r Nanittr.4:iiii'i - (7.,iiiyoritt. PITTSBUiteII, SEPIVIBER 18, 1858. IFICANIS•••• SUN% I &drams; or in Club. 01.2411 orodolivored at reiddepur of islbaarls +berm; 111.114 ii , iiinieetnikesiThird l Page. Min mint Ai& S d kouldi be,groaaytta Mao while Were Ow year wiping, that we a 7 wake full arratmaennahtler a vastly sineipli. Tun liratidrillit:inilleatea that lea dears a removal. If, however, in the hands et amillinicithiesigualeimealdink onalttodywo hope our friends will still not forgoing. 1110111WWWW4In-dondent by main bawds* lotion eninpendeut. Or, staid by /Rang euelostug with ordinary caret and troubling nobodyeriiik aowiiiYPo Ol•veliat Poi are dotage ' Worn largo anunint, send a,Drait t eir. Large maim leeroneortwo paporesnind eel& or.seat,atet 1. WO Wl* com4iiiiiticsaid or bsttsr seliteend for eases papilil lei til er dirreiltinitlebeino eir Skier Wilirty*Ouree , nandierre IMAM , sit Astern And CommiiiplkeanoiLks, so ADV. DAVID# NaKIENDIN Vittibaurgh Psi OAKNEED, recent conunrui ion in the church at ibis plane, ,oeven per. none were received to. the ordinknee• Feet!, are obeering. OBITUARLKS.-4Ve~li yc sOverill iotiees on band, and part of thein type. Neit, week we shall :try to present all, that ,may have been forwarded in—shall occupy apace on the fourthlage for the purPosce: PIII3BYPEiIY oP Zeizsvara--Brethren propoßing to attend the meeting of thithPres bytery, at Seitecavilla, the evening of the 21st inst., and wholexpect to travel .by Ufa Central Ohio Railroad, are requested to take the 1 o'clock Express .from to Campbell's Station, where- conveyances will be ready: to tilt! t hem PEINtIZTON Tiqoy)oloAL BEAmtsay.-,7 The year foi inetrnotion opened, in this Sem inary, on ibeid inst. Neio Toth Ob server states that over sixty new Andante entered. This is the largest accession which has been made in any o*rar, and it indicates a speed); increase of laborers in the. Lord's, virteyani. MENTINGS:OrPRESBYTIRY AND' SYNOD. —Theft -are of vast importance,' both for the bushiest; transacted, and the epiiit with which they are: attended.' "Pilgrim "in another column, makes some pointed re. marks. His ,-age, and his devotedness to Christ, entitia:,him . k to speak, those of us who 'feel that •wa. are reproved, should meekly aid zialously'refoim.t Aka losenibly'sgeoinieritary. We transfer •to our first, page, from; the Prig eton Review, some_ excellent, remarks, on this abject, apposed - to proceed. from the pen of Dr Hodge: A 'Next . week we pur pose to give, the raponse of Dr 'preekin ridge. oxircown views we gave, somewhat briefly, sooneufter the Assembly. We may add something next wick, or befOreiong,i on the subject It important, if practi cable; and if impracticable, the Church should avoid the folly of wasting her ener gies on the attempt:. e Western Theological Be.rainery. The` Board`` or Directors of the 'Western Theologieal SiMinery, will meet in the Lee ture•Room of , the Piret Chinch; Pittsburgh, on Thu ay the 2311. day, o_ September next, at two o'clock P. M. W. B. tfelrifrAxisz,- Se'eretary. The Boar& of Trosteii of theMeatern Theelogi?al erna7ll meetinth e en tura-iooofte First Presbyterian Chunk Pittsburgh, on Thursday, fthe 23d. der of . September next, at two M. Fission G. BAI610; President., Znd of Volume Sixth. This number the ~S iith Volume of the Pr'estyterta 14 - 4/Zit i : ' How , rapidly time flies But revolving year its -dude sammetirnes.:- a_ new, dity, ,but, mostly? if not always, =. repetition. 'of that' which was done before This' farmer Bind sow o:llotieiftmAiitti; the itonseholdar:,iiol4 fq04,„4101141%,*9.1 fuel and Ist the' Taster Amtd,,ulders, _need, yearly 'to encourage and help'lthe families of theiNhatgito a renew4:ofv.,engitgernent to supply damn/Avec with tie religious Protatit renelvals, and mew, Hate, ;re ,most respietfully requestido - Opening 'of the W!Nitern TheologicakSeinv *al% Thee Western Theological 'Seminary; at , Allegheny, `opened 'on : 4 Atondity, ' with i: . larger nocemion than ever befoTe in the hii-^ tory. of ~ this . Intititation. Several, , have. joined the new fourth class, for an additional' yearnf study, and -.the increase:altogether: of tilos; who have matriculated, „and , who have ir4lie'ateki' ibeir purPose sO to Ail; will sereP l 4 tei9v,er/ fifty ; .: t • . , ' Rev. De:' , Elliottopencd . with a 'ver7 in.. strdotive and , able liectureion =the reqUisitis forin terial usefulness ;; ` touching upen mai% *tu 4 wllieh. only snob large ' 64,6. ig n rienee,,,:end accurate Oriel-v5...49n; anhis could bring out. The classes seem full ofrenthu siasm, and the promise is 0f,..a. Session rich in all the finite of 'study and of ',piety: He it Education=- in Kansas. . Revz Mr. Campbell, President of- High= buntvl7i4irjiisity,'lE e news;:has - been obliged; ise !!1, suspend is b' signOnY in. th is n!ginntiniAil,P ) Ptitution: He ~leaves with tie ~ths-Jellotring mote, to *bleb we would , rejoice to find many liberal reclionies : . AW:eoineof 'the met rteacant ' ecintrihu. Aut done to.,aqtke brethren a t II; Kangas, in 144 the* foindations of the Church and the edueatippal cause there, hav,a,been sent in, wii bout • a personal application, w ith ' the ie r !no tk; " wish ' to have a atone Or* nail in ihst:enterilliee," *ore SAY be others in the bounds where the ' ilanSei circulates,, who *Ovid' esteem unkaaitegt, ti t ,itid that work of. Clod;this;thollute of Atm?, ;ng need. „Any ACE oil` hive their !"ordetbji us, and we Unit, ,anklikal- Loally*God;ly sending them ' to„ Re v d tidd MeEinney, D. D., Pittaburgl4 2 l4.' Yours truly, J. CAXPBILL. 112 lEEE Xeeping - up the iiebition-.A Principle Agitation is, to some extent, both need fir and pleasini. Sernetimes, holviver, it becomes exoeedingly painful;, buti, even then, it may be an indispensable to life's best interests. The Presbieerian, under date of Septem ber llth, says : .fc The Presbyterian . Banner anl;/..A.depeate,still keeps up the agitation in relation ,te :the ;Board !of. Missions." Well, .p,ossibly,„if the charge be true, tbe ; Banner may yet be doing a good service to the Church. It-is- kertainly ,doing what multi tudes•desire it, to do. We wonder if the Presbyterian'ahine has the right. to speak I Must . we be at its bidding ? And must g all theS ministers and anl elders wh0,451 not think with. it, : be.(eilent /t,made the first report of the Board's' act, when >the :Ekteretierysiiip was retained, regardless of the proposition of the'Assembly. It sUppressed the grand fact , ,, that the working Board heartily wished:: to obey the Assembly, as therknevv- thk -effiee • to-be needless and ,the fait that; a large -nilinber of habitually non attendants at the Board's, basin* meet lugs had been called: in to. wit : vote the others; and the fact-that 'after ail this, the . office had beeitr sustained , bra 'majority the Ronli and Foreign Record, lest theifrOptstions might be injuxiOuti, it cen sures as a "Pope!" But perhaps in this our correspondent• has sinned, if this ; use of his discretion ,was a sin, with many-of his brethren' Haar himself oWthat subject, in an'other'neluren. And not;only . 01' tOrs,"hni even , editors, - also,sometimes use their dm , action, and withhold , things - which. Amy 'concreivelvould be hurtful.:. We -wot one wfid.not only'Cometimes keepa entirely silent, but who, even , when professing to give tke transactions An a Board'e meeting, kept buck frnm„ c whole Church, solar as in him . flay, the Very parts and features which gave to the result its character, and s the want of which , made the result to, seem a very different thing from what it really was. ,He feared ihat if he' should ion the whole 'truth,' it do .an:.injury. • And the same editor, too, by hiniself and his cm.- respondents, has, in this present ditenssion, very freelicensured us for a want, of this discretion. Our revelations have been too daring, too 'full, too• honest. This the. .very head and front of Our offending. If we - only' had kept some things'imoli—kept haek-,what .oOntemporary tried to sup preeswe had beeit good-enough. Thefiesson to be • learned: from our cor respondent s remark—a-lesson Werth far more than all the time and space occupied in **eating W 748 this Let those who conduct our, Church institutions, so,-manage her. affairs; 'that pastors • may let their Chris tian people know eve r y thing that is done, , and be able to justify it all. , - Anothe'r, Of our correspendentO worries the sPresbyterian, Imshowing that ,thaisvord interior,'? as used bi it, means:something different from Western Penneyavenie. 'lt .43 • nye " One of these article; AUSists.thaf:we schnowl-, edged, editorially ; thit Sur cortesPondent, ern Peiziejltaniti ' did` ifot'Seside in the'Weitern part of thelState: and notwithstanding our denial of any. enoltmdmission,- furnishes the proof in our• declaration, that the writer, did not meside .‘ in Pidisfle)phht, hut in .th e' interior P ~, This : strikes us 'Ss pMt`of. - "Phiradeiphia oiMiPies the Eastern border of the State, and %SAS - nit:on; between that and the ex treme Western border, ineardiinfto :air =notion `is the itteriar.- Pmin Pitteludgh,•fu a Philadelphian; might .prilpirly be regarded as • being" hi,. ,the , interior,• or we-are • mistaken Ist .our,.notions .of 'definition s hoWeie r , F ls exceedingly affair, and we are sf i rpOled'at'the Stress uPse #." ao then; the mare* West ern border " • ac of the Mte " is its interior ! We Pitteburghers, andell:West of us, even toftbe extretneftiorder;..iive =in in the interior of Pennsylvania! If the - Presbyter)an ;, wishes,hereafter,o be tinderstOod' it must :,... 4 , - fiend Ant -its,clll4 sary, or else must append foottnotes,;giving iti.,'.flnotione of definition." Untilitfahall do=so, people will'understand it as tieing tdrins in thefr ordinarY acc'ePtit hon. But this defining is evidently an after-tbought.. We bad •doebted,,the real- ; ; deice of ,its correspondent, -in Western and 'intimated the ~thought that iviteteio he livid; he'likely had inter course with `Philadelphia. The'Presbyte . ricps does . not affirm his residence in West ern. I.ennejaienia, a thing,which would haVe been very etuty •if truthful. But it says, ; , #'iscttn Philadelphia;, but in the inte rior." We; then, and our , correspondent,- we're both entitle&to the:conelnsionu---" NOT in 'Welke* PennsylVenia." The-Pre/byterian howeyer, calls this recklissness firms that it said no such, thing; denies any" 'such admission thinks we•'use ;singular proof.' These thitigs bring , forcibly & our Mind as incidentof our early yOuth. We once , ,bear&efather say :"My: son, never tell a• story ,;.• for, it you do, ,you have ; to, ; tell ten more: to screen 'yourself, and: then yon •Wityet . he foto& out" 'But We r are'teld'iliat " this is an eine& ingly small affair." - It so , Why , does the Presbyterian itself , lay so much "stress " 'uVort it? No ,there ; is "'involved` in it some thing elibeedingliireinense—inithenie •as is the' difference between : truth , and; falsehood. The, vitter,o4llU,-,hituself Y. Western PeOnsyl-, veabt.To4. l 4l does,- ; this ".evidentlyr„for. —7 effect to that Os: ilikiiti*liiinPOrt ' 'lteliticife UAW Kai opposed to us. r Now, if he resides, not in MOM I=ZEI at Stidte. MOB THE PRESBYTERIAN BANNER AND ADVOCATE. Western Pennaiivariin but in th itte;snr,.j in the commowv.eesptation of the vrotd:--!, say between Lancaster and the Allegheny . Mountains- hig signatureis, lifaiselfOod--- designedly a falsehood—and this taints with. I its own character, all his utterances. He is I Unworthy of credit in every thing he says._ And the Preskyteiiiii thii; and yet circulates it, and,. to give it foree,_eoin meNds the man ; thus identif4ng itself. 14 •••-• • With pits , ' l, corrlspondeisf,/ , lnid,'-niaking i self - responsible -for the, .whole!, .Nowonder it. tries to conceal. Its reputation is at stake. Now, this matter can be, fairly settled in a very few.words. Does the PreAyte- 4 an's correspondent reside in- Western Pennsylva nia, as his, own proper home and the field of .his labor ? Honesty and truth both require a straight4orwardansiiei. We fear-shat our correspondents, Friend' of the Boarda,'' "*" and " Act and Testimony," tid o week, will farther trouble our , brethren, at Jlead-quarters.; but we cannot help it. The• Subject ex pand& lt,is i not yet, near being fully cussed.. Presbyterianism must ibeaustained against. Prelatical encroachment& Ecclesi astical control must he maintained over`in dtvidnal grasnings at place, power, and ben efit. The Eoard&nrust hp kept-worthy.the affections 0f,,-the whole I .Church,, in ler- far extended and •poorer, but more ` numerous sections, as well MS in those more - .eentral 'and more wealthy , , .for: only: in her cent!' deuce ; and love, can they live and flourish. kinisters and elder& amen who burseldam write, - but-who at iMportant crisis in Presbiterian 'effaiii-41vis• point of ' confliot between an gOOLES4aticat and ,an Tlllll.lcL ,cotitrel over our:benevolent.opera tions—wish to give their opinion, , must, sortie extent at least, be ' , heard.'" In'this conflict, the old gunid, the . Act' and Testi; mony:men, the men of principle aria :cour agetnmst notrbe silenced-especially, not by ,'men ;.who then -stoo&nentral----fitood• ready to join'the stronger parti,- after 'the battle was W 011: Now why ?—we ask, why, m Et matter of common. sense, 'and right, ,an,d courtesy— mightlnotlhe churches be gratified in their - desire for economy and etfibieney'eonjoined? Why not, at" their suggestion, quietly and peacefully dispense with a needless _office ? It was a small matter that the churches asked : :--small as - to the individual who might be affected as , to%his salary, for - he had but to take a pastorate, and live and labor as do ftherisands Of his brethren L-small it was,. • but not.quite, so small as the.once proposed tax of 2d. per pound on tea. But small though it= be, there is a..principle aestake. 'Shall the Church govern - her, Own °emu. , tuted agencies ? Shall her charities be taxed, against her will, even two per cent. per annum,= to support a sinecure ?- No, no, say the many. This dereliction .of prinoi plc would be but the beginning of evil. The amount to follow none can tell. Now, when shall the agitation 'cease ? It willaubside when encroachments' upon the rights of the churches shall cease; and the determining of the period is a matter for the Presbyterian, and for those 'with whom and tor .whom it acts. Another Minister Illine'to his Reward. he Rev. Andrew'W. Black, D.D., of the Reformed ; Presbyterian Church (new side,) died at his residence, in Bewlcklei, ,Pa., on Friday, the 10th inst., aged fifty years. Re Was a son of the late Rev. John Black, D. D, 'one of 'the finest classical scholars in the West, 'for many years pastor of. the Reformed Presbyterian church of this city, and the patriarch .of that denomina. Lion West of the Alleghenies. Our dee.ealsed brothruv'was licensed to' preach the Gospel 128, When scarcely twenty one , years .of. age,, and, was suncese,, ively, pastor ,of the Reformed Presbyterian .churches' of Shenango, Pa.; New Castle, Pa:, and Allegheny City During the Pas- = torate of the last mentioned chnioh,,he was also the 6, Moral Instructor}" in the ern Penitentiary, the dude's of which he disehergedwith ,great,faithfulneas and suc cess. After resigning this charge, he was for a' timcome of the agents 'of the Anieriz can Bible Society, and fer the last yaar acted as stated supply, -to tna church in Beaver. County, and one, at Deer Creek, in this. County. Ihr was one of the earliest advo++ oaten for the eetabliehment of the' ILouse of Refuge in Western Pa., and he visited al most-every County in the +Western ,, part of. the 'State, "to , urge its claims to support'. 4ust year'he was udelegate to represent his Church'at the meeting 3 of the Evingelieal Allianoe in Beriin. And at the meeting'of, 'the _Synod last Spring, in 'Eden, Illinois, he was +eleated - `one of the Professors in , its Theological ' Seminary + at Philadelphia. When making preparation 'to 'enter upon the duties of this appoint*nt, he was etricke'n down by disease. „ As a = man, , his„soeial, qualities • were of a very high order; 'as a preacher, he was able andaireetive ; as a pastor, he was faithful ; as a Christian, his piety,was sincere and una.ffect ed • and in labors, he was abundant. His end was eminently calm andlopeful l That: grace Which he had so often commended to others, was his stay and support when leav ing wife,. children, relatives, and ,warmly attached friends, to be with Jesus. „ The Presb3kUtiaaat „Oman. This Ann'vial of our Boird of Publizaiion, for 1859, makes its appearance thus early, for 'the accommodation of families through out our /or extended botindaries. It con tains, addition to the usual time tables and- the various astronomical notationpFSitm- Monies of the 'Reports-0111e Boards Form' for Bequests to each' Board, a general'iiew of the Preabyterian Church, a general view of the SynOds; Every` family should• have a copy of this - Ali:mime. It maybe had at the Presbyte nan Book Rooms, in this city. Ministers asdiEldexerehmll4 kiliggpA to ip,soh!altl to brlnt:ewritimelyzand for their respetitlVO tt - olkargerof - . every s . :tiropor, means to diffuse knowledge. I=2=lll MEM -t.• Candidates `for the Nfnistry. - 4 4 The Board of Education, Or last Report to the General Assiembly, have three hun dred and eighty-five eundidateit for the min 'istry, under, their care. Ofjth,ese, one; hun dred and twenty-two have entered upon their theological coarse; the others are in Acad dmies 'and Colleges. The number received during the last year was one hundred ,a.ild.thl:ee,,a.ed,the whole from"nu bei the tfrigiiidf tiießoaitf, is.,.two.Jhousand six_hundred, ,and thirty. Some of these, doubtless, would have found their way into the sacred office without the Board, but so many would have been obliged to pursue other callings, that the Church would have greatly suffered for lack of laborers. Presbyterians should cher ish this institution.. It calls forth, encour ages, and: prepares the men; by whose toil the Church thrives. Occasionally it •is im posed upon by an unworthy claimant for its bounty, but what would beeome of the calm, if not sustained by the hundreds of worthy and devoted ministers whom it •brinia into the vineyard I • REy. Joan: MAR SHALT., .—An obituary notice of this worthy brother, may be, found on our first page. Doddsville, Illinois, his late charge, desires, we are inforthed, a pastor. 4 UNIVERSITY KITTANNING.—This is a new:lnstitution, located at Kittanning, Pa. Gee Robert Ori iePresidefit of the Board of Trustees,' and Rev. 3. B. Finlay, L.L. D., President of the Faculty. Euercises are _to commence on the Ist or November. 'For the Freabyterlan Benner end 'Advocate Sanie_Obvieuts Truths Plainly Uttered, Itxv: D. Mo .irsisrEY, ,Svir —ln "Act and teatimony days, a few who loved the truth, • and were willing to strive for it, determined to, the experi ment,of establiahing a paper,. that could and would maintain • it. . The result was, The Presbyterian, of Philadelphia. This writer, though ; then little more than a youth, and surrounded:by New School influences of the most.poierful kind, enlisted warmly.in its -behalf... Its, earliest files will. show this if necessary. Years- rolled on;. the paper be came.strong, and. with strength its earliest friends have been too often pained to note the 'existence of other qualities not so desirable. Butdet that pass for the present. You proposed, several years ago, that the whole Ofiurckshould have the advantage, the inestimable advantage, of a cheaper weekly paper, so that all might know what Was transpiring in connexion with Christ's kingdom in the world. You were system atioally,, perseveringly,. and (as you well .knew,multitufies thought,) ungenerously and wrongfully opposed, in this laudable under taking. There, was already, apparently, an oligarchy, whose conservatism was not ex actly of the kind most needed by the flock. When;l. say a cheaper weekly paper, I use the,phrase in its best sense; to indicate a, good article, at a just value; but this was not • allthe change the people of our republi can _,Church,desired. They wanted an un trammeled press. A press contrqlled by those ; who. could see and feel the necessities of the churches and the multitudes as well as heed. the ,dicta of. Seminaries, and Boards,. and Agents. They wanted light on. the con duct of all matters for which they, as a Church, were responsible before the world. Consequently, ,when you, with a just reli ance upon, the intelligence of - the people, turned, from the Judicatories to them, you were cordially met, and I trust, adequately sustained.. At all events, your generous ad venture on. behalf of the Church, at your own charges, made a wide, and deep, and most' favorable impression. Great good to her, has been the result; far greater, per haps, in her far-,off borders, than you, your self, are at all aware of. Many pious poor are gladdened by the weekly appearance of the Bariner now; but listory alone will do the enterprise'full justice, this side of eter ,nity,.. . < Your 0011T80 regarding the Associate Sec-' retaryilip of the Board of Domestic Mil sions, will be •more and more appreciated as .time rolls on. Already the great rhass of reading and in our Church, las made up its verdict in your fatror. coida those r ho oppose you so Virulently and; so disingenuouely, only ,'reflect that ,nearly all the dwellers in this lad have had more or less to do, ith politics and political management; and know something of the, workings of a " mutual benefit system " in the way of making up- great men, and.keep ing them in office . , 'for the sake of 'the coin pensatien their positions Will enable them ' to return, they would surely,blush at their own present predicament. Why, my dear sir,- to the outside American people, this game is is familiar as the alphabet,. It may seem shrewd, and worth playing off, to those who are uomparatiyely inexperienced, or who have heretofore relied Dinah upon the sacred ileBs of their calling as a guaranty for their aosertions,:and a voucher for their charges; but they may rest assured the artifice is far too shallovi to deceive the experienced in such Wei:A.' It is but justice here to state that when you first determined to afford• to the Presby terian 'churches of this connirra'• cheaper auk more independent periodical, I had no personal 'acquaintance with you.; nor did. I have for years afterward& Evennow; it is very slight. I may suppese myself an hum ble and obscure representative• of the aver- Age 'reading -and =reflecting element' of our *ell-beloved ` Church.- As suet; I saw the advantages you proposed to bestow upon her, and the growing necessity there was for them. I therefore did what I could •to aid yon , in extending the` circulation of =the Battiter,sgall the time lamenting the arrogant and ungracious attitude assumed by my ear lier'fatioriteitoward yeti. - Now, , when - you again do. battle for the churehes and - their General Assembly, againSt official haughtiness, against sine cures, against extravagance and a misappli caticin of funds, and against that rebellious spirit - . which scorns to 'receive• or-obey in structions from the source to= which -it owes. its existence, I, as one of the people, am still with you. Do the gentlemen in high places think we are all so stupid that we cannot, perceive their reliance ? Can we not "observe indications so plain as those re cently presented ? It would scarcely . re. 'quire a woodsman to uncover their tracks. For instance, can any one at all conversant With the shifts and expedients of political life, mistake the attempt at brow beating and intimidation by - likens of the ruffianism of the wretched`scribbler who signs him • self "' "Western Feiinsylvkaa'.' ?- can any, knowing even the hornbobi of lournal istii, fail to see ;the 'relation between your " Wismsitzt •Pzisissmira :ON TILE •ASSOCIATE ‘iaNORETANYEiNiP, • "` , the Presbyterian of the 14th of August, and the editerial:, article so proreinently posted at th&bead ,of a7,-, column beside e Atlantic Cable, in the same paper y _ anent iSSYSTEMATIO •BENZVOLENOB - r i think, not., • Its English is just about this: Dr. .111'.Kiiirieyi rill ado' minh his article! to convince, the reading public that an Asso ciate Secretary is not needed to stir up the Presbyteries, 'churches and Sessions, and that the General Assembly was right' in recommending the abolishment of such an office. Therefore ,doubts of the: efficiency oUthe-plan itself, iand‘ of the Wisdom of the, Assembly in .relying upon : the pastors and people, Without the supervision; dictation, and stimulus of a traveling Bishop, or, as our Methodist brethren sometimes call him, Superintendent, must be cautiously sug gested. In fact, it would - much better subserve the end in view to present this fact, and to urge delinquents to compliance, than to create the impression that the work has been accomplished' "---[ Vide Presbyte- Wan, August 14.] , How the Presbyterian ever came to ad mit that article of "'Western Pennsylvania," is, to many of us, a wonder and a mystery. Can it.be possible that such a writer is' a Presbyterian?:l sincerely hope not. His friends are kind and considerate in conceal ing both his name and residence. Let him and his deeds be soon forgotten. The whole course of the Presbyterian toward the last General Assembly seems disrespectful and captious, and may be the result' of a rebuke administered .early in its sessiOns, by a distinguished member, to one of its representatives. At. the moment, many thought the check severe and uncalled for; but, like very many other' of the acts of the same mentor, 'its wisdom becomes subsequently evident. Doubtless a length ened and careful observation had convinced the venerable Defender, who administered that reproof, of the necessity for it. No*, Mr. Editor, as an old soldier, and one Of the people, I tell you that the Pres byterian Church will never cease to be a lg FREE Cannon." She will never bow her neck to a I?ressocracy any more than she will to any other unseriptural form of human 'assumption. She never will submit to be governed by the arbitrary will or partisan schemes of her Orin servants. She never will passively permit special superintending or stimulating•bishops; or any other Trojan .Horse, 'or any other form ,of Diocesan su premacy, to enter her bosom, or exist by her sanction and authority: The parity of the ministry she is likely ever to maintain. She loves the Presbyterian newspaper for its history, but she does not like to see it converted into a partizan sheet, or employed to sustain , those who, for their own ease, convenience, elevation, or • aggrandizement, are ready to treat her , highest Judicatory as an "advisory counsel " of quite inferior merit. When you so far forget your high position. as a Presbyter, and an exponent of her - light, and truth, and love, as to ' brier your Banner to any of these inferior powers, she will regard you, too, with far less of 'favor than she does at present. .ACT - AND TESTIMONY. For the Presbyterian Banner and Advocate The ..**'s a Real : Existence, MR. EDITOR See, 'by today's Presby- terian, that my note to you of August 23d, which, for want of room I suppose, you did not publish till your issue of Sept 4th, has called forth some quite characteristic edito rial utterances. I confess I wrote under the spirit stirred by reading the second num ber of " Western Pennsylvania!' I may have erred in -being a little too severe. Yet I• should be glad, as I expect to shake hands with many of the readers of the Presbyterian, that the editors had copied the whole letter, instead of saying it was " by no means sparing of the'.,Presb,yierian I think its many honest readers would look at it in a more favorable light than when under the inquisitorial pen of Dr. Leyburn. I intend to measure swords with the Dr., .neither on the merits of this question, nor ,on personal character and position; but if you,allow me ,a little ,space, I will try and get him `to• look ,at himself in the' same glass in which be looks at others; and -I cannot help it, if some of his' neighbors take a leek, too, while he stands there for ,inspec tion. I feel somewhat amused that my very ex istence should be Aoubted by t the . editor of the • Presbyterian.a I have been blamed with the ;authorship here at home, because the, style was mine, they said. But .the learned editor can't see •this,4hough lie has seen.ar. 'dales from my pen before this one, butsays "both communications have very much the appearance of proceeding from the same source!' I suppose if he: had-not " studi ously withheld " what was really.at the,very nib of his pen,-we would.-haVe seen .the sen sence filled-out by, ".as the editorials of:the Banner." Well; iwe have this 'consolation, that we are not charged •with plagiarism, as Dr. B. was. But the 'editor evidently does not believe his own insinuation, as to the non-existence of a. .pastor Eastof-the moun tains, who approves of .your•uourse forhe aims ut stirring up the ire of his church to give.hiin a "severe castigation ", for writing that letter to you. He says i .. the ffadical spirit of -the writer' may beflseen by the fol lowing," and- quotes a single isentence, in 'which I State-that •I do not make an iffort to circulate-the 'Reports of, the. Boards and the Record. I hope the 'many readers, of your paper.' will turn to , mY letter and:read again, "not only this sentenee,`, hut the whole letter, and I=think they will conclude, as he quotes .only=-this one sentence, that he has acted -"the Pope " to much greater perfee. lion, than the •-poor country pastor, thought it better that his'plain people should not be told that this agent who has come to collect money, gets $l,BOO a year, and trav eling expenses, though your pastor• only gets $600; that 'this Board 'costa ;.$lO,OOO, and 'that one $ll,OOO, and that the chief officers. have salaries of $2,000 per annum.. But letus look at the charge. "He is determined to keep his church indgnoranee, a confession which, :if-'his church:•should hear it, should subject him to a severe cas tigation:" (I suppose he- does let .mean flagellation r as this punishment is. not yet much practiced in the nineteenth Century) " What right has thus to act the Pope 7' - • My people are not ignorant: Many of them get the Banner, with "its> summary- from ,the Record," which .the readers .of the Prsebyterian, if my _memory is not at fault, 101 to obtain. But what more after4all, has the mass of pastors'in the Preabyterian Church done than I, for the circulation of the Record. Only seventeen thousand five hundred copies, one thousand five hundred less than last year,. have been eireulated the whole Church. Of these, several thou sand are sent gratis, as • all ministers, life. members, beneficiaries, etc., get °epics. About two or three copim(aud this number I believe are circulated , in , my charge) wnuld be_the average - for a church of .the size of Mine: I differ, then,' from many of -my brethren, .only in AVOWING the reason!. say. I.9nake fifortto• extend.the circulation of the 4 Record. Does net =the ,Rresbyterian ! . thus make little "Popes" out of the great nisseyofstbkitasters, setitlekiM the country? Two or three copies of the Presbyterian find their way intp:iny field of labor. Many Copies go into 'iihurches .where I -dosbt Val - ether a copy of the Record can be found: What a. thrust,, then, does the editor make at all pastors who have not made efforts to -have, their_peeple take the Record ! lam sorry that so many of my brethren will have to suffer with me ; and to save the innocent from blame, if the Presbyterian will publish my letters to you, without such notes as he sometimes appends, I will let him append my name in full ! s &word as to my "spirit of lofty exag geration," when I said hundreds of minis ters and diensands of laymen -approve your course, and lam done. He asks, " Has he - counted, or does he daringly guess at it ?" I have often heard that a man will fight the shadow of a fault in - another, which has per sonality in himself. Now, after what I had learned for years both - West and East of the mountains, I believe my statement expressed the truth, though of course I did not note , down•the names of all I knew, and number them. But let us look at a statement or two of Dr. Leyburn'e. Did be count, or did be daringly guess at it, when he said "be questioned whether there was a dozen min isters in the Church" who approved your course ? Did he count, or did he daringly guess at it, when be said to keep up personal intercourse between the Board and mission aries, etc , "it would be better to maintain it at five times the present cost" ? The Board of Domestic Missions costs the Church over $lO,OOO. Five times this would be $50,000. Fifty thousand dollars to disburse (tor. the collecting is done by pastors) a little over one hundred thousand dollars ! ! By this time the Presbyteries and churches would begin to do their own disbursing with leas cost, by sending their aid directly to the toiling missionary: Now, Mr. Editor, if you give this hasty note a corner in your paper, I will not trouble -you or your readers again. I love all the Boards, though I do believe them somehow to be more expensive than snits the feelings of us in the country; and I. - will still try and aid them all to the best of my ability, in doing the work of the Pres byterian Church. I love the brethren, too t who differ from me in the matters connected with these Boards, and. I hope to give a hearty shake of the hand to many of them, and Dr. L. among the reet,lat the meeting of our Synod. We ought to love each oth er as brethren, with all our faults. ** Eastern Pa., Sort. 10, 1858. EASTERN SUMMARY. BOSTON AND NEW ENGLAND. Among the distinguished men of the past, whose memory will not quickly die, is the late Nathaniel Bowditch, L. L.D., of whom the people of Boston feel justly proud. They delight to look upon his portrait, to reflect upon his scientific genius, to speak of his contributions to mathe matical and nautical knowledge, and they have placed his tomb in a conspicuous place in lovely Mt. Auburn. His family have lately presented his large and valuable collection of books, in its particular department unsurpassed, and probably unequalled in the United States, consisting of two thousand five hundred volumes, to the "Free Public Library," of the city. Of the character of these books, the Boston Transcript says: Many of the most rare and valuable works of the Library were presents to Dr. Bowditch from various Societies or authors in other countries—a - circumstance which adds greatly to the interest of the collection. There are some score of vol umes in manuscript, which possess far higher interest than soy of the rare and costly works from Europe.. These written works are monu ments of the great philosopher's early struggles, his patient toil, his industry, and his zeal for learning in his youth. The Library presented to 'the city contains all the volumes Dr. Bowditch habitually consulted while preparing his Translation of the Jit - ecanique Celeste, and 'also all the manuscript proofs of his early industry. It will ever be regarded with the highest interest by citizens and strangers, as, a most interesting monument to the memory alike of the " Ship Chandler's Apprentice, and the Commentator upon La, Place.' In this connexion it may be proper to state that it has been. ascertained from most reliable data, that the donations of the late Abbott Law rence, to religious and charitable objects, during his life-time, amounted to $689,000. He did not retain his grasp upon his money until able to hold it no longer, but expended it wisely while he was able to make it reach the destinations intended. Since Boston is in some sort the head-quarters of the Baptist denomination in the United States, we may properly give the Statistics of the body, under, this head. -Their Almanac—for now almost every; denomination in the land has its Almanac-- gives-the following succinct summary of the Reg ular Baptists, which, , as a matter of course, ex cludes the Catnpbellites and Hard Shells : Asso ciations, 565 ; Churches, ;:11,600; Ordained Ministers, 7,l4l;:Baptized in 1857, 68,506; Total Number of Church Members, 923,198. This is also'the principal seat of the operations of the American Board of Foreign Missions, widch has just held its Annual Meeting at Detroit the Rev: Mark Hopkins, D.a, presided, and the ser monesided, ~ was preached by the Rev. George Shepard, D.D., of Bangor, Me., from Luke xi : 41 The entire expenditures for the year have been $874,889.35; and the entire receipts, $834,018.48; leaving,a deficit of $40,870.87; During the year, thirty one missionaries have been sent out, twelve of whom were returning to fields they had pre viously occupied. And there are now under ap pointment in this country, .twelve missionaries, and four. female; assistant missionaries. Within twelve months, two missionaries, and three as sistant missionaries 'have , died. The number of laborers sent out frem this country, including, physicians, is 878.: of native helpers, 524 ; total, 897. The whole number of Church• members in connexion witlrthe churches under the care of the Board, including those la the - Sandwich Islands, is 27,140, of which 1,532 have been added• in the = year: The whole number of pupils in the Semi zanies and schools; including' those in' the'.3l2 free schoids supported by the Hawaian govern merit.' which alone comprise 8,460, is 17,020. Thanumber of pages printed last year was 45,- 898,346: 'The reports from the different stations were highly encouraging'; many .of the discus sions were deeply interesting;` and the results of the meeting were most happyto all concerned. NEW YORK. Business, though not as active as could abe wished,' seems to , promise better than was ex peoted., Large sales of domestic goodet have taken place; and'while the direct'importation of Foreigmfabrics:is very small compared with BOMB ether' years, yet • a`largo= amount of goods has been taken from the bonded warehouses, showing that luxury is still able to command its silks,_ laces, and other things 'of that sort. The affairs of the Quarantine Grounds are still the subject of, much discussion and angry feeling. Warrants have been issued for the apprehension of one hundredand . fifty of •the rioters, but only a few of them have been taken. • Yet, among those ,apprehended, are some men of wealth, character, and, influence. And ,since the Gov armor has declared. the county in which the oc earrences-toolt,place in , a state of insurrection, fears are. entertained by their ! -friends that they may; have to undergo, the'eummary process of conetimartial, ?instead of trial by jury. And the people of Richmond.Countyaareinginningto re.:= doktke akkola mattarpfocLthat willhaye to make good the loss that has been occasioned. Temporary buildings are being erected for the accommodation of tkr patiea'is, and to pre vent the spread of disease; while permanent bui 7 d_ ings of iron are about to be constructed at an expense of $300,000. Utica has been. the scene of the sayings and doings of another Dfongreq Asscmblage, similar to that which lately met at Rutland, Vi, and which was pleased to- style itself the "Philanthropic Convention." Its character can be easily ascer tained from the fact that the leading spirits were, Parker Pillsbury, and Henry C. Wright, of Mas sachusetts ; Andrew Jackson Davis and wife, of New York; and Julie. Branch._ The Times cor respondent wrote : "A strong tone of Free-Love ism is perceptible in all the speeches thus far, and the Convention, if anything, smells stronger of filth than the Rutland Convention." Profesior korae, who arrived in Paris from the United States the same day the news was received of the successful laying of the Telegraph Cable, was made the recipient of a public banquet from the AmericanS then in that city. in the course of the evening, Professor Morse made an addrese, in which he gave a complete history of the pro gress of the telegraphic discovery. Speeches were also delivered by several eminent Americans. Tao Rev. Abel Stephens, D. D., Editor of the Christian Adootale and Journal, the great organ of the Methodist Episcopal Church, is about to issue an elaborate History of Methodism in the United States, on which he is said to have been engaged for the last fifteen years. That the work will be interesting cannot be doubted, for the author is an able writer, and warmly devoted to the interests of that Church. He is at the head of a newspaper conducted, in general, with much ability and great fairness, except when any thing bordering on Calvinism comes in its way. Th en Dr. Stephens prepares for immediate battle against his grand -adversary, whom he so much abhors that he imagines all evil things of him, and never seems so well pleased as when as opportunity offers for an attack. Indeed some of the Doctor's efforts in this way remind' us stronly of an inei. dent in the life of the celebrated John Randoph, of Roanoke. He was a member of Congress dnr . ing a session in which the Tariff question was discussed, as be Supposed, ad nauseam, and among other things the claim of wool for protec tion had been strongly urged by the Pearmylvania members. So excited did the Virginia member become, and so intolerable were his prejudices, that he declared on his way home, that he could go forty rods out of his road to give a kick to a sheep. So we often think that a long polemic service, and the many hard contests in which the good Doctor has been engaged, have had the effect of leading him to take special pleasure in giving a blow to any thing savoring of Calvinism, even though it should he necessary for him to go far out .of his way to accomplish his object, and though he should fail in the end. The Methodist Sunday School Advocate • has reached a circulation of one hundred and eighty thousand copies. Every minister, local preacher, steward, and class-leader, is expected to interest himself in the circulation of this paper, and the other periodicals of that Church. And the con sequence is, that the people of no other denomina tion in this country, give such a preference to the publications of their own Church, as do our Methodist brethren. The Work of Grace continues to make progress. The prayer meetings are as interesting as ever; and the services of the Sabbath are well attended. But a wonderful work is still to be done. In this great city Satan has still many strongholds, of different kinds. The workings of innate depravity and of Satan, may be seen at every turn. Bat the Lord reigns, and his enemies shall be sub dued. PHILADELPHIA. Last week the Germans held one of their large festivals at Lemon Hill, for the purpose of pro curing funds to aid in the erection of a monument to the memory of Baron jleuben, who occupies a conspicuous place in our Revolutionary :annals. Re had been Aid-de-camp to Frederick the Great, and Lieutenant General in the army of that great Captain. At the time of the breaking out of the Revolutionary War, he' was in the possession of rank, honor, and emolument, but he relinquished all these to become a volunteer officer in the American army, in which he did more than all our officers to improve its discipline. But his great services and sacrifices were never fully re warded. Still his name is dear to the American people. The`Slavery Discussion between Parson Brown low and Rev. Mr. Prynne, attracted some atten tion; but by no means as much as was anticipated. Mr. Brownlow. was suffering from bronchitis so that his speeches, for the most part, were read by another. . The family of the Rev. Dudley A. Tyny, has received the ineurance effected on his life, for $5,000, in a London office. The germane in this city have twenty-one reli gious Sooleties : three Catholic; five Lutheran; three German Reformed ; one Baptist; one Meth odist; seven Jewish. Synagogues; and one Free Thinkers' •Association. A considerable degree of inquiry exists, just now, among Some of the Jews. Between thirty and forty youths of Jewish families 'visited the Rev. Mr Bonbomme, during the last month, to make inquiries and receive instruction on the sulject of religion. The North Americim has the following 1111fiee of a New Church: "The congregation attached to the Church of Dr. Nevin=Alexander Presbyterian Church—as is well knowb, sre abeut to erect for him a new Church edifice. The giound for this purpose was broken yesterday morning, with interesting cer emonies..-.. The site for the Church is a fine lot at Nineteenth and Green Streets, one of the finest sections 'cif ibe city. The edifice will be thirty six by eighty-four feet in dimensions, and Mutt of 'pressed brick, with' brown stone reliefs. The services of breaking ground, yesterday, were Par" ticipated in by about five hundred ladies and gen tlemen. A very excellent address was made by the ptistor, Rev: Dr. Nevin, followed by Rev. W. E. Schenck. A hymn was then sung, when* groundless broken by Col. W. T. Snodgrass. and the,Superintendent of the Sunday School, I.°. .Tabor, Esq., The next step was slightly amusing —each lady and gentleman present successively taking the shovel and scooping out a quantity of soil: It was the first time we bad ever seen ladies mabifestine their interest in Church building .so demonstrative a manner. The Church will be ,completed by about New Year." For tberresbyterian Bawer and Advocikte. Death of a Brother. At a regular meeting cf the Fayette City Ledge , No. 611, of I. O. O. F.,of Pennsylvania, held nt their Hail, in Fayette City, Wednesday evening, September Bth, 1868, the following resolutions were adopted: Wnsnzas, It has pleased an All-wise Creator, in the dispensation of his providence, to remove from time to eternity, our well heloved br,dber. P. G., J. Crawford Cook, and whilst we humbly bow in submission to his holy will, we deem it compatible with the relationship heretofore existv ing between us and our deceased brother, to gi suitable expression to our feeling on this mourn ful occasion. Therefore, Resolved, That our heart-felt sympathies and condolence, be tendered to his family and friends. Resolved, That we, as a I,odge, truly mourn hi! death, which is a loss not only to his fatufiT elved"t Order, but the community in which he knowing him to be honest and faithful to his friends, 'tree to his country, and fraternal to his fellow-man. übl.'shed ,Berotied, That thesebe Pmo ' resolutions in-the Prabyteriari Banner and Advocate, of Pitts burgh, and :Monongahela Repalican, and a copy sent to the family of the deceased. Br ORDSR OF THE C.0)00/1"'