Presbyterian banner & advocate. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1855-1860, October 02, 1858, Image 2

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4 §amitt Altnatt.
TE • BEL.. $1.50 1 lit savants; or is Clubs
--..:Abillitorfidelissired at residences or iitlisori.
Via,111•15• *so Promising, on Third WaiAm
lan A &Mkt& A 'inehisillie preiMiii 'Ail* ,
w ls before the year expires' that we nasty
2-- Winrorttisifferriorgesseato for a steady rawly: -
WM BIM 'WRAPPER...4 tiVentes, ther l iwt
ie t - tho harts
of otalitomthis signal shottid be Quitted, Vet
fortg•t mat
11BRIVEITANIVEL-19obd payment by info
.iau4si 'rites sonsobleiatt Or send by Billing
"`rionedy , withie hisoirtmdge of whet you -arm .
IforLailarei suimoun4 Send a Draft:mos
birAtWitea• ArPr 42 ,°rtrf Hag POI
< „
CHANqips postogiNitompri
or iond fointors piper* 14 $*
r or 7 A`siiiitilli v inniairi" of sl' for Thiiij..three
' •-• e , y , I 4 4 4 1 qr.,
`PAI"IIII44IURIr.• rittaingre4
kinl7s r,"
BASTI,ERN,SII.MMLEY,•for this week,
" /Oa bfibn" 1 061iipd ' to yield itCepeee , tolhe
fehiort Bfz tooee in itite'Oohirentien' of
atom .
?? 1 9 3 41,MA
. ..1.
7 1 PubkOsiiidri*I i g i taiegloal
t...401we krlg
Pa t ll a Ti t, :" 419 ' W OO? o f, .!IttePPoP*, The
tArritoproofweolimiereiele.di, isiNPrth,Y?k- ; :Can
, aompany. of mioilionaries kbe tonne& :for
•, - , -..' ' , •'• 'NOW 04 6 04 1 .)1 , ,-, , 1
6 0 The :prevalence of the, 'fellow =Fever in:
edflkiftt, ilireii ikittbitisnity for the'exer-1
-1 • . ' 49 .31. ttrilitien' liinfittess, 'itil We lire
et ~ E, a.; , ,_n. , 3 - . , made, !
• CO learn of : . the arrangements -
I s
.rfor. , yekfulient , -exercise. , Money , is, , tan-d
0 tsibtitnilP r) Time, and attention= ere' Aeveted.
Y.l ligifins:',6la. 'Physicians proffer their aid.
The,l3ll)lo,Rooms, 197 Camp Street, is the
head 4 qu'er'terefor the enrolling of the names
i: of iroltutteer benefactors. -TheYoung Men's
, - '43ltristitui Association ' , tett' peculiarly active.
4 'W finite' the Conizereinl .Bulletin says
"This is, one of those excellent institutions;
i which are se creditable to to our city, and
f ,,,WhinhhiVe been the means of exalting it
in.the estimation of the - Werla es a place
otherttir sick and:Oestitutetnte snreto find,
~16? 0 ,3ir tinie,,Of need , , friends and Slimly is
., snklance. '''Tbe„Yo i rtneMen's,pliristian A s .
socuttien was organized a‘.few; years since,
for the laudable object - 'of mittuwl culture,
i' Vcititisieltridleligittue habits 'and association,
,Ahtnequellfying its members to be good and
84 titinfatt citizens, - and "'earnest, - pious ' men.
A Theirreffdrts' - have been crowned with BUG*
I. cells ; endi in their l'imited" . sPhere, they
.*have deneititilrgood:ltNow; in'this season
l' .
of eiekilesrals&distreseptliey nobly -propose
1 to'extendi their 'area Of 'usefulness, and, fol
' losiribg'.iiittlie track of tpat.noble - Anemia
tionAhe Hower*, they arereidy to'devoto
'thernielves to the albs bf-Inffering hume,n.•
Pity: ', - •They litive made, in`;tuiothif -column,
% tifettiiniiiiipial to' the' humane and bertevo
l'ilstite'irbidh itsVitituat 4filalie promptly Ile
i *lnitidt're4L- W e tlireipleraeidlo tee 41 4 BOY
6eislieb)if me rchants` and others have con
',Wide' di , litiendrir ; i ...:4 .
a. INTMC ear .4*1.1t1';‘,%•,`•
wvo , a 4
: tp - 71,101ftP0,8ed College Union.
The two articles of which we gave notice
glaatliteekilon s the subject of uniting. the two.
'Presbyterian Colleges, in Western:Penniyl-1
" vitniii,wprar on our first niittee!
called foith still 'anntitirtoi
e:!!.'!`4r} a a4.l),ProPriate Once, ,
matalilSSOwtrlotitol:Man Alumnus of one of
cilksireoThOw' whenafeeling between them
;L iwilfiY .` e d `the publish e d ar-
Atieg;St r ,,. and have noticed
twills, of,tgfairs Ayer since, and have
rejoiceitinAlie 'Lord's blessing upon them, ,
. corking them the means of very great
gcrl! ,K
!loins iionownts it is, very desirable that
th9r9 4 10 4 1 0 Jim I.feViNl.ks . ibnt not
~ . .yet seen the day - when 'we .deemed. the thing.
piactiosble:. We :hence would have tire.,
lerred not upon` to' peblisli the
artioler Bo hn bw'
° t , i" • •..,° L.
ewer/ intimpotte One* itpon:biligingbefore
the Lcharedren.votimportant a Subject, in so
. l exiiiilletitieiWephii. —+ The articles we now
*publish; k al* MOM i conelusively, that our
.relitieet: There can be' no
„ 1. f• • 4 .• •41.1.
8; 1 1 '4) . 2 111 2 . M a K4 ? 1 4 .14 11 .90.!.. • ..liretittren
oiwilb hence consider 4whether say:fattiluxr agi wentilend
I ).* • ' g
. ‘t l4l6irCie' . .fo not make with any
L •- . •
c. 0 .1 081 !Wm our oPiumno,
)Isanguitte oA the' sabfacallthan
"our, brethren, dokiiiiit 'fif F ain
1 0F .11 4 8 tSfr9)P: a Pit
-he g2ilezes t IfLa,
,Wpa. •
niaellent, bothiiitTthein'if. and thf
461OnghAtileinkri Ithifintbia t l
r. 41 1
2414 ligiligifeV wiLan g eolli
er Nrtyym,tap, Depi
41 al '1 3 ,940* th&ffito9.o Ska •
ba-aammucti do; loossiblyil•As•
iq' l theltin'd. Its "Pritstetaqtreosill PriebYte •
tiani k and most of -thorn,
j oy l e believe; are
i c : i ii , iitkii!iml:
. .tta Fac u lty are 'all PiOiterians,
- (11P 41 four, githem are ministers; .The preach
•ming, ithe Bible•Clasies, and= prayer-Meetings,
kuiiillPPre'sbyterian. ' 'And the instruction, even
to the extent of using Fisber'slititechism as a
text-book, is Presbyterian..:' And : the gnu
. tantee for continuance,.in the faith is, that
:the Institution is not 'only at'tramint con
trolled by, but it 'is esgentiallt deindent
upon, the" ).ee. srn o .ox enomma
lions, the Gemini Assembly, the :13'044d
14 /b e abY teijan tlaYnod, , , and 4het Refcirmed
, Triabyterian cltorls.• "ThelearelY'sound
''" %dies, vigilifit fir Atid'elnitlceite r n to the
.. _ )16„.-% ~4 ,;": . ~• ..
Ear " oi
tile ;
l rr ii llti ' r ns ! ,, ,.lta Wilan
ship, enstenspwe, andogefijsk tu i. •
en , ;Each College, as wineeill,thee been owned
sviii" - adi blessed 4f , God i and:llitilrisdnenek on ,
.eaoh,. other lita b'ek, std .2 iiiiiiiii i.; 3 gbod;
,WWl'' , ',Airy , t.<1,,,1 !!_i li n t
VI .
011E r ti r fiT' 4 :q7 , sl3 Bi fi.lAF° 3', "MP , in Pezeo,
or, thiiir.,rerthy,CArators, t and ,pious Fao -.
,f, ties: ni may, .they,so4 live land . lebor, l 4thile'
they are tWb; 'and if the two shill leierhe
coie-one;-mar 'it wbe - a - commingling of
vt „ l iiihiklifiaitii /s 4l# s tit; fOr l fglihit"ii efficiency in
xutful , •,../..31/: _I( 4 .u 61... ~, ,7 i' . ' .1 , ....1, ,
tatfn eler . Filkor, Iliffirnqbencl-pf the - LO 1d 5
Zion. • 1,9 i ob vri.t.::: -.1)::: .
lii iS? #;.'
" Cowment '
Ait"-Asserbly' ,
On thin subject we ve our refers, ;two
weeks ago, an extract from the .Prinekon
,Review.,, ,al:lo,,artiole,isiattributeobto.the „,
pen of Dr. Hodge. It forms part of his
notice of the' proce&iiil siof-the to eva-
Assembly. Thus taken - up, - we - could- not
.ftxpeet,t94fLud in it the system, order, close 1
reasoning, and guarded expression, which
iietild grace an - article devotEd solely to the
ilide liiipoSelrlOdoubtless expresses the
ti e'l t, ;tit Wit
of its ,,
well settleu opinions author, the result
of Much - knowledge and - deep thOlight,"thile
it is liable to some criticism;
„The artiol9,o3f Dr., Brepkinriclge r in, re
sponse; which =we ,published ;ilea . has
much' of the Donthes Wonted:dr:4*k *ith
more of niildneig Wan iscuaionlab ,
witk 'When' he 'faces an 'Opponent.
An Assembly's•lCanimentery is no new
thing ilivCaliiniatio z •history. The original
Divines; -Westminster, telt
the , for, it 1 1. 16 Y.
ducted and puldished a Commentary on 'the
'hole Bible,• called the 'Assembly's Annota
liens; 'in • Iwo - volumes 'folio. has been)
'l4g 60 of p:iint,though copies'a frit,
pripate a and iii tjellte of the, 144044,4)e, i
Neal libraries ' .
4 `-fThilli mamas', ef course; ableand orthe- t
ToiL-Iga 't301114; drdly, and . 'Woreugh COM- •
nentaiiWpon the. Whole Word of God, cOM
posed in theseise : of the., constant faith of
the °hutch .of God r as:that is ,:set forth in
tthe 'Standards ot.the Westmin's'ter Assent:.
ibly,” being 'the production,: and having the
approbation of the Asierntly's,niernbens.
Dr,,,,Brecicinridge, then, in his advocacy of
is IChureh lCommentary, is• not departing
!from -the gocid . ' old: way. He might have
gorte'bitck greatly farther than the 'f' Bicen
teni4 of the . WestminStei-Assembly," to
prove that he, was proposing a matter which
occupied a place of, deep interest in the
'Church's heart. • •
But whether the historical reference
Would make much' for the cause pleaded, by
our brother, doubtful. The. Church ,auf
ifered,the work becomerobsolete. Why ?
Evidently it did not meet her wants. 'Our
peoPle . 'cleaned Commentaries. They, have
used then]. Presbyterians have used, them
as much, perhaps, as any, other .people.
Then • why not - use • that of their revered
Assembly ? Evidently because they found
something which suited them - better.
It . may be doubted whether there can be
any. combination 9f men—except under in
spirationwhich could successfully unite in
the produation of an eitended popular work,
like this Where homogeneity is required. TWO
or threeiled by a similarity:of taste and
tal character, might do, so ;7but,,that •.there
should be a body of men .selected by'others
for the pnrpose, and •hroight together, who
could. haimbnize ' ice greatly doubt:- or,
Whose, works , when put _together as they
produced them, w.orrld.wmake - inch ri - l - Whole
as to Possesalthe beauty; symmetry, ; and con
siatericy 'regal:Ate acceptance Were-member that'when ite l ASSeintlywaii talking
on the anbject; of a.,new, metrical version of
the Booksof Paalms, , ,the distinguished,pro
poser of the Commentary remarked, that
poets could not oider; and
when t he after Wards talked of calling upon
the, Synods to supply. each its five expositors,
we thought that this dais of scholars would
be just ae searce'upon order/as poets would
he. '.'We'have no idea that they will ever be
found. Men willing to :try their hand at
such 'writing maycope forth, on rcall,, but
meal expositors tire quite as scaxcei 'to say the
least;' , aihre firstclass poets; and...Whan - such
ai.; found, niadat triougii:thei . lje; ; tlldy'itie
likely to gaud, ermh on his own responsibil
-49... ; '' ' f •
The conflict betweentAiese " prominent
Professor!' of Tbeologyvin otir Church,' oh
, theleasibility of .this , greatlvork; is a-prac
tidal' proof of the absurdity' belobting to the
"plan. Dr. Hodge . and' Dr. treckinridie
liave been interpreting spa commenting on
each others passages,,and l however "strik
ing the sensei'? in either ; ease, the other 'pro
tests that lie "'cannot subscribe:"` Nor could
we for much moie'satisfaetciry results
they'rindertike *"by aPpointthent of
the qeneral:Assembly,'; l .,eheit for his,part in
,the4atchttfork-Commentary proposed: For
- example ; 'at the outse4,l3l. '43.' calls for a
'ParticulaVhdifion as the' teat,.antiquated
not in copmiln!pse e Would rotifer we
t ? Alen. ;he .iktisi
Assernblytof<lB6o.l. • . .
V 6 WhateCier Dr..B.:rney:say of " ttieunforitt
and constant faith'efvtlii efhiiiiih;iWeording
.to the sense' of our Standards," 'all know
Very well 'dust' While 'there is such a faith,
l ati'expresecd in our excellent Summary, there
are many passages of Scripture, and Biblical
subjects, about which Presbyterians may
lawfully, differ. A multitude of these, often
'important, are , not embraced, or are ,not
• opened\upili our Creed'. They are'• dicer
ehtly held'itn4 . istptiiinded by diffeieit Stand-'
ard Counglatoo7of our owe. Churcli; and
ministers Any! ,rf o t,embers may receive ,them,
some one way and some anotheri in the, ex
ercise of that right of private judgment
secured to us by the Reformation e. g., the
first verse in the Bible. •
And even on the leading doctrines, 'set.
",forth,with prOof texts in our Standards, the
phrase, " the sense of the constant faith of
the. Churc h, of God," nlaibe deoeptlic• An
Eritife hirnoni df ie
t . T htiuitnonisei
you ;the so stOe!Rents the
,i)onfession; As-soon•ae.,we branoh ontoie
velop; and give reasonsove'begin to diverge:
commentitkg:,.; .on the ,
of wholti Soriptures,V mmst'thus)brairoh.L'out,
state, explttn, iebut, defend.' o 4l(4ooe tnere
must, very' softi , be great rietiis if nee
divergencies; and the 41' tiers' rAssembly
.. 0 9, 11 14,4 1 ,Qt.P.fgte 1 40*.eatiation , anyone . aloes ,
of these, as "the faith of the Church,"
othe r id,%oi. ;l
without _giving great offence, -nor without
thereby t est,Oliting aTatly roiled eon
t -
fesszon'of 'Pait whio word be a test of
oithodoxy; souree of grief and
qtrt 4' lq ! 'W I L A 6 )17 ; ( 11,
Must be L clear, tnat a commentary on
-every passage of Scripture, by the - General
Assembly, would be, in effect, a Church
diceu ) m,',,and _wouldbe ledeiied and remerded
as'the.ffith and teaching of`the Presbyterian
Church,, snood hoc. ,Are we ready for any
such ,multiplicatiow of - Standards . ---or sieh
ari`enlargement of We test of .orthodosY, by
which to determine who' are 'real: im -Fade.
sia? Would Dr. B. be willing to have the
: Assembly issue its Commentary, if it should
contain Dr. IToJge's views of the vallaiLy of
`Poriii4 Baptisin,`" which the `Chula does
not receive ? would he be satisfied if it
shOUld set foith, as absurd, r his own doe-
trine on the "Blder.Question,"' oven: the
oc 4
i • enariamßiteitiettatrtetk : OPOtiolhlie
Chitigh , tlyifitcatias ?
t 1. "
, suppose the thing reso u upon,
• ... ve ;
how , ,twould the, Church ,get her. Commen
tators ? Would she choose from the long list
of Synodical nominees ? Sirely she would
not appoint 'men of whoie' ability,, as,cem
mentators, she had no )tnewledge. Meu
could ~,not wisely be appointed-to such
work at alrenture.
.'And it'is'pretty certain - that OuriAssena
bly,will never delegate an hundred men, Or
• *-
fifty, ol*.en; to PlNfifii a Cnianientary) with
sip..4lVation-eitier expressed'. or
toreceivei.and 'adopt l it.; : - Suehrwould be ,a,
fool-hardiness of which` , an Assembly will
not be!snilty. There - no man' in the
Church, nor any set , of men, we Venture .to,
say, to whose, exposition of the whole Word
.of God, or,of any one Book thereof, or to
whose work on Theology, an'Assembly would
pin their' faith' beforehand. They, would
sift, search, n4eprCv,e,,` befoin , theyi would
and pc,' a4d all
.other Doctors; r whether , Commentators
Theologians, have' found and will find. To
thus examine and decide, is a right which
the Church, in this'year of our glorious Re
formation will not relinquish, not even in
honor of the men who.olainc the distinction
of having fought her battles. The Gener
als in the 'Mexican war, however brave and
successful, Clair% as, of right, that
they shall be made Presidents.. The country
must nook for tried statesmanship.
Then, if none 'ean he appointed to the
Work with any,kind of,assuiance.that when
done, it will be acdeptedi who would under
take; theqlabor ? And 3 who is ito bear 'the
expet q l • , . , -pit 4 . ,
,Andlin*is "the' d
~an man to lie
proved; when it - ja - finislied7 IT - q.cre7 ae
errors, who shail,eortect : them? Will it-be
a committee of the - Aosembly ? A beardnf
veterans of the war of '37? The' Miecii
tiVe Comnaittea of the. Board ofPnblioaton?.
' wini?"
Manifestly the only way of obtaining. a
Commentary for the ChurCh; is to encoexage
the Oafs of 'these' whose taste inclines
. " 3. ne) ;.3 •
them in th at way, 'who, 4
ahoy / Offsselrx,
fitted and called to the worki t end mho, pro
duce such volumes, adapted to meet ac
knowledged' wants, es the ;churches shall
find, on eiamination.'to Va .
• .f .rtie; -
godly and thorough " these
works t have . gained this_; approval, .there is,
thus fat,:a Church. 'Commentary,in , the very
best serittej'that is, a''Commentary, via
which , the people of God have set theleig
primatiit,, inund; go i dly,. thorough, aml.
;adapted tte want. -
For example : after Dr. Jaeoblie Not e s
'on the Goepels had been in ma . :for" me
time (the first volume for several yens) and
lieen found to:be profitable in :families,and.
; Sabbath Schools, some two orrthiee:of'the
Synods, if we mistake 'riot, 'requested t`e
Board of Publication "to
. ar tinge with the
author for'their issue frointtii.airiai. , This
the Board .heve!.done. And it it:ltiown
that. the same , author is-quigiged the
preparatiorktit'Series of (iaMin'enteries on
'the entitekeil; teetament,in ap
.proyed ; ,
Similar remarks might be made relative
i to the ,valued, Commentaries, of , Profeasors
,Hodge and. Alexander, on particular Boas
of the Old and' the New 'Testaments; and.
;whose lab Ors piogressin'
~...An tbere.,nrs othele---Af Mr. 'A., or
. : . choosa tgwitei jeililAL
do it `eibinitting his work to the piaotiold'iliff
fraie of tile Cliu ; and her UjiliTAul
ofhis labors, .manifesting. thut i he is _oared
of . GOd to this sex; ion. • : So :farj an ;the
Ohuroh shall ,approve the hoOk, by•put
tirig use, will itigi e'lghtte:ch•COmiiien
'tarp, in fact, and no faitiier"thaii".thie ought
any .man's production to be,e6 ragirdnd.
Only in this way is it likely that the desired
end will ever be accomplished.
The Board have long and iinxiourily'hitd
this'matter before thein. They IpiiretAn
, .
cautious,,but wise in their caution. The As
sembly has approved, thus far, andlthe pros
pect for an: advance is favorable. A Com
mentary thus- brought forth, is not' an Al -
Senibly's,..l#verance ; but the '.authees.
Itlcauthority z ja its truth,; and its sanction
is that-.whiohl-the favor. of .the churches
. whereithas been uked, , lias eceured for it;
and /hi whole Church is teipeusible for 'its
is.for anY,of the other
joepai 3 Or the. Board, The Assembly might,
his true, ".requi'reAPAho.Boa r d t o issue .an
expository mirk' original or selected, "as
'setting - forth I'oe faith of the Church of
Gpd, ; ! but; unless she meant to ape the
Papachshe.could not. require the churches
to reoeiiedtai- - •
' Any such plan ius' Dr. B. proposes, must
result. in failure . . The 'appointment of the
Assembly irould,uat *see* the best services.
The ciplorlfenient of the% Assembly before
hund,zioeapake. ithe work "sound,
'godly•Faitd!tho t totigh,"•"and her endersenint
as ' Sikh, of r." , it was tten, would': not
7 : 4 1 4 , 7
adapt it t to e wants ..! the' autelles; and
, .
hence could ) not ma eit circulate. The
mork=;:would .Ihevvariedeitrhits , inerit,:aritol
scholarship, sPiT4, and 4 a nem to teach- zi a t
cielialdit'`Aftislii,"" Ici f eiliqtic sense
Great care is needed, on the part of the
- churihesi that All eritoliedus Coramentaries,
(such as Barnes' &e. ,) even though fasci
nating, be rejected ; and sound ones be
fast' as earl
be obtained. But, in welcoming new ones,
let us guaid aEainst a flood of "endless dis
putations," such as would likely be intro.
duced ,by the wholesale work• proposed. If
we are ,to l have a hundred or two of writers,
,bylanthorityi.then 'truly might there - be ex.
'Peeted,' janglings in'Bessions and Presbyte
'ries about the sense of the Church—on the
deincurgie, days," " the Geologieartheo.
ries ;."' the flood." ; .and its . ocean of ques
lions ; the'" Old Testament Slavery" ques
tion"; 'ate" thousand and `one liuestions on
propheey, 'fulfilled and unfulfilled; " the
ideal of :;the,),Chnrcht;":" , " the istatus of in
fants,",&c., Shall : the, Cl?urob. , mew define
herself, =fon all. generations, and'at'brciissue
Pfiti'settleintrita fireiiliimse 6iiirptmage
of -Scripture. ,
-of six. large ,volumes,,from so many different
anthors prepared with so` many different
measures • of fitness, ,Which shall be a Com
mentary, ex eathecira, claiming credence
from ,all membiralup, and to be sent
forth into the wide world as the deliverance
ofthe Preediyterian ohurchon these and on
all other Scriptural toPics ? The programme,
like'a well drawn and `ornamented' chart of
a city of lots,. may be very,attractive, but we
dread . the speculations which. weuld creep in.
It is idle for Dr. B. to, say that no As
sembly's endorsement, and no Church au
thorityis implied. What, then, is wanted ?
Why, , surelyi this is thelvery thing aimed at
interpretation of Scripture which shall
pass every where as the Assembly's author.
lied statement in accordance with the Church
Standards, Biblical study--
Histery, , Geography, , Chronology, Philos.
91) 11 .Y,."9 - iselOsY, Betany, Criticism as. to' the
Elebiew, Greek, and English , text. &c -
as well as in renardto.Chilatia'n doctrine and
Church order. A grand conception for the
study,, 'but >.a grand impracticability in the
field of execution.
Forthese reasons lye i think that so import
ant a work'can and will be best accomplished
by leaving it, as .at present, to the free ac
tion- of the Church, without any , such corn=
placated machinery as is proiosed. The
- gifted sons oft the bikUrch' are now, all and
equgY, called, to try, their, hand. ,Let the
ehurches use, extensively, •what F is.mortby,
and 'this encourage' still-farther prat:ikon&
r The. Gospel,l4 . 'brark,*
,r ,
TA94BARdy, v snfil,el,ll4iliatippi.Rfutlid Your,
gos i od- recetv4a'failoh ettentio — n7o' a ;req. -
early age' f the Christian `Church.' And in
times some of the meat pious and able
interpreters have set themselves to the ex
position of these incomparable narratives.
Nor can , it be:thought strange : that the, at
tention,,of, the learned and pious should be
early and continuously drawn to -these por
tions of the Sacred volunie whether' we
consider the , dignity of, the Object, ati the
pifeof Christ; all of whose words and actions
are great, and worthy. -of the most devout
attention, or Whether we, consider the rela
tive value ofthe Goipel History as siring
ing from its'connexion with the rest of
revelation. ' Without it,_ neither the Old
Testament history, nor thatof the Apostolical
Church, would be of any intelligible import:
It is the windinc , 'of all that wentbefere
and the foundation of all that folloWs.
For the most part, the results, of learned
inquiry werelidden in ponderous tomes, in
a dead language, or in the mire , ef Gernian
Rationalism,: until ''our own 'day. The
"sotes of Barnes, were the kireesuccessful
attempt at the interpretation of-the, Gospels,
ill such. amay as to make the labors of schol
ars aid, the common, mind, in understanding
the letter and , spirit of the inspired text ,of
they Gospels- - And notwithstanding great
and aelinowledged. defects, they, are still
Widely used, and have done a good work,
espeeially, in the hands of judicious teachers
in our Sabbath. -Schools. After him, came
" Jacobus' Notes," "distinguished' bysa:more
complete harmony; a more terse and 'vigor-
OuSfityle style , a more thorough analysis, a more
suggestive: interpretation; more distinctive
dectrinal , statements; and by 'being ,far more
safe and reliable.' ' .'"
_ ,d,iitApo4;i4 x ,,m for_ cithAraloiahnr•
la brit:ging but ther riches of god's .Word,
It i n,theiapprchension of the pious and intelli
igent.l:Thotweminent Biblical scholari, Dra.
AA:ander, long since turned
this:direcition., Years ago,
igiainfailitid acquired high distinction by
• ...
his unsorpsssCd work on the Romans, and
in 'later times — the lattni has made himself
moat s widely arid favorably known, by his
dearned.s,works • on Isaiah •and. the Psalms.
Now have set thimselies to the work
I:l' i preparing commentaries t i er the' use of
ministers, 2.abbith School - teachers, and in-
Villitegt readers; in which the results of the
. pm_t thorou g h, extensive, andvariedlearn
ing, and.. the .most searching criticism are
presented, without compelling the reader to
'follow' them intothe very , minutiae of that
with whi r ch every page is so re- .
this undertaking, Dr. Hodge has
already sent out his volumes on Ephesians
and , Corinthians, and Dr. Alexander has two
• *altiablei'volumes on the Acts of the Apos
'itee,. Arid now we have another installment
Awn D. Alexander, in the,new volume on
A . •
• DI
:To these acquainted with the author's previ
ous lien* it is unnecessaryto say anything of
the care s , learning, and abllitylleplay,ed .in
have a wide eiionlation,
carefully studied, and , held in. high ectima:
..erhe author repiediatee, . the very .
•I.:*.gurGespet AcoOßDimel•TO MARS. "
! tat by :Toseph.• Addison Alexander. — New York :
Work: :Scribner. Pittsburgh; John S. Daviaos.
1868., - Pp.' 444.
outset, the hurtful error entertained Eby
many of high repute in exegetical study,
from the days of Augustine, and especially
'by oome of-41thelater - 'Gerinatc rities, thdr
Liar rows dependent, on Matthew ;
V4hf th ' l7 .t:h 1113 nd
aop e only sa eo,ryi, a e
Gospel has an independent character and
value''of its own';_ thatlivehistniyit;ii com
plete in itself, and was intended to answer :a
specific purpose, and make a definite im.
piessidAY And ,the ,plan of ? the Work is t ee--
cording to tlds view of the Gospels, for the
volume is complete in itself, "leavingnoth
ing to be eked out or supplied by reference,
even to the writer's, other publications."
Tun HIGH Soffoor,--Classical and. Com
mercial, at Lawrenceville, N. J.., under the
care of Revs. Hamill, sends forth its Cata
logue. Daring tbe last three years there
have been, in the Institution, one hundred
and eighty-one pupils. The present number
is ninety four.
Synod of Allegheny.
According to nn invitation given, the
members of this': Synod ,assembled on the
evening previous to the time of Its regular
meeting. An, appropriate and extellentser 7
mon was the'Bev. B. C.l;ritelt.
low, of New Brighton, after which, there
Was an adjourrunent Until nine o clock next
Upon re-assembling, Rev. Loyal Young,
D.D., Moderator .of Synod, was appointed
Chairman, and Rev. E. E. Swift, Secretary".
Astudent of the Seininary, Mr. Win: E.
McLaren, has kindly ,furnished us with the
following interesting report of the proceed
Rev: Mr. Paxton led the Convention to a thrCine
of grace, beseeching the presence of Father,
Son and Holy Ghost, And Glad's blessing on the
proceedings of the day.
Hymn 470 was sung
From every stormy, wind that blows, ..
From every swelling tide of woes,
There is a calm, a sure retreat,
'Tis found beneath the meroy-seat." etei.
Irev. IViv Shields led in prayer, offering special
petition for the conversion of young men.
The Business Committee recommended to the
Convention the following exercises and topics of
consideration, viz.,:.,
1. That either continuously, or at intervals, the
whole of Paul's Ist Epistle to Timothy, be read
in Convention during this day., attended: With
psalmody and prayer.•'
2. That the following questions be considered
in the order in which they are proposed, viz.:,
L In what manner can we',render this and the
approaching meeting of Synod, most acceptable
to God, and most useful to ourselves, to this com
munity,,and the cause of Christ?
IL :What are the holieations, of Providence
leading us to hope that the epproaohing Autumn
and Winter, may be characterized by the special
manifestations of Divine grace 'in a general re.
vival of religion. •
111. After the close of the Session of Synod,
and our return'to our respgctive,
_fields of labor,
what method,can we as pastors,, and elders, adopt
in order to awilten and combine the activity and
influence of the officers "'and membeis
churches' to :promote a renewed revival of the
work of-God;?
TV. Are we authorized fropi ,the Word of God
to suppose that such general outPourings of s the
Holy Spirit, as are new sought and measureably
erlbyeA';niai f iii:l4igtraAfSeigto:isfittktkii2
pr -glcrryi Zioirt -
3.: Itis *understood that it be proper, at any
stage of the meeting for any member to propose
any sUbject of, prayer, or, topic . of, conversation
which he may desir. . •
4. The Committee further iecommend that
while the prayers offered. be brief, and definite in
their character, the remarks of the brethren who
address the Convention on these topics, should not
exceed ten minutes each._
'"ln accordance withthe plan, the first and second
chapters of( Thnothy, were retici'by Rev. Dr. Swift,
who then proceeded' to address: the Convention;
We are often apt to think that the circumstances
under, hich we meet are peculiarly solemn—more
so than any other circumstances before. This is
the case to-day. Unlike our usual method, we
have been invited'to spend a day in social exer
cises and prayer. It , was apparently suggested
because this was a year when the:. Judicatories of
the Church might, expect to find Christ ready to
meet them. One thing that makes the meeting
More solemn is, that this is the first Synod that is
to make trial hether Christ is to meet us; and,
to test the question before the whole Presbyterian
Church, whether Christ is to take his place in the
churches and carry on his blessed work.- The
first, question asked in all the. churches will be,
How was it with the Synod of Allegheny ? If
they hear that God was not here, it will go like a
withering blast to them: , ^lf they hear that God
has been with us, great will be the effect.: We
have been brought together, and I believe the Holy
Ghost has, brought , us together. Another thing
that makes this meeting very solemn and import
ant; is that since the last meeting 'of Synod, God
has given a more gracious .dispensation of his
Holy Spirit, than for twenty or thirty years, and
now we come to render thanks. These of us who
remember hoyi we were vreighed and depressed
with the woes of Zion, will rejoice; and
'our hearts Will be glad When we think of the mut
titude'of young people brought into the Church
during the past year. If we have no real thanks
in our':hearts, God will say, ;"-Away with
your .vain oblatiOns!" owe have need to give
thanks if we would expect God to answer our
prayers for additional blessings ! One other
thought—how can• we render this meeting most
acceptable to God, and beneficial to, this commu
nity.? You have'seen what blesaed influences, go
from the cities where , God is wonderfully present.
Our prayers should be directed to : this end for
theie cities. What' intelligence will 'we carry
home with ue front this place? Perhaps the find
thing you will hear atter your return home will
be, that God has poured out his Spirit here.
Prayer by Elder Brackenridge. ,
men. . en."
'Rev. Dr. Young, mentioned 'a 'fact foi: - the
couragement of the Convention. After our Coh
'vention last I returned , home and found an
earnest desire on the part Of the , people who
had not been here, but had heard that GO was'
with us, that he would revive his work in the
'church.. Soon after one of my eiders was' laid
'on a bed •of sickness. I often visited him,
andAis first inquiry ever wits, "-What evidence
is there that the Lord'is about to revive his work ?"
And when he learned that oae or two churches
were revived, his spirit revived ; but he died, and
he saw no more of- the work. But his beloved
driughte,i was soon after a sharer in God'e mercy.
Just' ae I was about to leave home, I visited a sick
elder, whom I never
.expect to see again in the
flesh, and as he gave my nand the parting pres
sure, he said, '; I hope and pray' you will have a
gracious time at your 'Convention and Synod."
And so through the Church, 'God has put it into
the hearts of his people to pray for us.
The. Chairman react,the first,topic for consider
ation and called for a general expression of opin
Father Muison, (of London, Pa",) said ) his
mind had been disturbed nod canfuscd. He
wished aright frame, but was utterly unable to
reach it. But he had tried to cast .himself on
God, and then ho found relief. This has the ap
plying faith which brings us to the feast which
the Saviour has appointed for us. "" We are not to
put our own unworthiness between God and our
souls. Jacob's " I will not let thee go," was the
resultnf his sense of unworthiness. Let us go
to him, but let us not believe or say that God will
'not meet a poor creature in the dust. I may just
as well say, I did not believe, or rather I had a
fear approaching unbelief that God would not
hear me, but how was it with the woman of Ca
naan? When the dogs were mentioned; it gave
her faith a spring, and she crept under the, table
and took the crumbs. DOn!t let
.a sense of our
poverty,' wretchedness . and' sinfulness, say, God
trill not bless us. •
Dr. Elliott repeated the idea of • the haat; 'speak
0, that the exercise of faith was an indispensable
,ejeinent, for, the attainment
.of the bine:l4 l w°
ll*. We do,well to keep in view; the manner, in
rrhioh the primitive ' diaeipletiboted: • They were
`all with one tiodort in ontililabk 4 weiting Air the
promitte.of the Father:. • We: nee hese together as
they were, co far as outward appearance is con-
aerned. It is, impossible. to be here with one
accord, nrilesswe
isPlod, in thstnannerhave unity off eeling and o
ject. Our object to seek of
he prescribes, for the powerfuli infin.ences of the
on and on,. the 0.0311-
SjArit ofiag a Zil4l;e3, "What
tenuity around ne, Let us as o
here 9 " IS it because, through the
asked us to come
*3lBlB of the' Y' somebody O l eY for- the rev.-
here? Or, to meet- friends?
t essential object'
great of seeking God s blessing?
Are we here to -wait for the promises, as the early;
disciples did ? They did not receive a fulfillment
of the promises in a day, or. in two days. They
waited not in idleness, but in the exercise of
prayer and conference. They spoke often one to
another, and in the exercise of faith and prayer
they waited until God came ; and 0. what a day
that day of Pentecost was ! God will—O. he will
come and Mess us ! Has he not done it? Last
Fall he did it. Will he not do it again ?
Rev. Mr. Blackburn referred to another scene,
in connexion with the day of Pentecost. The
Apostles were not only with one accord in one ,
place, but they were afterwards laboring in many
ii. Is not this applicable to us?
Are there not " devout men " here ? And shall
it not be noised abroad? Shall we not preach
Jesus more faithfully, and adopt - the motto Of the
beloved Tyrig, ~• Stand up for Jesus!"
Rev E E. Swift led in praYer. •
Hymn-59th was sung :
" Alas I and did my Saviour bleed,
And did my sovereign die?
Would he devote that sacred head '
• ` For each a worm as I?"
Rev. Dr. Swift-read the third chapter of
othy. The second topic was then taken up. •
Dr. Jacobus said, the question'iKas regards the -
indications of', a revival, during
Winter. The indieations are 13fOre our eyes.
God' has ditiri'ayed his wonders to this -Very ',end.
God's gx•ace is not exhatisted. God has shown
what he is willing; what he istable to do".) When
we speak of faith, he challenges our faith, andin to cast ourselves on him. We cannot but.
neember how we ,
came together at the December
meeting, with distress and, misgiving that was
shameful. And when he outpoured his ' Holy
Spirit, we. said, " I love the Lord because , he
bath heard my voice and my mipplications; be
cause he bath inclined his ear unto me, therefore
will 'I call upon hint as long as I live." We were
like men who had made a great discovery, as of
precious,gold; and; now that we have found so
much,.,we must work On. ,We must not sit, down
and take our'ease. .The boo:tided on' Galilee for
how Christ had- just fed thefive thousand.
We forget the wonders he has thine. Christ comes
to us as to the blind men, and says,:" Believe, ye,
that lam able, to do this'?" And the poor, misers
able, sightless men said, "Yea,
Lord." And
said, ' 4, According• to your faith be it Tinto you."'
They had not seen the Lord, but we have seen
him as we have never before done. -I know the
fathers have seen greater thinge here, and I know
that we live, as in Samaria and Capernaum,
where such 'things have been- taecustoined to be
Seen. But there is danger that we may be like
Capernanin,; "And thou,, which 'art
exalted unto heaven, shalt be brought down, to
hell." We, too, may be ;brought down. Christ
takes us, as,it were, to the pinnacle of the temple,,
and shows us all the kingdoms of the world, and
says hewn!. give them toms, for they are his to
give ; and now, will we take them? 'We need
not argue as to the, prophecies, 'this •one• or that
one; it is enough to know that the knowledge of
the' glory of the Lord wilt cover the seas. God is
provoking our expectations of the Millenniuni If
the present blessings continue, it will not take
long to bring the Millennium. But we, must nbt
sit down.. It is, not one battle, but it. is like the
advance of an invading - army, where,one, battle is,
the platform to another. It would bedishonoring
to God tosildown now. 'Has he not abseil us;
We love him because he first loved us,• and now
has,revealedhinelelfin a new,Apocalypse r :a4be
beginning of,,which Jesus says, 1 , 41 am opinKtie
and at 'the elCie °Of, The Spirit and Bride
°time."' : ,
Kean a.ddi!etised Godlia‘Prayer:
Rev.':Mr -McMillan, by invitaiion,:niade no.
• appropriateiremarks. The morning session closed
with prayer,,by.,Dr.t Reynolds.,
, 'AlMnitlrg9lll3ESS,ION.' •
At :2 o!elock,"theZonveatioici:re-ansiinlirdd,Th - ef
QhalP4lN* 9 44 l P49 ll ,ctw# l B4e(ikest: s!,,AimPstke r
6-the-yrayfta In the Aionvention „Verself
and' her ' 'Wren." Rev. 'Mr. Findley led in
- 1 1 ; 16th Psalm, second part, was then Ming
"'What shall I render To my God " '
:For all his kindness shown ?," Vic:' • -
Rei. Mr. Critchlow read the fourth chapter-'- of
Timothy. The fourth, topic was then taken up. ,
A gentleman (name not ascertained;) referred
to the 51st Psalm. When we lose the joys of, sal
yation, in vain we - attempt to teach others.
Rev. James Coniter said, there were some things
in the ordinary' practice of Christians, which de
served to be,looked after. He had been wprofes
sor, of religion for thirty years, amino Christian
brother had ever come to him and put ,the ques
tion, " What is the state of religion in your soul ?"
If we, as ministers of Christ, feeling that commu
nion with God is the joy of our hearts, set our-
selves apart to that kind of, conversation, our joy
may be expressed to the edifiestion of our com
panions._ We want more of this. Another matter
was, the'want of encouragement extended to the
Eldership. We shiMild go to them and make their
hands strong, and their hearts burn. We should
excite in them a disposition to speak freely to
others about their souls. We and .they are, called
to watch for souls as those who must give account.
He had known good meu in the Eldership, who
had great difficulty in speaking to souls for whom
they - were shedding tears. He 'name eon':
gregations where the Gospel was:preached with
zeal and faithfulness, yet the minister labors
alone. The Sessions are composed of- godly_men,
who love their pastors, brit they lack in this, that
they' sib'aot come out boldly to Make their aims
Elder,Davis led in prayer.
.Dr. Elliott referred, to .the Eldership. He
strongly recommended Sessional meetings for
prayer and conference. He had known cases
where such a prayer -meeting in 'reference to the
state of the Church was powerfully instrumental
in promoting a' revival of religion. In his own
experience, as a pastor, they not .only united, in
prayer; but , the, pastor indicated particular topics
for the next meeting. Then, When they came to
gether, they talked thesematters over; and stirred
up each other's hearts to greater devotion: Per
ssonal visitation WBB suggested, as of vital import
ance. The,
ow elder ought to go to his neighbor and
say, "My friend, h is it with you? Have
you family prayer in yourhouse . And to
the young men' and women the question shOnld_be
put, "Howie it with your soul ?"- If they can't
go among the fashionable, and what are called
the higher clams, let. them go among the, poor.
Old Furman, two hundred years ago, tells of a
man-who had grace enough, as he says, , for ten
men, but who - gotrinto - dark'neenorde
He had an eminently , pious tenant. He 'went and
talked with him; and; told .him his case. " Tell
me,, honestly," said he, "if you see what is the
cause of my , darkness.'„' %' 0 yes, every hody sees
it. It'is your love of the world that causes it."
"I see it!" said F_,-and Le went and fold God of
his sorrow, confessing hie sins, and God did re
store him to the joys of salvation.
Elder McCurdy offered prayer.
Father Munson addressed the jellies in attend
ance at the convention Did John Bunyan ever
forget the language he (beinea. wicked Man then;)
once heard,when two women were telling what God,
had done. for their souls ? This had more effect on
him than the iebuke he received from a roman
for his profrmity. The tearful eye of the mother
or sister is eloquent; the sorrowing countenance
often speaks more than' words. The boy that
was swearing looked around and saw the tear
dimmed eye of, his
_mother, and heard her simple"ejaculation " is it possible l" - Why," card said ;he
boy, " fath ' er swears !" But the tears that 'lO.
dewed -her cheek were never forgotten, aziethey
had the desired affect. 0, sisters in Chrig if you
.have.been remiss, be revived, and go :along: , with
us. Pal:limas assisted in his laboreby the wo
men. They , ministered to his wants / How often,
too, Christ took notice of wommiler We have fe
males who are witnesses in foreign lands, and
perhaps some of you, will be to go and
take the place of those whe, 41 short time ago,
were murdered there. Greater piety is wanted.
The Mother and sister have' department, in God's
great building, which is of late enlarging so fasi.
Mothers should think to do more than lead their
children to the verge of time • they Must lead
them beyond -to a world of happiness, eternal
happiness,. where Christ is.
Env. Mr. Half Wished to give currency to a
suggestion which appeared in the Presbyteriati or
Banner, to the effeet,that since we have Young
Men'a Christian Assoviations in all the cities and
large_towns,•Toun g Woinense Chriatian Ansocia
thins slibuld 'also be formed. He referred to the
large numbers of young women in' the factoriea,
'who are poor, but whose souls are none - the less
valuable: for that; who are the subjects of bat little
CliriAian effort Be believed the whole secret of
the coming MiLleunitint is individual effort: ,The
believer, as soon as he lea believer; abotild begin
to work for Jesus. We want more than keeping
alive the spirit in our own hearts. That is con
sersrptive ; we want aggressive action. He re.
?erred to the lire or Dr. Chalmers, as an exempli
fication of what ii;dividual effort can do. In hi q
parish, in the ; city of Glasgow, there, were ten
tbotiSand'iOnlrs. FelloWed by a single elder, Dr.
C. visited evpry. family. and acquainted himself
with their spiritual condiiion. What might not
he Accomplished, ••if 'this rule of action were
adopted by every child of 13 - 07,7 - 1 -
Couven [ion' milted in singing Psalm .130th,
pait 2d.
" From deep distress and troubled thoughts,
To thee, my God, I raise my cries," etc.
Dr. Swift led in prayer.-
Dr. Jennings addressed the Convention. He
urged prayer for more justifying faith, and a
continued realizetion, of .Cfirist as a Saviour,
and recommended that every Christian should
always •go provided in hialtinerations with tracts
and religious publication?, A.s_ a means of be
coming constant coworkers with God in convert
log sinners from the error of their ways.
Rev. Mr. Allison read the last two chapters of
Rev. Dr. M'Laren offered prayer.
The fourth topic was then taken up.
Dr. Swift thought this a deeply interesting
topic. The Church, ever sinee - the fourth cen
tury, has been praying for the Millennium, and
the coming of Chfist. Probably more prayer s
are before God's throne for, the' reign of Christ,
than for any other one subject. The question is
not as to prophecies, but as to how the 'Millen
nium will come. Are these scenes of revival the
little pencillings on the dark °load, that annonee e
the tieing sun ? If so. these revivals , are doubly
precious ,•
,first. for the good done now ; and
-seCond, - for the anticipations they hold out.
Virlien3Chrikitomes,lie will pro Pare the - way by
shoiring'the Chictiehrthitt . all'the help comes from
him. Thirty-five years ago, when we were pray
ing, and when the Spirit came upon the Church,
old. Father Patton, that aged servant of God,
Was thinking mach about the*Millennium, and he
thought it Would shortly - come; and at the
communion serviee at the Second church, point
ing to,Grant's Hill, be said, "There, perhaps, some
of you will see the :glory of the Lord's coming 1 ,,
Is this the teachfitg of the Bible ? This is for us
to Do these showers indicate the
coming of the mighty Prince-to establish his do
minic;n till the race is redeemed_
Dr. Plumer—l have felt more like sitting still
today, than speaking. lam not worthy to speak
before you, fathers and brethren. I see ministers
and studente before me whom I have taught one
third of- their course, or one half of their course,
or the whole of their course, whom the Lord has
thought worthy to receive greater success in the
ministry, during, the last year, than me. I
thought I would keep quiet to-day, and pray.
God - is with us, my brethren. If I was ever in an
assembly where the spirit was present, it seems
to me it was here this morning. Father Munson
has told us something of the old revivals; but
never was there a time when it seemed so easy
for souls to be born into'the kingdom of God. I
shall quote a text which is often quoted : "Open
thy mouth and I will fill it." But I like it
better in its connexion:. "I am the Lord thy
God which breught thee up out of the land of
Egypt; open thy Mouth and .I will fill it." A
year *ago the Convention met, and we were in
Egypt. All was dark hut God's promises. But
he brought us up and filled our mouths. 0, let
us open them again!
One aspect ef, these revivals is.their bearing on
the ministry and the Seminaries. I said to my
confidential friends, when I came here, that if
God would raise the number of students in the
Seniinary to eighty, I would think it a sign that
God had indeed called us to labor in that Inetitn
tion. The next year we had seventy ' -nine ; the
next, eighty-one; the next, eighty:- five ; and this
year we have 'already more than a hundred. The
Dutch' Senainary at New - Brunswick has a larger
accessio n. - than ever before, and dear old Princeton
has the same. If God Would pour outhis Spirit
for .ten years,.we would have ns many students
as fotir. Frefessore could possibly instruct. 0,
that we' May have the Spirit of God with us; that
our Seminary may be illuminated by the light of
his countenance ! Non but He that made' the
world, can make a moister of the Lord Jesus
Christ., •.M brethren, just have faith in God.
silo I es. -22- Betrotd-I--am....he-that was dead,
bUt - ain
Father Coulter led in prayer.
~ . Father Munson referred to the notice taken of
the revival. across, : the Atlantic. The Evangelic
Ohurches in Scotland and England are seeking
the outpouring of the Spirit.
The COnvention then adjourned with prayer
and praise, and the Apostolic Benediction, to
meet in the chapel , of the Seminary on Saturday
morning, at si A. M.
The,devotional exercises of the Synod on Fri
day, from'3to five o'olock, were a continuation of
the precious scenes of Thursday. The hearts of
all went up in fervent prayer, and God was evi
dently present. If we could present in print the
words of supplication as they were addressed to
a throne of grace, a better idea of the tone of
the exercises could be gathered, than from mere
abstracts of speeches. -
On Saturday Morning, the chapel at the Semi
nary was crowded. , Dr. Jacobus presided. Ad
dresses. were delivered by Dr. Young, Father
Coulter, and Dr., Swift. The exercises were sol
eum, and we truet blessed to the spiritual joy of
every heart present. '
0, that God's people would - everywhere humble
themselvas before the Lord, and from the dust cry
unto " the. God of them that do repeat ;" then
would he hear the voice of their supplication,
and for Jesus' sake restore unto them the joy of
his salvation. Then would 'Lion rejoice, and
God's Spirit would be poured in plentiful effu
sion to the glory of his name in the conversion
of multitudes from the error of their way.
For the Pre'sbyterian Bantte;r and Advocate
Pr6lo , tery of Zanesville.
The Presbytery of Zanesville, at its late meet
ing, transacted the fallowing, with other items of
business: •
After the reading of a circular relative to the
support of "disabled clergymen,". &c., it;was re-
Solvedthat all our church Sessions be enjoined
to take such action upon the subject as to afford
all our churches an opportunity of contributing,
annually to this object.
The Trustena of Miller Academy report that
Institntion in a flourishing condition. They pro
posed a plan for raising an endowment fund,
worth at least six hundred dollars per annum.
Prekbytery.`approved the plan, and directed
them, if practicable, to carry it out. It is hoped
that this will be successful, and that the Institu
tion will soon be placed upon a ftruhbasis.
After considerable discussion, presbytery post
poned its decision, until its next stated meeting,
upon the subject of " Demission of the Ministerial
Office," as referred by the last General A.ssemb'y.
• The following supplies were appointed for the
Mount Pleasant church, viz.:
Mr. Ferguson ' 'First Sabbath in November; to
administer the Lord's Supper. Mr. Hamilton,
First Sabbath in December. Mr. Kelly, First
Sabbath in January. Mr. Platt, Second abbath
inyebruary. Mr. Duncan, Second Sabbath in
March. Mr. Willson, First Sabbath in April.
Mr. Milligan, one Sabbath, at discretion.
Since. the last stated meeting of Presbytery,
the following , installations Were reported as hav
ing taken place,•viz. : Rev. W. Morris Grimes,
pa.F.tor•of the McConneilsville church; Rev. John
t. Duncan, of . Buffalo ; and Rev. John Arthur, of
Mount Zion and Hopewell.
M. ROBINSON, ' Sated Clerk.
For the Presbyterian Banner and Advocate
The, undersigned- Committee, appointed at a
meeting of the congregation- of the. Sixth Pres
l'byterian churcii, to, pripare resolutions expres
sing the feeling of" the church in reference to the
sodden death of our former pastor, (Rev. T. B.
Wilson,) and also lo invite our present pastor,
Rev. Samuel._Findley, to preach a sermon appro
priate to; the occasion,.report e d .the following,
whibb was unanimously Adopted :
WitrarsAs, An All. wise God, in the mysterious
dispensations of his providence, has suddly re
,moved-our former dearly beloved pastor Rev. T.
B. Wilson,) from earth to heaven,
Resolved; That while we, his former flock, bear
testimony to his faithful discharge of all the du
ties of pastor (while in our midsto let ns recall
to ourminds the many earnest appeals he made
to us to'be faithful, - and let us never forget his
dying words, "Raise thei:stand:lrd of the Cross
Higher Higher, Higher, Higher, Higher."
Resolved, 'That we deeply sympathize with the
fatally of the deceased; and -ejoice to know, that
while weeping they can'Cook upward, and Bee the
loved one' at the right ban/ of that blessed Jesus,
whom he loved and served on earth ; and we do
most affectionately commend the bereaved wife.
and the two deali little fatherless boys, fo the kind
care of Him who has promised to be "a Husband
to the• Widow, and a Father to the fatherless."
Resolved, Mau our pastor, Rev. Samuel Find
ley, be requested to preach a sermon appropriate
tothe occasion, at his earliest convenience.
~„., A. G. McCasomos,
* Wm. riAwsox,
&num. MetlAsizao.