Presbyterian banner & advocate. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1855-1860, November 13, 1858, Image 2

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Nana ad gokonatt.
$1.309 to advarrool or ix Wulb*
5t.511111 orodolivorod,ot raoldoacesof ihalosore
h•ros OUTS. NMI Piriiiipeotiahom Third Pogo.
ANNUM, &L II should be prosapti a little
while beforil the year eipirelt that we 1 . 11 7
fill”mirravipaimepto for steady supply.
IRS ILIOD viraAprica , indisates that we
desire a renewal. If, however, In the haats
ef-inallings tide signal should be omitted, we
hope our friends will still not forget as
Rtratht by sato
when souvaisinid.'Olt `seed byman.
alielosing with oidhisey' ears, sad troubling
nobody with a •knowledge of 'what you " 0
&gni. . gar a •lairge amount, send a Draft, or
large notea. For One or tvire yapersoend
eesall notes.
To mums 01FIAINIST, Bond postogo
nT lbottor` tfily /Wad for more paporst SS
or Soromity ousoborovor $.l for Tlirirtrotaloo
nualboro. I '1
DIAELIr, all bettor& and Comourunletatloits
141 , DAVID MsKINNEY& Pltilibutrgh,
SYNOD OP , 01110.r4he; official. Abstraot
of proceedligs .arrircdlafter ,our.apacepwas
all engaied. ".The laitair appear neat
Rev Jemis'PßEEltiY,' D D., 'late of,
Miser twit * laving" reoeiTed a n d a m meite,d
call•from'the*=Beeond;,United Presbyterian
Aunty of this city, ins ` daly> metalled as,
intstor, on Tuesday of this week.
SPECIAL' CoNaxwr.—By a resolution of
the Synod of Allegheny, the third Mondays
in 'Octobor, November, and December Were
appointed as seasons of Special Prayer for
a revival of religion; to be observed in all
the congregations. Monday, the 15th inst.,
will be the next occurring day for the sol•
emu service.
s •
BO ARD . OP COLPORTAGE.—A. meetrg of
the Board of Colportage of the Synods of
Pittsburgh and Allegheny, will be }eld at
the Presbyterian Book Rooms, C:air
Street, Pittsburgh,: on Tuesday, the 16th
inst., at ao'clook P. M. &punctual attend
ance is requested. DAVID MoKmrizT,
President of the Board.
riNiOItrOSTPONED. — The efforts to'unite
the Asiociate Reformed Synod of the. South
with the Germs!. Assembly, areabout being
abandoned for the present. The former have
aecortained ,that they are not prepared to
unite 'on , snY' proposed' basis. Some, it is
said, would gladly come in, but others do
sot See their way, clear; and a division of
the Synod is•deemed not desirable.
Theological SiMilan , of the North West. .
The Board of Directors of the Theologi
cal Seminary for the North-West, having
failed to muetwhen called in Septemberlast,
is now, at the request of many roembers,
ealledlo meet in dm city of Inclianar.oPs,
( 4 * *V: . Mr. 'Stevenson's church) on T t ues- , ,
day,NOV. 16th, at. 7 o'clock. P. M., to atl
too. tn„ any ,and matters ; of business
which, may properly come, before it..
A full meeting is greatly desired, as it is
toped such measures may `riow be devised
as will secure the establish Meet of the
Seta nary. . S. T. Wnsorr,
President of the Board.
The Anociate Synod of North America.
The union of the Asinine and Associate
Reformed Churches, - left some belonging to
each branoh, who steadfastly decline to go
with the majority. On the,part of the As
owlet' Reformed, the disidents are but few,
but : on the part, of the Associate, they num
ber more. These met in Canonsburg, Pa.,
on thel6th of October, for the purpose of
reconstructing the Associate Synod of North
America. Eleven 'ministers, and six or
eight elders,. were , present. The lath day
of. October was, observed as a day of public,
social covenanting. The , number thatjoined
in this exercise was forty-six, of whom nine
*, in wsmmembers of the Associate congre
gation 'of antlers. The Synod- adjourned
to meet , at Pittsburgh, Indiana, on the third
'Wednesday of May, 1859.
Tite Prayer-Xieting.
The adjourned meeting. of ministers and
(ewers of enurches, was held on Monday
afternoon'; when the Committee on a basis
or plan of Anion in &lily prayer, reported
'as follows :
Psalms or .ilitine shall be: used, at
the diiNetion of the leader of each meeting.
The Union Prayer-Meeting Hymns
shall be, geed to, farjus is consistent,with the
convictions ,of,the leader.
Thereishall be hntoneJeader in eaoh
meeting,, who shall have entire control of all
the services; and nothing deviating from
the ordinary services be ,introduced;
except by.hismonsent given previous to the
meeting,;. ,
rv. The meetings oho continnenot lesti
than three-quarters of an hour, nor more
than one hour.
v. 'The meetings shall be led in regular
rogation; hi alphabetiectordef,'by the pastors
vcrhe oonsent to unite in these meetings, or
each person as they may provide.
Vi. "Brevity in all the exercises is to be
*Load at. The addresses and prayers to be
restricted as Dearxlyas possible to three min
utes each ; not more than eight lines shall
ordinarily beisung at'one time.
Tu. The exiroiseishall consist of prayer,
praise, and reading of Irthe Holy Scriptures,
'. , •together with short addresses, by ministers
tor laymen.
'nu. Etch individual may take such pos
i -
tare n , prayer as he eonseienticitudy prefers`;
where no awl+ preference exists; he is re'conform to that of the , officiating
ix. The .hour of meeting shall be 11
o'clock A. M.
The place of meeting shall be snob
oentral Hall as the Young Men's Christian
Association.may provide. '
xr. The Y. M. C. Association are re-
quested to make the necessary arrangements
40 early out this plan,in detail.
After much earnest discussion, this plan
was adopted. A few of our Old Psalmody
brethren contended earnestly that their way
shouldlbe' adopted by all. We trust, how
ever, thit they will bear with the majority,
and co.operate in employment so blissful to
the Christian, and so full of hope for the
promoting of the Redeemer's cause.
Resignation of Dr. Happereett.—The
Associate Secretaryship Aboßithed.
On the 11th ult., Rev. Reese Happersett,
D. D., Associate Secretary of the Maid of
Domestic Missions, tendered to the Board a
resignation of his office. A motion to ac
cept the tender was made, and after being
discussed for some time, was laid on the
table, for future consideration. A t the
IBoard's next_meeting, which occurred on
the Bth inst., the subject was again taken
up, and the resignation was accepted by a
unanimous vote. The office, itself, was then
abolished, by a vote nearly unanimous, but
two perilous voting in the negative.
This brief notice of an event which air
onmstences have rendered important, might
have sufficed, if, by partial statements, an
effort had not been made to injure the Ex
ecutive Committee of the Board, and to im
pose on.the Christian public.
The Presbyterian, one of whose editors,
we believe,. was,preeent on the 11th of Oc
tober, when , •the subject was first brought
for Ward, in' announcing the event, said
Rev. Da. Harransnrr.—At the meeline of the
"Board-of llomistic Missions, on the 11th instant, '
thelßev. Dr. Hippersett, 'the worthy Associate
Secretary, presented a written resignation of, his
office.. A, moSpnoras made , by one of the Execu•
tire Committee tosaceepl it, the Mover, however,
etiithiiithatile made the motion only in order to
tha- ettbjeet before:thirißoird. After 'an
interchange of opiniii, - nr was moved to lay the
motion to accept on the table, which was agreed
to by a unanimous vote, including the entire Ex
ecutive Committee.
A private letter, of the same import, was
sent to the Presbyterian of the West; and
a similar statement found its way into the
North Carolina Presbyterian.
Now this statement is incorrect and decep
tive. It conveys the iinpression that the
Board, by a unanimous vote, refused to ac
cept the resignation, and hence, that they
wished to perpetuate the office and retain
the officer, when, in truth, they bat deferred
final action on the subjeet. And it is
injurious, greatly so, to the Executive Com
mittee. It speaks of them specially, and
represents them, one and all, as determined
to perpetuate an expensiie office, even
against 'the incimbent's wish and will;
when it was known that they had often said,
and solemnly voted, and placed their votes
on record to' that effect l 'that the office was
not needed, *and should be abolished I
What kind of men would they be, who, en
trusted with the work and charities of the
Church, would deliberately say,. that an ex
pensive office ought to be abolished, and
speak, and reaeon, and vote for its abolition,
And allow the Church, quoting their senti
ments, to be agitated on the 'subject, for
months, and then unanimously refuse to be
releieedfrom the cost of that office, when a
resignation was tendered by the ineumbent I
And that, too, without a reason given, or a
word of explanation Such mew would be
unworthy of further confidence. But such
men are not the Executive Committee. The
Committee was wronged by the statement
The- history., of the affair, and specially
the consummation, shows, that those gentle
men spoke and acted4onsistently and in
good faith, throughout The history ' is
briefly this : On the 28th of June, when
the Assembly's' proposition " wail before the
Board, some members insisted, that if there
was not work for an Associate Secretary;
there ought to be, and that work must be
made for him. These, by a majority of one
vote, perpetuated the office; and the officer
was put under the direction of the Execu
tive Committee. The Committee, at the
suggestion of a portion of the gentlemen al
luded to, and in conference with the Awe
eiate, agreed upon a work, expressing it
in yawed terms. •
Matters stood thus till the 27th of Sep
tember, When the Conimittee adopted reso
lutions, giving more specific instructions.
The order was. as follows
SIONS, SEPT. 27, 1858.
• WENENAS, The Board of Domestic 'Mission's at
slate meeting; having considered the suggestion
of the last General Assembly, did decide to con
tinue the office of Associate Secretary.; . and,
" Whereas, It ,did also instruct its Executive
Committee'to dflne his duties; and,'
i• Whereas, Said Executive Committee did, on
the 9th day of August, 1868, only, in -general
terms, define:those duties; ,and,
" - Whereas, - It is judged expedient;in carrying
out the views of :the Board, to give' more specific
instructions • ; therefore,
.s,Resolveci, That the ABSOCiate Secretary, be,
and he hereby is instructed to commence his la
bors in the bounds of the Synod-of Albany, and
to visit the 'Synods -in the,- order in , Which they
-stand in the Minutes iof,the General Assembly.
Resolved, ;That , the. Associate. Secretary be
farther instructed to report, in writing, to this
Comtnittee, from time to time, the cliinehes
iced by him, stating particularly -the -names of
those, if'any, which may agree to beaten° self
sustaining, the decreased amount of Aid which
any may consent to ask from the Board, and how
many churehes,have been induced to , adopt the
Systematic Plan of Benevolence inaugurated by
the General Assembly ; and such 'Otaer informa
tion as he rosy deem useful to the Board."
:When this 'Minute came up before the
Board,, for review, at the , next monthly
meeting, October 11th, the Associate ob
jected to these instructions; lint the Board
unanimously approved of them. The Asso
date then tendered his resignation. A 'mo
tion to accept, elicited coneiderable dil ens
goo, alid ) it growing late, a member suggested,
that the subject be laid -on the table, that
Dr. Happersett might have time• for reflec
tion.. Another member advocated this
course, that the Constnittee might consider
the propriety . of modifying their instruc-
Te refuse a little delay, thus asked,
I would have appeared indelicate. Hence,
when the ;notion' to lay on the table was
put, there were three or four ayes. The
most of the members remaine&si/ent. Thus
the matter was deferred, evidently through
courtesy to Dr. Happersett, to be called up
again at the Board's oPtion.
At ,the opening, of the Board's next
monthly .meeting, Monday, the Bth inst.,
Dr. Happersett rose and stated his earnest
request that they should accept the tender
he had made to them, at their last meeting.
A member responded, that it was his pur
pose, at the proper time, to call, up the sub
jeot. The regular business was •then trans
acted. And then Dr. Clarke called up the
Resignation, and it was unanimously AC
The way being thus made clear for acting
upon the ogee, without let or hinderance, in
the way of personalities, C. Macelister,
Esq., offered a resolution to abolish, the fffice
of Associate . Secretary in th e Board. "This
resolution, after a few remarks, was ADOPTED,
by.the following vote
. :
AYES—Ministers—G. W. Musgrave, D.
D., H. S. Clarke, D. D., L. H. Christian,
3. M. Crowell. Litymen.Tatiies Field, J.
M. Harper, M. Newkirk, C. Maoalister, S.
D. Powell, H. D. Gregory.
NAYS—Ninister—R. , Happenrett, IX D.
Layman--Hiram: Ayres.
Dr. McDowell stated that he wasin favor
of the motion, but thought the Board had
better not pass it at tlass time, and he pre
ferred not to vote.
This action of the Board we consider as
most decisive and emphatic. The abolition of
the office, immediately on accepting the re•
signation of the incumbent, shows that they
really considered the office itself as not, for
the, present at least, consistent with the best
interests of the Church. The meeting of
the Board was email, but this_ was evidently
from a design,to have things result as they
did.' ' From the publication's in the Presby
teriam, and% in our ,own columns, all the
members Irould know well. the business
* come up, They also/knew
well the sentiments of the business - meniwho
usually attended. 'They hence, by their
absence, as it was voluntary,sanctioned
*hat was done.
We need hardly say that we rejoice in
this result. We rejoice in it for the sake of
Dr. Happersett, for whom we always had a
kind regard, and with whom we never had
the least personal difficulty. And we re
joice in it for the sake of the Domestic
Board. This Board ought to be the favorite,
the true heart's love, of the Presbyterian
Church. But to sup Port it, while it retained
a needless and expensive office, was what
many Christians could not do cheerfully. Now,
this obstacle is removed. Now, the poor, as
well as the rich, may freely give. There is no
more a leak in the channel through which
their benevolence is to flow to the needy re
oipients of their bounty. Now, let every
man, woman and child give, in the exercise
of a Christian gracf+, and with the full faith
that those entrusted with the management
of thsir bounty toward the Lord's cause,
will distribute it justly and , for benefit.
United Presbytery of Kentucky.
This Presbytery, embracing the. New
School ministers and elders in Ky., met at .
New Providence, Oct. 22d: The 'aotiop.of
the Synod of KentuckY, (O. S.) *high we
noted Oct 30th, was reported. The `Pres
bytery, after some dismission of their posi
tion and prospects, ceased to exist. The
following we take from a letter to the Cen
tral Christian Herald:
The 'United Preab,ytery of Ken t u cky, hay
ing mutually considerid the report of the
Commission appointed to confer with-414i
Old School Synod of Kentucky, in refer
enee to a union with that body, adopted-the
followin'g papery', .
Ist, That they,. reabgnize -the iciatiness
and courtesy with which the terms of Union
were made knowu to Their Commission, by
the Synod of Kentucky (0.. S ) in their
minute adopted October 15th, 1858, and
that they refer _ the terms aforesaid to the
churches under their care, for their accept
knee or rejection, as they may choose.
2d. That the Stated Clerk be directed to
issue certificates of dismission to all the
ministers in connexion with this Presbytery,
to any other Presbytery for which they may
indicate --a preference.
3d. That the Wright Legacy, &c,
4th. That the Stated'Olerk be directed,
after recording the minutes of this meeting,
and granting all the dismissions called for,
to deliver the minutes of the three Presby
teries of Harmony, Providence, and Green
River, and the Minutes of the New School
Synod of Kentucky, and the minutes of the
United Presbytery of Kentucky, to the Old
School Synod of Kentucky, to be preserved
as a part of the History of the Presbyterian
Church in Kentuck3r.
sth. That when this Presbytery adj ourns,
it will adjourn sine die.
Mr. Dickerson then took his letter of dis
mission to the Old School Presbytery of
Muhlenburg ; Mr. Cleland took - his to' the
Presbytery of Transylvania; Mr. McElroy
took his to the Presbytery of Ebenezer;
Mr. Roberts took his", to, the Third Pres
bytery of New York ; Mr. Woodbury - took
his to the Presbytery of Richland; and Mr.
Mills took his to the Presbytery of Cincin
nati: 'Mr. Clay simply took the - certificate
of the , Moderator; that he was a minister in
good and regular standing up to the dissolu
tion of the 'Presbytery. Messrs. Garrison,
Carrier, Adams, and - Cochran, did' not call
for letters.
It •is altogether probable that all the
churches under the care of the United
Presbytery will go into the Old School con
nexion, with the exception of Macedonia,
Versailles, and Greer's Creek; these will re
main with their pastors, Messrs.; Mills and
Gray. ,- -
Thus died New , Sehoolism in Kentucky,
hilts twentieth year. Peace to its manes..
A Call by the Civil Authority'.
Christian rulers are a blessing, and in a
Christian land such will be honored and
obeyed. A call, on their part to a religious
duty, is not put forth as of ?egaZ atithority
but when they designate a time for the
social discharge of what all good citizens
admit to be proper, and socially incumbent,
they perform a good deed; and their word
will be respected. We are therefore pleased
to assist in promulgating the following, from
the Governor of Pennsylvania :
Pennsylvania SI.
ernor of said Commonwealth.
FELLOW CITIZENS :—The goodness of God to us
as a people'calls for our public 'acknowledgment,
and our grateful praise. The past and the pres
ent are crowded with his ldeseinge. Nothing
has occurred to imi)eral the principles of civil and
religious liberty upon which our Governinent is
based, or to interfere with its harmonious opera
tions in all its departments. We are at peace
with all foreign nations, and the noise of violence
is unheard within our borders. While all enjoy
perfect freedom of opinion the genial influences
of our free institutions, and the mild spirit Of our
holy religion, are more and more uniting, us in
one brotherhood. Our educational institutions
are diffusing intelligence among the masses of our
citizens, inducing a higher appreciation of their
privileges, and a deeper sense'of their obligations.
Though in some localities the pestilence has pre
vailed, our country at large has enjoyed unusual
health, and we ate blessed with an abundance of
all the necessaries and the comforts of lite. Our
industrial pursuits are fast recovering from the
torpor induced by the recent tinanoial embarrass-
Meats ; confidence is beingiestored; and business
is resuming its wonted activity. Mercies crown
all our relations, and: the hopes; of. a glori
ous immortality wait to cheer and bless every
, Prompted by , my. own conviction of duty, and
in oonformity withilte expresied wishes of many
of my fellow citizens, 1, William P. Packer, Gov
vernor of the Commonwealth Of Pennsylvania,
do hereby appoint Thnraday„,the.,Eighteenth ,Day
at: NovviAber pod, toliA olierired tislit'day of .geit
eral Thanksgiving and Prayer, and recommend to
all our people that setting aside on that day all
worldly pursuits, they assemble in their respective
places of worship, and unite in offering thanks to
God for his goodness, imploring his gracious for
giveness. and , the . continuance of his mercies.
And while; our hearts throb 'with' gratitude to
God for his unnumbered blessings; let a liberal
charity be extended to all upon whom have been
laid the burdens of misfertnne and want
GIVRIt under my hand, and the Gasser SSAL of
the State, at. Harrishurg, this Twenty-Eighth
day of Ootober, in' the year of our . Lord one
thousand eight hundred and - fifty-eight, and of
the COmmonwealth the eighty-third.
By the Governors
a Wm. M.. Mums,
s e cr e t a ry of the Commonweatth.
Synod of Baltintoro.
t i
This Synod , held. it meeting' in esilisle,
Ps. The devotional xeraisis are ' reii . re=
suit* A .Uaroest an edifying, and the
whole mullions as fullpjintereer. '''. -- I ' 1
Cliit'rOirtgiteliioWidhuirxieitly coin
mended to the churches.
" kite* Presbytery; to be called Potomac,
was formed. It embraces Washington City,
Annapolis, &o.
On Systematic BeneVolence, the Boards,
and the Associate Secretaryship, the follow
resolu(ions were passed
Resolved, That it is the general sense
of the Church within our bounds, that the
duty of taking up collections for pious pur
poses devolves by right upon the pastor,
ruling elders, and deacons, and that they are
the best and most efficient agents in the
Resolved, That me enjoin upon all the
Presbyteries within our bounds, to see that
all their churches, vacant as well as other
wise, together with the Sabbath Schools
and Bible Clapes, be afforded the opportu•
pity of regularly; contributing to all the
leading:enterprises of. the Church; and that
,the'Synod will hereafter make strict inquiry
of the Presbyteries as to their fidelity in this
Readied, That x.hilst we rejoice in
expressing our undiminished confidence and
increasing attachment to all the Boards of
our 'Church, and urge all our churches• to
give, with 4ue i reasing liberality, to all these
great causes, as they see the field widening
and ripening for the harvest; yet we,are led
to , the ionviction, •from all the information
wh foiseis, that the Board of Domestic Mis
sions ought to accept the resignation of the
present Associate Secretary, twice:tendered.
Thursday, the 2d of December,.(or was it
the second Thursday ?) was recommended as
a day of special prayer in all the churches;
the pastors to preach on the subject on the
first Sabbath in that month.
Western Toils and Privations.*
Our brethren, especially the young and
middle-aged, have , but very little idea of the
ti hardness to be endured by the pioneer
soldier of the Cross. Happily, however, we
bave some ministers—some young men,. and
'some, of the experienced in pastoral life—who
are willing to undertake the work, and who
can patiently endure•the self denials and toils
incident to a faithful service. Rev. D. L.
Hughes, whose letter we publish this week,
gives quite an interesting account of affairs
in South-western lowa. We trust that it
will be read, and that its influence will be
to promote liberality toward the Board of
Domestic Missions, and to induce more min
isters to emigrate. Mr. Hughes was one of
the most acceptable and most successful pas
tors in the interior' of Pennsylvania. He
left a delightful home and a deeply at
tached pastorarcharge,lo plant the Gospel in
a new land. He' had been much blessed,
and we rejoice to' )thow that he is still the
means of great good in Zion.
The Synod of Wheeling.
On the 30th of October, we gave a brief
editorial notice, of the meeting of the Synod
of Wheeling. On our first page we now
present, by authority, an extended' view of
the Synod's proceedings: The Washington
Examiner of. Oct. 23d,, contains a pretty
full report of the Synod's Convention for
prayer. This we:before spoke of as deeply
interesting, having enjoyed a portion of it.
The press of matter upon - our columns forbids
our entering into details. The meetings of
different Synods, , being so nearly simultane
ous, prevents any minuteness in the reports,
of their Conventions.
Synod of Southern lowa.
The Synod of Southern lowa, we *rein
formed, met at Oskaloosa, Oct 14tifj but,
owing to . the non-attendance of brethren
from the Presbyteries of Council Bluffs' and
Nebraska, had not . a constitutional qiorum
for the transaction of business. Very in
teresting religious services were held, how
ever, and precious , seasons of conference
and prayer enjoyed. The next meeting of
Synod is appointed to be held at Knoxville,
on the First Thursday of Odober,lBs9.
is, one of the standard . Periodicals in the
Presbyterian Church.- It discusses, soundly
and ably, some - of the: inostiroportant ques
tions of present interest, and is a valuable
respoiitary of Biographical and Historical
events. The *.tvember number is on our
For the Presbyterian Banner and Advocate.
Presbytery of Fort Wayne.
This Presbytery met in Wabash . ; October 19th.
The Rev. R. Wright was chosen Moderator, and
the. Rev. W. S. Wilson, Temporary, Clerk. The
Rev. John M. Lowrie was nominated as Commis
sioner to the next General Assembly. The Stated
Clerk was directed to arrange the roll in the'order
of seniority in office. Matters brought up in the
Assembly's Minutes received the attention of
Presbytery, except that the Overture upon Re
mission was laid aside till the Spring meeting.
Two Committees were appointed .to organize
churches within our bounds.
The following Rules for Supplies were adopted,
and ordered to be bent to the churches.
1 Supplies ehall be granted through the Com
mittee of Supplies, to such churches as make due
application.; 'provided that these churches have
settled with their former supplies, and that they
stand ready to remunerate the supplies appointed.
2. Presbytery will appoint supplies for the
vacant churches, in rotation, as far as possible
under this rule; reierving the right to appoint
supplies to delinquent churches as they may judge
best;, but recognize only the claims of such inir,t
/hers as supply cur churches by our appointment
or consent.
8. Presbytery would remind the churCbes that'
by Divine rule, "They that preach the Gospel
should live of the Gospel ;" and that the time,
labor, and expense, of their supplies should be
considered by them; and without 'deciding what
the exact remuneration must be, would say that
the amount paid for each Sabbath should not be
less than five dollars.
The Stated Clerk was directed to send to ever
vacant church a copy of these Rules.
The harmony and devotion of the, meeting ca
Presbytery was a happy preparation for the
delightful meeting of Synod, and we hope a token
of further good.
Adjourned to meet in Lagrange on the First.
Tuesday of April neit, at 7 o'clock P. M. '
Joint M. Lome, Stated Clerk.
It is sometimes' said that the people of -the
Eastern States are somewhat Addicted to Boastink,
when they speak of their resources, wealth, and
,material and intellectual progress.; We -do not
know that this disposition isttywnrrotang:-petra , -,
liar to any particular loCality; butlt would not be
astonishing if the Periple of Boston and lilassaohn?
netts did feel something very near,altiti to ItuttVi
4iten thinking of the triumphs theyhave achievedi
and the position ocoupy,with „ regarrlto
enterprise anti eOmmercel-' Th'engh'lffeltailtitsetni
has nothing to boast of in the extent or her terri
tory or the richness of her soil, yet she owns one
fifth of the mercantile marine of the whole coun
try, amounting-to one million tons, and estimated
at forty-eight millions dollars. The worth of her
imports and exports, every year, is $73,000,000.
She has eight thousand three hundred manufac
turing establishments, with a capital of $83,000,-
000. The Railroads within her own border are
estimated at $55,000,000. Her Banking capital
is $60,000,000. The Savings Institutions have
on depost $35,000,000, being an average of $B5
to every man, woman, and child, in the State, or
$175 to every family of five persons. She has
one thousand eight hundred public libraries, con
taining sevenhundred and fifty thousand volumes.
,The annual productive industry is $850,000,000,
being $2BO to each person, or $1,400 to each
household of five persons.
In this State, the first College in this country
was established; the first printing press, and the
first newspaper ; and in this same State the first
sea-going vessel ever constructed on the continent,
wits built. The little city of Nantucket is famous
far beautiful churches and magnificent private
residences, and owns about one-half the entire
whaling fleet of the world. The famous old ship
Maria, that first unfurled the American flag in a
British port, was then owned in Nantucket, and
is still owned in New Bedford.
And Boston is comparatively the richest city on
this continent, possessing more than $1,600 to
each inhabitant, while. New 'York has only $BOO
to each inhabitant, and Philadelphia and Balti
more but $4OO to each, though each of these cities
is superior to her in resources, s,nd geographical
position. With these foots before us, we'can eas
ily Make allowances for that feeling of pride with
which the bosoms of this people do sometimes
The "Atlantic Monthly has a competitor,
called the Household Monthly, published by N. F.
Bryant, of the same size and price. It is intend
ed to be of a more popular character than the
" Atlantic," and to be more home-like and Artier
lean than " Harper's 'Magazine."
At slate meeting of the New Englaed Maori*
Genealogical Soddy; the Heiiirding Secretary,
Dr. Cornell, read a, paper on the following inter
eating question, viz.: a What are the causes of
the apparent degeneracy, intellectual and moral,
in the descendants of noble . and illustrious ances
tors ?" In this paper, four causes were treated
of—intermarriage, circumstances, the neglect of
home culture, and want of necessity to stimulate
effort. At another time, the subject will be re
rimmed by the author, who is one-of A Committee
of seven, to :whom the subject has been referred.
The President of this Association. Mr. Drake, is
engaged in writing a History of New England,
and has left for Europe, expecting to be absent
two years, engaged in collecting materials' from
the public offices, and other original sources.
For some time, there has been preaching in the
Old South Chapel, every Sabbath, at 3 P. M., by
the Rev. P. Doudiet. of Geneva, Switzerland. At
the close of each service a collection is taken, is
aid of a Protestant French church in Belle Riviere,
in Lower Canada, and about thirty miles North
west of Montreal.
Some time ago, we mentioned that the Old
&hoot Presbyterians were about to have several
churches in Boston and vicinity. As an evidence
bf the progress of this work, we can'now state
that the Synod of Albany, within whose bounds
these . churches lie, will hold its next meeting in
.the First Presbyterian church of Boston !
The' Legislature of Vermont, for the present ses
sion, is said to be a model one, as to order, pit).
priety, and religions feeling. A prayer-meeting
is held every morning in the Legislative Hall, and
many of the members are among the regulair at
'The Annual Thanksgiving," - is now a regular
custom in most of the States, and the Governors
are expected to appoint, whether according to
their own views or not But some of the Prods
mations are very singular affairs. Some of the.
Governors seem altogether unacquainted 'with
language descriptive of any thing connected with
the Christian religion ; 'others speak of the occa
sions for, thanksgiving much in the same way a
deeent heathen, or a respectable Deist might be
expected to do ; others make the Most delicate,
illusions possible to religious duty, lest they
might be suspected ; and one, here and there,
has the manliness to speak out ' on the subject as
a chief magistrate should address a 'Christian
people. But the noblest paper of tbis kind which
it has been our privilege to see,. is the " Thanks
giving Proclamation," just issued by Governor
Buckingham, of Conm, which concludes by calling
on the , people to give thanks, "above all, that
God has • not dealt with us after our sins, nor
rewarded us according to our iniquities, but
has magnified the riches of his grace, in giving
his Holy Spirit to revive his work, and lead sin
ners to repentance ; and that the door of mercy
is yet open, through which the guilty and perish
ing may enter and obtain eternal life by faith in
the atonement of Jesus Christ, his Son." That is
language worthy the Christian magistrate of a
Christian people. When all our rulers will be
men that can use such language, in addressing the
people by whom, they are elevated to power, a
brighter day will have dawned. Away with that
formal acknowledgment of "respect forreligion,"
with which some men, both in private and official
stations, pretend to treat the Gospel. Give it the
place it claims, and to which it is entitled, or
keep silence concerning it. It needs not "faint''
The Association of Liquor Deatera laa powerful
one, and its activity in promoting its own objects
and in watching against all future legal enact,
ments,prejudicial to the interest ' , is very great.
, Hence there is a studied effort on the part of its
members, to hold the balanbe of power in the
State and municipal elections. 'Previous to the
late election, the antecedents of the varions can
didates were carefully canvassed, and every one,
of whatever party, suspected of any leanings
toward a retaliation of the liquor' traffic, was at
once stricken'off their , list of candidatve. Thena
list of all the candidates in their interest way sent,
in a secret , circular; to all 'liquor ,dealursi and-to
all who were supposed to sympathize with them.
4'hits tliere is a cemplete organization, powerful'
in numbers and money, and acting with the ut
most secrecy, pledged against opponents of the
destructive liquor traffic ; and it is not at all im
probable that this example will be followed in
other places. So that the prospects for the tempt
ed and the drunkard, are dark indeed.
It is not generally known that a population
equatto that of a-respectable city, lives-in this
metropolis, Under Ground. lint it has been
ascertained, after maul examination, that
twenty-five thousand of= the denizens of :New
York actually live in cellars.
This city his five public Dispensaries; for sup
' plying medicine ,gragie to the poor. During the
last month, these gave medicine to ten thousand
live hundred and eighty-three patients, and, six
hundred and forty persons were vaccinate&
The City of Brooklyn will, in a few weeks,
have an abundant supply of water,, and , conse
quently there will be an increase, in; rents. and
- the volute( real estate,. ; Indeed it it ontid,:by the
,Geonlar , papers,: that. real estate, laktiel,titlkee.dipt
.th e -high ,rates taxatio n ,- 500)1 be Atobjgher
• figures;thatohave ever yet, been 'reached.
3 The -Zodging';./ifousat; sfori the •:iteltaboya, haire
' proved icobe • among albs inest,ittlefut I charities
efrthe , daTJ ,Dnting qhe 't - Year r ithiee thousand
time hundred and thirty-one'individuals have
been entertained in them, at a 'very small ex
pense. They have also become a general home
for friendless boys. A boy found in the streets,
at night, without any one to care for him, may,
for the small sum of six cents, be sent to com
fortable lodgings. Similar institutions, in other
places, would alleviate much suffering, and
remove many temptations to youthful crime.
Though we boast much of our :Noble Englith
banguagP, of its origin, history, and progress, of
its achievement in the past, and of its possibili
ties for the -future, yet its careful and systematic
study has been heretofore almost ignored in our
Colleges and Universities. But in the University
or Post-graduate course now inaugurated in Co
lumbia College, special attention is to;be given tn
this department of critical study, in a series of
Lectures on the English Language, by the Hon.
George P. Marsh, of ,Burlington, Vt. The intro
ductory lecture was said to be at once interesting
and profound- 7 1inch as few other .men in the
country are capable of producing on the same
subject. The sinker attributed the increased
attention lately given to the English language, to
the example set by the nations of Continental
Europe in the investigation of the roots,'peci
liarities, and susceptibilities of their respective
tongues. As a means of mental discipline, he
pronounced the German superior to .all other
modern languages. He insisted that the English
language should receive the greatest care at the
fire-side, in the primary schools, in the Academy,
and in the College; and also that•the old - authors
should: be carefully studied. He said:
" The Greeks and. Romans had'their-masters
and models. We have Chaucer, and Milton, and
Shakspeare--each as great in his own sphere "as
any names of antiquity. These works will not
be excelled ; and it in vain to expect that any
future literary productions can occupy their
place. Vfnen they cease to be household words.
the Spring of our language is lost. • England and
the United States occupy so conimanding a
position, that their common language is inealcula
bly, important to the progress of civilization. It
rosy never' become universal. Indeed, the final
triumph of any one tongue is not to be supposed.
But ours Will have a' wider spread than any
other. Beyond every other. it is destined to be
the cosmopolitan speech. The two.great.nations
whose joint possession it is, have already extended
their, posts within hailing distance around the
entire circumference of the world." -
That the Evangelical .portion ,of the Episcopal
Church`feel themselves greatly fettered with the
restrictions and canons imposed by their Church,
cannot be denied. As the Church authority now
is, prayer-meetings cannot be established in their
churches, though earnestly desired by their most
pious and devout members. The Protestant
Churchman says :
6, All Evangelical Episcopalians are convinced
by the argunients in favor of such meetings, but
the clergy dare not establish them. There. is too
mat a pressure of eceleasiastical opinion and
feeling in opposition , to them. * * * The
constitution of this Church is such that unity and
submission to the general tone of 'sentiment,
predominate over independence of action. The
drift of opinion and feeling in, the Church is
adverse,to informal meetings. The effect of this
:Upon the large minority is what we see. The
conditions of the ease remaining jait as they are,
we confess we see no remedy."
Thy New'.*Brick Church," for tie congregation
of which the venerable Dr. Spring is pastor, has
been completed and opened for public worship.
. The edi fi ce is of brick, Profusely ornamented
with brown stone ; the interior is plainly but
richly furnished. The building is
_said to have
cost $140,000, and the ground on which it shards,
$50,000. It will hold one thousand persons; so
that the cost of each sitting $l9O. The
'dedicatory sermon .was preached by Dr.'Spring,
from Lev. nix. 80; "Ye shall revereiteii
sanctuary," After an appropriate introduction,
he set forth the reasons why the sanctuary shoild
be reverenced let. Because it is the - house of
Utod;;2d. For its moral and religious power , ; Bd.
For its conservative influence; : and, 4th. For its
social influence -in the community. On an
nouncing the first hymn, the' Dr. remarked that
singing was the part of the service that belonged
to the people, The singing:of the old familiar
, psalm tunes was led by. the argan -and a single
clic:Aster, who stood ins small recess behinotthe
pulpit,- facing the congregation. No interlude or
'fantasia of any kind were admitted, nor will they
be kereaftir.
Dr: Spring was born in Newbirypork Mass.,
February r 24, 1785. ~:In 1805 he gradnated •at
Yale College with the highest honors of his clefts.
Afterwards he, studied law, and was admitted Ito
the bar in 1808. A brilliant career seemed to
'open before him in the legal profession ; but the
celebrated sermon of the great Dr. Mason, on the
text; '" The poor have the Gospel preiched mite
them," was made the means of leading him to
change his course and prepare kir the ministry.
After studying theology at Andover, he was or
dained"and installed pastor of the Brick Church
in 1810, so that for forty-eight years he has min
istered to the same, flock, and with the greatest
acceptance and usefulness.
Although this city, has one hundred thousand
inhabitants less than New. York, it, has 'Twenty
Thousand More Dwellings.
A vigorous attempt has been made to give the
railroads in the streets permissien to run their
Cars on the Sabbath. And although the measure
has been voted down twice lathe Councils, its ad
vocates are persistent in their efforts and sanguine
of success. The friends of the Sabbath do not
seem to appreciate fully the dangers to which it
is , exposed just now.
The Bigh School of this city, has a reputation
equal to most of our Colleges, for thoroughness
and comprehensiveness of educational arrange
ment& Prof: John S. Hart, who was elected upon
the retirement of Dr. A. D. Bache to take charge
of the coast survey, has been its principal for six
teen years. But he has now resigned to become
editor of the publications of the American Sunday
SchOol Union—a post for which he is admirably
fitted, and which devolves great responsibility on
him Rho occupies it. We anticipate the happiest
results from this appointment.
Rev. Jams Pratt, for eighteen years rector of
Se Stephen's church, Portland, hie been called to
- become ;pastor of the congregation of the la.
mented Dudley A. Tyng.
':* 4 .lity:N;•. Carden, who has fallen under the die.
p l easlu e .01 Bishop Doane, of New Jersey, be.
c.Lase he bid the audacity to'horite a minister o
another denomination to aid bim in the adminis
tration of the supper, is constantly in re
ceipt of invitation's to' visit differetit places in
that diocese for the purpose of preaching the
The two hundred" - ind 'thirty Evangeli ca l
Churches of Philadelphia, have received ten
thoueend members on profession of faith since
the beginning of the great revivaL
The :.Fonith Anniversary of the • Young Hen's
Christian Association was celebrated in Jayne's
Ball, on the evening of the 2d last., when five
thousand persons were prcsent.
This association was organized in' the Samara
Street Hall, June 15th, 18542 The Bev. Dr.
DAwling, Dr. Brainerd, Rev:' jenhins, Rev,
C. W. Shields, Iter. D. A. Ting, and others par
ticipated In the exercises of that evening. The
original roll contaitte the, names of, fifty-seven
members. Mr„, George g..Steart was ..the first
president, and : has conthoned,to,bia the presiding
officer eversince.. ! At : tim;.clpseolif the second
year, there were seven hundred active, two hue.
drol and fiftylinfr , assottiate, Aweliiii-tio hon
orary, and twenty life niendiers, eels ftital:of one
thousaintsitut five:. 1 '',:ikostrtif the - edict - year
the membership was :eight hundred and forty
active, three hundred and fifteen associate, twen
ty settrn honorary, and twenty life, makings total
of one thousand two hundred and two. The
meixihership now is one thousand three hundred
and eighty three active ; fonr hundred and fifty.
nine essociate ; -fifty : four . -honorary; twenty-sir
life—making a total of one thousand nine hun
dred and twenty-two showing an increase of
seven hundred and, twenty during the last year.
The last was the largest, and most enthusiastic
meeting ever held by the AsSociation. Delegations
were present frnm the Young Men's Christian
Associations oflialtimore, Cincinnati, and other
places. Prayer was offered by the - Rev. James
M. Crowell, and soul, stirring addresses were
made by, Revs. Kingston :Goddard, Franklin
Moore, Henry M. Scudder, D. D., John Chambers,
and the Presidents of the Young Men's Christian
Associations, of. Boston, Baltimore, and Cincin
nati. .But the great speech of the evening was
that by Dr. Scudder, a son of the veteran mission
-8.17 of that name—and himself a missionary, on
4 g The Missionary Age." The Rev. John Cham
bers closed with a.' characteristic and telling
speech, and proposal to raise $150,000 for the
purchase of a lot on Chesnut Street, and the
erection of a building suitable for a-daily prayer
meeting, and all the , purposesof the Association.
For the Presbyterian Banner and .4dvocate.
Synod. of Ohio, Again.
The late meeting of this body in Delaware, was
roma., kable far order, unanimity,. and the spirit
of devotion. It was certainly s. most refreshing
occasion to the heart of every member. Every
minister and - elder who could and should have
been there, and was not. missed much. Strange,
that indolence or indifference should keep any
away from so delightful a eonvocation of the serv
ants of (Id P. The duty tlf go was es binding as
the privilege to be there was precious. And yet,
many were atsent.
Delaware is a handsome town, beantifally situ
ated on bat h sideief the Onlentangyriver, twenty
six miles North of Columbus, and surrounded by
one of the finest countries in Central Ohio,. and
thin is saying much.
Its educational advantages are great. Besides
its well conducted `Union Scheele, it 'can boast of
a fine College, and a first-class Female Seminary.
lbw; former, there - are -four 'hundred and-fifty
students ; in the latter, a proportional number.
Both are under the control of the Methodists. It
ie truly gratifying to see this great Church awak
ening to a sense of her duty, touching the educa
tion of her youth, and especially of her ministry.
The world does- move—move, too, in the right
direction. " College.bred ministers," once of no
repute in Methodiedora, are , now greatly in de
mand, and Colleges, Ones regarded as a curse,
are now looked upon as one of e greatest bless•
jogs a Church or community can possess. It is a
matter of much congratulation that the zeal - of the
Presbyterian Church .to elevate as high as pos
sible the standard of ministerial education, is no
longer decried, but is now fanned by all thb zeal
ous followers of John Wesley ; and I do here most
fearlessly 'predict, that just as soon-as a majority
of the ministers of We denomination pass the
requisite eurrieuturd Classical and Theological
study, to qualify them for a proper discharge of
the functions -of the ministry, then will itineracy
cease among their churches—flie laity be admit
ted. into their Judicatories—the "pew system"
adopted—shouting abandoned—enthusiasm es
chewed and other peculiarities repudiated,
- •
'which, in former times, characterized the minis
ters and people of this order. And, I• as fear
lessly predict, that a declaimer against Calvinism
then, will be as rare' among the Methodists as a
declaimer against Colleges now. Yes, the world
does move—move, too, toward Old School Presby
terianism, a truth that even the author of the
Conflict of Ages had- discernment enough to see.
There were no- Agents" in Synod to lecture
us, and consume our time in speeches on the
wants and operations of our Boards, and Church
Institations. : But the whole subjectof.Syste,matic
ilenevolance was, thoroughly canvassed, each
church being called upon fora report as to what
it had done in this matter ; and a per oentage
on: each member was made, out by' the Stated
Clerks of the Presbyteries, and read before Synod.
Resolutions were passed, and measures adopted,
that cannot tail to bring every church-member to
his duty on this subject, if any thing that man
can do, can secure, this end.
o...that all our people, and especially some of
my own charge, could be brought to read and act
upon these injunctions and recommendations of
Synod! = Then would they no longer be regarded
as niggardly and stingy, iwthe.estimation of the
most charitable of their brethren; : Just to think
.that a farmer, a tradesman, (many citizen who is
'a professed follower .of the Lord Jesus Christ,
should give but twenty-five cents a year to our
Boards, and call this benevolence!! Alt, yes, and
many do not give even this 'much! for they will
purposely stay away from church if they know the
day vino. a contribution to benevolent objects is
to be made! How dwelleth the love of God in
such? - Persons with such feelings 'ought tO fear
that they have never tasted and seen that God
is good, since it, is not - blesied:" for them to
give to any cause, however just and needy.
Synod said much on Educational Institutions.
Academies, Colleges, and Theological Seminaries,
elicited much fraternal conference A paper dis
couragbag the forming of private classes of young
men in the. Classics, by pastors, who had voted
to establish kiesbyterial Academies, was, to a
great length discussed, and wits then, for special,
prudential reasons, laid on the table.
Synod, with the most painful reluctance, agreed
to acquiesce with the . Synod , of Cincinnati, in a
resolution to delay, for • the present, ,further effort
to establish a University at West Liberty. Eighty
thousand dollars have already been subscribed
toward this enterprise, and this, too, in that por
tion of the field that was said to be the poorest.
If the churches and Presbyteries, which spoke so
much of their wealth when this great matter,,was
first undertaken, had -done What others were led
to expect, the financial agents might now have
reported. gross receipts, closely approximating, if
not entirely, equaling, $200,000, the minimum
to be secured by the joint Synods for its estab
lishment. This College will be built, bat just
when, and just where, are now 'in &We.
There was much preaching 'by the members,
daring the sessions of Synod. The pulpits in the
country, and neighboring ,tillage charges, were
supplied, as well as those in Delaware. The
writer, preached three times—onee on the Sabbath,
in the . Baptist "church, town ; once on a -week
day evening, in a waste church, four miles North,
a place of much spiritual destitution, if we may
judge from the conduct of ninny of the young
persons, and from the statements of citizens living
in the vicinity. ' Why thie place is so coolly
abandoned, as it appeared to be, to the wicked
one, when ao litany mhasters live in Delaware, I
cannot say bet .I. do think that an occa'ional
discourse here, if it were practicable, might do
much to.turn a multitude of interesting youth
from the it broad way." The third sermon was
preached in Eden—not the Garden, but the vil
lage of Eden—a beautiful little town six. miles
Elerward from Delaware. The evidences of the