooraforts
Behold I the Lord my Saviour is ;
JEHOVAH is my strength and song;
My fears, henoeforth, will I dismiss,
And trust the love I've proved so strong
lionoeforth, with Joy my thirsty soul
Shall draw .9 dvation from those wells—
Whose living waters, pure and cool,
Cleanse all my guilt, sooth all mine ills.
0, join with me to praise the Lord
His deeds through all the earth proolaim ;
And that his power may be adored,
Make mention of his glorious name !
Sing to the Lord, ye nations sing I
Great things, and wondrous bath he done ;
Let all the earth his praises ring,
For all the earth hie Works bath known I
Sing to the Lord, ye ransom'd throng
That dwell on Ziou's sacred hill!
The grateful melody prolong •
Till earth and heaven his praises frill
Sing to the Lord, the living God,
The Holy One of Israel ;
Who makes our Zion his abode,
And In her midst shall ever dwell!
*lsaiah, chapter all.
Steubenville, Ohio.
From our London Correspondent.
The Bishop of London's Visitation—The Charge to
the Clergy—lts Leading Topics—Extent of the
Diocese—Church Rates—Ritualistic Practices—
The Confessional—Tustification by Faith—The
Tercentenary of Protestantism—The Bishop of
Ripon on the Social Blessings of the Reformation
—The Presbytery of London and its action--The
Dissenters and their Silence—A. Quaker Revolu
tion—The Evangelization of London—Lord
Brougham and the Religious Press—Memorial to
Lord Derby, on India—The "Funny Pulpit"—
Mr. Spurgeon's Recovery—Postscript.
LoNDox, November 18th, 1858.
of London has excited, this week, much
public interest. I went to the Cathedral of
St. Paul's, and found some Episcopal clerical
friends there to give me a seat on one ofthe
chairs set apart _for the Metropolitan Pres
byters, and was doubtless regarded by all
the clergy around me as one of the " clergy "
of the diocese. If so,. this was a mistake ;
but _thinking of _thep_natalioity_of -Presiqr—
terian ordinatiou,'•l ventured to think that
I was as really and truly a Presbyter as any
of them.
The Bishop's charge was delivered under
the mighty dcme in the vast area of the
nave, which has just been fitted up most
admirably and comfortably for the intending
Sabbath evening sermons to the working
classes. The unto/ mode has been for the
Bishop to address the clergy in the choir
of the Oatl , edral, in batches, so to speak, for
four or five days in succession, reading to them
the same charge. But on this occasion the
Bishop summoned and addressed the whole
of the clergy of his diocese at once, and
there were at least one thousand present,
inoludina t " rectors, vicars, and curates, not to
speak of canons and prebendaries connected
with the Cathedral Itself.
The Bishop walked up the church, fol
lowed by his chaplains and a body of the
clergy. Immediately after they were seated,
the Litany was gone through, two precentors
intoning it, and the organ choristers and
the assembly (including a large background
of laity, male and female,) giving the
responses. Several collects and forms of
prayer were added, but the whole service
did not occupy more than half an hour.
Dr. Tait entered the temporary desk, and
after a short prayer, proceeded at once to
the delivery of his Charge. It was q most
elaborate document, and comprehensive,
also, as well as weighty and impressive.
Its delivery occupied not less than four
hours. He commenced by noticing the fact
that the day on which he spake (17th No.
vember,) was the 300th anniversary of the
accession of Queen Elizabeth, and of the
consequent cesaatron of Romish persecution,
and of the establishment of the Protestant
religion in England. He next passed a
eulogium on his predecessor, Bishop Blom
field, especially in his having consecrated
one hundred and ninety-eight churches, of
the building of which, for the meaner, he
had been the = chief promoter. He ad
verted, in this part. of the charge;
to the
vast population in the diocese of London.
It comprises the East, North, and West
side of the Thames and of the metropolis.
(The Bishop of Winchester is diocesan on
the Surrey and Southern side of the river )
This area, with rural suburban parishes,
comprises a population of about two millions
four hundred thousand souls. Of these ; a
large proportion frequent no place of worship
The Bishop referred to the vexed ques
tion of Church Rates, and the probability of
a settlement of it next session of Parliament.
The great lesson which these secular matters
taught, was that the days were gone by when
the Church of England could look to be
Propped up by the adventitious aid, of aeon
las authority, if it was not true to its mis
sion and its Great. Head. " Above all
things, it is important for us to remember
that our strength is not in the temporal, but
the spiritual."
On Ritualistic Observances, the Bishop
spoke out fully and strongly. This part .of
the charge was listened to with 'great inter
eat. On the one hand, he depreeated the
" morose . Puritanism" which ignored all
architectural beauty in church arohiteoture,
and the bringing , in of music the moat
solemnly beautiful into the service of the
house of the Lord. But if any man's love
of the beautiful lends him to think more of
good singing than of faithful preaching,
'or if he resolutely insist' on his own views,
his zeal proceeds to a dangerous extreme.
Then, as, to Romanizing 'practices, it was
asked, " Why should any Clergyman make
his church such that a common man, placed
suddenly within it, would not to say
whether he was in a Church of England, or
in a Romish place of worship ? Excessive
floral '.decorations, and continual bowings
and genuflections, and candles lighted in
broad day, and peculiar scarfs and vest•
meets, and the other mimicry of the outeide
'of _Rome, may be acceptable to a few of the
laity, but the mass of religious persons
'among common sense Englishmen look upon
snob things as folly, at the best
" The great body of the educated cannot
endure them, because they are trifling with
holy worship, and in miserable taste; while
the common sort of, the well.disposed and
religious are not only irritated by them, but
rendered suspicious, not without ground,
that something really dangerous lurks be
Your readers can conceive how the
Evangelical clergy looked—smiling and
nodding—at one another, at such pithy
passages as these, and how the Tractarians
would look blaok as Erebus. I saw only a
few, in the out of whose dress, and in the the middle of whose hair, to well
as that priestly aspect of the face which
Tractarianism gives, whom I could identify as
of the party. The mass of faces were of
the honest, open, English type.
Some of these Tra.etarian gentry had to
hand in, last week, with others, their pa
pers, proving their titles to their parishes or
incumbencies. One of these, (I have it on
good clerical authority,) a notorious Tree
tarian, near Oxford Street, came up to the
Bishop, who said : "Mr. R, I am told you
have candles burning on the communion
table during Divine service." "Yes, my
Lord." " Are you aware, sir, that it is
legal ?" After a pause—" Yes, my. Lord."
" You will remove them, then ?" " Yes,
Loy Lord I"
The influence of these priests over
women, is greatly to be deplored. I know
a lady, the widow of a Presbyterian and a
Sootchman, (born herself in the English
_who settled, after her husband's
death, near a Traotarian church, in the
North-West of London. She is now a
devotee; spent, last Christmas, large sums
for floral decorations for "'the altar;" and,
though left well off, is actually embarrassed
in circumstances by her excessive gifts.
When her son was lately ill of fever, (her
residence is next door to the church,) the
clergy and people offered prayer in front of
the house, for his recovery. Thus the whole
family is being perverted.
The exaggerated idea of the authority of
the Presbyter, in the Bishop's opinion, finds
its full development in the attempt to set
up the Confessional. He dwelt with great
power on the silence of the Church of
England formularies, as, compared with
those_ of Rome, in treating of systematic
confession. Here he read extracts from_ the
Tridentine Catechism, in the original Latin.
Never have I heard Latin;read so well, and
so distinctly. It was hardly possible for
any one who - knew the language moderately -
well, not to be able to follow the meaning.
He also showed the marked difference be
tween the first prayer book of Edward VI.,
(1549,) and the revised prayer-book of
1552. He also quoted from the Book of
Homilies, the famous passage in which, on
the text, "Confess your faults one to
another," it is 'distinctly said, that "if this
binds the laity to confess to the clergy, .it
equally binds the clergy to confeme to the
laity," showing that the Reformers did not
believe in the priestly and absorbing power
of the Presbyter. The danger now is,
lest a mode of teachifig should gain
ground, which will exalt the sacraments
into superstitious charms, and would make
the clergy spiritual despots over the laity."
" Depend upon it, that real faith in the
Lard Jesus Christ, such as our Church
teaches, is the effectual cause of the soul's
ealvation, is not strengthened by teaching
our people thus to lean on the unauthorized
mediation of man." That the Bishop thus
holds justification by faith only, " the
artieu/us atantis, vel cadentis ecclesice," is
very satisfactory. He seems to me, how
ever, too ready to recognize the piety and
soundness of faith, in the main, of the
Romanizers. This .is the weakness of his
position as a consistent Bishop of a " com
promise" Church. The Evangelicals as a
body, do not go with him here, and his
attempts to fuse the parties together will
necessarily fail.
I must leave other parts of the charge un
noticed, for the present.
TION, (on the 17th November) has been
celebrated in different parishes and dia•
triots, both metropolitan and country. Dr.
Hugh McNeil preached very eloquently on
the subject, before the Lord Mayor,Sheriffs,
and the officers and pupils of ing Ed
ward's School, in Christ church, Newgate
Street, while Dr. Trench preached at West
minster Abbey.. Dr. Cumming also gave two
- discourses on the subject.
The Bishop of Ripon, the previous even
ing, opened the Winter Series of Lectures,
in Exeter Hall, before the Young Men's
Christian Association, by.a stirring address
on "The Social Blessings of the Reforma
tion." The results which flowed from it, he:
eaid, were three told—political, social, and
religious. "There is not an inhabitant of
the Kingdom, who does -not at this hour
reap benefit, directly or indirectly, from the
Reformatien—not a noble, not a peasant,
not a ROClit9l Catholic, not a. Churchman, or
a Dissenter, who was not freer and happier
than he would have been, had not the great
conflict of 'the sixteenth century issued in
the downfall of the Papal domination in this
country." This- statement was received
with great enthusiasm. The Bishop also
quoted the Duke of Wellington to the same
effect, who said, in. 1844, "not only our
whole system of religion, but of toleration,
depi3nded on the Reformation."
In enumerating the " social benefits," the
first mentioned was, the -deliverance of the
country from that tyranny of. the Papacy,
which had, by its bulls, rt ade monarchs
tremble on their thrones, and plunged - whole
nations into cofusion and ansrohy. The
effects of a papal interdict, as described by
- Hume, were here quoted with great effect.
Another menial benefit, was, deliverance
from the terrors of excommunication,- exer
cised on a superstitious` and priest-ridden
population. - Deliverance also from obliga
tion to engage in foreign wars to further
Papal designs—from the -power of Rome to
present .to _vacent benefiees--from the error..
moos expense—from appeals to the Pdpe
in judicial;i3ases—the suppreasion of Monne
teries, (cant lining fifty thousand idle per
eenß, preying on the people in the reign of
Henry VIII ;) ell these were among the neg
ative, yet important'benefits of the Reforma
But the benefits of a positive kind were
immense. The human intellect was disco
chained, and the diffusion of philosophy and
science were not'to be forgotten. Here the
Bishop quoted a powerful passage from Rab•
ert Hall's writings, adding, that had that
'great man lived now, and have seen the as•
tonishing mental activity that prevailed,
and the rich-rdsults of the list twenty five
years, it would have put his imagination
and eloquence. to the teat, to depic their
Again : to the-Reformation was to be, at
tributed the elevation of public morality.
Before the Reformation the clergy were dis
solute in their Hires, and the inople very_
wicked. Seventy-two thousand thiev.ets were
executed in one reign.
The Bishop of Ripon concluded by a de•
nunciation'of the Confessional,'and of the at
tempts recently made to unprotestantize
England. The, religious conflict of the day
turned on the question, "Shall we cling te
naciously 'to the principles of the Reforma
tion, or, one by one, shall we surrender
those principles, till, at length, the distinc
tion between the two creeds is lost, and
Protestant England, faithless to the Reforms
tion, is folded again into the embrace of the
Papacy ?"
This well.timed lecture was received with
great enthusiasm, and was worthy of the
nephew of the lamented Edward Bicker.
stetb. - The manifold testimony this week
lifted up on behalf of the Reformation,
throughout the country, is most providen
tially seasonable, and I trust and believe
will be crowned with a blessing.
had a demonstration of. their, own, in com
memoration of Elizabeth's, aocession. It
was agreed that a public meeting
held, in one of our churches in-the West
End. Dr. MeCrie read a paper:on " Eliza
beth and the Reformation," and Dr. Hamil.
ton, and other members of the Presbytery,
addressed the Assembly. Of course the
Presbytery knew well, and did not hesitate
to condemn the act, that Elizabeth perse
cuted the Puritans: But looking at the
death of Bloody Mary, in connexion with
the inauguration.of a new era in England's
history, they expressed their thankfulness
to God accordingly. Even Neale, the Puri
tan Historian, acknowledges how greatly
the country was indebted to Elizabeth. She
was the firm supporter of the Protestant
Lords of the Congregation in Scotland
against Mary of Guise, and the designs of
France, and the foreign- Protestant; also
shared in her practical -sympathy and sup.
port. The destruction of the Spanish arma.
da in her reign, makes that reign - immortal
to all haters of spiritual desp t otism.
The Dissenters, as a body, have...not joined.,
in - 'thin -ooarmemerataire — allhougE4 strong
appeal was made to them by Sir Culling
Eardley. There were, however, a number
of exceptional° the general statement which
I have made, and it is 'not to be supposed
that the English Nonconformists do not
love the prineiples of the Reformation be
cause of their silence on this occasion. The
truth'is, that while the Puritanism` of the
Church of. England now furnishes the party
which commemorates Elizabeth's accession,
she was the - pe.rsecutor -of the Puritan
clergy. Nay, she suspended an Archbishop
who favored the " prophesyings " of the
clergy, (meetings for the study of the Scrip
tures,) and she declared that one preacher
was enough for a whole county
Turning to a very quiet body of people,
THE QUAKERS, it may not be uninteresting,
to Pennsylvanians to be informed that a
conference of three hundred of the members
has been held in London, at which it has
been agreed so far to section marriages be•
tween individuals,of the community, (though
not in membership,) as to allow them to take
place in religious meetings. Besides this,
all restrictions in regard to what is called
plainness of speech, behavior, and apparel,
may also be discontinued, bat confirming
its ancient testimony in favor of Christian
moderation in these matters. le is thus
that the Society of Friends finds it necessary
to yield to the spirit of the age,- and is un
dergoing a gradual revolution. The dimi
nution of the numbers of this excellent
body of citizens is considerable, and -a very
large number, of essays have been sent in,
in connexion with the prizes offered for the
best solution of the causes which have ar
rested the progress of Quakerism in Eng
cupies the increasing attention of Protestant
Nonconformists. The idea of individual
responsibility is beenning to be solemnly
realized. "-A contribution," said S. Mor.
ley, Esq., at a recent meeting, "toward the
support of a City Missionary, would not com
pound for individual neglect,- and free a
man from responsibility. If a man or woman
could not go'beyond the household to call
upon.siek persons, work at home might be
found among domeatic servants." The im
portance of bringing individual effort to
bear on'young men in warehouses, and upon
the working men, was also dwelt upon.
This very week a conference has been held
at Birnaingham, as to the best 'mode of
spiritual access to , the males of the working
THE Kra:MMUS PRESS has been harshly
animadverted on by Lord Broug,ham, and in
return, he' has received seal severe' hand
ling from Dr. Campbell, of the British
Standard, that he (Lord B ,) referred to
the matter a second time, in the way of self
justification. Be made no answerto the
just accusation that .he -had once affirmed,
before the studepts,of Glasgow, that a. man
was no more Tempontible for his belief than
for, the color his skin or the height of his
.stature.. Once on- a time he had presented
the Socialist, Robert Owen, to the Queen;
that he does not deny; but he "only intro•
dined him as the Father of Infantßchools,"
and he (Lard 8.,) had nothing to do with
Owen's "'opinions ' At the same time, he
takes occasion to bespatter with ,praise the
Bishop 'of Oxford, and with abuse those
who hissed him at Bradford
The real truth of the matter is, that Lord
Brougham was always a Secularist, even in
his philanthropy—hates "Evangelism, and
has no. sympathy, Ifear, with Bible..Chris
tianitY. This is much to be deplore&
A Timm tarzioßTA on India has 'been
presented to
.oid Derby, and a ,ineeting, at
which the LI, 10 of Argyle presided, has
been held at Efoubur g h, urging on the Gov
ernment the adnption of the Christian policy
suggested_ andiiiitvocated by . Sir John LaW.
1 , ,y
The " Pima PimPrai," as =it has been
called, has co ,-
~. need a fresh Winter cam
paign. Thuk ;r: Mureell has lectured at
Manchester, t ~. list two Sabbaths, on
"Stand at Easi "."-Pand "Lodgings to Let."
This is going 4:1 , Its far enough out of the
beaten track..' ,till greater flippancy •is
shown in the A le of lectures at Rudders
field, 44 Breach ii promise," and .at Halifai,
where a Rev. Mv'W,alters his taken as sub.
jests, "Love's Llbbrl)st," and 44 Light of.
Other Days." t.
. Ma. Sruno ~. is recovering from his
illness, and pr. heiVin !thefSurry Music ,
Hall, last Lord's ; ay,_on the, teat,." Though
for- a - sea h , if need be, ye are in,
heaviness, thron e manifold teiriptations." .
There - is a fine;?"ealthy conservatism
his mind, whit ;of the true Saxon style,
and better stil4 liefullizess of the Gospel is
grayed and, pre * ad by him. J. W.
P. S.—Count 'Alembert's trial is post
poned till the 24' t inst.
Lords Palmer ,ti and • Clarendon are on a
visit to the Einp, .isr, - at Compiegne, for four
days. He cultitares the society of Ex-
Ministers, not kiitiwing but that some day
they may be in o ce again.
Preside.' 's r Message..
dFenow-pitizens oft s , mate ,
. aile . i.House of ßept esentiVitleB
When we compamihe , condition of the coin
try at the present dit with what it was one year
ago, at the meeting fi,(iongress, we have much
reasontfor gratitude-Wl* Almighty Providence,
which has never failed to interpose for.oue re
lief, at the most Alail`periods of our history.
One year ago; the artional strife between the
North and South, onAe, dangerous subjeet of
slavery, had again 41othe so intense ea to threat
en the peace and per tietiaity of the,confederacy.
The application for
s the,ndmission of Karim:Urns a
State Into the nioq:, 'fostered thie unhappy-ag
itation,and brottgliSAlie whole subject once
more efore Congrat : It was the desire of et-.
ery patriot that 6 h measureti,of legislation
might be adopted ' ' Mild reniove the excite
i r
meat from the State and confine it to the Ter--
ritory where it legt innately belonged. Much
has been done, I artOliaPpy to nay, tdivards the
accomplishment,of thiaobjeot, during the last
session of Congress. '
The Supreme Cotillt!Of: the United Stateif had
previously decided, et at all 'American citizens '
have an equal rightlfiVtke intri the Tarkilories,
whatever is held ass operty : under the - laws: of
any, of the States, a'• to, hold such ,prOperty
. there under the viand - 171.ship: of the tederalpon-
X ,
stitution, so long till hi territoitalc. doriditifin .
shall remain. "sit„.- ,
This is now a wellz.eitablished fosition, tend
the proceedings of '4,ti' ;-•Tivitt Session *ere alone '
wanting to give it lit' '' al. ,effect: 'Elm princi-;
pie has been.remigniz . i in some feint iii%other„
by an almost unanim tevai-of bittle , •-hbusee Of.
. Congress that a-- ' ' .. - ' -,e .- tot'llilniL
— TritTatiirernion either as a free or-a s ave State,
• according to the will of its people. The just
equality of all the States has, been thus vindica- ,
ted, and a fruitful source of dangerous dissen
sions among them has been removed.
Whilst such has been the beneficial tendency
of your legislative proceedings outside of Kan-
sae, their influence has' nowhere been so 'happy
as within that Territory itself. . Left to manage
and control its own affairs in itn own way, with-
out the pressure of external the revo
lutionary Topeka organization and all resistance'
to the Territorial Government established by Con
gress, have been finally abandoned, As a natu
ral consequence, that fine Territory now appears
to be tranquil and prosperous, and is attracting
increasing: thousands of immigrants to make it .
their happy home.
• The past- unfortunate experience of Kansas
has enforced the lesson, so often already taught,
that resistance to: lawful authority, under our -
form of government, cannot fail in the end to
prove disastrous to its authors. Had the peo
ple of the Territory yielded obedience to the
laws enacted by theii legislature, it would at the
present moment have contained a large addition
al population 'of industrions and enterprising
citizens; who hitie been - deterred frinn entering,
its the existence of civil strife and or
ganized rebellion.
It was-the resistance to rightful authority and
the persevering - attempts to 'establish a revolu
tionary government under the Topeka Conklin
tion,ivhieh caused the peoplmof Kansas to com
mit the grave error of refusing to vote for dele
gates to the convention to frame a constitution,
' under a law not denied to be fair and just in its
provisions. - This refusal to vote. has been the
prolific source of all the evils which have follow
ed. In their hoitility to the Territorial Govern
ment, they disregarded the principle, abeolutely,
essential to the working of our form of govern
ment, that a majority of those who vote—not
the majority. who may remain at borne, from
'whatever cause—must decide the result of an
election. For this reason, seeking to take ad
vantage of their own error, they. -denied the au
thority of the Convention thus elected to frame a
constitution. '
-The Convention, notwithstanding, proceeded to adopt a
Constitution unexceptionable in its general features, and .
providing for the sabmission of the Blavery question to a
vote of the people, which, in my opinion, they were bound
to doiunder the, iiftllolB end Nebraska act. This was the
all-important question which hail alone convulsed the Ter
ritory; and yet the opponents of the lawful Government,
persisting in their first error, refrained from exercising
their right to voteiand preferred that - slavery should con
tinue; rather than autoloader their revolutionary Topeka or-
A wiser and better spirit seemed to prevail before the
first Monday, fJanuary fastorhenan election was held un
der the constitution. A maturity of the people then voted
foraGovernor and other State oaken . for a "ember of
Congress, and members of the State ' Legislature. This
''election was warmly contested by , the two, polhicaPparties
in Hamm% and a greater vote was polled than at any, pre
vious election. A forge majority .of the menabers of the
legislature elect belonged to that patty.which hid previous.
ly. iefused-to vote. The anti slavery party were tilde placed'
in the ascendant, and the political power of the State was
in their own hands. Cad Congress admitted Kansas into
the Union under the Lecornpton consthutien. the Legisla
ture might, at its very fifth session, have inbmitted the
question to a vote of the people, whether they'would - or
-would not have a convention to amend their. Constitution -
either on.the slavery : or any other question, and 'have
adopted all necessary means for giving speedy effect to the
wilt of the majority. Thus the Kansas question would
have been immediateitand finally settled. .
Under these circumstances, I submitted to Congress the
Constitution thus framed, with all the Officers already elect
ed necessary to put the State government into operation,
accompanied by a strong recommendation in favor of the
admission of Kansas as a State In the courre of my long
public liferhave never performed env official act which, ire ,
the retrospect, bus afforded me mere heartfelt satisfaction.
Its admission could have'nflicted no poesible Injury on any
human being, whilst it Would, within a brief period, have
restored palm° to Kansas and harmony to the Union. in
that event.;tbe slavery gumtion would ere this Wive been
finally settled, according to the legally Oxpreised will of a
majority of the voters, and popular sovereignty would thus
have been vindicated hi a constitutional manner.
. . .
With my deep convictions of duty, I couldhave pursued
no other course. at is true, that, as an individual, I had
expressed ad opinion; both before and during the melon of
the Convention, in favor of sitbriihting the remaining
clauses of the Constitution, sa well, as tliatcougerning shive
ry, to .tbe people. Bat, acting as an Wilda character,
wither myself nor any humaa authority hat the power' to
rejudgo the proceedings of the Convention, Mid declare the.
Constitution which it had framed as a naility..To have done
this would have been a violation of the Kansas :atid Ne
braska aqt,-which left the:people of the Territory "perfectly`
free to form and regulate their domestic institutions in their
own way, . subject only to , the constitution of the lhilted
Mates. It would equally have violated the great principle
of poptilar sovereignty, at the foundation pf bur 'institu
tions, -to deprive the people of thp power, if they thought,
proper tp exorcise it,:cif :confiding, to delegates elected by
themselves the trust of framing a ClineLittttion, ivithont
quit lug them to suhject their constituents: to the trouble,
expense and delay of a tee indeleetion. It would have been
in opposition to many precedents in bur tilstory, commeno.
fug in the very besfage of the Republic, of the adMission of
Territories as States into the Union; without a previous
vote of the people approviog Ltn it Constitution.
. .
- it is to' be lamented that' questroneo Hung
nifteant when-viewed in Rat practical on
the people of .Ransae whether decided one
or the , other., shot ld 'have • kindled such a llama
of excitement throughout the country. This re
flection may prove to bi; a'lesson of wisdom and
of warning for our future guidance. Practi
cally considered, the question' whether
the people of that Territory should" first come
into the Union and then change any= proviSion
in their Constitution not, agreeable to. themselves,
or accomplish the very same °bled, hi.remain
ing Out of the Union and framing onother•Bon
stittition itti adcordance with their will?
either ease, the - result would be Precisely, the
some. The only difference in point of fact is,
that= the object would have ,been much seeder
attained, and the pacification 'of Kansas more
SPCeditY effected,. Mid it been admitted tie 'a
State during the last seas:Loa of Congress.
My redommendation;'fihiveVer, .for the Jaime
. date admission- of 'Causes,. failed to meet the
approbation of Congress. . ffhey,deemed it wiser.
to adopt a different measure d
for the Settletlient
"of the question:, ' my ' d
own part,'l should.
havi been willing to :yield my `assent to almost :
any conatitntionaPmeasnre to accomplish,this
object., li, therefore, -:cordially ; itequieseeff
:,.What' . has z beett, English ,Com profit is e; -
and approval the 4 .c/bit fOr':thte &dad*** of-• the -
_ State! p c. Kansas into the trnionktiponitt4 terms
prescribed: ,
under the 'ordinance which- accompanied the Lecomi
ton constitution, tie people of Kane= had claimed dimble
the quad ty or public lands for the eupport of common
schools, which have ever been .previously granted to any
- State upon entering, the Union;'and aisothe alternate
sections of land .for twelve miles on "Mott side of two-rail
roads, proposed to be constructed from the northern to the
Southern boundary, and from the eastern to the western
boundary of the State. Congrem; -deeming these claims
unreasonable, provided, by the act of May 4, 1248; to
which I have just referred, for the' admission of the State
on an, equal footing _ with the original States, but "upon,
the fundamental condition precedent" that a Majority of
the people thereof; at an election: to be held for that pur
pose, should, in.the _place of the very large grants or pnb-
Me Lands which they tid•deraanded under the ordinance
accept - such grants as had been made to .lifinnesota and
other new, states. Under this sot Should a =jolty reJoet the
Proposition offered them,-"it shall-be deemed Midfield that ,
the people of Kansas do umdesireadmission into thettnion'
with said Oonstittitibri under the cenditiolis Sot forth in
said preposition" TA that:event, the ^ act 'authorizae the:
-people of the Territory toelect delegates:to form a gmisti,j
tutioa and state - geverninent - fer themselves, "whenever,-
.3 and not before, it aseertatioed brit - census, duly and , le t
gaily taken, tharthe population of said Territory equals -
or exceeds the ratio of 'representation required for a =ant
her of the liouse of Representatives of the Congressof the,
UnitedStates."The deleaatioithria assembled "shall first
determine bY a iota whether it lethe wish of the people
: of the proposed State to be admitted Into the Union at
that tine, and, if so, shall proceed' to form a .06nstitutlon,
and take all necessary steps "bribe establishment eta
Stste government in cenformity with Me federal constitu
tion." After this 'Coestitution Motif hare been formed,
. Congress, carrying mit the prineiplee ort.opulareovereiMi
ty and non-intervention, have left the "mole and manner
of its approVii -or ratification by the people of the oroPosed
fitate".to be "prescribed, , ' and , they "Mani then be
admittiotinto the Union as a Stateunder such: Oonetitatiod
thus fairly and legally Made, with orwithoirt Slavery,
• said Con stitution may prescribe
An 'election elion was held ".threngheut Kansas; in
. .
, .
pursuance - of the-provisions of ibis on the
second day of August.lasit, resulted intlie
rejection, by a large_ majority, of the
tion.submitted to the people. by Congress. This
being the case, they are authorisedto form
another - Constitution; priparatory to admission
into - the Union,-but not until their 'number, as
ascertained by a census,-,- shill equal ;or t exceed
the ._ratio,reguired elect a member to the
- House of Representatives. ,
It is , not probable,llepresent 'state-of. the
easi, - that !Lind' onetittition
,cin - laWfully,
framed and presented to Congress , : by it ammo,
befOreltcpopulationrshall have reached the deg-,
.ignated..number. Nor• is it to, be.presumed that;
,after their sad experience in resisting the Terri
ifelJaWS, they will atte'Opeto adopt 'a'CO n
lion irr express violation of the 'previsions of an
act of f eongresi.q During the'session... of 1850;
"much of the time'of CongretilL was' 000upied.oni
the question pf-admittine Kansas underthe.To-.
; pelts constitution. Again nearly the witch 'of"
the jaikiestitote was "deLfotted tine qLiestion oft
Atlinc. -
Ktirely itis not nnienscinable to require Ate peo
pre -of Kau saw to wait, lieforw making a third at
tempt, untit . the- number : of their inhabitants
shall amount Le ninety,three thousand-four hun
dred . atidrtwenty:' this brief period, the
harmony of the States;
r es well ns "the great•bu
sinessictterests of the cciantry, demand that the
Uniowshall.not for a .third ,time be convulsed
by another agitation on the Kansas quest ioU,—T-
By waiting for.a short , time and-acting in <Amit
e:me to law, Kansaa.wiii ' glide into, the Union,
withent the 'slightest imPediment
This excellent provision, which Congress have
applied to Kangas, ought to be extended, and
rendered' applicable to - all - Territories which
may hereafter seek admission , into the Union.
Whilst. Congrese possesses the undoubted
power of admitting new State inta the Union,
however small may -be the number if inhabi
tants, yet this power ought not, in my opinion
to be exercised before the population shall
amount to the ratio required by the act for the
admission of Kansas. Had this been previous
ly the rule, the country would haver escaped all
the evils and misfortunes to which it has been
exposed by the Kansas question.
Of 'course, it - would' be unjust to give this rule
a retrospective application, and exclude a State
which, acting upon the Past practice of the
government; has already formetlits Constitution,
elected its Legislature' and other officers, and is
now to enter the Uhion..
The rule might. to be adopted, whether we
consider its bearing on: the people of the TerH
tories.or upon the people of the existing States.
Many of the, serious, dissensions which have pre
vailed in Congress: and throughout the country,
would have beeh avoided, had this rule been
established at an, earlier period of the Govern
Immediately upon the. formation of a new
Territory people from different. States and from
foreign countries rush' into it, for the laudable
purpose -of- improving their - condition. Their •
first duty to themselvesie -to open and cultivate
farms to construct roads, to eitablieh schools, to
erect places of religious worship and to devote
their energies generally to-reclaim .the wilder
ness and to lay the foundations of a flourishing
and:prosperoueCommonwealtit. If, in this'll).-
cipihnt condition,. with a population- of a few
thousand, they should prematurely enter the
-Union, they are oppressed by the - burden of
State taxation; and the means necessary for the
improvement of the-Territory and the advance-.
merit of 'their own in crests, are thus diverted
to very different purposes. - • '
The Federal Government has ever beenttliberal perorate
the Territories, and a generens contribitsii_te thee-usefill en
terprises of the early settlers. It has paid the expenses of
their governments and- legialative assemblies mit of the corn ,
mon treasury, and thus relieved them from a heavy charge.
Under theseeircu'mstances, nothing can he better calculated
to retard their. material progress,, tban to divert them from
their Morel employmemts; by prematurely exciting' angry
political contests ameng themeelves, for the le nett of , tapir-
ing leaders. It Is surely no hardship for embryo Goverriors,
-Senators, anstmembers of Congrees, to wait until the ADM.
ber.of inhabitints Isbell equal those of a single congreasion.
at distriet.: - They surely ought not to be permitted to rush
into the Union, with a population lees than one-half of sev
eral- of the l e rge counties In the;interior of some of -the
States. This was the conditiOn of Kansas when it made
application to' be admitted.under the Topeka, constitution.
Besides, it requires some time to render the mass of a pope,
Wien collected in a new Territory,. at all homogeneous, and'
to unite them on any thing like a fixed policy. Estiblish
• the ruttr,attd anvil' look' forward to it and goiern them
selves accordingly,
Bat ,Instice to the - people of the several States requires
'that tins rule should be established by Congress. Should
the people of the States fail to elect a Vice •President, the
power devolves upon Use Senate to select this officer from
the two highest candidates on the list. In Ma of the death
of tlse President, the Vice President thus elected by the Sen
ate, becomes President of the United' States. On all ques
tions of legialation. the Senators from the smallest States,ot
the Union have ars-equal vote with- those from' the largest.
The same may be said in regard to the ratification of tree
the, and of Executive appointments. All this has worked
admirably in practice, whilst it conforms in principle with
the character of a' government instituted iby sovereign
States. I presnmo no . American citizen wonld- desire the
slightent change in the arrangement.- Still is it not unjust
and unequal .to the existing States to invest some forty ,or
fifty thou./ma pa cottecte4 into a Territory with tbe
tributes of sovereignty, and place them on an equal looting
with Virginia and New York In -the Senate Of the United
- .
For these reasons, I earnestly recommend, the
passage of a general act, which shall proiide- that'
upon the application of a Territorial legislature, de
claring their belief that theVerritory contains a nuns
bar of inhabitants which, if in a State,,would enti
tle them to elect a member of Congress,'it shalt be
the duty of the President to cause a census of.the
inhabitants taken, and if found sufficient then
by the terms of this act to authorize them to proceed
"in their own way" to frame a State constitution'
preparatory to admission into the 'Union. .I- also
recommend that an appropriation may.l t e made,
enable the President to take a census of. the people
of - ICansas. - -
The pre,sent condition of the Teif:itaiy. of Titah;
. .
Philadelphia; &M b , West Corner of Seventh and Chestnut Streets-
when.oontrasted with -what it was one year. ago, is
a subjeot for coegratnlation. It was then in a state
'of open rebellion, and cost what it might, the char
'acter of tho government required, that this rebellion
should be suppressed and the Mormons compelled
toy field obedience to the . Constitution and the laws.
In order to accomplish this object, and es I inform
ed yeti in my last annual message, I appointed a
new Governor instead of Brigham Young, and other
federal officers to take the place of 'those 'she, con
sulting their peraontil safety, hiid found it necessary
to withdraw from the Territory. TO protect these
civil officers, and to aid them as 4. poisci cond.
tutus, in the execution of the laws in :ease of need, I
ordered a detachment of the army to accompany
them to Utah. The necessity for adopting these
measures is now demonstrated. , s
On the 15th September,,lBs7, Governor Young
issued his proclamation, in the style of ad lade
pandent sovereign, - announning his plirPori, sis to
resist by foroe of arms the entry of. the United
; States. troops into our own Territory el ; Irish.
BY'this he required all' the forces ill the 'Terri
ifliold 'themselves in readiness to march
,:aata.-momen't's notice' to repel any, an.d 'all !Utah:
.11,prwiitin,"'and established martial law from its
date throughout the Territory. Thetie proved to
be no idle threats: Forts Bridges add Supply
were vacated and burnt down by the ldormena,
• f,o'deprive our troops of &shelter after their Tong
and fatiguing march. Orders were belied by
/ullet H. Wells, styling himself "Lieutenant
General, Nativoo Legion," to stampede the ani-
Male of the United State troops on their march
'te set fire .to their trains, to burn. the . grass and
.the *hole country-before them and on their peeks,
to keep them froorsteeping by night surprisei,
and to blockade the road 11 felling trees, and
.tiestroyieg:the fordo of rivers, Ste , Ste., gc.
'These. orders were, 'promptly and effectually
'Obeyed. On the 4th' October, 1857, the Moe.
'pions capiered and tinned oti Green River, three
of Oursupply trains, consisting of seventy-five
'wagons, loaded With provisions and tents for' the, and carried. away , several hundred animals./
This diminished the suppTY of provisions Immo,
: terially that Genertillohistoir'wns'Obliged
'duee the ration, and even withlhls • prectintlitil l 2
• ...there was only suffiniemL:left to subsiat thelteciope
until the first. of June. -
.Our•little army•hehaved admirably in theirin-:
earnpmeet 'et For‘leiidgiii, - Under these trying
"privations. - In the inidet of the mountains, in a
dreary, unsettled, and lnhitspitable region, more
thodeand miles from ihoine, they 'passed
. the severe and inclement winter without a mur 7;
Jane.' They look fin:ward with eonfidence for
relief from, their country id due e'easotr, an,d in
this they were not disappointed. , .
.the Secretary of *;111: employed all his energies,to'
r forward-at - 0m s h e necessary inipplies; andlos:musta
and Beall such-a miltary force,to Utah as woUld Ten,
— der ieaistance on 'the part of thsi Brormomi hope-
less' andlhus terminate the war ,Without,thiseffushin
of bleed. In his efforts he was efficiently eurtained
•by Congress. They griiited'afpprofsriationiatifficient
fo Over the delleieney Abu!! nectossarily,oreated, and
also provided for raisingtwo regimenie of"voluinteerßc
for the pniptise - of • quelling distil-WM(IBS iiintlitiVar:.
*Dry of,Utah, for the protection of supply. arid
grant trains,and the suppression of lisd4iis hostili-ss
ties on the rontiersfi 'llappily,,there was =nu dtea-A.
• sion to call i these.reginsents, into
,service. If them
'bed Veen, Tstibilld'fitiv4 felt serious embarrassment
in eeleiting. them, : do•krt4t, -Was ;the- riember:of •-•
, brave and. patriotic, citizens ankh:suer to serve Asks
C'ount'ry 1n airs' diatertf and - apparently' dimgermil
expedition. Thus it JIM ever been,and - thus-mayAr . i
ever be ,
The wisdom add Coonoilly 6t sopditYg sufficient ref
inforeementa to -Utah, are established not,ohly by
the event, bet'in the onidiOn of 'those who, from
their positiors^and Opportunities, are-the: ;mos . ! , cepa
, bits of forming . It correct_ judgment. General (Johns
' tens, the commander of the forces, in addriesing the
7 Secretary of: War.froin Fort Bridger, •nntlertdate of
Ocitelmlll,'ll367; tiaprosleithe opiraop - that "unifies.
"._-.*„" sefir 'herb; fronO•the Ctiature gf
the country; - .a - protracted war on their (the:Ver.,'
ramie) part is inevitable." This he considered ne--
canary, to terminate the war "speedily end more
economically than if attempted by insufficient
means" • "
In the meantime, it was myenxibus desire that
thelformons should yield obedience to,the Constite-•
tion and the laws, Without rendering' it necessary to
resort to military force. To aid in-aeronsplishing
this object, I deemed it advisable, - in Apnl last, • to
dispatch two distinguished citizens.of the ,United
States, Messrs. Powell and M'Cullocb, to Utah. They
bore with them a - Proclamation addressed by'myself
to the inhabitants of Utah, dated on, the:sixth day of
that month, warning them of their true oonditiou,
and how hopeless it was on their part to persist in
rebellion against the United. States, and offering all
those who should submit to the laws a full pardon for
their past sedition& and treasons. At tie same time,
I assured, those who should persist in rebellion
against the'United States, that they mist expect no
further lenity,.but look to be rigorously dealt with
according to their deserts.. The instructions to these,
agents, as well as a copy of-the Proclamation, and
their -reports, aro herewith submitted. It-will be
seen by their report of the 3d of July last, that they
have •fulli-eonfirmed the opinion. expressed by ; Gen.
Johnston ia the previous October, as to...the necessity
of sending reinforcements to Utah. In this they
state,.that they "aro firmly impressed with the belief
that the presence of the army here and the largo ad
ditional force that bad been ordered to this Territory,
were the chief inducements that ceased the Morm6ns
to abandon the idea of resisting the authority of the-
United States. A loss decisive policy would probably
have resulted in a long, bloody,and exPensiveWae.
These gentlemen conducted themselves to my OD..
tire satisfaction, and rendered useful services-in axeT•
cutting the humane intentions of the government.
. It also affords me great satisfaction to state that
Governor Cumming has performed his duty in en
able and conciliatory manner, and with the happiest
effect. I cannot,. in thie d gennection, -refrain from
mentioning the valuabldrifFices of Col. Thomas-L.
Kane, who, frdin motives - of pure benevolence, and
without any official °brio:der or pecuniary compen
sation, visited Utah (airing the last inclement winter,
for the purpose of contributing to the paciflontion of
the Territory. -
I am happy to inform you that the goveinor
and other civil officers of Utah are now perform
ing their appropriate functions without •resist
ance. Tha r authority of the Constitution and the
, •
laws has been fully restored, and peace prevailsa
throughout the Territory.
A portion of the troops sent to Utah are now .
encamped in Cedar valley, forty-four, miles:
Southwest of'Salt Lake City, and the remaindei
have been ordered to (Oregon to suppress ;Inaiati .
The march of the armj o Salt Lake City,
through .the Indian territoil l hastad a power-
ful effect in restraining the hostile feelings
against the United Stales, which existediainong
the Indians in that region, and in securing emi
grants -to the Far West against their depreda
tions. This will also be the means of establish
ing military poste tad. _promoting, settlements
along the route. ,
I recommend that' the iginefits of our Land
laws and pre-emption•• system be extended to the
people of Utah, by the establishment of a Land
office in that Territory.
I have occasion, also, to congratulate you on
the result of the negotiations with China.
You were informed , by my last annual message
that our Minititer had been instructed to occupy
a neutral position in the hostilities conducted by
Great Britain and France against Canton.. Ile
was, however, at the same time, directed to co
operate cordially with the British and; French
-Ministers.iu all peaceful measures to.securc by,
:treaty those just concessions to foreign com
merce which the nations of the world-had a right
to demand. It was impossible for. me to prodeed
further than this, on my own authority, without
usurping the war-matting. power, which, under '
the Constitution; belongs eiclusively. to Con
gress. ,
Besides, after a.careful examination of the
nature and extent of our grievances, I.did not
believe-they-were ofineh,a pressing, and ag
gravated 'character, as would4eiye justified
'Congress in declaring Noir Chinege .
'Empire, without brat. Taking" an earnest at
tempt to adjust them .by peaceful :ne gotiation.. ,
I wits the more inclined to :thia . ' opinion, be='
cause of the severe chnetisentent •which.had
• then but reeently-beettinflieted upon the Chi
': •itese. by our scputdronr-itt -- the. - capture ,and
destruction of the Barrier farts, to avenge an
alleged insult to our flag.-
The event has 'prove& the Arisdoin of our
-neutrality ; Our ~111inistur.4. 1 3 executed his .
instructions With isnoinetrit gicillend ability. In
conjunetion4itl , thei ritilesdah- - plettipeteutiam'
he has peiensfully,lukeilhotually, colperated .
By Nall, Orit.the Mee, $1.50 per Year, / SEE PROSPECTUS.
Delivered in the City, 1,75 " "
with the Englishand Frenchplempotentiaries;
and each of the four powers - has concluded a
.separate treaty with China, of a highly satis
factory character. Tho treaty concluded by
our-own plenipotentiary will immediately -be
submitted to the Senate,
lam happy to announce that, through the
energetic yet conciliatory efforts of our Consu
l in Japan, a new treaty has bCen con
cluded with that Empire, which may : , be ex
pected materially to augment our trade and
intercourse in that quarter and remove from
our countrymen the disabilities which have.
lieftitefore been imposed upon the exercise of
,their religion., treaty shall be submitted
to the'Sertatei tor approval without 'delay.
'lt is-my earnest desire that every inlinnderstand
ing with the government of Great Britain; should
be amicably and speedily. adjusted. It has been the
misfortune of both countries, almost ever sinee the
period - of thirTfkirdtatior - 7 - 0, ;nave been annoyed by a
Suet:tendon 'cif irritating and dangerous questions,
threatening their friendly relations. This has par
tially prevented the full development of those .feel
` ingi, of mutual friendship between the people of the
two-countries, so natural in themselves and so con
ducive to their oommoo interest. Any serieue inter
ruption, of the commerce between the United States
and Great Brittairr, would be equally injurious to
both. In fact, no two nations have ever existed on
theifaccof the putt', which could do each other so
much good or, so Mitch harm. '
Entertaining these sentiments, I am gratified to
inform you, that the-long -pending controversy be-
Eweon thertwo Governments, in relation to the quer
lion of visitatioirand search, has been amicably ad
justed. The claim on the part of Great Britain, for
_ cibly to Visit - American vessels on the high seas in
. tiptenf peeee„obiald tnot:be sustained under the law
of nations, and ft had been overruled by her own
most eminentjuriste‘---
-This question wait recently,bronght to-an issue, by
the . repeatedaefsnf'British - ernizerl,l6 . lloarding and
•searehing ouransirehartt vesselalii th&Galrof Alex
.locrand Ike adjacent eau. These acts were.the more
'injurious add annoying, al those waters area travers-
UM by. a large portion: of; the cOmmerce'and naviga
;,.tion•of the United States, and their free andunre
'"iiiiided tteirie 436;66:tri0 the Seenfity-of the coast*
••,w)sibtriellisbetwifrenrclifferent States of the Union.—
Such.vexatious.interriipliorie 'mina riot fail excite
the feelings' f , the - the inter
position of_the,p,oiriment. Remonstrances were
addressed to the British Government against these
violations'of- our righte of sovereignty, and a naval the same time ordered to the Cuban
. waters, with direitions "to protect all vessels of the
United:States on the high seas, from eteireh or de
. tention by the vessels of war of any
_other nation."—
, These measures received ' the unqualified and even
enthiutialitic , ..aPprebation of :the Artierioaq people.
Most fortunatly,however, no collision took place,
arid the'Britisti Efoveineent,promptly avowed its re
cognition of -the.principles ;of international law up
on this subject, ai laid doWn by the Government of
the United-States, in the nate of the Secotary of
State .to the, British Minister it Washington,of
-April 10,1858, which secure the vessels of the Uni
ted Statek•tipoii.tlie'.ltigli seas fromillisitation or
search - i¢ .tiree of peace,. under -any circumstan ces
whatever. The'claim has been abandoned fd a man
ner reflecting honor;ori the.Brit:Leh ',Govern:Rent, and
rl evincing eine. : itegtt{d for the law of nations, and
baited fairt'd t stienktbeetheamicabie refitting be
',Lipson tyrocppnweiy.
The t ßritiah Government at the same time,
".lifopodecartiTe Unired 'Stales that lorne mode
sh d Ebetadopled, Ty. arrangement be
tween „the two • countrieNof a character which
niatAbe feadiffiEtiii withiout -tieing offensive,
for verifying the nationality of veescle sespectcd
on goad-grounds.ot.carrying false colors. They
have also invited. the United States to take the
initiative, and propose - measures for this pur
pose.: Whilst:declining to isstimeetiiorgreat a le
..P.RoSsibilitY, „Ater Seerelar,y .of jtate,has in
formed tlie'Briffidi Government that wenre ready
AO rioefitratiy proposals which: they may feel
disposed to,offer, having this object in view, and
to consider. them in an amicable spirit. A
strong opioion is however expressed that the oc
casional abuse of the flag of any nation, is an
evil far lees to be deprecated, than would be the
establishment of any regulations which might
be -incompatible with the freedom of the seas.
This Government has yet received no communi
cation specifying the manner in which the Brit
ish Government' would propose to carry out their
suggestion ; end I:ani inelinedic believe that no
plan which can be dcvieed, will be free from
grave embarrasments. Still, I shall form no de
cided opinion on the subject, until I shall have
• carefully and in the best spirit examined any
proposals which they may think proptr to make.
I air truly-sorry I cannot also inform you that
the complications between Great Britain [writhe
United States, arising out of the Clayton and
Bulwer4resty of April, 1850, have been finally
At the commencement of your last session, I
had reason to hope that, emancipating them
selves frem further unavailing discussions, the
two Governments would proceed to settle the
Central American questions in a practical man
ner, alike honorable and satisfactory to both ;
and this hope I have not yet abandoned. In my
Jest annual message, I stated that overtures had
been made by the British Government for this
purpose, in a friendly spirit which I cordially
reciprocated. Their proposal was to withdraw
these questions from direct negotiation between
the two Governments ; but to accomplish' the
same object by a negotiation between the British
Government and each of the Central American
Republics whose TerritOrial interests are imme
diately involved. The settlement was to be made
in-accordance with the general tenor of the in
terpretation placed upon the Clayton and Bul
wer treaty by the United States, with certain
modifications. As negotiations are still pending
upon this basis; it would not be proper for me to
communicate their present condition. A final
settlement of these questions is greatly to be de
aired, as' this would wipe out the last remaining
subject of dipute between the two countries.
Ouixelatlons with the great empires of France and Rus
sia, wi well as with all other Governments On the Conti coat
of Europe, except that of Spain, continues to be of the most
friendly character. . .
With Spain our relations remain in on unsallifactory con
dition. In my message of December bud, I informed you
that our Envoy Extraordinary and Minister plenipotentiary
to Madrid had asked for bin recall ; and it wee my put ruse,
to sendnut a new Misdater to that GOurt., wtthepecia 1 in
structions on all questions pending between the two Gov
ernments, and with a determination to have them speedily
and amicably adjusted, if that werepoesible. This plums°
Las been hitherto defeated by causes which I need not
The mission l 0 Spite bee been entrusted to a distinguish
ed citizen of:Kentucky, who , will proceed to Madrid with
out delay, and make another and a final attempt to obtain
justice from that Government
Spanish officials, ender the direst contrditof the Captain-
General of Cuba, have insulted our national flag, and. in re
peated Instances, have from time to time inflicted injuries
on the pennies and prope•ty of our citizens. These Lave
given birth to numerous claims against ihe'Spanish Gov
ernment, the merits of which have been ably discussed for
a eeriea of yews, by our atIOCEOSITe diplomatic represents- -
tires. Notwithstanding this, we have not arrived at • prac-
Mal result In any single instance, soles we may except
the case of the Black Warrior under the late administration; -
and that presented ontrag. of each a characterns would
have jtistida an immediate resort to war. All out attempts
to obtain redress have boon baffled and defeated. The fro-
Tient and ofbracurileg changes the Spanish ministry,
have been employed as reasons t r delay; We have been
compelled to wait again and again, until the new minister
shall have bad time to Juireatigate the justice of our de
Even what have been denominated the "Cu
:ban claims," in which more than a hundred of
our citizens are direotly interested have furn
ished no exception. Thisiclaime were for the re
funding of ,duties unjustly enacted from Ameri
can vessels at different custom-houses in Cuba,
so long ago as the year 1844. The principles
upon which they rest, are so manifestly equita
.ble and .just,. that after a period of nearly ten
wears, in 1854; they were recognized by the
Spanish Government. Proceedings were after
yards instituted to ascertain their amount. and
this was finally 'flied according to their own
itiatement (with • which we were satisfied) at tha
snm of one hundred and twenty-,eight, thousand
.Bix,hundred and ,thirty-five dollars and fifty-four
cents. Just it the moment, after a delay of
fourteen years, , ,when we had reason to expect,
that this sum would be repaid with interest, we
have received a Propclial offering to refund one
third of that amount (forty-two 'thousand eight
hundred and seventy-eight dollars and forty-one
cents,) but without interest, if we would accept
thiesin full satisfaction. The offer is, also, ac
companied by a declaration, that this indemnifi
. cation is not founded on any reason of strict
jnatioe ; but isrmsde as a special favor.