Presbyterian banner & advocate. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1855-1860, December 04, 1858, Image 1

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issbytertaa Baslaors vsl. Irlic So*ll* " ONE THING IS . NEEDFUL:" "ONE THING HAVE - J DE RED OP THE LORD:" "THIS ONE THING I DO." wx-ic•rix N
resbytertan Advocates Vol. XII. Mie. O.
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ID MuKINNEY, Editor and Proprietor.
i i3 inui 302ilettp.
At rest, sweet one at rest
On yootier peaceful shore,
Where sorrow's chilling wave
Can reach the heart no more
00110 from this vale of tears
To blissful scenes above,
Whore tears are wiped away,
And all is peace and love.
We would not wish thee' back
From that bright world of rest,
So sweet is thy roma
Upon the Saviour's breast:
" S4u viduld not wittk - bee back,
But 0, bow sad the while,
To mills thy gentle voice,
Thy sweet. and loving smile
We little thought, sweet one,
To nee thee din no unou—
To see thy beauty laid
In such an early tomb.
But JenlA called thee hence
In yon bright world to dwell,
And we would trust in him—
•' lie doeth all things well."
'Maim, Pa.
Western Correspondence.
MCKINNBY :—lt 18 so long since yon
bad a letter from me, that your read
nay have almost forgotten that you have
Irrenpondent in this portion of the land.
the North West" must still be heard
; and I resume my pen, which ill health
compelled me to lay aside, and which
unul.ual amount of business has prevented
resuming at an earlier day.
t.atly changes have marked the weeks
ng which my pen has been idle. Sick•
. .
has invaded the ranks of the ministe
corps of faithful laborers' in this region,
death, sometimes very suddenly and
lout warning, his been sent upon our
irf:n. And still We labor on, looking
and fo the time when,our work all
the Mapter shall sen the messenger
"come up higher."
We earmunt, however, pause to speak
of these things, as many items of news
Ind a notice at our hands. To some of
we turn.
Synod of Chicago has had a recent
in.!, of much interest, at Rock Island.
y Dien:o3ord of Synod wet upou the day
ore the one upon which the body was to
t, a❑d held, by invitation of the Rev. S.
'Wilson, palter of the Old School church
wit Island, a season of conference and
cr. A most interesting di4cusaion was
d out by the report of the Committee on
ness, as to the nature of, need for, and
s to be used, in primotag,
of religion. In "this' diseitfaion many.
.en took part, to the edification and
,irt of those who listened. A. most ex
,cut spirit prevailed throughout, and all
•~ what many were constrained to express,
, the Lord W 39 in our midst.
And bow, why may not these meetings
;come a permanent institution with us?
'by should it not be as really a part of our
nit to spend a day thus in prayer and con
reuce, as to attend the meeting of Synod ?
verily believe, if a day were thus, at the
'ening, devoted to prayer and conference,
day would be saved at the close of the
talons. We would, through the mercy of
Gud upon us, go forward so much more
:oioniuusly, dispatching, our business with
much greater unify and efficiency, that the
given to prayer would be more than
d in the cod. And then, how happy
influence of such delightful reunions—
salutary their affect upon the Eldership
!sent—how blessed their influence upon
churches. An elder, why had been at
of these meetings, in connexion with an
r'erior judicatory, expres'ed to the writer a
',erruination to go home, and devote him•
avow to the work of the Lord He saw,
n fully than ever he had before, the need
the Elder,hip acting promptly, and with
enlightened zsal, in promoting the Lord's
se, and he went home resolved to do his
y ; and we doubt not his ehuroh will
o reason to bless the prayer•meeting, at
ich their Ruling Elder was stimulated to
~ewed effort.
The Synod performed much business of
interesting character, and with great
rmouy. The subject of establishing a
nod'eal College WAS discussed, several
ejects suggested for Synodical action, but
finality arrived at. The Presbytery of
inn tendered to Synod the building now
eupi,kl by the Presbyterial Institution at
arengo. An offer, touching a transfer of
ildinys and grounds at Dixon, now (mail
ed by the Institution under the nre of the
tea.2.b , ry of Reek River, was also made_
at Synod referred the whole matter to a
ornmittee, which is to report at its next
ecting. A preposition was received, also,
om the Synod at I..wa, looking toward a
nion of the two Syncls upon Alexander
011 c ge, at Dubuque, but it was not adopted
'rovidcutial binderancea have seemed lath.
to in the way of our success, as a denom
tailor', in our educational euterprisFs in
le West. We trust this cloud Is not to
ontinue always, but that we will be enabled
go forward, Boon, in a pathway promising
Synod also acted upc n the matter of a
;nedioal Missionary, resolving to employ
,c within its bounds, and appointing a
.Anruittee, whose duty it is to arrange all
detaik, and employ a man for the work.
4.lreao l have the men offered, and as soon
as the o , 3mmittee can be assured that the
churches will meet the expense, choice will
kit made of a man, and his field of labor
marked out.
The necessity for this hind of work can
only be appreciated by those familiar with
our Western field. The rapidity with which
towns spriog up on all our thoroughfares,
the constant immigration to all, portions of
the calvary, and the vigilance of other de-
nominations, render the labor of a mission•
ary devoted to our faith anti.,order, a neces
sity, that the seaitered members of the
Presbyterian church may be found, and
gathered into bands to form the nuclei of
churches. It has sometimes been said that
this missionary work should be performed
by the pastors and stated supplies already in
the field. These, it is true, might do some-
thing, but it would be oomporativel3r
loss, when contrasted with the work due•und•
d. Pamors and stated supplies have,
wunlly, all they can do in connexion With
their own charges, and have no time to
spend in ennvaseinv, dist Ant villages to find
Presbyterian families, and watch over thew
until they can effect organizations in cur
connexion And hence the. Synod of Chica•
go has ret.olved to employ clic most efficient
man to be secured, fur this work—give him
an ample salary, and-demand of him the
devotion of his whole time to this depart,
meet of labor. We trust the churches will
do respond to the call for aid, that no appli
cation need be made to the Board of Donues•
tiu Mi.ssivue
This. Synod also bad before it a matter
bas s as tae 'Nipped, been referred ,to
all the other. Pytkvie originally engag.elin
the effort to' ent - ablish a Theological Sem
inary for the North-Wcar, at Chicago. We
allude to the iudebteduem incurred by the
Executive Committee• of the Board of Direc•
tors, and for the liquidation of which the
Board has not been able to devise a feasable
plum. It is now proposed, we believe, to
divide the amount to be paid among the
several Synods, asking each to bear a portion
of the burden. The Synod of Illinois de
cided—if we have not misinterpreted their
action—that the indebtedness of the Board
of Directors is not the indebtedness of the
Synods appointing them, I find in a pub-
fished abstract of their proceediew, signed
by their Stated Clerk, the following action,
to wit.:
' Committee of Bills and Overtures re
ported Overture No. 2, with reference to
applications 'from several parties to Synod,
for payment of certain indebtedness of the
Theological Seminary of the North-West.
Committee reported' that in their judgment
these papers belong rather to the Board of
Directors and Trustees of the Theological
Seminary of the North-West, than to this
Synod, and it is recommended that they be
returned to the persons from whom they
came- Report adopted
The Synod of Chicago did not repudiate
this debt, but assumed her portion of it,
and requested the churches in her connex
ion to take up collections for the purpose of
liquidating the obligations. The writer
was not present in Synod when this matter
was disposed of, but understood from others
that this was the actien of this body upon
the matter. The debt, we understand, is
about $2,000, including $7OO to be paid to
Dr. Warren,
the late financial agent of the
Board, for his services and traveling ex
Synod re-elected Revs. S. T. Wilson and
R. C. Matthews, and elder C. A. Spring, to
act still upon the Board of Directors. They
have had a recent. meeting at Indianapolis,
from which we have not'yet heard.
Some of your readers may remember that
we noticed, some time since, the organiza
tion of a Presbyterian church at Malden," lll)2 e• - • 4ll *gg-c!
Burlington ta* , about one mile from
the old town of Dover, in Bureau °entity,
111. Rev. J. C. Barr bats been laboring
here for some months past, as stated supply ;
but the church having made out a call for
Lim, the Presbytery of Rock River held an
adjourned meeting with them, for the pur
pose of installing him pastor of the church.
This service was performed November 17th.
Rev. A. H. Lackey, Moderator of the Pres
bytery, presided and proposed the constitu
tional questions ; Rev. W. W. Harsha
preached the sermon.; Rev. George Steb
bins gave the charge to the pastor, and Rev.
Josiah Milligan the charge to the people.
The whole service was interesting, and sel
dom have we heard charges to pastor and
people more plain, full, and satisfactory.
Brother Barr's labors in this field have been
blessed hitherto, and we trust that God will
be with him still, and the interesting band
of faithful ones who, we believe, are pre
pared to stand by him in his arduous labors.
Presbytery also, at this meeting, received,
after the usual examination, Rev. Asa
Donaldson,- from the Congregational Asso
ciation of Rockford. This brother is one
of the pioneers of Congregationalism in
Northern Illinois. He was always favora
ble to the Presbyterian- form of Church
Government; but, being providentially in
connexion with the Congregational Church,
and having no good opportunity to cnnnect
with Presbytery—being old and infirm—he
has maintained his old relations until now.
Being long since sonviuced that the Old
School Presbyterian Church not only pos
sessed the truth in her Standards, but that
she maintained and exhibited that truth in
her teachings and practice, he resolved, as
soon as the church was organized at Malden,
near which he resides, to wait, with hie
family, upon the preachingsaf Brother Barr,
and if God gave him opportunity, to connect
with the Presbytery, and die iu this, the
Church of his choice. His purpose has
now been fulfilled. His examination was
full, and highly satisfactory, and Presbytery
was convinced that Brother D. was not only
an experienced saint, but a well-informed
theologian. He is is the author of a little
work upon the " Gospel Covenant," in
which he illustrates, very clearly and satis
factorily, the proposition that the " Abra
hernia covenant was a Gospel covenant."
We would be glud to see this little treatise
iu the hands every person in the land.
We have many other items of interest to
communicate, but mutt reserve them for
another occasion, lest your readers be
wearied, and conclude that after the dearth
in my correspondence, or absolute absti
nence, rather, I am resolved to give them a
surfeit W the single remark, therefore,
that Winter is upon us, with his pinching
frosts, and that our broad prairies, through
hie agency, are covered with a thin mantle
of snow, we close the present letter.
Yours, ,kg,, NORTH-WY:Err.
P. S.—Sincewriting the above, we have
beard from the Board of Directors for the
Theological Seminary for the North-West.
It met at Indianapolis, took steps to carry
out the wishes of the Synods, transferring
the control to the General Assembly, and
adjourned without coming to any other im
portant conclusions. The way is now open
for commencing anew, at some other point,
as' it is generally conceded that the location
at Chicago is given up. What will be done,
we know not, and care not now to venture
a prediction. Our opinion, however, is that
the matter will not be wholly abandoned.
Some town upon the Mississippi river may,
perhaps, after a time, make such offers of
funds as to induce the Synode to go forward.
If the location be Inside West of Chicago,
one, at least, of the more Easterly Synods
will, in all probability, withdraw, arid leave
the more Westerly ones to fiund and endow
the institution. To this work it is at least
certain that they will come with a little
salutary experience, of the kihd which has
always been regarded as of the best charac
ter. That which is bought has always been,
regarded as of the most value, and to be on
that account preferred, provided it is not
purchased at ton high a price.
Fur the Presbyterian Bannerand Advocate
" W." ' to " Cyprian "
We are substantially of one mind. " W."
approves of " , Cyprian's " sentiments and
Fpirit. Fie only noubts whether the end he
has ine
viw•will be best attained 'by discus
tion: -, To dispute with a man, in often : the
most effectual way to confirm him in a wrong
opinion. On the questions of Psalmody and
Communion, we believe that our good
brethreri of the United Presbyterian body
are at war with themselves. Whenever,
their hearts are warmed with the love of
dhrist, they cannot but with to praise him
in Gospel language; and, in spite of their
prejudices and 'of their theories, the convict
tiou must almost force itself upon them,
that it cannot be wrong to sing with the
mouth- what they are singing in their
The same is true of their restricted com
munion. Their hearts tell them, that it
cannot be wrong to sit down at the Lord's
table with brethren whom they believe
Christ would make welcome there. Thus
there is a law in their hearts, warring
against the law of their heads, and they are
far more likely to be overcome by this sort
of self-warfare, than by any arguments of
As to the subject of slavery, " W." does
not in the least "dread" discussion, but
for its unprefitableness. " Cyprian " is
mistaken in supposing that " W." agrees
with him and with the United Presbyterian
brethren on this subject, except in part.
They charge us with being pro-slavery, and
withhold communion from us on this ac
count. " W." believes that the position of
the Presbyterian Church, on this subject,
is not pro slavery, and that it is right and
Scriptural. But he dispairs, in the present
state of feeling, of being able to convince
them of this by argument.
I am, then, still in favor of "letting
these brethren alone," in regard to these
and any other points of difference between.
us. Ti they assail us, it may sometimes be
necessary to " give a reason"for our faith
and practice; but, as a general rule, we
shall gain more than we shall lose, by main
taining "a masterly inactivity" in regard
to controversy. They are our Christian
brethren, and we shall do both them and
ourselves a benefit, by expending our best
energies in fighting side by side with them,
BO far as they will let us, against our
common -enemiep -.lfro'r • -
From our London Correspondent.
_Turkey and the Sultan—Penitence and Reaction—
Lord Stratford Accused—Loans, Lenders, and
Brass Cannon—re the Sick Man _Dying ! —The
.Russian War and its mei bono—France and the
Revived Slave Trade—Napoleon and the Slave
Trade—The English Presbyterian College—A
Festival—The College and its Antecedents—lts
Results—Dr. MeCrie's Personnel--Tris " Pres
byterian Antiquities of. London"—Discovery of
the Westminster Assembly's Minutes—Dr. Ham•
ilton's Picture of the Scottish Manse—Dr. Angus
and Chalmers—Dr. Hoppus—Presbytery versus
Prelacy—Dr McLean and American Colleges—
American Visitors—The Cardinal's " Impres
sions of Ireland" Fasting and. Feasting--The
Opening of Japan—Political Rumors—Mr. Glad
stone and the _lonian Islands—Thomas Cooper—
Revival in England.
LONDON, November sth, 1858.
TOWARD TURKEY—for a time forgotten I
amid the breathless attention given to the
great struggle in India—the eyes of all
politicians, and of not a few of the moneyed
class, are now turned. You are aware that
not long ago there was a kind of Palace
Revolution in Constantinople. The extrav
agance of the Sultan's Court, including the
ladies, was extreme, and he himself, with
oriental acquiescence, was borne, not un
willingly, along with the stream. English
loans were being fast squandered by the
building of new Summer Palaces on the
Bosphorus, by importations of all kinds of
Parisian bijouterie, and by the vile pecula•
tions of men in office. But one day came
tidings by telegram to England, virtually
" Nous avons change tout cela!
The corrupt Ministers were dismissed, the
Sultan's near relatives were told to their
face that they were rascals and thieves;
the harem was put under surveillance, so
that neither bonbons nor jewelry might
enter; nay, lots of fine things from France
were said to be packed up again, and packed
back, because the Sultan refused to pay for
Now we have news that the. Reforming
Ministry are turned out, or, at least,
snubbed and set aside, and that the Sul
tan, a weak man, wanted but an opportunity
to relax his unexpected sternness. And
what stirs all Continental Europe is this,
that Lord Stratford—who had gone to take
final leave of Turkey and the Sultan, and
who was frequently closeted with the latter
—was at the bottom of the reactionary revo
lution. A favorite sou of an old friend of
his lordship, who had been the former
Prime Minister, it is said interceded with
him to become mediator with the Sultan.
This younger man was one of the sons-in
law of the Sultan, and had been disgraced.
In a few days he and the others are restored,
and then Lord S. takes his departure. It is
a curious coincidence that the ship bearing
the ex-Ambassador was wrecked near Smyr
na, lie escaping with his life, while -his
young protegee, on board a small vessel in
the Bosphorus, was, in consequence of a
violent collision with a steamer, drowned.-
However the mystery may be solved, the
fact remains, that extravagance resumes her
former reign, at least in Part, and that just
at the penitent season in Constantinople,
our capitalists in London were successfully
persuaded to advance £5,000,000, as a loan
to the Turkish Government. There had
been a previous loan qz)f £8,000,000, and by
the two, the revenues of Turkey are heavily
embargoed. The interest will be paid for
a time at. least, it may be permanently.
Bacons thing is certain, that our Govern
ment is under no pledge, nay, it is abso
lutely beyond its power to enforce the
repayment of any loan to foreign govern
ments by force of arms, and lenders, there-
fore, must take the risk
Thin Peroos oeoemsurY to
coat plioutiong, yet a4y.tla ge
persuasion laid upon.4ertai
borrowera—Spain fo..ex-a
kind of thingthatootdd eve
their---I do riot Isirt cone
thR tick tuna' dyin
question put by nris4y . , Who
are the benefits of ithe
which we fought fob I ,the
Turkey ?" The true tpinw
he found in two consider
Ruslian war was foreed"On
cessity. Had the OgiiY.Ni bolas been per
mitted tO have , his Wilt-',l'n way, it would
have beewthe e triumphiot light over right,
of the wealt...*er the ipg— , :a., dar) . ugly _
successful putrage 4 ou 'u : Ix': ofliktions,
p la r
Turkey 's.a.n4 swain. - . Aga . .,ott, power,4
the 131a6k Sda id. not a RhsesiaWilServoir,'
whence debouchingi - Russiani, Ships: might
seize Constantinople, th#nee ;.permanently
command the Mediterranean,- and so Russia
become-the Dictator of Europe. 2dly. That
terrible war arrested and humbled the pro.
gress of a superstition, persecuting, demor
alizing, almost as base as that of. Rome it
self. Had Nicholas succeeded, where now
would have been American Missions ' among
the Nestorians,
,Armenians, and Turks
Turkey is tolerant because of Western
pressure. Russia dominant, Protestantism
would have been expelled as a hateful pro
pagandism, 'Bible and Missionary Societies,
and native churches, would have been swept
away, and the Orthodox. Russian Pope--
forgiven for his defleetions by the Greek
Church proper—would have trodden down
under his iron heel both truth and liberty
in the East.
FRANCE is now Occupying the hateful
position of attempting to bully the weak,
and what is worse, of reviving the accursed
slave trade. Some Of, : our morning papers
said that after the , reiteration of the ship
captured by Portugal, (enforced by "the
violence of France, as her Court has pub
lished to the world,) the Emperor would
abandon his scheme of introducing immi
grant Africans - into the French Colonies.
Not so, cries the Patric, in anger; never
was such an intention formed; the system
may have some " abuses," but it is in itself
a most benevolent scheme, inasmuch as
the black kings of Africa have such a super
fluity of population that they would kill
numbers of them, if we, the French, did
'net come and purchase, or "hire," those
" free laborers 1 1 [Later news speaks more
favorably for Louis Napoleon.—En.]
The President of Liberia- has already
nobly exposed this foul system of cruelty,
which canting hypocrisy is DOW, brought to
sustain. Doctor Livingstone also writes
that on one part of the mat With which he
is familiar, the Portuguese, formerly favor
ites, have been driven awaybyathe,native
population, because . of their Appper,51,,,.391 7 ..
;Heart tie
and feelings Oi`William Wilberfaice, when',
by Christian influence, a reluctant Legisla-•
ture, in 1808, made it piracy forever to ime
our flag for this traffic. The " African
Squadron," kept up constantly at great sac- ,
rifice of life and money, but represents and
vindicates the national feeling. " Old
Pam," with all his faults, has always been
consistent here, and in the teeth of attempts
repeatedly made by the economists" to
remove that squadron, he, Lord John Rus
eel, and the beet of our stateemen„ have
ever stood firm. In Louis Napoleon's day
of retributive reckoning, this wicked initia- •
tion of a great crime will not be forgotten.
In itself it wears a judicial sentence written
on its brazen brow, and if unrepented of,
must bring down visible.vindication in the
sight of the nations, from the hand of Him
who shall " do right."
LEGE of our Church, celebrated, this week,
a high Festival. It took the form of a so
cial meeting, attended , by ladies and •gentle
men of the various congregations of the
metropolis. The object in view was to
awaken and intensify the interest of our
people on behalf of our School of the
Prophets, so as to insure for it increased
practical sympathy and, support. The meet
ing was crowded to the doors. The Chair
man was Alex. Gillespie, Esq., one of our
leading, elders, and whose name is well
known, as a merchant and banker, in North
America. The great attractie`n of the,
evening was the announcement made that
two papers were to be read, the one by Dr.
Themes M'Crie, the Theological Professor,
and the other by Dr. James Hamilton, of
Regent Square.
Before the reading of the first paper, D,r.
Lorimer, the Professor of Hebrew and Bib- ,
heal Criticism, gave a very interesting ac
count of the history and results of the Col
lege since its institution, in 1844. Not
only had it educated and equipped one•third
of the existing ministry of the Church, but
it had also sent forth a missionary to China,
and ministers of great worth—some of them
eminent—to labor in Scotland, Ireland,
Australia, and America. Its object
,is to
educate a native ministry, " racy of the
soil," with English habits of thought, with
out provincialisms of speech or accent, and
fitted for the special field. It is but a lim
ited institution, and yet most effective, and
many of its Alumni attend and take degrees
at the London University. Indeed they are
all thoroughly educated men, and bid fair,
under the Divine blessing, to revive the old
cause with increasing success. The Eng
lish Presbyterian Synod itself, especially in
the bounds of the London and Lancashire
Presbytery, has wonderfully enlarged its
borders since the Scottish Disruption.
Shortly previous to that event, it had be
came a distinct Synod, but there remained
in it the dregs of moderatisna, in other
words a number of " old mom," who could
not preach. For these, the huge gap made
in the ranks of the Scottish national clergy,
by the Great Exodus of 1843, made vacan
cies, and parishes (alas I for the people thereof)
were found for them in Scotland.. Their va
cant places here were filled up by rightleart
ed men from Scotland and TJlater; new
congregations were formed; the College
continued to send 'out supplies of 'living
truth, and so, with -a very few doubtful, ex
ceptions, our body of ministers and elders
is compact, earnest, evangelical to a man.
Dr. MaCrie is the son of the Biographer
of Knox and Melville. In person he is
above the middle height, and while his hair
a gray, his face is fresh, and his large blue
RDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1.85*.
on theinselves.
• void ceaseless
tie brass cannon
•Ile—is the only
eigh heavily oft
'noes, but—con-
eyes are full of life, especially when standing
up yonder, under the gas jet projecting from
the wall, and with his lecture open before
him on an improvised desk, he rushes at once
into his theme. 'lt is a theme both noble
and sad—" The Presbyterian Antiquities of
London "—noble, because it treats of the
truest, beet Protest:lots that England ever
saw; and sad, because it indicates their creel
persecution, as well as that fatal Arian
leprosy "which last century hurried true.
Presbytery, for a tittle, for its resurrection
bas come,) to the grave.
Dr. M'Crie's lecture was pre•eminently
pictorial, as well as comprehensive. its va
riety, its rapid transitions, its humor, and,
its pathos, gave it peculiar charms ft wait,
well worthy to take rank beside, those
sketehes of gi The Alartyr's of ,the Reforma
tion," by which,. last )ear, the Professor:
gurat,4 l )il-;P)P cafecl:••l-,l43,4t;sitj
"rea); yTt *appear, the'p4eri
of Dr.rHamiltoty on d"Tfze-Alansees'of•Scot
Tbat is the
Ise ask, W-here
imeau war, by
'dependence of
,I think, is to
ions :lat. The
. by an awful ne..
A very interesting discovery has been
made by Dr. McCrie, in his antiquarian ex
plorations of London, namely, that of the
_Miracles of the Westtnimter Assembly, in
manuscript, extending over the whole period
of its sittings. Dr. Lee, Principal of Edin
burgh University, believed they had been
destroyed by fire. They are now found in
the Episcopal - Library of "Sion College,"
in the city, where Presbytery in its brief,;
palmy days, had its headquarters.
Besides being the gifted man he is,
throwing the hue of genius over any sub
jeet.he touches, Dr. Hamilton had in the
topic before him, the peculiar advantage,
that he had himself been born 'and brought
ap in a Scottish manse,•and was the son of a
parish minister—the late Dr. William Ham
ilton, of Strathblane—of great worth and•
eminence, the revered father of his• people,
when Evangelism was still but rising into
life and power: The opening description of,
the . 46 minister's man,' who was. "groom,
gardener, grave-digger, bell-ringer, and-mes
senger, all in. one "—who was the great,gos
sip of the parish, and the medium of access.
to the manse—as well as that of the manse
itself, . its parlor, and the visitants to it; its
study, where the student-father, blocked up
-from outdoor work by a snow-storm for days'
together, held a protracted " Saturnalia ";
among his books ; and who,
in his life-time
—a biley pastor all the while—had written
as many volumes as, if printed, would
equal one series after another of our most
voluminous English authors; all this, with
the influence, exercised by the manse occu
pants in introducing the "window curtains,;
the sofa, the carpet," into the farm-steads'
of Scotland, and the minister being the
medium with "The Duke," or other noble
proprietor at the Hall; appeaeing his wrath,
or soliciting his favor for some tenant appli
cant, was racy and delightful. And then,
the humorous touches, as the repairing of
all -kinds of people to the manse; for all;
;; maneer ; :of appliances or comforts, together
with the'S - acrainental seasons, and visits
paid by young or other intending communi
cants, leaving impressions never to be ef
faced, were equally striking and interesting.
I must not forget' to mention that Dr.
Hamilton gave a brain-blow to the vulgar
idea, that the " sons of the manse" turn
out badly. His proofs to the contrary, and
the illustrious names of Historians, Philoso
phers, and Divines born in the manse, were
conclusive. The positive statistics furnished
in the United States in the same direction,
(was not this done by a venerable New York
pastor ?) have " settled " and "ione for"
the slander in America.
Among those present - on this occasion,
was Dr. Angus, President of the Baptist
College, London, who spoke with deep rev
erence of Chalmers, at whose feet he had
sat, and whose lectures, he said, left three
things indelibly ,on his mind and heart—
the depravity of human nature, and the
need of a Regenerating' Spirit; the guilt of
human nature, and the necessity of an atori
, ing sacrifice, and a perfect righteousness;
and, last of all, that (Chalmers' ow n words,)
"a house-going minister makes a church
, ••'
gm. , people. Our Thelogical teach
ing, expressed his thorough sympathy
, with. The Presidency of a man so ,sound,
as well as able, over the rising Baptist min
istry, furnishes ground for deep thankful
; ness to all lovers of truth. ; His theology—
ChalnaerS-taught—is sounder, fuller, and
healthier than is to be found, I fear, iu
Congregational Colleges. Still, I rejoice to
believe that here, also, the " old paths " are
i being retraced. The Congregational Union
at Halifax, through the lips of Dr. Halley,
President of New College, -London, gave the
heartiest assent to his glowing eulogy upon,
and adherence to, the Calvinistic theology
of the Puritans. Among the students, I
I still fear, there is a " negative" party, and
not a little concerted contempt of the " dog
! rues" of the Puritan theology.
Dr. Hoppus, Professor at the London
University, and Dr. B. V. McLean, of the
United States, both spoke in an interesting
manner. The former expressed his regret,
althougb. a Congregationalist, that the. Biag
i fish Establishment had not become Presbyte
rian- In that case, he said, there would
certainly •haVe been no " sediment of
popery ' in the English Church, such as is
I now coming up with such darkening and
I polluting power. Dr. 'McLean pointed out
I the importance of Colleges being permit
neitly endowed, enforced the duty of prayer
for Colleges, and illustrated his theme by
references to the Theological Seminaries of
the United States.
' Altogether, the meeting which I have
thus described at some length, was full of
interest, and a clear indication of healthy
life and promise. The Rev. Mr. Wells, of
Brooklyn, and Me. Getty, one of the Secre
taries of the Young Men's Christian Asso
ciation of Philadelphia, were among the
audience, and shared in the general enthu
siasm. The friends of the College s have
permanently profited by this gathering,
while intelligent sympathy and prayerful
ness have •been increasingly awakened on its
TE[E, CARDINAL has, this week, given his
" Impressions of a Visit to Ireland," in the
Hanover, Square Rooms. He appeared in
his ecclesiastical robes. The audience was
chiefly composed of Romanists. He said
that " impressions " would vary according as
a visitor to Ireland might be a geologist, an
agriculturalist, or a politician. But as' for
himself, "he went to Ireland as a Cotholic,
and looked, on every thing with a Catholie
eye." No doubt of it, your- Eminence !
Philadelphia, South West Corner of Seventh and Chestnnt Streets..
He denieil tbat be mile, "Bent" to Ireland.
He only went " to preach two eermons,
Ballinnsloe,) and come back." The people
did all the rest. He then sketched the •funi-
ine time, and dwelt on the great .social
changes for the better since t4at
He indulged in a flattoring eulogy of .tie p,co
ple's warmth and expansion of heart} wlkioh
be bad found so to "differept - froje 'iNat
of other countries" Then COUICB beatitifol
" blarney," of thiM kind : 66 Mt:light:AV
their 'eyes was pot only, brilliarkt, but ~tußat
tootle'." Surely ilia..ininetiet: vu is re`ter-
Ting, here, to the Irish ladieN and watt
oblivious, altlioukh he 'did not g it, (peil
'haps he couldn't with propriety, just theo,)
of a well kintwo ditty :- •
•';From the , light of her eye
Who/e failnens ;.
The flopriehing conditierip i f, Opp,
- add "'the strong attachment:Of tne..peopre
to the See of St. Peter," formedlrhe fhinfei
of his min &tiding ininarki;'fint - fargtttitike.!
00011.1)001Iing " 'of a Protestantiifuusifie 0
Roman. Catholics, which, .of course,. net (by
brThery, I;3irking only " a bare handful of
the people, while the attempt would end
like that of a child who scooped a hole in
the sand, filling it with very dirty water,
which, however, stole through the groUnd
unseen, and returned to the ocean, where it
was. purified again" Well ;.so you say,
your Eminence, but a penny tor your
thought, and another for that of Dr. Cullen,
the Pope's legate, about the matter. It is
a more serious "raid" which his been made
on Popery in Iceland than is at all pleaaant j
and the results will be seen in due time.
The Card nal'sfast-d ay di riper in Ireland,is
very drolly introduced by the Tinies, in the
neat column-to that recording his " impres
sinus." It is the official list of the dishes at
the public dinner et Dundalk. First,_it, ap
pears in French, and then goenesa translation,
in English, of the bill of fare. This " severe--
ly mortifying fsst, which must have . eorely
tried his Reverence's stomach," consisted
of several ; courses; first, Soaps—" oyster "
and fi vegetable then Fish-. 7 salmort dress-,
ed in all, possible ways—plain, boiled, pick:-
lea, with fish sauce, " fit for are Admiral;"
another preparation, the fried salmon, spiced,
&a , &c.; with soles ' whiting, cooked in every
way possible, including the," Dutch;.fasb-,
ion ;" also, Dublin Bay laddock—one kind
"in St. Paul's style," and another "in the.'.
good woman's style." Between courses, came
puff pastry of oysters and lobsters, and also
"oyster fritters." Then the Second Ser
vice, in which lobetersoreams,pnddings, fag
try of all kinds; and amongst thern came ; in
"surprised ham," which - item puzzres me
'very much, for it was real him; although
4 ‘ disguised." Would , it' not - involve , the
Cardinal and the other "faithful". con
sciences in a sin, ; for, which penasee,anust,
be done 7 I ant B,orB' ppzzled, so parl?aits,
Archbishop Hughes and his friends, would.
'tell you, in their Freeman, vihitt " surprised,.
ham"'is. If it were ham, and- ham .eatets , !
-our---a-Priday r ougna-,not
scions of what .• was done with, it,,bn.v.ery
much g‘ surprised,". indeed ? .
"d. C." (i. e., J. Cumming, D. D ), who,
sends the extract to the Times, slyly asks:
" If this be a Cardinal's fast, pray sir, tell,
- us what must be a Cardinal's feast?"
the, right answer to this, the editor ,of ,the
Times needs an invitation to, dinner at del-.
den Square, at one of the Cardinal's Sym.-
THE OPENING OF JAPAN to English com-
-merce, by, Lord Elgin, is a very interesting '
event just announced. The Americankhere. *
were the pioneers. Of Mr. Harris, American
Consul-General at Japan, the Times say
4 ' Re acted, throughout these transactiorl,
with a frankness and courtesy worthy of , a.
great friendly Power;" and a correspondent
of the made paper describes him, "as , the
most travlded, man he ever met, and one. of
the best ir\formed."
There arp rumors of A CHANGE or-Misr-
ISTRY—Loid John Russel to. be P,reinier,
Mr. Bright to support the Cabinet. Sir
James Grah, it is said, suggests this.
The Liberals t ould prefer Lord John, lo
"Yam." The. Cabinet in• office will not die
without a struggle, and sacrifices. extraor
dinary to popolar.feeling may be looked . for:
Mr., Gladstone goes Out as LORD HIGH
lonian Islands) which, through Greek Sym
pathies and instigation, are in a state, of
chronic revolt against England, using i Free
Constitution for Rugeian purposes: lt ii .a
troublesome task, but, undertaken, by se able
a man, may, perhaps, be successfully, dis
' THOMAS. COOPER, (now an-earneet Chris
tian,) so long the well know apostle of Intl.>
delity, has been preaching and lecturing
extensively in the rue - unlearning- distilote,
and wish great power. His accounts- are
most interesting and encouraging. In a
letter to the London Freeman, dated 21st .of
October, he says : "My work grows on my
hands. I grow a little hoarse now and then,
but save and except that, I am strong for
labor. It is a life of wonde rful and happy
change for me. My Sundays, especially,
are .days of
. heaven. Every Sunday, God
blesses my work. Often poor skeptics , are
shaken—always some poor sinners are con
vinced, and pierced to the heart—believers
are strengthened, and frequently mourners
are comforted with the peace of God.
My week-day lectures but seldom create
discussion. I bear the confession , wherever
I go, "This is putting arguments in a way
they were never put before—we cannot an
swer it. And the more I argue from per
impel experience, from what has passed
through myself, the, more successful I am in
arresting the minds of free-thinkera, and
eventually of convincing them of error.
With deep thankfulness I learn, froni almost
every place I have hitherto visited on my
great errand, that skeptics—sometimes of
long standing—are declaring themselves
convinced; and often I hear of their happy
conversion, and union with some Church.
"But the most extensive good I do, is in
week-day lecturing, filling, with arguments
newly and compactly arranged, the minds
of young men who are,memb e rs of Christian
churches, Sunday Schoolteacher s , , & c., and
thereby enabling' them to champion the
cause of truth successfully, againat their
skeptical companions and fellowlivorkmen.
I hear of blessed -effects in factories and
work-shops, in crowded towns."
Is not this a great ,pioneer of a Revival?
Is it not revival indeed ? Two infallible
signs that a great revival of 'reltgion' is at
By Yail, or at th1 01 4001%1 0 lrTfitrt f.igigjoßainel vs.
Delivereein the uitY, L.
hand in England, //Cooper dtniAr i ttlA 14 ,
first, / in the growing desire of telliChu.roliem '
for it ;= eeound, in the wore ividialperwiid
desire for` personal holiness.'"
How he got a Place. 7 .
eol i pprteur in :biolltgofnery County, ICI.
I StAlPPAdsitne 419Miag.4441 , -vbiActiSTAIII' I4
shop 2.1 1 115,;f0r , ge and
the anvil ringing shell - By'. "Bittle 41kin 114
opened' 'fu r y bundle . -anil • showed? them ihe
beautiful new bookN'tthe teen,left their,work
and gathered round nte.. One was yuung
man of twenty-five. Ile told me thitt when
he firat 1011, home, to een v allytig., for hiul-
4plf ; his I .
notkeit,gave ; hip a t put
it into his poeka kirtert.' - 'lle - iet izt to
Tshop!'-afterithiiiir.'but==witheint-Lieseeee4-;• . .all
were full. Note disenurage4; ,;he - determined.
to try ; het :vend nitire44but,lware. , . -ewe- the
same cold answer_: -
" We have enough?!
Titqd out,and-alungtAalwiAnnpi, he sat
Alown upon a block in the alulp; anf.l l axing
nothing else to do, 'Oiled out his mother's
Bible, and comnieneed 'reading., Seen the
owner came along, and seeing him reading,
" What b.oelr aTe yottAßdilOg 7' l
tc The Bible," was the .reply.
"You akin go to work," said the owner;
"I will furnish you employment."
Bops, never be sushttniedl to be seen with
your. Bible. "They: that honor . me I will
bonot,'!, eaitit the Lord. r —Ohniatian, herald.
Pastoral Visiting.
There is a charm-in the week day strvices
of a parishiminister.,which. itatt not been duly
estimated, :eitherby phihmthropists,or -patri.
ots. , His,official and ,recognized chai acter
furnishes him with a ready passport to every
habitation; and he will soon find that a visit
to the house of a parishioner is the surert
way of finding access to his heart. Kven
the hunliest u arolmost hopeless ip vice can
not altegather withstand this f influenet ; and
at titers, in their own detnestic hlstury,
there are opportunities, whether by sickness,
or disaster, or death, whioh•afford a weighty
advantage to the Christian ,kindness that is
brought to, bear upon them. His week day
attentions and their Sabbath attendance gu
hand in hand. It is thus that a house going
minister wins for' hire's& a church going
people —Dr Chalmers.
lads ad Cleanings.
CHRISTIAN PATTENCE.--We must lie wil.
tt) follow a•euffering Saviour, in a suf.
„Seripg,way.—tj. /fawn. ,
THE `Sour...—=God has given-thee two
,eyes;, if .thou loeest one, thou bast Ane they
4,er. but-eir2Bseil j „spd -if-tbat be
loit, it een neysr be repaired.—Oh%rysostom..
BZ BtrgY.—You have your work to do
for Christ where you are. Are you on a
sick-bed? Still you haVe your work to do
for Chriat there, •as lunch as the highest
servant of Christ in the world. The small
est,twinkling star. is as much a servant of
God ste the uti,d4y sun. Only live for
Christ where you are.—.llleCheyne.
PupgPr,—Oat of seven hundred and
fifty-nine. congregations belonging to the
Free Chirelt of Scotland which ought tri
have made-collections for benevolent objects
the last year, •the duty was performed by six.
hundred and,ninety4hrn, leaving only sixty.
five deficient. The amount contributed was
over _twenty, millIoq&of 49llarth
SELF-ESTEEM.-=He that holds himself in
reverence and due ,esteem,
,both for the dig.
nity, ofiOod's image ,upon him, : and for the
price sif hie redemption, which he Willits is
marked .upon his , forehead, 'accounts
himself - both a : fit,person to do the noblest
and godliest deeds, and mush better worth
thin• to , abjeet ani defile, with. Such si' de
basement and pollution , aS,Sin isi liimself so
highly ransomed end , ennobled, to,
a new
friendship and filifirt94tiiin with Goa
THE WoRLD.-0 yon that dote upon
the world, for what",victori: do yeritght ?
Your hopes can be crowned with no grcater
reward than the world ears give; and -what
is the world butla brittle.thing dnit.of dan
gers, Wherein we trnypl i ffeM 4 l*pr' r lh`greater
perils ? 0 j 1410; le
tarp glory peri4h withAiers Ae, , auClet in he
conversant with •more eternal things. Alas
-this world is miserable life short, and
death is sure.—St.: Augustine. '
W ~,twmacsns.—ln thc .leglrnontese val
•leys are fifteen Waldeurep,prishes,,confined
to fifteen pastors. These valleys contain
about twenty-two thonsamf, lonia. The
number of Roman Catholics mixed with
these twenty-two thousand Waldensians is
somewhere.- about three ..thousand, with
..twenty-nine ,priest& The Waldensians have
one hundred and sixty-nicp, ~elementary
schools, many, of which . , h.oweTnr, are only
open four months in the year.
MAY'S love . rrOV,; Ponces)
Lydia's te;rider-teartedness;
Peter's ardent spirit feel,"'
• James' 'faith ty works reveal;
. Like young Tiinnthy, may I
Every, sinful passion fly.
Most of all, _may I pursue
That example - Jesus ; drew;
By my life Tad,uspduat show
How he lived 'and ;
Day by daY; though' iiiee restored,
Imitate my biembeLotd.
CHRISTIAN 14ITIL--We could be well
enough content to be rid of some particular
spiritual distrders; andl.perhaps may be
earnes, for:. it ; .but this is wretched
tampering withmlno4 diseaie, and in this
way we shall always be nnhelped. Christ's
metboVof healing is`-to strike at the consti
tution of sin, by going to the root of:the dis
temper, and ,we.., nevet.,cauTersnade -him to
.begin,,his.mork at OA wrong-end.—Rev. .T.
RISIIE is one beautiful little paragraph
which we And ircone of our earelianges :
"If th'ere who'cian eat his brew/
in peace with God and man, it is the roan.
who hai brought that bread out of the earth.
It is eankered by no fraud; it is wet by no
tears ; 'it is stained 'by no blood."
0. 823
J 'Vk'