Presbyterian banner & advocate. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1855-1860, August 14, 1858, Image 2

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    Xiattitt, 1iii11.,,.....*katat4
TERNIhee $1.501 in silvans.; or in Clubs
SIAS; or, delivered at residues, of Malborrt•
bore" 8145. See Prospeeting oat Third Pages
TM WIT 41.1. 8 snoulkbe prompt; a little
while nen.» the Yea*. •Akireog Ole&
soaks full arrangements for *steady simply.
WHIG MID lairltdPintlt Indilkatits that We
desire a renewal. , .., If, kouroveriliFt the /WI"
tf irriaaing; thfs ii it shoidOn
hops our friends will still not forget us.
ItnnITTAACTL—Sond payment by, safe,
hands, when eonvoniont. Or, send by mail,
enclosing with ordinary ears, and troubling
nobody With a knowledge of: what` you are
doingfr. ?Par a largo ansoiant, send u• Draft, or
largetiotos. P ' two 3paperaossid Gold'
small notes. ,
TO nsofn CilANCing gond postage stansps,,
foe hotter still, send for moraistaimuld say $ll
tor Seventy nusallaileg or $1 for Thlrty:Mbres
Millsboro* •
Diana! all faetters and CoMmunleations
`to R,ET• . DAVID" lilcKlTNETl4litsinergh,
PRINCETON, Opens on the 2it Of Septeni her.
QIIB EASTERN Sumnfw.,-74!)sOooes,
and muumuu:4lnm of Au4s, prelrent our
making Tout Ado. important , feature= of , our
journal` this week. s'
OUT fourth - page, the proceedings of a Confer
ence, held by delegates of two branches
of the *farina' Presbyterian Churoh. "The
views;Presented deserve noted..
RR AYER:MEETII§I G is being held, this
week - iti the Room of the .Young. Men's
Christian'Associetion, everrmorning at 7f
o'clock. A leading object is, to addreis a
Throne ofrace, entreating for an outg o, ur.
lager the Holy Spirit upon the churches,
and all.the people. • •
Our Seminary.
The neat session of , the Western Theo
logical Seminary of the Presbyterian Church
at Allegheny, City, will open on Mqnaay,
the I.Bth day rof ,September, at 4 o'clock.P.
31,, with an address brthellev:
It gives tie great pleasure' to annoknoo
any thing eheerink rospe'eting any of the
institutions of the Chu* Of course,we
are, gratified 41 ;stating,, that an unusually
large". and 4611 trained ems will entor, this
Seminary next session.' These, added' to the
memlierif of the Senior and Middle Clasies,
will give a, - larger total than has ever
been in attendance at any one , time. Respect=
leg expenses ,.: arrangements-every way satis
factory' have been effected;ind will be made
known to students en application to the
Faculty. We are glrid to heir that quite a
number will enter the Fourth Class, which
will' pursue studies additional Jto those 'of ,the
regular' etAirse. One 'the 'Professors will
meet thiti.ciass every day. 'The other classes
will, as Usual
,bey fully occupied the Pro
fessors meeting , them about twenty-niwe times
a week. A. good part of Saturday is spent
in delightful deVetienal exercises, and in
oral debate: The rord send prosilerity, to
this Seminary, and. all. !limper *ablations
Religiotur einferentes.
Several, brethren have suggested s tO us
the propriety of inviting ministers, elders;
and. other Christians, to assemble,. this year,
at tliU pliees appointed for the ineetmge of
the SYnodi, one or two days
, •
earlier than,the day to: which the Synod
stands adjourned. The object - would be, to
occupy, that day) or -two daysi , in-devotional
exerobia "--The inggestien tisiti good one,
and we 'oliait be haptii call on
the authority of breihriu whose and
numbers entitle theui to speak 031. pi subject.
TheAjmocts whiphAnited in : the iiittabuigh
Convention, lait December, have keen
named.. For these, and , any;others, we will
cheerfully'announce the call, when author-
"Vattern Penisylirania."
A writers in the Presbyterian, of 'July
Met oifif thi'abiive i sigiiatUre Makes very
tree with the names'of several ministers in
our Church ;' giving some distinction to that ,
of Dr • . A.. 15. jOampbell, and great promi
nene,e, With injurious imputations;' to our
f Ir 4, 'VC
On. ! lPr. Campbell responds on 'our 'fait
paga.i Nitv Presbytgiaw ...withholds the
name -ofi our assailant. We, claim its col
wne til'eiteoqdf and we sent, last week, an
artioleto that jcirnat We have not heard
whether :it will there uppeari but 7hether
or 'not there, we shall -publish both alleles.
The subject of the;Boardele one 9 ±- vita/
impertinee. • The atrakee - ciathe'e , tie aide,
is to bring , them bit; indi
vidual intecentm, on. the eih r eilt ia, to keep
them pure and strong, an-the efficient agents
of lieiefit to•our whcdetZion.
; , Idthyettw Co'Offen
The Commence ment at .\this luditution j
occurred during the? .former ,, part of last'
week.' Or the numbhi in the graduating
class wehaie notice= inforrned. Dr. 'Mur
ray, of EliFabetftown , preached be
fore the Brainerd, Society; atev. Mr. Jones,;
of New York eity,iddressed !the Alumni;
Prof. Naun, spoke ic'the Literary Societies;
Dr. lifCtiiiiii * wee'hitiinrated as PreSidesit,
and delivereti s i ti 3 A.Adress These
witkethose bfitheJunior and the graduating
-slanted, are spoken of with high favor.. Dr.
' 4 lTeeVrge i n former President was
on the Igatir.M•
The lipp9pry dpgFclg. Doctor
was Conferred, our: Bev. aline V: Brown
,ef Trenton, New , jersey;' , ltev.'Jmnei
.7 4 eLkaid,uf Wee*ngicon,:litirlet polum
bia • and Rev. James
li t gm. 4i,re I,,Bro'wneen, of Vira B h
• pi-
ingtonoPenneylmnia. !Tho degm l of fdati.
ter 'of Atte j was -, Oonferred ofitlter.leharies
F. Werrnii,Lid New"jeiner;*
Bar. 0: Ritter' 'of'dinitifit tevir'
Penneylvaiiii; and Rev:James Paige 'of
Brognrriliffil rennsYlvanic '
We; ircrideseed to indite' theie , indloaticinef
of pitieVeiititin a College, for whoa benefit'
we labored; gitfi no eoia l zeal,'fitiletlielimh
!hen it MIDIB,BId he care
H of t 42.?
Difference of Opinion Between Us and
the Presbyterian.
Journals, as well u individuals, often
differ exceedingly in the manner in which
they contemplate , things. They hence ePeah
of them in very different language. Some
times they not only vary in their expression
of opinion, but even almost charge each
other with falsehood, when really each
means to' speak the truth. On this princi
ple a part of the difference between us and
the Presbyterian . may he accounted for.
We hence do not 'wish to retort its direct
contradiction of..our statements -rupeoting
the reluctance of. the Board of Publication
to yield to the 'wishes of the • churches. It
seems to think that the wishes of the
churches are .tObe executed only when they
are expressed n " mandlos " from the As
sembly. We think that ,a mandate ought
to be neither given nor expected. There is
something about it so nearly allied to tytin
ny on the one part, and a slavish spirit on
the other, that .we
_never I - resort ,to it with
child, employee, or neighbor ;4nd-we •never
heal it resorted to`without feeling deep pain,
and a diminttiod of respect' for the person
who Titters it •
When a servant *employed, in,a
to minister tp ,thei ettildren's wantsi what
soever they , ' ` or any"portion of them, may
intimate that they need, the' thing being
within the line of the family arrangements
and of,, the servant's duty,, is .really, an.. ex
pression of parental desire; issued in 'a legit..
inlets way; antE'for the servant to await
complaints ta the c tparent, and an argument,
and a reconsideration, end 'a mandate,' is
disobedience, and would , in, all ,well-regulated
fatilies ensure a prOmpt dismissal. Thus,
also, the Preibyterian Church is a family,
and the Board of Publiestion is a servant to
attentito the children's: wants, . in a specified
line. • :The wants of all, in this •line, are .to
be supplied. If an important portion of the
Church wants a German of Faith,
and 'multitudes in some sections desire Se
lections from the Old Psalmody, and vast
numbers all. overwish. , .
Psalmodist in 'shaped notes; and if ;they dilly
indicate their respetitive Witthes,ltShould
be enough. It is the standing order of the
*hole, thateverY part should be duly cared
for; and to wait for. en appeal to the Aseem
blY, andlaresiat that appeal,' and to make
delay `and annoyance, and to do this year
after year, shows 'what we call a spirit of
disobedience., And after, the order has , been
obtained, in spite of resistance, to delay the
execution for six months or a year,or to re
foe . on the plea of inconsiderateness on the
part of an Ass: embly;and appeal to a new
Assemhly, is al course; of coridnOt to - which
we hardly know how to.apply an appellative.
Thki iifferefice . our 4eelingo and judg
ments may be owing to our different alas°.
ctations. , The writer our contemporary
may have unhappily, been •cradled, and have
spent his early manhood, where .obedience
wan rendered to force, we" 'enjoyed our
pristine days in a family, and all our later
,years in a social cirele, where obedience was
rendered,, both by. the child and the em-
Ployee, on the principles of love, duty, and
reepnet. A suggestion, a wish, an inquiry,
the mildest and ,most courteous intimation
of; desire,:,wanever regarded as sufficient,
and the sternness of a : command was a pain
ful 'resert, only:next 'to-the ultima ratio.
()Whig to this difference, we may honestly .
and truthfully say the Board of, Publiaa
lion has, in , several instances,, relnetated and
delayed ',in executing the wishes of the
churches:; and our contemporary may say,
No.;' the 'Board disobeyed no =positive corn-
Mend; and `neither can politely 'charge the
'otter with a disregard to'truth. " Our Chris
tian -brethren may, judge between u'S • only
still remembering.that .the Presbyterian is
an interested witness by the personae and
pecuniary connexions of its conductors,
w we hi no connexion or 'interest
whatever, except that which belongs equally
to .every member of , the Churoh-we wish
to have the work of, the Board,- as being the
`Church's " agent, 4ightly, l promptly, and
economically performed, for the • benefit of
'every 'pert of the family, and for her reps..:
tation is a whole.
The Atesbateritill, 7th,) says :
" We every muchquestion whether there be a
dozen initasters in our Church, whir approve
of the course" it, one paper) has recently..,
purfined.7 This about corresponds, in ao,
curacy, with, the opinions. Which our con
lemporaryi is wont to ~ form, where its own
interests arc concerned; We have been
made acquainted the estimate of a great
many' mimsters, of elders al's'o, of private
Christians, , male and 'female, city and :noun
try, , even in Eastern Pennsylvania,,and in.
Philadelphia, and from the Upper and Low
er Missindppi, in regard to ourrecent course,
and we have heard of but barely one person
who expressed disapprobation ; And why
'should even one, disapprove'? Do we not
advocate the purity , and ' efficiency of our
Boards? we not insist upon the, prinei
'pies *of 'true 'Presbyterianism ? Do we' not
content i for the iinPreroacy of the Assembly,
and the increase of the . number of 'our mis
sionaries, and for aid to, more fe,eble churches,
and a non-waste of sacred funds, all of which
things ',Would tend "to 'enlarging of the
'strains Which flow treasuriee ? Such
coiwa, on our part, is apPreciat4
But 'that. all, this ,"may not, rest upon our
,simple tapir°, we add a little.tei3timony. A
respected pastor,: Western Pennsylvanian,
;Vidinie r namitis honored'far and wide writes
to Tug
:a I ;feel constrained to express to you glewing thoughts on the union of the States,
my hearty thanks for the :Manly firmness'' z ,
eiallyurged_the cherishing of the
and. Christian conitesy with whioh,you have, e na / . 6 . e 'v e
maintained the: rights of the Church, against miluence o f an UPEN BIBLE. The Bible is
the editors of the :Presbyterian, and an no. the mother and cherishcr of liberty, Edu.-
, eidental.majoritPof the Board. of - Missions. .cation without the Bible, would utterly fail
'Flom therfinit Movement you madein this, • . o f th e great ends' at which the patriot and
matter, you hive ;bad: the strong sympathies 41m ph.,;_tian aim.
talsill the ministerial brethren, and of the , "'" ' "" ,
exereise;for Tuesday,
thurehes in . thimiricinity. If your course has ; - Anoti) , er afternoon
4rubjeoted, you tesoine measure , of- obloquy, ~ was, Sketches of the Class of 1828, by Rev.
you. may have, the, m
satisfaction arising from - Loyal Young, of Butler, Pa. There were
the assmance, tha t : ,the end, your efforts present but Mr. Young, Rev. Samuel Wit-
Will ;certainly be attends:d with good: to , the
;11, i
tohurch, , 1 , 1; :
,; . ~„,,,
;;,; . 2 D:P., Of Merrittstown, Pa'., Bev. Henry ;
11:"YourJeditorials . on,:the: *moist° ,See-, B i Wilson, D.D, of Sewickley,` Pa,, an d
returadpi "and the ' Hymn 3 queftiani I 1 Waiter Biro, M D.y, of Willusbore) B. C.
thought unanswerable. Andl think no
candid man will say that they ' have yet been
answered. The fact that noi !Meg has yet
been offered in the shape pjf argument to
show that the Associate Set Tetaryship is
needed, is a most suggestive c. , ne, and must
have its effect. Why wish tc I continue the
office then ? The most obis ions answer is
** * *
" The times call for rein inohment and
rigid economy, to, be ,earried just as far as
consistent with efficient and j energetic ao•
tion. lam mou and more opposed to mul.
Olying offices in the -o,bwoh, ' tom/hid: high
salaries are anne!iOd, indishi oh art: eagerly=
sought after by aspirants, an tenaciously
held on to by incumbents, who finally claim
to be the Church itself, and. undertake to
control the General Assembly ',in all matters
in which they are interested."'
An Eastern :Pennsylvanian says.:
" I think, I speak the senttments of, the
large Presbytery to which I betortg, and of
thousands of the brethren thioughout the
Church, when,. say . that : your !firm and in
dependent course, in regard to . the question
lately decided, by the vesting, vote of the
President of die Board, of Don:testi° fillssicms ; commands : admiration and hearty ap
Tile gentleman also approves, .highly, of
our 'mime relative to the Presbyte l erian and
the Beard of Publication.
Another East ern_Penne,
Another Lys,:
much..piensed in reading, your re
marls at the Rome Mission Sooieq, a few
wee s „ past, respecting the Assooist i m Secre
tary, and was very sorry ~t here. was la, major
ity of one in: Savor of continuing the office.
An Ohio pastor says "My people are
.att on your aide, even •those who take the
For an opinion from the far Seta-West,
see the'letter of " Itiverence," ii another
..column. The writer was in the Ansembly at
the discussion on the
,Associate Secretary
•ship, and fully'sustains our position that the
prcipasition to the'Board was reallx instruc
tions to it, demanding a compliance_ In a
business note, the writer; alluding to the
management had to the obtaining of a ma
jority against the Assembly's will, says
" The whole thing pains. me. ' It Molts so
much like many thingi I have seen in Poli
ties. The working Board should nit have
been overruled." Verily, . the Church is'
awaking. She demands an open, upright
conduct; on the part of her employees.. And
sheds learning not to trust to an organ which
treats her to partial reports, and which sup
presses important facts, and which would
domineer over men and journals who, under
a sense of duty, speak 'for her information.
We might extend testimonials from East
and West, in **aver of our whole course in
this matter.: 'Even Philadelphia pastors ap
prove. And there are gentlemen, there and
far throughout the ohurehes, Who, son' the'
point made on either Board, would not vote
with us, who yet admire the independence
which does not quail under the .frowns of
• power. In our course they seel the means
of Zion's' safety--free discussion, dragging
matters to the• light holding officials respon
,sible, &c., and they, hence
We might add extensively from the North
Carolina Presbyterian, but our apace is full.
Possibly we, may 'yet give our readers that
able' article.
VonmenUelnent at Xeffersoir College. -
This is i one of the events which we annu-.
ally 'viitnesi, with.' sincere pleasure.. . The
''oro*de of people _parents; brothers, deters,
friends-all in happy. exciting. - • The
sight of two fhundred and
young men,
intended for . the highest : moat
,in uen
tiatstations in the :community, all enjoying
the 'best religions adVantages, connected
with their literary: and scientific training;'
,brightens the ,patriot's and the 'Chriatian's
hopes, -for his country, and'-the . Church.
And the meeting Of Alumni - of many years
gone by, though saddening by the marks of
time's `Wasting Itifinen4 . , yet ` . is cheering in'
many hippy reminiscences, and inthe eall 7
• ing forth. of fresh, joyous eynapathies. . ,
The exercises of the •late Commencement
at Jefferson,- wern'introdueed - by Rev: G::•:
W. ThOznlton of Academia, 'Pa on the
let inst., in a sermon hefore the Religions
Societies. The 'Baccalaureate failed; on ac,
Count" , of the temporary- illness of the Pres- -
ident, and Mr': Thompson 'preached - again, -
in the evening.. :These diScourSes - did
not, hear, huthy knowing the preacher, we :
know :that the young men.. heard a- pure
-Gospel, from eloquent lips and 'earnestheart.
''The'Addieas to the Aluoini was deliVered;
on Titeiday ; P: "M., by iteV. Alfred 'Nevin,'
of _ PhiladelPhia, Dr ' . Nevin alluded
. • •
feelingly to the•-emotions with which man
revists thUseenee of hiee - earliest delight, the
benefit's enjoyed. at Our Alma Arater, and
the'distinctionand usefulness of Jefferson's
graduates in' every departnient of :learned
activity, , inour busy andminititudinous pop
!nlation. : .. •
He spo k e- of - our . country as the' first to
.. .
develop 'self-government 'under a poPuler
representation. We : are an example, and :
shoildl both purify and perpetuate our in,
mnitutions.: But:there are some unfaVorable.
Ibsdications—a violent resislanoeto law, pa' .
/ideal management too mach in the hinds Of
the nnworthy, politics too Much a
, trade,
foreign immigration '
corrupts.. We are get=
ting to be "too fist "• a people. If young
.A.meriea could,get,aetride *ander= eland-
And ride fifty miles a minute, lie -would yet,
before a half hour, call for a - pair of spur's,.
• ~
reckless .spirit.must. be: c heoked. , .
There must be rational • cOnsideration.
Rightly, truly, well educated mind is the
agency needed ; and Jefferson is doing her
part, toward this. . .;
The speaker eloquently . presented some
The elan had numbered , twentyseven. Of
these, nineteen still live. Five-sixths of the
married still cherish in life, each the wife of
hie youth; and one-half have not been
called to mourn a single death in their
Of the claps, but one`'' turned out badly.
.Five became physicians; six studied the
law; and ten entered the ministry, a calling
which three others would have embraced,
but that they were early removed by death,
;A-}Sketch wasigivert,of but,two,of the
individuals of die class. The task was exe
cuted admirably.
A Third exercise of the P. M. was the
Fare.wells of the Senior Class, and the Re
sponses of
• their brethren. Two young men
of each of the Literary Societies spoke,
showing sentiment, taste, and• erudition of
which neither they nor those whom they
represented, need feel ashamed.
TA , : evening entertainment, and it was
truly ; e, feast, was furnished in an Address,
by. Rev. M. D. liege, D. D., of Richmond,
- Val, before the Franklin and Philo Literary
Societies. Dr. Hoge complimented the
College, its usefulness and renown, the
number and character of its graduates, the
large-classes in attendance, the able Faculty.
He was not an Alumnus, and hence had not
the benefit of the associations and rentinis
censes, which would inspire other other speakers,
but still the (tension was exhilerating.
Two thin& Dr. `Hoge regarded 'as' com
prised in the ambition of a young man.
lat. A high end to which to aspire, and,
2d, a suitable field on which , to act. The
first was at the option of everyone, and the
latter was' pre-eminently furnished in these
United States. Great telents are not indis
pensable to success A vigorous mind and
a healthful body, may win an honorable po--
sition. Each one is, in a very important
sense, the architect of his own fortune.
Decision is needed, energy, perseverance.
Warren Hastings, at the age of nine years,
looking one. day on the wide paternal acres
which had been lost to the family, resolved
that he would regain them. They should
yet be has The • boy's early resolutiou was
'remembered by the youth, and executed by
the ;up- Hy rocincusi tie ci,tatt , by pvs
chase, and added to it largely.
Dr. Hoge also descanted largely on the
benefits of our political union, and urged
the duty of cherishing it sacredly. He was
listened to, for an hour, with the, closest at
tention, by a crowded house.
The Alumni next, held their Annual
Meeting. The - Hon. John C. Kunkle, of
Harrisburg, Pa., was elected, to address the
Association next year, and Hon. John
Sullivan, of the same place, was named as his,
alternate. Rev. John Eagleson, of Buffalo,
Pa., was appointed,tp prepare a Sketch of
the Class of 1829, to be read at the meeting
next year. The coznulittee on the endow
ment of Professorships was continued.
But Wednesday Was the great day. On
particillars we cannot dwell. An immense
!crowd was there. Seventy-five young, men
took the first degree in the arts, of ivhom
seventeen delivered orations. About :forty
'of the graduates expect to study Theology;
many of them in our own Church. The
Lord still- blesses Canonsburg.
, ivanian
The Degrees eonierra were as follows:
Degree of A. M. in , eourse on the follow
ing Alumni
William 'Hutchinson, Philip Willard, John E.
A. Simpson, Simon Hickman, John Y. M'Cartney.
Honorary A. -M. , : ..
Andrew Burt, Principal of the Fifth Ward
Schools, Pittsburgh ; C. Armatrong, Principal
of Augusta College, Ky.,; Rev. Joseph C. Grimes,
pastor of, the Presbyterian church in Columbia,
Pa. ; Nathan P. Webster, 'Principal of .the Vir
ginia Collegiate Institute, Portsmouth, Va ; R.
G. Pardee, of New York; .Rev: John L. Gourley,
of Canada, West. - -
The following received the title of Doctor
of Divinity,
, .
Rev. Robert Crawford, Deerfield, Mass. ; Rev.
John V. Reynolds. Meadville, Ps. ; Rev. =Samuel
C. Jennings, Allegheny, Pa.; Rev. Joseph Painter,
Kittanning,; .Rev. Alexander Young, Professor or
' Monmouth College, M.; Rev. James
R. Doig, President of Washington College, lowa.
•The following are the names and real
denoes of the graduating class
William Livingston Alden, Canonsburg; Wil
liam Alatinder, Shirleysburg ; Samuel Carothers
Alexander, Shirleyaburg ; Hugh Aretas Barcleyr,
Mt. Pleasant, lowa ; James Smiti Barr, Dun
ningsville ; Francis James Collier ' Philadelphia ;
John Gordon Condit, Mercer Co.; William Forbes
Cowden, New Bedford ; Samuel Judson Craig
head, Washington County; David °Tilly, Dalton,
O.; Joseph Hemphill Cunningham. , Beaver;
Dickson, Canfield, 0.; Hugh Hilles Dobbinn,
Poland, O.; James Henry. Donaldson, Elders
ridge; William Boyd Dunlap ; Beaver; John
Ewing, Walker's Mills • Samuel Fulton, °herders
Valley; Samuel Gamble, Dry Run ; Loyal Young
Graham, Pittsburgh ; A. W. H. Harrison Haw
kins, Clarksville; Divight B. Hervey, Martins
burg, O.; Harrington Rowland Hill, East Liver
pool, .0.; James >Foote Holcomb, ,Canfield, 0.;
Samuel Henry HellidaY, Canonsburg; Washing ,
- ton' Augustine Hooper, Springfield, 0., Samuel
Adame, Hughes, Treeport ; Marshall ,Matthews
Hultz, Bethel ; Robert Thomas Hunt, Pittsburgh ;
David Johnston Irwin, Rural Valley ; George A.
Jenks Punxsutawney ; fWilliam Pollock John
ston, Belle Center , • Addition Jones,
ville ; - Edward A. Jones, Princess Anne,
Archie Bennet Kelly, Pittsburgh ; Alfred Kerr,
Pittsburgh ;. Newell S. Lowrie, Montour County ;
John M'Claren, Pittsburgh ; John Caldwell
M'Combs, Wheeling, Va.; Joseph Henan M'-
Conaliy, Lawrence Co.; Silas M'Corck, Stew
; Charles Walter MATenry, Pittsburgh ;
Joseph Lawrence M'llvain, Mt. Prospect; John
Orr kellown, - Holiday's Cove, Va. ; Milton
M'Millin, Beaver:; Thomas Irwin M'Nite, Shir
leysburg ; John.W. Martin, Jefferson County, O.;
Mordecai Benton Massey, Masseyaburg ; Nathan
/awl Means, Summit County, 0.; .James R.
Moore; Canonebtirg ; Philip Henry Moiry, Alle
gheny, City; John Harvey Nesbitt, Indiana Co.;
John Irwin Nevin, Sewickleyville ; Samuel
Holmes Nibleck, Landisburg ; James Davis
Noble, Morrison's Cove; Grier Cooper Orr,''Kit
tinning ; Robert Baird' Patterson; Canonsburg ;
George Paull, Connellsvilie ; Edie Stewart Pol
lock, Clarion County; Francis. J. C. Schneider,
Pittsburgh; John Simpson; Mansfield, 0.; Fran-
Marion Slemons, Salisbrisy, Md.; Nelson H.
Smith, Claibourne, Ala.; Joseph Norris Smith,
'Greensburg, John Wallace Sproul, Allegheny
City; William Aiken Starrett, Fayette; James
Albert Stewart; Petersburg; Robert Crain Stew-
Art, Dauphin County; Robert Stuart, Shelby
ville Ky.; William Mercer Taylor, Enon Valley;
Join; Francia Templeton, Monticello, Ls.; Henry
Adam Thompson, Half Moon; Edward Nevins
Todd, Salisbury, Dd.; tCharles DeWitt Trumbull,
Northwood; Robert Hall .Whita, Cumberland,
Va.; .James Skiles Woodburn, Big Spring.
—The Catalogue f0r,1858, shows an attend
and° of seventynine pupils during the year.
The Sohthil is under the direction of Rev.
J. IL Burgett Mr J . . P. Vance and Miss
N. tromPhill aided by an adequate corps of
Two Continents United.
The union of Europe to America is now
accomplished. The Atlantic Cable is laid,
and messages pass, by strong electric cur
rents, from Valentia Bay,r Irelandi to Trin
ity Bay, New Foundland, and thence to
Halifax, and throughout the United States.
We are now in communication, at an ex
pense of about two hours time, for re-writ
ing at different stations, with London, Paris,
Berlin, Vienna, St. Petersburg, and all
portant placeti on the Opngnent tof Europe.
It is wonderful. We stand amazed. And
what an influence is this to have on human
weal ! On business relations I On social
ties I On Gospel efforts and influence ! No
tongue can`yet tell these things.
The dissociable ocean, once a barrier to
intercourse, has almost yielded to skill and
science. Once it was impassible. Then, I
by aid of the Mariner's Compass and the
wind, a few bold adventurers traversed it.
The discovery of currents afterwards speed
ed the progress. Then steam, yielded its
mighty but docile power, `to greatly
tate intercourse. And now electricity, with
lightning speed and entire docility, transmits
thought from Continent to Continent.
The cable 'was laid by the United States
steamer _Niagara, with the British steamer
aorgon as a tender, and the British
steamer Agamemnon, with the Valorous as
tender. The fleet met in mid-oce,tin on the
28th of July, .after previous unsuccessful
efforts. • On. the 29th, the cable, being in
equal parts OD' the .Niagara and Agamem
non, was joined, and the former departed
Westwardly, and the latter Eastwardly.
They arrived at their places of destination
on the sth of August, at nearly the same
time. At Trinity Bay the cable, was landed
and carried into the Telegraph House. At
Valencia Bay, it was, at the 'Bay's entrance,•
connected with the cable which had been
laid last year, and which was still in connex
nexion with the Telegraph House, at the
Bay's head. =
As the Niagara, last year, laid the cable,
which still remains and is .part of the line,
in Valencia Bay, and has, this year, laid it
in Trinity Bay', she has ,the honor of having
deposited bath ends of, the Oceanic commu
nication. •
This great feat accomplished, will immor
talize the names of Lieut. Maury, Lieut
Berryman; Mr. Field, and Capt. Hudson
" Honor to whom honor is due."
When the cable was landed, at Trinity
Bay, Capt. Hildson read prayers and ad
dressed his company. He, also forwarded to
New York, by telegraph, the following dis
TRINITY BAY, Aug. 5,1858.
God has been with us. The Telegraph Cable
is laid without accident, and to him be all the
glory. We are all well.
Yours affectionately, W. L. HUDSON.
Mr, Field, the Manager the Atlantic
Telegraph Company, dispatched to Presi
dent Buchanan the fullowing :
To the President of the United Statee—Dear, Sir ;
—The Atlantic Telegraph Cable, on beard the U.
S. frigate Niagara, and H. B. M. steamer Aga
moaner;' was joined in mid ocean on Thursday,
July 29th, and has been successfully laid. 'As
soon as the two ends are connected with the land
lines, Queen Victoria will send a message to you,
and the cable be kept free until after your reply
has been transmitted.
With great respect, I remain your obedient sei.
The civic rejoicings throughout thaUnit
ed States, are immense.
A few days were required to arrange for
the transmission of messages.
The distance from the head of Trinity
Bay to the entrance of Valencia Bay, is six
teen hundred and ninetylve lauded miles;
and the length of cable , used, is eighteen
hundred and eighty-nine nautical miles.
The number of statute miles, from land to
land, is near two thousand..
The Work in Ohio.
A pastor writes
I rejoice to say that God is with us in my church..
es, lifcConnellsville and Bristol. We had a precious
time 'at our communion here, on the Fourth of
July.' Two were added by letter, and twelve on
examination. We are revived; we love ow
branch of the Church more than ever, and preach
with much stronger faith the good old doctrines
which can never fail. * We give the glory to
Religious Interest at Bedford, Pa.
A letter under date of August 2d, says :
The Union Prayermeeting at the Springs,
which was inaugurated near the commencement
of the Season, is still continued, and well attend-,
ed. The large drawing-room is growded every
morning within a few minutes afterthe ringing
of the bell announces the hour for prayer. It is
gratifying to see the President regularly in his
seat, uniting with its in the worship of the Great
God of heaven. .
. The 'Union Prayer-meeting in our village is also,
oontinued, and the attendance is large and en
couraging. •To the Presbyterian church sixteen
persons hive been recently added, on profession
of faith in Christ, whilst others, it Imistake not,
are not far from the kingdom of heaven. God is
among the hills and mountains, and upon us some
mercy drops have fallen. May they be the pre
cursors of a r4freshing shower.
Rev. HENRY REEVES' pastoral relation to
the church of Belvidere, N. J., has been
dissolved by the. Presbytery of Newton.
Mr. Reeves removes Jo Chem ersburg,
-Pa., to take charge of the Female Semi
nary in that place. .
Rev. M. W. STAPLES has received and, ac=
eepted a call to the First church of Kan
kakee City, 111., and his entered upon his
labors. Correspondents will address him
at the above place.
For the Presbyterian Banner and Advocate
An Appeal to _the Synod of Allegheny.,
REV: D. MCKINNEY, D. D.--Dear Sir :
—Will you allow me through the columns
of pir paper, to remind the, pastors, and
churches of the Synod of Allegheny, of
their pledge to raise Ow thousand dollars in
aid of the Park 'church in Erie? Upon our
pledge, private individualg advanced their
money, and now at this late period of the
year, only the sum of $222 has been re-
ceived for this fund.
I earnestly entreat the , brethren to make
the effort to redeem the, pledge of our Synod.
Only eleven churches have as yet respond
ed to the appeal and pledge, of. Synod.
• We are straightened in this matter. Let
there be 'no delay. Let every church do
something, and the work is done.
Yours, traly, R. 1110Anov,
Chairman of the COmmittee en the Park,
church subscription.
Release from Labor.
ALTOONA, August 9, 1858.
DEAN BANNER. :—What a delightful thing
to be released for a few days from toil and
ears; that •exhausted energies may be re
paired, and that, strength and vigor may be
ibtained for the future ! Who is not glad
lened by the thought ? What heart does
tot bound with unwonted emotions, as the
iour of release draws nigh ? And how cheer
rig to the Christian is the assurance that.
.fter , death shall have been swallowed up in
victory, and this mortal shall have put on
immortality, " God shall wipe away all tears
'tom the eyes; and there shall be no more
loath, neither sorrow, nor crying; neither
hall there be any more pain; for the
.ormer things are passed away." No more
wilt the body be weary; no more:will the'
wain be fevered; the heart will ache no
more. Bat all will be peace, exulting hope,
.nd unending progress, while the glory of
God will overshadow all, fill all, and per
vade all. Not until then can we have any
proper conception of the inspired declare
lon, which with, " Eye hath not seen, ear
[lath not heard, neither have entered into
the heart of man, the • things which God
oath prepared for them that love him."
But dearly, highly prized should be the
few moments stolen from the active cares
and toils of this busja, hurrying, and tumul
tuous world, for the sweets of domestic life,
the enjoyments of the social circle, to ad
mire the ever-varying moods and forms of
nature, and to hold communion with : the
Former of our bodies and the Father of
our spirits." There is so much to attract
without that we can scarcely turn within.
In these days of the triumph of science over
nature, we are so disposed to look upon the
latter as a most abject slave, that. we 'see in
it no beauty, and the old lessons learned
from its manifold teachings are well nigh
forgotten. The culture of the heart, the
delights of the fireside, the study of the
beauties and wonders above r around, and be
neath us, and recognizing the claims of
God's Word and the blessings of his grace
as necessary to the great purposes of even
the present life, are entitled to higher at
tention tleitt what is new beamed toti thein_
Greatly is the man to be pitied 'who can
look upon our towering Alleghenies, clam
ber along their rugged sides, gaze down
into their mighty chasms, without a feeling
of wonder and awe. And then, again, what
smil .
ing valleys open before us, fertile and
well cultivated I Indeed, every prospect
' pleases,and the strong and bracing air makes
: the feeble step become firm again. It is
not strange that the bravest 'and most un
conquerable of men have generally been in
mountain fastnesses. They imbibe the
spirit of the scenery around them, and be
come bold and fearless.
This place is happily situated for stirring
tip feelings such' as these. On every aide
the towering mountains rise up, and nature
proclaims the majesty and goodness of its , Western Correspondence.
glorious - , author . While at the >same time
Baptist E Edito . r's Exclusiveness—Passages of God's
Explained i n the Light of his Argument—
the well known Logan House offers a Chris- Western Organ of Evangelical Episcopalians—
fian home to every sojourner. The table School. churches of Rockford, Freeport, 4-e—
-liev.;4. H. Lackey—Crops, Prospects, .3T,
supplied with every delicacy of the season, D
inalrasarnr :—The editor of the lead
pripared after the most approvedefashion; log' Baptist paper in Illinois, has recently
. the beds and chambers are all_that could be- published a series of articles on the question,
desired. And ,the proprietors, Messrs; " What is the Church ?" which develops an
ler & Roe, allow no drinking, gambling, unusual amount of exclusiveness, as the un
dancing, or anything that could possibly in. enviable possession of that denomination,
provided he speaks their sentiments, as we
jure good morals; forfeit Christie! character, presume he does, for his articles have ' not
or prevent the weary from taking, needful called out an answer, or a modifying expla.
slumber. This is one, of the great induce- I nation. -To exhibit to your readers the
ments for travelers, either to or from the cream of his previous articles, and show
East, to stop over night• and resume their what
, inernersionists think of the "unbap.
trzed ' when they speak out, we make the
journey inthe morning.
- following extract from an editorial appearing
Altoona is the great point for the work- 'theofJuly2lst.l that
in issue t seems
shops of
. that great enterprise—so success- some Baptists joined with certain other
fully conducted, and which has no superior . Churches, in Walworth County, Wisconsin,
in the United States—the Pennsylvania in a Union meeting of some kind, in which
, were sufficiently incautious to vote
Railroad. d
The buildings are immense, an
• "aye upon the following resolution :
the amount of labor performed is enormous:
"Resolved, That God has but one Church,
Yet every thing is- conducted with, the ut- and that this Church embraces all true
most regularity; there is no confusion, no Christians of every name, in the world"
hurry—giving most striking evidence of the A report of this coming to the ears of the
wisdom and Skill of the officers to whoin the ' editor of the Christian Times, he is dread
management of the road is entrusted. fully shocked at such ignorance and laxity,
in the Church - of which his paper is the
The leading Protestant denominations are, organ, and he consequently conies to the
the Lutherans, Methodists, and Presbyteri- rescue as follows:
ans. The Presbyterian church was organized "Rave our respected friends in Waltverth
only a few years_ ago, although this had been County)
one of the preaching places of the Hollidays- in ad Wisconsin, who joined with others
adopting the resolutions published in as :
• other place, fully considered how much is
burg church for several years; but the teem- •
bership is now considerably over two hun- implied in ' that declaration, to which they
haie there given their assent, that G , :d
Bred. The
house of worship is a model one; has but one Church, and that this Mauch
the nongregation is liberal and enterprising, embraces all true Christians of every name,
and the labors of the pastor, Rev. A. R in the we '? If this resolution states a
organized form ? Has
truth what is the nature of that One
Clark, have been blessed' with several sea-. Church ?' Eras it an or
sons of refreshing from the presence `of the ' e
it laws and ordinances? b If it has, what are
Lord. The Presbytery of Huntingdon, in they? How does one become a member of
which it is situated, is one of the largest this One Church ?' And supposing th e
hris t
and most active Presbyteries in our Church. only Church is this body of 'all true ,
The number of churches is large, and some tians
name i of every name in the world,
...s to be applied to those separaie ha
of these have a very large membership. If jg'anizations, in which the brethren, all of
we are not mistaken, the membership of only them, we suppose, who voted for those reso•
a few churches in our connexion exceeds that Wiens are banded together ?"
of at least one belonging to this Presbytery. ! After some further interrogatories,ei
similar nature, he defines his position as
And as a general thing the people are lib-
lows "We hold that the 4 One Church of
eral in their benefactions to the Boards of
God is that form of Christian organization
the Church, to which they are fondly at- in which the
Apostolical rule and practice
bare tached. So strong is their attachment, that ! are adopted, and faithfully copied;
they wish all the Boards under the best i.advises his
nothing more to do with Union efforts, the
friends in Wisconsin to
management, by-the beat and ablest men; .. . • • '-
spirit of the offensive resolution is to be
and upon the most economical
principles. I
recognized. wish your readers to observe,
Sinecures with lar g e salaries will find but with care the language last quoted above
little countenance here. But at the same '" We hold that the
two 1 °
time they are' not neglecting their own ;is that form of Christian organize . e
which the Apostolical rule and practice
home-field.. Vacant and feeble churches
adopted, and faithfully copied."
are supplied, and the Gospel is preached in( What by the
'destitute places, of which there are many in. What do you suppose is mean
! " Apostolical rule and practice," in this
this mountainous region. ,In addition to, the sentence ? Why, immersion, (-f coarse'
' hie
labor devoted to this workby pastors, the and the inference is irresistible, Church
'ter desi nod it to be, that that
Presbytery employs a Domestic missionary, . g . ' immersion, not a
which does not practice
(Rev. A. P. Rapper, who thus occupies his curd , of God He ammo to pr onounce:
as t h is e
time while, abkent from China,) at its own in his uncharitableness and exclusiven o e s r . , :
expense, end independently of, its contriba- on the standing of all other deem:einet
tions to,the;Domestic Board. Thus it exer
• He unchurches them all, and claims that thee
class an Episcopate over an its churches,
o ß .. aptist aturch is alone the One Church"
r God. Does Rome do more ? Does High
and throughout its entire bounds, without
Church Episco acy, farther ?bat ,
the intervention of a Diocesan Secrete
1 3% ters it that theys p
ay Apostolical succession
People from Bedford give very favorable is needful to constitute Church the " On°
accounts of the Union prayer-meeting held Mauch, • in water i 5
garit, that a total submersion
every morning. As might have been ex- " then set up a pretense as acre
'potted, opposition was manifested by tate 1, 4. ,
nization" which does not thus p
needful to the true Church; and that " . er
h'r e This
gamblers,and drinking characters, and some' . has no claim to be called
of the extra faellionables that manage to I view, of the subject, howeverCrhareen by , these
infest, A l most contiitualTy, Jul). plae e3 . ,‘,„ i
intimation was given that the meetirvs
would probe hTy have to be Oven up, but a
large number of the Stockholders of th e
Springs took the matter up, when it was
found that the majority in favor of the
meetings was at least seven to one Ample
apology was made, and the meetings were
continued with increased interest. Amoco
the attendants, almost every morning,
President Buchanan.
Never does the Christian need more grace
than when at some of the public watetie,,
places, and no where else do the young and
gay need the restraints of religion more, 1 r
there is every inducement held out to IP/r1
to folly and dissipation. Seeds are orT, r ,
sown in such places that spring up and 13T 4
most baneful fruit not many years after.
ward: It is high time for them to be re.
leased from the control of the thoughtle!s
and ungodly, if the pious would not b e
altogether driven from them. A.
For the Presbyterian Banner and Advocate
The Board of Missions.
&r :—Ever since I read the able review of
the late action of the Board of Domestic
Missions in the Banner and Ailment, of
the 10th ultimo., I have felt more deeply
the great importance of au independent and
untrammelled press. I have long looked
upon that Board as one of the very strongest
engines for good that our Church could
claim. And upon the working men in it.
Upon itself as it works out its ordinary da
ties, I still look with gratitude and pride.
Bat, sir, the facts as presented at its late
meeting are not of a kind to augment the
confidence of the churches in it. True, a ll
the Executive Committee, and all the bit
ing members, voted one way, and that way
in accordance with the instructions (for,
though courteously given, they were nothing
less,) of the General Assembly. Still, the
state of the vote, and the little opportunity
enjoyed by the majority to know and under
stand the business of the Board, will not he
considered as they deserve; and the general
conclusion will be that the Board disobeyed
the General Assembly, and did so to per
petuate an office for which there is no real
necessity—that, like political managers,
they love to possess and bestow patronage,
and that in order to this, they make, or what
is much the HEMP imamate, offisea for the. ;
and-that, when - the struggling missionaries
and struggling churches need the funds re•
quired for these non essential offices Much,
very much, might be said on this interest.
ing subject, but perhaps to state these con•
I elusions as I know them to stand out in re
lief before the minds of church members,
is sufficient now. Let the churches get the
conviction that that Board is using its funds
for the. benefit, or modifying its plans to
please favorites of its members, and espe
' daily of its distant and non-working mem
bers, who seldom come to its counsels ex
cept for such an occasion, and you will soon
find,,a difference in its receipts from their
Christian liberality.
j I hope better reasons will yet appear for
the late antagonism to the General Assembly.
August 2d, 1858. REVERENCE.
."ter. _-~'il