1111111111111/110•011 . . , • • A • .•.............. . , . ..,.. . . . . A _ ~,,..,, ... i . . . .. . ~ .. ..,.-, ~,,,,, ~ . ,• •.. ~, . . ~.., 4. . „ . if , t.. „ l ik . . ' . - ' mliviestt - a+ .• r. .., 11, Baknor. Vol: VII. Wei 0 . rresbayterlas Advosates yob 12.1 1 , No. 1.1 DAVID MoKINNH, Editor and Proprietor. EX ADVANCE it)riginal 3Pottrp. Light. Hear the vnioe of China's millions, Frun the depths of Pagan night, C3lling loud, in piteous accents, To the world for light—more light! See the land of Sinim turning, Wistful toward the Western sky,, Watobing, longing for an answer To her earnest, piteous cry- Light—more light! Christian souls, awake to pity ! IVrapped in gros;es(dttriri'ese, lo! " Count! CM horded, unnoirned, are pressing Through the ports or endless woe; Christian hearts, slake a6tion • • - 1, Heed those earnestkorie9rt,44 faith.; •-1 From the lips of , tfp I responsive to t Light—more light I Long the Power of 'Darkness brooded China's broad dominion o'er; With his wings of gloom, precluding Every ray from Cbristian shore. Now the shades are slow receding At the dawn of Bethlehem's Star, Satan folds his hideous pinions Powerless longer to debar Light—more light I Speed the glorious day of promise, When the nations from afar, All shall come to hail the rising marks, and it is incorporated in your first objection to interoommunion. You say: " It must appear to those who connider the llnatter, a palpable inoonsistency to extend tthe privilege to those whn refuse adherence, to her profession, or subjection io her gov )ernment and discipline." The first evil and irregularity you mention is, that "It reoog, nizes the propriety of receiving persons to (•memberehip in the Church, who do not c.fess our principles and subject themselves to , her laws." in answer to this, let me quote from "Rob ert Balmer, D.D., late Berwick Professor of. Systematic Theology, to the, United Sues aion Church." By which, you will farther perceive, that United Presbyterianism is not, 4la Communion, on the flame foundation with those who have been accounted your fathers in Scotland. Answering the same difficulty just quoted, he says : "This objection has been frequently urged against the system of g free' or 6 open Com munion,' and it is not improbable that some communities who have adopted and acted on that system, may have received strangers to occasional fellowship with undue facility, and may have thus created a prejudice against the principle on which they based their practice. Rut of all the objections ad. vanced against that principle, that now men tioned is the most futile and inept. The truth is, that the principle is a two edged sword ; o for while it requires us to admit to the privileges of the Church, all whom Christ receives—that is, all genuine Chris tians—it requires us to refuse and to exclude all others. And, what more reasonable than that in this instance, as in every other, we should imitate the example of Christ? If the sacramental table in the Church with which we are more 'immediately connected, be the table not of this or that man, or party of men, but the Lord's table, what more rens. sable than that it should be open to the Lord's guests, and appropriate to them? And if this principle be applicable to the private members of the °burgh, will it not equally apply to office-bearers ? " From this prinoiple it follows as a ne• cesgary corollary, that jurisdiction and priv ilege are reciprocal; that no man is entitled even to occasional Communion in any Church, who does not, to a certain extent, submit to its control. To that privilege he is admitted only in consequence of his per soual piety being known to those who ad• minister its affairs, or in consequence of be ing satisfactorily attested to them by others in whose faithfulness and discernment, con fidenoe can safely be reposed. If, then, by any misconduct, he brings his piety into just suspicion, or in any way act unsuitably to his Christian profession, he forfeits the privilege to which he had been admitted, and cam re-establish his eklai to It only by decisive evidence of repentance and refor mation." • Farther, bear Dr. Balmer: " These principles were virtually recog 7 nized by the venerable Ebenezer Erskine and his associates, who left the Church of ' 1 Scotland 'a century ago; and the practise here recommended, as sanctioned by these principles, is merely an extension of the practise mrhich they avowed themselves pre pared to pursue. They declared unoquivo• eally, that they were ready to bold Com munion with all the pious members and faithful wisisters of that Church, from 'Which, or rather from the corrupt majority of which, they seceded. It will naturally occur to almost every reader, that there are at present many churches in our country, both Presbyterian and Congregationalist, far more pure in doctrine and discipline than the Church of Scotland was then, or ever has been ; and that it is a far bettor reason for holding fellowship with ministers and private individuals ; that they belong to the Church of Christ, than that they belong to any section of professine Christians "—See " Essay on Scriptural Prindiples of Uoity." Permit m e to quote a few sentences more from that extended Essay of near one hun dred pages, found along with others, from t)rs. Chalmers, and Candlish, and Kine, of the - United Secession Church, with one from Dr. Siruthers, of the Relief Church, WAS gow, and with we from Dr. Symineton, Professor of Divinity to the Reformed Pres byterian. Church, and with others, published in 1845, ,and all agreemenk , Dr. R,elmer farther observes " There is something exceedingly irMon gruoui in the conduct of those-Christians whotrefuse to sit down togetbep at the table of. their:tartan= Eatherly.aod4 that to .ex elude from the 'supper of the Lord,. those • ' lit4ProplAterglft , iiiiiiitestikagns fi est y reprigiWipt f `"SolillitolOtittrtethiPiiiiiticalWreilitl6l3o And .instinctive feelings of the new ,creature."' -';~ a In regard to one of your numbered evils, resulting from open Communion, viz., that "it has 'a tendency to make persons indiffer ent in regard to Divine truth," he would re ply as follows, in part. Interco:nun:Mon " does not require us to tolerate any opinion or practice inconsistent with vital godliness; for it does not require us to receive into the Church, or retain in it, any who fail to give satisfying evidence of -saintship * * Perfection is not the attainment of humanity in the present world; and choose what Church they may, the persons referred to will not find in it a single member who is not chargeable with misconceptions and er rors in opinion, and with sinful infirmities of temper and conduct."—See same Essay. Beloved brethren, some of your enumer ated "evils and irregularities" only become such, in your view, from the restrictive principles you adopt; but the last one spec ified, has surprised me. You say the prac tice (for whioh numerous and excellent wri ters have expressed a desire for the unity of the Church,) "encourages separate Church' organizations, or sectarian divisions,?' as it proposes a remedy for the evils of these di visions, " which ,contemplates the continu ance of these divisions," &c, &c. Now, if this has meaning, it appeals to be this : that you are the Church, and that by occasional Comniunion, people are satisfied without giving up their organizations, and joining you, the true Church, and thus divisions are perpetuated. This le implying a pretension of being the only Church, which is equal to any gelteialtation that' has come from any High Churchism this side of Rome. I must express an opposite opinion, that Christians coming together in a judicious _way, to fellowship in the Lord's Supper, and also on other occasion's, Will find that they do not differ =as much as they supposed; that their differences are not essential; that they , are milled in one hope of their calling, and, consequently, they will, when unbiassed by sectarian interest, and led by the Spirit of God, be much more likely to abandon =- scriptural divisions, and become disciples after the platform of the New Testament, than after that of your " Testimony." To give you a case , in illustration : An aged man of undoubted intelligence and piety, was present in my church, when the Lord's Supper was administered. He felt that it was the house of God, and the table was the Lord's, though he was a member of one of your churches. The invitation to all who " call upon the name of the Lord Jesus," was extended; but your rule for bade participation. During the serving of the first table, this aged disciple,-full of love, bowed his head in prayer for Divine guid ance. The result of it was, a determina tion, if the invitation was repeated, to go forward. He did so, and hearkened to. God more than to man; •and such a communion he said he never enjoyed, and never would forget For this you would discipline him. But was not be, and would not thousands of others in your communion be better adapted by a similar course, to exercise" that love which is the " greatest" attainment, and to do away divisions, than to stand on your "Testimony," hedged around with rules which threaten a penalty, in ease of joining in any other Communion ? Supposing we go on, . each denominaton expecting that all the rest will come over; the Episcopalians with their Sixth Canon, adopted 1850, re cognizing "no man" as a minister, except he ",hath had Episcopal c onsecration or or dination;" the Baptists recognizing none as fit for-Communion, unless they have been immersed • and you have no fellowship at the Lord's table with any who do not use Rouse's Paraphrase, (as it_ was called originally by those who adopted it first, and best knew what it was, and holding to other points which Calvin would have called "petty pe culiarities," I ask, is the divided Church more likely to , come together this way, than by free Communion wisely. tolerated? ' "I speak as to wise men; judge ye what I •say " While you are , a .very worthy branch of the Church ; ,yet if you make the impres sion on the body of the people connected with you, that you are the Church, they will Ea unite pith then there they Mitleider no 'part of it. While you oall things by wrong names, there will be a want of intelligence necessary to remove " these divisions" of which you speak, too many like my neigh bor, who thinks he is very learned, and yet his chronology is so far oat of joint, as to say that "if David did not make Rouse's Version, he approved of it," written some thing more than two hundred years ago. I wish, before concluding these letters, to point out, fraternally, your great mistake, and to show that the sentiment and practice of many great and good men whom you re• vere, are in opposition to it. It consists in drawing out an extended Testimony or'pro fession, and then imagining that faithfulness to the,truth demands that you can have no Communion with any one who will not adopt it. Clemens Rnroanug, a contemporary of the Apostles, asks the Corinthians" Why dome rend asunder the members of Christ, and factiously strive against our *own body,. and proceed to such a height of madness as to for• get that we are members one of another ?" And yet these divisions did not lead to sep arate Comrriunions. Cyprian, another early father, said : "Let no one remove from the Church the Church's sons."—Ep. 43, p. 81. Augustine remarks, that "they who im agine that their own denomination is now clean wheat, have flown away from the mix. "ONE THING IS NEEDFUL:" "ONE THING HAITMeDESIRED or THE LORD:" "THIS ONE , THING I DO." PUBLICATION OFFICE, GAZETTE BUILDING, FWItH STREET, ABOVE SMITHFIELD, PITTSBURGH, PA. . . FOR THE WEEK ENDING ' 7 -„ , : r iUßfiAlk, OCTOBER 30, 1858. ture of 'chaff and wheat, as if they were pure chaff. * * And they who suppose that they are not`gathered together with the bad fish, are not only bad fish theruselies, but have broken the nets of unity." Jerome, in commepting :on Eph. iv: 3, observes': " For" when, instead of concord in our professions, we cry out, lasi of Paul—l of Apollos—l of Cephas-we divide the unity of the Spirit, and rend it into shreds " Ensebius, in his narrative of disputes be. ,tween the Asiatic and Enropecin Churches, states tbit - Pol}carp went from Smyrna to Rome, to prevent the Communion of the Church being broken by subordinate differ. noes, and succeeded, so that, :Atha request of Anicetus; of •Rome; the dispensed. the Lord'el Ouiper. Tine/ titti.i, , as yeti, there were .not two ' distinct denominations, bat. eietaeflifeAleil;nali&Ocinititiniolii con tin. ASelitkiebne created,. Meitthethnn dresi up the Augustan Con. fession It was approved by Luther, and other Divines, and subscribed by Calvin It declares that, "for the true unity of the Church, it is sufficient to agree in the doc trine of the Gospel , and the right use of the Sacraments." Henry Alting, Professor of Divinity, and a distinguished member of 'the Synod of Dort, raises this problem, " whether the Orthodox may lawfully communicate in the Lord's Supper with the Lutherans ?" He decides that they should, and besides other reasons, because the beat Divines of the Reformation have approved it. Capito, Be cer, Calvin, Martyr, Zauohy, Ursin, Tosa. nns, Parmans, Scultetus, and others, some of whom, as 'they had occasion, did actually comaminicate with them "—Alting Theol. Problem, Par. 2, Probl. 13, p. 33 L. Thus you see, your sentiments differ from the Fathers, and your practice from the Re formers. They differ from Jeremiah Whit aker, and Richard Vines, and .other members of the Westminster Assembly. Your views arc adverse to those,of Richard Baxter, John Howe, Dr. William Bates, Dr. Owen,Dr. Manton, Thomas Borten, Matthew ead, Joseph Alleine, and many others, who have published: on unity and Communion, a plan of duty, opposite to your prescribed course. I wish you would carefully and prayerfully. examine the "Plea" of Dr. Mason, and read the kind letters of Dr. Dickey, on Com munion—excellent men, wb o withdrew from you, chiefly, on account of your Close Com munion plan. The motto of all these worthy men, was substantially that of Jeremiah Burroughs, which, when translated, .is, ": Variety of opinions, and the , unity of those, who hold them, are not incompatible." The aphorism of itsins was their's. " In things neces sary, let there be unity, in things not neoes sary, LIBERTY; in all things, charity." The rule laid down by the Apostle Paul, (Phil. iii: 15, 16,) was followed by thein. "Let us therefore, as many as be;, perfect,, 'be thus minded=: and if in• anytAing-ye die otherwise minded, God shall reveal even this unto yon. Nevertheless,.whereunto we have already attained, let us walk by the same rule, let us mind the same things." In the modification of your. Testimony— in shortening the Creed and lengthening the Decalogue—your prosperity, as a branch of the Church, will be promoted. An i l you will be prepared, in.co-operation with other parts of the Loris hosts, to make inroads upon the common enemies of of our common ,%.ing. the Lord Jesus Christ. Certainly, with fellow-Christians you will not refuse to Commune in heaven. Your friend, Board of Foreign Missions. MISSION HOUSE, New York, September 27th, 1858. } REV. AND DEAR SIR :—The Executive Committee desire to lay before you some statements concerning the foreign missionary work of our Church, to which they respect fully solicit your attention. , Since the let of April, when the last An nual Report of the. Committee was prepared, many matters of deep interest have oc curred. Among these may be enumerated the changes in the ranks of our missionary brethren, the progress of their great work, the general anent of the ,missionary horizon abroad, and; the provision made at home for the support and enlargement of the missions. All of these, you will recognize asmital mat ters in the foreign missionary work. The laborers, in the distant missionary fields are nearly the same as were mentioned in the Annual Report. The Committee are glad to state that no instance of bereavement has occurred, although an esteemed mission ary with his family from China has • had to withdraw from his post for a season on ac count of impaired health, and another has decided not to return to India, at least for the present, on accountolhis wife's health; several of the laborers among the Indians, one of them, a minister, have also found it necessary to leave work for a time in order to recruit their strength. On the other hand, a minister and his wife have returned to Cerise() with improved health; another has returned to India under the painful trial of leaving his i56164,6t1 Family for Chriefe sake. Beside these, a minister and his wife have gone to India; a minister and his wife have gone to New Granada'; and a minister and his wife and several teachers have gone 1 to different stations among the Indians—ail of whom are new laborers. The missionary work abroad has not been standing still. Each mission has had its own labors, disoouragements, and signs of pro gress. It is not easy in a brief space to mark the general character of a work that embraces so many different tribes , and pen- pie; but the Committee are thankful to be able to believe that there has been, and still is, much in, the general state of the missions to encourage their own faith and that of their Christian brethren. It is a cause of thank fulness that all the laborers in the different fields are engaged in their work : feeble health has not prevented some of them from using important means to enlighten those who are perishing for lack of vision; wars and rumors of wars have not been permitted to hinder others from , continuing or resuming their labors. And these varied labors have not been without a witness from on high that they are approved of God. More than eighty hopeful converts among the Indians, in Africa, at Buenos Ayres, and in India, have been reported to the Committee since the Annual Report was printed. Closely connected with these encouraging I facts, is the cheering prospect as to - the fu- tore, which Go,"Or l i"`his."wonderfur provi dence. is spreadirf , lefore the raid' ' 4 and al most the sight bisilfelple. • While dis couraging things,*t some of the, Indian missions in the kiktit t y,rest, Moat. of the mix sions to the ludiAltAppear to bey enjoying unusual tokenslirafreience 'of 'the -Holy, 1 s Spirit._ In ober dr ppan,,earnest: attention to the concerns .° ",lanolin at ,11,e_present, time widely maeptiptriong ,the, people` The missionarientb:yrieritia oneupy posts of peeitliar r liqeulty in some, resPeets, yet they have re4Otiillopetia the end for large encomia OritfOidrli , To , Africa there ' is also muds to:rmittpige . Abe faith nftliq brethren, andl4l*•': , .. c. an o sgpat a call for i i io more mis . siefia a. - ., , lecally, it in , 004404 wipi the':p6r - 4 4 '4„,.% t ' '' t' * ll O% Atflifid 13110 , illd,bq 0 <4 - . t , '1" th law e , e sr4 ; the continent.' In Indle. the,terribla.storni 1 1 0 elidnnt4Y Passing away, leatring ahrighter sky; anti the, signs of future progress are more fgerable than 'at any former ,time. The saereti'diity of our Church to fill uPthe broken ranks of our brethren is not yet per- ' formed, turdiattleast four ministers should be sent forthuwithhut much delay. Siamis an . open field 'Wye, an unfruitful soil ; and the - laborers, old4and new, Pursue their work in faith. Morelmissionaries are needed in this country. ;.Ands what shall the Committee say of Chia The events, of which in- r formation hareheen received within a •few weeks, are q uell as a few years ago would have been deemed incredible. It is now settled, under:it-the provisions of treaties, which will niudoubt be enforced, that .mis sionaries shall:Alive safety in every iart'of the empire, snitthe native professors Of. the Christian religion shall not be subjecttoper secution. Thus' is the wall of seclusion A thrown down,/and the vast population of this country, warming more than one-third of the human family, may soon heap thia voice'- of the Gospel-herald, ifthe Church will bat arise in the strogth of her Lord and enter the door which,hnhas set open bd . + , her. _. The dommittep r earnestly desire to send forth at least six ministers to reinforce the missions in this conntrY.a.'lapan also seems'a be al most'ready to adopt a liberarpolley toward other nations,:the, result..a nwhieh*ill be that soon the * mistilonaries trestle OrPs,s and not of the crucifix, will be permitted to live and labor in thikinteresting &Until% ' in deed it. may . lieirffirmed, without extraira- a ' germ, in referenhe! to the eountriesfs which contain the gresti,inasses of heathin, that never before hasAie world been socepplete.., ly open to missionaiy efforts as it is at the present hour. The Committeht4 7 would now respOtfully, • but earnestly, ask jour attention to , tlie pro-4 vision made nr- 4 .oin preparation, qty our, churches, for the support and enialgement , of this work. ?ere they recall Wit . grati, tude to God' the` hint that, mitwiilegtanding' the . severe peendary pressure - ,of li t ilt year, the receipts ofll4Board lioln the churches were larger ficV‘4ilio pritie*/ They also rejoice in the pe intrtlip.TAT Wirt' of prayer and deep sypa i l far'eur missionary . A ll brethren and their: work, has 'been exten eively called forth by tits solemn events of the last year. They =net, however, resist' a feeling of no small anxiety in the view of two things on the other .side. One is, the , extremely email number of laborers that are offering their services for the missionary . work. This is shown by the fact that so few of our brethren in the ministry, and eepeci: ally of those who have entered on their work during the last year, have been led to devote themselves to miseionary, labor. The Com mittee make the statement with great con cern, that in,two years nine ministers have been taken, permanently, and three more for a season, from the missions in Africa, India;. and China ; and, not counting those who have returneq. in that time to these mission- ary fields, but two new ministers have gone forth to supply IliePlaees left'Vaisant. Thii is indeed a statement of most painful interest. It shows the Church to' be' retrograding, in stead of going forward, in the great matter of supplying ministers of the Gospel for up w'ard's of sex' liniidred• Millions . of souls. §urely there is reason 'to ask that the churches may be called to fervent prayer to the Lord of the harvest, that laborers Maybe sent into the harvest. CYPRIAN The other discouraging thing is that in so many of the churohes, no collections are made for the support of the cause of ',missions. * The whole number of churches frOm which contributions were received last year was one thousand six hundred and seventy:nine, out of three thousand theee hund'ied and twen , ty-four churches connected with our body. In connexion with Alia, the Cominittee have to state, with much regret;that the'dona tions received from the churches from the let of May to the heal' this month, are but $20,967, which is 'a less sum by the amount of $4,608 than_ was received in' the same period last year. The aggregate receipts 'to . the Istof this month are $3,899; less than the receipts in the same months of list year; The, Committee are led to helieve that in widely extended regions of the country, it is extremely difficult , to malte . the usual cone t . tions, so severe is the continued 'financial pressure ' in other regions. this pressure is believed to be passing !may but there need ' be no doubt as to the ability of our Christian people greatly to enlarge their foreign mis sionary work. A general effort to support it would certainly place the treasury in-posses sion of ftlitple Means for.enlargement. The Committee feel ,some degree of em barrassment as to saying.anything further on the- subject. They feel that this great cause belongs equally to their Christian brethren in the ministry and laity of the Church es themse4es. They also feel, at times, greatly discouraged at the apparently slow progress of a missionary spirit in our highly favOred churches. They would very gladly transfer, their trust to the / hands of other brethren, if thereby the ,missionary cause might obtain a more general and liberal support. But while standing in their lot, they canna but earnestly plead for the hearty co operation 2,0, the churches. It is for the Saviour and biaingdom, they would make this plea; and for the salvation of the perishing souls of tnen. lt is in , thankful •acknowledgment of, the, fact that our ',beloved Church is indeed fairly, entered on the ful fillment of her Loid's, great trust—the Gospel for the world; it is in grateful remembrance of some growth and, progress from year to year in the liberality of our churches toward this cause; it is in view of past deliverances granted to our missionary brethren, and of most signal proofs, of God!s blessing upon their labors; and it is : in the face of the c,'' d 4 6 wonderful, providences now passing over the earth, and preparing the way for greatly in. oreaSed minitionary labor, that the Committee Would thernselVes 'regard this cause, and 'would commend ifto the earnest considera. tion of their brethren in all the churches of our body. to doing this, they would express the hope that there may a greatly in creased missionary:spitit in our communion, and they would - ask that much prayer may be offered for the blessing of- God upon this work, of his Merck With this brief Statement of the _ease, „Dear Sir, the Conimittee Nv,onifj leave 'it in your &uncle' No other person' can at all iao ireilliting It before the othigrregatioli as iihe irespneteil aministeri.of the t rehtirelit II Mill AUT4i:eit.to sAttkoix9lilifittiokr%iioiAV4 beet i!qbew.foi.39F-1/BPf114.Pel!3:111 of the ministry. tanks 'very truly, ACW. Psizrars, Chairman. ~. ..... .. _ ................-., ../airmal 1 Walter 'Lolok '' e,'' '' ' '''-' " John C. Lowrie, • Stieretaries. , J. Leighton, Wilson,,, . - Fronk, our, London Gorre,spondont. The Confessional Investigation and its Issue—Mr. Paola and his Sympathizeri--The Peril to 'the Rising Generation-=-Value , of Public Exposure - Argus/lantana ad t baculuns suggestes(--",The 'lZivalPOrformers"l--The DiSlOkae l dar anal 4- Co. at' Waterford, and the Gerrnan Band —Retribution for past Protestant Neglect—fops; h Alarm, and the Bible in Ireland-4nelian News-- Bombay Presidency and 4 Bdidir Agitation -=More Troops front...England—The Ootnet-z-The Restora tion of the Olympic Games—Thelbeaty 'Allegeti'Dasipii of the "Ciar-:-The AllocutiOn at Moscow—Sardinia and.* Bußnane in the Mediterranean—Napoleon Relazing—The OPium Trade and Ohirset—LoM Deibi and 'the Turf— Political Parties and Prospects Lord Stokes ! Speecia,.4 High:caste Hindoo and the Miseidnaries—Postscript. LONDON October Ist, 1858. The PONEESSIONAI• iIiVESTIGATIOir' at Boyne Hill, has ended in manner some what peculiar!. It was•'undertakenv byian eininent ;Chancery ,lawyer- and/ two i,otber gentlemen, ~under. a Cornipiesioq,issued - ,to them as his 44 trusty t and, welt belnied"," by the Bishdri of Oxford ,Th 4 inquiry turned l i upon the point Waller Mr. "West,' Mr. Greeley's Curate, hadiddressed to a married woman, questions of an improper cluirdeter, And inconsistent;with his charantsr,and duty as a, clergyman, The woman herself was examined, and crotii-examined 'Mr. COle ridge,?-in eminent barriater, and son 'of ',Tits. ticelColeridge. < The' father.recently retired from the Bench, amid • the universal and tearful regrets of the Bar, and, deservedly was ,he esteemed" as, the '7very model of English Judge, with a judicial reputation as unstained tie'the ermine' his `shoul ders, 'But 'Mr.,Justiee , Coleridge favor's the Tractarian School, and hisl,son•was selected by Mr. Gresley (ancl:tlie,llishop in the hack grohit) to abuse the Times, and;the Rev• John Shaw, and'i(lrs. Ellen, the lady , who had reburedTlif:"Vier - Moili than thie, he croskratiiihletheTiiiiiktiiilit whom the qubiteri7itcrit-illegeWV4fatrifibeekt ad dressed,:and he also called7vitnessesne , to her, character for purity and ,truthfulness. The result was, that she was justly found to be Unworthy of credit if judged by her moral character,' and also by exaggerations of what Mr. Weal had said to her. It came out, however, that he had a regular system of going through the. Decalogue, one com mandment after another, with every sick potion whoui he visited; and thus, very ridiculously, did he put'around of questions on one conimandment, as to secret feeling, while ids outward violation was previously. well.known to him. It was an, exhibition of folly so absurd, that the country laqghs, with the. TOW at the whole affair, 'While, at tbe same time, the systemitself, as pur sued and pleaded for by an increasing nom ber of the clergy, exeitesnlarm arid indig nation. Mr. Poole, late of St. Barnabas, expresses himself enthusiastically, in fairer of the'Con feisional; in a leiter to some admirersiii the North of England, who had sent him; an address of condolence, on his suspension by the Bishop of London of which he, stilt' complains as unjust It is, alai! too evident that Romanizing principles and practices are making rapid way. Not that the great mass of thelieople are likely to , be tainted, but there are;par ishes and districts whore Tractarian, clergy have entire sway and where 'the results' of their aohools and training; mina tell' on a considerable body of the next generation. A Check, undoubtedly, is put 011 the Con. fessionalaystem by •its exposure, at least so far as, to, make the,very,idea of the'.possibil. ity of a priest entering into , families as "a qPiritual direetor," more hateful to English men. Pomelt, for this week, has a driviing of a orottelitsen's book; in front of- 'which, suspeLd , d on a thong,,is "a perfect stick," of alarming size and weight, thus explained MR,PUN,9II;:—. have nittch pleasuyein forwarding to you a carefully prepared 'drawing, taken from life, of an oaken cudgel, hanging' over my book-case. This acquisition, of which anti justly proud, was ebtained by the judicious in vestment of a solitary 'sixpence; which I 'fdund; unexpectedly in , my waistcoat pocket. I scarce ly need tell you, Mr. P . „ that I intend it for the back and shotiliern of any Auricular Canfession Gent. who may be disposed to favor my wife and family with, a visit. Depend upon it, sir, a sum mary way of disposing of such custoiners, is most satisfactory to' all concerned, and saves a world of trouble. ' " Y 012113, truly, Sraarcarroawean." There is no doubt that a free press, with wit, banter, and barbed sa4re, 11111 p to keep up a healthy haired of priWtoraN. And so the 'Cardinal, -in the , e`olffines of the same witty serial, appears,this Nlook on a Platform,' bAck to baok with a famous singer, Madame The one,,in his robes, is ad dresaing an Irish" mob ; the other is appear ing before an equally enthusiastic London gathering, and the index words beneath, are-:-" TWIN STAus i or, THE RIVAL ARI`- MTS." Apropos of music versus the Cardinal, a ridiculous contretemps' took place at the din ner given 'to.himin Waterford. A German band had been hired for the occasion; and were stationed in a gallery. After dinner, the first toast proposed was, of course,:" His Holiness the Pope," whereupon the Ger mans, mistaking it for the usual dinner toast of - " The Queen," struck up the-Nation,al Anthem!-Only think of the - confusion of the party, every bar and 'note rebuking them, while some jumped on. the benches and violently shook their fists, and others brandished knives toward the musicians, who, imagining, in their ignorance of the English tongue, that this was nieant, with the corresponding shouts, ,to be spplause, played the idyca tune all the more lustil until a rush was inadworythe gallery, and the astonished players,. were well , nigkelatu gled elf their instruments. „ - Disloyalty to England is rank among the Tiltramoritanes, and to aboliidi' her (iielinda 'eat Carthago, says the 'their heart's desire, as well as that of -, NiTisenian, who has tried to ,set himself up in -Ireland as a spiritual 0 . 0 . 00nel Inal,l this„how '- ever we see two things---first, the Ju'dreial retribution of Englands `shameful` riegledt of the - spiritual interests of r4reliirieVaV the , time of the Reformation s ' ; Ther native Jab.: guge, dear on every, acc,ou9ple a tirexe,cAlos' i e heArts,,was,Roscri t bed; an'd.thus the roast of tliptiriulation n ireCassaillregilliaiiii Oak wisgiotiini,MliaAiwtAagliffulaiffertt terror, of the ! spread , of.SoriptarAnowledge, arid, of real independence ; of, roind. anti feel ' ing, Popular wind. . t" , f gioat Trims, we have 'intelligence more accurate are to the 'recent.eala'nf r th e $ Gwalior rebels, and ofihnit'vainiattemptsito , peneirkte ithelPresidenegyofollottibay. In that province theueAs latent-disAftstilu, nci,deOt ;,,and one, nr„two .4, epo,y,regitnetitit at hiociltan, Which had teen 'early diiaimed, made an'outbreik; WhiCh;but frii'Ple4ieus information' of ''the conspiracy, mightlinive been formidable: There is-enough, agitation all, along o,e . ,lsTartltero and, EasteriLhorders of .the Presidency,- to keep our troops always in the field, in spite of the 'Taloa.' It is rather _ Startling to ear hof two olds Sepoy ' regiments . , which bien 'thearrnedrlieirig again entrusted.with weapons, 'and rAst,prcd td : .the roll, of the regulari army. , Govern'- , merit ra atilt drepatohrng troops to the s differ ent Preiddendies. the reliefs Cannot, kboid Or 'esitfilefioW,qf paigu is found*riedesSirrP ;L Tile 0631.tt - tibial. ' now apPeardnightlY; 'fora 16W - hi:tsars 'after;:.stinseiii is an - object :of intense interest.t- -IThegteabant-at t hia,Cottage' ,door, ,the mariner, or fintiermantm the,„dpert., , and' what is even more itapreasivit, the iinih'. ~ ing multitude of the great Di , . etiOoliPlPaint• :,' ihg td loiik'up'-'.l.all'fieVe bicoriie ster'gaters a& far i:is ^ thisv,Visitent iWjconcerned. . It . ' , :inikestlitY Chriatian think of OPP fetking.l49k. er, and effaith!slooking up,and, discerning nearer -than usual, the. Ifea.Vtii. "Cf..Gnd and' the Mine of the &eaten:led.' "This.is . , DOiiate ,s - : Covirit,;: '-. s&r`ntilled 'front , ineditieov-, 'erer;' , It :ii every Might-vrazing.niore „brit , Hank and.. interesting. ; . .4.t.- ) i,s et appips.clo4" nearer the earth, but of, the, latter the end is not yet . ; and go, Within, a month, the ie . 'Centric stranger 'Shill hinifilitillipearitiiiitol unfathomed depths, , -to . rettirrifegiiiirinita 'zip% pOihtedlitue. - --. -,-A“f -. 7 ''.i i' !,'. : ; " 1 , .. . . ! ' ' I " THeIIESTOHATioN • "OF' THE °LYN:PT G'ABIES has - been. decreed:bylle-..Greek Government., , after u being, : discontitinetk iz tt rtearlififteen;Aundnetcl.YßO : , .They arfl ttc 4 :heleldi4''Atheiti t itiitir a ncient `Seiiiiii,e .! .4-t, tirTa : - " 3 - - - 4- -. :1 ,, 4 ' , which is -still in - ' r petfeetda te. V / ,: 4 2_-,..., .... : ~ •-••. P ~14 ....; • ....i. ,t...... . prethsr,vanin4.oosl - irequnee - ;very , little- mo a than a good'eleifising4Alliey:_are ,, lo. begiOt ih -1859, _and. to be helti,, ; OFeTy-fohrtAyryear..; . The. days. selected are 46 the 'three_ first . , Sun-- clay' sin October, ',thus remindin g hoar - the Greek Church im itates' her Latin iiiter'in the . deee'ai.aiion'iol. the' Christian , -" first: day Of the weell,'!. 'such its•thereligiori- of . Paul' once practically recognized in.Greece,,,aaWell as, over the -known'orld. The gaines are to include horse races, wreitling ' throwing ' quoits, and 'ether - athletic sports, singing f . music, and dancieg; besides whielv_lthere is to be art .exhibition of flowers, fruits, cattle; and other. articles : of Greek produce:pr man= mfacture. , In this catalogue we . , miss ,the, ' mention of the . ,chitriot whose gkileiiig itheeli atilltiriee' has it; scarce shuns the'goil."‘ The eccentric `idea of re-establishing: the games; originated with a , wealthy.Telopon: nesian merchant,,resident at ,iTassyr„,inAc& davia who has placed a large sum at the clibpOsal of Goyerument, to purchase the ' destined prizes of gold and 'silver' niedals; as well ai of 'Silver leaves ant floWers.'.‘ . ';••/ . ", The first impression; to the readerol4d' old, classics, as to this movement, ifl ipleasipr But of the land. of Greece, and its people now, as compared with thb Olden 4time, one murmurs (..."T is Greece, but living Greece no more." The "Phyrlie dance" may`' remain, and oilier-leaved ohapleta may: wreath ithe-brOw of ,vietoro, but the glory, of, the ,olden, time is gone, and a mere sentimentalism may not and will not restore it. , . THE CHINESE TREATY is this week pnb r lished in full,..as'brought home: by Lord Elgin's special messenger. . , The 're buked the Government for. the ~ tai:diitess H of its appearance, or rather for its,non•aPpear ance, and presto, the next day it' wail out in. all the morning papers. ' Thug*, 'it is whirzL pered, trying to make :a • second' and Sepa., rate treaty with China, for - which'purpose„ artillery-, and other. means of enforoing l qui design, arefsaid tc•lhatiolbeenlsent loyward: The ,Only , is Pontiff bf `the OrthadOillieek li e ; end' some ;Neb. Itletiid itan..Alchbishop, taking his,. stand, at: „the high altar of the Church of the Assumptioi at Moscow, addressed a solemn allootOion'tif the.:.Empersy, .charging him carry the' orthodo3F i taith, by all tile means in , his power, Into'tfieleart of China. in the Mediterranean, is a rather etartling idea, and•the concession of the harbor of Villa - Franca, by Sardinia, for coaling and water ing purposes, to the ships of the Czar,, ex cited, some fortnight Since, a considerable butbry among the' Weller, fry-6f the lannlieh press. Th e re not : miloh, the' matter, although there is something. Sardinia +was backed at the Congress of,Pariknod:played off agaitrt Austria, to the sore • annoyance' of the latter ; and this conc ession to the Czar, indicates' such a cont,inued - 'olid odboth sides, 'that Austria, ivhe trembles like a guilty' thing for her Provinoes in Italy, all the more fears and bates the little State which aims at nothing, lees than an entire sweeping out of Gerinanic frbm the Italian Penineols. As Tor . a . Rnetaiin fleet being ,formidable.Eo England , save, perhaps, in the catie-Of waitintireen us and Franc e,, that is. not beetantieipited.: Arid even theni I believe:thoup.mmo,uld.,PV7 British ish before tors;. provided -alw ays that we do not: irtinidte; the' God of our fathers to feiretike ne, and to giiesne over, to :be humbled' and chastened' by our 'enemies: For, " who can Stand if once lobe a_ngry.7. THE EMPEROR NAPOLEON, With his wire, has been relaxing atthe!beautifultnteTing place of .tiari ; tk. been, amusing Pinahoh, ,ftalinthstrec ,idow:chist,' it „ 0. • 0 OLO • BY eat at the MINN $ l - 50 PirYtair fizz ritotrzerxrs. Ddi DUN • RIM lIIEN Irprn-rw) ttolliffio o 44l , r* WHOLE N0..818 -~~u,. ME thepopulace' 4 0r . n . • , withtthetorowi l •SWAlahrirliile expe irienoodeand' vigilant v etyte - IslgtAiniiiber. of • secret 111.,,P114 1 1 olsttie6; Dear' hie pereonii. : " wt. I THE OPIUM Tams not, itiiiirentlyi a matter - of disonasimnshetween - Loa Elgin and the latperial \Commission- Aris, 14040 . k r has ,poipte' Out the•great• evils off:ttlikra44l4 iffigrc tive and demoralizing effects on the iwe wa ttremsuliTim.944 4 4.!of,tagegkflisallghigsli' ;,LorAdop t ittr4lEepi9jolii*tiiirj kseoieties, the . tritisti Eloleigment on Ile subjett Tfie•ftsei oiniiiiftd argument of revenue, whiehliestietuatiff a ...rogiort a_t_erNiti - Vili•-tveigla-uhervily in the MAO 4 1 1 thlr-dliilito4o KlVlSKTkidiall I 4de-ti4-4iauul rid talents oVisiimitalapd 4.oaur iilliirgF ear to: thuassnrs 40 . 4 4p l !rWitted juable po ; gt.ye thee in noh ,than t " • • i 'LORD , DBILII:e13 RETINEKENT! FROM TaL Tplpri is fall Ter), douIAXILL., p,nblict Ifmle:',' ,l ot his hosses.ll , WrVitid, bat O r. Abe' ikkpo l intea '4l4' thellitif of them, (with &fis'eieeption,jlielitizught in. Thum he retains Abe power, 2nd'thEY secret will, I doubt not, if the reins of Government drop next sessiop c frolo his htpds r ,titf returning to Nalavpr i itc .. , sport , which' has always been, and 'is Still, a' fruitful smile "of evil; the 'baba , oti"liiOre 'niisery;-%`incirti ruin,' and more demoralization thanhitty other legal tputi n ie The /finch—which nusee i IskYOn . $ and , . just language, Ise. bandied him OPYO.Tery, and - the , effect was enhanced ; by fol,rl l ; 6 , 6l Prbyl by. some untngAn lett9LlititeF," ,only broughttdoWn the lash..mom heav y. , ln • 'thia, , rio doubt the Timearhas in. view the `iiiteic'et 'le, the Vidge,:and their . restoration to a;. There are lm ~141„1-5,kg_404011. Paerston may be rorgiyeß ARup7,9€4leY, and,that the peoplp wiil , gel 4 1 with the , ( Qoneemativea,y , laying teal game m erl to keep their plao";:ea: 'JIG. `ll4e~klelK for alaefroW,"opetily avowed, this ' week, at . 'ai public areetingo his .regret , at :: having, giyertthis mete_against the Palmerston 7 i9LAllly:4 .) l2llt, FOFIELI:h : The' vote, . after ail, . 1 11 . not to ' ix,•ieefteit '' I'6"r:in-nine to be seen 'wheiliVi' We Whlgi c iiin i.A rid of their traditions and mannerisme,,and become true Liberals. - Mr.-Bright-is as-fiercely their foe as be ever .sras,:alid?, ttie twenty or thirty l iyotes of, his ; party,,: nod ~of, that : of the Peelite , eekoch,,Tll,.he the ‘ riiain - Stay of iserby, and, it, insi,b4,:titeiniatploe 'of Pal ' InleritOn.. bide Iftinlhiii ; the Irish-Papists are disposed to favor the present Miuieiry, even in spite of Lord i. .Nglinton',e,ryfctsal to , mcetr ... the Cardinal ,at'? the ;, Dnblin Lord ~ Mayor ' s C abinet . ..,'llle7,igli4ainiildaaplain , cies in numbers which were l!toiltriniwri:be fore i thlway,hy.l,4o4,Poi,oo2* iiiterpes sion, has become; an .important, n4 o staitton • ifor packets betweeniEn 1 and,',and',Xii i mea ; AbWillikAget 4 l4 l osl ll .° , 4 04 4 4 ' ' /. f 4 t 4 tr : slqq),, , : dila , IFi liee - Juigiti .e'l! , ou , ) ,Q,A914.,14,4 Ifol „AAA , oure ilWitiii;ilVOlugt •,... ' iii%if . "P ifs ifi k tDefb3 l,4o - .!. t ?-tft. 1 .3 i 'e 1 , 114i . ''qt;I:t 7. • ''' A: PUB/10: 1 1hinhal Stikliatribe ' lb& ..mobkerk 0010021W-thiruweek; kimrilmi -LOrd • Btatiley/Athe•zPheident . o f f-e.new illtiliin •Counctit ;'The Cliairnian, :in ?refer '''lring •to India, exPreased'the desire that - evert ficility•should 'be given for the prop agation of the Christrair , faith. 'Lord Stan ley, in responding-tothe proposal and toast of his health,'?diteltda ; , hisloual style on the ~.danger of marring our work in India,,among a subject race, 'by any steps which could. irritate their pride, or' lead to'suspicion. 'He intimated that 'such ?a , caution). 'although? not ?”required by thee, company which .he ad , dressed, was needed by certain parties out of .doors.: This •was , a quiet indication Of his , continued adhesion to the " neutrality " !,polioy, and hie dis• like , of missions and nas' - 'sionaries. 'Depend upon itylhe ,will., yet be made, .to rue tbia,,.if,,, t he and hla i .pouneil really dare to put obstrttetiorukirkibe :way of the „Gcspel. The following will el;ow the ' np r inien of Lord Stanley, by religious then in The appointment of Lord , Stanley is regarded .1* Englapcl.much as,w," supposed it w l otild. Ho 1 . 1 . as reputation for oonsiderabli± 'title* combined oiiiiticiii,utiutAaloWng for -the post assigned to, him. -He is. mite, .to be feared on matters affecting the interests of 'Chris -If we were to designate the school to which Lord Stanley belongs, we should call it the indifferent.. That term would describe a large ola`ea of eduoated, talented 211161 i; - whose influence and Usefulness are greatlrmarred by this defect in their character. They are ,practical, if not theoretioal latitudinarians and under their rule, errorwould loud& and- irutit• be depresied . Xeldra; irvo A CUSTOM- LETTEit, from an edacated uffiadotwi biglticiaatd appears in prkti.l4.in,iwii9kliik-vcr•iOr.represents hiineplf aa of i,hit s , 'oboe of Bahoos, 'time their itilkMbilia tekogn ti OD Of 'the DiVine-UnityielaEitinibaniot;,(epeak in ler& • oUreepeoti the t 'Christian , Reyela• AClP;J,P4iii,kakotOn *WM: Rig 41213" ' J :1 1111 Tel 414 i notppg.t do with thr,reaellion witailibeveir do 'kit under to i ncinfait P &alai; !tin/Wittig+ rebellion' orig inated with the I,4l6hamnibAistp44nd that oth erP Aelgtif4 I°4 o,4' l 4_lo4Pri. si !ligi °f 6141 srievanos lll 4 that the d ompany' s early Roney 'cif shutting Oitt ailifionarietil'grae un juit ;' - thiit'in a delPatiVeotinitrY etieefnitikit acoinKleiSendensia*body as the missionaries/ otierafee•aa a check on the abuse ,of t powt3r, •„and that,far kom, " ` burying top king on Lord Bhafiet i onry and others is " ` bur" ` burying iliOrikeebsea 'to 'get iv's Ohiriciulnizing' cru sade to India," " they never aclirbchala the tabminilnory oonversiondp i Onristianity of my I ,eotintrymen,,batt#e tOci,ilfeen the fore *Oat among'..the;FlOligity .`and ,gentry of Britain to promote the mute of morality, 7ecninii.eduostiorri,emos.these goner= men believe, of risligtoit iti-HOdooetan " Thiakumet,iMioriiiiio - *ti'Mony. That it *ll , otitip4lol.*ltheiof tke" men ) , and , theirrisupporterea the. Pi*, On aln4ing , Iseoffing-filiaterWitay .:Revietn,) ie inr.thaii bitty 'belidpettlifor. 'Bat it, will iP:4foPnnitig,Oin r6eolv,e of that la ,texto..4a, the tratticin•tope f andAo,tignt!stgood will' weapongiftivaliudet among ibehietining raiyrisda - .o6•Hindooetan. t i t ypT.W. .P, B.—The •gtaarter'g : Aeyen!e etiOntintni jFi t: Ellti*!4iiii dic '4Ar i t t __,o 44l .-*Y and improvomentin dui reeeireek. Trade at iker Blink of !England—to - an.iehurit un pfeeed'ented.- amount. : Nimidity awitikr pre ; check tven IpgitirßatemPectl - lation. • J.W; .~,_ .. ,- t.rr aki-ausi klt 4 - t4f