In CI El Pali were not so apparent in this plamias in that •above, . . The Methodists end :Presltyfiptens both have 'fine churches in Eden That of the latter 1,4 much the largest; muktheanost nupstantial. it is now, well furnioherl, and .4 modern style 4 ttiehifen• tura, having a reetibule t gantry. spire, bell, &0., ,and lIRpqOIIIIIP enough. to .seat,, cotrfortably, five imatired . ut.llll. TI., Collgrerinti .11 is arr ; the mei:fibers active.-zeitintlei Clbrilltians;‘ and Clod has greatly blessed, I am told, the labors uf the pato toe. Rev. Mt Monartee, among them After the adjournment ;or Brio& we pessLd a, felt. daYsFof visltntien in nis commenity, end wine much pleased with alt we Saw.. Exzepting, always, the had bebavior_of two giddy girls on our left,- in the ohurch,..tiat .night, we. preached; and.ihmtld this meet their 'ifye," is •hoped they 'wilt feel rebuked. • . . Myself and family remained part of two days - in Columbus, m we went to Synod.; Mat to fell en or readers of our visit to the Blintl i '.'Deaf and Dumb, Lunatic, and idiotic Asylums of.the plre —to apetik of Whet we stOrthere, and In the State Rohs% aoil. in the Penitentiaryand , of the good famw,erreoelyed at the Nell ilentaeatid 'of the godd things we heard of the ;ministers and ohnrebos; q f this ,loyely city—and of our stay overnight at Niirk, w,itli th 9 frailly, of brother Robinson, and of ORD viiit, the next day t i to a Ger mak sohool and churoh;;qf which Rev. Mr. Reissl (a 'Presbyterian whom We redentlY re ceived from thb Gsiñau Lutheran. Ohltrob,)Lis tea Cher and pastor—to tell orall this, I sayonight weary,: rather than 'intermit your readtdir..*Jiio, But you will see ' by .what I•mktuin, that I am, as ever, the Befsrtyr's friend,,and . old correspondent, . ' Wor the PreteVita - dew Be;trier and Adywate., i • - Synod of Illinois. . ; ;• : The Synod of Illinois,tnet according to. adjOnkn meet, Oct. 13th, in the First Presbyterian church of Peoria, and was opened-with a sermon by the Moderator, Rev. P. D.. Young. After sermon, Synod was constituted by prayer.. • Rev. E. W. Thayer was elected Modera,tor, i and 1. A. Cornelison and C. F. Jennings, Tottiporary Clerks. • , Rat; L N. Candee, Li: D., Rev. N. L. Rice. D D., Rev. W. P. Carson, Rev. W. C.:Mason, Rev. T. S. Vail, from the Synod of Chiciago; Rev. B.'H. Charles, from the Synod of Kentucky; And Rev. 11. R. rice, from the Synod of Cincinnati, being present, were invited to • sit asi oorvesimnding members. , . . . The Committee on,Bllte and Overtures, reported Overture No. 8, concerning the action- of the Synod of Cinoinuati, - in reference to.the,Theoleg loal Seminary of the North- West. That, whereas, the action of theßynod of Cin cinnati is similar to that taken by this Synod one year einoe, the Committee recommend that Synod do now reaffirm their . former action, and adopt the resolutions of the Synod of Cincinnati as their own. Committee on Bills and Overtures reported Overture No. 2, with reference to applicatlons from several parties, to Synod, for payment of Certain indebtedness of the Theological Siiminary of the North• West. Committee reported that in their judgment these papers beleig rather to the Board of Directors and. Trustees of, tuff Theolog ical Seminary of the North• West ,than to this' 'Synod, and it is recommended that they be 're turned to the persons from, whom thdy came., Report adopted. ' The following action was tiken in reference to ' eorla University: •• ): • Resolved, That the Board of Trustees be and. 'they hereby are instructed to raise fifiy thousand' dollars (60,000) for the ; rise said University.; Twenty thousand dollars of this fund to be in, - cash, land, building materials, or work, at alaii ostudi valuation, for the purpose of erecting ts• suitable college building; the remaining thirty. thousand dollars to be a permanent endowident fund. Resolved, That the Board of Trustees ,be and ereby ere inetrnoted to appoint a suitable agent ,o carry into (IVct the foregoing action. Synod, by reAdjusting,lines and dividing Preis yteries, formed. three new Presbyteries, to be '• lied Bla4mington, ,Hillsboro Ugh, and Saline. • NARRATIVII OF TFIR.STATE OP :RBLIO/Olf; We attempt the duty of giving a Narrative of the State of 'Re!latent with feelings. of unneuakin tercet. Whilst God je calling his people not only by his Word, but by, his. providence, and by the onders of his grace, to " awake and put on their beautiful garments," to be always abounding in the work of the Lord, it is painful to the hearts of God's children. to know that in,,sointi 'places "the ways of Zion do mourn because few come to her solemn . feasts." In a large portion of the • territory embraced , in our Synod, iniquity still abounds, while the •love of many waxes (told. It is feared that intemperance, with all its fearful train of attendant evils. is in some places on the increase; whilst worldliness, error, and vanity, are, as we fear, bearing many doWn the broad road that leads to destruction. Add to these things the melancholy fact that many churches • and districts are still destitute of the stated means of grace, and it becomes God's ministers to 'weep ..between the porch and the altar ;" whilst Chris .,tians unite with them in crying, "0 Lord revive by work in the midst of years, in the midst of years make known, in wrath remember mercy." But if we are called to weep, we are also •alled to rejoice. God line given his serrante a ,good degree of zeal and faithfulness in the wo rk •,to which he has called them. in the Bible and ateohetical class. as well as in the family circle, ' he lambs of the flock are receiving a good degree ..f attention. Our people appear to be steadily, , lthongh slowly, increasing in love to the cause of . .enevolenoe. ffenoe, the number of those who contribute to sustain the Boards of our Church is increasing, Encouraging additions have been ads to most of our churches enjoying the'stated .ministrations of the Gcispel. And a goodly num ,.er of them have shared in the glorious work of race which our covenant keeping God has been flocomplisbing in our land. Many in the midst .f us, who, a few months ago, were "without • rod and without hope in the world, are new numbered amongst the sacramental host of God's , Not." In the method of accomplishing this leased work, the Lord has deeply impressed upon ' the minds of his people the itopOrta,nt truth, that,' t is " not by might nor by power, but,hY-his. 'ilpirit," that the good work is done. At the Same; time the Church has been more fully taught that, ehe is a worker together with God, and, that he ,' mploye, in the conversion' of men, not only the y . abore of Ministers, elders and deacons; but i6lBO the private membership. • ' Let us then as ministers and people, whilst we' thank God and take courage, "bumble ourselves. sand repent of those 'sins by which we have grieved 'hie Holy Spirit, and through the grace of God; being steadfast. immoveable,.always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that our labor ball not be in vain in the Lo'rd. Bonen. JOHNSTON, Stated Clerk.. For the Preebyterias Banner and ASTocate. Presbytery of Des Moines. n' Aty the late meeting of the Presbytery of Des Moines, the pastoral relation between Rev..lrwin Carson and the church of Oskaloosa, was dissolved." Rev. W. 41 Rollyday was received, as a member, from the Presbytery' of lowa. 4 All the churches of this Presbytery are balled •upon annually to report in regard to settlements WWI pestore and SAPPII434 but, in order to,. secure greater promptness and efficiency in' this atter, specially on the' part of missionary churahei; Presbytery passed 'the'following resolu tion t .Resolved, That it be a standing rule of Presby ery, that ohnrobes applying to be recommended the Board'of Domestic Missions • be required to state whether or not they have fulfilled liteirown pecuniary obligations to the individual in : Whose , ehalf the application is made, or to any .Other hose labors the Board maY have aided them in curing. , •.Report was made of the organization of a prom ten church at &well% Clark County, of fourteen members end two elders. ' For the Prenbyterten Banner and Advocate. Tribute of Respect . - ~ , 'At a meeting of the students of Clarion ! Collegiate Institnte, on the 7th of October; r` the undersigned ;were appointed a Committee to draft appropriate resolutions relative to the death of Miss-I. 0- Shoup, who was a _worthy and respected pupil of, said 'mitt. tution. . Wuuaute, It h as pleased Almighty God, in his All•wise providence, to take away . from our midst our respected friend and fel. ' low ettidunt, Isabella 0. Shottp; therefore, Resolved s That we acknowledge the hand of God in Visiting us in the death of one of cur tiumber, and that we .submit, with humble resignation, to this mournful visits. J. M. McEvacnr, C don; and endeavor to profit by the solemn admonition thus afforded•a.,. Resolved, That. we sinmeely revere the memory of our deceased hind; that her many virtues and amiable qualities; he held, ;sacred to us, and cherished &wont; our, fond: est recollections; and that her Christian :walk and conversation be ever remembered, ;as an example worthy of our imitation. Resolved, That we deeply sympathize with the parents and friends of the deceased, in their hareavernent Cnr in her death they have lost one worthy of their highest esteem . and affection, and we a' friend and echo malre)SoT W,N4n we entertained 0e highest 'regard. Resolved., That a copy of the above reso• ltitionti 'be transmitted to the parents of the deceased; and also published in the 'county papers, , German, Reformed Messenger, Presbyterian Banner and Advocate; and' Christian Advocate. • • • . J 8.. , • D. it. FUCK, • • • Heitiurai.B4,, Suse,rt gun, , Rimersbutqi Pa - • ,Cloiomittee.y. For the Fredbyterlan Banner and Advocate..;. . , Presbytery of Washington. The Presbytery of Washingkoa•appointed sap- - plies as follows, for the • ' , Run Church—Mr. AleziOsr, Fifth tiV: bath of Ootober. Mr. D. Heim, Second Sab bath of November. Mr. Lester;l3eoond.Sabbath of Deoember. J. I. BROwseow, - Stated Clerk.. Ecclesiastical. Rev. ALEXANDER SWANEY declines the call from the church of New - Lisbon, Ohio, and has taken charge of the eharch of New Hagerstown, Carroll County, 'Min, where editors and correspondents will hereafter address him. Off Rev. E. Ju -Er aRR'S P ostmut e* address is changed from Stnithville, Wayne County, Ohio, to Cedar Valley, Wayne County, Ohio. Rev. JAMES COULTER'S Post Office address is changed from West Greenwood, Craw ford County, Pa., to Exchangeville, Mer cer County, Pa.. Rev. ANDREW 134unea. Post Offioe address is changed froth Danitille, W. ) to Wyaox, Bradford County, : Rev. R. M. BOLiTDAY•AriB %Stalled pastor of the church of Roc shill, Ohio, and not Riohhill, as stated in our issue of the 23d ultimo. His Pcst,OtEoe address is, Belle Air, Belmont County, Ohio. Mr. Wm. B. 'KEELING was ordained to the work of tie ministry, , and , installed as pastor of the church of Mount Prospect, on the 6th day of -October last, by the Presbytery of Washington.' On the 26th ..ibty of October, by the same . Presbytery, ''Mn. JAMES T. FREDERICKS was ordained and installed as pastor of the ;church of Burghettstown. Both of these young brethren are graduates of the Allegheny Theological Seminary. Rev. JOSEPH' H. TOWNE was installed pas: tor of St. Peter's church, by. the Roches ter •Oily Presbytery, on Thursday evening, the 16th tilt. This is an Old School .ohnioh, with au Episcopal 'service, and :a 'Congregational ministur s .whioh is, (100.• • airy in unity. : . • :I, Rev. SILAS JOHNSON *II metalled liStiOE of the church•of Worthington,:oso;,:bY 'the Presbytery of Columbus, , at its late meeting. . Rev, C FINLEY has • received' a call from the ohureh of London, Ohio. Mr.' J. 0.• TIDBALL has received a call from the ohuroh of Scioto,. Ohio. Rev. A. D. illaltDit* Wee installed pastor of the church. of NeF Providence, Va., by the Presbytery.ot lexington, at its late meeting. Mr. THOMAS HEMPSTEAD, .a ltoentiate, was ordained by the Presbytery of Raritan, at • its late.meeting. I; Rev. N. L. RicEi:D..k, was ino l 4llB, , opastor of the North Presbyterian hita go, IllinOW 'on the 20th nit; : . .Tke Rev. It. H. Richardson preached •the.sermon and gave the charge to the pastor, and the Rev, John M. Faris the charge to the people. GEoidi . .Niipitr, a member of :the-late Senior elan of'? Princeton 'Theological Seminary, has aacepted a call from the church of Weet Farms, Weet Chester County, Neti.York. MO4Blll. CHARLES T. HALEY and WnU.. E : Icriosw, were ,lieensed to preach ,the Gospel, by the Presbytery 'Of New York at its late meeting. Rev. J. MARKLE having received a call to the Reformed DOteh Church, at Sarin)- sortville Ulster County, New York, nor respondents will please address, him at that`place. Rev. 0. RAT has'removed from Rochester, N. Y., .to Genets, .New York: - Corres pondents and others. will please 4ddreaft him at Geneva. for the,Prelbyterlan 'asua Adv 061,,) Decease Dayid Letot, Esq. , A meeting of the, citizens of ,the Borough of Leechburg, at the , eehool-house, on the .of. November' init., was organized, by choosing . David Kohnsi,President;, Wm. Cochran, Win Goeser, .and Philip Bair, Vise Preilidetitfi Ulan/ and Alex ander Gordon, Secretaries' , The object . of the' meeting having been stated, the Tollowieg preamble, liens were read, received, and adopted ! viz.: WHEREAS r It has' Pleased Alinighty God, in thedispensation' of his inYsterioureprovi dence, to remove from - onr, midst and from our , 'David Leech,Eiil:4he oldest citizen, and founder of Leeehburg, who was 'associatedamong us as a beloved friend `and citizen, and had become 'er:leered to us by < many> hallowed recollections therefore, be it , . Resolved, That - we as a community and as individuals, deeply mourn this 'separation, , and shall alwri3i,s retain with feelings of grat itude and respect, a memorial of our de- Parted friend. Res lved, That_ by his death, this neigh borbodd has been deprived of a worthy cit. - izen t ; and the community of a diligent and highly Useful business man. , Rewlved,"' That though ti;se feel'we have lost a friend,,we rejoice in the hope, from , the satisfactory:evidence of:thristian expe 'riende in the latter part of his 'life "thatlie has been translated ; to a house not made with' hands, 'eternal in the heavens Resolved, That is tender to the bereaved relations, our most heart felt sympathy, and point them to Him whole the only - stay of the afflicted and the bereaved whose voice speaks,to the heart and not to the ear, Resolved, That in token of our respect and deep grief, the citizens of this borough„ Will suspend all: secular buitinede,ort row, and attend , his Amaral' from his late residence, di:o'clock P. M. Resolved, That a copy of these xesolu IMIIIIIMI=M!I 'FETB PREQBYTERLI BANYttI4NIt) kDV4:SOATII. tiona be rant to the' relatives o► the deceased, and published in the• Armstrong County pa pare,- thy- Pitt..bur_•h; Chriati.43►:.ddnocgtei and Presbyterian :Banner and -Advocate. : RPsolvett. That . Col Jacob. Thew, B. Anclartioa, and W w. Cu.;t be'it uOusustiteet to-present a copy of these rneolutiona to the : relative's of :the deoeased. • . Resolved, That the• Rev: illY..Shasi oluse this meeting with pray,r.". • : President J-164 6.14 " 7 " teeisiigiria! • 'Alexander Gordon, • • ,• • 7or thePrisebytiarkin Bander and Advocate." ' iieffort Vhlldsi •, • Tansatraa of Tits, BOARD OP FossioN thlB . BlONB, ...ioa 061xiBisit;16.68. • ' • , . . 0010 ,F,RESEYTERY. = BetIuis,t . :congregation, renewing subscription to FOreigniMiisionary, for thfrty Otipies, addressed-to' C:lll'Braddoolt e Herriotteville; Allegheny County, -Pe, $44 00; Chartiers dong.,.. additional, 7.00,; ~Femele Misaionary Society. . Bethany, ,cong., t 31.80; Centre .coog„, 24.64 . ; Female illiegSicary So ' MeV; Miller's'itun coat., 14 I& : .$121'.69. ' ALLEGHENY I"llY.—Nrentiiiiii , eoisg.; 11:00; • Centreville, 22.00.:' $33.00.. ;1 -;, , 1.: :.1 '...• 7AS 111 N GTO N , P' BY. --,Fliet, , odes.,„,,iineeling t ,61,30 ;I,l3etkol, „6.90 ; . A. West. lAtotV,, 29.00. • ..... .) i .1.. 5f3.8 . 0. • ERIE I" 4 l)±.4fibbatVetat i orritinkilitictinii.; -'to eidaiutte iridrdn tkiiit, TOO; - IProdlillii!eolig., . ' 15:00. t e $22 00.:•.'i i ~ ..!zr.f, i : ..; . • . , pr 1) :.I. . . . 1 I NRI9IIIIB RON—lePONCtreekociAg-,,87 1 410; : 43apck 29,00:. cliftnvioN ,14 P. ii.l1 1 49,t1.. , 3 1 •s-Send Qe#.IMVIL E PTY--1/ iii n '°gmt I°i' ' f STEC BEN VILLW PBY.=-linet64lltint Sit;,i titi ; 66 ; -Annapolilifl6.oo4 . •letiobnii, Steilbeirvilli, : 31.26 ;‘.Oak Eldge,,l4 46.. t. $7241ft.,,tt . ~ Vii.,.. SC H CYLE II , 1 0 BY,- = Sabbath Solieoly yoddridge 1 cons. ; 3.00. •'; . ,* ' ': . ; CLARION P'BY.2l.Ladies' IllsedoinlCY 'SO'cieti, • Rehoboth Voilg., 16.00; Siblitiin School,' Cal- 1 • lensburroong., 7.00; Female 'Missionary :So- .. oiety, Callensburg cong., 17.00;r Fumaleilltlis-, eio.nary§ooietY, Concord cong., 8.00. ;48.00... BL &IRBY ILL E P' BY. —Coogr iii ty , cong., nyknlii- . ..' ~.,. , ' ly collection, 20.00; Salem , ' 24:00 t' f. West% , Lebanon, 7:'88.;• Nen' SIM*: 30.68; Goitgruity,ll 30.00. , - $11.1.91.. , tvc . ..• • •.• c!......•...“.•r: .. ; ; RE DSTONB (I"11Y. 4 --Cortnell8Yille.,00ng.. 69.264 IR eh00th,;61,44 ; :§abbatl; pchool, Rehoboth cong., 1881. ' $1139.60...:. • FORT WAYNE P'BY:l=Bltifftim .con . _ ; Pleitiant Ridge; , tl . oo Nitir rasigiitter;in'part, ; 3 50. $18:00. . • ZtINESVILLE• , --iMegoottektriDo cong., FINDLEY, TrßY.. e, • • - BEAVER p n i a a k r ; . • • HUNTINGDONPBY. - :=- 7 1st;,ogisgivSpreioe; Creek, . to part,: and. to otinutitate Dkvid Stewart; Esq., AndiiMrs• $ 0 41 0 4 Members,. SAI;TSBORG '(Society OU'lnqiiiirY,' -) 10880zgd:26y '.Bolling! 10:00.- $80.t0: -11 'Tl' . • .COSHOCTON P'BY.,.-Keenc•ootig.,k2l.oo3 .Nuh• . Linton, 31.28.; • , Eaten,.ls.oo ; • East.liopewell c 7.00.. .$56 26. • WOOSTER P'BY::—Jaakkoif con ga; 1'6.15. • 'ALLEDIIENrCITy P'BY.UL,Jbvenil,i'AliesiOnary • Society 'Fairmonni eong;, , of which thirty sevew cents :is the'. legao,r4. Mean 5,19.58.,• ••• ..; .[ .; • .MISCELLANBOUS.--:Timen er.loneph Eakin" Rose Point; Pa., 1:00 ;Voliefeiiiitstate, by heads of Rev: .Df:•://trishill;!. 104 64 Mrs. . Ann Eliza Morgan, :to 'constitute. her•mother, Mrs. Fannie. Alexander, a Life:Pdember, 80.60; Bequest .of Mrs. Jane. Crosby,. per W.,Ewing, ear • 28.56 ; Bequest of Isabella Lyle, Per do., 10:06; H.' H.. B , 'Missouri, 10.00; Box of Ck th ing, from • Concerd and Pleasant-Valley congregations, valued at $142i87, 'for William Porter, Little Traverse, Mith..!f 1!;; • • •1 • 4 1 44Ph.7 -1 : e ‘ wur e . t• - Pittsburgh, Oetober".Bo, Al 1 8 le, Ot! " •'' ' • • " ' I„?'• • ••41'0111,1!), lor the Ezeebytartea Deaner and - Advocate. it ; ,ChuV.o , h, Boleti* for>Ootobr..i'.e.P • Georetowir iont.,:liria•Pia r rebytaityy•r; Fairfield . . • I -.44)n . vo: , f , :r 91501". Newport " Bearer -," ll.lm,t, :t •I • • wss.oo In niy . neknnwledgment'for•Septeniber; ;Central was printed Tor Centre congregntion::) ll • • : T.ll. NEVIN ReceivinsAtent:. . •Attaluigh, 0ct..80, •1 858.. az; .7 . • ' lii end `Atli The Fall ejections, tlie o epe e States,itit , e'?;esulted, exteesiielf,:in l it . o3 de feat of tile Administration, ;ble eno:oetii ?f Douglas, in Illinois, was hardly ~It is . .. • probable that the tare . gueatiort, will, henogforth, for a time;, enl ist the aatiikaal.politiciajleo • New Commas, Nov.S.—The number of deighs from :yellow. fever,,,pn Saturday, were •thirteeo. The total , during the rust week were one huziOied and thirty Ave. • tr , . , There was a'good fresi tile Morning. • z ,'"" _ •: ••• 1„„• • . I,;* OHARLEI6TON; Nov : tr.---the deaths from ytuow fever daring the 'Oast we4k," tootle tielve. , • /VI/ OCTOBED: 80.—A:transit contraet with NitleSre, Vandyke SL l ;;Wallacc i ,of, gl4ladeipi4ta,, unilert the title•of, the Central American_ 'Transit : Company, was executed today by OCU. Terei. signed, sealed, and delivered 'in 'the preseimblof Secretary Oars, who •Cordie,llY approves of 'the same. = It itrunderstood thaklommodora, Vander- • hilt is• the seet'et cash partner, , r , The contract requires eemi-monthly mailsend continues fin' 'fifty years, or, Should a railkolid be censtruated West of the Bay, for zeiiity' years The tranimit' Mast' be in Etinc'essfoiluitieration• -within four.rnonths; or the:grant, and.PrepertY;mf, the iinemill be ferf4ted:: Ohfflit 4, t•4o443!,he,ill terropted at anytime forthcspace v qk • 8, a forfeiture will ensUCT. • The only tax which can be imposedlB one. do t tar on ea'cli Plisiehger: 'Ptirtsvat the ' termiiii '' etre" free, and Sofia all linterior tlEkTiptionoitTittaan-f , i traokislntbjllo tray Ist4ll3:44 4 :?PffiANcht may be he9eafter -made. • : , • 4 iitimio , . „t)O. , , This peet, T acii secures the grea t ()Neat at wt .o uon our Gaferninent has aimed—LtiuS 4 %Ida u imiigati l on' of theriVer" and - bay. - • - - • '.•• (The Matter; is still;disputed.)., t> 1 , ) cc, , arr Novi/masa 6.—Thehataneejntha United ; Stites .Treasury, oFbthe Ist ofNevetabex;,. ) ,eas ,j7,,043, • (/00 ; tha t reeelp!i i tor the week were $7BOOO ; the drifts'paitl were 000! Nov. B'--445. private letter •frotheGalVelton i 'of Oct. 29th',' states that4he yellow fever' is 4i:taking, fearful ravages there,; Ala t erithAit. The ;writer ; adllses absentees.nOt; to re turn until the Jet 6f Peoeinnel:`. Therefii - e been no frobt,''icith phlinka to ,VverinJiiietithei.',T The fatality has increased : - GeneraLWard, of Georgia; isiippointedhliniator to Sardinia, ifn.,place f of the.' H2On• .4fin 4;;D•anieli,• resigned. Get!eral Waid vr, aft,the, President of last Democratic Convention. The Washington Union - 1)01160S a f table classi fying the teemh"erti of Oongress; •jtist, one howl red and. Tour. Republicans,:,twelve Ariti- Lecompton Memooratb, thirty toor,Demooratal. Sr. Lops, November 6.-L-The Overland -Mail from San Francisco. has arrived, • bringing , the ,titter Californian , of that city, ,of the, from which the following,.. summary b,fnewii gleaned of; The first dveriand Mail from' ItAtilde Malted San Francisco; on the inierning ‘of thelOth quite unexpectedly, being then only , tvrenty,four days -out. Arrangements were. being made to properly celebrate the event. , A telegraph dispatch had been received it; Sari Francisco; by the new line to the stiturait'et the *Sierra Nevada. . 7 • ~ The steamer Cortes, sailed for Tictorka : on the 9th alt.ovith only twenty passengers .. item : mere were daily, returning to San -Francisoodoaded down with the disheartened miners, who have been disappointed in their expectationg'OV rich yielde oflold from, Frazer • The , total" amount" of:gold dna fromi !Frazer. river deposited at the San Francisco Mint to the • first cf October, was $57,000. Mill 3 , . The Elections. ~! WIWI The Yellow Timer. rilla .... . W.,ashmgton. California. Markets. PITTNNUILGEI, 1 • 114811AY, Ni 'ember 6. Business this week was vary active, as compered :that of,the previous, Week. The.wharf, preunted.quite um . or d in ate& appearance ) , Amd pe r nFmber , of ltanits, learlioß • 'WA'S farad. A great daal or Bain had fdild.u. to' have had but little 'effect 'on %lir river % There Is ',fug clout wat.r in the ebeenel• to. puenit 'nests •to 'go up an& down, but not enough to Inearnpthe,permanentiremimptlon 'of navigation: A retro—Poor quaiities. $3.2553.0. Choice 4 0p04.50, white, 60. ' • • '. • , Bonn: AND YMos..-Prime ROIL Butter, 17a18o; commbn ; do., 144150.; packed, 10allo. Rais,lBal4c. . • ' • Beoos-Bhoulaers,' , s%o74;;Sidestisy o B%c4, plain Hams, 21;4'010 ; plain canvaased , doi, .1030i14,:soaar armed do., 12R,11 1 / 6 " ' toter useiwes--11..00 per Md. • : ;I ; ) Dacca eamr—Appler. 2.50: Piachei;4.6oa4.76. ' • 1 ; Daus, 8kaa—,12401210. ; . • Flurrsass--5011 . 536. market iiibibited More aitivity; thi'ddeuMnti bolus large, and 'sales „more liberal. , • We qreteas o follows: $476 for soperboe, and 3.00 for alba. From ;dere, superfine. at $4 87,@)6.00; outran! 5.12415.25:•and family do; at $6 62@8.62. Rye Flour; sales from first bands at 4.00, and from atom at 4.36... Buckwheat: fran'tithri4 ailed at 2.62(02.75; from ariltti?*PdPr. 14 .4 4 '4 and , ! 1 7 31 5 11 1.1t 3 1 2 6) 2.76 pot 100 tbs. • . Gams.;-Oats, 43a45.•:•C0rt. 611660." Rye,.73:L e Veed 63 for Spring, and 65a70 for, Fail., , Wheot, has ; 31$1 We now, quote Mediterranean at 85k96,pritire Rejlit 135;ant White at,Sl in sthiail iota from - wagon'." r. Elf , On —Lard Pfe..l ak 82%826e ; Linseed, 84860. • Pirieromelized; 70c.. tied Neehatenoekis 76.. 'From !toe% in7s n. desor; Reds /64 Flake; eikei t WOq, and ,N,eahaoneolui Bstna -Clove eold.freely)at 4.75;' but a round lot wooltt probably bring 4 87a5.00. Timothy, .1.60 psr,busball.of,ol MN, from first hands. ' - OrtootiosiTti..,o4Bugar,W,9 l / 4 ., by the h. 1 4 1, and 83( t aii% Yr, the bbi.,, and Molasier at 48140. "Coffie,"l2il2%. and Rice 5a6%. 'The fO)lewiug' quotatione of:lingo and Ma , lanes WO take from'ths New Urleana Proc:puns, of the 80th etILV. , I r • . (so 1;0 2 Good tie et r !l: 4 4 7 P l , :?rgtN,t4ill46Zfpi;;; lt lo,oftcentziapajpi.opba boa - desi k o,- ,„ wO , O receipts 2,631 hfide against 131 for the correapoodliireek haat year • 'Mil i6oeipte frodi they lat'-!of 'Elaidelinbir/ 8;898 sthda. agalbat 364 i 4o,the sEmaidate :last year. .4 Ifsicteres=There his been le; Meal supplY, 7 "but with a rod dema`od prices advanolid lir the osttlyiPirt of.the' week , 2•23.6 c. Vs galicn. - ,Up to. Wednesday. evening,, some 2,8(9 Able. were sold at'B l li32l;t i c for ordintriteehOlde: bet jib terday the, rates fell off, to 80a310A ,Wlthisalea of shoat 1,000 bbis. Today prices were still lower, an rf solo :400 were' sold at 28 2 8a20 , 18 - gallens,'.ler prime" and choke. Half bbla. eoung dull; at. 03tgallon. , Week's receipts, 6.251 MAI; , egaimet 1 . 881. Or the enTwalondiiB week last year. Totarettedpte eines the let ;of September, 13.886 bbls... against 1,866 to the same dat e 111D0N , 4,1*0, - 3Ka4d.; dreeseel, - 4 1 / a so. The•ChioaghTri buns, of Saturday, 'lava:- The Hogs ,eonthme large; notwithstanding 'which the market is active, and: Mime Were shoo t'10.3. • bettei , h eery •• A contract tam =de for 2,000 Hoge to bo delivmxi !this. ,mon tb, , at, .24 nit—the'HOgs to' weigh,. about 200 Di •Fort. Hairy okurmild tri-day at $4.26e4.86, greesultCL 6.811 f, r~~+:,~.7 , .. . THE COMMIECIIAL SOR - ObLl be the largest, moat flourishing and.; most pletely, organized„ is the iron, City ,College , , gf! Mittsburgh. i pa.—From Sun's 'Merchants''Merchants' Afifg ) a-; sine, .of October, • 1858. ' • ounq*:' lt• ' 10,50'• , . rADvzonirmEi . • • Tn. cash system. of ;business is certa in l y the! 'hest for `all'claseee, and where' its 'ecoompanying . idvantagee are shared hy. th •finyer it begetela confidence end eatisfactioriwto the opposite system is ;a stranger. ,Altitagnpunte for the successful exp.erimeht. made. tox rederSl'Stieet, Allegheny •jii - the tailoring and fe'rxiisliing trade. ;Hiiisttiek pis 'to henf the bettei . Ohiek'and 7 sold at ' close"rates rforeash. • 2i , "sr • [Avvinimazramr: •• •.:...(` ' l -*. Have yon a IlietateitLiverl The question:though 'Maw ins, is stipoiently r suggestive When the fief icia' keit into 'considera tion that dieeilies of the moat alatMingly. l frAuent in the United k Elqi* in deed, there.iiiii few 'fOrikidable (iisealien'gpaire • • not in Bonte.My o trsy , ?ast ;l koloik GeMtpg.l ll triol . thatitopOriant vpi 7:Or the . comp idnta :AtntsUy . 948114 .tniflea: *ONO of Conan, Viol); Lave thefr , erten. in thl. Liver. Any remedy .that wouldimpnec.„rciptlarity, andhealtkftii,a4inn in the Liver, Tovdl : trne l I. has been the ..exigiwation: . Onthonsandp.. j ahat remedy has been 4onnd; l tit R io k anfe4ofilAykre, .When a fair trial les.been atfor4nditi itibaSielnar been known to fail; :o.l):'_R ';4 ems it , 'Reader, have you any disease of. the . Liver, ler 'Come ,whioh yon.belleveaproceeds.froni hepatic odartingemeutAtliciwaotikintonent,but pinch:lige . a boi of. Dig..4l l Lanii'eriPillll. prepared by Plowing IPittabUrttb l , •Yakanid thOytwiti!restorh.ion to Health.) ititi the Cielygrehiedygyitt dieddiferitd ? is which' litilnitroonfidnhai maPii.plaiielijillt • T'nrnhanera willlbe carepti ' ta 3 itelPfoiDitillr .lAlTE'S CELEBRATED Niaßirpimi,Esiii* factored by FLEkIINEI"VitCI3::'or Pe "All other 'Veiniffnieo (if 'OninPariabit are worthiest. Dr id'lkine'te: asinine Verinlfuge, also his celebrated Liver Pills, can now be had' at sit respectable ding stores.' Xone genuine unthotit ihe sisfititiere of 'FLEMING BROS lortigif The sews froth Europe reitah'ed - to the 29th The dal . ** line "of ;s r teameis is tti b;43iiie feitlit3r;•ees 'it 'medium Of mail ' Tile frill Wit the time:ter dispitebei ", down itioiit'io.inrio• 010040 tie4e2n thiothithients. 11UP/talus- . ' ieNtAig tletrikOW `Ot distal, tint ally iiiiirtll34l; gae." ' : ' t 'dog 3 tievookri= i 0467 Voilicater letAks 7 . the, gpi,; ( l 7 lc of •iltittiWiin,, ant! 4iltokist:M44ol - ,*.:,iiri* ‘ 7 9!* 14 4 fr i g lado ol 6 iT7l 4l4, 4**Ml t :ttd;" . while riey, await !neer°. ; . 0 from kitapleeplTed.,. Laid _Milli had 'Blida j apa n % • .h, usi al LA 7C.3 Tiade"it' Onion *so ototti‘nt. l ligtottit dal illhingbab were f rfni.dif h3t1.1 • The gee erel lP erl ifi l eetlee.o. o l444alrft*C have resulted in, fatfer, Liberals, ilill MITZI 11111.9 T.M j jk!V t arj • • • A:fcriaidablg tosorrecti_ly reiortedste ' inglicarred ; • inane were .killed TiOopelotieibeen dispatched: • 'thither to . preientlfartheridiffionities:Vacpenishi . the, offenders. uor. ;41e - ma-..x Intl' 1 1 ,The 1 1°, ,P r Os l iktVlNlt committing terrible outrages on coo steam 'lan' population." tia've the beffietlifftiV,iiiltiliqinli porfe'd Fiantiel Mdesiiirin disine - 011ierraent , h ilittrkiSh ern pit cird tithe" 16SMIttibii . a, k , '..ereeluVonstantinopplit,al4o4. 1:17 0 v; adqj ..,,;.The,reported nyassaore f ,oLthp ?seWoh,on tugnese ,ponstds . Titaft, jprotes it `O, A title. a ; , :• 1•1•,: . '" 'Couliderable ezoitementilezieted at tonidan-,! !regarding(t 3 / 4 141 tpiesince)..of :ithe - i United,' :StiOB frigate Wobas4. l oAe F korte;halAprotebto.., as.ktike, largely, eaneofisitinklinhiptimtolthe ytt) , .tbei Of 'LOGS. • , • .k../31.':! ) . 1 4440 4 ,0i; t.jr; , of. Paris, will-shortly, be lintehdedr:to, - ,the...fertitii ; cations. ....', ' t • The French and Portage : regard to the ship,Maiiii - GArge . reniitein'styf quo . "Cotsiderible itOdinbAtiile theiegenfteii-t! gent Likesport later of thirlnterlOvhadsent orders; to • the?fren l ; tiers and seaport towns,, - ,for ' t tke, ae,thoritke to., oonai der ; passports ,itzkoeforTtb.,as, a; title .to,,atitt: Pot a eattse for delays . aitiOtanties:' `•-• Thl* zPriita3i,l r Teiii Ides tepoiti•'ilitie . l'or-' tugal iaXstit dispelled to Sone tkia therdeniarid of - Pr de Tenfies ; charged; with% ; dispatch ett ) •for tbs.... Wench Minister int, leighopi . had, arrkved in,. the city and .delivered bikipstrvothine. M. D. Pairs, the POrteensee: 4irtie ati• ' LiAtion'oe r '21,4'14 t.F jrn The Thieel Per , tentei %UV mdaitictdioligek. elosingJat , 72f: £030....: si •.1 d:)•cartt , bIA.I '1 1 .1 , :Iratigh MconfOftWelkslP aritt the,Tagtia.., j EKare i rcßeptAtfielligetiqpjfa at the . ,ditfignity likelt ;to taf mitred." • 4 0A1 Tarr taiiiititi have r igliaa!“.aii': that it eritei tO-W-tittieritsiinfotrtiefii ; `"): 1 -4 1 1 1 '1! f. , 4 • ill The Primehm s : Malabar.. :were topened: on! the 20th by the PASCO:At' Mriunkifi, The •, Regent on, the.following,day sent-: in a measage ti regmetini the Chambers to achrioaredie the Regency. , R " l The nu an poa ea one 'on 'the f Amoor:riyer; ', are being repfdly 'deierciped adoornme'date •• the expeeteltredevitht Chins; nailer the new treaty.. The:goverrimeat,ehgine.rei'Vfopole the eoestrPe-. tion•ef . railway,.from . the . ,Gulf contingent bend of the 'homer river. •mier.i!M)Wdopprzww• , .2qa , .•,.sa..;asrAl:MT.t.: IMMEI!!!!MIIM Indio • Letters from Bombay to the 24th Of Biptember, state that operations are being carried on, with out Sigging, against the twittered rebels. The arrougth rot thetrebels in Oude,.and the adjacent districts, is seyeoty thonoand men,, with fifty-six guns : it,is bald+ that utue outlaw...l are to be or ganized at Luckt3ovi to traverse the country in all dieeodous, awl / Otiertiti'ageinst tb,d rebels. ' London Thsee correspondent! thinks that Prow thirty -eight {A; forty {how-mt Sopoys hate been or,exeoßtorl. and adding the oasualtieo by . anclinnes, woltuga nod want, that . not more thin twenty pei . etin't ofthe original Bengal army i ta::ektitibiai; ”orifniscludiug dui dinardled iegl l. '; :r' ..).. • vitta mitt that tliera;is'ittbe an amnesty deilnrid in the proclamation of thsAueetep.anthority.,: The rebOs. bave beel . ,„pereitted; with, 4rent slaughter, on, an island Gelgra. 'ThSre* weii thiev thousand engaged in the 'coMilot. -"Thai were - a riven -out' 'or their entren'ohed :positions; one tbonslind woeeaiiited , inoludinr.two Jeadert; tJte glitieli!oencWttritillAng• -:Bombay, was clattlil. 1',.-ttlf•L'i t.i.• , r!i' 7'., 4 :4 ~! , • -... '.... : .... .• 1;* 11 Darr, i.•••; ~..ti!' • ot .. •CS•': ,'• i - ' • ) rt • ~:. . • .:. : ..• :. 4! . , , 11'.1 :! ..ob - : 7 .1 . ! ;!J;. : • ' '':'`:'!:' '• : "%.- iI. • f f piestartakfia. . rig„ , . ! • • .1,z . ..6 eA4l:Nsirrnozy or toisogVE DOM -10 PiOVldidief fA 11 111 nnitilliVratae p liMU4Pllolktr 1 1ee141n39T , Juocarr:lllo 71",,o• ) -.• • vlbt.pka • ig bib 1. artirli.A.:l:..q: • • 11 611;1' f s, (...1 :.•• 1 t .. • ii.: : • 141 . 110 •, . , X.iototat , Hay. Wirdlow; f01:1120IlY,Of Westmoreland Cloantyi Pa., to AtilaiJa‘mip-.4. Monapa, all of Para, g.intiOgy. , ' jo -i • iji.ili'riaTh On the 2d loth, by 'Bor. Jonn, zi Wumit;alf• Juke itli*orm., to mitia . Mairak of the late Mr. Ailanilllar, York OonatAgrkl. „,., ; chi .mhoviday, ottotiedath,..4 tlto , riallMitoo oll:‘,11(10 briiVeirather Itlabbiateoanty,'o., wav: Mr.. 'J. WIC. Ins ;orCriolli . oreakc WasidViblalkrosty: Mlat Maar P. Tema. „.. r , s ,„1 0 On the 19th,of Redeber, ib_j!Bar: jlt:DoolOpr. CLARK Mita EilaklrJANl Willillt;rbOle Of Graullail ship, flanieon!Connty, Ohio. OA ti !W.? n; :.! • . • Septeinbei;3otb;•, by J. Aleisnderi Mr. ):alas oAai!.4 . )pt t ito Mis r s Aaaks P+IREBOOIt, of Washingto n County, , Pa. 'Oetlbatlblb, M. lloritagai , HAttivia,-! • Cadailo44 ,Conaty,,Obio, to :Attu PilltatiTi-.410,1011v.44.4.7441114•1 14 ,Cil), ounty, Pa. • , -; , •4 • rf r At Um parson sige,in Washineen . rdisy.msonslng, ' October* 6002, by-Bev. W.- Mt (Pargairiac-MlClotifiboort,. 090'2'913,4f .coMissibus, 0., aid.Mhstpqrkilkorh, of „pc former . •"_%• 1: ; ostobor Roy. S. M. wallas% Mrt&AsoN 1311111.1. f t2o' Miss Nett IT AIITA Biows , Tall of Payette County, Tenn.. October,2Bth,Mr. J011114.,3119t38,t0:iiiM1, biaat - ,AAA 11.rnBi o altpf Fayette °minty, Pa; • ~.*t '•• At.ltoeemottiit,' by W HnCilor; tbe Nth' 111r:•Josaro }tempo:to Mat litiolinlittatTA; both , of 'Beaver . ??naty, Pfmna. • . . • •In Ottumwa, lows, August 17th; by Rev. J. M. MeElloy, Mr: Mammal!: M. Toes; late of IlutlarTAintY;'Pa., to Miss 'Emma Emma; of .Ottomws. ' , September •22d. Mr. Joie' L. 2311111 T to Mims ANN Elaza . Ou the by BoT. D. D. Clarlce t ,PampaL . nif.; of Xaisse TerrlhitY; to Miss Agragtglitniot County, Ps. ,-; .Itrt ••• ; 1)011 By Ito-v. John ;;V:1 IPC Armstrong County, to . MISS MAROARIT MmHg, of Yinlatt Pa. .otobei Mr..7astis flzia, Of •Wai'rerrebliitig. • to Min :80Pals hiAnOop, of patter, polpety„.Pa.: On ,October 28tb, by Rey. Alexanlier;WOnnibel. INAPIN ,bozmuito, Esq.;io Mee Anar.J;Oii WXciaosria; itirof *Mb linatibgdoti Toiinikap, Weetineiroland3Cennti,'Pi.'l. 4,G3 • , In Green SpringzVeabiy; Tfenspehini Ccinnty; VnyOntobital 19th', , by,Rev. tdoeeelltarnond; Mr. Smitten, T. mooL4Tirrar. 'of the Arne pWri, to. MIN iitavisn VtiorinA; • anuititeent 'tboolsctattngclergfmah.., .t • • ':; ) . "0:13/.1 Pttlffil4 • di U.U,441 .4Pzci . . , ticitd.ufgiklicitidieu Erd 77 •yearEn evs l i 0:!:t IntgArYtt-LlMlMPtAlibnr.kra.4:PaPtfritAi'4; find 1 aof . e, nip 1 tEin 'and 18 017.7,. n ip 9-I'7.r. zut.t I tin:6.01;1,0 .toy ; :iov Dien4-September3l9tha7Motety k stilanghte.a.„-.4 Sauteed; PA PflAxlti PtmithiAtilLi*-a her age. • . 4 Mt j . 0 g11: 4% . iritifti?. few 4no"the ~,,Tkfrint l ulat„taccpl y 1%061411e the cold, CPPAfigir#"*ii 4 .4"igigl•SlP !WA firk°o s l.l3r . sUltroi.E't 2-; Plki4(ax ••• ••, 1.. r ." • CU VOIT44IfOOHAMS dity;; keit; Oattibeedth. a.tifittio iftlicizi %rather-lit- w,•Tir!tratten, 4 liffi6 ldani4l.3lknar s agid acieasts„- life iirofeseed (to', JoVe 'her . 42114E4 hid united :With the Prestiy teriati church lit t H4cireitoinikPitiov. i.. .l3tiring her !Michalak', .ehe 'exhibited thrirthin'reeigistifioic , iindSciiint•in h'Ope Jane. . J • , , • J 1 J A .: , ,,ytig . l '•` Diun—At Zioneentra.CocuitypPingion, morPing; • liovenlNT c•P*?1,4 1 4 113 5117 ,0 u. 1111 , daughter °t' 8 ,g""/ 117°. g uu .r. 'yet, re m aining consort May;fif, :, ' tok i nga 'of •7 years,l•4'4iontie? e" "1. tile get:y - 14ot 0 4 •,• li p • .:11:.r; 2 • • Ne one saw ner eland have thought canildjfivelociiiiikier'eut to become !,. !t! 7• .:u• elf • , its victim go man. xet t tee gone---gpne, as we , humbly tohe ens., severe attack ~of'ao let • .1711Trif . • t , 4 1 111r r Apl y bititl i Ati e f' fi!Tat!•1 11 :::t • ' I ' I " ship, ObitittNlPAYPßliPkitiatativiLiiihs, Sr., aged 88'N:cm .!c7. I Mr. Barber ; Wks. AP l ll o lilfAlNAerfill• early TOutilkbto.cainta ta , PutilletCßOtliitllYeAo CiAinty, Pa. be- married: AndriellArettid !himself ricitk the:Prebbyterian, Church:: aftll3ll the removed to hi/ late-yesidenee..o ~Bver . since, ; lie las'beep •ntember;of.the eburek of. Cross Meek, kalid for many ',years. ienstained ; the !nlEee of a gt 11 der. ROA eharaotbri zed 1 . 3 i: great •equanttniti, and naifolti cheerfulness. , . t•Ele plm :tt ally attended- upon ' all cltke means of. grace, Pivbile Nis tiowilt;•atfd stood high,lbeth as`a min and so' the charbhJ IfoldzedJoUnid see ':lPhitallkethfs 4ederible slid belaveit f4 f th l er, thetienfc** ihdir I oC the T irlatut keTtitiale‘Otilii•Oin4essildiliteiyifito 'd; ,rtillaice tie thi'Veliptirotrezi4. The adiafaViliOcnitli lift, ie YaN olio bi iatinho ' Batt r*: • • ! tltit'Atihils residetiCe, in MO Pieasanitown ;ehip;•Wasbington 'County, Pa., ,on depaember.2,o4l, 1 , ihk .19,iPg CitoVE.lttitige4 about; P 5 YeEP:M... 1. 2 :1, , The anbjeskof ,this-briefnotine was a native of -Irelat`xl;,-/eho,mnigrated ;to , this country :about might:years ago: , : Settling in the; boo ods , of Mil 31W,adttut congregation; he united with ) that church 'on' certificatelrOM the , Episeopitt Church, to which ihe( l bekinged ,in theilold , 'cOuntry: , During: this Ishbrt life among ne; , .be was , note& for! librietirin g 'Median, 'eie'Sriplary piety; . 'and;titirii' hotietty. The-disease of which he died, iiiiiwcitriber , id' the 'stomach.monthsFor months lie was diS4ilidi T:oni en 'gaging in his usual biMill esii.l' Milch' Of ,) the time 'he Wee'ainifined -: to-tilie' lionsii," laid I ciftiti ; • i stiffeled • ' isfri; ietAring . .0 tile Mitiiili - •iiiiinifiat an. 'T'uittl)6lllEigeeifitinees: liii'Woil'lt Otioillittiiiie i4i4iiai.lifil lips. , A l oi ai lam a d -,- w4 , 60 • i: . • zEi.u.c - 7 , ~, :_ ~....tu; .t ...., • 7,t tiar s1"1- 6 4rAttY 1 , t 8 1 11 P 1 7, rP 32 ,• /1! 14 4.a, ~„" 4fori ti , t'lliln. 'Hit 1 1 4014.04 it) !r40 6 # l i F 64 : i tiM s t ii7 . en ' l ?.,P. t :,t t,' 'f i l J i lr i i!')r t 1 awayl t o ,Mren!?!. ft9.;s7 l o ,P l iM -fists ,st, better w0r1d.,,, J' ITV ISl)lclitesr7"..Mt° Ali t , q*Ptf'd l s dcathed,..tu,htitsr hie,leet tilmaatplokfNl Ire for cfpd.vidilPreParP 'ic trOetiPhAlk t S' , -FA'r li the strugglings rof his, soil c fp,lkstAts, : . tktith ,s scene will never he, forgot s tpt l / 4 19? pttree,,p,,lrit nessedit. Long 741 ;hip WA, erY.;47) , !k9tP.S7 .in the :hearts 4 ,013)41: ORIPMd . t*Milb 1 , ) . 1 1 01 A•4 1 4 11 . hearts of al), whp,kngier, : ,lok i l i ;•,; .te r .K 4 I • ; is Eta 3r:,1. 1 . ,_,DxpD,--Xa • pair u14.;14' . ' ' 'tit D. TtrOm oftkie " Thet al'itkjece bf Silo wile's' 'Wo're , h'Y'it;ail,' tad Ctirfati r anr ^A• liiied * Thirlitt - of Ilia" WO Leans; ~nnd (lied 'tho MEM2I =I •• tri timphs of the. Chrlettiri 101 1% Re was early hron e ght into the aurck,Unon — ejt de instrumen tality of 'David Mnßinaiii t, * than pastor of the Spring Creek churoh; in Penn's Valley, Pa.. From Ibe first ho was: ate': natiie, working Christian.• After the organization of a church la Altoona, he was called to discharge the functions of a Ruling-Elder in that Ohurch; whiCh offioe •he fiNd until hid death, with great credit tohiuiself, Ind universal satisfaction to the :people: In his death, the'community have lost i'valdableeitiiebt the Church a bright ornatnent, his brethren 'Of the 'eldership n'Whie - and prudent 'ocifituthifir,-* is, , ntor a sad ilibitiat and above all;ilit . tnrititta 6mA deietied , and a teutia int eidde l iful:fatkar. l telii is his untiiittlitt* c iatiol;4, l ',SOlesk" are dead oi,efie 4 :ll447' 4.64 itai we lilt who iiiew•ioWiriOii W5:410144 imitate his en,amila,:',W4lkin.,hia. fooie* , h • , IV:. cheered in I.ife ttoN.Etalne 4 1 91krk„IffIr.Olik • : Nr same triumphant deitti Then . ehall , we fie' With hini t ‘fniever,,in , the , be l art•siricicen wife anditith j erlses dim. _We' • -.of r sr../ JO commend to the 'oars andligntee ourgovewpwt . keeping God. . • ;, DrsO-20f natural debiiitY; oit i MMidliyi:Novrni-1 her Ist, Mrs. SABAH:4BAm: relior 'of+ the". late: Adam Liam, of ,No rth Huntingdon Th*lllll49 yestmarelancl PeR4 16 74,PA , t1 1 410 TA 7*-1.8-n:: .. 1 • The ciro um atipaCekoflitrilittlialka earirlifei would. be too •tidionit tOinariate v'stilibie+it toil weirl 'of her 7 religiotielyPthittiftge litairttleined , : With ! , , 'sedulcitts , care -bittite: iitineiNintv of the German: A lilekonnedikelff?iiteAiiiinsbifegtoitbniflikliVOthi rthilitli(diisli *file's!"rikilltii iiiid4hfutilithiit nuinii 14. I ITlke S iiiiildi4f thii fittibtitef. Ifilithinti' iiej, titiiiiiititi isittinl4'inorV thiii tfir,11631,446.! !firit' ''Cli eli , iotts:foOtilit i thei tiii)tiii hitliiiii;tiViiitild..o and he 40iii it to' be iiiiili the tionigii , lof 64 iiiiiiiiiiitormiYi . ortineeseli viosavaovaiiiiip,oakt vai fait tqViii.:athidreV,lid'iie Olniiil s ihi ;idiii•l • i•Wii,ol,li, 4iiiiiWiiiii'eigtoP4io iiiigitl 3 / 4 5 'esa 'zjii!,y, tf fei.. *Me igiiiiidasigi l l i ia i?Viiikai .. .t .:. ...g ram ,4 r•i, 11;0 .. J. 1 ., 4.. r: tr 3,2f1( :1 9 X P °r " 'VI I ff , "R u t 11 .9°VP' 4 ". °T 4 1 " M ° l l l finei ioileiiiY,,iiariio ie= cbsii, -1 4C4t - iio J,, , i !,. ..•3X, ..‘..)-: u 4 IV. , ' , !"..U... .. {3 M' 4 • A g gh t qX 1 1 M I RP9 'Ol h , 9 FC 'Wtia# not he; ,q, scat 2, 1 6 1 1' Itirtel, ViNl elPlAlit#PYllit,*thns t $4 A n :iNTRINOti . 1104. iblikiiiinltkanqie; : ifxlfidOS Vit et 4 PO ..9mgeL i , I 130ffs c lOi r t ,wiflovri liith l it:4ftrimy.4ol7 l . -Pfi children, around her , • PanYl. nttikliam -Young; jalie :lisubs.rged• Ake ) 4lntiesjofyher- perijous i trust iwith such rarhi-sticPesai'l that Skepticism keolf; ...N.lewin g , that, family walking :before. Godli Odegi !city of heart; . , °outdo hardly: doubt) the Tealitrof • that . ; invisible; guidance 7 and': 811004tVirbieh ''. a ilthiinant God has engaged to ltnpart, ilipiinnisiAg stO' , bl; ig•hesiiatol to:the Aiidow',... arid skither'w the . fittlitlrßee.l n iiier;teltiFerNiietirtiftirolly:ldatiotciiiid t tiiikqitil: it4ll,rti l oCifte.e , Yiiiiisti::Wiiiiiii't:tiiiiihi ' freni iiinid.liakiiie, it 'an .1- iinifOile 41156sitioii, - theitgli"shi : PitioliefthesiPiit iikii4 . iingiesiegreti; , icift' 'Uteri ... l44l'c ' ief.eiiiii Of Iliiilii rat liiii s tillfillt is t3Oti p r. :oll:,filaritttiliy inipitieelf gwitii'Velitieiwoi Ilit4l64o?"l3kiii*EetethWilt , flas l'itigixt4iilii *IN' r. ' lute" i.iliiir . ii . `'‘i .. eop'n' . ' fatly ''', -iT te : YlP : tie * tank:Wel 'iritkiiiidq ilie,h - niiink ilati 4 iiiiVira4 , s , e i ttl-LWt . . - ,1 7 0Y : 711 .1 1 1'tcft' , 2 7 rti i Di ° it •"..‘ l . 9 , 1 .c 1 ' tee i t ' l4de ,g r°°° P ° 7l 4 l , 4ftl e .f I ; l ' l ft i T l s l,° -q r 7 ' not, for, the d?aa as ther„yrno. have ,A 9 I hope, •J` Fir if .71g b e il ,..IT ''' iit u ti t :sl4 . "Akt.d it' . 'd , rose 'gain, even 2P,i9 l ,ellift. B° .7 l !Vi 8*9,11P :leans , nillAod.,bripg l ltith*.7 ; l . .;;, . .. ILICG. • • t!) sd7 tized tio Vioocr •Pin A l LT l Ctin a WN 6 44l.. E M ll br,i s ir j *a34411J cimaigtilk** 2 3 in 4 :4 Mir STYLE. I3 I4ION, s6o:ooPir ,rt ; l ink s sthititbat filte , ingionontwAx i vitinw•ltAto '!",?:11.TN27 Iktmo? .4* Than Machines sew firnwtvp. spools , and iig l a issue otikiiiipilakidf:atiagui+timity;s eery,' Bl t4lrOe•Cut: They are %Jinni& onity the bow in Ihelnazigertb; 11!• , 1 eil u.:''.;! . 0 1 V A llfenrAT 4) l l . INF! "UlCUl l l ba llE4l u6:IY r , CrEINI IMITIS •Litiflth la 01 'ZW9 MUM: Thiropig W cf V 1.4 ttlftne . Treo 4 . dr,0 . 10ij ~_ ••• • ; O r i 1 / 7 1/ -9 V. tbeAilertO,EdltlOw, 9 1 44 ) 11 r, bourn& 41 TriftlintOrier., mrtll.• be Bold low. Aleo,,Oe new edltlea;6wo/5..R0p1 . !ew.." belt lig:km . 4lin Turkey Morigicd..,` i..t t pll.o ,irll: t 1; Jell Inktike &Mg of Solomon . isl,s,o,"iktsf eft hs.sq re Cause et pal and Trutb. 41 berworui and T vas; bouna.s.stolg ; „ . r, j lica3-1t • • • .215 • tThliiii*StieWt p PlWbwV4•l4.: Ptiblieiitionii. of 3 116118016•411bivesilimin APP ,li ngrathtt l lstgaiet:liif .• : . 1-1!),t-e.e0 elf k P,ati n ,7if PY.Cattgeolligrbi. *) :r:. • h;i.! t .thc 22 P.Y0402.4.460ht54 1 0 606 :=;, JW.I CoLfiMAIO; i f i n ditiatifiea at d.AI crag! r• ' t "tairjav aw-) vz :o t'ls7laAAasv.Pe3o:l4l , I.triinalbkinsto . nqw e liliguty:Ati t Am el*, 1 ° -or gi ctsvdiuniZinow Tino 'lf I • ' ,By/gsti lm ;,=cor. get, rm. bdat luau& 5172. 1211. ./Ally portion f die& Llbrarieemay be pure4eediA erlAp 41.1ppiAtof,tnpilit=p,e t ri l t i e vc a i ftt i tzto p ptice • providedihe Odes • 1 rt )44°114 7 . : P:'ENG Pilbibil n utrAtiVit;" ; 81); !{t 11:.1 - ,:11.1catik Kamopmas istresur f de/A 44, . •;; - I[l - 014410,14TA.Y 6 15.1ED1XAL 111 . Mil* OSLIE , v l iverpat roe3lChie . of the keit' let: ally',:Tlikeiran,-, '! mass isle nit* the itebetiellrialthdlnenet: In lands both aiviiists sod gangs, It, it ,the, mod:icing . o r f the million for ell the intArdia teotillollatihr'Of Age Itueen Bola et tee loannitetory, 080 slain ,ueue y Nom Orly, edged WilitDritzgler4 pe c tibee•ox pot; _ APl33t, T C P 1: ikisi anima aaasaacion%l r t i h i rr fa a family,ps 1. MP . 7 .`tet:* 4771 hilit 4 t 3 AM l lfl l .olnA L b . itift• • tr" - 'VI if "WI MD aiiiiimitotityxgr DI 'ulna evalcklfuirAmmwrotywoLAß444 og AtA ppg; A DiAtilll3. • ruloi&nriortsieircorii) Strefitiibbve "dak' scs ..resairogh rrANuT riikxvz dranj'etmilalsbliekrastotit • to 4, rletritiir. 41.1-1,1w).Z5114:". _ •10 el mod ai gg rre glinr i . P:TOr i ) 1 : t i t irei d . lf ° 1; Ti t l e : l 7 14 .5161 0171111 , Er 0•11111111111111ABY, apatailißSOßML—The. t Winter, Tom qtAis Altruel tarn Emilie Beliteriary will *lea (XlTOBitlegerk: -; • tiwill4m;:, a 43 Reg Si'.; tL. , .(17 GREW I - 11 qfo r.) •'o* • ijVdr ' 00 1 0 . 2 7- 11 IP / 0 II EP isnaans , :f avnrm!m• •ffiffl • , „ OP . inaystd 4 lNDlZlNgsgaitie • 7,1;41,., mi ffo is. „op , lamas, 'MUM +lllAr _ • THE W. ILDB, OF BOUTII - .A7MTIP•- iT , ' This &alma* of :thrilling (advent...twain said Itiairbreadtte begets d ore /MYNA MOIL Dr. , I =anelr g aini s rie white • man, Iltravaildfriwitto afrkirr attehdanA amorialferent fteibes , mat natipme, all ettrarge to him, end many of Ahem ho/itile, ' l lendaltogether 3 forintria themost satonishiak book diem: oak the woridluaq ever sawt.. , , 1 els ThislKork; in iiddittain 'to its ipt`ereetieg oh/erecter a kW*" k of [ treed,: and the •Veiy•greet ,petscinal merits bt its linOmr,is amatiallxwortivapte attention of the( ICE T, I'G, I 0 UP" WORLD, 1 ZOn acodeatof .the , new, liehtl4filibuilonsryashra:gerhich It O „hl pwit„tbe peopief 3 hich, au thor presents on tioVsr method Aid shatsr,.tOfilaiSZilige,B.AßßAßOkrodkeNk , he new eri bliTOry ot 'I ef'a stimo N k.ll y. 1.3 rimotirl9,-1 - ,1 t i vdeb. It, wilLprobably ineurgentei A4l, gpr, Agents ao kdowlestge it the moet'ealeablet book wo,blished:' The' Most. iliberal CODIIIIIbBIOII MOO toMMIN, small or, /loge visa titles. Nor particulars, address • i- • • T. IV BRATILkIY üblieher; ' ry; - 148 ENorth•Yeertb Stzset,Philadelphie;Ra. ~Copies rent by moil, free, on rec'etiat'of fairies; $1.25. Ile, 1 r Inl. - 1.7 oy i ; .* - itti A it if: grOUti YOIEINBTab NlVliro • Vlb 111;141.• W A 111 BATA AND ANTAIL.--W • Daliatar. joroisToli , Smithfield gfitiet i PittabniglG;(fiearly'. opposite the Oaf- Hosseiplasejnid opened R yaftnriCe selection of (AMEN ANDI3I•ACN NAI3; • • ' , N the lateetimportaDaner idles %• ft 4 z I ,•?,tIO,,LAWILLYB.A., AND OLD 00y • ND291TJATA CON icOVIP:9IIIOV (jab% 901411; Crashed and:Pitlyerimad Bogor', ties ? Moo. our; Peel end - Coln Btircit; Farina, Iresit. Pow- Micciironi,Vintealitliioorlba; Brom d; Nitro Vo: hand 4,lpiced Moro's* • Pure ,Dround Spiess., Castile, Almond, Palm; oenniiiiand ROBili Soaps; sup. Carbonate of •CS oda ;:Ores= Tartir ;01sta:inns Table Balt Pnreltitrects • onion and Vanilla:. OW; Mould. end Dipped Dandips ;,130. seosied Hams `: prioid - - 'Beef; /fakir - and. ' k . ,. °.. l=k eri li.:Sreil iPi pix=VCritCH,ind & ,o "':d `ID owderste • _rotsti: Aye j w . vtimots!!,7 so4cips, share of patron- 1 go, "'AO Ike, I J: ' "MEI TWEI'I Erz PROOftEIfOS •. q tea ..! PRESBYTERVI RANIER EIM ct 4. bo C'Zttt•., The Buttes Ie puhlieluttweekl,y, lit *be FlltSep of l'itte• burgh end Philadelphll,iiittidailijebedhillemerilededellatlon In the Premb:rtoriari. f.axurek IN ADVANCE," :'T tf ' ' lrrtil ?MIN :TT " . ' Owl jj , r 'sem.. IN CLUBS of towsty,andopinttaot) 1 . 21 " •• Diaavirmar In either of the et , • 1.74 4 .. ADITIITIKIIMENTB r Ili Ad" - 18.1 h , - " • 101' idea Mum, or km, quoin/titian ,os,ounto ;,eoch Bob. boviout loarrtion;2s' ionta. 'Rich addltiosfil 'ltsrii,'boyoßd eight, 8 poem for . ioxigy-laster.t f, .•,) 'oreight tines, tom . $140. - ilisb adcUtlonai Hoe, 25 conta. for eight litoes,Chis TiorNll4sll:4l6bliddlitionoli in. $l. 01.111.,8 of two thief, $11,4,...yeir. A4os 41 for each addi tion/41 line. '' " ' .''' "" '" ''''''''''' BUSENXBB NPZISiIf! of $1 0 4484111 htliOntiklu A r Back additional line, fr cent,. Commtinkedkialietekdieiliedniatiory enztventidne.2de dicai Practice, geh,~4,Alio. r being designed for Lbw prow ottani benefit of I v ldnal s be' 'paidfor as Bn Ill) et a Notices. . Rim: .by.,msd! ,sood.oilontt7.. Is otherwise el * be at hand: Drafts or notee Of` the'lar eidenendiration. ere preferable, where they,earkine tips _ tly obtained. Pesroas send** na twenty sub • re and upwards will be theritireatltled to w Import-well:Wit charge: N,ll-nivi tzesprtirlan famlliesarevAerxecuphAleperved, their may be aceommodaled it the Clib'prico,iiren'thGugh a row of the twenty hPoopvtimbi. LcstAkt Desapplled, if Fold. hie. The Pool we /hall favor, to our chnostehtllty. Let Um supply be rum. but every paperpoidfor. Per Tiio Ddt air fad; stilitill4rild Seventininaliert; or for One Dollar, Til 2.lo.yrihrlie pponbere ; „ Thia le for the selteot easy remittance. • , - ' ' - I.l ., ,Pitstorei ii ,isiskiner pp , elulni, find ,soptcpernons not ready to pay, at onse„,..throymay "yet send on the names, al th e Club priesytm Weir oyriireiponelbllitftoliaynilhortly. It is desirable that olubti date,tirair•obion periods at tb • same time. ' ' ' DIVED MirEMNIY, Proprietor. FruschutosmAopatg•- 1 -paZ ipoivry. PIM SINSMN will ' open On * SECOND OW NOVEMBER nixtatrEnung Am) and - 410y, prepared for Rosiness or College. Toilsomo parßerelon of tire months. Light and Fuel exttif ' ; 717.. • Those desiring a School in: Abe country ; easy cf. saws, 'Minding thorough initruction; coodgeted on the principles of • well regulatatleh7 l _ l ll alrbMee.will;rme 8414111.11 J.ll. IJIUMAKIIBI, ~ Principal, Academia, Juntuta County, Pe. *.y^ LF. 4I P t y /PALL STOCK 'AseriDoefeci4 gala at radnes6 I .fr)ti f A.. / ,etzEur.olbp bap choice A C o Cone; • • do.:f•cidAloyernilerktJaVa,Coebeifru • 80 do. choice Green AAgFasyni, do; 4 holes " do; 6 hhds. Lovering's Syrup; 60 bbis. do. ,Ozzudied and Pulverized Sugar; 50 do. Reline&Whiteliiod • • • do., 100 bf. chestaColong,TeaA , , 25 do. do: Young Vyrlou 'Teri: — Teas of all grades, putupin middy boxeae for :fasolly ma, together with a fresh Newly of Spices, English and, Ameri can Pickle. 'avid :Pruiau Oidirrnits, Jiih in various sized packages, key._ • . The attention . ofllousekeepere 1. tequeested to my Cate kipie;whlch will be furnished by mail'. if_disired, oodtaiu log an extended list of goods. se•AsAlitrrafici aeYcer -Ibe-Matieditlrigpoifor Steamboat landings,'-and all orders, however small, carefully tilled. 41ITHOIMULLIE AND RNTLIT.a4,, .t.t.f D IIN:A..REDI.,B4.A.II7,AnzaiIy Grater. J sa2f4m* spill , ~ (QUINNW SIDE INSTITUTE, NEWBURG I.lfNNA.—Tbe founders of this Institution hays e mad -tiiii:i•rvitew 'of 'MILS. •CAROLINX .L. WIT !JAMB (widow of the late Rev. I. W. Williams,) and it will be ormed ! .lllk the reception,ot wan, ladle", on the.yiqt .KOnday. (ves,W) of. lets thedeiftu of tile KinCl4l and tifeode of this letituthin toi aliiitall Watobuld be disked itiu , nrathlasa ,lileminarnfor tiut practicalandth I =h training of young TO this eurl,,thay:hare large brick house fora biirdiNg-hotelo,, and = an Vireo's . large 'ectiool-roome rplimpletAyfurniiheit.. . : 1 • . ; • The Estuautmelesoloneellt comm,Teson.ll4oAPArt Monday of ro r T, ..a continua fweutjr‘ina - PntSilfifroin edistande ire enacted tO' Ward -With the Principal, who will endeavor tdinake heittotiae irtudde for than, rather than a boarding-house. I :ltNewburris sarshilerfroni•abla pensbura, from which place •.baciF supplies it with a daily 'min. Parificuirthe Fellondit 1 'MO t.Wr i rilre'. 4 . ; rit. the Principal of tido anotitntion 1 • /practical (Imbiber: Of zwoctu'esperkrniaiiitiall .tgailranclies tortially gat In ,ota: ~beat Semtnarjea r . and "onmel v ery 'highly rim'woieitded,' Dote ikiliful teacher h ud a s n ,00intdisheci . - • . t A'll tfie . branches usual In our best Ilehainaries lse 'tinighttandlltiardlk tornistantori very reasonable:Urals. Forjurttter information, j applY to IdFa t WUllipog L at t lrew" burg' ",* alter iii Nit /of Apriii r or *leftism' .ktrii. $l9l4.llf)."?''YVW. , • st , hall • . • fa b! ') #,A, 14110.4 ICATIt'.I , PITFIBURGII, P IfirPLYANIA. ,f!tsrusay ?oti , 3:^-nint tirm.o.: , t6qz , ) 0/1.1.WM1D18545. 411 I M 8 TR I NP-1 q r . 1 . 1 .V 9 . J 4W ed' 4Fc'•N* ow,the.l aulAtioat . (Tough clommerotiq fklapol of UPPlTisltici Mtn-11-Ye ankhtinitireir stultasJ Males Witt ~ L iffipiging:AloupLi . . , r:e3") -•-o 2in c:- (1 A.. 4 ra-' • A J. U. MUTH', A.M., Prothcoor of Boos neeptug sun Monte of Accounts. .0 ~'..,,, ,s3•l:;:ii.a A. T. DOUTIIIITT, Taming . pi Arithmetic and +Demmer eta Oalcalstion. - . ifS3.rA.,II22DRICH and. T.lO. IBNICENB;Inushers nlEttli . A. 00W : LEY and W. A. MILLI:B.; Prois.,n f . Penmanship. SINGLE AND DOUBLE ENTRY BOOR igleirlNO, as .tuitdAnanry departraent,44hotlines ii., , ,CrintinerstallArith • lineiness ItritrottL Detecting CO)nbterfett iMidayreMpi6suitileCorrespomineroilawyt4sra taught, and all other att . hjects neoestaary; for the an *Main' . eancatheit:Of Vint:4ll:li biaraileniiiii.crtM adi ~ T .iv01T,36, Lf;',. iTIR 1401 IX; 403 t r At a,the,p, :sm ms Plt4eburgh, fbr tya pat Mt* r ' ralankif It&iftrwa ip ndWiistena'OlUes;fOr PsWirtighir, I..9W { NTFATAD. ; POKTA . NT INFORMATION. 444-7,lteviilw r at pl.esiture,--Gradtuttes aselsted,in,atainfes for egininariiat Marie; F 35.00-- iAtatagattont elatitrto twelve wasks—Boiurd,}s2,so)perivibek —Stationary, s6.oo—Entire cost, sBp.oo to, 0.00. Mir Ministers' sotth'iiiaiieVathedfililett? ITP r ittp4, spegatif, eat:Oren eel ritingin'elose two stifling, an tt addien t 4 •! , P, , w IJAPricjWBveAttPliniielr.Pi. . . .9 .11 r : e •. • :it f' • By ~D)MD Lol6p. • -• Perhaps there is nocloser-and more indefatigable stn llelAsof ham , paid much a - ention'to the piihCipleus of' hitiernratiftf6ri;indtbilldwa i,Setioitieg language. ..Whatja Onerally ;; termed the.pre. ' doctrine to the one be Aotota. endno - One 'argues It More .ably Ural 'dirpanatinefily2f . 4w4; - totak t ii • .44,4,6i . bayi nieiFects" iind.P,in_j[e• 'agathYS Peofiee,e, dwarf, editionA Prfee4l426.", ; 1.4 b • The Characterlitlev Lawa of Figuitalthe , tronith , 'editOn:r ericepsl.o,o 011".11 . Tbe ?rem op,Propheflp ilyathoth. ton.' Piles 16 '" • " ti s,Altrthf"aboAlsontob 3 ;tmaiLTettlfAres44 , 1 41 1 A 1* * oda or thii'lprice,Vy the ' 00 Ice esririoig MrisIifILINULNIGHT:i .44 • . New. York. ,wtaar r i, is : rilf.j5;111011 .li9lVlll. PER .0 EXT. - INTEMT.- - NATIONAL SAFRTY TRUST'' VAXlS i eWeinuellfreet,SouttOrnitsCorisr of Tblnd;Ptiii a. 16101RPOR6.TRD ef,,sts,B7,47E,ciff PENNESUVeiN I p. • • thiiiiet ie,eeiveit ilyinuar large cir email, end' inter. eet paid from the day of deposit to,thedepotr. arlthr al. The office is open every day from ' 6 o 'clock cloci in the morn• sing till 6 o'clock in tlie - dfrernoon, and on Monday and 41'huytathy, ityppot.Ull,B. ,gg, A •••• •• ' ' ON.' it O 't; • - " OBERTIELFBIDGL . Ties freddoet 611tEuthreillaxe t iletiretiry; l ei • •••. i Money is received and payment s . made daily without Wm, va Jarful!, Investments Ave made 111 /1112p g a iilielith" Nth hies tibtiv69.l.vitittomiqm atfi3 : ivrwa (81i7.01"11st Veit ORO:twist oismiticity,GANDrioleig,),ll , l* gßovs.itum 01NT11.90. PA. liattiqeenth EMS- Wi t DiglSßAlrb ‘'NoT.4. l .NraattnAtol . roattr twentty~ pn a weeks. . Trait grarat ,; g, BratrainWl 145 tielper Seaton, payable onetaLt-in. advance. Higher brabeh.4, $4.00. Washixtr, light, and.fuel. extra. freillEirt Altf JAIISSON, D/04 , Waierf? is :Mama, : :Lkith XI J. JibtigHOLSlNagHwripal. 9 c/Miettitibf t. 11 in OAs gr C ,111 D dt DIIREELEnTIItti 6 AND , IIPATEIt;PROOFt sfir r't EL 6B 7 I O 4 PEKW ,BOO gP.i ( tif,. I , The firm of - PERRIE k JORNEME haring, lip•moimai morierws I,been - pieceittliAtissolirerclitufirtiß rEAII4III - rand WM. JORNSON sire notice "that Aber lucre. entered . iu to /partilishiPlithrinliPpa?poset. of 'this above • ItOOFINct BUMNESS 2i tn i allAta bra owns. Midlirtii of .11kTi.8 •.$ 'JOH7o3ol.4"irthe' bid stirid, 76 !Smithfield Striiet,meat Maniond Alley crr , Are ani nowprepared to _corer, with our SUPERIOR BIND tempt or • Sit LiipotS,N.Oftierongli bond,, lad /Musics, psleartoeition o metal )rook u ,steauOmats,. ralirecd airs, ho., .b ing edmirii y idagted'tu willietind theiMirious !chamois orirealker,joi•thi actiorsittarti,s,and4tt , is rug in -I_urekhy: tremped upon. Wstaisoattend to repatMcg old' eriP rook - the - rsost q thorougßitoadtiorl alai; to cementing. Ma l i !run copper t .ortr:ropfs,,Wlaß,l9l l oent water-tight. and securing " the "action o the weather, for $1.50 per sqtare;, - (one hundred square feet ) ,0r /PHI N,131-1. Er,IL 0, 0 ?,.8 E „ Preeervhig titem:PlPL-4101)4 3',r 12 00 per square—Mk:dna for large rtibb. This roofing 11.911,11,1 PAR TRA,E.kiIifRTR,ER . IIIND Or ROOF, and is tiunarid slime rates kir metal` ti`and la fast BliPeraedMMl/ Othertandit.-(1 Booting&if* for . 'silo, with liiitrtictichii References and certifkates at our Mike: f.. R&TRRit tIORICSOK, 76 Smithfield St., near DisiiMid - Ailey; Pittan'g, Pa. N. iftE414,11101,451 it tbr the roof. • o t ) e ,-1 9 . P A V Pr Priertir o' w. o sll op :Bii*Costekdoknnveladviiiitade or uidles.: vim Wes Children's, Gents', Boys', and Youths' BOOTS, SRO). GAITERS, WETALICAN BU FrALo'ol' TRII N g, and TALIGRS,Ma . piI their varieties. They pule/mete di. rr'Seilyq Wff We wlliiighbidk , I , liillidielpids Rasura s , tursrsGssd..sre , dherslbre sible,to.,Nrnisb- buyers., wEehitale or retidl,lit tbeTOWEST OUR PRICIII. atie,Monthauit CarnsciterrEedered :and Water Streets, AlleOteny (hty,.l* oeihiSts SANTILAILL ACATIIRIII Al AIRY VIER, Ati*roraVal.44,iyuhmAsta. (nasty, ssirloartb • I a' • ticial the Perrysiills tali on lifPentisrlronto B. I rood. The Rummer Benton will copmenee on Monday, the Vitt I? , Whole eXPIBBEe ppeerr tession , of twiinty4.o we. k PoiDoir' Tn , IWn; Wasbing AEA IncidentatioNi, par able oneguilf iaTßeiatimar't'' DAVID WILSON; maols-lit Trerpriotorr. 'toy al. 11/111 Ila lA.'S* IWAN AL X &PLAT V IYJ sateadyl sad mobartabite wanted., ~ One with a KIT • • .Addriaa, MUGS htelLidiJiY,, Dimon CoußtY, • E q I AT IN ': • • i g hhiej s , S A ftivi c 't T. Us Nlit 04 ERB or WIIITt. LEAD, IND MAD, apd. AltaE, N 0.167 Libotty area, Pitiebargh, Pa. aab•