Presbyterian banner & advocate. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1855-1860, August 14, 1858, Image 3

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I.'•6JS to 130 the of the ruoqit rxmt
3trolN , t•oiftf quences
) Pdul, in 1. Tito iii: epealts
"The Chu:oh of the tiring 6 .d, the .pillar
and g round of the truth." Novv, aceordiug,
to th is editor, he weans here the , Batiffst
Chkrek. She is "the pillar and ground of
:the truth," and all must come and /earn of
her—sit at her feet as did 'Paul at the feet
nt Gatnaliel
2. Cnrigt says to Peter,,Cdatt gvi : 18 )
"Thou art Peter, and upon this Rock I will
build my Chuich r und the.gates of hell shall
.not prevail against it." This, of course,
means the " Baptist" Church. She has
the exclusive promise •of Almighty prutee
thin, inasmuch as there is but one Church
of God, and that the one, "in which the
Apostolical rule and practice '(of imwer.
stun) is adopted and faithfully' copied." All
otiper "organizations," therefore, must take
care of themselves. Christ extends his
: promise done to " the Church."
3 Paul , says, in Ephesitins v : 25, 26 :
" Husbands, love your owo wives, even as
: Christ also loved the Church, and gave
himself for it, that be might sanctify and
cleanse it with the wasbing of water by the
Word, that he might present it to himself a
glorious Church not bvinu spot, or Wrinkle,
or any such thing, but that it should be holy
and without blemish "
Frow this, in connexion with the teaching
'of this editor, we learn that Christ died only
for the Baptist Cliuroh, of course truly "lover"
that Church—has done nothing, and is doing
nothing, to sanctify or cleanse any, except
those who are in that Church. This is so
apparent that any one can see it, and if any
Baptist editor should be compelled, by his
. position upon the subject of immersion, to
come out fully, and carry his principles to
their ultimatum, we hope he will not fail to
give us credit for the above exegesis,
4. In Ephesians, again , .(i : 22, . 23,) we
read, "And bath put all things under his
feet, and gave him to be the bead over ail
things to the Church, which is his body,
the fullness of him that filleth all in all."
Christ has therefore universal dominion for
the sake of the Baptist denomination. All
things are his, because they—his body, his
Church—are to be preserved, watched over,
stud saved. Of course, those who are not of
the body of Christ, cannot be saved. They
are out of him—have no part in bim—are,
and must be lost.
5. In Colossians, i : 18, we read that
"He is the bead of the body, the Church."
Of course, according to this editor, the Bap
tists, alone, have a head. All other organ
izations, not being constituent portions of
the Church, cannot plead that Christ is their
head. They must, of course, be lifeless
trunks, without a head to direct or control
them. Under these circumstances, it is
certain that they must all come to nought.
Your readers may, perhaps, think that I
have devoted more time to this subject than
its importance warranted, and yet I could
not, in justice to my own feelings, have said
less. Here is a paper, circulating more ex
tensively almost than any other religions
journal in the worth-West, taking the most
illiberal and exclusive views, and maintain
ing them by a partizan appeal to the Word
of God. This, too, in the middle of the
nineteenth century, when, by the dissemina
tion of light and knowledge, a coming to
gether of Christian Churches is earnestly
desired and expected. Perhaps, however,
we should not be surprised, when we con
sider that the invariable result of adopting
some single notion, and exalting it above
every thing else, making a hobby of it, is to
lead to radicalism and extravagance. Reli
gious duty consists not in the adoption of
one or two dogmas, and manifesting great
zeal in their defence, but in accepting the
whole system of truth, as it is revealed in
God's Word, and *aming our life and char
acters upon it. He whcidoes this by God's
help, will never become a mere sectary, or
bigoted fanatic.
As to the specific question commented
upon above, we conceive the Scriptures are
explicit. All who believe in the Lord Jesus
Christ become, by that act of faith, of the
body of Christ, and of course of his Church,
in the largest, most unrestricted sense of
that term. In receiving the ordinances of
religion afterward, he may be greatly mis
taken in not being immersed, but still he is
a member of the body of Christ. Ciroum.
stances may be such, that he may not be
able to receive the ordinanoeis of religion at
all, and yet be a member of the true Church
This, we conceive, was the case with the
thief upon the cross. Membership in the
Church is the ground of his receiving the
ordinances of religion He is baptized and
received to the communion of the Lord's
Supper, because he has experienced that
change needful to constitute him a member
of the one true Church of God.
The uses of the term "Church" in the
Scriptures, are, as we think, very clear.
We all know the% the term "State" is em
ployed in a general sense, to designate our 1
entire Republic. Thus a Congressman or I
Senator may speak of the " affairs of -State,"
and mean thereby the affairs of the General
Government. We use the same term prop
erly, also, when we speak of the State, to
designate the lesser divisions of the Govern
ment, as the State of Pennsylvania, Illinois,
&e. The " affairs of State," here, is an ex
pression as proper as in the first instance.
Thus there is a general, and also a limited
or restricted use of the term " Churoh," in
the Word of God, designating the whole
family of Christ, and those lesser divisions
of that family separated either into denomi
nations, or individual societies of which
those denominations are again composed.
We need not refer to instances in illustra
tion of these views. Let the readers of the
Banner and Advocate, by the use of a Con
cordance, turn to the passages in whioh the
word " Church" is employed in God's Word,
and the truthfulness of our explanation
above, will abundantly appear.
It is pleasant to turn -from what we are
fearful is the growing exclusiveness of one
denomination of Christians, to consider what
we think to be the advancement of charita
bleness in another. The Episcopalians in
Illinois have two organs—one the exponent
of the High Church party, and one, recently
started, the organ of the Evangelical portion
of that Church. With the spirit of this pa
per, we are much pleased. It heartily ap.
proves of the union prayer meetings; ad
vises the members of that Communion to
join in the good work of laboring in that
wayrfor the promotion of the Lord's cause;
suggdsts that Episcopalians lay aside their
peculiarities, and strive in every way to aid
in the furtherance of revivals of religion in
their respeotive 'communities ; and gives re
ports of %chid the Lord is doing in the vari.
ens sections of our country to revive his
work. Surely` this is a good omen. It is
certainly a cause•of congratulation that there
are enough in that Church in the North
West, of the Evankelioal party, to sustain
such a paper. It is published at Chicago,
is ably conducted by an association of aler
gymen, and will be, wiihout question, of
great service to that branal4f the Church.
A flying trip to the thriving,oity of Rock
ford, a few days since, assured - 1m of the fact
that brother Farris is laboring with the Old
School Church there with much ac c eptan c e,
wad good prospects of ultimate success. You
are aware that this Church has had many
embarrassments in past years. We trust
these are now river, and that its growth will
be healthy and rapid
The church at Freeport has been without
the services of a pastor for some months past.
They have; however, extended an invitation
to brother' Marr, of Lewisburg, Pa , to take
the pastorate. He has .been to sec them,
and now holds their invitation under advise
ment. We hope the Lord of the harvest
will direct him into this field, which is
greatly needing a faithful laborer.
Rev A. Lrckey, formerly of Freeport,
and latterly with the American S S Union,
in Virginia,
has charge, as stated supply, of
the churches of Savannah and Hanover,
upon the Mississippi. His Post Office ad
dress is still at Freeport, where his family
The wheat .crop is much injured in the
North West, It is probable there will not
he more sban one half the yield of ordinary
seasons. The Indian corn, really the great
crop of this country, is, however, in a re
markably promising state. There will, with
out doubt, .be still enough for man and beast,
and the Lord will be praised of those who
love him.
Yours, &o
For the Pieebyterien Banner and Advocate
'DR MCKINNEY :-Irt looking over the
- Statistical Reports of the last General As.
sembly, with an eye to any connexion dis
coverable between the recent revival and the
Pittsburgh 'Convention of last Fall, some in•
teresting results appear. These will be ren
dered more palpable, if we set down in order
diets Synods which have been most favored
duringithe year, together with the number
of pastors and stated supplies, and the aver
age of admissions on examination, by each
pastor and stated supply. Thus :
Pastors and
Stat. Sapp&
Allegheny, 51
Pittsburgh, 82
Wheeling, 63
New Jersey, .128
Alabsum 42
Ohio, 66
Philadelphia, 122
Cincinnati, 69
Missouri, 36
New York, 106
It appears, therefore, that, so far as our
own Church is concerned, the revival was
most powerful in that region which was rep ,
resented in On Pittsburgh Convention.
Of the Presbyteries, that of Clarion, in
the Synod of Pittsburgh, has been far the
most favored of any. With only seven pas•
tors and stated supplies, they received, on
examination five hundred and seventy-two
persons, being an average of over eighty-one
to each stated laborer. In one pastoral
charge; in that Presbytery, were received
one hundred and twenty persons, and in
another one hundred and four.
The other Presbyteries sharing most
largely in the Divine influences, are given
below, together with the average of addi
tions nn examination, by each stated la•
borer :
Pastore and Average on
Stat. Suppl. examination.
Indianopolis, 5 40.0
Allegheny, 13 36.0
Beaver, 9 35 3
Miami, • 10 30 4
Greenbrier, 10 27.4
Madison, 5 25 6
Findlay, 7 24 7
Zanesville, 13 24.5
Elrie, 9 24.0
Passaic, 12 24 0
Steubenville, 13 23.0
Blairsville,, 15 22.7
The Presbyteries of Crawfordsville, New
Brunswick, West Jersey, Philadelphia, Lu
zeros, New York let, New York 2d, and
St. Louis,
are but little behind the last
mentioned- the above list
For the Presbyterian Banner and Advocate
The Presbyterian church recently erected
in Latrobe, by the Unity oongregation and
some of the citizens of the town, most of
whom are members of that congregation,
was, on the sth inst., dedicated to the wor
ship of Almighty God, by appropriate and
deeply interesting services, conducted by the
Rev. Dr. Plumer, of Allegheny city
The day was favorable, the house was
well filled, and the sermon fully equalled
the high expeetations of the people. The
dedicatory prayer was brief, comprehensive,
well adapted to the occasion, and so Scrip
tural and devout, that all who had the spirit
of devotion could most heartily join in it.
plus pepartment,
John C. Dunn, Esq , late Chief Clerk in the
Pittsburgh Post Office, has been appointed Post
Master in place of Mr. Anderson, the late very
efficient and accommodating incumbent, whose
term of office has expired. From Mr. Dunn's
experience and gentlemanly character, we antici
pate a continuance of the excellent administra
tion of affairs. .
The Election in Missouri
The Democrats in Missouri, have carried the
late election for Congressmen. Mr. Blair, Re
publican, loses his place, as Representative from
St. Louis,
Kansas a Territory Still•
The election in Kansas, on the lst of August,
resulted in the defeat of the Lecompton Constitu
tion, as sent down from Congress, by a large ma
jority. The returns were not all in, at last ad
vices ; but the majority against the Constitution
is estimated at eight to ten thousand. Thus Kan.
ssa abides a Territory; but doubtless an effort
will be made speedily, to obtain herrecognition as
a }Ante, with a Constitution, which the people
shall have made and approved.
West Point Military Academy.
Our patriotic countrymen will be greatly pleased
to see some indication, though, as yet, but slight,
of a reform in the appointing of cadets for this .
Institution. The school is designed for the ben
efit of the connt.y, and is sustained at great ex
pense. The training is admirable, both of the
physical and mental powers, but the boys have
obtained their appointments, rather because they
were relations or proteges of Congressmen, and
of other influential persons, than because of their
personal qualifications. The cOnsequene:e, is,
that a very large proportion of them fail to finish rnvimsziorcr.l
their course, and to enter the service of the coun-
Worms ! Worms !
try. A great many learned treatises have been writ-
The late annual visiting committee, after at
ten, explaining the origin of, and classifying the
tending the examinations, say in their report :
worms generated in the human system. Scarcely
We desire merely, in general terms, to room
any topic of medical science has elicited more
mend some change in the existing system, leaving
to more able and experienced men to work out acute observation and profound research ; and,
the desired reform. The field from which to select yet physicians are very much divided in opinion
cadets should be enlarged by allowing a larger on the , subject: „It It must be. admitteil, however,
number of candidates for admission than are now ' = teat,after all, epode of
, expelling these .worms,
allowed by law. -
The controlling object Of the government should and pn,rifying•tlie body i fromtheir presence, is of
. . _
be to invite competition among the youths of each
Congressional District, for these. When a va
c►ncy occurs in a Congressional District, no boy
ambitious of obtaining the appointment of cadet,
should he denied the privilege of becoming a can
didate for admission. The present " close bor
ough " method of nomination has no reference to
the talents or merits of the youth who receives
the' appointment. The people would feel that
they had a substantial, tangible interest in the
success of this military school, did the father of
every promising boy know that his son, if supe
rior to his competitors, would win the prize of an
honorable position in the army. The prejudices
now existing against West Point, in many sections
of the republic would disappear if it should cease
to be an institution where the power of nomina
tion is entirely in the hands of politicians.
It is the - boast of our Government, that it fos
ters talent, and invites competition for all offices
of the republic. As far as the selection of officers
for the arrey are concerned, there is no truth iu
this theory. There is nu fair and full competi
tion for thecadet appointments. There is no re
-fererice in the large majority of instances to the
intelligence and merits of the new cadets. We
:are for behind governments less liberal and demo
,eratie thamoor own in the mitaod of appointing
.cadets for the army.
The sagacity and military experience of other
countries ham long since taught them the impor-'
•tance of iiecering, by generous competition, the
very best talent for the army, Cadets, in many
•countries of ilinrope, selected from a number of
.candidates--the selection always falling on the
most talented and promising youths. In France,
for instance, where the first military schools of
the world eriet, there is no favoritism exercised
in the appointments of the military schools. In
.one of the States of this Union a normal school,
modeled after vlVest•Point, the Superintendent and
Professors at which, are graduates at West Point,
has bets for snarly' twenty years in successful
=existence, where a board of visitors annually se
'kat from several hundred applicants for admis
sion those hest qualified to repay the State for
the zwineyexpeaded on their education.
Arouse 6.—lthas been ascertained from an en
tirely reliable .source, that one of the duties of
Mc. Nugent, thenpecial commissioner to New Cal
edonia, who 'lea New York in the California
•steameryesterday, is to make such representations
to 'Governor Douglas as will induce him to miti
gate the rigors of the policy of the Hudson Bay
*unfunny, and of the servants of tire British
Government toward miners and traders: from the
'United States, 'He is also instructed tn counsel
the %Union obeying the laws of the country if
they eupect tote protected in their business pur
Average on
16 5
15 0
' 143
Two it housand .trocps equipped with the most ef
feetive arms known to the army, will soon be in
the territories of Weebington and Oregon, and
make it vigorous Futhand Winter campaign against
the fiestilellndiams. -Gen. Harney will command
the operations-
The rocelph into the Treasury for the quarter
ending The 30th of Yune, are over $23,000,000,
including $9,856 4 ,1308fr0m the customs and $12,-
.629.0130 .from the sake of Treasury notes:. The
expenditures during the same quarter were $22,-
730,600, including nearly. $4,000,000 for interest
on the public debt and the payment of Treasury
WE learn that 'there has been, within a few
months 'past, quite a stampede in the German
Methodist churches ,of New Orleans and vicinity
'towards Swedenbergianism. One of the most
,popular of the 'German preachers, Rev. J. M.
Oder, has gone eeec to the mystic faith of the
great Swedish iiirilosopher, and taken with him
mot a few of his brethren and friends, and now
'holds fortis to them at private houses on the Bab
batit.—.AT. .0. Cons. But., 26th.
itErwens now And the eighth of November
next, the Free States will elect one hundred and
Awenty-sever of dm two hundred and thirty. six
members of the next United States House of Rep •
resentatives, 'leaving nine to be elected in March
and A.pril next--three in New Hampshire, four in
Conneetiar.t, and two in Rhode Itland. Verfitont
will.commonce the. election of members of. Con
igrees, Septembet. 7th, and Maine will follow six
' , days inter in the same month. The Middle and
Western States will elect their one hundred and
'etghteen in October and 'November..
Tws yellow over is committing• serious ravages
in New 'Orleans. During the week ending on the
31st att., seventy deaths out of a total of one hun
dred and ninety three, were caused by thi.s die
Pwspextroreomiron FALL AND WINTER. --Whatever
may be the general character of business for the
owning season., it would seem that Carnagban,
Allegheny City, is making preparations for a
'heavy trade in his line. New styles business,
•dress aad over-coats. Vests and other garments
for mews and boys' wear are sing gotten out,
and ample arrangements made to fill the orders of
.his nemeceirs Atreus.
&ea City Commercial College, Pitts.
burgh. Pa.
Nanfirer of students attending this Institution
is wow three , hiindred—more than treble-at any
similar scisool in the country. It is a model, well
furnished counting house of four large halls, 201 .
410, '2BxBi3, 22x70, 43x80 feet, and is conducted
by a Faculty of fourteen experienced teachers
601 practical business men.- The course of study .
being the most thorough and - practical—Teachers
of writing always obtaining the medals here, also
in filastenn and Western cities—Low prices , of board
-and tuition—Healthiest city in the Union—Suc
cess of stn gradus.tes—Best location for gaining
siteations—cause this to be the largest Commer
cial Scheel in the Union, making it the most de
sirable College for business men in any pert of the
For Circular and Specimens of Writing, ad
dress F. W. Jenkins, Pittsburgh, Pa.—Pittsburgh
Gazette. •
N. H. 'G
Send us two gross Boerhave's Holland Bitters.
We want a medicine of this kind in our market.
John Birks tj• Co., Medical Hall.
St. Paul, Minnesota.
There is quite a ready sale here for your Bcer- .
have's Holland Bitters. Won. H. Wolf,
per .111 B. Pearson.
Hollidaysburg, Pa., Dec. 25th, 1856.
ISend me three dozen more Beerhave's Holland
Bitters. I will remit on receipt of same.
The Belling Qualities of Bo3rhave's Hol
land Bitters.
Quebec, Canada, June 20th, 1854.
We ha uo doubt it will self well here. Send
as one gross. Tohn Museon 4. Co.
Montreal, Canada, July I.Bt, 1854
J. 11.'Patton.
Lewistown, Pa., Dee. 24th, 1865.
Send me six dozen Bcerhave's Holland Bitters
per R. R.--will remit, less discount.
Charles Ritz
Wellsburg, Va., Nov. Ist, 1856
Send ine 'another box, three dozen, Boerhave's
Elolland Bitters. It is taking the lead here of all
other Bitters. ' Wm. H Kinker.
York, Pa., February 4th, 1857.
Please send us, per express, six dozen Bcerhave's
Rolland Bitters. We are entirely out.
C. A. Morris 4- Co.,
Louisville, Ey., Tailuary 29th, 1857.
We have a great many calls for your 13cerhave's
'Holland Bitters, and would like to have the
agency. Wm. Springer 4- Bro.
CAUTION !—Be careful to ask for Beerhave's
firotietrui Bitters.
told at $l.OO per bottle; or, six bottles for
$6.00, by the sole proprietors, BENJAMIN
PAGB, IR., & CO., Pittsburgh ; and Druggists
more value than the wisest disquistions as to the
origin. The expelling agent has at length been
found—Dr. M'Lane's Vermiluge, prepared by
Fleming Bros., is the much sought after specific,
and has already superseded all other worm medi
cines, its efficacy being universally acknowledged
by medical practitioners.
Purchasers will be careful to ask for DR. M'-
PA. All other Vermifuges in comparison are
worthless. Dr. M'Lane's genuine Vermlfuge,
also his celebrated Liver Pills, can now be had at
all respectable drug stores. None genuine without
the signature of FLEMING BRCS.
PITTSBURGH, Tuesday, August 10
The past week has been an exceedingly dull one. The
weather still continues warm, and our rivers have expe
rienced &slight rise. We see it Stated that the Oats crop is
light, and that the Grain itself is light, not weighing over
twenty-eight pounds to the bushel. This is attributed to
the rust. We give but few articles this week, there being
no material change since our last.
BUTTER awn Eons—Butter, 10@i2e. Bgge are plenty,
with slow eale at Bro.
Lune Gun—Prime, Wio•
DR/ED Haar-11 1 2 a 2%c, by tierce.
Fudge—Receipts from country very small. Sales on
wharf at E 4.40 for superfine, and 4 75@a4.80 for extra. Ohio
brans would bring more. From store, superfine 4.62, extra
5.00, and family do, 5.25@5.31. liye, 3.00@3.10. .
Glum—Oats, 40@45c. Corn, 600. Rye,4so. Barley, 50c.
Wheat, 71@80c. for Penna. fifedlterranean, and 90E61.05 for
Southern. •
_ ....
rray—sLoom.o.oo per ton.
Wool,—Very little in market; selling at 28649.-
Naw YORE, Aug. 9.
FLOUR—Ohio, $5.2.5@5.50; Southern, $5.16@5.35.
ORstsi—Wh'eat, red, 10E0129; Western white, 113@)118
Corn, mixed, 72W% white. 94495; yellow, 95.
BACON—Shonlders, 614(§}6%.
- - •
FLOUR-4,25®4.50, fir old stook; superfine, 44.75005.00;
extra, $4 871,( 2 @i5.20. Rye, $3.50 Corn Meal, $4.00, for Pa.
Gaenr—Wheat, red; 120@1.25; white; 135§148; Rye, 65
for new, and 70@k75 for old; Corn, yellow, 1001E402; Oats, 39.
lortign Inttiligettct.
The arrivals from Europe, within the last
week, bring but very little news of importance.
We give a few items.
In the House of Lords, last night, 26th of .1 . 017,
Lord Lyndhurst called attention to the right of
search question, and asked for the ciirrespondence
relative to the negotiation on the subject with the
United States.
Lord Malmesbury said that an arrangement cal
culated to put a stop to the traffic in slaves under
the cover of the American flag, and at the same
time to avoid all causes of misunderstanding be
tween the two nations, was in 'course of prepar
ation, and would, .he believed, accomplish the de
sired object-
Baron Rothschild took his seat in the House of
Commons, amidst loud cheers.
Advices from China are to the Ist of Tune, and
contain full accounts of the capture of the forts
in the Peiho.
Negotiations having failed, the Chinese were
attacked on the 19th day of May, by the English
and French, and the forts captured with much
The Chinese fought well. Ninety-eight guns
were oapture,d.
The loss of the enemy is supposed to be very
The Indian dates from Calcutta acre to ,Tune 19
Onde was still very unsettled • The heat was
terrific, and the British troops had sufferedgreat
ly. The sun had been more deadly than the en
emy. The troops are being • housed until the
fierce heat is over. The season •is the hottest
known for twenty years.
The Ottoman Government, besides the punish=
meat it is to inflict on the authors of the massacre
of Jeddah, offers, it is said, a sum of 150,000 f.
to the families of the English and Frenoli Consuls
who have been assassinated.
Princeton Theological Sensine,t7.
The exercises of this Institution will begin again, on the
Lecture this thie year will be delivered' by Dr Hodge. 'The va
cant rooms of the Seminary edifue will be" assigned the
first day of the Session. These are all furnished now
without cost to the student; and such as fail to obtain ,
rooms in the Seminary buildings, will have other rooms
assigned , them by the Si evrard, Without charge. ' •
Arrangements are now made to reduce the whole neces
sary expense of the students, for the Seminary year, exch."-
eive of clothing and travel, 'to $lOO. It is desirable th at
students come promPtly as pi:legible:and cones without cal
culating on any vacation, or remission of studies, during
the term, now thirty-four weeks.
The Professors engage , the attendance of the students
every day, weekday and Sabbath; preaching in
On Sabbath morning in the chapel, and holding'a confer
ence at 8 1 4 P. AL, in the Oratory. Extemporaneous speak;
ing is constantly practiced. and,no manuslript is allowed in
the Oratory; but sermons fully. written out are submitted
regularly for criticism in the Class-room.
There is a Gymnasium on the ground, well furnished for
exercise' at all seasons, and in all kinds of weather. There
is access, also, without charge, to the Lectures of the Col
-1 lege, where eminent Christians philosophers, in physical
and metaphysical science, supply, a complete department
for the connexion bf science and religion, so important' at
the present day. And lam authorised to say,'that no
worthy istudent,' who conies' prepared' to take a regular
course in this Seminary, will be allowed to tallier want of
means to relieve necessities, incurred by the ordinary de:
mends of the Institution.
*ws PHILIP S. CAFFREY, Steward.
thage:lll., on'Tneeday, September 28th, 1858, at 2'ol3leak
P. M. , 'PAULL, Stated.Olerk.
The'PRESBYTERY OP WOOSTER stands adjourned to
meet in Congress, on Tuesday, the 7th of September, at 11
o'clock A. H. . J. W. HANNA, Stated Clerk.
The PRESBYTERY OF X AIIMEE will meet al .Mt. Salem
church, on the 24th inst., at 7 o'clock P. M. "
LUKE DI3RLA.ND, Stated Clerk:
The PRESBYTERY OF BEAVER will meet In West MEd.
diesex on the Second Tuesday of. September next: at 11
o'clock A. M. D. 0. REED, Stated Clerk:.
The PRESBYTERY OP DES MOINES stands adjourned
to meet a Dee Moines, on Thursday, the '.2d day o Septem
ber, at 7 o'clock P. M. J. IWELROY, Stated Clerk.
The PRESBYTERY OP NEW LISBON. stands adjourned
to meet In the church of Betheeda, on the Hirst Tueeday of
September, at 12 o'clock M. . ' • -
,i arxicb.
On Saturday ' the 7th inst., in Pittsburgh, by, Rev. Dr.
M'Kinney, Taos. M. lisnsam, Esq , to Miss MART N. P4er.
By Rev. B. C. Jennings, on the fith ult., Mr. Dern) A'
M'Dons.r.,n to Miss Mutaearr Jonss, of Beaver County.
( jtphituarg.
DIED —On the evening q)f the 2cl: of August,
Mrs. MARY ANN, wife 'of Dr. Robinson, of
She had been religiously educated by her
parents, (Mr. and Mrs. Jordan,) and brought
by the power of the Holy Spirit to give evidence
of a gracious change, and to devote herself to
God. When her weakness and sickness threat
ened dissolution, she was tranquil, in the exercise
of faith. At last, triumphant, she resigned her
babe, husband, mother, brothers and sisters,
witiran assurance that she was about to ascend ,
to Jesus. • Thus, this youthful and beloved dis
ciple of our Lord gave a dying testimony to the
truth of religion,`andleft an amiable example to
surviving friends and acquaintances, who honor
her memory. • S.C.J.
Shirleysburg, duly 28th, Mr. SAMUEL
CAROTELERS, in the 86th year of his age.
The deceased was born in York County, in
1773, whither his father had returned on account
of Indian hostilities. After these ceased, he
came r back and settled permanently near the
plane where the subjeot of thid notice spent his, ;
entire ; iife. The life of the deceased sweeps over_,.
the entire history of his country thus far, as a
free and independent nation. The population of
the hind has increased perhaps nine fold during
his life, and the Presbyterian Church, taking the
two branches, at least twenty fold. He has been
an elder of Shirlesburg Presbyterian church
about one-third of a century, and a member still
longer. He was marked in life for his hospital
ity, honest integrity, and his genereal interest in
the church of which he was an overseer. His
last years were much clouded with the in
firmities of old age. But though the weight of
years were upon him ever since the writer of
this knew him, yet his delight to hear the voice
of prayer, and to have his thoughts directed to
Christ, evinced his ripening for the harvest, to be
gathered as a sheaf for the heavenly garner. He
has left many friends to call to mind his history,
and the faith of hie last days. May they all
profit by the lessons' of the Bible and of Provi
dence, that when death comes, whether it comes
in youth or in old age, they may be ready.
Dflan—On the 25th of February last, GEORGIS
ANDIMON, Esq., a Ruling Elder in the Presbyte
rian elm& of Birmingham, Ohio, in the 68th
year of his age.
In him the community in which he lived lost
one of its best citizens, his family its loving head,
and the Church a faithful and public-spirited
member and ruler. Mr. Anderson was a man of
very amiable and kind disposition, "and of few
words ; he rather courted privacy in the bosom
of his family, yet he was not deficient in those
sterner qualities of head and • heart that place
men in commanding positions ; for he had in a
high degree, integrity, foresight, and perse
verance; and when called out by his fellow
citizens, or by his brethren of the Church, to fill
posts of trust, he refused not, but always ren-,
dered valuable services to the Church ana State.
His native worth, his stern integrity, his deep
and humble piety, are embalmed in the memories
of, his family and intimate friends. The end of ,
this faithful servant was in keeping with his life.,
From premonitory symptoms, he anticipated a
sudden departure from this world. Atk4 so it
was. ,After spending the day in a social visit at
a neighbor's,,he - returned home, and while con
versing at his own fireside, with his brother, his
head suddenly reclined, and he ceased to breathe.
God thus saying to surviving friends, " Prepare to
meet thy God. F.F.
DIED—In Huntingdon, Pa., on the 20th ult.,
in the 18th year of her age, Erirs 0.", youngest
daughter of the late Ron. John Ker.
Again has a fond and widowed mother been
called to part with a beloved child, yet doei she
not mourn is those who have no hope. Bllie; was
of a very, reserved disposition, owing to which
she was known in her true character to but very
few. She was no common child,: but ,far sur
passed those of her own age in strength of mind
and maturity of intellect. Capable of . the
strongest attachment, she regarded no sacrifice
too great which tended to promote the comfort
and pleasure of her friends. ' But it was at home
that all the lovely traits of her character shone
in their brightest lustre: Obedient, affectionate
and devoted to a fondly loved mother and sister,
it was her delight to contribute to their happi
ness. To these natural qualities, she added the
graces of the Christian. A few short months be
fore her death, she united
,with the Presbyterian
church in Hunttngdon, and the true saving work
of the Spirit was evidenced by a consistent life,
and the triumphant joy with which she "encoun
tered the king of terrors. Her death-bed scene
was one of peculiar interest, and well calculated
to make a deep and lasting, impression upon all
who witnessed it. Calling her Sabbath. School
teacher to her side, she blessed God for having
given hersuch a teacher, and thanking her for
her faithfulness, left messages for her classmates
to meet her in heaven. She addressed personally
all who were present, urging them to adopt as
their motto, " Live for Christ" She had most
correct views of the plan of salvation, founding
all her hopes of heaven upon what Christ had
done and suffered for her, and was enabled to
say, I. know,in, whom Lhave believed, and be
will never leave me nor forsake me. Thus, re
. posing on the kosom of her Saviour, did her soul
wing its glad flight to the mansions of the blest.
Dten—Near Mansfield, July 29th, Mrs. Han-,
NAM JAND consort of Mr; Wm. BO' Mg, in.
the 30th year of her age. • -
It is with feelings of mingled sorrow and joy,
that we record, the death of this most excellent
lady. We mourn because her career amongst us
was so brief, and so soon terminated, though it
was quite long enough to make hernmemory very
precious. We had fondly cherished the hope
that one so amiable and 'Christian-like, and
worthy of, esteem, would have long been spared
to gladden with her smiles, the; many friends.
whom she had endeared to her, and to adorn by
her consistent walk and lovely example, the doc
trine of God her Saviour, in whom she reposed
all her confidence, and trnsted as either salvation
and desire; but God's ways are not as ouri, nor
bis thoughts as ours. And without repining, we
would desire to 'acquiesce in our heavenly Father's
will, and Say, “Even. SO; Father, for so it seem
eth good in thy sight:" '
We rejoice that our departed sister has lift be
hind her, to comfort the heartet of surviving
friends in the midst of 'their severe 'bereavement,
the consolation of a well founded hope, that with
her all is well, and that, their beloved one now
rests in the bosom of her Saviour, whose love is
stronger than death; and from which nothing:
can sever his believing children, and to whom he
is always precious. As we watched around her
dying bedside, we heard no murmur escape her
lips. In the midst of severe , bodily sufferings, we
beheld depicted upon.her countenance the signs
of the tranquility and resignation to her Father's
will which reigned within her bosom, such as
God's grace alone could impart. When reminded
of her critical condition„ and informed that-in all
probability a few days would terminate her
earthly existence, it occasioned no alarm, nor
excited any trepidation. And why should it to
one who had the. eternal God for her refuge, and
who had committed to Jesus her all!
Mrs. , Ewing has left a husband, and a:slittle
lamb' of slew days old, a mother, the grave of
whose husband is yet green, and a large circle of
other ,relatives and friends, to mourn their be
reavement; but they sorrow not as those who
haire no hope, believing that she fell asleep in
Jesus. And now to the place where her remains
rePose,lriendship may find it pleasant to repair
and meditate, as the tears of separation fall upon
her' grave like dew upon herbs. Yet a little
while, and the quickening presence of Him who
is the resurrection and the life; shall animate her
dust, and it shall awake and sing; together with
Christ's once "dead body 'shall it come, and bliss
fully like his glorious body; but before that hour
your spirits may mingle with her's, around the
throne where separation is unknown. R.McP.
&ROVER jaw BAKEngs
Air These Machines are now admitted to be the
best in-nee for fiailly Bewimic, making A new, ikrong,
and elastic stitch. which will sot rip i ,eirell if every fourth
stitch be out. Circulars seaton application by letter.
-,- .hlibere&disoount nude to clergymen with dimities.
_ . '
—This ingittaioLi IN located in the city of Mansfield,
Which Is at the junction of the Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne and
Chicago, and the Sandusky, klanageid and Newark Rail
Terms are as follows :
Board, Lights, Fuel, and Tuition, per 01M111011 of ire
months, • - - - ro 0 . 12
Tuition In regular course, - - 22 02
Primary Department, - • 0.00
Instrumental Music, - - - - - lb.uo
Use of Instrument, B.OC
Painting in 011 Colors, 16.00
Latin, German, and French, each, - 6.00
Washing, per dozen, 60
Payment will be required in advance, except in case of
boarding pupils, of whom one-ball will be required In ad
vance, and the remainder at the close of fbe term. The year
will hereafter be divided into two Sessions of five mouths
The first Session will commence on the SECOND
"WEDNESDAY IN SEPTEMBER, and closq on the third
Wednesday in January.
It is desirable that applications for admission should be
made as early as practicable, and that each pupil be prompt
ly present at the opening of the Session.
For farther particulars, address the Principals,
ftliiiiSftB. BURGETT & 'PANGS,
Mansfield, Richland Co., 0.
OntaiTIBID 1865.
Now the largest and most thorough Commercial School
&the United States. "YonngMenpreparedforactnatdnttes
of the Counting-Ream. . ••
J. G.SMITG, A.M., Professor of Book keeping and Mame
of herotmts.
. .
A. T. DOUTMETT, Teacher of Arithmetic and Oommer.
cial Calculation..
KEYDRICKand T. O..TENKINS, Teacheriof Book
A. COWLEY and W. A. MILLER, Profs. of Penmanship.
used in every department of brininess.. Commercial Asith.
metie—Rapid &minim Writing--; Detecting Counterfeit
Money —Msrcantile Correnpondenco 7 ,tionamercial Law—are
taurht, and all'other_subjccts`necessary for the aucisese and
thorough education of a practical businessman.
Drawn all the premiums in Dittaburigh for the past. three
years ' aleo in'Eastern and Western Cities, for best Writing,
. . . _
Students enter at any time—No . vehation—Time unlim
ited—Review at plessurraduates assisted in obtaining
situations—Teition for Fnli Cammercial Bourse,' Sas.oo—
time eight tO twelve *reeks—Board, $2.69 per week
—Stationary, s6:oo—Entire cost, $BO.OO to $70.00.
sir Ministers' eons received at half price:
Per, Oard—Oirmiar-rBpecimens 'of Business and Orna
mental Writing—inclose we stamps, and address
del94f ' 'S . : W. JENKINS, Pittsburgh, Pa.
noiduowearys olivrauratar IS A. BIAGIO
BALM for sore 'bresists, sore lege, end -old wounds,
even those, that have deSed ell other applications' for a se
ries - of years. Thousands of certificates attest its almost
miraculous doingi hi the hospitals both of the Old and the
new world. r
Bold at the manufactory ; Nolkl 'Maiden lane; Dew York,
and by all Druggists, at 25c., 6304 and $1 per pot. .
WE beg leave to call the atten
tion of the Trade, and more
especially the ' Physicians, of e
country, to ,two;of the most Popu
lar remedies now before the-public.
We refer to
Dr. Chas 11'Lane's Celebrated
Vermifuge and Liver Pills.
We do not recommend them as
universal Cure-ails, but simply for
what their, name purports, viz
For expelling Worms filmy the
human system. It' has alSo been
administered with the most satis
factory results to various Animals
subject to Worms.
For the cure of LIVER Com PLAIIITS 3
HEAD-ACHE, &c. In cases-of
preparatory to or ai cer , taking
nine, they alinost invariably make
a speedy and permanent cure.
As specifics for the above:men:
tioned diseases, they are Unrivaled,
and ,never known' to fail when ad
ministered in accordance with the e
, • .
Their unprecedente d popu4anty
has induced ihi - 791.)rjefciprq, 1
' • rIitSBURGH PA.
to" dispose' of their:Drug liusiaess,
in which they have been :success.;
fully...el. 'gaged for the last - Twenty
Years, and, they w~ll ' now'giv their
midiyided time . and: ,'attentlok
their manuracture: : And:beingde-'
termined :that . Dr..M'Laiie's
brated 'Veimifuge and':l;ioer `Pills
shall continue 'to occupy the high
position they now hold among the
great reniedies' , of the - 4y; they
'will' continue spare iieiiher time
nor expense . m procuring4he ,Best
and Purest material, . ands corn
pound them in the most thorough
manner. - Address bideri to
FLEilllNtr BROS. Plttibat~h, Pa.
P.& borders and Physicians ordering front others
than 'Fleming Bros., wW well to write, their orde rs
distinctly, and take none bed Dr. APLane's, red by
Find* Bros. Pillsbuhrls. Ptt. To those wishing to give
them a trial, we wilifforward per' mall. poet paid, to any
part of the United States, one box of Pills for twelve
threecent postage stamps -or one vial of Vermifoge for
foOrtmen three-cent stamps. All orders from Canada must
be'accompanied by twenty cents extra.
• ,
. . ,
ITN Apt V. J. S. HEDIDUBSON,, President.
Assisted by
. - . .
MISS 0. A. KELLOGG, (Teacher of Instrumental Music,
Drawing, and Painting.)
MR. B. W. MARTIN; (Teacher hi Vocal Music.)
The Third Year of this. Institution will commence ' on
WEDNESDAY, September let,lBo.
It is located at Mendota, Lasalle County, HI..
This Institution is designed for Males and,lemales: tied
to furnish as thorough a course of instruction,lekglish,
Mathematical, and Clawdcal, as any similar one,East or
West. Young men will be prepared to enter th Junior
Class in College. The qualifying of those for teaching who
intend to adopt it as a profession, will receive special atten
tion. Mamie will receive a large share of. attention, and
Drawing, Painting, and the ornamental branches gen-,
eral, will not be neglected. .
Forty young ladies UM be accommodated with board and
rooms in the Institution where they will be under the im
mediate care and supe rvision of the President, his Lady,
and the Teachers, whose constant deem will be to secure
i f s hysical, mental, eocial, and moist interests of the
pu &neienndred andlifty-two students , have - been‘in' attend
apes during the past year.
liomd and tome furnished in the Institute for $28.00 per
term of eleven weeks, payable in advance:, Tuition accord
ing to the branches of study pursued. .
YOtini men-and lads can board , in cliibe, or in private
families, at reasonable rates.
For particulars, address REV. J. B. ILENDERSON,
an7-2m Mendota, 111. •
. .
BUY or High School, by a, young• man,i who is •
graduate of Washington College. Pa., and who him bad one
year's experience in teaching. Those desiring a permanent
Teacher would do well to correspond with him Boon. Bat•
%factory testimonials as to character, scholarship, and abil•
ity to teach will be given. Address •
"APPLICANT," Box 178,
Steubenville; Ohio:.
.. ... . ,
OFFERS, Is now to be had in the purchase of all
NOTICE TO CONTRAV3 ORA. , kinds of Dry Goods, at the store of MURPHY A BCROII•
Sealed proposals are eolloited by the Building Com- YIELD, corner'of fourth and Market Streets, Pittstitirgb. at
mittee, for the erection of a Presbyterian church In the low prices. A dissolution of partnership being about to
town of -Washington, Guernsey County. o', eightv•nintil ooeur;thbi firm are offering all their goals In their retail cud
feet long by fifty feet In width; to be built of !Mich, with • 'itholellahl rooms ,' at greatly-reduced peg" with • vietr of
basement, the contractor finding all the material excepting I esdlingogseptlregy_ before 'gm 'change Bk Ckeir busine,t,
the brick. Bids received until the 25th 'day of AnglisiV - ititallies *lll do ingfitolay In a supply tif Shirting Mntlins,
next. Plan and specifications of said .tailding ono In mn kish and other Maple dry goods. for future wants,
at anytime after the 14th proximo t .by calling ee., t i thLn!; e .aele . is.Nett j 7 tattle goods ked again for such
of the undersigned. The suoceseful niontractor_Wi,"‘.." B , r.".. . li/ as • ileilisroiilkld are now selling' them fu.
Binagll ki
qnired to give sufficient guaratiteefor„the faithful , •chgs... - :• Nearly all '' of Dram Gbods lea, than they
meat of his contract ' t' • cost. Linen Mitten-Handkerchiefs, and, Bmbrolderie•:: or
li. AEA, ' . , JOHN arcuaDY, -..- , all laude •tnistiV•abeeper than ;canal. -'All Itniifinot )I,.nfa
„ ',, . - . l and z floyiesear,,:inclnsfing'soper-French. Clttthe and i's'e•
'-.' ' ' TIIOB. LAyGIBLIN; '''' .”
' ...• : '' I artier* ere offered pt, penes thet mak e aratii, derided butte
jyBl.4lt• ' gitildistgOlOgniAieg: i gotit.
, t, - * f‘i, " ~. ~, ,f , /4,T . . 1 j eel" ni Neted 4 '..4 , :-!...1 - ' n. - ':.: :•:' iz •
- .
jyBl SO
) ,
a ?II
The bsefliti rablvaied weekly NI the tams of Pita
burgh etol naiad& Will lad le adeptirt to eleral eirdalitio
to the Preebyterian Church.
IN CLUBS of twenty, and upwards,
DELIVERED in either of the cities,
Nor eight Enemy or leek one !insertion iso emits ; each enb'
seguent insertion, 26 etude. Each additional line, beyond
eight, 9 cents for every inanition.
For eight lines, toree months, $9.00. :Each additional lin
26 cents.
For eight lines,One Year, $lO.OO. Each additional line cl.
041b13 Of two Sines, $5 a year, and $1 f:r earl add
Menai „ •
Busman Nortors. of ten lines or lea, 'Ono Dollar. Each
additional line, 6 cents.
IT Connunnications recommeraintory of-Infeitions, ate
dicta Practice, Schools, de. Ac., being designed. for the peen
nary benefit of Indfriduaie,should be psidfor as Basin em
Mawr by snail, where no good ..pportunity is otherwise
at hand. Drone or noted of the larger denozdruttlime are
preferable, where they ran be conveniently obtained.
Emma/3 sending us, twenty .eubseribers and upward.
will be thereby entitled to a paper without charge.
N.B. When Presbyterian famines are very-Much dispersed
they may be accommodated at the Club price, even though a
few of the twenty be want:big. Let all tw supplied, If poael
rile. The Poen we shall favor, to our utmostability. Let tit*
=poly be run, but ivir'ypapcipaidfor: '
For Two beliefs:paid, we will send Seventy numbers; or
for. OnitDollariThlity.threte nrunbers. Thiele forthe sake o
easy remittance..
If Pastors, in- Making "up eltilts, :dad 'some persons not
ready to pay at once, they may. yet send on the names, at the
Club priotyon their own responsibility to rig na shortly. 11
is desirable that clubs date theii anbearlpUouperrlode at the
genie time. DAVID Mo.E.DlNEY,Proprietor.
lj TIONS.--I.,,Little Bob Tree, the Driverßoy. By the
author of Stories oh the Petitioni of the Lord's Prayer.
18mo., pp. 252d.i.Price.410:and . 86 cents: Withefignrvings.
IL Not a klinnte ,to Spare. By, C. ISmo., pp. 104.
Price 15 and 20 Conti. ; _ :
111. The Stevenson Funny; or, Lessons on the Beati
tudes,: Written. for.the.,7Board, Hiroo., pp. 14A, Price 20
and 25 cents.
IV. An Exposition or that - Heist ereialeinCPaul to the
Philippians. By the :Rev, Jean Bailie, Minister of the
French Refers:49d Charehat Olierentort,A.M.- 1639. Trans
lated from the French , by the Ray. James. Sherman, Minis
ter of Surrey Clienal, Loudon. OctiVe, 479.' Price $1.15.
"':V::::Lttcy - Tounievy; "a Sketch from Real Life. By S S.
Egliseau, author of Lizzie Ferguson, and Gleanings from
tßzelsifenefloniresl6mo, :pp.l66.,Price,Bo;andB6:cents.
VI. The "Stray Limb. Written for thelloard. -- 18mo.,
pp. 72. Price 15 (saute.
VII. The Joyed fMOrilitg,
...Written fortheßoird. 18mo,
pp. 55.1 Price IN cents. ;
VIM lifeilloir‘ Sid Select Bernithis the 'Rev. John
Brown, Minister of thetlespel. Gadding. ton. Edited by the
Rev. William Brown, M.D. 12m0., pp. 227. Price 40 cents.
IX. Tales in - Rhyme for Girls. By- Old Humphrey.
,13m0„up.,119. With many engravings. Price 20 and 25 eta .
'"Annie Lie; a'Story Dinstratinglliel Iliet'Petition of
the Lerd's dPraYer. "Hallowed .he, thy rusinern..,lBmo, pp.
,92., gripe 15.and20 cents,
XL Blind. itntlt ; or,PloW I'doWtod? Illustrating
the Seciind Petition 'crib's Lord'elorayar! :18ino.; pp. 100.
X7I. Hazel Glen. Illustrating the Third Petiticiu of the
Lard's Prayer 18uto., pp. 99. Price 15 and 20 eeats.
XIIL Chrigtl3l9B BIM Illustrating the Fourth Petition
of theLOrd'O . Preyer: Prim "aided 2il cents.
XIV: Seventy times Seven; or, the a lffiw,of Kindness.
Illustrating the Fifth. Petition of the Lord's Pram 18mo.,
120., price2o and 25 ceate. _
XV.' Charlie;'or. it'Mother's Irifliterice.. Illustrating the
:Sixth Petition or the Lord's Prayer. 18mo., pp.:123. Price
,21:1 and 25 cants. , • ,
peiee in Death, wimp:Media Yorilliftil Believers.
Bylhe &Other 'or Little-Radon. 18mo,imi `'With an
engraving.. Price 15 eente. _
XVII. Scenes in , Chums; or, Missionary Lahore by the
Way. 18mo., pp. 246. 'With three spirited engravings.
Price 80 and 85 cents. " r "
XVIIL.The Best Lesson, and the ; Best Time to Learn it.
By a Presbyterian Minister. I.Bmo, pp. 117. With an ea.
graving. Price 20 and 26 cents. ' „ •
. XIX. Lena Leslie; or, The History °Lou Orphan. By a
lady. of Kentucky. 18mo., pp. 108. 'With an engraving.
Prise 20 and .20 cents. ,
XX. The Barrels. Of Wieder/I Divinity In two parts.
:Part I: The Covenant of Werke andthe Cotenant of Grace.
Part .H. ,An Exposition of the Ten Commandments. By
EdWard" Slider, A.' M. With Notes 'by thellissir: - Thomas
Boston. Minister of the Gospel,lllttrick., 12m0.,,pp. 370.
Price 80 Pants. _
XXI ?Christ in the - Desert; or, The.Tempter,Poiled. By
the Rev. Henry Moore Parsons. 18mo., pp. 129. Price 20
and 25 fleets. • - • ' • • -
XXII. ,The Sailor's : Companion ,
or, .„12eqk of Devotions
for Seamen in Public' and Private. lip. 263: Price
60 esinted •
XXLCC Scriptire Baptism; its Mode and Subjects. By
Ashbel G. Fairchild, D.D., anther of , Theqtreat "Supper.
18mo., pp. 204 Price 20• and 30 cents.
;XXIVV. Pietures of Truth; Portrayed in Pleasing Colors.
0p.,264- Price - 30 and 85 cents.' With engrersiuzs.
' XXV:' &lithe of Gold,- suited to:enrich Youthful Minds
Ithno.; pp, 260. Trice 80 ibid. 35- cable th'engravi ngs
XX.VL The Great Reformer; or,_ Sketches of the Life of
Luther. By the author of The Claremont Tales. 18nao.,
pp.lll. ,Priee'2o , sind.2s mita. - • --
, :XXVIL The Valley of Achor. ' or, Hops in Trouble. By
the Rev. &S. Shedder'. 18m0.,pp.50. Price 15 cents.
XXVIIL Talks abdnt Jesus. 18mo., pp. 67. Price 15
cents." •
XXIX. TheHilleicy or Prayer.- By the late Rev. John
C. Young,, , D.N., Danville, Kentucky. 18mo, pp. 63. Price
- '
Aust,pottliished by the Presbyterian Board of Publication.
JOSEPH P. NNGI.74, PublishingAgetit.
, - No: 821 Cheetint Street, Philadelphia.
For Bale at the Board
.of Colportage, 45 St. Clair Street,
Pittsburgh, Pa Jal3-tf
Q.IINNY SIDS 'INSTITUTE, arinntertva .
PANNA.-,The.firiaiders of this Institution have e -
'awed the .soridees of Mae. CAROLINA L. WILLIAMS,
Iwidow of • the late• Rey. L. W. Williams,) and .it will or
opened for tbe reception of young , ladies, on 'the First
Monday (Via., 34,) of May. - •
It is the design of the Principal and: Mendip: of this In
stitution to make it all that could be:desired in a first-dais
Seminary, for the practical and thorough training of young
ladies.- To this end, they have secured a large brick house
for a boarding-hones, and will have a Large school-room
completely furnished.
The Bummer BealliOn will commence on the First Monday
of May, and continue twenty-one weeks.
Pupils from a distance era • oxpected to board with the
Principal, who will endeavor to make her house home for
them, rather than a boardlnglonse.
Newburg tea pleasant rural village, dx miles from Ship
pensburg, from-which place a hack supplica it with a daily
mail. Fare from the railroad at lithippensberg to Newburg,
only twenty-five cents.
Mrs. Williams, the Principal of this Institution, ie a
practical teacher of much experience in all the broacher;
usually taught in our best 'lierainirien andi opines very
highly recommended, both as a skillful teacher and. an as
Sicimplished lady. • • • • '
Ail the branches usual in our best Seminaries will be
taught, and boarding fartilabed on very issaiNtible terms.
For further information: apply to Mrs. 0. L. Williams, a t
Iliaaitnirg, - after the first of April; or to Ber.liN. Be,.Rays,
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terial; but to make up and tit whatever may be needed, at
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• j:ot the diet of November, a ,qualided teacher, as
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opeottion,foi more than twenty years. A man prepared to
keep bwaydea fieul have the prefermica. Addrees
e , va mp Office of Bannegand.Advocate.
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