Presbyterian banner & advocate. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1855-1860, September 18, 1858, Image 1

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    1 1:''':'-'-'ESBYTERIAN: BAWER .'...&,, _ ADVOCATE.
Presbyterian Banner. Vol. VI. Mo. SS.
presbyterlan Advenate. Val. 22 1 ■h 41..1
DAVID McHINNEY, Editor and Proprietor.
14 rifimal Vottrß.
Reihember thy Bible.
Allt-" Be kind to the loved ones."
Remember thy Bible, for on it bath gazed
The bright eyes of childhood end youth ;
And their hearts have grown warm with rapture
and praise,
As they read o'er its pure words of truth.
BemeMlier thy Bible, the dim ,eyes of age
Haiti brightened sr ith feelings - of love;
And t'helr pale cheeks have glowed, es they bent
o'er the page
That told of their bright home above,
Remember thy Bible--its words have been read
By thy father at morn, and at even,
To the loved finally circle, now scattered and
dead;. ,
Oh I how many have left thee for heaven.
Yet though amid weeping and mourning below,
Death bath broken affection's bright chain;
Ytt the fair, golden links, still brighter shall
When united in heaven again.
Remember tbyl3ible, in affliction's dark hours,
When thy loved ones are passing away;
Its sweet words will fall, like the dew on the
When faint ' the long Summer day;
Then turn to thy. Bible, 'twill dry thy sad tears,
And the sh tdows shall pass swift away,
As the stars still grow brighter, till morning aR-
When they fade in the fair light of day.
Bo wild the dark woes that encompass thee notv,
At+ thy bark by the wild storm is driven,
The hopes of the Bible still brighter shall glow,
Till thou wake in the glad light of heaven.
Remember thy Bible, When thou nearest the brink
Of JOrdatt, the Rtirer of Death ;
Its sireei, words of promise will not let thee sink,
And pralses.shall tune thy last breath.
For the Presbyterian Banner and Advocate.
, College Endowment.
Everybody would be glad to nee a College
endowed on a scale worthy of the •churches,
in the. bounds of the old Synod ot Pitts
burgh; now forming the: three Synods of
Pittsburgh, Wheeling ; and Allegheny *''The
amount sof money that should be devoted to
this endowment, ought hardly to be less than
half a million of dollars. A small part of
this sum Might be invested in buildings,
but it is chiefly , required in order to be
funded for the support of Professors, Schol
arships, Library, and Appsratirs, so as to
place our College on a footing, io these re
epees, with Harvard, Yale, or any -Aber in
the entatry. ' Nor need we despair, of oh
taioing this ambutit'Of 'motley for so worthy
an object. The forty thousand oommuni
eantesin the three Syncids; would represent
probably fifty; thousand. ; ,aamiliea, perhaps
more, whose .bigher educations interests
would be deeply affected by the College;
not, to speak of thousands more still, who do
not live in the bound,s of the old Synod,
bat who look to its uhurohes as the glory of
the laud, and its institutions as the best
planes of education , for their, children. An
average oontribution of five &liars, once a
year for but two years, from each family 'in
the three Sprods, would make the sum
needed. Many, no doubt, neither would
nor could give anything at all ; a few might
be expected to kind largely; a sornewlikt
general contribution might alto •be expected ' ,
if the'brethren were of one mind as to the
object; and peradventure acme one, two, or
half a dozen -might be found, who would
give the whole endowment. One man ,in
Pittsburgh lately left a larger sum than this
for benevolent purposes, and mainly for eau
(rational uses. The money could be had,
we cannot but believe, sooner or later, it'
the brethren were only of one mind as to ,
the matter. Without such union of effort,
little' can be done, and perhaps nothing
should be attempted.
In order toy a united and 'general effort,
the manner of holding the endowment be
comes an important question; and it is 'one
which must be settlee before any movement
for obtaining money is made. Concerning
this, the (Tinier" ~may be here 'expressed,
with modesty, yet with a strong persuasion
of,its correctness, that no stun, of $500,000
for a College van be obtained, if it is to be
placed in the , hands of a close corporation;
while a College, inseparably allied to the
Church, and governed by Trustees appointed
from time 'to time by the Church Courts,
might be , expected eventually to secure a
liberalendowtnent, even whatever sum might
be v iieeded It would receive the contribu
tione of the llving, and the bequests of-the
dying. amen the people,of God; for itsowo
sake partly, but chiefly for its permanent
connexion with the Church of Christ, and
its great use in promoting lie °awe. A
simple process is all that is necessary to form
a College Direotory with a general line of
administratiOn, in which the churches would
confide to the end of time. Let the three
Synods create , a Board of Trusteei—eaoh
Synod, electing ry certain number of mem
hers not exceeding• five, making fifteen in
all; and each Synod filling the vacancies
caused by the death or resignation of its own
members; let this*Board of Trustees be in.
corporated with , an , open charter, in which
this mode of electing its members is recog.
nixed; and then let all and every thing else '
in College management- be left to these
Trustees In this way, the coopexion he.
tween the Cullege:end the Church would be
complete; and yet neither the, College nor
the'Synode would, be embarrassed in the
transaction of business: matters. Snob a
Board of Trustees might be chosen 'without
much delay, and so far as this important
part c f tbd'work is concerned, a great step
would then bave been taken.
No measure of • this kind ought to be
taken, however, without the general , and
cordial ooneurrende of the brethren in the
three Synods. And In order to this, there
should be the wisest' and kindest consider.'
ation of the ease of our existing Colleges,
so that no advantage now possessed should
be sulieeted to loss or even to much risk.
This 'consideration should, by no means,
take tbe form of controversy; rather let the*
whole matter remain in abelance, until we,
* The old Synod of Pittsburgh embtaciod, also,
',bat is nowthe Synod uf Ohio,. but tbili t ikusii is
milted ivitletlinointustOil eiforbStuwatd ifiseqUlge'
endnumat. r
or our successors, can see the questions in
volved, in the same light. As an humble
ti nitribution toward the solution of the prat
deal difficulties, which all acknowledge to
exist, and to stand in the way of uniting our
two Colleges ' the following plan is respect
fully offered for consideration :
1.. Let these Colleges be united at either
place, but preferably at Canonsburg, (for
the reason which is implied in what follows,)
leaving the present endowment funds; so far •
as these 'are connected with either Owe,
altogether undisturbed;,but combining the
two Faculties as far as> practicable, and ap
propriating to the College such moneys as
are at the disposal of any of the Synods for
this purpose. It would be further neces•
nary to effect some arrangement between. the
present Trustees of the College, and the Sy
nodical Board of Trustees, so is to secure
unity of ,action, which could be va
lions ways. ;• ,••
2 At the place left unoccupied by this
union, let a Female Seminary be established,
somewhat on college basis ' and also -under
Trustees appointed by the three Syriods.
Let its aim be, not to interfere with any of
the existing female•Setninaries which adorn r
im many of our towns, under private pro
prietorship, but to invite the attendance of
young ladies who have finished the usual
course of instruction in these: Seminaries,
cr who may be of less juvenile age than
most of the pupils in these excellent schools
An institution of this kiwi, a Female Semi
nary , on•a college basis as to many branches
of education, might become. one of great
influence for good; and its location might
well be made in a town like Washington,
marked , by the residence of 'so many Chris
tian families of cultivation •and refinement:
In order to its success, a liberahendowment
should eventually be provided. This ought
to be taken in band as soon as the united
College was endowed; indeed ? arrangements
for it might be completed without much de
' lay. Many would probably give their do
nations or their bequests to this institution,
in preference to the other; the public ap
peals to the churches should not be made
for both, however, until the college endow
ment were, out of the way. The success of'
this Female Seminary would hardly be a
matter of uncertainty, aid . this would more
than compensate the place vacated by the
tratisfer of' - the existing college for any dis
advantage thereby occasioned to its local in
terests. The two institutions would hence;
fOrth be no more rivals, but the one a broth
er and the other 'a 'Sister in 'the family,
cherished with equal reaard 'by the thou
sands of our Israel, and by many in the
kiudied tribes of God's people.
If this' plan should not be considered
good or practicable, it may at least serve tbe
purpose of turning attention somewhat spe
cially to the question of . Wine can be doe e
Probably no plan can be devised that, will be
free from difficulties, and perhaps nothing
at all can be ione; .buteat atly rate no harm
can result. from_a : kind, and Christian con
sideration Of the subject. , JOHN. ,
For the Preebyterien Banner end Advoakte.
The Revised Disqipline—Baptized Mem-
Mn. EDITOR :---Our Bziok of Discipline,
under the hands of the Assembly's able
Committee, has not only been revised, but
greatly improved. Permit me, however, ,to
make a suggestion or two in relation to Sec.
111. of Chap. 1., to which you Invited at
tention in your editorial of the 29th, ult.
As the Section , now stands, I deem your
strictures unanswerable. Why we ,should
aiscrintivat/ in the Church's, treatment of
her own members, equally. " under her gov
eminent and training," having equally
reached "the years of discretion, and
equally " bound, to perform all the duties of
Church members,"bi not easily shown, We
should either give them a different name, or
subject them to the same treatment. There
seems to be no alternative. Total exemp
tion from judicial prosecution, be their con-,
duct what it may, marks a wide difference
of treatment between baptized and commu
nicating members. But if the former are
members of the Church, and under its gov
ernment, while both the Chureh''and its
government are treated with contempt, can
the latter innocently, ,fail to vindicate her
authority, or refuse the benefit of her
discipline to her offending members?
With due deference, then, Mr. Editor,
to the long established practice of denomi
nating baptized persons, Church members,
I suggest that this cognomen is a misnomer,
or the practice of the Church, on this sub
ject, is all wrong. "Profession of, faith in
Christ" is as necessary to constitute Sub
jects of any sort of discipline, as of " judi
cial prosecution." In a word, without true
faith in Christ, all Church discipline' and
government, as well as "'judicial foreseen-
Lion," will be as so many pearls cast before
swine Baptismal water alone, reaches not
the deep — foundations , of character; this is
accompliehed only by the "baptism:, of the
Spirit. Without "faith in Christ," the
merely baptized are not a whit better than
others, and the principal benefit. resulting
from their baptism, is that it brings them
into such external relationship to the Church
as to entitle them to the special interest,
sympathies, and prayers of the Church for
their conversion and salvation. And this
is the true answer to the question, " What
profit in. Infant Baptism ?" as it was to the
old question, " What advantage bath the
Jew? or,, what profit is there of circum
cision ?" Surely, Infant Baptism is quite
as rational and useful as Infant Oireunt•
cfsion • and to say that the latter was use
less and irrational, is a downright impeach•
ment of the wisdom and goodness of its
Divine •Author. Jewish advantages, how
ever, were attainable only through Jewish
circumcision ,. of which advantages, the
chief was I , ; hat unto them was committed
the oracles of God," (Rom. 2) e_, the
great benefit of religious instruction. In
like manner, pastoral, pulpit, as well as pa
rental instruction, under the present dispen
sation, in connexion with the tender interest,
prayers, and sympathies of the Church,
constitute the chief advantages of Infant
Baptism. These advantages are immensely
great, inasmuch as the covenant promise of
a faithful God guarantees the final conver
sion and salvation, as a general rule, of all
those baptized children for Whose instruction
and salt alien believing parents and a be
lieving Church, affizieg the seal of the
coietiatit, call into requisition the requisite
Scriptural' instrumentalities.
:4111bbjeettrillri -Editoritiwi these ,brief
filiggestinna, is not, at present, to difteuss
(location PO difficult, and yet Po importani,
but Pimply to evoke the employment of abler,
pens. Very truly yours, L D.
From the Princeton Review.
Church Commentary on the Bible.
. 13reetinridge offered a minute to pro
vide a Commentary on the Scriptures which
shall be in accordance with the Westminster
doctrines of this Church, as follows:
"Inasmuch as the wsot of a sound, godly,
and thorough Commentary on the Whole
Word of God, composed in.the sense of the
constant faith of the Church of God, as
that is briefly set forth in the Standards of
the Wentminster Assembly, held by the
Presbyterian Obttreh in the United States of
America, has long been felt to be a grievous
want, ~w hereby a great lank of due serViNS
to Gud and to his truth occurs and whereby
constant danger arises to men of needlesa
ignorance on one side, and of dangerous
miiguidance on tte other; therefore, be it
" Resolved,' By the General Assembly, quit
the Board of Publication shall, and it is
hereby 'directed to_ proceed with , all Conve 7
nient dispatch to have such a Commentary
composed, preparekfor the press, and pub
lished. And in the execution 'of this great
work, the following rules and orders, to
gether with such farther as may be adopted
from time to time by, the General '4asembly,
shall be carefully observed by
,the :Bard of
Publication, and by all others In any. ways
engaged in the execution of any part thereof.,
" 1 The Commentary shall be prepared
clue vely .by the members, of this. Church,
and in , the preparing, of it 'they shall haVe
all such indulgence as, to time,. as they:shill
respectively demand: 'And tor their own
compensation and their heirs, shall receive,
for the legal term of twenty-eight years, a (air
per centum, on the price of the work sold,
which shall be- in advance by, the
oard of• Putrileatioui aD4 whi;ah 5134 be
uniform, and in lieu of all claims and coat
of every sort in any way connected with
their said ikorlr.
"2. fhe said Commentary shall be fitted
for common use* by all men, and in the pre
paration of it, free use may be made of all
material that may exist; the design being
to prooure not so much what may be original,
as what may he, est in the way of enlight•
ening and saving men. 'lt shall oot•
lix, butso arranged that.the whole may be
embraCid five or six . r . oi n ,l octavo volumes,
of good print„containing, besides cornmen•
tarp, the English text. in fall, together with
the usual aceeieViteiith c ereasf, Ind 'such Other
suitable helps t 6 its understaoding. :as plain
people need. And the text, used in it shall
be strictly that of the. version, prepared by
the translators appointed by James the First,
King of England: . , • ,
«,3'= In order to secure the fittest men for
this great work, the Board of Publication
shall mare special ; application to thageneral
Synods of, our. Church at -the next stated
!fleeting; reepectiVely, and the said - Synods
Shall, upon careful consideration, nominate
to the said Board of Publication any number
of their own members not to exceed five
from any one Synod, of such as they shall
consider qualified to nnt;ertake the- work,
and tha Board of Publication may add not.
more' than foitr, in addition W.:the whole
number thus nominated to it, and it shall
communicate the list of names thusobtained
by sifting the Church, to the General a As.
amiably, at its next stated meeting, in May.
of next year, making,.at.the same time, and
from year to year thereafter, report of its
doings under and by virtue of this minute.
"4. The General Assembly "of 1859, will
take such further order in the premises, es.
pecially with regard to selection of persons
out' of the list communicated to it, to the
distribution of the work amongst „them, and
'to all things needful for its effectual prosecu
tion, as shall seem'most expedient."
It is evident, from the very nature of this
propeeal,4:s well as from the arguments of
its advocates, that it conteniplatrsan exposi
tion of• the whole Scripture, to which sisal
be given the sanction of Churph authority.
If the-mere suggestion of such an idea does
not strike a, man dumb with awe, he must
be impervious to all argument: -It is a' fear
ful thing to give Church authority even. to
articles of faith gathered' train the general
sense of
,Scripture. ,, How large a part tof
the Church universal, or. even of the Church
of England, can conscientiously adopt the
Thirty: Nine Articles in their -true sense?
How do we get along with ,our, more ex
tended-Confession ? We could , not hold , to
gether a week, if we made the adoption of
all its propositions a sionditihn of ministerial
communion. - How is it swith,ther.marriage
question If it is not only difficult but im.
possible to , frame a creed as extended as the
Westminster Confession, which can ',be
adopted - in all its details: by the ministry of
any large body of Christians, what shall we
say to' giving the sanction of the Church -to
a given interpretation of every psssage of
Sortpture ? This is , more,than all the Popes,
who ever lived, merged in one, would dare
to propose. , •It is a thousand fold more than
Rome, when most drunk With pride, ever
ventured to-attempt. Where is there such ,
a thing? who has ever -heard =of- such a
thing , as a Church •Commentary? Thera
must be some mistake about this matter
The proposition otanmotmean what it appears
to mean, sod whatson3e at least, both of its
advocates nor opponents, understood it to'.
mean. We cannot persuade ourselves that
any one, having the- least idea of the nature
of the work, any apprehension of what it is,
to come to a clear conviction, even for one
self, what is the true interpretation of thou
sands of texts of Scripture, how many
questions of philology, of grammar, logic,
of geography, history, antiquities, of the am
alogy of faith and of Scripture, which such
decision involves,- could, for a moment,
dream of the possibility -of a Church ex
position ;:of the whole Bible. The proposal,
on the part of any man, or any body of men,
to give an authoritative interpretation of un
lulfi I , d prophecjs, of the visions of Ezekiel,.
Zechariah, Daniel, and John, would be proof
that God had given him or them up to strong I
delusion. No amount of inspiration ever
granted to man would justify such an as
sumption. The prophets themselves did not
understand- their own predictions. The
apostles, though rendered infallible in what
they taught, were as ignorant, it may be, -as
other men of what they did not teach. The
Scripturefrwere as much an unfathomable
sea of 'Divine,knowledge to them as=they are
to us
- It , willo no: doubtlobta taidrithatthekmieva
above given of the design of the proposed
Couttoentary is exaggerated and distorted.
lt_ is very probahle.rhat the proposition lies
in the tniotis of its advowitett in lb very dif.
ferent form from that which it presents to
others We are speaking of it Eis it lien in
the record, and as` it was exhibited in the
apeechea of those; tv,ho ufged int •adoptior.
S.,me way aay that there,is no 'treat 'nano in
the Board of l'uOication publishing . a coin-
tnentary on the 13111:10. Certainly -not, and
simply because thit l3 l3caed .of Publication is
not the Church, !tind thernfore no; speeial
authority belongss any ,of Abair publics
Lions_ They may priEit the Commentarieief ,
Henry or Scott, or .Dr .' a'aenbitti'a Notes on
the Gospels, with i ituitiiSTOSecatise no ()anis .
responsible for 'the Orreotness of lite 'eXpoirk- -
tions given but t ir 'authors.' ' , Who ever .
dreams that the. Arra tilt responsiblei far) :
Dr. Scotes into ` - retthtion-lof, Ezekiel:ls
wheels r Who tbelis of at t tributioi Church,
authority to Dr. .1 oobus!s ex position of our '
lord'e discourses' ' .- ) - Are'ir - Zirkii pass for
what they are-itiV risieriify?lttfortly iiindyfaij
F at.
DO wore. But he
,i, itlithproptised lawursue r-,-
the sameteourse in1)01114M C,ontmentary;tas
was adopted in m,(ilsing ourCatechistdsAind y
compiling our,-Hyin I . t;ok: The: Church, ,
as such, is revolt:argo t le for ilieldeetrinal 'eel.- -
rectum of every hyinti in the `collection' )
The people do not n0w...wh0.. were the wri
_tors or who thee, pilaus. „„They take., the
book on the auto_ "ty, of : thp„Cliurelt, ) and
the Church iiltifi committed eal(s:COrreit-
nem:. This Must . ci thii :caieit? regard7th 3
.any commentary iiilteii by men `selected
.and appointed by t e bbureliireporting their'
work iroM timer qitek as' rthq, preceedi
and .receiving o'e "WI the'' i ititi ri at attn. , of
the Church to wh thef write. , Thisef ne-ci
cessity commits . th Gitlin:4lT and , thiitslpur. ,
pose' was clearly ii„ ived: t r .
,I 1 'ali- pally that' '
the Westminster , Ofessich has, , a'serfae;ithdi/
the Church has 'ii - lean Coniietiort"'of What'
, -
J 44
that sense is; ann. ccotaing'lty these prin.
'ciples the °amain iy is I,o , beconstriidted:
That is, the Chili Is taiat i o it, that `the!.
Comnientary is orb
~ dexhi.ild-emedq , tilde=
fore the Church' tbitst be r responsible , Wlieti i
thin Commentary itiNtietedin eon troVerif, sitt
will come not with ,i heWiithority of Luthty
or Cit vitt, or of ciitt;'f or' Jacctbus,'' hilt of
the Presbyterian° Tirch.' All Presbyterians`
will go to it, not's.tatiih other pribliclititimi'
of the Board, writ 'lixiiy , ,priviiteindividtritla, ,
but as to a boolitivingt,autharity; las,lbe
ing written or hdliipiled '.-by ' the 'Chore&
The plan propoied 1 intiiilii? the 'same eathit ,
k v
pursued by our 134 •et friends in th4eet
partition of their e ' '`v , 'ersidn; 'lf that
wet/ should be enfillitell,- it 'Wilt' be the
Baist .vevion, oi 'Dr:frOotittat 4 s or Pre,
fessor Hackett's. '-t?ersiob; but the Baptist ,
version—one to *ha i l!, ttiel Baptilits" as a de-'
nomination start& quintitted. ' SO the pro.) ,
posed Commentary 'atUl she the ,Preshyteriani , -
ComMentary, notrtreTomniehtittof Mr. A.J ,
or of Dr. B , and it'nitoll of nftieseity be
clothed with Chlielilautliority.'''Thie was
evidently eontem + e`€ =liy those Who tirsil,'
that the exposition of Scripture should' be
kept under' the vigilant eye of the Church,
and' who pled the promise of the Holy
Spirit to` the Church as a reason why .the i
work should not, be referred - to the Board of
Publication, but decided upon` and- carried'
out by the Church itself, the Board being
only her agent, as in the preparation.of the
Hymn Book. This is a fatat,objection 'to
the *hole soheme, for - the Church - will never
submit, unless God has withdracin from her '
the spirit of wisdom and of a sound mind,
to have imposed upon her the interprets.
tions of . any .man, as of authority in the
.reading of the Scriptures.
Besides this, the object aimed at is not
only inconsistent with the liberty 'of believ
ing, but it is utterly impracticable. It is
said the Bible is, to be interpreled according
to the. Church's sense of the Westminster
Corifession. Bat whoa is to tell us the ,
Churcb's sense' of the Confession ? It is
notorious, that as to that point , we are not
agreed. In the second plane; even, as to
points in which the sense of the Confession
is plain, there is want of entire concurrence
in its receptioi; and what is the main point,
there is no, such thing as the sense of the
Westminster Confession as to the true in
tereretation of thouriands of passages or
Scripture. The standard is an imaginary
one. What
_does that Confesslon teach "of
the dark sayings of Hosea, of the haptism
for the dead, or the sense of Gal' iii
,; 20,
concerning which an octavo volume 'has
been Writt•an, giving no less than one lin
dred and fifty distinct inteital4atiOns?' It
is plain that there is not, and that there
cannot be a standard for the interketakion
of the Scriptures in detail; and therefore
the Church must either submit to hive the
. ons of someone 'man enacted into laws
to' bind the reason and conscience of all
other men, or she must give up the idea 'cif
1 having a Church exposition of theHible.
Admitting,--however, that such a l work
desirable, and that: it. is : . practicable, where
are the mem:to ;be found to execute tbe task?
It is proposed' that each Synod _should ; nom
bate Ive of its, own membere.for•the vrork,..
some one hundred and ~ s ixty „in all. .We
Nenture to say,..that instead of our Church
being able- to firnish a hundred men fit for
such a work as this. it 'does not contain,
and never has contained, any, one such man..,
It is bad enough • for, any ~poor. sinner, after
all his study, to undertake toTreeent his own.
private judgment as to the meaningof Scrip
ture, and to state the reasons for his opin
ion, leaving all other: men to•judge,for them
selves, to receive or reject his interpretation
as they may see fit. But to assume, to act
as the mouthpiece ,of., the Church in, this
matter, to say what the Church believes .as•
to• the meaning of each text of Scripture,
and what all its members,, therefore, are
bound to receivelis its Meaning, is a ,task
which none but an idiot or . an angel , would
dare to undertake.
Get a' Home.
Get a home; r•oh. or poor, get a home,
and learn to love that home, and_ make it
happy to wife and children, by your pres;
once; learn to love simple pleasures, flow
ers of God's own planting, and music of his
own, the birds, wind and waterfall. So
shall you help to stem the tide' of desola
tion, poverty sod despair, that comes upon
so many through of, little things. 0
the charm or a little home I conifOrt dwell
there, that:shop the gilded halls of society.
Live humbly ,in your 4ittle house, an Ipok
,grander, quo,-
Frani oir London Correspondent
Another Dangerous Zen "—The Bishop of Oxfora
and the Co? feesionathe Curare and the-Peni
tent —Tait versus Wilberforce—The Faithful and
HM2est Bector—The 'Bishop snubs'him,-Ilia At
temPtid- Defence -Exposure by. Mr. ;Shaw and 'the
" ri71103"...- Will there be a .Disruption P - The first
Telegram to A neer ica— The, Queenri, to the Pre , i 7
dent,the second:Li-Wu/dons in Indisi'Sepoy itroei:‘
ties—The Survivorof Ottionpore—Anotherlndian,
Symbol-- BOntbardrnent of J eddo4 7 -- Mohammedan
ATaiere-; 2 inn): End:be -
kwartrin." DANozaotrg MAN," besides'
Lord Staniiy,:hieljiiit''b'een dragged forth
into rhis'true.ilight.' (ire- :was pretty well
known before, : hut he was,sly and. daubing;
He used..-as indeed he still does—Evangel-,
ipal phiaseolOgyi and onoe, at E.eter Hall, .
I have seen him inaki3gobd"old Dr. Bunting, ,
indnlgefin'iehuilit' of 'extetiiiitears,'hy talking,
of "Ithat.titai ofiGlod;WolinWeeleyPl e,who
earfrthil 3 4 l .2944 , 4 l haes4 I.rgP.IY; thari4oe4
he F iI SP,Yt!PPIP ilflYis oin k ytt,TtY, TIR OA . 1
iriev,prently , eilled: u glippery,i sayn,"' bui
whia:Proier fleyl4 , inT i titiefe ( itre,lVSaqiiithl,'
Lord - Inshore Oifoid;lard High eAlinnik , `
" , e'r,'.C-Bie:,3Bzoit , And - what; ,yon reek againji
11 )4e8..hiP 1 4qpe, 111 7,1ig spi4e .of altvhis,,Prtn-;1
l e
'oiPAPP°Aatrfarfilt l s`t g .,`ld. angler, t ?u.,,. a ., 1 g 7 Y.14:,
At this yrekent mon - rent is he eno the most
detested tifazi'filftigliatidl'' ifdPe y','llAeif,
hangs la, t,lile.'; , titi'd 66 0 1' must, \as 'a 'faitlifill t
witness -bearer; relate if. ,'. .:
.poofession, J as. you know, has
recently,. ecited i great;,atteption,,, It was
knoWn, forSOule.tiroe that the Tracts-
Tian 'clergy'eneouraged . Vfras time twelve-
Monetie, l l-Wairwritingtfolet'dui 'al wafering- "
plaeb ;on theiSoutherweanistowhere'a clergy, s
man,,was the
, t habiticif o rteeving i
his house, receiving confession, and giving
absolution, But the ease of Mr., Poole',,, at
Barriablisf; lingseftielk
..put-birre'poor waited ty and bie rigliV"
eons_,enspension-=by the Bishop% liondozi,
eSeited vonivorsal, attaption and, gaye an in;
al!igT s nt graap, of the whole subjectto mul 7
titUdes of minds," which before, 'had been
uninformed'or'r ndiffhrkt. • 0
~j 1 kftedi, eaie now 'conies to , almost
precisely '6i : that 'it 'Knightsbridge. •
'ack :the Tone else r'Tait r•-suspends, in the
•other, ;,c se, , Dr. , Vlberforee, justifies, and
Sustains pie Ofending, f priest. ,There is,
the'dilference in the world, then. ' At Maid-
eribiail,tiiildiddresei, the' R66torclie. Gres!
isf•a !notorious' Traetarian 'writer.'
Curate, -Mr. Rest-zlioft the ,same,Sehool t of
course r -,-••go,es fo i visit.a poor married wpmari,l
in delicate health, ndexpecting Soon to :he r
a unlther. puts lierihrougle the 'COP. j
Ma te," nee •ifier andtheri'andlibinite
icemes to/the'. seventh; and deniew - ever
4ving :violated be , asks her, as to
ful desire toward any one not , hei husband.
Besides thiS he sae her had she ever been
ebofirmed ?" "No."' 'That Was a great sin.
Had she ever received the Common=
ion ? No!? • Then you. cannot 96
'heaven% •
_ .
- Proteetact . lady soon the
womite,:fonndher in a state of great agita
-at the - it , at'q tie'stioni put' o' her. The .
priest had told her not to . inferin'her
band; and a "Sister;' one of-G-esley's pariah
bandsofT.,;,Sieterkof RharrityP;lfindieg f thetz...
she had informed the other ledy„idamedlher
severely - • ,
A - ieighhorine , :Rector, Dlr. She*, 'of
thiripitie Yeari' standing,' brings the . case
before' , the of. Oxford,;
respectfully,lhat- the .eorrespondence will be
published. .And so the Bishop sets himself
to write a letter,, which he .itnoWs all `the,
werld'irili read; and pro v e ,
champion of the viediir of Oxford end
the. Priniitive!'ehurclr,"' in ,opposition to -
Some ! He begins; by,reproving - Ilr, Shaw
'for mot.eqnsulting him :•Bishop,) first •
of all, he thec,,. on the Onrete'ai ,assurances,
denies ieberiit'Of the Wernerea ehargeS, - end
insinuates that her character is bad ,' aiid the`
Curate is4aken under protection, gr as one
- whom.the latirjeaveti 89 ;, greatlyixinpro4ct0,,
except „by his Beetor, and his. Bishop."
course, all inveitigatien is denied.
One, thing, ~hoirever,,,the Bishop cannot,
the'Ourate'did - put the'questianii"
complained of by the the Poor: Woutin2
then launches out, , inost characteristibally; in
-Ito an expression-othis ",deepest. l hormr of
enforeed Auricular Onnfessiort as practised
by the Church of Rome, and that Old M Lady
he abuses very pitchinfo•thete
• manner. Thereby, Samuel
that he is: a "very. good- Protestant., .7, - He
would, " resist.the introduction- of to the..
utmost..9k his power, into.:our
It would ; tend fearfully corrupt family; ,
life; ininjure, and in many eases destroy,'
the healthy Sedan "-Of the conscience
Whilelit.entangleiLthenivrealttin , .the, mishesisi
of scrupulosity,; casuistry,', and prlpsteraft, , t„ ij
would, set 'the. strong i minded ~.against'_ ell
religion Nay,, 'in' many eiseti,: it.
work more mischievously with ii"thin does, -
in the 'RetnanfOoriiriturtioio, *
any OhurchinertAif the Evangeliaal43ohook
use stronger This
speolchen, of the eloquent, double nvindA,
dangerous , not -
togoes ou r justify ' etinfeisicin and`'
each dealing with individual souls,interms,
that,. if we did met, know - the 'Man :And his
ohjeet,.might seem to,beTart if phyge
at a
: Presbyterian ordination, ,te must re-,
Mind you that, if the ministr y of "Christ
tnhavelis 'effect haat* 'it moat
address itself plitinly'to separate, Booby rand '-
to ..the particulars: of their eases—that; it
mnst, : by. plain dealing, as to , sin, awaken.,
sleeping consciences, and so.hring tbetn,,, if
God vouchsafe- his grace, la confess. their
sins' to him, and this be drain' in the Crain
and Sacrificel our 'deer Lord far deliver...
anee from its power and. condemnation.” We
'do thus,•vr,iweliritghtlthutlitto)-sliaL:Aith in
dividual ~souls.: ~ B at, now mark. .what fol
lows: ..
"And if in this piocees, any sick, persons,
among our people cannot- find
,rest fer, a
burdened spirit witticiutit, and - deeire 'it 'at
us, we are bound to tidthit " (" &leaf"
implying the priest . in the Confessional,)
" to the confession of.any special , sin, and if
they desire it, to give absolution."
He then proceeds, to argue that, '"as to
all this, the rule of our China. is plain."
To prove this he quails . a Canon Of A. D.
1614, the °doe of tfie ,visitation of the sick,
and the ExhoTtation st.the beginning ; of thek
Communion Service, He (ionic? that in
acdog,eitt "the ' rake of our 04n Obikeii;"'
tiiere is aziy real a:OW& o oriiiptions
of Rothe, for bete; the iiifferetteelhinot (gide;
grf*, ,kind) Malawian, talyingrtt_ii
It! t't '
LosikoN;Augtiat 19th, 1858.
..,,-. ~ }
t ~~-
,',.",.,,,.; .. ; 4 edtit•
' By liell, or at the OSlce, B/L5O/nr=l . 4tart punt Irgosplavya ,
• Delivered in the City, 1.75 •
Protestant; ze, he says: "If we act faith
fully in her" (the English Church's,)" spirit,
we must discourage: the temper of ,destring
OaafeSSiOn 413 an , ordinary practice, instead
of "a reserve remedy for certain cases', cif,
spiritual 'disorder." The Bishop Wieds
by an - exhortation if) mutual' clotritYp and
reference ::ttrwn - extract tot' a sermon ; of t ,his,;
-.preached before the Uhiveraity,of, r 9xfor4,
"'the nnsitione of which I see noleneon ; to
retract " T
Honest M. Shaw gives•the a 're
spectful, but crushing reply. t nei4ells ',the
Bishop that nthellislidpiwas,alkeadypri i vatelyr
•4w arernf AlPluif,"and that #ll3e ought s'9
to Teske, him . c oltioisi!y, acquainted ,
fifore,tban that; he (Mr: S:0 winheilitseifig:
afoiped; a riCa' 4g ra . `"ei irl'ea`in eat 'go' ,
straight tO , the r=4:Litnettiiheietts the'
Citiateendlher"iSieterMtdenied rittetchargear
the woman and the other lady, with her.
husband,,, werer•zles444esawewileetheirstrii:
,4sE i ca n e ,
.Ithelkftiestiothitto* Aisollesed; =Allot , (the
41 0'referPeeelakall isarnAtkit
11 6 1 4,1 , !IIPPPfdratiE-Riuti°Priand YPOAO Service.
fir the sick, aca i reely case ever °court", in
7 whieli a Clergyman' is ("ailed' on 'to 'nae
'whereas; " nod fvogue contes=
'slog wt.) , uhdue prdminineeplord Vnizkpoit.
istagsar.Vl , for =60004 , .admissiop
,forced l from the sB,ectop„ , k ofthe, duty_ of,
fessiop and fsbighlzWia, in any osse,is
weakpOint in
_the "elgiitili4, l litit' to F ial l
hiu): t ; 3,
NIK , AIO7 gOeCOrk 1 5 1 1 _ 0 f-ivt4PAe 44-4,4
cause for "real alarm." Hitherto the
differences of .opioh:m had. never been Vaal,.,'a blieliVilVit :Led/tit:gib." Thil - ahliiisthr'4'
'otirThurctr alterttiW,
ter ; ; ~ b utleratealth,ilymerf4i4itereermili'ontep
-4r 0 0 4 4 thigterAwAre.r2 2 l 9 . lo ,erifit4f4gerfteti*-1
,TlteAwl9 o ,44ol.filrito.,o4ol4 ,611 P.At'a= , 0 4 '70
Come. in some ,plsees ,verylike,the (Vera
of korak." r 4ThiS r i)uiliove.s•l44 l eferenOg
l the'ltbrodifiidldoVtviiitialtit finial:lls4in tiationt;
iof a lacrifige.iir tlie;Euehanist ptheidootrifia
lef CoofeBl49nr7R. 9EIA fATzlilo l Ang-lkhe 11 1 0 44
of absolution;" i the „high and nnecrißtitral t
estimate of the priesthood as; if 'Christ's
'tniniaters 'Were' ih;
trath'er-than stewards the. "goottabfg thin
-Ipetiple.liVEhe got&nil zitdr etemial:iloctrj,d of f
rillbtitkeittio!: l .11'441r*Yris overlaid,: riggrj)
inch f e ground , won. by the Reformers„
'has - to be' 'fong" 041.a,ga l
• errof thnse Wort lea !no went e
;pron . a
=fiery 'd'eti;th rtio win f , Curl freeddm' `,,
is', sin 'game"
,TOOM f9T 0 n 0 3 4 43tkaR4a4742,,RA A.,
dignatipu r " "1f, 4 eenoludes topestlnsp x
‘F tficrulera do thSiz, diity„Abe evil 4111
pass, away ; schism le inevitable, - and'
Rome inisfoctdhelin3
I- Mudd foot reek this- detterAvithout
miratiou r or ~without ?B. la, an
honest ; man,, may God:bless h im ,
On the 'shiy't tlie4iLblqatioriof ihe'C'pr4
) ;1 ...
responce 4 uep, the
comes ont wrath one
of its powerful leideriiii Which ; , l'irtusti
the Whole 'Country. Dependnatpon
were the: closing words .) , " Importartt,
authority in our. Church should attempt
play at dallitifide-wtth thia 'matter of' - Aorta
ulir. Cotifessiou; riot be far
of. This is 'not 'one- 'of ,(thdBC -go - Anions;
whereon.there be any mutual .ferbearl
&nee, or mutual charity, or _whereity,,,,tlls
bishop can hope, to still the ragingwateribY
, r
scattering` over them extracts .from his old'
sermons. There' is a 'fait Our - hietWY,
that happened a - lohg ;time isge'l 'indult' wry
humble , life; thatf . shook ithe 3hrouei oft,' a
Plantagenet. Auriculat.Ctiufefadou attempt : ,
ed to be insinuated among, oar gaelPtit,,
women, would differ 661i:from' the old_ his;
torid fait ae = moral ioiistediffer fionti 3
cal '.Causeei; =its -effeatsiiswoiildu",,differa.4llly
its7.peolesiastical convailsiMis:) , 4liffer from po
litical rebellions.'t
I am not, myself, at all sanguine as to
great results,, at least. fora Mean
_ time,, emt
.while,;;,the Tractarians
trwill*Ork,iili;o4 air s ' s ; I ,
leading'ciptive, litiirteni ioorealdugAit.
numbers ~by, -the plea-of 'persecution; and,
backed' by an increasing volumes-of, heresy,
Petite tt - forth fronp'Oxfordll9l7 - ersitil,atlit
poisoned ''fottntain'frot h ; whenee`., s a t li~' these
bitter matersrflow.
d. l 4 l igo. eigue'etie , Annoi4 o 4o l s44lfg
the, FIRST Mansman,aorOSS the
ran' thus : '"luroputhidNazinerioan
Led telegraph ; 'Glory to W4l4'
highest,' and - ,On; e*itrtit
toward, This, wasrycgransmTittfl
(With 'addresses' of tender and' receivers,
thirtY•bior *Urdu)
Afterwarde,' a.inesnagideoutainiugisthirty-Y
eight 4 mordErt was frecteivedi4o,,,twenty-Oor
, minutes A message from the Queen, totthel I
'President of the Vni j teif t 4tates,
,cOn c tainititg . ,
ninety nine wordit,'"ommitied iti4gos=
missicti to verify,)"' sixty seven: Minutiti...
The: words 4of tithe -, nteisake,,Tivere enotPanz ,
neunoad.r They. will: .he,tspread , all over:
your ,States Atoll Territories,ur fr this moment..
Surely:Beira_ glory and'Alm i ,world's destinies
'are to. he 'birgely, identified , 'with this min: .
droni drawing eloselylOgether thil two
nations. 4hof profeir , hiroTrutly and who
, honor big ,Name-1, Any
. .
and prepared for their g P
o m o i m y s t l heir, unity be
. unbrOken till tirist ahn.ll'
Missio3V.,..m,lamp., 7 , in, atonne4oft(pih,,
ediestion'aiiirthii Indian dniirrinient,,have
been diseniiiia' y Mr.iudif. P., at 'in
aazilliary ileethigrOf Church :Miesibnary
Society. He pointedly referred to - the pro
posed policy. of the Government. It bad
been expected that fult play would,have been
given to mons—all that was leireslL..but
"the time not mine." Refevring to
Lord Stanley, he said, "The etatOeman who'
told , them that.the eanier , of civilisation wee
not aiiiggise4, with the cause. of, Christ, 'had
misread lkidery,,and hainalereprearnted4he
optima of the,people of this, country.''
lEte‘ eipeote'd the 'diseintrageinent
sehdoleiin India would receive, wonld!be , far
more fatal arid , serious Ahau was now antiei-,
pated. There are se . ventoenlAndred
tian eoboole. There !crone* aad anglo
vernaOular schools contaim\d, l befOre
mutiny, seventy thousand "scholars, and
Were entitled to grants in aid frour
went, on condition of their Complying with
a. certain, eemalar, c atand9l..„ - tEither the
schoole 77 ander Lo,rd'El i tanleppolio,r7m*.
dicp, or,Cbrisiittis h'ome mat 'entirely
Supp'oit `theni;
errimit thatthekwem-isot•to the:
religious institstionclAtheiaiisotryl—%
R9 l :tsb9ltomrOo9B!th-dimbrtligiever;
„, „ „
plaidelplila,4ll Soak'Tenth Street, below Obestaet
WHOLE NO. 819 i
institUtions of the country, a day of reckon
„rnuvt cope
The tide =of .
.Christian indignation e in
dee& beginning:, to. flow._ Too; days: ago, :
meeting 'Dr Tidman,-Seoretarr-or the- Lon-,
I don
„ Aliviontry,p . oeinty„
. asked., Whitt-were
hie irP'Pral,oloo.l th e' i 'l t ' et 7.4l * :tlt i •
ibord7.Btaoley; ,a5,..-to ;the
„volley of the Government. ” - Very rinfAvon ul .,, g
Ivastthecreply..A. saked , him, did , ;hw
thin `th'iif preeeure withoitt ,
Inak , f,WßlQYAltstatt& • ' cg. '
isidt •`!4,0 77 , *
ku vte ( e ar X 8 1 1
endeavor ,a + eject! tlidra from
~dice."'' A great, Strieggle, on 'Whieh' the' .
" EvingelieaP Misses. ulnae ant4,7itr.thull fcire.l
, , ~
:, qt . . r we hay f e.44,,,fth
' rowing / recent, , stateinnnts, 4 tniien, &dm tit,
5.- rettit4 tita En:glislimarit - and in tatia beim L °
k-, ,**190 4 : 4 4' WO* fp* liii 404# .r; ' ht"rf
9nsider Bazoir. o T r uilumiur ~ (a nomame 4 holi„%) t 0
' was severely inunile'd oil die itigile (edit 7th
of Auflp .tt 'SKOV &Ark YV:ittiltrinlrk
, .thrhse, aftekwhin t t lii Se lit oh ' o ‘,11 . -
Into.thelleonap her body:, w as rout bhp ; a pip,,. ,
- fin the, ohyrollyarA N Tlyire ..t.t.. wil t rcAnd,_,py 111-d
phaplain of r if e station, the Rev. `ll.' Fourth ,"-
, 141.A.: 1 - viii4tmeilittnitardiath4A thnt'uoutuled. ft
aold anliTeit4ir AvfferingstiPll 4 " 4 9 6l ßett,lhorl
,Maud without medical it'd.' Airing the`Right from
Defiktfiltheroaree t ilitligleNraqiiti Alf fittlaNzt
n i
' Voot inEtin3 _shoes tillit bad beiW cut 01 1;1 1 4,4 w... t'l
3"iying about .. Let ".Juiltri, woo - 0y for a pri
seoeunilliii>r otris.litaaMislil'ideitathr ' ti: " 4
' and of Mrs. ChantbereStilithgrthrm
1 7 ID d 5 -4,.1141,1i 1` ''' OrrTylviq TieiinlY survivor or the tJawil;
e pore male.
nacre i . 2, - ' yoliiiil id/. it Oaliiiiitif iliftddio fßill] T
'•eouitti of lir adVentities and Salt:rings bsal, 0:
"Tilippearedrin the, Ateass, welt Ofiest34.4ePtithst
an4,trethfelnpls r ivlve, been: attested. ~iihei ,
tells somethieg df the orkignes'ehe i tnqpred,
Ind of hgr bedOinin'l iorofeadeir lifeha i ii:V
badasti', l l'd'es:sliperdbititi 'WM lisiihtitivo- - ' i
i'Aeoted by the Monlvie (litelyiallitralfrini....)
: :,the (2116821 mother -of,-..Ouda ' - who would
„,,Ilaviv , .iiiii: her /to - deathly of "her batngraesit,
afterithectid#grofuthat eitYrstilsWlPANSeF
' h iorlor, ther,rebeK and tar ,her. flint _wear,
= Ifft;r: mud, it fa said,ieji such' a t atlite, 'that
rihe u eann fl oe beiir any reference to the pad.
.., --); ~.,•. ~, rw . )•• , c., ' • i'
' 8 ArrinertjFDlAPlSylp3oL, i t lived, *
7 tbeiii . g Reg '' seared" "over the North-Wilif
: .Provinees. It cantata of-' 4 =drigil l fishlP
„loSitt year, , before Abe , -rebellion, it tease ths , ,
. lotus leaf. It is , attpßese, d s ,thftt g r/lp, I dripil n
' w fish typify that the vitality
_of England is
2 'swilaltstedrtsf,4 4.- 1 10rflieTnr 93 1 1 4 tegn no
' , more troops . That ,Ts a grand, mistake.
'There is a"maknineliiif foiCia" al Aide - Abed'
1 4 . l oErrippit"thleiiiiiimmtviand ,largeieinfonai , A
tune mental tire l their, may to ,theedifferisetc.:
).I Presigeroige. -, v ip, cavalry, the British army„ . „
°is v i sry j mwerfll., If , armed with revolvers, o
(',they *would he Big the Dee d 5
~ , a g ainit `ti ny far& of Waite - 1 Four initi: 7
, ) dridalitid hortelatlfuiL artned,•; pursued. *he •I;
tifatnensilthinee of. ,, Jhansi,,and.t her tflyiup a
'troops, s i t -.GwOliat.. „Brought to, bay, dip. ,
' iworoali t tpd, her sistsg„ii)., m„ale-,,fittire, went ~
IrOut 9 against ; her ,
al,' this - 1104 -l a their
~force's; bid - , 4ll 4 .Piniihed. t Ther 2 Biaintioili l4
•,,character of the-Rhsnee watteextraeidinarwi
and in meet and—diabolied—pompauionship
"with her nrualtya IWOLi - j,t,:), - ; E`2, - -- ..i. ~-"-
'' .MR. BITIMEON hirott:iiielfssksli*tiwAsk•
' It was proposed,, that .thf,l,4l4KietC4f4 e itlT
;should, be given, fair, hie l piAliS:teielAvgai l .
and for the ioobnthedation'ortheiriiiltitiids °
desirous 6fleiringildnl , AThiilbtATaiiiitil ,
Porter published a ieheineittArfotestagaitnet,l
the pi•opoeal,4l:a"pe.ryeajpp of the Giidens
- ' - from their proper pupate, not concealing
hiaidetestation of, the,.dentrinewlikely to Jr
, j tanglit..: All thie 1411,d iqr"
. tereSt cit the. coo
:7024,- 1 Pi 14 t 4
atite'leve all tlie , more t heel - ex taw
h old Paidine, 3 6oifislv-- 1"
TErz tielisk3ak eT Jsnriea bag led,
afterithellaildreioliaeßritish oink *Tie er to
obtain the murdereni.aLthe. _Conenla and
• the CbristisarkAmA i thetipaktrdment of
. the towp:,-iA. l lerge ikwillmolf.,,plgrivs, dip
turning-frc!'n,l.)le°R%t4iTT WA. 61 an i d T e11 :A
, allowed to get i away, thOrongniirrigtea,,
nirdOith'i,:htirfull l orfinairoal zao . *tad
1 hitied4gainet the faith 'of-the-Naturrimetil
q• &Snit, bombardment:li aving 400,4 t% ohtain •
' thebend— a Turkish commandnt pleSding r
~ his pfm,fmlwltett—..-,/,‘ limed „re panelled
agamst the ,place.,, l 'he Pasha who bad
' heed sheitilt,'lheii feturned, "ele4nitit!ntiirder
' ere wereleie r ented, - and' four prisoners-were
I . griven..tip 'rears' of:- an outbreak of the
Mohammedans --
ohaupnedans in Egypt were ,st ,one, tuna
, , -
( enteTtainfd, but have now abited From
t strti to last, the 'followers of the v .l s lsphet
have been the foremost, as well as the iblMt
and 'most ,creel, in.bthe Indian rebellion. s All over the East, in Bible Undo, thereas i ,a,
strong and latent sympathy with movements
in , thactl)iii, itogensaAtC.+
if alarm extensively'..prevailed for the
• sitfetrori , .exiltence) of the religion of the
. KorMl 0W0:1 3 . 14 9' 8 greataat and mat
' succes sful. ; lies, is . _ thus, by k premonition,
doomed,iind'ii l u nd'hy„ after startling eon-
Ailsibris,' it nitiy , be r thit"the- Antichrists of
Abbe' int Mae* Willlperidi- together, and
the. earths tremble Withitheithun der ,of . flak ,
fag .o '. ' ' Ur I-. • j ' l lr 'k 1 1
i e, :,/ :. gr .4
7ianigt rath cti: egotistme,fasiri
ble. 'Yeas lindleitni ha l f beefi''irifigh"
crop, the wheat is an aiieiSge;barley'deti. -
°lent, ; vln - Russia; timer St. :;;Petbrabsig,
theselia general; faikrerfrotnirer!gl4s ,
fintagrdnysluOlfv.V* l 44: ( lAnow i ciA
1, so far, an , penetrating many ee nu
alieitliesiericini: At Odessa;ilio, ff illi WOW
' CioliODP-difielest . : - Fileeilfatt !ate' reshot
. rale flosan ' . ..- ~` - ' ,
Tor the Prest cf In ltaluier and Advock4s.
Death of-Rev,John learehall.
This wertityliblothertinabitaMMlM died
at Doddsvillev;Sehttylertyf NH** at
the innitse,44l..Stemtt,Cck7,444l
of, AnAuit, in the r 45th yeir, of' is age,
.through tirtelf
phsiidiever,.aid IAA:1(051%/g eodialeii3efi% bast
life wielfinellguieireinitai by a chronic
taloa. y bad, for44olAr Oft e e.
months, two•thirde of the time, tht i ithuroh
of pe,cisvitle,.al4 gie, °tiler thfrd,,thst of
llt apd:liy , his foitleA r d
fa it seeureeiii" Wo'nftaeneii
itigbr,4-1 ifiCAWAi r r his
to i the aliirph of Do4ilevilleLa4
,acme to
the ohtF# 'He bore his
eielcnre :with 'mei:l4;6'mA' Waliike,
toitingliticrianiiiiithh tt,
.44 .8 10tYa l iipk`on'.•$ 11- 64= *ii 6 4 1 ,
. . wik
otter j - l e kiktileif-it NM'
b h
• r
. .t viliqls •