Presbyterian banner & advocate. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1855-1860, November 13, 1858, Image 1

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Praithiptattaa Yob VII, Ilk 8 6
pr•2l6yterhur Adv. 566166. %xi, Na. 3 .1
DAVID MENNE!, Editor and Proprietor.
'. Ori01,:-Vp',e4t
" Perplexed, but Bonn Despair."
Why droops my soul, why should 1 dread
On Jesus' breast to lean my
.head ?
Though earthly comforts all should die,
Still, have I not a Friend, on high ?
Why should I truet in Man repose;
Bine Seim alt''my sorreir knows
He eau relieve i tny enbitifheart,
And eery needral flood impart. 1. r ""
0, let me, then, on hiin• rely,
And to his throne for succor ily, '
When deep, desponding fears distress,
And there my humble prayer address.
And be this truth at length impress'd,
And deeply fix'd within my breast;
That earth's best friends may faithless prove o
But Christ's is an unchanging love!
Here let me fix my roving heart,
And never, never hence depart;
But sweetly leaning on bia breast,
Find here my everlasting rest.
Nicklesville, 1858.
For the Presbyterian Banner end AdTooate.
Early Religious .Newspapers.
INDEPENDENCE, No., Oat. 25, 1858
DR. MOKI - NNEY—Door Sir : I have
noticed, in the New York Observer, that
Mr. Willis and Mr Morse, each; claim the
honor of having established the first relig
ions newspaper in the United States. The
truth is, neither of them has'any right to that
honor, the late Rev. John Andrews hav
ing a better claim to it than either of them.
The Boston Recorder, whioh they suppose
was the first religious newspaper in this
country, was established in the year 1816
In the year 1814, Mr. Andrews established
a religious newspaper at Chillicothe, Ohio,
called The Weekly Recorder. It was pre
cisely on the plan of the religious newspapers
of the present day, except that it was printed
in the Quarto form. A subscriber preserved
the fourth volume, whioh , has been in my
possession more than twenty years. Wheth
er or not more than the four volumes were
published at Chillicothe, I am not informed.
Mr. Andrews removed from Chillicothe to
Pittsburgh, and there published the Advo
cate, which was buts a continuation of .the
Recorder, with only a change of name,' and
the place of publication. The Bastin/. Ike.
corder having been established, may hive
been the reason why the name was ohanged.
'The Advocate has been' continued until the
present day; and'. by 'lke union with the
Banner, is now the Ban2yr and .AdViiiite,
of which you ere the editor., So that ' your
paper is, probablyythesoldest religious news
paper in the United States. . At- any rate, it
is certain that Mr: Andrews published the
Weekly Recorder, at Chillicothe; before "'the
Boston Recorder had existence.
Mr. Andrews baying lived so long in Pitts
burgh, I suppose
i yon would hav e little
trouble in ascertaining all the facts' con - cern- .
lug his newspaper 'enterprise and editorial
labors. I hope you will do so:; and . in jus
tioe to the memory of 'Mr. Andrews, publish"
the facts in your paper.• Should you pub
lish anything on the subject, I would be glad
to ace it.* Respectfully yours,
P. S —ln the year 1812, Dr. Jametl Fish
back, late of Lexington, Kentucky, became
the editor of a newspaper, at that place,
called The Western Monitor. He devoted
one page of the paper, exclusively to relig
ious intelligence. From this it would seem,
the Lord was preparing the way for' relig
ious newspapers. Christians were beginning
to see their importance. J.S.
[* The first religious newspaper in the United
States, as we noted last week, was published by
John W. Scott, in Philadelphia. We may .reour
to the subject again.—ED.], ,
For the Presbyterian Banner and Advocate.
Romance of Missions. .
The phrase, " Romance of Missions," is'
often misapplied. Thus it is 'often said that
missionaries and' earnest Christians who take
a deep interest in missions, and who mani
fest their faith and interest, and professions,
by corresponding deeds, are carried away by
the Romance of Missions. These words are
mostly found in the mouth of the world, and,
sometimes in the mouth of Christians,
(nominal at least,) who are ignorant, or slug
gish, or miserly. The miserly, especially,
in and out of' the Church, are troubled with
a strange obliquity of moral vision, super ! .
induced by their peculiar propensions. They,
much resemble their god Mammon, one of
Milton's fallen angels,
" —the least eteated spirit.that fell
From heaven; for e'en in- heaven his looks and
Were always downward bent, admiring more
The riches of heaven's pavement, trodden gold,
Than aught Divine or holy, else enjoyed
In the vision beatifio."
Such could not, perhaps be expected to
have clear, straight forward views, or high
and holy aspirations. As they are not
troubled much with deep, unselfish convic
tions of duty, having ,their origin in solid
substantial, sublime realities, and encour
aged by well grounded hopes; it may not
seem so•strange that they cannot nicely dis
What substance is and shadow what." ,
Let not terms be abused, however. Let
words have their proper Dictionary meaning. , l
Then shall be exemplified the maxim,
" /Sum Cuique," to every one his own.
What then is the proper application of:the.
expression? Is not this the Romance of.
Missions ; to profess Christianity with' its
requirements and obligations • to profess
union and communion with Christ, . and wil
lingness: to obey all his commands; to. aci•
knowledge the duty of carrying on the Mis•
'ion work vigorously, and yet doing nothing
corresponding ! To talk about 64 Macedo
nian cries ;" . 66 wide open doors ;" "con.
version of the Jews and bringing in of the
Gentiles ;" it hastenin2 the Millennium
glory ;" " wondeifpl and glorious prophe
cies - 7 " "great discoveries of Livingstone in
Africa ;" 64 the facilities of communication
with all parts of the world ;" 4 1 knowledge
running to and fro," &c. Yet never
responding to those cries, (how long have
they been crying !) or entering those doors,
or raising a Anger to hasten the glorious se- .
complishment,,, or to tt utak°, use .oft all , the
modern appliances and , , improvements.,::. To
yead•or hear descriptions of the sad,condition
of the millions of poor„perishing, yet immory
licathan i , And to toerp, over' the dfsoription,
.yet go nothing for them. *pity the, peer
missionaries, with! the taming. tip ; of holy
eyes and pious exelainatiens and-t ' the gAat
sktirifiU, &o: And Sending thern`luff with'
Ans Witt faretfell 'meetings; and then.=--fo s r.
getting to pray orioare farf thetti. , 4' '(A:propos
to Ibis, the' great' Del J song ieldw how
great enthusias divas kelt 'apish en , h eireturn ad 1
hands treirly.shuck, , ,his , armsT off,
'end-ladies followed hini witlt.soissorsi , te 'cut
off looks of his chair. - And yet, said Judson,
they-would ;not , have.lifted one of their little
fingers earnestly, to, aid, the .cause .;I advo
cated /),To sit is fine,. , comfortable churches,
and sing,
theigloomy hilts of darkness,
Let the eye,of, pity gaze," &e.
From Greenland's icy mountains,
From coral strand; &c.
They call us te deliver
Their land from error's chain ;"
and yet never letting the eye of pity gaze,
(or perhaps letting: it gaze, without doing
anything , , more never doing• anything
worthy .of the name, to deliver those un
happy lands which have been calling, calling,
calling.? Exquisite cruelty of .Christian '
irony, thus to slog over the miseries, of man
kind..? But it is unnecessary to specify
more examples. Do they not show, what is
the genuine, reprehensible Itomanee of
Missions !
The Synod of Wheeling.
This body held its annual sessions in the Pres
byterian church of Washington, Pa., 'commencing
Oetober 19th, and closing on the 22d. ' Much
business of importance was transacted,,of which
the following items, are selected for publication,
by the Committee appointed for that, purpose:
Ths opening sermon was preached by the Rev.
John 13. Graham; Moderator of lest year. from
Acts vi: '244=- 4, For herwas a'good man, and ,full
of the Holy Ghost and of faith; and much. people
was added unto the Lord." , ,
The Rev. David R. Campbell, of the Presbytery
of Steubenville, was ehosen Moderator, and lbe
Rev: 11. M. Dodge, , of the Presbytery of Wash
ington, and the*Rev. Thomas'A. •Grove,: of the
Presbytery ,of St. Clairsville, Clerks.
The first half hour; of each morning session, was
spent, in religious exercises,, and a Synodiaal
prayer.meetiag was held between the hours of 11
and 12, on .Thursday morning, when • addresses
were delivered, by the Rev. Benjamin Mitchell,
D. D., and the Rev. Jamee W.:McKean:an. A tier
mon,on Domestic Missions, ,bY `the Rev. Joseph ;S.
Poinroy, was delivered on Wednesday evening,
Under an . APPointmentof last Year. Another ser
mon, on. Religious , Fasting, was expseted, het.the
preacher, Ake ! Rev. Robert limes,
' The Committee, tol 'whom were: referred Ithe;
papers relating to Washington/ College; -respect- ,
fullymribmit the folloriing•report, .to
Report of "the Coliritittee-61Ezaininatioile:
In reference to tills `paper;' y on; domiitittec;
wouldkoloserve, that they are pleased with the
fidelity of this Committee, and gratifiedoat being
attic to reportan encouraging view of the College,
in the following particulars Ist. The sanitary
st a te of the gd. Its discipline. 3d.
Its religious 'oonditiort., rAnother -precious Tevival
of religion has been enjoyed .during the. ear.
4th. Its standard of scholarship. In view of this
state of facts, your Contnlttee submit; that God is
making this College an instrument of great good,
for which we shoUldblesti and praise hiECtiame.
rt. Report of the Fruste&
From this report we learn much of the state of
the College, in two aspect's. Its internal condition
appears,to be most gratifying. Its external, con
dition is not so encouraging. Still, it is not so
discouragingas to induce . despondency, as . to its
fiord and complete success, though its financial
affairs are such as to demand prompt :attention.
The indebtedness of the College to its Profeesors,
amounts to the sum of $3,816.20, To meetthis
debt, there are no fUnds at the disposal of the
Trustees. They, :therefore. justly look to this
Synod, (to whom it properly belongs,) to devise
and promptly to employ some efficient method,
whereby this liability may be met. • ,
Resolved, ,TIIM the Rev. James R. Hughes be
nominated as a Trtistee, in place of the Rev . . Dr.
Samuel Wilson, 'reeigned. f 7
In. Financial Agent's Report.
From this report we are gratified to learn,,that
notwithstanding the Severe monetary 'pressure,
felt in all the departments of business diming! .the
last-yearithe agent-has, by, .of scholar.
.ships. added , $5,590 to, the Termanent fund, and
has procured to the current expense fund, the sum
of $731.67, making a total of $6,321.67. 'Deduct
salary, traveling expenses, .Bzo., and we have a
pin to our funds,of $6,188 61.
In,view of the, fact, communicated to the Synod
by the Committee; ad inedim, that `the
Alexander Swaney hatriesiPed his agency; Your
Committee recommend lhat lit he , ; • 0
Bombed ? Thatthis Synod hereby expresses its
high appreciation of the valtiabla and successful
labors of the Rev. Alexander Swaney, as financial
afgent,'dniink the pest Year; and its 'hope that be
may bel even more ,guacesErfuli in some other 'def.
Tartment of labor in. the: Master's vineyard.; : !
' Tv. 'Report of the Committee, ad , lizierini. ;
• •Thia committee accepted the resignation-of the
Rev. John M. Faris, as President pf the43oard of,
Trustees, and. elected the Aev. Ren y (. Somingo'
to thai, office. They, also acceptidAhe 'resignation'
of the`Rev. Alexander Swniey, as *int loethe
Endovrinent Fund.
"Repo'rt th Bbard"of rivaties.'
. . •
This Board has; to a large 'ektent,' the interests,
andleureesrdtlhe College in .its, control; and it,
appears not iuseneible to the ligh gust : reposed
by the 'Synod.' From,its report rreoolleet
the following • ''
Ist. Total amount subscribed to the
Ehdowment Fund;
2d. Amount of principal collected, $25,508.57,
,Expensee of the .Endowment,Fund, ;5,847.46
Balance of principal collected, $19,656.11
Subscriptions duo, and unpaid, $43,972.03
4th. Intermit due and nnplud on sub
. seilberqi notes; ' ' . ' $3,075.00
Interest on money loaned, . .; . 1,2.07.00
"Total interestdue and unpaid, $4,282.00
From this exhibit, it is Manifest that: the Synod
has means, now justly undei its `control, 'and
subject to its order, sufficient*to meet its present
liabilities, and to afford ample encouragement for
the future. ~ It only remains to devise and carry
into effect some method by WhiCh the large out
standing debts, now due to the' College' Endow
ment Fund, may be collected and applied to
liquidate its liabilities now due, and becoming
due from time Co time. '
Your Commitiie' would submit the following
resolutions, viz.: •
Resolved, That we recommend to the. Board of
Trustees, that they Airect,their Treasurer to pro
ceed forthwith to collec t . all outstanding dues,
for which they are hereby authorized to allow an
adequate compensation.
Resolved,. That we recommend to the Faculty
that they continue the sale of scholarships in
slush ways as they may deem most conducive to
the interesta of the instiiittiel.
Reaolved, Thiit.Dr:l. S. Henning; and O. li,
" ,iuRDAy" Gltov
`:1 =
BEA S. Isso - 1
WEAK Emir)
Reed, RN., 'be re:elected' as members ,;of the
Board, to ,serve, „for .three,,years.ftira thia date,
and that James C Aohos o o,, of, Nysehlititoli, , be
chosen to fill„the l :martey r ocroOtitild by thhdedth
of traine's - .EWitig, teits. 'of office would
have expired in 1860;- --
In•view ,of theperholtpsulOect, ,yopri•Committett
subehiethe folleviing'reSolntionsoted recommend
their adoption- r t. ; •, t • ,
Resolved, That SY‘no'd recogniZeg its °bill
Rations to the Ilead• of they. Chureh e rfor •hietTgrai.
,Mous favor, to ttapLinatitettml. , • •
Rqolved That we again Commend onN . Synod
icai College t o ot',' hilt:matte hiad . tolthit'pr&hlia,'he
every 'tidy w'orthref their tionfidedoe; tlietetent
etributionsrartAtketinipatrOnageif , aids teat v.4' , 11:1
.117,4 e RN-Pft.rt, , .., 4 4 . effitYtketAt l iq°l 49 fll , et 1-it
N0F,PJAT.41 14 ,9 P. -6 P t c l irM i c.ifio i ,tiv 4 v.l
--SYM:affirOceeded to tli'd itamination ,of Pro
7fegior 'a Ratu'ral Sdieiece Wahhingtorttelleie,
' , when "Professor=. Wet Hi Breitir,'•*oflNeiv I York,
• *as unanimously nominated. ", • ' • 5,.,
t The Synod was. subsequently, notifird .hy,,the
President and "Secretary of the, Board of
. Trus;
tees, that Professor Brewer had - been "Sleeted,
with like unanimity, by that body, to the vacant
chair, in accordance 'with the Synod's nomination.
At 'a late stage' in the proceedings, the 'tea.
Alex. Swaney proposed a resolution which:yes
adopted,,deciaring it to be the duty of Synod -to
make some additional provision for collecting the
moneys due and outstanding ' A special Cern
inittee, to whin:6'4dd subject wits 'referredi`inib
sequentlyintrbduced the following paper, , ,iwhioh
was unanimously adopted,.viz.:
1. We recommend that the ,Treasurer of the
Board of Trustees be required to furnish e4i3i7
pastor'within the'bounds of - this' Synod,:aiist - of
the subscribers within his own pastoral charge,
the amount of subscription, its date, ,the amount
of interest paid,, and the union& unpaid and now
2. That the SYriod urgently solicit each petit:or,
in conjunction with his Session; to act as ~volutat
ary agent in his own charge, lathe collection ~of
interest, or principal, or,both, and make his re-.
turn to the Treasurer of the Board of Trustees;
as early as pritetioablel
3. That the Board of Trustees be directed 'to
give immediate attention to the collection of, uri 7 ,
paid interest outside the bounds of this Synod,
by such agency as to them mitir,imem best.
4. That the Synod thankftilly'accept. the *iel 7
untary agency of , Gen. James 'Lee; and any other
volttnteers,in thisiservice, whoonay be willing to
prosecute the work,of collecting, not only, in ,the
congregations to which they belong, but in neigh
boring-congregations;`to`such extent as theY may
see proper.
5.. That the Synod or the,Committee, ad interim,
take into consideration, the propriety of securing,
at the 'earliest moment practinable, a suitable
agent to procure ';additional sub'scriptibins iO•the
Permanent Fria& • t , r
The'COEMS . l4SEoo4llol3l6WEl‘referred a letter
from the Directors of, the _Western Theological
Seminary, endorsed by the 'Trustees, rePorted,'
Slid their 'riport was accepted' nd adapted, as !
fellows, viz.: : " ft
Resolved, That this Synod feels called upon ,to
give hearty thanks to the great ,Head of, the.:
Choroh,"forhis Special favor r 'On'tfTiMOltigical
!Sernittary;• in thUsvlar APPljitirthe , ‘Eititlit'for
carrying+ on its,opevations.;And. in: the, large!Oh-
Ales!iions,niade,to ,the numher pf, its students' dip
present session.i ;
which God makes' 'upon .utf, , byl flits distinguished
favor4ottihklnstitution , for
_which Vie;hivela.'
bored and prayed, and that we regard iiour'.
Privilege to 'eaten` our contributions 46*as''` to,
keep pace Avithlhe extendedtrowth:"of . oui 4 Semi-'
„Resolved, That we heartily; approve the, plan„ .
submitted,by,the Directors and „Trustees Of Abe
Seminary, for raiing' the endowment ofthePorirth t
'Profetsfordhip, l and , we do hereby' recominbrut to.•
the:pastors , and Sessions of, the aburches to bring
this object before, their people on the fourth,Sab-'
bath of November,for a thank-offering to Clod,
that ' shill'reach atleast the'quOta . of fifty Cents.
'to each' meinber, and that they cotirmunicate the
.result to-T. H,Nevin, Esq., Treasurer, at Pitts- 1
Reso'bed,„That the Presbyteries be reipiested
to take appropriate order on this subject, and re)
port the vault to the Synod at Our nextlneeting.
!Re.solvedi That to make up the,,endownumt,:and
to supply means for scholarships,:and ad,litional'
accommodations for the students, an earnest call
'he` made upon the Chrirchat large lorcontilibute,
to thia=great object. - t n
The Rev. Samuel Patterson.-was appointed to
preach on The Necessity of. Social Prayer eet
inns, and the Meet
ings, beit manner of conducting them;"
with the Rev:Laverty Grier, , as his alternate.'
The Rev. Wm. R. Vincent -was `
preach on «The Characteristics of a.True Revival
of Religion ;" with the Rev. Thiniai'it. Crawford
:as alternate.' . •
The Synod of, Wheeling, in presenting. its An
nual Narrative of, the ptate of Religion within ,
its bounds, finds.not n little in the history of' the,
year that calls for thankegiving: to ' the 'Mad of
the Church. The year-last past, `begat itilte
buke and .trial. Commercial embarrassment and
disastrous reverses in ; trade, filled 'the land with
glooniy apprehensions. But iii the'rnidat *of thitk,
dieappointment of earthly' hopes,' the , gracious
Lord who ,4 giveth songs in the night,' visited
us graciously ; and while earthly, riches were
taking to themselves wings, many learned;to lay
up more durable riches in heaven. 'Thalieeple
4, humbled theinselves Under the` mightyaftind of
God," and , were, endled withlpowerta
fro,on high.,
Glad's work was gloriously revived. Sonia Were,
awakened, 'convinced', converted," and ''large
numbers gathered into his kingdimi. lukiivrtirrn.
Christiana have:been' quickened: r The ,children
of the covenant, that:had4ong neglected.tlie t God
nf ; their fathers,,,linve been. constrained,:by : his
Spirit to 'subscribe with their own panda uikto the
'Lord. ' ; "_. J .. . -
. - We record the following'facts more particularly
as giving ac" grateful and exultant, celering l tg!thi%
annuel,,,survey,of our Zion i : Increased o.ilignee,
tendeiness, and fidelity in piesehiiik the
telling theliiinple Seery of the 'Croffs,''idatulethe
might of mere intellect, britin ;the might •Cflthe
Spirit; faitlifulnessin parochial duty, frombonse to
house, ofttimes with tours; _veme.r in all,
the duties Of family religion ; gratifying increase
in the nuniber of fandly altars . ; a 'deepened-lone
of piety ;' greater. spiritnality;ostrivingsi after
higher ; attainments in godliness; intimate: con-,
versatienon Christian experience; increased'
, toyed in 'the unconverted -,Weekly' Payei,nieet
4ing's and leetures mot's largelkaftendeVevgn by
that - class '..who have' been!ment to =desPisti , the
ordinances,of.Christianityi the covenant elation
of the Children. of the Church, and the seta of
the Setae lieslightly esteemed; large liumhers of
young ritenitiiingtheineelves to the' work of the
ministry ; our schools of :all=-classes, remarkably
West; co-operation, peace r . , and ; hrotherly kind
ness,, with few, exceptions, reigning, throughout;
growing attachment to our present 'plane of
benevolonee - ; the pedple earnestlY'prityinewith
strong expressions of 'faith itid hope,- that' the
Lord iwatiout to appear in his, gloryto build up
Zion, end that the, set time to, favor her, is draw
ing nigh. " 0 Lord revive thy'work."''
But while our reports the maiii full of
glad tidings, or breathe a cairn spirit of gratitude,
they aro varied,• here and there, byeaddest sighs,
not only over the ordinary disceuragements, and
obstacles incident to the condition of the Chinch,
militant, inch as the prevalence Of infidelity, the ,
greatness of 'the work, the fewrieSi of 'the labor.:
ere, Sabbath desecration , by, railroads and .mails,,
the want of interest in the temperance
neglect of the monthly concert and of 'the grace
of systematic giving, biitfalso the mournful de
faction - and fall of etandard-bearers; under eir
oninstances.of the most painful kind.
Oh may; these things prompt prafatind humil
ity, and fervent prayer to' the gracious lord, who
atone oan kehp any of us from falling,'• and eon 7
atrain!us to seek a new unction of the , ,Spirit on
ourselves and our people.
• The,Oommittee on Bills.and Overtures reported
r.• A
'.• • ,•": . • -
46 , i• ft ,•:' ' '" '
:q extuiei 0.,.,1 report.Thig t w
as ac t t , e p' .
e .1
adopted. tl lP a lSB l l , )t *i , , e
The Committee onEl ml Overturesbegjeave
to ifepOrtillatit paper;:s anatuig . 6om the Cu ,n- y ,
vention .of ,#iiiiisteri pi . eig•ers, convoned,in this ,
i p , h i a „ o , o ,v ll , t i i.i i iity(ipr .. 4lo.
0r4hi1au , ,4 .. 943igi0tit.qy .. 90, ~
-AP beektPM9 in. 141 itn# by ..,the phairman
3 6 ,
tlyitiSeor f ettry pt,snid u - ?mention,' ,Thip oper,
with:shoi u nitodihcatell it Committee „report ":
4 ;
to.tha 3 , ,tioti, and:s.,• • •. f ' that it be seitt4l,own" ,
tethe'clitiectiesistaTa. r L4ter It is, hl the
following words r t e .. /042niro k, ~,,, • ..! .
,Ilo#7: t iti v beiovesi o icqe...i.,Grct:—rie, AtittiSters
an 4 Rulag r, idett ‘ ?, h,..,
....ILI6I of Wheeling, ad- i
des you 'on ii, sublet, , • iehTwe judge to be of
vital importaffe• ,• .., lents your growth Y.
in personaleietiliesNalk• , : thparfargement and -
rpopsrity. of ior,i ; a tit ir.", '_.:- r2l
4 1 •
Itaf.l.lo. ite intitifti = qfe.....intileesse 6
with i n profunntymuse of the / eacepdingigreatgess 0 -
of God's grace„ as it , has been manifested within
' Oar hOiindilaUriliethh Past'iiii t i r andtqo tiStligiiiiii "
the liveliesti;•grstitUde toi;,God cforAttie: , : gloriops 0.,
work of, salvation which he has wrought in many ..,
`of Oui.eliiirdrels: .; - -' 3 '" . • ~ •• .4 it:;_, • ..
II We are deeply sensible' of the imnortance of t" ,
i contiunance„ofthis, great ,werlti oS religious
awakenine:and" revival, since the conversion of
shiners,' the groiilivot believers( tliecinereasw.of ''
the ministry, and the more rapid .eTtensiontof. ,
the Redeemer's kingdom in the' woila;'iii itai
leritefi taanebted With the 'blessing' :cif 6:Aleut- 4
poured,Spirit.:,,Reetdts ,preciens,
,i,uf!Mte, i9y,er- fr
lasting, hatig upon every genuine revival of re
ligion. Eternity talone;itilitiiTaiiiiiiiiii destinies, -
will, unfold:the full amount tofrbleSsings,Anwing t•
from these , visitations of mercy. =ln . thus giving
utterance to our 'feelings on this Subject, we are
persuaded ifiat We'd° huteciia asentiment; witiely
'prevalent in all °hurdle - 4. i- ' ''' r'''' 1 1 I
t 111. In.....ibrder to ,ithe attainment Atf this great
blessing 7 -„Alutrevivaiief. God's ! , work of grace,"in
our own hearts and in our oongregations, r we
earnestly, recommend to all the ministers and
' chniehes; - hailing a 'Bynodielil'bonneiiOn with as,
to piit forth 'special: effOrte;'dirWOUTd "to this mid, .
during We coming season. Nor, letit belsuPpiised'
that • this, is:a work,-,Which belongel eadusiyety. 7 to "
,ministers is ruling elders, and demons. Tie greet- •
eat Weight of respeiliibility,,w'c,are Williii ‘ g toad-„
'mit,- rests n1)011.'01'4 offieejbeitAri 'in Chris's'
, honse. Biitl it'Allitas not belting , sidely,to4hein.
"The , revival. of(religionr,is al common acnicern.
, t ,
lOretliretri; this .work yon„all!: There is
somethinge t
for every one feel and for epeny,,one l'
to do. .All can help, if they will,.- and all .ought
to help,.to the 'iltmeat Of their 'Oil*: '' "
Withohilsstituilitig it spirit lif diotatiori, or•eltilm
. ing to he lords over God's heritage; we Would re
spectfully. suggest the adoption / pf . .. 1.1113, following
, special methods, j as thoskwhich maybe .properly,
I and,:we hopeL"for gaining the„,
important object in view U
successfully-used '
,'"li - '
il;et the - ministers within' biti "iiiiiidsWgo , '
feral, - two .by•tivo; front one, congregation ?to. in.e,
other, preaching for ; several successive: Aays: , •in
,each,, und, a wherever it maybe thol i kafit,ad3isable ,
bsthe . Sestuons,'l,etilie ordinance 510 't i er:Xs ,
'Euppeibe'ildiiiinietiriiir as 11.'iitile'of.tlirtleivide .
of-this visitation.. .1 ' , 1,2 ~..1 1 1. ~,,, , ,,r l, n , ry ',
1 ,2. Let, the„rtiling.elders of,,,ur i Setielona.,go d iritto
by'tWoe, and'vfsit'ili thiltinillgs of ttledifferent
oofigregatioris, end ialsolllXiainilieellitiVingrio aci -'
plesic.sticalpshnexions., Aftering,p7mi,,,nt i molt
visit, and noireersing witli theldifferent niemlkere
of the household, oh tbestibjent Itkr•PecnBniilliend
practical ‘ godliness... Let the Adders in this way,, , ,
magnify . , eir i office. ghat an upgpeakable , 1
blessM t'' • '-iturXiis iilfAlli ROOM, warm- • '
,hearted;"! .r leins,t,ll,aotive,-eldlaglifi l ii t s l xbat a9''
bligh o. '
t t a congregation a an eldership of the-,
et titres++ oh a'ra c tef—an eldgritip k i Volio Pba ell:IT-of f , ,
menj,, luke-warm, I timid,
heartless! lint, brethren
. of , the eldership,
'are Persuaded better' thin)* of You,Ahcitigli 'We'''
.thuslepeak. I'ol 1:”.....-- ,,, r•,)nin:,,• •it 11...:. :1 , MI 1 .0.
3. Let the first Friday of. December,
,13. e oh -v,
served'as a diii'd fasting, bithnliatien, and'o4- 7 - ,
''et.', do Which day We earhestlyizedueatiftlia meta-i,
h,ers, of crur,churoties, .to lay.:twide,tli t eip ord y in t ry,
worldlY'husiue'si, and that, absteining'ftlom . all d '
Unnecessary foild,lthitiy lwersiiiii God thientire clay -3
in the oloset, , tt.their„families, and,,,the -‘l,shno
4: If any 'cihilichen within the 'limits "of this c
SynokAnd under Its? care, are without regular •
prayer meetings,, we, affectionately, but earnettlr k !
'enjoin it,' Upon the ' we,
dffiiiial L atithoriti6 • Of{si
!such oburohes, that they ithmediately. adopt meas-
: are% T R e .7 . 9E tbeirorgahizstion.
~ . . , , :1 ,
' fo: 7.9 E meetings for social prayer be sisidnouplyL'
liturixtred* in all,otirl churches f :let all Church rtiout-t
bars, males ,t 4s. ,well, as femalerb give,.pun,otpalt%
Attendance Upon them ; - let heads of familieS take.'l
their 'liiitieeholcbi 'along Witii"* - theni Ith itheisit 2 te-i,
unions for prayer.; and in thilrw,arlet . all exhibit,: •
a benomincinterest inthem and a prOper appre
°Haien 'of the - 'Objects 'prOpo'sed th' be' • inined
through .their agency: • 9f. the Old, Testament'
,saints, it, is recorded to their praise, that they ••
" spake often one to inothei," doubtlesS'in'ioliiaLL',.
religious gatheringe;and hot merely inprivateoon-; ~
verse. The injunctioji laid upon Christians in •
the New Testameel, is, "not to forsake the as.
sembliniud&tgemselmPitielliiiifi And the
promise, of. thh tglaster "genres . his ; . graci n tuo pre
sence, even where only two„ or three are Met in
shis'haine. The' Chriitian' Clinioli itself,' aeldis-,,,
tinct•from the Jewish Church, may, beseidto have
had its birth in that remarkable, prayer-mpetir , ig, .
Of fen der eontintiance, *Midi ' p receded 'the'ef-t
-fusion of ;the Holy Spirit on the daY?of f Pentecest.; •
"In union is strength," and this is ail .
true of .
prayer, as of any other kited nreifort: ',Ve . \are,',.!
apt to rely on preaching to rawaken .Binneripbuit, •
praying for itisA,.. war.. ,fraying . l l'l
than prenehirig .;!png gtioe to 1.
ia l
• 1 /
ith best Power.. p• - •;•"„ 101 ...Jo •-•ri. , ,i ,10.!all.c. ori / 5 6
A. And,, filially, ,w,o.
. Tould i geptkOnAtßly exliorCi
all the youth who attend uPon twine won* in it
our dhureh es, L and; ' `eifieinallN thiiifer Whb' tare ,
J 3 e 43 0 kEirottted, that thei J9 98 4944* 6 4 111 s ee m ing,,
for themselves, throligh
,the Lord Jeans Christ:"
'the rich tiletisinia l "Ot s itiliatTdie, linViiiiiiedigady
choose "that good pary whieke ohollinit, be Cskfier-:
away from them."..
~... ,
._ i
The Synod , outing se an appellate court, hid,
under its,coneiderationfiYB catleP ,9r( aPlArd—tio.)
from judicial, decagons of ( ihq , Preshytery of $515 . ,, ,
Lisbon, ' andilirerfrerii''decisiOnri%f tile 'Presby
tery .Of Waishinktoa.'4 These" Were Isetiledvin 'a
manner, ;t booed .will , the
"ing, wall promo: t' y &
aeit3 the glory God: t lurtyl
rand pehoel of itlieChureh , anduthe beet interests
of ,the pa4iee j cppeerned,•., / y., p.! .1. •
L 3. conclusion, the Committee boeleave' to
'State tbet•this" Synodical rifeetidg'irer West lir.
monimas and pr,otitoble,espeolally:on acAeu 'of
the fervent religlui spirit, which "ti xii.
began 'to be
tritinifiiitedxful the idevEttonallOoiiitifitionilii , hict
'preced,3ll it,f j tizid which toontlnued more pr,)ess
tbrougtput f its, entir . e
, de4tierat6ns. Soon - may'
'this gpirficif'Di+ine`gfadit'o4mnlente'olle'l,y'dOrn
upon our churches,-todulfill-the highest expeetal.
tons anthprayeki of• the Lowesiseriants2T
• Jewel B4Loyngs9;4l nomm e itteiL.
„ •
• ' iNI7B, .
University of ilesimdppL.,
From the, catalogue of • the , Vni)tepity . of ,;
Mississippi, at OxforA, we lien that the fa,
culty consists of a', Piesidenty re erto A.
Barnard, = ll. :DI aria got PrOfeeihore
and Tutors—the Professorship of intellectua i l,
and moral--philosophy being vacant—that ,1
thelinstittatorois ' under the o'ontrol of the -'
LegislaturiThircaraellenoN,tbe governor be-
Ang„,Chairman of the Board of .11`rustees—
,that-the institution went into: operation ten .
'yeterritgoa-vtbat the- • preisintft n el ,
umbelf of slut
;w of
, , whore siAeen'ire jair etUaeria--4,litilfile
stitution as established upon a grant,otkuid
consisting of thirty six sections, 'made. by
the 'Congress of the United States, from
'Which there no* due a' fuhd amounting to
'074,324.46; which bears eight per centums
interest.; and in additioUlo tbjsathe Legis
lature-has-appropriated $20,000. is year. for
five years, for the ben'efit of the iUnistersity:•
The instieution i 6 repreatrited — le
m 0 .3
t - 7 t .s •
1 .,
From our 'London Correspondent. , i ; 1 , .• Most of , them:o k: also i • religiously.; ' regard' ;
Social Science Congress al Liverpood--:define :arid
themselves Lealleft I la: . 0 1 .4 I work; by , i Provi.i;
,arp lifting it4ntie,,fear, of ; God.,
~,qmoipAs--; l .!revention andpure ./i.agbrld and 10. .. do,noeifu?„( l
.r . prory SdooisL-Legisiation and Besultsi- ' Nl, infidel doeitilpi, dreams, t ile lazy peed-.
ilfyißiform-Statements 'of Lord I ,l?litaiel M 'en tiliilif 'illf eviiiiiiifize!the'peridr result
• • -.,iLerk s and i Speakers- BelOion and Bard
- . ednt '
' I'd' 'B - 011,1 fforin ,'fo'rthe world's Wo rk—Lor d Brougham and Sericl• Literature
-4140185i oi9eiiniicckid by Di. OdhillLAnr7 •regonerat*r,i work oontioridis essintail3to ,
Papists -antis their. lnconsistency — Forthcoming :; fltioceßls ,I i ',a,., I ~ . '
~ ~.,!:; ,„., i ,•') wi ... ln , i i .'
.„ j be i mon,slration against Puseyism--4. Sermon al Lords Cariiille; and )3411alotry,. atil l ilio
4 A: barilAcisillir: Poole - BiSh l oßs Irish Chancellor and Aith'eire F deliver ai
r.,43ishop oftDzionars , Sitinzon,"and a Lbndosi ifief• - digi i ii i M l iir tir ja t t3fi, ' for tg e teti c ilid ail .p ow :
,tor—rhe Bishop of,Meath rebukes mr. Liddelt , f_l__ . 1,-
3 I , h v o ipo ,-4 4 . schi r a ___ A . thewi a n ki rt ,t igv , of • er, an d ill ' to' o'dhig IT: one:tiattfif e'lliiilhn
•!tavoMibyterianalfiniontery,;in..oh6D24Agnizah phystbal, and spiritual; welfstreraCth tip slabs.'
i '‘''fistni f Teigri f t l J;"/l i i• i ls7v i tena n#(l77 s . _: 4lE/ P Pi ( 1 811 " * T I LeWeAk°8 ' 4414111) 411°11g7 ' 4°4e111
am iss {r im, c,,,lani fpw r p. ,„ , • cllVUßAlipon de
,J h'ilo artffitOThe , GiawarMaia Disre44r•pl ' ' 1- " ' ' 6 4 o ` """••••
•• I
- •- - - -• • -- --- • ;tti fPrter*TVOP ~. -PO, . _ • plefr-1
lili4/*".l Sri; lk i NflOW; J Ob tolieillsthriBFON • !..drfulky . y.contribiltediqte ,AhDi. reimltvaßkiarrer
•" 1 41kg giricEs.treorerribiP(kilichttcievielligiirwit irbifore;.waiqberesilece• lientiMaibttlifeirrind
'hew:annual , oession,t it Liverpooh ',at: sea i likkfri .ii .4l, 7 1 Fi ni ll i thT t.ciPi.,," °6 „!?r,lcto„Plii„ i lAl.;( l l
-tended hy . ruany: r philanthropie-notabilitiek • : r s 4 .: 1 1,:ir 1 , 1 1"?. 16 1,04n:r0,4 :gilp,mo,Otp - ,ipittpOr -
Aneltiding the ,pariket Shafto4u a'od, o ,Qar. ,;:nu8b.5.nd149,:b 0 1..4: 1 940 34 /ot.iio.. this' tsittteir
lisle, and the - Lcrd . Chineellor of liela;id. ..and among many sdark;signs,ot . the. 'Simnel:
Discussions addresses b ' Presideiiiii' of here is•one fill! 4.. t. fliope , arid promise , ',..-- t ,
~ y '.
.seetiens ; • pipers, 7 ,to tite numiiii ' , of one • The' verierablelbrit BidiiglyeNtritetid
hundred and •fifty on :Juriaprudenee; ,C,oin• a . powerfol ad . di:e . sil at the' ppoireoo, oik"peri•
: Odieit literittiire,-iiiir ice'' imipoitiiiiiii. 4 The
no) Weights and.Anyinres, Reformatoriee,
Capltal ,Punitihment, l einvlnile ,Criro es, Gen- :'TiMes,. twith all W. - Might, haeliii'hilysneble '
oral and, Legal - EdiMation on the Law of • 'Views.,... - . ~; • !.. if ::, -, 1 : ..:C ,:. • • '
Satin Banks, thirllveef 3 fiterits, and On LIGHT AND.*DOKNE.B.BOOOO.I O ntAiCeen•:
'kindred tOpids, fill•Wprtye proceedings'' of. a q .
~..., ti always, when we,. see ..14 41.9inAnint fn.
bugy•Week: ,`. A large,number'df those fieii. „I.
against soieop?. , 'yvn,
.bav 4 l. an anipti-,,
t , K4„
opt ere.,4,kladyfyaspoiateis" not afraid of being iniilluitrationof tine in'll . recent ineiVikoe.
l ehyine l d t eli,abl.,ue ,siieltings; ; ' i anci,,milq i ,sllii ' l 2i.lititi intedting 'et- the' 'British AisOciiition;
. number of theie female
. p hilanthrowsts and .;:ne heidsrProfeshor . Gwen:used these words :
Pliantiiial'•iiOnien'iliereitsei e thOnsand` fold, liff..oint Treaept leystelo . of. oweing,the<book• Of
'ikei •L•ful . '"*“- ' ' ;-' --' '''" '' ''''' '''''' ' -:-.' 41 1 ~Nature Pi l : thPiPPßufft!'. B 0,141,411015, of
rc.Ln Abe ,etatistice - furnished ~by..-.Lord4,T. i tlike' .. ..Britisii . lltl i nsanin o .withont main iinyt
Ifpneseletlie,„Preeident,,,in his opening and provision for';'e4oundinebei'llia4uritit‘:is
most I; 9l!?PrPlieliA4Te l 4Arepe,..faqa, worthy ' VEiii . "th'ihoit• which, kepi iNe-BooV - ' OJT
s tGOit t
Of re cord as to erl l me, Dame to light., 'Alp- ..seared iolfre multitidein a 'dead ..tontise.(' .
picilitoraible that the iiiiiiiiii`ie 'of' iiieriinti- 'up itrbil.,bßa:ll,ttekened,rthe,iretiefl.Dr,4!Mtkil),'
tionti, ,. .is:'paiily accounted fel; by the "partial ~.40,11014.0pikg,,: 9 1v,,40p5, ,f. t4p,MilikiTfaikon r'i
repeal •of. eapitakpuniehthent for minosr.of- ,of the Asg.ociatien:to i one of their : body 111..
.f,epots, ,and Abe, copseqtiently ; gime* s t eed s . "iiiidiieltig ' 1 . 0) valga r '`vienom'of syniNdlin**
uesaefegrinyed i pertitit,o ; :rpseinott, a ff l, Of malevolence, ink atitteßig hir - Coinificiniiii'o)
jtiruil ,id find t pritioners .guilfc. 1 . 4-xiid',ll.ihn • to?the Catholies of Leide to demand tailapol
"dint a ' doral'usicin: V' 014p8kan"cOV 11 "if ria7l.;lll', elefk bonfl,theirbbefeYe.A.Tigt l 9_44,d
higki , tresion „! and•Muider, , ant itif.:beitheibly ,Europe, as„unprinpiploil„NgotNdiaguifted f in`
offences, for_.whioh,.. in future, capital
. the . ,tineftanding 4 attaacityn; find honor 4
Punitilmll,t.'• ie/.l4,,taAtie-Alate,i,tAipprrerimis `',gailllfiealeful'ailitkgeer 'CAP' sleet:4e
erotic' ihcinTd hate Caittal purfiehuient 4 ~e floPfdfiiiisini, : 4lsWink 'lei inireirreniall'inArt.: i
exedJto 4;1606'14 law.. "The isenbilfee of .x4' Ole.,maipysho'exploteleahhiniiitryiind igionl
death v . tilionild.;siciOdnger be ~ iii ivainAirm.e ; ,, clir)swegl,„e„oek sisecol 7a lio ;KO, not.:hii,v.e is'
The,,aboliSiork 'of , transportation being, on. ,upd i petter,stored than a uorking earpSrite
- .2....,.. • -,. •: . e;‘, w. ~,...)- •:, ~. :,, ~ZiP •
r tinned p , the anestion of crime I, A d .. .,ivpiiiii. ..? T r e. a
. ?.oll i tery il ininer. . :
.. 4
... . , 0
, i4ine i nt ' becepies the : Tore di alt and ': -•1 4 1 ti: lat. ilii::!C;Clitiiieliitingreliemnitail(
tirgentf• 4 g'Six'letirg' penal d• t., ': is Add'itilltingi":the 'MAW qraseriallY it:qtecit!
1 the . equivalent now to "qieireff'yiarii"filins. 7 who •esintsterew the. ,preparibtdry .7 stake of
F:liortation," -under, the ohilregiine.:4• A pr. 44trpnomy, eArrie.. hie ,breed., ,by ~loctpring,
~tion,pf thiatime is, Apc•nt •,at ; a.wpenitentiary, .p': ..11f,qe_„e,tary. f 0 yeuorny zi , ,24_,Aleinee'
in London or elsewhere Another ; ppokori ' deals wit h facts. "Prifessor diviin,"; as lai
at the dockyards; at the new lierbor at 'Port.' ' iiiiittirallit, 'eke - 1146;i "thkeitiiiiitisiersso 3
land; ateniglfordAlriviiu ;:%iiid it is gen- .4hit: has biitistitadl . a facttitinitkitiliieldidgues:
,orally.ftejelixdiat t cl i krellar; erollergand,a. i ',with , h l is soientkit,,when.,7he Idneleres, Aid'
.Z .,) 3rhe..A f l7jokikt 5144 , ..eAve '?, B):l4,,ePthaeLheee „t here : 4 1 1 ! 3 . ?P 0 91•1'F1(1.54 1 .4 i,, i it.-Atli'fiftes : I n le
'l ll :!Merd by, Ahosel.mho.tlAnyf l beenlaleyed gn. 1
,s,ya,p a rn,.,whickliefßo the i ßook of Plod sealed
,tor it, to4a,:ekriaidelabla*iewihnevsoo- ;,tiiithe -rpollittidt lir ii.. del:: tmg'e.''?.',24'• kly.:
' jem, 0 ilii.nod o ke:nruel : entirnjy,.tn, 40,010, it. . •ithelila iltOminists bre' angii?" '" lifilhouldi
"The "prevention " and the . .f! cure . '
.', of • '• . tot • ArobbishOp , Hughes glory iu lie oraiade,,
orime, aAsurne; i botb o a deep. ,Practikal
. .inrer. • against , the- Bible in.; Common ,isSoboWs
j eep iocorinexio,p4itkiligged Schools, which.: gen...OFnenc,l, he consietoot,YritkllX9. o rriO, -
i gu.tiifee.owr..e3theAmt, And .with.Reformatoiy „ptes..,, They ar s e a ugly, , when:turigt!t: min
,Sehooloi *W i ll, esp., designed 30,1 effect-411e „diy*i; odn'tkey are your own, and r ig 'if
,fie*di . ,11,411 an; ascertained feet, 'that, few leak Parr to own them at kit Viiiiiilii. : 11 ! „
.heemititerblinalr-isfter: ,tho 'age,, of . sixteen " a lhe 'ir.iiiirklifliu 'Oll. ' MUIR)* Agog' la
4 yewi t i„,ljnder .the . new law,: a magieicape t. feWitiajey tialake .11 "moister demonstrft
can t weed: a little urchin, .of ; either .iie4,o..t ;al t‘. Ilona against thei(lonferteionaddskrSiketE,Neg
youegpersoli., glillty: of petty litegn343° 4 13. ; 4 811 P= 1 ;4 11 0,1 i>lniPgfect o ff i# ll Prkm o n
Indoetrialsohool i for a , series, ioft yeartifrh;As; :, was preeilliad it,,tat. Asarnabas,_ a ct
,ieclicated h iu former letters,, and- asserts's- * s ility l that, 1118'11i! the,:perniiii' f ilf 'Christ i nOerz
,etby i personal visits, to some ; : of , the. most '' irat e, "no' l ib* 'in • bil •Priiiiii -thirei is ";a, , ' ,
prOminent Reformatories, ..I can, state . that t :.po'wer•bniarth.tb foriiive sixis,'.. even though,
aboutAhrenforiths of the juirenile thieves. : nowipstrim., Christ's ,daya i , pore ,ciao. no,: out- .
;gent ito•,Kelormatories, turn out well. At . jsiard. i digeonse l in the. plippri jorg t ivgn, from
,Redhill,, in Surrey, the proportion is seventy Other?. , Perfect forgivenes s is
~ givari in'
per cent...;. at.the Glasgow house of Refuge, baptism — it ia'alio 'giiren u tl l i - less Certain ,
'.eip,lltyrfilice per 'Cent, have been reclaimed• way by the Church," - - by J the'k delegit44
Parents, ere ~-now. compelled,: when stile„ to. i 4ower, of ler, ininisters; , Which, ithow.Mer, A,
:oeotribute.. their quota
.. to the support of „ only,, ayailabit'Att,. -„! . .fsimmys,,i'teßeßtainaer.
their i yagrant,' and, hitherto neglected Oil. ,Another: mode,,for.,.olit i aining, it, it •!I the'
,dren„when sent ; to industrial schools. This eaeranient ofiliii'bodY iind - blOod. ef i Chrlit,".'
is a AppOtimPortaiA previsiOn. • , ~ ... • The sacrament, liiiiireireiliebbtisolialicit int
, .434„.]$1.r...Thinlori,s . Act, :much good .
has , 'f'ileriifficiiilisliaptiain, , iniiikiniblnufAberEik,
been accomplished • in
.Seottish eitiea:, , Thus,' - liliiiiirtiiiinWes''faitlOarriviiiitifiio" 4 ' d o t
i titAlkerileen; Ibis abience . of- disorderly and, . „t„); A oiN t aro, seldom. ) ,Parfeel,. 4 ,' • ' ~' ..:r w ., I
I neglected • ehildren,., from " the ,. streets -and, - :.-Arpo large. max.,coupOes,:i whietAltoodeed
lElapegaia,very striking:. ~ .t• ; • • ';-the altar; Sierainlightedrprevionslyotol4titet:
, -,,eitMttory Reform ikone: of • the ;; su bjects .00biligitiiion•,..ii:blit,tiniuid 'Within% odtibib•
I ,delllt , ? ifiwitl4l by the. Social ssEteietterrs. , 9.o-` ' bill'lsliiierY Okijiii rale faiiiinstiig''". l3 r ., ,
R ..e....• •ii - ~ - :0., ..1 . 1 ' l, q:' '' ' 1
0 . .0 1 1 'VIP le-P:0010s. given IbriterdiON AIM- ,
, ! .. The ' Brio Allianir Poikair.fetiderly Of
I .B o l n :AM ittlueble..i ;004 noticed thii tortiblyi sltroßl i cirbii;.liti bi , ,-- •- ~ 6 11 - d i ka ilit ef r• ofi
inertias,* malignity, of oholem . in,.', one! ,dis-. „ • a 1 : :: :.,„ : ~ ,M ii i ,l , T3 . • ~. .9 : ni...- o -.0 ,o 1 a
trick. of, London/. ip l clBllB,,,whieh ,waa 54.. 7,Y, P.F.PRia.T.RPA9,9./, 4 1 , ,,T. 1 , 0 iiwi I ,l,Vifit9F.. i
;plied by. fonl • water, j)y.. one , Of, the ; water= ••' TWogNnw, Bisects wiere:oonseerited4ist,
companies,:, end, ,' the: L; striking „decrease, of ~we4 5 g1ia,1 4 .1.1 , ,,t4y, fm' l 'Nelf, r 2 _ s eitiiidi . : l 'br 1 Y
mortality in ihe,sanierdistriet; when cholera' . WI V.lll, ,i 0 ...Yri..§ 9 fii t ? l 'AihdY,,ttAay."
returned :in. 18,54., , .?He dwelt, also on. ,the: J9MPlPrl ' ill q..4.:iik„.1 0 1 1 # . ~1 0 MilitIrMI •filt . tkiii9lF
. appointments .Maine Miltinga4l.4 fr
.gr eittli„,inernasedunottality, et; towne„ P.AI-.99 110
paredrw,ith rural districts,, showing ,that,„ b u t; '. Ihrby
, cabin'et - ardttinlviriett.e. :OW thine o
for. a 4.oo4.n.tantlexi Of country peoplei.tiii,, 4, 6 0,4 6 ;cgti;i . 8,t 0 4'0., 4 , 1 f thkf.. 4 _,. l of,d," l %_,rila° ll ' 6 ' l ,_,. 01
most flourishing towns would decreasemit ivikinnffltri , ' : 43 t;Leto l l9 . .W..PPlfii',l:::3s7, 2 l Y :7.
t aiderahly; ; exen,in.a l single.gerieratien,i T el . Oltr.h. aft - , , ehle.ifitig• et, OA . ~,like,,, ,Apii)ent, ,t i h . IC
!inettolity in the,dense, district!' is twerktiE•fiire .
.oettot.ego,thourttod4 in Ole , etber• dior i cta. t ,: to . ' itiibfother. elerema . n;t.,to. iuhomite ohlta
Jees:.,titao;,. twenty,,,ank;,of one , th opsane, ~i)l,,ilh.iid4. to 'Ye :WiliPt!'.r!Paill,r4ol.o.!!!),r its;
firestirOgfeeefiliowaeris is-being ; gamic pi- i #404 Y 1N3fit; , 11;03 , 7,0 a 11 0 61(ii1 13 ..: ~ , ;;„;',.,.... 'i• 1
A tbelizighti,direction: •,-.l:indue prejadioe;aod ~-sf Lit 9 1 MulP,r , 'At ilik.M. , i i `itlital 4 2,o l) ilci
false econealy are giving way; a good supply teachiogmt,thel Ifiehnp.toft. .t.oT .41 le,Piart ~
t.of ; aif r an_di water, cleanlinem, •prohibition ;oft flulV•a• 1 4.1liial)9,Pe , 4', .. 4IMOst , -WYrtile i rll‘
th 4 k,
e nverer,owdingor.ernoyal, of : moxions,,mateery ',lttPlie N i slf n r.', i,e f' '4.. tn s l r,) fe ( 2i es k a -I t r !q i iti t r u
.irolo streets and houses; with the abolition ,: ° 136 •o . ti r 3 1 1 3' ! It I illtriung fa H ere' (,) Alp
of public taxes on windows, coals, eandli)s - ( -'gltiftaii"Pcipely, that 'hili"Ohnieh'hitii viiih9.,
and 1394---ill are.danggreat things. Ales ?‘ 'lnky pale= at' this - , 'Monient. , rtnii , Diriccse
tbagiVuigil i f iVflAtiOlkil4 l4 ehlinfld still iv. wsivaihis with `Reetiet ,i7lloefitorik; F 1.0,4, yiii 4
ARM , Lietoimi.f. and impoverish, and degrade i l meitUeglltPle Pr14P 8 14. 1 11 P. l , Air sir 2f. , /19$ 1 ,,__M
lboth,(lPbY B i94 l 4' , an4 MA.o.3.4iill!
ilia tikil•itl i t'i l P.?• l sl I t 84,01? At r ,,MR)
1 mien pries b ' - ,
.00 0 . 8 Pf.thPoßgatitß. p i:66 . i. r• - , - ..1
,two , • ••• , .. - i.f. , ..r •: ; . . c, -
"Hence . ' laßi a "t 0 ' ' fr-doot,','faVoitr: .fg- Theitnan iflat-boloiii 1.1131-reilet'oanid
reitig,';iiiallt i n; iloiilitl, B l474riegleit i ,"BOml' l imdligl'lllik illtj'`iiis.'
_ . ,,tkiesiPis r4 °_,, ' l satTi 3 l ) lld
prieek'ith'i :education' :- ofAhis• degenerate ‘'lt.uriesklar-Oonfewiimfr.F6Proita'aiVE4im ti rt.
rue. "instead of healthy •parints'aridrobnsti firearm!, ~t.Actt, o..,tbal!nte 4 1 ,T51 PreAeftS r l! , ,f
,ohildpni x fittndtgooritioue,fropi generation to.
gemEittr i son,, aonight,y;Aiiveiripg r peokle, , we
in"Yleoeirvaet, o r !, tli e . day , ciliate' inapietonir,
I.t iehO tt,..4A e ßtl' a k t . h ? rr,r t,, , e is !1?r,., • °
inay sits w h at Milton Ifie;l3 O s well druffibed .2 ' th'e t alkaliote 4A if 1116 etd 6 oPiltiv 11 10 11 #,
r. ' tr, -)-v.:,...-„ :f.t;: •,0 '' e',/„ , A l i inta - s • d ii j i,', .."i ,‘ t for ouilat olislante'arilony.:•' Ana if Eneci'vrbo,
.: f Qf oselly spiism, or racking tor i l fr eAutt ims , ~.hate maintained a , oharacter„ , for 04 , 1 n, 0.
Of heart-Ook agpoy, all feverous kinds„., ~. ~ ~ hurance, to the d oct r i nes , of the Al,efßrmation.
convutelone; iipiteparie; fieide Catiirrtis.' " ' • '
::,arc; found OlitiOg at "the feet Of stoN iil
v Ai , . Y, sr.'. • • •.: 7,• .V . , 1.• •' ••' ' . . lr '. IV , ;
• , „Sp94lLigg; of ,Adßeitt.toe,.,.ghe xusident
_teacher,m(the'Bishbri of Oxtiortl, thei. our s
,said.: '..` It's oducation,wiich, in England ), " orth&loiYielikelY CO 'be eilleltirC , citeetiitr, l !
Aim maiiilfprevented such tumulti ail dOrty !Jorrtheiviciample may 'become! ivjariobi l to
years ''bidke"tbil Pees; and alarmed the their,ilocks:" ::. --, •: . • ~, --..-.„,. -; -, , 1 L
minds of thisountry,; which has bound the This is a speeirne9 of t he : , O,Ar Angel
:maw of the people to the throne by the links icalrelergy,,and there iisvi,manY such i men;. g
otaisv enlightened loyalty.' Itie•education' '`'th'el-fiiipeott' and t §inieori'actiool, ' who are.,
- vili.l6ll kibithltil the Scottish likOrer'istion to' •''aighieg" and . crying iiiii'llie I.iniondi • of
aiiinite i tinci i se l 4)
( I;i'l4ighlii(Joileti tif: dlr. l' deadly iheresy. In • thie:spiriti - .11164! Dry .
i4ty, and)tonweri, an tteinktbe;.lciftleat ow. , .Litiger,; 4tie -Bishop of Meatiwhaa
j arrittena4
inencesut science.., - • . ~, • -. , -,,. .. ' .. . loco ,fitithfal, letter to .11gr...A.itide ll . )
.of if;t:
'" It • jai education. which .enableii , 'the Bartithae, in rewoese,to;bijl recent loitet )A I
United .States ;A:if.':2l:merieit to *4'6644 in, 4 defence ,of the ConfittObid: r
'-' -
their woiderfal4oo, Upli4l4l4gia,,rikotit ' ' ' The opposites comee 'bit . in"the • additiadik(
PoP4laiiiietitt49%.*44AMlNCslieturbg ,niitaternents that, I. haie :tor make, that !tl,- ,
anew; of law and order!' ... ... 2i; .-. ...; • • !tl Bishop of . Wineheet:er: hes iroftgled•Vinsti, -f.
It is truly cheering to • *LIM. m a ny OA trots NO, Tto,otstion, to "iliving ff. ipitke
and' eminent' persons' laboNift har d` ad- Isle of Wight, 'to Whiailieliad bees! rpm
4 .4 •• T 3•Ati . 'xi 1.., i
I 11. :).:,. _ r.- .
.vapqa tO Oral niiteryto tir- il(e. Mole looted b,y his College at Clifoll i . l° Tlie
~.„ ~ .., 1).. .4, •.ft • ''.,;• Viti q .',lt> . Olt • - -
• . • . ,,,, ~ ...,...„. , i.:mitr , s 7. , :i vvno of ' t a wl . a i.,d - ‘ ,.. v „, p i rr : , ,!..
„... ,WfstaNNAist
.4 • P' & tr ,
• ' - By lion or ,sit 'the 0111", - .1.¢ iitss it pgcmp igeTus.
4 :;'‘i'aDeliveted'in the CRY, /; 75 '
. .
Cl • •
,„ . ARTJap,,L,I4 Reo
11 `g 3E'; rto- • •
has„ at, Attat.rsquestypg pik4Cs4lqge,
Joregonelogalprooesdiogsagaiast , theSishop.
The'llisv:r4osephwDiusherr who -ware the
AlohoAoptk l p,94os9n, „for Ati,KhVCial;that
the w.taxig re.e. arilVfkitplio4464lod
win •the ,Eneharist, , hao just, 'motive d
menial of Books. One of themoivrothe
4- ` 4 9l66Tl'of'lldkiliele,"' wl$61).';14.1010 to
Wiltritiiik the ' ' telialifigi on C batifat9V of
Book of" Oommol Prayer," edit Which' none
) 1 15f(the likihOpaLthur.(nOtt-tratiti gitelintyle—
mr'' r
Osotontilbspeilal 6 Wu!,
fi4- '= ' °SlVilikif ViVi It :,tif ''' 1 4
so is M . Liddell, and " swarms" ( (If Rack
gentlemen like th,ppl, and for Romels E 'grand
PILTP???" V id 7 i 'l z o teSiM i q a Pis ii g t )',4 l f.t id " .
ton, 'not' forte. mg the . ope l e e t x..qant
i'deliklif Werrilirtillaiii"all 4 abiAt Pally's
'pargiand ihniriloingspaildTall ab'eiatfUlfis
Eminences Pi,march,.triumph.slrin./relarisl—
Romc,` . ..J t say, 44 J all,,,,her i .fraternity,
"the woikgoes hazily on." . '
,has ,eystOir4 4 ,l", grov i ous loss, ; in the,Aeath
Of the Bev.' D. Sanifemin; one of .. her tots
aintieries in'tli,eilonrishing fiefd of her'Mis-
Sion" Si kiney:- In that - distriet of China,
cholera , his, been ,very fatal, and .:Mr.,Sande
„t,najt,fellohvietirolo ,
~He,leftlehincl• him
brilliqat iipt,filly prospects and nobly offered
himself a•- - "living suiriftce” to his Lord.
He preached a remarkable sermon to part of
the crowd assenThled to
yr itness the execn
,tioir;''st •Staffor4 "of 'the n notorious William
-Palrperpon thelext, , " Outsedis every one
that 4, on a the tree." He repeated its
sribstanocir!j?iy,on elmrch, before his de
part. r( to China "r and the substitution of
`Christixethifol as a ''Oriminal, accused by
. ela*,"wasinosti , vividly'portrayed:: He was a
T'CSAA AgsfigeliatsA in• heart. and manner.
Although the ~.,ca,ll.,„vras so madden, he met
"ifea`tX withii;lCaismay,...and in the fall as-
IPMnic . 9t, 1 . 1 Pp..._ In his tying moments,
~..tki , c, mentioned that the Aight . before, soon
after' his siiittre,"the sense of the Saviour's
loviit Wisliliabiego'verpowering.'
iOnrolFolle' . ign'=:Mission? Committee, with
r l).r. t gAtnilton,, the L oon vepp r, Stirs head ; has
.now,a, double claim..upon its energies. In
first place they
,haire' . to' look out for, one
' ;. ;134 1- iiiiihog t o ' " be for" the
K‘dello 'And' ='6 . .) ;UPS' to find' seine' Scottish
widowed miatlierplike , •the , mother of- the de-
parted, ready.-to-part.with her son for Christ
3 altetiryprffer; o las, at. our last
17141, • 1 4 34 resolved to support
ty for in iiiinboxiiin with the Free
: I, Cburott - lif Slintrand;lheyeung men of our
>B.Ankolies.aresbeiligastirred up to raise the
.„ngipoteary ;< ,filnde ,t,hrgtighout, our churches.
This, Ljelft? wyloubi,,,,will be done. It is
Tio* beginnvg te'felt, that no Christian
' 4 4shtirefidiiibeitliKW:tei.lnekiect - thoi great
tdittsiin lieldodokiTidbuditr , ‘"' l `
ft hates n 'making
enotbdi odi l / 2 dardt bigetry; al; oonnexion
JiwitiObitse3cofiessmition.,'.. of(' i Cemetery,
;.a.RltittiEkirLlißACO forta . dqfinetL, well .of do
; mare:449o ,foT‘the burial ,place s of the faith
ful by irldiastiig that but for . this, horrid
blifipheniiesifrOm g i infidels of others,"
hoiglit 'Wive; been: titthied there. So much
for Dissenting - 4 4therof -and for the Po
olpiahlin*noiirYtoottffrovineetnittionll en,
gitelfith TROOP At 8 4.91*, r
Et arm, {CROROEft SOOTVOTI -eitab
,ll4loo.llol4og,s:Pf,,l9,oZsilip Paris, 4nd is
sußplAulg, it
,viti,th' t teme 4g. best preachers
This will t i ce it`.bOon to the lovers of a pure
ciighit in Whieh; for
thgeiEnglisbpetliwzpineisioir, in connexion
• lw,i,4 l .4l46oo.Eplaefirselooohunek, iw very itade-
Aul‘tp, in , evuty sense.ob the term. 0 3
• Tn3l,-„CpmxT,,afterAczy-hrilliant perform-
FoPetTil ) n,eoP.jellillistAAYoinl el4l9ll ll 4)froin
its near #ppropth to Arcturus •which, was
not only "seen distinctly through the tail,
But which' shone'-with redOubled splendor--
istuovn q_aretiring.aiitol,private' life." If it
~,turnnak in, yourlikiesppleasu let as know.
1 r I 4.
l: . •orifoThii 4 Stif_sk OP tu x Amitiii`L pi' or
STne(fidnuiir is.deoided.• , Nlisnallington
i11t41 1 4. 0 94.4;prel 014 111W:telt ',within,•little
more thin eix ). ,steys i of: ete . ch ,other. • Lord
Bury left by the kilt packet, with full
Powersptlf,f9iin flig - riaikonutraota with the
Lff prac-
Oieilly,angpended for,' the present, is
<liketlY kbP.olsAlqx Period= •
P. 'S rsanua now
Regent, and is likely
- to rule ouLilieral t and
.N.nti•Rdstiteilniiiiiitilis. 7- I
- - Lad IStintfoiti eiatt Constentiiniple,: tak
ing Jtye Stilterti and nal
? doubt
hitn‘goodo on vittions i lniattera.
The news from IndiaT'reeeiVe4 this day,
`oottiiroid. ;diktiitliiiMeii 44 1 Central
Iridiap an& itiutudtii im.koolthu r litippreasod
Dinkbliait.s l o Tire diEilfrelitit rebels MAO been
r3tgaitiodefeleAd;ihtftaistill'inevit- iilheitt. Nene
Skid& '0 /Jingle; `ivirith.-:
tortes. I think he will probably IAV cap
turedflinithe Affir ' " : 71
00.0. -„4...1 „loon ea 'l,O • 0,-- t.. 4101
fl9a*rp of a CoJo4shsl.
.s '.lie Itti3MfttlaillfeAnaill of titttAlath
tndistigiisoogsl s Chnrolt,Aeld. , at Judiansp-
CAis,,andia t imprmAthorizedmthel election and
o.erdirJettiOiltd aAltiebloP ilDrotilectlieppftlio of
~I.4l.betitMgl i ttimoorpObstonflfrence bt,thet ex
iepandiuM Afrisgok SAstelabould tso Tletenthoo.
'ghat genfemneei hevinglelented one , otthei r
own menibem, As, Rev. Xranciallens, lie
t bwitssorfigPosil Writhe .Ihab insti;!at,perry, N.
81MT:4AM:ibex's of the. lihnepeerconfe
INtn , , , uhltea sioo, And vßialtop : Janes
and Baker, uniting in the solento„ and im.
TptoBBM.eereWM/ 8 8.7'",BisboP,4 3 artusiis a ma
five ITf o bleistliw,,gpl*,A.4 and-has; resided in
188,4. married,
,and e hsw, ,r*ed,lnr family-thero, so/A l beit%
now in his third collegiate year at:the:Wee
leytill,N4r/teityri Cgonn , Biabhp Burns was
to return in the packet ship Mar*, Cciroline
Stett4o4 , olB: tbsArlistiof Notretaber inst., from
Baltirnoro: t
?ark.eritemio ll iPutioug
sort Of 'Appst 0,,,) kphgroli twenty, years
ago, in Coles Courtly; 111., and so,deeded
i that , if' there ivia'avei 'allnived within in;
3 WillsiiCtempirance leistnre it Bible • Society
k,wissionaryimeeting; or a Shnday
Stibliplishhe title ,iTani,orfaited, antt gsll back
follte,originit,oziir. Ten yearssince, its
*OA' beciine . nonfat.' want (114 •
, art rs,