Presbyterian banner & advocate. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1855-1860, September 25, 1858, Image 4

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rittrart Botittlt
NOOKS ieit'te as for Noilie4willAbaduly
attended ee. Times teueupubliabers lurk/Jae
delphia New Yorß. aless ' iloodr be left lit our
Philadelphia Ol lapili South Nieh litiebelow
Chsatuats ha ease of.Jewelh , iN• Wilsons Naq•
Unmans—Delivered before the Young Men's
Christian Association; in Exeter Hall, from
Nianithbar.'lBs7, - to February; 1858 12m0.,
tip:INV : I4W Vorlit, eartirit EroMenr. Pitts
burgh: J. S. Davison.
This is an excellent course of Lecture% and we
are glad tor see it reprinted, and offere9 to the
young men of our country. 'Tke Bocialliiittence
pf Dbrtstionity, discussed' -by W. E. Baxter,
Esq.`, ht. P. Manlinesil, by the Rey. High .80-
well BroWn: ItaPinsibilities is the theme
4f Jahn'B. Gangh, Pafi.; while a condensation of
Modern ViogrePhiaal Reieiirches in Africa is
givikby the fish. George Smith. The next:Leo-
Aura is anadmirable ins, , by the Rev..1.,C.-Miller,
DJ/;,: on,jThe : slllenne of, Scripture and The
Lessons of the Btreet, is ably treated by the Der.
Williamlandelle,. :She Dean of Carlisle reviews
the Rocks, and the
IntlEttaps. Pities; 'ana'Alikeir of the'Churoh, are
abljandudicionsiveramined by the Rev. fiam
uelAiley. „Piagt,Eliiiienci,in the• Seventeenth
Cesttniz t i?thembject of the Dean of Canterbury ;
and:Abeam .11443toughtontroiits of :the Varie
-46113111141041,140-: Prat:Teas, as illustrated in
theLife:eitHsorgeEtephertsonOs welitandied by
EdiardiEtildefeyoZeq; , ,,and-tare , BerieS - coneludes.
'with` irLifet - Stiff *in! 031Si:is, by the He+:
No l ihnatOMODelfd. i' , olletendera - aill perceive Hist'
thiMairenityValiablo.'nonrie : oi Leotorer.
CHRISTI** HOPS. By Tan Angell.ramss. 18mo.,
PRA Ma n .New York: Carter # Braille's.' Pitts.
burgh: J. 'AS': Davison. 1868. •
Like 411 4 the,produetions of, James, this little
trentib ip ebatati,teriseil by great clean:nem, bean
tifullrl . er, simplicity of diction, and Evangeli cal unetioi: , will, we ,(loubt not, attainit deserv
a D iu
Hytdnd iiddifYinii; , Wriiiirii of MS ri y Linda and
A. 1401011 New , York : , tyarter
t ttlirathaer.'` 4 rithilnitghk2". B Davison isg&
Thial.*gitieedinglyinteresting wolutna':
deed;i3iolit r ir!ip:niest so that`wik have seen for .a
long.:time. ,, TheNtle fully describes its character.
In order.that ong readers may heti; an , accurate
Idea thb , nithie bUthelWork, we shallgivir the
headings of the chapters into •which the,
heckle dietrbnted 1. Nymns'of.the Bible; 2.
The 4' Tersinchis," the ~G lorinin Exoelids," and
the . Baum ;!! 8. The Anonymous Greek
Hrups; PieMient of AlexanAria,:Epltraini SY
rusiand Gregory of Nasisuizent'; .5. Ambiose,
and 'atheAmbrosista Hymns ; 6. Gregory the
Greg .
; Fortunatiis; - and the venerable .
Bede ; FiSt.lfllerziard ; 8 hltedimwd Hymns ;
Mediiglitliefiglon; 10. The Hymns of Germany;
11. 4.444.*: • ';Frr1Pi3,l 12 ; f.B llBll . ll 9mng
Hymns of the Church of Rim Ail-since the Bator:.
mation.isand, The Conciliator,. Apart, alto;
getliqr, from the matter of the, glowing aid' in
tenselyt spiritual character ofthe Hymns contain
ed in .a.hia haCii,the antiquarian and critical in
termitting' itnienen is *oral more'than the cost of
the til!inle. Ite:gile ail extract' on our second
page, in ieferf;noe to F the gcottish attachment to
the' oi* •
nrTwo Punts, .utru OTHR3l+l3 . l'pßilith ' By A. L.
O. I T. New, York: Carter
.Bothers ~• Pittsburgh J B. Davisin.
Valk de , 1 104 1 # .7 91,11=9 ; 0 1 4' 8, Fies,k 10 T 1
as , ttlitpers It hi :well suited
foUhtyoung.'' , : • -
_ • . _
144411,7,'• r
' , r - 1 .15
J' tit
9 I 1141(14
DnM 7 - Qu the npOrnipg, o iniptet I,lth, Bam
mmltisiWii., only son ot' Rev. Y. L. and.RlienG.
Wilson, - ofSerelalrev,e,jor.„
# 4 1 ,0-Wei k9 BLit: of one I.efir;friim the' time of
his byilk.94,iiiitet ihifilVteathed his latit. glut
week-ofiliseasA„ (diarrhea,) notwithstanding the
moat attentr*i,M4l/4101,pareiital
fr0m 0 ,,440725t0 ; 001d
. death. 'His fond,
pants hoped that it be for. the glory. of
Go4,opktkeir Samuel might live to Berri him in
tke Gospel , on,9l. But-the •Loril_knows„ best.
Ckhowanneh higher employment Hien must be
in t4 4 .,loMM:Aove 1 Little ` tdella, twin sister,
noweletteele - toolrmg to ~ know her loss. Pre
eioiakboy I he seeined,to Promise well on earth,
but! is;,'eoon I.Muspkuiteil tuhloom in heaven. It is
Suffer kn-little , thildren to come Tinto
me; sud forbid Aka noi:" ***
tlineveniug of 41q4pitst 14th, at , the
kopsco.f in saotali Grove, • l4r. Thomas
An his 19th year.
TTi;,;M:lirotlinvidenianitist often vary from
'our shortened?* views. ; We- Might, have sup
posed thaitthla - young man wonlA-live, as it
Bennett so •Mich' needed: His parents,
whii:nipectild to be relieved trot, now mourn his ,
deidionit not as these who have no hope. Ded
icate* in iitfahny ford; and trained in a
t!h#rie an fainlY, lie .eirly hearse a snideot of
saving ewe. In April, 1857, he made public
profession of his Wu' is the Saviour, by connect
int l oi,thli c .f l 4 6 o . 9irti,ve Presbyterian '
Illanckoassieontbit * ted through several- montim,
and his sufferings were at times severe, but were
all beitief with marked patienCatmd reelinstien
the will of God r With humbling views of him= •
. settle expressed.'his firor' trust in the atonement,
and : , Clitigesifitr"liiMlSH' sinner_ saved byp.
grace! HO' loved religions conversation, and
fa npOktioilvnitte i rt in reading and hearing ,the
Wird , of is gonel The community,
tkaltiliaroktimd • , especialipthe bereaved family,
mise„Wis,...thmegli are trust. our losb is his un
speakebtepg ' l'ioiidence thusA unites with the
Wordiin calliti&,on us All; anil especially .the
• yottog s .. 4 el3e.,ye,themefsre, also ready, for , in such
alatittr as ye thinknoti the Son'of Kan oometh."4
Let—it , be- regarded:— Write, htemed are the ,
dead who diiin the Doid, from hencetirth." I
, Dmn--At Eagleville, Wells County, Is., on the:l
Pith . of 411 . V *TR. pf,bittmx, wife of Allen Clark, ,
aged 45 yliars.
' 4 Mrs. - Ow k iise born in, .Wayne County, Ohio,
where, in early life, she !, first gave herself to
d tierk to - th e Church, by the will of
ti BilSyrAone of early settlers in,tkis,
county, and me 41/ . 11,, original members of the
first.tmebyierian 66Mb:organized in this region - .
itex.4o l o; oras; of =snaelavoted , „character; she
was a fervent, earnest,',iiheerful; active; prayer
ful ChTiot t ion. She loved to hear%and speak of
Christ 'ind'ble cross. Her last, sufferings were'
great, but she died in peace, trusting.iw Jesus.
Dun At Martittsburg, 0, on the 29th, of
August s Mrs ' RY DAMN*, 'Wife of John B.
Doweonvio•tha 22d- year of her age.
a daughler of Rev Henry Hervey,
of liartinsbarg. ' liklinuary, 1851, ohe made a
profeision foi religion, in connexion - with five
.others, all of Thu% survive her. „To the close of
life, her conduct Was#'niformly consistent Death'
.010110 unexpecledly, and took her in the_ midst of
101, l ttbsihe blothai of youth. ' During her last
illfilibe,lhivbilre her sufferings, which were pain
ful i t„,Wittiout *murmuring word. Hopes were en
riiiiniieijniOitl within it few hOttis
tifore him-death. When told that she must. life,
~ r ~~t3: J. ~ .~
and asked by her husband if she was prepared to
/10,1 she replied thatfor his, sake she would desire
to live, but if it was 'will of the Ba;tiour to
tabs her, she was:willing to go, and that she had
asspranoe "that- he 'was' ready to receive 'lie.
Those who were present at the death bed scene,
and who were, most intimately acquainted, with
her, express the belief that, although the call was
sudden and unexpected, she'wee prepared to go.
Mrs. D. was unusually , mild, amiable, and unob
trusive, inler intercourse with others. She has
been called away in early life, leaving a husband
and a large circle of friends to mourn her loss.
MaylsypwAgfriends listen to the solemn warn
ing whioh,oomes to them from her grave. May
Christians hear the voice' of God, .4 Be ye also
ready, for in such an hour as ye think not, the
Son of Man omneth." T.M.F.
eila.County, Itt,, on, the
9th of'Jtity,
,141. arr
. *.tEN, third daughter of Al
lon and,Tlorindi Mirk, in the 16th year of her
Mary:Ellen : had not publicly professed her faith
in Chritie but in an interview With'. her' pasto r,
s?ie ; very freely expressed her abhorrence and
renunciation of sin,, and her entire dependence
on Christ; alone for silVationTh u s .:
. eaving us
to hope that she his been permitted to join the
general assembly. and Church of the fast born,
whose.names are writtp,n in heaven., She was of
mild, sweet, winning temperta
sister, and l friend. ,Hence it was: ith no ordinary
,th at we t epag i at herjuneral;
it Sister, then wait, mild: and loiely,
Gentle awthenmmer breeze," &o.
A,,.was.a.,ard.week.lto thatthereaifed hUsband
im i 47l94* . and to il' incidiekleso:;Yaloily; yet
they were happily retuemberlid by the God of the
Covenant, who kindly spared another daughter,
Alai ilia then thOutlA to be near to death. His
previdktoes are wonderful, but his premises_ are,
Puta---Of dVsentery,"on September 7th, at his
residence in,,,North limiting(lon Township, West-,
mereland . Courity,, Wrzausr. &sex, Esq.,
'aged 64 yeam!.
The Presbyterian church of Long Run has
been sorely, afflicted, far the past six months, some_
nine or ten of its members, including this individ
ual, a defied), having; died': during that brief spec!
s_fAns. these sad bereavements PeIFTSi,
/PO. to the living. The death of Mr. Bieck, under.
the .circumstances, Must le regarded , as !a great,
calaSty to his_ family, and both the community ,
and the church, of which he was an , acceptable
member,,- and ,active and useful deacon; liaie
sustained a loss•which, some of us at least, will
feel. ife was a strong-alluded, energetic, honest, .
reliable man. He -was above all •meanness, nor
would a charge of intentional injustice have ob.
litined credence from any who knew him. Hence,
in an unusnal,degree; he enjoyed:,,the 'confidence
of all. He, was a man of ward affections ; a
sincere, abiding. friend. - -Such lila Pastor invari
ably. Sound him, and such' he, proved to others.
His piety no one doubted, for he was a living
epistle of Christ, knorn and read of all men. He
loved the house - of God, and did not forget to
',assemble, timsolf,-, with _others; as. themanner of,
aoine is. The interest of his own bitureiienlisted"
his deepest feelings, and called forth his most
; earnest efforts.. For several years he held the
office of deacon, and in this capacity he sought to
do his.whole duty,
_regardless of; his own personal
interests and convenience. The Boards of our
Church received his active arid liberal support,
and in ids sphere (and he,never tried to go ont'i,f
it,) he was as useful as any that have borne his
ohurchlonored name. Sustained by Prom-
MSS« God snd portions of our beautiful Hymns, -
with whibh desixedlis son, the Pty. Jamss
to%refreshflis memory, -heidepirted this
• t ' 4r ,
life in hopes of a( glorious resurreation. His
deporttent - in the neaulrospectif death; eon
n+ted with his • previous Character and • lig' ern- •
phatically says to a lonely wife, bereaved of "the
guide of her youth sorrowing children,
relatives; friends, nay, to . all, ," Mark the perfect
Man and ;.behold the upright, for the end of that
minis petiCe."
DIED—Of dysentery, on the 3Oth of August; at
the residence of his father,. North Einntingdon
Twnship, Westmoreland Co., Ptr., • Asc: ilowenn
Yins Ton, in the nth' year of his, age. '- •
The deceased was the third child'of
liam Weston, Ruling Bider in . the. Presbyterian
church, Long Run. •Re was , a boy-of great
promise, possessing talents far superior to most
others 'of his age. Gentle and affable in manners,
and in his intercourse with society, he was firm
of 'purpose, neversaorificing the right to the ex
pedient. No one could 'have been more' ndeared
to a family than he was. One of his leading
characteristics was an entire unselfishness of dis
position, which'always led him to prefer the feel
ings, comforts,
.and conyonisoces of Ahers, to
his own. 'He was a,most affectionate and dittiful
child, and.a loving and lovely brother. Exceed
ingly fond of, books,
.the • Book of Books, the
Bible, was not by him overlooked or. forgotton;
'being, at . the' time of his deMise,
.engaged in
reading it through for the fifth time. The sem
inary and the•"Sabha* school were his chief de
light; and his oesire, to read, Ged'a.icirmir and
learn his will, his seal for,his worship; his ittten
lion to the instructioni of Christian parents, and
,his conscientious discharge of every duty, .gave
the most satiefactory evidence that he was not
only a 'child of the Covenant, but a child of God,
and .has: ever to =be with< the Lord. Let
these Christian parents, who had dedicated their
'child to God 'front infancy for the work of the
Gospel ministry, and a bereaved faniily, feel'that
'their loss is his everlasting gain ; and whilst it is
our ardent prayer that the Lord woulthhind up
the wound his own hand has moat :We' , would
• - t,ati44
inspire them with the~cheering hopel t ~c ep being
ii:united`where they will never endure 'the pain
Of =another separation. • . - , , , ; . 4. 40 . 1 •
Tho Ugh all earthly ties are riven,
Let thy spirit not despair;
Raise thy downcast eyes to heaven,
And behold thy treasure there."
I 'Ysmag iune,Y.C.nrt woman, "Remember thy
Creator in the days of thy 'youth."
Digit Lon inguet SOth, ether residence, North '
flantingdone Township, •Westmoreland County,
Pa , Piro. MA.B.T M'CONICANC, consort •of Mr.
Calvin WCormick, aged 86 years.
The' disease` Which, in the Mysterious providence
klod, hurried this estimable lady out or life,
, dysentery.. Her 'sufferings, which were
treef, she . endured with patience and resignation.
Of this event, we haye just grounds for the As
ittersinee that, " though many fall as sudden, few
as safe.' She was a consistent, exemplary
Christian. Brought early into the. covenant in
connexion with Long Hun Presbyterian church,
she adorned the doctrine of her Divine Master
'by an -amiable, quiet unobtrusive' piety. "But
;her work on'earth :was 'done, and Jesus has taken
ter itinsonied"Spirit to hiniself in'heaven;' and
!whilst her friends are weeping over their loss,
which is unspeakably great, sheds, , trust, re
joieing before the throne. This affliction has
fallen with peculiar weight/upon a bereaved bus
'timid, sister, and three motherless children, not
only because of the many virtues and excellences
of the deceased wife, sister, and mether,.but also
becanse of its suddenness, and the peculiar do
mestiti habits and attachmenti of the family. In
short, .as a. member of the Church, she was truly
, consistent; as a wife, words would fall to express
the estimation in whidit she was ,held by a be
reaved husband; as a sister, conciliatory, kind,
and attentive; as a mother, affectionate and
alvr,nytigaininiover her nikildren by her
west' ndlarniable " disposition, and no one could
visit • her •in her sickness, or stand around her
dying conch to witness the closing of her eartbly
career, with any other sentiment 4on, the 'lip,
or feeling in'the heart, than, " truly . this was a,
friend Of God.". May the Lord sustain and com
fort a bereavad brother, be 'a friend to a, lovelY
sister,: and a God to Inotherleis children. rile
great lesson taught by this distressing providence,
is this: "Be ye, therefore, also reedy, for the
Son of Man oometh at an hour 'when ye think
-.DIED—Near Mt. Gilead, Ohio, August 19t11, of
consumption, Mrs. Mew J., wife of Mr. James
L, Morrison.
The deceased was a native of Jefferson County,
Kentucky, and on her marriage, in July, 1857,
she removed with her husband to Ohio ; but even
before this, that fell destroyer, consumption, had
marked • her with hie• fatal - signet. During the
last year of, owing to a complication of
disorders, she suffered very greatly, but bore it
all with Christian fortitude. She:Was conscious,
of the'approach" of death, s and the call of the•
Master fOund her waiting, and, in hniable Coad,
donee she commended'her.spirit to' his hand.
Drars--April 18th, 1858, at the residence of
her son, Maj. Joseph Jack; . near Pleasant Unity,
Mrs. Nelms JACK, in the 95th year of her. spa.
• Seldom have we to record the death of one so
full of years, so, meickeisteemed, and mourned by
so large, a circle of friends and relatives. Her
.desoendants ntenber in Ali one hUndred and fifty
seven; ,thirteen „childristi;.,' seventy-two- grand 7
children, and seventy one great-grarichildren;;
of Whom noireithan one, hnsidied are' still 'Wing.
Id the eleventk year of her;age, ,_and twe years..
before the Declaration of Independence, her
father;; Mr. M'Coy, from die Middle
and Northern part,of Virginia, anti "settled near.
Mt. Pleasant. Her yonth was necessarily paned
in' the-trying. scenes'of the l ReQoliztionarY War,
and, in the more trying one ' , of treater life, and,
theindian depredations. Well did she remember
the burning of Harmahstown by the Indians, 'and'
how the' following' was spent, in . continual''
alarm, as they all expected to be massacred be
fore the morning. toiard, the close : of the
Revolutionary War, she was.married to John
Tack, who was dismissed from the army on ac
count of a severe . musket-ball Wound, received in
the leg, whick hid unfitted him for service:
'Afterwards, although a cripple, (the musket-ball
remaining in the:Wound some thirteen yeais)' lie
was callecias an officer into, the Latlian War; and
at one time,.for more than aix months„ his where
abonts, likewise that of his. company, were un
known. ,She, in the ,meantime, _with iSpartan
like courage, made:her house the refuge of-those
on the frontier, „ gathered the harvest, and
planted 'the Fall grain.: In her 'death, another'
witness of Revolutionary times and Indian
troubles, is gone. She; as an eye-witaiese, 'could
tell, us of . the dangers and ;trials, of our fore
fathers; bow they left home and family to
purchase their own and our rights as freemen ;
how our grandmothers were left without protec
tion in theirlog-cabins; Within•sound of the war ,
whoop, and on the. Oonfines of the blood-thirsty
.savage. How little have we to
_experience, of .
' their trials and dangers I Pier remarkably.teen=;
perste habits gare'ller a fine and healthy oust
ifieinifidtyotithfurconipleXionrestch `
as is rarely possessed by any one of so advanced
an age. Her unusual vigor of, mind until her last
moment, and likewiie Id body till a few months
before her death, bear ample testimony to her
mode, of life. Her appearance indicated that she
might live years yet; but, unhappily: for her,
when, some seven months beferlS' her death, rising
h ht,shefell,'t
in t rug :,'supposed,”rom a .
stroke of apoplexy, and injured her limb' and
4ail°t pi rts'nf body : -Thise;ittiedthfir' inch
+if . ' • ••• f ss' • • f
suffering until her death. She was remarkably
.careful and regular in her diet, never indulging
her appetite... Likewise in her. rest `at inglif,,she
was regular, and required but little sleep. Be
sides, in her daily employment, Moderation seemed
to control her whole affairs. She was calm and
deliberate, accomplishing, even in.fier, old age - ,;it.
surprising amount of labory pew, have, such un
evenly temper of mind. Apparently without
much exertion, and, certainly without hurrrarid
bustle, she moved along with the lealt possible
confusion and noise. Iler great care was lest she
might give trouble to some one. else. Her digni
fied manner, and meek exptession,of countenance,
beget respect wherever she went: , None, old 'or
young, could approach her withouttheling the in
fluence of her 'kind and genial manner. Her
visits were always a source of much pleasure to
her grand-children: and gresit-gnirid. children. - Di
their welfare she took a deep interest- . - - -especially
in those UV ,were left fatherless and motherless.
A number of these she reared with a mother's
In early life, she united with the Presbyterian,
congregation at Mt. Pleasant, then under the
pastoral care of the Rev. Dr. James Power. Her
husband Was among its early elders. • For . more
than four-score years she attended the same
place . of worship. But during this time many
changes hid taken place. FoUr Church buildinga
had been erected. The little log-cabin had been
succeeded by a good log meeting house, it again by'
a comfortable brick church, and now it again,
has been superseded by a more substantial, 'neat,''
and tasteful church edifice. Of her, generation,
she was going down to the grave the last'and
alone. She had seen all her early edmpanions'
precede her. Of those that occupied - the honsn
of .God in her youth, none now remained. The
third and fourth generations have taken their
place. Many nastors.have come and gone. 'She'
seemed to have ant-Jived her time. , God, in his
providence, seemed;to have spared,her, that her
children's children, to the fourth generation;
might rise - up aneoall her blesSed. '
FoetheTteabyterlawßanner and Advocate
Washington Territory.
Pierce Co.„'W. T., :
August 10, 1858.
REV. .mINNEY :—Dear Sir :—I
have succeeded in 'organizing a church in
Steilacoom. Our number is 'small, but there
are quite a number' of persOns residi4 in'
this country, who belonged to the'Presbyte
ian Church when in the States, who will
unite' with us. preaeh every Sabbath
morning in town, and expect to preach in
the evenings in the ctintry. I also!leach
;school during the week, and. Sabbath School
:in town. We organized a Union School on
last Sabbath week: 'The church wasorgan-,
ized on last Sabbath. The, congregation
was large and respectable. Brother Whit.
worth, of Olympia, assisted ine. They pro
prietor of the town has , promised to•give us
a donation- of ground for a church. lam
80-41rong,, that • I have very little time to,
write, letters.
Wa_need at least four additional' mission
aries in this ,Territory. Could you not ruse
, your influence to have us supplied ? We
need school teachers very much, and, good
wages are given. The country is fast -set
tling np, and if the schoolmaster would'ooroe
this way, he would find it to be to his ad
We greatly need families in this land:
There are enough single men for the present:,
Let all who come to this country get mar
ried, sis'wort'en are quite scarce on this
coast Tradeeben of all kinds' do welrhere.
This will ben great country in a few years.
There is such a vast emigration pouring/ in,
that its retionices,qo some extent, will be
developed. This is perhaps the besttim
bared country on the globe. Spars are
shipped from Puget Sound tp, nearly every
part of:the moil& It is - also-a 'fine farming
country. Only four weeks of Winter, and
that like'Fall weather s in Pennsylvania.
Stook lire , in the woods all the year. I con
sider this country far superior to 'Pennsylva
nia, in climate, soil, afoi-prodhations.
s Yours; in'ehristion fellowship- - •
• • , 41313r,0. W. SLOAN.
' For the Preabytarian tanner and 'Advocate
A Pleat - ant , Trip:Briefly Navated.
HET pleasant for a pastor, after ye%TM of
aluiens4,.'to visit again' the'field of his former
Labors; to look upon faces and scenes still
de=ar to his Mind,,ep take 'by the hand tried
friends, and' to hear 'voices still, farrxiliar to
his 'ear* Neither'tiide! circuniStalees
hive 'power to erase !impressions made byn
kind and affeationate people upon thei heart
of a :young - paitor. I,' felt to 'he true
in a recent' the' aura of Deerfield,
Morgan county Ohio; Where I spent the
first six 'eats 'of my :miniatry—a- church
'once - few in number, and enfeebled by_dis
scrisionti, but now strpng iniioth number and
unity. ,
It afforded me ncGordirfary,degree of grat
ification to be allowed in the good
: provi
dence of GOd;tp spend's communion season
in this church, anu break once more there
tho bread of life. JOYful as this' occasion
was,it nevertheless ,gave:rise-to some feel
,ief of inelancholy..f. Death had made some
sadreibangesi Two' Oloved ' l elders were no
more ; their, mortal
were sleeping
in the graveyard, near hy., Some that were
fathers and mothers in Israel, when I left
a few 'years ago, were gone' to the narrow
r. appointed-for all livieg ;' and quite, a
number, then in lifeopiinie w ire now =prig,
the dead I flow *ell, I romeMber them alit
Can it be .that see them no more in
this world • • ,
I rode several miles one evening, ses
another elder, who, was confined to his room
by the infirmities of,old age. [ He has lost the,
sight of one (Wails eyes, ciad,become almost as
physically helpless aka child. He receive&
me' with - all the tender feelingkof a father
forfora son and asked ma .f to repeat - ,the,
synopsis of the, disceursc r that I had that
day, deliyered in •the , ehurch, from the ,text,
"Nherefore, he is able to save them to the
uttermost that • come mnt?
Go d by. hitn . ." - -
He said helvaa fully persuaded of . both the,
ability and Willingness of Christ ,to save
that unto him in the l appointed may,
yet,.as regarded himself, .he .said .he never
had had that`rapfurbus asstirapee, of acce'o.-
&nee with God of 'which he had often heard
others speak., Lashed.. him to, state his feel
ings fully on this subject. .Hesaill that for
years 'he had' been aCthe feeC'of Jesus;
saying, " Lord save or I perish," and there
he expected to die. . ,
In the morning ;I left him sorrowing that
I should doubtless see his face no more.
He was one of my first and best friends. ,
The congregations at'tire church `were
very large 'during all the; ;days of our ser,
vices—especially was .tbAs :true of the Sab
bath. And am sorry to say that some who
attended, seemed .to have come as a mere
matter .of amusement, for their deportment
was ,anything else than devotional. But,
strict decorum characterized the great mass
of all that assembled in and about the house
for all could not get in. And perhaps some ,
allowance is .due to such young, people as
really do not know how to behave on such'
oiroagions, :never having been taught it by
*ants, or school' teachers, or,ministers, or
.843y - bedy ; and. whose-highest- idea' of
•the• celebration of the Lord's Supper, is
each as the vain and ignorant in all commu
midis haire'd a camp•meeting, arr . Associa,:,
den or some other so•called
4or I do hold, and can prove, that such nom
inally religious meetings have often, if not
Aways, a very demoralizing and corrupting
influence, on the minds ,of many of the per
sea who `att§nd them. • .
On Monday. .an election for elders was
held. in this' church, and itialtcd in the
choice of four excellent Men': to fill Whir
highly ):esponsible "office: Of, axle, two
were men of . middle ,age,• and two were
comparatively young; one of whom was one
of , the,firstsseals to my ministry. 0, that
God would give me many such.
If these brethren. gee fit to accept the
fioe to which they' have been chosen (as I
trust they may,) then will this church be
blessed eldership as efficient as any
other churehin cm,.Pc . eshltery. , It is ru
mored that:OW - of-the former elders has been
left e hy.theAleath of a'friend in Ireland, an
eetittri.:Of 'error two millions of dollars. It.
in to be hoped, Hi "gets it, he will use it
in the iiiOrroAiOn of, the glory of God and
the good of men. ,
This people gre'atly, need a new church
edifice:--dne of large dimensions, and more
in keeping with the spirit of the age, than
that in which they now worship. After the
election of elders on Monday, the incipient
steps to such an enterprise were taken, and
.deubtlesio before long, the' work , will be Un
der • anitract. I know of no brother that
hananoie reason to be encouraged than Rev:
`Fir: Be.e.d; pastor elect of this church.
A:NI-Monday evening I came down to Mo•
'Ooneella4ille, a town of sonic note on the
"the' taste bank of the _Muskingum river.
lien I. was 'detained until Thursday morn
ing:, awaiting a boat. to Zanesville. The un
lowness atird . ennui incident to such delays,
by. nci:iniaini beset me on this occasion-; for
Imutypinfertably domiciled with my good
hrother Gnimes,, who, at the same time that
hei. coy nnaffected kindness,
wi t plenty to do in the' way of visiting,
leciaring, Arid • preaching. His church is
St!pt(Tiyived. number of interesting
pereone , ltaycreently heen received into it,
pn - inn:1116811in;
. one•half of these were
'bung Men, two or thien'or Wfmin are about
fif enough advanaea io 'enter College, anid.;
who, told me they yerif'rettidYing With;:st
view to, the-ministry:. McConnellsville
,What might ;be ; ' "'hard' field," but
the Divine blessing on faithful labors must
Maio the most barren , epots of Zion become
il : frOtfuteitdfn. The soil here has been
poured liy the blighting influences of secret'
asiociations44nd many, have loved, prat
tined, and boasted of • a charity that has , no,
real,. connexion with' the grace •of Christ.
And I pray God that. the. rising generation ..
may no longer follow the delusions of their.
fathers, but follow 'Jesus into the Chuich;',
where they will find worke.of obillty enough
to 'do, and objects Of idiaiity.enotigh to. 4mf,i
:without following empty:Migarles.
But Thursday morning; the: boat semen—,
on we get,, and off, we •go: for home., ~the
;boat was _ oomfoitablq.idthough• not quite
.equal in ,strength, siie, and magnificence,tos
the ev i er ; ilicrnorabla !Byr.ip ; and ,
'the Muskingum was:fiesutiful, although no
larger than a,millponfl‘rhen. compared with
the Mississippi. TheAtiy, too, was lovely,
so that our, trip up, in' - Zanesville' was truly'
pleasant. - r spent my time on deck, and
viewed, With mush interest, the narrow , road
that meandered along the Eastern shore of
the stream, _well remembering how that, ten
years agc,,l„ knew a young minister, just i
licensed, that rode sad and lonely down this
ahote,.on:a,borrowed horse, with a borrowed . !
saddleand saddle-bags = with a thread bare
coat and an old hat-?.-pitOhed boots and
soiled shirt—two sermons,, no books, and
one dollar in money in his pocket, and that
borrowed; and when I remember where
God was then leading him, , what work ke ,
was then preparing hiui to do, what he has ‘ I
since enabled him to see and to accomplish, I
did feel that no young man ought to be afraid
of the ministry, or of poverty, after this. .
Grace and energy are omnipotent. While
reflecting on this young minister's career, I
. thought of the place where he was born—of
the society in which be was brought up. I
found, that from a single school district of
that community, not leas than seven Pres- I,
byterian mioisters had gone forth to preach
.-the everlasting Gospel, within a compare
.tively short time ; and besides these, this
district could boast of five more , regular
graduates, all of whom will doubtless, before
,long, be the public! ambaisadors of Christ.
Then will twelve families 'in one small dis..-
,mot, have given to the Church twelve min
isters ! - All Calvinistic ministers, too, and'
yet, there never was a Sabbath School in
the' district, 'or a publie prayer-meeting
either, : fio far as I know; but there was
always family worship,' and strict family
'discipline in every family;" for there was
not so lar avny•memory serves me, either
non-proleionng,..w an 4rminian family, in
wholii,distriot.. The. Sabbath was strictly
Atept; 'and, the Shorter Otitechisna carefully
learned, by all.' Thia community was a kind
'Of little Scotland, where each - father was a
John Knox, aid - the dayeehool'a - kind of a
Kirk I . ' Would to • God we had more Mich'
plities: - Modern Mactitilayites ,imay laugh
at,'And lie abOtit, 'the pffect of such domestic,
hufstill it is juat what our Church
- itrid nation needs, 'notwithstanding.
ZaDesville I shared the hosp italities 'of
brethek: Platt, 'bf, the First 'Presb:,terian
•ohuroti. found' . him deeply . engaged id
;Unitising his people to the duty of repairing
his chnrch,:and from what I could learn, he .
Is sanguine of success, although among a
people so finaopittlly , depressed,-aszare the
;people. of this city, to raise two' Oiusan4i
dollars to: r epair an old church 'edifice is no
Small - Matter. But brotber.P.'s tact, energy,
and, popularity, will doubtless succeed; if
'success is possible. I was inforised that the
• Second church (brother
.Hoge's,). has re.
Oentliundergone a refitment, in the form of
frescoing and painting..
On Friday I got home, and learned that
three Sabbath Schools connected with my
field of labor, had had a celebration the day
before, and although the 'pastor was una
'iroidably absent, all passed-off: finely, there lank of either the provision or ora-
Ibis, common on such occasions.
By what I send you, you will see I did
not forget the cause of the Banner, in my
traveli. So endeth my, narration.
,Forms of- Bequests.
When bequests are made to the Institutions 'of the
Church,' lot • the follorriog •lormi be oarefuHy obsmed.
Logecios are often lost to the muse which tho testator de
signs. to aid, by rt defect in the will. When real estate or
other .property is to be given, let it be particularly de
Board, of Domestic Nlggionig.
To the Trustees of the Board of Domenic. Missions of the
General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in the Uni..
tad Btates ot - America, and to their successors and &Reigns,
I give and bequeath the sum - . of ;(or,. I devise .a
certain mesauage, and tract of land, ac.).to be held by the
said Trustees, and their successors for ever, to and for the
uses, anunder the direction of the said Board of Domestic
Missions of the said ..General Assembly, according to the
provisions of their charter.
Board Eisucation.
I give and device to the Trustees of the Board of Iditra•
Hon of the,Preabyterian Church in the United. Staten of
America. the sum of , to be applied by said Board
to, the'Educationlot r pionaand indigintt.yonng , meat forsthd,
Goepei rdinietry •
Board of.Foreiga Missions.
•, .T. bequeath to my executors the sum of . dollars
in trust to pay over the same in after myslecesse,
to the person who, when the same shell be payable, Audi
lot as Treasurer of the Board of Foreign Mission's of the
Presbyter lan Church in the United States of America, to be
Applied to the uses.and purposes of said Board, and under
its direction, and the receipt of the said Treasurer shall be
full "and' legal acquittance of my said executors for the
Poard,of Publication.
To the Trnstess of the Presbyterian Board of Publication,
andlo their successors and assigns, I give and bequeath
thesum , (or, I devise a certain messuage and tract
of land, arc.,) to be h•id by the said Trusteee, and their suc
cessors for ever, to Ind for the uses and under tho direction
of the raid Board of Pn bib:scion, according to the provisions
of their charter.
Ciiiirch Extension Committee.
The Church Extension Committee of the General Aswan
bly is not incorporated, but the following form of bequest,
It is supposed, would be valid.
I bequeath to my executors the sum of dollars,
in trust, to pay over the same in after my decease,
to the person who, when the same shall be payable, shall
act as Treasurer of the Church Extension Committee of the
General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in the United
fttatea of America, located in the city of St. Louis;.Missouri,
to be applied to the uses . and purposes of wad Cominittee.
and under its directions, and the receipt of tho said Treas.
urer elicit be a full and legal acquittance of my said execu
tors for the same.
rElvir tiE!l( E N
'ICOR CITY c0111.111(ERCIAL 60.14.1ia 14 .
Now the largest and moat thorough Commercial School
of tbe United States. Young Hen prepared for actual duties
.of the Coo nting-Ro'uni.
J., A.. 51., Professor of Book keeping and Sciencti
of Accounts.
. A. T. DOUTNERTT, Tea Cher of Arithmetic and Commer
cial Caloilation.
' J. A. ELEYDILIOK and T. O. JENKIpiS, Teachers of Book
A. - 01 , WLEY and W. A. MILLER, Profs. of Penmanship.
1 nset] hi every department of business. Commercisi Arith-
Businies Writing-Z....Detecting Counterfeit
,111oney-Mercantile Correspondence—CommerciabLaw=ite
Mesta, and all other subjects necessary for the success and
thorough education of a psactiesi business man.
Drawn all the premiums in Pittsburgh fior the past three
• years, elan in Eastern and Western Cities, for best Writing,
' Students enter at any timeNo &cation —Time unlim
lted—Review at pleasure—ersdustes assisted in obtaining
situations—,Tultion for Foll C.mutrrcial Course, $25.00
' average time eight to twelve weeks—Board, $2.50 Per week
'-Stationary, so.oo—Entire cost, $OO.OO to $70.00.
air Ministers' sons received at half-price.
For Card—Cirtniar-Bpecimene of Business and Orna•
mental Wrktlng-r-Ineloae two stamps, and addr:eBa
deli) tt P. W. JENKTNB, PlttetintVOit.
- • • HOB'S P. NEVIN
. nn IL NEVIN & CO.e MANI:WA &Ilia
ARAIS.Hei 167 Liberty Skeet, Pitteburgb, Pe. jy6-1y
&UMW .1111014 IMISWITIOT sn,w,Butte,
PMNNA.—The founders of this Ituitittition have e
eared 'the services of Mae. CAKOLIN li L. WILLIAMS,
(widow of the late Rev..l. W. Williams,) and it wili be
opened for the reception of young ladles, on the First
Monday (viz., NO of May.
It is the design of the Principal and friends of Mile In.
!Mutton to make It all that could be desired In a firatclass
Seminary, for Atm practical agd thorough training of young
ladles. To this end, they hare secured a large brick house
for a boarding-house, .and will have a large school-room
completely furnished.
The Summer Session will commence on the yiret Monday
of May, and continue twenty-one weeks.
Pupils from a distance are expected to board with the
Principal, who will endeavor to make hor house a home for
them, rather than a boarding-house.
Newburg is a pleasant rural village, six miles from Ship
ponsburg, from which place a hack supplies it with a daily
mkil. Pare from the railroad at ithippenstinrg to Newburg,
n i,l
tm s , h cents.
Principal of this Institution, is a
practical, teacher of mneh , experience in all the branches
usually taught in our best riengrutries and comet very
Wetly recommended, both as nskillful teaeher'and an ac
pompliehod lady.
All Min branches usual in our best Seminaries will be
taught, and boarding furnished on. very reasonable terms.
For further Information, apply. to . Mrs. 0. L. Williams, at
Newburg, after the' Vitt of April; 'or 'to •Ftei. I. N. Hoye,
Shippensburg...,. , . x
. . ,
NY,T, This Institution, located near Wont Liberty, Ohio,
County, Va., will commence its first Section on the FIRST
MONDAY-OF SEPTEMBER, 18t8. It is' Intended for the
education of males sod females In all the branches, useful
and ornementaVvehreh are usually taught in (Sur higher
Seminaries of learning.. .It is tinder the superintendence of
A. Y. 'ROM, late Profesaor of Latignagea in Bethany College,
'rho will devote his entire time and attention to Its conduct
and management. No effort or expenditure will be spared
to render this en Institution entirely worthy of the public
confidence, and patronage.. The Principal has had an ex
perience of twenty years RS a College Profeeepr, and , none
hat accomplished instructors shatibe - employed- in any de
partment. , , • .-• .
Ttin location remarkably healthful, and tbe'snrround
ing country hi noted for Its fertility, and the pletureme
beauty of ifs scenery.
The boarding-house for females .Will be in charge of the ,
• Nev. Wm. Aikin, la whom the public can have the fullest
confidence. Aboqt twenty Young men can be accommo
dated with boarding &Vibe house of the Principal, and un-.
der his immediate oversight. Circuities' detailing particu
lars can' be had by annlication to the Printing':
an2l-tf F- j A. P. ROSS, Prittellcl-
With Rambles of a Geologist; or Ten Thousand Miles over
the Foselliferoos Deposits of Scotland.
pp. A 24. Cloth, 81.25.
Nearly the whole of a large edition of this 'work has been
""exhausted by orders in advance of publication. Nothing
need be said of It save that it possesses the same fascination
for the reader that characterises the author's other works.
' • . [From the Boston Journey
" Its style alone would render it charming; but that is
simply the translucent medium for conveying the choicest
• beadties of- rare scientific knowledge; for accurate, ynt
brilljantaketches , each of whose subjects stamps itself upon
• the mental rains, for noble and far-reaching views,
,warm, healthful emotions." •-
[Fiom the N. Y. Evening Post.] •
• "The work displays the'great Geologists strong, cot:ewer
hensive sense, his keen observation of nature, his learning,
and terse and graphic simplicity of style, which imparts a
high and peepliar value to all his writings. • * • On
'the whole. We think this volume is likely to prove the most
.popular of all the writings which the philosopher Of Scot•
land, has bequeathed us."
_ - - -
From the Phila. Bresbyterien.l
^" The work has a double charm of a scientific treatise of"
high merit, and a glowing and moeteloquently written net ,
relive of travel."
. • [From the Boston Cfrurier.]
"It has those marked and characteristic merits which
have given to Aim previous publications of the lamented
-writer so wide a circulation, and so enduring, a popularity.
indeed we predict for the present work annnusual degree
of public favor, because there is in it so much of animated
'descillition and spirited narrative."
[From - the Christian Regletercl "
"The writers' style has almost become a proverb, for
perspicuity; terseness, and strength; which, with his keen
observation,, generous sentiments, and genial homer,
vertu peculiar charm to all hie works, and to none more so
than tothathefore us."
• ' [From the Eastern Argos.]
"To all intireStedin natural adiente,lind particilarly in
Geology, the book will. prove a rich treat. * * Inter
woven with the scientific information conveyed in a popular
style, is tbe interesting narrative of his tours, full oftinoi
dents and historical allusions."
" • IFroin the Boston Transcript.] '
"If Hugh Miller.had writtenmothing but this, it would
be stiftlelent to give him enduring fame as an original 'dis
coverer a - silence, a profound thinker, -a powerful imagine
, tive creator, and a master of a most captivating . English
style." ' ' '
,New and. Enlarged Edition of
' THE 0 . 1.1) RED SAND STON.E.
12mo. Cloth,
This edition is reprinted from the last Edinburgh edition,
and contains over one hundred pages of entirely new mat•
ter fiara'ihe 'pen of Hugh Miller. It contains-also several
,new plates and cuts, and an appendix of new notes, while
the old plates have been repengraved and improved.
Jur New editions of "My Schools and Schoolnuurters,"
The Testimony of the Rocks," Footprints of the
Oreator,7. and "First Impressicns of Bngland," are now
'ready and Fay, be, had separately or in tiniforn't - soft.
1 1 11 a - X
BO it Si. , AMERICA* .
LIFE ; Off MARY LYON: Price 50 cents: 12too.
is Worthy of more than a passing perusal "—Epfsce
pal Recorder.
It will 4 do immense good to any-Christian family who
will prayerfully nertme pages."—Christion Chron.
Her life is a lesson and a treasure to the race.—Chris-
Nan Obterver.
for 1859. 81z cents single. 60 cents a dozen.
Recently issued': Many 'valuable and - interesting Biogra
phies, far .the .01d and Young,. Illustrated Books of Anee,
dotel;• Sketchee from Life, false for . Children, ac.,' which,
with other publications of the' Society, make a list' of four
hundred and ,ilfty three volumes. Sold .6p:irately,, or in
different priced Libraries„nniformly,bound.,
Deacripthe Catalogues of Publicationdfurnished free of
expense; ," - • -
The American Messenger and The Child's. Paper pub
lished monthly, and mailed from the . ,
; N 0.92 9 Ohestant Street, -Phila . .
011 . LD• isc , LINCOLN,
Have Just Published: ' •
By Rt. Rev. Alexander Yiets Griswold, D.D. .
With an Intibduetery Statement by the IteV. 00016Ze D.
.A.. M. To which is prefixed a Commendatory
Note : by Bishop Eaatbnrn, and a Notice ,of . the Work :by
troy. Jahn: A. Stone, D.D.
12ino, cloth hinted, 513.‘ nents; Rekible cloth- covers, -31
• . • `,cents; paper covers, 20 cents; -
An Adams dellieredbefore the Boston YOung Men's Chris
tian .Association, at their Anniversary, on Monday
livening, May 24th, 1858, by Andre! , L. SOne,
,Pastor of
Park Street *Church Boston.
12mo, flexible Cloth Covoks, 20 Ms.; n0v0r5,1234
bit iri,./E gr THE B E'S T Pg
What more essential to every family,horinting-roora, -
dent E and indeed every one who would.knowthorightin lF e
of langrieie..the meaning, orthogriphy, and pronunciation
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necessityand perinmetut%value.
b now the recogekted Stantlitcd;7 4 CkTstandy cited ayad...rl.
lied on bi Out'Coluie Juliklea, oni hVgialati , ie• bodieir, 7
and la public discussions; as aiitirbli eoneinsiveil , , says'
-Hon..J,ohn.o...l3pencer, ,
Pablihed* , GA, 9. XNEtitt OfA3,ol.l3o62l , Miesiz-edid
by alltirotintirent.
'Prot: Jacobus's Notes on John, new edition.
' " "Mark and Like, new edition.
Idattliew, "
• Question Books on the same, interweaving the Shorter.
Ostecbista. ,
On Matthew, [.with Oateobism annexed,) $1.50 per dot
On Mark and Luke,- " • each 1.50
6rf,`.the" two wohunei bound in one, 2.26 -
UnJohn l *th Oate c him also annexed, . 1.60 "
They will' be YorWarded to any address, If orders be sen
pres.,lloard of Oolportage, Clair Pittebth..
• , • Sri Market Street, Pittsburgh.
• Whl.' S. RENTOITI4 -• St. Clair Street, Pittsburgb.
HUTCH tklt N N
Xi The SUBSCRIBERS have aliays on sale, an exten
sive stock of goods expressly adaptedito the furnishing of
And. having in their employ eiperienced Upholsterers, are,
at all times,,prepared not only, to furnish the unmade ma
terial, but to makeup and St whatever may be needed, at
the shorteit notice, moron liberil terms.
DAMASK, MOREEN, and GERMAN REPS, for Cushions.
MOHAIR. PLUS LI and SILK VELVET, for Pulpit Cnehions.
CARPETING: VELVET, Eatrestae, or IsozeiN, for Chancel
ancl,Vostri, or Regina Roan—Church patterns.
CARPETING (Church Patterns and Colors) of every de
' •
COCOA MATTING AND. MATS for Porch, Vestibule or
CURLED R&M in .Rope, Picked, or made into Cnehlope.
R.CiLIaNDS for Window Shades.
and 18 Murray Bpreet, New York
auT flm
N ,- the approaching land Sales in this Territory. thenn•
dereigned has been making preparations, to locate land
wshrarits,' In the Omaha land district, for parties desiiifig
to Inyest in the West in that way. The lands in Nebraska
cannot be surpassed for fertility of soil,,by any other State
or Teretterpin the Union. All lands entered by me; will
beeelected, by competent land examiners.
Land eidelo commrrice on the eth 'of September 'lest;
ell Lands soldlering the sale; to be paid for in-gold—after
the sale, land warrants can be need... Lettere of inquiry
promptly aisweied. ' ' ALEX .F. bI'KINNEV.
Omaha City, N. T., July 1, 1858. .
Messrs. Winslow, Lauier .t Co., Bankers, New •Tork.
Meier& Dreiel & Co., Bankers, Philadelphia. '
messrs..Kramer & Babm,'Ylankers. Pittsburgh. •
Rev. D. Witiuney, D.D., Pittsburgh.
,• Cashier, Omaha, N. T. k
Messrs. Bryan, Gardner & Co., Hollidaysburg, Pa.
Messrs. Bell, Johnston , Jack & Co., Altoona, Pa.
Alexander Finley, BK., Bt. Lenin;
'POINTED Receiving Agent and Treasurer, for pie fol
lowing Church enterprises, in the Synods of PITTSBURGH
The General 'Assenibifs BOARD OF DOMESTIC MIS
BONS; the General A,esembly'a BOARD OF EDUCATION
this General Assembly's CHUBCH EXTENSION COMMIT
ClorresPowlents will please address him as below, stating
distinctly the Presbytery and Church, from which contribtn
tioni are sent; and when a receipt is required by malt, the
name of the post office and County.
An heretofore, monthly reports will be made through the
Presbyterian Banner rad Advocate and thellontiand Foreign
Record. •J. P. WILLIAMS, Treasurer, •
114 Smithfield Street.
Pittsburgh, Pa •
Depoeitory is now well furnished pith all the Publics
t ions o fthe Presbyterian Board of Nibllea - Bon, and especiallY
with those that are suitable for Sabbath fiehool Libraries
There isalso a good supply of nearly 400 additional volumes
selected-with special cue, from the numerous publication.
of the Massachusetts S. S. Society, saC tl ^ American S. Ss
• •
Orderafrom any part of the country will be promptlyfate
tended to by addremdzig the subscriber. Money may be Beet
by mail at our risk.
Also, a good supply of stationery.
nnvl7 JOHN CIIGRIN AMNON. I.Sbiarlan:
Tnecarora Valley,lunlata .County Pa., one-fourth.A.
• mile from the Perrysville Station of Pennsylvania Rio
The Summer Session will commence on Dilanday,the Lett
of April. Whole expense per 803.51611 of twouty.dvio weeks
for tioard, Room, Tuition, Waeh in g and Incidentala,S fib, pay
able one-half In advance.
ffir See Circulars. . • DATED WILSON,
•uarlAlv rein cinai n o d Prrnsriotnr. Pert Roy.; Pfl
I_ll I D E, 0 1 L AMO LicAlrnErt sTcpRE.—
Jul D..III_RKPATRIOH k 50N5,N0.,21 S. THIRD St, i be
aeon Market and Chestnut Streets, Philadelphia, have for
Dry end Green Salted Patna Rips, Tanner's Oil, Tanner's
and Gurrier's Tools at theloweat prices, and upon the beet
Allr. All kinds of Leather .In the rough wanrid,for
whleh the highest market price will be given In cash, GI
taken ezehang
.9 A:4'11'144. -T.i.atbas fr.. 03j 4 !hart
• 99.90,1 .99 .9.9999999140999
19920.1 9-
We are happY to announce that we have completed
arrangements with the Sdlnburgh Publishers, by which
we shall be able to eouthw e the price of the above value.
ble Commentary, is heretofore, at $B.OO net, Or by mail,
postage pre.paid. for $lO.OO.
Or, Introduction to the Eregetical Study of tbe New Teets,
meat. See. Cloth. $2.00 net, or by mail, prepaid, $2.50..
The R.evetation of John tho i Divine; or, New.TheorY of
the Apocalypse, corrobaieted by Daniel and the other
S etaprop By Samuel S. Ralsto - n.Cloth, $1 00.
large aa Rare and Standard Theolog.
teal atiirßeligioue Backe, for Cale et low prices.
ENGLISH k CO., . •
Booksellers and Importers,
40 North-Stith B t4Phils, • •
i ntS-ly
Nn. 59 Washington. Street, Boston:
WE, beg leave to call the atten
tion of the Trade, and more
especially the Physicians of the
country, to two of the most popu
lar remedies now before the public.
We refer to
Dr. Chas, Id 'Lane' s Celebrated
Verrnifuge and. Liver Pills.
We do not recommend them as
universal Cure-alls, but simply for
what purports, viz.:
For expelling Worms from the
human system. it has also been
administered with the most satis
factory results to various Animals
subject to Worms.
Far the cure of LIVER COMPLAINTS,
HEAD-,-ACILE, &C. cases of
preparat9ry to or alter taking Pui
nine, they almost invariably make
a speedy and permanent cure.
As specifics for the above men
tioned diseases, they are Unrivaled,
and never known to fail. when ad
ministered in accordance with the
Their unprecedented popularity
has induced the proprietors,
to dispose of their Drug business,
in which they have been success
fully engaged for the last Twenty
:Years, and they will now give their
undivided time and attention to
their manufacture. And being de
termined that Dr. M'Lane's Cele
brated: Vermifuge and Liver Pills
shall continue to occupy the high
position they now hold among the
great remedies of the day, they
will continue to spare neither time
nor expense in procUring the Best
and Purest material, and com
pound them in the most thorough
mariner. Address all orders to
FLEDLENG EROS. Pittsburgh, Pa.
P.S. Dealers and - Physicians ordering from others
than Fleming Bros., will do well to ,write their orders
distinctly, and take sone but Dr. .W.Torne's, prepared by
Pleinilig - Bios. Pittsburgh, Pr. = To 'those wishing to give
them a trial, we will forward per mail, post paid, to any
part of the Unit& States, one box ofPi)ls 'for twelve
three : seat postage stampia,, or one vial of Nermifuge for
fOrirteeo three-cent stamps. 'till orders frail. Canada mast
be literacpardecthy:twenty_cents extra •
The WINTER ISESSION of 1858-9, commence on
the .Isth day: of October, and continue sixteen weeks. A
fall Said:thorough Connie of Lectures - will be given, occupy
ing six or seven' ioims daily, with good opportunitiesfor at.
tenth& to practical Anatomy, and with ample Clinical facil
ities it the Commercial Hospital.
The arrangement of the Chairs will be as follows:
E. sr. Joint,
• Prolamin of Anatomy and Physiology.
J. F. JUDGE, N D.. •
Profaner...of Chemistry and Pharmacy.
• HOWE.M.D.,
• Professor of Surgery.
Professor of Materia Medics and Therapeutics.
Professorof Medical Practice and Pathology.
Emeritus Professor of Cerebral '2hyaiolOgy and Institutes
of Medichm.
•7011 N, RING, MD.,
Professor of Obstetrics and Diseases of Women and
The Terms for the, Session will be the same as heretofore,
viE.:—Matkieulation, $5.00. Tuition, $20.00! Demonstra.
tor's Ticket, $5.00. (Avery Student is required to engage in
dissection one session „before graduation.) Graduation,
$25.00. Ticket to Commercial (optional,) $5.00.
The Lectureltooms ,are newly finished, neat, and com
fortable, and in'a central locality (in College Hall, Walnut
Street,) ,where students will sind it convenient to call on
their arrival.
Tickets for the session may be obtained of the Dean of
The Faculty; at his, office, No. 113 Smith Street, or of Pref.
0.11. Oleaveland, hecretary of the Paeulty, No. 139 Seventh
Street, near Elm. JOHN MN% MD., Dean.
IL with Hie is nett request iptbuindrede of their pa
Have concluded to remain
E 3,4 EA' L .1" IN PITT. BUR
And may be consulted at their office,
Daily, (except Sundays) for CONSUMPTION., ASTHMA,
p!' with or causing Pramonasy Diastme, including Ca
tarrh, Heart Disease, Affections of the Liver, Dyspepsia,
GasUitia, Female Complaints, etc.
• DEC PITCH A SYNNS would state that their treatment
of Consumption is based upon the feetthattbedieeaSe exists
in the blood and system at large, both before and during IN
develop - moist in the lunge, and they therefore employ Me
chanised, Hygienic and Medicinal remedies to purify tba
blood' and strengthen the system. With these they use
Medicinal Inhalations, which they value highly, but only*,
painatives, (baring no curative effect when used alone,) and
txtiFalide are earnestly. cautioned against westing the precide a
tinge of curability on any treatment based upon the plausi
ble; but false idea that the seat of the disease ten be
reached in a direct manner by Inhalation, " for as before
stated, the seat of the disease is in the bloo and its effects
°Wyatt the lunge.
Sir Ncr ; charge for consultation.
A list of hriestlons will be sent to those wishing to con
suit us by letter.
Jut tf
FY • " the 'nubile to the
Where may be found a large assortment of all kinde • f
Dry Goode, required In furnishing , '" house thus BSTi/ g
the trouble usually erperienosd hunting mach artie ex
in various places. In conseweee of our giving o'e t
tention to this kind of stock, the exchtsion of do ea
and fancy goods, we can guaran our prices and sty.e;
Mitre the most favorable in the mai.ket.
we are able to give perfect satienotion, being the OLDIi
XSTIVUT Anlp Lin+ Smug IN 113. CITY '
and ring been
for more than twenty years rege vir isn portiere from eons
of;the best mane retnrere In Inland. W. offer also
large stook of
of the beat qualities to be obtained. and at the veryiewert
prima. Also, Blankets, Quilts; Sheetings, Tiektngr , De•
mask Table Cloths, and Napkb a, Towelling', Diapers,
Nuckabace, Table and Piano Co.urs, Damasks and No
reen" 'Zee And Muslin Ourtai. s, Diraltse, Furniture
ablirt ' ses, Window Shadings, &e., ,k.
/11:19:. corner CIEBSTNIII` and SZVENTH Ste.
WNW TEA WA rt IC ill 0 1.1 SE-1011130L
114 Smithfield Street, Pittsburgh, (nearly oppoeite the Cm -
tom House,) have just opened a very choice selection of
Of the latest importation's. Also,
New Orleans, Cabs, Coffee, F Crue EES hed and Pulverised Sugertv
Rice, Rice-Flour, Pearl and Corn Starch, Farina, Yeast Pow-'
dere, Macoaroni, Vermicelli , Cocoa, Broma, Extra No. 1, an d
Spiced Chocolate, Pure Ground Spies,. Castile, Almond:
Toilet,Telm,klerman, and Rosin Soaps. Sup. Carbonate 0.
Soda;, Cream Tartar; Extra Nine Table Salt; Pure Extrarts
Lemon and Vanilla; Star, Mould. and Dipped Candice; Sa
xer Cared Hams; Dried Reef;' Water, Batter,Snpr and
Soda Crackers ; Foreign Fruits, &f:
This stock has been purchased for CA SH,and will be offer•
ed to, the Trade snd , also toyarnilles, at very moderate ad
wince s. from w Toe reapwrt f o ll y solicit a share of patron.
LISEIMENT—Loested at Hayaville Station, on the
Pittsburgh, Ft. Wayne and Chien° Railroad. and Chic,
River, ten miles Weld of the City. This institution emu
bines superior advantages, for the successful twatinent and
complete cure 6 1 '411ga/um, 'We would eepecislly invite the
attention of females who have sufferedor years, and have
almost despaired of ever finding relief to our establish
ment. 'We can recommend this institution to female suffer.
era with' great confidence, as In our long experience in
diseases peculiar to their sex, we have bad an almost
form success. We arill . gladly give any further information
to those . who, desirolt. Address Pox 1304, Pittsburgh, Pa.
.30E42913 BURFORD, M. D., p hysiejam.
' ap2441 , '• - 11,PlI_RA SE, M. /),
• 1. BRITTON & CO.,
4 1.ANint&pTurezits, & WHOLESALE AND RETAIL
No-at NcirtfiSECOEP Street, above Market, Phiiadelphin.
Thelarseqt, oheepeet, and beet assortment of PLAIN and
FANCY EL... TDB of Any other establithment in the BAIL d
States; ^7 ;
tREgALRING prctoptly attended to. Etre or a eedl
tiefryorbleOvis. fog-1y