, • , . A Z ' 110.1. 111111 i; A. 111111111.11111.111 - : •• "", Ito _ . • 1..„• ' ;' ' , ,• . _ " i , 4 1 4- • . .t -a r .411.<7 1". rR 'Ea THING IS NEFr — onilus,: , 1./krtran. r 4 • 'PITTBI „ . 4 :1 it Att 1 is Pzir rett 0.4 1 Fs"( tiEh the evE ore oni int tan eds• :tat co ton de( of ota fe me icio fhb Et t ?af h _ a of o par at nit of • a th.< th 1 • n tons a ritl 11E ml wf ag >der.l 0' anc tEle -601 I ac ta y sL Face rt rep: of • the, • Ile, We ug taring," matured, ko,i &a. Ann uu . _ 1 ....yds« Iwn in more I Board, 410, ae ti e-1 fnr that purpose, and forward ,the n." _ tt I TENI.,-,” John Galt, J. M. Cease air in - nn h oard one la __ YY uke ' RE ^H cent at '0 m of ; a , ei ,Q ' o ] to .601 dr mi w tS tt in GI ID on E th oft Ot Inc zu sbytortan Saamore Vela VII, No. 22. sbytorlliuk Advseats. VW. XII, 1110. 7. ID MoKINNEL Emu and TfiVethr• ==l 8.-IN ADVANCE. E E 3 Original .a.et . Lines Written in a Friend's Bible. Search ye the Word of Ood; To his commando give heed; Follow the steps which he has trod, Let his example lead. Search well, with earnest mind, Here treasure is oonoealed The priceless pearl you here may find In this extended field. Serach, too, with fervent prayer, That God hie grace impart; His wondrous love to you deelare, Aud sanctify your heart. Search daily, till you - hnow: Your sins in Christ forgiven; 0, msy bin Spirit guide below, And bring you safe to heaven. Nielfloville, 1868. For the Presbyterian Banner anaVoeaLa Praying Jesse. Praying Jesse 1 And who is he ? Never iud, reader, but consult, carefully, the fol wing truthful narrative, and you may learn 3o this personage is. ie may be yourself; it if you are not he, you ought to be like m. Some months ago, it was my lot to be ated in a car of a estern-bound train, in 'loll there were two drovers, on their way Ime from the Eastern cities, where they d been on business connected with their :ular vocations. They were bold, inde ndent, rough•mannered men—full of the ;nit of their calling; quite talkative, so 1, kind hearted, and really intelligent on matters pertaining to the legitimate fenc es of professional drovers. They had owed this business for many years. Long ore railroads in the West were thought or the phrase, " shipping wattle ) " was .rd of, they had marched many times, wly, from Illinois to New York, behind yes of fat bullooks, to the Eimind of an asional crack of the whip, and the mond us s Jog of the leader, Soo 0.0 o•o-ke! listened, with much interest, to their itals of many pleasing incidents that had se under their observation, during so ly years of travel. No Banker in Wall set could use more glibly the beautiful hnology of financial life, than they. Well . they understand all about exchanges, gifts, discounts, deposits,. cheeks, " paper tuning," matured, &o,; &e. And no ped , with his pack; bad ever been in more chens ' farmhouses!, hovels, or talked to re old women, or olose.fisted men, than They were alike at home in the wild drie, in the social family-oirele, or• amid crowded, noisy (tattle markets of the st! • ikliAlsei l 4- 14440 1 441 itkOtlis — n i i*Vi' d read much; and I. felt, they iware v jusiit sh instructors as an inexperienced person, I was, needed. I got much from them, their line; and then I gave them some return, in mine. They listened with as :Doh respect to me, as I had done with iusement to them. They said::"You k, sir, ' about drovers praying—we confess rswear more than 'we pray. We ought t to do so, but it's our habit." "That ekes it none the less a sin," said we. To is they assented; and immediately replied : But there are many of you professed aristians that don'nt pray; and when you it mad, you will let slip some bard Ards, too." "How do you know .that ?" Know ?—We have heard more swearing unog professors at the stands,' where we op over-night, than we ever heard, pray ig 1" Having a perfect knowledge of the per ms who kept the • "stands," on a certain rove-route, for a distance of over twenty ilea, I named them all in order, beginning rest; asking, "Does not Mr. A. pray in is family when you stop with him over. ight ?" " No." "Nor Mr. B. ?" " No." Nor Mr. 0. ?" " No." "Nor Mr. D. ?" No, never." "Does Mr. Jesse ?" Yes," they both exclaimed, at the same :start, "Jesse does pray with us, always. od bless " Jesse ;" for if there is a good ad honest man above ground, "Jesse" is oe. When we turn in with him for the ight, lie always reads a chapter in the lible, singe a 'hymn, and prays with us all efore we go to bed. And no man can lake a better prayer than he." Here one of iem said: "Yes, that's so; I've heard it len, and often—l know it almost by-heart. no of my men took sick once, in Bahl ire, and we thought he would die. He ked me to pray tor him. I tried to, but lade a dog of an out,' till I thought I mild try and repeat Jesse's' prayer. I said some of it, but it did n't sound much like Jesse' praying ! After I was through, I felt like a fool ; but the poor, sick felloW said, "I wish Jesse was here. I do love him. He's the best man on the road." "That's so," said the other. "For the first day or two after my droves leave the stand, my hands talk about his honesty and we all feel that if -we were to let him measure out all the corn himself, he would not cheat us out of a grain. What a strict fellow be is, too, on Sunday. He don't like to keep us on Saturday night. If it so happens that we must stay, we always settle our bills before retiring, and when we start in the morning, we do it as quietly as pos sible, for, we don't want so hurt Jesse's feedings. And when we get off, and atop , to rest our cattle under the shade, we talk about Jesse, for all of us feel that he 'a the best soul alive." " He is known all over the West among drovers es ' praying Jesse;' and when I return and meet any of them, they will soon unk, Did you stop at Jesse's ! ! How is he ? This would be a good world if .all were like him." I listened to all this, and far more, with great interest. Now, reader, if you are not "Jesse," ought you not to be, at least as far as his apirit of devotion is concerned ? He lets his lightsbine, He is not ashamed' of Jesus. He his his reward. Think. of the influence he is Ozerting for good on hundreds of rustic drovers—men who have a rough exterior, and engaged in a rough business, it is true, but men who, as a gen eral thing, have kind hearts, and minds filled with shrewd discrimination. They can,see when professors neglect their duty; end such negligence not only:brings reproach • 4r•ro on the cause of Christ, but suspicion on the integrity of the individual guilty of it. 0, if all professors were only as faithful as "praying Jesse," what an influence for good would the Church exert upon the world! Too many of us hide our candle under a bushel. Bow dreadful the thought that any professor "should become a stum bling block over which sinners may tumble to perdition.. ..rarents may be so to their children ; teachers to their pupils; „stu dents to one another • hosts to their guests; ministers to their flocks; the Church to the world. Let us be more faithful and firm, embracing every opportunity to do, and re ceive good; and then , will we - grow in holi ness, as well as in favor with God and man. , Never can I forget the 'impression ma& upon my mind by these drovers, committing: ig praying jean: ' [Owing to peculiar circumstances, as the Stated Clerk informs us, these Minutes were hot seat to us till last meek.. Hence the Ktay, atenees of their appearance.—EDl The Synod, of Chicago met, according, to ad journment, in the Firth Presbyterian church of Rock Island, and in the absence of the Moderator, Rev. R. K. Todd, was opened with a sermon,by the Rev. William Townley, from Eph. iii: 19, first clause—" And to know the love of Christ, which passeth knowledge." After sermon, the Synod was constituted with pr)yer by the Rev. Samuel T. Wilson, the last Moderator present. Reaolved, That Synod has listened with interest b the remarks of the Rev. Mr. Lord, Agent of the American Bible Society, for the State of Illi nois,; and that we recommend to all the churches within our bounds, a remembrance of, and liberal gifts to the Bible cause. On motion, Rev. Messrs. Hart and Lynn were appointed to prepare a Biographical Sketch of Rev. Samuel N. Evans, and forward it, through the Stated Clerk, to the Presbyterian Historical Society, Rev. Messrs. Marsha• and. Pillsbury were ap pointed to prepare a similar Sketch, of Rev. John. Marshall, and forward the same, in like manner, to the Presbyterian Historical Society. The Committee on Bills and Overtures present ed a Report, which was accepted and adopted, and is as follows The Committee on Bills and Overtures report back the Circular of the Board of Publication committed to them, and recommend the adoption of the following resolutions : Resolved, That this Synod rejoice to learn the efficiency and success of the Board and its Agents, and would render thanks to God therefor. Resolved, Synod would recommend earnestly the Board and its objeots, to the affections, confi dence, and contributions of the churches in our bounds. Resolved, In view of the present.necessities Of the Board, Synod recommend that those churches which have not, within twelve months, contrib uted in aid of the fonds of the above named Board, do, as speedily as maybe, take up a col. lection for that purpose, and forward , the same to the said Board. The Committee appointed to bring in a minute in reference to the death of Rev. B. N. Evans and Rev. John Marshall, report, and their report was adopted, as follows: WIMILNA9, This Synod has -heard., of the .death f-V.,l l l3o ll o4 l 4iinr 4 Yrferv*Ami : tli; -24th 41 4 4 ,- * of A gni , iesi.v. ) S. Isl.:Evans, l .6n" the 30th .day ofrSepteniber, 1858; cut down in the , prime of life, and whilst faithfully laboring in Ake field; and, realizing the greatness of the loss to, the Church at large, to the respective churches in which they were laboring, and to their families in particular; and ourselves, at this- present meeting of Synod, being deprived of their pres ence and counsel, and fraternal intercourse ; therefor e, Resolve, That while we bow in submission to the stroke of an All- wise Providence in.their re moval from the Church on earth, it is in the firm faith of their translation to the services of- the Church in heaven, and in the humble hope that other laborers may be raised up in their stead, to work in the earthly field. Resolved, That this Synod does mingle its sym pathies with those of the bereaved families and' friends of the deceased brethren, and does hum bly pray and trust that the blessed consolations of the Gospel may be afforded them and ourselves, in view of the present bereavement. Resolved, That this Minute be signed by the Moderator and Clerk, and be, by the. Stated Clerk, forwarded to the families of the dwased. The Committee on Missions presented a eport, which was adopted, and is as follows : The Committee to whom was referred the Cir cular from the Executive Committee of the Board of Foreign Mission's, report thereon for the con eideratien of Synod, the following resolutions : Resolved, That in the restoration of compara tive peace in India, and the resumption of mis sionary labor, where it had beeninterrupted, we recognize the answer of prayer—while God's peo ple were praying, he . heard, and answered—and we desire to offer fervent thanksgiving for this, his great goodness.' Resolved, That we render thanks to God for the answer to his people's prayers; in throwing open to the Church the whole of China, Central Africa, South America, Japan, and . other parts of the heathen world—all invitingtelds, and calling for immediate occupation. Resolved, That the providence of God now, as well as his Word always, calls upon us more loudly than ever before, to lift up our eyes and look upon the fields white for the harvest, and to pray the Lord of the harvest to send forth the la borers ; and that, in view of the need of thousands of Gospel Messengers to go everywhere, entering these open doors, we recommend much prayer for this object, and especially the observance of the day appointed by the General Assembly, the Fourth Thursday of Febrpary, as a day of prayer for Colleges, and Institutions of learning. Resolved, That in view of the fallitig off In the receipts of the Board at the time when there are demands for increased expenditures, we recom mend all our pastors and stated supplies to pre sent the subject often to their people;.that they afford them frequent opportunities to contribute to this object. And - in order that all the people may be reached, and all the mites gathered up, we recommend that, at suitable times, when-they preach in school houses, and at outstations, they present the cause of Foreign Missions, and take up collections. Resolved, That in view of the fact that only about half of our churches contribute anything to 'Foreign Missions, Presbyteries be advised to instruct the occasional supplies to their vacant churches, to present this subject, and call for ,u collection on such a day as Presbytery may ap. ! point. Resolved, That in some measure we appreciate the many labors, trials, and discouragements of those excellent and devoted men, the secretaries and other officers of the Board of Missions;, that we assure them of our sympathy, and that we promise them and the cause which they serve, our prayers and our earnest co-operation, teeing that they are serving us, and hoping that they may not be discouraged by our past lukewarm noes. Resolved, That we urge the distribution, in all our families, of the Rome and Foralen Record; and that the children be educated and encouraged in the same good work, in the manner now adapted in many congregations, where collections are made statedly in the Sabbath Schools; and the 'Foreign Missionary paper be distributed so as to place a copy in every family which is repre sented in said schools. Resolved, That we do thank the Lord for what we hear of the power of the Gospel, in turning many Unto the Lord, iu,nearly all our missionary fields, during, the past year; and we will pray for larger blessings, even that converts may be mul tiplied like drops of morning dew; and that we will encourage the people of, our charges to re member this cause in their prayers; and wherev er it is practicable, we recommend the observance "ONE THING IS . NEEDFUL:" "ONE THING HAVE I D. PUBLICATION OFFICE, GAZETTE BUILDING, FIFTH BTAiiittißOYE BMITHFIIELT . .PITTBDMIGH; ' " Synod of Chicago. • tt. , ": ft : ' • ' • , i - :.•"! c•fl tc.,t ' • • FOR THE WEEK ENDING SATOD RA t. Y4IiDE CEMBE R .r,114 ,4 • • of the Monthly Concert in - prayer for Foreign' Missions, 'and a collection . be -taken , up , at. the time; and all this-will we do, moreover, because we believe that the revival` of religion at home depends very much upon the.efforts.we. make for those abroad; for hethat gives, to him it shall be given. On tnotion, Rev: Dr. Wood, Associate Secretary of the Board of 'Education, was heard on, the present condition and-operations of that Board. After which the following resolution was adopt ed, viz.: . Resolved, That wA, as a Synod, - return hearty tlianks to Almighty God for the great things -he has done for the Church, in the , conversion , of so ' many young men in the length -and •breadth of the land, and.directed their minds, and hearts, to the Gospel Ministry in answer to the prayers 'of the Church; and that`we take courage and. go forward in the uee,of - the sanity means' that have been,so signally blessed'i • - , • Theerpport.ef the-CommitAcemaAke, , 4te ,916941A404000‘take,n ultand .:' , pted; - . islollows: 1. With reference to reaolution sth, on page 275, ReBolved, That the day herein designated' be urged upon the observance of all the churches in the Synod, according to the recommendation of the Assembly. 2. In reference to the first resolution, recorded on page 281—That whereas, there is reason to apprehend that this Monthly Concert in prayer does not receive the attention from the churches Within our bounds which, its great importance demands ; therefore, Resolved, That this ;Synod adopt, in its fullness, this resolution of the Assembly, and does hereby enjoin upon all its members, to maintain in their churches the hearty observance of this concert in prayer. 3. With reference to the preamble ; and resolu tions, on,page 294, , whose subject matter is the same as that of the communication from H. Jones, D.D., Chairman of the Committee for the Relief of Disabled Clergymen, and , the needy Widows and Orphans of Deceased Clergymen," which was referred to this,Committee .Resolved, _That the members of this synod take into their sympathies ,and? into their purposes of active beneficence, the object thus preseated to them. Resolved, That they recommend to all the churches in the Synod, to take up an annual col lection for this fu.nd and they suggest, as a suit. able time for' the collection, -the Sabbath next preceding the day of Annual Thanksgiving. ' The Report of the Committee our Educational Affairs was taken up, and after discussion, the following substitute for the original. report was adopted, via.: In view of the magnitude and importance of the subject now under consideration, and . the evident difficulties which encumber it, Resolved, That a Committee of six be now ap pointed, whose duty it shall be to visit Marengo, Dixon, and any other places that the Committee may think expedient, and report at the next meeting of Synod, as to the suitableness of either of these places, for the purposes of a Synodical College, and the precise conditions and terms upon. which such a result can be realized. Resolved, That this, Committee be directed to confer with any similar Committee from the Synod of Illinois, to ascertain if it Sldtolling Otero. intender. Welit 4 of 'the crostini:kg, • near lib& On e the th':side , nof , ithe,oPittaburgh; ii'ort giii !Wein)* end Ghiciiige Railreed- , T l . l 9 , Pengre-, gation which _w_orshipaln it is small; was first orgituized,by4jic...New.LisbctPresby. tem some7.fiiie'years The membership A larger than- it etver was: : "TrlA' : e&- peot to be able to take ' a pastor one-hatffhier :tame... By grestexertion on theirconkeipar,t y , :U.:lather with ,the imprinle ,cf; Xitorn.,qtb. era s they have at last epcixeile4 Jtkerenting ik 'S ejr keenhouse Of It' ili c ti&t . lionise) surnionlited' e 'The lot upon' whioh' istands'itr rthe entire donation. of Mr. - , Elishit laden§ The•• met,. Of the building by contract - 1851;56Q, pf: which t!;eisongregation have raised hy !Mb- SeriPtii;i2C,l,l;ooo: Thai; 'who L inow' their • diiiliamstariees; Viis• - • 4erj , ifreit? and- comrnendlible ,, 'ei ort. tTbay: - .4niveere4 ceivedinlnoney,andqledget..l3§9,.,leateir ecdeht„iiporr r .the ; hni,l4og a v g2oo, not the . friends o f Oilier. me this young and ;struggling churob a little aid Writer' is 'eertairilhat it isinuoli needed r end' moneyacannot tO•la movelsworttty object of benevolence. The memikegal--, of tlint,chnsh,and their, lebiriqnsAsimpitive done nobly; and now 14 ikon . c)treniiq, relief will be joyfully and ihinkfulti eitittedL ' if • - • = :All.donations merle tseniNtellivlAJ. B. M.intso, .Salem,..M et • -, !1 1 Ins . trident's- . 0 4 Zion will please to remember this important enterprise hk . „their prayers ; for what 'use ui biild - Chiiiclitis; Unless we seek cum Ged'tilblisseing tipon. them ? M..." .1W1'M.#014.,1,. adapteedtilithie mind' as whetting to the legthe:;4o‘l@karpett. the OM, 'its ce01 37 / 4 0=PICe4d-rgr,ew dull and blunt - . lipttr•e f ffira; n that apex* his whole time hi - fediastion `ll-4efeirithat tiitiSiaj ifiow and his steed starve. M. towtraribri he that nalwaya: Wit! ai)d neSnr , reoret.teei is ever taaptpg,.: r owar.: r whetting ; ,ittitrimg • mtoh,to„ pmoae; good,noloy,t4 as no: ega: , Then only y doth the mirk go the tioytlia' is kritegiiviiably and moderately whetted.that :at. may i outi awl( aoi outs thatr it ,ittayf have. the rhelp - of sharpening. I 74#d ,si.k,igterphange that neither, be diall with, work, nor idle -and with ilio'reatitin.f—Biiit,oi h u 11. • if •;.: • „;; Crucified Vet - f• . :it : s' To. use methaa, to .Ae one ;wi th Chr ie t , you if you do not choose to'locl'ld44flon do not choose They thetas* °bikes lure orteifiedlo the world and the world onmifir# to them. It is.,Nso r ipir derlerati,om —Be • seamed, your c `pomfo acdsordanse iiith t yonr N 49 till .he is dead to sitcl vderitei voverty, t dome:afflietions, come reproach-r-come-what will, we will take ~you 411.. with reffigOlgioll• Come sickecpe come '.bereavements) , come 'trials, we will take yon as nails and Ifacilmcre to nail ourselves to the arm of uhrist;ihst *ewe Afesseng;r. 7 ;12