PRESBYTERIAN: I . :4:.:'NNER-H,& -„AITICATE. Presbyterian ]tanners Vet. VII, lio.lo Presbyterian Aive•ate, Vol. lxi, We. 5. DAVID MeHINNEY, Editor and Proprietor. .E.ERIEB.-IN ADVANCE. Psalmody and the Reformation. The author of "The Voice of Christian Life in Song," a new work just issued in England, and which the Messrs Carters, of / New York, have reprinted, thus adverts to the tendency which bas been displayed in Soot and to cling to the Psalms of David. Other reasons may be assigned, but.the position of this writer is no doubt true. In Scotland, the Reformers did not consider how little they might safely throw away, but taking the Bible in their hantio, they merely in quired, what does God here teach us and bid us do. They built not on fathers nor me diaeval practices, but on " thus saith the Lord." We quote from pp. 253, 254, 255 : " When we remember that the same ab woe of an Evangelical National Hymn Li terature, springing up spontaneously as a natural growth of the Reformation, which characterizes the Reformed Churches of France and French Switzerland, exists also in the sister Church of Scotland, it is im possible not to connect this fact with the similar form which the Reformation took in all these lands. None of the strictly Cal vinistio communities have a hymn book dating back to the Reformation. It cannot surely be their doctrine which caused this; many of the beet known and most deeply treasured of the more modern hymns of Germany and England, have been written by those who repeive the doctrines known as Calvinistic. Nor can it proceed from any peculiarity of race, or deficiency in popular love of music and song. French and Scotch national character are too dissimilar to ex• plain the resemblance ; whilst France has --Any national melodies and songs, and Soot. Lnd is peculiarly rich in both. Is not the .use, then, simply the common ideal of exter nal ecclesiastical forms which pervaded all the Churches reformed on the Genevan type? The intervening chapters of Church history were, as it were, folded up, as too blotted and marred for truth to be read to profit them; and, next to the first chapter, viz , ae Acts of Apostles, was to stand, as the second chapter, the history of the Reformed Chinches Words were to resume their original Bible meaning; nothing was to be eoeived that could not be traced back to to Divine hand. Ecclesiastical order was 'as to be such as St. Paul had established, had fpund established; clearly to be Iced, it was believed, in the Acts and iostnlioal Epistles. And, since the in iration which glowed on the gitted lips of )ostolic days existed no longer, and the Irus and hymns, and spiritual songs, in .ich St. Paul had delighted, formed no rt of the New Testament Canon, re inree must be had to an older liturgy inspired throughout—at once most hu m and most Divine. Thus the Book Psalms became the hymn-book of ,e Reformed Churches, adapted to grave id solemn music, in metrical transla ms whose one aim arid glory was to ander into measure which could be sung the very words of the old Hebrew Psalms By what ingenious transpositions and com pressions of words and syllables this has been accomplished, in the case of Scotland, is known to those who attend the Scotch Presby terian services. The labor must have been consnientiously and painfully accomplished; for although the result may, to the unini• `Wed, bear something of the same ream lance to poetry as the-fitting of fragments Hebrew temple and Christian church, ,nto the walls of Jerusalem, bears to ambito /re—columns reversed, and - mouldings dis lonnected—yet the very words are there, and le use to which they are applied is most ea .ed. At all events, the Scotch Psalms are vide Psalms, and not modern medita is on them; and with all the sacred asso itions Which two nenturies of such a Church istory as that of Scotland has gathered round le song of to day, mingling it with ech. !ts from mountain gatherings, and- martyrs' isons and scaffolds, and joyful death beds, ibably no hymn book could ever be one- Lif so musical or poetinal to Scotch hearts, those strange, rough verses. The Para rases combined with them have a later Lein and another history, and do not alter fact that David's Psalter was the first imbook of the Reformed, or Genevan ,urches 11 England, in this, as in so many other nge, takes a middle place; in some isure a city of refuge, where both forms the Reformation lived tranquilly side by le, and also a border land where both met ,d contended." . For the Preebytetian Better end Advocate. Theology of Missions. The Bible is full of the Theology of Isions Also in the Creeds and Symbols the various denominations of the Church iverml, there is much of the Thpology Missions, and there is much agreement, in reference to this subject, however iy may differ on other points. The 'tripe's with one accord, and as with one ice, send forth no uncertain sound. But is not the intention to present here the tole circle of doctrines or Scriptural Lohings which pertain to Missions, and licit: have Christ for their centre and the irld for their field. There is one point not generally reflected in, and about which there seems to be 'certainty with many. Let this one point considered, viz.: that the heathen must to hell, and be lost forever, unless Christ preached to them, and they believe on .m. This doctrine is clearly taught in the tandards of the Presbyterian Church, in 'WIT forth the sum and essence of the ..4ctrines of the Holy Scriptures. Thus, in the Larger Catechism, we have, Question 60th : "Con they who have never heard the Gospel, and eo know not Jesus Christ nor believe in him, be saved by their living according to the light of nature ?" The Answer is : "They who having never heard the Gospel, know not Jesus Christ, and be. here not in hint, cannot be saved, be they never so diligent to frame their lives accord ing to the light of nature, or the laws of that religion which they profess; neither is there salvation in any other but in Christ alone, who is the SitiKittr only of his body, the Church." This doctrine is drawn from and founded on certain passages of Scripture to which reference is made; vide Rom. s : 14; 2. Th - ese. i: 8, 9 ; Eph. iii 12; John i: '2; John viii : 24; Mark xvi : 16; 1. Coe. i : 20-24; John iv : 22; Rom. ix : 31, 32 ; Phil. iii : 4-9 ; Acts iv .; 12 ; Eph. v: 23 Let any one who.doubts, turn to all these passages, and others of like kind, as noted in the marginal references in the. Bible, to the Word and to the Testi mony. If the Bible be true, and if there be any truth or sense in Christianity, then the condition of the heathen must be most perilous, most lamentable and irreparable without Christ, witho;at whom they can have nothing in the future but a fearful looking for of judgment and fiery indigna tion ; for they "shall be punished with everlasting destruction from the,presence of the Lord, and from the glory of his power." But they need not. all perish if Christians, will do their duty. Christian peoples of the present, have been reclaimed from heathen ism. Others .may ' reclaimed Means h , ,have been tippoilited. The Church' is the Conservitor and Executor of those means. And God's power and promises are insured in behalf of the efforts of the Church. Shall the heathen perish ? Will Christians let them perish? It is only a question of time and means. Are not many Christians saying, practically, if not avowedly, " Let them perish—let them go to hell !" The whole world- might have been converted ere this, had the means placed at the disposal of the Church been rightly used. J.H.O. For the Presbyterian Banner and Advocate. To the Pastors, Ruling Elders, and Churches, in the Synods of Pittsburgh, 'Wheeling, Ohio, and Allegheny, and of the Presbyterian. Church at large : DEAR BRETHREN :—The Western Theo• logical Seminary at Allegheny City is one of the main resorts of the Presbyterian Church for the education of her rising minis try. But it is also a creature of the Church, and dependent upon her for, her pit. ronage and support. The General Assem bly has enlarged its plan, and elected its four Professors. Under these four Profes sors there are enrolled one hundred and seventeen students for their ministerial train ing. We have reason to expect that the number will be even larger the next year. Of those now present, it is probable that ten or more will labor in foreign fields, and that the Gospel will be preached by them in eight different languages, some of which are their vernacular tongues. God's providence is honoring this Seminary with such a work, and such a responsibility, as it has never be fore had devolved upon it. And it muse look, to the churches to sustain these en larged operations. When the great Head of the Church is thus leading the way, is it not the privilege of our people to meet the de mand which his prospering, goodness has created ? God's hand has been most manifest in all the history of this Seminary. Who had thought, when the call was made for the endowment of the first two Professorships, some fourteen years ago, that there would ever arise such a demand for the labors of a third and a fourth Professor? But now the number of students is much more than double the number at that time, and more new students have entered already this ses sion, than the whole number in attendance five years ago. It should be remembered, also, that the churches have endowed only one of the Professorships and part of ano ther, having contributed only forty thousand dollars, in all, to this object; nearly half of the whole sum—the remaining thirty-five thousand dollars for the Third Professorship, and part of the Second—having accrued from the sale of the Seminary .property. And who would prefer that, all this while, this School of the Prophets should have been at a dead stand, rather than to be called upon any more for any further means to carry it forward on its advancing scale, and according to the enlarged plan of the General Assembly? On this account the endowment is now incomplete, and hence the funds are falling in arrears annually. The Foirth Professorship is not provided for, except five thousand dollars collected abroad, yet the Professor is at his work. We had confidently hoped to obtain a large share- of the funds outside of these Synods. Bat our way has been unexpectedly hedged up. Yet for other sums that are immediately needed to sustain students, and to provide addi tional rooms for them, we are now looking to the Church at large, as well as for five thousand dollars more of this endowment. We have waited fur better times, but our times are in God's hand, and when he calls us to the work, he will give the ability, if we go forth in faith. The four Synods of Pittsburgh, Wheeling, Ohio, and Allegheny, have, each 'of them, at their late sessions, resolved on undertak ing the endowment immediately, so as to raise twenty.five thousand dollars out of the thirty thousand dollars required. They have unanimously adopted the plan which warfteecommended with entire unanimity by both our Boards, to distribute the work, by requesting each of the churches to raise an amount in the church and congregation equal to an average of fifty cents for each church member. In order to this, each church, it is hoped, will aim at reaching this quota in the , best way possible—some members who are more able, giving more than this amount, so as to meet the deficiency of those who shall give less. And thus, also, with the churches; the abundance of some which are wealthier being a supply for the wants of others which are weaker, that thus the full amount may be obtained. Will not the eiders of the churches come to the aid of the pastors for accomplishing this good work? Will they not district their respective congregations, if need be, and go out promptly as possible to do their part, giving to each worshiper an opportunity to aid, and remembering that for each church to contribute the portion falling to it, is to accomplish the endowment We ask of you only to secure the amount in the promptest and best way possible. The Synod of Wheeling has named the fourtn Sabbath of November for the presentation of this object. • The Synod of Ohio has named the same day, in connexion with the observ ance of it as a day of special Thanksgiving and Prayer to God for his gracious reviving, and for the large increase of candidates. The Synod of Pittsburgh has named the second Sabbath of December for the same object. The Synod of Allegheny proposes an early day for the work. We urge upon you, brethren, to respond to the calls of the Synods, without waiting for any outside agency, or even for any set day.. We are your servants for Jesus' sake. "ONE THING IS NEEDFUL:" "ONE THING HAVE I•DESIRED. OP THE LORD:" "THIS ONE THING. I DO." PUBLICATION OFFICE, GAZETTE BUILDING, FIFTH' STREET, ABOVE SMITHFIELD, PITTSBURGH, PA. FOR THE WEEK ENDING SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 27 1855. With such a corps of Professors and such a band of students at their posts, -we cannot go back—we cannot stand still—we can only gu forward. We know not what fur ther advancement the great Head of the Church intends for this beloved Seminary, but- if it were left to languish with empty class-rooms, you might feel it a hardship to provide a full endowment,. Not so now, when our prayers have been signally an swered in the large numbers that resort hither, and when our most sanguine hopes have been more than fulfilled; when the ad vance fur years past has been so steady, and when so many of the dear youth' of the Church, who are soon to be your own minis ters, are receiving here their furniture for the sacred work. . Has the (Awh any more important or precious object thitnthis, without whose furtherance ihe h arch f must=suffer-ai-tt verylind and front of her activity—in her rising ministry ? Is it not an honor, rather than a burden, to have Al• legheny Seminary to equip most fully ; now when the mill for ministers is so urgent, and the demand for their fullest preparation is so pressing; when the martyr-blood of our stu dents in India cries to us for new recruits, and when the question is, whether all these pupils whom God has rent up hither shall have the fullest training or not ? And now, too, when every part of our Zion is moving vigorously to put the Seminaries in their respective bounds on a still better footing than ever before, will not onr churches feel a suitable enthusiasm and respc nd liberally to this call for completing the endowment of this important Institution All the Sem inaries of our Church have funds secured for four Professors, though some of them have comparatively few students, and this one is second of all in point of numbers. Brethren, the work will require pains taking, self-denial, liberality, and prayer. But let only each church determine •that, God helping, the end shall not fail for lack of their proper part being done, and the en dowment will be accomplished at once. ELISHA P. SWIFT, D.D., Vice Pres't. Board of Directors. FRANCIS G. BAILEY, President Board of Trustees. Nom—T. H. NEVIN, Treasurer, Liberty Street, Pittsburgh, will receive and report the collections. Allegheny City, Nov., 1858. box the Presbyterian Banner aim advocuhe. Synod of New Jersey. NARRATIVE OF THR STATE OF RELIGION WITHIN THE HOUNDS OF THE SYNOD OF NEW JERSEY, AS PRE SENTED AT THEIR SESSIONS IN TRENTON, N. J., OCTOBER, 1858, • The past year has been, to the churches within the tound.s of this Synod, and to our beloved Zion, throughout our land, a harvest time, the moat' abundant with which her labors have been crown ed in many years. The seed so carefully- sown and watched through past years, has sprang up and brought forth fruit; some an hut:Area fold, some sixty,. some thirty.; and . if, wheailkegoldin sheaves from the plains of Judea had been gath ered, shouts of Hosanna went up from the con gregation 'of Israel, sus ely the Church of God now should lift up her voice in praise and ,thanksgiv ing to the Lord of the harvest. "He has done great things for us, whereof we are glad." In presenting to the Synod a view of this work of grace among our churches, we will allow the reports from the Presbyteries to speak for them. selves, and can only regret that the limits of this paper will not suffer them to speak more at length. They are truly refreshing and encouraging to our hearts. With but few exceptions, tkty tell us what the Lord has done and is still doing for the ohurches over which we have been placed as over seers. This is the burden of their utterance, while other matters, interesting to the . Synod, have not been omitted. The report from the Presbytery of Elizabeth town, is introduced by an expression of devout thanksgiving to God for the degree of spiritual prosperity which has existed within their bounds during the past year. All their churches are log in peace, and all, save one, are supplied with pastors. 'The attendance on the preaching of the Word is good, and all the churches have their Sabbath Schools and Bible and Catechetical Classes. While all the churches have not beed equally blessed, all have received accessions to their numbers during the year, and in some' in stances they have been large. The Presbytery of Passaic, in presenting 'the narrative of the state of religion in the churches under their care during the past year havereason to rejoice that the work of the Loid has prospered under their hands. A blessed account comes from every quarter, and never before have the pastors of this Presbytery witnessed such evident mani festations of the Divine presence. Their hearts have been cheered, and the promise of God has been verified : " They that sow In tears shall reap in joy." The Presbytery have been called to mourn the loss of the Rev. James G. Moore, who fell asleep in Christ in the month of May last. The Presbytery of New Brunswick thus intro duce their report: "It is with peculiar satisfac tion and hearty thanksgiving to God, thatwe are permitted to record what the Lord has done for our Zion during the past year. In the general religious interest that pervades all the land, our churches have largely shared." A deep, though quiet interest, has pervaded the College of New Jersey, at Princeton where the number of stu dents is greater than at any previous period. The students of the Theological Seminary are much stirred up in zeal, and animated to active and useful labors, and among those recently ad mitted, numbering upwards of eighty, there are many who have left other professions to prepare for the blessed work of preaching the Gospel. This Presbytery records the death of an aged and beloved member, the venerable. Jacob Jones Janeway, D D., who departed this life on Sab• bath, .the 27th day of June last. In the Presbytery of West Jersey,. the gracious work has not been so general, but in their report they say: "We believe we have seldom, if ever, been privileged to report to Synod a more favor able spiritual condition Within the time covered by this report,Giod has graciously visited a number of our churches -with the revivifying influences of his Spirit." The condition of the Presbyterial Academy located at Bridgewater, is spoken of tie gratifying, and its prospects hopeful. During the year one of the members of this Presbytery, the Rev. J. M. Edmonds, has been- called to his reward. The report from the Presbytery of Newton, is particularly cheering. At no time, they say, within the recollection of any person now ,a mem bee of this Presbytery, bas there been so much to call upon them for all that is within them to re joice, as in the past few months. The remark. able outponring of God's Spirit on the land, in which we have been permitted to share, has re freshed many of our churches, and caused the ad dition to them of multitudes of such as shall be saved in the great day. As the result of this gra cious visitation, there is, throughout the Presby tery, a more ardent zeal for every thing that pertains to the upbuildingrof the Redeemer's kingdom ; and the same is true of the Presbyteries already spoken of. • The report from the Presbytery of Raritan is less cheering, but still encouraging. They allude to the worldliness of professing Christians still persisted in, notwithstanding the solemn and sig nal rebukes which God, in his providence, has given so extensively in our - land, and to Sabbath breaking and intemperance, and other prevailing sins. They say to us, however, "We know not that at any previous time the public services of God's house have been better attended in our congregations generally. In most of our churches there have been encouraging additions to the number of Christ's professed. followers, and several of theta there are numbers - of inquirers for th:e way of life." • The Presbytery of Susquehanna, report:the ab- , sence of any extended and deep work of greet', and the prevalence of intemperance and 'kindred vices within their bounds: .BnCthey further•re port that some of their churchea have been gra ciously visited, and . that sinners have been con verted to God. The PresbYterialf :Institute at, Towanda has never seemed to be. in a more-flour. . . . . ishieg condition. . A.' large proportion of I the' ehtirahes under -the care; of the Presbytery. of Luzern,e, , , hare .been blessed during the year with a senson of refre k h- ' ing from the presence of the Lord, Utile ie r siilti-of which, they have been greatly strengtened,afid en couraged. No part of -our Zion litis been more' copiously watered from the*cloUd' ei;merby' tgat has been passing over is. Intotintlih literaryin stitntions ,under the care of:this Presbytery, there has been a pleasant religions interest during' the year.• • - EL.,. The'report.from the Presbytt* oirtietwfi hr is lees encouraging.,-The State of religion within their bounds during the past year does not differ materially from what it has been for two or three years past. In some of the churches there are promising indieations. There have been several, additions to two or three of . them. On the whole, they feel that they ,have great cause of gratitude to the Head of the Church, for his blessing on their labori. From this brief 'view . of the state of religion within the bounds , of the Synod, it is apparent that the ehurches under our care , have shared largely in the recent revival..' Into•the months of multitudes to whom we preach the Gospel, God has put a new song even praise to our God. And in regard to the present state of this gracious work, it is gratifying to know that in many of uur churches it is still progressing. The addi tions to our churches have not been so large 'for several months poet, as they were earlier in the year. This, however, was to be expected. The harvest in many of the churches has been gath ered; and the work to which they and their pas tors are called is to prepare for another harvest. There are many still to be gathered in, on whose hearts the seed has not yet been scattered. We cannot hope to reap perpetually, or to reap where we have not sown. When the husbandman has gathered his harvest,. he does not Bit down and told his hands as thouih his work were done; he at once commences to prepare for another har vest Imitating him, let -us go forth bearing precious seed, and in due time we shall reap, if we faint not. Of the ultimate.efreots of this large ingathering on our churches, we cannot speak with definite ness. It has already created a necessity for in creased care and watchfulness on their part, and we have reason to believe that the•churches. will not be derelict in their duty. While not" fully awake to a sense of their duties and responsibili ties, they do show an increased interest in almost every department of their labor. It is manifest in the Sabbath Schools, and Bible Classes, and Academies. It is manifest, also, in the increased attendance on the services of the Sabbath, and at the weekly prayer meetings, and in the efficient support g iven the benevolent 'institutions of the Church. For ivhioh itbeolimes-us to render God most hearty thanks. From our London Correopiindent. The Dispute between :Prance and Portuga--The Big Bully=Bad' L .Effects of the Conduct of Franee— insurrection in Bosnia—Waste of Population in Turkey—Haber:bora, th e _ Pr.ophecier, and "The Duks"--Revivat of Religion—its Precursors in liritain2—A- Free Chitreh Synod—Aberdeen and dir. Guinness—Mr. Spurgeon's Illness—Bagged ' Kirk, A berdeen—Beviva/--The Evangelical- 411i once and the Congregational Union—The Propa • , agation of the Gospel, and the Church Missionary. .1 . Societies—The Bishop of Oxford at Bradford The Pilgrim Fathers—Sir John Lawrence and Chris: tian Government in India—Caste, Bible in Schools, ' The Opium Trade r itc —Nr• .Bright's• Speech at , Birmingham—His Plan for Parliamentary Be- ; form—The " Times" and its Tactic:, LONDON, October 29th, 1858. TEE DISPUTE BETWEEN FRANCE AND '1 PORTUGAL has abruptly, terminated. Louis ' Napoleon has played the. part of a " big :1 bully" successfully, and compelled Portugal - to restore the captured slaver, (for such the vessel was,) and to release the captain. A profound sensation has been produced over • Europe, and especially in England; by this event. It proves that the sovereign rights of independent nations can be set aside in spite of the treaty of Paris, and it also in dicates that France pearls to persevere. in her kidnapping system of providing negro labor for her colonies. Some insinuations have been made by the Russian organ; the Nord, that Great Britain only pretended to send a Channel fleet cogs of Portugal; while the to warde!, the c French Presse sa that " the pretended irri tation of the Eng ish" dues not consort with the fact that Lord Cowley, the British Am bassador, is on very intimate terms with the French Cabinet. Lord Maltitsbury, in other, oases, has got the praise of " not truckling to the strong ;" if in this case he has not acted manfully, he will be called to a sharp account. Meantime, Portugal must under go the humiliation, and pay the damages, and, as the Times' Paris correspondent says, " I suppose the Charles et George may return to - Mozambique for more 4 free negroes.' " All this furnishes fresh illustration of, " The good old rule, the simple plan, That he should take who has the power, And he should keep who can." THE INSURRECTION of the Christians in Bosnia, against the Turks, looks rather seri. ans. It is believed that hey have suffered !. muoh from Mohammedan oppression. and fanaticism. The waste of the Turkish Em pire still goes on, as to population; and the plague this yearlas been a potent destroyer, workink havoc especially among the pilgrims of Mecca. The Sultan is said-to he going to work, in the way of retrenchment of gov ernment office and household (harem), ex pense, in a very sweeping manner. ii.'new. Turkish loan has also been negotiated on , the London Stock Exchange, with marked success. The problem still, seems to be unsolved, whether, by " the drying up of the Euphra tes," is to be understood as it is by many stu dents, especially the pre-Millennialists, as referring to the gradual extinction of the Turkish power. -; A curious statement, on this point, has lately•been published, and is apparently authentic. It is to the effect that the late Duke of Wellington had read, not long before his last days, " Habershon on the Prophecies," and that it" produced the decided conviction - on his mind, that great convulsions Nould, ere long, breakout, and that one of the first results would be the destruction of the Turkish and Mohaw.- medan power. All thoughtful men continue to believe that, while nation has risen against nation— while the Crimea has witnessed the death, by war and disease, of mighty hosts, and India's plains have been saturated with blood —that " the end is not yet." It appears clear that the Millennium will not glide in upon us, like a river, ever widening and deep ening its flow of knowledge and power; nay, that it is not alone Truth r and its many antag nista, which do war, and must; continue to war, against one another on the great area of speech and country, where public opinion . is moulded for good or evil; but that Polit ical Convulsions, involving the collision of 'the most powerful nations, and ending in the overthrow of all Ecclesiastical and Civil Despotism, are among the fixed certainties of the future, and may not be very far away. Thu REVIVAL OF RELIGION, all ever the Kingdom, is, I trust, fairly inaugurated. .There is a greatly increased seriousness among the ministers, office-bearers, and members of very many Evangelical churches. 'At Aberdeen, a Free Church Synod has earnestlyurged on all its ministers and. ! con gregations increased prayerful and Christian activity. , Mr. Gninneas has' also preached in `that city to immense indiences. ^Re has it‘tetillen'oy,•howeverpto•scold and-find : fault, , o,:ganee , renclity, Onfapparent want, Orfeeltng, which, on, the part of a veri• young man, is objectionable, and, in itself, is a mistake. He did the same in the North of Ireland. He wants the broad common sense, and hearty English good humor of Mr.i Spurgeon. I am sorry to say that Mr. Spurgeon has been laid aside from his work for two or three weeks, by what was represented as dan gerous inflammation of the kidnies, but I belieie it was an affection more like lum bago. , 'He has been quite overworked; •his physical strength of lungs and frame is marvelous, but there is a limit beyond which nature cannot go. And so a voice seems now to say to 'him, "Spare thyself." THE RAGGED KIRK, at Aberdeen, whose members have been gathered out of the scum of the:population, has for years been a spot remarkable for its interesting history. The Queen annually gives largely to its Amps. The Rev. J. H. Wilson, now in London, and editor of the .British Evan gelist, is its missionary pastor. He has been in the North for a considerable period, and preached in the "Kirk" for six weeks successively. He tells me that within a very short period, there has been an acces sion of twenty.three additional members to a body not more hitherto than one hundred communicants; that most of them bad been previously under, conviction of sin, and that the solemn meetings for prayer held during the. Summer, together with the renewed preaching of the Gospel, has been the means of bringing this large number to decision for Christ. AT LIVERPOOL ; 001:Mr, this week, two meetings,. which are virtually one. First; a conference of Evangelical Christians; and secondly, the Annual Meeting of the Evan gelical. 'Alliance. the Chairman and Committee ofihe Alliance, au invitation and opportunity were given to Christians gen. crally, ,to recommend a general. conference at.the time of the assembling of the Alliance, as very desirable at this particular crisis. Here the eubject of Itevivals will be largely 'diecuised, in connexion with other importapt questions, to whit!' I hope to refer next week, THE CONGREGATIONAL UNION also holds its Annual Meeting this week, at Halifax, in Yorkshire, and the results, I doubt not, will be important in their bearings on Evangel cal revivals. TnE RisuoP OF OXFOUD hail been promi nently before the public, in connexion with •a tour of Deputation—work which he has Undertaken in. the North of England, on be half of the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel. This Society was instituted in the days of King William, and has been mixed in its aspects as' to Theology. Its agents,. generally, have been and are High. Church, while, probably, there is an, increasing body of Evangelical clergymen and missionaries connected with it. The Church Missionary. Society is Evangelical to the core, and its friends and supporters (a very powerful body,) look with dislike and suspicion on the Propagation Society. The High-Church Bishops have nothing; to do with it. " The Church " Society they regard as' a "party "• institution, and talk about their pet, as the true representative of the Church. of England. The Bishop of Oxford appeared at Bradford, last week, to advocate its claims. .Mueli excitement pre vailed, as placards had been issued urging " the men and women" of Bradford to as 18nitile in 'thousands, " to resist, in a voice of thunder, these Tractarian Confessiobals." The Bishop's friends put out counter pla cards, giving his latest words against the Confessional, and the, opinion of Canon Stowell, the well'knoin Evangelical, upon " the trumpery Boyne Hill Case." Still tbe ferment continued, the Hall wee crowd ! ed to excess, and hundreds were , sent away. On the , appearance of the. Deputation, first came a volley of hisses, and then, drowning them hearty cheers. I Die Bishop waif the third speaker, and on rising, the cheering predominated. He said • that he rose "in spite of these trumpery interruptions, to plead for a great cause, with brother. Englishmen and brother "Yerkshireineit." The Wilberforce family is of Yorkshire origin. Hence the clever neas of the allusion, and its eoneiliatory ! power. •He went on to glorify. the Society :for which he pleaded, as having " no party feeling, nor peculiar opinions," and also 'boasted that "we have the religion of Christ 'established among us, in its aim plicity and purity." (1) Next he touched ion the I:nighty energy of the Anglo. Saxon 'race. A young English lad is able, "by the mere presence of English blood in bim, to control thousands of the people, even 'though no European was bear to 'stand and 'succor him." He then added But then, Sir, I say this—and I think it Is all important that we Englishmen should understand it, and that it should sink deep into our hearts— that all this would have been altogether in vain 'for ne, if God had not, as it were, enlightened this beautiful statue, which be has cut out with his own hand, with the ethereal' fire of the revela tion of Christ our Lord. (Applause.) Why, Sir, look for a single moment back at what was hap-, Lpening some years ago at this plice in which We now stand. Think what this place which we now. call Bradford was at the time to whioh our thoughts, have been called back when that aerial visitant "which has come from the distant parts of the solar system to hlase again in our nightly sky last looked upon England. What changes have taken place in England since that time! We English men had ,got very much the same blood then as now; but what , was England then compared with what it is now?" Why, this England, this town of Bradford, and those peopled places around us— what were they, but, as their names now tell us, low moors, high hedges, and bare bills—the habi tations of a scattered handful of poor and unin structed men who had no weight in.the affairs of the world and no voice in the great synod of na tions. Well, what has made the difference ? This . NIB made the difference, that there stood up in Philadelphia, South West Corner of Seventh and Chestnut Street?. Eastern lands one who declared that be had laid upon him by the Lord of all a burden which he ; could not bear until he had preached the everlast ing Gospel of Christ, to this Jew and to the Scyth ian, to the barbarian . . and to, the heathen; yea, until it had reached to the uttermost parts of the earth—to the distant and then deepised.Britain. (Cheers.) And then, Sir, when, in tha history of Christandom, the nations which formed the trout rank of the great advance of the march of - Chris tendons stood almost breast to breast, there stood before this land of Britain at least one; if not two, in the march of nations; when Spain stood the first of the people, with her great transatlantic dominions, with her gold flowing in from the far off land, with her own people at home feinted of the strongest material by the welding ztokether,Of men of different blood and different gifts of ; in ; telleet and nature, when that land stood in the forefront of European civilization, felloWed,hard upon byLFratipe,,and Britainoedatiti*probably, but Ori. third rink AMong,thafiatitins of Christsn , doni = wliat isAtihKeintre then Lae raised our lfel7iTritrfaiherland.tretlfeirilreitienrorfitntarlinf on this earth which God has made ? What I ask, was it but this, that at that time God offered a purity, and a purification from the superstitions which bad overwhelmed - Christendom to evert na tion in Europe, and•that, God gave to our fathere the grace before and beyond every other people to receive and welcome that purification and to sweep off those superstitioui glosses all)* had well-nigh eaten out at that time the . kirire'of an cient Christendom. (Loud applause.) And from. that reign of Elizabeth, my brother Britons, ;the mind, and the strength,-and the power of. the English people has been continually growing and increasing; and I say it is owing to thiS that the Chrisilan religion, of his great mercy rind' good ness, and of no merit of onto, has flourished - and abounded among ns as it has done in no other na tion on the earth. It will be observed that the Church, of England gets all the- glory here. For the greater part of three hundred years, she oppressed, or drove ont, or neglected her. Puritan clergy, the salt of the land, and left the masses to perish. The Reformation has told on ,England powerfully, in • or.ntrest with other nations, but how little has it told on England, as contrasted with Scotland! Bat now, mark the strange contradictions and double•mindedness of this dexterous prelate. He knows he is among Yorkshire Dissenters, and.he will win theml, perhaps, too, his better nature gets the mastery= over him. He is speaking of the origin- of the Anglo-Saxon emigration to the United States, and oh, horror I in spite of -the ghost of Laud looking at him, with menacing finger, and the astonishment of Dr. Hook, the " - Apostolic Succerision •champion, nothing of his gross inconsistency with, all that he- haa done,, and would still Mr—he thus , spoke, amid the significant interrup tions noticed: Most remarkable—most'-wonderful were the dealings of God's Providence which produced the beginning of that stream of emigration, for it led to those persons in whom the principles of *Chris tianity had asserted an absolute supremacy becom ing the first settlers from Great Britain in the great colony of America. (Hear, hear.) Now„ I differ in many respect'- from those P9grim Fathers ; I don't want to deceive any of you about my opinions—l have nothing to bide. "(Loud cheers and hisses.) The Pilgrim Fathers were ruritana, I am a Church of _England maxi;- - they were; Presbyterians, I am to the backbone a . son of- theiteformaChurch 'or England •(cheers ; ;) have not another thought in my heart but this, that so long as God gives me life, intellect, and voice, I am ready to bear being abased, to be laughed at, to be anything you like (lonficheers,) so that loan help forward what believe to be the purest form of the Christian religion on earth —the hearty, true, undiluted, uumingled, uncor rupted religion of the Chianti of England. (Loud cheering.) Well , abw, mark y'ou, 'Mat there fore very materially-Trim the Pilgrim Fathers, because they were not members of the Churoh of England, but I honor them deeply for that deep Christianity which had laid,hold of those manly hearts of theire, and which led them to Day, "Let us worship 'Christ 'according to What *e be lieve to be the purity'of the faith in distantlands, rather than be obliged here in Englandto &nem ble our convictions or to conceal our faith." ' (AP-. plause.) In those days the doctrine, the true, honest, hearty doctrine of thorough and entire toleration, was not'understood, as, think Gl:od, it 'is now. Now, the abience of toleration "confines itself to a fear nasty articles in newspapers (cheers and laughter, followed by a storm of hisses;) yes, I am going to say, if you will wait a moment, (hisses, and interruption) to a few, very few (interrupt tion)—and to a few nasty:hisses from nesty mouths. (Laughter, eheers,'aud hisses.)" 'Well,. I . tell you that every one of- snob persons (and there maybe some such here now) would burn us if they could. (Hear, hear.) But they , cannot— thank God ! they cannot; they must tolerate us. (" Hear, hear," and a voice, " Bop:L.11111n Now, I say, these Pilgrim 'Fathers 'went ' forth and planted the faith of Christ in the far wilderness ; and herein we may mark God's •marvellous deal ings with our land. They were the only people who could be got at that time to 'plant that far-off land, and ever since there has been flowing forth from this country a stream of the heart's blood of our population. The Times, in its own style,•-handles both the Bishops-arid the Tractarians', in reference to this admission "of the deep' Christianity which had laid hold of the manlythearts ' of the Puritan , Fathers. It 'represent/ a young Pcurayite clergyman, with collarless shirt, and- • stiffly•strait waistooat, z and. very pale, reading the news. The youngt•egrate would, perhaps, after the , dishonesty of school, say, 64 Yosythey were very goodpeo pie, according to their light.' •But soon after he would break out plainly, ",As. to their' Christianity,' how could that exist, when they hold no Apostolic Succession, no bishop, no priests ? Impomible." 'The Times thinks the Bishop is • glad at times to get free from his trammels', -and to disport himself "among the Methodists' of torkshire ;" concluding by advising the Tractarians to put up with their leader, even though •these outbursts of "strong . common sense" sometimes will break faith in a manner calculated to scandalize them ! The Bishop'a speech was very eloquent, and the theory of: Foreign Missions was ad mirably stated,and the obligation powerfully enforce& It also indicated great " pluck' in him to face a hostile audience, and mar velious tact if not to win, arleastto " bam boozle" and silence them. 'But all the while he remains the same slippery,, danger.. one man. Even when the fire of priestism seems to have died out, it glows and livei deceitful beneath - the ashes that (rover It, an&in due time *ill burst out malignantly as before. The FIITIIRE POLICY OF 'TEE INDIAN GOVERNMENT, ie still unknown. The proe lamation establishing the Queen's authority, was sent to India some weeks ago, but it has not been publiihed here. BO Lord Stanley 'may be regarded as the loider the "indifferent," or " ,perfect neutrality" party, with "-traditional" old Indians, dilettante, wits, and literateure, including such journale as the Saturckiy . Review, and Soeiniaim and skeptics, also, add all littera df -real - aggressive "Evangelism,. tcrimek. him., Most providentially,. as -I hope, Sir John Lawresce,ra-greatrandiartAdminiatm, tor, has spoken out , on.the ,other ,side;, and this with a statesmanlike °Voidance of what By 'Nail, or at the ORlee, $1.50 P?r Y'—" l ri 5511 PROOPECTI3S. Delivered in the City, 1.75 ' `BOLE NO. 822 might be cried down as extremes, suoh rs gives heart and. hope to the earnest Chris tianity of England - Colonel Edwardes—tbe soldier Sikh war who earned so brilliant amputa tion, and who, during the recent convulsions, so powerfully helped - to organize' troops, and send them forward - from the Pultjaub-- drew up and forwarded,to Sir John, as his superior, superior, a memorandum on, " the elitnims Lion of all unchristian principles from the Govermntmt , of.43ritish4edialA4,ffe --would notionly offer thel.teaching of. the t Bible in 'every eohool,, withdraw , every, epecii a of patronage f from false religions,,,but he would terminate Government connenion with the opium trade, prohibit' ,the "great Social 1 -,,-evit" . in its publieity'"ns,ik prevailiiat hole, and would Must*. such a'Witiraut for intaitTaliniliitarrair is anti timed in monopolies constituted by. Govern ment license. Mr. McLeod, Financial Com missioner, followed with another paper, more moderate, and the recommendations of both are then reviewed in what' really a State paper, hi Sii J. Lawrence. While 4his- dismission .was. going on, the opposite policy was receiving impetus at home by Ellenborough's notorious dispatett, and., from the views expressed by Lord Stanley to a Deputation from the Missionary bodies. Sir. John Lawrence would not ab solutely yiithdraw the territorial' . given =to heathen or Mohammedan religions inold treaties. He *leo thinks it impossi ble tnadopt the suggestion of ignoring caste altogether; forcaste, in India means not only hereditary Ant daily calling, and the callings of men must he recognised by those ivho employ them. " Balite fact is, he says, "that except-la the, Bengal army, the Government has notreoognized °tete in any special manner." He adds, " that the caste prejudices were - intensified by the consideration shown by their officers, is cer tain." He is not as satisfactory in his viewe about the opium trade, as one could wish ; but be deprecates Government encourage ment-to its growth and' ctiltivation, as they have done in Bengal. He likewise approves of the. Bible in the schools, and, of an open profession of Christianity,- without any truckling to 'native . prejaidion. He is "con 'Wined that , Christian things One in a Christian way, will ne-Ver 'alienate the heathen ;" and he undertakes in his own , terri • tory whatever a Christian nation's duty d • mends. Very .weighty, and-full of warning to peliticaltrucklere, are the words : "Redent events seem to 'show that undue concession to native prejudice on our part, of , anything like an abnegation Of otir prin. does nett generate confidence in us with the people. They only suspect us of some hidden :ulterior design. But if we do what we'believe to be right, in .a plain, con siderate,' and open manner, there is some °fiance etthiirgiving useredit forsincerity. Moreover, unlesev.we do-something to oho w the people -what Christianity -really is,- there will be no hope of refuting the monstrous misconceptions which too often prevail .among them in respect to our religion and its 'tendencies." Mn.. BRIGEIT'S Simla); at Birmingham, will set the whole country in a ferment on the subject of PArlidinentary Reform. It is ' , marked by great boldness • and breadth of view, and indicates- statesmanlike power in the man. This does not.imply that he is right in all his views, as for instance in his condemnition of the 'policy - of the Russian ivar. He says enough to show that there is no collusion' between him 'and the Derby Cabinet. His theory is household suffrage, not universal, and vet)! mech on the, hams in which many wirisks are rated over the kingdom, each managing well and properly its Owe a'ffairs. **by should not the nation do the same; and on the same principle ? Be shows;al36,' how population should be 1.11:te basis of representation, both in town and country. He denotunces the inordinate power of the landocraey, and the obstruc tiveness of the , House of Lords to every real Inform. • He' would' reform the 'Peers by an - infusion ~ of 'mercantile blood, and I would like well to 'extrude, the ".spiritual Peers," whom he regards as the "adulterous offspring" of Church and State. He warns Disraeli not _to, ,bring ,in a sham measure, and believes that it may be attempted. If a sham were received and passed, and alter. warde its rottenness demoted, the agitation and peril would be tremendous.