Presbyterian banner & advocate. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1855-1860, November 27, 1858, Image 3

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    every thing pertaining to this controversy, nett
having abundant testimony of the faithful and ef
ficient performance of duty, I have hitherto re
mained silent, although most shamefully traduced,
preferring to suffer mealy things, and yielding
ever y thing but principle rather than my or do
any thing which Plight in any way retard the
.rcgeo:rs of this great work, knowing and believ
ig, tuu, that the Goa of junco will ever watch
, ver ail who honor him null his cerise, and even.
tunny brine to naught the plans and purposes of
.esignieg men,
Three years ago the duties of the office of Asso
late Secretary •were donee refined, and him
ver been strictly observed sad faithfully fulfilled,
arefully avoiding interference with the under
alteration to these clefined duties was nes
dully as could be judiciously prosecuted. But
"another paper had been drawn up and sub
tted to the Secretaries, and after a full and free
fercnoe, in which it was agreed to strike out all
at related to the Corresponding Secretary, and
d a few additional lines pertaining to the duties
the Associate Secretary, it was in this spirit of
mpromise brought before the Executive Corn
ittee and with seeming unanimity adopted. To
0, arid if I mistake not to others, this was re.
rded as a finality, the spirit of this paper
was ready to not as long as I remained in con
%ion with the Board. You can judge, there
re, of my surprise, when, on my return to this
ty, after an absence of a month on official business,
cling under these instructions, to find that dur•
log this absence the following resolutions had
eon iutroduoed, and that subsequently, when
gain absent, these, with the annexed preamble,
;were again presented and passed :
.. ;' WHEREAS, The Board of Doti:testi° Missions, at
$ late meeting, having coneldered the suggestion
f the last General Assembly, did decide to con
.ue the office of Associate Secretary; and,
horses, it did also instruct its Executive Come
naittee to define his duties; and, whereas, the
aid Executive Committee did, on the 9th day of
August, 1868, only in general terms define those
Nudes; and, whereas, it is judged expedient in
(carrying out the views of the Board to give more
hopeoifie instructions ; therefore,
' "Resolved, That the Associate Secretary be, and
hereby is, instructed to commence his labors in
[ -the bounds of the Synod of Albany, stud to visit
the Synods in the order in which they stand in
'the Minutes of the General Assembly.
•. "Resolved, That the Associate Secretary be fur-
Lther instructed to report in writing to this Corn
,-"mittee, from time to time, the churches visited by
:him, stating particularly the names of those, if
ny, which may agree to become self sustaining,
the decreased amount of aid which any may con
sent to ask from the Board, and how many
Churches may be induced to adopt the systematic
f lan of benevolence inaugurated by the General
ssembly, and such other information as may be
eemed useful to the Board."
In view, therefore, of the fact that this addl
onal paper imposes duties which, in my judg
, ent, as well as that of many others, are inexpe
lent and unwise, and cannot be performed; that
some respects they are utterly impracticable,
ii that an attempted fulfillment of them would
ore odious and damaging to the cause of Do
, estio Missions, to either of which I cannot for
~ n e moment consent to contribute, it only re
, sins for me to tender to you my resignation of
i e office of Associate Seoretary.*
The fourteen years of my life spent in oonnex
n with this Board have been years otanxiety
4toil. Many anxious hours and 'sleepless
' ghts have been spent trying to encourage our ,
oted missionaries and provide means for their
equate support. Many of you know hew I
Five often plead for them and interceded in their
shelf, being always ready to, share their trials,
d in every possible way contribute to their
~ omfort. My sympathy they shall ever have,
nd so long as I remain a member of this Board
red this Committee, they will find me, as ever,
lrir warm friend.
With almost every member of this Board
raring this whole time, my intercourse has been
leasant and cordial ; and if, in the heat of eon
oversy, motives have been im:mgned, and bitter
d unprovoked attacks have been made, from
hich the .interests of the Board may enffer '
ill bear me witness that in no way 'have I eon
' muted to this result. The responsibility must
I all upon those to whom it is justly due. My
Inoue prayer has been, and ever shall be, that
he Great Head of the Church will have you, and
11 the interests connected with this Board, under
Is special care; and that every thing maybe so
overruled as to contribute to his glory and the
dyancement of his cause. '
Very respectfully yours, &0.,
* That the oonstructiOn pot npon these instructions was
correct, was clearly inaniftes in the discussion which arose
in the Board where this paper wee first prestnted, viz., that
Um,' embrace not only every Synod in its order, but entry
ohurch, whether missionary or self enetaining, in our con
nexion in rich Synod. Apart. therefore, from the question.
—if question It le stall—whether a committee of any Board
bee the right to institute this general and particular il3(11:11.
it is certainly true that there are many localities,
and whole Presbyteries, where this work could not be per.
formed, and where any attempt of the kind would be re.
buked. Some 'Presbyteries are entirely independent of the;
Board, and not a few hold bate nominal connexion with it,
whilst others have long since evinced a dispositim car.-
fully to watch over their own missionary church:a, to foe
tar, as well as guard them from any improper use of mis
sionary funds. With this understanding they have contin
ued their connexion - with this Board. For many years lest
pest, this very work bee been virtually, and I will add, eat
lefectorily done by me, but in a way and manner entirely
different from the one prescribed. This, many of the b . Tth.
ran ell over our Munch well know. But much more im
possible and odious still would be the work prescribed whale
our independent, eelf.eusinining churches. They are all
responeible to their respective Presbyteriesfor the faithful
performance of duty, and not to our Boards. The informs
tion sought can, perhaps, be otherwise obtained ; bat in this
' official way it would certainly prove not only impracticalios,
but offensive, and consequently injurious to this Board,
Far the Presbyterian gannet and Ldraeata
Reminiscenees of some 'Ministers formerly
of the Synod of Pittsburgh.
Da. MOKINNEY:—Permit me to attomp,
to interest and profit some of your more aged
readers, by a notice of the ministers that
were members of the Synod of Pittsburgh
nearly thirty years ago, but resided in that
part of the territory which now makes the
boundaries of the Synods of Allegheny and
Feeling an interest in the religious Con
ventions held by our Synods, I entered that
of Allegheny, and found its members occu
pied in eulerun praise, prayer, and exhorta•
tion. But in looking around upon the
ministers, I saw present, of faces once famil
iar, only those excellent brethren, Munson,
Coulter, McCready, and Nesbit. These and
Dr. Dilworth are, I believe, the only minis
ters that now live within the Presbyteries of
Erie, Allegheny, Beaver, and Allegheny
City, who were there twenty.eight years ago.
Fathers Boyd, MeGarrah, Riggs, Bracken,
and Redick, of the Presbytery of Allegheny
—moderit, retiring, but useful men—have
gone to their rest Of the former Presby
tery of Erie, the dignified and polite Alden;
the lovely Tait, of Mercer; the devoted
Eaton, and humble Condit, have long since
ceased their labors. Of the former Presby
tery of Hartford, (part of which now makes
the Presbytery of Beaver,l the ardent
Hughes, the sedate Satterfield, the animated
Woods, the calm and kind Vallandigham,
the meek Semple, and humble Beer, have
ceased from their labors, and with the oth
ers, as we hope, are praising the Redeemer
in heaven, and perfectly comprehend the
mysteries of that Gospel which they preach
ed oil earth. Besides the five brethren still
living within the now Synod of Allegheny,
that did, at the time before mentioned,
there were present other Fathers, who have
removed to that side since—our long-esteemed
Professor in the Sewin%ry, Dr. Elliott; our
learned and pious Dr. Swift; and Dr. Plum•
er, who is abundant in labors. But I must
cease this kind of notice of the living. Some
one will present these and others, so that,
being dead, they may yet speak. I may
just add, however, that a venerable Elder,
who led in prayer in the Convention, almost
made me feel that his brother, father Mc-
Curdy, bad risen from the dead.
During last week, being called by duty to
attend the Synod of Pittsburgh and Conven
tion at Blairsville, I found present; of the
twenty-five ministers who twenty.eight years
ago made the Presbytery of Redstone, Drs.
Fairchild, MoFarren, and Patterson, and they
ate the only members who now reside within
its bounds, of the number specified. Father
Johnston and a few others are spending the
evening of the day of life elsewhere. But
we must not entirely forget, those eminent
men, Dr. Power and Mr. Henderson; that
kind father Laird ; the talented Graham ;
the sociable Clutlnie; the excellent Win.
Johnston ; the sednte sod exemplary 11,Prd ;
and father Davis, so useful in his Oily; with
father Speer, who sometime later, before
twenty-eight years ago, had been removed to
his rest; and afterwards, from the same con
gregation of Greensburg, his more youthful
successor, Henry, closed his labors on earth.
Long may their present pastor live.
Of those present at Blairsville who were
members 'of the Presbytery of Ohio at the
time before specified, there were only Drs.
Campbell, Jeffery, brother .Mollvaine; and
myself. Of the former twenty-eight mem
bers, the venerable Dr. Herron lives, after
many years of useful labor; Dr. Halsey lives,
his lips still dropping "frankincense and
myrrh ;" brother Job still blows the Gospel
trumpet, with the ardor of a conqueror;
and our learned Dr. Smith, of Jefferson
College, abides in his useful station. But
the soul is saddened when we remember that
since the period we take note of, that pio•
neer, Dr. McMillan; that untiring laborer
from house to house, and from street to
street, lather Patterson; that modest, la
borious servant, father Andrews; the ora
torical Mercer; the learned Ralston; the
pleasant Stockton; the kind and pious
Woods; that brilliant and benevolent edu
cator of youth, Dr. M. Brown ; that sound
expositor and reasoner, Allen; the meek
and useful Cunningham; .and others of
whom I would like to present one leading
trait of character—all sleep. . ,Yea, we hope,
all sleep in Jesus, till they arise to hear the
annunciation, "irell done, good and faith
ful servant."
Living brethren, ministers and elders, let
us work and pray while "it is the day."
8 0 J.
P. S.—Unless done by some Other one, I
may ask liberty to remember through your
paper some of the departed fathers and
brethren of the Synods of Wheeling and
Rev. P. CAMPS Poet Office address is
changed from MoMisterville, Jniaiata
County, Pa , to Wysnx, Bradford County,
Pa. Correspondents and editors will
please note the change.
Rev. THOMAS P. SHEERS' Post Office ad
dress is changed from Lewistown, Pa, to
Alliance, Ohio.
Rev. JOSEPH T. SMITH ) D D., of Baltimore,
Md., has reoeived a call to the recently
organized Old School Presbyterian church
in Harrisburg, Pa.
Rev. J. C. SINCLAIR'S Post Office address
is changed from Alleghen3 City, Pa., to
Fayetteville, North Carolina.
Rev. DAVID KINNERY'S Post Office address
is changed from Onargo, Ills., to Loveland,
Clermont Co., Ohio. .
Rev. W. M. STRYKER'S Post Office address
is changed from Mt. Pleasant, lowa, to Os
kaloosa, lowa, in the Presbytery of Dee
Rev.L. IL VAN DOREN, for many years pastor
of the " Tenn eta " church at Freehold,
N. J., has received and accepted a unani
mous call to the Spring Street church,
New York.
Rev. DR. LORD, of Buffalo, N. Y., has re
ceived a call from a church in Mobile,
Rev. J. G. HAMNER, D. D., of Baltimore,
has received a call from the Second
church of Washington, D. C.
Mr. SMITH, of Allegheny Seminary, has
been chosen to fill the pulpit in Wellsburg,
Va , vacated by the removal of Rev. E.
Quillin to Fulton County,
Rev. Dn. COLEMAN, lately of Philadelphia,
has entered fully upon the duties of his new
field of labor in St. Louis.. -
Rev. CHARLES THAYER'S Post Office ad
dress is changed from Hudson, Wiscon
sin, to West St. Paul, Minnesota. Mr. T.
is commencing a new church enterprise at
the latter place.
Rev. CHARLES W. PRICE, has received and
accepted an invitation to supply the church
es of Carlisle and Moorefield. His Poet
Office address is Carlisle, Nicholas County,
Rev. Dr. JAMES SMITII, who has been ill,
in Mississippi, has so far recovered his
health as to commence.his labors as Evan
gelist of the Synod of Mississippi.
Rev. ROBERT P. FARRIS, pastor of the
Second church, Peoria, Illinois, has been
compelled, on account of failing health,
to resign his charge.
Rev. Dr. W. L BREOKINRIDGE has deter
mined not to accept the agency for Cen
tral College, but will continue for the
Winter, to preach to the charch at Mid
way. His Post Office address is still
Lexington, Ky. •
Mr. A. R. LIDDELL was ordained by the
Presbytery of Flint River, at its late meet
ing, and calls from the churches of Fort.
Gaines and Cuthbert, placed in his hands,
which he accepted.
Rev. R. A. MICKLE has been installed pas
tor of the church in Griffin, Ga.
Rev. Dr. JOHN S. WILSON'S pastoral rela
tion to the church of Decatur, Ga., was
dissolved by the Presbytery of Flint
River, at its late meeting, and he has ac
cepted a call to the First church, Atlanta,
Dr the Preebyterian Banner and Advocate
A meeting of the congregation of Bethesda,
Ohio, was held on the 30th September, ult., pur
suant to notice given from the pulpit, by the pas
tor, the Rev. R. DICKSON, to take action upon his
request to have the pastoral relation betisreen him"
and said congregation dissolved.
The meeting was organized by the appointment
of Thomas B. Thompson, Esq., Chairman, and
Robert Ring, Secretary. The following resolu
tions were unanimously adopted:
The Rev. Robert Dickson has signi
fied his intention to request the Presbytery of
New Lisbon, at its next meeting, to dissolve the
pastoral relation between him and this congrega
tion, and has desired the congregation to acqui
esce with him in the request; be it therefore,
Resolved, That while we set the highest value
upon his ministerial services, and feel the deepest
regret that be should leave his present field of
label', yet we readily recognize the force and
justness of the reasons which impel to this course,
and do hereby acquiesce, however reluctantly, in
the request just made.
Resolved, That a pastorate of eight years
among us, has developed, those qualities which,
while they hive endeared him to us, entitle him
to the character of au able, efficient, and faithful
laborer in the vineyard of . our Lord and Master..
Resolved, That we congratulate those, who in
the providence of God, are likely to enjoy his fu
ture labors, in procuring a pastor so eminently
worthy their confidence rind support.
Resolved, That we will follow him and his family
with our prayers, and earnest wishes for their
happiness and prosperity; and whensoever it
may suit their convenience to oome among us, we
will cordially welcome them to our homes and
Resolved, That the foregoing resolutions be
forwarded to the Banner and Advocate for publica
tion. Taos. P. THOMPSON, Chairman.
Robert King, Secretary.
Ilens . :Pepartment
Pennsylvania. Railroad.
The net earnings of this road, in the month of
October, was $137,282, being an increase of $54,-
819 over the amount for the came month last
year. The total increase of net earnings,. over
those of tart year, to November Ist, is $335,924.
The net earnings of the canal, to November
let, was $42,347.
_PILOT. M. F. EATON, who advertises in our col
umns, is an experienced and well recommended
teacher of Reading and Elocution. To read well,
is a very high accomplishment.
New Orleans.
The Yellow fever in this city, commenced in
June. During the week ending June 27th, there
were two deaths. It went on increasing, till, in
the week ending September 19th, the deaths were
474. It then began to decrease ; and in the week
ending November 7th, 136 persons died of this
The total number of deaths this season, by
Yellow fever, up to November 7th, was 4767.
During the present season there have been 897
deaths by Yellow fever, in Mobile.
The Sonth Pass Wagon Road.
ST. Louts, Nov. 10.—Col. Lander, the Super
intendent of tho South Pass Wagon Road, artived.
at St. Joseph's on the 14th inst. Re reports that
the road will be completed to City Rocks, Nebras
ka, in eight months, at a cost of $40,000.
The government appropriated $175,000 and al
lowed eighteen months for the completion of the
Syracuse Salt
Notwithstanding the general depression, the
quantity of salt inspected at Syracuse, N. Y., this
year, exceeds the amount inspected during any
previous year, by - about 200,000 bushels. The
aggregate for the season will be nearly 7,000,000
bushels, or 1,400,000 barrels, valued at $1,000,-
000. About one-half the quantity of the salt
manufactured in the United States, is produced
NOVEMBER 18.—The balance in the Treasury,
on Monday, was $7,173,000. The week's receipts
amounted to nearly $007,000. The amount of
the drafts paid was $719,000. Secretary Cobb's
table of estimates for the next fiscal year foots up
$52,378,000; expenses of the Federal Govern
ment for the first quarter of the present fiscal
year,521,700,178 ; receipts for the same period,
incldie g loans, $25,250,879.
General Harney will be again ordered to the
command of the Department of the West, with
his headquarters at St. Louis, and Col. Wright,
who commanded in the late Indian war in Oregon,
will be left in charge of that department.
Orders will be forthwith sent to our naval forces
in Central America, having in view the enforce
ment of the President's filibuster proclamation.
Advices received here, state that Cora. Lava
lette was introduced to the Sultan of Turkey as
the latter was passing from the Mosque to his
barge, in presence of the United States Minister
and Consul General. He was afterwards received
at Court and visited all departments of the gov
ernment. The Turkish Admiral who recently
visited this country, was remarkably .hospitable
and attentive. The visit of the Sultan to the
steamer Wabash, was the first be ever made to
a foreign man of war. He expressed his admira
tion of her beauty of model and superior warlike
condition, and his friendly feeling for the 'United
States. He particularly requested that the Pres
ident should be informed of his visit to this
Novemßra 20.—Ex Governor Samuel Medary
has signified his - willingness to accept the Govern
orship of Kansas, which was tendered him a week
Some of the most experienced officers of the
Customs are beginning to urge the adoption by
the United States. Government of the British
system of combining specific with ad valoripn dit
ties. Take, for example, two shawls, one coking
five dollars, and the other five hundred dollars.
The British system would levy a specific duty of
say two dollars upon each shawl, and to that sum
add an ad valorem duty besides. It is claimed
that this system would be more equal than any
other, and secure more revenue.
The expenditure for the Utah imbroglio, (says
the Washington Star,) as far as made by the
Quarter-master's Department, amounts to $5,132,-
000_ 4,947 wagons and abulances ; 53,396 horses,
mules, and oxen, exclusive of animals for artillery
and cavalry, were furnished. The pay of the
officers and men, and the cost of subsistence,
which would have been incurred, bad the forces
been engaged in any other service than this, are
not, of course, included in this estimate. • The
cost of transportation is included, as it was an
expense incidental to this . affair.
The States learns from a friend who is almost
direct from the Court of Madrid, that France has
. _
taken up the subject of Cuban dependence, and,
with England, is proposing to erect Cuba and
Porto Rico into a semi-independent monarchy, on
paying a recta from that island. This rents is to
represent the interest and national debt to be as•
sumed by the new monarchy, in consideration of
her independence, the debt aid recta to be
assumed by France and England es a bond for
the non-annexation of Cuba to the United States.
Coal in Cincinnati.
The Cincinnati Gazette says the stock of coal is
running down rapidly, and prices have advanced
to sixteen cents at retail, for Youghiogheny.
The city is getting into a critical condition again
with reference to this important article of fuel.
The river continues below a coalboat stage, and
should severe weather set in while it is in this
condition, it would be difficult to prevent the
infliction of another fuel famine. It is becoming
clear, that in consequence of the rapidly increas
ing consumption of coal, the river cannot, with
safety, be much longer relied upon, exclusively,
for supplies, even with the improved modes of
transportation introduced by the barge system.
The Legislature of Arkansas met en the let of
The Message of Gov Conway shows the popu
lation of the State to be as follows : 131,197 free
white males, 113,113 free white females, 80,885
slaves, and 734 free persons of color; total, 325,-
429 souls. The taxable property of the State is
put down at $99,873,248. Much of the Message
is occupied with the affairs of the Real Estate
and the State Banks, and the indebtedness of the
State on occount thereof. The Governor. recom.
mends the passage of a law prohibiting the cir
culation of hank notes of a less denomination
than fifty dollars.
Deafness Cured by Electricity.
The Altoona, Pa., Tribune, notices a remarks.
ble cure of deafness, by electricity. A citizen of
that place suddenly lost his hearing, and after
every means known to the medical fraternity had
been exhausted, electricity was resorted to. An
instrument was produced, and placing the end of
a piece of wire in each ear; the electric current
was let on lightly at first, and gradually:increased.
After continuing the operation for some time, the
hearing of the man was so much restored that he
could bear a heavy rap upon the table. Again
the wires were inserted in his ears, and the fluid
applied. Oa removing them the second time, the
patient could hear loud talking in the room.
This operation took place in the afternoon, and
the patient was then allowed to rest till the next
morning, when the wires were again inserted, and
after applying the fluid for a few minutes, the
hearing of the man was perfectly restored.'
The overland mail, with California dates to the
Mil ult., has arrived at St. Louis. Heavy rains
commenced on the night of the 21st, and extended
through the State. The miners were driven from
several river beds.
Henry M. Nagle, receiver in the matter of Ad
ams & Co., has completed the payment of the
first eight classes of indebtedness, amounting to
upwards of 5150.000.
The steamer Cortez, from Victoria on the 23d,
brought five hundred passengers and £42,000
The reports from Frazer River are more favor
Honolulu dates to the 7th give more favorable
nocounte of 'the whaling fleets than previously
Prrresuaea, Tuesday, November 23
Euaineaa was somewhat active this week, notwithatand
ing the low stage of water in one river!. The coalboab
men have experienced a keen disappointment this season,
from the failure of the anticipated rise. We have had con
aiderabie rain this week, and some eunw. nicking it very
unpleasant for out-door business. Money to essay, and none
of the Ranks can get all the good abort paper they want, as
there Is comparatively but little making; and yet, in ordi
nary business calks, money is very eearce.
?rim have not varied much from /ant week. Flour and
,Grain are at former rates, end we see it stated that Corn is
quoted at 59w00. in Chicago, 560. in Cincinnati, and
7n , g7so. in St Louis. These figures indicate that the crop
iu the N..rth-West is short.
APPLES—Common varieties, P. 251 3.50 ; choice do., 4.00
04 50.
Burma AND Roas-•-ltoll butter: 18019 c. for prime;
common, 16@17; packed, tic. Eggs, 17@l8e.
Bssus—New small white, from store. $1.2501.31.
• nova—Sales on arrival of superfine at $4 62@4.75, and
extra at 4.8705.00. From store, isles of superfine at 4.900
5.00, extra at 51045.25, and family do, at 5.35@5.50, tae
outside figures ruling for sales in the- email way. Rye
Flour: sales from store at 4.90. Buckwheat: sales from
Bret hands in 501 b sacks at $212'12.25 V 100 -The, and from
Store at 2.4052.50.
GPAIN—Oats, 43a45a. on arrival. Bye, 730. Barley:
Spring and Fall, 60565. Corn: 650. on arrival and Po. from
store. Wheat: from wagon, 90c. for prime Mediterranean,
gb for prime Bed, And 1.00 for While.
Ciaocsaus—The stocks in the city are quite low. Sales of
Sugar to retail and country trade at 834a0e , and Molasses
at 45a48e. Coffee ie steady at 123..60., and Rice at 5a0.34c.
ions—There is quite an activity preinlent 'in Hog pack.
log. Messrs. Holmes A - Bro., G. W. Jackson, and F. Sellers
& Co. are all packing, nod the amount put. up here this
year will be considerably larger than usual. gales . of 700
head at 49064 e., gross, mainly at 4%86e.; .2.000 head on
_private terms; and 2,600 do., large and small, at an average
of 5.40 net. The sales at the yards were at 4 1 4a4•Xc., gross,
but there were a great many small. hogs inoladed in the
lots offered there. Dressed Hop of good else would bring
/Meows—Reds, 75e. Mixed, 80c, Neebannocks, 870
A PINE variety of new style ooatinge, pant
stuffs, vestings, Sm., suited to the season, are now
opened at Carnaghan's, Federal Street, - Allegheny
City. These have been selected for the custom
trade, and will be found to embrace the newest
styles of the season. A choice stock of men's and
boys' clothing neatly made and trimmed; and fur
nishing goods adapted to the season, also ready for
the examination of buyers.
The Great Holland Remedy.
.B rhave's Hodiand Bitiirs.—Persons subjeotto
nervous or sick headachs, will find licerhave's
Holland Bitters a sure, safe and pleasant remedy.
It soothes the throbbing head, corrects acidity of
the stomach, assists digestion, and 'creates a
healthy appetite. It is, without doubt, a most de
lightful preparation, and an effectual remedy.
The fact that it is now a very popular medicine
throughout all the Hollend,settlements in Wiscon
sin, New York, Michigan, Illinois and Indiana,
speaks much in its favor.
No Wonder he was Thankful.
Read and Judge for Yourselves.
ROCHESTER, October 19, 1852,
Mumma. FVEMING Baos—Gentlemen.—liaving
experienced the beneficial effects of Dr. M'Lane's
Celebrated Liver Pills, prepared by you, I take
great pleasure in recommending them to the pub
lie. I feel warranted in saying, that they are a
certain cure for liver complaints and all bilious
diseases, no matter how difficult or long standing.
I myself was afflicted with this dreadful disease
for over two years, and oh I how thankful I am
that I heard of these Pills. I purchased of one
of your agents three boxes, and before I had
fi niebed the third box, was completely cured. I
verily believe, but for Dr. M'Lane's Liver Pills, I
should have now been in my grave; but as it is, I
am now enjoying the best , of health, and stand a
living witness of the efficiency of Dr. ll'Lane'r
_Liver Pills. Besides recovering my health, I
consider that I have saved in pocket some two or
three hundred dollars physician's fees.
This testimony I give you with the greatest
pleasure, and hope it may do something toward
making these invaluable Pills known to all who
are suffering with liver -complaint.
Traveler in. Western New York
Purchasers will be careful to ask for DR. M'-
Pk: There are other Pills purporting to be Liver
Pills, now before the public. Dr. M'Lane's gen
uine Liver Pills, also his celebrated Vermifuge,
can now be bad at all respectable drug stores.
None genuine without the signature of
Ll 6
otipt nttLitgtntt
We have Liverpool dates to the 16th instant
Some important political changes were anticipated
but nothing very definite bad yet been determin
ed upon and made public.
Great Britain.
The London Advertiser gives currency to a
rumor that Lord Derby contemplates retiring,
and that Lord John Russell is to succeed him as
Premier, with Lord Stanley and Sir James Gra
ham as prominent members of the Cabinet. It is
further stated that this new combination will
have the support of Mr. Bright and his party.
At the Reform Conference held on the sth lust ,
a resolution was adopted requesting Mr. Bright
to frame and bring into Parliament &Reform bill.
He has accepted the duty. •
At the Lord Mayor of London's banquet, the
Earl of Derby and other members of the Cabinet
spoke. They avoided committing themselves, but
promised that the forthcoming measures should
be comprehensive and national in their character.
The London Times, speaking of the wretched
condition of Mexico, says that there is no reason
why England should oppose the ambitious designs
of the government at Washington. It considers
that the establishment of any government of law
and order in Mexico would be a gain. It also
ridicules the Spanish expedition as farcical, awl
contends that every gun fired on Mexican terri.
tory is fired to the ultimate profit of the great
Anglo Saxon Northern Confederacy. •
The details of the Japan treaty have been pub.
The United States steam frigate Niagara, with
her cargo of rescued Africans, for Africa, had
reached St. Vincents. Sixty o f ooloredpas.
sengers had died on the passage.
The wholesale poisoning at Bradford, by the
accidental admixture of arsenic with lozenges,
bad resulted in seventeen deaths, and one hun
dred more were suffering greatly frem eating
A new Company had been formed for the pur
pose of laying a submarine cable from Galway to -
Belle Isle, along the St Lawrence to Quebec, and .
thence by land to the Pacific coast. The title of
the Company is, "The British and Canadian
Submarine Telegraph Company," and the capital
is Z1,600,01)0.
It is authoritatively-stated that thelEmperor of
the French is taking steps for carrying out the
plan of laying up stores of corn in every large
town during plentiful years, in order to provide
against years of scarcity.
Lisbon journals speak of a material subscrip
tion to pay the indemnity in the. Charles and
Georges affair. The London Poses Paris corres
pondent says that the Portuguese Government is
contemplating an address to the Great Powers,
complaining of France refusing mediation in the
The latest statistical accounts derived from the
Russian census of 1851, give to European Russia
a population of fifty-seven millions:two hundred
and twenty-six thousand seven hundred and fifty.
The Treaty concluded with Japtn by Mr. Hal..
ris, the American Consul General, provides for
the abolition of the six per cent. tax for re•coin
ing American money into Japanese currency;
permits-American Ministers and their families to
reside at Jeddo, and suspends the annual practice
of "trampling upon the cross" at Nagasaki;
permits Americans to erect churches in Japan,
and guarantees religious freedom ; closes the port
of Simoda, and opens that of Sanagawa, seven
teen miles from Jeddo ; also opens the cities of
liege and Osaca, and permits the exportation of
Japanese coin. The treaty is to take effect July
4, 1859.
The PRESBYTERY or BEAVER. will meetin New Ceet's
on the Third Tuesday of DeTeember next at 834 o'clock P.
D. C. REED, Stated Clerk
The PRFInYTERY OF NEW UMW atanda adjourned
to meet in the church of Deerfield, North Benton, 0, on
the Second Luesday of December, at 12 o'clock M.
By an order of Presbytery, its members are invited to
meet in convention in the (Mulch of Deortleid, the day
previous. at 12 o'clock M.,. to P pen d the intervening time In
rali!imact oxerci•ex 110fteRT RAl'O, S 0
loon:Bed meeting at Alexandra on the Firet Tuesday (the
7th,) of December, at 03,6 o'clock P. M.
ROBERT HAMILL, Stated Clerk.
journed to meet at Martinville on the First Tuesday (7th
day,) of December. at 11 o'clock A. M.
Dr. Alexander, the pastor, and others, request the nibs
inters and elders to meot at 8 P. M., on the evening pre-
NIOUS, for the purpose of engaging in conference, prayer,
and exhortation. JOHN MAFFAT, Stated Clerk.
At Ropshill, near Williamsport, Maryland. on the 10th
inst., by Rev. Thomas Creigb, D.D., of Iffereersbarg, Penna.,
Mr. ALoorao BERRY, of Prince George County, to Mies Tra
uma, daughter of Mr. Otbo Williams, of Williamsport
September 9th, by Rev. J. R. Manaus, Mr. Hamm MEW
DIAN, of Cumberland, 0., to Adios MARY JANZ THONPRON, of
Noble County, 0. September 18th, RICHARD MORTON, Esq.,
to Mine DOROAI CALHOUN, Loth of Moundsville, V.. Sept.
27th, Mr. EMMA BARTLETT, of Hooking County, to Mies
Manual= M. Svawawkof Noble County, 0. November 2d,
Mr. JANES BTCYZNO, of Sharon, 0., to Miss MARY MCMAHAN,
of Cumberland, 0.
By Rev. D. Robinson, on the 4th of November, Mr. WM.
end pleas, Mr. WILLIIM THOMPSON' to Miss SUSANNAH Aim.
eon, all of Hancock County, Va. On the 11th of November,
Mr. JOSEPH SfloWN to Miss ELIZABITH Boogie, OM of OolUol•
biana County, Ohio.
On the 7th of October, by Rev. Thomas Stevenson, Mr.
Moor Moan/maze, of Missouri, to Mies Bum 1.., daughter
of Mr. John Campbell, of Centre County, Pa. On the 9th
inet, Rev. John. Elliot assisting, Mr. JOSEPH Om= to Mise
Buss, daughter of Mr. William Galley, all of Dunosnavllle,
Blair County, Pa.
At the residence of the bride's father. on November 11th.
by Rev. Robert McMillan, Mr. JAMES STEWART 10 MISS EMILY
GUSIBORT, all of Washington Tp., Westmoreland Co., Pa.
By Rev. S. T. Wells, on, Thursday morning. September
23d, Mr. GEORGS 11. VAN CM'S to NISI BARAII 0. MaCuse,
all of Epworth, Dubuque County, lowa.
In Blairsville, November 16th, by Rev. S. H. Shepley, W.
D. Samosa. Dec., of St. Louis, to Mel Sulu 8., daughter
of Win. Speer, M.D., of Blairsville.
On the 16th inst., by Rev. A. McElwain, Mr. Jona D.
McLellan! to MISS ANNA MANY PORTER, both of Indiana, Pa.
On Ineedey, 16th inet., by Rev. Wm. Saab, Rev. Joan
NolKien, of Jefferson County, to Mies MYRA Amass ' daugh
ter of J. B. Reynolds, Esq., of Callensburg, Clarion County,
Penna. .
On Tuesday, November 16th, at the house of the bride's
father, Mr. Moses Robbins, by Rev. Alex. Ortlaughey, Mr.
Josarst Roulade to Miss &scan ROBBINS, all Of North Hunt•
ingdon Township, Westmoreland County, Pa.
0 bituarg.
[The name Laam, in our issue of November
17th, rihonld be Seam—Mrs. Mary Seam.]
Drat —ln New Orleans, of yellow fever, on the
15th of October, Ct./wows 8., son of Rev. Jaes
Galbraith, in the 29th year of his age.
"Be ye also ready, for in such an hour as ye
think not, the Son of Man cometh."
DISD—On Thursday evening, October 21st,
RBBNCIOA. Mamma, daughter of Thomas and
Jace Pollock, aged 9 years, 4 months, and 3
days, near Libertyville.
DIED—On Saturday evening, October 28d, Lo
iliTTA ELIZA" daughter of D. S. and Mary Poi
lock, aged 2 years, 7 months, and 7 days, near
These two lambs' of the flock are gone. Gone,
but not lost, we humbly trust. Christ doubtless
has said, "Suffer these little children to come
unto me, and forbid them not." May we not
fondly hope that he has come into his gaiden and
gathered these lilies to himself t? In this solemn
, of his providence, he says to the
bereaved ones, " Therefore, be ye also ready,
for in such an hour as ye think not, the Son of
Man cometh." J.C.
DIED--Near Brimfield, 111., October 14th, JOHN
STOCKTON, infant son of Geurge S. and Sarah
Jane Pursell, aged 10 months.
44 Suffer little children to come unto me, and
forbid them not, for of such is the kingdom of
Johnnie, we on earth do miss thee,
We thy loss most deeply feel
It is God who bath bereft us,
He can all our sorrows heal.
Go, little Johnnie, loved one, go,
A mother's heart can tell,
And none but hers can fully know
How bard to say, dear John, farewell
How short the race our little friend bee run,
Cut down in all his bloom;
His course but yesterday begun,
Now finished in the tomb.
Farewell, dear one, those happy hours
Ne'er thought they 'd pass so soon,
But like the full and open rose,
Was plucked when just In bloom.
Why should we weep or mourn for him,
Or wish him back again,
Since he has gone to joy above,
With Cit.lst - to live and reign.
Dian—Of typhoid fever, at the residenoe of
her husband, in Cannnshurg, October 29th, Mrs.
Ems:Bats PAXTON, in the 49th year of her age.
Mrs, Paxton was for many years a professing
Christian, and a member of chargers Presbyte
rian church. She was a woman of good judg
ment, prudence, and a kind heart. She was
modest, quiet, and retiring in her habits, devoting
herself entirely to the duties of her family. She
lived a consistent Christian life, and this, to
gether with her peace and trust in the Saviour in
death, has left to her husband and children, and
'friends, the hope that she has gone to join in the
world of glory, her lately departed brother, T.
B. Wilson, and two of her children, all of whom
she seemed already to see, in her last moments.
She has left a numerous family to mourn her loss.
DIED—In Westmoreland County, Pa., October
10th, ANNA M., daughter of Charles and Louisa
Silverman, aged 1 year, 3 months, and 10 days.
Our light is dim Med, our eyes suffused with tears,
Our little Annie, ah ! she is not here;
Here are her toys, her dress, her vacant place,
And all that's loved, but little Annie's face.
But why lament—bright windows to her sight
Poured forth a stream of heaven's celestial light;
Then why with anguish should our hearts be
riven t
Those smiles, so sweet on earth, are sweet in
Before the throne, our little Annie stands,
In blood-washed robes, a harp within her hands;
Radiant with smiles, whilst we in sadness roam,
She waits to welcome us when we go home.
Than—On the morning of the 22d of October,
ELIZAPIFTH, wife of George G. Orr, Beg., of Hol
lidaya Cove, Va.
The above merely tells that another of our race
has laid aside this earthly tabernacle, and taken
her eight to the spirit land. The world does not
know the trials through which she passed, or
bow. she was sustained in her passage through
"the dark valley." When a professing Chris
tian, wife, and mother, dies, the Christian and
the worldling each, are interested to know
whether, in the trying boor, she was oheered by
the sweet consolations of our religion, or was she
left to battle all unaided and alone with the king
of Terrors ? Tb such we would say, that,. reet•
lug on Divine promises throughlife, she was fully
sustained by the assurance of the Christian's hope
in death. On the morning preceding her death,
she called each of her children, took a farewell
of them, commending them to the love of a
enveua...t keeping God, then quietly resigned her
self to the will of her Father in heaven. Grad
ually—so gradually that we could hardly notice
the change—she each hour grew weaker and
weaker, until she gently sank in death, and her
spirit took its flight, as we feel assured, to the
realms of eternal bliss.
"So fades a Summer cloud away,
So sinks the gale when storms are o'er;
So gently Idiots the eye of day,
So dies a wave along the shore."
Dian—Af Canonsburg, on the 10th inst., Joint
WEAVHR, M.D., from hemorrhage of the lunge, in
the 89th year of his age.
Dr. Weaver was a graduate' of Jefferson Col
lege, and of the Jefferson Medical School of Phil
adelphia. His professional life was spent in
Canonsburg, where he had an extensive practice,
and enjoyed to an unusual degree the confidence
and esteem of all who knew him. The- arduous
labors of his profession were sustained with re
markable energy and fidelity, even when a pru
dent regard for his own feeble health would have
required him to desist. He continued to be
found at the bed side of his patients, as long , as
his failing strength would possibly permit. The
period of confinement preceding his death, was
of brief continuance, and it was all employed in
"setting his house in order," and in preparation
for the great change. His characteristic modesty
and self-distrust, together with the• very high
standard of Christian character which she bad
conceived,' had hindered him from making a.
public profession of religion ; although he had .
a profound regard for sacred things, and was so
constant in his attendiinie at the house
and so exemplary in all his deportment, 'that most
persons supposed him to be• a member of the
church. During the last days' of his life he en-'
deavored to analyze carefully his religions feel
ings; and while he was still distrustful of
himself, be was enabled deliberately to say, that
"his hope was in Christ alone," and that "he
cast himself as a sinner at the foot of the cross,
in humble hope of salvation." He charged his
sorrowing wife so to live and to train up their
three little ones, that they all might be prepared
to meet him in heaven.
He was a grandson of the late Rev. Tohn
McMillan D. D. A—number of his medical
brethren, and a-large concourse of sympathising
friends and fellOw citizens, together .- .:epith the
Faculty and students of Jetferson , College, "car
ried him to his burial!" W.
Aliir Thee° Machines•sew from two spook, and form a
seam of unequalled ' strength, beauty, and elasticity;
which will NOT rip, even if every fourth .stitch
They are unquestiovibly:theinat in .the market for
family 1180.
jEs ING AND 'ELOOUTI9N, 'Select 'Heading. linter
taunents, (not theatrical,) given by PROF. W. F. EATON,
for several years Principal of thellegiWhospairtinent of
the Western University of Pennsylvania, Pittilbargh.
A New
By L. O. EMERSON, author of 'the Golden Wreath."
Recommendatory Notices of the Religious Press; '
[From the Christian Freeman.]
"The Golden Harp" is becoming qutte `popular. Prom a
careful perusal of it, we judge it worthy of adoption by
our schools generally. We commend it to the attention of
enperinteadents and teachers, as a valuable acquisition to
their means of religious instruction and worship.
[From the Christian WatehmanOnd Reflector.]
"For every occasion on which good music is desirable—
and there are few, if any, on which it is not—sothething
appropriate may be selected from this book, which contain*
more than five hundred choice pieces."
[From the Schoolmaster.]
"It is an admirable collection of hymns and familiar
tunes which must be found acceptable to those who want
a new music Wyk for the Sabbath School. We have recom
mended it personally to our Mends."
[Ft om the Christian Register.]
"This is properly a book of hymns. as well as of tunes.
It contains four hundred and thirty-eight hymns—long,
and short—and one hundred and twenty tunes, the hymns
being scattered through the book on pages with the tunes
to which they are fitted. The selection of tunes is good,
and the hymns are nearly all practical, and free from oh.
jectionable doctrine. This we consider essential,, and an
important recommendation of the, book for the young, and
we see no reason why it should not be generally' adopted
in our Sunday Scheele." • '
[From the Olive Drench.)
"It contains upwards of five hundred hymns and tunes,
including the beat of 101 previous collections, together with
a large number of new pieces, which most, from their pe
culiar adaptation to the wants of schools, become general
favorites We have .never met. with a book of Sabbath
School Music which wb_could so unreservedly recommend to
the 'special attention of pastors, superintendents, and
teachers, and to all persons interested in the moral and re.
Deena culture'of the young."
This volume is all that can be desired for - a book of the
kind, and is rapidly attaining a popularity far exceed
ing that of any similar work Sabbata Schools in ail por
tions of the 'United States are adopting it, and the prospect
is that it will supersede a large majority of Sabbath School
Music Books now in use.
Superintendents and Teachers wishing to examine the
" GOLDEN HARP," with a view of introducingit in their
schools of Masses, will receive a copy on the remittance of
25 cents, free of postage.
Price 25 rents, or $2.50 per dozen:
Published and for sale by JOHN IL MELLOR,
No. St Wood Street,
between Fourth St. and Diamond Alley, Pittsburgh, Pa.
n 027 lt
M. M.l
N . / 11G W B 0
Just received hy •
No. 40 North Lath H., Philadelphia:
shall also receive the fourth volume, cornpletleg the work,
in two or three weeks. end will send it, if requested, to,
those ordering the third)
TAYLOR'S SERMONS. Practical Sermons' by N. W.
Taylor, D.D., late Dwight Professor. in Yale College.
SPRAGUE'S ANNALS. Annals of the American Pulpit,
or Commemorative Notices of Distinguished American
Clergymen of 'Various Denominations, Ake Five viols: now
ready, aro.. cloth. TON I. and IL, Trinitarian Congre
gational. Vol: ill. and IV., Presbyterian. Vol. V.
Bvo , cloth.
ALEXANDER ON MARK 12m0., cloth . •
RIENCE. 12mo , cloth.
18mo., cloth.
To be published stout January Ist: • ~
troduction to the Exegetical Study of the Scriptures of the
Nei Testament. By P. Pairbairn, D. D., author of
"Typology of Soriptnre," /to., &c. jub-ly
—Without tbeeo. the mother of e. family would
be %short of the Domeetle Physician of the - nineteenth
century; the one acting ae a mire rrmedy
,for cutaneous
disorders, and the other for Interim] diseases. •
Bold at the manufactory, No 80 Malden Lane,. New lark,
end by all Druggists, at 25c., Dc., and $1 per box or pot.
P n. Have opened an extensive stock of Ladles' Misses',
Children's, Gents', Boys', and Youths' BOOTS, Ilion,
and VALISES, In all their varieties. They purchase d 4
rattly of the New England and Philadelphia .111.arrobto
turers, and are therefore able to furnith buyers, either
wholesale or retail, at the LOWEST OOPS PRIORI!.
+Sir Bouth•East Corner of Federal and :Water Streets,
Allegheny City, Pa._ eaSO-St*
FIFTH SESSION will open on the BROOND Or
NOVEMBER next. Young Hen and +Boys 'premed for
Butdnese or. College. Terms,soo per Session of five months.
Light and Fuel extra.
Thoee deeiring a School in the country, easy rf seem,:
a ffor di n g thorough inrtruetion, Conducted on the principles
of a wall regulated Chrietian home, will peals address,
J. H. PHOMAN,EIt, A. M., Principal,
Academia, Juniata County, Pa.
w i o trom (move. ACADEMY AND SARI.
She Fourteenth Session of this Institution will com
ments, on WEDNESDAY, November 3d, and eoetlreme
twenty-one weeks.
Tkems--Boardlng, Tuition, Eng Nab Branches, $4500 per
Session ' payable one-half in advance. Higher branches,
$4.00. Weablna, light, and fuel, extra.
Relerenee--REY. Whl. J. 61.18130 N, AD:, Walker, Pa.
Address, J. N. THOMAS, Principal.
oel6 6t ' .
new and beautiful engraving of the Cruaiflaion. An active
pereou with only a small capital, can realm $6O to $6O per
tuvatti. For pantieulare; address D. 17... MIILMOttA,
no2o et No. 187 Eioadwey, New.Vork.
The 14011111111 IB w.eltly, In the. *Rion pi' hlrp.
burthann Philadelphia, and in suar.ed tt gnno.rftl , in Ishii/0e
in the Prelbytarine Church.
alo p. r Jeer.
TN OT.IIBEI of twenty, and upwards, IVA " ..
DELI VA.221l in either of the cities, 1.76 " ',.
for eight lines, or lees, one Insertion 6G cents; *eeh entf.
sew:tent Insertion, 25 cents. Beth eddltfonel Ilea, 1...) I. d
eight, 3 coats for every ineertion.
For eight linen, torte niontne,s3.oo. Zack additiouei line,
25 cente.
For eight linos, One Year, *lO.OO. Leek additional llnp 11,
CAZIM Of two Linea, s6,a year, cud $1 for sorb addt-,
Mull line.
Boansiss Notices. of ten lines or lees, One Dollar. Bach
additional line, 6 cents.
comntenilcations recommendatory of Inventlons,ll#
dice!' Practice, School', de. de., being designed for tbs p<ett.
aviary benefit of Individuals, should bo parktfor as nosiness
Buns by mail, where no, good opportunity is. otbei 'wire
at hand. Drafts or notes of the larger denominations erb
preferable, where they can be conveniently obtained.
PlB,Ollll sending us twenty subscribers and upwards
will be thereby entitled to a paper without charge. 1.
N.B. When Presbyterian families are very much dieterrtd,
they may be accommodated at the Clitilittee,evezi though a
gm of the twenty be wanting. Let all besupplietl, it yowl-
ble. The Pooa we shall favor, to our ntmostabillty tel the
supply be r int, but every paper paid for:
Por Two Dollars paid, we will send Seventy numbers; ee
br One Dollar, Thirtrthies numbers. This is for the gibe of
easy remittance:•
If Pastore, in making up clubs, find some persons out
reedy to pay,at once, they my yetsendontke noose. at Ole
Club prioe,lon ownlesponsibilityto 'Payne shortly. It
is desirable that clubs date their subscription periods at the
same time. DAVID Preprieter.
A L TB W . 0 0 „IL n •
carbsie• Fiedsriek the Great, 12ino. $2 50.
.Paragraph Bible. large type. 12m0.; $1.00_„
Bitter Sweat. By Timothy Titcomb. 12mo. 75 clots.
Discourses on Common Unice of Christian 'Faith and
Practice. By Rev. James W.Alexander, D.D Bvo. 22
Nance laid the SupernaturiVes together conelitntink
the one Sysdem of God: -Reval.,Busitnell Pvt. 2400.
The Harvest and the Reapers; Hometwork for all, and
how to do is By Rev. H. Newcomb, 18mo. 63 cents.
Lyra Gennamea. , Second Serlis.'4s pmts. • •
Sidney Grey; a Tale of, School Life, 16mo. , 75 Ctsti
The Beautiful Bemis. By
Children. 18mo.. 30 ate. ' • • •
A Little Leaven, and What it Wrought at Mrs. Blake's
School. 18mo. 60 cents. ' -
Our Little Girls. By same author. 40 cents.
The Babetiin the Basket; or, Dobh and her Charge. By
the author, of Timid Lucy, and Heart and Hand. 50 etc.
Memoirs, Letters, anti Journal of Mrs. Jerket. 75 eta „.
The Highe r Christian Life. - Three Parte. By Roy. W.
E. Boardman. 12mo. $lOO
Peasant Life inHeiminy. 12tn'o. $1.26.
The Theology of Christian Experience; designed es an 'Rip.
position of the "Common Faith" of the of Giß.
By Rev. G. D. Armstrong, D.D.
inquiries and Suggestions in regard to the Foundation of
Faith in the Word of God. By Abort Barnes. 12mo.
• _
GO cts.
Dr. Sprague's Annals of the American 'Pulpit. Vol. V.
Episcopalians. Bvo.. $2.50.
The Word and Worktrof God. By ;Thins Gill, AD. t
Life and Labors of Rev. Daniel Baker. Second Thousand.
ilvo. $1.26.
Large Supplies of the blaissachnsetts Society's Sabbath
School Books, new and old.
All The new issues of the American S. S.llnion.
The unity of the Human Race. By Prof. Cattail. $1..00.
Leighton's Whole Works. Sao. • $2.00. 7
The Voice of Christian 'Life in Sena. 75 cis.
Christian Hope. By John Angell James.
Beauties of Ruskin. ,12mo. $1 25.
Richard - Grant' White's beautiful new edition of Shah
spears. Vols. 2.8, 4, and 5, now ready
N. B.—Any of the above sent by mall, pottiage. p 62, on
receipt of the price. • •
For sale by . JOHN E. DAVISON.
n020.2t 81 Market ; near Toserth St., , Pitilkargh, Pa.
. , ._
eM TRACT SOCIETY.:-- . . • : .
Over 400 pages, octavo. Price 80 septa. By the celebrated
John Locke, author of the Essay upon the Human Under
standing. Students of the Bible will welcome this book ea
a valuable addition to the lieliptore helps already fur
nished ty thisSo • piety. . , .-
Beautifully Illastreted Itocdts fOr Children. Price 20 As.
THB ItESCIJEBtiIOY: A True Story. • ; or'
EGNESNIUWIRT,:and. other hooks, for children. Also:
Recently Published; ',:-
SKPIFOITES-FROM LiFtl. _ . ..• . r'a.
ul ti
Beaideis theie,4 large and varied assortment of tooliWfor
youth, Illustrate* and nmetibir religious books, Mous.
phieee . .ke, in ply polud gilt binding: suitable for prevents,
andlopular monthlies, Th1(1.1E111+64)&11 Medieuger, rind
The Miffs Paper. : ,:.$ ... . ,::
liescriptiTe Catalogues turalebed gratis, et
TUE' TRACT B lotiftlll, I
jnY No. 922 Chestnut Streit, Mita:
Prepared from Authentic Materials. by
One of the Putters of the Collegiate Reformed Dutch
Church, In the City of New York.
The Board of Publication of the Reformed RroOstane.
Dutch Church have in press end will issue on the letb of
November, a volume with the above name. It will cer—
tain over 800 preme,l2mo., , and will be printed and bound
in the beat style , Pries $l.OO.
1. Sketch of theliefOrined Catch Church, and the Col
legiate Church.
2.,llietory of the North - Dutch Church la-Fulton Et; ea.
3:'ldissionary Operations in the , North Church.
4. Origin of the Noon Prayerkleating.
5. Its Character.
6. ItePrOgress. • •
7; The Globe`Rotel Meetings . , and the most striking lid
dents connected with them.
8. Requoste for . Prayers".
2. Thankserings for Alamein.
10. Answers to Prayers. ,
11. Notable COIMIIIiOIII3.
12. Other Intereating Irtridenrs.
13, Anniversary Prayer Meeting.
14 Philadelphia Player Meetings
15. Selections.;
1. A View of the North Dutch March.
2. The DoOrMay.
3. Ilarpending Cott of Anne.' • ,
4. View of the Consistory Room.
.5. 'View of theßoom in the Third Story of, the Consola
tory RnoM, in which the meeting wee commenced.
View.oC tb Room in the sodoria stoxy..;
7.,,, G .sheues OL the - Garda which are the Room
and at the Gateway • • ,
8. Facsimiles of some of the most interesting Reqneete.
9. Portrait (steel engraving) of Rev: John Knox. D 1 ".•
late Senior Pastor of the Collegiate Church.
10. portrait (steel engraving). of Rev. Thomas Pe Witt,
D.G.; present Senior Pastor.
11. Portrait (tteel.engraving) of Mr. J. O. Lanphier,.tbe
Lay Mieslonary of the Worth Church.
The,desigo of this volume is 'to give 'an authentic ac
count of the progrena of this moat remarkable religious
movement, and to trace the grecions-hand of the Lord in
tbe maoifold bloater' which have through this trustro
mentelity been poured out.
• The Board would call the attention of the Trade, and
alto of the Christian Public, to the following ricommeoda
lions from the pens of the Rev. Dre. De Witt and Bethune.
The' Volume prepared by my Colleague, the Rev. Dr.
Clamberer, entitled " The Noon Prayer. Nesting," .will
doubtless attract the interest of the Christian public at
large: it traces trim the first institution of the Noon Day
Prayer, Meeting. in eepteesber, 1857,, its onward progress
and with ding diffusion. with 'the 'blesied results which
haveloliowsd. It has teen carefully prepared, and roll
reliance may be placedupou the accuracy of its atatetuen ta.
It is hoped that it may he in come degree instrumental, un
der the Divine blessings, in cherishing and, extending the
religion+ influence now spread through our countrY.
New York; October 2511,1868._ THOfi. DR WIT.
The religions public: at home and abreact, mast be hun
gry for, full :and authentic information respecting the
origin. and history of " The Noon Prayer Meeting,. which,
as is ell known, bad• its. beginning in the Lecture or.Crin
eistory Room of the North Dutch Church, Fulton Street
New York. ' This work is the very thing we need. Ito an
ther, the Bev. Dr. Chambers, one of the pastors of the
church on whose premises the Prayer Meeting has been
held, has had every , opportunity to know and collect the
facts. His literary ability will be found to be worthy of
his high position, and his deep sympathy with the bleised
movement has shed through his pages an ardor of pious
earnestness, controlled by , a prayerful sobriety, which run
dera hiese-narrative both interesting, and ,trustworthy. 4le
deserves, as - doubtless be will receive, th e thanks of us alt.
' • ' 43.1101dR W. Brratrsn,
Minister of -the Bd. Dutch Church; on the Heights,
A liberal discount will be allowed to the Trade, from
whom orders we eolialted, which• will be filled in the °Our
received. Address. WILLIAM FRltiilB, Agent,
Brood's Bomar, 61 Franklin Street, New York.
no2o 3t .
The tins of PRRRIN,A .1011NSON haviog, by mutest
consent, been recently dissolved. G. S. BATES. and
WIC JOHNSON' -give' notice that they have watere In to
partnertip, for the
,pnrpose of carrying on the above
ROOFING BUSINESS, in all its branches, ender the name
and firm of BATES it ~01INSON, at . the old, stand, 75
Smithfield Street, neer Itlam , rid Alley.
We sire now pared 'th- ou SUPIOR
ROOFING, steep p o re r
flat re, fag overw i
rough r
boards, Eß and
shingles, composition or metal rothr, steamboats, railroad
cars, &c., being admirably adapt ulto withstand the vario
changes of weather, or the action of fire, and it is not %-
lured by being tau:Med - 4On. We also attend to repairing
old gravel roofs, in the most thorough manner; also, to
c e menting tin, iron, Copper, or •slue roofs, making them
water-tight, and securing them against the action of the
weather. for $1.50 per square; (one hundred square feet )
Preserving them and rendering them FIRR.PROOR, for
$ 2 - 00 per square—discount for large roofs. •
ROOF, and is insured's& same rates' as metal mole, and is
:fast superseding all other kinds.f
Roofing material for sale, with instructions fir applying.
.Refbrences and certificates at our orrice.
75 Smithfield St, near Dimitond Alley, Pittsb'g, Pa.
N. B.—Our canvas is not rendered wortldeas ha - preparing
it for the roof.
FACULTY—Prof. R..t.lfitltY, A.M., Principal, emitted
by • fall corps of experienced. Professional Teachers.
The plin of. this Institution is comprehensive. embracing
departments for the critical study of all the brsucether
pertain to a refined, liberal, thorough, and prac
Lion. Pupils can enter at pleaanre.
Treks—Board, s2i 00 pee Quarter from time of entering •
other expenses according to course pursued.
Aar This Institution affords superior facilities to pereons.
wishing to quidify,temselves for the Teacher's Profession.
ue2o tf
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