Presbyterian banner & advocate. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1855-1860, November 20, 1858, Image 1

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Prollbytertaa Saaver" VOA. 1r11.111.t. 9.
ploobytorlaia Advosatei Vat, XXII / 40 . 4.
DAVID McKINNEY, Editor and Proprietor.
origin' '',!: attn.
will not let Thee go except Thou
Bless inc.
Let me go; why should I stay?
I'll take my flight to heaven.
I will not let the go, I'll pray,
wrestle till the
break of day,
Or till thy blessing's given.
Let me go ; why press me sore ?
Thy sins are now forgiven.
I Will not let th;i6 fridA
I need thy mercy than tefore,
Till I arrive is heaven.
Let me go ; child of the dust,
Now let me take my flight.
I will not let thee go; . my trust
Is firmer than it was at Bret;
Then stay until 't is light.
Let me go to realms above,
For thou bast favor found.
I will not let thee ; I rove
Lonely. in absence of my love :
Conflicts and fears abound.
Let me go ; I've beard thy plea;
Jehovah is thy friend:"
I will not let thee go.tiom me,
For then defeneeletis I shallbe ;
Do thou my path attend.
• i•
Let Fie go, the morn now breaks;
Why doet thou persevere ?
I will not let thee go; 't will make
My poor heart sad, shouldst thou forsake.
Stay till the day is olear.•
Let me go, 'Us perfect day,
See I all around le light. ,
Say not that thou wilt go, but stay
Till the last shade has pass'd away .
That here obscure e my sight.
Let me go; the night is gone ;
Lean thou upon my Viotti).
Then go ; thy Wordaball be my stay,
My guide thronecall my toilsome way,
To keep me near my Lord.
Let me go; my blesaing take;
No longer must I stay.
IP thcu wilt go, this plea I'll make,
I ask thee, for thy mercy's sake
To guard all, all my way.
Victorious child I now let me go;
Aly blessing 'a freely given.
My gracious Friend, it must be so,
But bless me while I stay below,
Then take me home tohnaven.
Centre, Nov. let, 1858
The313419* 0(.01a`
TiiiiPbedrhel ?tunnel tiestddn In Delaware,
ommenoing on the 21st tilt.. •
Tha opening sermon, in the absence of the ,
.oderater,. the Row: laid M. l lo^ ariV, wth priltAedi
ilthe Rey. Dr. ROge? ftlom John vli: - 17. •
Rev. F. T. Brown was chosen Moderator, and
.ev. E. Woods and Rev. L.?. Caldwell were
tosen Temporary Dierks. ' '
The meeting was it .full' ode '
and remarkably'remarkably'
Leattant in its spirit. Many of the members as
iembled on the day preceding the opening of the
lynod, for oonferenoe and prayer In referetioe to
he state of religion. The revivinge of the past
rear was the chief topic of remark, and the
tretbren generally seemed to go,from the Synod
vith renewed resolutions of faithfulness dining
le year to come.
The following items of business may be re
girded as of public interest.
The Rev. Dr. Plumer made interesting state
ants se to the prosperous 'conditiOn of thii3 -
ititution. The following resolutions were unani
wooly adopted ;
The Committee on the communication of the
board of Directors and Trustees of the Western
'heologioal Seminary report for the conelderation
of the Synod the following resolutions:
Resolved, The Synod rejoice and give. thanks to
}od for the prosperity and encouraging proppeots
if this institution, on which so much depends for
he welfare of a large portion of the Church and
it the whole of our greatly favored country.
Resolved, The Synod cordially' pprove the pro
woad effort to secure the endowment of the Fourth
'rofessornhip, and recammend this object to all
our churches as claiming their immediate .atten-
Won, and particillarly:that they endeavor to raise
he amount proposed in each congregation (fifty
cents for each member of the . obirch at least) as
Boon as it can be done.
Resolved, If the Board of the Seminary shall
send an agent to our Ahurobes, it is hoped he will
have a oordial reception by all the ministers and
'elders, and be aided by them as may be found re
Resolved, It is farther recommended that the
Session of each Claire& endeavor to obtain from
the people the'sum ;proposed, and more, if prao
tioable, without delay, without waiting for the
presence of an agent; and forward the same to T.
ff. Nevin. Esq Pittsburgh;
Ruoleed; It is also recommended to observe the
Fourth Sabbath of November as a season of spe
ial thanksgiving to God for the great increase of
candidates frit. the Goipel ministry in our Church,
rand to pra' for a yet larger number who shall
ievote themselves to this great work.
A paper was presented in behalf of the elder
libip in Synod, in relatioh to %thet•moide full and
ittiolent discharge 'of the duties 'of that office,
which war adopted and will be published and cir;
<misted among the ehurobes.
In reference to "the position of this Society, the
Synod took action .as follows
Resolved, That this Synod is more and more
impressed with the great importance of the work
which the American Bible Society is engaged: .
Resolvtd,' That this Synod entertains unim-
paired confidence in the wisdom,, fidelity, and et
ficiency of this noble instiiiitidn..
Resolved, That the indications of Divine Prov
idence in many parts of the world,-laying open
-nearly all the populous nations of the earth to the
spread of Gbil's Word, call loudly on the friends
of the Redeemer to be up and doing; both by
prayer,Sndby a greatly increased liberality.
Relayed, 'That this Synod has great confidence
in the fidelity and,general excellence of the trans
lation of the Holy Scriptures now in common use
in our cotintry,'and heartily commend it to all
with whom our opinion can haves,weight.
A 14/1141IGN MINIM %
The Rev. Mr. Kelm', pastor of a GermanOhnrch
in Newark, having been examined b o y the Presby
tery of, Sattesville, and . haying passed the usual
probation according to the rules of the General
Assembly, Tyne received by Synod as a minister in
the , Presbyterian Church, and the Presbytery
authorised to enroll his name.
It was ‘l`
Resolved, That while we record with gratitude
to God the encourtigitig fact that; notwithstanding
the severe peouniatftfreasure of . the last year,'
the contributions toittlie!Boards of Church
:,have been generallY inetWaSed, yet *element that
'thaiie are still so Meteor:" oar churches' from
' Which no contributiona ar4 reported, and' so many
iithsW 7 ,Whose reportid.'contributions , are very
suialt?' Wad nopecialiris it toiiitter of sorrow to
; the B rno tkat ao 'hirgcorP.numitier of 'churches
sainfpftti artily to'ignore the claims of the Alward
of Publication and the Committee of Church Eaten
siolie by failing to contribute to• these ohjeots.
Believing that all the Boards, as wallas the Church
Extension Committee, are important agencies in
advancing the cause of Christ in our land and
throughout .the world, the 'Synod would • most
urgently reiterate her former deliverunoea.en the
subject of benevolence, and solemnly enjoin, it
upon eyery.minister and, church In our bounds to
bring the claim of eacli and all the Boards, in
diluting the Church Extension 'Committee, before
the several congregations of tbe.Synod, that God's
people may have the. opportunity and enjoy the
privilege of giving to the various benevolent en
terprises of our Church, according to their' ability.
Reirolved, That the Presbyteries be• careful to
bring all the churches to the work of contributing.,
as s solemn duty, .and ,that they endeavor in all
proper ways to increase onr.contributions fifty per
cent. during the ensuing year.
After a full consideration of the subject, the
Synod resolved to concur with the Synod'of Cin
cinnati in refusing to attend the-time for securing
the endowment of the institution in its present
location, and, appointed a committee -to oonfer
with that Synod in reference to any further meas
ures for securing the great object in view.
Synod ' 'constituted a new Presbytery, to be
'known by'lle name of " Western Reserve," to
oonsist of the ministers and churches in the tor.
ritory thus designated, and in the Counties of
Sandusky, Seneca, and Otto's& This PreshYtery
is to meet iti the 'Westminster church, Cleveland;
on the second Tuesday of December next, at seven '
o'clock, P. M., and, to, be opened with a sermon
by Rev. W. S. Kennedy, or, in his absence, by the
oldest minister preiint, who shalt Pia& till a
Moderator be chosen.. • -
It was decided that the boundiry line between
the Presbyteries of ,Wooster and Riehland be
hereafter the line between the Conititiesief Wajize
and Ashland, except that the church, of Mount
Hope shall remain in the Presbytery of ,Wooster.i
Dr. Hoge was appointed to preach at the next
meeting of Synod, on the following subject :
" The : Diepensatioe of the Spirit as the Vicegerent
of the Church's absent Head—is it the last; and
will the conversion.of the world and God's pur
poses of mercy to the race be•aooomplished under
it ?" The Rev. Henry Hervey is his alternate.
Rev. J. P. Lloyd was appointed to preach 'on
the following: "Denominational distinotions not
inconsistent with Church' Unity." Rev. Silts
Johnson is his alteinate.
It'was 1 : . .
Resolved, That the thanks .of Synod be ten-.'
dered to the pastor and Truitees of ; the church •
for the use' of their edifice, and to the Committee
of Ariangements, and. the .fainilied of Delaware
and vicinity, for their shospitality to the members
.of Synod.
The Stated Clerk was directed to publish . ans
abstract of the proceedloga of Synod in the 'Pres-.
byterian of the West, Banner and Advocate, and
The Presbyterian.' • '
The 'next meeting of , Synon• will he: held in
'Mansfield, on the Third Thursday of October,
: 1859, at seven o'clock, P. M.
. • ,
By order of Synod.
M. A.'Hoan, Stated Clerk.
: • •
the Synod of Ohio would record with gratitude
theh mercies of God upon ,her ministers and .-
churches during the•paet y'eall. , Although,' in the :
etffrOtry '4)l I iirg e,.. a 1 year .• cif commercial disaster , j
- and , thstripse,, yet in thAitrAilikOnsikw .&,had.
bee 9A,thaxigift, liatiiiV nti• oet - Hifg
general reviving ; our cihurait'e hille - had •
'a part. God has remembered`them . and visited •
them VII his salvation. A large majority of the •,
°hunches have enjoyed seasons of unusual irelir
ions, intereet i in, which, professing Christiana have '
heen quickened and refreshed, and sinners con- •
vepted to God. Many have received additions of 4
twenty, thirty, or forty each,' while some have e
hating many as eighty or ninety: addedcto th'eir
number by the profession of ,their„faith. More
than twelve hundred have been reported to the I
Synod as having been received into the Church
on examination... And this. istimber; 'we have
reason to believe, would be augmented to near fif
teen hundred by a more full and accurate report.
Two or three thing! are worthy of special no- •
tiee in connexion with this work of grace. P
~1 . GOMIS* honoreihpreyer as a means of grace.
The united prayer of Clop people has been s :
chief iiietrument of revival. This spirit of tuner •
has hallowed the year, and'rnade'it Memorable in
the history of the Church, and we trust that much
of it still remains, and will ;yet more and more
pervade the whole body of our churches.
1 . 2. God has excited into activity, and has hon
ored with great usefulneis, the lay element of 'his
Chureh. The eldere, deacons; and private mem
bership have engaged more assiduously than ever
before in the work•-of , the Lord, in meetings ler,
prayer and conferenee,in Sabbath &Imola and •
Bible Classes, and in religious Conversation with ;
the unconverted, and their efforts have been, rig-'
ually blessed. Their pastors' hearts have been
encouraged, and their hands strengthened. The;
eldership especially seem to be arousing, them
selves to some adequate conception of the great, .
work to which they are palled, and are devising
yet more abundantly, Aoheines of usefulness in
Which they and their fellow church members may '•
have a part. The Synod cannot but regard this: •
as an indication that the time to -favor Zion has
come, seeing the servants of the Lord take pleas
ure in her stones, and favor the dustthereof
8. It is worthy of notice also, that this spirit
df revival has exerted a happy - influence on the
churches in reaped! , to brotherly love - amongst .
themselves, and charity toward all men. , A more
fraternal'spirit has been-awakened botween them.
and other Evangelical Churches. United prayer
and effort have bound them together in - bonds of
Christian love.
Notwithstanding the 'financial embarrassments
of the country, contributions to the Boards have
inoreased over those of former years.
The impression exists that not for many years,
perhaps never before; were the churches under
our care in so prosperotis a condition as at the
present time; for which 'we would most humbly
give,thanks to Almighty ,God, remembering the
injunction, "Be not high-minded, but fear."
• The Synod would also allude to some things
which call for deep butniliation and prayerful '
thonght. ' '
There are many of our churches which have as
yet peen apparently untouched by the :quickening ,
band of the Spirit. The current of ungodlines
in the world around us, remains for the most part
unchecked. Intemperance, profanity,' gambling,
Sabbath desecristiOn, and lewdness, are, like a tor
rent,' sweeping thousands, especially among our
young men, to destruction. Deceptive forms of
error are still luring matiy unstable souls to perdi
tion. The world is now, no less than formerly, et
enmity with God and true religion, and the devil
is no less the father of 'lies as a roaring lion go;
ing about, 'seeking whom he' may devour. Our
work' is but just begun, and our taste of victory
should only animate us to new achielements.
We feel, under all. these circumstances, that';
we have a special call from Gad . to prayer---con-_
tinnons, fervent, agonising prayer. God has
heard, and he will hear again. If the spirit of''
grace and supplication has diminished aught hi:
any . of our churches which have been revived, thee.
times in whichwe live, and the gracious provi
deuce of God already manifest, rebuke; admonish
and eruleurage such, saying, 4 qt is high time to
awake out of sleep, for now is our salvation nearer
than when we:believed. The-night: is far silent,
the day is at hand." '
Are not the reviviags already enjoyed, tokens
of coming Mercies Jet more abundant ? Is there
nothing in the ex?potation excited in many minds,
especially among - the aged, devout,..and studious
men of the Chnrolwthat a day of great
at hand? Is the impresalon groundless, derived '
from prophecy and providence, that God"is about
to call his Church into the great Conflict of the
latter days, and is preparing her for the conflict
by arming her with righteousness,, and clothing
her with , light ?
We would pot forget to mention that the hand
of death has heart laid upon the Synod within the
year. - Brother Isaac Reed has been taken away. ,
The 'venerable and heloved'Wyliii, - and the young
and gifted Shannon, have been Galled from their
ollarthirlaiaistry to the rewards iof Abe righteous ,
. . . • , •it.o. r f. 4ril oso ,qa •
trt . „Aturri 41 4 1 7 ';••..:1':09 f„ 7 ,
~t 04 7 . , Fial 4D-7 , -
TI heaven. A voice from heaven speakaltdoiii alli
ibrethren; "Be ye also-ready." •{ ' ,;,,
•F. .T. Baown,,Moder!}tor,
J. P. CalAwelid r ks
I Edgar Foods,' "
For the Preabytertan Bannerand Advocate.
, • •
Presbytery of Late Superior.
This Presbytery held . its 'Reflood Meeting in
Balleld, Wis.; Itleitereber '27th. • The: °puling,
Sermon vas Preached))) Rey. S. M. Barnett, from,
Ps. 130, anti : 20; last:. clause.
Amongst other' brsiness, . the follewing • was .
transacted. Preebyteiy agreed to meet twice in'
the year, the annual meeting to 'be held'abont
the middle o'f Ione; and the Fill meeting about
the first of October; both subject to •the oall
the Moderator. There is no means of .travel ex.
cept by steamboat, and the' times of; meeting
must be made to oorreapond to the running of the!
• 'The Chairman •of the Committee on,fitissions;
sreportedAhat le-, had recently, visited ,t4i 0 ycrt.uge: .
Lake region,, and also ,Eagle River and' Baits:
Harbor,; that both' viereinitting folds of lirdr
Mid much good ridilif be done' by
ers..' 'Now Wag' the time to occupy. • , Itt-,both_fleldi
are some who would heartily co:opprate,.p94,#
few who .wortd ( u in theAor,mation,of.a . oyargh.
. Afterheaxisg.the report., TreßbyterrrilipMiii4id
J. Irwin'Sinith mid Nir. -B. McKee, mitisifirei, and,
G. C. Jones, elder, a Committee to visit .these
points beige t t he ,next ,tneettug Preebytery,j
and, if deemed expedient, Organize. a ohuroii or
churches. •
' On the•Asseciste 13eoretaryship,..therfollowing
action was,taken:l (~ u9vi rt 1.. • '!
Womossii,,.lt has been„oogstactoriiy. stated
office that the Pf Asnociate Scoeblitry In ilia,
Board of Domestic A16E466'18' ilet r needed,'inid
as it also appears•that - Ltbelate: GeneralAtisem
bly desires its
discontinueenee;ltiteref 4 r,,A • '
"Resolved, That we dieappreve, , cf t e confirm
once of the office . wider 'present' circilinSianceh.
, t Resolved, l'hati'whilti nolpart did Work (bf
our Boards should, suffer from! the .want,.oft effil
clout helpers, yet it is, due to the„Chorcie, and
to the cause of Christ, that all their operations
•be conducted on principles of the' :strictest
economy." • ,
It was made a standing order,,thitt the several
Boards ot our Ctinreli be the subjects of confer
ence and prayer at each regular- meeting.
But the most 'important , notion/ of..Preabytery
was the ; inauguration. of 'a , pip.xt:Af Systematic
Beneficence. _A yery o s.hle report wa:s : preiented
by Rev: J. Irwin Ohniinien of the. Coin
mittee'on thatinibjeaki and the' folifiwing resole-
tieria ' , recommended by..the4Cortentitte/wtedopted :
"Resolved, That the pastor. cr d statcl,.,siipply
in each church be, enjoined to give, 'diligence to
s deeliiii the WhOle Coutieel of God on this subject
'eipounditig itas Divine appoinpment ; necessary
to. a: omplete.Ohristian character; lot Lthe
itwd benefitof. oe.donor ; for an odor of a sweet
Smell; a eacTifiee acceptable; pleasing 'Mew
'GMT and 'fo' the salvtitibti of the World.
• a Resb.lveip ThatithelSessions of: churches ion
fder our,osre L be 'enjoined, witho the ; deepens,.: if
any, to take and mOlntain ,seic . h t.t as;shall
the performance of • 'fide duty", giving 'the prefer
ence to the rule, 1. Cor. xvi ' ' •
"Resolved,. That-each' Session" enjoined , to
l'epott to Presbytery at its ,annual•meeting„-in.
.writing, of.their faithfulness and diligence in this
matter." .
A plat for tilting up the ciMtribitionis of mem:
bers,;wis;alsi adopted. ;:i i :Fe••:::••
111ncirofoth "time.o
•• og
in our bounds, and prayer for. the outpouring . of
the'SPirleupon them. • This' foirtied ) a delightful'
part of .the exereiseh. 'The •menibers were: en
couraged and• strengthened by it.. - After a:
pleasant and profitable session oc,,two days,anil a .
half PresbYtery adjourned fo moei in Oatoriagort,
in June, 1859. Rev. W...B.'MeKee, of 134fiiilo (i v
was ' appointed' to preadithe opening sermon.
; ; ; - 4.lll4.l4Morr,;Stated Clerk. ,
For the Preel?yterfan Banner. and AdrViet,,
rA Word -for ." W."
Re has no objections to the views; of
Cyprian,'" -- brit • counsels - to • 44 let' Ithem
islant"—our brethren, ithe United Presby
terians. This might imply that the I",let
ten" were - aggressive. In the '"Testimony"
of these brethren, when let alone, thettety,
certain " considerations" called npeit!tken
" solemnly to testify' against the . ,..ptuitiee
which prevails oven among Tog !rho,. pro,:
fess r the Preskytitrini Aarnei 3 Of receiving.
Pirsonilitet:qte . o'bru` Chulbh
Without r,eittitringtheui r te'd4rei it Weep ;
"royal (as faiarOthey l ere able UV . jicidge",s' of . ,
the-.profession whieh , the) Church glace, and,
.Of admitting to °sessional 'comMunion4lie.
metxtbers Of' other , Christian -,Churches
Such' an -.effort to- solemnly, teetify!'
iiyainst'fis; required 'a respectful answera
• Again, in , the " conclusion -
'"Testimony," they state: •" Our ohjeet has
,been thus,
as a 'Church of c Obrist,,speakink
the truth in love, to •.draw.tattention.
these things, in the hope that our ,brethren
of they Presbyterian family, from *hem / we
are in a-state of separation, may likhroysitt,
seriously to consider the grounds stf our con
troversy with them." Not to poi 8 f aitins
,tion," would be contrary to - their wishes.
Not "seriously to coneider,"'nOr to answer,
*hen written to, would be inconsisteneWith, l
common politeness. `Our duty; as brethren,
under such oircumetiticite,"riqitires us tO' , 'toy
that being brought “iseiiously to
We fled close *communion contrary t6l.the
spirit. of thoi,NeViTestament—contrary; to
their ifid'iint , Confession-=contrary tolthe
praotice 'or'the best Churches; 'tad molt
pious useniihroughout the whole history!. Cy
the Christian Church: •P,
• Alp -`l:cr:rrdt havin 17: a ¶ controversy: ion
"slavery;"'whioh " dreads,fl.t.eyprian r "
approves of , their•Finoiplee on that•subjtiot:,'
88 much as " W.," and delights the
prospect of 'a .true revival amongst
and through the whole Church.
A Sure,Record.
There vis no way formen to discern their
names' written in the 'Book of. Life, : but, by
readingthe“work of sanctification- in,
own' hearth: , I' desire no ;miraculous voiin;
from heaven, no extraordinary signp r or
scriptural ,notices ,and information ,4n MIS
matter.. 'Lord, let me but find,. my,,bei`it
obeying thy .calls, my mill obediently . . tittb9
mittiog to thy ,commands; sin, my .burdeii','
and Christ my, desire; I never crayeti;faitet
or snrer evidence of, thy
oracle, from
soul.. And if , I bad an oracle, from beaTent
an extraordinary messenger , from the,,e,.her
world,, to tellme,thou loyeat Me,
reason to credit Such a voice, whilst I 'fi e nd
heart wholly 'sensual, averse 'from 131-Y,,
and indisposed' to 'alrthat is spiritual.
F/avel. ' '
HELP.—When God, by his Word,' ckie z ,
muds us to rise and walk in the way of his
commaridnierits, if we mix faith with that
Word, and lay our'souls under the power ,og
it, he twill give the Spirit'to take uts by, ate—
hand and lift us up. If •we set ourselyes:to
do:what we can, God has , promised his ,griee
.to enable us to do what we cannot.
A LITTLE wrong done' anctther : is a
gre,at_ipjßry done to out;iiilioB. •
.4.otr. Oat,
T.lA w ,f- ail i
Afit igeo!On'r
ei 1 4r e*- At e •
7'ra, tbeiel-Speeinte4 ;
if Ca, le. , "r..ATitneit' . l.4-.!
The Pla 'l5 of: Pr.. 1
Broton—Z. 1 0e,r...t. ,! d ,,,„ , : i rr iti t',,gl 9 7.l •
German Kira,. , , i. an Gnurcaana Acate=-Aras :
*tianiein. ?Wimp ', 1 n1.-fthaitiatii and' Pegie4W,
American: ' . • . i io/1 elaitieil bitiCeitmenatiheic •
Letter: in; wo . 1 , nies,!?..Q.ana.,.pi; iftcLeans,.
freply-LThe' r, ••• • 1 ,: - .4 0 theb:Afierjen7 - . 01 11011111
Scoter — Prey! . ° gf rn iflYlsW l MVA r g.r t till. li
-Lei': i , • 00 353 04)00 2 F.dein t eiffir z 1
FRANCE AND •,,, : :17.14AL have.'ho'ien in...
collision, .in connexitiniiiiithe ter
the' IsAtbi, ''oi' ).' 'l' Adlaii-ntlo l l 'd
' i 9
.•• f ,
Africans, and . ir • "... l'._ .r..-11c4offkairs002peT:
. 1
toargcl, on boar , :T . ! . .Te'•i!-1P9)11 4 .* 'il
.France han,89.A . .. :'7' ,A4Oell4 O •V 1° , 09'
; to revive thyr • , • e,-,, or we. * t
bal. colonies, s i iil : 1 - aie''' was froisti; .
ITWe ship; MI) .1 'f
, • itiOotitidloallw triii
:Of ii ; Form:lli'''. 1 . : lerolmtreitishrort ts '.
.treaty v sbe.cetd; .-!.
iseullkcsmit, 3 t,niihts ..,
.:clearest evident* . Ynri4ileA. tttat thrills. -
'groes were take , Al • y trineriMai.'gf4ifil•
.. . ~
thelees, the Fre , • ' oreign Office .detitidde
"the captrtred4. ' . 'fit ittoigivatiiilnp;,Tand 1
t send's op 'ship sitq . ref to 4 the 1 Tag uElJr.t Lv.i.ri ;
:twill,T ) he - 1.911 "1'411 1 ? , ..14 er.A 4 , il iff'
, i
Thither theypl . l 07 . 4 4 i „ftn e r ak iiT n ' 3
ler of: Biitish • e- - deo ers, atilt ciii) octfli .
fiats, 'l:4gialloeff ... - ifi Milit.Attriffifl
6e - Tiinealtiiii4 v . ::&1101 . *ln fr,otiinixo :I.
the Treaty .of i &iris : titArtikkisions Igh . 01 '
pate are to..bel , ..te—titi: ,mediation
~o .
friendly-170 1 4! . i s igt •.1 kbal ( ), Louis .
. Nepoleim' leaf tR. 1,. p kr . o;,' ISt, and it 1
Ds- eciiiieniiiitit till e v.dit l tilliPoto,e4gwall
,the . work of. Wel . `„kigivf SL Airoigi 1
Office, notlf. t s k . * € .4" , )! • rig. js * k..ii i t,44
quarrel will t pe j oftw • .d..Ap. _ToitigiT3pli
behaied:4ll a firy , • # 4'clii'"'" iiiiiar''l4 4
iliefaiii 'of ilieevg.clag,!- • g' ° iffibbifililid '
in lidditiokirttiothiNV . 4%900 fattoirith 'A
regard` to atie):4l(Trot( ; Vika *site her : W. A
fiuence and'41 6 ,f€6711 3 1.4 sz,,, r-,,,a 7 Li , ' 1
. The 4:leo l i ~, t i yi e ryi l a
e s 04 I tame - age, 1 ,
upich . enr a ge ,_bribe,Aeopf of filial(' ile' r
fasing'iOlgto Wei `irtid'*effdafoiallibvPihtdie
iif ! nibnittiiirinJand , , 7 laid th i sireliti (Nish ipli -
in thel.flhigiikihq• haye t -beett'r(ii otenktk q tll 0
give the Ul WisigAho_roTengeOrhicit
they so-d i nar Isei.. ,„ , i .;,:ft' i i s
^TI4 B a cbo:4.ll* l / 4 81ErfliM, a
Romo; ;BY frlifdlltilallfhtliViaatittiti(to ex:-'
1:04 •coPiT9o449rll l 44lg , bpw'd'
7 10( 104%*1 i ' id e iagfrir ' 9} l
Oleo. It, igt tat ;1) n ate 0,,, u orAis.n
-t ~ Jr o 7 a le . 1 '_ores
Aff,,iir c i..E,as, eii re ac i , 'II*
li,;io ;,61i 4 thriiit a 'tki 'erfav i i Flinch- 1 i
, s
% cll.
" GoiieinoitiVilitii 11A'-llafierbiell4 the..
, Ai:lol'l444V Of' ' th . ‘, 6#O6P-Iriemii. i he
- r 'figifiviliov , I t iin.ikitif !sifts •Itf. '4
-iv0,...i.,.:4144.11411.-. • ' - .- • ••••• . •-•-, •• . • ..,..
I , Baj
-it...on The fact .: 'yrs.
Chriptisin; ex opere
'itlthertitiki be given .bhckotoltilvparentre I
It cid , : di! the same system thlit•the-Poriesh
missionaries at 'Tahiti rtisedAlli aeaxEtthe
'heathen mothers to allow thertrAdeffinkle
little 'rose watefon the heidit'4)Pthelialittle ;
boys and girls. • It was
—so the mothers were told--tiikai s po it was .
", blessed" and " consecrated,! ;, and:prseto
the child was a Christian for ever and aye.
Good, ' orthodox, sod venerable cu'stom,'•
Practised by Greek Church and Latiff,,And
gloriously illustrated by a Russian. oonqueror,
when .he drove whole , tribos,,,per ra/tum,_
into, the waters of the Wolga., and forthwith
the Scythian and the Tartar i adigt,44:ottgh
perhaps all the while cursing
by his ! father's gods,, and i'carypiiiilt ignorant
of the, true Jeh with lima bildten.
toe, enrolled.both in heaven:la'
Amppi - qii; i 001 4,0 of ihi.siduitie ° ":
:There is a fletirushilieSoolitiPie
just now, Iraising'fiesli l 'tbnas t Midweetdipg,i !
oat fresh sig? baptize the little : Chides e t
gaidelfie thethial the' litinoa
oiPles "lof Vidd'rs ec f.
taidititikeektuitillittstistireil +RUMP
v _.! eti Ji_tf .4 1
slimed, this week, a new aspect, in' 'cOmiex!::
foe ihtfatier Attfonstration .4if the
Metreiiiili fair • Veirtryineti.llllt. Two. 'marke d
blimaiiiiititiandventhisiaarn.; ,, One oPthe
Alderinen"aiid Sheriffi thercitylof London
occupied the chair. .1 , The' chief speakers
werolwon-the ,, Llou-i, 0 . 1 491 1 .9. 1 .•Ne.t.4e1r, (of
'an IrishiProteetant family,) I an,4,47Anied
Beele r tbe ',pfople'r! ehnrch-vrapieri,, .
notorieme:distriet, of Bt. targabasotecOike,
the , : welanowp Atr:,,,Wersterton x ,the Stein
opponeet:of , Tractarian innovations. . Both
these gentlemen did their
_work vrell, ,
first dealt very severely . ; 404- irg, :OSOI,
with the :decision - on: thie'99ibir ?ittii‘ro= .!
versy about baptismal
,regerierajibitg , tyPn
by the Privy Council some yeiqic: l igo. , By
that decision yon might . believe 'andteiniii, or
deny, and denounce, regeneration ,
and yet be a good Chtitetimart: The Tree
tarians were dieil .. ekeed; INV:it:ll4'e
Free Chtirehmin; linger:ll4'6Elk 'li' 'mit Mari;
tian The Eiiiii r gelialls; •I am
Berry . Co' SAY, r enhiriitted• ft`, Ike . ..6660n, and
praiiiiimillYlias obliged to re'oot:
riiiie the' aotifokirise- , as much to be prq-.
faired to disraptioif: The sentimental Ask.
gusge Committee Council,. , iibout
eobaritY," and about! the Sups
riority: aft -these' , Chnrohmea.tcwho wentd .
hi finitelj ,,, i rather , ♦ sacrifice their I individual,
leelingrand.opinioes than secure t theiri tri-'
umplr at the expense of _disturbing and, die-
tracting• the Church:of which ,they l ammerii-,,
bensi'' , - , was treated by. Col. V. andAlitifekt"
meeting, just as it deserved: „ti
I hope there are none here who are base eetopgh
to echo : such unconstitutional, such,disloyal„tmch
ungodly sentiments. (Cheers.) That paragraiihi.
in my opinion, itriin 3 tater'isbaridonnierifef prin.
(Cheers)4, •We • no longer', sithmlt „c . l a
have these ague.spots left in on; Church,,orlto
have our religions edifuseß turned into v iwiss•kootils,i.
where filth 'of 'Nile every.,
abomination concentrated. (Chasm), RAT* not
allow our sanctuaries ,to in thue, our •
gigantic ,Church revenuesi to be liadifed offer to
these tniitorii; ; Eo bi l l / used 'for our iiira r dieliii6tion.
• (Chaste".) he said, heir' iiirstheviniio.
rations; off.whieh we complain, Aei k beigtefpedA9
I:believe there is only, one. wig in YrA NN
, done, end that
,is, by, reforming our Pray s
(Cheers : ) . This Is not icholi a formiillibrelmitter
as Many wish to rePrieebti retition,pf,:
the Prayer-Bookie expretsly provided for, by the` .
34thlArticle of the Church. ..,We aboelA.r i ecollett.
that, our Prayer Book, beautiful and sound as it -
le in most respects:,after all, onlithe' Work of
man, and waii . compiled'at a time of 'unexampled
difficulty, When' the country was :emerging from
the ignoranoe and superstition of Rome. (Cheers.)
If, we bear in mind the
_doubts and
which beset, the path Of our early Ittifoithein, Our
Drily wonder Will be how they had &Olivia to put
Or od: I
' .• ,•;,u • _ •
you TO ono . 3 f`',lC s.lof!ii.• Ct ;
• co , " , • . Oisr
,-• i •
)111 9WrArAl l ti00118.
12i 1 0:., , • • •:. 4 • •••• •
t,,,j om p i ti ry Fad
, C) ttrn , -.1 • 114-
II"'0 .Y
IkAdrio,, , A • EMBEtit"
4 " • I at*. • rims.
.: -. .e.r/mot> n ...,' ..ii -"Li 0 k: t- 7 ' ' ll . ULT . ' , erirf
- ,? ii work so theroughly,heitile To ropip7.
'.eteetiPilig gild` seifse of the eonntry le
id •re ages Ao.rtotify, any doubtful,paseage yrbieth
they felt constrained, • to retain for the bake of not
giving offence to tentler'ehlietiethies in the traiiiL
ue n istat e - ( tul l e , f,roh , :ate that remote.; p,friod,
Thep: l lo43Bo ti,osSM,ect wer,e,,,not
tifrom Ihe period 'of tfaillfortnation (f l orin to
-*Width, •tiviiiityler thlittiliiirsagoiiexcept during
ItheifarobieltknorlatP-g4t; ,tfaito,r, Laud, both
olirgy and peOple had utiammeasly'refrained freni
!recufritigt to thohtf,hfiftirtututte parte ofl the tut+
ht)ttliloPlity ttißtiitho .ff..9E4 1 .1!4!!rei luo gr" 1311 7 P
imitated the exeellent,examile this net &fore
'tie'r7i, s iit:ll Waif rifilioviid flieeiOriflichs4eitimbniii
illiottkirw4iOkiitei,h97o7o fr°ll°Pe'la°4llk4tl
Romborrowed from the. hea ene,'l -,.lfti ortti
41atq, bowe,ver, Parlia4iViregeSied !lin duty
.. t it )t .' 203 ilitUda Angel Illui!lEo l l6)PAninF
i fiantt,Rippeniegs,g, hyp o: pent
_erg ter i eleissarigt—,
whlYirlh isheePT oldthlng:-Iblseirtalilile,,ollth
li - oarlUntvereittelqu anti to 'spreaflothroegh Abe
1 444'.d.10age°allt and Ire7lifirZ4.44#
'l)iseyism be g an , arid it nal' o 4 . - 1
I ' Illtileptiikerthenqrbphsed the' l'firsti rem.
Mimi, calhielprecogniked thelakdr otff j pries
1 1 4 ki °PI? feiTioiN.Wl. 1 Ikbspititie,p i lind l ti n• ft c l
ger:To l e - 4 1
i t u nAtii i t a st ni r
i f )t , ,,,i r cdproy n i oz;
iff',ll2e 'olt i iiiof illetTguiiili"of tiji,llll4,
tie enoohraged Ily dOme , of itsi dignitanis
unde•biehops." ~; Ihetresdlution sieeleged suck
i ' nygtigrie tjhbe,4,7o,,rianectogitt i flie e epkit
i teaching of 'the Chur ch Of England,
especially havind G ni. Viri" r
0113 Kira fanhiliate tniErforit3sititur ,
i tißtfonlfibiliti od' 'whieh lull' ehriptiarcrd6e
-1 q NiloXi,
t h4 AWsr i lit •Pt , iP ° .t e S U ßlsP r q t so , l.l l l l4 ol^C l ß 4
spiiiippg„dolaration,, ‘hat "
c if &he Ohurish clf
'England 'le t 'to "be' 'Chili 1,1?-rillifcfi ° a bie
r iararilileidusil lit kg iiellikaiittiiii "to'f- o
billokbtolkker , darkneschfandrtiulifdems of t e
privet-riddenomiddleAges; bfittr oulaptFher./1?-
. . .
ittorice, win gr9Flßgy,Rmi of ,thkr i qpi e,
and take the great and t in m p i le trut hs 'of the Gill
el only, as the foundation afteirWefilli r
go 1 , Ripeiiiiciolitill ilo ilint,eigit iS; ndt
stiffyiurteitig4iNodolllBrtheeilltgli, tfintrthe . duis
ioffinisiatiug r X upontaithorouglfiaod(notOPlcin
,expArgation of !..e'very„,;:noz4 fkat. affvoirhof
Slirr i c l" - fr :Ta i k e ) Pjf.Y e ii bo v oii‘ i
. eare's , speeilt (wail argtlitirittii64e
lin i d 4 p%Weirfalt' ' ' Ile iteall&a° IlisW fitot tie
fashionable Belgravia of the .-W.est E n a
4 gDolvi vigrAtid r groNing 4 uPPitillgb4 l 763wer,r 1
sigy .
inupdstwipipmoq, ou c the,party,prnis,
Mi l li c ilPrY WI") , t n i a t na tile
Prtst• minds
were iorndpie by 4ueolisnaii`tit thatlitik
Vbrdi 4 adir ileidei'''ilea''"! t''' , 'I c' ztolfzt
e) . igiNt)lsttabiarittn , elergymiedaldithoutt his
:elves; and„ his' ,erucitit. , / ~ a ttyp, bo,uet ll that,
sitha'3o44lllr 4 itl 7 to ,t .tlNA.4o7' IV ,
succeed in bannininA theie outward ena feins
frompieyi 2 tki , elma, ne,,,isopld igot banit
rioni t pL, 0 eie_ll77 . tia t
,fiitlif&Pihe, Alta
sincr i ertal xe Vefttie l Ada" if 'iir tile' daily
- ' l
blitit dilate/Hi pedpleittrifsailheiriprsyers b
- Tlitslytlicluumberi ofieorversio*isatiet,l
.. 'fra7a 4 .s..4 , Tiligri#P 3 Oectr-tft PcdPMd l .9
, denied the assertion of, gip' Traotarians, that
'" j or ' " " t' " r ,, ' ' - I,;`i 7 bliga
non esmon was no o compu
~a o •
liiiii!" 'ThO"charities 'cif 'lady visitorisionhe
poor, are given on oondition that iherat.
tend the services of therChurches; and the,
greatett care is taken,that in order
a"promineot part in these services they must
pees through "the dirgiisting de ails of he
bonf a idn i a s, '4 ~ ..lisr ,-:. .
1 . i t .
. .
'Mr. Beale went into iereview of the`legal
proceedings against Mr. Liddel, in : tits ..80...
clesiasti n ak4 Oonrts, and.. showed layr,, , Dr.
Lashington's trenchant judgueutwas midi.'
fiedlnto' a ii‘iiiiiroiniinfltenght ilioit; by.
aristot;iiiiiiiiiilainife; Thii-iiiiois;' ilso; *ok
iTrit'otirilfaiarit at Oxford, was !hits
ti quotation•from, II renent work by &tr. Oak-`
ley, ,fo,rmerly i. of , 'Bt. Margaret's, ; ;. .Weit-
. ,
raimitfp, !Is! ft Aoinieh priest at Islingm:
st,,Paul sad Bt. Barnabae occupied brdad
spiee'llii the life; of Puseittee."' TheY tiers' the
barometers of Puseyism. The peculiar population
of that fasbionable distriot, its landed residente,
permeating through all Ectgland, once immeshed ,
rel:t he "sernstioas" attractions. of ' Traotarianiem,
spread its; iisfluen'ee through ivory county. If
battle_ ffas„to,he i donti whioh would hold in check
the 'pratitly'' ionapiraciy, here was the battle+,
grilling: ilfe qiillied !cif our aid its middle' and
Working.populatift4mid nobly they responded to
the call:t (Cheers:)-Ingiddition,, silty or eighty
peers qmirmembstre.p,f;Farliament singled them.
selvesout 3 ,and ,supiorted the, banner we . had
- raised. 'But we found that they gradually 'with :'
Mew liorn our' ' l rtinlia;• Feb' arise 'they' found , that,
Ithert *SS upen c renr part a firm determination to
call a 'spadela spade, and to fight the hattle to thes
last : (Hear, bear,) The conduct ef Abe Middle,
classes wm,tiitte,rent. They , haye been,true, ,chile
othemiltiveteeftiliefe U 8: . 0k arie , Bt" . Bhoai."4l.
We nioietiiiiblic 'opinion, 1:1 0 wave,' 'ma we virgeLl.
Ai. great , anti popery advocatee "tot tttur thefr`
oyes' within; hots ilopery. in' ie &wet tofropersa
isitlits bud ( 011 0 61 %);b1hTl-tile oPeßtlinfM9o ol *
conaled traitor; from ,the foreiiittteo;l?„ll,fie foe
at our own hineelioltdoors." 'We,luMui and felt'
fhatitheVe'werii siiio r ilideihii &Vat' ffie tisk; of
Itife'linial fabrio`Whiiiir yiould gaoler iii its course
the fultdorce of the resistless volcano,, Our battle
) againet,pandles; and crosses, and rood screene;-
and.altars,„and meretricious trumpery, then allot-,
reitlitiiit swat. isgainet words and signs of trivial'
imporg'n'Ow.representltionientena fah& 'I iron*
thaillit had been believed aSiitte pi/Theta:l Had
the , Vidiciat Committee of the Brivylepunoil done
its duty, and endorsed the
- laborious : and tsliqueiti
judgments of,Dr. Leshington and Sir J. Dodson,
we should have heard little of the coUtessional. I
helieve that Dr. tiiiiiingten reiwrote his judgment I
no E less than four times; so anxious was he that,
What .might probably , be the • last great wOrk of
his life, should he •worthy of his reputation. We`
'were warned, howeyer, that in the Judieial Conti,
,mittee,there would be a 'Ocimpromise' in which we,
had not, and could `not have, any part. In the'
gilded saloohs Cf•Belgravie, where the interests
of 'so large a portion of 'the human races ave r
bought,and sold in the , great political market, it
was i whi?pered,,fhat, it,,would not do to be too
severe upon these men, end that 'the Chur ch wee,
bried. endugh` tO reeeive 'end' ooniabs , them all.,
The)greet 'body of the middle‘ohme, thoroughly ,
sonadFattheart;were no partibelto , thisjniquitov.
oompeotli (Cheers.) Had the Judicial Committee
done tit,ditty—had,they said,' " We have nothy
ti .0 Ji . irt , ,J. I . I . .
mg to o with consequences,- we nave only ; to
nssert the law of England;" had Ito 'compromise
l'fainted th'erjddiciiiii chailtoteriofsAtiat tribnnii,/
there would for convening this
mteting i and, the , oonfessionsl would not new have
"Seeiliffifilititthringltinvireelnoteitty: .(Cheers.)*
The disease required the stern and ready knife of.
-thetoperitor. Attliat time the remoyerof a hand
wrild,have s aved the arch ; now it is 'norm that
'xiieseboi siorificed, mid 'if our State diie6re falter
°Hose nerve, thenwhide bodsowill quickly fall :a
prey to the disease. , (Cheers.) Some two hundred
clergymen have seceded to the Chniohießonie;
end we are informed by Cardinal 'Wiseman that
more converythaveheentnadeveithiithe i past few
years than in the thiee d lizind'Yelirs 'priteedislig.'
• Ire' then 'Unigi'' tir ibild4atigg Mr
T r ' ac u r ii nt hetif. , yli, 1.1% oil* t: I lis. i 1 , 14
What is the object of this movement? 'lts obi,
jeot is to render the Church dominant, the Crown
sabservieit, "(load elfeers,) the 'nobility an alit
paiage; , and 'the •people .'enslayed.. I (Renewed :
cheers.), Mistake it not; learn it in the / Oxford
tracts, in the do`otriaealbei have avowed; in tintir
pulpit teachings; tithe 'Denison" controversy„ as
much asin i our own, in.the °cliqu:done of Fronde;
and Newman, as, in the books illvey i publish.. The
dpotrioe of the real, p r esence taught, - the M,B
Cost Vs laugh,) the mediteval arohiteetnrit the
decorations; thelObservaraseig 'theithat' days aid
li vswe lei mod tool ail .igqiPaistall sac:
4 ' l 4,iiiii,)ii.ilbatquilifiskieff s 'et*,r`oodeefi en e, „
'llie vi,Pee'tifil; il}e'lli;lf r iVisre,ilft 0, 4162 # 101 iii: 010-
- 'red",dipie.oitlitipalf-411, all •are 'the • sljteif it,
' - 'llinnenard 'mar c h. '' '',Dignitiii4est'llefe''teight
etrange doctrine& aid neWlseilitionfis aeiltbi bur
, .wonder . ;Cali iche thailoftliree linii"Yettr j e
~ vre,have misteheo, the ',peening Rf c tlie 'valid tn
uph cemented by the brond 'of se liany nl'arbstar
that the monument Which' rktioidir theiViiiilie
at C . xford is te be ntielftellisc ; iroWW*Ti'd'il .
,'to,4Chblehep jiiil iii`t% 111 railki.iPitiiis ''
q; cR I I •4 V 1 ?) [O lt ° 4 ,fi''clOxielivi i "Atifim i 'to' 'hi ts ':
N.: ebey tig,siperatiti l oW r ii ei l Naz fivotoution,
(4 4 `y., IA thef., id 'itligisSif: illbile/4.,. e &Odra 1.8' 7 i4-'
matte 0'0%0_14' 1 :No wsfid'ilit i lis i ti Not. titittirovaufr
• f l - llont a iK a Llterellgidn''ll4, '.
111 die' tp: Wei*, s',C,thiity.. in:tilgetaiiiiiilbe4i
1 ' pie *rhilpit; 4Filie O . i . pafty stkiiii‘riditlisfelthre
, fhb the itittilleist, la lsehd nfitilt Mynah/Ma belt
* Ai l !4 • o 4,ll V.Ml l .s4V s .gfirl t ; "n int °l b ldl •
,auce to e rown, a nto lairins # a
i!infifirubal. 067tkletia-iOr l ieiptitibuit indOtudieo
- .044 1irt -41 0 4 1 10,- ,:oT;o l 3 4 lle t a h gyil i fil
r te the commencement If an ea rner au flinch
zlilg° ?nliterietf, (foSillitiglitirel* id4literhigl)'
dithiets Will ridtf 'thrt ttreS•b°4PPf 0/ 45 M#Illile
. p , eleee in this momentous struggle. ( Renewed
illieiii) t Yon, itiall'inien7.*lthelliti veitrYitte*
..i bal . :metropolitan 4 perigee; .Ifkte lkfre_Alsill.A.9_ , j)
~ 4E411 chpee,ity„ g You were invikisl i tere at they
sugieetion o f IR?. WgieertglitifiliprivadilittliCl
- of Bt. trattiThetai*
!7 tl b , t q m Ini g.4• ta kltrA ° lBl VI? Rl l ,lg t _ l ' e s r 'iF
ask you t:a.go back to your restri s, and io- c 11
'dis'Von , them'' to eddbreettge reeelutionslopreptised e
heYeAc\ - flaY? _bY agreeing , t ( Hiltikig.n° iO l 19' 1 19f
and? 'tail these resplutiene, to whim your cort
" Tionste'sentlaiiiiii , lit'cittegetied,4atewhigi liillt'ei lt
.3pressqpirioisßYc the ON).ipi9F4to.ofr.Plol44-P.9llii°
,r t cpreeenting three mil l ions ~of
. I)uoide„hs ih,is
miltglintla ' P (iiiiiti CVektiEj J‘We'siskaylin 10%111,,
c upon - Firliaentitiradd reels Atte kverleilitb ) Brit)
, Ing. bar to adoaka,courseeimilai' to that_pnrsned l
' •
naerahoUvilitTle re ig eirgiamainclil b7lfultin
111110bistie,!anthty orniioliveeofrßuntiegdobrthe
URE'i r el n T L eVt au- d,‘'_Ag .14:1 3 g1,pd', Ti f i Vild
p een g. e ask you to calf p n t h e . nag'
E*ofiCenitrihnettto3e4eadt/the effeitlt."of IlistiCiolrlsi,
i lm &n i non icing, tlye n tliey a .are r prAsicil, „> /te, Asps
Legisletivp measures which will'sforeier:yritf an
r ..**ild kir thei oh ilOiiiinif ab tilde Witable, fpniotider 'cc
?Which rtu.o. o .ingbinsv4chiMponvirii* in
members of the Church of la to sign' et
3 Wifilla'sfii" Piotiessilliqthei ' 3 dlAlieflillirliii,
/Biniptntab lien an to dmi EthectrWegAegfianOtiglir.,
contepsion,, (lend,.qheerieg,) their disbelief id'
`tiiiinial regenerleitai,.(heift, ilie)yaidrtheie)
ißtilsbetieftis the hail Presedoeiins.the ifAClfilifltt,
r.: to,r,. la ties Rting . 45o9e 4 oher o dsnmistaltal2le ,course
which may, allow Co fuui.e gi'llenttignseithvawr
f, ininatibQotthei - Parliattient•trfriSngland , to:mails :l
• • tORAe purity ( ISt t4 APil l fo.4.q4 C kenf o l,-.11
, ... Ire ap,p,tgrs,:,tlr,-Ohit fig tolipobijor§trA .
ere myened in ootEntry districts; her young ,
'Ara of'' ite ° llbrati u olaTeerili t ibiiifiifedifBr a ,
*iftlinr.y.kyilien 4: mid'. felidrillalit thtlikirgiu l •
lanes of the Romish Church ; are taught 6
i LogerroAst , a ayl'and yigilei 7 1 1 . 1 00 % attend
1 i ill o twknfession al .'t j '.E ha l follu g-. 1 IL is kapglii
msis brille - iltieeElobsring tt4oiittheit the
li fitiiiolliiiiiii'iised iii?ttieseialitilishifietite4 0
"iliniii all'arntissi l ml . f* 'Eu3 . 16 1 40'044 fionloives'
i ot allipini. to, .6 utiedts}*l Psd.P.f,cio Otaipbatholn
filo. ,What if
_One wilfullyosononds. a Tonal mit
l iiVolgriedbo t ru he &Alnico al9Vottiii t otuteuhig Iwo
;iii3tio theattoiri ob as Cr.'(Dieekroltatiati.) , ;il. l o , f
inust,he ,maitu the ccif,ession ? „The .method ,o
'CiOrtfeasicin is— first ~ to kneel* Vie' aide of the
. !.speieitc; secondly, !to make the sign ~of latioiross„
, and to ask his, blessing, e5.y44, 1 1, Pather,, live
me your 'blessing;" '(hisses add expresSiens „cif:
' , disapprobation , ;)- thirdly; to, say the :roil? ~cei
. confession ; foortt4y, popaz hoyt. long 4t ss.sancei,
the last c onfession was made, ' iiiietilar lie j was •
' absolved-or not in d e'ti hetherMief perfortnedi dip )
: penance;
.andithen ; tootsouse 3 histoseK,of t ittl,,4 silts
, corimitted since; the last confession, •To 14toori
'his Citrilit'given•poirer to fergiiireftnif 4 TiV the
•' Apostles and their successors,the
~bishopat a nd
priests of the Church. (Disapprobatioo,),. By
what means are sins' forgiven ? 'Btbstptiesn' and
absolution. (Renewed ,expressions oftdisappro
, teflon.) I thought it mv,,daty.,(Mr.._,lleale, pm
tinued,) to point ' out the error 'and' crime'
Committed by parents who.permit their. children,
to he educated et each establishments, --(Ohe l ers.) ;
The.policy of the party-to whom I ate retching
is thoroughly Jesuilltiar: The totothent Of t ßngbind,
' are lint .assaile4; 1 Juad .. ._ then, : through their
mothers, and, bylkp mea ns shave described,. di
children are infittedielill' corrupt , dictrido; l and ,
it is hoped:that in ;entree of, time there,will be,
among the rising generation a raoe leevepecl w i th
these doettines, and preparid . to`assist in the
i) degradation, of the .Crown and 'the`. enslavetilesiti e i c
~(Load !?!!,! r o a qt: li, isee ,v . - -1 ! ~..
' We ll s now, er. 0 39341: 4 4W11%*!1, 1 tftei
all : this,, tlial, .thet ..Tim.m.,T. t 1113 ,TOrehlg,
'after the meilipitk, 'Cloines out With' , in"
article 4 me firaiitioar'diniffielaliptichp
o Was • to turn :;it a'.largelyt•iitirito oxidilitili„
!sternly depreeittiv.soym/04eashopnygstie
op,the grayer <P,osih, deyifig i tlilte3OßZoll, ;
' , Y"P-. , . °° 7P'.7 ,1/ , 41 4 4, * l l 4 mik , .t.. ‘ ,. d g‘
that it i s te. lumina " trap= maw:
'dare 'of deb . ... olis ohildieer 00 c 1 • 11 ' , 1 0 : ed.
.. , .
• The:horrible ootiseyinente . of..c.FexpWrg!,-,,
tio TO , wonld,bet;. ,ff , to trend , : the&buroh! of
j Fingland r inS,two.;f, §,o4t,iyouiti, w of too
but the Bishopli !imp:derv, : CT the Ni 's
.... . ,I i 'll fo • r.',„ ..-",...- I. :VC(' tt
gelicals, don't-wanethat. a r A we rea . 9 ,be
' 4 Pfaiii.l32kli;"eifs - t - becTtifieil,`"itigißgircaviii
.. j.lie Colonel i sayb, is . toAte„qmadOr: i.Alid: ill .
.thiei,efteT,ll4P 11.10 ;h,PPeP.SitifnliAtil'il'
pitliing,oycyy tlay i l An heneet Tractarigh
. ise j albt; lip' y r oung cleitifnan; T r od the' courage '•
i • tiii:tif to move aril ailenanielitsto,thirellacti,
.?ihawati I" 000111/ 1 111k)b La ohirionislyrsanetionet
7.byilhe Boolt..okCom.mor iPsayer, a this l nie4.%.
..ingirefuses to, oniidemn the plergymen f who'
only carry out its plain direction by thb - prati.
tine of it,", Of course he was not listened
taflitit was 'VV . & the hiiiiiseman• in saying t
.•.)ithat he believed; antLis not Iriena.bisely
Ldishonest l in pretending,-nay, asserting, that
thp, Pzimr,-AW4, needs no, " k expmgaqon; ',
as long as the word "priest,"
ocean `agiiii'
"iiiii'lliiiii, ind'ilitird iii ii"'Romiish"liWiliiticiiii
iiiieilidAri. - the Itetkiati 'forJtiicisiiik It 7 .
I .t. r TheiTinter prOteets iagainets /4y-tyranny
. Se. M.tteli - ,ell.jigekietf, priestly ,d9RpstijfiN, Ail!
lets: out thstinted , eeoret of that
i mw :and
lfairsnaiat %stannic, w hich is t'he cancer Rini
' carve Of "the'letafitioiikeiii? 1 ',/ It so hap.
'pleisith'ettibora t illith half of , theleoele;siestical
beneficiii Writ , in thel:giftiof . me nal) ers . of both
. Houces. : of , Parlisment. ; ,Thier spviss . of RI.,
. ,
1 , Tnnagejs, diy by,,dayipcire inteiaely,appre
ate% and,thereis no interfirentie with proper
lithie'wkild'hbiiiorifeliiiitediiiiid c thit whisk
' WOUld'placeß.pitiroies'bibilitir origin' 'at tio.
meroy.of .‘in eeelesiastiiial reformenifil ', Eir:
,;tolkly.At; za 9 d: : therefore Traoterieniept 1 yq,
~,pigte)r, go o n with:its ravages till e tlittli:'
1 lielliwe!iiperholilii . ire: own; Corrheitio4VlE
' y ilie Itiiiiii 'Tato - Rimie r . -- The'' In* other.:
I "iiiiiirnativh lithe , rising• up bf' , lirfthidigniurt
,-, iiagodi liiiii Amiss pin g the :s Establitth ins, pt.
.I,,amsy . ,,...s,Viareat 4 .. Aottisit ausiitrow 4 Sooty
1 16 1 /iP.)!Pki r ,s l 4 o . w° N4Aeeft. n d "it, beCn
°Rd. "Erg . ogfaid; pr ogress , i ts ITO w, aid
'trig tuLtisla" liz. v dasi " irrhe'atio of a
. 1 111fgelilidjitlfity of Ohnrohilibigaw.ola . NI I'
ii""tt LIOMI 1;." ! " It) Vilithie 1; ii.•,, :, ,
* The death of, 'DR. 479Esi Rowth of Ed.
iniiiiikt; treble 76t ii Y 04 1 7: ilikti i iisid t much
i regret. -Me wed' the-. gvinibaxmotb John.
Brown, the ,Commentator ; ;_ ands very a ble
,preacher., The, la ter yrodlitions,of his pen
were mist •ii3tiiiblit 'ooiteributfii i iie . to the ex.
opaitioii of Serilitkiiii;lbbfe XeitiVeo&flyi i hii
otwiwltAin (flit( tEpititlitiof witterp 'nil th at 3 0E
31 saw ( boal aid* tai ;plod a karf anti I
.18 1111-
4:t, .f. 1.97 3
Utl ^ ft3tree..;
.• 'VA
• niblelpidieeldialit 41114000A11
. e t' 104.411 • ••rg
.y 4
: "on!
.., .c.y ., 111001 Le % Egi 11-1 !Iwo %bawls" 1 , * to 4i N iost
•o ,aov 15 A- 7 444:ii; ; 0P1S F l 7 j 4 r , ;
„wt.,one,off, the,fiesdinfomwalara,„iv°
everieeetw His caalt--eyea kinab l d,Akk
' toroh; and'his 1 h'oirrlenksi fells evert a !Juke d
finely Motilded. '- Illi a Was **Catty beloott Cy
la t _ h44,l *ftiOnsfailtathlk-V,ttiV 6 lP•ree
r: Church ,. many , of ,whom , f r litteian:2 l . l ( l ' flit' ,
Aects.-. . .At the imbileesoiehiS tuittistrN,C . o!on
. ypars s . go, a magnificent preserttawsrande
;i o ll,o4blpli,,ri_fh'idditi6dit dfiiitifigetions,
he cansed'tO be in'vesEed i fir e ffie* Villifdtdon
" 14,15 11 4 41.PrjAe54.0,„bew al
A N I P / 10. ir.” He It erlattr'u -"r
feAtAg,:, 'the Prebst.,•li grta d hVi:in Ad-,
rta •Icriliktifilitielith Itself liar ottrerr,wohiSit, of
his evtA, when the Japt; sketwelittsiNl.:;lEw
lie iabored,-.withqtillows.ftopPfrog law 13 14
lter. .. k f , ~. .16.4141 b ii Ma NW!? d, Ina
ft. lo
e ner, lalrbe called a
•=, ~o, US 1 . 871(i
t eloo li .
1, FA ( Zirl:' Intl — - :..1.!. .41 • -•', ,r . '^"...: , .. 4 . 4 :r
Tun' GED:MAN lEl ' lO . BBiTAG 'or . . been
.idready noticed in s former iiiiiifil l 'but I
.promptc * ,Ao resume sn Sicfirtnt of the pro•
n ahigs: Aliik,ll6wilier a Zr bliitcaii only
"'bii4t-liiiliiiiiperfetitri.36 0 -:448 odJ c+,
ral.:10 'the isecohd4,day, ;Professor ...HgEtksun
read a paper oa the conneationetwmo u the
Church and Btatl,Ar s thulniOn of civiland
J'Pag!Fi c. e4 M 7 cii % ° .ef;:. a• gi .. 1 !Il ve ,:i ti, ha i," the
r ittla 1 41titIyter ? eseitee,pij:rtrea„t..e ,;.,tarch.,
it Zi . clad by .''l'litiogitirii reiblitiorar of Ithe
r ifbciiiiifiy litoChnniiiiefficitibeitreeslbdirig se . p.-
arstaielsodNindependentl pritionsi l l IA Ostu
o-borgi paStettilb.PYMdrklf.,T.P.l4# city the
kfiyil u pplcepensianclthe
_Church'. ' Or, Slab.
let, of Bremen, turireiiii;'Whirikillitrice let
matte i rds.l l a - scifu . i: wpm
n tlf civil an•
thority he bTd, hretatefiY;irhenuthe rights of
' IChiftli:thetirbgralrarterrotiginftsuteid;feould,
if be far Nansof 411;f3apetiippistispkt6lieUf eg
I; suds i llogutn, I f hentt that the,#ffs, ,ente r
,.., tai911, , ,, pn , bothfa
side?, were quite irer
-sirloned; Profeiiir ifiZupiidiy t hirbuld
1 edme tl V tb • derlpra' resrivid 'in — q' tiirkit ha:,
. 0 feria 1.'101140W gOvernmedt wai. there ;we
k• iligiritiedraidwarsoorass , ploBll4o.4.e.4l94 it.
0 PA% tkr.l N. 1 04 14., ; fqr 40, agt,l crogrl n 01.,fi nit
31.1YoutifiRMI tqe_l Piri ihea " • Mk' he
t wig t tthre was no dithgaia%tite lilt e if '
she handed over to the Church ithAlithtt ' of.
4 :'. l lfilifigrifiliftiP itiiill'eatisirsiliAntp ode who
1 , -hstorbeen iin ri - (kart: l 4 l 4%li 'A ri a* , ~ IrAP M•orthat
1 -i4T,e(;!miimirpa4s) 411a;141913,1 1 qatfVrit
fsks, a n net in p y riportion as re ton m -
11..vt4a 4.l"ii' m fi r kd' ' hfc'i t 'lliSii 'delfiliOnii :of
, e OA 8‘:
breaking those boddsliffirinhhlifetEltitethas
swathed the United 'Church. Tbo
thelettitigfir, kdibtheiltriumph of the
iT*46.eirßiture4kbof kintl* 4.7WlVilknOin
„ d er . peobwyfia
,prwia r tn4,,in tigsdler
. Kingdom!.
~The Kirolientagigkerd tb the
t~lhtton that there' es~nlß'tfe a' tiaatioo
• la little hop e. atgptes !IA iiitm, ,otoutpreos
3,o o tilli!rikkai?oonylW " .4,-,0 , itT t • lft3i
ITAe, Chrtftian s .d4T, iliftoprOplrlYs was
jllo ; yoljili`aiii iir t . ) al4lB 4 4ffilB, refer' ingto
' fr ee rieti"tiomligilitrititigiif bre."4l;parag
sl4lPbfktlitcAfmniicarrAvin' also 7cHe after
4bifirdtilatatedtthatilie only coolant toc. s o9Meain
:11.#1, ettile formtrAst ,OulitiTilj."PiOlc.! bad gu''
i tlitiO4; :a espinnally ; of Ale frbi l icf i ty s givgn to
individual Reties of convention. ' Hie' firlit re
rltiatingalitittreirei;"oilled. iiiltiti tg eat and
ilenerableilCsmitiniticher, Of ; Potsdam, , .who
made a most eloquent defenpe of they yroik
of God in_the...United States. Oilier lands,
be Baidt=rarsgillig,lso,w similar develop
ment o ;:the g,ratie iiiid power of God; in -
GerinanY, -we iither'reiritiiri -silent, in. speak
4iiiparagipgly, 'of . the greatest mini festh ti on
of the power ) of the . grace of-God whickmod
,.ern,timea,have wituesse4. I •
,me. . -i
i ; This, reminds ,e of a recent in the
Edinburgh 'Owned', sfntim area Ai; who bad
ilia iiiurnid 'Mai the' ttilttikil:Staielie and
iwifieprilwelling. , onrthe , Ern' pinfli ga oyi to be
viseskim-New,Yerir l .,vid on ,theAcfluce of
a fßave,r_xwmong Ohm . Northeyns, deORTO. that
. be ,Slit.v*believe in :the 'reality of che re
iiih,i. 4 Dr. h Dl'irC' S lifiteatiliakiiini 'tO the
ellPslia, I,' Sei+iibUilltiplyltoiltbilisvirsilent
letterov Iti ie mily4usbitessty,ithit,i while we
:i! #.411) 4 40,014 An ftittlPhßt ‘uPgunlitAufelie,Tling,
I itiTiAl obeitiPuqdr.thttntut*Avc. 11.' f ' but
~ stony-ground hearers, and - titat Witty, also,
" htlid' i lieeii*ltOilY'resiogniiiit.liie trice" eon
?' Titit;litlitAblii,43B II eitohole, atbleseed'Airork
::ofu l graetr?isirs.marhatlithe Atistoryotiyour
ettOrllttilr.. l 4ll o4ll l4444nlkAnivx*Rnibdia
!Ps, ?Fnl7 , :(i;mkrnagltooAilllStr,99Rtng')
litriingly adreated,restituttoW,4q insisted
'liitiliti 'qiestforiablf Obtainedkvaii&
on a cierssin - proportion, - be it a tenth, an
• eighthtexaltthilbeirigidevotell to God, and
'44Attillitekimid, . 1) i ) , -PRO"; 9f , it ICIIII
to 1 ° 490. 0 1). / 14fpr tqs , v*AtieTy•
45 bq . 2 SIITA - Wyt day,'tiV t if .. ' .f
."I'lfi "'i t " r , tR, - "Pflf or.: oper
P lii4io ," Same wider conkilerSiolit' The
'‘lni'64l p4ifeVol? tiiii'e'dmyirliivalybitew en.
Eitiiptistr, bilk inktiansuplaceor,, been wonder
-ifully elattikikd.94 Thusia,tnElberfelfl, the
fiiIP W R:, I O3I id tOSPiI tI g9 II TONO; aI O fi rt P
, five circuits , .ta population being ;forty
, thrii,dtaiiiiiitid ; iOlunt'ctia Visit each family
D'iiqdiiinit roller in 'the forth of alms,; begging
is abolished, and the recipients of alms have
i benmsdSetilleett from iti:oi,ttipasand to one
thousand, within a few yearn. This, arises
rsgtit,wl4l4 l I have palled the moral 'power
, ' Oyeifamilytife itiiireiled'btphiiitint visitors.
I- tfet; liorqulir Vii • &a wa s , lo P
, eP• e° . ..7 "P it '
itti. - I..„,iii iratitions, ' attracting ` ai , i imniense
''.adieu ''.°_,' The meetilg l iiele'teltiiitecinl,
. 4 j )
turid,; . „, !Orli My indicattidzaittintir arising
'frodi"aiNiles of the:pi:elle - W44w ineicilully
dinap i poirited. ! The friends of the Sabbath
Viiiiii lin'intaresting- meeting, as 'also;tbe Ger
ur,!:Bible ,o ISocieties,l and a c Committee,
which reported the steps taken for bringing
statuary and *ging Jo he handmaids.
A E , F9utT I 3 PuelPgiPg & e,Wwis ,Were, -Kroh fd,
by Dr. Said 4, Pre - l a te I:..aptf; Pastor B di,
! D and Profekaor''Bingmarten. It had bi en
Irpiedioted thati the Hamburg ciitilend would
„"treat the wiiole f inovement witknegleot, but
multitudes werq present. at ,the,
purely, British s and , American ,Christia us
unite, anoainue in, stifTlicatioo,
thee fi:;'irioltedulliiiiiiire atill.::ill' over the
'./and -of lattlierptitere 'may. , bet azabighty
awakening of spiritual life. ~ 1 :I
'6 •'rim INkAtviNtws indicateeitbe gradual
• imbsidenee of themintinp , But Nena Sahib
~..itiotkil at, large. , 4,t f is „saidthat tho T ße g uo,
of (Jude has offered to give him up, on Goo
. dition .qf her own Ti' '
,being Spared. By
4 itili time tord'OlYdi s i t tiill-himself have taken
I the field..'.‘Thw -Undone,* to ineuirectiou
miquongltbell Sikhs, srill. be,render.eiiiiansou
o9vs, by : n . iioglAng, Ahem- with other troops.
•; FhPrU' 8 4 11 4
~, illflkive demand for,Eti,glish man
' nfieturiiii iit the ports of ifig different Preai
(tench's. - .".'" 3 LI , L: - ' . J.W.
'P. E Si-llTlietirairgifftitil Alliance holds its
7.intitbainetithigthhatAvreshi , aeldv,eipool.
aidit t yPi 1 , 01 ~;,kris-^14..,,,5e5a
tif t