Presbyterian banner & advocate. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1855-1860, September 25, 1858, Image 2

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rower again. Peo* in Ireland say, , he in
tends to build a nettnansion on his Sligo
estate, and Rattle doiwb there in quietude for
the rest of his life I But people here will
naturally-say,f-of such an oldpolitioabstager,4. l
" We don't believe a word of it 1"
The merob'ante here; cOnneeted with the
China trade ; are in good spirits, especially
those who lost their property at Canton, and
tot the lonersl body a fine , prospect is opened
up, of unprecedented_ trade with the Celes
tial - Empire.
- 111 4tik is web , tiie e_cwrisekn public, both
hire and in the Unleed , Stites, Whioh ought
to see the overruling 1i5nA1_0f.,.424 in this
weliaricis access to the very Capital zrai.
ni, for the . Bible and, the !Garnet. 4v
chur9ktes , ,so
, pir . i . yip4, tilp i ready ,r witb men ,
4 .1 :41_ 4 , i f e l "* hllO-148:11:- to` '°nt!i.o,
e ir e tf ;14°0 1 Y . .on Pil? 3 9bleinul7.,
ThitlesLiltAndoitinitair. continue to im •
prowess ~. The newel IfromAilte Fraser Rivet".
gold diggings stimulates our merchant navy
. ttifthell'enterprise, in t estrying , out clothing
op& iprovisionet to.--rehaAflediinia., The
Manchester trade, .espeoisilly in articles,:for
Indits'iS feetitetiving. .or 'el. ,i • • , 4
ad**bitereatint" fi l 'S
tici 4id,'plie:
IrrittlietiniiinligeoAleitisii of the ' nittionLu
idliiitaied'snd'dlitimiiiil 06 atis'otrei *id;
tice r lSiiiibltet, iltiiittrh Mr. 6freelq,iti'vb*,.
Vein . " )41 {' ekinVikitioes. Wit, as ' well iv
sib ii le ) Vrbilglit by We priiii4tilleit;
i i
oft l i t tt iiileition. "'Wei • P;1/124, . OF:1014 . 1'
ilitill glialj l ;ilitilirtk 't
A': m9O - i - pktf..:
Flirtatt Oirtitiliii,Palf4...:4l)o" ,t a qt ,:j 4
k tili k
1 14 it:
.11 ' . '1 . 6 "I 1 41 i DI ( !It :17nt i tilai
a ct. - 6 5 9gie;h •P : ,I dt i* Ml ittrl:i nd tt i. tp ,
tli Ilitliti,',.tit i eai4tOilr . is, b itii, Slitteiitt :
Site mil ill& iiith "thi" *4 (. 4 1, . i Wet
0 Witi•Whis i t' rtiVii:littinfi, ^ gorM, ; aliila
ii r° "Atid'iiii:l o o 4 4oltirldfig iivi4;'
ii cfr Siii' d (B ' " , cir oiroid;rielow
siiiiih:rii4iff 1 ^ 'a', afficitAly,iik; Ida A'
iv ii i
p oiti e ' ta i l .1% t .ic, ... 1' • .s I . 4,1' • , r y , 1
NAtiN C i atai r 4 ag li trill ' il l igg.l paihe
petilaea ‘ef " fil t 44 hirl4 'TA* 'te 466 ii
ofqffi , ," ': ° Clie"iteirldititilahati;AVA
11131Nr.1 , ." 1 , w atia:liitli iiiCtit ititereft
iliM,rick. ~ d,hai4a; 116 na c feeeie
libettr loiliii.fitieti.` The 'BielOp le, P l h c a)
liftVto 421 , 1 1 14t0iRt it: ColihAnissiall id fl.hquir.y,
OVAiiit nothing ruse' worthYdcAtkiic
titahlploinde,49tud,flugstousAmAl " n so t
A itswbsisi erty sir) AC it( I Airs) .. Si -TAW). Is •I'i
-opt isktersivatis'e*ethivit
vialiiradeiVeit; Oritkd vlideto Bb
h tit Vito
timaithity nied'efrk; , aiat
111b11, , jthv iirediede khoill effects! ' Era 'agile!!
thall *Air
dill aiiatiifte the' (*Vin; ad *alit hit?
get e ponalm c,a.) IA .bvi .n;a
Otiw ,aftwona bna ,akboiqpvi ontv• I. ni
.t 1)
fffft 0:1111t 1 . 6 h
4 o,
'LW Mr 4 B , lO - • Al
49WilnikAtabaci church f in airminghanii ,
xtritingdoiislnuty, Role a ,:•-) aza
ellitritiMolcuaorkr`l- !Mar '''',Ster'—'l l he
tOdunq, a Ifitlthe fiat! SibbatiCoUthUt
atti. 691Amlpprtioni-).we're frereeived'Afit&
llowehill)ofttfmichuroht,;,of ;whonii ix' were'
ieoeivedizoSi eiiinin i atibmfuTifek , ' it;
party of Abio.frtiiticot- tv•gribioualtQfieshibe
which aisi;:biere icictied4:l thie Aura ditr2
/the eEtuoineri e Thi s pibibig
" 1 ; ' •
fly flyfQlp*the Ai Mountain' 'Eremite'
yge which . 6 ci
Grier; •a
arieria gradusieV Lafkiette College; ilia
ant elder, of this , ohtircih. Nearly. all the
boarder!, who ware not 'already pima; were
the , flubjegte of the gracious work. Moat of
them are waiting to unite 'with the ehureh
at 'homeni. There ire; others in the oongre
gatidit. Who, will be; received' hereafter. •
4. few/ other :statements are neroelasaty to
make it °Nair hovitilist'afbleasing htui Veen
received by this congregation: In `Apiil, it
in in's' Very discouiligingetate, , tinmbetring
thirty - members. b.liccoe'sequinle of its de- .
pleased state , ; a number - eV P
prdfeeiers °re=
ligion who ware living inlitstlxtundii declined
traldng cannextoti'nwiih' At 'ttfii
communion in , Jtibei;tsixtien perions wnre
received' into qtte Lfellowship,
_of' 'slit
ken, on fexaini nation:ll `Tliusi rtibeiltir:#4ok:
sons, have been received; neailyrdcitifilingita
membership, in Sve.tnotitha2 lAll thole who
properly heloit to itidursre titkett' ibeir con
nexion:with it Or Elibbaile Siihoolt of over
ftftp has beeirestablisheilli Weekly
prayer-meeting basobeiin commenci)l;ih r d tt
Lai well sustained; and all are 'feeling greatly
encourage(' and animated. This'chttrohlex;
claims, with/thankfulness; "God lias'donei
ghat dais for tut, whereof 'wep are
would. record ' the grace to • theltraise of
hialgamel, find (the encouragementi of tithe's:
leln :at) .1 : pAT A i s kihroi
ori hqa • ;
Y[ Bo! e
Banns; d ,
and Avocate.
• That ; pro of,Pitlisburgi
wiThe :Session of !the , Presbyterian ohnrOh
Ind3lairsvijle, hwring.itlreidyindioited their
anquieKcenee.irr projiosed IConve ntion for
prayer one day preceding that to which the
s3(tlad • Of.r fittibtfrghie shills , adjourned , .
would, in' thin . more efotilisl installer extend
aveordial -bivitationl7 tna ther'membersl of
Synod,, and to -the frigid! of- , `the came
ptitist , getierallyilatnietit Iliad . .. for that
e . ~ • • vg;
tord'er to ,fseilitate , ahangernente efoi
their i!esiernmodatlein9 tnemberit of•Synoit Rio
mnested toindicate theirintention of beizfg
present, by letter, totthe Session:
committee; willxbe tin ,attendaillielsi3liiii
church, on the opening of the , Convention;
fpr,the ituirpose.;:of 'assigning, mendiers their
places of. entertaininen r+; ' a:. z."
ddesurion suggest, that;. in their jndg.l
went, Convention iwilli , b e•Ch t 'attend ed
ktypite ipeetingtonliVikednesday, r ing 21?o'illock
P. M. .sizatr4i entivg
..117° VAlt.94/MttiLYl4.4llll.4.#44iPPit
,51 n for thePrepollyterguill'imeatiaimaitivep,! , R7 l l
To' the aB7nOQ Noitlierii
- • . Pludissw.
" "DEAR Blttillionac undersi
being appreed " ofC'sr''deeire C . on the part 'of
thSrlfienthgri OtSAiod, and havioi,
Pecliaived apprbliation, of the if t.
I" t o eahl . aptly and
Itifectibl3 o frixtte 'H the 'Timbers . of
Synod Qs" rin6iit' ; `6li VedxfiedaYL
Wtober'2otki,iiiel o'clock; 'for 'the PWrp?se
d r aPenaifit( dey'in iuliedie eonibrencf.
Wait piajeir Ifo (lOC ,that 4 A titnes 'of
' Presence of
1)16 ',
othweltes)ind u pon all our
iihiAbotWi.:r•A Mod'r.
6 . 1
E. W.' ifif" - Stated Olerk.,'
r S. =-:76:' oOriiiitiee' will be found' in the
bliSlonneirt tbrOtiktiont the day
on"Wetnesday,, ret‘idy to 4aeTunpany*eni
,beraLtcetkeitilodgii4s: , •
. .
A PitagsrreerAri Cunene', (0. S.) weg
ilediested. ,Leayonwcrtb, K.. T., on the
244.54 41tee. rite, site -is the most eligible
other church edifies
in that city, is the Roman Catholic.
k' \
glinntr Nrboudt.
TsBllngtoesl.6o, to &deflates; or IA Clubs
11415$ or, dilleered at residences of thabeerte
here. .1.75...8ee Prot/pestles, oh Third Pogo.
SWAL■ ahowid be prompt; ll' littl.
while before the year expires, that we say
fullarrangematotts for a steady aupplyi
RED indfaatas that Wa
de/sire a renovrailr v irkboorev•r, 11l the
lit iaalllag, thlli Apia should be omitted, ors •
Junia.our-trlandl.wlll_ main uot rOlll • t 1111.1k,Z;
IGNEITTANCEII.-13 end payment by sof,
kauflpe ip . rhou mime nitust. Or, mad by uopflo
4 4 .dfi t ur iayo, and troubling
nonoutyitillt it'lifininliolio of what yOU'Uni
antog. fd Si S!Lfsi' fat,saada Droi%oo!'
ittgit:biotol•••illnkononitir• parirstoondso•ol
or susiiaQaNl , , yg '• •
TO Baud pottuge stumps,
ar Willi - Ina for nor* papers; say in
or novoutynuntborno or el for Thirtik.turio
nitooloro. •" • - .
Anglia* At c gopturi. and Conununtoattoul. i
to Itifir4; DAVID, 4soIKIIIIIKI. Pittsburgh,
o 4111 , ; ; 12 1 •• r:
licßefrAlWlßelf÷rlV 4 o,lll.nre reveiTed ,
ten dollars , froini4iH: 1H.133;" , Shelbyville ?
Vititzibmin :iippiopiiitie•sli
cr i ate t d. .J 11 • ' ' '
. • • • • i•• 4 • , f , t •
Presbytery; we
are informed,has by, a ir,nanmons i yo l tp, a*,
PiPP o 4itia‘ ll -t 4 ; 4113 Fienfe;40
an Aisoiriate.fleoretary in the Board . off': =:•
4 0 11 1 40:.,iiiilakqtaA:; :I^ !
This Inatititibn dituatednttWavelind; Ind , VI
okii the' (11:tald'gtie fiir:llBs7-82 ' Total
! y `r'`; 116 4 , 1
• •
45 ;1 0 • ' '
N V I ,CT A P ,S3II •UTP II ' 1. 1 1
PariariateisolijAredi by. DrhEleoit; raised,
byraeolleetticavindusiiiiseritoiiba eirtbe
girlY 25th;14,006; t in a iiiiiatit'ade
1:1 1T1` , : ft/ 51N 1: 444 1 P. ot".4f1Z 4 19111 1 . Allt)
signs mettatLpetroitii•On the 7ith!la* , : ,
atteidaneelias large... The l•rodaiptelfoiftha , s
14 . ii , 'Weie'10.4080; 1 1ild
114.41WHoiltina - i) ii4Asident;•Ooett
iieel4cohair. 41 i'‘! •
h.fta x4:-.1"1? I, !PIA:
iTiCE tßECJAPTlniapilAritroJahiL -- r:Wei•eee!% -
itistitted : that ohelroliiiitornieeigtdifialdne
in Npw York hak ooneented to to ta``obarge
of Id
Ilif;oitillircip-of the Qom"!
pony of s the , re4pturedoAtfrieatie, ;now-being: t :
ieteon4eyeiduidi thaiftiiite !if/vitriol,. fiehit9
Chris t Wade° 04-rw..! .!•
frtitb l oa !•••
i r lildßiLiseliiiiisiadfkibitiliffte! )
li n g itli x/ ay
9 f ..
dvyr4 r.
,77,1 1 1.t.t..11
A ~ TrielPM° . oB 4 , 7 .4 , Msti-t
3 1 4fm , '4 1 1,e7 1 4107.1 Atif.xemilt pf Pic tin
tihkught,i old+ it; diTittenaniitivi agreat i torei 4
9xough* eniti-iii thit tsbiiilin'tififf..i'Velliti
ip.,eilide , d' ikl i ' i iiile i ' &Li: giiiii lifliteilliiii Viet, '
, =, il•liT v• r! kW , • :.: L yuillp.l.lii in,w er ; r
VlATtrithAf4 gidArictittM *fr.
=um, • .h., r1;1 i.l) v.' , r_ ‘r mi. , : r•.:y ;.. c
,':ri '.' "=bt'it. ..16 01.-2 1.%)
t,, , ..1 ) J... 41 !L"
:rpm The Two , Colleges... V!:
We have.two artioltia,
frOrTilties;g 4 g l ealloii
of! icJOhn ".On College EndoWnient. We
regret that they. did not , arrive a day or two,
sooner. We'should like •to lay them before'
the Synod of Allegheny, if, it were pried-.
cable. Theyboth favor a union ofJefferson.
Washington Colleges, if terms . wta 14 .
agreed npon.t L We; APP.: to• publiak *is ;
next week, , • . • - • -• • ••
One 'of the ritere; after laying der: four'
oittiletes, 4444 foutr "1114, ea'pi*W.
one : is . "hen only plan „in its outline
features at leaat, • on ,which union, can bet se
cured at ell. -.1.t is this: •'
"To(runite the q - Colleges on the Uniiersity
method ; divide the University into two Schools,
one at Canonsbnrg,,the other, at Washington; one
of . these Schools to consist of the Preparatory .
Deparinient, - Presti'man and Senior Class ; the
other of the Sophomore and Junior' Class, to
gethei with a 'Scientific ,Sohnol of , a high order,
embracing also an 'English Department in which
shouhi be, thoroughly taught, Grammar, (in its
higher 'applications,) ,Belles Lettres, Rhetoric,.
Logic and 'Elocution; Abe studies *to he so -sr!,
ranged,' that the .studies of this Scientific and
English School would be included (so far as re
quired) in the Sophomore and Junior years of that
regular,course, and thus far avoid the necessity of
ehßloying two, sets of Professors." _", •
• ,4 If the place for each School:Cannot be agreed,
an; lef the matter be determined by iunpires, or ,
b ylot." ' , . •
The'' f'
• oth e r writer avers t epuggestain •o
• s . • (;:., • •
"Sohn," but ' Nrofthlaiiike it catae 2/46 4106
**MAW PreoYienallAYP94
vitedliamibeanionovitit ; th e ? equsEirislit;,
proJratt4:of appoliitthg -Trustee:lu Hetilididd`
efedwhivite - the 'Ref:limed' •
•,- • . r., Ai; I
r v )Detutact.
1,.;; ,
AMinPußOMsP9Rmen(leia 111
jir ,
linuire of the Pmbiitetictiraßtittearvinik
nearly roornplete's ~the aftfilifft,
dtioe:'The'ininiiiplie of theieiiii4'
*l ll 9lgr i /0: . "
altdi*aP.rietlYCl"natlrrktiVeien: the'Prinei•e.
pletr,spolity; indlinstitutioustaf :our• Chard,-
kvliile'Vre are eicientlyProgteeeive'in tetaid,
) „ or.: ;
to 0 the divinely oratainea instrumentalities
3/. 4:13 ' s 1 '3' .0. ..1.%0
i f 9 rA t ' ll A prP gr Si! tie GzePel
Age, hence. muchafreedonti
puesion on Oliniekiffaire: ' 'Trith r :tind 'true ,
stpi . ight linud i uet, feiol:6l the'
iiiiht. l : . llte` . niere they are examined the.
leer . ° they be ap reciated .
• In.
Feelerreabyterianism, every,Church, is an in
pager, and every pesiormer. integer. _ Each
assn equalriglit to Paieeipate in 'public
affairs—in directing as well as in obeying.
kenos all should be well, informed on all
eburchimatters., ,
The''''Preibytericin Banner and Advocate r, dveltq, ,
faithfully; tearlessly, honestly
NV to eirdialate information on all im
portant tnihjects connected with' Zion's in-
tereste. General matters; °reign and do-
=esti° will, as heretofore; - eive attention. ,
!The tabittnif readerirof "urnal will be
areliinfortned ins •
Our. of; Pre - PaYmftt ap
'proved of, , but it infers the neces of •much
attention, nn the part - of pastors, eildeig; and
otheildandi4 ip keep 1-,19 as well aa'to'e.Ttend
itha'aididOpli on I;st
f.iii* * 46l,thie number to , all subscribers •
ishome...3fik : juis terminated, in hopeal that
'they will order renewals.
The Secretaryship a fhtiroh Interest..
The efforts(of a few 4n, in and near the
Presbyterian's office, in Philadelphia, to
Paiwthemilisouseion.of the Associate Secre
taryship a matter of ours, in its origin and
eo'ntintancie; may justify r us in presenting
some facts in the case, though part-of them
are a re-iteration. , 1 ~; r1:14.
The subject was brought bolero the As-
sembly'e Committee on
grhuivjp The;
Committee, Lwelve in number, unanimously
e — iiriirol,Ve - Xeaeall The
Ethtor ,qf the PtlegflPfr#;?. Banner and,
Advocate, ,being in ,the.:Committee's k chair,
was in duty bound to narite the; .resolution,
and to"diffend ib the:Meek*.'" Efforts
were` made by differi3iiiiieiSdna to 'amend it,
butl;ithout success . It vies OpPosed by a-'
fey', of tlic ablept men r but was .
umphantly. Inuopponents -did - •not even , '
call for ti divitionlon the-'queation. '
. • •
The Rotten : of the Alsen?bly . .* pa •fol-,1
UL.. .
Affable d, That in- vie* . Of Abe many de-:
• taandraspon the treasury, and also 41. the- happy,
working aail3right,,prospects of
. thejecheme.of:
Systematic Benevolence, Assembly suggest to,
the Beard tbaPreprietY
, of neneidering, the - ques--
tkin, service's of an isseciate Beal'
rlitafyPAnight , rititlbe disip4tsedt with; and the!
~amount of Attersalary:of .th‘noffilie eared ; , (whilst
tlie : Alinsembly 'cherish contdepee e r,egy k rk
'for the brcither now holding• ihit , e4oploh}tmenA•
' OThe;olanise-maiked Oketewsiqofielo
tika jritikolitipa; offered' iineplassiaN`
next di4,sit-the iisq4ni!t of
*o*onmbent s. f
':The: Editor lifterivarde attendedithe meeti.
iiig of Board,'Jun - e - 28triwlibn
•! . -•
week follinripg pnbhahad . qie ) Board's
011 ~.:•rA • • • ' • • • •• •'
prooeedingid ISinee; thep.Acaws N:alaent
filicOat*t!,!Mie..maaulo , 4,Pileneevgi
should, at-inset, above , hieadifenne;
d ' 0
gkofee;;''iihittiniz - ehiko reve-
Ilya( !ffi Olio* ' &fisditie" ,
1 04.:# 1 14014 ; tAi'Ptef- 30 PA 1 ?t ' hve ] 4,
rultliy)pai4cTs:R2.4 city, 41e1:8 peak in Aft
eohnensii ilium:Leh-es they spelk very•pleine
ly.!•i in .ease it is' her 4 for s
please () l ien' ' - 'fiiende f 4 beti
• tr.): ' ".1). • 3 11l IL' 1•344 •3
believe #llt safety Mt connecte d with much
heedem : efrepeeoh,,apel witk inAhe
light, ia~.with publio , Wiee whichtdo noth
ibrtfist.' rietde to 4)6 Oin46esle'd •• from :their
denititueite, :honest, bigit
;,)•• v .
1 1 1F,ig 1 4 °P.FPIP,. II !I I IO I ,_"IS* , YflPh.Pu; ,c‘ 43 nl
•40,tioluktof: ditty. We have, ia,all 'this, acted
in altinkr conscientious
to'ciur effoits..te'biing doie
the, Rnet .. ?, ; raieti,A,e e)iarmqii iSf 'the
4 117 9, 1 , 01 f5 , !ie,FP/fraPer AO?, while one ; of
the most selfdenying, aid ,disittetested, is
els!) really one of2the , thost usefulisiitions•rof
olitti life:" 'We bilirlilifl - 64ek
doubt 4 • • . - "V. .t r•t.4 114 ! ' l 4" f
but that God wonla '1) It &ready
, • • I - 4..! Jr .4 •J. .;
tol tl Ylg be k 4l 4 49 le4 l3 .•' / P n • chkr '4 4 F1 4 0R,Y
riotibe-esunied out in , all , partieulartylsis . they
*lire horin? the: - lime alluded 111np'.41id
w D''fite , bare of "sill k itike
.• • • •
R l l444444o4 l l=ftglgumb
T ate,the F eby *wed, -izid in her.
• t
But, in: OHS vivaria we have not stood
alone, nor lean4onli4on our 'own jug-
meet. This is - made manifest by our able
correspondents. And we wish now to make
still more manifest. We. coniot publish
all the • communication; 'we' have, 'thoug h
pre ; are tr U ly, thankful, for: them. They
strengthen_ anal cheer us. From some letters
we give verrbrief extractec as follows : -
1. ' •" The day for expensive agenpiettbaa
gone by. Pastors Ind Session's bin riiiii . as
much money for the'Boards without a
agent, ire .fivith :one. .E Some. °title:people,
for the sake of. econom y , prefer to have' it
,Least of all' is the agekcy . ...oftpi. gr . ,-
periett, or anypie'iilif, ri(404441'..,:i.r5it
Presbyteries and'• thn r,., snit : talk „with
pastor', and ., Sessions ., .. Why, pay an. Ass°.
ciatelleertitarylliSiX!• year , and expenses,
fol,dO 160 'not .bie: . latts.T.irOtny'4oires
litili 'Pi ; do, 446 the • s , on ei, : Wotild' i liesp: ken
twelve. •mPisionari in so many • fields,
rlohogrthe Lord's work • I have talked with
some. six brethren n our , Presbyter y ? and
they all sympathize 'cordially with your
- views:" • ,
2. " Keay follny elf, and I sweet many
~ i, • • it.- 1
other's, wed l not nig Why the tcyrpn,should
ibt" lie 'supersediid.q . . : •Theiepetition''is a
Blemish ibit ijial'penideeinoiddndiiiii4
!for 'do we see wily 'the AiiilieLiteSeiireiaily:
Shotild he crintinriedotheiiihe'inia"witrolias
the'effitie *oil to,dk erry's hefilnes dot
3. " I am - very sorry the'Board of Mit.
sioos retained -Mr. Happervett. Ide Alio
continue to dismiss the'mattee •
.4. "Yo*" . recent efforts 0 4 oh° grt
Aecretarysii,ip. eet `
with,; a cordi al /r,eappprln
on the
• Rart — et both people and Nosfrop
01 1 0eiatot. this region, as, kit*,
Yu* deith!ipnienta will do good.;
911 . * *9.lh Tut and justice on
you persevere:.l6 your
141'4)0 „nffortit to', maintain the right,
to e4p9o4:ooiruption ,and inisnianagement
inplaces, and :to enforce Obedience
t',6 111.0110QUil , theGfeneril
kiepiiil4,lf, you do so, you , will greatly
promote safety and welfare of Zion,
yen' :will, be sustained . : by', thousands ,of
r tbristians, ministers and laymen,
and:yenfwill 'deserve the lasting gratitude
of the iibele horch."
6. "'"We r gre pleased with yourlposition
on the 13oird sulijedi. ',the Boards must
learn to obey, o r the churches will dispense
with Weir service. VVe read llie...ketbsete .
min , as'well as the Banner?!.' , „
- 7. "`Kee p up , the gentlemano snit —hrie
thin agitation of
,the subject; nd7. feet an
entire conviction'Aiti you will tie 'enetefeed
by a large inajOriti"of'the bri4ren,:Autt an
well as West." • ,
8.: " I hOpe yquowill stand u-p
for truth
and' right, as you:havibep,un. I hope , pre
never may,:be 'pe rm itted in our .01 1 164,i1i f •
a . 'nd sineeures?"
'" I 'sin,'a l to in form g a yen .t .
;opine you lta!'taken , the Assoc
gives the "most'2Stink
to the ship."
10. "I'approve and' applaud you , and
Dr. Musgrave for your position and moral
11. "1 have been Inch gratified, at the
firm and independent course yon have pur
sued in reprd to the &fleabite Seeretar y _
IZ. "You have my., 'sympathy . in your
efforts to haie the 13 044 , ,of.Detheatio Mis
sions cleared - ofsoneoure ofsocutte
y -
• •
• 13. oanntit7withhoh4 nty. word of ar
probation of your course ,and to
particular of your posit - ills regard a- the
Boards of Publication a Doonestio Mk
-14. Id km.,ls . n t . . to see an •
correspond with sere . •irlisteit 'of our
Church of late r .'whoek.-good..sense Presby
terianism, and r fyiend lineso.for tits At•ar i tio,
one viho 'knows." them can doubt ; and they
have all expressed their approval . of your
course. The Church wants no sinecures."
s:ls.* 'The' ministers` and? oborchasi,o4
far as I know their sentiments, are with you,
-and-hope yon will not be deterred - by the
uncalled for severities of Philadelphia and
New-York." . •
/6. "I am exceedingly pleased. with the
calm and dignified, spirit which. has Tervaded
your- articles int .the Secretaryship contra.
off,,, .
to., " • I 'trust. you, will go on ,with the
diaentision lour 'calm, dignified manner,
till the evils are.removed." • .
," ' , fully approve of your' cot:le i in. .
regard to the. Associate Secretaryship."
19. ".Your course on the( Associate Sec
retary, questfen;,,is 'highly approved in this .
quarter. --Go 6n, , dear. brother', boldly cow
ageouSly, .andmithout being ruffledpindiyou'
will lave the people,with you!' . .
1:20. Everylone whom I; have nen, is:
rejoiced at your terse, pointed, /mid reply
*Whist Rresbyterioc,n., :Every word in it
opi,have only. to •goion as. you
.intveviut,heitio *lnducted theloontrinoicy."
-.2. . .
1.,-- as klave , never , read the - .S'eaner
with mereFinterest thaM.of viate ; and
evidende •that 'yOtir ooutie ;in the diseinalion
in regard , to the rebenti fiction of two of , our
Poards, meets the apprnbation of Presbjite-
Alma there.Fr in wm ~.: f ..r.: ,- , Li ,i, . ..: , I .
1., 22:1 “.tibidittatll4lspeed in stiekingite•
rear integritY, se , relateanto:. the:Boards, iSte4
Nyb, matt .:the, 4 truthl; in' t... its ejoiews :4,myi
lieartithatlyokoluive been eerrkelrdireeted ,
lateralkJ/ten* :the p?opletveletwiento) , the!
Oeoreteryshipel 4. 1 (1 ,-(r :3NoMpitou r. :, L
! 438:4 1 $7Getn,;detir Deotea,"*ymir.straight •
tonnudiitisyieltting omirse.,illet.the ohnreh-.
et ineWstbe..eourse of theinpublio servanta •
snlit•holp.their seored4undanilllt'elpende4-
i nditberwill-,•&!am sahitsfied;:nestein 4on:!'r
~' 2;4*i fitiYottiptiveelesia 'stela end abiding'
*oharaeieh kr beveiteken,finidido -jet lake,.
thitibod , ol4l•A'esbyco:ide. I ifiietioVe then.
teientylitir pile vitileis ilSeilei is trear and ' '
iialehtifirAfeeklyi viiiitititi ih' &iny Taiiily.
'kite in 0 31110 venerabfeiroldi',pitrisiiohil'
itcldieictil. ./ BravelyAeriiititrily -did . he
Ole*. hirojelf in tolth e bible's,. froin(lBB6'44
18401=Ithe Abed- that 'tried; the tite•Preehp
lerien'etnitx-Itistreh'l *tem edrry tiiit - he hie/
goi.on ) thet Wtongleiderabittit the Eitert4art,'
48 3 1.1HyliablubliiiiitiOdi )o sven ) , , lird, not%
geed ord4.ia eir, 'if lit tlefiolic4l4466d W ay
ink , hie Ohriage,' anli ' deaf/ nnt; Eibitithoneah
What than lieentiethit-ivholi ivill:b0? 01.14r0w
7-7 - 71 --
ADltainney,7you are Osten Lug' ` the
right; ;:tioivoriderAt-ydiOntkikip:optioititifin .
'highd 3 plo6sl4•Ralltit.
ties, his , c6riedine cniltie 'mute
qiiestions and 'wiiirek , tip ifinendoei, with a:
pen evideatlyidi*d 'the Venolkr ;Of•tiif
Salient itit'wbiild nail& ''motives in.
this'ootiteet - ont to 'the , feeiser keel)"
the- argWinents': before- the 4 , oiiiirch. l Theist
aiwiniiny'sob . er i 'honestirnetii who' will sdatiid
141;* Whilst you stabil:lolld poeitiolijibit
hi ev ettk ei o;.,. s. A ?.1,.:111,
i thelainietere I meet her r e (in Piiilitilelphia,)
Kiirea;ti .ge))401 'Oozie*reiiee'With your
„, 7 '
• nge.. Seem''s yo efitrirrie o . - g; •
; the pipers.) So much thealord , reaeon!that
you ' stand firmly, if yoit aro in theinight:
Many feel under abligationi4b' youloroti's
you have ihrotie.tgion the snikieet:',
is painful to stand ilone;'btit you -are' noel
laltme,'for (and no disparagement to theifre-i
``tein!ty,) Ediiors, even; 'are 'not every Ucly
and a donecionsnees of fidelity to a cause,
worth snore' 'than the encouragement
of neutilbehl." . • • • - '
4 Permit me to say that • I endorse
your, genial position on' theAesigtenttBec
retarpiiiii, = and hope that it liar: sci6n , be
among` thertliings' that wete. ':l3lit•in
name of 'Oliriethili honor, why don't tbeWo , :'
28. We are with y ou' on the -Board'
q i i e s tio n ;Pro • • • •
'reolitit coupe with regard to
.the Bco
. inistairied'here:
_.. • •
: , : 80 . - 4g41 4 4 , 7 6-i Vai
f o f yourrtai relative to` oolleMrig 'agent. Must, then, the Board
iiiirtfisilititintkiiteailetary . ehipi andlgreiitiy de= retain • him and make work for him ? Or
',WV* iiii'linve.76ll ;twinned, in:your 'endeav-!! shall; they abolish the office, and 14 „the
;Mr kb' do ro od' Gott blebs your . efforts." I funds in, the missionary field ? Thisis; the
01..' .--4 g.1 regard the . Aninee.kin'titlitable !
to the ; Objirch to Which ' iseliifitnjr„and I ,
question to be decided. • ' , . , .
fail thiii I cannot do fetra: l 4o7.4 l leffortsI e fforts to evade the
T e Presbyterian ' s , .
he'd:o 6 oone nrieiitie with :.s6,it iri the .trery : pan . pt. issue, are wonderful. . It struggles
reasieeige - viewi you have iiitiresinid . in 're. 1
last„as usual. It . would;rnake believe
nifittt ic iye
t, Associate Snei . et l4 7. . 11 hi1,,,41 63 .. , 4 4 . „ 6 -.;; Asti be movement in the Church to abolish
I I A 1 1 . 1 4,r:elation to the ,fileeptkish,,i,Rii a ea ess and expensive office, is not hers,
4..taseifi!ii yeain hillieved it to. hie ,a, iieedless t i i
_,.. -
, (40 . 41;,:it - nid
. 4. 4 . 0 0
p •
,ex -o r i l Ai ti '4 L o i it, Qu i t :
,itre ;, whereas we have no interest in it
inoneys:of our Elgard;.,but have, ;for..p i ratk
au .. 41? 4
,other, Presbyters. We did not .
Ida reasons, • dnelined saying .any . thing ; on I o ite it When we entered-the Assem-
Lth:11 1 31?:/e. cit. ' : 1- fuellgratifte4 Al.C.the! sub- ' Irly:.
, • e had no idea of it,. not a particle.
Deltlystrbeen brirlgki.Yo public n o tice , -.7e0 The Preekkerian represents' us "as the
deitr.Ant the public) diseuasion may hnye tbn,i i?
: setr4latittited executive of the Church,"
:edflen,t oCeurtailing the contributions. : . .Tbo;i -.,1.
itMple, however , will, not now he. satisfied , O en ,we . plead , opiy and earnestly for
ituilil a @lenge has been effected, and at t bnuit . Ee..elettiastical control. Its we " as
sfairt a,4
tiil made as .necessity fnr`Auc sailt-the Board of Missions," when; in re
Pfilisa- : rEo9nmPY.filt l'a Prudent a: l "ln** • silty: we defend that Board against those
i n fpnibinienta.l,principle of the Bible, and3f' ' , .
wnci ' '' uld pervert its funds and weaken its
'tie Presbyterian Church, and it muse)* ! ! r . ° . •,`
:practised iii our Boards, as, well as by private; churches .' It attributes to
hold the
individuals. .Eittravagance. is as great a sin.. ilts 4f a scheme for reforming all the Boards,"
aapandintiniousnetw i end the Christian Cher* I while in truth we have said. but very little
ought: ol '4 l 4V avflio €44 F extreAs." .',i about , theini only in 'honor and in trying to
.Hertf are 'extracts , from: letters ofAwfulty-, conserve 'them in the Church's love: It
seven : minieteis) and'. five ruling Ili trieS, bard to. torn attention to the "Editor
twenty;Presbytet , ietthe East 4.4101; of tb; Presbytet lain Banneri" but it will
We h a ve n
.also.a n
umber of letters,,tleme of actinform its readers that the desire in the
them quite strong, from which wei have,not 1 Arieimitily was strong to do away with the
quoted-;; also communications, for whitik , we ' Aeioelateship as a traveling agency, and to
have not_yet found'robm; in all;liwin idist; f save the expense for direct missionary work;
dente in some 'twenty-seven pies lii . farces: • that, the Corresponding Secretary and the
I . ...
This is an array . ,of autergui t • 011-.&-sreat ' Executive Committee regard the office as
Church question, , which•viirtsinlyitistifies . not :needful, and wish to abolish it; that
;the otiliriing'of our coliiiiini, and theircihtin- ! the "business Board were thwarted in their
minas' of the discussion. It lfi very far from , wish to do this, by the special efforts of one
a majority. of the Presbyteries, but it is yery 1 or
.3 more' persons interested. These facts,
extensive for one paper. ' I though they lie at the very foundation of
Neitheris the question before usi, one in 1 the case, it-suppresses
which a majority Should insist upon their I The perversion to the Editor of the
right We cannot afford to have a divided I Board. of Publication " ofteially, of what
interest on Domestic Missions. In matters we said of the " conductors" of the Pres.
not needful, the consciences of weak broth- bkterian in their department, is no doubt
ren should be respected. But we
,have no' ingenious, lint, like otti lk perversions, it
'idea that we are not in the majority. If wilt be of bttle avail with lin t lith the intern.
the Pregyterian.would publish the '
opinion gent. The fact that those gentlemen draw
of the Corresponding Secretary, and of the their thousands, annually, from one of the
Executive Committee, and make known the , Boards, is not denied, and it cannot but
Inventions plots plans• and =lefty efforts ' have — its'"influence on the conducting of
by wbb3F ; tlla leigi ilia.ioritY,Of . one was ,ob- tbeir3ouinal, If an Willa li made 'ta be ;
. , .
*pi:.ief4•moll:tot pho Aboombly's,proposition— here,. we appeal to the 'reports, ••books,
if it would just give, truly•sid honestly, the and' files rof the Board from which' they
faotsilin the case,'atid tif ttlen tither: papers •draw, and which is very; much under the
would bop itiii full atatement;'is they did its ,mituagement of thernsalGe'and their friends: 1
partial and deceptive statement, the major- I Let•truth have its influence. ' 1
ity to sustain the Assembly would be over
We have had, also, three letters censur
nefor the revelations we have made—
xpreeein .gre at fears that the discussion
will dejtnjury. Those letters, impliedly, ap
iro've of the Presbyterian, for its suppres
sions. , Two of them, however, censure one
of our correspondents for this very pru
dence, in not spreading the Reports of the
Boar& He should diffuse this light, they
think; Well, we, also, have hesitated to
present, explicitly, some things in those Re
ports. We may yet estimate it a duty to
call attention to them ; and if we do, we feel
assured that those good brethren will blame
ns again.
We; still have letters from several breth
ren, stating p that they have felt obliged to
keep "ilea on the subject of the Church's
final oncerns. Our. motive in publishing
,tltig•on this part of the subject was, to
show the, managers of these concerns the
impor nce of so 'conducting them, that paa
torsfm y speak of them and be able to jus
tify tliern to their flocks. Those who con
tribute are certainly entitled to know how
the 2finds are disposed of, and the disposi
tion should be so righteous, and ao much in
the liir of common sense, that Contributors
could be made to see its propriety. Things
ghoul . be so conduCted, as we said 'once be
fore, i, bit they would' bear the light, and
. that li ht would not bring shame.
Anare we not right in this? The peo
~ say, yes, almost unanimously, and
elclentlso; and the pastors too, we trust.
*di, now, is all the reformation, notwith
siirdiig the many charges against us,
lj l asked fur
whick i we,hav, ever in the Boa*.
•Wit.,l4ve them., JWe admire the principle
on - joiltieh they are founded. Aod we sp•
puite ',of their location, in Philadelphia, and
neiir i 'lagether.
.What we wantio,.tbat 'they
alupflOe obedient to ,the Aseembly; and
siiitil eubserve the interests of the Church in, even without waiting for a .
spOial mandate; and shall so conduct their
affairi l that pastors can tell all to the church
, 1
'esoiud justify all, and so that all good, lib
eralkapmmon•sense people, will approve of
a 11..; Then will they be honored, and loved,
andlnistained, and their usefulness will be
*aptly, promoted. 0.1
!•• ' The True Issue.
• ,
In -ll I discussions there is a tendency to
wands from the main point.. It hence be
t •
ocenertithome who would have a question de
'gide& upon its .merits, often to recall wan
-4 A... ,
tereri The question now before the
Ohii i ii es is, will they dispense W:iils fkm As
41)utft AlcrtgaTs in the Board of Domestic
i s
lies' . The answer is not to be dictated
flytemitloyees, nor byteditors, nor by editors'
eoriesptunde,ntst• lietrepaper cohimns are
ndisii sable to'tifet discussion ; and it
obi& be. free,lo44iank ; but the decision
is 41,be by the people, aeting.lbrough their
iziwn!,.Ai sen,ministers and eldersiia imular
,• Courts assembled. The "'principle.
itiVolVo is, as we all know, that of Eioom-
SIABTICAL CONT.ROL • but this is • to be
, ~.
tested on the specific ,question -above, statedi
'' I
:Do,tir churches, then, deklie White and to
; Atli l ' / this office r 'lei the - peeple apeah,
an 4 e elders, and the pastors, and the
iNeiby rtes, and the Synods, and the As
, •
~i . churches took away from .. the Asso
elms, fie 'wink in . ionanotin&Church Exten
sion), ad put it , into . . the hands of another.
Theti •then , 'made him a Traveling
Agent' - 'The "Clitirnhee, by
. 11 Syritematio
130,4 e.
~ ,e, of oieititioni; teok away :this- work,
also. 1, Thereis; hence, no work .for an.iis
robiao--none in the' offioe,4nd none as -a
• • •
On the evening of the -13th of August,
1858, the Rev. Robert M'Cullough fell
asleep in Jeans. On the- authority of
brother who is well informed, we state the
following facts. Mr. 11I'Cullough was aged
thirty-eight years, and - had preaohed the
Gospel about five years; was •a graduate of
Jefferson College, and of the Western
Theological Seminary; was licensed• to
preach the Gospel in 1863, it is- believed by
the Presbytery of 'Wooster. In the Fillcd .
1864, he Ailt3 ordained as an Evangeliitby :
the Presbytery of New Lisbon. In• this ca
pacity he spent his ministerial life, laboring
faithfully among destitute congregations in
North-Eastern and in Western Ohiound In
diana. His motto seemed to be, "Faithful
to the end," which was evinced by his
riding long distances to fill his appointments,
after he became- the subject of great suffer
ing. His disease was soon fixed;• on the
lungs.' During his illness, he talked much,
and with calmness, of his approaching end,
and Soon began to set his house in order.
Being asked, if he could cordially acquiesce
in the will of God, that seemed likely to call
him away soon, he replied, "I• don't know
that :I can say cordially; I hive much to
bind me, here, and a strong desire to live that
I may preach Christ; but my prayer is that
I may be- able to say, thy will: be done."
This prayer Was answered; for in , death he
had strong consolation, being willing to de,-
part and be with Christ, which is far better,
Blessed are the dead which die, in the
Lord from henceforth ; yea, saith '
that they may restfrom their labo ;.•;;•
their works do follow them." ,
The Vacant Marches.
Vacancies are numerous. Why . is, it ?
Do neighboring 'churches and Presbyteries
properly care for them ? Many times, a lit•
tle kind attention, wrld awake an interest in
a' vacant church, and strengthen • it, so that
it would, both seek and obtain a pastor.
" AN ELDER," in writing to us; after'ex
pressing an earnest desire that' the members
of the several Synods shall meet a day ear
lier than .
,the :time, appointed for •business,
that they may occupy itln devotional excl.•
does, adds the followino• very important
I •would venture, with much . respect, to
make a snggestion to the Presbyteries. It
is this,: That each Presbytery should make
arrangements, during their Fall meeting, to
have every vacant church in its bounds via
ited by two ministers, sometime during the,
coming. Winter, to conduct a series of meet•
ings in connexion with family visiting.
Our vacant churches. have shared, as yet,
but comparatively little in the gracious re-
Tiv_al influence. Many of these churches
are feeling discouraged, and some of them
are feeling as if they were somewhat neg
lected. They-would welcome such , a depu
tation , with gresit - Nttankfulness to God.
They would .look : forward ttr, - the-time ofits
coming, with prayerful interest, and expects
tion. The 'most blessed .results might be
expected from such 'a course of proceeding.
That God may bless our whole 'Zion, and
build up all her waste places; is the earnest
prayer of AN anEft•
President Benson and the "Emigrants."
Coppinger, of the Colonization 'office,
Philadelphia, writes a letter to the. North,
A‘te27icqn, in which be states that the,evi
donee, is complete, ,clearing President Ben
son of all complicity in the affair 'of the
Regina 'ticeli; and liar "emigrants.' The
statement seems very fair, and we receive
it as an explanation of a transaction which,
under the statements of the parties. impli
eared in violating -the Liberian laws, looked
unfavorable to the Chief of the Reptiblim
Rev. GEORGE, W. SLOAN'S Post Office ad
dress is , chtinged itorn Olympia, Washing - ,
'ton territory, to Steilaeoom City, Pierce
County,: Washington Territory,
Rev. . A B. 13prad9N's..Post Office address
is changed how, !boy, New York, to Wan.
kegba Wisconsin:
Rev. - J. W. lIANNA's pastoral relation to
the church at Canal Fulton , was dissolved
by the Presbytery :of Wooster,-at its:late
Rev. S. A. ATIITCIIMORE has ,receiVed a call
from the church in Columbia, MO.
Rev. E BAKR ,hAs accepted the ,calls from
. the churches, of Wayne' and Chesteriin
the .Presbytery of Wooster, 1
Rev. DANIEL STEELE'S pagtoial 'relation to
the church or,Gairteci Perry Cohnty, ,
was dissolved by the Presbytery of Kas
‘ kaakia on the 6th ult.
Rev. J: G. RruaLu.AETER =has receivelL a
001 from the Central
,clitarch, St. Paul,
Rev. B. B:' STOCKTON desires to be ad
' dressed' at Williamsburg, New
stead of Jersey City, New.Jerk'
R • ev. F. MaxiiiiLL's Post 'Office is changed
from ptillinter, N. T., lo,§chtplersville,
New Yoit.
Rev. DAvril Enoa.u, :having accepted , an -in
:iitation to supply for a time the church
at Mariaville,,Schenectady County, New
York, desires correspondents to address
him accordingly..
Rev. - T. D. "LNA has 'accepted of the* Pied
'dency of the Female College, and bebome
'stated supply of the church at Clinton,
Lnuisiana. His Post Office addrisa is
Clinton. -
Rev. Wm. H. KIRK= has accepted -a-call to
_ the Ftrakehurch,.. Belvidere, New Jersey,
dorrespondents will please address him at
that place.
Rev S J LovE, of Lexington Presbytery,
has received and' accepted - a :call' from
Pine Ridge church, in conniiii6w with .
the Presbytery of Miss. •
Rev. J. B. WA'I'T, of the , Assoeiate Re
formed Church, joined the Preabyteryof.
Concord, at its late meeting in Macon.
CountY, N. O.
Mr. THOMAS -WttArtzr,,ii licentiate oft West
Hanover Presbytery; has accepted a call
from Briery chttrelf ; and was to be or- ,
&irked and installed on the , 17th inst.
Rey. W G. AlUiv Las removed,to`
port; fly., having accept e d an invitation
to supply the churches Chiverport and
Rev. -11= Nazi...mite m , a late" grad of
Danville= Semary, his =received uate
'a call
from the Bethel church. His Post e
is Payne's Depot, Scott C
o Offic
For the :Presbyterian Banner and advocate.
Thfi - Associate Seeretaryship.—A, Solntim
• Proposed.
On the aboveuamed subject, and the die
entssionT to which it has given rise, I hew
leave to offer a, , few remark s .
I: 'To those who have read on both sides
of the controversy; it does appear that the
office, in question knot needed. The able
and efficient Chief Secretary says that he
can conduct. the virhole correspondence with
the missionaries, and we knflw that what he
does is done well. The 'sum of all that is
alleged by the Pre.skyterian, in favor of the
- office, is, that it serveses "a means of per
sonal intercourse between the missionary .
field, the missionaries, the Churches, and the
Board " But if this perional supervision is
so necessary, what is one among so many ?
How can one man undertake to visit three
thousand three hundred and twenty four
churches and stations, besides six hundred
and ten missionaries ? We suppose that
what 'is worth doing, is we'll doing welt.
Then, instead of one bish;op, why not em
ploy at least openly, at an expense of forty
thousand dollars ? The truth is, that ea
cording to the judgment of the Executive
Committee themselves, this personal super
vision adds northing to their net receipts; and
it has again and again been shown that it
conflicts with the rights and legitimate func
tions of the Presbyteries, and, is a palpable
abandonment of the plan of Syetematic Be
nevolence established by the General As
sembly, and now so successfully operating
throughout 'the Church.
I may here rethark that the difference of
temper displayed by. the` parties in the dis
ettAsion, may assist the uninitiated to diseov
er on which side the truth lies On the one
hand, the editor of the Banner and Advo
cate has Anwar an exemplary magnanimity
•:nd Christian courtesy toward his opponents,
'..which it would' be difficult for the most
;microscopic censor to . point out an.exception
, cif word or phrase. On the Other side, the
'Presbyterian, and its pet correspondent
with the false anddOceptive '
signature of
te Western Pennsylvania," by:their personal
bitterness and suppression of important
facts, .have ,disgusted many of their own
friends: Christian gentlemen. never resort
to such weapons until sound arguments have
failed thorn..
But the , opinion of the Executive Com
mittee—the real businessmen:of the Board
—men of tried - ntegrity and ripe experience,
cuoht to decide, the question. They say
that the office maybe dispensed with, with
. .
•out loss to the Board. The testimony of
men who ,heve long served the Church so
ably and faithfully , without fee or reward,
should be deemed conclusive: .
2. But if an. Associate Secretary must be
maintained,. itis not certain, that the exist
ing incumbent is suited to the office. What
is the meaning of that double, treble coat of
whitewash which his: friends- bestowed on
him at , the late meeting-. of the Board?
Some who profess to be acquainted with
that sort of thing, say it neaps: that there
were serious defects to be covered up, and
hence the more abundant honor was be-
stowed on the part that lacked!:
If there must be : an Associates Secretary
'4lto visit and supervise the missionaries, the
present incumbent is not the right man.
Whom would the toiling missionary in the
wilderness expect to see coming from the
ricatd" - tiiiisit his humble dwelline- From
which of the two would he, most cheerfully
receive, counsel and direction, a man from
the, city, clothed in soft raiment, going
about patronizing, but practically ignorant
of the missionary work ? or a fellow-mission
lary and co-Presbyter, who has borne the bur
! den and. heat of the' day, and can sympa
thize ;with him in all the joys and sorrows
.to..missionary life ? No if there
must he a' missionary bishop, let the Board
appoint such a man as the Gr. Bell,
the pioneer of Old School missions in 'lowa.
3 But after all that can be, said or done,
it is not likely that the Asseciate Secretary--
ship will be abolished before the next meet
.of the General Assembly.' The,Board
may 'meet ;again,. but._ the 'friends of the
present incumbent will again be rallied to
the rescue.. The Presbyteriau,7too, the
great central &Avon,., stands committed in
favor of the office; and its influence among
the clergy is great. Unfortunately ; ,that
1 aristocratic journal has no sympathies with
the people, and, knOws nothingof-the feel
! ings of:the churches, With the exception of
a few of the: first dam Nor .can•we over
-Ilook the fact that the senior editor" or that
-papoi; ands near relative of , hitipiogether,
draw from another Board the handsome in
cotoe of $B2OO, as Editor and Publisher;
though there are, besides, a' Corresponding
Secretary, -a Superintendent :of" Depository,
I a Superintendent'of Oolportage, Clerk, and
a Beek Keeper. It is pretty plain,•'there
! fore, ,that the: Presbyterian :c .n. have no
I more liking for cheap ecclesiastical Boards
thin, for cheap !,religious newspaPens. ft
wouldbe a wonder if its voice were to be
heard:in favor , of economy, and the-family
of the. Barnacles mai, tor the pretient, Test
secure,under.the Shelter of its wing.. In a
late editorial it:offers, As a-new argument in
I 'favor of the Associate Secretaryship, that
‘` the, churches 2 in New York 'are - the most
liberal givers, and yet the.greater.part, if
14 not all the pastors there, strongly disapprove
I of the efforts to4oust the Assistant Secretary,
4 and in 'these views we khow the prominent
New York laymen sympathize." But, sup
! posing, that a+majhrity of the `pastors and
rich laymen of the great metropolis-are ado
ally in favor= of the elftec,• must they rule
the. Church.? .Has it come to this, that a
man's weight in. the Church is to - lm proper.
1 tioned4 to , the`length of his purse The
Pastors of New York and some , of their
" prominent laymen" are -excellent men,
andgood Presbyterians too, =who would not
Wish tO domineer in the Church.
I , in looking around for a. solution of pros
: gut difficulties, three different plans have
suggested themselves.
1. Let it be- regarded as settled, that a
fair increase of the missionary. funds must
be effected; and let na set about the work
with :teal and detertidnation. Let the
. churches. that sympathziuwith the Banner
and; Advonate add to; their 'ordinary contri
ll:rations what will 4pay-theli , s2.,loo now ab
`sorbed by: the useless effete: An average
increase bysuch churches .of two or three
'dollars, would effect that object,' but let us
try to show an'_increase mush larger than
that. Then ,the %Board can sustain its res.
'ent_missioeary fiirce, and besides, send out
theeleven new missionaries now kept out of
the field by - having to maintain an Associate
!Secretary: Or, in lien of this,
2. Let Presbyteries undertake their own
missionary work.'= Let th an appoint a Treas
urer, gather'the contributions, of their peo
piej pay their 'own missionaries, send their
surplus,. if any, to the-Board, to be appr.3
•exclusively to the sustehtation of
missionaries in - other - localities. If this plan
' W C " el iterM Foal vfith spirit, the people,
Mantra that no part of their money wo=uld
be - misapplied,- would give more freely than
;ever. Or,
43: let those pastors, and "prominent
,New. York laymen who sympathize in tie
views the sPiesZyterian,, assume the whole
support of the Associate Secretar and if
ti'- _ > • y,