a . • „ -.. _ .. _ _.. . . . . ---..— 11111111111111 ; ti 1 ~. -•' ': -, . nil -..F$ is ~ PRESBYT-. RIA B ,7,---- --- - , ~ _., f! • , ~,.: c. ......... avian is 1741. Vile Wei 4. ' " ONE THING. IS NEEDFITL;" ".4DistE THING _HAV Vittitlfikti ( embus. Adwiiimi., WA. SI, Mi. gli. I r :t 4:il: .:,:' ki, F - L , iO REET, LBO , ~ ,,t.;,:.... , • ,: -. , ' G; ,It e DAB ..4 • 41111 by p .61. rt DAVID MeHINNEY, Editor and Proprietor. 1211118,-IN ADVANCE, Original • :1: ottrß. On an Ancestral Bible. BY UV. WILLIAM IaPEBR Bright gleam the jewels on this hoary page, Sombre and soiled with more than century's age; Stained, not alone with feet of flying years, But moisture of deep,sighs and dropping tears. What soenes, what changes path this volunie seen! In persecuted Covenanter& glen, Or flying shallop on the stormy waves, Or forts enflamed by whooping, painted braves. Five generatinns treasured the rich trust; Dainnatinn" neer wag written on ltd dust ,*° = 4 The raveled edg.'s show where Paul or John Wooed to the cross, or waved on high the crown. :I%ltich is it worn where primal Eden gleams, Where the new Eden's crystal river streams; Where the Evangelic Prophet's trumpet rings, Where, harping sad, the Royal shepherd sings Much did they ponder "Man's chief end," much • seek To know and imitate the Sufferer meek; To save the lost, the broken heart to bind, Do all the duties taught here to mankind. Eyes, morn and eve, at no.n or midnight hours, Perbnps through frosted locks, perhaps wreathed flowers, Scanned promises that derv'd the trembling bride, Or the wan widow's wrinkled cheek have *dried. 'eternal lips above this page hivie said Welcomes to newborn, farewells to the dead; Here mothers' hearts their little ones did hold, ;To hark to these sweet, simple tales of old. 'What joys, what fears, adown these leaves have swept! What drops, repenting or adoring, wept! ,Whot strength, to scale youth's slippery steep, been drawn, Or say, " good night" to life, and hail the dawn! Those brave, those lovely ones, how many sleep, Some in far foreign soil, mayhap in the deep ; Soft eyes that read, strong , hearts that clasped, this tome, pweet lips that hissed it, lie in,dust and gloom. Not doubting did they lay them in that dust, IA Moved, like weary children, on this trust ; it by this, lamp, they went down to that gloom, 7 shaded portal to a shining home. 0, God ! who halt the path of life here taught, : elp rts to seek it as those loved ones 'sought ; 'allow their footsteps until lost to sight; • Then launch our full-plumed souls in heavenward flight. * John Wesley says some people might wr4te "Dunne. Sion " on the cover of their Bibles. ' Rev. E.. 0. Swift We take from the Independent, the fol lowing notion of this worthy minister: He was the brother of Rev. 'E: P. Swift, D. D of Allegheny City, and died at Buffalo, on Saturday morning, August 28th, aged 76 He was formerly pastor of the Congregation al church, in Killingworth, Gonnecticut. "Mr. Swift was born at Williamstoin, Mass , August 14, 1782. His father was Rev. Seth Swift, wbo graduated at Yale Col lege, in 1774, and Was ordained pastor of the church in Williamstown, in 1779, where he continued` his labors until his death in 1807. His mother was Lucy Elliot, nf Kil lingworth, descended from the same ancestry as Elliot the Indian Apostle. He gradu ated at WilliaMs College in 1804, and soon after commenced his studies for the Min istry with Dr. Stephen West, of Stockbridge, with whom he was afterwards settled as col league, and where he continued for nine years, until the dismission of Dr. West. 'After leaving Stockbridge he supplied several pulpits until 1833, when he was settled over the Congregational church in Killingworth. Here be continued in the most harmonious relations to an affectionate and appreciative people for nearly twenty years, until the in firmities of age compelled him to seek a re• lease from his pastoial charge, to the univer sal regret of the parish and the mini s terial association with whieh be was connected: Here his ministry was laborious and shame— ful, as attested by several revivals of relig• ion, some of them being seasons of deep: and extensive interest; and a large proper tion of the present membership of that church ate the fruits of his labors. During the last six years, until a short time previous to his death, he had resided in Chester, where he was universally respected and be loved. And though here he had no pastoral charge, he did nut lay aside the character of a minister of the Gospel, , nor cease his ex• r eitions to promote the kingdom of Christ; but by his prayers,'bis godly example, his interest in the Sabbath school, and his read. - Ness, 00 far as his health would permit, to assist the pastor of the church, *often Ten dering him essential aid in the pulpit and other religious cervices, he still brought forth fruit in old age. His death was sudden and among strangers, but 'his friends are happy to learn that he received every kindness and attention during his illness which his eon• dition required, and he has gone, as they believe, to the reward ef a geod and faithful servant of Jesus Christ." For the Preabyterten Banner and Advocate, : The Late Rev. John Marshall; Ibis most excellent brother, who died'at Doddsville, McDonough Coutty, Illinois, on the 24th of August last, was born in Wash ington County, Pa., on the 13th day of 'Jiff'. nary, 1813. His father's family moved to tehnont County, Ohio, in= the, Spring of 1831, 'and John commenced the study of Latin, at St, Clairsville, the County seat, in 1834. Its entered Franklin College in the Bpring of 1837, and the Theological Semi. nary at Canohsbarg in the Autumn of 1830, where he reitnaked four years. On the 27th of June;:`l.B43, her was licensed to preach the Gospel.by the Associate Presby tery of MuskingatlL On the 1.2th.0f Sept., 1844, he was ordaibe'd and installed pastor of the churches of Ldiidonderry and West., .cheater. Tn that charge he labored faith fully for nearly ten yes& Toward the end of this period, his sentiments on Psalmody .and Communion, were undergoing a change from tbe views entertained by the Associate Church. In October, 1854, they became mature, and led him under the dictates of n rignience to resign his charge, and ask a dismission from his Presbytery; and then he connected himself with the Presbytery of St. ClairSville, (0 8 ) After traveling for. sometime to become acquainted with the Presbyterian Church, he went, in 1855, as stated supply to the churches of Woodsfield, Newcastie, and Buchanan, within the. Pres livery' of St. Clairsville, and from this field he removed, in 1857, as stated supply to, the sihurohes of Boddsville and puntsvillez • This beloved brother was greatly esteemed in the Preabytery of St. Clairsville, en ‘ much so that his leaVirm was to moit'of the "ineib'- hers a personal regret. He was a man Of fine personal appearance, pleasing , and g.cn tie manners; humble and yet attractive, and. fekithie'd rn etrightdigiVitilftielidetrip.lFl44 impressed, all who came in content with hini with a persuasion of his integrity and good ness, and never erred from the proprieties of a. ministerial demeanor. As a preacher, he had from nature the advantage of a good voice and a clear judgment, and his dis courses were always sound, substantial, and instructive. Last Spring he entered into the ievival movement with all his heart. la bored with gre;at zeal in the churches which ho served, and had the satisfactiOn of seeing twenty-four persons profess their subjection to the Gospel. A: young and now widowed wife, to whom he had been only ten months married mourns his loss. "Be - ye also ready." Synod of Allegheny. ALLIMHIII4Y CITY SeTitember 23, 1858 The Synod of Allegheny met, according to ad journinent, in theyirst Presbyterian Church, and was opened with 'a sermon by the Moderator, Rev., Loyal Young, D.D., on In. 3—" The voice of him that crieth in the wilderness, pre pare ye the war of the•Lord; - make straight in the desert a -highway for our God '—,after. which, Synod was constituted:by, prayer. The following members were present : PJENSBYTBILY OF ERIE. Ministers. Eiders. John V. Reynolds, D.D., Levi Dodd, James Coulter, ' John Wylie, s S. J. M. Eaton, Wm. Campbell, John W. 'McCune, James M. Carnahan, David Grier, John Reynolds, George W. Zahlaizer, Janice Miller, James W. Dickey, A. M. Barber. James M. Shields, , Wm. M. Blackburn, John R. Findley. ' PRESBYTERY OF BEAVER, Ministers. Elders. Absalom MoCready, ' Ales. Ross, - • Wm: Nesbit, , Isaac Winans, John W. Johnston, Win, M. Francis, Benjamin C. Critchlow, ; John Welsh, David Waggoner, John Nesbit, Henry 'Webber, ' Charles Ronnie, David C. Reed, Josiah Gibson. Elliott II Swift, Tbonsits G. SCcitt, Thcisf P.-,johnston. PWEBBYTEILT OF Ministers. Elders. Johnilltinson, D.D., Joseph o..CaFtpbell, - John Coulter, James McCurdy Loyal Young, D.D., David McCune, Robt. B. Walker, John Breekinridge, Newton Bracken, W. S. Gray, Wm: G. Taylor, John Boyd, Alea'r Cunningham, . John R. Harris, Ephraim Ogden, James Crawford, r. Roan, Philip :Miller , S. V. Miller, John Swink, J. F. Boyd, Robert Hays. David ' ' • Samna Williams, T, R, 090 1 t0r. PRESTFTEICI 01 ALIMGELENI 01.1"1. Ministers. Eiders., David 'Elliott, D.D. James Burchfield, Elisha P. Swift, D.D., James Gibson, John C. Sinalair, David Duff, Wm. S. (Plumer, D.D., • T. H. Nevin, Jobn F. McLaren, D.D., Robt. Wni. Annan,'• James Schoemaker, Henry R. Wilson, D.D., David Ilawkins, Daniel E. Nevin, Joseph 'McCune, Leland R. McAtioy, M. , L. Hawkins. - Edward S. Blake,' Louis L. Conrad, James Allison, John Davis, DaVid A. Cunningham. MEMBERS ABSERT. Presbytery of Brie—Wm. Ni and . L. G; Olmstead. Beaver—Robert Johnston, Robert Dilworth, D.E., Win. T. McAdam, and Jonathan:Wilson. • Allegheny—Ebenezer, , Renry, and J. .I.Wald berger. Allegheny City—Nathaniel Todd, Alexander Shend, - John Brown, and H. W.. Guthrie. The election of officers resnited in the unani mous choice of Rev. Jamie W.-Dickey as Moder ator, and Rev. B. E. Swift'as Ten:Tor:l7 Clerk. .:Adjoifined to meet to=morrow morning at 9 o'- elook. Condoned with prayer. • FRIRAY MORNING, 9 o'clock. Sytiod.met and was opened with prayer. Thi allotted half hour was Spent in devotional exercises. „ The minutes of •the last meeting of Synod were read. Rev. C. C. Beatty, D.D., Rev. H. G. Coming°, and Rev. X. S. Pornroy, of the Synod of Wheel ing';, Rev. M. W. Jacobus, 'D D., Rev. W. D. Howard, D.D., Rev. A. D. Campbell, D.D., Rev. Richard Lea, Rev. R. McPherson, Rev. W. M. Paxton,; Rev. Samuel Findley, and Rev. R. F. Wllson, of the Syncld. bfTittsburgh ; Rev. James Campbell, of the Synod of Upper Missouri; and. Rev John G. Brown, of, the United Presbyterian. Church, being present, were invited to sit as cor responding members. The Moderator announced the folloWing Com mittees ON BILLS AND OVERTURES. Ministers--Tteva. 'Loyal Young, D. D., John Munson. J. T. Boyd, and James M. Shields- Eiders—Joseph 0. Camp bell, James GibFon, and Lost Dodd.. ,lIIDIOT'AL COMMITTEE. Atittraters—David Elliott. D Jaittee Coulter, IDavid Waggoner, and Henry. Webber. Elders—David Duff, Wm. Campbell. PRESBYTERIAL RECORDS Eare.—Ministers—John F. McLaren, D. D., and William Nesbit.. Eiders—T. H. Navin, and James McCurdy.' . BEATER.--, Ministers—John R. Xindley, and L. R. MeAhoy.' Elders—David McCune. and John Breckinridge: ALteatte.Ny.—.Ministert—John W. 'Johnston, and James' .Altison. Eiders-34=es Burcbtled, and-Di. L Rawirins. ILLEOutriy thm—ifinistcra—Abealom Vc.Cready t and Benjamin C. Critchlow. Elders—Alexander Bess, and John Welsh. ON DEVOTIONAL EXEROIEIES 4fOrtsters=.7. Y. Reynolds, D. D., and E. P. Swift, D. D. Etder—Tames Crawford: ON, THE NARRATIVE OF THE STATE OP RELIGION. Minigers—William M. Blackburn, and David A. Reed. Et der—John 'Wylie. ON THE :SYNODICAL DISCOURSE. Monsters—David Crier, and John W. Johnston. Elder— Philip Miller. • ' ON THE MINUTES. OP GENERAL ASSEMBLY. ]Ministers—John 0. Sinclair, and William F. wean, Rider --W. S. Cray . '!'. - ON;REASONS 'OF ABSENCE FROM PREVIOUS MEET INGS OP SYNOD. Tdinitiers—Jchn Coulter, P. Boyd, and David Hall. El cier—Joha Buick. „ FOR GRANTING LEAVE OF , ABSENCE FROM THIS MEETINOI Ministers—Newton Bridge% and•R. B. Walker. Elder— Robert Gilleland. The first standing order tras taken up, and Sta tistical Reporta,read and placed in the Banda of the Stated dierk. The second' standing order was taken up,.and Presbyterial Records were presented and placed PUBLICATION OFFICE, GAZETTE' BUIL FOR THE WEEK ENDI in the bands of tbe committees appointed to ex amine the same. The report of the Committee oil the Matter of Funds for the Park church. Erie, was made the 7 first order of the day for this afternoon. the the report of ths CCromitteo on Funds for the Salary I: of the Synodical Missionary, the second Order of the day this afternoon. ".. A collection of twenty.five cents from each', member was taken up to rePlenish the continiept fund of Synod. , Synnii then pro6eedeckiolippoiiit ttielilseganizt o boar; of the next Aneeting: It was,resolved. meet at Mercer, ; l a., ,pn the Fo,urth Thuratay...pk::, September, 1869, at .. o'olpelF P. M. , The Board 'O'f •CiiiPortage Presented l a fePert,, *filth was aocePted; and: committed sto4teviil3:se. Oritatalnw, Rev.' ' 0 - . iIV. A Zahnizer, 4 (And .aJohn Reynolds, elder. as The fpllowing is the report Aoceilling'to the requirements `of the Martial tirrocon portetion; the Board of Coportage oj,,tha 5y4 0 4 1 1.04 1 1.45: hergita,arnExtieatieny,present ths following swport - of %sit_ •tfisiagile fromlite , :let iklefeinber,lBs7, ],tat t, 1858. , At the beginning of this period; a most Careful inventory was taken of the whole stock of the concern, consisting-of books, furniture, end book accounts, when the entire amount of our assets was Wend to be. $3158.27; at - the same time our indebtedneks from all sources was ewer. tained to be $81.27 ;' thus 'our net assets were $3,07712. Now, it will be- remembered-that according to the report presented to Synods at their last meetings, our net assets were $8 381.33. ThiS shows a discrepancy .of $BO4ll be tween the report made to Synods and the results of the in ventory taken immediately after the meeting of Synods. The error in the _report made Id Synods, arose from esti onating books belonging to Dr. Jaccbuti and others, as stock actitally paid foal , while they Were Teally only'left`an• sale. The mistake ,occurred owing to the recent death of ,the fonder Librarian, the new Librarian having not yet learned /du, actual et/edition of the business of , thweencern. Daring the ten months, the amount of sales for cash has teenssl;97o.B4; 'for the same time; the sales on credit have amounted to $989.00; so , that the total sales for ten months have been $2,959 34. And the net gaink for the - same time, Pram the .proSts of sales, over all expenses, of whatsoever kind, have been $90.50, Throughout these ten Months, the accounts of donations received from the churches, and of the expenditures for colportage, have been kept entirely separate from the other business of the- concern, that the churches might know directly what disposition was made of that' Mods. We are very sorry to say that the contributions from thaetturehes have only reached the rum of $237.81; of whieh,there have been'experided chi 'col *0 ge ' in' the 'Way of commiseione and d0nati0n5..5169,47... Andthe,emonnt. of commissionan ' books now in the hands of eolporteurs will most probably absorb the remaining pertion -of, the donations: Thus every cent contributed by, the et arches has been expended in the actuaiwork 'of distributing booksimil tracts , ainong 'the people, while the profit§ of sales havekept up the rooms and paid all eipe rises, and yielded a profit of $90.50. The amount of books purchased during the year, is $8,769.71Y; and the amount of cash remitted is $2,77248; leaving a balance due Parent Board of $987.22. The areonat offends' now in hands of Treasurer is $70438. The number of colpoiteurs senployed in the ten months has beeneleren. - If the churches had furnished more means, a much greater work might have been done, for there were Many applications-for employment as colporteure„! and not a ,few requests made to have, colporteurs sent to partieular districts; tut the want of hinds prevented Its fretureepond ing to these In this connexion, it may, he proper to IllAioo the fact that the ltepurt of the Board of Publication showa a larger contribution from the churches of these Synods to the. Parent Board, during the lest year. than to our own Board. Now, we have good reason to believe that a good part ofthis sum was intended for our own institution, but failed to reach us, through the want of more definite .direetions as to its application, ley.thone sending it. We earnestly hope that for the future due care :maylhe eitercieed 'in this matter, by,pastors and Sessions, so tbat•we may riot be deprived of any ot - even the small amount of food intended for our sub. sistence and growth. • . Moreover, .t is altogether worthy the serious considers, tion of the °hurdles of these i'yrtiids, whether the sum of s,6o6—for the contributions to the Board of Coleortage and' the Parent Board do not much exceed tilts sant-4 all they are called upon to do for the dissemination of a Clove] and Presb)terian literature in the word. Certainly the Oppor tunities for doing good in this way are many and encour aging. Wo should have at least one colporteur employed con. tinually within the litnite of the cities of Pittsburgh and. Allegheny.. While another might find .aliandent oc cupation in the adjoining towns and villages- And in the different Prsehyteries there are greater or less 'openings every year for the distribution of the littnature of our. Church with the most happy effects. And at the same time our stock of Sabbath School 'bootie ' , should bet largely in-, ,creased, to meet the : wants-of the sayisithi Sidiele.ofJour own cbsiches, and of othei" Churches that give Mt* illeledr time a'preasrenoe overall others.. The Board is doing etery tffingla its power to accomplish the objects for which it was itistitnted, and the business te conducted on the most,. ,economical scale; so that not a doilar of the funds contrib. rated is spent he the expense's of the bisiness of the rooms, but every . dollarts devoted either to the work of colportage, or, to the increase of stock. Bat so long as_the churches withhold the funds,ao lonentitat all our.. effOrterbi3 greatly; crippled, auditor expectation failto be realized. • This Board Is the creature of there Synode, and can only live and 'pros-. per by their benevolent*, encciurgement, and fostering care. We earnestly ask the pastors and Bunions of theme Synods' to come to our aid; that we may perform this 'work on a' mush larger seale,,and with greatly increased facilities., . A Circular was read from the Committee on the Matter of Funds for the Assistance of Disabled Ministers which was ootomitted to' Itev r ., J:ciin Manson, %Rd :Joseph - 0, Campbell, Rev. David, Waggoner, Rey- Henry Webber, and dames Crawford, elder, were appointed Connnittenen the Western TheologiealSeniinary. Tate Comanittee appointed by-thelast Synod, in relation to gn Agent to receive: contributions, for the hoorde oe theChtlrelt, reported. Tlie;`report was Recepied, and "Peridiug 'dficuesion' upon it; Synod adjourned. - ' • ' • Concluded with prayer. , • . • FRIDAY AFTERNoorr, 2 o'clock.• - Synod met and was opened with prayer The first order of- the day for this afternoon; was taken up, and the Committee on the Matter of Funds for Park churUh, reported that 'but had been collected; whereuptha the Coin wittee was continued, - with directions to,report at the present meeting ofSynod . , some plan for rais ing the remaining six. hundred dollars. The second'order of the day was taken up, 'and the Committee on. Funds for the Support of the Synodical .Missionary, presented areport. i x Pend- , ing the discussion,, the time fixed by the standing rule for deiottonal exercises having arrived, Synod spent one hone and a half in •eihortation,'Prayer and praise, under the direction., of the Moderator:' During this exercise, titc Narrative of the State of Religion Was read by. Reir. James Allison, the •Chairman of the Comniittee - ; and after tha 'close of this service, it was unanimously adopted; and is as "folio tins : : • I= The eeminittee on the Narrative begs leave to • following a•. submitthe annual report Ot the 'State of Religion within ; the bciunds of, the Synod of • b eny To make inquiries as 'to the state and - prospects the. Ceuech, of the progress of the work of thelaird, of the encouragetnents, antt elite diffi culties in the way, must he intereatinganti nse fa to theTious and reflecting; mind, 1. And when the fathers and . brethren of ,a £,iyised come to gether, after a separation of twelve Months, of what do, they delight to,hearao ; .of what the Lord has been doing for,hia,,people, the sue ,ceea.that has attended the,labors, o 1 his servants, the trials -through- Which .they have passed, the answers given to the prayer of:faitli, and,the suP• I ports and consolations .of, the,Gospel of the 'grace of: God enjoyed by many 7. .. • „ The condition of things in whiCh our last meet hag was held, Aeon - be - nrgotten by any whewere .present: -Disasters and ,dismay were relMd.about,tts ;: and our hearts were ready to einleititiliri us. Riches were taking to themselves wings and flying away;,the opulent were - reduced to poverty; and confidence in man . was gone. While fears were entertained that many streams through which Christian bepevolence flowed into the treasury of , the Lord, would be cut 'off,- Nor was our spiritual state - any-better ;- the same sad news reached our - ears from every side. The heaveni c above were as brass, and- : the: earth se iron ; no Blonds' of mercy seemed to 'hang over ; no showers ef i grace seemed. to comedown; .ri'ghieolienesetthEnot spring up out 'of-the earth. ehriatian life was feeble'; faith was weak; but few "came to•the help - of the Lork.to the help of ; tke Lord t .against the mighty." Again did we tyke up -the lamentation, " There is none that ealleth upon thy name, that stirreth up himself to take held of thee; for' thou bast hid' thy face, from us and halt consumed us because of our in iquities." "Zion was a wilderness, Jerusalem a desolation.": But now, when assembled together after the toils, the sorrows; and the joys-of an-i other year, every bettrtis ready to cry out, " What hathOed wrought !".: Our sackcloth has beeeput Off, and we have beengirded with gladn'eas; , ' Re bath 'pot a new song inte our mouth, even praise unto our God; many' shall see it, and 'fear, and shall trust in the Lord." The fathers are still with.ns—though one has rested from his Jabors. A good degree of, health and strength have been given to those who labor sn word and doctrine; . they have had favor before Opd and Man. Peace has reigned in our churches; old divisions have been, heeled; and but - few eccasiensefscatidal,, or for,the exercise of discipline, hayeariseit., .'Wile the claims of the Do,ards'of the Church; ever to =MI be regarded plied With rni Rids more 11 liss done for line). done gi .glal' The • isave ,hegun -down • the • presence. , /kirteries, anti eareerwticomf ispy,s 'that a' years,have wiling within mama mr entire b ,grently hum strong crying ly quickened " , mientle to GI Itiiktrthat ;•other; churci mvassel is'aokes - peel •ditiens have Tartzits and 3eatmed ; th( Evea the mo 'hurtful error .n and most aseitinously c fedi the good' sped of the W A.lll abundant harvest: 8 0 n:1 1 y fold : and some et hund-- _ the tort? has , had free course and en glorified.. ,Oaft Presby tery rsports one. intired and fifty added, on. pro fession of faith; tote 'cliniith, seventy free to , ' soother, end forty t nother: Another' Presby tery reports an' aggttgate , of two hundred , and. seventy-six conversife in six pastoral• oharges- And alt the Presbytetes report large atmessions in almost all their Sure/leis: 'And a degree of t.i seriousness altogith unusbel perituties , etbole eammuntties; . open pposition is eileneed ; the. - wrath of man is-res fined... " This Asithe Lord's-- doing; it is marvellms hi our eyes." With great._ thankfulness to theloriOnd 'Head of tle'Chertilty. 'would we also retort! the 'fact of the ' centinued:' prosperity of the .Wittern Theological' &misery, within our bounds,jand the largely, increased , . numbers in attendaskte during the lasi,term, to gether With the etdouraging I - fronted., for the , enetvit g-, year. ; We itave 'reason to .believer,. the• effects of the preciais .outpouringor the Holy Spirit. have been ita:nifested' in a greet 'hogging after holiness Of. heirtsiod life, and 'fees: snore intense devotion to tie bleeder's werk: '. ; Let this institiitios be' berrshed by eur bene factions, and .by our t prn • • raj ,tbftt Profemers• maybe aided from 0n,b1.,., mid . that ts , stsFientis. may benonie goOd‘minisie s' 'of Jikii 'Moist; Mt of faith and of the Ho], ' . . It is highly proper, Cie to consider.the•lseane. by which he has accompli :. ed such gree.t results. 'Many things lead tis ; to 'l. love that the ;017 stater of the Church, .and ,of ..p rsoital f4ety,,,and the abounding of wrildiinetia; -riror, and'WhikOdnese,. had long borne eat:Whitt . a barb' of entre misis- • ters, elders, and 'private eniberstof the Church.: 1 Long had some of theta. been crying in .seeret,, ~ R e turn, .0 Lord, ho w l ) l t i . And let it. repent . thee coneerniog thy s ere te: tt,iiiitsfy ut). early. with th v marey ; that we ' a y rejoice and Weglack all our days. Make us ad according to the days. !, wherein thou . haat • art - ted us , and,,the.-yeues. o ! wherein we have peen e, 1." . put those tfesitrea e . i so long pent 'Up in the solitude of individiset 1 1 ' bosoms, thiingh.ofteir 'glitig 'te dommilitickuy - tbemselvea to others, Tortid exPreasioniriAll#o4-•. „ i verition that assembled at pittsbergh, whiff was called by proceedings initated,e.t. the hist Ile , tiai 1 of this Synod, ; and which Wei the'begirifilsg, 'elf sera' glorious reviv al 'for . tili . ii 4endil end' 'WeAtfite arid i) ! I "lstltyk , fOr .66titisOfteijmkgies.:4*-thiiwiketelk world. Scarcely did I:meth - ten sea& thairhotesis k 'a : before _an unwonted ' tenderness was nittlWerl.. : among professing tixttettans, and the encoskientedi „began to' inquire, '" What' •must ' we' . dray ti 'be saved ?" Some.plieford speali'idlythreesibaitilie of theirdongregatfoise being bathecr4ii - 1 tease, even, where the,hardnees,,ef the nether millstone had, been manifest. a 'Elbert time ,before, so that,the promise.or t'fiod ilia literally fulfilled, which ssith.., "Before theY call; Twill antiwar, and While they are,yet speaking i .l:will hear." And throughout, thiswork heel:own phariqeOzed remarkably by the preeminenee . giNen to pr ayer. In .'this way,. Jeboviiicitts 64d:reminding - ur of 'his -saying of old, "Not' by might tier' by i poker, but by 'tny Spirit." :At the same time le has litet. high. honor on.the pree i ching of liths•fieekel t by the regulto pas tors and ministereitf the ehurcliel. Ifo now measures have beei v iinfactieed, ritir' - liiiittitinin of ettraordinarjr giftit , :ea ' eiangelista 'bees- found, neoessary: ThusAlin work las been threat' tut- , der the ministrations,ot,pliators, and the- supee-.,, vision of,the regular'Sessions,of the charehesi •' Pesters that so tong "went firth weeping,. bear- ` ing preoious seed," • have now " come again- with; • rejoicing, bringing Ltheir sheaves 'with them."'' • Preaching the °gape' from house to housel. faith— ful instructions in the Sabhath Scheel ; personal; appeals to the unconverted; and the fervent:, ef feotual prayer of the righteous in secret, 14 the family altar, in• the .social meeting, , and iKk the. public congregations, have been xemaakably owned and blessed of God: `ln view of all' theee things,'onr duties are-plain: and. imperative.. God. should receive our most devout gratitude for all his mercies and alt. hi& salvation: F i er, " What shall'me, render unto. him for all his benefits ?" The criltivii:.ticiti Of tt.. higher degree of personal piety, - should' he sar,e— fully sought:- Tor'it is potiSibleldtmistake au, in: creased .membership. for. a• deeper: and more fervid; ,personal piety. We . must guard. against being' satisfied with present resni ts; . for I l i) • werk , ie. only commenced. To act self ii Was oomPlebedi. ii a dabger to whiCh we are peouliarlY , expette4 from the - fact that it has become so soot latmatitge of, history. We may use the name of Agri se., familiarly as ; to . forget its halloweddess,,and we • may bedome p° accustomed to religiousNibrde and phrseesi'ati l tb' lobe sight of their "Import History, toti,iinforms us'of the danger ofore-ae tion, andAlAtearful consequence. For, to got , tvLekward ,efter IVO, imight,day and earnest life,. Would be to pliiiiie" . ititn t' darker night, gild a. more' hopelesir dietlit'iltofti Tor ''n's, - therii , to be: strong -in:the Lord,' andliii- th'Opriwer -of his , might,", to " go, l from ittretegth unto; strength.' A streng sought, , , faith is to be sght ) , the sword of the Spirit is to be wielded, • the pialei, of faith' that can save the soul is to be offered.•' For 'the; bat- X tlele not over.;: a•great 'conflict is still before the Church, sat home and abroad. Here God has been: pouring out his Holy 'Spirit upon ns., And abroad he has been honoring .us in counting w ho went out from us , , who 'had had been ordained.- with the laying , oi of the hands of one of our own Preshyteries, and with Whom:dome of ua have often took sweet counsel in time past, wor- ' thy of a. martyr's crown.* The serial of prophecy is rapidly unrolling; tremendous' isstes!rise up before the Church in the,future.' And:" the time is short." It is for us to walk close .with,,God, : to " Work Whileltis day." For the kingdoms *a this world are to becbme the kingdoms of °nit:Lord and of his Christ;'' every knee must bow at the* name of lesns„and every tongue: confess. to the glory of God the Father. Yea,,the , eye of faith beholds the day- 7 not * fox distalif,--if the people of God be true to him, andlo themselvel;' when, ,‘ The dwelhara In tbe,ealea, and on the rocks, Shout to each other; and the mountain tops • From distant inondtatna.eatoh tbs,flyingjoy, Till nation after nation, taught th e strain, Earth rollsrtha rapturous Rodinna round). ! *Rev. D. B. CaMibeli. - Synod then took a reoasuntil the hour of pub lic worship. ' Synod met, and heard a sermon from Rev. Jas., W. Dickey, on the 'eubjeat, assigned him at the' , last meeting—" Ministerial -Fidelity the Acts of the Apostles,xx :,28—".Take heed, there fere, unto yourselves, and to all the floOk over which the Holy Ghost hath made you overseers, to feed the Church' of God, which be has pur chased With his own blood.". ,Rev..D H. A. ,McEean, D.D.„ and Rev. G. K. Ormond,,of the United Presbyterian Chproh ; and. Rev. David Meletimey, D.D., of the Synod .of . Pittsburgh, being prekent, were invited to sit as corresponding members. The Committee on-Devotional' Exercises pre seated the following,pertial report, which was sc. ;:. ceptecl and idopted: i Ear. E. J. H. Eaton to preach Inllti3 First °bunt, Ally. .14241 • i • ;.: a , / a • . ::n leap 'and amp. me !teem ) met tat the Lord " The Lord tereof we .are .the. shadows - haa„eeme down.it,his • ' all ont:•Pres- ' ofitirehre, the 11r:Presbytery yrea#!‘caner ;41, *Pik await . TWA I iltrooght4it Urel " bir 1.• .M3ll . • 4 • seas and c on .ndtthe goang. . Pant and the. • abandoned. Ifherar moats. ; ifIIIDAY Bynum, o'clock; . . . . . ... • =7m ... , vornrl , - , , • ••••••- • e . ' .. . - w00r , 1. , 1" ,,,,. .....01....% .4'..-••=1.......wri5rwer...,........p00rr.• -••••••:...........,,,,..,„...,,,, 0 7 f ;. . 1: A • ~.-.„, . . I , ---; • ,:, tA. ,1 0 , '"IT, ,: • ...0 - . . . 1111 )1 L ,„.., ,•• ! ~k „,••. ~ • : ..., 11- I,it. ' • 1 !-, , c)::st ti 0 ,1.1: eli'tep c:Are l l 9 • 1 t '• .. • I ~, : 9 , .. 4 ..,, 7 t . 4 I, i 44 '4 4 :. ,-, ~ 1 . '• • • • - ••• .*% ..r . ..";-• • ••••• . •••••,f 4r ; vl.ll b....ti ..1 ... . . . . .. . .._.... . . Trflp. r..orerktig ". TEl'll3 ONV TEEING,/ LPO.* 6 -- . • •s. B .ftr , elatrer - V1 7 1443nr-SO5. 8 MITHFIBLD, PITTSBURGH, PA. TOBER 10, 1.858. • . • ghtoy, at 3 o'clock oft Saturday afternoon; 'Rev. William M. Plonk burn •to privicli in the tame church at 11:44 o'clock; and Rev. John; it. Fi,•dley at 7.56 ,o'clock P. M. Synodical Col3llllllilloll at o dock P M., to be administered by, Rev: Jolnalitininyn, Mev. ..McCready, and' Rev. David O. Reed, 'meet thlt direction:of:the liPderator. 91. av ibyal• Yelling, Rev. B. C. ' , Critchlow, awl Jasneslitbson, elder, were appelinted.a Committee to 'draft a paper expressive of the• feeling of 'Briod with; refereniiirto the revival. • '; A:djonrned , t,o :meet to-morrow morning, at fli eolook.. • , • ' Cloncluded'with prayer:" 'T •• : • '. • -. • .• • I • '•• Sairthuiat ryitod .met and ;grits upenod with prayer. ~ iras',aCcepted : ill • i•J:.a ~$ •••• '•,. ,Tlm.Cdompkittetrat Elite and Overtmes would report °rep: j titire 11.12-:' 4 • • L. A.A.ZePtiVoln.a nunaher miniatere.and. Warr ,in the leatintss ids Piguittftliry 'site; the' organisatitin o*- I t tftgri P a b gn e lirkliVe t ittAt ib irg i rV fluil '" l ' eFlee .. • - Moe Otatualtteetritotannytrittliat kak*est,,.g . reirded,, bh"aardinlafelfifilffeeinriill-thel ininigteirs and ehimehesof Mercer County, except the pastor end &larch of Centre, and go much of Venaugo County se, i Iles ;within the born:idiot' the Synod _ofAllegheny, except 'the church of Amity; and that the • new Preebyteiy . known by the nettle of - . to hold Ito Bret meeting in Denier, on the day of ne*t _ to be opened with st`• sermon' by Rev. David Grier,. anti .;in case of Ida abeenee, .'then by the oldeat minister praent, who shall, pea* till .a new Moderator is cltwen.' ' : meqhfbvittee' fr .2titti• Ami, 1 / 4 4 Uhler .bodi.- , . . .. . . They would further report Overture No 2: *.petition from the members of Übe• &erica and Cobgre dfation of Mercer, to be transferred to the Preebytery of Beaver. r The Committee reconimend That the request be apt vented; cni account of-the impition of the church of Mfg :.aer in relation to the new Preebjtery. . • 'The following Committee reported : . , 'The Committee appointed to consider and report to the 'Synod of Allegheny on the recommendation of the General Asserribly.to the churcheatoraise,frindirforitbe Wied‘Mi Dieters," 411 c., beg leave to ' report: That while Synod. •vedoicerirst this important branch Cl:abatis benevolence' is noelost sight of by a considerable nunitin of efiuichee; yet they "cannot forbear, to oxpretta_ their ..zegret that a ma.' Zority of our churches have contribstad•nothing'to this .object. •• • • • • • . Your Ckorimittee werald recomn2end to Synod the adoption thn following resobilions: • • • Resolved, let, That it be urged upon the Presbyteries 'composing this Synod, to make inquiry tato . the condition of their,ased mininters,,to ascertain their wants. Regait . hid, '2d, That it be recommended to all our ministers to lay this subject before their congregations , rind annnally to raise collections, with - i , sige , tp , carry fete .'effect the Feeimimendation of the General Assembly. in relation to such'Of our suffering biethren as may require ail: • . • The Committee on Leave of Absence from Fcirm • er,•Meetings of Synod, reported ,that: they had. heiti.d and sustained the reasono of absence of the follOning membeiti:sE. P: Sirift; D.D , Laren. D.. 15;,, Nesbit., • ,W, Johnston, T. G. Scott, A. ,MoCreedy, Alex's Con-, ningham, J. V. Miller, John W. Johnhting i ßenry Webber. John Mnoson,,itnd.John Rilloydr • ' Rev. J. W. Scott, D.D , and Rev. S. J. Wileon,. .. • of the Synod ' of Wheeling ; and' Rev. 'wm: E.. Hunt l .ef the• Synod Of Ohio, being .present, 'were . invited to sit as corresponding members. • . The Committee on Devotienal Exercises farther reported the folloiving supplies the Sabbath FOUrth'Preibyterian ChuivA,. PittsbarrgE. , ---ftev. B.;a. EL Eaton, at 10IA o'clock ; Rev. E. E Swift at 7% o'clock. &cora Ptesbegericen C74iWeh, Pittsbuipk.:=Xer. ii Yung D. D., at 8 o'clock P. M. Methodist B. Chtireh, Reiner Jae. noutteT, at.. 734 o'clock. P.M. Ceram; ~ : ftesbliteriaisC hurch, lealeay. —Rev . • B. a Critchlow", .at 1.93 i cociopz E. Bra, at 3 Oveetee:M 7 . ' • • ": " ••• • South .thhimos Chiret-liev. J. V.-Reynolds, it 107/4 South, . A. M. ; Rev. G. W.' Zilini2er, at 734 delock , • • ,First Wilber/2nd Chtmch, In:Sakai, tt.lo4,o'olqck A. M.; 'Rev. . 5. J. , AL.,..F.aton, 734,o'tioci The Jridicial Committee reported that the'Ap „peal and Complaint of ,Itey. A. McCready.. and certain members of Neshennock Congregation, ritiaiiist . the Pieisliiieiy of iteaver: an. the' inatter Al!,e ditsolution of the "pastoral relation-,eaist iag.between'A,ep di'74Cies7o3l: and ilia atorestatit CouiregitiOn, had been put iritO l tlleV Wadi' and, being found regular, recommended •that,l4 l l4 tai kemnp i and issued. , • The report wee rdopted, and the appeal was made tee first order of the day for Monday morn= log. The Committee to draft a Paper, exprcssive the feeling of Synod in reference to the' Revival, • presented a report, w io hr was aceepted, : ellioneaeclil and its final dispositiontThistponed ADM pen! the, close of the meeting ef . 531n0,0. " The Committee on 41io IlieoloklolAnsinter3i: preSented repnrt, was accep ted and placedon the'Docketl 'tor The. Committee on the Minutes - of the General Assembly presented the followingreport, which Was adopted : 7 Theytimee not seen any thing in geld jaunty,' that de• moods any mirtkular !Lotion of Synod, "except it be' Over ture • No.lB, ,on the _demission,of the ministerial Mete, on page 299, which.is cent down tothe Presbyteries with the re quest that they take action upon' it, and report to the next Ctaneral Assembly. This= Overture . wu, recommend to the consideration of the Syod. • The Committee - on the Minutes - of the Presby tery of Allegheny:City, Beaver, and AlleghenT, reported, recommending their approval. Their reports were accepted And-adopted. The ,Committee on the Records of the 'Presby tery, of Erie reported, recommending their ap• provak, with eiceptione filed: . Adjourned teineet on Mondayinbrnhig, at 10 o'clock. ' Closed"withrprayer. • 1. 7 'MONDAY MORNING, 10 o'clock. Presbytery met, and spent the usual half , hour in devotional exercises. • • • The,Committee on,Leave of Absence reported that. ther i llad granted leave of absolve from the remaining -sessions . of Synod, to: Rev: J. M. Shields, Rev. David Hall, Ite:. - Sainuel Williams, mid Henry Webber, witb elatifil , Johnlioyd, Robert 'Gilleland; :and:A.: - X.Barher4 •?.1 r.s 0 (Bee. Win,B. 41eItralne• : and RA!, George Rill; of the Synodof rittsbargh, iqeg ,p r resez4 ; were • inv.i,ted:fo . sit es'eoiiespoeding inemharii. ". ' • Oa motion, Rev. 'Jobe •Ilitinsim,' Re+. :lan IL: anil"elthe Jlohtf' Bieokiiitidgiii were op: :pointed , a Committee to: cionsideein whakways the meetings of this.holly may ha :. iremlereAmore useful to goals ppp, espettifOly anon-. verted sinners, and .m:riting at an early stage' of 'onineit , sessiOns. - • . The order of the day was then taken up, and* Synod entered upon. the:considerition ofthe com-! plaint of Rev, A. McCready and others, against the sot of the Presbytery of Beaver, in the, dle: solution of their,Pastoral The original ptrties ;core heard, when the honiiiiiing arrive& :Synod• adjourned untirtWio o!,oleela 60:17 Concluded with prayer.. .. • • ~ .., • • • • Tivo O'CLOCK.. , . Synod met and was opened with.prayer., The Committee appointed by the last Synod to report on Ctuiroh Architeature,' reported that they' bad given the matter sortie , consideration 'but recommended no;speciftc notion on tbe sub. ject. • The report was accepted, 101 on the table; ,and the committed discharged. i 9; The consideration of the complaint of 'Rev. A., McCready and others; • was then resumed, and the original !partieir farther' heard. The• roll then called; and,an opportunity offered the mern r , bers,of Synod,of, expressing their views, on the case. The vote was then taken, when itappeared that the complaint was not sustained. ' The report of the Committee on the Matter a Receiving Agent for' the Boards of the Church, -waa.taken up and adopted. .11.t . is.ae follows: • peroloed; That it is sense ofahle Synod that an Agent ought to be appointed 'for the wining and disburelig of the funds ratted for the Boards of the Church within our bounds, who Isbell ,do this work without a salary, provided ir *Tor pereion,den be neared. Rev. L. .R.' . MeAboyi' as! •Riobard• Bard, elder , . were appointed Committee to carry out- The above resolution.. • • • c:-.: •• . ' Tho Committee on the Records of the Proaby jet", of Beaver reported, recommending their . ap- Rioval. The report was adopted. ' • . Adjournidie meet at'T o'clock. • 'Concluded with prayer. • " I - • ' MONDAY .EVET7I2IO 7 o'olock. Synod met gild Wati . opened' with prayer. '7 The following I)issent from the action of the Synod in regardto the oemplaint of -Rav i; A. Me. Greedy and.others was presented and ordered to be entered, upon the Milfhtes : - The undersigned beg leave to dissent from the decision of ; the Synod of Allegheny; in the once ()Mho complaint of the' Rev. A. teCready, and others, against the decision of , the, PiesbYtery of BetiTer,'lor'the following reasons : While this regular Minute of the setion of the Presbytery would show this : notion to harp been orderly, in ,tl}4,).dimeolulipli of the pistorni relation 'of Itev. - A. Al'Oready aid the iongregidlon, of .Neshannooki yet , the;boartng , otthe,ossefilis i diselbeed the fant,that the pastor. and 'many of tlie;peonte, 'were of the opinion that tbi'eule tii diemisistok a ipaitol would be Eli gam =NM RIO EC= ME ••Civrtled out, of citing the congiegation to assign reasons, at the next meeting, why this nelationshifi should not ,be Delved. Believing that thiq is a wholesioneand - silutari -rule. and ought to be adhered‘towfOr the protection of all wai-tice. this decision, "Moll seems to setasidesueli citation, onight be hereafter claimed se r a .; ' L. B.McAsor, ; • ! , Jonedfluntion., Comm itt ee on. Ibps,a4d-Pvorturee r i crrted , Overititie 16:4, A Petition to detilareliew ; Wiltnincton oat!of tthe bounds of the !PriAbytery .! of Beaver,; that a ohttr9h, 'pay bo,orgoniFed there_,.. ,'with a. recommendationtitat, tilt) Synod oppoint •peciil .coinmittee ' to Sr and . ilefine be z , tween the Preittiyprien if P.rie;' Allegheny, at 4 Beaver. sl. • site rcport : avap tioseptads4atipted, ,and itev. Wltineo.it elders Rounizo . :atid: 7 Xohnße7intilitil were , a. 0 7. Pe' l3l ` 4l ,•fei coTtO4fAi* %ITO/A fitirl,?Tr°,l*., .artorptog. ''T 4 645 1 'repitft - thiMa l iaCnittiiiiin•thetiteeords of *e.er4lAl,tery i ef w,at Aeibltakpn t up,i the ri ken ou t and.theretords,approvd. of Park'sbuivh;•Erhit , t<< *; f n -,113 - Devolve, Ist,, That this Synod , have heard, with regret, "that the pleaga of $l,OOO, in aid Of Park env:welly hes not bean nedeemed, , • • learolved4l2d,"'Thai 'the remaining snen of s6oo' yet re quired, be apportioned aniot.g the Presbyteries, irrespectire of %baths" beenrilore. • Besotted, ad, That this ,Synod will endeayor.to redeem. their pledge, at least, by the time of the next' meethig, so-` : cording to ttie following plan : That est& - cbureh pay a Po 113 equal to seven reefs per member,iir report*. Cto, the, last general Amembly,-,l>eing the from ef5201.82 to the Presbytery of Allegheny ; to the .freabytery. of heaver, $142.25. ' 1. to: theyresbyteryof Srle r 1147:7u; to the Presbytery of Allegheny City,.5161.41 0 Ant to 4,41:U11181S the matterilhilftml.nitteeim;esald • ' %ytery male the apportionment witha referenoe to eat" promptli . djourie.d to .m ee t. to: morrow, inornin .Cencilml ed. WI th , prayer. : . . i TUESDAY MORMNO, 2 o'clock. • ' 'Synod met, and spent half an boar in devotional ! • . -;iio •e'c Tbe.viiintites of last evening ,were read. TM, Committee on Leave of Absence reporied . nsi tbey,tia.3l granted leave of. etseecr. from ref . ; ..rettitting, sessions ofto r minieters 4 1 . } . 0 'Boyd; 1)...C. need, Win " Nesbit, '3Bidei , 'd , Coillter, YEt.tbraini; Ogden, Aleiander Canninibani,i.and' J. Joktieton; and elders, Jatoes:Praisford;•Diiiid . MoCane, 'Gray, Philip Miller, Robert Ilaysp Mid lota Swiok.- The rePoit'wee aceepteit . • ...VIC fclloa.ing, resoluti9ns,overeomanimortsly paned, is relation to the Ameriean Bible Society*: , .. I .1 • ; IZeseicel.; let, I:nat "as s 8,3 this nod has undiminished interest,: cand entertains unimpaired confidence,An tite t yMdom and oflEciency of the Ameriean'llible Society." ' • , Reeelvast, 2d, That,the wonderful , providence!! ot l god *Mali bare opened in our awn country, sidle toady parte •ofs,,takittmtb . eri wide. doors of peeftiNeeetio theyAmer lean Bible Society, and kindred inetantiOns. bialtir calls on ,:all the friends of the Redeemer, for amo re ,_)mited and feryent , layer, an tbr a largely increased liberality in the -dona tions-of Obristianstowardthe diffusion of the W,oxdpf,ood. Resolved, Sd,. That this Synod has meat confidence in the ' tklelity lend' enerlarexcethince.ml ,th .translatlim;of the holy Scriptures now in common wain onr,conntry, and so commons*. to all with whomour i otnion an The Committee on .tha Synodical -derision re, ported, recommendinr,,Rey.__NewtOn Bracken, of the Presbytery of Allegheny, as the preacher,' • iiiii4: 4 ol3itel Devo Scipcese ? 7,aii dine. The 'report was accepted and'adapted. ' olthe fkaninittee appoi n ted 36 take into fisted pratitif ihei; dues ,d ividing ; . the lines of! Beti,irer'„?kle, Alligheny,inibinittad the follow ing rCipert,' to wit :. • • "`.' • Thilibe. es teretefore separating the Presbytery of Ben. vex from the Presbytery of Erie, shall begin at Orlogeville, on the Ohio State line; thence 'Salt; to the tilitiniuiaotrireit` thence dawn the Rbensago too "the Big Bend mad; thence Smile to' the Big:*Neehannock ;. thence. deviate liesksanack, till It strlkes,the Bouttkweatent line dividing* the :Priebresriee of Aliegheey.aod Belteee:ll' 0 .1 "'• The report adopted. , • Thq,2Tileasttr; p_reaeptetYlhe fallowing ,tetor‘v iWrii`W a S o v e 'Kul : IK-171i virr -i)lttiudanew iionv last'yeat:,` 0.. 10 h.tp , .. , 33.816 Syncalicel Collection, . . . • A.' .17.81 ' • Oa!' l . 65 1 71; ARMS& S Sa • 00 -vpJ4•5lOO • . , Path Stated Clerk, " Pormarvont Clerk, Janitor, . . Delano-in the Tramittry, •; • . glO.ll/„ ;The following resolution re to the peti tion'forvitiridry. p'erediaatkrbariTlifir Wilminktote, l was ailepted: •,2,7 • ,ptelold, That so trinik ace* poifilon or *•7,.. - A. - Mien:4; others ; ateieterilictlieorgan-' hiaKoci - ef a .Cheroh in 'be re ,' tarred to. the:Preayytery,of Bearer, with i n room:I?. inetillittion t 0 reeorieiaer their former` action on the aeldept. " • * " • Rev: GeOrie W. Bhkfffer 'Of thii . Syi'oil 'or *hp citod. r i3j tev p , iii o a ;a tt g !n in g m.ar este . U!,, , ‘ w , , The' pOniMittee to ailiam was - refeired i ,tlie ;Re port of 'die 'Bo t aid of • Co l portage, - eabititte'd: the followigj;, which waa'aceelitetl , .atal adoli d' Resii.ose. That the 'fidelity, of the Baaiß , 'end saps tun,. of the Banally° Committee, the lianligataipt, af. their trust, be . approved. • ' ; Resolved. 2d, That in the judgment . of Synod,.,.tors, SOMakol3B, And Chl/17Chl!S would ealiaerie the C/111110 of tirade: • and pure and bY redoubling 'their diligen ce;lo secure • e wider circulation iof our , books, especially cur. School; hook B.:Hymii. Bopa, and-The, e , Risoived, 3d,Thtt, it ho ' reponuaindell to the la:tram - to giTethis Board aPlaii in their elitipithiskaur loners, and that they take ,up :regular contributkiamer fkil-^ portage Fund. The .Couitnittep would further recommend.thikrati raw hers 'whose term of office at this iiteilthfs7o/ be .....l ec t e d.so r .thi e s , (i .sAxis Aszisop, ,•,, r impubooftwo, t d j ff. . Wixom, • . .1, W' lt A i , B:Ol ,R earientoir,' • • Zolia ' "-* 4" I • Ministers: ;,;) c. ()rivers. The following-Paper: in relatiouttoitalZre'rige .lllst to labor within boniidOot theliPieebytery i Wica'adimied : , • 21 citeivieei, . I Ttie r 'Shied did, 'tali 9efar; mettgi' within the bounds of the Presbytery 61 Fade'', from ;tlm4T . wparsonal ob!erv,ation of tbe,..wants ;of that. Preabytatyras • sin:lemon sty - field, pledge:the:melees a antlimanti " lacuna to suppoftia missionary within thiti &condi; aid ( whereas* from- some., mieenderstanding, ~uteoterkjyertay, faled; . aod whereas, the Synod are now,. of opinion that - -tialiZeeparite 'action , inikhepitivedetritded the gap; , era interest of the Board of Domestic Missions ; thrrafol'e; =Zr.iielitd,orbtit of Do. mastic Missions to Aippropriate the Amu of, 3,300,. for 'the support of •,%:5 mire Coe2roitthe,. to 10. 1 Oullifswg TVekfil ceit l 4n. resolutions, adopted by the Trustr a nd * Direeterh' of We ' eastern thio'brfasitt Beriiiinai",-Vagmltted :the 'following: report: :_ecr Lag ,efc- Istrhey. recommend.. dud., the. pipet step* by the • ' Directors of the Pearinary; tirrreed,'arsi spread ttWit4PP , ..Ft'ec'Srl 4 4/)3719 1 •) 11117 s'inkeenlll444l# was tkfnAnd- is .11.8 , , : ' , t 7 0.) At a meeting of the Trustees of thesWeetein Thee Seminary, bold in the Lecture-room of the Pint Preisbyte, Clan ehurelf, - Pittsbirth';' - on the MI of September. 1868, sifter sionnaLtiationremeting4l9 hiterettis of the Institnfion, it was tieinfidowilf - .. il , ' 24l4 4efille‘ Wert! grat°lo.7 retnnizo 41 1 15 00 d band of 'God uposi tbe luny,' from the loondatlo unto:this . in al.7suiPitifaY°AspePii...t#FlPo°Piein.ll..l?l°F, to its + ' friends cheeifoiriese and perseverance wider o iecourages , ritueuts,3nlso far enabling us to het) the insitteitionopen in winding us a full Faculty. chosen for the purpose by our Gemend'Assembly ; 1 untivingilli so good a foundation in the way of buildings, Library, and considerable fonds. and in, feeding to •many.precions youttu(in all, mire thantive bun dred,) here to prosecute their stndiee for the Gospel minis . try; so that now there ii a Most animation scene ;witnessed in every class room.of the Institution. oil thee , ' thinim s as well as many ()Uteri ofii similar nature, 'demand:the lively gratitude odoureelyes and of all the frienda of r Zion. Resolved; 2(t; That in iir•deitolinlAVeheirfidneliaiebt,ed the,lnatitution ;or paying soma existing and fbr endowing the Fourth Profeisiorship, the 'Buie 038000 Is. necessary, end that , fer 526,900 artists sum, it is right and reasotiableito loOk to the Mur 'Syn'cids of Alle gheny, T7heeling, and Ohio, each of whlch.Bodles has . r e. peatediy voted its &Zile approval of tltie and recommended. it to the liberality of th?churches i teithin. ;tit boniids. 31,1, 1 Ther s as the Mantels of thq - leat °enema its. pamblyehow that in tbeFe four Synods there ere sbOnt fifty thousand communicants, the Planeecommended, for, raining this money be ttiat of a contribufiOn from eeetief the images gationsjn the Synods, equal to fifty.mentsfor . each/commw uicailt belonging thereto. In this arrangement it is sup poserftheeperhaps a very few feeble and silmtitutir congrec cation smay, giro little or nothing. yet it is hoped others will •-cheerfully 'sive a larger stem than that indicated, and so supply any doticioricy. Resolved, .4tW That wo"thinkit but reesonable!to ark the friends of our Church in other parts of the land to supply, during the year, the tram of ga,ooo, to be'added to oar 'per! manent funds, and to aid .in exth,guiehlug some praising cialinik • • f I , Resolved, 6th, That the Financial Committee, with, the Facility, be requeseedtcrgive tide lisalterlinch'ettentisinj dud to conduct such correspondence, as may be calculated , to effect the object contemplated by these resolutioturr that the Tresiorrer, n' be,autharisal,Soaay,,all,expenses ingu;. redin the prosenutidoftlife work, inireibo. that "aid som. Waft and Faculty be at. Ilberty,,to,euipliobnchAlOcel :4 or ( eceilional aid; may expedient:' , Besoleed, Oils, That , a.copy,of the for_oodn,f4B"inthlugibt forwarded to each of thegynods of Allegheny: Vbeelibg, mop; and Pittsburgh, 'vial restuest i that those yeners,VO Bodies may take such friendly action'on'tlie eulbjeret, as akin seem moss liketr l to effect the contemplatedrAsuesifi , A - trno copy of the riper passed by - the'lemirdortrusteei . I,Ottheyelltmettiteologloo,llSeitolo3 .id t•~ai tend Hipauto BeerotaTy. 1.'• 1 0110 . 1 •litrti3 lu ;131ii elf ~1 ai Philadelphia; iii South Teiith ' Street, below Chestnut EMIG By 'gill, orAts the 'Crglif,' 11 / 1 0 liei"nar• 7 ,‘ Delivered li,the C#7l '4 '" • *4‘ •• tain MU 421.150 3188 1 , 4) .to *c.dt i TAM • . ~rant:: ekst.iewlo The ' .)-7, ebalta•tea va.ft Emr: Committee, moreti'ver..raownnew.6l44 2 *pia t the Sy nod adoeCtlie itirpreneon of the lee of thin Body •inrregart;tuithetriunttenzeintemalated, jjjjttologd, let, • . 3 . 1,4 : '/X , , • to -r ender net thin Synod can ,DeVer Mlle to - render ifiriblirrto s AlmiklitY 'God 'f6rPtSe 'rime irithirhickrbe hes 'beeritplederdto look upon ounTheologicallemißery,}a thus fskcrouning the efforts of Liitfrliinde toisAtAnif o rtth en tire sueoeis. Resolved, 2d, That we heartily apiiirc — rneroi itintrjbets con iotemplated,byf the pirentorerAnk 7 . ll:ll!ttlikineliAbe paper Tl listtirr t .4 " rini aleAroll'oelitiTlVifeefifeeridnDinic d:tersl*lnbruitted roll bit , Syriodr.rberreierred , tOthertseveral Pre•byteries composing this Body, with ayeineet_thid they , , 'could, ake it up at , an estly period, ramitqc ,00ate their •' action' tirlifeFactilti; or."fini t .M.fsPeibmliitilenadd report SYIVInt * I YF .it Resolved; 4th That members of our Church, apd espe cially thoee in affluent circumstances, in all pirfebr the "1311111Slirtia - breliffterttiMalogi c al Seminary, as en object emiriently worthy. t'Wridg*Egri e taotre s t mod sid lijoyfriedllsl 1:17 ,1 490i1A in "tied! Concluded witly.Ariycß 74411 4 auhd at ar , Synod met - atnrAttsiiMitill with grayer. The d iscustioW • finerrgted - t*tiktedifisnAht, was 'l e Pu T h e n . ig i tk 7 ,, 9o lo fl le g t i te :,pf e f d ,.. t !. the IVilitern - Theorogical Seruntiry, were 'acroiltea. The thatifi ofliheitlYad were tendericCto the Trustees of the First Presbyterian church, for the use of theiredirdolt sessions, and to the cit : newt:Of-Allegheny aiitr-P-ititikburgpylpr, , ling; extendfd,tp lls:inombers. , • , The dittePCleik witi l alieitedto l fittillett the tfolloising resolution •ip theetirannit andiUdiocate, and Presbyterian : rev , v i t :t 000 " a Resolved, That this Synod express their oontinuill confi dence in the Beards - of Foreign and - Domestic b N (m lissioisttsdlidu. esti:4 , l,42v . t tibi a r i a ., l ,.,,,t i b i i . 2,C ommoin ttee Ti s ur n lh tb l e t : . xegeotive übjecte, to the, fervent prayers, and to the eon- RtindiAl s "briclieritfflii ind 12c~ llberniqy I hi , all otir f!t i r3•t...? - I , ini•t••,: - • • It.s. Ulf{ • "rhe ulerit was- !ASO directs - al to request the Ed • ithi: rofiliel3;lllner• doodad! tts:Publhdt the Minutes ofSynod-in_bip_paper. , m ,„4l33:weitheNtpok 1.13 ,%,p,,m,,,9 14 e A 5.nbject of revisal of ' riligion t " ,, 'during the past year, the ~, : frrrther4obeideratiowikuirildhptioienf which had . nbW/4 4 0:97€1b Ftt4 ~6 P EVelruf lc ffakim,it the • cloktig earre.ise 9f the Synod; ' 1 • if ' The • lehltftiodd tielisiddiedlinacr adbpted, separately, and after prayer tolio4 Op : paper, as a whole, witeAttppled, and is as ' follows : t eme4Opmniittes sppuktfd tri,ittaft,apfrper,. t orv i the feeling tliel , SyMirli with referenr id to the revival , would report 1. 0 1 P19 1 4110 ' — 7 W,nisneolod has Wieiderfa ll y displayed his itch grace jsinos.ontilastimeettog,lin tliegeekial:pf hie-wee/On our lend_: and, whereas, Many. of @iurchei fn our own bounds:have : teen the, favorrid;LthOugh.;unWerthyi , gharers In this work; thdrefor e, Reserved;ilitr Thattgrateral'altuoYriegreerits areldue to Dim that remembered to ja out low estate; acknowledg tiiintb pritide, lifpmler, , atidlin'ikhearedncroneectaikkrn to DA service; and that. in order suitably to express our !!gratleideletl&C - Wilipbbint• ithb lrebithi nein' idiriof No vember as a_day.ofsp,er,l4..Thankegiving, 'unless the Gov erinor of our Commonwealth,. should appoint his Annual - 1 , 9 hank egtiin g - at.anbtlierctiten, lint Welt 'mil 1 3 Y - floc' wi ll orate In. the observance, of, the day appointed by the 10 9110) 9 , 11 - Resolved. 2d; That tbe,retval of God's work in our midst tifiosii StYditToitiliSdiolemnirksOniibliltikitponkinisases of men :,for mice know no now . in eur day, the things Vtliktrtieloire t o bur peace ; YtheyWarheiredfoith bit hidden Priat o o l idirWrdl ) Allan ; !Of tirOihttbsi " 4", i it is the solemn ‘ duty of the.ministry to bejmore an more faithful biabiaticin Ang VIA their work, in Cstechetteal instruction, familyjisitatioA,,pnd in giving themselves "continually to praysiqiidr trYThk min istry of tke_Woni.,...." . Resolved, 4th, That It l a the airframe' duty of the elders of this Thltobliftn'ilphohliendothelritaistry to eouriseland instruct and pray with o whom God gives • tbsinVeeraccess..t. 7 7 lEr '10( - )r.&1 .Resolved: btb, That it is the, solemn ditty of en Ch ristiana VlOlkk Grid' isliathe themlte. de9 tenderly!. bf their vows to devote all they havelrilis service. rrt 1 716611714,186", Thiittedigthel soihnin'•derty•rotrttitouncen verted to give themselves, Immediately to God,. lest he be angry at th eir deliynitiewlthliSTS 'll.li 'Ho* lipdrit from them. , • 7 ox M i :iselt, A 6 7llo g rklt t iiii " atltteatioilsdieto M the chit -1(-PIplagintrarful44 T , _ anti rcalieuto willektturyitemp .641..are ted, and .tb us ell the ble rl itel r i e t V i vrliwt h ibir witudiimgsri and Areeng Resolved, Bth. That this Synod desire to be, ; and to have their dons:motion" impressed, withVr=. gli t tinteVca r fN 7 trort e fir " CV iXk Wei l o ri n tr of g hi. ofaini& :31:1 i• ksktr,•, , T Resolvea, thh,Lnist n recommemded to an our =misters • • aid olifiredprs, opterys;theitenings, ,‘ - df the ttO re} Monday f - O odic - her, Noiembei,ind - Decembir mixt, "as - sia: atone for a concert of prayer,Aur.4l Napelpe".log of God's Spirit within otu. r bounds. I: Blnoriii;eti r " - Cloi3n3eatwilliiiiiiglifesla. prayer, : LimillAhe!, l 4 .o o.Btolidet l3 .6 B 4 B o*.QP• I: t 5 ,... Permanent k. ,d ier cie".ceral 3 •:• , f7 A 7P. ,14 41" , •? ) n•la " t lot the rieabytialan Bamier kidAdaraeks., " 9111.'r,r1r in% ticcOrdanoe ".'eritht aQcalll of..the r, Sesitdon of ~,Miugo,, for the ,cepgregation,to:meet,-to take ac tion upon tif'Re4. • fo'r'-: d i aka uti oft 'of Jilin ‘lpatitOritl 'relation, (an unotinoigi frortaAmpulyit t en i tmAnbbat.Mays,) the congregation met for that purpo's'e,,oiTEronday, the 6th of SePtliiit er;TISSB7 itetingitroifel or their communionsersictiatmixio_very largely attended, when, after ( t.he organization of_the meeting by "ttie'eleotion of nxiactagn, CMMnan, and Cell l iw99l2 ll 9VAßg:Llet* ie a n d ' resolutions were t t adopted w ithout , dissenting ^-r r 14% nit: Wan s, Our: highly 7 estaemed pastoT, Rev. Reek . lull,.bas signified to this congregation ititentionl i o'reditekokitelleititeiy of Ohio, )i.ai its next meeting, m:dissointionl. of .14:fridation „Aw ns,pasto t r, ang..gesif i tie..ocooregagon to acquiesce With - him in this i requier Vthbrafore, )nt' serrovoind re grgh-Nooputomplae the tilierlutiop n o l f ? this most sacred rblation; and' vrhiel, as ' Tie trust, has been greatly conducive to our spirltuaLinterests ; yet thatin-view-ef ,the-reasone that have led him to this course,,and especially as a door, as we tiusti . Ofltill'gr'eater`Vslfulnbsitliiiii been opened Pi.teifrhimiini:allOOKrl4l24.49firtgat,h....e!firiliLA , thougb , painful it be to, us, 4 and though our full ' igalis c art - r n elidY to ( 134 eauto . crichitait, we Twill notthro,w,ity.obtitastWilitbithwayginit freely m tiO 1111418% in,bip ion,viction of duty,to,retire. Resolved, 'Thai tide Pitirl3getftonliWely ex liresii:theiwarnieseattikedriatiat Ito i Citr; i :Rookwell, 4 1 .71 - # l #o l :l h f,Fth e isn. trirtift hri _t_ Btian ' and a ratillster:—ks 'a man, o • at r g mud nn -1 yiediiig 'hinigentlemably, and 1 4.811ifttlid9PI ri d. tifiett pro fitable intercourse, bik.o puu rivate. As a Christian, for his gentle unaffectad piety, hes meek,* and'forgiving-spirit, and his example and ialtappswily tkeiMmoh, and the world. An . ci r la Tor fhb faithfuland success sr=filmannerAnsirbich lielableingrgeambiail duties of idilmtftnesinktingdhaVklitKOSW s 4.lo24AoFang s t 63 y uittnoi oalkitt E hishbkathAxilibitio z o 9f, Divine ~; t cuth, a n d l l is lcqtnres ft e, rar e r meetings, bit &Ist *in"Aii'Ack and chauilieri iiiheibig Jar?Vdhristian )trf.seitibe, dr this fhaysirs rootdd be of : . ,IRefPle:P:4 , That •in retiring from ouF midst, our efTleet.,jiwro,, Our o opppaNtic ..feelings, and :oriphes shim acconvaany luin", - irlom we inay DO' lbngelliitilretiilltrifor, and gat We heart oflChrist, gate:time it in prospect-to.aecnre_hia..services, as the under shepherd snq.44aaaapphopp nitheir souls. Resoivil4"Thaf lesiiirs? Andrew McClure and l'llasatinin • Beatty,: be, and IterehY*fe:APPoieted A ili*Pleei9Po7l , l o .l. 2ll 4qA9.ll 40,1 , 9,ti0n to the 41AP4118,4r7„PV)Iitz,„i"lopttt_eziu of these piocee tu gs b .presented, air.x.dcrwell, and also, that they be iitifolgad 'Presbyterian 41ittititr and 4dikiale.4ey‘my a. l e•AC v 1 '1 ,J 3. rt 4).t b i lditP• 4.. 1 . 1r . , i9 /11 SP IM4 • ✓ q9 z Afflii l l e efif 36 ffl7i bt /If f.ll.Md " 4/;•..1 , r,711:1r , • 1,041j4, - 1 ./e" I s lere tell us, that while he wae`eoinamiliiig parmony, he was BO etrook coWyouaitijohti tv f .e ekoellent b diaeouraes LIB! ORLILD o gents, avid Po *. me wan e love of - ‘" 3 lieehfid * r. - "Ke "glißtAt) 'wife, a' it thaw& idistAlp croilt,l2 Ms ' she' shot 1110/10 'MEM P 3 lIMEI